VOL. XXIII. %.ht H a t h ! l&txnn COUNCIL REJECTS PLAN OFFERED BY COMMITTEE M ILLO LECTORS A U ST IN , TEXAS, T U E SD A Y , NOVEM BER 14, 1922 First C o lleg e D aily in th e South No. 43 RESOLUTION SAYS TUT CLARK FIELD TO BE DIVIDED AMONG RIVAL ROOTERS TURKEY DA Y Bill T urning D ance O ver to M em orial U nion to Be P resented CONTEST MOST BE SETTIED B y D a v id H. E. K e l l e r Unanim ously adopting resolutions presen ted to it favoring the playing of a post-season game with Baylor University in the event of a tie b e ­ tween the two team s f o r the South ­ w estern Conference football cham ­ pionship, the mass m eeting of 200 stud en ts which was held a t 5 o’clock Tuesday afternoo n in the Law Audi­ torium of the U niversity of Texas, indicated the sentim ent of the s tu ­ dent body to be re-J questing th at an exception be m adej the general faculty rule a g a i n s t ; to I post-season games. in favor of ENTER DEBATING TRYOUTS TUESDAY O rganized Labor and Politics Chosen as Subject B ecause of M aterial Sixty-one men have signed up to The m eeting was presided over by j e n te r the prelim inary try o u ts fo r the Cecil R. Chamberlin, in the absence Intercollegiate Debating team of the of Archie D. Gray, president of the University, which will be held Tues- football day, November 28, in rooms 101 and Stud en ts Association, practice. Mr. Chamberlin stated th a t the purpose of the meeting was to determ ine the a ttitu d e stu d e n t body in re g ard to season game with Baylor. The subject for this yea r is: Re­ e f the I solved, That organized labor should a post- e n te r politics as a separate political party. According to a m em ber of the D e p artm en t of Public Speaking, The resolution was presented by fbi8 subject has an almost unlimited 105 of the Law Building. K e l l y P r e s e n t * R e s o l u t i o n in In of the the everyone sub- j menta. the stud ent body th a t such a I helically read. t h e | we*fth of m aterial and gives o p p o r-J H enry S. Kelly, chairm an com m ittee which had been appointed tu n ity for a very wide ran ge of a r g u ­ te draw up the proposals. A. m eeting of all the en trie s was j s tance, the resolution explained th at Id I*1 the Law Building last n ig ht J since there was a g r e a t probability was presided over by Professor o f a disputed title to the champion-! Sixty-one slips of p a p e r j .'hip, since such a condition was most: lom kies. u n satisfac to ry for num bers corresponding con- with cerned, and since such a post-season upon them were placed in a hat from game would result in a tangible bene-i which thej were drawn and assigned to entries names as they w e * alpha- fit to the institution, it was the wish of Those having odd- game be played, on condition num bers assigned to their names will t h a t an agreem ent should be binding i speak upon the a ffirm ativ e and those only in the event of a tie ; th a t th* I d i v i n g even num bers the gam e be played either in Waco or be two g roups: one to th irty and thirty- Austin, and th a t the inclusive. handled in such a way as to elimin-j one to ate an y possibility o f pro fit to either Those of the first group will try out; institution, suggesting t h a t the pro- *n room 101 and those of the second; l eeds be distributed to the bona fide j £ ro u P *n room 105, both in the Law J. ^ s tu d en t rooters visiting team in the form of a pro- Garland, I m e t t W alton, F ran c is O portion*! re fu n d i t AV ilson, T. P. Met >eiiand, H. G. fu rth e r recommended th a t the m a s s - W oodruff, Jam es Little, L. L. Gam- m eeting go on record as r e q u e s t in g ; Hll, A. M. Blackman, T erry Dickens, the Athletic Council to act in accor- H. L. PeB usk, Jam es Graves, C. T. dance with the sen tim en t of the s t u - j ^ roee' A. R aym er, H. P. Mas- S. A, Crowley, Archie Hun- d en t body, and th at a com m ittee of the sucker, F. J. Tox, Holland Bradley, th ree be appointed to wait upon the IT- TI. Schueneraann, Edw ard A. Athletic Council with a copy of it M ather, Lesley B. Cooper, M. Robin resolutions on the occasion of Pate, Erie M. Racey, M. Otis Rogers, re g u la r m eeting Tuesday evening. P. G. Greenwood, Marshall O. Bell, ... . by J . Kmmette Bedford, A. D. Moore, W. the j Building. Group one: Clarence . , A m e n d m e n t S u g g e s t e d An am endm ent suggested accom panying The entries s ix ty o n e , expenses, negative. finances upon bo th , „ in j of , , . „ „ _ , . ’ . . t, st • ’ .. a . ,, . . , «. .u . B. Patterson , called fo r t h * .tr ik in g T - ? led* e and May<>,! H ” a f f „ out of all the restrictions presented G r0“ P tw o i H ; A T r' esch’ L„ H a m ; ton Lowe, I . D. Sansing, Hubert in the resolution. Ben Brown a r . * McW hmney, J. Marvin C raw ford, gued against the elimination of th e . • * .. • Cecil R. Cham berlin, P. E. Forem an, first two restrictions, including tho r * ersovrt Ko. Geo. H, Mahon, W alter Rundell,; . provisions that the „ ag reem en t ’ be , „ „ av,, Fred T. P orter. Owen Nabors, E. C. , .. . '’ _ ’ the considered binding only in case two t e a m , remained u n d e feated a" I » nb L Po° ‘- r" ™. B- G a rr' S- Rldon provisions were necessary commercialism. H ow e v er^ h e favored l G y e r' R ' the erasing of the restriction «*>?• T ‘ ° - M t r h ' U> R C G« * ' " kI' ; p e rta in in g to f.nances, Mr. Brown **>or J - Bp" ' Ban Greenwood and first suggested th a t since under the two restrictions no t a i n t of comme-- eialism could possibly m anifest self, that the m atters of finances b*; r o c o r n r c o u / . i I ,t- X f c L L E I O o f c i t V i t . K W I L L ADDRESS VO LUNTEERS i n i f ra n k R McGehee. ! Denms Macken th at both of * Gossett. d! ir1’ th ird . . . o r v " * * ' ' (Continued on page 4 ) ------------------------------ o----------- — Dr. E. R. , Kellersberger, fo rm e r stud ent of the University, will speak W ednesday afternoo n a t 5 o’clock :n I the lib rary of the Y. M. C. A. to tho S tud ent Volunteers on his experi- field. Dr. the missionary I ences I K ellersberger to j]A m erica by way o f lo n d o n from the W o m a n ’* R epresentative B o a r d , Belgian Congo w here he and his wife T u r t l e C lu b , Y .M . C . A . p o o l, 7 C A L E N D A R W e d n e s d a y re tu rn e d recently in p m B y F r a n c i s G. W i l s o n A plea for the opportunity to co- j operate with the A. & M. rooting section will b ear fruit W ednesday at 7 p. rn. when the students* assembly meets and hea-s Shorty Nowotny o f I San Antonio, U niversity Yell leader, ask th a t plans be made with the