^v ••' v &< < ^ : : 1 MMMMijnm n inmy^^i innwim> IIUI;UI\II m m..; u .1 -i ' -*v.v * » i. T V^!i^W^S,T'^^W^l,^*^Wg^g"n"»*"' '""f1'«W|^1> WMM M'' J) ^ -« 2^.4 «CV mondtf, ao8 iS. Mcfw t.?>».•**"*» • . „ Tivt -*.,*•?'*< j t •» * " • »»"» "X' ^ 1 ^K'*^»r ^ *^1*. ^ ^ 4. f, * 4,1 ' '1 11 V^l"-"^1 '•'•'•^.K Hj, > ^ '-J' '•' i '" 'v>"v '-** > 4* Af ;, S ^ A. faeddy 'Kfewspapefi-ftiffcshecl ferny Priciay 'by the ^tiicie'nVof (fie YffiVCT&y. VOL V AUSTIN, , FRTDAYyJfrKtjARY •%, IJKIS g£Z>1 mmmm i~a=n ^ «~r~ f v I. CONSTITUTION H&i J Iptilpi * •*"i*1 *r* -"iVo ITniyarw-.-i) j |'3.m »• ,•: J..1 _ Students' Association of the University The Intercollegiate Prohiltiwfffl. teoiv Maa&^i'te.. ~j of Texas1—Adopted May 24, 1902. ltion" Orgariiziecl in the University. tor Will be Heard in the Auditorium. trrPT Tn the Jiusk a Splendidid -Success—' An Opportunity tRTTCLE' I. . * ----t estchnpore' speakme contest. :e fsa*" The object of the association is stated the Executive. Coimnittce. of the Stu­v Xr. liH.. ,ul w yi; ! W •% The Students' Association. grain wns interestinir to ail •who were as foll-o\ys >in_ tire "purposes of_ the or-dents' Association to . 'bring l^;esi'dciit •*S1 •'"­ >--, _j Section.1. This organization shall be gariiaation: • • _'known as the Students' Association of 1. *A broad and "practical study of the ,< t Tumi!'-nr, ST" the University of Texas. ' _ •? lmt-Mien-- liqubi1 •problem Jind' related social'1 notice, aija.pu^ i;neit,( tjipUghts-into ef­ Sec. 2,. Every bona fide 'student of' the political questions. * • t. • ( v " \ fective Avortis whiie ,o^ ^ei'r.feet.( Tlitee |K sf-,L "main Univeisitj shall be a member -of li)ie;n \\^^ •-•.v-.'-• •-• '• '' '• '1* ' • •. 2.' -The promotion.rof..!§i« 'poiihval •^]»-]•,»-•this Association, and slmll' have 'a voice I'liOsfi plication of-the principles of Tl'e is a gre|it scholar, sei­ ^_and vote tlie-rein. tion.: ; c . ;.; v-. • r . ejitjst 'and'"oralori and the University Set'.-3. The ofGcers of this Association 'shall be -a President, a Vice-President every one. Erdm the cdntestaii^B ytlp /and a Sccietary-Treasurer, and .an Exec­ 1 the Executive Committee as hereinaf­looking for the-truth. Tt is expected' two of his speeches have_ nqt tieen defin­ ter pwided for. \ ' that many will join in order to study peS^#?SS itely dee,ided .upoia. /;,' './•: (b) Tt shall be the duty of tile Vice 1he-questioi,i whose, views! may, not' fye" The Executive Committee, have deter--' President to act asvPr.esiient tee on orensic assess- i-the absence or ina1)ilifcy: ^ell /khowii that; isaassamii..egg; pr° «se~BU •oTipose ^roliiljiUonr,.ThoBe.^n'i all athgrsl (c) It shall be the duty of the Sec--desiring to Undertake 'tfe~w^rk."wui tiei ;V <*.' . i* ' • 1 -st:tn»-« i.-isi'Vs.'CL -ree-ts&mi m uhsxuen wx-jWitu.--•>-• 'eS.Shakers To ifie •ewjt M** 0n/ujMfc, r.-'jctarj'-Treasurer to-keep, a. correct -.tpCr t?'ten a, chanc& to joiju. .. >•• \> u-;4: «iiii m inunu.tKce JS>; r»lJ,i7v OTjee '^. T.i i -• iyii mittee and to reeteivj^vafid; keep all held-in the ^prin^ in bratory. on the-gen­ 1-^ L money belonging to the Association and eral subject of prohi^itiori'.-The success­~^i.o pay the same 'out only ^011, ord'er of ful speaker goes to Waco t© enter-the Sunday '"afternoon the" 3JS,|A> '• v&yw.tv A-> !.iuu.ve.-;, SLl » A < *, 'Kl-VOTUj JUU1WU UUl chosen • as judges. ' the President. On or before the seventh State contest.. Tlie. various contesting yS'VJh' were met; to hear the repots, Ktlwle.!.. •»;« • jwvt m-ai.rii--ni > ,day o'f June of eaeli year lie shall pre-colleges of the State will be represented stutly member^ .who atteniV Jjrat appear wqA .j^T selit-, to• .4he-Execiiitivc • CflBiimitfce'e ifor ihere, The man chosen--tliere-gets.? a-ConfcreiK'e ^fr. Yveith mb 'uieaa auditing And publication, an itemized ac­free trip to some point in the miuuie ya.lua.ble report to tlie associai |%'l; f?|:,Hiiiveisi't^iOf • count of the leceipts aintd disbursements \vest to the national contest. aetiial worJc^^done ^ ^us|| " :'i Indu: rf' .,.iue by him on half of tlie Students' are in' .ever^r* contest lined, tne-worlds it slioh line. lJopQ acquitte4 iiims^lf V1'»??f FO (v\ f Association, s\nd shall reridler a .similar from the' local to the' national. -.^onieiy. iJe used, his t. •i-si..-i-r•••^~ "lis—••^h^riz'-k! jt'-rf-—:M account at the end of his term of office. pli'asizing the needs of Bible' s|j ^j&mm . Sec. 5. Two liundred .students sTiall { The 'Cusses. , .. •'Urdverai'tjg" ;anJ iajicatiii^.yim|M The "Rusty Cusses >held their first constitute a quorum to do .Business. of tlie.coiiimittee. !Nfi% CJ l"i fti> wfa /well received PSf-i. --lyA'^VV Ww Wiirt^ iUec-ting Ifpy ; tli'is .year om , 'night, this aecc came "ARTICLE H: for a few lTjinute3 011^ «;qs pq « :s-*• %c\ V""'JS the work m the Universit l-. 'P-f. ; J'IS'-iexl5re^8^ -privately tp-a Functions of the Association. ID , "After the meeting orf tn\ .Section ' 1. ITie 'Association shall year were present, the. body was soon T^resident Parrish .called-a mel elect the President of the Recep-: ofjtlie ready to proceed to' business'. . Some vaii.ous 'comnutteus, aiul th all, Sljould;0iu;ti. tion S|fw. committees'-Averp appointed for some, pur­ each was laid out in detail. Efcls ioji be , jilr pig; Sec. 2. The "students' Association shall pose-unknown 4o the barbaric. .world,qf tniped^ the attention of the exojvd by Ills to get up a large number or classes;inassume" control of the. University pub­uninitiated Hustv Cusses. Tlie club tlie dilTerenee. be . ir. l i c a t i o n s . \ " . . ; • ^ Bible study in the University^. _ Several %t,li-i'st. assertion .^hatthat diiTerer^ce lir>­ will have a meeting in the^^ear. future iwe( i'1: his ^audience and q, crowd oT uf the clubs and fr^ternities^are organ­ j (a) 1. The Students' ABsqeiation/shajl and take in spniej of their new pledges. ke>» in eVening idress w(ib as /nlu^h-jn ising classed. / Tt is lyipt-d thaCjthje dele­ take control of the 'University of Tejxas It rs wliispered that sonie qf .the gates to tlu; State conveii^iqn.,Mxt_sprmjj $tf position, oh tbe tthnmb 99 i^'was^n Literary Magazine" as soon as satisfac­huskiest ; Freshmlrt . tKat, ever pulled a will /be able to make a better showing the^ snape of their lipads. lie waq ap­torv arrangements caii be made with the bell cord over old "Beck" are to lioriorr j than was made last year. -societies. • ••: •-' i-Vi : • -';-v::.. 