Haihj Ccxan J P M # First C ollege Daily in the South SIGMA DELTA CHI EDITION VOLUME XXI. AUSTIN. TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 1921 NO. 110 TERRILL FIVE IS 16718938 COACH ANNOUNCES REPORT OF HOUSE COMMITTEE WILL BE READY MONDAY FRESHMAN SQUAD FOR THIS SEASON Committee of Austin Citizens Working on Question of Cost of Land nu Bl COMMITTEE HEARS TESTIMONY ABOUT HAZING AT A. & M. S e v e r a l f o r m e r s t u d e n t s o f A . & M. t e s t i f y b e f o r e I n v e s t i g a t i n g C o m m i t t e e N FINALS E TO BEGIN PIRATE SLIPPER! FIVE ON FLOOR ( B y R u p e r t G i l l e t t ) M o i C o n t e s t a n t * McCullough and Barrett Play T h an T h i r t y R e a d y to T r y f o r P la c e * in F in a l* Star Game for Texas, Ty- Jn g f o r Honors P o n s f o r d a n d W r i g h t T i e fo r T r i a n g u l a r M e e t to b e S t a g e d F ir s t H o n o r s aa H i g h B e t w e e n L o n g h o r n s , S h o r t ­ P o i n t M en h o r n s , a n d F r e s h m e n the F resh m an -T errill ( B y C a rt H . S w a r t z ) R ainy w eather failed to keep a larg e audience of to sser fa n s aw ay from School basket b attle in the M en’s Gym ansium la st night, and those who braved the showier were well paid by seeing a fa st contest which the L ittlefield clan cap tu red , 34-17. and W hile the U niversity five doubled the T errill th eir opponents’ score, School team was alw ays m aking the fu tu re Longhorns extend them selves. The visitors passed well had plenty of speed. Had the firs t y ear ag g reg atio n not been in the gam e a t all th e ir sterlin g work, T errill would have easily carried off the contest, as the D allas q u in tet dis­ of expo­ played a clever collection n en ts of th e basket sp ort, all w orking to g eth er in a harm onious m anner. tim es with W r i g h t S n a r e s F i v e I five J a rre ll, C enter W rig h t of the v isito rs got aw ay from C aptain P en d erg rass of th e Freshm en in the opening h alf of th e fra y and snared s tra ig h t field goals. These, w ith a field by F o rw ard represented T e r­ rill’s 12 points registered d u rin g the iopening and Ponsford each scored th ree fields for T exas d u rin g th e firs t h alf, Ponsford also made a foul. S ch u h ard t collected a couple of goals from the floor, and G ilstrap threw one field goal. session. P en d erg rass track “ V a rsity ’s Longhorn team >this y ear will be especially weak in the hurdle and jum p events, accord­ ing to indications to d ate,’’ declared Coach Clyde Littlefield yesterday. P rospects look ra th e r b rig h t in the distance and m iddle distance ru n s with the bulk of the Longhorn v eterans back in these events R ut to d ate the sp rin te rs have showed only fa ir form , the w ork of the w eight men has been of a medium class, and th ere have been no good show ings in the hurdles and jum ps. “ T here are good ju m p ers and h u rd ­ lers in the U niv ersity who have not yet rep o rted ,” said Coach L ift!afield, “ and I am anxious th a t they a* : -a r fo r practice. T here is yet plenty of tim e for them to get held u n til A pril 9, when the R io Owls will be here.” A tria n g u la r meet will or staged follow ing th e final w in ter term exam in atio n s between Longh* ns S h o rth o rn s and Freshm en, the W hile no m eets have been a m ango i for tho Freshm en d efinitely as yet who prom ise to be ratio* stro n g it tra c k th is year, in all probability tine o r m ore m eets will be a v e n g e d for them , L. Thee Bellmont, director of Physical T ra in in g fo r Men sal I y-“— I terd ay . San M arcos B aptist Acade­ l>“en m y and Allan Academ y have for j spoken of as possible opponent the firs t-y ear trac k men. T e r r il ! H e l d in S e c o n d In the second h alf the Freshm en centered th e ir g u ard in g on W right, w ith th e resu lt th a t he w as held to one field goal fo r the session. None o f his com panions w ere able to toss a goal d u rin g th is h alf. T e rrill’s other th ree points were scored on foul goals, tw o of which W rig h t threw him self. J a r re ll th rew the other. F r e » h m e n A r n A c c u r a t e fo r Ponsford closed stro n g the Freshm en, tossing th ree fields and a foul d u rin g the second h alf. Schu­ h a rd t shot two field goals and Pen­ d e rg ra ss and W ard each th rew one in the closing chapter. Touchstone played a stro n g gam e break in g up fo r T errill a t gu ard , m any Freshm en plays. G ilstrap , C u rtis and Lockhead put up th e ir usual splendid defense fo r the F resh m en w ith the re su lt th a t the T errill fo rw ard s scored b u t one field goal. Ponsford, S ch u h ard t and C aptain P en d erg rass displayed good tossing eyes and passed in an excellent m an stro n g T erril! defense in a clever m an­ ner, w orking the sphere through the nor. P o n s f o r d a n d W r i g h t T i e Ponsford, with six field goals and tw o foul goals, and W rig h t, w ith six field goals and two foul goals, w ere tied fo r high scoring honors. The w ork of each slightly overshadowed th e work of th e ir team m ates, although the fives played such good gam es th a t no one p lay er stood out v ery much m ore prom inently th an any o th er on eith e r team . P l a y A g a i n T o n i g h t I T he two team s w ilt clash ag ain to­ n ig h t and another clever gam e is ex­ give pected. W hile the F reshm en every prom ise of com ing o u t w inners in to n ig h t’s gam e, th e T errill School five a re going to give th e firs t year p lay ers a h ard race. A good gam e of basketball ought to be th e result. The s ta rtin g lineups: F ref hm en S ch u h ard t T errill L indsay Ponsford ............................... Ja rre ll P en d erg rass (C ) .................... W right G ilstrap ................................... W harton ................... L eft F o rw ard . R ight F orw ard. C enter. R ight G uard. L eft G uard. C u rtis ................................. Touchstone S ubstitutions— T exas F resh m en : Lockhead fo r G ilstrap , E c k h a rd t for S ch u h ard t, W ard fo r P en d erg rass, Brown fo r Ponsford. T errill School: Kyle for W right, W rig h t fo r Kyle, fo r W rig h t fo r Lindsey, L indsey (C ontinued on P ag e P o u r) Prizes Offered to Athletes in Spring Football Training Seven loving cups, donated by d if­ fe re n t “ T ” men from over the state, *vill be aw arded athletes who make o a rtic u la rly stro n g showings the i sp rin g tra in in g fo r the com ing foot­ h ill season, announced Coach B erry the Longhorn eleven W h ittak er of in I yesterday. I The tra in in g will begin at the s ta rt of the sp rin g term . Coach W h ittak er ^ will announce the nam es of men whom he desires out for the spring work at th a t time. the Men eligible tournam ent for I which will decide the w inners of the | different cups will be all men eligible : for the 1922 eleven who have not won | a fooi bal I “ T .” Cups will be aw arded to the man m aking the best showing as a line­ m an, to .the play er showing up best a t cen ter, to the best end. to the play­ er showing the best form as a p u n ter, to the p layer most accu rate on field goals, and to the ath lete who shows the most o u tstan d in g ab ility as a passer. o------------- SIGMA DELTA PSI TRY-OUTS TO BEGIN T ria ls in two events, the shot put and high jum p, will be held F rid ay ; afternoon for Sigm a Delta Psi candi- j dates, announced Coach Clyde L ittle ­ field, who has charge of the trv -outs, yesterday. I One hundred and th irty candidates ; reported to Coach Littlefield when the ! first tria ls w ere staged recently. A gcod percentage succeeded in m aking q u alifying m arks in the th ree events staged th a t day. Several tria ls will be given in each event. Coach Littlefield said. This will accommodate those men who fail j to qualify in the different events on * th e ir first or second tria l. The tria ls will continue until the close of school. Records will be kept from season to season of each m an ’s perform ances in one I and q u alifying m arks made : y ea r will count in la te r years when ! the candidate is able to complete the o th er required perform ances fo r in iti­ th a t several ation. athletes will complete the initiation requirem ents fo r