(E\\t ii alto Eexan Fir»t C o lle g e D o ily in th e South V O L . XXIII. A U S T IN , T E X A S, F R ID A Y , SE PT E M B E R 2 9 , 1922 N o . 6 Texas Captain Who Will Not Be Seen in Kangaroo Game E WILL BE TEST MILITARY COUPS IO BE RECRUITED ' F it. I I E n gin eer C om pany of N ation al G u ard W ill Be O rg a n ized o f V arsity S tu d en ts A p p lica tio n s for M em b ersh ip W ill Be R eceiv ed in A d ju ­ tan t G e n e ra l’s O ffic e B y F r a n c i s G . W i l s o n LA IV STUDENTS HEAR JOINT ADDRESS FROM VINSON AND TOWNES M’CILL IS MADE II PRESIDENT OE JOURNALISTS G ov. W . H. M ayes an d L loyd G regory T a lk on W ork o f D ep a rtm en t ENTER ITHLETIC FIELD C om m ittee Is A p p o in te d A rou se In terest in Intra- m u ral Sp orts to As the first business o f the se s­ sion Wm. L. McGill o f Corsicana was chosen as president o f the School o f Journalism a fte r a prelim inary ad­ dress by Gov. W. H. M ayes, chair­ man o f the departm ent. O ther of­ ficers chosen w ere: Ellen Osborne, vice-president; W. D. K endall, o f President R o m p s on Lawyers for Alleged Part in Hazing B y R i c h a r d L. S w a r t z “ We lire in the best possible thing in the world. We are in the W estern H em isphere which the is |v best hem isphere in th e w orld; we are in th e U nited S ta tes which is the best cou n try in the W estern H em is­ phere; w e are in T exas w hich is the best sta te in the U nited S ta tes; we are in the U n iversity which is the best th in g in the sta te o f T exas; we are in the law' school which is the best school in the U n iversity, and wfe are it.” i „ ThUS ,udBl' T ow m 's ' ,loan o f I Lakewood, N. Y ., the law school to sever.-,! hundred ; Mary R v ic.-p rerid en t; , lowm an o f Grcenvi)|o> se c . istu en ts o f th, law ^cho>d ,,t its . M aurice Crain, form a! op en in g in the Law A uditor- Cany(m and Jan(. K W orthin(rton o f mm at ing. This speech w as follow ed by l o o ’clock y esterd a y morn-1 [)allaK reporU r8. strong applause, a fte r which Dean A fter short talk s by older stu ­ dents o f the d epartm ent on class PEP RALLY PUTS OLD T U E SPIRIT IN TEXAS RANKS D ean T a y l o r W h ip s G ath erin g to F r e n z y of S ch o o l L oy­ alty W ith T alk T h e O r a n g e and th e W h i t e , L o n g M a y it f l o a t , O v e r V a r s i t y ’* t e a m * A n d the F a r m e r * ’ g o a t . — D e a n T a y lo r . R egu lar T eam to B e R ea d y for T ow ne‘ continued his address. spirit, the p resident was authorized The m eeting sw ung into I njfi.deers o f O rganization o f U n iversity com -j the : patty A, 14 |t h T exas national guard will begin t o - j day with the le e r u itin g o f a strength o f 73 m en and 3 o ffic e r s from the student body, Thom as I). B arton, a djutant genera! o f m ilitary forces of the .state announced W ednesday a ftern oon . Com pany A is to be th e ! p i r r p i N y T D V f ltITC fir st com pany o f a new regim ent o f h i rr h i j j h I ii I U U I J e n g in e e r s to be form ed in the 36th division state national guard. J U D G E J O H N C. T O W N E S D e a n o f t h e T e x * * L a w S c h o o l SION BETTED RESULTS U n iv ersity men w ill have chances at all com m issions in the com pany in the order and will be considered of their application, Adj. Gen. B ar­ ton declared, and p referen ce w ill be giv en ex-serviee and oversea m en. R ecru itin g will be through the o ffic e o f the adjutant general w here ap­ plications must be made for adm ls- aion to the com pany; how ever, was would he on the cam pus during th e _ IO days o f enlistm ent. intim ated that o ffic e r s . sta te u . E m e r g