VOL. XXX Main University To Get $3,110,220 Next Biennium Medical Branch Gets Quarter Million; School of Mines $208,160 Covers Two Years Conference Report Submitted To Governor Approval for in Appropriations for the Main U ni­ versity residence instruction and ad­ m inistration, as contained the conference report adopted by both houses o f the Legislature M onday to ­ tal $1,455,110 year for and $1,655,110 for the second year of the com ing biennium. The latter figure includes $150,000 for furnish­ boys’ ing and equipping proposed dorm itories. first the The Medical Branch receives un­ der this bill $250,260 for each year. Extram ural divisions o f the U ni­ versity receive $156,500 each year. The School o f Mines and M etallurgy*' receives $208,160 for the first year and $231,160 for the second year. item ized but The bills are the Board o f Regents is authorized to make such changes and substitutions w ithin the totals as deem necessary. it may The salary scale fixed in the ap­ propriation bill o f 1927 w as taken as a basis and a con tin gen t sum of in the $35,000 a year was allow ed Main U niversity for supplem enting salaries and providing new posi­ tions. in in the bill vetoed at the The only difference in the U niver­ the m easure sity appropriation last and long session is the elim ination o f the positions copied from the original 1927 bill making appropriations for the salaries o f Dr. W. S. Sutton and Colonel W. S. Simkins, deceased. The total salary appropriation for the Main U niversity is $ 1 ,3 2 8 ,1 6 0 a fo r de­ year. M aintenance total partm ents $ 35,550 a year. Current expenses total $98,600 a year. item s laboratories and In addition to regular item s under the head of current expenses, an ap­ propriation o f $4,500 fo r each year is made fo r binding and supplem ent­ ing the Aitken Library; an appropri­ ation o f $1,000 a year fo r transcrib­ ing historical docum ents and $4,000 a year for the Graduate School f e l­ low ships and scholarships. U nder the extram ural divisions an appropriation of $20,0 0 0 fo r each o f the two years is made fo r the bu­ reau o f business research, this legis­ lative appropriation to be matched with $ 3 0,000 from the Laura Spell­ man R ockefeller fund. The bureau of research in the so­ cial sciences is given $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 a year fo r the two years, this appropriation to be m atched with $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 from the Laura Spellman R ock efeller fund. The division o f the conservation and developm ent o f the natural resources o f T exas is given a total o f $47,500 for each o f the two years. The di­ vision o f extension receives $77,000 for the two years. COUNTY MINERALS ANALYZED M ineral resources o f B ell County are analyzed in a new publication wihch has just been issued by the Bureau o f Economic G eology at the according to Dr. E. H. U niversity, o f the Scllards, associate director bureau. This Week on The Campus TUESDAY, JULY 16 R eception o f stu d en ts and facul­ ty at Open Air T heater. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 E. M. Morgan on “ The Average Man and the Law,” at the Open Air T heater. AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1929 SIX PAGES TODAY No. 126. Choral Club to Appropriations Fixed at $47^94,408 by Free Present F a r c e PH O N E IT IN \'p W 4 After IO P. M Classified A d s_ Display A d s___ Circulation____ 9181-61 . 9187 . 23166 . 23164 . 23164 O r 'N A urnmer erxatt Second Term Enrollment Passes Three Thousand Mara During First Day J Registration totals for the second term of the 1920 U niversity summer | school reached the 3,204 mark at the close of the first day o f registration, it was announced from the Auditor's o ffice late Monday evening after the The total number includes both old students who are rem aining for the ‘Trial by Jury’ Interested Varsity Singers May Take Part in Opera Griffin to Direct Plot Centered on Breach Promise Suit in Court Conference Committee Appropriations totaling $47,81*4,403.00 had been agreed upon by the I appropriations and the claims and accounts comm ittees o f both houses of the Legislature Monday. I Governor Moody, iii sending hack appropriation measures passed by the last session of the L egislature, stated that they exceeded the estim ated reve- second /t r m , a fter com pleting th e * - first term of the session and new students who are enrolling in the U niversity for tho first tim e, or re-1 entering. The Auditor's o ffic e . where fees arc paid and the check j • f students is made, has not vet I et ermined the ratio of old to new students. For the b en efit o f those students ! who were unable to com plete their! registration Monday or did not reg- j ister, a special late enrollment will be held this Tuesday afternoon be­ in Lawr Build­ ginning at 2 o ’clock * ing 103. j register Both old and new' students will of there. The assigning sections xviii also he com pleted in the same room, where the follow ing com m ittees will function: Freshman registration, sophomore and uppfr- class registration, graduate registra­ tion, sectionizing, inspection, educa­ tion, business adm inistration, en g i­ neering, law, and August bachelor j o f arts degree candidates. All new* students in the U niversity, or those who have never been en­ rolled here, are reminded that th ey must present a certificate o f sue- J cessfu l vaccination which has been i issued or approved by the U niversity 168, Main- room S tu dents Desiring T o W o rk on T ex an A p p ly at B. Hall i Students In the University who on desire to do editorial work The Summer Texan may apply at room 122, B. Hall, at 2 o’clock this Tuesday and W ednesday, ac­ cording to Wni. Ray Miller, edi­ tor. of nuo of the state for the borning bi-* Clinium, and in a subsequent confer­ ence with the appropriations com- i m ittecs and other state officials 0 |* agreed that $ 1 8,000,000 wmuld rep-, resent the maximum lev en u e that The climax of the activities the for the U niversity Choruses sum m er session will ne the presen- j cou*(l he tation of a light opera, Gilbert and Sullivan’s “ I rial by Jury, Cli if fin, director of Pounced last night. club, the expected, But he gave notice, however, that items that David j he would probably veto would bring the total down another three million.!. The bills as agr -ed to in the conference are $105,691.34 for the The best reporter on The Sum ­ mer Texan will receive a Parker Duofold pen and pencil set at the end o f the sum m er session. About six reporters an i assist­ ant issue editors ar*- needed for work for the second term. Awards n e given to every sta ff memboi find