c l i t U a t h j f j e x a n ________________________________________________ First C ollege D aily in th e South A U ST IN , T EX A S, W E D N E SD A Y , NOVEM BER 2,1921 VOLUME XXII If. ll. IL TO MEET i ea r’s Problem s W ill Be cussed— E ntertainm ent H as B een Provided the Association’s Discussion of , , . H / ™ , , ures will characterize the first im- o rta n t m eeting of the year of ac- ive members of the W oman’s Ath- tic Association to be held Thurs- ay evening a t 7:15 o’clock. Simi- ir meetings are to he held hereafter n the firs t Thursday evening of each tonth. Entertainm ent Planned This week the entertainm ent is in ie hands of Miss Schmid and the rogram will include four d ifferen t ,unts, consisting of some dancing, nging, and comedy skits. One nutti­ er is to be rendered by the council (embers and something unusual is (cpected. A nother feature will be new U niversity song by Helen Wil- ums and four girls who will come on the chorus with a dance. All to appear in rls th a t would like allowe’en costume are urged to do Point* Straightened Out Any girl who has earned points this month or who is not sure of r last year’s points should report the W. A. A. council room in the isemeni of the W oman’s Building m rsd ay afternoon between 3:00 id 5:00 o’clock, it has been an- ►uneed. Anyone having 40 points > to this date is eligible to W. A. A. Since two un- tive membership. cused absences during the year de­ lve one of membership and no girl . , , n win a T, sw eater, or blanket u n - 1 llt1 lf i -s she is a member of the Athletic isoeiation, those in charge desire at every W. A. A. be there fo r ll call Thursday night. _ HUMANIZE Y.M .C.A . W O R K ' DF M EXICAN BOYS HERE LAW AND BA TEAMS WILL MEET IN FIRST L CONTEST! Initial G am e W ill Be P layed B efore Sou thw estern G am e Saturday OF STUDENiS CLOSES L arge Number V olu n teer for Foreign and D om estic Ser­ v ice at W aco Session Dis- football game will Approximately 500 delegates from Baptist and secular schools over the Intram ural athletics will open with state attending, brought the B aptist a rush Saturday, when the first in-1 s tu d e n ts ’ Union Conference m eet- tram ural be ing at Waco to a close Sunday night. played between the Business Admitt­ volun- The i istration and the Law teams. . .ea" game is scheduled fo r 2:30 o’clock tie red for special work in foreign a t Clark Field, and will be a “cur- fields o r at home, and nearly a bun­ t a l raiser” fo r the V arsity-South- j dred others indicated their likelihood I w estern game. indulging the -past A fter 135 students had , . sq K 1 re erry » one accordin(r q uarters will to hold the initial contest tion's program was one of the most judges in Both team s have been tate schoola w ere on an equaI in much practice during several days in preparation for the representation with the denomina- opening game. A t first it had been < tional schools. The Texas delega- planned Thursday but intram ural athletic au- interesting of the 8eMj thorities decided to stage the open- ing struggle on Saturday afternoon 0 dl‘ieKates* as a prelim inary to the main game. ^ consisted of a dem onstration of a E ight minute be m eeting of a B aptist Students%Union. Special emphasis was also laid on played in the Business A dm inistra- j Recognition of the work of the Texas the athletic and social activities of delegation was made by the election tion-Law game, the organization. Com m ittees were of Fred Terry to a place on the ex- appointed to discuss the organization of a basketball team to cope with all intram ural team s in th at sport. A second com m ittee was appointed to decide upon a social stunt for the near fu tu tre. th at socials will aid greatly in increasing the membership. This com m ittee will report at the next regular m eet ing. sity backfield men o f last season, has succeeded in whipping his Busi- Many prom inent Baptists of Texas | ness Adm inistration candidates into addressed the m eeting. Among them a well balanced team , and they are were Dr. George T ru iit of Dallas; going into S atu rd ay ’s contest with Dr. R. L. Scarbrough, president of a determ ination to win. Coach Ellis the Southwestern Sem inary; Dr. S. P. will have a line whose average weight j Brooks, president of Baylor Univer- is around 165 pounds. His backfield,) sity; and Mrs. J. M. Dawson of Waco, though falling short o f this average,! The delegates were entertained at will make up to a g reat extent in Baylor University. its speed. Irvin Stew art was member of the board last year. B. A. Team W ell Trained the sta r V ar-jecutive board. Joe Ellis, one of is expected o------ It coaching Allen C. Grundy and Ed Mann, men with considerable football ex- perience, have been the Law squad each afternoon and g e t­ tin g it primed to m eet the Business! Adm inistration eleven. The Law lines will average about 170 pounds! and contains men of good football averages caliber. about 165 pounds. is captain of the Law team . I S i V d l S Q C i For Its W ork A t West Texas Fair »w>t. The backfield » . ,, Appreciation of the recent appear Steve G ardner ance of the Longhorn Band a t the I fa ir held in Abilene was expressed in a letter received recently from W. From the line candidates for the | G. Kinsolving, secretary of the West and Lackey, Texas F air Association. The le tte r Law* Pave Good M aterial eleven, Scott . . . Law tackles; McGehee and Neal, guards; follows: Buckley and Tynan, ends; and G ard-jM r. W. L. McGill, M anager, ner, center; are showing up great in I The Longhorn Band, U niversity of j win "be** addressed practice. Enough men to form two Texas, Organization of work among the xican boys of the city was begun I backfields have been working ou t : Dustin, Texas. week