e n c y C o r p s C oncerts by C hristm as >rty new men tried oui Forty for th e . ,. , v __ it Men ’s G lee Club last night in nddit- out tried who . * Tuesday bringing the . . total to a record. T hese new' m en w ill all be * b t l Responsibilities j “ This being it carrier with it a responsibility, and you m ust live ac- cordingly. You are selected men , and wom en trained by the sta te . ., . . . in the protection o f the general w elfa re o f the s ta te ” ! Dean T ow nes wen On to say, follow ed and follow ed in the E xplaining the nature o f the new | kept. Those with b est v o ices will xao .e w o o dos* y u a n " » « ; w ith a talk on the chan ges com pany, Gen. Barton said, “ W hile | be selected to m eet ev ery Tuesday ^ h o o l fo r the com ing year. o f course the com pany will be sub-; nitrht w ith the regu]ar m en w hile o We s r e sta rtin g au8picum s | to appoint at a later date a com ­ m ittee to have charge o f departm en­ tal a ffa irs. This body will endeavor to develop intram ural athletics am ong the Journalists, w ill make ar­ rangem ents for social a ffa ir s, and w ill in general work toward a build­ ing up o f a sp irit o f unity group. in the Gov. M ayes w as then ceiled upon to make a short talk in regard to the journalistic w'ork and purposes. He recom m ended th a t many ineet- in- n5 s 1)0 year, both o f a social and business character, and that a com m ittee, o f which the president should a ct as chairm an, be appointed to extend an invita­ tion to P resid en t R. E. Vinson to an- rcserv e t0 : y ea r,” said Dean T ow nes in closin g year, his address, “ Get down to hard, honest work, and stick to your own opinions until they are proven correct, and you w ill not g e t trouble," into o f choral work in the A ustin H igh V i n t o n S p e a k s Schols w ill again be d irector, which Judge T o w ie s presided at the fa c ilita te g e ttin g th^ j convocation, and introduced Preai- address the departm ent. McGill men in condition. . . . the not too Jat in gly voracious, rapacious, etc., ju st given o u t w ithin the n e x t tw o weeks E ven ts ask the cook a t th e Scottish Rite about * Freshm an stu d en ts w ill be giv en young ladies' appetite*. A fte r mak m g nine gallon s o f m ayonnaise fo r supper he ought to be quite w ell up on the .subject. com piling sin ce j D orm itory what T he Greek I f ’a fte r th in k s he . I The rem aining box aero, available ore an'™ tion8 have been to the T urkey D ay Classic betw een I their *a«t y e a rs’ grades , , . , , « *. F ratern ities and soro rities are re- th e a b anquet a t the U n iversity Y. M. I T exas and A, & M. w ere ra ffled o f f j opening o f school, and w ill turn them I C. A. T uesday, October 3, according th e , n to the dean f o r . his inspection. th e is an annual a ffa ir fe e l association yesterday aftern oon at T Ha!!. The num ber o f .students gathered a t L. *#• T n, ii 1 . B ellm on t s o ffic e at 5 o'clock yes- terday aftern oon filled the o ffic e 's I ^u *re<^ to cap acity and extended out into the I s ig h tly higher than that the I m ore at hom e hall and street and it w as necessary U niv e r s:fcy as a w hole on p en a lty o f building. A ll to tra n sfer them to T H all, w here' being unable to initiate their pledges ^ave been invited. iha eeren.oni.