special aw ards are given to the best issue editor, the best as­ sistant issue editor, and the best reporter. i < of 45 min­ “ The comic opera utes duration only, and it will he below the $48,000,000 figure. The entirely possible to prepare it by Au­ appropriation bill various gust 22, the date set for the pre­ .tale departm ents is $12,280,948, or “ The s e n ta tio n ,” Mr. G riffin said. .’33 1.282 lower than the vetoed bill. j‘Trial by Jury’ calls for a large cho- ! rus, and the chorus will welcome any The conference report on this bill i singers interested in taking part.” vill be presented to the Legislature ! The scene of the opera is that of for approval Tuesday. Of tho total a modern court, with .spectators, jur;>- of this bill. S i0 ,5 3 2 ,3 3 3 .5 8 * omee and officers w earing m odem apparel. >ut. o f the general revenue, $1,597,- The farce ren ters around a suit for $$$ out of the highway fund, *174. breach of promise, and will make! 700 out of the gam e, fish, and cyc­ t h e education bill appro- lone o f tho best entertainm ents o f j icr fundt the kind we have attem pted here, I -,ria.te * 16,4 5 1 ,282.20 to the educa- M1. G riffin said. Those who desire] jonaj institutions o f the state, which to join bill vetoed and to get in line for the opera a r e 1 requested to be at the rehearsal in the Main Building tonight, he stated. T he summer chorus is open to all in ensem ble fol­ i o membership, and the instruction and stated. is free, the director music The chorus sin gs every Thursday night at the Open Air T heater for j the entertainm ent student body. The claim s and account bill will be $474,516, which is $512,454 less than the hill agree 1 to at the las! rural aid, session. T he judiciary, and eleem osynary bills havo already gone to the Governor. The Legisla­ ture could finish its work and ad­ journ sine die this Tuesday were it not for the fact th a t certain bills in­ troduced yesterday would not Dc e f ­ fective if passed less than three days It before the tim e o f adjournm ent. a can be passed governing leasing o f 1 this week including four artists from : few members to stay and go through same is made in a bill passed by t h e | thc San Antonio Civic Opera C om -1 the form ality o f adjourning sine die Solons Consider Bill to Protect University Lands sisted by professional special programs, the program Frequently the choruses arc singers Special Session Saturday is $ 10,00ft less than th* by the Governor. who like to participate singing. There Moody Presents Subject he necessary, therefore, for in the sum m er chorus work the legislation for taking unsurveyed as­ in .fo r] is no charge adequate of the Faculty, S tu d e n ts We I come N ew com ers I his E vening at 8 A reception in honor of sum­ mer students attending the sec­ ond term of sum m er school will be held south of the Main Build­ ing this Tue:day evening at 8 o ’clock. There will be no receiving line, according to Miss Lula JRewley, acting dean of wom en, and the alTaii will be entirely informal. It w ll be an official welcom e to the new students o f the summer ses­ sion, and to the old ones who re­ main. Miss B ew it? sla tes all students and faculty members and then families are urged to be present. that In the’ event o f rain, the recep­ tion will be held in the rotunda of the Main Building. Light re­ freshm ents will be served. Regents’ Meeting Postponed From July to August To Discuss Fraternity Rules And Letting of Contracts Delayed action on the part o f the Legislature in handling the m atter The appropriations as passed by the L egislature and subm itted to the G overnor for his approval w ill, when i IO aith Service, supplem ented by fee allow funds, the U niversity to operate on its pres­ the Governor Should ent budget. veto any item s in the bill, the insti­ tution would have to decrease its present budget. Building. All old .students will be required j Students who have their grade booklets to present their record of work book­ already lets. filed the I in Registrar’s o ffice will be allowed to school and U niversity lauds o ff withdraw day’s registration. market until for Tues- Provision! them time in This Tuesday w ill be tho last day T H © W e a t h e r Tuesdays Fair. Morgan Lectures On ‘Average Man' Wednesday at S Hildebrand Considers Speaker Outstanding Law Professor # 'J '" . IT I H f t r V f t f u | C H C i l C S _________ Lecturer Explains Reasons for Conflicts With Law ^ * “ The Average Man and the Law” | will be the subject for an address- S t r i v e n W ednesday at* 8 jo’clock at the Open Air T heater by Pfofesaor E. M. Morgan o f Harvard I University, who is teaching here this i summer as a member o f the law I school faculty. evening Reasons why average man the com es into conflict with the law and complains about the adm inistration of justice will be pointed out by Pro­ fessor Morgan in the course o f bis lecture. He also plans to explain the routine in a law suit and to show who is to blame if jus­ tice is not meted out to the persona concerned. involved Friday evening, July 19, Professor Morgan will deliver a second lecture on an allied subject, “ Some Needed Reform s in the Law.” The address will also be given at the Open Air T heater a t 8 o'clock. D ean Ira P. Hildebrand, dean o f the School o f Law, considers Pro­ fessor Morgan one o f the outstand ing professors o f law in the United S ta tes and stated recently that the U niversity was fortunate to secure his services this summer. Mr. Mor­ civil gan has taught evidence and procedure for many years in the H ar­ vard Lav/ School, which is generally conceded to be the best in this coun­ It m aintains a facu lty o f 27 try. professors. Mr. Morgan Jug. thoroughly fam iliar with the manner" in which matter.* o f court are decided and why laymen com plain at court delays. i * * * * t Drably with am endm ents by not com pleting their enrollm ent to ­ day will be required to register at House com m ittee on public — thi> _ some _________ inc Kegistrar » o ffice. the land* fW istrn r’* ’ate Monday afternoon. The meas- ure will come before the House this later date ..ut f . v . _ in in . , tation of Rosinni’s “ Stabat Mater.' The U niversity Choruses as a whole will sing two choruses, while the re­ ma lader of the presentation will be English Majors Get , • , . . Tharar. ° r — o Thursday, July 18, will be the last rue held early in A ugust. Action un fraternity and sorority rulings, suggested by a faculty com­ m ittee, is expected to com e up for discussion again. Plans for the re­ organization of the a th letic depart­ ment are aso being worked out. It is considered probable that there will be a discussion o f preliminaries relative to the lettin g o f contracts for a $600,000 addition to the Main Library $1,000,000 for Chemistry Building. - - o-~— ........ and - a MARINE BAND AT C. I. A. Situ rial lo Th# Sum m er T rxtm DENTON.— The U nited States Ma­ rine Band has been booked to ap­ pear for the first tim e at C. I. A. O ctober 17. GEBAUER IN KENTUCKY in Henderson, Kentucky, Miss Dorothy Gebauer, assistant gone to hor dean o f women, has to hom e spend her vacation. Miss Gebauer has been serving as director o f L ittle­ field Dorm itory the first term o f summer school, while Mis? M artha Lockett, director o f Little­ fie ld Dormitory, is in Europe. Mw* G ebauer will return to th e campo- about Septem ber 15, during -------------- o------ C. I. A. PROF HONORED D EN TO N .— W . E. Jones, head of the m usic departm ent o f C I. A has been honored by the 1929 ed i­ tion o f “ Who’s Who in M usk” which co n ta in s his biography and an ac * count of his work. A Bird's-Eye View By th« Campus Buzzard — o ----- 62 FILE FOR JOBS standing EVERYBODY in line “g e n in ’ heated up” over registra­ tion for the second term o f the sum­ mer school. ” LIZ EASTLAND standing in the re g istra tio n line and la ter d riv in g a big car around w ith a girdle on her face th a t seem ed all too sw eet for the one who was second term o f sum m er school. about to begin COMER EVERETT walking around the I .aw Building debating over which to take— W ater Rights or Partnerships. teachers During the last w eek in June and the first, week iii July, 45 requests for public school in co l­ leg es of the Stat*’ have been filed with the teach ers’ appointm ent com­ m ittee o f the U niversity, according to Miss Miriam Dozier, secretary o f tile com m ittee. Recom m endations o f candidates to fill these places have already been made by the com m ittee. The largest number o f calls came for teachers o f English, 12 being school music filed. Junior high teachers were also » as wert' tenchtrx o f m athem atics. There wca'*H hoHi-nmnied in demand, . . . FRAN CES LANDRUM in front of M cFaddcn’s in a g reat big ytdlow ear, smiling but s$ving nothing. She f r i z e s no*- , ,, i i ♦ for principal* w h o » for} were five calls t f i ; could teach scien ce, and three ! home econom ies teacher#. One col- , lege was seeking an English and Spanish teach er w ith a doctor o f phi­ losophy degree. O Q U IN N RETURNS Trueman 0 ‘Quinn ha* returned to the U niversity and enrolled for the I second term o f sum m er school, a f­ ter spending six week* at Camp Ac­ ro whead, near H unt, where he ta­ structcd which, shall we stvy, wild dignity to . . . . ,, . I a n already much ‘ above the aver- it, , „ L age intelligent” look. . . GORDIE BROWN leaving town to “ roughneck it” fo r the rest o f the summer with the other boys down at Luling, including BIG ’UN ROSE, FRANK CHEATHAM, VIG MOORE, and HENRY M’CALLUM. BILL HARGROVE trying to de­ cide whether or not to go down to Brownsville to “see the sights” for a day or Rvo or w hether ju st to “tight straight ou t” fo r Dec Stew- in fe n c in g and swimming* I a rt’* camp in KetrvRki. [H e is a stu d en t in the law school* W ARREN M’D O N A U ) back m "'"Wv-T tow n to take a try a t the old racket down in the law factory. MARY RYAN riding home from the station to spend a w eek or two around the campus. JIMMY M’GONAGILL sign in g up for either Bible or Ethics. A. P. JONES still down in the Law Building a fter more and more o f that good old learning. m a t h rem inds us that he seem s to have ju st a tot o f it already stored away. ELOISE CHAISON and M ARIET­ TA JACKSON g ettin g ready to leave the Friendly City for the rem ainder of the summer, : „ LOUISE ROSSEAU still in achoo! — p ersisten t as ever about g ettin g educated. P A U L FLY and ELLIOT ST E V ­ E N S w alking down the drag about the big tim e everybody h id hi Corpus Christi on th e F ourth o f July. ALTON LUCKETT erybody in the W g k h a d k i “ be sure and plunk down tar f o r your auiNirwr BILL GLASE. ET? ated talking tion down a t Corpus —Harry and lo o . THE SUMMER TEXAN TUESDAY, JULY IS, 1929 BELL Allison, Van Ryn Foreign Net Stars Win at Barcelona Continue Victories L eslie Neill, a d v e rtisin g -manager in th e C actus, «pent S u n d a y o f W ichita Falls. CORONA TYPEW RITER Light Strong Simple Efficient E. E. Barrow Typewriter Co S u c c e t t o r to F. L . P a t t y T y p e w r i t e r s of A l l Make* R e n te d Sold Repaired P h o n e 6 0 6 0 i f cv cones \ rI THRU ANO r oeRo PEA' NOCK PCTW NS TO FORM TRY J AND STOP i I US I N obody b u t Y ou New C olum bia R elease Golf, T ennis, Baseball A n d O t h e r A th le tic E q u i p m e n t a t T E X A S B O O K S T O R E F r e d Rich a n d O r c h e s t r a J . R. R E E D M U S IC CO. 0 5 C o n g r e ss P h o n e 7 5 0 8 Longwood B ow l M eet Opens at Brookline doped b ra c k e t. to reach th e o th e r final G ilb e rt Hall, G re g o ry M angin, F r a n k X. Shields, S a d a k a z u Onda, Hi H. H yde, and* E. M a u ra n Beala a re a m o n g o thers said to be going to place am o n g the w inners o f th e m eet. the p la y -o ff of the in te rz o n e fin a ls series. A cco rd in g to th e F re n c h , it to will he to G e rm a n y ’s a d v a n ta g e play th e s e ts a t Roland G a rro s s ta d ­ ium h e re . If th e G erm ans won from the U n ite d S ta te s team , th e y w ould th em selv es w ith have the c o u r ts on wrhich th e ch a lle n g e ro u n d is to be played, th e y p o in te d out. fam iliarized , YouMI L ik e It— £ L ik e s It P O P C O R N N e s t t o U n iv . D ru July Reduction Sale ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK Of Two Trouser Tropical Suits including m odels for business, college, vacation. N o t a s ale of odds an d ehds, but 1929 m odels of the m ost p o p u ­ la r fabrics, including Dixie W eaves, Tropical W orsteds, G o d ch a u x Linens, P a lm Beach, M ohairs an d m an y others. Save Your Money at these Great R eductions A T M U E L L E R ’S S H O E S T O R E A g a in A ll This W eek BIG SAVINGS On High tira d e Footwear C O M E IN N O W a Reduced—All Straw and Panama Hats Linen and Flannel Trousers ■ , Suits—Broken Lots ' 7 At V2 Price *^rj Satisfaction G uaranteed Stebbins & James -MALARIA MUGGS ■bsfl'nui 'gjgay»" E c « ; < 'n " r ^ r GEE,DOPE I HOPE 'THEY H AYE A FUNNY ,\COMEDY DOUIN AT T H E ^ MOVIES J - AW G O SH v O O P E - I DONT , VIANNA G O IN AND S E E TH IC O N E / W H Y N OT f - ITC A V ER Y V&QV FUNNY p i c t u r e / g y BEW PA V E A U S * A CO M ED Y 9 A FU N N Y SMOvO?? J VjMATlS* FUNNY J L-- a b o u t a g u y WAFTING P ie s jGjs . U K E TWAT-?? Longhorn Pair Beaten in Doubles Final Rpmriml ta TA* Summer 7W-J*. SY R A C U SE , New Y ork, J u ly 14. B erk eley Bell of th e U n iversity of th e fin a ls o f. Shield* T exas d e feated F ra n k ra n k in g n a tio n a l5 New Y ork, te n th player, th e ; to d a y of in N ew York sta te m en’s single* to u r- • ney, 1-6, f.