News Coverage by a Competent St af f of University Students Makes TH E D A IL Y T E X A N the Most Complete Medium for N ew s of Campus Happenings CO ED SPORTS t ex Hug h es st a r s D A I PROGRAM " “T ls t r H E L D TODAY By BOB CANTRELL TEXAN SPORTS EDITOR i * Slugfest t Daily tocan The First College Daily in the South The Weather T h u r t d a y : U n s e t t l e d and c o l d e r . AUS TI N, TEX AS, TH U R S D A Y , MARCH 7, 1929. No. 135 W IN N E R Y M C A TEAMS Students at S. M. U. D o t Y. MAKE REPORT ™>t Tlmm: Tra*h Campus, Says Co-ed ^ | “The campus at S. M. U. is always ch an,” says transfer woo attended that school for two years be ing to the University. 'i co-ed ore com- “ S tu de nt s do not throw t r a s h or rubbish t i iho campus and sne refuse which blows there is immediately disposed of,” states. * PHONE IT IN News A fter IO P. M............... 9181-61 9187 Classified A d s____________________ 23165 Display A d s _____________________ 23164 Circulation __________________ - 23164 VOL. XXX U. T. DEBATERS GET WIN OVER OKLAHOMANS A u d ien ce Decision Is Favorable to Tex a n s ‘JURY’ IS TOPIC A dv ocates for C hang e O f Present U sage Gain Point In a h e a t e d d e b a t e , w h i c h closed F r a n k S t u b b e m a n ’s As the c a r e e r as .a m e m b e r of t h e perm anent s q u a d , t h e U n iv e r s it y t e a m d e f e a t e d O k l a h o m a U n i v e r ­ s i t y ’s o r a t o r s last n i g h t by an audience decision of 56 to 43, on the question, “ R esolved! That Som e Substitute Should Re A dopt­ Stubbe- ed for Trial by Jury.” m an and Arthur Sandlin upheld he affirm ative side o f the argu- mt, opposing George Copeland of Oklahoma and Haskell Paul U niversity. Legislative Highlights T e x a n C a p ito l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s of Submission to the people Texas of a constitutional amend­ m ent broadening the scope of se­ in which the U niversity curities perm anent fund con be invested was made possible Wednesday .when the Hou.-c of R epresentatives i joined the Senath in approving ' the measure. I. to The resolution callin g for sub­ mission of the am endm ent was pas cd by the Hou e by a vote of 101 It now goes to the Senate for concurrence in a c o l­ lective amendment adopted by the House and then will be pre­ sented to the Governor for his ap­ proval, fund o f ty may be invested only law now stands, invest in bonds the the Lnivcr- on bonds of the State o f T exas and the o f the United States. Since bonds of the State o f Texas out­ standing (am ounting approxim a­ tely to $3,400,000) are owned by ‘ he permanent public free .school fund and the perm anent fund of the University the U niversity, its permanent m ust now funds o f the United States, which ordinarily are at a premium. As a resu lt, before any from o f the interest bonds thus purchased becomes available, an am ount equal to the premium paid m ust be applied to restoring perm anent fund, which otherwise would be impair­ ed to the extent o f the premium is ex - 1 paid. As time passes, it States j pected that the U nited Government will gradually retire : its bonds, with the result that I purchasers of those outstanding m ust pay an ever-increasing pre­ mium and get an ever-decreasing in terest rate. received the MCDONALD WILL CASE REOPENS IN PARIS TODAY M a g is tia te Over-rules M otion for C h ang e O f V e n u e TRIED THIRD TIME P o lla rd E xpected P articipate in H earing Special to The tinily Ti Mn. I ‘ARIS, March 6— The W i l l i a m J. M c D o n a l d will c o n t e s t case, involving: a b e ­ q u e s t of a million a nd a q u a r t e r do ll ar s to the Uni­ v e r s i t y of T e x a s f o r an as-, tio n o m ica l observatory, will be tried a third tim e at Pari;-, be­ gin n in g Thursday at I o’clock. Motion of contestant relatives I a-k in g change of venue from La­ mar C ounty was over ruled Wed­ nesday by Judge Newm an Phillips. of I A tto in e y s for adm inistrators announced the McDonald estate ready and proponents indicated j they would be ready by T h u rsd ay; aftern oon . jury was expected to get under way by m id-afternoon. Selection o f a S C O T T H U G H E S SCOTT HUGHES WINS SPEAKING CONTEST PRIZE H a m b le n Is A w a r d e d Second Place A t Meet Stubbem an o f the affirm ative opened the debate w ith the re­ m ark that, “The American ju ry is am using responsible for m any dram as o f the court room .” The a ffirm ative advocated trial by a tribunal of judges rather than by a group o f men skilled only “ in butchering the bull, shearing locks, and driving nails.” opened G eorge Copeland the n egative o f the question wherein he exem plified the failure of trial by a tribunal in the case o f the star chamber o f England. “ Shall w e go through those experiences o f E ngland?” he asked. H e was joined by his colleague, H askell Paul, who advocated that jury service is the service of the life where citizen who Is out in he can ascertain th e real facts and not the dusty records o f an­ cien t law tomes. “ There is a dem ocracy in T ex­ a s,” Paul asserted, “ but it is tend­ in g toward a centralized govern­ m ent and only the continuance of trial by jury can avert this dan­ g e r .” The debate closed with a very stirrin g rebuttal by Sandlin. -------------- o-------------- I I P . STATE EDITOR TALKS TO SCRIBES W illiam S. W hite, state editor a o f the Associated Press, made talk Tuesday night at a m eeting o f Sigm a Delta Chi, m en’s hon­ orary journalism fratern ity. The subject of the talk w as “ The Method Used by the A ssociated Press in Gathering N ew s Over the S tates.” the for a board A t the m eeting an organization w as adopted for the m anagem ent Interscholastic League Press Conference fo r a perm anent director to hold office at his own pleasure. made m em bers which will be appointed each year by the director and the president of the fraternity. This board will have the executive di­ rection o f the conference. ------------- o--------------- PROHIBITION DISCUSSED A debate on prohibition was of th e feature on the program the Rusk Literary Society, which m et at 8 o’clock W ednesday in the Rusk hall. 4f NS . n of * j , ___ introduced 45 w itnesses p r e s i d e n t o f A t h e n a e u m In support of their m otion fo ri contestants' j the j Scott H u g h e s , f o r m e r , .. , ___ Lamar e r a r y S o c i e t y , w o n first p l a c e any w itnesses, cont est w h i c h f e a t u r e d t h e of working in the campaign Coach Fred Walker made th* \Ved }i| u lk at the runch,.on in t h e a f t e r - d i n n e r s p e a k i n g ; negday* lie emphasized the valut t<. the men and told them that there time venue change, counsel from various parts C ounty and the proponents, with- ou t introducing asked that the motion tr a n sfe r of because of insufficient evidence p ® ni*a *on u‘ ( that im possible obtain a fair and im partial jury awarded the $15 prize given b y ; vers|ty y M c A here. A fter the argum ent which U nited States Senator Tom Con- man,! lasted m ost of W ednesday. Judge! n ;ilv P hillips sustained the proponents’ ! hn*e BiH HambIen waa awardeU ( contention. to! Hotel fu«a< ay night. H ughes w asj Thp annual budget of the U ni_ the case be over-ruled | n / ,ltion b(,j j -q the a n n u a i b a n q u e t of D riskillj muRL be no f on n cr Athenaeum I during the drive. let-up at any it would be is $20,000. 0-........ —- . -fA thq or~ for , . ; has been in the court* I " - w m * I*'** o f » ® . alM attracted ; by < onna’lv. any civil; H ughes’ w inning speech con- or in | ^ he case This am endm ent seeks to cor­ rect this and allow s the perma­ nent U niversity fund to be in­ vested “in bk ads o f the United States, the State o f Texas, or counties of said S ta te , or in school bonds of m unicipalities, bonds o f any c ity o f this state, th vee years or in obligations and pledges is- j sued by the Board o f Regents of ; case tried in Texas the U niversity cured by *ueh obligations pledges, for the construction of dorm itories and other buildings fo r the use of th e U niversity of issued under T exas, or in bonds o f and Ky virtue the Federal approved A ct Farm Loan by the President o f the United States, July 17, 1916, and amend­ m ents thereto.” w ider attention o f T exas, or and \ has than The am endm ent will be sub­ m itted to the people at the g en ­ eral election in N ovem ber, 1930. again ----------- on several in favor se- yf ars’I, and 1he;_ ^ * J ‘ McDonald estate^ 511 | of b jgam y. Ham blen’s talk in A thenaeum ” was “ D em ociaty a denunciation of political cora- | bines in the organization. Other ere B en­ d 0 j an appeal given in de- ot of Ray Bland on a charge in 1926 was reversed by the State Suprem e Court on a writ of er­ In the second trial here last ror. N ovem ber w itnesses the stand to testify as to fa c ts which I the bore on the contention that late Paris capitalist had insane de­ lusions as to the possibilities of to astronom y. The jury failed agree and evi­ dence is expected to be introduced greater Tom Rouase, debate coach and old A thenaeum member, acted as toastm aster. Judge I. P. H ilde­ brand and A m o N owotny acted as judges o f the contest. Frank D. Stubbem an, senior member of the poj J society, and Ray Bland were _ n u chelt, and Spurgeon Bell. scope than heretofore. the volum inous in possibly took even SETTLEMENT IN LEASE PROBLEM APPROACHES Tom Baghy? Fdw*aVd R d - M em bership of Control The present session o f the L e g -1 A ttorney General Claude lard who represented the S ta te’s islature of Texas will adjourn sine interest in the case in Novem ber, die Thursday, March 14, under a concurrent resolution agreed is expected to participate again to by both houses W ednesday. A d e - j in tty? trial, according to John Du- term ined effo rt w as made by s e v - 1 Priest of the attorney gen eral’s departm ent, who has been here era! members day, March 9, or Friday, March 8, fo? the venue change hearing, but the m ajority o f both houses preferred the later date. hundred bills rem ain on the cal­ endars of the two houses and it is expected that the concluding days! o f the session w ill be hectic ones, r . .Several j S C H E D U L E C H A N G E D ^ re-arrangement o f the girls to adjourn S a tu r-1 deparl ---------- — o--------------- ^ has been concerning who shall com­ pose the com m ission. The Senate bill would give full supervision to Word has been received o f the the R egents while the H ouse bill F O R G I R L S * G A M E ' sutJden death of r>r- E(1£ar E1‘ would c rea te a commission com- the „ p0ge>*» th ey hilled b y | h a d . , lig h t, .ophom ore-junior £ Turo to P age 2, Col. I A Bird's-Eye View By TH E CAM PUS BUZZARD freshm an - senior m atches;! ana M onday, March 25, junior-senior and freshm an-sophomore m atches. I. ' _________ H . E. C L U B P L A N S n ° dent Grover Cleveland. , . . He is survived by his widow and j two daughters, Mrs, Roy W est j and Mrs. E. CL B ischoff, both of A ustin, and one son, E. I . Bram- r, ... TRIP TO STUDIO lette o f Beaumont. A m eeting o f _ Burial the Home Eco- Friday. Funeral will be held in A ustin arrangem ents this I will be announced later. ^ n P l e d g e s I e t a l $ 6 3 0 . 7 5 ; ’ * \ ! N avy G o b s’ Lead ‘MARINES’ SECOND C am paign W o rk ers to Hold Second Meet Thursday T h e a n n u a l fi n an c ia l dr ive of th e U niv ers it y Y. M. C. A. got o f f to a good star t, with w o r k e r s r e p o r t i n g ple d ges a m o u n t i n g to $63 0.7 5 at lh*1 daily lu n e neon \Vednes* day, which closed the f cst day of the cam paign. This amourft represents pledges and cash s lh scriptiuns of 231 students. The “ navy gob” division led by John M inter is leading all other workers with a total of $237.75. The “ m a lin e ” division, captained by Ed McCollum, is second with a total o f $149. Shady Searles' team reported $54, The second report of the cam­ paign, which will continue through Friday, will be made at a luncheon at the U niversity C afeteria th n Thursday. The goal of the cam paign has been set at $3,200. Wh en asked about t h e g e n ­ eral ap pearan ce of file c a m - 1 pus, tho s t u d e n t co nt inu ed: ‘ The cam pus is unusually large for that o f a U niversity, and i it; lined with Ka k b e n y trees, AU (if the streets on and bordering the grounds ar.* paved, A con recently been lot for i crete drive and parking con- \ ! cars have at the rear of Dallas! strutted Hall, the main building. The ch-I planadc in the center of the b ou ­ levard leading up to Dallas Hall is covered w ith numerous shrubs j and trees. “The m other’s club of the uni Versify has set trees along the I walk in front of the g lls* dormi- j tories, .Snider Hall and V irginia j Hall, and has also beautified a portion o f the campus facing D al­ las Hall. “ Diagonal walks have been laid between the buildings so that it will not be necessary for the s tu ­ dents to walk on the gras J w hen going to and from closes. “ ’Arden F orest,’ the a natural university beauty spot on grounds, is located at one en I o? the campus apart from the build­ ings. “ Shrubs are planted about all o f the buildings, and the head of the art departm ent has landscaped a flow er garden by the art shack where many T exas flowers are grown. “ Although I am a loyal stu d en t of the U niversity,” the stu d en t concluded, “ I think that S. M. U. has a much prettier and cleaner cam pus.” — i— — — - CLUB R E -O R G A N IZE S FO R SPRING T E R M The International R elations in Club m et W ednesday night Garrison Hall organization for for the spring sem ester. Cecil ll. Tolbert was elected preident; Jo Holden was named vice president, arid V. O. Key, Jr., wus elected Professor Charles A. secretary. the Timm club. is facu lty adviser of 400 f r e s h m a n Girls I o I a k e P a rt in C ontests Sports Day Program, tho third event of this type, is to! be held T h u r s d a y afternoon starling at 4 o'clock. Four hundred girls, members of tho fres hm an sports classes in the wom en’s physical training departm ent, w ill take p a il in the program. Volley ball at the Woman’s Gymnasium, tenikoita at the teni- koit field, ten n is on the Twenty- fourth Street cou rts and relays on the w om en’s sports field are to comprise the a ctivities. The Sports Day is sponsored by train in g sta ff as­ the physical follow in g students: sisted by the majoring in physical education: V olley hall, out-of-doors, Jessie Culpepper, m anager, and Nadeane Hall, H erm asella Braden, Ireen Nyquist, and Irma B elle Phillips, referees; in-doors, volley ball, Essie Roots, m anager, and Lucille Collins, Louise Adams, Cecile Worley, K atherine Florey, r e f­ erees; tennis, Cornelia Hedrick, manager, ana Clara Marie Arring­ ton, Marie B ow les, Merced Leiss- ner, Frances Laughlin, Georgia M atcjek, Dolly Scholl, Doris N ew ­ berry, Dorothy Kelly, Kila Powell, umpires. Tenikoits, Berr ice Erwin, m an­ ager, and K atherine Weir, Ellen Archer, W’illella Boykin, F asig Wood, Mary C o ffey , Adele Brady, Imogene H eide, Katherine Tad- loek, Marie K ennedy, Sula Conn, umpires; relays. Elsie Crozier, manager, and E lizabeth McGuire, Martha Dickey, Virginia Camp­ and Lola bell, Nina W oods, O’Connell, assistants, -------------- _o-------------- BETA GAMMA SIGMA SELECTS MEMBERS C o m m ittee F o rm s Grievance S e t t l e m e n t of th e c o n t r o ­ is to h a v e a n d versy o v e r who c h a r g e o f t h e leasing selling of U niversity s e e m e d n e a r W e d n e s d a y f r e e - c o n f e r e n e e w h e n com m ittee m et and discussed the points of d ifferen ce betw een the House bill and the Senate bill. The principal difference t h e is scheduled The club is to m eet every two weeks during the sem ester. The for next m eeting in W ednesday night. March 20, I Garrison Hall 7, at 7 o’clock, when I the plans for the spring sem ester la n d s ! will be announced. Tolbert has requested that form er m em bers of in renew ing the club their m em bership com m unicate with him or the secretary. interested REAGAN LITERARY A group of piano selections by Mary Louise M cDaniel and a re­ view of the “ M ollusc,” current Curtain Club production, by Al Beta Gamma Sigm a, business SOCIETY INITIATES administration scholarship society, announces the election of the fo l­ lowing to m em bership: faculty: Dr. G. H. N ew love, and Dr. J. C. Holley; seniors: Hershel W. An­ derson, Henry Slavik, Edwin G, Boyle, Gus H odges, Fred L. Kirk­ patrick, Jr., Frank Mondrick, and John Arch W’hite; juniors: Ralph Cark Russell and Paul Newman. ing 01* tbe Reagan Literary and com m issioner. a of commission The final solution will likely bt?; jce W oodhead, featured the m eet- the form ing So- which will have two Regents and ciety at 5 0 »c j0ck W ednesday aft- the land com m issioner. The Sen- ernoon *n the girls’ study hall, Fourteen n e w members were ate, however, is known still to in-J Bist upon a majority vote ruling initiated. The new members are: the com m ission instead of the un- Myrah Jane McCormick, Lottie animous vo te which the House W right, M arionette Lile, A nne Scanlan, Martha Ingersoll, M ig­ nonette T reschwig, Vera Hall, Is­ abel M altsberger, Charlotte Reed, Rachel W illiam s, Daisy G ilbert, and Elizabeth McClendon. -— •— ■— o -------------- . » * * to elim inate provisions continuing certain oil and gas leases. The R egents objected to this, declar­ ing that th ey did not know whose leases would he continued or the exten t of sam e. Other minor d if­ in the ficulties were adjusted m eeting. MCDERMOTT SPEAKS AT AIR CLUB MEET A" Jack C. McDermont, division Final action will probably be frec-conferenee taken when com m ittee m eet, this m oraine, it I was announced the com m ittee. by members of the Election to B eta Gamma Sigm a is on the basis scholarship, character, and prom ise o f marked business ability in future lfie. o f SHELBY ADDRESSES EL PASO BANQUET T. H; Shelby, dean of the D i­ vision returned Tuesday from El Paso, where he of E xtension, Saturday night and delivered an I address on “The U niversity— Past Present and F u tu re.” Over tw o t o l T fh L hundrcd were present ut th<> ban quet. University A eronautical Society that the south needed aeron au ti­ cal schools, and that the U n iver­ sity should install an aeronautical engineering school and obtain the Daniel Guggenheim fund which generally am ounts to $300,000.— NINE STUDENTS ON — -0 Saturday aftern oon Dean Shelby addressed the W om an’s A ssocia­ tion of the C ollege of Mines on the subject “ Education, a Life Process,” ------------- o-------------- $1,700 LEFT SAINTS CHAPEL BY SIMPKINS with the appropriate sag in knees. the EMILY FR A N C E S KEY escort- Club will be n o m ici Thursday in H. E. H all, accord­ ing to Louise Farm er, president. held beauties A trip te the Elisabet Ney Studio; proud ing a bevy of o f from the m eeting of the Reagan;!* " !ann<’'1 a" d *“ Literary driving them O f f in a brand new I j and very handsom e Marmon. society m eeting and I do s0 . brvr g cars have been urged to i A >hort business m eet- w i„ be held prior t0 the t r p , Facts About Former U. T. Students Who Now Fill Solon Chairs The distinction of being V IS IT S IN A U S T I N j AVERETT A LOVE AND MIO- 0 r A R R I I T W F R « i MONETTE TRESCHWIG, leaders M I S S C A K K O I rlfc-KS of the female political contingent, j com ing from the sam e m eeting and glow ing w ith suppressed de- sires to enter th e political a r e n a ; o f Mrs. Neil Cat rather*, who w as. He entered the U niversity ’n and throw the much used tu rb an s5 matron of the W om an’s Building 1923 after graduating from A us­ visitin g Mrs. tin High School, and attended the t i a n d [ G eorge P. Harriston, 2S 00 Wfeiti*. j academ ic school until he w ith­ her; drew- in 1925. A fter working rn I.or- ’ bachelor of arts degree here .state com ptrollers office for knee l 1922; since then abe has been en- i two years, he resigned to enroll Cumberland U niversity a t Leb- youngest member of the ture goes to Elwin Gerron Y/axahachie, who attended [ E L N A BISHOP w earing Theta j a I Sigma Phi pledge ribbons. sporting a bandaged C a t h e r n C a m ,th e--,, daughter U "iv* rait>' i r n m le g is la ­ of the Miss Carruthers received I gaged in painting. ,92:i . to 192B- . t e r t h year*, B A R N E S in the the I anon. T ennessee. In June, 1928, | he took ilia bar exam ination and* received hi a p r a c tic e , law Septem ber l l , 1928, when he was only 21 year* o f age. license to late Judge William Stew art Simkins the All Saints Chapel w as le ft a bequest The hospital list has increased “ I didn’t g et to see much o f j t o nine students, according to the I of $17,000, according to Fred C. By the will o f the HOSPITAL RECORDS said, the U niversity while I was a stu- report* received from the Uni- j Malone, county clerk F ifty per ce n t o f the bequest dent h ere,” Gerton is to be used in th e local work rnght I worked out at the State of the chapel, 35 per cent towards Senile H ospital— my hours being St. David’s Hospital. At the chapel’s portion o f the dio­ from 8 o'clock in the evening until! Infiim ary c e sa n expenses, and 15 per cen t 7 o'clock the next morning. the day tim e I made classes, just I Pe rn ae Stout, Joe Collier, W, P. [tow ards the ch a p el’* share o f the by w ay o f diversion,” he added. Berms, and Earl Stilson, “ At j versity H ealth Berrien. Sara Col- at 'ins and Doris Buchanan are Seton are: Wilburn Van In; Fleet, Marie Pond, Ruth D uncan, I general church fu n d . JEFF HASSELL in a m odest tin the much used ring, glow over His sensational debut I LORRAINE in the Curtain Club. BURT DYKE aching for c hance to show the Curtain Club j raine ^ em b er s how to play love scen es I probably from riding the g o a t Som e MADELINE JA F F E g e ttin g a en ­ terrible reception when she tered J. 27 class. rude boy, not know little M adeline was com ing in, closed the door on her. hand­ som e man about town, and IS A ­ s i r e n B E L M ALTSBERGER, ta, from Cotulla w herever that strolling across the cam pus like a happy fam ily group. LAMAR HAMILTON, DR. ALFRED KENNGOTT, who teaches French, Esperanto, German or w hat have you, Ii i p ? - tie i stroll the afternoon sun in a across the F orty Acres. i t . . ; , . s™ L . * . POUND STEERS TO WIN. G ia n ts G ain T h ro u g h Fen Lo ng h orn E r r o r s I the first exhibition gam e of P o u n d i n g f o u r S t e e r pit- ! c h e r s at will f o r a tot al o f 19 .safeties, a n d t a k i n g a d ­ v a n t a g e o f IU T e x a s miscues, t h e New, Y or k G ian ts, Go­ t h a m ’s e n t r y in t h e N ati on al League pennant chase swamped score in the Longhorn by* a 23-3 the 1929 baseball season yesterday a f ­ ternoon before a crowd estim ated at 6,000. Tho G iants started their merciless pounding of Texas hurlers in the second fram e when th ey hopped on Johnnie Railton fo r five hits and six runs, and th ey never let up throughout tho entire fray, hopping on Browning and De La F uente last fray for seven hits, and chased across IO runs. in the All memb*in hits, 6 run* o ff Rail- Oft, Giant right fielder turned in ’> hits, I runs some nice catches in this garden a-, did Veltman out in left. o ff Fitzsimmons tfrn >n t u ’’ Inning B a sts your Cactus— now cr ____________________ ” • fU-enc, who is battling Andji Reserve Cohen for the second ba-e berth, J never. turned in a cracker jack defensive I game, and cracked out three hit* i ............................... in six appearances at the plate, [ Veltman, the Giants* rookie left felder, in their clouting with fou r bingies in six trips to the platter, while Crawford, the first sacker, rapped out three out of four. led the New Yorkers And write ju st what I please. ITI pen ray lines to dizzy blondes And brunette'* lines ' n sleek And rough and ready campus boysj Welsh, cf And their approved technique. ( Ro#-**., 2h 1*11 sing my songs of many things r* BOX SCO RE Giants A B H H PO A 2 2 0 6 2 NOW M A K E S HER F IR ST A P P E A R A N C E TO T H E CO-ED In Beautiful Bhoes For you 46 23 19 27 13 Texas AB R H PO A Lindstrom, 3b 0 I Crawford, lb . 