Ag- j leaders for the division of I gip yell Clark Field between the halves of the T urk ey Day game. to W i l l D i v i d e F ie l d The plan to be presented the second m eeting of the assembly for! better cooperation stipulates th a t the University yell leader go to College Station and make the plans for the game, deciding which rooting sec­ tion shall ta k e the field firs t between to p re ­ halves and o ther methods vent side-line friction big the It is thought that unless some fight. game, is taken before action fights or o th er disagreeable fe atu res might m ar Thanksgiving Day. the in G r a y W il l P r e s e n t B ill Archie D. Gray, president of the assembly, who called the m eeting for tonight in the tem p orary h ea d q u a r­ ters of the stu d e n ts ’ association, will also p re sen t for first r< ading a bill by which all organizations of w h a t­ ever ch a ra c te r will be to get permission from a stu d en t and f i n ­ faculty com m ittee ance drives on the campus. to conduct required T w o F a c u l t y M e m b e r s were placed in Tho probable composition of thisj committee will be two faculty m e m - 1 bors and th ree students from the s t u ­ dent body a t large or from the as­ sembly. The committee will inves tigate eaeh organization wishing to put on the drive and have final d e ­ cision on “ This com mittce when established by the bill,” aftern oon , declared G ray Tuesday the m atter. (Continued on page 4) ---------- o— - — H elen B en nett W ill M eet J u n ­ iors and Seniors for Per­ sonal Interview s A nnouncem ent has been made of the schedule and subjects of Helen B en nett’s vocational conference ad ­ dresses which will be as follows: How to choose an Occupation, Monday, N ovem ber 20 — 12 o’clock I at the University Baptist Church. Qualifications of th e Successful Professional Monday, November 20, 7:16 p. rn. Law Audi­ torium. Woman, O pportunities for College Women Tuesday November 21, 4:30 o ’clock Law Auditorium . jun iors persona) Miss B en nett, who represent* the Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Oc- j cupations, will m eet and seniors interviews for Monday and Tuesday a t hours in­ dicated on the poster* on the bulletin the Main Building. The board in committee from the W om an’s Rep­ resentative Board in charge of the, Vocational Conferences Sara Elizabeth chairm an; Kendrick, Speaker, M arg aret Bourland, Ruth McMillan, E leanor Sm itherm an and Miss Lulu M ary Rowley, vocational! advisor. is: M B . 1 5 7 , 7 . 3 0 p . rn S tu d e n t s * A l t e r a b l y , a s s e m b l y r o o m , 7 p. rn. A o m r E c o n o m i c * C lu b , D. E. H a l l, 7 : 1 5 p. rn. ' # La T e r t u l i a , G irl# S t u d y H a lL T h u r s d a y 7 p. rn. a re P resb y teria n missionaries. || fo rm e r student, Mrs. Kellersberger, who is also a is now recovering from sleeping sickness in Virginia. She will be unable to visit Austin with her husband. Students desirous in Central hear Dr. I of learning about work I Africa are to if I Kellersberger. invited A m eeting of the W om an’s R e p re ­ sentative Board has been called by Daisy Mildred Jones, vice president, in for Wednesday night at room 157 M B. Final instructions and inform ation regarding the voca­ tional conferences will given out. 7:30 be J TO FACULTY Social and E ducational Cond!* tions in G erm any and R us­ sia D iscussed TRAVELED IN SUMMER M A N Y TEXAS PLA YERS OUT OF GAME AG AINST OKLAHOMA THIS WEEK Lecturer A ttends M eeting of A m erican and E nglish C orrespondents Ineligibility and Illness T hin Ranks o f First String M en B y G e n e v i e v e A r o n B y L e a n R a d o f f and While the m ajority o f the stu d e n t body goes gleefully on planning fo r post-season games com paring; scores to show '.he kind of a w alka­ way Varsity will have when Thanks-, giving comes around, Coach B e r r y j W hitaker is looking over his shat-i tered squad and wondering if he has I a full football team a t all. IV E S TD S M * W ill Be H eld by N ational Guard in the Near Future A G W C i e BAYLOO AND TEXAS CLASH SCHOLARSHIP B y N o w l i n R a n d o lp h post-season No ba played by the Texas Longhorns with the Baylor Bears this year. game will the Overruling recommendation made by the convocation of students in the Law Building auditorium Tuesday afte rn oon and condemning the practice of playing post-season games, the University Athletic C oun­ cil, a f te r last night killed the project of meeting Baylor on December 9 and nailed the last nail in the coffin of the p ro ­ posed plan. prolonged debate, I a from P rese n t day social, scientific, and in G erm any educational conditions and Russia were discussed in th e ir co n trastin g lights in a lecture by Dr. IL J. Muller, given Tuesday Novem ­ ber 14 in M. B. 218. Dr. Muller has recently re tu rn ed three months trip spent in to u rin g G er­ many and Russia, and in visiting the The scientists of lecture was illustrated lan tern slides prepared from pictures taken by Dr. Muller during his jo urn ey. He th e Condition o f Russia considers and G erm any especially interesting because to gether they comprise over half of Europe. those countries. by G e r m a n S i t u a t i o n the Dr. Muller first visited Germ any. impression At a first glance gained from seeming conditions in G erm any was th a t the c o u n try was reasonably prosperous. This would seem to belie the present conception of the state of Germ an a ffairs, b u t it is only a superficial view. Today thriv ­ G erm any is very poor. The ing shops are, in a m ajority of cases, kept by foreigners, and subsist on foreign trad e . The cost of living, which is very love to foreigners b e ­ cause of the the mark, is very high to the Germans depreciation of c o n t i n u e d on Page Four) . . . , . « The game with B y A r t h u r O , C o l e m a n Wm. L. McGill, stud ent re p re s e n ­ tative on the council, a f te r pu tting Occupation of the S. M. A. b a r - h i 1 a «‘" n u o u » fight fo r fo u r hours . I to have the council recommend the , en- Southw estern added to the already large hospital ; list and with mid-term rep orts now in there is also a pretentious list of I racks by the University Company A proposed game to the faculty, men who are ineligible to play foot-1 of the Students* National Guard be-1 ta re d a m inority report. ball. The hospital list includes the I following men: Stacy who is o u t with a bad eg, Tynes who has ju s t re- | covered from an illness and also is jaw' was ineligible, G ardere whose game, 1 broken in the S outhw estern Patton who has »««>»• I m ainder of the aeaeon. Colp m d ■ " ‘he nea r fu tu re. A t t h ., ball i t ie I Brallev are alae ineligible I Oklahom a U nireraity gam e t h e . Plan " cd f® haT* m,U8i' f o r ,th<* d a n ' - the " 1*. furnl,,hed b* tbp I-onghorn Band. Plans are under way for the hold- M il it a r y B a l l fo r aa , representativ e on faculty the council, the two alumni re p re ­ sentatives, and one stu den t voted for the resolution printed below. Dr. D. A. Penick, Dr. A. C. Ellis, J. W. Calhoun, and Ellwood Griscom are the faculty representatives. Dr. S. N. Key and Jam es H art, both of Austin, are from the alumni. LOREN S BOOK WEEK EXHIBIT BEING BEED N UNIVERSITY LIBRARY j contest ie to be staged un der M i * „ A ccording to • sta te m e n t m s d e b y | I H o u r i Valley Conference rules do not perm it a player to take p a r t in more than three years of foot­ ball. ............................................ battle losing av ret r . nm a> m g *- . g a t e s ! th e proposal, and, a f te r the th a t * . . . .. as many as fo u rte n n more men can . defeat of his substitute am endm ent . be recruited - th a t the council general . . though the com pany already has s u f­ faculty fo r a decision of the m atter, ficient membership fo r a company. submitted his am endm ent as a m inor­ ity report. into this company, a ............ McGill waged • A. . . . . . . the , v ask ., , a , 1 j Exhibit in C harge of A dvanced Library School Students B y E s t h e r W il s o n With the slogan, “ B etter Books in the Hom e,” the fo u rth annual Child­ re n ’s Book W eek is now in progress. The advanced stu d en ts of the School of L ibrary Science have charge of this exhibit, which is being held in the L ib rary Science lecture room, in the U niversity Library. The exhibit will be held between November 12 and 18, from two to five in the a f te r ­ noons. Exhibits of books to buy for children, discussion of books children really like to read, distribu­ tion of lists of books fo r young people, consideration of autho rs and illustrators who are devoting their to ch ild ren ’s books— these ta len ts are some o f the fe a tu re s the week. the of For ^months articles have appeared in such m agazines as the Atlantic Monthly, Bookman, Dial, Outlook, Ladies Home Good Housekeeping, ( C ontinued on page 4) SCRIBBLERS ELECTS SEVEN NEW MEMBERS S c r i b b l e r s C l u b e l e c t e d as n e w m e m b e r s , a t 'its r e g u l a r m o n t h l y m e e t i n g h e ld in t h e Y. W . C. A. r e a d i n g r o o m T u e s d a y n i g h t , t h e f o l l o w i n g s t u d e n t s : M i r a b e a u L a ­ m a r J r , F l o y d S t o v a l l , G e n e v i e v e A r o n , D o u g l a s B r a n c h , N o w l i n R a n d o l p h , R o s e B u r g e s a n d W i l ­ T h e e v e n i n g ’s lia m H a r r y J a c k . r e a d in g p r o g r a m c o n s i s t e d o f w o rk o f c l u b m e m b e r * a n d t h o s e w h o w e r e b e f o r e t h e c lu b f o r c o n ­ s i d e r a t i o n as p o s s i b l e m e m b e r s . With the team in its p re s e a t shape and the practical certain ty of more injuries in the doubtful Oklahoma I game It is hard to find any th in g to over­ I which to a ttrib u te the rabid body. stu d en t confidence of to send Coach W h itak er will have against team th at is fresh from their victory over Missouri an eleven th a t will be as th* stron g Oklahoma the (C ontinued on ----------------------------- -o— page 4) FROSH MEET SHORTHORNS At the beginning of the m eeting the a motion was made meeting open to the public at least to the members of the press, m aj„ ri t y . have o r to to m a , | b u t jt w a„ lo, t b # u “ There have been a t least eight men who have come to me since the m ustering in of the company,” said Captain R aym er, “ and asked to be enlisted. It is my plan to take the man-, n a n , ., ss they come and when the recruiting offices are again opened, those whose names I have will be enlisted first, in the o r­ der of th eir names. H enry S. Kelly, Joe Harris, and H. G. W oodruff, the committee ap­ pointed a t convoca­ the afteroon tion by Cecil R. Chamberlin were to give the recommendation of the con- A fter the com pany has been filled, I vocation a t the first o f the meeting. plan to let the men who are Kelly? actinR fo r the committee, gave immediately with- it is my already in the g u a rd pass on all who the report and wish to join, and signify their choices d re w . N e w M e n t o B e C h o s e n E x p e c t e d r . x p e c t e o t o P u t t o r u t U S S t r o n g u p the re lru itir"! s t r o n g Q H CRntre)1 j n thia way L ie U te r ia n t t i,e R e p o r t o f C o u n c il ' _ F i g h t i n G a m e o n S a t u r d a y .„ . ____ „ „ „ „ company will become more of a d u o , d | and will be composed of a congenial The re!,orl of “ « Athletic Coun- a, followB. „The A t h u t i c CouncU ^ Safely home a f te r the slapstick ^ roUU fo r a f fa ir a t P o rt A rth u r last week the freshmen eleven has settled down to th eir final tra in in g the year. Every day this week and until the Aggie game on Thanksgiving Day the Frosh grid ders will oppose the V a r­ sity eleven in offensive and d e fen ­ sive scrimmage. duly 1 found in the s ta te .” It was decided by com pany requegt8 f rom ex-students the that the two drill periods week woald be held on Monday and Thursday nights s t 7:30. The drills event , hat botb teams will last an hour and a half each, a f t e r T h ank afiv ing Day and will not be public, according t o cfca Captain Raymer. ceived and the j petition of the students and various a the post-season gam e of football be ar- d with B aylar University in the u n defeateJ the and Southwester.. tenfhJp o{ the considered th a t of •(‘onference undecided at that time. C o n s i d e r S c h o l a s t i c W o r k There against “ The Athletic Council Henry C. F ulcher, m anaging edi­ Fulcher Ig D elegate with .St. Edw ards planned week a f te r Thanksgiving. Although Coach Clyde Littlefield** in a badly b a tte re d con­ men a re dition a f t e r the slugging and mud j slinging they were forced to under- they expect to Igo at P o rt A rthur, j put up a s tro n g fig ht the [S hortho rns when they m eet on Clark j Field next Saturday. is also a a p p re ­ interest of the student# ciates the to S igm a D elta Chi and ex-students and welcomes a t all Fraternal C onvention times their co-operation and sugges- In regard to this m atter, the tions. Council would call attention to the I to r of the Texan, left Monday night fact th at for m any years the rule if ten tativ e