tim * m rn I Anir tssftsr^ movement P an n ed for x/.fftitV. —------ VOL. F I R S T C O L L E G E D A I L Y I N T H E S O U T H AUSTIN, TEXAS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1919 © j t x a u A ll the months of the year are typified in one w eek in this here burg, contd be put in a history of Austin. NO. Bl [URSIN CINDER m HAVE BRION OUTLOOK FOR YEAR COQUETTE CORNER ■ALONG WITH GRIND IS CAUSE OF DELAY Man for Every B ack m I n e Contest "Event A ll other Farts of the Year Book Are Ready to go to the Press ENGINEERS WILL ■WELCOME ALEC AT I FEAST TOMORROW Banquet to Begin at 6:30 and W ill Be Replete W ith Stunts FROSH ELECTION I SCHEDULED TO BE FRIDAY, FEB. 21 Australian Ballot System. Of­ ficial Ballot Must Be Taken From Texan DR. VINSON ADDRESSED I JOINT SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE LAST NIGHT Track work at the U nivereity of i, (jetting well under way w ith t men from last year’s team , six ,»d string men of last season, and abundance of promising new m at- • working out. From the p re­ c o o k , Texas i. g o m g to prove f o r m id a b le opponent among Among are inferences this spring. of the Texas and Southwestern ^ the men from last y e a r s Joe M oss, Dewitt W altm on tony Gray, and W yatt Baldwin inn in the hugh hurdles ag ain st ass won rn enc n u * dor, Oklahoma, and A. & M. lat won and took second place a t the lathwestern Conference meet. He captain of the team this year. Waltmon broke th e Southw estern nferencp record in the high jump T exas re c o rd in the broad (j W altm on a n d Moss were the deb point men on the team last year, ‘h having 26 p o in ts to his credit liile Baldwin won t the season. Gray won the mile again st Baylor, Mahonia, and A. & M. last season, the q u a rte r inst the same teams and the h alf inst Baylor and A. & M. Be­ llies these there are H erbert Bea­ rs in the dashes, Louie Sm yth in in the ie weights, Gehnts Graves and Ie vault and javelin throw , H. Russell in the middle distances, letter men. From last years strin g ere are four distance men and two impetitors in the dashes. Among e new material are found such men W. B. Ferguson, quartebaek on e football team, who is trying out tor the sprints, hurdles and high ump; T. H. Browne, who has never impeted in intercollegiate athletics second (Continued on Page 3.) ELF FUL LECTURE I I FOR JOURNALISTS W. Grant, Managing Editor Talks on Subject* “Habits that Hamper Success" in b e fo re An e n te r ta irin g and very in stru c­ th a t H am per tive talk on “Habits [Journalistic S u c c e ss” was given this consolidated the [morning A. W. [classes jo u r n a lis m b y [Grant, m an ag in g editor of the San [Antonio Daily Express. By reason [of his lo rg experience in handling re ­ correspondents, Mr. p lie r s and Grant is exceptionally well qualified to discuss th e subject from th e d if­ ferent angles and viewpoints. He pointed out in the course of his lec­ im p o rtan t ture [things th « t m a y become in the n a tu re [of habit v ith a reporter and which [are to be avoided. The first of these objectionable and inexcusable habits r s Reliability which m ay tak e sev- [eral forms, all to the in ju ry of the J newspaper and the reporter. Care- sness and laziness are also to be Voided by the reporter if he would the several m ore (Continued on page 4.) EX-STUDENT b a c k , t o l a w in Chief, Angly, All departm ents of the 1919 Cac tu s, w ith the exception of the grind to and beauty section, have gone is press. E ditor of viewing the illustrious beauties the U niversity w ith a merciless eye. He is prom ising the g reatest collection of beauty, talen t, and a t­ tractiveness ever gathered under the covers of a single Cactus. The grind section will also display w hat was overlooked in the beauty sec tion and it also will display phisio- gomies which would make a rogues gallery look uncomfortable. If there is any g irl on the Campus who has been rudely stared a t and appraised she can re st assured th a t the person who is responsible for the s ta rin g is one of the minions of Ed A ngly’s Cactus staff. He has said th a t the beauties ru n this year, are going to assay IOO per cent p e r­ fect. Special p aper will be used in the m akeup of the beauty section, border designs a re going to be works of a rt, but the m ain attractio n is going to be w hat fills the fram es. Angly is experiencing some difficulty the fa c t in his choice, because of th a t most of his tim e is spent a t the phone declining invitations to parties (Continued on page 4) ------------ o------------ ATHLETIC PRACTICE Baseball and Track Workouts HeldLUp By Bad W e a th e r soft track , W et grounds, B asketball is the and muddy courts are the causes a tt r i ­ buted to the lack of practice in base­ ball, tra c k and tennis fo r the p ast only few days sp o rt which can hold reg u lar p ra c ­ tice, this being due to the fa c t th a t it is held on an inside court. Daily workouts are being held in the gym­ nasium by the pitchers and catchers and by the tra c k men who are re­ quired to “ w arm ” up and to keep th eir arm s in trim . W ith the con ju st tinued rain, it is not certain when the athletic field will be in condition. SIX ORGANIZATIONS NOW SUPPORTING ONE FRENCH WAR OPHAN Among the organizations of the following U niversity of Texas the have each adopted a French o rp han: The Andrews C a r u th e r s C hapter of the D aughters of the American Re­ volution, the U niversity Ladies Club, the women of the W oman’s Biulding, and the K appa K appa Gamma, the Pi B eta Phi, and the Alpha Delta Pi sororities. O thers of the sororities are considering the m atter. These organizations fu rn ish $36.50 for each orphan and the French Gov­ amount, ernm ent supplies the same which supports a child fo r one year. W hen organizations or individuals adopt a child th eir name is given to the child or its m other and letters are alw ays received from them. A num ­ ber of pathetic bu t interesting letters have been received by the U niversity organizations which adopted tl^ese w ar orphans. have Captain Clinton G. Brown, a grad- of the University and form er J ayor of San Antonio, has received I J* discharge and returned to his : tome in » C aptain ; jow n, who h a s b e e n in th e ftir 8 e r , MILDRED MARSHALL ARRIVES ------------- o------------ San Antonio will resume his law practice,! Beginning prom ptly a t 6:30 to­ morrow evening followers of “ Alec” will storm the citadel and the 18th Engineers B anquet will be fo r­ m erly opened a t the Driskill. the The affair this year promises to be the g reatest in the history of the departm ent. E very engineer will be there to lend his