N e w s THUNE IT IN ... After IO P. M. Classified A d s_ Display A d s ___ Circulation____ 9181-61 9187 . 23165 . 23164 23164 VOL. XXX Leon. Discusses Religious Life of Greeks, Romans Peculiarities of Rituals and Sacrifices Are Included Lectures Friday Address Given at 8 o ’Clock In Open Air Theater On Campus ‘T h e Religion of the G reeks and Roman*’' will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. H. J. Leon, adjunct* professor of classical languages. F ri­ day night a t 8 o’clock a t the Open A ir T heater. in an Most people think of the religion of the Greeks and of the Romans asj the same, but they are en tire ly d if­ in ter­ ferent, Dr. Leon said view concerning the lecture. The prim itive religion of the Rom ans was; modified and superseded by the clas­ sical Greek religion, until it was de- j veloped into a very high form dur­ ing the classical period of Roman life and literatu re. Dr. Leon will describe the pecul-, iarities of the rituals, sacrifices, and augury connected with the religions. He will also dwell on the c o n flic t. of religion and science. The con­ flict was an issue in A thens and the prim itive; the views of Rome; religion and of the philosophers of­ in ten clashed, Dr. Leon said, and these cases the state attem pted to enforce the prim itive religion. Religion was largely a sta te a f ­ fair, the various rites being conduct­ ed by the state. The tem ples of the re­ gods, built by the state, w ere garded as a dwelling place of the! god to whom each temple was dedi­ cated, and the sacrifices to the god wTere held there. The rise of ethical concepts in the religions, which were non-ethical in the beginning, will -be traced by Dr.! Leon. The lecture will present a picture j religious environ-! of the confused the j m ent in the Roman em pire a t time when C hristianity was intro-! duced, with indications of the forces with which it had to contend before it was ultim ately trium phant. Dr. Leon has traveled extensively in Greece and Italy, and spent two years studying in Rome. Graduates Meet To Plan Picnics The G raduate Club will hold ai m eeting a t 12:80 o’clock this Thurs-i day a t the U niversity Commons.! Plans will be made for picnics and w aterm elon parties for the summer. Special music will be given. All grad u ates have been invited to be present. Women’s P. T. Has Large Enrollment A bout one hundred and tw enty- women and 60 children arc enrolled in the d ep artm en t of physical train- j ing fo r women fo r the sum m er, ac­ cording to Miss Thelm a Dillingham, instructor in the departm ent. unmet A U S T I N , T E X A S , T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 27, 1929. The Weather T h u rs d a y Fair. No. 218 Hear Opera Members Present Balfe’s ‘Bohemian Girl’ Original Cast Sings Maitf Numbers From Light Opera Brenizer Directs Summer Chorus Supplements Program; Griffin Has Charge Conditions in Spain Discussed By E. R. Adair Country Holds Population of Many I ypes, Lecturer Claims Traces Transition World War Aids Greatly * . i In Development or Country i , * House Resolution Seeks To Prohibit Connection of Regents with Oil Firms W orking un the principle that “no man cap serve two m asters,” a con current resolution by R epresentative S, E. B arnett from Hunt County will he offered to the Bouse of R epresentatives im mediately upon tho close of the J. T, Robison investigation hearing providing that no member of the Board of Regents of the U niversity shall have any connection with any oil company, or oil and g a s concern, and that if any m em ber of the Hoard of R egents does, or ' h a l l , h a v e any such ♦ ---------------------------- connection, said m em ber Y * C ( sign immediately I R egent* rutile E f f o r t from the Board of shall re-, jp * | * J i Regent in present conditions to be introduced for country,” I h*» fact that Spain is split into a j The resolution bundle of states, and is itself a bun- r*-*ad.- as follows: die of d iffe re n t people is the basis people ta the basis that s a i d P rofessor E. R “ W hereas, the Mate owns appioxi- blately two mi limn acres of land for I the n u ' and bi nofit of its U niversity, J much of w Inch is known to be oil and j Adair, visiting professor jus producing areas nim oilier sec* j from McGill University of M ontreal, j lion* of which are expected to pro­ in a lecture last night at 8 o’clock “ i|’ W » MHI o th er mir-erals “ The ' * l,('n Proper development is accum* 'in t i c Open Air Then tai on Present Conditions was introduced by Dr. L. M. Hollan* I der, professor of G erm anic images. of history | gas producing areas and other la n -1 •'Hite to proceed with the proper a n d ,,jl)( ! orderly developm ent of said lands in in S pain.” He P ished, and is the policy bf the “ W hereas, it ,*U( Appropriations Made to Decide light Selected num bers from the opera, “ The Bohemian Girl,” by members of the A ustin Civic Opera o** Company, u n d er the L ester B renizer, will tho the Open Air T heater in program Committee to Reconvene for on the campus a t 8 o’clock tonight- Fifth Session < The Austin Civic Opera Company Today ; gave the production in its entirety to twice during to crowded houses and have consented .Senate I to repeat the solo parts of the opera. summer break the deadlock between direction fe atu re th e p ast w inter II..U * members, the Im - c o n te -! ** » compliment louse rm mbers, the free confer- the educational com m ittee on school personnel. Altin a n o th e r effo rt futile ©nee the to German Night Program Opens Folk Series at Campus Theater Tuesday S cen es From G e rm a n y and B avaria S h o w n onj S c r e e n ; A u d i e n c e j o i n s in S in g in g , , ,. „ x. . , „ , ,, ,, German folk songs w ere sung by The first folk night o f the summer A program of German folk dances, I was given Tuesday night a t the Open directed by Miss Marian, Briggs, in- i , ; Air T h ea ter under the direction of from Nordheule, J eluded H alf Moon VV. E. M etzenthin, professor of Ger- Germ any, anti “ Hummel Schottische” manic languages, and Miss Elsie from M echlinburg. Girls who took P e rlita part in the dances w ere: Josephine Miss H ilda Widen, Mrs. VV. Its, T urner. Blanche (fortis, Queue, Fred CHK Fred Leo, Dorothy McMahon, Sula Conn, Na­ Ralph Leo of the Leo School omi Saxon, Minnie Moore Meyers, Music. F red Ohls sang as tenor