game for M anh attan, Kansas, where he will the University faculty has forbidden re p resen t the Texas chapter of Sig- all post-season games. E xperience ma Delta Chi, professional j o u r n a l - , has shown post-season games coming ism fra te rn ity , at the national con- so close to the eno o f the term and vention of the organization. The on the heels of a full athletic season convention will be held on Novem- inevitably in te rfe re unduly with the the University, her 15, 16 and 17 a t the Kansas scholastic work of squad a r e : Young who has a ra c tu re d S tate College o f Agriculture. Dele-! The present occasion would present Ii shoulder, Bethva who was severely gates from chapters throughout the no exception. A game played on December 9 would fall within the I! slugged in the face, Ram say who has United States will attend. on week of the mid-terra examinations “ a wrenched knee and B u rn ett who Moran Dunlap, issue has a twisted ankle. The re m aind er The Texan, has been appointed act- of the Law School and within a week ing M anaging E d ito r during the ab- of the final examinations of all the of the squad are good sence of F ulcher for the rem aind er I shape a f te r the gruelling they went of the week. through S atu rday. the this . game m aterializes it will show a j | brand of football th at should be a big 11 draw ing card. Is The injured men on —» (Continued on page 4) the Frosh for I f editor fairly in ' ■ Bailli Ccxan Editorials strn w i r r a - iflra fiM rra rs s k a r T H E H E S S D A I L Y T E X A N AMO T u tu , JUS!r A l ly*> > Q C C f t S T E U C K F O O *,, k i> STAUDT "IWO. S \ tooK-qo^ BFtCK f. S T ir n e . vTTwoc/ i honk ton, Rowena P feil, Bob Poole, L. Jan e Price, A. Ragland, Joe Rober- deau, VV'. L. bottega st, Oran Schack- elford, T. H. Shell, E. H. Short, Maud Smith, C. I), Stephens, R. JU. Swenson, T. R, Thorn, David Todd, Lane Tynes, Elizabeth Ward, Donna W arren, Jo e W itte n b e r g , Christine Williams, C. HL Wilson, Burbank W oodson, Anna C. Wray, Billy Wyse, and Robert Youngberg. H. T. PARLIN, IVari o f the Junior College. ASSEMBLY MEETING Wednesday night at 7 o'clock, Assembly room. ARCHIE GRAY. IMPORTANT CALL Meeting W oinan's Representative of Board W ednesday November 15, 7:30 to 4 p.m. in room 157 Main Building. VICE PRESIDENT. M EETING OF JUNIOR girls, M. B im 105, T hursday at 5. V ery port ant. PRESIDENT. T H E R E WILL BF] a m eeting of the at T u rtle Club W ednesday night 7 o'clock in th e Y. M. C. A. pool. MISS HELEN SAUM. Hart Schaffner & Marx OVERCOATS G oo d clothes s tim u la te your pride; th ey ’re a s p u r to g r e a t e r e n d e a v o r; and the endur­ ing looks an d longer w ear m ake them a real e c o n o m y . There s a w onderful vari­ e ty to choose f r o m — including the yok e an d p le a te d b acks; raglan, kim ono or set- in sleeves; belters, rug-backs, plaid-backs; big, bu rly, rich-looking coats. O t h e r s t a n d a r d m akes. O vercoat w ith th e style a n d quality w o u ld not ex pect for Som ething new , d ifferen t and at the right price go business NEWMAN CLUB m em bers: S hort m eeting W ednesday evonirg at 7 ©'clock sharp. All are urg« d to atten d . PR E SID E N T . Lan&downe-Barritt W h i p c o r d a n d G aberdine rain­ coats in stylish b e lte d m odels. I he “b o y s ” tell us th e y are the best in tow n. q uality. R A IN C O A T S U. S. ra in c oats of well k n o w n $25 to $35 ' $7.50 and up Stebbins & James Home o f H art Schaftner & M arx Clothes lim it In censoring There is considerable basis for tho statem ent that instruc­ tors and professors perm it the f e a r of various authorities to their circum scribe and teach in g their own utterances, how ever, the professors are m erely fo llo w ­ ing the principles of exp ed ien ­ cy are and policy, w hich adopted bv men everyw here. U nfortunately the poor profes­ s o r or instructor ha- to pay his bills and support his fam ily like other p eop le; and, conse­ quently, it behooves him to re­ s p e c t the opinions, p rejud ices and bias of his em ployers, In order to w hoever they be. retain his position, the profes­ sor with no income other than his m eagre salary too often has to keep h i s o w n honest thoughts, opinions and discov­ eries to him self. The law of se if-preservation tak es prece-i den ce over principles. year study T he prospect for more lib­ eral cduca’ :* - and freedom of is grow ing academ ie People brighter every grad u ally are becom ing eager arid read y to receive and ap­ preciate the troth about thing,**. T he need, to be sure, la not for instructors who will use th eir position to teach creeds, or dogm as, or ism s, or doc­ trine?-:; but for those who w ill in an honest search for lead fu n d am en tal facts. Fortunate- iniona of O thers w rn**.»mwm nmtmm w *nm tH' PREACHING PROFESSORS (W isconsin C ardinal) The Rev. F a th e r Henge!!., o f th** last St, P au l's university S unday laid down the em phatic edict th at ail professors preaching atheism should be driven from the urn vend ties. chapel, He is right. All professors who preach any dogm atic assumptions of philosophy o r theology b* ejected from the universities. should The p ro fe sso r’s place is to teach, It is fo r him to present is fo r him to conclusions, to his conclu­ not preach. tact, not dogira. give evidence, and sions. invite challenge It draw The teaching of theistic dogma has happily been divorced from pub­ lic schools and colleges, as C hurch has been divorced from S tate. The professor who preaches theistic doc­ trin e is ju s t as culpable as he who preaches atheistic doctrine. of We have come in contact with a fa ir num ber fa cu lty scientists and philosophers, but we have yet to In ­ find one who preacher atheism . struction at W isconsin, we have is singularly objective, cal­ found, culated thinking to cu ltivate processes o f students. th e T h at is the W isconsin idea of ed u ­ th in k ers, the cation. men of the type who Republic. It produces free founded I f th ere be dogma dispensers the fa cu lty , out upon them ! in Let A R M Y - G O O D S r -AV P R IC E U S X SENT fcgb JS. /T THE SURPLUS SALES COMPANY. 