3 | Jackson, sa j Marshall, kb ... 0 | Veltman, lf . 6 .. HLgan c Witry, c Schalk, c Fitzsimmons p Hubbel, p , Kelley p .... Total ... Ford, r f Hughes, cf Rhoads, 3b Higgins, ss .. Hopkins, 2b . Walker, lb .... 3 Leach, lh ...... 2 Lamm, lf ..... I Davis, lf ...... 3 Recs, c ....... 3 Carr, c ........ I Railton, p .... 0 .. 2 Peeples, p Browning p .. I De La Fuente, 0 ♦Lewis ........... I TOTAL .... 37 Sum m ary: Score by iningn; R I! E Giants 060 013 1210 Texas OOO 101 IOO 3 13 IO Hume runs: Lintistrom, Hop- 23 19 2 open old wounds but fo r all their! bleeding he continued to lift out ! article a fte r article, with tha* eager, searching look in his eyes. At last he started and put on' i two trembling hands to grasp an object that lay in the very bottom of the chest. Color flooded into his cheeks and new life appeared in th^ dim thank eyes. God, I thought it was gone,” h* murmured. “ Ah, At the bottom o f the chest i lay, a token of mirth ami joy. I? was a ‘ LITT I JE BROWN JU G ." A t Your C inderella S lip p er Shop And will be featu red at $6 and $7.50 In all the s p r i n g c o lo r s With hosiery to match e*N- FiShma i ■MW** IOU Sixth -One Coot oft (arnjresi The End and End Weave Cli* Baity 3Texan nm tfet mmvm af th* Cstvwr- tfir at Tex**. Aaliis, by tIsm TWM St*. ***** •monum text* •MMM Maiidaif ft M tarbii TWarb*—* fltM L G After I# *. rn. b ir i ft. Rail. T*t«pbo«M ItwHmema fttlM m»4 Bf the 0*.**r*.qr Pl"—. A C- R Heist. Wax'.«r*4 a* KW*t elm* mmmr ct th* Hmod* ft Fbtb* w « hay M ite *t Aaatia. tnm M h » Mtor-ifrChW What Do You Know About- By J . C. W ATKINS 1. B i( bout? 2. Revolution? 3. Peoria (in ? 4 Hoover'* day? Bnf orc the battle statement#: "S o n ” Rockefeller: “ I kin lick . STAFF J . C. Watkins ........ Avidya Caldwell . Kathleen Eiland Kina Bishop - ... Verde Baker Louise O zeau x M arjorie lUnffma.. -----— Issue Editor dis m y easy.” Assistant • “ Battlln** Stew art: “ I got dip ... «... A ssistant | *** the hag Assistant Both fighters, who meet today Aflsiateat ‘ to decide the title of head o f the ________ That I've never understood, Rewrite Editor Standard Oil Company of Indiana, were confident yesterday, on the And Donne wrote many a poem 1 About why we should be good. Spencer wrote a lot o f hunk ,,,. ,y “ SING-SONG SONG By Bert Lay John Ju d d _ . . Louise C «R ta»* ^.Capitol Correspondent Albert Nihility ..... ,. ...... .. . . Capitol Correspondent . ..... Night Reporter* eve of the big batik*. F.arh Haim* to have control o f enough proxies Night Reporter j * to defeat the other. Rockefeller’* “ seconds” can swing 59 per rent of the vote*. that he .date B u m * wrote some ted-hot stuff That dealt with simple love. And Milton wrote a ream or two About the joy * above. It all - t a r t,.1 when C o lo r,,!! ^ Stowwrt, m m , tim , a r a , f o r m * . Am, , f ^ Hf, Bt , „ e ,-ompany with thro, other o iI jWo , wi„ fo ,|ow , hl,m A FAIR SOLUTION ~~ ~ j magnates. They are said to have M u d tngher education rn ^ xa*i bought several million barrels of . _ I n hew»ta tingly * fop |1 5 () a batrr^f and It I* the her- bau j and the of higher education. Thf? two $100r. the Rage o f public school,*, since they 000f000 fighters will decide have tom e to play suck a I c e m e n - tcKiay at the stockholders’ dandy important pan in ,he * " ’ ■1 m a lin e at Whiting, Indiana, building of a state’s citizenry, to j have, a t lea*!, a normal growth. But tho school* in these 17 coun-i tie* are denied this heritage. To-; day they are stunted— dw arfed.; And why? Because r»«>nn«hmcn! rightfully theirs ha; ! which was gone instead to the State*! high­ est educational institution. The latest Mexican revolution, wh uh began Sunday, promises to be more serious than anything in the last decade* Late develop­ ments include: More than 3,000 federals, un­ Jeuua der command of General . , >» 1— The The I hold# —— — . non-taxable. r-v.lU H onW . ___ J,..;*™ Lindbergh, apparen cy For M-vernl! nouncpd «t» I '™ Cmvomiy ..I T e x *, h a ,' (:* rl ia- f in TOTI- Went! a u bpa^ for an attack on Mooter- now At Nuevo Laredo a loyal army was massing, also for an attem pt on Monterrey. Iitre holdings in these 17 T e x *, a u n t ie ,, mueh a f it b e in *! " ‘J ; * hirh very valuable oil producing land. In 1927 the land was assessed at J a value o f $7,473,758. Taxes on this land cannot be collected by federal government an­ , the counties; it is, according to] imi'Ortant » « - law. years it h a , been maintained that! C,'M' in to >'ru,'h tt,<’ thew counties cannot a d e q u a t e l y , ^ ' - wh» " * Ttbrl «*™ «» »t c h . r Or.zaba num berm , SOO men, »ur- take care o f , chords and under their | " n dtr“ ,t o . ‘o t e ^ t e o e * . local activities beeaow of General Andreu Almazan. inability to collect taxes on this land. Officials estim ate that not more than one-sixth o f the army, or about 10,000 men out of more than 50,000, have joined the rebel movement. Authorities point out that in the De La Huerta revolu- , ............ - — — ---------- — , of in 1923 rn<,r(* than b« lf of ’ i,m the the When it b noted that these 17 coonties pay one and a quarter million dollars yearly in taxes, j and get back only a half million dollar* fo r school apportionment,} leaving an excess for the State of over $ 700,000, it is easily seen the armK rovolUd, and yet that they have a right to cry, “ Let J?,,v*'rnm<-nt w,>®‘ there be justice.” The percent-( age o f University land lying with-* ill these counties runs from as low' ‘ !t’ nn one per cent in one county to Mi high ani 29 per cent in an oth er! P^an* a{ Valbuena Hying Held, sn far as is known still plans county. When a county cannot collect ta x e s on almost a third of to n .y tb<> inaugural plane in a I t s ’ ®rownmrflle-Mexieo City air mail its land, ii is evident school! m a d surely suffer! On the other hand, losing over being in dangerous inspected his damaged fair* in Peoria,** fo r the University to pay taxer'; on th is land, since it would have -chanted lounge lizards four years but that was four years to pay ^uch taxes Lorn its penna Rant fo n d , which is devoted t o buildings for the institution, and which fund now yields an interest inadequate for constructing much­ now t o i t?- i j iitxMuu iut Jimnx* ly needed buildings? How to re Rave the West Texas situation hhltli*> withcwt retarding the U niversity; ^ *^ v building program is the question j Analysw «* th* gin revealed 20 that state* officials and have beets trying to solve for aav era I y ears, A solution now see oui near a i hand. flooded Peoria over the week-end. lJ0tt night the seventeenth victim died, are permanently tin ce others r *« v *r a l are dangerous- President Hoover spent his first day m office “ glad-handing.” Two thousand four hundred and forty- in­ four persons called on him, cluding 60 members of the Sim- Band. the general ed u11 tht wa> from a instead A m easure has been drafted by Representatives Penrose B. Met­ calfe, a n d Coke Stephenson, Charles McComb.* tax U niversity lands, the to be paid out o f fond# o f the State o f : majr,r P',h’Y* that of non-interfer- U oiversity fund*. This bill h a . ] ^ , w,th Prp?ent r e l a t i o n s re- and f ardin* !h*‘ ^ipm cn ? of arm * into b*en passed by the Hou,e Mexico, to the reminiscences of wiii be aet<*d upon by the Senate hi? boyhood days in West Branch, within the next few day?* The bill, Iowa, with his one-time school if enacted, will give relief and teacher. afford normal growth to West Texas schools, and not retard the University*! growth in doing sn. which would mf,m University Cowboy taxcs The president*! activities extend service. , I woht c i t i z e n s ! c* n^ wood alcohol. “ “** I was fir ’water Poisoned ago ago. ” — ---- is it that I ton, an ex-student < f the Univer- | -ity of Tex#.