-.took pla.e | A“ ° ^ ‘hi* ev en t w ill be the first on a program five ^ N ex t week Dr. Parlin w ill begin wkich ^ j ] social to the approxim ately students th e f(> rna^e lists o f those p led g es to be events, relig io u s work, visitin g sick lim ited num ber o f box sea ts avail- initiated this fa ll. He has requested students, and several speaking e n ­ for that the fra tern ities do not turn in *a«rementa, the particulars o f which able and to W, A . Sm ith, Secretary A ssociation , banquet which * co llectiv e average being o f J during .the fullowmg U r». At T Hail Mr. Bellm ont explained .L° JZL’ ^ to m ake new stu d en ts in th e freshm en sev en ty o f the purpose the urgent gathered demand o f o f include eleven there XT ... their i i . , , until next w e e k , when he w il‘ b* announced later. a w m haV(. finishp(1 th(, w ork „f | A ccording to Mr. Sm ith the Y. S aftU f..0 ,1iri> aigh ten ing out th,, clam er and aec- ShTx j , T he stu d en ts gathered . I , t a voted , T , t , > u . r x V l f the b eh alf o f the eig h t girls sellin g | tjons the highest number o f volum es. was next, voted th at student present would hand is nam e in and drawn kthe first [would receive four box sea ts each. fourteen nam es each It ! A P P O I N T E D I N S T R U C T O R tach The sea ts sold for three Miss Irma Sm ith, g ra d u a te o f tho at G alveston, and ranged from the fo r ty fiv e has been appointed an in stru ctor in it was an- dollars school o f pharm acy rd line to the ten yard line on th e the School o f M edicine, e s t side o f the field. j nounccd yesterday. stu d en ts likew ise w ere The other night he nrnde 960 bis­ Since so m any o f the stu d en ts did cult# for supper. T h ! w as found » ° t know about the o p en in g o f the otherw ise bank, to be decidedly in su ffic ie n t; so the have made have deposited n ext night he baked 1300. T hese other arrangem ents. the e x ­ B ut consum ed. pectation is that by n ex t month the has not been two E vidently bottom reached in the b u sin ess o f fillin g up bank w ill the aching void. Did som eone say I thousand. nutrition clinic fo r girls? those that would e n tir e ly serv in g there over *---------- -o— ------ j Mr. D yer w ishes erroneous , idea, that o f the d ep ositors’ h iv in g “ S tu d en t’s < to use C A C T U S SA L E PR IZES Check Book” corrected. The fa ct is that there is choice b etw een it and the regular check book issued by all other b a n k s.” so-called PO LLA R D A N N O U N C E S the an be A C M ' “ Final annou n cem en ts were made T uesday, Septem ber 26, by Dorothy Fisher and Tom Pollard, business a «om m o< U tin g more than th irty boys in its dorm itory and m anagers o f the C actus drive now has m aintained su ccessfu lly an E m ­ being held on the cam pus, to the e f ­ ploym ent B ureau where one fe c t that a cash prize o f ten dollars hundred stu d en ts have been secured would be awarded to the girl selling work, and a Boarding H ouse B ureau. Pauline W herry, who received a the largest num ber o f subscriptions. He also announces th at as heretofore in 1918 and a B, S. Second prize, a special De Luxe edi- the reading room and the tion o f the year book will be offered rn Home Econom ics in 1919, is with gym nasium , and sw im m ing pool a r e , to the one sellin g the next am ount, the Lake Division H eadquarters o f open to all men students every day and third prize w ill be a cash presen- j the Am erican Red Cross at d e v e ­ in the w eek except Sunday. FO RM ER S T U D E N T JO IN S O H IO RED CRO SS CORPS j tatien o f fiv e dollars. B. A. degree land, Ohio. lobby, over ?