the honorary a th ­ letic fr a te rn ity th is year. is expected It Among the present stu d en ts now ; m em bers of the fra te rn ity are F r a n k - , lin J. and Nelson Scurlock, of Cle- ! b u m e, and F. S. Leissner, of Davy. No rep o rt on the work of the sub­ the House Com m ittee comm ittee of on ap p ro p riatio n s will be rendered until next Monday. This com m ittee was appointed th e purpose of fo r d ra ftin g a bill th at will reconcile the cinfiicting elem ents litferent nills proposed for th e settlem ent of the U niv ersity situation. So fa r, the work of th e com m ittee has not been efficiently advanced to adm it a pub­ lic report on the m atter. the in to T his delay was caused by the ab­ sence from the city of R epresentative W right, chairm an of the com m ittee, but d u rin g his absence an opinion was secured from the A ttorney G eneral in regard the disposition of money from the general fund. A ccording to this opinion, such money cannot bo used e ith e r directly or indirectly or by tra n s fe r to the U niversity av a il­ able fund fo r the purpose of erecting new buildings on the U n iversity cam ­ pus. T his money can be used, how- •ver, for the purpose of buying more and fur the purpose of en larg in g the present cam pus. In re g ard to d eterm ining the prob­ able cost of buying m ore land con- iguous to the present cam pus of the U niversity, a com m ittee of A ustin citizens is a t work on the question and it is hoped th at a report from them will be available in a short time. the proposition land. He said that R epresentative M orris a few days igo subm itted th at the Com mittee on A p p ropriations should be inform ed as definitely as possible by citizens of A ustin as to what they should expect in reg ard to probable prices to be paid for addi­ tional the U ni­ versity proposition should be handled in a businesslike m anner, and th a t this inform ation should be before the com m ittee before any definite action I t w'as in response to this is taken. proposition th a t the A ustin comm ittee began work to determ ine the cost of additional lands. FROSH WILL PLAY ACADEMY MONDAY Bobbie Cannon's Five Promises Littlefield Clan a Hard Game Bobbie Cannon, fam ed Longhorn ath lete of form er years, now athletic coach a t Allan Academ y, will b ring his speedy five here fo r a tosser tilt ag a in st the U n iversity Freshm en Monday night in th e Men’s g ym na­ sium. Cannon has m et w ith notable suc­ cess in his coaching of prep, school team s and Coach Clyde Littlefield’s Freshm en are counting on a close contest. The Freshm en will fu rn ish all the tosser attra c tio n s here next week, as th*- Longhorns will play th eir only two gam es of the week in Houston ag ain st the Rice In stitu te team . A fte r the Allan Academ y gam e the Freshm en will meet the speedy Young Men’s C h ristian A ssociation five here S atu rd a y night, according to present This game will close the first plam year team 's season which has been v* ry successful. M i n M a t t i e H a r d y C o n d u c t s M e n ­ t a l i t y T a c t s f o r F a a b la - m i n d e d to initiated defective tncccJFding the norm of Miss M attie L .H ardy, lately en ­ gaged in child w elfare work in Chi­ cago, but now in the D epartm ent of Psychology of the U niversity of Tex as, has into a num ber of public schools of the s ta te a system indi­ of classification vidual ability, to replace the “ inade­ quate and inefficient” system w hereby choel children are classified accord­ ing to school experience. As a basis for reclassificatio n , different m en tal­ l y tests for the group and the indi vidual have been tried out, and s ta tis ­ ms have been compiled. W ith these as stan d ard s, it is possible to d istin ­ guish and weak-minded children, and children who fall slig h t­ ly below intelligence, in tellig en t and from 1 hose of .superior m ental quickness. Instruction in th*- g rades of the pub- !is school, which, under the present system, m ust meet the general need of all classes of minds, cannot succeed n giving to all, Miss H ardy stated should not rciceive the same kind of le a d i­ ng th a t is given to others, any more than b rillian t children should be kept back with the av erag e,” she explained. “ By to them will heir h a w more ap p ro p ria te instruction. Although the sla te in stitution is too -mall to provide for th e number of they can be sep- lefectives, a t least irated the o thers and have from p e d a l tra in in g .” re-classification intelligence, all of “ Feeble-minded the norm ally according children Miss H ard y has been conducting m entality tests in several schools of he state. She has, according to her statem ent, found children twelve and ifteen years of age, actually feeble­ minded, who have been in classes de- i R nod for norm al children for six or revert years, and who have all this fine been a t a disad v an tag e and in- ustiee to them selves, th e ir g rad e and he teacher. On the other hand, some rem arkable cases of intelligence were found where pupils were fa r above he norm fo r th e ir age and grade. It is the purpose of the educational ne& suretntftts and test# to bring about ,i classification of pupils which will ** more satisfacto ry from the stan d ­ teacher. o u t of both pupil D em onstrations of the tests are made n various schools, upon request of the m perintendent or other- school au- ‘ borities. and L O F T U S G I V E N T F ran k L oftus of El Paso, a mem­ ber of the Longhorn football squad >f 1911-12-13-14, has been aw arded •in unqualified T in recognition of his •ervices on the gridiron for V arsity. The aw ard, coming a fte r th e pass- ng of years, is a real trib u te to the nan who trie s and fails to m ake good by th e operation of technical rules governing aw ards. L oftus will be remem bered by fol- U kers of Longhorn football of past •masons as a 128 pound ath lete who battled daily ag a in st V arsity with an inkle so badly three braces were used to hold his weight. injured th a t Applications for W oman’s Building Rooms Are Received A pplications for room in the Wom­ a n ’s Building and annexe^ fo r both term s of the 1921 Sum m er Sc hoof are now being received by Miss M attie C. Lockett, directo r of the W oman’s B uilding In previous years in fa r exceeded the applicants the g irls ’ dorm itories j for rooms have th e num ber of rooms available. T his y ear promise# to lie no exception, according to Miss Lockett. Last sum m er Miss Rowena A nder­ son served as business m an ag er of the W om an’s Building and will act again in th a t capacity th is year, A pplica-| inquiries fo r details con­ lion? and cerning the rooms should be addressed to Miss Lockett a t 2523 U niversity Avenue The following students a re re ­ quested to call at the office of the Dean of the College of A rts w ith­ (Office hours: out fu rth e r d elay : to S atu rd ay , F eb ru ary 19, 2:30 5 ). J. P. C harlton, Reese Cleveland, C. C. C rutchfield, P auline Halde- man, D. H arrin g to n , Hope Hen- | drix, Dan Hodges, Lee H ubberd, Joseph Johnson, Roland Johnson, j Si Johnson, A nnie H a m e r. A. Y. MeCailum, M arjo ry M ankin, T. B. M arshal!, Healy Mayes, B. Melton, J. W . Miller. R, M orrison, J. D. : Nolan, M aurine P aterson, B. N. ; Peck, Emogene P leasan t, B er­ thold R einarz, G ary Summ ers, j Louise U lrich, J . B. W estm ore­ land, T. V. W hatley, M ildred WU- I son, R uth Wilson. H T. P A R L IN , A ssistant Dean of the College of A rts. to C ontinuing the probe of the alleged hazing of freshm en a t A. & M. Col­ lege, the Senate In v estig atin g Com m ittee met F rid ay afternoon and took testim ony from several w itnesses The this m eeting of taken at testim ony the com m ittee was sim ilar th a t taken a t the previous m eeting of the committee. Practically all of the w it­ nesses agreed as to the general form s th at th e hazing takes at A. & M. and none of them said th a t they were forced to leave school on account of tw o witnesses the hazing. One o r stated th at they did not know' of an y ­ one who had been forced leave school on account of hazing H a z i n g N o t B r u t a l to George Young, of Longview, testis, tied th a t he attended A. & M. from Septem ber 15 