-l, 6-3, 6*4. Bell played b e a u tifu l crow n over his y o u th fu l riv al. T he T exan stam ped him self as th e le a d in g p la y -i f r* in th e e a st, and all th e high ra n k ­ ing A m erican sta rs w ere e n te re d . ten n is to win th e in the th e L a te r S outh C a ro lin a a fte rn o o n , Bruce B arnes, also of A ustin, T ex as, p a ir­ ed him self with Bell in th e double* S o u th e rn e rs finals. H ow ever, we ie d e fe a te d by F ritz M ercur of B ethlehem . P e n n sy lv an ia, a n d J. Gil­ b e rt H all o f in 7-5. L ater s tra ig h t se ts, 6 4, 6-2, m atch es scheduled w ere delayed by rain. In the singles, Bell depended on a hard driving gam e, a n d took the n e t on e v ery o p p o rtu n ity . He also in e n d u ra n c e , as outclassed Shields Bell did not seem the le a s t a ffe c te d or w orried with th e flig h t of tim e. N ext w eek, Bell plays a t D enver, C olorado, in defense o f his Colo­ rado s ta te title. In the doubles, B arn es’ service was* th e w eakest link, a n d he won o nly on ra re occasions. T he T exas com bination, although s tro n g , w as not able to re sist th e play of the e a ste rn aces. First M eeting of Club Lasts 81 Days B p tt-M ta T he Unrntmet T e rn * . to AGUA C A L IE N T E . B a ja C alifo r­ n ia, Mexico, Ju ly IS .— T he first a n ­ nua! m e e tin g of th e A gua C aliente Jockey C lub, successor th e T it- j ju a n a Jo ck ey Club, will open S at-j u rd ay , D ecem ber 28, and continue fo r Bl days anti! S u n d ay , M arch 30, o f nex t year. This an n o u n cem en t wa* m ade recently by P re sid e n t W irt ti en era! M anager G. Bowm an and Ja m e s N. C ro fto n . T hese tw o, with Jam es W . C o ffro th , of horse ra c in g in B a ja C alifo rn ia, since 1915 when he opened th e Tia- tra c k , mid B aron H . Long, ju a n a c o n stitu te “ The Big F o u r” of the A gua C alien te Jo ck ey C lub, a n d , in­ c id en tally . of the “ S p o rt o f King*’’ on the Pacific C oast. p io n eer C oincident with the d esig n atio n of the opening date, C ro fto n announced th a t the W a rtie r C om pany of L os' A ngeles bad been th e su ccessfu l bid-1 der* on th e second c o n tra c t fo r the I g ra n d sta n d . M eanwhile w ork on the $2,000,000 p lan t is going fo rw ard . The peaceful valley of th e Tia- jo a n a is buzzing w ith ail th e e x c ite ­ m en t o f G otham b u ilding a new subw ay or p u ttin g up a block of sk y -piercing business bee hives. A four hun d red steam shovels th re e j s h ifts, 24 hours a d ay. excavating a n d leveling 400,000 cubic yards of j th a t calls for e a rth , on a c o n tra c t th e jo b to be finished in IOO days, ; The work sta rte d two w eeks ago. team s of m ules and are w o rk in g F o u n d atio n s for the g ra n d stand,* club house, paddock an d sta b le s are now being con stru cted . T hirty-five co ncrete stables a re to be built, to accom m odate some 800 ra c e rs. The fo u n d a tio n s on half a dozen of these sta b le s a re already in. T he stables, alone, will re q u ire 4,000 cubic yards of co n c re te and over 400 .0 0 0 square roofing. fe e t of special galvanized be T h irty carloads of c e m e n t will used rn th e co n stru ctio n of th e sis-J hies and over a h u n d re d and fifty ! carlo ad s on the e n tire job. and o th e r stru c tu re s , A rc h ite c t W ayne D. M cA llister, d e sig n e r of Agua C a lie n te ’* Casino, botel, is “ sp re a d in g ” him self on th e Club H ouse and announces it will outrival I t will a c ­ toe fin est in the w orld. com m odate 1,000 people, w ith din-! log facilities in th e c a fe and patio; fo r over fo u r hundred. T h ere will be a dance floor and o th e r featu res. T he lawn iv, to be te rra c e d an d will j U k e care of 15,009 ra c e “ fa n s,” and th e re is to be parking space fo r over five th o u sa n d cars. T. C. V . ACE IN W IN Spent;,' t« The Bummer 7 mam. INDEPENDENCE, Kansas, July 17-year-old I I.';:.— J a ar, M Dwtrimd, captain of the Texas Christian U ni-1 v e r i t y tannic team , today won the ann uai K ansas fo u rte e n th ope® in singles. The Fort j tournam ent W o rth hid won tine c ro w n from Lea I D ew itt, /o a r times runner-up in the m eet. a s in B erkeley Bell, n a tio n a l in te r­ c o lle g ia te .Jhgwitl rn rn ch o p stro k e a r tis t, I m o - r a t tho fo u r-se t m atch w as; 6-2, j cham pion. T he j TUESDAY, JULY 16,1626. THE SUMMER TEXAN ~ OGEIX LORRAINE BARNES Society Editor Telephone 23097 F O R M E R S T U D E N T S W E D E X - S T U D E N T S VI SIT O N I N B R O W N W O O D J U L Y l l C A M P U S L A S T W E E K - E N D A nnouncem ents have been receiv­ ed of the m arriage of Miss Je a n Mac- to Sterling Mullen o f Brownwood C lark Holloway of E astland, the wed­ ding having taken place Thursday, July Ll, in Brownwood. The bride is the d a u g h te r of Mrs. Lydia H. MacMullen of Brownwood and w as a student in th e University d u rin g the long session of 1928-29. Mr. Holloway received his bach­ elor o f law degree from th e U niver­ sity in 1926, and was a m em ber of F riars, Cowboys, the S tu d e n ts’ As­ sembly, and the Hogg D ebating Club, gnd of Delta T heta Phi fratern ity . lie was president of th e University Y. M. C. A. in 1925 and 1926, and was elected to C hancellors, highest law honorary organization school. While a stu d e n t here, he plso served on the ed ito rial board of th? Texas Law Review. the in • * * MR S . S H I R L E Y R E T U R N S FROM N O R T H E R N TRI P Mrs. N. A. Shirley, who was an assistan t in the d ep a rtm en t of Eng­ lish in the U niversity fo r th e 1926-27 and 1927-28 sessions, and who was president of Scribblers d u rin g the p ast year, has ju st re tu rn e d from an trip to K ansas City, Des extended Moines, Chicago, W ashington, New York City, B uffalo, and Niagara Falls. While in New York, Mrs. Shirley m et Mrs. C aroline W aters G a rre tt, a m em ber of S cribblers and a Phi Beta Kappa g ra d u a te of the U niversity in 1928. Mrs. Shirley has fo r th e past term been a teacher a t M athew s School in A ustin. * * * K enneth Mitchell has re tu rn ed to his home in La F eria, a f te r com plet­ ing the requirem ents fo r a bachelor of business adm inistration degree, A fte r visiting a t his home fo r a few days, he will go to Dallas, where he will be employed by th e Southw estern Bell Telephone Com pany. Louise Farm er, a s tu d e n t in the U niversity last term , will