102 E. Commerce Street SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. l l / * ? U U Drive It Yourself Fords . $ 1 5 0 per hour Buicks $2.50 per hour Everything Furnished W R IG H T A U T O SE R V IC E 18th and San Antonio Sis Dial 6440 and have the car delivered to you, day or night. C a l l us up, we ta anyw here, anytime. GIFTS T he pleasure in th e givin g is happiness you create for your f r i e n d s , and alw a y s beauty creates happi­ ness. is w hy That g ifts from our store are alw a y s w e I c o rn e . Beauty is so pro­ nounced, a n d with it are com ­ bined q u a l i t y and utility. The three com p lete perfection. H ol­ iday stocks are on display in all It is real­ lines. surprising ly w hat s u p e r b presents can be purchased here for such m odest sums. Come see for yourself. A small d ep osit w ill reserve any for a r t i c l e C hristm as de­ livery. Jewelers-Silversm iths-Diam ond M erchants The H allm ark Store 618 Congress Avenue ADVERTISE DAILY TEXAN T H E D A I L Y T E X A . . J DONNELLY & WHITE Phone 6131 Plum bing and Heating Contractors 905 Congress Avenue J . S. K O E N IG C h ir o p o d ia l a n d F o o t S p e c i a l l y 4 1 8 L i t t l e f i e l d B l d g . P h o n e 4 8 5 5 S O C I E T Y F A I R F A X N I S B E T , S o c i e t y E d it o r . O f f i c e T e l e p h o n e ( f r o m 5 t o 6 ) 5 1 2 5 R e s i d e n c e T e l e p h o n e 4 2 1 7 I i i n i i ♦»rn WH i m i U M M 111 m u t t t m t u t I i f I r iw rn m M M tm iiM H S O C I A L C A L E N D A R November 17: B eta Theta Pi pledges’ dance, C o u n try Club, 9 to 1 2 . November 18: Ail University dance, W om an’s Gym, 8* l l . Dance at home of J . R- Drake, 1005 W. 6th, 8 to 12. German, K. C. Hall. Kappa Delta tea. to November 19: Delta Delta Delta tea for pledges, 4 to 6 . A dele M arcus of Wichita Falls is visiting Marie Sapper a t the Kappa Kappa Gamma several days. house for the teac h ers and Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Bell en- tertained in struc­ tors of the Business A dm inistration D ep artm ent with a te a a t th eir home Sunday afte rn oon from 6 o’clock. to 4 Julius H. S chleyer has retu rn ed from a week-end visit in New B raun ­ fels. attac k of asthm a. Norma Cum mings of Amarillo is J L orraine Bertram has visiting Anna Lewis P reston at th e! from San Antonio. Kappa Alpha T heta house. Sarah Marsh has re tu r n e d from Cuero where she visited Marie Smith du ring the T urk ey T rot. San Antonio. Bess Malone and L aura Thom p­ son have gone to L ockhart to attend the wedding of Katie Thompson. Miss C arolyn Thompson of P a r a ­ visiting Miss is gould, Arkansas, Katherine E. W heatley. Carlton Hagelstein sp en t the week­ end in Austin a t the Delta Kappa Epsilon house. «nw inni> iiMin ii M<>wwnn»«iiii»a»fi«»w«wHmiimiiin«.iitm r m w OO i reviews thiMmntiwnmtmmitnmttumninmM C h r i s t m a s in M a n y L a n d s , a c o l l e n tto n o f C h r i s t m a s S t o r i e s , Th* P a g e C o m p a n y , B o s t o n . House Mothers Will Consider Subject of Health at Meeting , .- . J on the and So th a t children, Ellen Hughes has re tu rn e d lands has been published. The b o o k health, and th< Association will Palestine where she spent the week- i the observation of Christm as in m a n y : p rog ram will be on end. the House Mot her’s Association will grown-ups as well, m ay know th a t America has no monopoly the meet Wednesday a fte rn o o n a t 3 p. m erry custom s o f the Happy Yule- ra* *n room 106 M. B. Mrs. A . P. from tide, this collection of stories a b o u t ! Pierce, president, announces t h a t the the su b ject of be addressed by Dr. 0 . W. Goddard and Gamma Phi Beta held pledge ser- America, Canada, D enm ark, J ap a n , Dr* M. E. Roe of the Medical De­ vices for Katy King Tuesday a fte r- Norway, Spain, Sweden and S w i t z e r - Apartment, and Miss Anna Hiss o f the | noon. land, which have been w ritten by Physical Education D epartm ent. Im- various writers. The book is writ- p o rta n t suggestions and inform ation ten am ong . * i style. The stories are significant in th at they indicate th a t Jam ie in the wornen stu d en ts will be b ro u g h t up United S tates, H a rry Saburo Spain a re all worshippers Shrine o f S anta Claus. in Canada, in the Dorothy Hell Elliott has re tu rn ed includes stories about C hristm as in simple, yet r a th e r pleasing. from a few' days visit in Dallas. ; re g ard in g health conditions in J a p a n and M ariquita Houston for a few days. and discussed. Miss Lucy J. New-! ton will distribute printed in fo rm a - 1 cion abou t health rules and the en­ forcem ent of certain University re ­ gulations especially those re la tin g to C. H. W alker of D alhart is visit­ ing his d au ghter Marcella fo r a few days. L o v e M e , L o v e M y D o g — B y C a r o l- R. A. Thompson is visiting in ! m. ... at ... ,. in , . , Teddy S. Debault has re tu rn ed from Seton Infirm ary. Virginia Asbell has re tu rn ed from Houston. I l y n V e r g e o f f , B o s t o n , T h e P a g e C o ., This is the old, old story of the live poor orphan girl who came to with the selfish, rich young lady,— and the troubles th a t followed from such association. Although the book tells a fam iliar story in a very simple style, it will be found ra th e r in ter A. E. Lipscomb has re tu rn ed from egtingf espe cian y by P. and S. hospital. j reacjer> the in tere st younger the o f special p a rt t h a t is the Bittie Orphan’s | dog ----------------------- Gene Mays is suffe ring from an plays in thc story A t fira t the ! folks do not like the poor, lady’s poor, big dog, but little they are the re tu rn ed! finally won over; w herefore, title, “ Love Me, Love My Dog.” Leslie Lentz has re tu rn ed from NEW MEMBERS T O BE C lara Pope has Marshal where she spent a week. re tu rn ed from P into H u ff from has Dallas where she spent the week-end. retu rn ed RECRUITED FOR CLUBS For the purpose of renew ing m em ­ bership in the American Red Cross recru itin g new' for 1923, and for the T u rtle members, the girls of Club and T u rtle tte s will have a table in the Main Building on Thursday, F riday and S atu rd ay of this week. fever. Nellie P arra m o re has the dengue The m ajority of the m em bers of the T u rtle Club have passed the Re I Cross Life Saving Tests which wer*1 George Dilworth and Richey T t y - given here last year by Commodore P. E. Longfellow. A plan is und er way to have the same test given this lor are visiting in San Antonio. ---------- R uth McCelvey has re tu rn ed from year. to the closing hour at l l p. rn. for all houses where women live. stu den ts F ellow s: T H E W A R W IC K The model suit th a t the well dressed co llege man is w earing. It is a three- button, conservative sack coat with a short vent. If you wish to see them Ask For J. Darrell Jones A t E. M. SCARBROUGH A SONS 2 t o 6 p. na. F R E E An 8x10 enlargem ent with every dollar’s worth o f Kodak Finishing. K o d a k s L o a n e d W e E m p lo y S tu