or her enthusiasm to make the festa l event a glorious success. Ticket sales have already reached bevond the 200 m ark. About 20 old boys will be back to m ingle once more in old E ngineering en v ir­ onments. for the occasion. Many unique stun ts have been scheduled The lordly seniors are planning to stage a stu n t which will be of in terest to both the students and the faculty. The flighty Ju n io rs are also a t work to rival the fo u rth year men. Even are the Sophomores and Freshm en p reparing b an ­ q u e te e r. The members of T au B eta Pi will cease th eir arduous labors and pull a little entertain m en t all th eir own. T h e Ram shorn D ebating Club appears on the program fo r a stunt. I t is rumored th a t even the Laws will e r .pe th e ironical satires of thej surprise the to T-square followers. The g reatest inducement, however, for attendance a t this event is the fact th a t “Alec” will be there to in­ larg est spire the b a n q u e te e r. The fre sh m a n class ever assembled in the departm ent will fo r the first time gaze upon the benign countenance of the revered saint. His presence will be marked by the singing of E ngin­ eering canticles in his honor. To insure th a t the affair will be democratic in sp irit, chairm an A. L. O’Banion has decreed th a t no dress suits shall be worn. Rookie Bill and Navy gob— rich and poor—ed and co-ed engineers—in structor and prof. — all are expected to be on hand when the doors the dining room are throw n open. to The following ballot should be cut out by each Freshm an and brought to the voting boxes between 8 a. rn. and 2 p. rn. O F F IC IA L BALLOT N um ber the candidates in order of V °ur choice. By all m eans, do not scratch or m ark the ballot it will m ake otherwise, because the vote void. P re sid e n t: H arris Bell. Thomas B. Scott. Beniam in Brown. Wilev A. Hartfield. Vice President: M arg aret C arter. Rev a T erry. S ecre tary -T re a su re r: W. H Brumbach. Sergeant-at-A rm s: Thomas G. Glass. (Signed) Terms of Proposed Constitutional Amend­ ment as Related to University Pointed Out in Address of President Vinson and President Bizzell of A. & M. VARSITY’S SERVICE I FLAG WILL GO DOWN ON OUR WAR RECORD AMENDMENT URGED TO WITHDRAW BAN ON APPROPRIATION Flag Causes Much Admiration and Only Represents About One-Fourth of Warriors House and Senate Seem in Fav­ orable Mood for Passage of Bill • “ Now I saw a picture of th a t flag, and I read about it, but I surely do w ant to see it.” This rem ark was made concerning the U niversity Ser­ vice F la g by a visitor in the halls the of the Main Building. stra n g e r realize th a t the num ber of service sta rs does not represent h alf the num ber of V arsity men in the service7 Did There a re twelve hundred sta rs on (C ontinued on page 4) ------------ o------------- President Huffman states th a t the election of the Freshm an officers fo r the w inter term will be held F riday, Feb. 21, from 8 a. rn. to 2 p. rn. D uring these hours th ere will be a box kept in the corridor of the Main Building where the Freshm en boys will cast th eir votes, and another box The differential or A u stralian “ ' ABOUT POST OFFICE Grows From Contract Station in 1903 to Present Sire lot will be used a t the election. The entire ballot is printed below, and each Freshm an should cut this bal­ lot* out of the Texan and b ring it to the voting box. They m ust m ark the name of each candidate the order of The U niversity post office was es- th eir choice. Thus by the candidate who is th e ir first choice fo r an of-1 tablished in the fall of 1903 as a con flee, they place I ; by the candidate of j tra c t station. Its q u arters then were second cnoice, 2, etc. Each voter J on the second floor of the Main Build- m ust also sign his nam e to his ballot, J in £* L a ter on it was moved to its In the ballot I present location on the first floor a t if it is to be counted. which is printed below a place fo r the south entrance to the building the signature of the voter is indi­ cated. However, it was not until A ugust, 1915, th a t it became a United S tates post office. Since this tim e it has gained “ Let every Freshm an be sure to and has enlarged follows: / The program for the evening is As cut out the ballot in the Texan and j been vote F rid a y ,” said P resident H u ff-1 steadily. man today. “I w ant to see th a t jus- j tics is Hone, and secret ballot will be used. Only bona E. C. H. B antel, toastm aster. fide Freshm en have been nom inated A Squall from the Seniors, by W. I f or the various offices, and only bona j fide Freshm en will be allowed to vote. A Squawk from the Juniors, by V. \ Every F reshm an should cast his or her ballot F riday, and help elect the hest candidates. The election will be Q. X. K. by T au Beta Pis. A Squeal from the Sophomores, by absolutely fa ir and im p artial.” to secure it H. Clements, ’20. H. Collins, TO. the LARGEST SALARY OF 0 ANY STUDENT IS MADE BY FRESHMAN ACADEM K. Schapiro, 21. a mo A Blast from the Ram shorns, by Freshm an ., t, the Rams. i. ~ iUo, Our U niversity, by Dr. R. E. Vin- son. a c. ^ A Squeak from the Freshm en, b y j c le rk s— Ruth C. i W. S. Rowland, ’22. The Old Boys, by an Old Tim er. “Gone W est” by The Old Man. Executive Committee: A. L. O’- . • x- * j Girls, . to serve as judges 1 clerks for the election: H uffm an has named the following and Of the several hundred students of the U niversity who are working their j way through, none has made a more . , rem arkable record in the m atter of dem onstrating his earning capacity judges— Frances Bradley, than Moulton Cobb, the young son of ... _ ., ! Doris Beavers and V irginia G regg; r,, • W illiam Cobb, the well known editor ^ ______________ , a1 Elsie of the Milam County E n terprise at J Brown, Blanche D. Aydlett, Edythe is Mr. Cobb’s fresh- Cameron. This m Davis, and Elizabeth Goodman. From I Boys, ju d g e s - W . H. Jack. J r ., Al " ‘an year >" ihl U niversity the '' | | Mayfield, and F. B. Lloyd; c le rk s 1 anuar?I present term he earned a to tal of in $133.50 as a february 15 of * >ruarj T , Johnston, ~ , , „ • ,, ° .. , . . , linotype operator „ Banion, ’19, chairman; D. W. Field* j —Stanley Babb, E. H. K latt, Stan- ing, '19; R. L. W illiams, ’20; D. R. lev H . S w i f t, F ra n k B. C raw ford, a n d , Pena, ”21; A. J . B ohart, ’22. W. H. W n A utry McNeill, tre a s u re r: M. T. Lawrence, president of Engineering D epart- quefte,l to be a t the office of th e Btu- m ent; Patron Saint, Alexander F re d -, L t s ' Association a t 5 o’clock F r i - I ^ ™ #n " * ? * * erie Claire. These judges and clerks a re rom $10oP a re-1 } 0UnRJ 4.1 I ° " e ° f ‘" f j new spaper 8 C™ , ^ I while connected w ith his day m orning to receive in stru ctio n s^ I newSpUpCr a t Cameron. Notwith- r e , ‘° *32 ™ Famous Candy Pull Will Be Pulled off Tonight no way standing his large earnings while a t the U niversity this outside work has in interfered with his studies. He is taking a full course in the academic departm ent and has made excellent grades. W hat this ! young man has accomplished in the way of earning money while attend- in_ ^ LTniversity is only on£ Tonigl.t a t 7 :45 in the W om an’s j other such light delicate activities. | Gymnasium the Seniors will hold their j Everybody will h a \e j first festivity of the year. This candy m.