■-. V a . . ■ ..1 fig siblc. “ It is up to each o f you individ­ u a ls to see that the boys do not break tr a in in g ,” G ray declared, “and fu rth er, I consider it a crim e against the U n iv ersity for an y one to in v ite an y o f the T ex a s warriors to break training. If each o f you w ill put forth every e ffo r t possible in h elp ­ in g the boys train, I fe e l sure that this y ea r’s team w ill be th e best ever put out by a T exas coach. It is up to y o u ,” he rep eated , “ to create a school spirit that w ill produce a w inning tea m .” D IA M O N D M EN H EA R D ISC H O N PR O SPEC TS ----------- M eeting for a sh ort tim e yester- ternoon, day a ftern oon at the call o f Coach Turtle Club will be held diamond men B illy Disch, T exas the for discussed the possibilities large num ber of com ing season. A baseball candidates, which induded several old le tte r m en, w ere present for the m eeting. • I On account o f the gam e this af- the at Deep Eddy, Saturday afternoon at 3:30. A ll the old m em bers are urged to be p resen t at the business m eetin g, but th e club is open during the fall term in to any girl who sw im m ing. first m eetin g o f interested the is The prospects fo r the 1923 se a ­ son for the Longhorn nine w as talked upon, and Coach Disch em phasized b efore the men o f i proper training at all tim es betw een n o w and the op en in g o f the diamond year, and the n ecessity o f all b ase­ the ball players being eligib le com ing season. the n ecessity for The first try out w ill com e at the end o f the fa ll term , and those who pass these tryouts w ill becom e mem­ b ers during the w inter term . The strok es required breast strok e, side under arm, side ova? and arm , double over arm , back under craw l, A tw en ty -fiv e fo o t water sw im is also required. are the V a rsity M eets F irst O p p on en ts o f S eason W ith ou t S w e n ­ son and M oore B y V i c t o r O . C o o k O fficia lly ushering in the 1922 football season, the U niversity of T exas gridiron eleven Will line ap at 4 o'clock this a ftern oon on Clark ^1eld a gain st the A ustin CM icge Kangoroos. Today’s gam e w ill mark the f ir s t ’ opportunity which the m ajority o f Texas follow ers will have had in which to form their own opinions regarding the O range and W hite p rospects fo r the year. Dave P en a ’s K angaroo aggrega­ tion w ill arrive in A ustin this m orn­ ing. A s in the case o f the Long­ horns, tod a y ’s gam e w ill be the first co n test o f the season fo r the A us­ tin C ollege o u tfit. The K angaroos have been at hard practice for about three w eeks, and w hile th ey have not the m aterial which the U niversity squad has, th ey w ill send in a fig h t­ in g body o f men again st the Steers th is a ftern o o n . P en a , form er tackle on the Longhorn all- South w estern selection fo r that posi­ tio n in 1918, knows all o f the tricks o f football, and his fo llo w ers w ill be se n t in to the opening gam e to give the Longhorns a hard tu ssle. team and E v e r y o n e W il l B e T h e r e All o f the characteristics which mark a football clash w ill be on band fo r the opening gam e this a f­ ternoon. The U niversity male stu­ dents w ill be seated en m asse on the ea st sid e o f the field and led by Yell Leader Shorty N ow otn y and his assistan ts, Bran and Fred Cole, w ill m ake Clark F ield sound and resound with the old Varsity yells. The Longhorn Band, com ­ p letely uniform ed, w ill be on hand to liven up th e occasion, and will send the crowds in to more cheering w ith the fam ous “The E y e s o f T exas,” and a num ber of the la te papular pieces, “ M edley,” P ool Although P en a ’s bunch o f play­ ers has been a t work for more than tw o w eeks, from Sherm an with regard to th e strength this o f the A ustin C ollege team It is year have been very m eager. reports com ing bark and captain o f the Kangaroos la st fa ll, will be in the lineup today, the other star