d e n t H elp Texas Candy and Gift Shop In Fr ont of T e x a s T h e a t r e S ' A NEW GEORGE ARLISS You’ve seen the inimitable Arhus as the crafty schem­ er; as statesman and diplo­ mat high-class in comedy. and SEE HIM NOW AS TH E ROMANTIC LOVER G e o r g e A r i ts s The Man Who Played God HA N C O C OPERA HOUSe K A d d e d A ttra c tio n s P a th e N ew s a n d C o m e d y No A d v a n c e in P rices Cecil Hayden is ill a t the Phi Delta T heta house. Temple w here she spent the week- ■ end. -o- CHORUS ELECTS O F F I C E R S THEA TERS C r e s c e n t servants, until h er frivolity leads to WPre elected a t ^vl her child grows up tended only by I Officers for the University Chorus last meeting, | a breach with h e r husband, in the 0. A . Davis being chosen president and sn an<* Dessie Dancy, secretary the (Ti shock following, finds finding her affection fo r her child. -------------------------------o-------------- herself trea s u re r. V I N S O N IN N E W Y O R K P resident Vinson who is in New York atte n d in g a m eeting the tru stees of the C arnegie Foundation, the first of to Austin will re tu r n next week co n tra ry to the of state- th at he several fo r GASOLINE SOLD ALL NIGHT “ We Never Sleep” For Your Convenience O P E N ALL N IG H T Greasing Rack— Something new. Come give us a trial. We know how to grease y our motor equipm ent. Let us drain t h a t crank case and refill with fresh oil today. CHARLTON & CROCKETT, Inc. Service Station No. I, E a s t 5th and Brazos Service Station No. 2, E a s t 6 th and Waller Rem em ber Open All Night Pierian L itera ry Society will hold m ent in T u esd a y ’s Texan th eir regu lar m eeting W ednesday af-! would prolong his stay ternoon a t 5 o’clock in Room 205 weeks. Main Building. All m em bers urged to be present. are SWEATERS Men’s and W omen’s Get Yours From the Sweater Store of Austin C. & S. Sporting Goods 704 Congress ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TEXAN MAJESTIC T o d a y Betty Compson A n d Bert Lytell In “TO HAVE AND TO HOLD >1 A Param ount P ic tu re BIG PIC TU R ES LITTLE PRI CES! T od a y — T h u r s d a y Elaine Hammerstein “UNDER" OATH” A ls o Buster Keaton “HARD "LUCK” SHOE SALE EXTRAORDINARY Hundreds of Pairs of Laird Schober, I. Miller, Selby and Other High Grade Shoes Reduced Here is a sale that will tax our capacity, for surely never has there ever been staged before such a shoe event in Austin. The girl w ho enjoys pretty footw ear can well afford two or even three pairs. Many o f the most w anted modes and m aterials are inclu ded— there are turn sole .slippers in Black Satin, Patent, Gunm etal, Brown Kid, Brown ( all and Dull Mat Kid. Also Lace Oxfords with w elt soles in all the w anted leathers. Some stock numbers are practically com plete, others more broken in sizes. SEE DISPLAY IN NORTH WINDOW Values up to $8 Values up to $14 $ ^ . 8 5 $ 0 .8 53 DILLINGHAM’S m m a m n m w m r m i ir m f f w m r w w m w w RHB® LITERARY A story of intrig u e, rom ance and interest, “ F if ty Candles” an heart Irvm V. Willat production, that is to be shown at the C rescent T h ea ter Monday, Tuesday an d Wednesday, contains situations and developments th a t will keep y ou r in te re st until the I t is a mystery final foot of film. story of the highest order. Scenes of the Orient with the sinister hand intrigue reaching o u t from the of night. Adapted fro m Earl Derr Biggers S atu rd ay Evening Post Mys­ tery story, fe a tu rin g M arjorie Daw, Dorothy Sibley and B ertra m Grass- j R eg ular m eeting of Sidney Lanier by, with a dandy cast. a fte r- Screen Snapshops No in Main Building Literary Society Wednesday . h o w s ; ” oon at 5 S i d n e y L a n i e r Pierian l l in teresting scenes with f a r e - ' - “ *■ m any ous stars at work, a t home and a t play. R u c k T e x a s Ethel Clayton surpasses previous achievem ents as m ount s tar in h er picture, “ Beyond,” which was shown a t th e Texas Theatre with g ra tify in g suc­ cess last night. la test The following is the p rogram for the next re g u la r m eeting of Rusk in the Rusk Hall in the basem ent of all h e r ; ^ aw B u s i n g on S atu rday evening a P a r a - i at 7 o’clock. Address: The Need o f a Vocation- a1 Advisory Board in the University, by Jero m e J. Byrne. Discussion of the re cen t national Primarily, the sto ry is one with a e]e c t jonT by J. P. Watson. of and D ebate: Assuming, T hat it them e, dealing as com­ spirits of living. The highly attra ctiv e is at it does with the problem p resent impossible to build both <1 m unication between the stadium and a Union Building, be it the departed the resolved, That, As between the pro­ theme differs from the purely spirit- posa]s for a stadium and a S tud en t ualistic, however, in th a t the spirit (Jnion. the stadium is more impor- of the mother in the sto ry comes to ta n t a t t bjg time. her d au ghter in dreams. From this situation a fa*- t m a t in g plot develops and one which is filled with rom ance, suspense and Green, and Fran k B. Clayton, ad ventu re. A ffirm ativ e: Nowlin Randolph, N egative: Will Morris®, H. P j{ar(i y Hollers and Ben Wheeler, visions and in The picture is a William I). Taylor e wcre and H erb ert o f th(, n u m „ O U 8 SCHOOL BUSTED OUT*! production, adapted by Julia Craw- NO STU DENTS IN B.A. ford Ivers from the original story by H enry A rth u r Jones. Charles Mere- re p o rt, w h k h dith plays the leading male role op- of Business polite the star and o th ers in the cast studenta in the the j Adm inistration received a t m idterm , » h o aid m aterially in mak.ng enouf[h t 0 require picture a success are E arl Schenck,! F ontaine La Rue, \ \ m i t r e d King-; wjthdrawaI from the University, and stun, Lillian Rich, ( harlem French, on]j, nJne stu j entg were piace j y £ j y y y y * ™ = = » M » » MULLER LECTURES (Continued from page I) themselves. Becau-e of the financial disinter- is go­ gyation all German capital ing into production instead of up­ keep. Thus the Germ ans are now living on the resources of the past. Under present conditions the mark is constantly depreciating in value, a fact th at foreigners are taking ad­ vantage of, to the fu rth e r r u in .o f j Germany. the Science in Germany is trying to rem arkably keep up and is doing well in the face of obstacles which present them selves, but their funds perm it of little work, and it is to America th at they look for the advancement of modern science to day. German scientists are turning to practical work, in order to eke out a living. Like the industries, science is