- , ., . to show' w hat he can do. His efforts . will be respected and appreciated. I * a chance stance of w hat is being done in a sm aller way by a g reat many other , : . . . . . . , (By Ruby Black) President R. E. Vinson of the U ni­ versity of Texas, and P resident Biz­ zell of the A gricu ltural and Mechani­ cal College of Texas addressed the joint session o f th e S enate and the House of R epresentatives on the floor of the House la st n ight, fav o rin g the appropriations bill fo r th e two in­ stitutions, the bill to issue bonds on the income of the the amendm ent to se p ara te the two in sti­ tutions and remove the constitutional inhibition ag ain st legislative appro­ priations the for buildings U niversity. lands, and for th a t Both presidents stated the Board of Regents of the U niversity and the Board o* d ire c t .rs of A. 4k M. as well as themselves, w ere agreed on every item of the proposed bill and amendment. The bill is to au ­ thorize the Board of Regents to issue bonds ag ain st the income of the lands (Continued on P age 3.) -------------o------------- UNIVERSITY Y AIDS ■returned soldiers Employment for Fighters to Be Found By Univer­ sity Alumni The U niversity of Texas Y. M. C. A. is doing its p a rt in the g re a t in te r­ national plan of the W ar W ork Coun­ cil of the Y. M. C. A. to assist the Government in securing employment for discharged soldiers. W. A. (Block) Sm ith, an ex-student of the U niversity has been placed in charge of this work for T ravis and Hays Counties. th irty men twenty-five to According to T. W. C urrie, Secre­ tary of the local Y. M. C. A. there are as­ signed to cover th is work in Texas, including such men as T. V. Sm ith, a form er student of the U niversity and for several years in stru cto r in E n g ­ lish a t the Texas C hristian U niver- offices. |S lty , an j R. L. Je tto n , form erly Pro- ™n' te ’ for l f1Gr,eek a | ‘ he A us,in P ™8by- terlan Theological Sem m ary who has " ‘ “ T J ” ” f a th e r s vice with the Y. M. C. A. in France. “ The p la r of the Y. M. C. A.,” said Mr. Currie, “ is to get in touch with (C ontinued on page 4) W hat’s on Today No band rehearsal. Senior P a rty at 7 :45, S. Hall. W omen’s A thletic Council will m eet a t room 157, M. B. Sphinx Club m eets 158, M. B. Rusk Society m eets a t 7 :30. Tomorrow Texas Chemical Club meets. Episcopal party. Ju n io rs m eeting. P ennybacker D ebating Club m eeting. S e a t e d with the I r e t o n , Brooks and N apier. [the firm of I M c , H. B. M arshal, of 2410 U n i-1 PU" I v e r i t y Avenue, has ju s t received a j a Kood 01,1 t h i n n e d p arty like th ere wishing to dance m ay do so. ° f I A fter -He pu.iing of the candy those — A p n e a ’s entrance into j post card from h er daughter, Mildred j The party has been especially plan- War. Mr. Brown was aw arded a j announcing the la tte r’s s^fe Arrival I i«r dignity th a t is imposed upon th e m e d to get everybody acquainted, and ^national u u a ra anu i overseas. Miss M arshall sailed fo r | fourth year student will be a b a n d - j a t th* same time generate c as.s pi p. It is reported th a t they will , If biting off somebody s else can y in the organization of a co m -1 F rance on J a n u a ry SI. Mrs. M ar- oned. *n the native village. The sen . JKaincy in the N ational G uard and I overseas. y _______ c a l v a r y - He la te r resigned I shall hopes soon to have a letter from | be allowed to become wholly hum an, won’t get people to know e a c h other j ^ m »* v .......re....,.., " was given a captain’s com m is-1 her daughter giving an account of freshm anish, if they so desire. and Sj0n • turned - **Air .Service* He wa9 » ta - |h e r trip across, and of the work she; v-ojiMim s cum til is - ; ner u a u ^ n w i Dean Taylor of the Engineering j)epa rt m ent will speak at the Capitol on some phase of the Austin Professor Taylor is au th o rity on ami iiu u i m i i y Stunts, as original as a cubist^ ver- J will be in vain. Those th a t ( io m ; | hydraulics, and has been called in by question j . n o w n a s a n ~ w id e ly K n o w n us un 'th e n all the principles of socialogy ^ . ^ 1 y ..................- ............................................ o- OLD M A N ” TO SP E A K - o — .— Viwu V M . re I VUU IK11 b AMI I i a m e u n IHUUU 1J »” pnreov . . . r e . Pat, . v... * - . - . at Washington where he r e - 1 found aw aiting her a t the end of her j sion of measles will be staged. T here come will have one thing to reg ret all j ^ s ta te to give hi sopinion many * urdil receiving his discharge. | voyage. will be eating contests, races, and their life. Gained times before. SENIOR PARTY TONIGHT AT 7:45 AT WOMAN’S GYMNASIUM fie Bail^ ©jexan DAILY COLUMN B. B. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N Ain’t It funny, That Every time One of these Women Pull this “I'm so glad I met you, And I'm crazy To see you Again” Stuff, Some poor Boob falls And asks For a dat And ain’t It funny, As she answers “ I will Gladly give You a date. Let me see, Every night Next week Is taken, But Wednesday, And Saturday Nights. Which one Shall it be?” And he, poor devil, Forks up the coin, While tne he-vamp, Whose trousers Go so often To the tailors To be half soled, Warms the bench On the front porch With this selfsame Dame% All the rest Of the week. -o* FIRST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH Published on the campus of the University of Texas by the student body through the Publications Board every afternoon except Saturday and on Sunday morping. — Office: Main Building, University of Texas, Room 155, Telephone 3149., Subscription price $3.00 per year—provided for students through the Student Activity Fee. Entered as second-class m atter a t the postoffice at Austin, Texas, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing a t special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917, authorized September 24, 1918. ■ | J TEXAN ADVISORY BOARD: F. Edward Walker, '18, Editor-in-Chief. Gas