2.. The Association shailMelect a busi­--f \T ; ;Library Improvement. peroration; on "tickling Mother Earth. ness manager and a board _ of editors ilAV ' ^ ' • ' ,-••.' -• .:, s' V ;• ^ !_L -U* ••,*>». consisting of an editor-in-chief arid eight the caunteriances oi . those wSo went v: associate editors, of ^di ^ber three yirp^ ]ast year; itv, is safe to assume tlmt. the library will soon be t open at tempore ttt" -associate. -te editoi^ q^fee.. ^-m:ehief ^4,siidlhu^y. fenften.^rash nights. Tliis would be .of great benefit itself wu1and tw.-0 associate editors shall be wo-„„ xrt "+ iv.. ^ as to. accept the '^id" of the to. the students, and, if it is possible, fn wt men. , , , ' ' * M * /• Y 1 • . rist of the otVer is lield 3. It shall be the duty of the business long be .wearing tlie look thfit betokens unix'ersities keep their libraries open fo/ manager to,secure subscription^ arid ad- the "sadde/: but wiser •man."" ;s an .hour or so at flight. ' ' _;t ; * an .vertising, and to attend to all iriatters • s£ii' ,W.ist*#Vv<• ;hs^ & »n -Tim Rusty Cassea ^promise, to sltrtlmg picture for thejCkataa^ The-Jgaiypraity"-of- which Mtjjvlcea cently dedicated a new gTmnaviu^^ A. «.( . W, 6. Pope 4pme a|^| he shall receive all tfefe net promts iiri , biod'i jTbigel uy from' our adr«r­swimming pool thirty fe<& .wide «yod « h • mm 1 « ^ ^ • MM (Continued on Page Two.} t : • • ,jjr hundred feet lcong Is » ^eatiire. a •" —*» « •* f*" J HnB2al Ik iiv&t rrii1 SM! if--­ P3 «..^ufc.y "SSI tfixy-i. THE TEXAN count of all receipts and expenditures ptf CONSTITUTION. mmmm behalf of The Texan," and he shall turn­ (fcontjitiie^ from Page One.) over .to the Secretary-Treasurer of the to two hundred dollars and 50 per cent Association ajl funds received by him S 3.50 of all above that amount, provided, that in excess of his remuneration < as herein V "^> in no ease shall he receive more than provided for. •, * ~ ; ; three hundred1, and fifty dollars. Not 4. It shall be £he duty of the board i-' -Our $3.50 Regent is a great fav­ r^ater thufr-^fee-first day o'f June of each of editors to collectlind provide all iriatr orite with the '¥"arsity ^iian, and-^o year the business manager shall. submit ter for publication and to turn the same wonder, for its a beauty and wears to the Executive Cpmmittee for auditing over to the business manager not later -> , jt.»v-ft.iU_' -Xr and publication an itemized statement than Monday of each week.: ,' like iron. ­ ^L. e the duty of the Ex­" ' ' ' ' " .•«...V~ ' jGeo. L. Hume, Cashier. . , advertising, and to attend to aH matters ecutive Committee to represent the in­rr '' ~ H. Pfaefflin, Assistant Cashier. pertaining to the printing .and publica­terests of the student body in ^securing A A* -: C. M. MILLER tion of The Texan, for which services he favorable rates from railroads, laundries, T. ; THE " • DEALER IN shall receive 50 per cent of all the net etc., and Jo deal with all -other matters profits, provided that in no case shall that may be referred to it by the Stu­ Wall Paper, Paints and Oils, White •ha receive more, than four hundred and dents' Association, FIRST NATIONAL BANK r Lead, Varnishes, Window" Glass .v fifty -dollars,: Not later than the'first (g) The Executive Committee, shall, fill day of. June of ,eaph year he shall^sub-all vacancies that may occujr, an4 such jmd Painters' Supplies. Off Austin mit to the Executive Committee for appointees shall hold Aoffice until the auditing and-publication an' itemized ac-next regular meeting of the Students' the accounts of the Faculty and Stu­711 CONGRESS AVE. dents respectfully solicited. If «W*T «4i«S ... . "S" ""KJ --w 1 1, frTKp^far-m;.: ^ —— _ 7 V^ I '' ^ J^__ ^ 1r% 'ai ¥ <^" • Ag*;.' '_-i"j *,j; W* } f ,«W j... JVj£»? ^*0 vt& •ao ^ vS V $ -n " V . k ,* 'J&~! President, Vice President and Secretar'y-Gowns?" He discussed the philosophy of perous-farmer near Van Alstyne. Treasurex, of^.th^^ssociation, shall -bp clothes,^" _ -the W. S. Davis, L. .L. B. '02, is practicing 'p?-$£k elected at the regular*meeting in May need of-uniformity, among the Senior law at Ceritei-.-^x&V: ­K*f -year until ki'• and shall-serve for one or classes, His speech was well thought out Allen Turner, L. L. B. '04, is practic­U^ their successors shall be duly installed, and eaiNsfully delivered. V ing law a,t Henderson-,. Texas. provided that at the first meeting to be Mr. Fred W. Householder was the sev­R. H. Hays, L. L. B. '02, is a mem­ s> held on Friday after the adoption of enth speaker. His subject was "Athletics ber of the Twenty-ninth Legislature. tins Constitution these officers shall be in, the University of Texas." A more Chester Bryan, L. L. B. '02, is a mem­elected to serve until the regular meet­ber. of the Twenty-ninth Legislature. appropriate lot could not have fallen to ing of the'following May. .' 'him, for, as is well known, Mr. House­W. R. Jones, L. L. B. '02, is, Coun,ty $,4 (b) The members of the Executive holder was the star of the football team Attorney of Panola County. H,'T«* Committee shall be elected by the sev-this year. "His speech was well orga,n-. W. R. Nowlin, ex-C. E. '98,• is con­ &t * -. eral departmnts in sparate meetings for ized, and-full of uxought. nected with the Bond Hardware Com­ |p?N the purpose, which shall be held at 3 D. A. Frank spoke next on "Govern­pany of San Antonio, Texas. >• o ciock on the Monday just preceding the ment of-Students:" --Tom Lewis was recently married to ' "• regular meeting of the Students' Asso­The .ninth speaker was' Mr. William" Miss Daisy Bryan at VelaBco, Sur Mer. ciation in October and shall, serve one Culleri iBryant, his subject -beirig-^'Hazing Max Bickler, ex-'04, has gone to Dal­year, or until their successors are duly and Rushing." Mr. Bryant was delib­las to accept a position with Mr. W. C. installed, provided that at ' such depart-erate, had beautfful enunciation, and Jri.TOn. --- mental meetings to be held at 3 o'clock kept his-audience interested all the. time. R. C. Pantermeuhl^ M. A. '04, wasf on Thursday after the adoption of this He passed hazing by as being of not ried Christmas .Week to, Miss Campbell Constitution i^ect^^s-^CoDlmitteemeTt m—^ ana1 shall, be elected to hold office until the paid most of his attention to rushing. Major A. W* Blauer, L.r spent pgtiW--^Wtionof^tho.