under the direction of Ai­ rt McCurdy for the Young Men’s ristian Association, d a b s have al- been organized among the new-s- each day, and Coach Grundy will Dear Mr. McGill: The people of Abilene and the Ab- have a hard tim e to decide which of firs t ilene country are still talking about these men will s ta rt in game. Grundy expects to use 22; the Longhorn Band and I am daily tor the purpose of giving them players in the Business Adm inistra- rem inded that I have not discharged j the obligation which I am under, as Both the Law and Business Ad- secretary of this organization, to ex­ have p u t press to you on behalf of the F a ir the the tie form ol recreation. This work tion game. under leadership of Price aeney of the C abinet of the Y. M. A. rhe Cabinet to re the international week of prayer lerved in the University from the of this month to the 19. A corn­ ice was appointed to see a fte r the ervance. is also planning H OLARSHIP IN MUSIC IS O FFER ED TO CO-EDS scholarship Wlrs. Charles H. Sander, through Phi Epsilon, honorary musical ority, offers a in ce to any worthy University girl would otherwise be unable to dy. A student registered in the loo I of Music is p referred. The olarship will include two lessons a »k and all the music necessary. Applications can be made a t once. dress Frances Mike, president of the W oman’s Phi Epsilon, at Iding. N G U AGE ASSOCIATIO N Senior* F orfeit to Engineers m inistration departm ents out good football team s in the past directors our sincere appreciation for two years, and football fans are look- the big p a rt you took in making our ing for a hard struggle when they 1921 F a ir a success, m eet this week. The Laws won from WThen the Longhorn Band was the Engineers last year, b u t had to firs t engaged there fo rfeit the game because played an ineligible m an. they had were some of the directors who were inclined to doubt the wisdom of em* ploying a nonprofessional organiza- Since the seniors failed to e n te r tion for so im portant a p a rt on our program . Your first concert here, however, was sufficient to dispell all misgivings and before the week’s en­ gagem ent was completed it was put­ ting it mildly to say th a t the direc- ors, w ithout exception, were shak- i ng hands with themselves and each 1*— R tsureau rublication other and declaring City Problems Are Treated In Recent ( Continued on Pave 4) the Fair, the T for . A rticles by Dr. A. P. H arrison, di- entertainm ent program . received rector of the B ureau innum erable of County We have health work, and W. E. Lea, m ayor expressions of congratulation from or Orange, are the principal a ttra c - ^ a *r visitors on the music which the furnished, and we in tu rn tiona of , w i s h to convey to you our deepest a bi-monthly publi- thanks fo r the la rg e p ert you had in issue of “Texes . , . . M unicipalities, j cation of the League of Texas Muni- pleasing our patrons. loot „ the ,, , . . j Band the outstanding featu re of our Longhorn HILDEBRAND SOCIETY ELECTS NEW MEMBERS POTTS lECTIBES AT WEEKLY MEETING OF POE-LEGAL SOCIETY B elieves W ell Rounded G e n ­ eral E ducation Is Best F ou n­ dation for Law yers the Appearing as the principal speaker on the program , Judge C. S. P otts, professor in the School of Law, ad­ dressed the m eeting of the Pre-Law Society last night. His speech was chiefly an outline of law yer’s relations to the outside world a fte r It is evi­ finishing the law school. trained th at dent, he said, men are usually the leaders in every community and in almost every walk of life. He cited as examples the the makers of the constitution, the suprem e court. He stated fu rth e r th a t the Law School of Texas is gaining worthy recogni­ tion among g re a t law schools of the north. legally the By vote of the association, the am endm ent regarding time of m eeting was adopted, and the tim e of to suit the m eeting was changed the convenience of those who are also members of other clubs m eeting on Tueday night. The regular m eet ings will now be held on T hursday Baylor University President to Speak Here Armistice Day As a p art of the Armistice Day program , the second session of the Conference of Young Democrats of Texas and twenty-two other states in the law audi­ to riu m a t 7:00 p. rn. by Samuel P. I Brooks, president of Baylor U niver­ sity. Dr. Brooks will speak on “ In- I ternational Peace and Reduction of A rm am ents.” He will be introduced by Judge Towrfes, dean of the Law School. address A fter Dr. Brooks’ the body, it is planned, will send a te l­ egram to President H arding's Con­ ference fo r the reduction of arm a­ ments, which opens its sessions in Washington on Armistice Day, ex­ pressing the dis­ its sentim ents on arm am ent question. Holland Bradley, secretary of the conference committee, presented le t­ ters to a meeting of the com m ittee on October 31, which he had re ­ ceived from Senator Morris Shep­ pard of Texas and Senator H arrison of Mississippi giving permission th a t they be nominated fo r members of the advisory council of the confer­ ence. 6*. night. The New members were elected a t the m eeting of the Hildebrand Law So­ ciety Monday newly elected members are : L. C, M errem, A. H. Moore, A. P. C arpenter, H ardy Neel, Ed Mann, M. R. McClanahan, William H. Stephenson and E. L. Howell. f.M . C. A. STATISI ICS TEXAS DELEGATION TO Work o f A ssociation Covers Di­ verse F ield s— M em ber­ ship Increases Data compiled by the international com m ittee of the Young Men’s Chris­ tia n Association for the Association* in the United States and Canada for the year ended April 30 last, and now made public, show gains in nearly activity. every line of Association Pronounced increases are shown not m ly as compared w ith