and Jan e W olf en barger. Hess OI on solo, “ Ach Wie le t’s Moegii: h Dunn,” I accom panied t he group a t the piano, and a m ixed q u artet com posed of and Lucille Mick and Mayme Alice Miss W iden, Mrs. Queue. Mr. Chis, j Mitchell gave the violin aecompani- and Mr. Leo sang from the opera “ Der F reisehutz.” Miss Widen and Mr. Obis san g three " T h e L orelei’’ folk songs: “ W aldvogelein.” “ Sehwe- w elbolrie,” and “ Du Du Leigst Mir in H erzen.” joined singing anti Broken Ring,” led by Professor M etzenthin. A m otion picture of the Rhine­ “ Leise, Le se,” ment. The audience in “Tile land was shown. and of Irene a High Scholastic Awards Issued Motion to Clear Robison Voted To Four Co-eds this way,” foe continued, em phasizing the “ There is J lack of un ity in Spain. Cason, Farmer, Love, Jaffe Fifty - Seven Representatives un “ Sundance of clim ates from the Sign Petition to j frozen m ountains to a d e s e r t com- C l __ parable to the Sahara, to the beauti- Stop Trial Down by Solons the peoples closer together in Recipients of Cash A wards — V* A nnouncem ent of four scholarship E xpressing disapproval of a “ Spain calculated m anner hest the U niversity is a bundle of states n o t ! to in- j speaking the same language, and not ‘‘tease perm anent ! thinking the same thoughts. The lit-1 Fund fur the use and benefit of said erary people are building up a lan- University, and “ W hereas, t h carrying out of this guage from the b e s t of the peasants’ dialect, and they a r e try in g to bring policy by the State is, in the very nature of things, bound to be in di­ rect conflict with the com m ercial in* Unrests of the oil concerns who are operating in the producing oil and gas areas above m entioned, and in direct conflict with all others who land. contem plate o p e r a tio n s for the pro- fill seashore and the And, again, Spain is split into se v -' duction of oil and gas from any of industrial, | the said state-owned U niversity lands, oral p a rts economically: J and said policy is in direct conflict gen-; with the commercial in terest of the fe rtile the bill appropriation Wednesday^ The committee will re- original cast singing convene fo r its fifth cssioii at recessed again the opera will be heard with Practically all the solo parts of the the number^. 9 Further, the num bers will be sung in the costume; as dram a will be followed in all particu- , tars except th e choral numbers, fa r as possible, .. , . , ^ o'clock this Thursday morning. I conferees on the part of the S e n a te 1, , .. the House are a half and Preceding th e presentation of the dollar- a p a rt and members hold little opera by the civlc opera mcmbo„ . hope (J an agreement. This aitua- the U niversity C horus under the di- rection of David G riffin will sing two Hon may necessitate the calling ot , cboruses from th e opera in concert another special session. million Th’e m m b t „ , 0 be sung are ar agree 'fo rm sp -; S enate committee will th eir origins! bill from The to r a t proximately $21,000,000 to 8t7,000,-! follows*. Count A rnheim , “ A Soldier’s Life,’’ OOO. T he original House bill appro- approxim ately $16,000,000 ^ ^ D unbar; Thaddeus, “ ’Tis Sad printed to to Leave 0 u r F ath erla n d ,” Richard and the House conferees refuse raise this total to more than $16,-J jjittso n ; T haddeus and Devilshoof. 500,000, m aintaining that a g re a te r “ Comrade, Y our Hand,” Richard increase would cause the appropria- h Rison and Donald Sm ith; Flores lions to exceed the revenues of t h e J teiRf «lg No guccor a t Hand>., Dean They subm it th at the board j w F Gidley; Florestein and Dev Stat.'. aw ards to women stu d en ts of U niversity has been issued from the berg to bring to an ab ru p t close the P ro fesso r Adair P resident's office. C arolyn C ason,, hearing of charges against J. T. Rob- em l tran sitio n of Spain in every line;J oil industry generally, and C leburne; Louise F arm er, Junction; *ron> E v eretta Love, Lubbock, and M ade-Ierate the orous e ffo rt on the part of 57 m om -;ag ricu ltu ral, and com m ercial.” land commissioner, and ex o n -1 “ Since the w ar there has been traced . . . ’ . , . line J a ffe , Corsicana, are the re a p - , , official w ithout argum ent I w onderful change. This has from counsel, the com m ittee of the brought about by the m otor ,i , the whole House of R epresentatives de-! v‘llc" 18 com peting w ith creed W ednesday night th a t the in - irou(l8 “ W hereas, the Board of R egents of a been the U niversity is composed of nine car, members who are authorized to select .« from th eir own num ber two of the rail- three members of the Board for lcas- are of uniform ineffi- mg U niversity lands for oil and gas Tim m otor c a r is a t pres- developm ent as provided by C hapter!,?” 111** *°r the coming biennium w ill' DTeam t J Dwelt in Marble H alls,” is I tee recessed until 9:30 o’clock Thurs- ont m ort‘ com fortable than the rail- 282 of the Acts of the poor roads,” he be $49,OOO,OOO. The House fig u re s' j g ^ A| Goad; Arline control has indicated th a t the in- jsboof, “ D rinking Song” ; Arline, “ I th a t „ „ ia .. , Miss Cason received the Home Keo- (juiry should proceed. Tho com m it-! nomics Club Scholarship which both a loan and a donation. T h re e jday m ornin* at whi( h timp atto rn ey s road in lents of the awards. and Thaddiq#. the club hundred dollars is paid by three and $200 is to be paid w ithin years a f te r the graduation of tho student to whom it has been loaned. Ap in tere st rate of six per cent is charged on the $200 loan beginning the first y ear a fte r leaving the Uni­ versity. the House and a tto rn e y s I for Robison will be heard. for th a t Robison w-as in The House com m ittee found itself with a resolution th at provided in its not first p art 'g u ilty and its second p art th at ! it should not act on his guilt or in ­ been nocence until attorneys had heard. The speaker fin ally ruled th at final action would not be taken of the Forty-first. explained in talking of th e tra n s p o r-! Hon tation facilities. to re , and “ Prim o de Rivera hates C atalonia and the language has been suppress­ things, provides th at neither of s a id ! rational bill. They are willing being it has been stopped ed and two mem bers of said board for leas- tau g h t in the universities. Also, the J u g of University