T U E T E X A N . A U S T I N . T E X A S . S A T U R D A Y . O C T O B E R 26. 1912. PRICE $2.00 P E R V E A R . DIRECTS SCRUB EDME OVER TRE TELEPHONE GAME TREHY OFFERS PUZZLE TO EDNGRDRNS S T R A N D E D H O U S E C O A C H D IS C H DEVISES N E W M E A N S T O V IC T O R Y . A T PARM H O W E V E R . B E S T CONTEST OF S E A S O N A N T I C I P A T E D —I NCI VNO C O M I N G S T R O N G . Today's game with the Haskell In­ the hardest gam** dians has proven th- on lenin, the coaches, and Varsity sup iAmghorn schedule for the to dope out. The Redskins porters come down to us almost an Uhknowt t m looked •ort tor a cf front Is lo* ated at I#awreneevilU, Kansas, and Un Ut tance betw een the Indian rn In .ii aud Varsity is such th at new spaper dope the is all today, hut from R a s k i n * w|M th at < an he bm ml about foe of that will giv. the S t i f f e s t gam es Varsity th** of Haskell Insfltule Coach Hilly Disch of surprise* may be the** Indians. telephone ami to defeat lh* Austin ihc Varsity Scrubs put a new wrinkle in college football Thursday afternoon when lie directed the playing of his iv run* at enabled Bastrop by them \* ad tiny eleven, which was compos* *1 of Mel** enthiii at quart*!, His and Kirkpat quantity and nmst rick a t halves, and Holliday, ut A. A M. fame, ut full bark I ii* Manag­ ers of the Bastrop Fair arranged tor the two U*ams to play on their grid iron, making them a (th ■*■ ofter. The "call of the gridiron ' strm k Met* and Rix and Kirk and Holliday, and they could not resist the t e m p t s . ion J Longhorn’* to play again the game of their col- j thlll Wfj lertrn lha( ^ loge days. Coach Dis* h was not lo be overcome by such (Mids, but «*I- pressed himself as willing risk Th** hit* husks s against U h w * l id. bout was arrange**i ami automobiles to as n,< ans *>i * on* werq resort. *! th** veyauce. Luck brok< against »o S crub Coach and his left him sUWhdcd at a the had and farm house half way between th* two places, ills efforts I«> m ake the gear work were in vain, bm ho lei his head work aud won fain*. “ Mod­ ern football" was what he called his the tactics, when he *op|Md on the rural ti* Wltvlesa So pla> iug of his men suecesslul was th*- venture til at lie* Scrubs came away victorious by the lie spent q uite an score of t> to u. enjoyable time on the roadside, so he said, uud enjoyed every m inute of hi* stay from 2:3u in Hu* afternoon to IO o’clock th a t night. hmkI a team one ot season. telephone amt direct* *1 .ai went to to M A N A G E R S . The candidates for managerial positions on letic teams are: th** various the a t h ­ Manager Baseball, K. K. B e t s . Ass’t. Mgr.,Garrett R. Matthew# Mgr. Basketball, F. V, Ixtwry and T*'Xas Schramm Ass’t, Mgr., Julian E Gillespie and Herman Kastland. Jr. Ass t. Mgr. Track, ll. and VV. R. Hamilton. ll., Jones No one has applied for Manag­ er of Track. cf Dr. Mather, Chairman .he request* I that alt appli­ th e various positions Athletic Council, has the announcem ent cations for be filed at once. Relieves Freshman Of $18; Leaves Two PROF. TAYLOR BACK TROM OKLAHOMA TRIP CONTRASTS PAY FOR EDUCA­ TIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE TWO STATES, Prof, T, U. Taylor, Dean of the Departm ent of Engineering, return­ Fort ed VV«*dncsdny morning from Worth, Dallas, and Oklahoma City, after an absence from the Univ* ratty away of four or five days, While from Austin, Prof. Taylor says that he met dozens of former students of Texas University and also encoun­ tered a large number of friends and ^ acquaintances. He met one form* r schoolm ate, he said, whom he had not sen*a In thirty-one years. Cents For Postage Dean Taylor 1« ft this city on the night of Thursday, Helot* r 17th. and in Port spent tho following Friday Tuesday M e n in x taal, a J tinmen- od gut-tti enlert-d one of tho up aiair. , **o r^ul1' m t n - t l n g of wbcr« b« »**«IM*,'«1 an Im- the Gfty Water apartm ent* a t Pop* F la t., and apeju a u **t*|F Do* ra ur Knxiue. **■ uf wbl' " q u i t e a p r o f i t a b l e h a l f h o u r . C h c.o s lng a freshman for his greatest vic­ tim and knowing that this class have Ii. 11U,„ ute for mon. y . hl. ra Uev«l ja a . Clark of eighteen dollars, having a watch aud stick pin unuiol* ated. Hlni- luoiis, Clark's room mate, was broke, so escaped damage. In the next room aud, a r e Craue and Higginbotham, evideally fearing their football prow­ e s s or being a the aport. he left 'hem strictly alone. Anyway, lover of C rane has las, and Higginbotham from ju st returned from I til hot. *. he Is an active member. Saturday he di vot* d to th** city of Dallas, and among Gibe*' things, m ads himself famous in Ute Ballas news papers by unexpectedly rallying mu alumni meeting win* ii was about to disperse aud at whit h be afterw ards presided, a full am ount of bis i t - portent* s iii ihia v elusion was con twined in the Dallas N< ws last Hun day. Also, ho im (dentally attern! ed the football gam** ai < las.on Bar.., but has a c t much to say about iqbi mournful event. to F'r. m Dalius, Ural. Tayk*r u«%* Okluboiuu City to b* pres* nt uy s p m the cere urn i.iea In iul but cld eut to Dr. bu- S tretto # D. Brooks as F r e a k o u t cf the tnauguraiki! invitation, a t «>i Ike Flack did not fare so well, tho Intruder showed his sens** cf mor. I ke had J ti* Kb cent*. The Dip f Cie JHS? ----- V O L . X I I I . NO. IO. DEPORTS ARE EIKEN OE HOEG MOVEMENT H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N IN T E X A S I M P E T U S BY U N I V E R ­ G I V E N S I T Y S P E A K E R S . o O o Q SIGN VOLK CARI). -------- O O O O O U O O O o o C o o o o o o o o o o i ’i t ’sh Club plan of ad- o The til*' University ow*." o Vcrtislng ll** auc*«'tse or tilt* c lailure student body of whit Ii you are vi a constituent part. DO YOUR o o PART. Thirty-seven cards Were sign- c An o the < o od Wed nest lay evening. of appr* ciablt signers were o o u o u o o o o o o t number girls. f O to SEE T H E M A N A G E R . not that that have editors There are many students In th* yet University who have the learned ch a rg e of the news that goes In The Texan aud the Manag­ ers attend to the business of the If you want to sub­ publication. scribe, or register a complaint about not receiving the the Managers. Ii wilt pap* I, see do no good to see to* ranter. He does not control that departm ent, advertise, .l as troubles enough and besides of his own. Bear Chases Co-Eds Scarf Fin Skillfully in t Ik s t u d e n t* to Pressed Into Service w ednesday evening a rally was Meld the Auditorium for a triple p u r p o s e . Firi-t, President M exes de* la • tr c d given th a t ♦ v e r y o p p o r t u n i t y l a c o n i c b e t te r , acquainted wi t h one a no I l l e r , second.