^£Ql . the summer in Canada .ed to _her«_ pore oratory, 1-53*" ; (c) -The business managers of the va­The last speaker of' the evenfng was" regiment at Manassas rious publications hereinbefore provided Mr. T. J. Holbrook, who was hampered J. Lee Robinson, B. for shall be elected at the regular meet­by the prosaic subject of "Qampus Im­at Johns Hopkins, wri ing in May of each year—to serve for the provements.'' Yet his—imagination haan operation perfor: following ficholastic year, provided that caused him to picture in the dim aiid rie-is recovering rapidl^j the managers of the Magazine for the distant future "the campus grown all m iff!? coming year shall be elected the first over with magnificent trees beneath MORE HEAT; meeting to be veid on Friday after the whose lofty branches the silvery foun­ adoption of this Constitutifib; tains would play, •catching ' ever 'and We have been *eques^^.^ --(d). -The -editors of-the-Magazine and ,anon the glint of the cerulean sky, and 11 of students, and-one rec made The Texan shallTie elected at the "regu­delighting the amorous swain who:lay in writing, to" write an lar meeting in May and shall serve for basking in the sunshine of his lady's 1 ypeaded­ 1 the following scholastiir ^ear,—provided love. Needless to remark, Mr. Hol­"More Heat." As we fe* duty that the editors of the ^uagazine for the brook won well-merited applause. to .give expression to ahyl pcoming scholastic yearishall be elected-The decision of the judges was given prevails generally amon jj' ilidents,­"0 at the first meeting to be held on Friday in alphabetical ordfer: . -Frank, Keen, we take the opportunity hat the -after the~-adopt4on-of—this­ (e) The editors of the -Cactus, for The same subjects will'be used tomor­ that something, ought to eitch yeaT:shaH;^be-fleeted-at-the-regular row .night^ for the contest,* but as there edy the annoyance of meeting in October. are eight -sub-topics and. the speakers a cold room. It ts a i'tjidtiipme of (f) The President of the Final Re­are to choose by. lot fdr places and sub­ the rooms are so disa, papbipj jtai: cold ception shall be elected at the regular jects again, it is unlikely that, any mail days that the instructors; have;;to ' dis­ -meeting in January. — ^ will ,speak upon the same subject again. misa their classes. It ^eems. tiiat this ARTICLE V. ' «'» : :;yiiV " state of affairs demands prompt atten­ • \\m • '-_ii_ ' Notice. -Amendments. tion. The feeling of dissatisfaction, is AH .persons desiring to study the -'This Constitution may be amended at rapidly spreading, and several' student? question of prohibition tot the purpose any regular meeting of the Association have taken severe colds that have pre­of becoming better informed on the sameby-a tw^o-thirds majority of the students vented them from attending: classes;--It. are invited to meet in room 44 Monday-present -and_iatiflg,_prfi£ided that; no seems-.a little unrfeasonam?. Something afternoon at 4 o'clock for the purposeproposed amendment shall be considered surely be done. can of more perfectly organizing the local can Students not by the Association unless signed by" be expected to learn anything when ithey ~ " e. In joining the fifty students and posted on the bulletin sit shivering*from the cold and anxiously league no party affiliations are made. Uoard atleas awaiting the word—that will-alkm-tli Inis is an opportunity for young men meetings. , * " "5? to go back to their rooms. to investigate a live question. The above is the original Constitution j .Respectfully; "•* the variouaT amendments will be given in Pjease report any case of illness among • D. A; ITtANK7~ detail later. the University girls to MissfLuellii, Fon­ President. da, Chairman of the Visiting Opmn?it­tee of the W6man's Council. Yale will play thirty-nine intercolle­ C. F. RUMPEL'S BOOK AND ART STORE is laden with the choicest holi­giate gangs'of basket ball this year. day goods. Special, attention..will be There are rumors afloat of many class paid • to the students and liberal dis­ parties among the girls,' chief amongcount given. Texas Souvenir profusely -The new athletic field at Stanford will which is a Junior Prom, to be given toIllustrated; A nice Christmas or New comprise forty acres and will be the Tear's gift at 35 cents for students. the Seniors.: finest in America. &r®T m _ M u. _ <& &$ -f*i # m K] ;Vkt $k&Jnv £1 _ 1 * -'• '^^If3 IllllliWIili f^f!C' --a* vPfl 8Ww^i 1 : S. E. Rosengren UNDERTAKER AMD ^MBALMEK. Fine C«rri«fle» to Hire. ' -y ' ' '" •'••• •' • 'f 413 CO NO^HS^l Both Phones 481. v Hancock Hotel '/ ' Opera House and Postoffloe Blook. Best $2.00 Hotel In Austin. 1 L. Y. HANCOCK, Prop. v Gym. Suits, 3ai.' &•<.» -1 -t (V V -tr , «-ar-r % „ * ^ > tF , «e •--.•?-j...r -' <,—v *> *• ;•£i!rp^M'-r ''iT^iVt^'' ~ r—^-*-$* AV? '•firi* »| X J~ * " ~ S~*• ^ -JlS31 *--^ ^ -^ " "^ - -ww-fe-v a-> ^ * ^-SE^ - -.. $ ^ /''*'t ifr._ c w** *<^,g iiDout 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening \ THE TEXAN ._... r •,l­ some students passing through the cor­ A weekiy newspaper ownied and pub­ ridor of the first floor of the Hall lished by the students of The University PALACE BARBER SHOP swelled the fumes of burning z ? upon investigation it .was ^discovered, Bosche Laundry Building. Editor-in-chief.. .'...Clinton G. Brown tliat an overcoat lying on a bed had in Associate editors: Miss Grace Hill, Ed bomc mysterious 'manner caught fire. ^TFranfij-^Hagh^ljOthrop, Wlitta discovered, €ife*!,lKsB®IHMltncJd a TURKISH BATHS O. L. Sims, Miss Alma Proctor, John hole a foot in diameter in the bed Townes and Ijewis Johnson. clothes and'had almost ruined the_ over­ We employ nothing but first-class workmen, and , are friends of the Uni­ Business Manager... .James E. Mitchell * ".