living on the past and ha* had no new equipment or m aterial ainee the war. people The outcome of the German prob- 1 lem is doubtful. The say that conditions cannot go on as they are at present, and contem plate the possibility of a change in their posi­ tion through wars between other countries or a revolution at home. Dr. Muller, however sees the possi­ bility of Germ any’s conditions be­ coming much worse, even the point where the upper class will be the composed of foreigners German than fllaves. and better people no to R u s s i a n C o n d i t i o n s Dr. Muller found in his visit, that Russia precented very much of a contrast to Germany. There was no outward evidence of prosperity. The and streets were full of beggars food was vary hard to obtain. This, like a first view of Germany, is a superficial impression. The people, unlike the German people, are opti­ mistic. Living conditions in Russia are much better than they were two years ago. The Russian situation has im­ proved because of the new economic [ policy adopted by the soviet gov- s em inent. The peasants have been I granted a g reater economic freedom than they have ever known, and as a result grown better naturally. The ruble has been conditions have boom in Russia now. Living expea- si I arc ii-> h ig h iv e outride as f v r im which Is a distinct advan­ K v tage, as it prevents foreigners from getting an edge on the m arket. Dr. Muller was present a t a meet­ the American and English ing of correspondents with Trotzky and was greatly impressed with his ability. “ He has a forceful personality and seems to be very keen. The Ameri­ can and English correspondents tried often to catch him up on some ques­ tion, and in every case the sally was turned back to the disadvantage of the person who made it.” ^wnmnHWniiKtiiiiHiiKwi . iwuiW'" ^wiiin wii*. CLASSIFIEDS WOOD. COAL-- For your w inter sup- ply place your order with H. C. I Greer. Rhone 7593. 1701 E. 6th. rf exchu zed and TV PE W 1 T E E S -B o u g h t and sold, Slightly used ba *aia. 709 Congress Ave- nue, phone 4604._______________________________ — 16 rented. LOST— Navy blue silk parasol with white border, wavy tips and ivory ring handle. Finder please call Ruby Monroe. 7727 or leave at Texan of­ — 16 fice. FOR COACHING in Spanish see J. Galindo, School of Applied Music of the University or phone 8006. — 15 i i i Regular meeting of the Masonic Study Club Thursday Nov. 16, 1922, 7 p. rn., 312 Ed. Build- ing. All Masons from E. A. up requested to ^ i M 5 attend. LOST In Main Building a purse containing a small watch valued as an heirloom. Reward fo r return to J 700 W. 28th or Miss Budd, Y.W.C.A. office. — l h j EUO I STUDENTS come to Y. audi­ torium Friday evening 7:30 for}] plan for systematic aid in study of economise. Admission free. H. M. Greene. — 17 11 W ILL THE PERSON who took the rilk umbrella from the room on M i hi* second floor of the Y. M. C. A. please return it to the Y. M. C. A. • 2 JZL" I ■ office? _ FOR SALE— Oak $8.50 cord or $2 heater rick delivered.! blocks, I Phone 5287. J. Reese. T H U R L O W B . W E E D E m b a l m e r a n d F u n e r a l D i r e c t o r M o d e r n F u n e r a l H o m a S u p e r i o r A m b u l a n c e S e r v i c e L a r a c a at 1 7 tb P h e n e 6 0 8 0 FELLOWS W e do n ot a d v e rtise C H E A P c lo th in g — W e do not h a n d le C H E A P clo th in g b u t w e h a n d le a line of P o p u la r P rice suits a n d overcoats. Clothcraft $22.50, $25, $27, $30, $35 T h a t is k n o w n e v e ry w h e re it is sold for its w o n d e rfu l S E R V IC E giving S u its a n d O v erco ats. C om e in a n d see th em . T h e S ty le L e a d e r is also here Society Brand Clothes $35, $40, $45, $50 T h ese su its a re h a n d -ta ilo re d in th e fin­ est A m e r ic a n a n d fo reig n w oolens. H o le p ro o f H o sie ry fo r M an a n d W o m a n HYDE PARK FLORAL 917 Congress " . ..... - i-= Cleaning Dyeing KELLY SMITH P h o n e 6 5 9 8 Alterations Rug Cleaning J I W E L C O M E TO VARSITY FLOWER SHOP] 2 3 0 0 G u ad alu p e F lo w e r P h o n e 8 2 6 1 Baskets, Flowers, Fruits LET US DO YOUR DIRTY WORK HOME STEAM LAUNDRY “Good Work Our Hobby” •211 East Fifth St. Phone 3702 STUDENTS F i l i i (Continued from page l > left to the Athletic amendment striking out restriction but allowing two to remain wa* adopted. Council. the the m f et *he m eeting tonight iom of th* bm will five th* aa#em- bly veto power over the conduct of the dane# and retain policy form a­ tion in it* hand* while th# Memorial res- Union will conduct it and be The pon*ible for lose, and profit* by any third fain. first Unfinished boniness from the last in­ I meeting of clude the appointm ent of committee the assembly will left Bradv Cole declared himself hear , aly sn favor of the game. and Frank mon to tim executive com m ittee o. that the Memorial Umort and to the ora ­ McGehee expressed the belief alumni was tories! a d i a t i o n , such committee- the sentiment of the last wholly favorable to the playing of men being . such a post-season game, and that J time. . the m atter having been acted upon rushed by th- student body should be left through the m eeting of the assembly to the faculty where the r e s p o n d ! - tonight, according to Gray Since tbere ** a heavy amount 10 b* *onf this week to emphasize portance of books girls the for boys im­ and in the As an actual assignm ent, the sto ­ bibliography course ep nt have helped prepare the catalogs, grade and price lists which will be available at the exhibit. The list* are particularly good for fittin g the books to the child The lists have arranged the books by subject, grade, age, price and publishers. Books of every th at a child could de- ,re have been listed, The list* in­ books, tales, tl ade fairy Mother Goose stori**, myths, leg­ ends, history, description and travels, adventure stories, Indian tales, g reat classic#, biblical stories, poetry and hooks *»n amusements and games, a rt music, nature, science and animals, -o- picture type nm p u t e b s (Continued from Pag# One) m akeshift an affa ir as Varsity has The line will be minus tilt* cervices of all the ineligible men an i .Joe Ward, who has been a wall of defense at tackle, will probably not be able to play on account of his leg. O n l y T w o R e g u l a r B a ck * „ . „tJ that the faculty would (lo so if such ever used request were made ” me” .I , The text of the resolu | . s <• , that team s “ WH E RE Ah, a strong probability J exists in two football the Southwestern Conference, nam e­ ly, the University of Texas Long­ horns and