} the Im portant rvjKjrt# of those men)**1*' University would be most dlgnp Who spoke in in excitem ent, yet Hogg Movement sum m er were even here. in tho midst of the et IOU presented, t h ird , he i’tess Club wish cu lture of m odem civilisation! may ed the* advertising of lh*' University. Due* would think that, of all p lai-s. to p resen t a plan for aiding In tho interest lacking the * a,,d Ibm of , P resid en t M e / e s , himself, presided and gave a short address of welcome, and spoke a few words of gratifi- cation and congratulation during tin the course o f Ult* «v« Ding H ogg j f aplendld w ork don** by Movement of that m ovem ent, in particular. upon th e , in general and in the work interest cl the speak* rs the not a mighty nlmrod be denied his sport. One "G ene” Cavin, well known U* I Diversity fame both because oi what he* has and what he has no* said. is our hero. Often before huv« longed to behold , i feats of hunting, but ills marvelous little . *. did we think th ai ever the time w*ouid come when we should see the pride of the ihe Y. M C. Daw Department mid action. It happened thusly: , K . .. that we have a football m . . . , I Realizing canvassing Luther S. Hoffman related briefly the * iu his experiences northeast portion of the S tate. Then , Ujuill! , „ following were George Dupree and Mr. G unter of Sum M o u t o n Normal. | Leau*' a “d ♦ach reporting •v e r the S ta te was good and activity toward aid In th, H o s e Move I » e n t was apparent w herever an ap 1 ptal was possible. Mr. Bralley sup ffleruented remarks complimentary done. Hugh Potter was absent ow to „ these speeches by a few * m ascot for said team the work , tho plot was put iu execution, aud j^d. aud jjie bear arrived. Tho bear. . , in i , for and behalf hundred is due . to advertise ~ ih e a i d i n g ^im those m en who j _ tit may be se* ii by one Bruce Law w asn’t is . . . , through Hie very hence It ta the d ia to m seventy - five this fifty ■ reached last sum m er, cov- I . tk® h e a r s associates to take him be it aald. la unuaually well trained. alumni aa expert aa hla uiua ta* to “‘' • ‘" ‘-■a* ■ The Hogg ape ak e r. thousand people ared ninety-eight common. and .„aUeU er lb tho *e “ Ue- a r l uf buSK,n* anu even more adept with his claws Al­ two inexperienced, so, ho is young and ■pooches, is given but nevertheless, needs exercise, and th at a trem endous im petus tho Hogg Movement and t h a t ce rta in great cred it . . . . Accomplished such an adm irable piece, the weather par­ of work in speaking under frequent- J *or a sLr°M when mils exposure. On this particular ce- ty trying circumstances. in of the !basion * Chan. F ran c is, P re s s Club, outlined a plan which (charge of the family ward, and was seems to be ut unusual m erit, (so purpose of ihe plan th e University through press To inaugu ra te the country plan, cards were handed around to be signed which contained the agree­ as correspondent for ment some home newspaper. A bulletin board will Im* kept in Hie Main Build lug so interest topics of vital the U niversity may be most ef Lo for publication in ficiently the respective newspapers of those who have signed the cards. The ar­ the newspapers in ticles published from t His source are to b-e clipped out and handed in to the P re s s Club. Next spring a prize of $25.00 will be the to awarded most effective article. a dive for the girls, taking Iwiw with him. The shy co-eds ran as though a ra t, not a bear, were in sight, aud seizing his opportunity to win ever- th e person w riting a 40-foot chain especially o « , - S,ai*> trea ted press. th at and act to it is direct. Too much cannot be said in fa­ It is ef­ vor of the P re s s Club plans. The ficient because bulletin students, by watching board for topics of especial import­ ance, are enabled to set th e ir case before their respective home people in a light h itherto unpreseuled. th e It is urged t h a t not only shall the thirty-seven signers be active in this work, but t h a t the student body, as a th e import­ whole, shall awake to ance of the scheme and p rocu re cards with the sincere purpose of using the opportunity afforded for ma­ terially benefiting their own school. them Y. M. C. A. Notes. a t Henry F. Cope, General Secretary of the Religious Education Associa­ tion, will address the s tu d e n ts Sun­ day th e University Methodist Church. Mr. Cope, who delivers the address under the auspices of fhe Y. M. C. A., will speak on “ Modern Bible S tu dy." He is a man of Nation a1 reputation in religious fields. lasting renown. Gone tackled the L e a r! low, but not as low as the bear tack­ led him. Then followed a scrim m age worthy even of L ittle Brown, and, as on Saturday, Texas came off second best,—th e actual dam age being one leg off one pair of trousers. vice, and the vanquished hero wend­ the lad­ ed his way homeward with ies, b ut to en­ thqy did not seem tirely soothe his wounded pride, for Gene immediately went back the Y. M. C. A. (after finding out there to was no political affiliations between the b e a r's m aster and himself), and got a gun. Even the dulcet tones of Hoffman and th e sympathy and ad­ vice of George Dupree failed entire^ ly to placate him, and It is rumored the Sigm a Chi’s have, in conjunction, ju s t bought a single pair of trou s­ ers. Basketball practice begins Monday afternoon at 5 o ’clock. that general Interest 1 ^IforL an d quite a devotee P~«K*>n* lo G>1» thereof, thai j one Ed. Jaloulek last spring purchase , . ed from a grizzly m ountaineer a cub played a grizzly bear, to bring to T**xsui as a strong game. but were not abl© to good one aud was vol ell a complete suc- tb* lar*,i ‘ row" The professionals The game was a corking ........................... ,h a ' ............. it to M o rt In due tim e . ° ° * >e w itb Die eon»ti»t»*>iM r i m k -wot-k uf the Scrub team. The Scrub line held well and I buy gave tile big Iwiys a tumble on every end run. With* r aide was able un) ii The last quarter, when, by a aeries of line plunges, th* Scrubs worked th** bull down Hoar the goal, ami Turner, who had r.ght relieved Edmond half, bucked across for a touchdown. til** game Mather missed goal. and ended a few minute# later. For tile Scrubs. Rathell ut full. Massey and Edwoud at halves, were easily the Pete Ed mood stars of the game. played his usual stiff gam e aud made several good gaiJiH. He did the punting, what little there was don**. The Scrub line-up was as follows. Ham, Lewis, iii says). Gene, on the other hand left end; Casey, H f» H<»1- tot I true to center; Hnmnui k. center; was tackle; young ladies (the Managing E ditress Atandley, W erner, Malone, right * m i. q u a rte r; Massey, Mather, ha. forbidden the use of their