the previous year b u t with last full year, the 1917, before the United States en­ tered the war. The increases over 1920 w ere sim ilar to the record gains nade^in th at year. The world total of Y. M. C. A.’a is shown to be well th e membership above 9.000 and above 1,500,000. Work in T w enty Countries In addition to service a t home the North American Associations are carrying the work on in more than tw enty countries, while Y. M. C. A. activities under other national aus­ total of countries pices bring with established Associations up to nearly twice th a t num ber. There is in addition in p ro ­ gress among allied arm ies and ex- service men in Europe and the Near East. the work still the Im migrants Served its Together with the Y. W. C. A. the Y. M. C. A. has expanded the service o f imm igration depart­ ment, with Cherbourg, now the larg­ est imm igration port in Europe, as the headquarters of this work, which Is m aintained a t six other points on the continent. Co-ed Cagers A re Quite Rough With Faculty On Court H ilarity reigned suprem e at last night when the the voman’s gym lumbers of the faculty played bas­ e b a l l with the students. The game term ed “practice game” ) uappily »'as a scream from the beginning to ne end, which was brought about by he disablem ent of the three faculty members, Miss Schmid’s fall almost ^suiting in a casulty. Miss Buda .urred as forw ard, and Miss Sa urn .id some quick passing. The game .awed on uninterrupted at time* as ..v.re was no referee except at spas- .ijuic periods of the scuffle. Who could blame tne students for .na happy tem ination of the game: hiss Dorothy Fisher made the state .tent before the game that the drug vures were going to have some facul- y patronage to r the indispensable a r­ iole of mercy following most good .ough a^d tumble fights where the •.adenia manage to get a crack at the acuity. The- word has also gone around th a t there is soon to be an­ those who have trin r gam e and quizzes in the classes of the teacher- iay wrss fo r the following day are ad­ to buy plenty of ‘cokes’ for iated representatives .ne lr little . .iit-lee. the in .iiK iN E K o CLUB TO GIVE k c t i K A K M i d I I C E W IG H T No. 27 ROOTERS TICKET sue rom. tm. C it ON TODAY OF Kl TRACTION TUESDAY Parade and Bull F ight A re Staged By B luebonnet State R epresen tatives ( B y Victor O. Cook) (Special to the T exan) A d van ce S ales In B ellm ont^ Office H ave R eached $3000 Mark Kansas City, Novem ber I .— Stag­ ing a bull fight in the lobby of the Baltimore Hotel, the Texas delega­ tion of legionnaires a t Kansas City Rooters* tickets in the U niversity enacted the crowning individual stunt! of the m eeting thus far. P rio r" to Isection for tht> annual Thanksgiving the fight a parade was held, in which ?,ash betvveen Texas University and A. & M. College, will be placed the steer that was the hero of the on sale a t 7 :30 o’clock this m orning bull fight led the Texas section. Five in the office of L. Theo. Bellmont, hundred men and women marched director of physical training for men, in a the parade, each w earing according to an announcem ent made Longhorn badge. They were given yesterday afternoon. in every street a noisy reception hrough which they passed. L ater the steer was auctioned off. Fourteen hundred rooters’ tickets have been received by Mr. Bellmont ceived that General Foch will visit Texas during his stay in America. 1’roper efforts are being made to in­ jure his coming to Austin. Definite inform ation "has been re- I? be sold t0 Univers>ty students and Texas supporters. All students must ake their blanket tax athletic ticket with them when they go to buy ickets for the A. & M. game, as to secure a this will entitle seat for $1. Otherwise, they will have to pay $2.50 for the seat. Bouquet Pre»ented P e r s h i n g The Texas delegation them also pre­ sented General Pershing with a bou­ quet of flowers, this, however, had no influence on the general in re ­ gard to the state of his choice. Mis­ souri, Texas, Nebraska, and Pennsyl­ vania each claim him as son. Missouri was the state of his birth, md General Pershing announced his choice of th a t state when he placed the Missouri standard direct­ ly behind him. its Foch Appears As the convention was nearing a close, Marshall Foch was presented by the Montana delegation with a two months old wild cat, brought to Kansas City by an airplane. The marshal smiled broadly a t the little animal, but did not attem pt to take him into his hands. A itken Collection of Books Has Been Added to Library Four thousand books of invaluable worth from the standpoint of his­ tory and literary development have been added to the University library with the receipt and unpacking ^ f che Aitken library, which was pur- hased last spring with an appropria­ tion of $10,000 by the legis ature and a duplicate am ount provided by he Board ot Regents. by the late George A. Aitken of Lon­ don, who died in 1917. He was an undersecretary of state whose chief pleasure consisted of collecting rare books of his favorite authors. The collection consits mainly of eigh- eenth century editions of the work Steele, Defoe, of Pope, Dryden, ^wift, and Bum s. Many of tho books contain, signatures, bookplates >r notes by famous collectors of rare libraries. newspapers, The collection also contains a file of early English in­ cluding copies of the London Ga­ zette, London Courant, Defoe’s Re­ view, London Chronicle, the Specta­ tor, and others. Angly Leaves for x Missouri to Rush Cactus Engraving Male students will buy their tickets rom Mr. Bellmont, while the co-eds may purchase their adm ittace paste­ boards from Miss Hiss, the W oman’s Gym. Only one ticket will be sold to each person. a t S a le A lready