lands s.mil be cal­ king has lost his popularity in Cat- ployed either directly or indirectly by alonia on account of his antagonism , any oil or gas company, nor an o ffi- “ W hereas, said aet, am ong other 58 onb ‘ $15,000,000 left for the edu- l^ut they have already appropriated j « .jbe Wound *31,000,000 aril that in reality th ere Gypsy Queen, Upon Thine A rm ,'’ “ Bliss Forever Pas4,” F oster; Queen and Devilshoof, to “ This Is Thy Deed” ; Q uartette, » $16,500,000 total and let th e “ From the V alleys and the Hills’!; Governor veto items I rom the bill if; Gount Arnheim , “ The H eart Bow’d j Down” ; Arline, Thaddeus, Arnheim , he deems su< h action necessary'. The Sem ite com m ittee thinks th a t|< .jf0jd Hold.” “ T here is no freedom of thought cer or attorney but not- th* available revert tie will be n earer; Thaddeus, “ Then You'll Remem* or speech in Spain and several uni- w ithstanding versitics have been closed. thereof, such provisions, of the R egular Se*- I .Oglala- in w ith the. accordance Purl am endm ent. Miss F a rm e r’s scholarship comes from the Texas F ederation of Wo­ m en’s Clubs. The scholarship comes bern heard in from the income of an endow m ent I JO I am ounting to $.j,o00. left 1 he incom e am ounts to $280 a yea** j m em ber of the Board of R egents of tem pted to throw him over, but he and is open to women .students only, £be U niversity, was a high spot in I bos proved too strong. He irrtend- Mary Alice Bone of W ichita Falls £be proceedings W ednesday after- cd to reform the arm y and base pro* was chosen as an altern ate. in Miss Love, a student “ Prim o was put into pow er by the army, b u t they have not been able T estim ony of Judge R. L. B atts, a lto control him. The arm y has at- j motion on efficiency, and D eclaring th at his em ploym ent by,provoked them . He is also a t dag- a an Qjj com pany did not contem plate I Kl*1”* point with Ihe king, and ha a p artm e n t of journalism , obtained fund am ounting to $150 from Pear! I ashed Jackson which is aw arded by m em bers of the The Longhorn Band presented a Texas W om en’s Press Association to. the e ffo rts of others in attem p tin g a students in journalism . T he rec ip- to p re v en t the sale of U niversity oil 20-m inute program of music as ient m ust have had one y e a r’s work lands by Land Com missioner R obi-1 prelude to the pro­ in the U niversity and m ust show an SOn in Ja n u a ry of this year. The eom -' gram consisted of “ Texas We* Love testified You” by R andle; “ A rcadia O v ertu re” ability fo r original w riting. Anne j m issioner had previously E. E lliott o f Greenville is alternate th at he had considered th e law pro- by Lourens; “N ight in and for the scholarship. rights forced him to appoint his men. “ De Rivera has the j udjre B a tts to jd of hifS ef f ortg and C hurch behind him. “P rin cess of India,” both by King. the th at he should give up his independence as a citizen, ! T urn to Page 3*, Col. 3 .School Fund amj b j9 lecture. The therefore the de- J u n e ” noon. the: $52,000,000 and is holding out forj ber Board of Regents did select one of I appropriations accordingly. their num ber who had th ereto fo re been an attorney for tho Texas Oil con­ concern and the C alifornia oil cern, both of whom are engaged in producing oil and gas from th e Uni­ versity lands, and this section was a flag ran t violation of the spirit, if n o t : t e le tte r of said act, and A rline, Thaddeus, Devils ; hoof, “Through the World Thou Wilt The session of the Legislature wills Fly” ; quintette, “ Though Every Hope Be Fled” ; A rline, Count, “ See a t Thy F eet” ; Thaddeus, “ When the F air Land of P oland” ; Arline, T haddeus Count, “ L et N ot the H eart.” Mrs. John G ordon Wilcox will ac­ company a t th e piano. close Tuesday and unless action has! been taken by th a t time on the ap­ propriation bill for educational in sti­ tutions, it is deemed th a t certain Moody will call another session. heads of the I Regents is a salaried atto rn e y An urgent appeal to the appropria­ J lion com m ittees to bring the Univer- “ W hereas, it is known th a t one of j aity to tal to a t least a total th a t will the present members of the Board of correspond to the present operating fo r i expenses has been made by the Uni- the one of the m ajor oil com panies, and v trsity of Texas officials. it is believed th at others are eith er i House bill as now w ritten passes, the present operating budget of the attorneys fo r or stockholders in oil companies, and connection of su c h Main U niversity residence instruc- member* with the oil In d u stry h a s j Hon m ust be decreased by $146,000 been such as to bring severe cid ti- for the coming biennium and $44,000 clam upon the Board of R egents and j must be taken o ff the present budget If T urn to Page 3. Col. 6 ' of the School of Medicine. deavor o f Church, under L. Hughes, w ent on p arty and picnic a t B arton Springs 392 nam es. A total of 3,82‘> students Tuesday evening. the leadership of J. dancing, j Swimming, folk rythm T’our hours w'ork in the depart- in th e com piling of Dean Announces Spring Term Honor Roll golf, tennis, and corrective training are offered for the first term only, j Classes are held every Tuesday, W ednesday, Thursday, and Friday, done by each stu d en t is considered I dent. m ent each week for the first term honor roll o f the College of the Arts m eeter hour course, counts 12— as Dean of the College of A rts of sum m er school will be equivalent and Sciences a t the U niversity, ac-; much as an A made on a th ree se-J to one h alf sem ester's work in the cording to Dean H. T. P arlin, who w e ste r h o u r course. long session. .... *— —---------- -------------- B oth quality and quantity of work | in com puting the score of the stu- the Deans of the College o f Arts Jones, C harles F ranklin, Marble Bonham ; S w afford. C urtis Aileen, I Falls; Jones, Floyd B urton, A lbany; j A u stin ; T albot, M aretta Beene .E aston, Howard, New York, N. Y .;{F ort Sam H ouston; Taylor, W illiam and Kolaja, Mary- C atherine, S ugarland; Otis. M ount P elasant; Tindall, Max- Kranson, M aurine Janice, M arshall Dine, P alestine; Vance, Mabel Alice, Kress, Dorothy M argaret, A ustin; A ustin; W arren, William C lem ents, run T h e Be«t 77 O u t o f 3 S 2 3 S tu d e n t* Krost, M artin Max, H