names, Loftus, tackle; Nicholson, left guard; Venable, land, Venable, guard; Griffin, right eV€r chivalrous charm ing rlght accompanying nature, two tak e it from the bu' Gene, they were charm ing, all right) j ^ a t *ie^* fti^ ^a( ^ ^ ^ reporter, and teft half: Kdluo" d * T urn e r* rl« ht ,m!f: ___ 3:30. homeward. Bears a re things, so, catching fond of sweet his guardian off guard, the cub m a d e I Will S tim u la te -------- traditionally I B R U S H A N D P E N C I L P U S H E R S . Interest In Arts ann A s ca rf pin was pressed into s e r ­ and David R. Williams, treasure r. E x ec u te Cactus M a ­ te rial. Pencil Club m et T he m em bers cf th*- Brush and i» 37 Engineering Building, for last evening the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and for discussing m atters of relative Importance. W rn. Lightfoot was chosen for president; Miss M argaret Boroughs, vice-pr* bi­ dent; Miss E thel Barron, secretary; Prof. H. F. K uehne is to be tor and Miss Stella Elmendorf Blsiant monitor. in ali­ is- W o m a n ’* A th letic Rally. told the girls Monday evening all in the University interested in e th ic .I s, met in the girls’ gym nasium fur a rally all their own. Miss B e m e te Mink witz was " sta g e m anager," introduc­ ing the speakers of the evening, and tennis. making a spefx-b herself on about th** girls Willie Mage** the fun of being on it ion all basketball and the team. But for fear they would not fully understand, she announced an th* impromptu game between “ Giants" an the "M idgets." The lim up of the "G iants" was; B em ete M i n k w i t z ...................... Cenfr* Elizabeth B u t t e ....................Sidecentr* Left forward . Mary Paulsen Hazel P orter Right forward . Mary Lake Henderson . . Left guard Ora Lee Tankersley . . . Right guard . . . . . . It was decided to hold UMM--tings T he "M idgets" were: . . . • OB . . -x » to Ute >»o«l j Gertrude Goldsmith each Thursday night, in Room Engineering Building, from 7:15 J7, L utie B r i t t .................................Cen-re to M argaret Schultz . - Willamai Ledbetter .u ii: 30 o clock. At the end of th*, year SIde-eentre . . Left farwara j Mary J a n e Butts . . . Right forward a prize will be offered . Left guard deserving m em ber. T. M. Hinder- i Sammie H o g u e ...................Right guard son, Jr., stated that the Cactus * am- The "M idgets” won by a s< orc ot m ittee would also award a prize fu­ 53-13. The game was refire* d by tile best piece of work submitted. Bailie Whitehouse. Maud** Th* mas ^ The purpose of the club is to stim ­ explained the various walking clubs. ulate an in tere st in arts among «tu- dents and such o th ers as may hav e a th a t direction, and taste in cute such m aterial as the committee drifted of intended for actual work as w*>ll as have been added to the Association for critical study. tin ­ form of ice cream cones. This rally, to **xe- unlike those held In the Auditorium, R efreshm ents were served the Cactus may request. is of this rally, several new members j ^this week. in It the the m w AU v*c know aU m t llnsk* ll Uhuh this year Is th at they have a seasoned loam of veterans and a rn o numtM*r of now brava s who are mak­ ing the "old guard" hustl* to Hold th**lr positions, ami thai tin y have lf r Kennedy, t h , coat* of Kaiiaaa I ’UK,, 'by, and ’IO, when th** Juyhawk- two Championship era finished with trtlnl. g tennis With sik h a eon* Ii these Redskins and rill 4 adapted, us they are seemingly, just for (lie Redskin*1 style el play. we may expect all sort* el and tricky play* to Le pulled ell by -I • fleet Indians In is game that more expected un* over* "now to od Im* played on Clark Field this se. son. And it is a sure thing that the iau.g horns will have a hand full when they meet to the Haskell day a t 3:30. than In any other game today’s game. Ii football" will Indians in w this be In is to A n othe r fa c t th a t gives som e light th e s tr e n g th ut as th e Haskell Indians th e new s that Manager G a rre tt gives van. He says that In this guuic h e found a r r a n g in g oil* Ind ians were a l l e r sam s tho th a t with Minn«*t)ota, Colo)lido I" . Den***i (J., K a n s a s aud W isconsin. lf Hi* Redskin* a s p i r e to moot these* team s th e y B uat be pretty well up in Unit ball. in The allow should Ixinghorns will be l a t t e r I condition for this game than in any • this season j game they have played Com* h Allerdice has pu‘ his squad , through a hard w**ek’s work aud tho t Longhorn* signs of | rounding into mid season f* u n in to Just what d a y s ga me. lineup the game begins can will be when not be lh*' second string men will be od shape and npHiujs tic not im Iv about today’s gam**, bul about the remainder of the s* hee in* learned, but very likely last the the is The gam e will start promptly at 87 Just cents, leaving to pay poatage on a Ik e took letter enough asking for more cash. Ulckett, the only cautious o r rich man. had bolted hla door. In Til ere have Imen a series of rob ­ beries the University neighbor­ hood lately, the BUI Gam House mad several private boarding houses iiav lug beeu entered. G I R L S ’ S O C IA L C L U B S . T h e A ng ler* and the Rabbit Foo Clubs Announce T h e i r New Mem bers. The new m em bers taken this yea) into the two g irls ’ social clubs are; Rabbit Foot: Misses Maidie In a ey, Margaret Boxman, Jan e Gregory, Mary Bryan, Bailie Matthews, N* ii Hannim an, DeRugeley Pearson, Mel eu Lidstoue, Josephine Christian Aileeu White, Lu* y Morris, Lutll* Shirley, Lena May Bonner, C ather­ ine Kerviu and Celeste Brown. Anglers: Misses Mildred Ramsey, Mozelle Webb, E tta YarringU n, E th­ e l Randall, Marion Buchanan, Mir.an Moore .Dorothy West, Mable O’Con­ nor, Ruth Merrill, and Vivian May field. B. H a ll Jubilee. W u u Geed President Boyd, who a fte r six con ae* Loa teen years of *outinuous rre­ I uni 11 u 110 ii, recently with signed aud left for New Mexkru. that Lea vt t g N orm an, Dean Taylor lima Ha spent the rem ainder of his took occa­ Oklahoma City, whir* he to visit (he famous Oklahoma sion City high school, about which so much has L* en euiJ und written. Speaking OL tho high school and th** ad van lag* s wha n he said: * cum ins, it in the T h ere tho Rice In stitu te "Tho Oklahoma City high school L .1..»» ouo of tho b« bl equippe d ana country. entire complete domestic rh* re, manual Gaining, sci* nee, stctu graphy, and all of lh * vocation* aru tau ght to the s l i d n u without any « x .ra Tuition * burge , fin* tourU** a huudr*d or more s tu ­ (he d e n ts have b est educational Lullclig any south of St. Louin, with the possible j *-x< • piton of at Houston. is no Luiu.ing in Texas used for educational pur^o^es that can appri a* h ii," 1.