.. . .t.VKKt\.. IJVN) MAUt UN I 1~ I ' Vl'f l\LL \..Vr n:o> . . .. BEFORE THE TEU;GRAM IS DELIVERED TO OC/T, Room 6243 .. : .·• .~0<1.!' ~~, . . I ,... OUTGOING TELEGRAM. Department of :State fNOfCATEt Cl com1,;r -JED 0CHAtOe 10 . EmC.R.1.H ... EXDIS . D~CLASS F ---~Cl~-ssi/id~~ti~;;--·-·~. 12~8/ec. 3.6 , NL,J / ,­··ACTION: Amembassy BONN . FLASH BY. ~· , Nr---..r-.. ------r-· INFO : USBER BJ~RJ..,IN FLASH · USCINCEUR FLASH USUN FLASH USAREUR E'LASH .. STATE USMission NA'fO FLASH USAli'E FLASH SUBJ~;C'r: Soviet l11te1:.vention in Czechoslovakia. i.. Embassy Bonn should inform FONO!t'F soonest tha.t we hope FRG will cooperate in OUl: efforts prevent conflict spilling over beyond .Czech frontlers • .2. ~ou should request FRG at high level to ensure that FRG ~ilit.ary forces ·are well removed from Czech bo1:der area; and · · that handli.l'1g of any .Czech l~ef:ugees ~fleeing j_nto Federal . . •. ~-= :·~ Republic is by the froi1tier guards, wfth whatever assistance from 1.oca.1 police. forces that ~lay be needed. 3. ·You· should ask FRG to b1form yo.u urgently of any unusual occurrences alo11g FRG/EGerman demarcation line. You should in\press on FRG importa11c.e of main.taining cautious postu.rc a lon .. demarcat io1l 1ine.• a.'Adx&nudccHm·gxEt'R~xRnRxc~n:ixi:l"lcotRx-wld.:Rl:txRcuixfix})a KRtk.RRXW~RRXR~xlH:.»xxahxxxRgi:Ni?XQXKN9)(8KR1=1Xtll!allfUH~i:XQRX 4. Inform FRG that we will at.tempt · to mairatain as normal a . ....;_...w-.,, ----...---.~.u..-. ··-1-;;c;;;.-]··~i;·;,~~;;;;;i;;;;.-;4------~:~r,1,rc~-:-~ _..____ .. -f~LE.~Y..:_.?,c~~.£~!..C:k~~.!-~..J..!'. __·-""'·-·· • ..!.~!!'~·-~!~~-~!u~.:_-!~~ec~~y _____ U /GE Mr; Johnpol i ~,.. RPM .. Mr., ~life Ho Mr. t\')W r' S/S •··