••V" coat. iiut for its timely dispovcry by versity, as we always respond to their call. Now we earnestly desire yours Assistant Business Manager tue keen-scented denizens of the Hall, ............./.Percy-C. Burney patronage. One oall will convince you. -. the fire might have resulted disas- Entered in the pestoffioe at Austin, trously. ~~ Texas, as second-class mail matter. IF YOU AREIHTERESTED x ; Subscription price, per year, $1.25,-in • SOPHOMORE MEETINGS. advance. ...,''• • -.:—— In obtaining a dental education, "write —Qn r£ucsday7~January-9, the Sophomore We are not in for catalogue-of NEW ORLEANS Address all communications Engineers held an important meeting to COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY. 831 Ga- Texan, Austin, Texas. Business for a Day elect * offiqers. TJie-election resulted , as rondelet "St.. New Orleans, La. follows:.. Winter term: John Bring­ !We are' Here to stay. ^^raaidenti_ • ;... . That's Freside'nt; SIcIfSII Kerbey, v Se'c: *;.. What is it thtrt' marks the college man why we are selling the best an^: -J. A. JACKSON retary; Ed McCall, Sergeant-at-anns. •f f1 3 i/f \: of the community? Certainly not the ".'(O'tlli. cleanest coal that money will. Money Foaned on Everything. New and • ~Spring term:. .Pearson; President;•' Hen­%' amount of "knowledge" he airs on .the buy—the genuine, deep-shaft , :econd-hand goods of, all kinds. Best drickson, Vice President; Norris, Secre­ m street, corner, or even in. public speeches. place to borrow money. Best place to tary; Hal. Logan, Sergeant-at-arms. The It is thfe culture and refinement that Osage McAlester spend it. class has had its picture taken and Has J v T -comos from deep thought 'without th^ r its material pretty well in shape for the Sold only by— _ hindrances of more practical life; from Cactus., association with me highest types of 7 young manhood and young womanhood; THE MCALESTER FUEL CO. On Friday, January 13, -the class, of CEO. W. PATTERSON ^ from the inspiration of men who rise above the material things of life as any­Oi met to select their new officers and • • -" ' Phones 246 , — Undertaker ­ decide Upon their space in the Cactus. thing more than , a means to "a. higher Succeesors in fuel to LONE STAE ECLIPSE STABLES AND AUSTIN- The officers for the winter term are: end; from the more definite understand­Miles, President-; Miss Helen Knox, Vice ICE COMPANY ^ -----TRANSFER COMPANY. , ing of self, related to all the world, • . miM President;,Miss Grace Nash, Secretary; •j%m$-past and .present. The young man go­ Phone 161. 108-116 E. Seventh St. Xathrop, Treasurer; Ballard Burgher, ing back home as a "college man" -frgggjEg.•. _ .-arms. For the. spring term fe.»ifei •y^iSef^John Townes, President; Miss The he has not obtained some 6f this cul­Hel,en Hood,' Vice President; Miss - lure and'refinement- With it hfe will be Hhields, Secretary; Newj Treasurer; Fol- Driskill Sterm Laundry FAST TRAINS • a leader of thought in bis town with­ som, Sergeant-at-arms. ­ out any self-seeking' advertisement upon ;~~7~ Is the-Best in the City? dasf ^yetediist^a^ they would not Both PhQiies nave a history or. poem wntten~T()]t.,the | 1 EXTEMPORE SPEAS7! Cactus, -and appointed a c'ommittee to ~~ We are glad to nqte the fo: ^ep: collect, the necessary amount .of mon§y. After January 8thf Between taken by the University of year in matters oratorical. long — LETTER LIST • J. R. been seen that the so-called 'rllipff llie following is the list of letters college life is not realiy an orator!, M remaining "undelivered in the postoffice a declaimer, What is the difl'ij^rtCf (be­ at Austin tUniy.gr§ity Station), Texas, tween delivering a set speedk Wr,Ltt(in -Plumbing, Gas Fitting, ­ for the week ending January 17, and will o\ft and polished to a niccty befoifojiftndi be advertised uhtil Tuesday, Januarj'"?!, >34 1-4 Hours—1 1-2 Days and delivering a well -written! sele&tii ^7" Steam and Hot Water 1905, and then will be sent to the .dead from some able author, provid,ei;l s letter office at Washington, D. C.; ' ... ~ Heating — -lection be appfopos? But this • e ... U;., >-T, ,. It Allison^ James.1; •< « ' -St. * go^Fonvard. Th'e contest of las ' «• t Sail Antonio to Mexico City Brown, L. H.. '*"».!,»•» da lian eililte A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING AND Clift, Joy G.; Cox, J. Or T~ men of the two societies made .6^i|^e ins -HEATING GOODS ON HAND English, Miss Mary. * :Lj: <: :< . . VIA I. & G. N. R. R.,.Lared & National six minutes in length upon; subjeetl •Coodwin, Miss Lucy; Gilmore, Mr. / TO SELECT FROM. \ -jiad—heard but.thirty--ininntc9-*4iej-oji'? R. R. of Mexico. Halm, Rev. Carl; Harris, Mm W. B. demonstrates that it is possiblcj:$b\ Sbh Morris, Seth M.; Maysj H, E.; Milby, a contest to be an entire suce«5^sl 302 Miles Shortest.. 1F» Hours, 20 \\ > Mr" Tomorrow night in the Audifprijii»; We are also agents for FAIRBANKS' ^, ..^U—Minutes Quickest. — ' Slmltze, Julius; Suttle, Oscar. ' " ~ six successful speakers will cistifl ! GASOLINE ENGINES.. Both pbones Wilson, J. M ; Weiss, W.* F.; West, see Who is the best extempore Qi 62. All work guaranteed. Correspondingly as Quick From All rB J. R.; Webb, W. K. the Universityv Let tlie studei: Walcott, Miss Ada. —.— L_zzr± Texas Points via I. A G. N. go out and, encourage ^ this ~r 801 CONGRESS AVE. *' speaking, : . EDWARD, w; DAVIS, J kL it. * " *-•••• 1 r ' New Fast Service Between Dallas, Ft. • Superintendent-University Station. . ^ . -. • , i „, J ,J" y Worth, Austin and San Antonio, Give us more -of the practical ^'""s P. E. C." -iVjmJ r%." S. CREENBERG 1 '^1 ' 1: > After January 8th. . Last. Sunday afternioon the most an­ , SlEXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Aim high, even though you n>atl| cient and honorable order of P. E." C. -_ASK AGEM.TS-OR WRITE " ~ On the last pxam, • j. ; had an enthusiastic initiation on the Endorsed by fill .the Leading People. third floor of B. Hall. All the Ancient's L. TRICE, D. J. PRICE, •Out of„.about. 950 students .in the Urii-and high honorables were-there, and a I^ 7°9 Congress AveT^. -* versity, only six had fb be called \ip niceting -of noticeable quietude took 2d V7 P.' & G. M. a P. & "T. Age. before tlie 'Faculty last term Wdaii^e cf place. • If a man had been standing at Palestine, Texas." m unsatisfactory work. The quality of the west entrance of the Main Building, COTRELL 1^.5­ .' r ._^otk done, as well a&. the number , of he M'ould, not have known that a P. E. .Slilll & LEONUUI students enrolled-in the University, is Or initiation was going on. ­ ALBANY, N.T. improving each year. For the first time in the many -years ^ . V ^ Yv--'• '-1-' ' '-V . » '• ' From oft-recurring exams., oh, doc­CAPS and GOWNS t -i r . '• " WSMM f: ^ . V.V'>-::V oi her existence, Yale will this year 5? tor, deliver us! • --," • *J Smile. You may make the other fel­ For the Ameri­have* held a sunjmer session. Of the » 'j. -<»:'»>'' ' can Universitiea low happy, and, incidentally, you are better. looking when you »mile. Don't forget to buy from1 our adver­PEICr HHITAKEI, Soilim universities • she is J,^-e last to have a tisers. lltpruHtititt i summer term. 1 , " '• : '611-,^': ' • Hi.?.? ,^-rt v*v P 'S5^^r'-"£ •» wT4>}» BmmMM THE TEXAN ,-.Al»'"'i - The University Lad.es' Club will give a reception at the Jyjme of Mrs. Wil­ •liam Prather on S&Juruay, January 17, froih 4 ta li-o'clock;-in honor of tho -Senior girls. ~JULjofc-;«»> • >««»W{xr.....