until December 13, 1920. He said th a t he left ju st before the C hristm as holidays He said th a t lie experienced some hazing, but that it could not be called b rutal. W hen he was asked how long he had been a t College S tation before he was hazed he answ ered, “ About two h o u r s ’ K n e w o f H a z i n g Young said th a t he had been told of th e custom of hazing at A. & M before he went there. In describing the hazing to w'hich he was subjected, the w itness stated th a t he was made to bend over and g rip his ankles while -the sophomores paddled him. On an other occasion he w as made to bend over a table for paddling When he injured was asked if he had in any way by the hazing, he replied th a t he had Wen bruised slightly with the boards th at were used as paddles bu t th a t it caused him no inconve nience, except th a t it hu rt considet ably. been H a z i n g N o I n c o n v e n i e n c e In a nsw er to th e question as to why he left A. A M., Young replied th at TLL0WSH1PS ARE OFFERED STUDENTS Eleven Fellowships and Five Scholarships Now Open to Americans Information concerning two sets of fellowship which a re open to students of the U niversity has been received a t th e office of the R eg istrar. One is the Beit Fellow ship; the other is the A m erican Scandinavian Foundation Fellowship. T he Beit Fellowship for Scientific Research was founded and endowed by O tto Beit, Esq., London, in 1913, the A dvancem ent of “To Prom ote Science by R esearch.” The fellow­ ship is tenable a t the Im perial Col­ lege of Science and Technology, South K ensington, London, S. W., and h as! an annual value of 175 pounds, E n ­ glish money. Its du ratio n is for one or two y ears according to the recom­ m endations of the tru stees. A pplica­ tions accompanied by reference should lie made to the R ector of the Im perial College not later th an A pril 19. The Am erican S candinavian Foun­ dation has offered tw enty fellowships to be distributed am ong three differ­ ent S candinavian countries. Each fellowship will net the sum of $1,000 yearly. Ten of them a re to held in Sweden in the subjects of C hem istry, A g ricu ltu ral Srience«, Social Sciences, and M etallurgy', F o restry , Mining H ydro-electricity, L anguage and L it­ e ra tu re , and other hum anistic sub­ jects. F ive scholarships each in N o r­ way and D enm ark are to be held in ac­ sim ilar subjects. A pplications companied with an account of the qualifications, recom m endations and photographs of the candidates should be made before M arch 15 to Jam es Creese, Jr.. A ssistant D irector of Students, A m erican S candinavian Foundation, 25 W est Forty-second S treet, New- York City. Detailed inform ation may be se­ cured at th e office of th e R eg istrar, Education Building. ( B y F l e d J. W h i t e ) Georgetown, Texas, F ebruary IS— _ , . Speaking C ontest will be held F rid ay Sem i-finals in the Boone ^ t e m p o r e P la>,' n£ on tt floor made by rain which leaked through the roof of J the P ira te s gymnasium, the Umver- atternoon in the Main Auditorium of | - t y 0f T exas Longhorns defeated the hr Law Buildin 4 Southw estern U niversity five here to- u’clock for contestants. Names of | nijght by a score of 24 to 15. from 3 1T . to „ .. . , . . all the p artic ip a n ts in the sem i-finals have not been received but approxi m ately sixteen men and a like nam* ber of women a re expected to tam p art, according to Elwood Griseom. J r., associate professor of j Speaking, who { contest. The gym nasium roof leaked in eight places onto the playing floor and towels and throw n on jerseys were i hese spots to tak e up the w ater. The players tried to steer d e a r of these Public places but often in the m idst of some is in charge of the I f u ll play were unable to do so with the result th a t they often slipped and From those who p articip ate in the I fell. and sem i-final contest six men six j The small seating capacity of the women will be selected to take p a rt in J P ira te s’ gym nasium was com fortably he final contest which will he con­ ducted on M arch 4 The contest is held in two d iffe ren t groups, one for the men and one for the women. Each speaker is lim ited to six m in­ utes and m ust speak on some phase of the “ C ourt of In d u strial Relations, filled with spectators. The contest was fast a t tim es, but the visitors never extended them selves. George McCullough, stellar Texas g u ard , was the individual s ta r of the game, doing wonderful work a t gu ard and tieing F o rw ard B a rre tt fo r high point honors fo r T exas. B a rre tt and field McCullough each made goals. B a rre tt also displayed great form, advancing the ball down the floor excellently. four im ilar to th a t of K an sas.” The Boone Contest has been held innually for a num ber of years. Dan Boone, of W ichita F alls, a g rad u ate of th e U niversity gives to the van­ ning woman and to the winning man the sum of $50 a fte r the final con­ test. Each lite ra ry society is per­ to e n te r fo u r co n testants in m itted fhe sem i-finals. T his is second year th a t women have been perm itted to en ter th e contest. the L ast y ear the fin a l contest was w rn tm Field by Rebecca H ightow er women, am ong the men. and by Robert M among Theta Sigma Phi A nn ou n ce s the p le d g in g Kathryn A nde rs on Eli zabeth McCurdy fra te rn ity , jo u rn alistic T heta Sigm a P hi, w om an’s h o n -, o ra ry an-1 the pledging of K atheryn nounces A nderson‘ o f Brownwood, and E liza­ beth M cCurdy of L ockhart. Both are Texan w orkers and students in the School of Journalism . T h eta Sigm a Phi h as been in the U niversity of Texas since 1919, when a c h a rte r was g ran ted to Pen and Type, a jo u rn alistic club. Members in the U niversity have alw ays taken an active p a rt in the publication of The Texan, Longhorn, and Cactus. H e ire ra , fo rw ard for Southw estern, He two was the s ta r fo r th e P irates. made nine points by scoring field goals and five fouls. T h e o c ra t h a lf ended with Texas in the lead 12-8. The P irates staged a drive a t the s ta r t of the second half and ra n the count up to 12-11. Then Longhorns got started again and a fte r th a t scored 12 points while the Southw estern team were scoring four. Coach Bellmont did not m ake a change in the Texas lineup d u rin g the whole game. He started Russell, the veteran g uard, a t cen ter; McCullough and Hill at g u ard s and Peyton and B arrett a t forw ards. This was the th a t defeated Rice two combination stra ig h t gam es and the B aylor B ears a f te r the Waco players had taken a fall out of the Longhorns on the Texas team ’s home floor. then beat Tonight th e com bination worked w ill, vercom ing th a t the difficulties they encountered on the wet floor and in the g re at difference in size between the P ira te s’ gym nasium and the spac­ ious Men’s gym nasium at the U niver­ sity of Texas. ■Russell passed well in the Long­ horn lineup and succeeded in sn arin g a field goal. Peyton and Hill played their usual clever games in the Long­ h o rn ’s lineup. The fra te rn ity iR now planning on tak in g an active p a rt in the V arsity Circus. J u s t w hat form this a t t r a c - I on Texas Players and five on p *r a t* f ion is to take, h as not yet been an-1 athIet*8- Peyton made good on two ° f his five chances fo r fouls and H er- nounced. Referee Henderson called l l fouls 0_ rera scored five fouls in his l l a t ­ tem pts. ATHLETIC DIPLOMA The P irates made only one substi- IS GIVEN PLAYERS tution d u rin g the game. A thletic C ertificates of A ward T onight’s gam e w as the L onghorns' are last non-conference gam e of the sea- * novations which have been inau- son. The T exas U niversity team now unrated by the A thletic Council of the has only fo u r gam es rem aining on U niversity of Texas. th eir schedule. On W ednesday and When a V arsity athlete completes T h u rsday of next week they meet the bis athletic career he is given a c e r-jR ic e In stitu te Owls at Houston and t ideate 17 by 12 inches in size, en- on Tuesday and W ednesday of the craved with all the accurateness of a I following week they will close th eir college diploma, show ing a com plete j reason with a couple of