ouston; Krue- Wichita F alls; W atkins, G ustav Mc- LtUKee, A ustin; W endler, A m o P aul, la u d e rs ; Lee, Nar- T exarkana; W indt, Lydia Rosa Mina. Leslie, 'D allas; Woo lacy. A rthur W allace, L itsey,iY oakum . Adamson, Mrs. F re e p o rt; Ahrens, L ockhart; Ayre*, Ben P atten . F lo y -! cella Anne, Goose C reek; ^ dada; B arker, Paul W inging, Kes- Ruth Elizabeth, B onham ; follow ing; wick, Iow a; Bergstrom , Mrs. I has ju s t announced the list o f honor! Because stu d en ts fo r the spring sem ester of j lower th an those of upperclassm en, I the p ast long session. T he honor a freshm an to win any ce rtain rank those , am ong his fellow classm en, does not - — . --------- th e C entral C hristian | stu d en ts whose grades have ran k ed jh av e to m ake so high a score as does Ione I Weldon, F o rt W orth; Le welly n, S a -1 CU M L A U D E A M P L A E T M A G N A them am ong * the highest one-tcn th jan upperclassm an John Quincy, ger, K athryn Gale, P alestin e; —*0**~ C. E. PARTY HELD official C hem istry 412f, which is a four se-1 is intended to commend t F o r example, a B made Elmu, M otte, Charles, S U M M A C U M L A U D E i n 1 and Sciences. ................................ H. T. PARLIN. * grades the C hristian Members of Sciences. freshm an En- roll Isabelle ^ - — - —> The -•••— the •— -- ^ *' ’ • . Score groups. T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 27 l f aeon, rah Ann, M arlin; The purpose of this honor list is] and upperclassm en separately, th e them scholastically above the M agna: upperclassm en, 55-60; fre sh -j M arlin; Chauncey, W illiam a swimming ’ o f th e student body. On th e list a r e table shows the scores, fo r freshm en King, A ustin; Buddy, Basse) were enrolled in the College of Arts win ran k in g in each of !and Sciences. This Week on The Campus Jesse T h e B e st 154 O u t of 38 2 3 S tu d e n t* that H e n rietta: Braden, H erm asella Fran* I Cone, Htockdale; Luetcke, Eleanors Adler, G ertrude Seraph i ne, Hous- five I ce*. Colum bus; B radfield, Mary E lia-! Mary, San A ntonio; M eCutcheop, | ton; Allen, Willie, G raham ; A nder- * abeth, A ustin; Briscoe, W illie T rap ,(w illiam Calhoun, J r., T aylor; M e-,son, R obert B ernard, Godley; An- ' L uling; Bryan, Burke Griffis. P arts;; Nfeese, A ylm ar G reen, Jr., H u b b ard ; thony. E arn est Eugene, Comanche; to com m end officially those students,} G roup J, Summa Cum L aude: up- B urr, Mrs. Mary Rennie G reathouse, Maddock*, Gladys Louise. R anger; Ashby, C arl Toliver, M cLean; At~ ] about one-tenth of the stu d en t body, perclassm en, 61 up; freshm en, 57 A ustin; B urrell, Dick Muzquiz, Del I M artin, Bonnie Irene, G ilm er; Mend, j kinson, M ary Rebecca, Liberty Hill; th e sem ester! up. G roup 2, Cum Laude Ampla et Rio; Chat mas, Evangeline P e a rl,s Leonard Herm an, N ordheim ; Milam, ] B arrett, Ann Elizabeth, Breeken- j whose grades during F ord,, M ary Grace, Seym our; O berkarapf, I ridge; Brooks, Richard Sinclair, Aus- irank ■ rem aining nine-tenths. The h ig h est| men. 54-56. Group 3, Magna Cum W ichita Falls; Clark, C harles Carroll,; M arguerite, A nderson; Ojerholm , }tin; Brown, Jam es Mitchell, Frank- (tenth is subdivided into five groups,i Laude, upperclassm en, 52-5 4; fre sh -j A ustin; Cobb, Allene M arie, Corpus Elizabeth bura, A ustin; Olson, B es-jim ; Brown, Willie Leonso, Tuscola; , _____ _ ________ _ 8 p. rn.— Program by Sum m er Cho- the stu d en ts Pet-} Bruns, Helm uth Robert, Skidm ore; Elizabeth, A ustin; Mark Bryce, Anna In co n stru ctin g th is hat, account }men, 46-49. G roup 5, Cum Laude:] C leburne; Critz, Genevieve, Austin ;| Keller, Bay C ity; Radkey, Oliver j B ulsterbaum , Pauline Freido, San Reeves, Robert Angelo; Burnside, Pierre P ear, Den- isson; Cason, Carolyn, C leburne; Cate, Ju lian O’Hair, A ustin; Cohen, Harold Abe, San A ntonio; Connally, Ben C larkson, M arlin; C urtis, Blanche Slicer, A ustin; Elkins, Wil­ son Hom er, San A ntonio; Ellis, C hris­ tine Evangeline, San A nionic; Feeb- enbaeh, H en rietta Landauer, D allas; T urn to Page 2, CoL reaso n s, F eenberg. Eugene, D allas; Flowers, Glenn, Sherm an; R eichelt, Edward not necessary to take space in ex- E leanor Russell, L ockhart; F orem an,1 T urner, B essm ay; Rhea, R obert Lee, plaining, to g et out a co rrec t Honor (jo h n Malcolm, San B enito; Fowler, Jr., San A ntonio; Robinson, Helen List. T herefore, any correction w ill’:Jam es Alton, B astrop; B alm , Mar- Virginia. Galveston; Rom berg, Fred- be th an k fu lly received and entered ga re t Johanna, San A ntonio; Haw- erick E rnst, A ustin; Rush, Eugene on the list before it is printed in its kins, G ander M orion, Memphis; Ai vin, W aco; Schade, M arg aret M a­ rina! form as a U niversity Bulletin, H ouston, M argaret E lizabeth, Mc- He, A ustin; Scheel, Weldon Branch, Irvine, V irginia Howard, L ockhart; Solider, M ary Eleanor. Such corrections should be sent, in K inney; 4, a B as 3, a C as 2, and a D h a I, as soon a* possible to the office of j A ustin; Jam es, John D aniel, Alto; Boston, Mass . Spies, Minute Lac, 8 p .m .— Dr. IL J. Leon, professor of the qu ality of work accomplished by ' classical languages, will lecture on the stu d e n t as shown by the reports is “ Religion of the G reeks and Ro- of the instructors. No account m ans.” At the Open A ir The- taken o f the grade in the required physical train in g or of courses reg- ater. jk te re d fo r but not passed, Heavy 8 p. rn,— F e a tu re oicture a t the Open em phasis is given to quality by eount- “ My Qid K entucky ing an A on one sem ester hour as Thomson, J ate Allen Josephine, Cisco; Co u per, j Laude: upperclassm en, 49-51; fresh- W ic h ita Falls; Crank, H enry H a rla n ,: mecky, M ary, A ustin; Poole, } is taken both of the q u an tity and of; upperclassm en, 48; freshm en, 45. ruses un d er the direction of David listed alphabetically. G riffin. in each group being men, * I F arm er, Mrs. D ork Hicks, A ustin;; Henry, A ustin; 50-53. Group 4, Am pla C um !C hristi; A ir T heater. Home SATURDAY, JU N E 29 is very d ifficu lt F R I D A Y , J U N E 28 lx>ckhart, F red for It _ - * Through the courtesy of th© Sum ­ m er Dram atics Club and Mr. Gregory Foley, the production will be gfvsft with a suitable stage. — -------- o~------------ Evans Selected In Edison Test Thurm an E v an s of Corsicana was