-, k nerving as I Speaker pro tem o f ti House in I the ahence o f Speaker W. S. B ar­ ron who was operated on fo r ap- — E. L. C. HIGHLIGHTS GIVEN ON LEGISLATURE (C o atisu cd from Page I) the The afternoon. a vote o f 26 to H4 a proposed am eadm er ‘ to conia >tutter that would make the comptroller, the final passage of the bill that it ail of the tim e., the sta te treasurer, and the com- bad upheld free-conference a tmmi'tmer of the genera! land of- Members of {Urn appointive official*. This had co mmittee were appointed b y 1 hmm advocated sn he message of Lieutenant Governor Miller the G overnor at th# opening o f, confer with members the n e a ts**, to from the Hou*e on the b ill The House parked a prison bill, mmiiar te the She H ouse refused to concur in C ousins bill, that the Senate re- ----- „ to Speaker Barron the! fused to pass, tm Stacuite amendment® prison relocation and centralia*- tim bill as passed by the House ami requested appointment of fem conference ken oui Mourn bdl S W U centralize improving a after his successful operation for te i appendicitis Tuesday night. Fred Th* H, Minor o f Denton occupies the the ^ < hair in Barron'* absence. Bar- »y#tem of the state on two : ton was operated upon a fte r an to avoid the ap- sn operation Had been made. He would eootinued Us occupy the chair until P p ! m Brazoria County while unsafe< riui “ ) the difference* WB, which has committee attempt . is The dance, a drink, a date Of rooon-light rides, of moon­ shine drunk, And w by she got home late. In short, I ring of what YOU do I sing a song of praise-— I ring a song, both loud and long O f T exas campus days. IDLING ALONG WITH E IL E R S Our Scotch friend Sandy ain’t so close with shooting off his mouth. He bi always sitting on and a fence watching us work, easing his windbag. We wish it was a barbed-wire fence. We ask your permission to re­ the cord the pathetic story o f young -tube who “ ate an apple a day to keep the doctor away** after he became sick. “ Curfew shall net ring tonight,” said the collegian who was whil­ ing away the hours in a dorm with hi* little lady. But the matron persuaded him to leave 11 o'clock as usual. a t Bunk thinks that if the oil companies ever get all the oil Out of this old world it will sure make lot of noise creaking around a on its axis!. Matildy’s fath er is a mining en­ gineer and he’s working around the silver mines now, hut It’s gold Matildy’a after. Blinky ain't, going to have no more parlor dates because he would rather take his exercise eul doors. slept Bosco through three classes yesterday morning. The alarm clock failed to wake him, and the sun on his face didn’t wake him. and the milk man didn’t wake him, a either. lightmore came around and ste p ­ ped on his face. Boseo told us that old man Morpheus is gonna’ cause him to bust all hK course if he don’t lay o ffa him. Finally Tho girl friend wanted us to take her to the ball game the other day. When we got there she said, "A w those G iants ain ’t no logger than ordinary people.” We hear so much about “ Farm are Relief” these days. What they going to do to relieve the “ busted stude” ? We reckon they will leave that up to poppa. There was a picture of Cool­ idge rn the paper today headed "S E V E N Y EA R S IN TH E W HITE H O U SE." Well, we know lots of people who have lived in white houses longer than that and ain’t bragging about it. Our house, by tin* way, is a pale purple. Bunk whispered t<» us that ju st because some a swelled head is no sign they have people have ___ _ OLD L A V E N D E R AND TO RN L A C E . A Little Moral T ale B r Bill tite r s In a com er of the dim, musty smelling old room knelt an old man. His hair was a yellowish- eyes white and his faded blae a kindly wire twinkling with light. He wan rum imaging in an old cedar chest and occasionally he would stop to push back the frayed sleeve of his coat. which •-cerned to be a little too long fo r him. ] peadicity T uesday night. Speaker grJw nV onu ’ more hreins! ; H u ron is reported to be conva- ! tawing satisfactorily. prison Holbrook’s bill was voted on for final passage Wed- needily member? of the Senate voted f o r 1 suit either. We think that the office cat can yodel a whole lot better than that guy who was trying to imitate Al Jnlson at the Majestic. And the same cat wouldn’t have to wear a dress ' of eommtata i the right to noon Tuesday. One by one he t amoved the a r ­ ticles I tom th * < hest. A lock o f blonde hair whipped up in a scrap I of yellowed new spaper, a dried of yellowed newspaper, a l^zl& .are had been i Ttt* Senate spent Wednesday bunch of victeti, baby clothing— formed of tpe reeoroman- afternoon considering fionaa bills Now and then the taunt rolled and green mi opportunity. Among the bilk wa* House Bill down his aged cheeks as he han- by gander*, creating died th e JZ ^ Z ^ Z long - the Plan if desired. ..... ...... Nunn m‘ j .. • fted Minor, of Dm * alt KmHT' j a aine months closed season for ago. far-bearing animak. The sight of them seemed to As Developed in SHIRTS End and End Madras is one of the most popular shirtings at the present time. The magic of Manhattan craftsmanship has touched every line and stieh of these End and End Manhattan shirts, and the smart colors have contributed towards making these garments out­ standing examples of the shirt m a k e r s art. Austin'* Manhattan Shirt Shop General view of the United States Mil it a ry Academy, Hest Point, N. Y. PR O B A B L Y no single spot in this country is more widely known than West Point, where our future army commanders receive their education and training in the arts o f war. As an army post in the Revolution, W est Point’s fortifications were the works that Benedict Arnold attem pted to deliver into the hands o f the British. Later the United States Military Academy was established and is now composed of magnificent buildings, parade grounds and athletic fields. It is a source o f pride to the Otis organization that most o f the famous buildings o f the world are equipped with Otis Elevators and West Point is no exception to this rule; five Otis Elevators are installed in various buildings o f the Academy. I hroughout the world, in far-off places and at home in familiar surroundings, we find that people everywhere depend upon Otis for safe, speedy Vertical Transportation. OTIS ELEVATOR COM PANY OFFICES IN A L L P R IN C IP A L C IT IE S OF T H E W O R L D THE... BOOK o* TEXA S WHY? BECAUSE- It Contains These Features BECAUSE— It Presents These Improvements: (1) An art section, typically Texas, in FIVE COLORS. (2) Something brand new and unique in COVER DESIGN. (3) An elaborate and distinctive VIEW SECTION. (4) Individual pictures and rec­ ords of GRADUATES, SEN­ IORS, JUNIORS. (5) Individual pictures and rec­ ords of FRA TERN ITIES and SORORITIES. (6) Individual pictures of ath­ letes and PICTURES OE ALL GAMES. (7) An entire section devoted to PICTURES O F ALL CAM­ PUS EVENTS. (8) Presentation in word and picture of THE ONLY REC­ ORD OF T H IS UNIVER­ SITY YEAR- (1) A novel and effective pre­ sentation of the Beauty, F r a ­ ternity, Organization and Feature Sections. (2) Complete ATHLETIC SECr TION. (3) A WOMAN’S ATHLETIC SECTION. (4) An outstanding GRIND SEC­ in last words TION— the cleverness. (5) A distinctive DORMITORY SECTION. (6) Innumerable changes and i t improvements, making truly “ The Rook That’s Dif­ ferent.” Reservation Orders Taken Next 3 Days Only Sales Close March 9 r o G EU MILLER . .. . g s h o p DAVE BOULDIN “The Book of Texas” T H E C A C T U S O F 1 9 2 9 T H E D A I L Y T E X A N OCIETX RUBY C. L E W IS S ociety E d ito r T e le p h o n e 9135 Margaret Sims will spent the week-end in Houston and she will attend the National Student Vol­ u nteer Conference. Rogers