Large The sale of tickets for the Turkey Day game already has reached a total of $3,000 in Mr. Bellmont’s of­ The box and reserved seat fice. tickets were placed on sale Monday m d several hundred dollar’s worth were sold during the day. Box seats left now' are on the 20-yard line or worse, Mr. Bellmont stated, ham. U niversity alumni are reserving ats in large numbers, many of these rm er students having had in their xp lications several for seats months. Of the total of S3,OOO worth f tickets th a t has been sold, approx­ imately $2,000 worth has been pur- ’lased by alumni. for Special Train* to G a m e Two special tra ils will be run from .ustin to College Station on Thanks­ giving morning, one being over the I. Se G. N. and the other over the H. A . C. The trains will leave early in he morn! lg, reaching College Station bout noon. The return trip from ll ge Station will sta rt at 7 o’clock ha ksgivir.g night, the trains reach- g Austin about midnight. Chair car rviee will be given on the specials. Bl will prevail, 1 is being a fare and a half rate, i he football squad will leave Wed- sday, November 23. and will spend he night in Hearne. Thanksgiving >ay, the squad will go to College Sta- ion, prepared for its big game of the year. A. & M. COLLEGE TO H AVE TECHNICAL LECTURERS (Intercollegiate Press) College Station, Texas, November I. — Among new features a t A. A M. College this fall is to be a series of lectures given on subjects of chemical and geological nature. For the past three years Dr. C. C. Hedges has been endeavoring to establish a lectureship that would bring A. 4b M. College students in vital touch with the various technical industries of chemical and geological nature. In this endeavor he has received the hearty support of President Bizzell, Professor Randolph, and the heads of various departm ents on the cam­ pus. I he Aitken library was collected A round trip rate of TO MEET IN DISTRICTS I cipalities, edited by Frank M. Ste-i W ith best wishes fo r a successful w art of the Bureau of Government season and hoping th a t we may have the H arrison’s article deals with Longhorns for fu tu re entertainm ents eparate district m eetings of the Reserach of the U niversity of Texas. *be opportunity of ociation of Modern Languages engaging be held this year for the first 0ji field sanitation and remedies fo r *n our city, we rem ain, Very truly yours, e, it is stated by Miss Oasis, head . prevalent conditions. Mr. Lea dis­ lik e departm ent of Spanish. Every cusses the m unicipality as a business r years there will be a joint meet- corporation as appropriate for this of all districts in some central business age of constructive co-op- The W est Texas F air Association, W. G. KINSOLVING, Secretary. This year the district conven- eration, literatu re, represents 0_________ REED SOCIETY FILLS is will be held on December 28,* and 30 ‘he association four artm ents, the English, compara- lan- ge, and the romance language de­ m ents Spanish departm ent of the U n i-;Seers to fill vacancies: vice-president, In a pa^er read by Cecil Chamber- iity a t the Baltim ore convention Mabel Daniel; critic, Isabella Powell; lain on “The Government of New Poland” the sim ilarities and differ- I —---- chief topic j of discussion a t the m eeting of the m eeting j Govemmfent Sem inar held Monday Miss Oasis will represent j V Id Tuesday elected the following of- night. VAC ANC IES IN O FFICES SE M IN A R HOLDS M EETING Reed Music Society at a reporter, Eloise Ye ti . the Germanic th" — ^ representing The case of Benjamin vs. W atkins , U nivers»ty Shrine Club, organized was tried with L. E. Sternberg and by the Shnners in the University last the -vear» are sponsors fo r an all Ma- B. S. Cameron to be given Armis- plaintiff and Glyn Courtney and R. *°nic r ecePtion the defend- l ‘ce n‘gbt a t the Scottish Rite Ca- W. *Gray representing judge, tjhedraI A unique program with ant. R. K. B atten, acting decided th a t the plaintiff failed to j nd chie{ geologirt made. A fter the completion of his alay of the Sun Con,pan> at DaUa8’ in Kansas City, Angly wil) go to exceedingly instructive and appropri- Jefferson City to confer with the ate address was delivered on petio- Printer* upon the grade of paper, th e ! *eum geology, with special reference corer d e ig n s and color plates to be , 0 f|eW and used. ,ocation I While in Kansas City Angly will j Miss Lucy J. Newton, dean o f j invitation to each one th at they de­ will talk before th at body. women, left Tuesday night for San sire to invite to the reception. The here are twenty-four instructors i A course of study and general plansKnees between the United States and j Antonio where she will address t h e ; committee desires that all of the five ;he departm ent Of rom ance Jan -1for the w inter were discussed and de- Polish governm ents were es, thirteen of which are in tile tided upon. Helen Reed, president of ■ out. Dr. C. P* Patterson, rtm en t of Spanish. There ar# j the society, gave a brief history of th e ; professor of Government, traced the ; The W ednesday Luncheon Club, o f In addltio,,al t0 technical and ap- attend the conference of college an- j P1^*1 knowledge, the representative impressed nual editors, at which practically aH ! of the huge corporation pointed Wednesday Luncheon Club at its reg- hundred Masons and relatives attend eastern universities and many south-: upon all hearers th at it is an essen- this first social affa ir o f lepresented. tial and functionizing p art of til# Club, w hether personally invited or Questions relative to the editing of petroleum geologist to use common develop- which Mrs. Carlos Bee is president, not, stated the chairman. No charge college annuals will be discussed and I sense and