selected M onday by the S tate De­ partm ent of E ducation as being the most eligible T exas boy fo r successor to Thomas A. Edison in the Edison elim ination Evans won contect. over a field of 55 com petitors, re p ­ resenting high schools from all sec Bons of the state. Evans is the son of a widowed m other and has been working p a rt tim e to help pay his expenses th ro u g h high school. the la tte r G riffin W hite of Fredericksburg- took second place in the contest and is entitled to make the trip to Orange, New- Jersey, along with Evans, to be personally examined by to decide frtms Edison, the 96 candidates, two from each state, the one best fitted to take his i place. I Speaker B arron of the House o f Representatives had the twro boys i presented to th e House Monday »ft- j ei noon. T hey were presented by ! Representatives Cox and Petsch, thy* I members of the House from whose j constituents the boys came. Watermelon Feast Held by Students A w aterm elon feast will be held by th e teachers and students atten d ­ ing the U niversity County on th e lawn of S aturday nig h t a f 7 ©’clock, acct ing to Miss Roberta Lavender. Grace I M from A t a m eeting of the week, Miss L ore B, Peek president. Th© planned several term , am ong wk B arton Spri o ,,,, ; * . ' *=*;J THE SUMMER TEXAN mintier THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929. treraid. Mary Jo, Austin; Ford, Mary Eleanor, O r a n g e ; Gardner. Meredith Knox. A u stin; Gibson, Leah Key, El Paso; Guinn, John Alonzo, New Braunfels; H ahn, Lewis Edwin, Swenson; Half, George Harvey, Dal las; Ham mack, Melba, Kennedale; Harden, Hollis Chester, Groom; Hei- mann, Eugene Alfred, Fredericks Turn to P are 8, Col 2 THURSDAY, JUNE 27 8 p. rn.-—P ro g ra m b y S u m m e r C h o ru ses u n d er th e di rection of D avid G riffin. CORONA TY PEWRITER , Light Strong; Simple Efficient FRIDAY, JUNE 28 8 p. rn.— Dr. 11. J. L eon, professor of classical lang uages, will lecture on “ Religion of th e G reeks a n d Ro m a n s.” A t th e O pen A ir Theater. SATURDAY, JUNE 29 8 p. rn.— F e a tu re p ic tu re at the O p e n A ir T h e a te r, “ My O ld K en tu c k y H orne.” Telephone 2-3 I 64 o r 2-3 I 63 EMPLOYMENT AUTOMOBILES LOST AND FOUND H I G H E S T C A S H P R I C E S paid f o r se co n d - h a n d c l o t h i n g a n d “hoes. A. S C H W A R T Z 417 E a s t 6 t h . P h o n e 3762. USED CAR SPECIALS 1925 O v e r l a n d C o u p e — good c o n d i t i o n ........ —•*■!•>— .....................* — O nly Do«li{« T o u r i n g , a b a r g a i n 19 24 S t a r T o u r i n g , good t i r e s , ------ ----- runs good .......--------------------— —— O verland T o u rin g , new tires, looks g o o d .......— e- — KNIGHT -WHIPPET CO 2 31 61 Just a p air o f g la sses, but he need’ ed them in b u rn in g the midnight oil. And he d id n ’t have the dinaro huy a n ew p a ir. to He a d v ertise d in the SUMMER TEXAN And N o w H e H as His G la sses On Business Directory S U M M E R E M P L O Y M E N T FOR S T U D E N T S . P l e a s a n t a n d l u c r a t i v e . Acm e L if e I n s u r ­ an ce C o m p a n y . A u s t i n ' s Oid Line L e g a l R e ­ se rv e C o m p a n y in I n s u r a n c e S a l e s m a n s h i p . Get in n<-w arui t o r a p ro fitab le s u m m e r ’s p r e p a r e y o u r s e l f b u sin e ss. No c h a r g e , Se*' M r. B a i l e y , *6 6 Littlefield B u i l d i n g . j u s t s t a r t i n g a c la n s is LAUNDRY ME LAUNDRY LIBRARIES Rental Library Personal Service Book Shop 2802 Nueces St. (7086) DRESS MAKING MRS. N E L L I E L E E : U n i v e r s i t y D r e s s ­ m aker. D r e s s m a k i n g . A l t e r a t i o n , R e lin in g C oats . H e m s t i t c h i n g . Hewing o n c h i l d r e n ’# clothes . 24 0 2 S a n A n to n io S t , P h o n e 3**5 E N S E M B L E C O S T U M E S , a n d d r e s s e s m a d e t o please. Q uilted c o a t s a n d 366 7. a l t e r a t i o n s s p e c i a l t y . P h o n e a hut t o n -holes 2*16 Nuec«%. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS STUDENTS working on B. A. and M. A theses need them typ.ed. T h e Classified A d s W A N T E D : T w o people to d r i v e N o r t h a f t e r r*r»i ne*»von via K a n s a s City. Cal! 9 1 8 1 - 1 Id. W A N T E D : T h e m e s W o r k g u a r a n t e e d . t h e s e s a n d P e a r l K e r r . to ty pe. It, Hall 9 or 994MK MR RAY A I K E N may see t h e ab o w a t t h e t h i s ad if he will t a k e Q ueen T h u r s d a y to t h e t i c k e t o ffice H U H ! ! \ W E GOT A PIANO WMAT C O S T p /V E MUNOREO AN t FIFTY \ D O L L A R S , t ^ W H A T " '■ f i v e h u n d r e d I AN’ FI FTT < POR J U S T O N E X P i a n o By BEN DAVE ALLEN VE.S AN IT W A S S O CHEAP I S T H E MAN IS S O R R Y ME S O L O IT. ME EVEN C O ViES 1 U P T O LOOK AT IT ( E A C H W EEK AN , ■) S A Y S HE MIGHT / \ TAKE IT SACK A e stu d e n ts rates as w ell as q u a lity and service. Always Dial 6444 MALARIA MUGGS U E V O O M N N I E J MY P O P A u 6*E ,W A S y \ GONNA BUY US A N E W PIANO TOOAY ] I PNLY THEY WANTED J ) TOO NUCM POR IT- \ \ E O U P uuN D Q E D * I C O LLA R S 9(IMAGINE \ wJiLLYA ~ r yr Driskill Hotel Laundry FOR SALE H E R B E R T M A R T I N n a y to the C r e s c e n t T h u r s d a y . - B r i n g ta k e o u t a n d g o t h i s ad w ith you. ON A C C O U N T of c h a n g e in the.-is s u b j e c t , WHI * a c r i f i c e se v e ra l new b o o k s on No- p a r S t o r k , P h o n e h- sS. “ B R E E Z E . " F o x - t r o t by C l a r e n c e W i l l i a m s an d O r c h e s t r a . Arui we m e a n i t ' s a go o d one Isa ac B l e d s o e . *21 C.mares®. P h o n e BSI3 Theater Calendar T H U R SD A Y “ B etrayal.” Illicit love in the Swiss Alps, not th a t i f s any d iffe ren t th ere than elsewhere. Emil Jannings is the husband. Gary C ooper is the a rtist of seduction. E sther Ralston is the wife. Photoplay M aga­ zine rep o rts excellent work by Gary Cooper and E sther R alston. J a n ­ nings as usual. Queen through S aturday. “ C areers.” Exquisite Billy Dove in a vehicle to h er fragile beauty. A ntonio Moreno so-so. Noah Beery as the arch-villain. Ma­ jestic through F riday. suited “ The S pieler.” Alan Hale. Renee Adoree. F red Kohler. Clyde Cook. A story of carnival life. Hancock fo r two days. * * * * * * * * * H E N B R I C K S K E L L UM W E I > I N R O B S T O W N F R I D A Y House Resolution THE SUMMER TEXAN