** de .a.cd. Continuing, I ref. Taylor sold the advautug* cl of that the people of Oalahotnu CLy ann ual­ ly spend mort oil th* lr public schools than the e n tire Stale of Texas a p ­ the general revenue propriates from lor the support of the University of T« xuh The sum, he said, annually amount* to more than live hundred " I h e thousand dollars. aud fifty fa* ulty r h y ­ is composed «>f some thm*** com petent L a d e r s , < a< h oue drawing a good sulary. A f*a,ure cl the nigh! the school, one of the few In the coun­ try to all of its students.” that gives free tuition course htudy of is Prof. Taylor <-ald th at Th* Okla­ homa City high school contagia se ti nt he m any sup* Tier qualm* * is unable to < uum* ru e th* rn ail. He th ink s .hat (in* public scbtols of Ok­ lahoma City are b etter supported than those in any o th e r city the en­ in tire Southwest. Oklahoma City has a population *.f about 70,000. The Monte Ne Banquet. A Monte Ne Banquet will I* giv­ this evening a t 8:20 o ’clock at e n tho University Commons to th e d e le ­ gate* to th e Y. W. C. A. S tate Cen* Two hundred ru e s ta are von Hon. in expected. They are to assem ble th e Girls’ Study Hall in the Main th** University, and go Building cf from th* re a to body. Miss Helen K m x, well known was j to the I diversity girls, is to be toast- the Commons in Into a dance. A^ a result MS#e # to "came again." tm rn em ------- ----- mi sir ess. Senior Class m e e tirg Tuesday, Oct. 29, 3 p. rn., Room 48. Denton Club m eets Monday, Octob­ e r 28, at 4 p. rn.. Room 48. N o t h i n g is Too Good for You College Fellows. W h e n you w a n t n ew clothes you go out after all that s coming to you in style, exclusiveness, quality and workmanship; th ats w h y you generally have your C l o t h e s T a i Io r e d t o S u i t Yo u r I n d i v i d u a l N e e d s i ailoring like ours tends to inspire confidence in the A c a r e r - saves you from being consigned to the w aste- basket ct You can afford insurance policy on success local dealer. to call upon our life — is an Moore &: Morrison XX''OI! shovw VOO the mens of cur five hundred nobby now woolens for Autunn ^nd VV mar and send us >our measure. r r ^ ta ors «n th e w o r l d o f G O O D m a d e - t o - o r d e r cl ot hes P u iM w m C h i c a g o . U S A ./J t h e s p e c i a l t y s t o r e SNAM A N ’S *3 ti# I'aiv«rstty atudcat* a cord'*’ . . . . r x •II time# whetter t t e reed a- *hinr *fee:r headtjtarters H a ; Md better , a S t r t e a n d a r h i * # .. lf 1* - ' > T Md p. . * a.* a y , guaranteed ' 3 t U a * '• ” at 'h s ao.v- *' t\rry’ Wed ♦ *,*»> ted Saturday .t i i th* Sind#*' ta vd th*- I ti Totally T o n * GEORGE v\ v THE * . |diter"?ft-€*.cf RAYMONO MUFF . M i n t i n g Edit#!* h a r r y l e o n a r d . Suant ** Mgr. MYRON G BL ALOC* A|l*a Map J Ax d*ck tx Buat it r Att .ii; . IN-tax x •>• • a af Mon k ' l r dx i t l t t . 0§ - *■ Friend— Cliver a t e t Barbera Dr *kill Hotel. v ira* a.: 'tad *b*ir ba- > -xx > ' 1 * •* *»rt* va-* tar bar work - t»r c*s s* d.'&a *Js»c by di:v#r a v * a a*, lh* 1* 11*1 ll Hc^el f d u n v * ” g -T x * a Jarftaoc a < * Co: * Av* -x* .♦>*»a-a x-ut alas* #u* r.da » arches ■i •« ' a ► -A ft * av a I n j ah b l o k l’n »*r ’Our'* chorda*.* i- aka * t D~gj ?toce r 5 : S*-a.-brough B’ll.dlrg < fun aa of Football nxxii l e i t o ! Y » SIJ P ea a r 'a a Caa w an a Congreet \T#s«« w # dos t aspen mea: w th *0 u- fwrtuea ** w- know Chicago Cl**ao vt *vS Cong a t* He..0 3;« v«‘o delivery • 4 vee a tp p rn L go b r 'k e. m n *fe^rt, cr s a c : to buy 4 diamond or i.r g else se* J a Jackson. IT* a. Sg .W* Spedal Terms TO Frat Houses ON un ,er- I nos, thoroughly Th# movement baa met * ,tb ax tut • 'dgut oppoaitjou OM Ole part of ibex* uo wku »xxi, «i it. aud a itll aery Pitter up position upon the pun of a few * .« Cive aa their redoes that the me . ' are * ou adret*, who inaugurated it Md bate dark aud bidden motive* ‘ U It were a question of tuxi aud uioLu vs, % Ital of tho#* ux«»; kilter* to Uke paul might fee y ' lr «»PPoaed • > printed, and tbqir motive* dta*k)#ed x out tfeta pr.;n ipie. Uh* ail others I should b* devoted atria ..y upon (t« \ own mer.ta lf it ta a good u o*. L menu it should be aupporieo regard I lea* of of a'me of these abo a tarted ti. aru ;f it ls a fend movement it »uo« d b* »., „p», regard*eaa of bow jo e cen#: der u > < who oppose i t o p tio n # your Lot Uke a g r e e ® . . ap eak for ..aedf —It me ar a what it *aya. ne stoc* and no use*. No one *mmki am. ;t Mio .a be nndarataoda its ap.-it aao fe*l*T*a in it. but ail who dc t a # r •td&d it, aud wbo do belie»e im it. •bovM get behind Uke mo veto* a t A copy of cb# agreement will be placed on th e girl* buUetm beard and a copy on th e fen.*:.a xcard in lect Uke main rotunda, juat of the entrance to -A Urn of nu ab o b a t# a^pi#d few pa bilobed i i t i e tmx: T^aas . to the old ubftfT IX a#* r year rn ta# I* ai versify an *orodmen: of b**ty per ai fZc-ee* of th* m a t *aagufta# pre regpstratioa egt. x aU » School cf Bu*ia#M TYaxaiag beg-a* it* f,r*£ ttad#r co*; a ti* pie ;#a* cinc Amstaac#, atvordiag u ITcf. > Be,,, bead of ti* ac*baal, rbwfe are tb irtyejgut eor»ft#d ic 8 a*ia#*i Tramiag l l . tgr## *g them womaa. b**:d#» th ir ty ^ # ab o ar# ta blit other cc ar***. ■» *a -he :ataat!oa of t • Of t ie teio a i to b rag proouaeai. s e c ta the kux-n«» o.rv de of tie t x « lad x-isewb-r# to the Uz.#eratty rn t ie -^ecef.t of the*# ‘b a g wurk na hit*:- - Stw* a ae new of Saeturee Cor trtaiausg. Our object. ‘ Mdd Pref. Bmu, **|a ’*** *tadeabk more ta ac ach 50 th* actual a # tied .4 of baa le ss world.'* < ?r«»wa: t i e course# offer#d an. sa-'cg ti# :ae* af gen#-,j accouacamr* •ad baakuag practive*. it m iatwod^d ^ add other course# from me as oonditiooa permit. Among H » course rn mumcipal ae cotta Anc# 43d he probable #*tab • ihment of aa exteosioa ^cady brr tbo#e who w * i to take It x? fey cor*#*pcadeoce cooree Rx v a, OW'Cii Ma, ;y id I s kid U r, S»i>* Tai# phono h la a a g ig Aaaia ta i; Manager, A 0 ‘J liuiln IS? M >»*<> *3. Office Hour* to I#, tivvpi Editor M Mi a bg k.d: ii - x ll alulet r, A** st.ta ii mag* r rtiuj • 13 to I. \( W I 3d to . T I id to H. T T U to I. Ii W I ll to -•ft.* ten present at th* . , worn#* iii.* at *. b * * l o i a l stud* ut .x < root far toe Hogs Hot* mr Ut IN kUtuvfiibur. it t» Homily th# wbo iou up aaa i* let out f»r>i af l i t e*l» •UA a aua.pa.-K.ua iui#r Hi. t’ A OoGTeaUop r a de v *• i *uc aal dx# tile bell.** aa# ap bn aa awvMMdikebMe a## lo il t w e a rR a» f f i w t i v a Urn i ‘a a a witb Lb# p*gi»Jki.a baa Dday war farm ala* re w ere « m fn -ta t a in tirn t x gun# fc >, Dwp UU *.