F. Taylor, Jr., ’19. Pauline Wherry, * '18. I I - J J. Turner Garner, *20........................................................... Managing Editor.: Nugent E. Brown, ’20.............................................................. Business Manager Leon Stanley, '2 1 ............................................... Circulation Manager, j — — I I STAFF TODAY’S ISSUE: Issue Editor: Everett L. Looney ’21 Assistants: Alice Stroud, ‘21, W. H. Jack, ‘22 REPORTERS: Mable Singleton, ’22 Louise Gladney, 22 Virginia Tomlinson '19 Howard Aronson '22 Afton Wynn, '20 Stanley Babb, '22 Kenneth McCalla, '22 George McGee '21 Dorris Suavely, '20 Bill Weeg, ‘19 A G LIM PSE IN T O T H E F U T U R E The many students who availed themselves of the privilege of attending the opening meeting of the House of Represen­ tatives of the state legislature W ednesday night were a ffo rd ­ ed a rare treat by being given a glimpse into the future edu­ cational development of Texas. President W. B. Bizzell of Texas A. & M. and our own President Robert E. Vinson both made pleas before the legislators for the passage of the bill providing for a bond issue not to exceed $4,500,000 and for the constitutional am endm ent which will completely divorce the University and A. & M., divide their landed endowment, and make it possible for legislative appropriations to be given the two schools for future building needs. As outlined to the legislators the immediate plan of the University is to issue three millions of dollars of debinture bonds against the income from the University lands. One million, five hundred thousand dollars worth of sim ilar bonds would be issued against A. & M’s. income from th eir share of the endowment. This money would then mediately start the University’s program for reconstruction of the campus and its buildings. The proposed bill as explained by President Vinson seems Who in this crowd said Texas? I love to call her name. Her aid so pure, a breath of it Is like a draught of wine. be available to im- She has ber fruits and flowers, Her stately palm and pine, And cotton fields around her houses Where honeysuckles twine. to be air-tight as f a r as its legality and constitutionality is! Her prairies are so boundless, concerned. The bonds would bear not over five percent in- In Spring such riches hold, They seem a shoreless ocean, terest, and should bring in at least par, because of the a t­ Of red and green and gold. tractive features they would have of being free from all state and local taxes. The money received would be used to meet ■ in the bottoms, on her rivers, the most pressing building needs as presented by the s p e c ia l 1 We find the Southern moss faculty committee of nine. Their complete report on needed T h a .t han}rs about ber forest trees buildings for instruction purposes alone calls for about twenty, costing approximately five million dollars. Just to think about old Texag Llke tangled ske,ms of floss, If the measure is passed by the legislature and is approved j Makes a fellow proud, Gee Whiz! by the Governor the future prospects of the University will How «mld anybody blame us indeed loom up bright and rosy. The dream of the founders) When y°u know how* big she is. of the University and all those who have been connected with Wl>u , T . , : f nnA „ it and really cared will begin to be true. A new day for high- cr education in Texas will have dawned. And Rhode Island oh her knee, With Many* upo nher bosom, . . . . I, , _ . . . . . , , : She can mix a Tom and Jerry For her sister, Tennessee. . The accompanying am endm ent to the state constitution is It will open fully as important and pretentious in its purpose. the way for legislative appropriations for Varsity’s building ‘ while needs as they may arise. suffered from the unjustness of the provision of the c o n s t i t u - j And give Vermont a French massage tion banning building appropriations, and the am endm ent is And put New York to bed. only fair and just. » Then let us drink to Texas, tv Doctor \ inson s main plea before the legislators was for a [ The land we love the best, I he University of Texas has long bathes New Hampshire’s head, „ , , , • ; body or physical plant for the University commensurate with , And teach cur boys to love the-graves the spirit that already exists. We are proud of our spirit, the j Where Texas heroes rest. Texas spirit, and we are proud of the showing as an edu­ cational institution that we have already made with our lim­ ited facilities. We are proud of the future University of Texas as wt saw her last night through the glimpse given us by President Vinson. EAGLE AUTO SERVICE JOE OYERVIDES Stand 3293 Phone Closed or Open Car* Stand W. 7th St. and Cong re** Avn. hunt on Friday night, and th at lady villages j friends from neighboring (B ryan7) were invited to attend. Did he refer to that little farm er, bunch of goring affair a certain Longhorns is going to pull off? THIS IS A NEW ONE (to Robust Old Gentleman sick lady) : “ When I came to Austin first I hadn’t strength to u tter a word, I had scarcely a hair on my head, I couldn’t walk across the room, in fact, had to be lifted from my bed.” Sick Lady: “You give me hope, kind sir How were you cured?” R. O. G : “I was born here.”—Bill- CADILLAC 8 REO 6 25 Years Experience REPAIRING SHOES Try us on your next pair. HEATH REPAIR SHOP. 923 Congress Ave., Cor. 10th C H M .H .R A V E Y Watch and Jewelry Repairing 106 West 6th St. Across from Griffith's Once there was young Cactus Ed, I ie beauties he picked were cornfed. \v hen the year-book came out, There went up a shout, And the Editor dropped stone dead. And to think that I get a dollar a year for writing this stuff. PEOPLE WE FEEL SORRY FOR A. & M. basketball team. Army recruiting officers. The weather man. Etc. iken. FIRING LINE seated talkative the periodical Of all fascinating and attractive I things in our library from the heau- ; ty of th j ceiling, the eternal shifting student and massing of groups a.id charmingly co­ eds, to the engaging courtesy of the attendants and the wonderful scoops I of campus gossip which are forced on the studious by earnest and de­ cided whispers of his table mates, ; there yet remains one feature of our j “Hall of Echoes” known only to the esoteric and apparently few. It con­ sists of tne opportunity to read, of­ fered by the countless books piled shelf in shelf around the room. Here one may browse at leisure until by 2hance hits room, where he may begin his idle perusal of contemporary thought. He need not worry ordinarily about running into anything “advanced” or “radi­ cal.” Old files of masses will not be I. W. W. bulletins forced on him. are not