half hut M orehart, o f the K angaroo eleven o f 1921, is exp ected to be on hand again. The K angaroo team this year ae a serious contender fo r the T. I. A. A. cham pionship, and the brand o f football which is expected from th a t eleven today should put the Longhorns on th eir m ettle. is considered S w e n s o n an d M o o r e O u t The O range and W hite team will go into the d a sh th is afternoon in a crippled condition. N either Cap- c o n t in u e d on Page Four) TURTLE CLOD POSTPONED C o-ed S w im m ers W ill M eet S atu rd ay on A ccou n t o f T o d a y ’s G am e THE POPULAR OFFERS YOU UNBEATABLE VALUES IN YOUNG MEN’S TOGS Styles th at are right, quality th a t is dependable and value without a doubt unequalled is the combination we offer in soliciting your patronage. Just a Few of Many Attractive Offering* This Week Newest m aterials and styles from the famous De Luxe line of caps. Special $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Bi i special. W hite Oxford cloth shirts, collars attached .............................. $1.29 or neckband style $2.50 values New and attractive patterns in knit ties ... ................55c W hite shirts m ade of genuine Irish Poplin ju st received $2.00 and specially priced a t Big showing of s m u t style hats for college men. Gen­ uine Velour hats, black, brown, beaver and tan .^.$4.96 High grade felt hats*—new colors as well as th e latest blocks ................................................. $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50 See the Attractive Values We Are Showing In Young Men's Suits and Extra Trousers ..................... THE POPULAR 723 Congress Ave. Corner Eighth M I BM— I I — f REBECCA YOUNG SCHOFIELD Studios of Expression and Dram atic Art 1004 Lavaca S treet A ffiliation W ith Boston School of Expression. For In­ form ation and Term s Call 6771. — Open all season for bus­ iness from 5 :30 a. rn. to midnight and I p. rn. e t Saturdays. — Our service is prompt and our quality above re­ proach. Your patronage is alw ays appreciated and any inattention or discour­ tesy met with here should be reported to the man­ agement. - T O - D A Y -- FRIDAY THRIFT DAY S P E C I A L S A L E S NEW DRESSES—EX TR A SPECIAL Beautiful new C anton crepe, satin crepe, twill, cord and wool C anton dresses. New draped circular skirts and pannel styles. W ell made. T rim m ings you will be proud to w ear. Blacks, brow ns, navys and cocoa, sizes from 14 to 46. V ery special values Friday. at $19.95 Batiste Gowns 98c Gowns of soft, beautiful shadow stripe and plain batiste in all Pastel colors. Tailored and trim m ed models values to $2.00. ............................................................... 98c Friday special sale price Teddies to Match Gowns at 98c About 1,000 Yards Silk Rem- Silk Hosiery at $1.00 nants Go on Sale Friday 1*3 Off Splendid silks and satins, plain and fancy shades. I -2 to 5 yards, great variety. F riday clearance I -3 off regular price. New silk hosiery— for ladies— also new wool hosiery for hikes, Special Friday, pair $1.00. New Novelties I OO other special items on sale tables Friday you can economize on. Be early. Pearl Bead Necklaces ...... $1.00 New R hinestone set barrettes, assorted shades ... . ......... 