^rif,. vfl­ „.are Aost cordially invited..„ , .' fSf *** . The University German Club gave a dance at Protection Hall on Saturday night. This was the second dance of the week, the other £>ne being given by the Anoda -.Club at Eighth Street Hall on Friday night. Those present were: .Missfer Steadman, Wroe> Armstrong, Es- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Last Saturday the Electrical Engineers met and elected the following/officers: Winter term: W. L. Eyres, President; C. A. Jones, Vice President; J. D. HaU, Secretary and Treasurer; C. M. Elmore, Sergeant-at-arms. t Spring term: -B. M. Wood, President; S. E. BTakesIe, Vice ^fe! Sclilenker, Secretary .and Treasurer; J. H. Gill,' Sergeai^-at-arms.i::^:l|ffi|;iSI8i ?-" • ~ : . " • I • -" ,v * . At this meeting the following Cactus Committee was appointed: S. E. Blake­sle, Chairman; T. B." Clark-and Cleye Mayne. The Cactus Committee met Tuesday afternoon and decided to take four pages in. the Cactus, and are now .at work preparing appropriate designs. til, Hill, JLanhani, Rose, March, Hancock, Electrical Thomson, Longstrath, Kampmann, GraJj5e Engineers, although, a Wilkerson, Hogg, RobinsonJ d?pai]tment ,of very recent origin, is ham, Wilkeraqn,, Hpgg, Orr, Robinson, showing unusual energy and progress, #>; ^Graham, Miles Graham, Hudnell, ^^^er^ -son, Benson, Mclnms, Isaacs, ifiake, ^ Curtis, Dpan, Robinson, Thomson,* Hog- sett, Irwin, Stone, Allen, Butler; Wright, Hutcherson. , The JLadies' Club of the University-­ were entertained at their, regular meet /i»f last week by Mrs. Pease and Miss -.Julia Pease at their residence, at Pedse 7 vj. ~r"Park. .At. this meeting the- questjon of _a_ reception to be given to the Senior .girls was discussed, which resulted in reception to be given on Saturday. ;• Mnce the return of Mr., and Mrs. Ed­ win Fay to AusLin they have been the recipients of much attention. On Fri •day evening Mr. and Mrs. Prather gavp „a dinner in' their honor. Those present ; were: Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. 1•»Williams, ... * M*98 ^anny and Qrace Prather and Mr Mrs. Prather. Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liams also, gave a dinner. i-1 On Thursday, iJanuary-19^ the-ypung ^ Ladies. Cotillion Club will give a da^e to' their friends at the*, Driskill. While -the Cotillion Club is made up mostly of Austin young ladies, still there are a number of University gifls in it, and —there will be a number of University gJmen present, as this dance is of much ^ interest in University* circles. a.,1 An Original Form of Invitation. r-Law students,. you are hereby 'Sum­ ^uro.ned-to uppsear-in the-~Yf~Mr C:A. / ­ * room on the 13tn day. of January at 4:30 * P-m. to show cause why (1) there —— should not "be -organized in the Univer- Slly Texas a student movement for"a " broad study of jthe liquor question, and -Jj\ (2) there should 'not be held a local original oratorical contest on "gome Sub:­ """"jecfc Pertaining to the Prohibition of the -s „ Liquor Traffic," said contest to be pre­ liminary to a State contest to be held >v,t - at Baylor University in the month of April next, the State contest to be pre­ liminary to an irrterstate-coniestr-to be -TrH^held_at__IiQ_8 Angeles, California, in the month of May next, and why the win­ ;ners of these conteits should riot re­ : ceive liueral cash prizes and scholarships in a good school of oratory. \ - Hurrah! ­ .• A new tennis court is being added to the line of courts behind the Engineer­ ing. Building. A basget ball court is being made just to the left of the drive that leads from B. Hall to the Ath­ letic Field. - - _ " ture one of the most substantial and beneficial parts of .the University course. Last Monday was the first day that .they have had high pressure in the steam en­gineering laboratory; they have also started the air-compressor and the Har­ris-Corliss engine. They hope to have the steam turbine set by tomorrow; this will make-the work in the dynamo..lab­oratory much m^e satisfactory. All the laboratories in • the new Engineering J3jjil^ling^.axe_np_\v_-in fiill working order. —:—-—• The first regular meeting of tlieStu­diehts' 'Association for the • session of 1904-5 was called to order-by President Crane last Tuesday afternoon at 3 .o'clock in the Auditorium. The amend­ment with regard-to the management of l.he Texan, which was published in The Texan last week, was favorably passed ton Brown we^ nommated for" ^resHInt of the Final.Ball;. -and . the letter was elected hy a very close majority. r The Middle Law Class met Monday at 10:30 a. m. and elected the following officers: . ' "1 ' . Winter term: J. Sid O'Keefe, Presi­dent; R. R, Smith, Vice President; J. and W. B. Browder, Secretaryand Treas­urer; W. E. Orgain, the retiring Presi­dent, Sergeant-at-arms. Spring term: Giles-L. Avriett, Presi­dent; Sewell Myer, Vice President"; Leo Ney,. Secretary and Treasurer; J. Sid O'Keefe, Sergeant-at-arms. •rt-U *» »•. A' regular-meetmgT-of^tbe-Texa&-Aeadi .emy of Science will be held in the.Chem-: ical Lecture Room Of 'the University of Texas on "Friday" evening," January 20, 1005," at""8 'o'clock. -—J The, following pre the; officers: Dr. M; B. Porter, President; Dr. J. E. Inompson, Vice President; R. A. Thomp­son, Treasurer; Dr. F. W. Siinonds, (Sec­retary; P. L. Windsor, Librarian; A. Le-fevre,.H, L. Hilgartner and T. H. Mont­gomery, members* of the Council. Following is the program: " : cL.ASS PINS High-gmde work at low pricei. write for iliuitratiotu. Detent made free of charge, Satisfaclion giiaraoteed in every msUoce. > BUNDE & UPMEYER CO. w& 77' F Mack Block JAM W. OTTO FINE V/ATCHES AND JEWELRY, . REPAIRING AND DIAMOND SETTING. 