glaringly scattered about the smaller loom. “The Protest” is hap­ pily missing. In fact, any one not ironically and solely abdicted to the funny paper habit may find peace­ ful and soothing magazines not the least offensive to untrammeled minds. But protest I must, for this is a Firing Line article. idyllic condition of the periodical room has at its darkest secret. The room harbors one publication that carries thought subvertive to University training. In the Nation for February 15, 1919 appears an article on the need of leaders for the country to show the peaceable and calm settlement in the possibility of a revolution in Amer­ ica. An is journal, clearly real, intimates this and further continues, “Twenty men, last been discovered revolution industrial This in CHAPEL NOTICE . As a basis for his talk this morning, Mr. Currie used the in­ cident of Christ healing the blind them he men. Before healing asked, “ Do you believe I can do this?” There was no doubt in Christ's mind as to whether or not He had the power to heal these men their The question was about faith. Did they have so faith that He could use that power? The same problem confronts us today. The thing th at retards the progress of the Kingdom is not the lack of power on God’s part, but the lack of faith on our part to use all the power God is willing to give us. God is looking for the man or the woman whom he can trust unlimited power. There is a law for the coming of the Kingdom just as there is for the growing of a seed. The power is there, and the thing is sure to grow if men relate them­ selves rightly to that power. Mr Currie will speak again to- < ) morrow. Of Special Interest__ ETCHINGS OF RHEIMS CATHEDRAL Made under shell fire by Louis Orr, Am erican E tcher commis­ sioned by French Governm ent. IOO These pictures are in limited editions, being made, and it is probable that they can be seen nowhere else in Texas. copies Students are always welcome, and they are especially invited now. The Gift Shop of Austin 1104 Colorado St. CLOTHING Line. A. G. GERJ ES 1610 Lavaca. J.&T. Cousins Shoes Are Just Right MSNare difficult to fit when they try on J. 4 T shoes hJL ' Cousins That* ^ “jU8t ^ That s because they scientifically made J J finest materials and dna are ii renowned for style and ease. i r 4.1 j You should m ake your selections now. You pleased with the variety o f m odels and the se a .J ! ** 8 ne* patterns and colors. T. H. Williams & Co. by putting themselves at the disposal of the service of this social progress, ............ fould enable it to ihe beneficient tendencies of the re­ volution and its progress insure without violence.” fulfill “Twenty men, not from the Uni­ versities for during the past four years we have had a free, full, and sufficient experience of the kind of the universities are ca­ leadership pable of furnishing—“understands the least,” as Clarender said of the clergy, and taking the worst measure of human affairs of all mankind th a t can read and write.” What, are we really not being trained for leader­ ship? Can it be that the colleges are ^ailing? This is directly antagonis- tic to the self-professed teaching, rf the universities themselves, and md, doctrine is disconcerting. Such a jpen attack on the higher systea a i conducive to thinking and hits even tried student, I ^ true and want to think. Oh, why does the Library carry such upsetting liters, lure! Way have I been allowed to read such a criticism in the sacred clusters of the library itself! Cb the student body demand a cenwr. ship, I ask you? Hot and cold and Turkish baths it the Hall of Fame, 806 Congress Ave. Try a Texan Want Ad. —o- X T . ►Mi 7 Passenger Gosed Cars DAY OR NIGHT Phone 590 Phone Residence 2 5 0 6 Weddings or Funerals, per car $4.00 BALLS (each w a y ) : I couple $ 1 .5 0 ; 2 couple $2.00; 3 couple $ 2 .5 0 . Phone us for any number of Cars, closed or open. Special attention given Funerals, Balls, Weddings Prices the same to everyone. Robt. F. Jones, Prop. United States Depositary The Austin National Bank of Austin, Texas RESOURCES $ 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 E. P. WILMOT, President. Wm. H. FOLTS, V i c e President. JNO. H. CHILES, Vice-President. MORRIS HIRSHFELD, Cashier. C. M. BARTHOLOMEW, Asst.-Cashier. Made to Measure. See O ur Faculty and Students* Accounts Solicited No Account Too Small to H an d le Anybody else want to start a col­ umn for the Texan? Coach Juneau has about decided a to have a boat crew instead of track team THAT WANT AD Fair Amarylla lost a curl! Oh how I pity the dear girl! What naughty baron with bleary eye Would rape the lock of a Pi Phi? Some c’ever wit from College Sta- column, ticn published a society item in the Houston Chronicle to the effect that Meet me at Texas B arter Shoo there would be a coon and possum t008 Congress. 0___ WANTED— A smile to fill out this l l Fever Thermometers Are Here A GOOD SUPPLY OF THEM PRICES-—$1.25 AND $1.50 University Drug Store “The Convenient Place" A. W. Griffith O. G. Eckhart GRIFFITH DRUG CO. Where Quality Counts Scarbrough Builds L The Big, Busy, Beautiful Drug Store T H E D A I L Y T E X A N s / 0 - * • QUALITY CLOTHES We believe in keeping straight to our course! All wool fabrics! Fast color dyes! Highest type of tailoring. Dependable clothing. That’s what you get when you buy quality clothes. ROGERS PEET COMPANY NEW YORK CITY / Edwin Clapp Shoes and Oxfords E. M. Scarbrough & Sons SOCIETY Betty Mathis Alma Kernole will spend Saturday and Sunday at her home in Anderson. It. L. Chandoin of Harlingen is visiting his daughter, Lily, at the Suberfoh. Clifford Hodges has the mumps at Seton. Polly Seale and Dorchails Parker will spend the week end at the Pi Phi House. Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Dale will make their home in Austin. Victor and Page Houston will spend the week-end in Floresville. Miss Arbuckle from Waco is visit­ ing M ary Sleeper. Hayden Hudson will spend week-end at the S. A. E . House. the Captain Percy V. Pennybacker, a form er student of the University, is back in school. Felix Hdbbs has pledged Alpha K appa Psi. L au ra McGee, Alethea Sleeper, Em ily Wurzbach, and Jan e White have ju st returned from Waco where they attended the m arriage of M ary Shelton and P. W. Walker. his former less expensive self under any conditions. Dr. Vinson ended with a plea that the University be provided with the physical plant necessary to educate the boys and girls of Texas into the finest and best possible men and wo­ men, here at home. quoted Psalm s, where the poet compared the strong in body and mind to the tall and straight palm. He V A R SITY C IN D ER MEN H A V E BR IG H T O U TLO O K FO R YEAR (Continued from Page I ) champion­ but won the individual ship in track events a t the Univer­ sity in 1917; and M. G. Swenson, center on the football team last fall, who is trying out in the weights. Practice b as been going on for three weeks with good progress. Ac­ cording to Coach W. J . Jun eau , there is some scarcity o f m aterial in the in all other grants weights, but contestants there are several good for each place. K appa Sigm a House. The inclement weather and “ Runt” Winston is visiting a t the the meeting of many committees pre­ vented a large attendance of those in­ terested and of the legislators them­ selves, but a considerable number A. A . Pumphrey, Clark Banks, and of University students and professors ! Lemmie Armour were in Austin for sa t in the galleries or in the House, M artin L. Allday, a student here in 1914, is visiting in Austin. m en d m en ts u r g e d T O WITHDRAW BAN ON APPROPRIATION (Continued from Page I .) the University not to exceed five ’Ilion dollars, at interest not to ex- five per cent for a time not to fifty years. The bill further vides t n t the bonds shall be made rapt fiom taxes, except the Fed- 1 income tax, on the basis that thev shall be made le e a l1 > urity. both these provisions hav- for their purpose the facilita- a of the marketing of the bonds, the appropriations, two-thirds is be devoted to the use of the Uni- sity and one-third to A. & M. E ’S T E S 816 Congress omen’s Ready-to-Wear and Millinery e Home of Hod in and Betty Wales EXCELSIOR M ARKET Bssf, Po-k, V eal, M utton, L am b, Home Rendered L a rd . D ressed Fow ls. Phone 625-725 Auto Delivery. the University, and added that the I ^ FoiiTlder,s Day Bancluet of Phi and the meeting was marked by eam - ----------------------- The amendment proposes to separate the two institutions in law as they Universitv had’ thp “ s n r rW in are separate in fact, and to enable the United States.” He m a l com" the Legislature to appropriate funds parisons with other institutions of m for the improvement of the m a te ria l; equal academic rank in the countfv plant of the University. u K appa and said that the five millions asked A campl1s durmpr the comm£ week‘ Speaker K. E Thomason introduced | for would not put the University in enJohn T K j is recoverine from a the W° rk two schools and the ability of the presidents. He spoke of the dis- Dr. Vinson made a plea for the sup-1 Milton Thomas, on inactive Dr. BizzeJl first, praisin g the work o f | the class with these universities. the two in grace of he shacks, and added that I port of the University, urged that it I the Navy is visiting at the Delta Chi the men rushing back to school from be removed from politics, spoke of the House service at home or in France could boys and girls of Texas who had i j reccnt illrPfs at the p and g Hos_ Speaker Thomason, in introducing duty pital. senators. presentatives The schedule is not quite completed, but it will probably call fo r three est attention, and some enthusiasm meets awav from home and three a t both in the gallery and among the re- Austin. A meet with Rice Institute Fre- and at Austin is being negotiated and statements the following have been arran ged : made by the speakers with regard to E arly in April, Baylor a t A ustin; inStitU‘ ne<" ‘S ° f lions. Both outsiders and members ear|y ' n April, Southwestern Uni- expressed verity at A ustin; April 25, A. & M. of the legislative bodies confidence on the passage of the bill and the amendment. College S ta tio n ; May 2, Oklahoma at Norm an; M ay 9 and IO, South­ f‘ western Conference meet a t D allas. ....... * v the '* 1 For best service, patronize Co-Op Barber Shop, 715 Congress Avenue. T ry a Texan W ant Ad. ^ PW ^ * a * • t W aters is expected to visit quent applause greeted for state g n o s e s not be accomodated by the facilities worked hard to educate themselves K registration of twenty-seven hundred e.red at the University now. The here, refering to Adrian Poole, R e -! He said that the five million mi^ht * ----- ^ Dr. Bizzeil was then preservative from E l Paso, whom he not be w*se*y spent all a t once, and asked for three million to make a “ re­ spectable sta rt” with. is the proof that physical improve- j said that he first saw washing dishes ment mus* be given to the University. | in B. Hall. He expressed his pride Dr. Vinson told the incident of the “ It must be done,” said Mr. Thorn- in being a graduate of the University prosperous H arvard man who was ason. “ Let them go ‘hog wild* if nee- j and told of the first time he visited visited in his luxurious office by an cessary, to do it.” He expressed his the University after the w ar started, old classm ate of his who had been eagerness to do anything to relieve j of seeing in the hall the great service , very unfort the conditions now existing, and his flag with its more than twenty-five j ve.ry unfortunate. On hearing the misfortunes of his old friend, the confidence that the same feeling was j hundred stars, and of contrasting the wealthy man wiped his eyes and j spirit of those former students with predominant in the Legislature. rang for the office boy, saying, “ Send introduced, j that of the politicians who were ac- someone to kick this man out before He expressed his gratification over j cusing the University of all sorts of he breaks my heart.” “ That m ust be ! the sentiment of the speaker, and his evils and vices. He then introduced the reason that it is hard to get leg­ j friendship for the University. He Dr. Vinson. islators to visit the University under Dr. Vinson began his speech by said that since the social viewpoint the present conditions. I t’s poverty has dominated higher education, it i contrasting the clarity of the atmos- might break their heart,” added Dr. needs no defense as it did ten years j phere in the House at the storminess Vinson. „ ago when he began asking for legis- of appearance. Dr. Vinson expressed his faith that lative appropriation, and T " expres’ * d h,a fa,th that public service for all th at is provided whole world was clearer now t h a n ^ would make it p o ssi-; hie for the Universitv to be a Unl­ for it. He told of the services of A. . versitv of & M. and of the value of its exten­ sion and research work, and returns of which f a r exceed their cost. He then stated the terms of the bill and the amendment agreed upon by the two boards and their two sub-com- j mittees, and in regard to the physi­ cal plant of the University, said that A. & M. had fared much better than the first class in bodv as ; to I it is in snirit, and his faith in the the problem of education in T e x a s,; plan to accomplish this