50c S h e S a U u ( T e x a n OFFICIAL NOTICES THE PRESENCE o f all m fn att*nfa«e* •< Comrnm*, B ir c h 3. swetel rat* «f pMuara pwrid«i IW » sfr’ tUnt 4J#*» Art of OctoWr 3. Itll. *ut*o- t,t*4 September t*. ISI*. WM HARBY JACK Editor 4*-Chi*f HENRY C. FULCHER^ M*r. Ed.tof TUMAS ‘i TOLI ARII i«p*r*torec »Min*** W***«*r SRLS M KA CEV and IS ELMA GUN* Ai? sr tm** M*»*f«r« Friday. Sept 2 9 , 1922 gently requested at a meeting to be I held in Law Building TOI Tuesday j k night. October 7 at 7:15. BRUCE A, LOW. Local Co-ordinator, ---------- ceived at APPLICATIONS are now being re ­ the Athlete office for ase tat ant baseball manager for 1023, Junior* are eligible. GORDAN NOWLIN, Mgr 1923 Baseball Team, ALL USHERS be on d a r n Plaid af 2 30 today. L THEO BELLMONT. | Rice ’97 published j sue o f the Alcalde, as follow s: in the June is- “Y send dhis pruff tun atest dhe . fakt d h at dhe *pelmg ov dhe present ie ter ii much lyk d h at advokaited by dhe sosyeti for sosyeti for Sim plified S p rin g, which however, mftffcs no chainje in dhe spelling ov proper * naimez. Y WB not apolojyz for good apeling, I and duu- not imajin dhat eu or dhe clavola it* wit SPSpekt rue ov inaaniti bekauz y bel ie v in beter apeling or our coition ver.iakular,** Plumbing and Heating Contractors DONNELLY & WHITE) Phone 6131 «peci/ied time. THURLOW B. WEED E m b alm er and F u n er a l D irecto r M odern F u n er a l H om e S u p er io r A m b u la n c e S e r v ic e L avaca at 1 7 th P h o n e SOSO Vanity Beauty Shop 2304 Guadalupe a find our University girls work particularly satisfac­ tory— especially M a r c e l waving. Migs Beulah Beaver Special Rate* to Students Phone 3227 Organist Univ, Methodist Church Teaching of Piano and Pipe Organ Practice Arranged on F mtsp Studio Organ at 1700 Congress, five blocks from Campus 905 Con grogs Avenue Phone 7627 W ATCH FOR BARGAIN DAY JOHNSON RUBBER COMPANY 107 W. 5th Street Phone 7712 With Pleasure We W elcom e the Student Body to Austin and to Our Drug Store W here You Will Always Find a Hearty W elcome JOSEPH’S PHARMACY We Have a Complete Line of Stationery, Conklin and Dunn Fountain Pens, K ing’s and Mavis Chocolates MATTHEWS DRUG STORE Phone 6645 We Deliver 1G12 Lavaca Street FOR RENT Chifforobes, W ardrobes, Dressers. Beds and Springs, O ffice Desks Will Rent for University Term at Reasonable Price CARL BELISCH 204 and 206 East 6th S t. We haven t tim e to w rite you an ad but we will find tim e to w ait on you if you will come pm 4 over- We have scads of things you need. Editorials APPLICATIONS are now boing re-j ceivcd at Mr. Bellmont'* office for assistant basketball and baseball j managers for 1923. Junior* eligible I THE KICKOFF J Quiz section BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 14: 4 will meet Satur- Sections posted 1 he game between the ‘ '^ iC j d a y jn s Hall, 7. — ---- INSTRUCTOR this j at R Hall. HELEN ROCKWELL, and Kangaroos officially horns afternoon ushers in the 1922 football season for th e University. T h a t Varsity IGIRLS g l e e CLUB will m eet in s will enter the game w ith &> Hall IO today at 6 p. in. to elect stronger team than Austin Col- new officers. lege is doubtless true; but the Kangaroos have a high rating in the Texas Intercollegiate Con­ ference and are foes worthy of being watched, especially in the first game of the .season. The the important point Longhorns must have the united and loyal support of all students from the very beginning of the season until the final whistle on season Thanksgiving Day. A that Is started right will likely end right. I O -w ill L l® - WMF meet in W Hall 2 instead of Eng, B 207 Busine** Administration 129/.3— ' MWF 3 - ha* been merged into S e c -1 lion 2. B usm en Administration 1291.2 - • Anthropology 34 M 24 Education will meet TTS 8 In T Hall 8. A d d itio n a l S ch ed u le C han ge* Building 206 President.. English that is English 2.31- MWF 9— will meet in S Hall 7 instead of Law B. 101. English 3,5— MWF 2 — will meet in Ed. B. 223 instead of Ed. B. 