824 Cori^'«S8 Avertiw'r^^-Mss., * T7 McFADbEIN'S UP TOWN ORUQ STORE, UNIVERSITY-DRUG 8T0RE. I carry good lines of pure, freak, drugs, medicines, toll** st*' tlonerjr, clgaro . JOE KOEN WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND MONEY BROKER, Dealer In all Kind* ofMusical Instru-. merits. All Good* (Guaranteed. Dia> monds a Specialty. ^101 EA8T PECAN STREET. BEST CAPE THE CITY. Mr-, --/W. J. SUTOR, • • |f|"Proprietor and ManageK.i "OHN SHEEHAN ­ ||^i PROPRIETOR. ashington Market | pngress Ave., and Fulton Market, 213 East Sixth St. [$?jne slaughtered meat of" all kln^S,f oysters, poultry, etc., always on Patronage solicited. , --•: : K . , Texas and points ­ R.R. Sleepers and Chair-Car^ between Austin and Houston. Close Connections, For rates or other <•_* J5Q5-' •',• !•'•• — rr— . ' • ' ,. • --j...,.., . information call orHicket agent, or address General Passenger Agent, Houston, Te-xa "5? Mf < { • ''iwiriMiiiirfffTi' irirrr"•" iHi. Kr K B< I j&l, • 38BSSS. > i % PERSONALS. The '07 Acadcms bad their picture taken Monday afternoon, and all say it '•• • •-.,•*• *-" ** 4,' -4 * > ' * •* 18 a good one. ' • The *08 Academs had their picture taken-Monday for the Cactus, . ­Mr. and Mrs. Max Hargrove paid a visit to the c*.y last week. Dave Furman, famous football player of several years ago, was in Austin for .•^several days lately. . Ir Miss * Jairiie Armstrong has announced -h<;r engagement to Mr.' John Bennett of • + San Antonio, • Messrs. Elarn. Shands, Edwards, Gei­ -acn^-oMaas and-Connor are now, of Frenliman squads.at iiclf. . T. J. Palm, C. E. '03, was in from Round Rock Sunday. T. J." says that liia prospects for a cotton crop are good; also hiB.oats are looking fine. , Quite a number of the Senior Engi­neers are going to San Antonio to 'stand -the Civil Service exams. Those who are successful, will be in line-for posi­-tions with the Isthmian Canal corps of engineers.' ' Do you know Peat? Ask the Senior Engineers. lid Leonard,"an old Engineer, is can­didate for City Engineer of Austin. At the Band 'practice Monday night there were thirty pieces out. The alto section is especially good. ~ AUTHENAEUM MEETING. At the Athenaeum meeting Saturday ht was held the cantost to selept the three^repfesentatfVea in cbnteaiL o be held in the University Auditorium itext'Sat- Jirday night. There-were six contest-ants an~ each-spoke on some topic se­lected from a list of fourteen! all rclat­ing ,to the general subject-of the vari­ous ihterest& and-needs of the Univer­sity. t­ • • ' j • • Mr. Qilmer's subject was "Extempore .Speaking." He explained the meaning --of extempore speakings its objects and ' v ;,the good to be derived from it. His speech showed careful and earnest 1 thought and ability to handle his sub­ject well.-' j Mr. Walne,, in his usual impressive '' manner, spoke upon the relations of tho ^ University and A. and_M. College, and * argued earnestly, for the consolidation of thereto, 'schools,'ahoying the many <• ^ advantages to bo. derived 1hereby. ,;C»i Mr. E. F. Ferguson eliose as his sub­ject the societies of. the University. He showed the great influence literary so­cieties .had fihyays exeroised, arid pre­ vi '< sented tiie-many benefits to be gained by membership and active participation mi in them. , itrrrCSrsweli 'discussed'.' hazing.-and - rushing. as_ -.factor-* of -4ftriversity life. He> denounced 'them in emphatic teinis, showing the numerous evil effects which ^-follow-in thcir^vnke. Ufa speech was • ; logical and well systematized and was forcefully delivered. • -Mr. -Rector spoke -upon the govern­ment of the student body. He showed 'nv:r*"c r<" r*-W^ — % •&* %t wif THE TEXAN tliat practically the only rule laid down by-the University management was that the students should • conduct • themselves Headquarters for Men's and Boys' as true ladies and gentlemen. He ar: gued that a? a -consequence, whenever Correct Clothing and Furnishings W the authorities thought it best to in- TODAY AND THE ENTIRE WEEK we inaugurate a sale act-a -rule relating to some particular we be that COMMANDS the attention of every and stylish" phase; of University life, should dresser in the city. WITHOUT EESERVE we place on sale ready and willing to obey it. : It is not necessary to describe the our entire line of Men's and Boys' high grade Clothing at such style in which Mr. Mayes pictured his marvelous reductions from former prices, that yOu should not iaeal of the student, whom he would fail to participate in. have come to the University and of. the g NOTE the QUOTATIONS below. They tell you of the training which such student should there sacrifices we are .making to remove our stock, -which is new receive. In fact, unless the writer were and correct in every detail. himself a. Bob Taylpr or a Mayes, he Suffice to say, that in his usual elo­ Hen's Suits at Cut Prices Hen's Overcoats Reduced quent and entertaining manner he $11.00 Overcoats . $8.50 $11.00 proved himself master of his subject. ­ a "long time the judges we.re unable to agree, but finally reached a decision, and $15.00 44 $11.50 $15.00 $11.50 Messrs. Rector, Walne and Mayes will represent , the Athenaeum in the con­$16.50 $12.75 $16.50 $12.75 test Saturday night. ' $18.50 $13.50 $18.50 $13.50 44 COMPLIMENT TO DA. HARPER-$20.00 $15.00 $20,00 $15.00 44 In the proceedings of the American $22.50 $16.50 $22.50 $16.50 Society for Testing Materials, Bixth an­nual meeting, Mr. Dow has the follow­ ing to say: —' — HARRELL & KLEIN "J. can not too highly recommend to Corner Congress Avenue and East 7th St. all those who are at all confused about- the-nomenclature and analysis of as­ phalts' that tliey read the most excellent chapter in the Bulletin of .the University $1.00 Each Postpaid. of Texas, No. 15, entitled, "Coal, lig­ nite and Asphalt Rocks," SHUMATE DOLLAR RAZOR moat-comprehend > "Mte slyely the ambiguity of methods ;and- SHUMATE HONING STROP nomenclature of the subject. His results 0n bromine absorption applied to the dif­ " -. 