*i# t#eiu -X tut aiu* aUdwtma. of coera#, owe Mgr v»a IMMU I,bat Ii. tk i| At Agt/ game Lb# a #»i avAae-iiaL*^ ammo til ai *a ta fee fuuud wb#a your •apport taro# ce tea ai i n ticket*. #i STUDENT NC A SPLETTER $ tiua aaaumer by Fifty tfeeaaaad p t a p l # were reaci ti* stadeec wd la b#bmi a t cb* H ogg y , N pwakiag rh# g o o d ttmt c l . , *, gm uA A ftet. • aom pkA b#d wa* am i* agpafreat a: tm r a lly VI a d a a a i a y b sra e # # . is ImpreeiiiaG# auimt > liaeet cie wore c o rr # # ;#d. Correct idCanarnxg aborn Uke acmml. Ha w a* iftg . I ’a e r b a a s g.- j» Agr# adv a-a g # a g g e r Cag, \y g - a e b o •b le a awa,ta t l a g bw re. h a v e b e t a c a r m m m .m b e e a a e * Lbey w e re aaaw are af crte# o .s c , wer# tim Wit*i -?tt- vhxiagtfU ibU> v .v u d e a f fe # a » ia u -x. a U ,n were «quftgsfiea#c a* La ab* w# a m tw aderukg. - < ’xuxxi .c.x a f . rn . . . AS tim acc arr* a d u r i a g ’.g# *iar '*a*e m # r.,^g amatb* a f a h o t r a g a # aum N a e -ma- N. ' x . .aum cauuj.*.# m e r tkeae wlgtgr ^ « d ia ro ig aajc a a a a a m he eaaUut :«d by w eerv Av'i*i**a. e t a w , *>.« i i # .a Th- mfirvemmag baa fewea uajsecbed, p r u p x . ^ a* *ar e v e r y n wnw aw es W ate rs t a i s bt m#: p g p # r tim a d ic * M d a s;ud*#3 t -k.» e a y -arr;* ,.-tt ...... p a r t • a a . -wmpiAga .e ta * rn « ii; iailueftc# of •wOwa* xbws># ^ x » w n u -a# ars. aad will , , , » t ha t b a a aw es a ;art. rw a c b pcopi* the atNa i a^.t whom Un wloiyieat ar m o a t pa•,Abed ad ’a La ara#r h e F re e # C ltjo dre*A canaot afXecc -a*, .ii a t ta th# a a r g , d fte c g it* «wnrte«m a .,a ^ Pewi aft a 0 a il e tip hvard ai Ut# ueimMg for p o s e Artic ft-* ca L aiver ai ty c,,ac -c a # aaa *P#od«ntL» ..aa th# .’♦ c h e m # . ewes ta woich th# cwre- carry:.ag gut im co he 'aa; pur­ P lay er Pianos AND •"'A- iw ut -^.-h#r S e c ; uTux S ' l h **raity Bacd as h* tea ta proprietor of th# 5**#- :#r ’.a." SU', lb s * W s 4 ^ st in th* - N few gold to bar# u $ 0L, # tf. old fr-.*c!. and :;k«w ,* wpc#;- be it eh x*#ra tr d ia ;r w bim Victrolas T o J m -o c a ll a n i a s p w plat* tad # - 4 Auto ie! v#ry - a o r 40- Coagrese av, C h x ago Hello 33S. old U N I V E R SI T Y C A L E N D A R Today. Safraruay, October 2g •:43-11:46 a. ml. first session Stat. Convention.. T W c . A., at Bi&Ie ’.'hair. l:bfe-2 JO p. m.. State C o n v e n e r 3- IO p. 7* . meeting Educate 0 De­ partment, Scam TP. 3 : » , Texas vs. Haskell teEians Clark Field. 3 4a..i -;h#y are g r a d e d a b d th e j r w a w a r d e d . t r urn th e card a g r e e i n g A a u m .ber o f pendent* h a v e a lr e a d y ta a a th ta a ig a e d ^'ork. Amo tie r public meeftag and dim:arn ica w in be h e ld xCv c. >u?. im th# mea a urn#, if you ar# willing *u r e a d e r w h a t B a n ric e y o u c a n . s e e Y r th # m a t t e r a r v a il *1 i-c?m aa a b o u t for one of T h e Texan o ffic e tie c a r d * . S unday, O ct. 27- I * : # ». a t. Talk nr * 3* C. A. Bailgtag. fcOu C o p # l l 0 0 a i v . Cniwefwlty Metiodiat Cburvb. b l . S e r m o n . 0 30 p. m., A-idr##s, Or. Cope, Ca*, ▼ersity Methodist Cburdt ‘ •45 p. ta., Ev#c..ag *ervK‘e. werSi y MatfeiaflM Church I ni­ Mortday. Out. 28. * - 30 a. us.. S s Coarse ttier! . * Bib ie Chair. i- JU 9 . a .. JLs» Saatlaa'a a d d les, T. JL C. fc lieu adjawraa See. 5 W fc au. T W. cr. 4 . C o a x * , 1 M p. e l. Preee Chih* af S IG N T N E A G R E E M E N T 4:13 p. m., Meeting of FTMehmua Cia*#, AudiSnrittw* Oadfc w e e k t i , # paper the annet; ucemeut th at a move- Batel had been t h e r e a p p e a r e d inaugurated l a B e t e a r T u e e d a y , O c t. » « ^peetere Club ta do U w 3^ ^ Y HEX YOLR DOCTOR GIVSS TO r .4. PSLggoRJPTlOiS b r i n g i t t o u s w e a r e REGISTf3JE3D EX T H IM * *rxv - P a i o L F R - C B b u c S T H E L O 'V s s T „ ° 8TATBS xnd o v a JACKSON’S 20th CENTURE drug store p h o n e s : s s r H O N E S 166 • M. M ILLER TU Congrea, Ave. AUSTEN, T2XAA T i K b h a l l . F l o r i s t SeeC .PlanN and Flowers Student Trmr*— r _ Eapec j y Appmctated. •20 CONGA Egg g v E . C A c L ON c a p i t o l b a k e r y p C R B R E A D C A K P u * x-Af<> t S A N O S A S T R Y ” * B e liv e m d 3 a t y o u r d o e r S I L 0” * * iT iMr-“ ««*•»♦ •raa.at .L a c ’ **** H o r i^.n “ ' 4° a - K u a d ly g ;v # n a a a l a i * * OM * x o « , 0-4 I L L : a *M R U B E N S O N . P r o p . 1M0 9 G u a d a lu p e t t r e e L BIGG W IL i kl S\ W a fui ft J sfl * How Much You^Pay for a Suit of Clothes O v ^ o . u V " ' * 'U V’ IUC' B U t W h a t y ° U 8 * 1 f ° r W h* ‘ y ° U P* y ' * b e r t <"u , , r a *«d S u it , o r T N I T I X * * T H E F I R I N G L I N E ___________ I Is it necessary that a* th<- W ain ning of each school year t o reg of students must bv bandh a) ped f, r a week or twv* by not bt lug able ti procure t e x t -b o o k s at th ^ Co-op? Can not the C o o p in an a e eii.rittJ- b i ; »U an Increased atten d ance at the t ’ ni- verslty and provide the students with j their much needed t e x t b o o k * ? It is well known that the first t a o weeks la a very im portant period in th* scholastic c a r e e r of a stud< ut, If h- I* unable to get a good s ta rt, he is greatly handicapped throughout the ©nitre session. If is not only a disadvantage to th e individual student unfortunate enough to be compelled to do with out a Utx* book until the Co-op re ceives a new supply from B oston or j Nom York, but tile en tire c l a s s snf j fern when a third or a fourth of J the students have no text bo o ks,winch is open the c a s e . A class < anno' make the progress ii should when It is held back by tho students who are unable to study properly. Well-managed book mures in the j c i t e s are not etern a lly running oui ! of books T h e m anagers study con in ditious, an ticip ate business, and have the books lo soli when the demand arrives. VV Uy c a n \ Lhe Co-op? inert a s e an Suit or Overcoat Union Made Tailor Made T H E Y H A V E E V E R Y S T Y L E F E A T U R E A N O Q U A L IT Y O F *25 A N O *30 S U .T S . W e specialize on S u ,» . and O v e rc o a t, a t t h . price, and t h ! , . c a o n f in d . u . w ith the .Ic ., line lo o k thVrn^over. b ' " * ' b' * Ck* ’ m ,« u r“ ln * ................» " ’• b e ., fa b r ic . Comr and I his C.reat S h o w in g of N e w Pall Styles Places you before the newest and best ideas gf leading wholesale tailors $f this country. H ere you will find immense assortments r f the new’ Scotch Suitings in the richest and most beautiful color c imbinatioim ever produced, as well as the quiet and dignified styles. Suits $ 1 5 to $ 4 0 No trouble to find your size wb*>:i you com© hero b e m u s e W E C A RR Y T H E S T O C K Our Hat and Shoe Departments are wonderfully interesting spots ihese early Fall days. SMITH & W ILC O X i W oolen L I T T L E F I E L D B U IL D IN G S t u d i o 1 1 9 W e s t N i n t h S t r e e t Old P h one 521 .New Phone l l s Establish rd 1877. J . L . V R E D E N B U R G H DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JE W E L R Y , SILVERWARE, CHINA. Eand-made Jewelry, Watch Repairing, Optical Work, a specialty. P N * Tested Free. 818 Congress Avenue. — — — 11 ■ ■ ■ a m • . . a— . . . m _ , CALL The Driskill Laundry AND HAVE YOUR WORK DONE RIGHT. Phone 444. P A L A C E B A R B E R 8 H O P •06 C o n g r,* * A venue. “ T h e Old R e lia b le ." A ustin, Texas. W M . F. W O L F , P ro p rie to r. S T R IC T L Y U P -T O -D A T E 8 H O P . 