SOCIETY H O W E - B L A C K B U R N T O BE M A R R I E D I N O C T O B E R Frances Helium and IL G. H end­ ricks, both holders of bachelor of a rts and m aster o f arts degrees from the University, w ere united in m a r­ evening riage at Robstown Friday with the R everend T. N. B arton of K atherine Ruthledge B lackburn, d au g h ter of Colonel and Mrs. Felix Blackburn of Birm ingham . A lab am a,! Alice perform ing the cerem ony. and Phillip G ardner Howe, son of Henry W ainw right Howe o f New York C ity, will be m arrie d th e la t­ te r p a rt of October. Miss B lackburn is a fo rm e r Uni­ of versity stu d en t and a m em ber Kappa K appa Gamma so ro rity . Im m ediately a f te r the ______ , service, a wedding supper was served a t th e sa' ‘* an‘* bride’s home, a f te r which the couple left for Chicago w here th ey will spend the sum m er. Mr. an I Mrs. Hendricks will be a t home a t U r­ bana, Illinois, a f te r S eptem ber I. “ The C ardboard Lover.” Marion Davies. Nils Asther. J e tta Goudal. F rances Thompson sp e n t th e week­ At the Texas last times today. end in San Antonio. * * ♦ * * * * * * “ The Pace T h at Kills, V irginia Roye. Owen Gorin. Hot dog! Cres- cent fo r the last times. “ B etray al.” As above. Jannings. G ary Cooper. E sth er Ralston. FRID A Y Queen still. “ C areers.” Scene in Indo-China. The diplom atic train in g ground. B eautiful Billy Dove as pretty as ever. A ntonio Moreno. Noah Beery. The last day. “ The S pieler.” Good and bad carnival life. Alan Hale and Renee Adoree. F red Kohler and Clyde Cook. L ast tim es a t the Hancock. “ The L e tte r.” Jeanne F.agels in the silent version of a talkie m aster­ piece. 0 . P. Heggie. Texas. “ S tate S tre e t Sadie.” Conrad Nagel in one of his early talkies. H e’s crooked. M yrna Loy. Middling en tertain m en t. Opening a t the Crescent. * * * “B etray a l.” C ontinuing a t the Queen for the last round. Emil J a n ­ nings’ last picture. SA TURDA Y * * * “A libi.” C hester Morris in a g angster story th at the Chicago c ivic regim e refused to allow to be shown in th a t city for fe ar of provoking undue in tere st in crime. E xcellent pantom ine by Morris. Take a chance. M ajestic fo r fo u r days. “ M other M achree.” Victor McLaglen and Belle B ennett. Very Irish m otherhood, built around the fam ous song. Hancock. An epic of sentim ental. “ The L e tte r.” Jeanne Engels, the g re a te st emotional actress on the screen. And she’s from the stage. 0 . P. Heggie. Texds for the last times. “ S tate S tre e t Sadie.” Myrna Loy and Conrad Nagel in a talk in g pic­ tu re of crooks and things. Crescent. * * * * * * th e th a t lands dollars by the fact were n o t sold Ja n u a ry 2. Judge B atts stated th at such w as not the case and th a t the sale o f th e lands at the price obtainable would have been prejudicial to the best interests of the U niversity and th e state. Judge B atts stated th a t his con­ nection w ith the Gulf C om pany did not e n te r directly or in d irec tly with in behalf o f preserving his efforts the U niversity lands. have no “ I m aster,” he said, “ and I serve al­ ways w hat I believe to be the best in terests of the sta te .” He expressed the opinion th a t the U niversity lands m ight be w orth two hundred million dollars. Robison testified re g a rd in g the various charges brought ag a in st him, im prop­ J denying that he had ac te d re­ erly in using money fro m the appraisem ent fund of d ep art­ ment. He occupied th e stan d dur­ ing practically the e n tire day. th e L A ST DAY A T T H E T E X A S ( W h e r e I t’» Really C o o l) MARIAN D AVIES in "THE CARDBOARD LOVER" F rid a y and S a t u r d a y JE A N N E E A G L E S in “ T H E L E T T E R ” U N I V E R S I T Y D A M E S TO B E G I V E N B R I D G E P A R T Y Members of the U niversity Dames, an organization th a t functions d u r ­ ing the long session, who are in Aus­ tin this summer a re to be e n te rta in ­ this m orning a t 9:30 o ’clock at ed the home of Mrs. A. D. M urphree, 2209 Nueces S treet. The U niversity Dames Club is an organization o f m others o f U niver­ sity stu d en ts: they are th e m others who are stay in g in Austin while th eir sons and d au g h ters atten d the U ni­ versity. F our tables of bridge and two of forty-tw o are expected. * * He Mrs. Jum bo H aynes re tu rn e d Mon­ day a fte r a brief visit with relatives in Brownwood. NOW NOW BILLIE DOVE W ith Antonio Moreno an d Noah Beery "CAREERS" All-Talking Mack S e n n e tt’s T alking Com edy “T H E O LD B A R N ” and gas purposes, declared invalid. “ Now, th a t it is (Continued from Page I ) Concerns Regents to destroy the confidence of the peo­ ple in the ability of such members to se ve the University with loyalty and fidelity in the development of gas produc- th erefo re, be it resolved, by the House of rep resen tativ es, the S enate concurring, th e sense of this House th a t no man can serve two m asters, and th a t it is co n tr ary to sound public policy fo r stockholder, atto rn ey , any p artn e r, interested or otherw ise p arty , of in or to any oil concern, to be a member of the Board of R e­ gents of the U niversity of Texas, and “ Whereas, t h e Board of R e g e n t s ! it is furth e r the s e n s e of this House th a t any of said members who have any such connection with any oil company or oil or gas concern of d iately resign from said Board bt R egents.” tion, and agent, am * f ° r has heretofore violated the laws of this state by the payment of large for sums of the University’s funds attorneys’ fees, towit, $40,500.00, all of which was unlawful and express­ ly condemned by the provisions of the Revised Civil Article 2592 of Statutes, and a large part of which was expended in an attem pt to have the acts of this Legislature providing for the leasing of said lands for oil any nature whatsoever should iminfe- TREMENDOUS! T H IS LOVE rn t h a t betrays f r i e n d ­ love ship! A t h a t thrives on d e c e i t ! Yet a love th a t will thrill th e dep th s! The g r e a t Jan n in g s his g re a te st role. lives you to Students Week-end Frolic to San A ntonio iiir iin iiu iiiu iiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiiiit iiiiiiiiiiiiit tn iit iiiiiiH $1.50 I $2.20 Round Trip Every S a tu rd a y Trains Leave Austin Round Trip Every S u nday T rain Leaves Austin 6:30 A. M. Sleep Late