Adkins, John Minter, and Raymond Paftlow will attend the National Student Volunteer t {inference which convenes in Houston this week-end, Bill Cox, Kappa Sigma, is visit­ ing in San Antonio today. LATIN AMERICANS T O PUBLISH PAPER A monthly pape** printed en­ tirely in Spanish will be publish­ luttin American Club, ed by the it was decided a t its second meet-: ing of the term Tuesday night in the Newman Club rooms. The purpose of the publication will be to present and encourage the newly developed spirit of pro­ of Latin gress and f r a t e r n i t y i a t American students and th$ same time to help in paving thd way fo r a b i t t e r f u t a r e f o r Lat­ in America. Ezequiel SaUnas wa* elected editor with the rem ainder of the staff to be announced lat­ er. A fter the business meeting, s? program was given and was di­ rected by G. E. del Bosque. ---------- o— Ethel Owen thN S Thursday in San Antonio with - is spending friends. MYSTERY TALKIE NOW AT QUEEN Because it is an intelligent mys­ tery, made without any of the customary encumbrances of spi-j der-webs and screeching winds, “The C an ary Murder Case,” an all-talking picture now playing at about the Queen th eate r, is just take j 2 the best m ystery ever to shadow fo rm or and as such it is earnestly recommend- cd. ful transferrenee of the famous book to the films, but has been I done in such a superlative m an ­ ner t h a t even when one has read | the book, the picture still retains a rich flavor of interest. William Powell heads a thoroughly capa­ ble east.— C. B. t i e screen, B A SE B A L L MEN G U E ST S OF Q U E E N T O N IG H T Coach Billy Dfcch and his squad and I of some th irty baseball men of Dr. H. J . E ttlinger, director athletics, will be guests of the j Queen t h e a te r tonight at 7 o’clock i following an invitation Wednes­ see day by th e m anagem ent to “ The C anary Murder Case.” A l l R A J A H A T CRESCENT It is n o t only a highly faith- With Unique lea Wednesday »■ r * « t i • rr\ i I $ t • • t y-a* i n • UtllVerSltU ClUO ms r The University Ladies’ Club entertained Wednesday afterno on at the University Faculty Club with one of the most unique and ■ delightful teas of the year. Re­ ceiving with the hostesses, Mes- dames E. H. Sellarck. ( ’. C. Alb­ ert, Fred Bullard, If. S. Bowen, Raymond Cook, Robert Cuyler, W. N. Daniels, H. T. Manuel, Tem ­ ple Mayhall, and Miss Mary Grace Muse, were Mrs. H. Y. Benedict and Mrs. W. R. Long. at The guests were welcomed the door by Mesdames J. E. Hai­ t i ! , D. M. MeKcithan, D. T. Starnes, and W. K. Chandler who were dressed as Irish colleens, i Mr.*. H. S. Vandiver and Mrs. F. L. Whitney into the dining-foom; the S o c i a l C a l e n d a r The social calendar for this week-end includes: S a t u r d a y , M a r c h 9 German, W omen’s gym na­ in San Antonio. sium, 9-12 o’clock. ELSIE J E W E T T TO WED ALUERT T E R R Y MA R . >5 Dr. and Mrs:. F ran k Jewett, 2007 University Avenue, have announc­ ed the engagement of their daugh- ter, Elsie, Dallas. , The wedding takes place Mon-J to Albert T erry day, March 25, a t the Texa Bible Chair, and will be followe i by a reception at the home of the invited the guests I bride’s parents. Miss Jew e tt table arranged with a centerpiece is a g raduate of the University and ha* been teach - featuring the customs and m otif I ing a t the Wooldridge and Baker j schools for the past year. She is of St. P atrick’s Day. During the firs t hours, Mrs. E. | a member of the Delta Zeta s i r - C. H. Baft t i t and Miss Clara Par- ority. ker presided a t the coffee serv­ ile, ahd d uring the second hour Mis. JL W. H arp er and Mrs. T. U. Taylor poured. You girls who want just a rrtarr — hercs’ you r chance to g et a Ra­ jah! Ali Rajah, crystal g azer led by the spirits all the way from Bombay to the Crescent thoarter, in answ ering all kinds of ques­ em barrassing including tions, ones, told one University girl yes-1 Mrs. Arnold Romberg and Mrs. terday th a t if no one would m arry j girls her for her to come up to him he would take her himself! W h a t ; * ! 10 **ry«* » nd * * <“ "*•>* r00m - ! loose who served were: Dorothy more do you want? Lee Hay, Elizabeth Hollander, Frances Bowen, Joyce Mitchell, Daphne Sellards, Elizabeth Cor­ nell, and Christina Buchholz. They were costumed in small green caps and aprons befitting maids of St. Patrick. a t ­ traction, there 's a picture, “ Hey, Rube” t h a t gives you the lowdown on carnival life. If you haven’t seen “ The Barker,” you b e tte r go down to find out what the title means. W ait—-“ Hey Rube” fe the rallying cry of circus men when a fight is on. T h at’s the story. E. R. Sims supervised the Besides the special added Mr. Terry, who is now a t the Rish Medical College in Chicago, is also u g ra d u ate of the Uni­ versity. Dr. Jew ett, fa th e r of the bride, is the pastor of the Texas Bible Chair. ♦ 4* LITTLE CAMPUS GIVES DANCE S A T . N I G H T | An informal get-together and open house in the form of a dance will be held at the Little Campus Gymnasium S atu rday night from 8:80 to 11 o’clock. rival Lillian Gish in the last half, only she doesn’t have any snow the to stagger around other accoutrem ents there, and make it worth your while to drop in and see i t — B. B. in. All are H IST O R Y C LU B M E E T S The G raduate History Club m et Tuesday night a r ­ chives room of the Main Library. Plans fo r a picnic to be held April *s were discussed. the in 11 ETA ALPHA PSl TO I S IT 1 ATE Initiation of new members will ! take place at a dinner given a t the j Faculty Club hv Beta Alpha IVi, honorary business adm inistration | fraternity, at H:H0 o’clock next j to : Saturday evening, according the Henry Slavik, president of i fraternity. , All members and new initiates will be present* A short enter- {tainm ent will follow the initiation. * * * Jimmie Miller spent the past week-end at his home in San An­ tonio. Violet Forsythe of San Antonio visited at the Kappa Delta house Monday night. Thee Weiss -pent the week-end M arguerite Oherkam pf spent the week-end at her home in An­ derson. M argaret Mathews will spend in the week-end at her home Lampasas. William Filers, Jr., will visit in of I San Antonio this week-end. ' ” iu> Mary Lon Coleman o f Scottish Dormitory will leave Friday for a week-end visit at her home in Miles. Wesley Ammerman, Paxton Littlepago, and J e f f r e y B. Hill spent the last week-end ai Hill’s home in Waolder. H A N C O C K Now P la y in g 3BE9SCTgTgaL WAJVNEK SSOS. i 1 Supreme Ihumptr I JOLSCD 4 ® SlNfclR T«V(TAM0N€ WITH MAY M W 0 Y WARNER (HAND ROSIN BUTT tA*TO* V* IT ’S TH E CUT OF YOUR CLOTHES THAT COUNTS — aI«o~— Fox M ovietone N ew t u Put a Star” beside this D A T E “I Never Dream ed ” and “Cortseula” New V ic to r R ecord No. 40032 Sung by Irene Beasley "T tx a » O w n” J. R. REED MUSIC CO. Phone 7508 805 Congress — J. A . B. o---------- of of a rm y As one ‘MAD HOUR’ A T T H E T E X A S t h a t the preaches the doctrine “ the wom­ an payees and payees and payees,” Elinor Glyn, authoress the story of “ The Mad H our,” Row playing a t the Texas th eate r, makes poor little Sally O’Neil pay for a good many things she really didn’t get, although she got prac­ tically the wanted when she finally became Mrs. her Somebody, Jr. But m an iage turned out to be a sleigh ride and she lost it all. But Sally got a few breaks; she go t to s ta r the | over Alice White first half of the picture and would everything through alas, W hite Boot Shop PRESENTS New Spring Footwear In all the beautiful new shades THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929. S THEATERS Vi/ITU r* D W IT H C. B. h “ T H E CANA RY M URD ER C A SE .” Still the best show in town by a t least two m u r­ ders and an all-talking: score with honors gfoing to William Powell as Philo Vancfc. All week. A t the Queen. “ T H E JA Z Z S IN G E R .” Sec­ ond and worth seeing again and again. A1 Jolson in songs and sentiment, and