co-operation to do credit their editors to the science of petroleum geology with all its powers and rga~tzation, stating its purpose to be history and constitutional He H rthc ring of the musical i iterests m ent which lf the University. is composed of a hundred prom inent will be made to the Armistic Day San Antonio women. students in the departm ent of ish and about one-third of th at i t in the departm ent of French. problems confronting thoroughly analysed. associate ular meeting Wednesday. the Shrine urn colleges will j of the Polish Republic. the formation affair. be Battu ®exan f t © F in* Cotter* Dotty la the Somtb , .. la t v T a- stv^iu Fufatteferi on til* of Ti Id*., v rrry m orning >too4ajr r« M * u— , of t«m Oflk« : Room 1*4. Mam UiuMting. Teiepbom *14# phono *126 ofter *;«« p. m. would a man who undertook to do the fame thing next year,! now that the trail has been broken. In view of these facts it is hard lo see where the business nam ger made any enormous profits. The comparison with; if i« I lawyers is not valid, for it is I well-known fact that the lesral over­ profession is crowded; and that underpay results from that con- it ^iv.aab'e to underpay another man in an entirely different profession. * greatly the fact i ba. dition does not ! . * the the B a t* * * m «c«oe4H:iMft n a tte r at Un P'*V I st Austin. Tm**, »i*d«*r tbs Act of Con­ a • With regard to i n second firing “ a* cn**, Man# *, UR*. Accite*** •* roto id post*** prorated fur la S«tk>o ll'/* , c r i t i c i s m m a d e A«t of October s iti7 author™** s«pte*ter ffgg that one of the dir ctors is holding a position under the 14, 191A supervising manager, if this is true the criticism is much more , justified. If it be proved true, i there is direct violation of the Msaairinp EdH.rjconfrt|tutionai a m e n d m e n t passed last spring, and the rem­ edy will be easy. . TOMAS G. POLLARD Saporrteinr B m inm Msnsccr REAVIS COX gaiter 4a-€hte* WM HARRY JACK . Ij l s r h o i . LOUISE GLADNEY and KEITH COPPAGE A»£ Of MOT SCHAT WSO ani mi nretnMn B I L , Comics, Cartoons, Fashions Newspaper and Magazine Illustrating, Commercial, Pastel Crayon Portraits. Our simple method quickly developes your talent in spare time. By mail or local classes. Write for terms and list of successful students. Courses endorsed by newspa­ pers, magazines and famous artists. ASSOCIATED ART STUDIOS XtO Flatiron Building .. N ow York City Am ateur Choral Club Presents CYRENA VAN GORDON Mezzo-Contralto— Chicago Grand Opera Association HANCOCK Opera House FRIDAY, NOV. 4th Seats now on sale at J. R- Reed’s Prices: Boxes, $2.00; p a r q u e t , $2.00-11.50; first b a l c o n y , $2.00-$ 1.50; second balcony, $1.00 No war tax. Residence Phone 3678 Garage Phone 2’ Q U IC K SE R V IC E G A R A G E MONTY J. HOPKINS, (Hop) 204-206 East Fifth Street FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL MAKES OF CA EXPERIENCED MECHANICS— ALL WORK GUARANTEED a n y t h i n g e l e c t r i c a l HUP SALE AND SERVICE STATION— SPECIALIST ON HUPS & R f Road Service^—Day or Night . . . . . ~ Sunday Storage— Drive In . ________ T m i p , HOME ST E A M L A U N D R Y 211 East Fifth St. Phone 370! “Good Work Our Hobby” BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Domes OF OTHERS | — r J rn- mmmmaf rn na mmgm-jfm Convert*! a! McGill Martha McCoy, Editor Texas Club al Columbia ____ Co-Ed Hike* 3000 Mil** Undergraduate* at McGill Univer- rn M ^ir.alh.dthe.rf.rH tb^ Student publications are only in part exclusively student activ­ ities. AH the work of regulat­ ing editorial policies and all re­ porting, writing and editing is The Texas Club at Columbia held done chiefly by volunteer work­ a dance at Hotel Plaza Saturday ers whose main interest is sup­ afternoon, October 29. This was posed to be their school work. This year, as it happens, all the ! under the auspices of the New York work of handling the business Texas Club with which the Club ta side of the publications is being I ^ ju m b ia is affiliated, done by students only also; but the business side is not and can­ not be managed on Jthe same ba­ sis as is the editorial staff, for it is and must be a business and cannot otherwise be successfully conducted. The student body it­ self recognized that fact last year in passing a constitutional amendment which established the new corporation, one pri­ mary purpose of which was to put in charge of the papers a man who would make them, and not his studies, his chief inter est. It was meant to be a finan- elal position, and as such one *<•“ , that must pay a good salary; ^-onversa,. and not a pension for deserving ■ students who need some way of|<^>«lD« working school, no matter how dent they may be. Miss T hen sa Thro nip hiked from Per home in the state of Washing­ ton to Columbia University, a dis­ in order to tance of 3000 miles, complete her University courses. Miss ihrom p’a only companion* were a rule on her shoulder and a gun on aer hip. __ Col“'*do s ,'"l•0, ° ‘r*c‘0,f Student Directories at the Univer *ity of Colorado are published by th# T h e author of yesterday's fir- V M c A The name, horn# address ilig line seems to be unaware and Boulder address and telephone of th at fact, for he complains nurober are the proof that the summer T exan made a gheeu are posted ho that student may good profit for its manager, and correct his own name. The directory seems to believe that the buri- als0 conUin„ the names of all campus ness manager should take the organizations with thqir addresses burden of responsibility upon and phone nuraber. his shoulders purely out of thej ____ goodness of his heart, with no Student Disarmament Conference hope of remuneration. He com- A few weeks ago a Disarmament plains about the summer Texan Conference was held