8 IX F I R 8 T -C L A 8 8 T O N S O R IA L A R ­ T IS T S , B A R B E R S ’ S U P P L IE S . N ot and Cold B aths. T u rk is h and Russian B atha. • i* MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT The Driskill Pool Parlor FINEST TABLES IN CITY. Driskill Hotel. Mrs. Jourdan W . Morris V O I C E C U L T U R E B IG G E S T A N D OF C O U R S E T H E B E S T The S ta t e National Bank A U S T IN , T E X A S . Bosche’s Troy Laundry P H O N E 73 JO H N H. R O BIN SO N , J R . , Pre*. W A L T E R BREM O N D , Vice Pres. P I E R R E BREM O ND , Vice Pres. JO H N G. PALM, C ash ier. S. J . Von K O E N N E R IT Z . Aua’t.C aah k r. W IL L BE P L E A S E D T O S E R V E S T U D E N T S ’ A C C O U N T S G IV E N E X C E L L E N T A T T E N T IO N rw Y O U . F O R Multigraphing O F H IG H E S T W H E R E A L L W O R K G U A R A N T E E D . S E E C L A S S , IS “ Block" Smith A T T H E C O O P . H. L. HILGARTNER, M. D. I P ra c tic e L im ite d to Eye and E a r D is ­ eases Office Scarbrough Bldg., Cor. Cong Ave., and 6th S t ., Austin, Tex. Office Hours: 9 a. rn. to I p. m and 3 to 6 p. rn. St udent s ’ P r e ss in g Shop Both Ladies* and Gents* Work 8 u lta : and pressing, $1.00; dyeing, $2.50. Pressing, 2 5c; cleaning scouring, 50c; B lo c kin g , R epairin g , A l t e r i n g , Suits Made t o Order. A L L W O R K C A L L E D FO R A N D D E L IV E R E D . S atisfactio n G uaranteed R ing 2308 (O ld P hone) and • Ive us a tr ia l. Run By Students. TOM G A M B R E L L and WM. F. GRIMES, P R O P R IE T O R S 19th A N D G U A D A L U P E S T S . Anyone having m anuscript* of any kind to bo ty pewritten, phone or see Miss Ruth Humphrey VYork guaranteed. P r ic e s reasonable. P h on e 1785. Address 404 VV. 23d Sc. UNIVERSITY MARKET LIN DAU B R O S.. Proprietors D ealers In C H O IC E B E E F , M U T T O N , P O R K A N D V E A L Corner 24th aud Guadalupe S tre e t*. F r e e D e liv e ry . Theo. G. Wagner “ T h e Student*’ Friend.” The best of Cold Drinks and Ice Cream always served. invite ray student friends to meet me at the “ Cozy Corner.” i 24th and Guadalupe Streets. Phone 1025. Jno. L. Martin A N D E V E R Y T H IN G P L U M B IN G T H E S T U D E N T N E E D S . E L E C T R IC J O H N S O N ’ S D eep E d d y H o a t Club D A N C IN G P A V IL IO N Phone 320. 408 C on g reet A venue. O L D P H O N E 1474 Swann Furniture & Carpet Co. T H E BIG 8 T O R E . 401 Congress A venue. W e fu rn ish F ra te rn ity Houses On C re d it. University Billiard Parlor 2214 Guadalupe. George M. Wesley T A IL O R Pool, French, 2 / ac per Cue. Pool, S tra ig h t, 5c per Rack. S T U D E N T S W E L C O M E . C leaning, Pi-e**ing, and R epairing af L ad ies’ and G en tlem en ’* C lo th e*. F ree D e liv e ry . Phone 2670. 404 Congress A venue I he Austin National B ank C apital « S urplu s and P r o fit* D epo sits - . . . $ 300,000 416,000 3.500,000 F. P. B. Business of the Faculty and of the Student* Solicited. E L B E R T H U B B A R D 8 P E A K S . ‘T h e Romance of Business’ Is H i s S u b ject— M a kes Appeal F o r E ffic ie n c y . the to a founder of On Tuesday night, under the au­ the Adc ra f te r * of Alnuin, spices or L ib e rt Hubbard, philosopher, w riter, uuuineuM man, aud lilt Roy c r otter* of E a s t Aurora, d eliv e r­ .ii ’’Romance ed a lecture ou largw audit Ute c o m ­ B u siness’’ posed of Austin burnut sh men, I n.- versity teach ers, aud students, a t th e E ighth S t r e e t F ire Haji. T h e a peak- or waa introduced by Miss K a tie i ai- fau, who welcomed bim ‘'Uh man who has th at we all de­ pend upon one an o th er and thin, our neighbors are the out h thai ne* d us m o n '." taught us i m called s ta tem e n t th at a btu Air. Hubbard opened his speech by th e in his opinion th a t th e g re a te s t book of tho last del ude is a little book written by M aurice M ao tar lnick, made famous in A m e ri­ ca by his B L U E B IR D , t h o i In tills b l o k L I F E OF T H E B E E . Muc tor I luck says fak« n four miles from home will nev* r get back, that a bee separated from its h iv e m akes no honey, and that one bee alone has no intellect, hut the whole hive has a v ast and wond< r* ful in telligence, as evidenced by th e o f that by a sp e cial process f a c t feeding known only to themaelvi s they can take a comm on larva and I produce from it a queen. F ro m ib is in tere stin g Mr. Hubbard draws an from his parallel— a man separated kind has no and only through co-operation with other men does to field h im s elf or anyone else. of modern business Mr. Hubbard uses J a s an this cd-op< ra ­ tion ; aud he a tt e m p t* to dispel tin* is in I old to business for what there it inn him, regard less of the other man, for his th at no one say s health. Mr. Hubbard, “ is a form of se r v ic e ; looks a f te r i t feed s and clo th e s a i d th e world according d efinite in which honesty and oner sy stem , the prime virtue.*; getie e ffo rt a r e th a t ev« ry man is in becom e of any value is “ Modern illustration of intelligence, in busim ss b u s in e s s ," tradition to a Tho he with the larg e st bank acco unt, is a1* and laugh.’’ A h a co n c r e t e exam ; Pie or rom ance in bu siness. Mr. Hub- life HU.ry ol I J a m e s J . Hill, the great ra liria d m ag­ nate. th e fam ilia r bard told j natln g ideals and principles I Mr. Hubbard attrib u te« these new that are dom!- to in the world w< have to put ourselves j today th e business world the f a c t that " F o r the first time the history of I enou gh th e other m an's p lace.” He con* in i luded his highly interesting, and in som e ways rem arkable, talk by quot­ ing from L r. E llio tt th at " T h a t m-iL i« b e e t educated who lh most ud* f u l ." im agination NEW AND SECOND HAND t a * . sd. Repaiied, Packed, Shipped. . « • ' Voudouris Bros. Stored, Manufacturers cf m an grad e c a n d ie s a n d i c t Frank Doughty 220-222 E. 6th St. Both Phones 303. Your money’s worth or your “ * I R t f ' cr e am ma Fr,.h i>.ii, Supply C h u rc h **, Weddings, Wkoiestl# and Baun. I a r t '* * . money back. 82 * Con0- Av*- A uetln , T a x * * . The Laundry Question Settled lf You Try Model Steam Laundry PHONES 6 8 5 1 5 0 4 LA V A C A STREET W E MAKE KODAK PRINTS AND POST CARDS EV E R Y DAY. . T O K * D A N ’ S CIO Congress Aver.ut. Kodak* Loaned to Students. Fresh Films From Factory Every Week. FRE3H F I S H OF A LL KINDS. O Y ST E R S TH E VERY BEST —PORT EADS. P a t t o n s Uni on M a r k e t BOTH P H O N E S 213. 