the Kol Nidre. At the Hancock. “ DREAM O F L O V E ” Nils Asther hot-papas Joan Craw­ ford in the old hooie about the prince and the pauper, with plenty of excuse fo r playing Liebestraum over over. Through Friday. At th e Ma­ jestic. and “ H E Y , R U B E ” and A L I RA- JA H . (1) a movie and (2) a mentalist who indulges in sec­ ond sight, telepathy, and spir­ itualistic manifestation*. He stuff. Last p e r­ knows his formances today. At the Cres­ cent. gets “ T H E MAD H O U R .” The younger generation all wet in the ju g and deaths kicks one of them in the seat of the Sally O’Neil, Alice pants. White, etc. I^ast times today. At the Texas. “ T H E M O L L U S C ” Third nd final performance o f the Curtain Club’s second produc­ tion of the year, being fareial the well comedy on passing known buck. Popular prices, S Hall Studio. COMING: GERALDINE FARRAR. So­ prano, in concert a t th e Ausk- tin High School auditorium, auspices A m ateur Choral Club. Friday night, March 15. vJOAN CRAWFORD IN MAJESTIC SHOW to miss I t took a g reat deal of will power Steer-Giant the ball game a t Clark Field yester­ day in order to see Joan Crawford and Nils Asther gaze ardently a t each other a t the Majestic, but it had to be done. Given the op­ the Giants tion a second would have another spectator, but go the film if you itsn’t bad in heavily fo r Graustarkish ro ­ mance. time, ream s You are thoroughly tu rned out fam iliar with the type of picture which “ Dream of Love” turns out to be. I t belongs to the Romantic per­ iod, when Byron, Goethe, Scott, the Romantic and the rest of School and reams of similar material. Even the scene in which the Prince is at saved from the firing squad the critical moment by revolution­ i s t s is present— you see, such a picture must be done according to formula. There is a wealth of interio r decoration done in the best mo­ vie m anner— mirror-like floors, high ceilings, gorgeous hangings, that sort of thing— and and all quite a bit of good acting which comes a t odd moments. I t is too \ that there is a dearth of ma-j erial upon which to work. And as fo r the fade-out: well, the King might have made the gypsy girl his Queen, but did he? Not if we know our Nils Asther! — A. N. C. SINGING PICTURE NOW AT HANCOCK V n a t ■ ere his first singing is he Jazz Singer,” Al Jolson continues to enthrall j atrons of the Hancock theater, j picture, showing “ T1 through Friday on a program that, also includes Movietone news. In the form of songs and sentim ent, Mr. Jolson presents a picture as appealing as any which has yet come out of Hollywood, and one which no one should deny them ­ selves the opportunity of seeing. — C. B. G et it now so you c a n have it th en . A Mystery Play That is a m ystery— * “STARK MAD” A Vitaphone T alk in g P ic tu re W ith an All S ta r C a st QUEEN STARTS SU NDAY THE TEXAS Last Tim es Today THE MAD HOUR -—with—’ A lice W hite Coming Tomorrow T he Y ellow Lily — w ith— Billie Dove and C live Brook Classified Ad Section Telephone 2-3164 or 2-3165 VNNOUNCEMENTS W ANTED W A N TED FOR SALE USE THE TEXAN HIGHEST CASH PRICE’S PAID for sec- A. clothing and SCHWARTZ. 417 E ast 6th. Phone 876*2 ond-har.d shoes. Sluted M - H i n g U n lv « r » ily I.ody<« Number 1196 A. F. it A. M. E Vy. Seottf-h Kiu? Cathtflral ThuiM- % / day March 7th. J m P. M. Visitor* Welcome. B, C. Thorp, W. M., Claude E. Hill, m*cy, Gage Bros. Roofing and H eating Tin W ork D ependable S ervice 7th A Red River 5279 DON'T WO K RY^ ^ *1. Spir­ itual medium. Now at 602 W ed 0th St. NO COLORED. Phono 23861. Sun- <*» appointment. CLARA L. ANDERSON ace* the show »t The iQUKF. N bj presenting h copy of j idman» Reward. LOST-- K it* \ Left oo i an rung board of car.eppumu men # jfytn. Nam* W. Jee- Keiusn to B. Halt U L J k - * mn oa w»rd. , and Hu : .«y Lab. LOST— Either in Co-op or between Co-op ton dollar bill and { one dollar bill. P k ese return to Dueila ‘ Davis. 469a, HIGHEST HR ICES paid clothing and sh oes. for cast-off 407 East 6th or ring 8717. •WEARY RIVER” Sung by ti«ne A u s­ D ane Bledsoe. tin— Victor Record. 821 Congress. Phone 6619. ROOMS FOR RENT NICELY furnished rooms for men, also garage. Phone 7816, 102 W. lktb. ATTRACTIVE front room. Quiet horn*-, desirable faculty man or woman. Two 6b>ek north of U niversity. Gas heat. Phone 3842. for LAUNDRY HOME LAUNDR 1 1 P H O N E 3 ? 0 2 Your Chickens D ressed Free If Ordered From L. EA ST PR O D U C E CO. Phone 4101-23913 102 W. 2m! DRESSMAKING FIRST CLASS dressm aking. Work guar­ anteed. Do all kinda o f tailored work and alteration#. Dinner evening a specialty. Phone 22038. , MRS, NELLIE LEE— U n iv e rsity dress­ m a k e r . D r e s s m a k i n g , A l t e r a t i o n , JG*- 2402 San lining Coats. H e m stitc h in g . I Antonio S i. Phono 8265. -.............—...................... WE MEND silk hem stitching. hose. pleating, buttons, rhinestones, gold and silver clips. Mabel G aonaw ay, 716 Con­ gress P h o n e 8864. O v e r Heeeon'S . Business Directory JEWELER FLOWER SEED ...................... ...................... C L A S S I F 1 E D a , / O SCA R G A G E W atch, C lock an d Jew elry R e p a irin g Phone 4440, 1,000 C ongress In B oone P h o to Ce. DENTIST DIAL 23164 OR 23165 AUTOMOBILES DR. E. B. C R O W D ER . D e n ti.t 505 S carb ro u g h Bldg., Dial 9433 F ine B ulk F lo w e r Seed E v e ry th in g fo r g a rd e n s and P o u ltry C. J. M ARTIN A N D SONS 214 E . 6 th P h o n e 6064 ELECTRICAL SERVICE U N IV E R S IT Y E L E C T R IC A L S E R V IC E Starter and Generator Repair#— Battery Sak s and Service Phone 8715 2414 Guadalupe Drs. L y n n and L ynn D ental Surgeons $145 oo $OT Scarbrough Bldg., Phoae S I 5 4 “ “ PLUMBING K N IG H T -W H 1P P E T CO. 3 0 9 W . S ! h P b - n x 2 3 1 6 1 STUDIOS $ 1 4 5 o o $ 1 4 5 .0 0 DR. B. E . FA RM ER 60S S carb ro u g h B ldg.. P h . 2 - 3 S 1 3 ft. R A V E N — PL U M B E R “ W h e re G ood P lum bing Repair* A re M ade” 1 403 L m e s S tre e t. |% M » « 7 f3 W here th e re ’s B e a u ty H d ila a J W . G. A N D R E W A R T H A STUDENT SPECIALS 1926 Ford Coupe— Bargain 1924 Dodge Coupe. J.«mup Condition 1926 Ford T ouiins ........_ ta k e s *t. W h ere th e r e ’s n o n e, H olland m ak es it. TIRES -— U sed T ire* $1.00 Each O. K. G A R A G E Eaam isiatieia , 110 W est 2 n d P h o n e 9316 Two H ours $16 1-2 Coagr« A. BWRSTYN. O . £>. ; f I J- I $10 NEW AS THE SPRING A nd as fresh $8.50 W ith H osiery To M atch Come let US Show you If you have a weakness for attractive colors—-smart styles— and quality tai- lorwork—make a date to come in here today and we ll introduce you to some very good Invoking t^to trouser suits for spring., $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 604 Congress Where Society Brand Clothes Are Sold i S i i LAST ODAY « H F Y R IJ R F ” * * * - • 1 I V U D E i W ith Hugh Trevor G e r t r u d e O l m . t e . d T he High Spots of Carnival Life A L S O . ALI RAJAH The Man W ho Know* Tom orrow - • He W ill T ell Your Future T H E D A I L Y T E X A N THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929. C A P T A IN M’G R A W S A Y S COLLEGE M AN WILL SUCCEED IN GAME eated in th ree of Uncle Billy’s pro­ teges. M cGraw expressed the thought th a t the Texas ball team has a v e ry good organization and should surely be a w inner this season. He also said th at Texas has one o f the p re ttiest and best hall parks he has seen. McGraw thinks th a t the park could be improved, how­ ever, by e ith er rem oving or te r ­ racing the rocks in the outfield. SCHEDULE TO BE MADE FOR FROSH tieing fo r the past two weeks. Coach Karow thinks th a t his me will be in th eir schedule begins. tip-top shape when , K atherine , . man Hall has returned a fte r few days’ visit at her home Ketchum of New- a in . . . « , /m T- Coach M arty Karow announced yesterday th a t as yet no schedule I had been made fo r his freshm an baseballer*. However, he expect* I Greenville. to have one arran g ed w ithin next day or two. the , i The freshm en have been p r a c - 1 never. ° R e s e r v e y o u r Ca ct us - - now o r igmn> ,■ . * A’s . SPOffT TALK Bt BOB CANTRELL TEXAN SPORTS SOtTOR . . . I ««,.