games against record of his college athletic c a re e r.j i heir g reat athletic rivals—the Texas T his aw ard will be given all men j A. & M. Aggies. These A g g ieT ex as com pleting th e ir athletic ea rre rs the Long- ginning 1920-1921. be- gam es will be staged on h o rn s’ home court at Austin. Included on th e diplom a will be a J record of th e special honors won by the athlete and a large orange T over ihe seal of the U n iv ersity of Texas. ______ (Continued on Page F our) INDUSTRIAL STUDY GROUP CLASS OPENS T h irty people la st night attended ?he first m eeting of the industrial rtudy group which will study present lines economic conditions along the of thought laid down by Dr. Sherwood Eddy in his recent lectures here. It was thought by those in charge th at the bad w eather kept many others aw ay. The group met a t the Young Men’s C hristian Association building. O rganization of the class was got­ ten under way. In accordance with the catalogue announcem ent. Tuesday, F eb ru ary 22. will bt1 observed as a general holiday in all departm ents of the University. On Monday and W ed­ nesday, F eb ru ary 21 and 23, all claries in the U niversity will pro­ ceed as usual. This notice is of­ ficial and final, and students will please re fra in from ringing either my office or my residence telephone to make inquiries about this m at­ ter. R O B E R T E, V I N S O N , President. I Continued on page Four I of: ©hr Baily ©exan TVxas student may be. On that day “The Eyes of Texas” IS heard across the continent. — R . a . $ first Cotta** Os! 7 O** Soul* th* cmtnpm of th* Unt**»sit/ of Tow* hr th* *tu4*nt body m n w m in i Fofettahod OffW Room IM. Main Bulling. Tctaphon* 114*. a* Mcoiuh«taM «urt**T st th* po*t- •ffto st Awftio, Tom*. Q»a*T rh* Aet of Comrrm*. Ma rh I 1»7I Aec*^tsne* at sf>«es*5 rat* of je»Uw* prtmd*a for in AttT— I IOX, Ast of October *. IM7, Mtfbor <•**• 0*|rt*Mh*r 24. KUS. HI LON W BLACK gftttor-in-Chicf p o l i n e s s It seems that at irregu lar in­ tervals the U n iv ersity m ust be drawn into politics because o f a lack of any definite policy con ­ In the presen t in- cerning it. stance the plans for settlin g the University question are as nu­ in m any cases as merous and impracticable the schemes for retu rn in g th*- rail­ roads to private ow nership. But if Would seem , is not sc. much that th*- U n iversity be moved to any special pk&e or be allowed to re- as w e r e fllO.d , OFFICIAL NOTICES bruary 22 Leave gym nasium at 5:00 a rn ( T u e sd a y ), 20-rrile hike Assistant Dean of M A NAG ER. Women IU in Fort Worth Sanitarium a . - T H E SE M I-F IN A L S for the Boone E xtem pore apes king prize will be he.d S atu rd a y afternoon in the Law seaj w ilj haye g a ads tori uni. VV omen at men at 4:00 p m. p m ' j i n g so ______. . S C R IB B L E R S : Those who have I not singed th eir nam es to the Ca e tu i an opportunity o f do <>0 ALL W OM EN JE. GRISCOM, JR I seal will be placed in the rotunda o f | ^ nc€ th e Main B uilding 3 t th a t tim e. Mrs. I lorence Bel?. Absist tnt Dean from 9— I T Saturday. T h e lo f W o m t ‘n < w h o ‘s on a leave o f ab t h e U n iversity on ac- count of iii health is not expected to resum e her duties this term, At pres­ ent Mrs. Bell is at a sanitarium in the K A PPA D E L T A PI members who ^ o c t Worth under the* treatm ent of Boone E xtem pore -peaking prize hand im- in your nam es to M iss M ontgomery ’ w ant their bera are urged to be there and on ordered com m unicate on or before I P rove* lt- roay b* possible for her to tend in the Spring term, Dr. Beal stated. D uring your nam es Mrs. B ell’s absence, her work is be­ noon Saturday. m e attended to bv Miss Lula M. B ew ­ i t ) . also assistant-dean o f women. in Teaday with M iss Pirkle, S ecretary,^ come ka< k t0 RICH A RD J O N A S , President. for the Boone contest hand to Mr. Grissom before or M ILTON LIN G , President. fra tern ity keys or pins If she continues to E GRISCOM , JR .. P niveraity entered .Beall. from for --- SCA X I)IN A V IA N S : C A N D ID A T E S for the Teachers' Diplom a to be granted in June, 1921, R e g u l a r *kf>uld make application therefor at o f f i c e o f th© Dean o f the School 118, Education m onthly m eeting S atu rd a y n igh t at eigh t o ’clock, residence o f Mrs. C, G. ° f E ducation, room Widen, 1508 Brazos S t , P R E S ID E N T B uilding, on or before March fir st W. S. SU T T O N . WUKASCH BROS. Home-made Cakes and Pies Lou** O.bdAry ---------- A***rtt*las M*u***i what 18 needed T O DAY 'S S T A F F Rupert Gillett Carl H. Swartz R C. Crane Fred J. White. __________________ main where it is, as that the Once more th* Sigma Delta TION . Chi is giving’ it* neophytes the system for its m aintenance h» I” grilling test of putting out the adopted. One settled program sheet alone and unaided. On :a worth a hundred wild spherec«. problem of its disposition be finally anrj that a definite (mclu.ive) o f t h . M anual, E. P SCHOCH. — R. G. _____ A N Y S T U D E N T d e li rin g to join We have heard a g n a t d e a l t h . U n iv ,r .ity R ifle Club m ay iJ .v c ..........a m e, a t t h . V M. c. A d e * « ------------- P iul Speer the last occasion, the work was enlivened by the presence of va- n o u s remarkable s ty le . mg gowns, but in deference to j a]| a knop j# # jf)jnt an - a* ,, , , . i i i . The A m erican Legion wa* or- 0 f It It *------- h J ^ OUT WITH LONGHORNS lnl< R,v“ rv' tht 1 nn, !* • , r c signed by the St. Louis N af ion »N jR working out with the Tex is Long g&nized with a definite purpose RIVIERE is WORKING —to do the work of peace a* the work of war wa* done, to per- petuate the ideals for which the ArtbuI, war wan fought, and to strive to establish the highent sUndards of American citizenship. In do- horns pending th** time to report to ing this work the Legion is at- training camp He will probably r< tached to no party or clique, po- mHin n Austin unti! tht? ( l° ‘ ° r litical religious or social is wmt#r U>rm Rivipre’9 homo iracai, religious, o r social. IS Liberty T ex a s, and he entered above parties and faction*. h! the U n iversity from St. Edward's College With the organization of the o f A ustin, where he tiro established University Post, another step a reputation as pitcher, with twenty-' has been taken o f 1920 he a M fluence of the University felt toured northern Mexico with an .in -; ., throughout the S tate, for, as the dependent team, and played for some Legion posts over th e country time at Tampico, Winning the major I it is reported in are rapidly becom ing th e leaders ty of games played, in th eir respective com m unities, 1 iCal athlttlc dirties that he wa so the University graduates are signed by the Cardinal* for $3,OOO taking th eir places as the leaders DECATHLON WIN NFP in the S tate.. T he com bination o f the tw o forces ought to pro­ duce a pow er fo r good. to make the jn. Two strikeouts in a single game. i t i TO GET LOVING C U P the summer (a D uring * av. * a , — R.G. OUR H O LID A Y L. Theo Bellm ont, Director of P hysical T raining for Men, has do­ nated a loving cup to be awarded to the athlete w inning a decathlon con­ test to he held at the end o f the U n i­ v ersity track season. The cup will the perm anent property of become the winner. -p _____ *f* *i* *P *T* The com m ittees at work on the program for th e celebration Six events w ill form the basts o f of March Second are to be com-1 th, " decath lon"confit." * Z > r 7 , Z to mended for th eir zeal in attem pt- Coach Clyde L ittlefield, of the track in g to m a k e t h e day a big one team . The e events will all bv run off in one day and w ill include dashes, fo r in the U n iversity. T hose ru n s and ju m p s. ch arge o f the cerem onies are ta k in g every precaution to avoid a ccid en ts th a t m igh t m ar the celebration. They have, so far, 4* worked up an excellent program, 4 * and th ey prom ise to announce ^ soon a new feature that will + Continuing his series of talks -F make the celebration the greatest * on the Christian armor as de- v 1 hl8 f that has ever been held bv the T r r* '5 by St Paul University. d* *1* *!