leave fo r Ju n ctio n this T uesday m orning, w here she will spend h e r vacation. Misses K athryn B utler and Mary Scurlock, form er the students in accompanied by Miss U niversity, Marie Howland and Mrs. How land, all o f Beaum ont, visited in Austin last w eek-end en route to S an An­ tonio and W est Texas. W hile atten d in g school h ere, Miss Scurlock was a m em ber of T he Daily Texan s ta f f and Miss B utler m ajored in science. * * * R obert IL C uyler of th e d e p a rt­ m ent of geology will attend th e sum­ m er geology camp a t G eorgetow n d uring th e second term , w h ere he will in stru c t in field work. Levi Blessingame, who received a degree from the U niversity Medical B ranch in June, 1929, is now serv­ ing on th e sta ff of the Brooklyn Clinic fo r Children, w here he will rem ain th is summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. T, H enrickson are spending th eir vaaction in the Davis M ountains. Mrs. H enrickson is se c re ta ry of the Stadium Associa­ tion, and Mr. Henrickson is a 1929 g ra d u a te of the College of E n g in ee r­ ing. E thel Dees has re tu rn ed to her! hom e in Llano a fte r a tte n d in g the session fo r the firs t term . G race Edman of B u rn e t will be a stu d en t in the U niversity during the second term of sum m er school. She also attended the firs t term . T illie Immel of Willow C ity has of the second enrolled the U niversity sum m er school. te rm fo r Glenn Burgess, classified ad v ertis ing m an ag er for The T ex an , is a t­ tending th e sum m er encam pm ent of the G overnor’s Guard, now statio n ­ ed a t M ineral Wells. F or Real Enjoyment EAT f n p p e S h o p p e POP CORN Next to Univ. Drug This W eek On the Campus TUESDAY, 8 KH) p. in. Recept*' on in front of Main Building. WEDNESDAY, 8:00 p. rn. OjLen Air T h ea ter—Prof. M organ of the Law Eiaculty will lecture on “T he A verage M an and th e Law.*’ THURSDAY, 8 KH) p. in. sf.W Open A ir T h eater—Chorus under direction of David Griffin^ FRIDAY, 8:00 p. rn. Open A ir T h eater—Prof. M organ “Some Needed Legal Reforms.*’ ' * Mh.fi IL y kfJL'%&***■ i i fn rn I .SATURDAY, 8:00 p. rn. * lectures on ' t lf- ~ WELCOME STUDENTS You Will Find Here A Complete Stock of NEW a n d U SED FOR ALL YOUR COURSES ALSO A WIDE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT CT TRE REST SCHOOL SUPPLI Carefully selected as a result of years of handling good serviceable merchandise exclusively for students B uy Your Roolrs and Supplies Tod And Avoid t i p . U nfit Tom orrow — | We Ifeiife tile List for Your X - I \ L ' - . .I ■■■ ■; A uditor’s Slip to Our Office Students A ctivities Ticket and Get Your "•» \ ’M f J -sr « * a o * P A C E * a m m e r (Tex;tit T F # T o a n . JT»# « . f f i w r e e s f tle a ' adit km « f Th# Dei!? T#xa:s, i* publish#*! or th # c * » W o f tlis h re re ity o f T ex* * . ] th# b y th# l*x»* S tu d e n t Pafeffratio; •. la c .. #v«>rjr To#sd*v, T hai -Say, ana Sunday ] w a rn in c R d tto rtO I effte#*, R. H alt. T elep h eeee P a s t ani s o ff Un**. 8 . Hail T eieplw isee 2-SI8J ■ i a d - - !• p m S ) » i 4 t . Uh* SAIS*. P r i n t e d by W rigrl M a *sr#r th# U n iv e rsity P r m , A C &&fctred a* (woiBtl ria.* mat tar at th# post- ; atturn a t A ustin. Tex**. It ato u r ! a t l e e p ric e : Fly# doltor* yearly. S i t t e r - in < ht»>f „ Mer. egis*? Editor WM K A Y M IL L E R D A V ID H A M . it*® rf# Society Theater IFiy f», H a tle y Kaliph I I . P a r k e r D e p artm en tal E d ito r * ............ „„ l*i'r i •»# |,«rra*!H# Ba .. e d ito ria l W rft# r» Cie fir.rr So?*lr I '•< * IL .an Spink* j J e f f H a * a# ’ I I R oy M. C a nnon ; Raper tare R oy Ct H a t l e y , Mary E a t# P a r k e r , L o rra in e } lim #*, ti a rd ft nr Stool#, Dan Fowl#*, Kay* Sh# Hon. Mat h* Ti Ba Rubble*, Kb* ii* Mulling*, Chart#* I*#**11. Pearl Milt##, Glenn Bur*##*. Im * d o F t# # * w xkI. E sth e r M i d l e r , P ill D yer Night Stall H o b a rt M a r# * * Bpt Ward Rvetyft < alltour Far# ShmttMt Gardner Seat# .. Boy Cl. Hatley . ..... I raw # Edit®# A**-irt»r»t A**.-* (ani Assistant A'*i*tant R-writ* Editor S e m e s te r System and S um m er School University Home favored T W O VEA KS airn when ad o p ted the the Sem ester aa the ba* is of work d«>ni% th e question o f the Mum­ m er school was bro ug ht up re­ a p e a te d ly . nine-w eek summer term in-] stead of the twelve-week Mum­ m er school a it had existed un- ? d er th e term system. Others fav o red the continuance Of the old twelve-week session with hour a n d a half etttMtes mo that j the courses miL'ht he Riven in halves on the same basis as in the lo n g term. A poi! of students w as taken in th e Hummer of 1927, but so to far n o th in g has been done reconcile term the sum m er with th e long session. Even this su m m er most of th e cours­ in thirds. This es a r e given w orks a hardship on the stu­ dents w ho attend both summer and w$ifiler sessions, because th ere will be “hanRing” thirds of uncompleted for him to worry with. courses and A toss of interest has been p re d ic te d in the summ er school I its en-1 for t h i s reason; roitinc! ii t will come to be more exclusively that of teachers and o th e rs who do not attend the lo n g session. A nine-week] s u m m e r session would abolish I this disadvantage, hut would bring on another. Many stu­ al dents desire third o f a year’s work during the sum m er, and with the pro­ posed system, only a fourth of a y e a r could be finished, to complete But th ere are enough adv an ­ tages o f the semester system to overcom e the d isad v a n ta g es[ caused in the summer school. Most o f the schools of the coun­ try a r e conducted in semesters and t h e University can ad ap t its s c h e d u le and courses to ac­ com m odate the transfers to the school better. High schools are also a id e d by the two term sys­ tem in the University. There are numerous other a d v an tag ­ es of th e semester over the term as a basis of dividing the year. T h e authorities ought, then, to a d a p t the summer term to the sem ester basis of the long session. Uniformity would r e ­ sult, as would a better stan d ­ ard of work during the sum­ mer. Most schools have only nine w eeks of school during the sum m er, and surely that am ou nt would be sufficient in the University of Texas, con- si b e rin g the fact th at about half o f t he summer students fit t r o d only erne term of school as it n o w is, T h e A m endm ents J U A T THE PRESENT salary o f th e Governor o f Texas, “ four thousand dollars and no m ore,’ is a mere pittance will h a r d ly be denied by those who are th e mop? reluctant to see the am o u n t of money sp en t for governm ental in­ creased, affairs down If to d a y the voters of Texas tu rn proposed th a am endm ent, it will not be be­ they do not recognize c a sse the ju stice of the increase, but l i m because they fail to note just w hat the am endm ent is, and, second because they know ■generally that it involves an in­ crease in the expenditures th at frill a d d to the total of their taxes. It mlift be rem em bered is th a t t h e public as a whole e n g a g e d , not in the study of th e science of government, but in th e serious business of m ak­ ing a living, and that w hen any smali, Im p o s itio n , however I show* up essentially as a , m y proposition, is nearly ll vt a y s turned down if it comes rn vote. , , ■ likely R a t judicial ,mM 1 * A DIFF E R E N T - B L IN D F O L D T E S T THE SUMMER TEXAN TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1929. > | | g » U u l C l B l i N O t l C C t I U i i i P‘ m' r,n j Main Building. Ail student* and their em ployed th* I W H- Stoke* o f Pa Ha*, who in Da Ha- th e ramPr?,t 'Tnnth as advertising th*- i* I B elli* Jan e Luther, who attended term o f summer session . first fam ilies arc welcome THERE will be a reception covert by the facility and the summer ses­ sion activities com m ittee for stu- dents o f the Second term o f th** sum- mer session T uesday, July If*, at 8 1 h# *;p**nt Saturday, Roy O. H atley has returned to the cam pus from San A ntonio, where TULA M. BEW LEY, m anager o f the Southwestern Bell has enrolled for the second term . Telephone Company, visited in A us­ tin last w eek-end. He received his journalism degree in bachelor o f 1928. Lawson M eadows, who is a tte n d ­ ing the sum m er geology camp at G eorgetown, visited week-end. in Austin last HOUSEMOTHERS Now is the time to advertise your rooms for the second term A Solicitor W ill Call for Y o u r A d Dial 23164 “Classifieds Get Results” > N ew ell Wk B ask s, national checker cham pion, •‘bow ing how easy it fa to play game* jumnltunw.u Ty without being able to see th# board__ incidentally ho managed to bring o ff ail the contest#, field in Milwaukee, Wi•'.'•or;.'•■in, w ithout a d efeat. tJnae r wood -U n ite d W IN S F A M E reform since it amendment, does not go readily lend itself j to the popular imagination as a money hill, will fare b e t t e r 1 at the hands of the to te rs , in spite of the fact that it will ac-1 tualiy cost them more to pass this am endm ent than it w ill to I pass the other. This attitud e i j obtained when has a I wavs am endm ents have been su b m it-j ted. lf ie to be hoped, of c o u rse th a t both will pass. • , improvement in Yet, though it is h a rd to see how we could obtain much needed the speed o f the procedure of our courts, the judicial am endm ent is fundam entally fess m eritor­ ious th a n the one to raise the G overnor’s salary. The pass­ age of th e former will help to of salve over the verbosity phraseology which everyw here besets ou r courts court p rocedure, informed man who will tak e live trouble to investigate cannot fail to that ou r legal be convinced docum ents in couched are words representing five times the space which it should tak e to put the rn es. ago in plain English, thus causing the* p r e s ­ ent congestion in our judicial procedure. Why not reform the language o f our courts? Every ami on all suits $16.00 and up All Straws Panamas, Leghorns at 1-2 Price Under wood—U nited Alfred W allenstein, only 30 y ears old, has been although en- gaged by the New York Philhar­ monic O rchestra as its principal cellist. He is from Chicago. P a rk e r, C onklin and S h eaffer Pens TEXAS BOOK STORE Classified Ad Section T e le p h o n e 2-3164 o r 2-3165 DRESS MAKING ROOMS FOR RENT W ANTED MKS. N E U , IB L E E : pr#H<- m » k # r. Dr.**^ m ak in g , A lte r a tio n , R elin in g ‘ o a t* . H orn * (itc h in g . S ew in g o n c h ild r e n ’* 2 4 0 2 S an A n to n io S t , R h o n e 3285. clo th * * . ! n i v # r * j t y MEN < opt room s, d e e p ­ south ing iiorch, sin g le bens, reduced p rice. M rs. 2301 R io Grande' S tre e t. exposure, H ibbetta. EMPLOYMENT FU R R E N T ; S o u th e a s t fro n t c o r n e r ro o m . 1802 N ueces. P h o n e quiet an d c o n v en ien t. 7086. S U M M E R E M P L O Y M E N T F O R S T U D E N T S . P l e a s a n t a n d lu c r a tiv e . A cm e L ife I n s u r ­ a n c e C o m p a n y . A u s tin ’s Old F in# L eg al Re­ s e rv e C o m p a n y in I n s u r a n c e S a le s m a n sh ip . G et in now and p re p a re y o u r s e lf for a p ro fita b le s u m m e r ’* b u sin e * * N o c h a rg e . S ee M r. B a ile y , 306 L ittle fie ld B u ild in g . is J u s t s t a r t i n g a claw* FOR RENT IW O ii PH I A IR S g la sse d -in sleep in g po rch , b ath In connection, hot a n d room s w ith cold w a te r. 806 W est 21 S t. P hone 5523. 8166. ROOMS F O R L A D IE S . AII c o n v e n ie n c e s ; su m m e r rate*. 2407 Whim* Ave. m>79. p u s. P hone 3209. N i t ELV ^ one or tw o g irls . fu rn is h e d room in p r iv a te h o m e f o r 1704 S an A n to n io . P h o n e F U R N IS H E D c o tta g e fo r s i t w eek*. T h ree room s, b a th , steeping p o rch . W alk in g dis­ $26. OO fro m U n iv ersity a n d C a p ito l. ta n c e p er m o n th . G arage. P hone 3244. KOR R E N T —T o d e a n n o rth e a st b ath , h o t a n d cold w a te r. S tre e t. tw o g irls o r co u p le, p riv a te 207 la rg e e n tr a n c e . fja s t 26 1 -2 room , F O R K E N T : F o u r g a ra g e s . O n# block in fro n t o f U n iv ersity . *3.(IO each p e r m onth. F O R R E N T —-To a w om an s tu d e n t: O ne la rg e cool room . I HOM U n iv ersity . P hone 23311. 2206 S a n A n to n io S t , Dial 8 t 0 8 , FOR SALE F’O R M E N T w o so u th room i w ith sle e p in g porches. Also m eals if desired. 2405 W h i­ tt*. P hone 23357. O N A C C O U N T o f c h a n g e in t h e s i s s u b je c t, will s a c r if ic e se v e ra l m w b o o k s on No- L A R U E cool so u th e a st room w ith sle e p in g tw o blocks n o rth of cam p u s. 250H p a r S to c k . P h o n e 8885, p o r c h ; S peedw ay. W A N T F iU : C o m p a n io n to d riv e to B o u ld e r, C olorado, in n e w P o n tia c . P h o n e 6 9 6 9 . W A N T E D : T w o s tu d e n ts to sh a re a n a p a r t ­ m en t. P h o n e 3859. RO O M S: F or g irls , tw o doors from cam p u s- M rs. W. F . B a y a n s, 2098 U n iv ersity . P h o n e W A N T E D : A cool room fo r young m a r rie d couple. M u st be w ith in fo u r blocks o f c a m ­ THESIS WORK % Have your charts, map* and draw­ ings for you r thesis done by aq e x ­ pert. Four y ears engineering draw- « n g . _ Phone J. C. Blankenship 21141 5968 9861 4 W A N T E D : R o o m a te to s h a re f i r s t so u th e a st b ath e n tra n c e . G uadalupe S t. ro o m w ith g en tlem an . P h o n e 4489. f lo o r P r ie s t# 2612 N o r th A l AR T M FN T su ita b le o r •tor?rmn’ Al!