result. He and the lack of proper support and especially urged the amendment re- j a equate planning for both common j moving the prohibition of legislative school and higher education. He said appropriation for buildings. that though the problem is difficult, r>r. Vinson spoke of the increasing it is not at all discouraging, and told expense of education, due to the pre- the ?ent low Value of money, only 54 per of the plans agreed upon by | boards of the University and A. & M. cent of its purchasing power in 1916, “ If we improve, we must clear the and to the natural causes that make grounds, must tear down that which institutions expensive increasingly is unsuitable, raze completely all that ju st as fam ilies are increasingly ex- In proportion to the pensive as they grow in number and is in the way. stability of the building is the depth j in age. As in the case of the family, j one would never exchange places with of the foundation. GRAHAM’S last in He added that the atmosphere of the ., DrT Dr. Vinson went immediately it had been for years. at his pays . . it u c x , , Robert Mueller & Bro. A U ST IN T R U N K FA CTO R Y T ru n ks— T ravelin g B a g s— Suit C ases Fancy L eath er Goods Phone 2079 510 Cong. Ave. HAVE YOUR SUIT OR­ DERED THRU “ AN OLD RE­ LIABLE” Biggs has “ done” many suits for Varsity studes. CALL HIM NOW BIGGS & CO. Phone 1601 1007 C on gress Tobin’s Book Store 801-803 Congress Avenue New line of Stationery and Correspondence Cards Embossed to suit customer Calling Cards engraved at short notice Kodaks and Kodak Albums Desk Sets, Manicure Sets and Fountain Pens QUALITY MILLS Manufacturers I r Grade Flour and Cora Products Austin, - T exas Cold and Hot Drinks Candies, C igars,Stationery DRUGS Meet Me Here 9th and Congress The Citizens Bank & Trust Company A U STIN , T E X A S. The G uaranty Fund Bank. T h ’ t i W D, J p 13 ank is under the supervision of the Banking Com­ missioner of the State of Texas. e resPectfully solicit the accounts of University students. ' ^acy, President. Eldred McKinnon, V. P. and Cashier. Leo Kuhn, Asst. Cashier. “ It is not repressive measures that are needed to destroy Bolshevism, to kill anarchy, but education, training I of the mind and the spirit. The mis- iirected energies of Bolshevism must I be directed and turned in the right I way.” Dr. Vinson described the physical j conditions on the campus, saying that j there were four real University build­ ings, and inviting the members of the legislative body to go out and look around at the shacks and the con­ demned Main Building. He said that j a careful study had been made of what could be done under present conditions, and that the results of this study were incorporated in the bill recommended. He stated that the best lawyers available had fram ed the ; till so that it was constitutional, and would not be held up in the courts j after it was passed. “ Gentlemen:” continued Dr. Vin­ son, “ we m ust have buildings. We are great in what we have done, our great in our ideals, great in spirit. We ask only a body that our spirit may develop and do its work. We ask only a suit of clothes that will fit, instead of reaching only our knees and our elbows and being ra g ­ ged and outgrown. We do not ask for students, we do not ask for ideals, I we do not ask for sp irit; we ask ; only for a body to enable us to do all that our ideals and our spirit i can do.” Dr. Vinson then explained the plans made, and urged their adoption. He told of the report of the Build- | ing Committee, with its plan for | twenty buildings, which includes no plan for dormitories or for buildings > for the Medical School at Galveston. THE Woman’s Toggery Shop Ninth and Congress Avenue The Store You Have Heard so Much About DONNELLY & WHITE Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Supplies BURNHAM & FEHR 912 Congress Avenue THE B E ST PLACE TO BUY Cutlery, Toilet Articles, Safety Razors and Safety Razor Blades o f all kinds— We also sharpen all kinds of Safety Razor Blades. Bring your blades to us and we will make them as good as new. We have a nice line of Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Hair Tonics, Dental Creams, Face Creams, Razor Strops, Etc. We solicit the Student Trade. CAPITOL BAKERY W ILLIA M R O B E N SO N , Prop. W HOLESALE AN D R ET A IL B est in H om e-Bakod P i n A ustin, T o n s BUICK AUTOS FOR HIRE WRIGHT AUTO SERVICE Night auto service. PHONE 440 ^WUKASCOROS. Lunches, Cigars, Cold Drinks, Staple Groceries Phone 1071 WAGNER CAFE AND CONFECTIONERY C. G. W AGNER, Prop. Short Orders, Lunches at All Hours, Stationery, Candy, Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc. 2220 Guadalupe 2111 Speedw ay Phone 2087 % I Are You Worth A Fine Watch? Taking stock of your position in the business and social world, ought you to b e expected to have a fine w atch? If people think you ought to carry a h a n d ­ some, accurate timepiece and you don’t, they are likely to think they have sized you up a little more highly than you deserve. Mayer has watches worthy of the best men. Come in and look them over. All Delta Kappa Doitscher pledges m ust be in before Feb. 22. SECRETARY. All Co-ed* Urged to Come for One Grand Rally Before Final Exam* Open house will be observed S a t­ urday night. PA N H ELLENIC. THE RHYM ERS will meet Friday evening at 8 o'clock. BA PT IST MEN and men of Bap­ tist preference are urged to be pre­ sent at the organization of a new men's class by Judge O. S. Lattimore at the U niversity B aptist Church 9:30 Sunday morning. CHAIRM AN, Students’ Committee. There will be a German at K. C, H all Friday night. SECRETARY. RU SK : Meeting this week will be held Thursday 7:30 p. rn. Elim ina­ tion contest for Rusk’s representa­ tives to Freshman Declamation con­ test will be held at this meeting. PR E SID E N T . JU N IO R S: By petition on the grounds that the last meeting was not representative o f the class, a meeting is called for Friday, Feb. 21, in room j l '8, Main Building, at 5 p. rn. P R E SID E N T . VARSITY B A N D : There will not l)e a rehearsal tonight. DIRECTOR. ARE YOU Q U A L IFIE D ? A il men who are not at present enrolled in Sunday school are qualified to en­ ter Judge O. S. Lattim ore^ new class for men Sunday morning at the University B aptist Church. To those who are securing new pledges for the D aniel’s Fund, please report at once. Pet BOOKMAN, Treasurer. MIRIAM DOZIER, Chairman. JU N IO R S: Every Junior is ex­ pected to be present at the meeting of the class Friday, Feb. 21, in room 158, Main Building, at 5 p. rn. P R E SID E N T . Jewelers— Silversm iths— Diamond Merchant* The Hallmark Store 618 Congress Ave. GERMAN FRIDAY NIGHT K. C. HALL Street Car W ill Be W aiting Bill Smith Very A rdent on Banquet Subject: Dere Mable. 