* “f* y *1* •** c h a p e l n o t ic e ---------- o---------- •p E p istle to th e E p h e sia n s, F a th e r •£• Ross yesterday m orning dis- •J* cussed “the preparation o f the *F gospel of peace,” with which -F It ia on that *** tbe ^eet w, re to be shod. This Student* do not usually real­ ize the importance of Texas Day to the University. day that the former students * ***'lilte non'’ lx‘for< il he said- + •I* is one o f hurry. A ll modern in- <4* o f this inteitution all over the v en tio n s have an their object *;« world, wherever they may be, In a tim e v meet together to live over again the happiest days of their live* —the day* that were spent o n f^ Jart of each iav f >T . the forty acre*. day that all sons of Texas are 4- and prayer to strenghter, his 4* again united in the spirit in one big ceremony, which has its cen­ ter on the campus and branches out b y telepathy to ail parts of the world, wherever a former •P the sa v in g o f tim e. •J* o f bustle and flurry the Chris- •f* tian needs to set apart some <4* •I* the gospel o f peace. F ather •f« R oss’s last talk w ill be given •f* . . . I v flection on th in g s o f th e s p irit. 4* It I* on t h a t ,* H e needs a season o f m e d ita tio n - Christian lif*-. to bt shod with this morning. *$* * j •f* •{• 4* n , . + + ^ + + ( HE M ISTRY I: A regular quiz Will bo given on C hapter X, A rt. 1- iabarotory 29, inclusive, during the W. A. F E L S IN G , j DR P A Y N E 'S Sunday School class picnic to have be«-n given Saturday even in g has been postponed till Sat- u n l a y the 2 o t h . , SO CIAL C H A IR M A N . M ENORAH SO C IE T Y : Dr. Fox o f bort Worth w ill lecture Sunday, the tw entieth, at 4:00 p. rn. P R E S ID E N T . HI KERS ruary on Saturday L 10-mile hike for Feb­ the nineteenth, bymnuwiiim at two o ’clock, Feb- Haynie’s Barber Shop ~5 N i x* d o o r t o U nited C igar S tore P h on e 6 2 4 2 5 2 3 F’t i g r e s s A v e . UNIVERSITY FOLKS VV ill A lw a y s Find at YE QUALITYE SHOPPE First— A hearty welcom e whether they come to look or to buy. Second— Gifts of original­ ity and taste for simple and for formal occasions. Third— Objects of art for home decoration. Fourth— G o o d pictures, including B l u e Bonnet paintings and prints. Fifth— Cards for all occa­ sions and also party fav­ ors. Sixth— Valentines THE GIFT SHOP OF AUSTIN 1104 Colorado Street - H E A R - The Famous Victor Artists INCLUDING PEERLESS QUARTET, STERLING TRIO, ETC. PERSONAL APPEARANCE Hancock Feb. 22,8:15 p.m. SEAT SALE TOBIN’S BOOK STORE insmmraRmmmii^nmnimKBiiBUiuaitiiiiiiffiiuimnimiNnittHnnniitifnuiHiniiiUfnndtiiiiinfroinmiiuinBifmiiraHftmHraBffiisnwh; C. M. MILLER W all P a p er, P a in ts O ils, W h ite L ead , W in d o w G la ss and P a in te r ’s S u p p lies. P ictu re fra m in g a s p e c ia lty 807 C on gress A v en u e P h on e 6266 — I IV. UNIVERSITY CASH GROCERY We Have a Complete Line of Fresh Up-to-date Groceries A t A t t r a c t s Prices PROMPT DELIVERY AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT Corner 24th and Guadalupe Phone 628 CLEANING PRESSING University Toggery Complete Line of Gent’* Furnishings 2300 1-2 Guadalupe Tel. 3090 ■ CAFE AND CONFECTIONERY Eaat aide of Campus 2111 Speedway ijniHiiunaaiiiHiKiiiiiiiiittiiimffainiiirniiriJJinniniHiHiitiminniHyia! E L E C T R I C A L IRONS, Call un U8 for you r p lu m b in g and electrical wants. SHADES. PORTABLES CURLERS LAMPS. GRILLS. A. E. HANCOCK CO. 908 Congress IIIHI1IIWI— ■ DR. T. F. COX 421 Scarbrough Bldg. Telephone 830 DENTIST $35, $40, $47.50, $52.50 FOR SPRING Bates Street Shirts. Notaseme Hose, Neckwear Stebbins & james The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes W. A. ACHILLES & CO. PIONEER GROCERS Especial Attention and Service to Fraternity and Sorority Houses 1602-04 Lavaca Street Phones 865. 866, 867 WE DO ALL OUR BAKING •Bread Pies Cakes •French Pastry Maverick Cafe J. A. JACKSON WATCHES DIAMONDS Watch and Jewelry Repairing JEWELRY 617 Congress Ave. Phone 133 We endeavor to furnish the best banking service in Austin. We labor under the impression that wp d o Wm invite everyone to give us a trial. CITIZENS STATE BANK GUARANTY FUND BANK Large enough to protect you. Small enough to know you. Always ready to serve you. D. B. GRACY. Chairman of the Board Eldred McKinnon, V. P. A. W. W ilkerson, Pres. Leo Kuhn. Asst. Cashier D. T. Igiehart, Vice. Pres. AUSTIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CO. Phone 193 PE o n * * A rid . . S o c i e t y R. C. C ra n e MISS HERSHEY TO LECTURE IN WACO ENGINEERS PLAN LIVELY BANQUET ' THEMES REPLACED BY SHORT PLAYS Gerald DuBose of San Antonio, New Extension C ourse O ffer- cd by H om e Econom ics D e p a rtm e n t M ore T h a n O n e H u n d re d H a v e B o u g h t T ick e ts to A n ­ n u a l D in n er English S tu d e n ts W rite One- Act Playa In stead of W e e k ly Essays Building. m m u a i e t t e a a r and Henry Nash of Corsicana ait* visiting, a t the Delta Sigma Phi for the week-end. Miss Katerine Keller and Louise in the week-end W alker will spend Huston. F ra n k Woofers is ill at the P. & S. Hospital. Price Cross is spending the week­ end at his home in Cameron. Maggie Montgomery the week-end in Austin. * is spending Bob Mosely is spending the week­ end in Austin. week end. Joe Moore is out of town for the Gordon Calder has returned from a visit in Palestine. J. E. Ellison is visiting in Elgin. Albert Blocker has entered Photo p lay’s ‘‘Fam e and F ortune Contest.” M arg a re t Lewis of San Antonio is visiting the Kappa house. Al Deviney has been called to Cuero on account of his g ra n d m o th e r’s ill ness. Dan White. Marion Law, and Bill for Sigma tryin g out William are Delta Psi. Bill Ford is sick at Lambda Cii house. S tew art W right, J. W. L indsay, P orter By w aters, Jam es Thomas, Or V ille Sinter, and Mr. and Mrs. Gail Allen of Dallas are visiting the Phi Gamma Delta house. Eugene Smith has gone to Houston for a week-end. F ra n c is Scarbrough and Bernice in San An­ Thompson are visiting tonio this week. .Mildred Cham bers is now boarding at 1710 Colorado. The R attler Club announces the pledging of Jack Vowell. Eloise C a rr is visiting her brother, Street, in San Antonio. is Doc- C ran b e rry has gone to New Orleans to wiliness an exhibition bout by Jack Dempsey. Ju n e H a rris leaving for Nae adoehes to attend the wedding of her sister, Geneva, form er popular a young University student. Dick Oliv­ er, an old friend of the family will ac­ company her. Roberta and Francis Bradley, sisters of the groom, will also attend the wedding, leaving here Sunday. Miss Decherd entertained her Sun day school class from 6:30 until 8:30 yesterday afternoon with a candy pull. F ran cis P. Gcrling left Wednesday for St. Louis where he will attend the annual convention of the Theta Xi fraternity. H ou rs 9 to 5 O ld P h o n e 802 W M . A. LEW IS, M.D. D.O. Specializes In Osteopathy Rooms 3 and 4, First Floor Masonic Temple Austin, Texas o------------ N EED G L A SS E S ? — See— S. GREENBERG Exclusive Optometrist* 707 Congrean Ave. m PEARLS Always In Style Pearl strings, harmoniz­ ing with every com plex­ ion, every gown, and every mode, are always in good demand. We are selling better pearls constantly. We carry' a better assort­ ment and pick out the choicest strings. It will be a pleasure for you to choose the string you want from our pres­ ent stock. As a gift nothing can be nicer. Prices always reason­ able. STELFOX CO. QUALITY Austin Texas COZY LUNCH ROOM Tamales, Chili, Enchi­ ladas, P e c a n Candy— Other Goods Across From University Methodist Under the auspices of the W om an’s Club of Waco, Miss Edythe Hershey of the Home Economies Departm ent of the University of Texas will con­ duct in th at city a course in house­ hold adm inistration, beginning Feb­ ru a ry 28 and continuing through March 12. This course, according to I Miss Hershey, will cinsist of a series of the business basis of the home, together with p e r­ sonal conferences on individual prob­ lems. Budgets, household accounts, food buying, clothing and questions j of home ownership vs. renting, o p e ra t­ ing expenses, and domestic service are among the subjects to be covered in the discussions, it is said. lectures on twelve Miss Hershey has conducted such courses in a number of localities over the state .acting in co-operation with a club or other