<’J larK<* rwm fw rent' l>ho,"‘ f o r couple. Men Y our C h ick e n s D ressed F re e . If O rd e re d from L. East Product? Co. Phosta 4lf1-23913 102 W . 2nd C A L L s tu d e n t P a in te r s a t 7174 b etw een 8 an d 9 a . rn. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Gage Bros. R o o f i n g a n d H e a t i n g T i n W or k D e p e n d a b l e S e r v i c e 7 i h S t Red R i v e r P h o n e 5 2 7 9 K U T Y ,* now sh o w in g a t th # ( '( w e n t ihe- l h # tim # for Mr. Sam Cr»ok atar. Now I* a t f i e ? W ' h,H *'* to th e h"* APARTMENTS FOR RENT F O R S M ONO T E R M : m ent* fo r a d u lt* . T h r e e ? ! « * » S U D ark F ie##. R hone 7 5 8 9 . t T,u,'<*k' F u rn is h e d a p e r t- ro o m * , b a th , p o rc h , a n d g a ra g e . S E C O N D T* ■'» V f E R M i ,' * v a te o le ba WI, g a r a g e ra te . S u m m e r F urnish#*! Mouth a p a r t- * porch#*, ceilin g fan , p ri­ o n e block cam pus. 1819 Sp#i-w ay. **4 4 4. D E SIR A B L E ap artm en t, »n« p orch: nicely four room*, eleen- side. furnish**!. W#*i ti. H B n .»h , Phone 6347. n#ar U n iversity. 'T o o 2 0 0 Fu*t 22. P h o n e 8128. «“ ol, q u ie t, first floor. SI I* FDM' A \ **"'****•*• ARM S -.S o u th e ast *s I*#Vio« p o rc h , U e b«th. g a ra g e , on# block .•«'mimer rat#-. 1*18 f tp * < I wax. ceiling efficiency fa n , fro m cam pus. Phone 9 4 :,*, MA N it ELV 11; RN ISH ED a p a r tm e n t. Also room * for g irls h a lf block so u th c a m p o , 2005 W ic h ita . P hone ’ '4U,*t lo catio n . o T l t , N it, LLY r«H)m*. fu rn ish ed D uplex A p a rtm e n t. T hree la rg e *l<-..pinK p o rc h , b a th , g a ra g e . P h o n e 2-2456. A l AR I MFN IS te rm *um- fo r R ent L a st m er sehotd, 2814 Rn* ti ran d # . T h ree room y. shady. h a th , so u th e ast ex p o su re, I hon* SVT ! fo r a m n d n tm e n t. co»»l an d K I C E , clean, cool f a m is h e d a p a r tm e n t ro ri.en icn ce * . GchmI n«ighborh.M>d. ait In q u ire a t r i d s Salado. AUTOMOBILES H IG H E S T I ASI! P R K KS p a id f o r second- h a n d c lo th in g an d shoe*. A, S C H W A R T Z 117 E a s t 6 th . P h o n e 8 7 6 2 . 4 2 0 6 E 5 T"ST HA V E , vou -cx*n "D R A G " g e t? th# nu** her chan## to see th is show free ) t is now at th e a te r M iss T rine Ii a mu*! not This W eek Specials Two, 1921 Ford Tourings, each $35.00 445H, One 1927 Ford roadster _ $45,00 HOUSES FOR RENT FO R R F N I' S tu d e n t c o tta g e w ith living room d ro o lin g room an d b a th , f o u r block* P h o n e 7 7 5 7 . fro m U n iv e rsity . Rice C o u rt. LAUNDRY O M E L A U M B LIBRARIES Rental Library Personal Service Book Shop 2 * 0 2 N u e c e s S t . ( 7 0 8 6 ) PHONOGRAPH RECORDS T M W A L K IN G A ro u n d in a D ream *’ by T e d L ew is an d hts b an d . Sp.-, ial re le a se d Isa a c B le d so e . 821 C on- re c o rd . C o lu m b ia g r# s s . ROOMS FOR RENT FOR K F N T t,i in stru c to r* o r u p iter class m en, n icely f u rn is h e d so u th ro o m s. Q u ie t hom e, tw o sto c k s, 2511 W ic h ita . Phone U n iv e rsity 21271. T W O R O O M S 6 >r boys. S leep in g p o rch , g a ­ Phone ra g e . block- east c a m p u s. Q u iet. 2-3320. F'OR G 1 R I.S : D u rin g weened t e r m , th r e e d e­ lig h tfu l u p -U ltra in p r i v a t e hom e. room * P r iv a te b a th . 2502 N u ece s, P h o n e* 5 1 OO. RO O M S d**ors f o r girls. Cool, co m fo rta b le , fro m cam pus. two 2099 Whit!.*, phone S O U T H E A S T liv in g room , b e d ro o m , b ath , t*«. block west a t c a m p u s. a n i 2119 Nu- L A D IE S ap p ro v e d bouse, la rg e fu rn is h e d east front room, perch, kitchenette, hath, use t f l l fu rnish ed , light* parlor. W ater and 6, a cd way F'OR R E N T : To girls, tw o u p sta ir* room s at IOT W aal 25th St. S teeping p o rch . bW k of c a fe te ria . P hone 4596. FOR ll E N T : S o u th east room a n d d eep in g !*»rth fo r couple or tw o boy*. 2 1 1 A rchw ay. T elep h o n e 3319. Board and Rooms Rooms for Rent Furnished Apartments That is the cry and will be until the students get located for the second term. Now is the time to rent your vacant rooms or fill your table for the second term. The Summer Texan is the only medium that reaches the student body and the members of the University community. Let the Classified Ad Columns Rent Your Rooms Vast Assortment One 3924 Overland ....... „ ...$45.00 ere*. P h o n e 8275. Two 1924 Ford tourings, each $95.00 of sm art sh irts in new est p a tte rn s KNIGHT-WHIPPET CO. 209 Fast 5th St. * Phone 23161 $1.49 BOARD A N D ROOM G I R I * ! : $30.00 see cmd H ot w ater, sleeping porches. 30 NICK, ROOMS fo r r e n t .second sum m er te rm . I ’hon# 7165. F O R BO VS— Room in p r iv a te h o m e ; quiet, cool, a n d nicely fu rn ish ed , p rice reasonable Cal! a t S II W '*t 18 St F O R R E N T —To mew, tw o room.* . meat* if desired. nice cool bed­ 29s E a s t 24 St. P hone 23392. T W O south#**! room* fo r re n t. E xceptionally n ic e ; b e a u tifu l hom e. T w o blocks o f cam- pa*. 1*19 Cong res* A venue. P h o n e 4339, C O O L, co m fo rtab le room* pics. All eon yen ic ti re* W ork a u d hmU fr o m j a m * * * , « t f A v aatw , T n t t a i , for*— a t m o r cpu- porch, Sleep la g i m U ttb f tf Business Directory DENTIST FOOT SPECIALIST DR. E. B. CROWDER* Dentist 505 Scarborough Bldg. Dial 9433 DHS. LYNN AND LYNN Dental Surgeons 507 Scarborough Bldg. Phone 81S4 ELECTRICAL SERVICE UNIVERSITY ELECTRICAL SERVICE S t a r te r ■ P h o n e 8115 a n d G e n e r a to r R e p a irs— B a tt e r y S a le s a u d S e r r ie s a i n G u a d a lu p e Dr. G. B. VOSBURG, Foot Special; {Ha! 2-1 ft 302 Littlefield Bldg. ■ i e t 1649 PLUMBING E. RAV EN — PLUMBER “Where Good Plumbing Repairs Are Made” 1403 Lavaca Street Ptaiee 6763 W. G. ANDREWARTHA PLUMBING P h o n o 2 2 8 0 3 , S h o p 4 0 8 E . ! 