«{ Butler Enters Seven-Man Team in Relays B utler U niversity at Imlsanap- ?raffk to those . . . clay cliffs all season like olU> IndU n*’ f i!i s<,nfi a fv ____,,rv»v.^r> «*!iaybe even more were rounded •up by th e sergeant-at-arm s and ^yanked aw ay from the game. Oh, . t e l l , they wouldn't have enjoyed .the slau g h ter much anyway. dozen Some | Y esterday brought to an end ’en tries in the departm ental and fra te rn ity leagues of the intram u­ r a l baseball race, with every de­ p artm e n t and the m ajority of the p ra t* p u ttin g a club in the field. Bight now the dope point* to one btf the tig h te st races in the history of the intram ural organization. ■ * * h- **> ■M » -y .rd low h u rd le,; .MO.yard dart, , , , run. Kenton G ardner, 440 yard dash j and mile Sivak, Urbain, Yeager, and G ardner are the out­ standing men on the team , Sivak, a sophomore in *chool, ha* been f consistently running the mile in and fo u r m inutes, 17 seconds, the half-m ile in one m inute, 54 seconds. Urbain won In­ diana and Kentucky A. A. U. j cross country m eet in 1927. Yea the state championship g e r won in the low hurdles, and G ardner I has been running the 440-yard j dash in 50 seconds flat. the United .States M ilitary Acad emy a t West Point w rote and ask­ ed “ Ox" Higgins fo r fu rth e r in­ form ation about the fifth annual Texas Relays and intim ated th a t they m ight en ter a team this year. GRADS TO ATTEND SUMMER SESSION “ Indication* are th a t the Uni­ versity sum m er school will have in attendance this y ear nearly one thousand g rad u ate stu dents," it w as stated W ednesday by Dr. Frederick Eby, d irecto r of the sum m er session, in discussing the plan* and arran g em en ts fo r the 1929 school. Last call. The 1929 Cactus. Rayon Pajamas 1 2 ,1 0 Rayon * Bloomers 98c Fine, lustrous, run-proof Rayon fashions cut bloomer*. and nile green. the^e full- In flesh, peach, Crepe de Chene Chemises $2.98 to $3.98 Slimly tailored underthings th at give ure smooth lines. Decorated with contrasted pip­ ings and applique. the fig­ Crepe de Chine Teddies $2.98 to $3.98 Silk teddies are frivolous with lace and ribbon*, or dem urely tailored. In Lido blue, sweetpea. flesh, Bandeau Sets $1.10 to $3.98 rayon f|g » e e sets of pastel or are charm ingly crepe-de-chine trimmed. the ; Step-m* have • •yoke front. Glove Silk B lo o m e r s & r \ ' • vw -AT x o n e N a m e : C a p t a i n Leo B a ld w in . A g e : 24. H e i g h t , 6 f eet, 2 inch. W e i g h t ; 190 p ou n ds , E x p e r i e n c e ! F o u r y e a r s W i ­ ch i t a Falls Hi gh ; y e a r f r e s h m a n ; t w o y e a r s V a r s i t y f oo tb al l , s q u ad . b a s k e t b a l l a n d t r a c k . R e c o r d s : High school high h u r d l e r e c ­ or d, c o n f e r e n c e r e c o r d in shot put a n d discus. P l a c e d on N a t ­ ional C o l l e g i a te H o n o r Roll in 1928. Will be e n t e r e d in all- a r o u n d c h a m p i o n h i p in Illinois a n d T e x a s Relays. L e t t e r e d in B. B. A. BASEBALL CANDIDATES MEET All business adm inistration stu ­ dent* who wish to try o u t fo r the team should in tram u ral baseball to n ig h t at be in G a rm o n Hall I John 7:15 o'clock, according to la, Keevil, m anager. The Pen Pushers will open th e ir schedule an ­ Monday, March l l , and are to xious fo r all those in terested re p o rt to the meeting. PK PK'S FREE MOTORCYCLE DELIVERY Brings your order while you’re still hungry. A nything P. K. serves can be delivered. DIAL 9090 Tilt 2 rn. in. PK SANDWICH SHOPS, INC. O pposite Hancock Thaatar Opposite the U niversity is t h e time NOW to p r e p a r e for Spr ing and Su m m er in the m a t ­ ter of lingerie! W a r d ’s offers a la rg e selection of dai nty u n d e rt h in g s a t low prices. Pair $1.29 Silk Hose Service-weight hose— sm art, practical, pure silk to the top. Full-fashioned, of gen­ erous length, in a wide va­ riety of new shades. Chiffon Hose ; at $1.29 pr. are There exquisite new shades in these special Chif- j ton hose— sheer and m isty their F rench picot — with lops. ChosenJorStyle and Service Sanitary Needs 15c to $1.98 Fashioned fo r com forts and d ainty protection, are flesh colored, gum ru b b er aprons and skirts — form -fitting, elastic, san itary belts. - meryWard k c a 3 6 3 6 r n . Austin, Texas B y B E R N A R D S A M P S O N in th a t 0 , comes V eltm an, h** bama, the New York Antonio. John McGraw believes th a t the S teers for the firs t th ree inning* titan j yesterday, from N otre Dame; and th<, versati]e Jew i, h , college ath lete will more m ale hi, mark ,,m f, B .I athletics and na* full confidence! Ala- in t h , cr,ll.fte baacb.ll player, a , w o " « ’ from shown by the num ber keeps on the ro ste r of hi<* club. B ackenridge High School o f San About half of G iants thin year are college men. The G iants c a rry fo u r ex-Tex- Some of the m ost outstanding ans on th eir rolls, including Ray players fo r the G iants who have SehaJk, Hubbel, Veltm an, and Co- in hen. Sehalk is assistant to Mugsy received th eir early tra in ,ng universities are; W ebb, left field McGraw and handled the game er, from St. M ary's. C alifornia;! yesterday, although McGraw *at the Andy Reese, second baseman de on the bench. Hubbel was luxe, from V anderbilt; C it. star sec on I pitcher fo r the Giant* yes- a t the bat as well as in right field, - terd ay . He comes from Beau- from T ulane; Freddy Li adet rom, mon! in the Texas League, who led the National League tast McGraw brought only fo u rteen aged year in b atting, C raw ford, first base and a heavy veteran of baseball cam paigns did h itte r, from Guilford C ollege;; not su it out. He stayed on the Jackson hails from O uichita; Ho- side lines fo r the most p a rt and gan, a catcher, from Boston Col- let Coach the loge; Fitzsim m ons, who held the j team . Mugsy seemed very inter- I» y o la ; men over w ith him. The Sehalk m anage from J tangels, IOO STO R ES DRESSES SPRING AND EASTER chiffons flat crepes stripes checked patterns m odern prints solid colors This group is in outstanding Mangel fash­ ion event. We are able to offer t h e s e values o n l y because of our IOO store buy­ ing power. M isses' Sixes 14 to 20 W om en's Sixes 36 to 44 62 0 Congress You A re Cordially Invited to Attend a Style Exhibit For Men ♦ T h u rs d a y , F rid ay a n d S a tu rd a y , M arch 7, 8 a n d 9th C O R R E C T N E S S an d distinction of g en tlem en s formal an d inform al clothes, as necessitated by the various social functions, are em p h a ­ sized in the g arm ents presented in this style exhibition. M E N ’S S M A R T F U R N IS H IN G S T h ro u g h o u r careful survey of the trends of .style for u niv ersity men, w e feature in this exhibit an un usual collection of not only the sm art an d correct styles b ut the sm artest novelties to be had in m en s fu rn ­ ishings. E.M.Scarbrougfo & Sons B r a # NOW for a new treat in flavor and cr isp n ess! T hese b etter bran flakes, m a d e by K e llo g g , have no eq u al. T h ere’s the flavor that on ly P E P can give. E xtra crisp­ ness. T he nourishm ent from the w heat. W ith a ll this taste-good n ess is ju st en ou gh bran to be m ild ly la x a tiv e. T ry these b etter bran flakes w ith m ilk or cream . Y ou’ll say th ey’re great. The most popular ready-to-eat careala served in the dining­ rooms of American colleges, fraternal- •ating clubs and ties are made by K ellogg in Battle Creek. They include Corn Flakes, A L L - B R A N , Rice K r i s p i e s , K r u m b l e s , a n d K e llo g g ’s S h r e d d e d Wh o l e W heat Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee — the coffee that lets you sleep. W ichita Falla Fort W orth Laredo W aco D allas Beaum ont B R A N FLAKES