115 W E S T S IX T H S T . THE B E ST RAZORS AND SH W IN G M FwJ Aw I MENT HANGERS A N D LOOPS. SU PPLIES, POCKET 1 Ea ^ ; WTSS S C I 3 S 0 r S AND SHEARS, GAR­ a B E N G E N E R B R O S . HARDWARE 817 CONGRESS AVENUE. E L E C T R I C A L HANCOCK f o r E V E R Y T H I N G HANCOCK FOQr E V E R Y T H I N G IN HANCOCK F O R F R E E HANCOCK £09 C O N G R E S S A V E N U E . P H O N E S 193. P L U M B I N G D E L I V E R Y “ A B O V E A L L " O T T I N G B A K I N G CO. P A S T R I E S , C R E A M P U F F S , K I S S E S , A N G E L F O O D , D E V IL ’S F O O D . Phono* 1081. 1600 L a v aca 1 L D O U G H N U T S , E T C . We Are Serving Sandwiches At Our Soda Fountain VfmSmitftllrngfn Pox ne 2? Just Received a Fresh Ship merit of King’s Candies P E R S O N A L S i ’ftuJ Dross n » |h-iii k end in Floresville, < IvVH g« Hill lit I 11 iii - tuft M|M Ut Still day at tho K i t Al pha Hound, Mina Joseph Ila B low n, I ' fit i im Ii a n Im a*li lim n.lulu iii* k m Snit Mix*. 5TSTKT Over 500,000 Prescriptions on rile— By Actual om ^ YN#$| 8 ^ a for riff*. S taff t o r tioorgo W averly Briggs. S taff L th* respondent Now*, I* an «x-*tudent varsity H it article* havo been a import primo m otive In cauking man) ant r e a r m s within tho Stat** during tho past fow year*. A rrow Kotch C O L L A R S I MB Hi I M O S ! M A U ? IN I OI lf N I K i m 'S (ii * S o o t* 2 bi. M l i l K l O I In. IU ! MON I 2 in C H I S I I St 2 bi. I for ?* C* • f, HUT bt AKO *W AIM ,M>.ee» Professor Shurter loft Thursday to cover tho toAfbeiV I hat it ut os tit Comanche, Palo Pinto, Taylor, aud Fisher Counts*;*, in tho intone*! of the State lh'baUug and Ikwiauiatk i Norris’ Huyler’s A lle g r e tto Candies Griffith Drug Comp an, “W here Quality Counts'' 4 SCARBROUGH BUILDS S E N A T E C A F E Littlefield Building. WE CATER TO THE BEST AND SERVE THE BF** 8T WILL W PORTER, Prop Thanksgiving is scarcely a month { o ff now and anyone w anting a suit m ade for that day should se e Moon & Morrison at once They repress nt Bd. V. Price & Co., w hose liberal pa­ tronage The Texan highly appreci­ ate*. liv e game qualifications. COLLEGE MEMORY BOOK CO., !26 South LaSalle S t.. Chicago. IM. Go t«> th* show , arni spend a pl as- for Party of seven ant evening. 50c; fifteen for $1.00. B esides a beautiful display of poi * friim all * .hoota> Moor,, .M or rf .o n h a y , a fin.- .lo c k o f bl* .ol»,M . th,- blinn,.r, aud pm ow, Tt is reported by a Senior Law that an Engineer looks, to him. like a mother less c a lf in the dead of win­ ter. 7 Tickets for 50c or 15 for $1.QQ In o r d e r th ,t you m a y get t h e habit- w e a r e n o w giving Prof. BHI at Dallas. $4 OO sh oes at 12.75 at Moons A Morrison’s. S. I’. Harrl gum m ill'd th* opjH.r lo in In mil! in rhino. tuulty afforded la tit 8 a furda> a day or i h ti at lest ■ • M H M I h r l U b l M t Kit*' \ \ e d n e m h\ aft* 1 it — * League, and Professor F letcher Mill n e UVU week lM‘ Hock a all. Delta, and Cooke C ounties in stitu tes 'I m ; the Pi tv. Ii. Ualdweli has n m H o u s e Kart VS oi th and I 'alias, apt lit I»nrv ala, t a y t>i iii. Um>i im vs i m it I'It from in hix Boltin Ii h I in lim H t a|>, i t unlay ai ti Bundu) ai Inn Granger, trip to I •allan. instead taal b o n « sat r th* of uni kin. HIM A nu k- t art Uv.in. of tho Chi Dine git*, k i»i* lit h* Ni Sa! ut mat and sun day with down from Wish! ta Pall*. lu r mother, u Im «alin R a l p h Ma Ms « ,|. among i v d o n La a h o i n a t l v th* avt* tho loot ha ! I {Catlin aud ai It lid lair. Iou. h« Ilv spent rn'tim tim e to Arling 'hr nlu it i a i l a t r i p Mf.’MMI ll .1 i t VV iii i * iii Ha; *' V‘ j i n x a p t Ii! • p a • vs < ■*:*k DI e in In r* t i he i ><• U l l a - d W * ti I it’H< I V ■Jam*- .1! h , r to uh Mix* N orm a I lur Hill, f- v siiiitg at i!u All i S' Fbi I Iou** th is wet Mrs. VV I Fi ve j is < . s i t u g hi r d a u g iit j ti.* \ phii I n *t» I hi i , ii VtCo \J Ut! Ut . ... N ice room* with hoard be of foUnd w .!h Mrg M ary L. Carlun for 2205 A Quiet and eonvon $20.00. Ring 2226 or call at Trinity Street. sent location. can Buy a stoek of ticket* at rodm ­ a hundred ^ rates. Then bi a regular attend* the U niversity Scenario At of the Big Walk AGENTS WANTEO Most popular money making propo­ sition open for live wire students Apply today for the Agency, stating Basketball Prospect* For 1912 1 3 . l>un 1 4 lax; mmmui. Iva shot bal I The su c c e ss of last year * ant a* the generous ap J tho fool the Council, the an Varsity went up fully per cent. team, rn spite OI propria thm given by show s how much In cartiest th e phi* cr* are, aud how aum ous they are tor dear, ahi \ artily to excel e v en in this s o v a lh d effem in ate branch of athletics, as It Is generally considered by a large majority of persons, who have ne*cr seen a played. M e are going the this y« ar, and State there is no reason w by it should md ticket be our* Through the (Mason .o r , k* n ,.r„ u . D u lU •.h e m * . cham pionship . xih x i * in for real, J o h n Kit* a It, A ISHO. anti sfti d*‘Ut o f tin* L a * ( ha ' lK'pat no ut bv wont (hi u, h a ith some unusual expel a Dallas a during r a t - i i i e n i»I* j Misses Kuril t’lttiua a tut Ila Plat! ut £eta t h.ipu ,, ti, el m apt ut the first ot the week rn p to s pita I N il., I i l l ' s her* AT T H E I I I A N j \ \ [ O P E R A HOUSE luv Hatton* h a le btl ti received an­ nouncing \ / s i t nounclng tnarriagt el / v . p y L»wd aud Roy Randolph dings, Texas. October 33rd of B lean or at th* marriage ti;* tim , .,„d. » ,t h UU .ippropnatiou IM . fiuauvlal probk-a. is ouly th,ag lacking to be supplied in the support id the student body. factor former years the has b ien alm ost an unknown Quan­ tity t possibly for th e reason named a b ove), but w hatever the (lid - co**# out and encourage reason. team it your It won't take long to se e Just or even g e l a sui! and try self. * h a , kind cf a gam e baske-baU is. ia»t uaiued the j —.. —■ Mism s Luc tic Matthew*. Clara* ChMMiau, Pans) Kiss hou. katherine Hill, aud Rowena Barnett a le two I Ute in ta-1 * el th* Awhile! Ll Lr ary Se great holes, which will be filled With c i e ) A* we look over the m aterial which thus far available, w e find John A. uew hi VV alter Dealejf, It A great difficulty Jam es former captain and guard, was g r a / is now aal cd from the Law Departm ent las on the business IO re* of the Dallas year, se* it News. Everyone remember* vt ult a.