th** Baylor University Bears will remain undefeated by any team a f a r Thanksgiv­ Conference cham­ ing, 1922, thus leaving the pionship in doubt, and “ W HEREAS, an unsettled } fXVB ww» wk- www-WTW- — — ^ r - than the m atter of Baylor University “ The Athletic C ouncil/’ McGill de the proposed post- down his regular place I I cUred in this report, “ recalling that ably one and not more The backfield will contain prob- tw o ^ ^ prim ary considerations in regular players. E c k h a r t will hold at half but there is not another man abl# to play to determ ine the 1922 Southwestern except possibly Hobertaon who Is con Conference championship, has to do valescing from an injury. All four faculty regulation prohibi- quarterbacks are out and the field with a ting post-season games, doss hereby J general a place is not easily filled by request the general faculty of the a substitute. The one bright spot University of Texas for a decision as in the whole dismal outlook is the to whether or not the rule referred good showing of Murphree and Schu- I to shall be set aside to perm it the j hardt in the Southwestern game, but ; piayinjr (>f this gam s; it being under- these men got into the game a fte r the the spirit of the opposing players j faculty is in favor of perm itting this was partially broken and it is hard to to tell how they would have shown *_ - lr - the decision of th<* Kame, the Council will proceed ta unsatisfactory in • very stood that if pi on ship respect from the point of view the students, th*- alumni, end general public, giving rise to a multi- majie tentative plans and Olde of ficticious claims and foster me|gts f o r the playing of said gam**, ing enm ity and bad feeling betw een; provj(jet| the deadlock between the horns have shown in th* W he ii said championship ramain# u n -j University decided for two consecutive years, f h anksgiving. 1922/’ end The fighting spirit th at the Long­ game involved, especially! U nivenlty of Texas and the Baylor this season is still shown In the prac- the Frosh re­ ^0 expression of opinion could be markable if the players do not take foolish poppycock “ Our that lias swamped the campus for the ‘W HERE AS, a post season game j obtained from the council members in some of the arrange- up against a strong team. a fter tic** scrimmages with it will certainly be Institutions squad but continues iv the only method of determ ining after the meeting adjourned. the championship in the event th at report is contained in the sta te m e n t, last two weeks, the team* remain undefeated, “ W HEREAS, a post-season and given to the pres*. We have nothing game, else to say/* seemed to bi the con- Once more Aggie shortcoming are Checked With A. A M. teams every that with “ I said what I had to say at the j thirties, would say. — o* flaunted around w ithout considering under this exceptional circumstance, census of opinion. a rid conducted in accordance weaknesses of the Varsity squad, the conditions set forth below, would i convocation thi^ a ftern o o n / was all p , . X H H had 0ne of the best team s in result in a tangible benefit w ithout! th at L Thee Btdlmont, director of its history last year. This team beat any of the evils usually attendant; the Rice Owls 56 to 0. The Owls upon such contests, therefore, tied A. & M. ring# and around them. Then Varsity played BE IT RESOLVED iii** Aggie* and the fighting Farm ers held u* to a i to 0 score. TM# year the Aggies have met with several re­ verse* but the team is steadily im­ proving and not a man has been In­ jured. This will mean a veteran pitted quad of fighting g rid d ed against a newly team th a t wil contain several entirely new players. this i..a**-im.■ ling of th# students of th# University of Texan go on record as favoring a post-season game between; the University of Texas and Baylor! University, under the following con­ ditions; Journal and W oman’* Home Com­ panion, on this national movement for a Children’s Book Week. The purpose of this week is to give an the opportunity to bring eft-; tered into now “hall be binding, only in th. event that both teams rem ain; undefeated a fter Thanksgiving. “ First— th at any agreem ent (Continued from page I) reorganized together played SHOES FOR MEN -A t M u e lle r ’s S h o e S to r e such “ Second*—that post-season games shall be played either in Wac^ j or in Austin, the location being d^- term ined by the flip of a coin. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this ma'.--meeting go oil record ss earnestly requesting the Athletic Council o f th** University of Texas to act sn accordance with the senti­ ment of the student body herein expressed, and • BK IT RESOLVED. LASTLY,! that a committee of three be ap- j the chairman of this as­ pointed bv the Athletic sembly to wait upon reso-i Council with a copy of these lotions of the occasion of it* regular; m eeting (Signed) Henry S. Kelly, W H. Bainbridge, A W W alker.” evening, this Mr. Cham berlin appointed as th# last mentioned committee, Henry S. I Kelly. .Bk- H arris and H G. Wood­ ru ff FIELD DIVIDED (Continued from page I) “will cut down the number of drive# on the campus which i re not sup­ ported by the student body and only | talc* in a few of the freshmen." Union BUI ap Tonight Follow ing the drafting by Ira J. Allen, vice president of the students' the association, the bill by which Memorial Union will be given the management -of the all-University dance and the Thanksgiving recep­ tion w ilt he presented for firs t read- $ 9 . 5 0 is rn too weather* Y Y H E N mch th e c o m p la in t d u rin g this w in te r re m e m b e r th a t too y o u c a n ’t h av e much* of O x fo rd s like th ese to keep you high a n d dry. —-W ool socks, too. IT’S A GOOD IDEA TO “BE SURE YOU’RE RIGHT” When you buy a watch you want more than a shiny #a»e. in­ You want to know sides” are right. You select the timepiece with a national reputation for quality. You in­ vent your money because of your confidence in the name. the I f s a good idea to buy your clothe# that way. You ©an get attractive odors and patterns a t any price. But, Ifs the “in ­ sides” of your suit or coat— th at the way they’re tailored really counts. t You can b# sure you’re right when you get the label in your coat th at says-— Fin# Tailoring It guarantees everything that good clothe# ought to have— perfect style— fit—-correct long wear— m oderate price. You don’t have to be an ex­ pert to see i f s economy to buy fine quality like ours. CARL H. MUELLER Home o f Good Shoes-Hosiery B O S C O N O S P E S S A V E . LAWS AND ARMSTRONG