and 6:12 p. rn. 2 : 0 2 r n . p . Leave San Antonio 8:00 p. rn. Sunday N ight— Back Home E arly 10:20 p. rn. T he P o p u la r P io n e er Sunday Excursion Line Buy Tickets Any Day Ticket Office Austin Hotel: Phones 7755-6096 Milton M orris, Agent Ed Beard, Assi a ta nt E M I L i k i JANNINCS “BETRAYAL” E S T H E R RALSTON W ith and GARY CO OPER T A L K IN G V IT A P H O N E S P E C IA L T IE S ROBERT K E A N E “G O S S I P" The ropi DAVE P o p u la r S tage Play “ BERNIE’S ORCHESTRA P ath e T a lk in g News NOW PLAYING A Puhlix T h e a tr e THURSDAY, JUNE ST, ISM . •ae THEATERS With BRIAN SPINKS >■> • » .. '‘CAREERS,’* And what a career I could have with Billy Dove to shove me up the ladder! Positively, she’s the most charm ingly b eau tifu l creatu re who ever draped her curves and undercurves in front of a movie cam era. And i f s a peculiar type of beauty, too— an ideal type th a t one always hopes to find but never does. Nobody ever accused the woman of being an actress. Nobody w ants her to be an actress. She doesn’t have to be an actress. One only w ants to look a t her, w atch her, and drink in her sheer loveliness. She moves with som ething of the grace th a t I im agine a fawn moves with. In o th ­ e r words, she fascinates m e— ju s t like she does everybody else. She has all the delicate, fragile a ttra c tiv e ­ ness of a wild orchid, a white lily, or a sea anem one. Antonio Moreno has every reason for being an en ­ thusiastic husband. He is— and am ­ bitious. More th an that, Billy has a reasonably fa ir voice, b u t th ere are some sounds th a t she shouldn’t try to make. Y ou’ll discover them . Beery is som ewhat heavy, and r a th ­ er too much in character, if th a t is possible. The atm osphere of Indo­ china is attain ed w ithout m uch d if­ the ficulty, and one never doubts reality of the setting. There is a stiff form ality, call it suavity if you like, found in Frenchm en when they are on dress parade. And life in one spring-board of these zones is th a t— continually. A m bit­ ious young men, who have th eir eyes on governm ent positions, should se­ lect th eir wives wisely— and above all else they should be b eau tifu l— fo r a reason. T h at seems to be the point of the whole picture. The play has dignity and a certain stiffn ess of the tone th a t serve only to enhance beauty of the jew el it serves as a setting. Nobody goes to a Billy Dove picture for a story, anyway. They go to see her, and the nice looking people she always m anages to have playing w ith her. This is really a passable p ictu re— It will be a t ju st on th a t account. the M ajestic through F riday. fo r which diplom atic rn * * Honor Roll Given For Spring Term A1_ “ (C ontinued From Page 2) b u rg; H enderson, R obert Lee, Dal­ las; H erm es, Lucy, H allettsville; Hy- der, P ren tiss Lum, Memphis; Jones, Mary, M adill; Kendall, W alter Gay- nor, M unday; Kirk, Ruth Caldwell, Rockdale; L ander, Roy Sextius, Vic­ to ria; La Rocca, Michael, Brooklyn, N. Y.; La V an tu re, Dorris M arian, San A ntonio; Latherwood, K enneth of th e tim e. I Manuel, Lam pasas; Lo Bello, Leon Cecil, B ry an ; Lockhart, Josleen Su­ sie, A ustin; Lom bardo, Roy Thomas, B eaum ont; Lubben, Elsie Pauline, F ran citas; Lyon, Johnnie Rex, Lyons; McCoy, J e ta C atherine, Tem ple; Mc­ Curdy, M arion W allace, A ustin; Mc­ C urdy, M artha Josephine, Beeville; M arquis, Lydia, San A ntonio; Mer­ chant, Mrs. Helen Arnold, Alvin; M eredith, M arg aret Ruth, Ozona; " B E T R A Y A L .” A messy episode in the life of an Alpine p easant fa m i­ ly, Gary Cooper is the a rtis t, and with those eyes of his, one can easi­ ly imagine him in th at role. E sth er Ralston again gives proof of h er abil­ ity to handle serious dram atic parts, even as she did in “ The S tran g e Case of L ena Sm ith.” Emil J e n ­ nings plods ab o u t and trie s to occu-j py the screen most Lord, it’s som ething of a problem to sta r him, fo r he doesn’t have an y ­ thing to s ta r b u t an uncouth, over­ weight fig u re th a t repels ra th e r than a ttra c ts one. But for a c e rta in type of ch aracter p art, he is n o t to be surpassed. “ The P a­ J u s t recall trio t,” in which he played the mad czar. T h at was the height of his genius w ithout a doubt. T he whole thing this tim e is a tragedy, n o t th a t “ <">"• th a t is unusual. One usually sits through a Jan n in g s film, in sp ite of the fact th a t no one likes him, for th ere is a peculiar attra ctio n in his repulsiveness. And this tim e, th e re ’s Gary Cooper. This show opens to­ day a t the Queen and will continue through S aturday. E ugene, B a rtle tt; Na- gle, Louise E., A ustin; N eblett, Lucy Ann, C ard in al, C uba; Oliphant, Al­ fred W illiam, A ustin; Oliphant, Eliz­ abeth Ann, A ustin; Olsen, A lbert M artin, L aredo; P ark er, Glen Law- hon, A u stin ; P ark er, Mary K ale, A ustin; Phirfer, Ruth Langley, San Antonio; R obertson, Eloise Connal- ly, Lockhartffi Roos, Milton Edison, H ouston; R ylander, Dorothy, Aus- * * * E sther, tin ; Sm ith, Noyes D arling, J r., A us­ tin ; Spain, August O ran, Austin,* Steger, M ary E lizabeth, Bonham; Stevenson, Annie Doris, Eagle Pass; Stevenson, Dorothy P o rt A rth u r; S trang, W alter Collins, Rock island, 111.; Sullivan, M argaret Ann, D allas; Thompson, Evelyn, Dal­ las; W adley, Barron Evans, Mid­ land; Williams, C harles Louis, S hreveport, La .; Williams, Rachel De Cessna, F o rt W o rth ; Young, M ar­ g aret Elizabeth, Woodville. ----------- o-------------- Solons Vote Down Robison Acquittal (C ontinued from P age I ) . and viding fo r placing lands on the lease m arket as m andatory and th a t he had no pow er to withhold them. He said th a t a t the instance of the Govern­ or, the atto rn ey general, the Board of Regents, he had w ithdraw n the all except 53,000 acres from ad v ertisem ent fo r bids J a n u a ry 2. Judge B atts m aintained th a t if the com m issioner could w ithdraw a p art of the lands from the m arket he could have w ithdraw n all the lands. A tto rn ey Lloyd Price fo r Robison attem p ted to show th a t the U niver­ th ree m ilto n sity lost more than 'RWC EMT NOW vffto iN U m n o w e * Lim** \ HANCOCK T O D A Y & FRIDAY ~ iTfrlt P/tXERHue, J - . V . V - 'V tw o k; auto IE Cum Cook! Fhthe ^Picture’’ mf “ T H E Silks was m ore rem em bered more on S P I E L E R .” Alan Hale, who