- ‘'J o h n n y ’ play. nothing more need- A (ilk ‘ti Editor of Th* Texan a hard. con slat en v player, and b a guarding will certain­ the Cactus Re* E state, ly be m-ssed. Morgan Viuirg is rhe Surety Be >ds th o se who have and be sand He T o ii’, of the Sophomore vias* of c iv il Eu giueers last year. wa> a Visitor tor* bail for a few days. He is now connect* to give his support and cd with the engineering depar me ut The man. co fill his sh oes will have — .... of the M. K * T R R to be four year rule bars him from bucket- this year, but he will be out ° ‘som e * man. infill erne Prof Spurgeon Bell, o f the School of B usiness Training, yesterday id iresfv.J the Da lim Ad League on the subject. “ Busint'ss Training and thv B usiness Man ** In order ih» that you may g«,t habit, the University picture Show is uow selling seven tick ets for 50c. or fifteen fur 1 1 OO Stock up w ith tickets STACY ROBBINS COMPANY Insu'-srce, L oins and Property For Sals or "’4 Cong. Ave. Austin John Xabor* of Vernon a men der person who fit* the other hole Th* Ram In All Parts of the City. M o n d a y , O c t o b e r 2 8 M A f lN t t ANO NIGHT The Rose Maid EVEN TER, GREATER THAN THE SPRING MAIO.’’ i t s s i s ATS NOW ON SALE. $u.vu an d $ 4 S h o e s I or M en Meet 'I our f riends At the U n iv e r s it y Scenario A t th e F o o t o f the "B ig W alk" M. J. McCammon A STUDENT APPRECIATE A YOUR OO WILL TO CHANCE TYPEW RITING. REASONABLE PRICES AND GUARANTEED SATISFAC­ TION. P h o n e 1398 I he Besserer & Marshall Theaters ly Casino—Texas—Princess i 2 Lo Show ing Daily 3,000 Feet N ew First Run Feature PK ures VV Uh the exception o f these two, team are all of la st year's V arsity back, including G arrett, guard. Ross and Schram m , forw ards; McVeigh, art) cen ter. All of th e se old men “rearing to go," so to speak, and are anxious to get th< season started ta fu ll blast. Graduate M eeting. after noon W ednesday th en was held a m eeting of the Gradua > De partment. oft .bef* were elected : follow ing T he Mrs. Taylor, presidenL Miss Malden, vice-president Miss Sw eet, aecretary-treasuret Jennings, sergeant-at-aruis. W. B. H am ilton, R eprcsentativ, to S tu d en ts’ Council. to is planned '.he year. a w filch Among tht( plans for sjet-together entertainm ent, the m embers can becom e better ac Qualnted, atte dact in the near future. The grow th o f the Graduate De­ partm ent e n ­ couraging developm ents of thv Uni­ versity. So it is interesting to note in that a larger uum btr this LVpartment than ever before, ami that a large proportion of theae are candidates for a Mas cr * de­ gree th is year. is one of the most is enrolled Freshm en Extrem es. Of course. It sounds natural t o r a 0 be the butt of a Joke. freshm an tor a this H owever, piece of humor. and : show s up on the records of the gym tiaaium. intended fact, It* a isn't The two extrem es, a s regards the j I he fat and the lean, are to be found in the freshm an cla ss in the personnel of B. H, X e * ||« r y and IT R. Gar­ rett. stripped, former, when 've.giis 253 pound* and m< azures 4 S inches abound the w aist, I s uoed that he coaid not chin less to say him self. Garrett resem bies a L...lpu Hail in that he only tipped the scales for Si pounds and has hut 25 inches w aist m easure. 170 pounds would be alm ost enough for a husky football player. T he difference of I On certain occasions it has >een to se e some of the really amusing co-eds as they passed N’eathery They invariably giggle. He seem s to enjoy the giant ■ distinction, nevertheless. Ther^ are tw o or three of th e I sm allest sired fellow s at the I .i.ver- sity, but Garrett tho thinnest of flesh. He and Neatheyy. whoa seen together, aptly illustrate ‘before Ann after." ^he is probably One double room that rents the for $9.00 Smith House, 2308 Guada­ lupe St. Phone 1984. is vacant at T M K P L A Y H O U S E P r e w m . Fred L. Urlfflth and b :s 20 H a ste s! Merry U lt" ..-, „ l l f Farces. Burlesques. Comedies i I Monday and Tuesday. "OPERA SINGERS" W ednesday and Thursday, “ MY WIFE H U SB A N D S” Friday and Saturday. "THE W ID O W S RECEPTION." The New “ Get a Receipt PIan f j In jrder to prevent disputes, overchary ng, and m istakes In making change, th# Co­ op ha* adopted the "New Get A Recs pt Plan." Un­ der th * system everybody • g*ven a ticket represent­ ing tne amount purchased, ana everybody »« gi ven e rebate at the end of the 7 car- r hi* doe# not elimi­ nate, however, an advantage to those who hold a mem­ bership card> Aak fo r #ny etu d .n t necessity you may need. THE C O -O P t In the back, May have and, REMEMBER, It soils then coat.*' for *•» little more BIGGS Pressing UNION PAINLESS DENTISTS : « C i * s s S er v ic e - R e a s o n a b l e Fees I he I onsorial Parlor ® A T R O N | Z E b e c k t h e m a n w h o IS WITH US. PATRONI ZES YOU. “ DL TCH” I 703 CON n a p c c a w c MI; E McNamara Bros. C a n d y M a n u fa c tu re rs a n d Jobbers B o ttle r s o f S o d a . o d M in e r a l W a te r s A ik Your Confectioner for Ram-r j Chocolate*. : c £ P S I I V E R J E D o n FINE PACKAGE CANDY. L. A. W O L F & BRO. «rvfT0V?tE^Tt , Gldci l0 ' °U BacJt LL Z ^ U,‘r ’ “ T C M » * * n v r « c » PL - for SU •srproees all face*. for all Us# v o r a w e ir * Mea thai ^ o o lh PHONES $30. T«tes & Cornwell, DRUGS T EN T H AND CONS**1 a o r red h ig h toe- IN Iii. >c No, ■ d ill »•-* JO. L> ITI S h o e Lo. ’ e ss A v e n u t . ’’Cws: Nece & i 3 ace st We Stoc- *> m ort *Qt OoartSerw, $16.30 pr.r Ticntn. zo-n'*e*i« . nj ocat:en se Meet se 33C2 Gwwaa-^p* st. Next to M cFaddenA, 'cs-. I 3£ •7c A DAY 4* -s, pay men;. OLly OU. g i cleaned a;;d rtrpacrwd. MORGAN v in NG, W ll. aes Mam-. Ess am ish <‘u 1.^4 ? | Im portaat F a c t s About SOCIETY Brand Clothes They do wear out but it. take their tim * about they They do Sock well until worn out. Some exclusive agencies at Harrelfa only. Th* m ost Famous the world. Made Cross in England. Gloves in by Mark The De«mei d ccw car. Linen Mesh l > Holeproof Hosiery, He.d Cape, Knox Caps, John Bremond Knox Hats. 4 ‘ ^ ESA v XCO ER. t VI PQRT I i O H Q ti OR AQS, COFFEES, a u s t i n , t e x a s . When down our way drop and se e t i e NEW THINGS for men. in AUSTIN A L OKAL CO. T2$ Congreee Avenue. 0 1 Cif' O L S S O N , F lo r is t . Od E ast F ifteenth St. La. . st Ls»i»alis4i!iOi5t ii Canthal ana ^outJi Texas, HARRELLS WM CONGRESS AVENUfc. mm la to OO TI lai va nu ga; SU] ms c f the Ma cou th e Let fen c it) cdr r<*a tod I tha assi pra H oi tho soc! this writ the Yorl w ell lea. TI o p ei to I tim e Conf Cord don Y. I Mom so d a lugs vers! dr bet ond. Th th is tion. to t i . te ll ferei Mon The T I seen! urda e n I A. C beau O f Cl And v^r air c webe value