a t Vassar Col­ in particular because the man- jege t0 which representatives from ager of that paper made more m a n y eastern colleges were sent. The in proportion to the amount of. conferences was to arouse enthusiasm time Spent on the job than does and interest on the part of student the present manager. He seems bodies in Araerica in this national to think th at it is an inordinate que8tionf and also to show Washing- profit for a business m anager;^on officials that national problemsi of a paper to make more m oney: are of interest to the college stu- j dents, Hamilton Hope and Herbert than do many lawyers. Several factors should be con-' Adara8 Gibbong were the principal through ineffi- I 11 ^ e x c e p t - — ------------- their way I' 1 r < listed, and Blth “J oI ' * * * * the CHAPEL NOTICE sidered. In the first place, the spemgtra manager is a business man deal- ing with business men. The rea­ son for this is simply that the blanket tax will not pay the ex­ penses of printing alone, to say Dr. W. A. Felsing spoke Tues­ nothing of other legitimate ex­ “Atomic day morning on In the second place, penses. Structure of Faith” showing how the manager, in the case of the you approach it first as a whole summer Texan more than in the just as you do a substance in case of the long term manager Chemistry^ Then as one grows under present arrangements, is older he begins to analyze his personally responsible for all faith to see what is at the base, debts contracted by the paper aod^moat ^ aee^im self * "that" the j He U K n h u i l d . i t u p o n t h , a u l . experience in his life until he can paper is published. In addition trace it back to God. he does more of the work of Dr. Felsing said actual solicitation of advertising a c tu a l B u u tJiau u ii v t a u » c in o i» s if . than does the long term man- “ ager and hence he does not em* ploy bo large an office force. In the third place, the manager this year was trying a new ex­ perim ent in publishing the paper for both terms, an experiment marvels at the greatness of God back of it all and that nowhere in science had he found anything to shake his faith in God but on the contrary it had been streng­ thened. that the more u- T r b Dr. J. B. Wharey speaks Wed- wa* by some considered ab go- « late folly. Because of the risk, t Its Deplorable Neglect. he deserved higher pay than K . „ ... SHS! THE DAILY TEXAN RECRUIT GOSPEL TEAM TO HOLD MEETINGS niched room with University girl. — if Phone 8010, Mrs. Biggs. LOST—A black and tan police pup, answers to the name of “Sis.” Has tan feet and lighter collar. Reward. —*2 Phone 3401. perfect stone, real bargain FOR SALE— One-half carat diamond for cash, need the money. Phone 7004. — 2 LOST—Small link gold chain and small shield fla t key on end of If finder does not wish to chain. return chain please mail key and ! shield. to owner. Mail to 2308 Rio Grande, telephone — S I 2958. Key valuable THE GENTLEMAN who took my hat at K. C. Saturday please re­ turn and get yours. R, ll. ?????? —I Phone 7375. DANCING— Private studio, classes formed for six or more. Phone 7812 before 9:30 a. rn. or after 2:10 —§ p. rn. F a sh io n P a r k C lo th es S tein -B lo ch C lo th es Devotional and testimonial meet­ ings win be conducted by the Re­ cruit Gospel Team at Canterbury Street Christian Church Wednesday at 7:30 p. rn. This gospel team is led by Miss Irma Johnson, who has had instruction in practical work of® this kind while attending Moody Bible Institute. Visits by the team to any church in the city on Wednes­ arranged with day nights can be George Phillipus at the Condit- Franklin Company. A special breakfast for 25c, dinner and supper 35c each— served quickly and attractively at the Violet Crown Inn. FOR RENT—One large well venti­ lated up-stairs room at 2207 Rio Grande Street to 2 young men stu­ dents. Very desirable and reason­ able in price. Phone 7978. — 2 STUDENTS— Good, first class bar-! ber service at the Hall of Fame, Palace Barber Shop, next door to —tf Kress. man. Across street ROOM AND BOARD to one young from Law Building, terms $37.00 per menth. 2010 Wichita Street, phone 3465. — 3 WANTED— Girl to share nicely fur- FOR WINTER Heat With Coal, Wood, Gas, Oil, Electricity WE HAVE THE STOVES The Best In Oil H eaters— Perfection First Class Service W. H. RICHARDSON & CO. 416 Congress Ave. a Last Night in Our Dreams we rode a giraffe up the “Speedway”— down Guadalupe street “n’ all round” the Varsity neighborhood. This morning we would like to ask why so many of you young chaps are wearing your last Fall Suits. Can’t be the styles— this seasons the most becoming we have ever seen. Can’t be the prices— this Fall they are just about half what they were last year. This condition simply can’t go on— Won’t— if you’ll grant us 5 minutes. Come for a look and a try-on— both are free as air in this store. Walter W. Wilcox 616 Congress Avenue Stacy-Adam* S luei C Bi. S la te r S h o a t UK HOV!