150,000 men gnthusiastically 6ay they are the best ever. Get a com­ ferent so:called petrolenes and asphal­ fortable shave^ boys^ and if the Shumate don't please you, over 8Q0 tenes are evidence' sufficient that these agents iri Texas stand ready to exchange it and ask no questions. complex compounds 7 differ in coipposi-. tion in every asphalt. =?TEACARDEN & SHUMATE JflABItE,. LITTLE MABLE. (With apologies.) • •r •%. Distributors for Austin.,,' Mable, little Mable.v " ­ *. . * --j > W* ? <-»» With her fa.ee upon the pane, ., Thinking of her absent lover—••v Coming, to her in the rain. —• AUSTIN ACADEMY-A Preparatory School for Boys, affili­ witli tlie University of Texas,sewanee,. aua other ^scuools. Regular JIow I pi'ty her, poor thing, session opens September 19." J..StanleyFord, B. A., M. A., Principal; John H. — Waiting like a great big lobster-** Forlier beau to bring the ring.-Keen, Assistant; Rev.. J. J._ Merqa«io,Spanish. Nineteenth-and Rio. Grand»._ Old phone. 799. ^ :. . . * , Mable, anxious IVlable, g ; ^ ^ '"V'iov st ' ^ ' " • -V'-. J-• i**? -^ ­ How her neck is out of shape, ... RubbeBirig for her; barber lover—" Who is in an awful scra^ei Mablej longkig* Mabie, • f AMTHEMAN1 I Must she swallow, such a pill?-" « BUSINESS EDUCATION HKS9L .See how fast her tears are falling— ^ ' BOOK-KEEPING. BANKING. STENOGRAPHY, TYPEWRITING. M PENMANSHIP.-P^EPARATORY AND ACADEMIC DEPARTMENfS. ;i—will-rot the window sill. IS-Bert Mithodi. Bnt Building. Bast Teachm. SEND F01 HANDSOME ILLUSTBATED CATALOGUE. , *mw/ic j Toby's Business College, Waco,-Texas & Mable,; forsaken Mable,­ V*—I Toby's Instituteof Accounts, New York City ——Fooi^tliinghasturnedtostone, THE HIGH GRADE SCHOOLS FOR HIGH GRADE STUDENTS. —Started~by that firBt cbld sliOiilder— WE DO NOT "Teafch for little or mothing," "guarantee positions," .pay "Rail­ -• It's, a hard life, all alone. road fare," or indulge ia any Fak« propositions. • . • •—Heinne I. Didditt. ^ WE DO Give the most honest, tfcoiovgk, practical «nd valuable BUSINESS EDUCATION to be had in thu lInited States. —: " Subscribe for The Texan. .THE STUDENTS' DRUGGIST • TREE DELIVERY -mtops* in. BOTH PHMES 105 L. 9* '/ t •y • * **-,-1< : w m ^ «V n '"V4^-^,f # f "i -if**: s i'i^T. ?•** * »-< ' . . ** c~^ *, V >X> > &»» WeArfenow Showing • New woolens for the ensuing ^^^i^p^sutnTne^ 9^sonrfl.nd ­invite your.inspection of them.**" Suits made /to order arid to fit, - $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and up. If you have never worn a tailor made suit try one ithis season and see the difference in fit, workmanship and satisfac­tion. -r-'~— _ ' \ WRIGHT & ROBINSON _.L\'616 Cong. Ave. V,.­ dr. homer Hill ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Chile's Drug Store. Resi­ 4&8WB$»»9qqj "•saF^-srv > «% Residence, 234; office, 65, did phone. : for Students S— • at the new , 1 ~ "' llSPfll! University Confectionary Store. ­ j k Lunches, Oysters, . Chfrl,etc.,„. CHAS. G. WUKASCH.PROP. , 2218 Guadalupe Street. iif ;:. SOL DAVIS DEALER IN Cigars, Smokers' Articles, Pens, Sta­fi tionery and Periodicals, Billiards and Pool. Orders "taken for 'Vaislty—Flng;e€a­carrying .on a chess contest with the Hawkeye-Chess Club of the University of Iowa. The various moves were maiied each day by the; competing team. Columbia UniversityVwre&tlers" have taken the initiative.in the formation of an intercollegiate wrestling association for the promotion of. wrestling cham­pionships; • Association football is to be intro­duced at California in the near future. The game is especially favored by the track coaches, whb declare that it is un­surpassed jfor ; developing-. breathing powers and endurance. W. E. • Schutt, the eastern intercolle­giate champion long-distance runner, who was at Cornell last year, but who is now a Cecil , Rhodes scholar at Ox­ford, is showing the Englishmen a few things about distance running. In a meet he^sfon -first place in..four eveatsf The smallest .University in the world has just commenced its twenty-third year of active work. This is the Ameri­can" Classical University of Athens. The enrollment is six scholars, all of whom are Americans engaged in classical re­search work. Another notable thing about this student body is that each one holds a fellowship. k> * A novelty in elective coufbes is one on yacht designing offered at Yale to Seniors ajid graduates. Yale's athletic. field cost last year $9.364. of which $8.287 went for repair 111.x.^ary company equal to any at the liiilitaiy schools. .'.The purpose, of the' company is to. arouse enthusiasm in military affairs. ­ The Freshman-Class at Dartmouth has unanimously pledged its members ' to cast unpledged bahuus in all elections, and to refrain from bartering votes. These resolutions have been adopted by all classes in the college. • Since their adoption elections "have been free from MISTRDT'S The One > Price Casli Store. Our all the objectionable features which-Pp| g% g\ "fraternity" politics had introduced into conege affairs. 1 V —At--1Ohio—i-ttatfi,-Uixiversity gym. work has been made compulsory*"for Fresh­men and Sophomores. * ^At l^g recent S. I; A. A. convention held at Auburn, Ala*, vigorous: were made on summer-baseball: It was claimed -that it • breeds dishonesty, throws a collego man into the worst sort of company, injures his playing and is a'corrupting influence generally. The intercollegiate track meet' will be held at Nashville in May. Lgfrigh University is endeavoring to fina a suitable person to till the college presidency, made vacant by the death of Dr. T. 51. Brown. Mr. Schwab, tho well known financier, has been suggest? ed as 'a candidate to fill the vacancy. The latest statistics of the Y. M. U. A. discloses -the fact that there are six hundred and fif£y associations connected with the colleges, univ«a«iia8, normals. inariefl of North an-aggregate membership approximating fifty thousand students. During'; the June commencement, In­diana University laid the cornerstone of a $100,000 students' building. , ' *'_ _ > "The University of .^.ansas is building a $50,000 law building. ' -1 Life at Oxford. * ­ • The following is an extract from a letter from Amasa K. jiead, '02, who is the "Rhodes Scholar" from Louisiana to Oxford University. Mr. Read entered Christ Church College, Oxford, in Octo­ j .-_i. a -J -•••• ""^ber of last year; !.. ' ' —— and, maintenance. A new item is $100 :Jor^casualty..insuranc_e at the Yale-Har: vard football game. v DartmouMx now offers a number of new courses in written and spoken Jap­anese. A rather unique-institution in College i.