208. English 3.6— TTS t i — will meet in T Hall 3 instead of K ^Iall IS. Latin 5— MWF 11—-will meet in Ed. B. 205 instead o f T Hall 8. Government meet in Ed. B. 208 instead of M. B 403. lf*— MWF 12— will (fall, w inter) Greek 25— MWF 11 — will not be Greek 26— MWF l l — will not be given. given. Spanish A. 18 has been merged with Spanish A. 16 and will m eet | TT8 21 in M. B. 207. Spanish A. 23— MWF 3 — has been j abolished. Spanish 25— TTS 12— will meet in M. B. 209 instead of G Hall 2. (E ffective Saturday, Sept. 30lh.) R J. MATHEWS, Registrar. FOUR GAMES TO BE PLAYED BY FROSH GIVE THE DEAN A COLLEGE The division of the College of Arte and Sciences into Junior and Senior Colleges comes in answer to a long felt need for a more effective administration of the large academic classes. With over three thousand stu­ dents in the College of A rts and Sciences last year, the super­ vision of that mass of fresh­ men, sophomores, juniors and seniors has necessarily become less and |m> effective. Methods and procedure that may be de-1 airable for directing the activi­ ties and courses of the two up- yier classes prove unsuitable for less mature the control of the and and second year students. In many instances the attem pt to super­ vise all four classes under one system the has resulted seniors and juniors being bound down by burdensome and un-1 restrictions, while j necessary sophomores the freshmen and have failed to measure up to standards that are suitable for the other two classes. * * the creation inexperienced first in * * oft®!! With continue On Armistice Day, for a game with the freshmen Only four games will be played by the freshman football team this year, a recent ruling having been made that first year elevens might play only this number of games. The Texan freshman team already has its four contests of the year scheduled. of the the Texas first and Junior College, the freshmen will play the independent second year students may be team o f Port Arthur on the latter’.* given proper advice and super- own gridiron. On October 26, the vision in arranging and p!an-! W esley College eleven will come to King their college course. Many; Austin first freshmen enter the University, year eleven. The also through will have gam es with the Shorthorns f P . tvY? years, with JBO m d w ;th S t Edward’* College, but definitely outlined program for the dates for these games have not their study. Only recently re- been definitely selected. A move- moved from high school meth- ment is under way at Die present St. Edward’*- a d s of instruction, they are not time to have yet prepared to obtain Without ' Freshman game played in San An- considerable aid the full bene- tonio tit of university On the other hand, the Senior College should bring the! N iu e chairs, quick e f f i c i e n t ipperclasBBien a freedom from Service. Longhorn B a r b e r the petty restrictions, stance, compulsory class atten- — ___ - __________ ________ dance, th at are necessary for the other classes, As a result the seniors and juniors would be provided with instruction on a real university basis, rather! than according to a college svs-i tem. _____ 0_____. instruction.! for in- Shop, to the * * * * fitted instituting Trained by several years of experience in dealing with freshmen and sophomores, Dr. for Par!in is especially the the) task of Junior College division. Let it be hoped that provision for the inauguration of the new sy stem will be made in the near future, so that Dr. Parlin will not ce**! tinue to 11/ W f i? - ** I*■* UNIVERSITY DRUG STORE T. H. Williams & Co. (INCORPORATED) J ■ ' • ■ - Freshmen Girls T H E D A I L Y T