** Corry, hut I ^otla he leav­ in g.! forgot to qrt my eof* or .:i l c/% E ngineers; Fred J. been coaching the Engineering fo o t-; WhJt^ L&vrs; Harold Broom, seniors; ball candidates, and under his direc- p D Moore, juniors; Carl H. tion the players have rapidly fallen g wartx> sophomores; Sam E. Martin, to ball gam es with the Texas school foT into stride. The Engineers are look- f re#jnnen> LONGHORNS KRE TO MEET IB/HLOB-d. & NI, GAME SOUTHWESTERN SATURDAY INTERESTS K I T T i period of fiv e years. It N ot E ach T eam O n ce D efeated G a m e M ay P rovide D ope on T h a n k sg iv in g Fray Much trite rest is being shown o \er is understood that Vanderbilt alum ni are heartily in favor o f the proposition. The V arsity-Vanderbilt «rame o f this season was truly one he outcome or' the Baylor U n i v e r s i t y - ^ ^ footbaJ, conie%u o f so a th- Texas A. & M. gam e which will be flayed af Waco .Saturday. Neither J team has lost a conference game this subsequent rn football. There Ss every reason games to believe that would create an even more intense in terest among devotees, than did the game o f days ago. gridiron J d otJh&T con i f*T*f?nc& Co,ch Bible’. A « r ic . will (to Soto: ,)ffered fcy ^ % U | According to the tentative contract counei, com es to A ustin fo r j *fl|| watch the results with great at- th en com es th e big ten tion . U n iversity S u p p o rters Do A n tic ip a te S tiff O p p o sitio n of Following the one day rest Monday, Varsity football players were hard at work again yesterday afternoon, getting ready for their final three games o f the season On Saturday, Texas plays Southwestern University; on Armistice Day, Miss­ issippi A. A M a gam e; and game o f the season on Thanksgiving Day. it Texas will not have a great deal the Southwestern o f opposition in game Saturday, and is thought that Coach Whitaker will use second string men during the greater part o f the contest. The regulars will play some, however, to keep them in trim for the Armistice Day an i Thanksgiving Day games. of The Longhorns should add greatly points to their total number scored when they go up against the Southwestern eleven. Southwestern has played two teams that have been met by the Texas outfit, Austin Col­ lege and Rice Institute, and has been defeated by each o f them. Austin College won by the score of 17 to 0, while Rice defeated the Southwest­ ern eleven 27 to 0. The University defeated Austin College 60 to 0 and the Rice Owls 66 to 0. T E M I X LEKO 0 ....... L ad ies, d o you k n o w th ese .. . *j, su it fo r 50c, cle a n an d p ress it •__ fo r $ 1 .2 5 . O ne d a y service. A u t o D eliv ery . U n iv ersity c le a n e r s & D y e r ,. 2 5 2 0 G ua- holding r getting , n I . , _ D/ P h on e 6 8 2 5 . form er star backfield d a I u P e S t* ing forward to m eeting the winner o f Saturdays game. : .footb all , , All o f the remaining intramural teams have been regularly, ior weir ..n u their workouts ready for their first gam es. An TM*, nouncement was made yesterday that Rip Collins, player and punter on the Texas A. & M. team and pitcher fo r the New York Yankees, is coaching the fresh­ man team. L a r g e A t t e n d a n c e E x p e c t e d Several hard fought contests are looked forward to this year, as each class and department is putting much into the developing of director, Intramural ! their team ,. tm THEATRE ■ M V Alice Brady in it O ut o f the C horus” A story of the yhite lights and bright lights. A glimpse of life foot­ the scenes and behind lights. A ls o sh o w in g a S e le c t N e w s rn has shown gr at developm ent derb,K wou,d be guarant€ed the , to the Vanderbilt authorities, Van- enthusiasm the game a? the fa vorites. The A. & *" M. I duce the opening o f the season, it is expected to come out on the top Hide of the score in the game with the Bears. However, even the nills are favoring the Aggies, Coach Bridges will place an eleven on the field that, in ail probability, will make the Fanners hustle for their victory. A ssociation. though o f $6,000 fo r each game, with t h e ! « « e m e t i n e a large attendance c f i ‘ U niversity students on the days on football I which games take place. on intramural these privilege of sharing equally in the n et profits with Texas. All o f the gam es would be played in the sta­ dium o f the Dallas Fair Grounds Besides the Law-Business Admin- j istration game which will be played I .Saturday and the forfeited Seniors- Engineer game, the remainder o f the ! intramural schedule follow s; Thurs­ day, November IO, vs. juniors; Friday, Novem ber l l , so p h -! ! omores vs. freshmen; Saturday, No-; pre-meds Baylor University has won ~ It, only d e fe a t; t-O N G H O R N RIFLE C L U B five 0 and lost one# {jam* am. ad rn in site red by Boston College. The team s that have been downed by Baylor are John C arleton, Austin Col­ Institute, Phillips, and lege, Rice Southwestern. Texas A. & M. has won four games and lost one. The victories were scored over Howard Payne, S. M. U., Arizona, and the Ok- luhoma Aggies. L. S. U. defeated A, & M. 6 to 0. H O L D S FIR ST PR A C T IC E ---------- First practice for Rifle Club mem I ber* wa- held Sunday afternoon,; with good results. Ten men partic- g Iipated in the shooting and made some! good scores, varying from 18 points down, out of a possible 25 on a 300- yKrd range. A 30-30 Springfield rifle, 1903 model, was used in the shooting. Ed Rather, manager of the Univer­ ity ( o-op, announced ye»t< rday that he will get reports of the Aggie-Bear game Saturday at the end o f each pi arter. These reports will be put * I in th* window' of tho Co-op, and also* o o tb a ll: ____ j will be announced at . I... the 1 1, l .Sunday’^ showing has greatly en-; (enraged the members o f the club,; and they expect to put out a rifle team that w ill make it interesting fo r all opponents. N othing has been done ll UVHV I UU I vwY 't 'VllCltlfOl regard to intercollegiate rifle . *ts, ifut a fter the club gets down . .s * t . . . . . . Ail < n > IC IU W T AWO R E A P H T P IC T U R E S 3:00 BIG VAUDEVILLE 8:15 CARL MCCULLOUCH SQUIRREL HEAVEN V a n d er b ilt Is O n ly T eam T h a t I’£*!