group of women, upon their request. This is a new phase of the work of the Home Economics E x ­ tension of the University, and ap pli­ cations made for the course would in­ dicate th a t it is one for which there is g re a t demand. Degrees Conferred at ‘‘T exas” Number Over Five Thousand five than More thousand degrees have been awarded by the University of Texas, in the main University only du rin g the thirty-six year period from 1884 to 1921. The Records show a total of 5,354 degrees awarded in this length of time in the various branches of A rts ranks first in number of do­ ing g ra d u ate degrees The College of A rts ranks first in nhmber of de grees granted, having a total of 2,725; the Law School is m xt with 1,775. In 1920 there were 458 degrees con­ ferred, taking into account both June and August graduates, and this rep­ resents the record of any single year, though the number of degree appli­ cations made during the current ses­ sion would indicate an increase for 1921. Sen d HilSyer’s F lo w ers. A l­ P h o n e idea. w ays a good 6160. A pproximately one hundred engi­ than have neering students, more the ever attended Engineers in the past have purchased tickets for the Annual Engineer Ban­ quet which is to bt1 held next Monday the banquets of the Driskill night, F ebruary ‘21, at Hotel, according to T. U. Taylor, dean of the Engineers. The sale of tickets total closed T hursday night with a of 842 tickets sold. The banquet is in the hands of an executive committee composed of the following: Bert Hedick, c h a irm an ; FU R. Smith, senior; K. B. Dernber- ger, II. Wilson, sopho­ more; G. E. Robertson, freshman. ju nio r; W. the consist mainly Professor E. C. Bantel has been chosen to act as toastm aster. The program will of speeches by following: C. B. Lane, representing the seniors; H. D. Wilde, representing the ju niors; W. Bromley, for the sophomores; B. E. Lewis, for the freshm en; Professor H. C. Weaver, of the faculty; Honor­ able O. L. Sims, of th e Legislature, repesenting the alum ni; Professor J. W. Calhoun, who will speak on “ S tr a t ­ ified Mathematics”; and Dr. R. E. Vinson, President of the University, on “ C haracter in an Engineer.” The program will conclude with from special stunts by re­ which city ceived th at the alumni will attend the banquet in large numbers. reports have been the alumni R E L IE F D R IV E W ILL BE F IN IS H E D T O D A Y Today is the last day of tile Uni­ versity of Texas European Student Relief Fund drive. Over $3,000 has already been donated the movement by University of Texas s tu ­ dents and faculty members. towards About $900 in pledges remain to be collected. Girls are requested to pay their pledges to Miss Davidson at the Young W om an’s Christian Asso­ ciation office. An incorrect report which appeared in Friday's Texan stated th a t only $900 had been collected d u ring the drive. CLASSIFIEDS F I V E DOLLARS R EW A R D for re-1 tu r n of jeweled Phi Chi pin lost last 1 week.— D a g m a r Carlson Woman's Ballroom, DANCING. In terp re­ tive, Technique. Modern Dances, ipe- ! cialized. instruction by appointment. Private studio. Phone , 2991. Individual —3-6 DR. WILLIAM E. BERGM AN— Suite 410 Littlefield Building. Dentist Phone 2538. and Pyorrhea Specialist W A N T E D Two boys for one room, and roommate for one boy a t 710 W. 25th. —19 V IS IT the Palace B arber Shop to Kress. Bill Hall of Fame. next Wolfe, Prop lf T h e la rg e , op en fire a t th e C actus T e a Room invites you in My, b u t it is co zy in th e r e ! WUKASCH BROS. Home-made Cakes and Pies The idea of having .students in E n ­ to write one-act plays has to I introduced in an endeavor glish been avoid mere parap h ra sin g the students of articles and books in the library. from to try in verse Several such plays have been w rit­ ten and judged as being very good by Mr. D. L. Clark , one of the in s tru c ­ tors who decided the plan. Most of those handed in to him were about the proposed move of the Uni­ versity. One was “The U niversity in j Move,” a play written imitation of “ Everym an.” The c h a r­ acters of the play were the f r a t e r n i ­ ties, \ oung Men’s Christian Associa­ activities' tion, and other around Still another built upon the move was t h a t of a J young m arried couple who were di- j the question. The hus­ vided about band had property investments and therefore had a selfish view of the re­ moval. The wife’s arguin g for it all the time finally resulted in the break­ ing up of the home. the campus. student Mr. Clark says th at the w riting of these plays has resulted in f a r g re a te r | success than mere compilation could i ever result. At Mueller’s Shoe Store .I ii,X'In a . A Si' im Bk i WSR JLS I? J I VI i\\ J. j> \ HI5 i , r n * f i r a l . ■ SHIRTS Lots of the New Manhattan Shirts for Spring have just reached us and you will find the New styles unusually pleasing and quite different loud “candy stripes" and “circus” patterns of the past few seasons— in other words they are very neat and in the best of taste. from the Among them is quite a showing of plain white and neat stripes with collars at­ tached that are nowr so much in vogue among college men. New Spring Hats from Dobbs & Co., fi fth Avenue and Crofut and Knopp De Luxe Hats. Everything Here a Man W ea rs-- D ay or Night Walter W. Wilcox 616 CONGRESS AVENUE Formerly Smith & Wilcox >38MiliJtl(M818IHUi(lltyiilllUU2UltlAlMlll!llilillliliUli]lllflliiifllllflllUlllilltlinillllliJl I ST U D E N T S When Down Town Call Around — At The— BON TON CAFE I I Near Littlefield Building *ttfttHtU0tininniHIHII0lftfttTTTB1t8lllHlHiilfTlnniiMHIHIilHI}IHIllllliimiHl! HiiliilniiiiiiuiinnninintHnninmmniit?mii!iititfiHHiniiiiimtmuniitiB«ff J 609 Congress A v e n u e Best Pitt* e To Eat B e a u ty in F o o tw e a r — Correct foot wear is one of the most important elements of a perfect costume. Our dis­ play offers a diversity of makes and refreshing values that enable ev- erywoman to achieve distinc­ tive foot dress. Now showing the new one and two strap ef­ fects in both full Louis, Junior Louis and Cuban heels. HOME OF WHITMANS CANDIES D R U G S A N D D R U G S U N D R I E S F o u n t a i n d o l i c n c i o * a s p e c i a l t y . O u r p r o s c r i p t i o n d e p a r t m e n t a l w a y s a t y o u r l e r r i c o . GRAHAM DRUG CO. 9 0 0 C o n g r e s s A v e n u e P h o n e s 1 0 5 - 6 5 4 Brown Calf at $ 1 2 .0 0 Black Satins at $ 1 4 .0 0 Brown Satins at $ 1 0 .0 0 J. & T. Cousins Shoes Made in New York Here Exclusively LOOSE’S CAFE LOOKE BROS., Prop., P h o n e 6735 6 2 0 C ongreet Everything In Drugs Grey Suede at $ 1 7 .0 0 Brown Calf at $ 1 5 .0 0 Brown Kid at $ 1 2 .0 0 Woodie Gilbert Drug Co. R EX A LL STO RE Phone 33 4 5 M otorcycle Del C A R L H. M U E LLE R 608 Congress Ave. Home of Good Shoes. . . .Hosiery LET ATTENTION STUDENTS- - N I C K LI NZ CLEANER-HATTER-DYER Can Give You One-day Service Satisfaction Guaranteed TIUIIliillliilillJiilillUiiUiillliiiiniM! QUALITY MILLS “ Austin Maid” and “ White Dome” Flour C re am of Corn, H ig h -G ra d e M eal a n d Mill P r o d u c ts A ustin, T e x a s HI WQt WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE YOU YOU'LL U K E OUR SERVICE After the Majestic You’ll Find Your Friends Here. MODERN MACHINERY— EXPERT WORKMEN PHONE 2652 G R I F F I T H D R U G C O . HYDE PARK FLORAL CO. Say it With Flowers ii ALL F L O W E R S IN SEASON U n ite d S ta te s D e p o s ito r y THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK A u stin , T exas RESOURSES $8,000,000.00 CHRISTIANSON S T U D IO O fficia l P h o to g r a p h e r s fo r th e U niversity of T e x a s C ac tu s fo r th e Y e a r 1921. J O S E P H ’S P H A R M A C Y STUDENT’S HEADQUARTERS DOWNTOWN E. P. WILMOT, President J NO. H. C H ILES, Vice-Prea. T. BL DAVIS, Vice-President WM. H. FOLTS, Vice-President MORRIS HIRSCHFELD, V. P C. M. BARTHOLOM EW , Cash. S. B. ROBERDEAU, Asst. Cashier C ongress at 7th P h o n e s 325-335 FA C U L T Y A N D S T U D E N T S ’ ACCOUNTS SOLICITED D rugs. Soda, C ig ars, S ta tio n e ry , Toilet A rtic le s NO ACCOUNT TOO SMALL TO HANDLE f RANK C RO X TO N R e fe re e — P e n n ( T e x a s ) . THE D A I L Y I r. X TERRILL FIVE IS DOWNED BY FAST FRESHMAN SQUAD ( C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e O ne) W rig h t, Cook for W h a rto n , T hom as fo r Lindsey. S c o r in g — T e x a s F r e s h m e n : Schu- h a r d t , 4 field g o a ls; P on s ford, 6 field foul goal -; P e n d e rg ra ss, 4 goals, % field g o a ls ; G ils t r a p , field g o a l; I W a rd , I held goal. T e rrill School: W r ig h t, 6 field g oa ls, 2 foul goals, 2 foul goals m isse d ; J a r r e l l , I field goal, I foul goal, a foul goal-i missed. Bellmont Challenges Faculty and Student W inners in Handball the t h a t L rom is being in te r e s t taken by all the p a r t i c i p a n t s and th e ir re spe c tiv e a d h e r e n ts , th i s y e a r ’s i n t r a ­ d e p a r t m e n t to u rn a m e n t h a n d b a ll pro m is e s to s u r p a s s all previous ones, in th e c a lib e r o f play. H a r d y , last y e a r ’s c h a m p io n and th e recent w in ­ n e r of th e i n t r a - f r a t e m i t y c h a m p io n ­ ship is th e fa v o r it e fo r th e title ; how ­ ever, thor* a r e sev eral men who m a y b ea t him, unless he is a t the top of his gam e. I,. T h e e B ellm ont h a s announced ha t he will ch allen ge t h e stu d e n t who wins th e c h a m p io n s h ip ; a n d th u s give him an o p p o r t u n ity fo r th e copping o f title, also. Several s tu d e n ts have notified th e big d ire c to r 'h a t should th e y be lucky enough to come to u r n a - i ment t h a t th e y will d e f a u l t to him. t h e s t u d e n t ’s th r o u g h fa c u lty th*- ------------------------------- o --------------------------* SIGMA DELTA CHI ELECTS MEMBERS This m o r n in g ’s T e x a n r e p re s e n ts th e work of fo ur in itia te s o f S ig m a Delta Chi, h o n o r a r y j o u r n a lis tic f r a t e r n i t y for man. T h e f o u r — Fred J . W h ite , of K a n sa s City, M isso u ri: R oyston C. C ra n e , of S w e e t w a t e r ; R u p e r t G illett, o f F o rt W orth , a n d C a r l S w a r tz , o f El P aso — wore full d re ss su its to th e ir classes y e s te r d a y a n d las* n i g h t did the work n e c e s s a r y fo r th e p u b lish in g of th is m o r n in g ’s p a p e r in the sam e g arb . | t * » n o w p l a y i n g ^ A LA N DROOLS inh/j ncveft comedy dramfet “Dollars L sense" DEPT EITZQIDDON • “ TKC o r i g i n a l d a f f y Du ~ S h u n t in g C nsAN&S tic VCT jhop B A C C H I I d e v a n ® C F L IN T interrupt ion »■ L O R P L TULLER. A d v e r tis e In th e Daily T exan. SWANN FURNITURE & CARPETS We Build More Homes 401 Congress 9 venue The Consumers Co-Operative Supply Co. Groceries, Meats, Fruits, Vegetables and Produce Uptown Store—1602 Lavaca Downtown Store Corner 6th and Brazos Consumers taking a $50.00 interest in these stores have their purchases de­ livered at invoice prices plus overhead expense. We buy for cash and take all discounts which go with profits on non-share­ holder’s trade to the shareholder in dividends distributed in cash semi-annuallv. We will publish each six months a statement from a certified accountant giv­ ing the financial condition of the organization. We allow' you to purchase only one share and you must be a direct consumer to get that. The re are 8.000 families in Austin and there were only 2,000 shares for sale originally and hundreds of these have been sold. We suggest that you contract for one of these shares and save for yourself the profits on your groceries and meals. Phone us and we will call. These shares are transferable. Corner 7th and Colorado j Phone 6656 Office McDonald Bldg. CONSUMERS CO-OPERATIVE S U P P L Y CO. W U KASCH BROS. Home-made Cakes and Pies J. K. REED MUSIC CU. AUSTIN'S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE iUi!!f4if!i!iilliUnililtUt!tkU!iiiltt)i(ltiliHUIfUilKliiUUtiUliM!UUHmiliH!liit!IUtUiimUUIiH!iiii{tiHiiillfl|IUIb‘!iiUlilUUtiitt!t!UII(IIUI!HU!lfHIUi!!'; a j We Are In Our N ew Home Now — Heady For— CLEANING, PRESSING, ALTERATIONS All Work Guaranteed Your Satisfaction Is Our Sole Desire SHINING PARLOR THE CLUB PRESSING SHOP I’hone 2 1 4 4 ‘221$ Guadalupe I 11 WE RESTRING TENNIS RACKETS C. & S. Sporting Goods Co. WHERE STUDENTS ARE TREATED RIGHT M a k e Y o u r S h o e s L a s t To make your shoes last long have them re-soled right. Bring them to us and let us put on Korry- Kronve GENUINE LEATHER SOLES There is twice the wear in Korry Soles; genuine leather, permanently water - proof. Here’s genuine economy for every member of the family. Let us add life to your shoes. Goo. R. Allan P 4597 2 4 0 0 Guad A d v e r tis e in the Dally T e x a n . ART HICKMAN’S RECORDS I I COULD HAVE HAD YOU ) LOVE NIGHTS THE CRAZY BLUES ROYAL GARDEN BLUES ISAAC BLEDSOE FRED KINGDON, Manager % if ADVERTISING CAR EARNS DIVIDENDS Student Pay* Univeruty by Unique Ad- v e r t i s i n g S y t s t e m COMMITTEE HEARS TESTIMONY ABOUT HAZING AT A & M < Continued from I ,./• * rn- . he left bec aune o f f a il u r e to {.is- th* , rK;uired 1Inount of work, and not be JKtuse of th e hazing. H e ad de I, how |pver, th a t he would not go back to '* - - ___ _ _ Of the many novel way* th a t have y j . ’ to tim e t o i A* & M k no w n a boy who did l i e 8 U te d t h a t ^ h a d nev- a boy who a id not g tim e tr a v e lin g autom obile been adopted fro m eire a1 a te a d v e rtis e m e n ts none p e r ­ ha p s can lay claim to th e uniqueness o f a the purpose. I t w as le ft to J a c k R a s b e rry of Rockdale, a s tu d e n t of th e U n iv e r ­ sity of Texas, to conceive th is plan of 1 easily e a r n in g enough money to pay his w ay th ro u g h th is institution. f o r It w as s t the close of the sp rin g term of the U n iv e rsity last y e a r th a t Mr. R a sb e rry began to ta k e serious th o u g h t of w h a t m eans he could em ­ ploy to b r in g him in enough rev enu e to meet the r e x of a tte n d in g the Uni I t was r e r s i t y this scholastic year. th e n th a t th e idea occurred to him t h a t a rtistic ally painted adv ertise- m enta upon the sides and ends of an the Etten- automobile would a t t r a c t tion of m any people and t h a t th e se j advertisem ents would be read. A. & M nee a , • but W o a l d N o t T e ll T h e Witness said t h a t the senior o: f jeers w ere supposed to report to th a u th o r itie s ail canes of hazing, th a t th e y never ma Ie a n y p o rts. T hey sim ply deliver© to th e e ffe c t t h a t ha z in g was not m itted. He s t a te d t h a t he w rote to his f a t h e r a n d told him th a t he wa lx*ing hazed. H is f a t h e r then wrote to P r e s id e n t Bizzell abo ut P r e s id e n t Bizzell called the wit tm s up. T he w itness, however, would not tell him who hazed him, because he ach re lectures per r t h « ^ y a seemed to be his friends, N ever Retinted ^ oung sta te d th a t he had never r* • '*‘e hazing. He added h a t ii* jd id not object to the padd ling s t h a t When Mr. R a s b e rr y laid th e prop- received, and t h a t th e up p e r -cl a On c ross-exam in ation H azing Not B en eficial T h e offer w as ac- th e request, the wit ne t h a t he would pro bably ha not paddle him if he re ­ , he had good re a so n s for m ak in g osition before a business m an of Au*- rm n tin the la tte r quickly saw its p ossible quested them not to, if he wen- sic ities and offered to loan th e money to o r put it into effect cepted and with $600 Mr. R a s b e rr y purch ased th e body o f a second-hand car, had it overhauled and th e ad ver- stated tise m e nts which he obtain ed fro m d°*»« b e tte r work w th o u t th e hazing. local m e rc h a n ts a n d o th e r business B® expressed tho opinion th a t hazing men painted upon it. Since the open- ' i* n° t beneficial to a school, and th a t ing of th e fall te r m of the U n iv e rsity ’w ithout it the boys would g e t along he ha* been o b ta in in g a revenue of better and would bo a more m anly to de $150 a m onth fr o m th ese a d v e r tis e - 1 crowd. When he w as asked the m ents. in colors and w h e re v e r t h e : u pper-classm en fo r paddies, he said p a in te d c a r is d riven it c re a te s Interest an d t h a t th ey used a board about two feet the j long with e ith e r holes o r grooves in com m ent. T h e r e is u s u a lly wielded c o n tr a c t which Mr. R as b e rry has i ‘t- two 1th hi* a d v e r tis