9 t k S t . STUDIOS P h o to g r a p h s P re a v rv # F rie n d # k in e H O L L A N D ’S S T U D IO Theater Calendar "D ra g .” Richard Barthelmess. Lila Lee. Alice Day. And it’s su- perb. Queen through Wednesday. “ Broadway Babies.” Alice White. Charles Delaney. My second choice. Majestic last times today. “ Sal o f Singapore.” Phyllis Haver. Alan Hale. Haven’t seen it, but the reports are favorable. Hancock. L ast times today. “ Danger Street.” Never heard of it. Better take a chance if you arc reckless. Texas one day. * * » * * * * # * N E W S H O W S W E D N E S D A Y “ The L ast of Mrs. Cheney.” Norma Shearer. Basil Rathbone. George Barraud. Norma ought to be great. M ajestic “ Geraldine.” Picture version of Booth Tarkington’s story. Eddie Quillan. Marion Nixon. A talking picture. Hancock. “ Annapolis.” Good looking Johnny Mack Brown as a middie in love with Jeanette Loff. Who wouldn’t be? Texas two days. NORM A IS A FINE T A L K E R T H E SU M M ER T E X A N “ Have you over tried to maneuver eomplished reflects credit on Cap- cd in seventeen words and which took ju st that many seconds fo r Scenarist two small boats alongside each nth- lain Fred Conrad and Otto Hanks, Elliott Clawson to write, required I ed so that you can jump from o n e ; of the Wallingford” and “ Silvera- two days of hard work, several thous-1 to another?” Director Higgin asks. I and feet of celluloid, and an untold i “ If you have, you can imagine w h at1 am ount of perspiration and worry a herculean task it was to get two! 250-foot freighters, coming from o p -! to film. The scene in question is neatly posite directions, to pass so closely : to each other that thirty actors could as follows: typed in the scenario j “ Scene 324. The two boats alongside, and there is a general me- j other. fact that “ .Sal of Singapore” was adapted lee as Erickson’s men board Sunday's were at sea made the feat doubly from Dale Collins* novel. “ The Sen- j ti mentalists.” Alan Hah' p l a js op- . b o at.” How simple it sounds! But J difficult because of the swaying a f polite Phyllis Haver, with Fred Koh- if you think so, page Director How- the two ships in the deep sea swells, Johnson, I ard Higgin. I are j climb or leap from one deck to a n -1 ac-* ler. Pat Harmon, Noble “ That the scene was finally the vessels The do,” veteran freighters of the Mc- w'as only Line. and it Cormick through their nautical skill and the fearlessness of the men who partici­ pated in the scene that tin* filming of such a thrilling piece of action was made possible.” R A G E S Jules Cowles, prominent in the cast. and Dan Wolheim Louis White of Pharr and Charles Walker of Beaumont will remain for the second term of the University summer session. Both are candidates for law degrees in August. Portable Typewriters Royal, R em in g to n , and U n d e r ­ wood told on easy terms. T E X A S BOOK STO RE NOT! The days of chivalry may or may not be passed. But hand-smacking goes on forever. Basil Rathbone is pawing Norma Shearer’s hand. M ajestic Wednesday. ‘Hiding Mike’ Proves rw o Days Taken Great Movie Sport For 17-Word Scene A single scene in the scenario of “ Sal of Singapore,” Phyllis Haver’s new Pathe picture, which is describ- the The microphone, or “ mike” as it set, is called on is lovingly driving more camera men to strong language, giving more directors gray hairs and causing more trouble than any other thing on the motion pic­ ture lots. The present microphones must be some place within a mile or so of I the actor, and still out of sight of the all-seeing camera lens. This is the problem that annoys the talkie makers, and causes scenes, and calls for all sorts of ingenuity little recording instru­ to hide the ment. extra At the First National Studios at Burbank, Mervyn LeRoy made a big cabaret scene for “ Broadway Babies” which stars Alice White at the Ma­ jestic Theater. More than five hundred people was in the scene, including a jazz and a dancing forty orchestra of chorus of fifty girls. the The sound experts on set their to plant found it necessary fifty than microphones in more spale on the big set. in order to “ pick up” all the conversation, the sound o f the musical instruments, and the patter of dancing feet on the ballroom floor. Now AKce White — »n- B R O A D W A Y B A B I E S ’ All T a lk in g - S in g in g G i r l s ! G a g s ! G i g g l e s ! Alice W hite sin gin g , talk in g , d a n c ­ ing, lending a c h orus o f f i f ­ ty g o r g e o u s d an c in g g ir l s ! “ I F M E N P L A Y E D C A R D S A S W O M E N D O ” A P a r a m o u n t P lay Y a n k e e D oodle B o y A S o n g N o velty -------- — O—----- j— L a t e s t New s W ISTI 25c ’T IL 1:00 P. M. T E X A S T o d a y Only Warner Baxter in D A N G ER S T R E E T ” W e d n e sd a y A T h u r sd a y A N N A P O LIS With Jo h n M ack Brown Je a n n e tte Loft A lw a y s IO & 25 C en ts — NOW S H O W I N G — Richard Barthelmess In a s to r y o f a boy who m a rrie s the w rong girl “ D R A G ” — with— L I L A L E E A L I C E D A Y D r a g g e d to d e g r a d a tio n girl he th oug h t he lo v e d ! {rent knew he b ette r than “ W e a r y R iv er.” girl lo v e d ! Y o u ’ ll sa y fig h t to win the by the S e e his he it’ s T A L K I N G S I N G I N G The A dm irals A N a v a l Q u a r t e t t e S in g i n g ‘I’ ll A lw a y s R e m e m b e r Y o u ’ “ Y A N K E E R O S E ” “ H E L L O S W A N E E ” Eddie Conrad B r o a d w a y 's F a v o r it e C o m e d ia n — in— “ L a u g h s G a l o r e ” A T Y O U R A P U B L I X T H E A T R E H o m e o f P a r a m o u n t P ic tu res how news does travel— how fame does spread Dr- Pepper’s got ’em guessing —read these Hot Ones from the Fans Mere, there and everywhere you hear Dr. Pepper discussed. Amazing tales they’re telling— some o f them hard to believe. But fancy or fact, the talk goin g round is proof o f sensational success. Here are some things you can hear; TH EY’RE SAYING: —that Dr. Pepper sales in the past 2 years have increased over 900 —that in one downtown office they now ring a gong for recess at IO, 2 and 4. —that one glass or bottle of Dr. Pepper contains as much nourishment as a bowl of tomato soup with rice. —that the mayor is in favor of sounding the siren for Dr. Pepper at IO, 2 and 4. —that a certain stout lady lost 40 pounds in eleven weeks by substituting Dr. Pepper for ali solid sweets. —that a foursome recently consumed a whole case (2 4 b o ttle s) o f Dr. Pepper during 18 holes: — 'sixes at the bar — fou rs on the links.** —that a certain winning pitcher w on’t start a gam e at 4 o ’clock until he’s had his Dr. Pepper. —that a poultry fancier ex­ perim ented on a h e n - substituting Dr. Pepper for water and she laid 2 eggs a day. —that 41 out of 62 at a down­ town fountain called for Dr. Pepper between 9:55 and 10:05 a. rn. —that 90 % of Mothers buying* drinks tor children at a certain Park refreshm ent stand specified Dr. Pepper —positively. —that if you smoke too much from nervous habit Dr. Pepper will cut down the craving. —that Flappers are now drink­ ing 3-a-day to promote "S. A.” (SATISFIED APPETITE), —that many Doctors are ad­ vising Dr. Pepper for acidosis, gastritis and overweight. —that at the rate Dr. Popper is growing it soon will be the nation’s biggest seller. G O O D E G R LIPE COPYRIGHTED 1»*« BY D B . P E P P E R C O . , D A L L A S —that one b o ttle bar owner estimates that with Dr. Pepper alone, he could satisfy 70