#« on Clark H eld betw een I I C* ... ..ik IM, . .. ind Southwestern. _ H as Scored on T ex a s T his Y ear LONGHORN T OUT I ODAY football teams, show Comparison of scores made in games played by Southwestern Con- ference that,' f, published by the Athletic Council* the Texas Longhorns lead the Con- cf the University, will come from the; total number of *ress today. The paper contains sev-j ference with the point* scored, and, with the excep- regarding tion o f the Arkansas Rasorbacks, to jT m v e m ty athletics. One et the mam holding their opponents from scor-{ Art i c! *i s a comparison of the Texas N ovem ber bsue o f Th*’ interesting articles lo n g h o r n tai to real work it is thought th a t arrange in o f a rifle tou rn am ent rn its might be made for the holding . « ■ « « « . . rn Among those members who were out for the first shooting were Ah- •ens, Youngblood, Basse, Rabke, Sni­ der, Jargon, Pearce, and Parks. mg. * In its five games that have been played, the Texas eleven has scored a total of 170 points, with the 20 points scored by Vanderbilt being thornily tallies that have been made by opposing elevens. The Arkansas T is sent to tea rh has played four gam es, winning athletes, three of them and losing the other mn nm —— to the Oklahoma Aggies 7 to 0 c -------------- These seven points are all that have been scored against Arkansas. Pal Pencils wi l l n o t jam d Vanderbilt elevens in the g a m e' which Vanderbilt won. The published acts prove that the Longhorns out-; flayed the Commodores, making more; yardage in every style o f attack than did their opponents The Longhorn ll T men and prospective C H A S. H . R A V E Y Jeweler Block From High Prices 106 W est 6th % 2 ■ii hi ilium —rr-Tpi T I A N C O C OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY— MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7th— 8:30 K i i T t C A R L MC C U LLOU CH Comr* lo A ustin with a t ir i n g o f m usical com - to his eely credit. su c c e sse s “ C a n a r y C o t t a g e ” “T u m b le In ” “ Y o u 're In L o v e ” Roy Snow, Narine Jalmar C. Carroll Clucas In THE FALL OF EVE SILVER & DUVAL rhe Star Boarder The Newest In Coats W e are sh o w in g a line of coa£s that render the w earer a double service — and com fort. T h e P ollyann a is a favorite this season. S q u i r r e l and beaver a r e th e m ost sought after fur trim m ings. P a y our store an early visit. O ur W raps a r e Fashioned for the C ollege Girl. S N A M A N ’ S Ladies’ Exclusive Clothier and Milliner Low Prices Every Day on Men’s and Young Men’s IS TH E WARREN WAY $ 1 4 .0 0 to $ 3 7 .5 0 covers a wide range of patterns and styles. Young Men’s Single a n d Double Breasted models are shown in Cassimeres, Serges, Worsteds, etc. Brown, Navy and Grey in stripes and solids are the colors and patterns. Conservative styles in Navy and Grey tripod patters. . OVERCOATS in a good assortment are offered this week. Desirable mixtures in Brown and Greys are here at— $ 1 2 .0 0 to $ 2 5 .0 0 Belted and plain models. All sizes. WARREN’S 213-215 E. 6th St. Austin’s Only One Price Cash Department Store Our Saturday S pecials Are Worth While—Watch Our Space In Daily Texan SETTY byron op Phones 6325—6335 Postal Sub-station EjHe • JOSEPH’S PHARMACY The Current of Fun MME. BURNELL The Scientific Enigma BYRON &HAIG BOOK O f VAUDEVILLE* Bootleggers, with Song and Dance Highball LEW & PAU L MURDOCK i n WARD & DOOLEY W hat Can We D o - EAGLE “MIKADO” Pencil No. 174 17 4 r : '.> r*zr M TK A X) C* F o r Sale a l y o u r D ealer Made in five grade* ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND CAGLE M IK ADO EA G LE PE N C IL C O M P A N Y , NEW Y ORK Y ou w ill Bud th e C actus T ea R oom a d e lig h tfu l p la c e w h e re I you can d in e sim p ly or h a v e q u ite a sp read . S erv ice 7 :3 0 la. rn. to 7 :3 0 p . rn. For High Grade Shoe Repairing Try M A L M B E R G “ R u b b er H e e ls W h ile Y ou W a it” Elks Building 614 Colorado BANCO CK * OPERA HOUSE1 1 Today Last Time C on w ay T ea rly in “AFTER MIDNIGHT” J. R. REED Austin’s Leading Music House Let Us Watch Your Teeth D R . G U F F IN and associates D e g t is t s Phone 7839 — 612H Congress We do your work now Path© N ew s a n d C om ed y R E A D T H E A D S IN T H E D A IL Y T E X A N T E D S H A W N A m e r ic a ’s M ost F a m o u s M an D an cer A N D HIS C O M PA N Y O F F A M O U S D A N C E R S PR ICES; 75c to $ 2 .0 0 S e a ts N ow O n S a le M ail O rders F illed P ro m p tly . A d d IO Per C ent For W ar T a x Other figures show that the Texas A ggies have scored 67 points to their opponents’ 38; Rice has scored 101 points to its opponents* 80; Baylor its oppo­ has made 164 points to nents’ 56, It is interesting to note that of the total o f 80 points scored against the Rice Owls, 66 o f these were made by the Texas Longhorns. Howard Payne has been scored on for 38 points, and 21 o f thee were Longhorn scores. Austin College has had 101 it, with 60 points scored against points being made by Texas, FRESH M A N -SH O R T H O R N T E N N IS TO S T A R T SOON Freshman and Shorthorn tennis players will hold an elimination tour­ nament in singles to narrow down the candidates to eight men who will compose Ere- hman-.Shorthorn squad. The men on the squad who complete tennis requirements will be awarded numerals a s p ir e men on other Shorthorn a n d Freshman teams. the Those who wish to enter the tour­ nament wBl leave their names with S. E. King in the Chemistry Band­ ing not later than Friday, November 4. The date o f the elimination con­ test has not been definitely settled. It will be played on a court on the new grounds reserved for the con­ test. A T H L E T IC C O U N C IL O F FR A T E R N IT IE S TO MEET For the purpose of organising for the basketball season, there will be a m eeting of the inter-fraternity ath­ letic council Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A., Berry Whitaker, head o f intramural ath­ letics announced yesterday. Election of officers will be held a t Friday’s m eeting and a correction of ruins will he made. Representa­ t iv e af an iatcfwstcd fraternities are urged hp he present at the meeting.