e r s re q u irin g him to, with one hand, but in s tr u m e n ts used by a d v e r tis e m e n ts T h is paddle is noth in g a r e scribe s o n ie tia e The the in r u n th e c a r a given or m inim um n u m ­ b e r o f mile! a day. rn f a r t, th ere "I d o n ’t have an y idea how m any miles I have d riven the c a r , ” he e x ­ plained. “ I have kept no speedome­ t e r record of the circulation of the a d ­ v e rtise m e n ts ; is no fp ee d om e te r upon th e car. The m e th ­ od of g e ttin g the a d v e rtisem e n ts be­ fo r e th e people is a novelty and seems to appeal to th e m e rc h a n ts and o th e r I m et with no difficul­ business men. ty a d v e rtise m e n ts. the U pon thf c a r th e re a r e 26 a d v e r tis e ­ m ents. They a r e fro m the most r e p ­ r e s e n ta tiv e A u stin firm- th a t th e s t u ­ d e n ts patron ize Those on the wheels a r e $5 a m o nth; on th* sides and ends $7.50 a month and upon the sides and doors, $10 a month g e ttin g in h a n d s a r e used. Tear* in Eye* Young said t h a t on one occasion te a r s cam e into his eyes when h*> was being paddled. He declared t h a t he had n e v er slept o utside the dormito- ries in o r d e r to avoid h a z in g He? said ‘h a t he n e v er k new o f an yo ne who had been expelled fo r hazing. H e said h* told Dr. Bizzell t h a t he would r a th e r h a v e told who w hipped him, but he added upon tieing questioned th a t he would r a th e r have told th a n to h ave left school. le f t school to have th a n P add le Work* T h an B ayo n et Y oung said t h a t he had seen boys chipped with a bay on et, and upon be ng asked which was w orse, the pad lie o r the bayonet, he replied th a t he could r a t h e r be whipped with a bay - m et t h a n with a paddle. He stated h a t the sophomores hit his roommate no h a r d t h a t it knocked him fo rw a rd ibout tw o feet. On being asked if ie would go back to A. and M he re- Mr. R a sb e rry is a noddle law s t u - ’ died t h a t he would n ot go back, even “ I h ave only c han ged the a d v e r tis e ­ m e n ts once this y e a r a n d t h a t w as on F e b ru a ry ' I. About o n e -h a lf of them w e re re-pain ted and m ade d e f e r e n t th e n de n t. He has earn ed his way d u r in g all th e th re e years t h a t he h as been ! in the University. —o ~ LONGHORNS DOWN PIRATE FIVE ON SLIPPERY FLOOR f th e re wer** no hazing S tu d e n t O stra c iz e d The w itness co ntin ued , saying that m e boy refu sed to be hazed, a n d was •stracized by the o th e r student s. He decided t h a t the o stra c ism w as worse? .h an t h e hazing. Did N ot A tt e n d B u ll Pen Russell ........................................... H eyne fOotinueh From Page *hie> T h e s ta r t i n g lin e u p s: L e ft F o r w a r d . Right F o rw a r d . in lucky H e r r e r a S o u th w e ste rn . . . . . . Holloway Roy W a lk e r, of W olf City, the ne * witness, testified t h a t h a z in g did not n te r f e r e with his stud ying . He said t h a t he had t h a t he w as never a tte n d e d a “ bul! pen.” W hen he w as asked if he th o u g h t hazing k ep t s tu d e n ts a w a y fro m A. and M,, he replied t h a t on t h e c o n t r a r y it a t ­ tra c te d stud ents. He that when a f r e s h m a n meets upper-elass- men a t A. and M., th e upper-class- men introd uce them selves by spelling ........................ F o s te r ; the f r e s h m a n ’* n a m e w ith a paddle. S o u th w e ste rn — P e a r - , ; S to le Soph P ad d le L a m b * testified C enter. L eft G u a rd . » T e x a s Pe y to n B a r r e t t . Hill ........... M cCullough S u b s t i t u t i o n ; foul goals, 3 T e x a s— Peyton, 2 field ker re m a rk e d •o n f o r Lamb. ^ c o r i n g : In th e course o f his testim o n y Wal- to foul goal* steal one of tho sophom ores’ paddles, go als, 2 m i s s e d ; B a r r e tt , 4 field goal*; Russell, W hen he w as asked w h a t he w anted I field g o a l; McCullough. 4 field g a l s / with it, he replied, “ To us*' it next S o u t h e r s t e r n — Holloway, I field g oal; y e a r .” H e r r e r a , 2 field goals, 5 foul goals, 6- fo u l goals m issed; Heyne, I field goal; L a m b , I field goal. P r u n e E a tin g Race t h a t he h ad tried The R e fe re e -—H e n de rso n ( T e x a s ) la st Witness exam ined said .hat he was called “ S lim e” Carson a t A. and M., and t h a t ho is now a t ­ te n d in g Baylor U n iv e rsity . He said th a t when the cadets had p ru n e s fo r dessert, th e u p p e r c la s s m e n made the freshm en hold a p r u n e e a tin g con­ test. S e n a to r Bledsoe asked th e w it­ ness if he did not th in k t h a t to serve pru n e s f o r dessert w as itself a form of hazing. The w itn e s s replied t h a t he d id n 't kn ow ; he w as not re ­ sponsible for the c o m m issa ry A f te r the e x a m in a tio n o f th is w itness the com m ittee a d jo u rn e d . in mmBmmSmmmi I I B M UiHWHIlifiljlfjTO'g MCKEAN-EILERS COMPANY I I DRH K IN N E Y A K IN N E Y , C H I ­ R O P R A C T O R S , 802 L ittle fie ld Bldg P h o n e 4600. ——(Cf. rn mi-rn be f of he A m e ric a n and Peerless Q u a rte ts , has spent m a n y y e a r s on the concert p la tf o r m , and is especially fam ous as in o r a to r io singer b ig of s ta tu e , he na i voice o f c o rre sp o n d in g size. DORMITORY ROOMS ALL APPLIED FOR Great Demand Rooms Is Felt in W oman’s for Building fur A pp lic a tion s room and board ri th e g i r U ’ d o rm ito rie s of the U n i­ v ersity o f T e x a s a r e filed m onths an d even y e a rs in a d v a n c e , according to he rn an age rn, who a r e now receiving I m a n y a pp lic a tion s the 1U21-22 < aor There a r e only fo u r dorm !-; o n e s a inch w ith annex* .* a re equip for a c c o m m o d a tin g about 2Of) ped U n iv e rsity g irls out o f the to tal o f! I HOO women stu d e n ts. fo r j u s t off S itu a te d on the ca m p u s, th e Wom- m ’ Building is considered the most convenient. E ig h ty - f h u r girls have "ooms in this building, while in th e ! a n n e x e s th e c am pu s fo rty - nine m ore a r e located. All m eals a r e served in the W o m a n ’s Building. A p - 1 p lications for rooms fo r the com ing y e a r h a v e begun in such to a r r iv e th a t not h a lf can possibly nu m b e rs (i accom m odated, it is s ta te d by Mrs. S is te rs o f t h e ; t he manage- , Ca rot!) New i r , director. vin Hall, ac ro ss from the c a m ­ pus, t h a t h a s an other d o rm ito r y become very p o p ul a r a m o n g the co­ e d u c a tio n a l s tu d e n ts Catholic c hur ch d ir ec t merit of i his d or mi tor y. Only f o r t y­ / i r i s can be provided for here. five <(n the wai ti ng list a t p r e se n t th e re arc fifty nam* an d a p p lic atio n s a r e ill a rriv in g . I ubboek Hall, u n d e r the direction tem - v Mr 0. K a u f m a n , occupies ’• ta r d y fhe Mtiilfiin ’'s of the P resby - I (/'alogical Sem inary. Dris- 'e r ia n two dll Hall, two blocks aw ay, and to th e m ain mick c ottages a d ja c e n t •uilding, ar** u * d a s annexes. In th* v ain building, fit y g :rls live, while n the th re e a n n e x e s ab o u t fifty more ire accom m odated. A pplication s for *qoms have a lre a d y gone nin e ty over he su pp ly by e stab lish ed G rac e Hall, the Rpist opal church, is the oldest o f th* lormit.ories. and provides fo r about ixtv girls. A p p lica tio n s for rooms for n e x t y e ar h a v e doubled the num- u*r t h a t elm be assigned ---------------- O—.— ’ISH the Pal: t *• Garber Shop o l Fain** n o x t co Kress, f l n l ! Hill W o lf e . P r o p . HANCOCK O PER A HOUSE A Metro Picture “THE SAPHEAD” featuring Buster Keaton Last Time Today Continuous Shows from l l to l l AUSTIN OPTICAL CO. O pen for B u sin e ss at th eir n ew ad d ress ION WEST SIXTH ST. "intimmiiiiirniroiiiiiiiiiiftiifiiiir^ DONNELLY & WHITE | MONOGRAM STATIONERY ENGRAVED CHRISTMAS CARDS EVERSHARP PENCILS CONKLIN AND WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS I W holesale Dry Goods NOTIONS AND FUR- NISHINO GOODS 321-327 Congress Ave. Plumbing and Heating Contractors 905 Congress Ave. Phone 131 T O B I N ’S B O O K S T O R E 801-803 Congress Avenue Phone 6510 DRISKILL BARBER SHOP M.SHARR, Pron. HEAD THF. ADS IN .THF. DAILY TEXAN