-c has been* installed at the' Univer­sity of: Iowsi. There all students who took part in the Spanish-American' war are to receive' free tuition# ye Medical students at Chicago are re­volting against attending chapel exer cises. They claim that, much valuable time is wasted by going to the exer­zdafts—r.liapipl exercises^ of this school the doxology has been, discarded and now college songs are sung instead. Their reason for this is that they be­lieve college songs do more to breed a true religions and college spirit than the chanting of th.e tenets of., the Chris­tian-beliefs. -. - Minnesota-jvill soon.boast of a crack :'The life here seems to be absolutely lazy, and studying seems to be the. last tMng thoaght of ^by^-the majority. Ath­letics is *predoniinant. One gets up at 7:30 to a cold bath brought in by the scout in a ilittle dinky bath. tub. We certainly hive them 'skinned a mile/ as the* expression goes, with our porcelain bathtubs and bathrooms and hot water. Then to chapel at 6; (This may-be cut. twice a week.) After chapel breakfast at any time up to 10. Perhaps (mostly not)j a lecture or; an appointment with one's -tutor before luncheon, which comes between 1 or 2. In the afternoon, off to 'the-river, Or to <;he. cricket, football, hockey, golf, tennis ior 'polo grounds un­til tea at 5:30. Between tea and .din­her, an hour of reading. (What we call studying.) After dinner, a short time is usually spent in the common room (the club rooms of the College). After that, of course, each one to his own pursuit (of pleasure, generally).-The theaters are three in number, to which the best London 'companies come up on 'week's "end.'—The Reveille. 7-7 J7 • C liU\7 Lowest. mr t r*&-& f Try the "1 t! u LAUNDRY; m • . FOR THE BEST * - OF WORK. . S. C. WARREN, Propr. Phone 191 117 West Sixth Street W. /•. BURKE Practical Plumbing aad Electrical Work. Electrical Fixtures, Globes and 7T~ _ Shades. Phone 235 814 Congress Ave. mmm Three;1 fMt Prizes FIRST in Grand Portrait FIRS'# PRlii^-Fell Trophy Cup, :"i Ltili for l?^t finite Pictures. ' These . -twaJll^s®|jre the highest hon­ors cbnfprre^" by the Photo Asso­ciation of Texas. Also FIRST PRIZEGrand Portrait Inter-State Exhibit, Indian Tro­-•"•"•Phvn the hip;hrst Jinnnfe ^"nfffrrrd by the Photo Association of Olcla­ --Tibma Inter-State Exhibit. -You are cordially invited to call and see the Grapd portrait Exhibit in the Studio. THESE PRIZES WERE AWARDED TO MB, & MRS. MAflTYN ELLIOTT 814. CONGRESS AVE. Artistic Photographers £>• THE ARMSTRONG BRO High-grade er^c,#W .Ing,f2fVee 4(jUvw", ' • ' <08 ppngreu Av». Both ph Aj wr nwayuj1. / S , f. *" ^*3 f «* V fv?f x 4r It „ ' „ -5 * J7AT,"iti*A"'"5g!'SVS: »"*(! -a SS»J?Sm: " 1 ' j, ' j^Vsv'v iti £-,<, A -** «. *-a^? £ - >50 » "*'/ M J ' 'k''8??^ THE TEXAN 8 M® 7THE RADIATOR HANCOCK \ •" The Vampire. •-<" ^ OPERA HOUSE (W ith profuse apologies to Mr. -Kip-Nllyt ling and everybody else.) One Night Only, ->"^?<.'tV:­ A Fool there was and he had a dime <*•" FRIDAY, JANUARY 20. " (Even as You arid I),^c •.-*. And he thought he would gamble just JOHN M. HICKEY PRESENTS THE this time, .TP*' EMINENT TRAGEDIAN So up to the "Club" he needs must climb, rj "• 'For he'd dreamed a dream of luck sub- Kft'.:- ' jj ris-" — lime, ' , j ^5 *" * : (Even as You and I). iff* John Griffith -He threw the bones with vim and snap Sjp—v-=7 —« V' * * ' '-(Even as You and 1),'Aided by a brilliant company . of ^t the dealer hollered, '"He th'owed. a * ' 'legitimate players in a stupendous pro-' crap!" For the dealer didn't care .a rap, > "induction-: of Is. ... ,^8ATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT Student?m 5fThis Geology is the rock­iest subject x ever struck Mr. Bantef: "Warren, what, is ba­gasse V I Warren 'It is a fuel that is of more recent geological formation than coal. P. S,—Bagasse is crushed sugar cane 3AMES T. POWER8 "i ^ omg to print the Consti­tution d "Yea.' • you print the third chap Get In Line * ter or "One.|8Mp$»t out of ten has never seen -thp Ir^n^titutionJ' SCHUTZE BROS. |j^^trcrent out of ten has CONFECTIONERS, LUNCHE8, fen .third chapter of Genesis.' HOT CHILE. ETC. I went tG~~the Girl's 24th and Ouadulupe Sts. fee a good time?" |quiet time." u're worn out with danc­ ' ^" Dr. W. N, LeSueur . 7€ \ t at all. I had a good • • I l(| you know,-1.-took a sack DENTIST with me.—I says to. e a cigarette, for 5-4 Congress Ave. have to sit out.' I went 'lObGtor this morning and. he irlbad case of nicdtine pois­ ^ > Iv-i*" ~f -* $* Go to "3r « y iWinister -wawts. dancing •?'says it's hugging set toROBT. LUDWIG oijld probably be easier to THE TAILOR, utl|] piusic -rThe Forney Head­isrhl 402 E. 6th St. J hahds lives at Forney. _ Suits and pants-dyed,..-scoured, re­paired and cleaned CO-ED NEWS ;-:. to looH like n«w at a small cost. ..and Miss Daisy Bryan, botf ^former students of the University, were married recently at Gonzales. Mis® Ltila Bailey and Ethel Prather a entertained the cabinet of the Y. W. C. Nicely Furnished Room AJ At Mrs.. Rfarby's Wednesday after-Kif-J" noon. . |Foir Rent _ ^ % There will be a basket ball game m the girlB' gymnasium between the 'Var­ Hot and Cold Baths sity team and the High School team ti S. R. EYANS 2008 Speedway next Thursday. The University Ladies' dub will en­ -Ai*~tT5 v -J! ••rsyem ' " tLC > » t- #urk.uo _ * *. * 1 * •* ! " '' ' .v/#^ ­ i** J&­ -r i1-^as* ro ... ^ T. &V f, ^esssfa­ tertain the girls of the Senior and Post­• There was quite an enjoyable dance ^ a graduate classes at the home of Mrs. W. at protection Halt'last Saturday nighJWv1 • r~*~ L. Prather Saturday afternoon from 4 chaperoned by Mesdames Sutton, Shaw ^ , and Ruggles." After the dance was• over to .6. The Seniors are to wear" caps and several fortunate" couples adjourned to " gowns. ^ ,r-" ' • Mrs. W."S. Sutton's, whesre chocolate ^as -\ At nie regular pSeeting of the Ashbel Wait for the Junior Prom! Miss Lei terms were elected as follows: Winter • -. . • • *' ' -Waggoner entertained the Bunch Club term: Miss Grace .ifather, President; Friday afternoon with a "nonsense par- v Miss Emma Greer, Vice President; Miss ty." Delightful refreshments -were ; Lei Waggoner, Secretary; Miss Ilelen served.: _— Garrison,-Treasurer. Spring term: Miss' • * 'V Lay Campbell, President; Miss Fannie Mrs. P. 1,1. Windsor was^at home to West,,Vi$e President; Miss Luella Fon­Kappa-Alpha Theta last Friday^ i • : da, Secretary; , Miss -Emily Maverick, •— —-* ' Treasurer. Don't forget to buj from our adv«r­ ^ 5#1 t ( ^ •» * ->'- u. WKSmmmimi HUM isiSrtWwBwjitos