1. Who she is. a. Why she it. b. When she wuz born. f 2. Deaskripshun: a. her sighs. b. her shap. c. her hare. 3. Why I luv her. a. orly luv. b. her proppitty. c. other girls. is Dere Mable is my gurl th at lives in caid Dallis County, texis. she Mable bekaws her grate ant oans a farm and her muther thot th at Mable wud g it the farm if she caled her Mable she waz born at the Kross roads in dallis Kounty texis on de- cimber 31 at 5 minits b4 midnite in year the year 19 hunnerd dide. prodooced Mable and three then i Official Photographers CACTUS Mable is small and dont way much but shees my stile her shape is rather meejum shees little and young her hare is worn down her bak her eyes are Babbie blew. I luv her or ustu bekaws she was thee only gurl w at took to me and i then thai*- is that Farm that her ant I owns. Coarse thair is other gurls | in the wurld and I mus say th at sum on them makes me sit up and take I am strifeing to be true but— notis. S u m of these freshm an gurls I — ! I took a luk in sure are peechies. I the A rxytecture rume other | da an gee whiz i ’m gona luk agane. But i’m gona bring Dere Mable to the ingine-Ears K ank-wit i haz to matrikilate her in the engine-Earing ! dept for to do hit. thee if W itness my hand and seal, BILL SMITH. VARSITY’S SERVICE FLAG WILL GO DOWN ON OUR WAR RECORD (Continued from page I.) the service flag. More than lou r I thousand U niversity of Texas men ’ were in m ilitary service during the war. This number includes the mem- 1 bership of the S. A. T. C. Nor are the veiled stars a true representa­ tion of V arsity’s dead heroes. F ifty- one veiled stars were prepared for the memorial service held in the fall term. Those on V arsity’s Roll of Honor are not represented by gold stars, bot by a blue star veiled in white. This is a unique idea and has I not been done elsewhere. ’ The U niversity Ladies Club pre­ c e n t e d the flag on March 2, 1918. it was de­ , Under their supervision s i g n e d by Mr. E. C. H. Bantelle. The girls of the U niversity sewed on the i stars. Eventually this fla g will be- | come a part of the permanent war records of the school. A t present there is being collected and compiled a mass of interesting data from every newspaper file of the State, pertain­ ing to V arsity students and alumni who were active in N ational Service. The service flag will be a most tan­ gible repiesentation in these records of historical interest. When the re­ m aining stars are added on the bor- I der, it will perhaps not be so beauti­ ful, but it certainly will be a more the N ational 1 significant record of 1 spirit of V arsity’s men. HELPFUL LECTURE FOR JOURNALISTS SPECIALS: ICE CREAM AND CANDY PHONE US YOUR WANTS (Continued from page I.) 919 Congress Ave hope to attain success in the profes­ sion. Mr. Grant had a pleasing w ay of Jobbers AUTO ACCESSORIES AND HARDWARE A complete line of accessories for the auto carried at all times. ,Biird High Compression Rings. A t water-Kent Ignition Systems WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. LOST— A fraternity pin. Gold jeweled Kappa Kappa Gamma key. Return to Texan office and claim reward. Found— Man’s silver w rist watch. office, Call at Business M anager’s identify same and pay for this ad. Whoever found the watch in room 208 Main building please phone 3562. 16d Reward. When in need o f a Shampoo, stop Parlor, at the U niversity Beauty 2206 Guadalupe. Phone 1130. Advertise in the DAILY T EX AN Established 1847 W holesale Grocers and Roasters of High Grade Coffee NICK LINZ JAILORa^- Shining Pan, L a d ie s lS CLEANING PRESSING Phone 2652 THE STUDENTS’ SHOP! STORE DILLINGHAM SHOE CO. 610 Congress Ave. Successful Candidate for Pres­ ident of Freshman Class to Be Announced ?hc r IU ^eds ton i s \ will be - if girls w (jeir mile* ^ir rubbe fisted th puntains J joie in th Uh of “I M r rewa [it is wh few “sti I pome th i Pronvine r.ties of Alb dane Morrow Lrangem rake th is r y of ti irihestra Marion £ ii order. lr charge iu and ai k served. I The g r lejdanre n it a se lore the d b i charge b k of t Ejected rant wh ■tints w |o’<|ock, a k i lt e d and Holeproof Hosiery- all sizes. It’s time to buy Spring furnishings— drop in anc see the $ 10.00 SHIRT BEAUTIES — silk crepe. While the “Kid Gloves are so expensive, the Holeproof Silk Gloves are most welcomed substi­ tutes, and very stylish— see them. KNOX and STETSON anc TRIMBLE Hats for Spring — All here. Better than oil stock is an investment in Hickey-Freeman Co. Clothes and Overcoats a Cut Prices. It’s banking money ti get these U N IV E R S IT Y Y AIDS RETURNED SOLDI! (Continued from Psf® I.) the men as soon as they cooperate in plans for th tion; assist all agencies ii their old positions back fo in securing new positions them or in securing new and to discover men with and get them lined up in I of community service. Oysters, Poultry. and Vegetable* 1002 Congress Solicits Students V COQUETTE CORNER ALONG WITH GRIND IS CAUSE OF DELAY (Continued from page I.) the idea of the range of given in his honor. He will play no favorites, and will make selec­ initiative only. tions upon his own The grind section has quietly been gathering all stories of slang, slan­ der and scandal to be found within the en viien s of the U niversity. To the give an it may be grind section this year, said that there will be ten more pages added to this departm ent alone. Incriminating has been campus buz­ gathered against the zards, and it is rumored th at some of them are going to e a t crow. P ic­ lavishly distributed tures will be throughout the section and where there is no story to explain the pic­ ture, th r* picture will tell its own tale with the suggestion that it car­ ries. Just, as man has perfected his the , weapons of w arfare, so has grind section perfected all m eans for drawing paroxisms of laughter, and groans of remorse. evidence Warm weather and spring sunshine produced tangible results in the form of the first Geology hike of the sea­ son this afternoon. Promptly' at 2 o’clock, Dr H. P. Bybee with his sec­ tion of Geology I students w as o ff for the region of Barton Springs. F rom the make-up of the crowd, it looks as if much of the old interest of such hikes will be lacking this year, there were only three wee sm all co­ eds to stroll with about th irty boys. -------------o------------- For best service, come to W olf’s Barber Shop, next door to Kress. ARMSTRONG HAIR DRESSING PARLOR S unshine an d C iste rn W a te r AU K inds of T re a tm e n ts Telephone 1656 H O W . 7 th S t MARGARET HALL, Prop. FIRST GEOLOGY HIKE CAPITOL FISH