is ac­ count of his grin than fo r any other reason, herew ith tries his hand a t a line Miton or less successful with in “The B ark e r.” O ther than th a t the big he-man in each case is one of those fellows who stand out in fro n t of tick et box­ es and shoot a ine of hooey alm ost as bad as this to lead poor dum bbells to p a rt with coppers, there is not much sim ilarity in the two pictures. R enee Adoree, who was som ething of a flop in her efo rts to characterize a h ar­ lot in “ The P agan,” has been bor­ rowed from M etro-Goldwyn-M ayer by P athe to m ake this picture. And thereby hangs the tale. A t the H an­ cock fo r two days. * # * the “ ALIBI.” T here’s nothing new under th e sun, so don’t let the fact th a t this is a gangster sto ry scare be I f s really cracked up to you. quite good. This fellow C hester M orris is stro n g on the pantom ine stu ff, facial expression, and th a t sort of thing. Somebody with som ething of a sense of hum or has hailed him aa It cinem a “ King L eer.” of seems th a t he was sort of shy ever tak in g a role as a crook r a t or dope fiend. He was afraid it would “ type” him. B ut H was Golden, I take think, who persuaded him such a role. The ju st w hat he feared it would be. H e’s been playing th at sort of th in g ever since. W hen United A rtists were casting th e ir version of th e stage play “ N ightstick,” they ra n across some old movie tests M orris w ade once upon a time. Roland W est gave boy was a lo t of huzzas, and the signed up ju s t like th at. T his will open a t the M ajestic S aturday. to result was B a r g a i n M a t i n e e Up to I o’clock 25c F r o m I to 6, 35c ST A R T IN G FR ID A Y A V IT A P H O N E P I C T U R E "STATE STREET SADIE" SAW YER’S Union Fish & Oyster Market WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOME OF HIGH CLASS SEA FOODS PROMPT DELIVERY to Fraternities and Sororities P H O N E 621 3 H S WEST SIXTH STREET Make Your Pleas Now! Mammoth Fireworks Display for the and Patriotic Pageant July Texas Memorial Stadium The greatest pyrotechnic display ever witnessed in Central Texas. American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps and the Longhorn Band will assist in the program. Patriotic Speeches—Drills—Music Blanket Tax Admits Students General Public: 50c I ' 4 J Si •• '■ .V BELL IN QUARTER FINALS OF TOURNAMENT/ GOLF ENTRIE S CLOSE TUESDAY; MEET STARTS FRIDAY mm* mm m*m ml, ♦ ----- Crabbing His Chenet THE SUMMER TEXAN THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929. Newt Walton o f L&mpassas and former Uni v a n ity of Texas strident is in town for a few days. Tillie Immel spent the week-end in Fredericksburg. Gol f T ourneyI CAF FATTENS WHILE To Be Played COPELAND WORRIES On Municipal Course A track m eet and baseball game intra­ featured the week’s play mural baseball. The Caf took a liking to the offerin gs of the Cope­ land hurling sta ff, and knocked the Golf will be the next intramural in over tri- j 2 ,, T Ph' Th“ C o r ia n d ers were un-J able to do anything with the Caf 1°* ^or an sport to get under way. this sport d o s . Tuesday, July Entries fori ball . with the tourney getting under way i ofTrtrinfrs. on Friday. e d ^ the meet, as Wnitaker ; done away with all green fees. It will cost nothing to , The Pedoggies and the Moonshin­ has!era engaged in a fairly decent game I of ball, with the Pedoggies finally no wild outbursts of scoring in the fray the Caf-Copeland which featured With baseball, handball, and tan-! triumphing 7-5. There were baseball, handball, mn all drawing a large entry from the summer session j "Whitaker is hopeful that the entry; The Faculty will cross bats with list students, g.aTnea list for golf will be as large as it J the Southside!** this afternoon. The long session. There j Southside!** dropped their first en- is during Hie wil! be no team play during the counter by an 18-16 count, and will summer. Only singles play will be be fighting for revenge this after- on deck, and the singles champion noon. Mac Burnett is heading the Southside^, and promises his club (will be decided by match play. will be in the best of shape. --------------c------------- Entries may be made at either the intramural office or at the Athletic Council office, both of which are in Z Hall. Jimmie Critz spent Saturday and Sunday in Dallas. Our Big CLEARANCE EVENT ON ALL Spring and Summer Two and Three Piece Suit* Being Overstocked, We Decided to Start Early. Our Stock is Complete With First Class Merchandise THIS SALE WILL BE FOR CASH ONLY $15.00 Suit .................................................... $11.00 $15.00 $20.00 Suit ..................................... $16.00 ...............................* $22.50 Suit $25.00 Suit ........ $18.00 $27.50 Suit ........................................................ $20.00 $30.00 Suit ........................................................ $22.00 $35.00 Suit ................................................. $26.00 ................................................... $28.00 $37.50 Suit $40.00 Suit .......................... $30.00 $42.50 Suit ...................................................... $31.00 $45.00 Suit ...................................................... $33.00 $47.50 Suit ........................................................ $35.00 $50.00 Suits .................... ................- ............... $37.00 $55.00 Suit ........................................................ $41.00 $57.50 Suit ............................ $43.00 $60.00 Suit ...................................................... $45.00 $65.00 Suit ........................................................ $48.00 (Blue Serges Excepted) Many of These Suits Have Two Pairs of Trousers. 25 c off on All Odd Trousers H irshfeld& A ndersoit “House of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes’’ SPORT SIFTINGS By BOR CANTRELL Special Saanwr Texan Sport* W ille r Oh, great gun*. Here'* anorlv r colum n to bt* w ritten. and my mi ad ' A llison S'tays In Wimbledon Battle for Honors * \ S p a c ia l ta Swimmer T « m « is as blank a#— oh w ell, mnnt an>’* —” way HAVERFORD, Pa., William B. Rugbies, <^ n flls championship* which are thing. We find this Job of writing: | Berkeley Bell, University o f a column getting harder and h&rdei ail the time. We hate to tell about* ^ [a 0 f ^ jf. national our very on*ueceai