E X A N w a te r, gas. Splendid meals, Guadalupe, LO ST—A t Men’s Gym brown fu r choker. Phone 3140. rally 2608 I DANCING— P riv a te studio class and form ed —30 ( — 80 lessons. Classes one for 6 or more Phone 7812. pileate BOYS— V ery desirable newly rooms nished w ith fu r sleeping Building, FOR R E N T — To new room, block boys, east conveniences house. beautiful, of Law Only 2104 Tom —29 AH in to bath. porches. Hot and cold w ater. Con- fo u r adu lts venient ! phone 5428._____________________ —29 ---------------------------- — , , LO ST —Business 708 W est 221-2, Green St. Phone 2911. of Conklin end FO R R E N T —To a girl v ery desirable prices. sinffle room> Reasonable F o untain pen T uesday between K phone 7114 and S Hall. F in d er re tu rn to Texan office.* Reward. j LOST— A black bill fold containing ....................................... ^ FOR SA L E — H arley-D avidson m otor- F irst clas* condition. Call cycle* athletic ticket and a u d ito r’s fee 1 i i 3 - J 8 a (t,}r 4 v*°- : f iip * phon* W m' M cCand. ! LO ST— Monday n ig h t a t W. A . A. m eeting or between Gym and Woin- : ROOM FOR RENT TO G IR L S— I ? n s BIdS- purse c o n ta in in g six dol- Andrew s, One block north of cam pus, all con- ai> 916--------------------------------- 111 * urn,,V) ^ anrde ] venienees, wood work ivory. Phone 6060, J j in and fu rn itu re vv“ tnwtls Building. ..... 2411 W ichita. v n T T vn V * i YOU NG LATA D E S IR E S room m ate 2603 f r o m . l W r i t y . P h o n e d a t 507 W 28 S t. only two blocks -SO of Nueces St. B oarding bouses n u t GARAGES FOR R E N T —Two door arid across stree t. — 291 them rig h t a t U n iversity carnous J OOI! Dial 6426. * “ * FO R S A L E -Studebaker to u rin g car. Has a good top, a good engine, ROOMS FOR BOYS— Newly fu r-'! five good tires and electric lights and nished rooms with sleeping porches S tarter. $150. E. C. H. B antel, 2007 Hot and cold w ater. Convenient to! and! — 2 bath. San A ntonio S treet. 708 W. Twenty-second LARGE dow nstairs room , elegantly — one-half. Phone 5428 * furnished to ren t. P re fe r gentle- r o o m A M n R n A im „ „ man stu d en t, in stru cto r o r nmn aim in stu d en t, in stru cto r o r man and wife. No cniidren. E very conven-* ience. Mrs. Brownlee, 2502 N feces. V o w a r ip f lp f . M r s R r n n m l M , ~ * » •« •"« /) '} A rchw ay, P mor,th, or board e _ * ‘ f , U -’ 101 to r * Zi K }J ? , • UND ER APA RTM EN TS FOR RENT No. 1603 1-2 Rio G rande S treet, ' u i v 4Tk i n i v a f i n a j * 1 l i i I v i v i n j - C A N C IN O —P riv ate studio class and I ,_ p rlyate lessons. tor Slx or m°re. Phone 7812. — I C lasses form ed I j u u u i u i th re e large room s, hath, P ittsb u rg PTT1>VTO„ „ T. h ea te r, sleeping porch, p riv ate en trance, p a rtly g arag e, $45 per m onth, dial 7832, Phone 6812. Ed. H. Y ciser telephone,; * URN iK iih,!) room convenient furnished, U niversity and town. 102 W. 14th. — I -I ]n to |y H a n co c k .h aw in g rf* ROOM S FOR R E N T to boy,. Bloomers $3.00 Middies - $1.50 UN1 IVERSITY CO-OP “Across the Campus” OXFORDS FOR COLLEGE MEN FLOWERS PHONE 8261 HANCOCK “ O PE R A H O U SE 1 1 T o d a y a n d Balance o f Week ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In “UNDER OATH 99 Added Attraction Path® News and Comedy | FOR SA LE— R em ington T ypew riters, alm ost given aw ay, cheap er than re n t. All in good w orking shape. No m issing p arts. See R. G. Dun & Co., 517 L ittlefield Bldg., or phone 7408 — 4 DRESSM AKING AND SEW IN G of a1! kinds. See Mrs. U. S. Purcell a t 1714 San A ntonio S treet, phone; 3184. -30 . MRS SA LLIE WOOD has retu rn ed to is, 1934 San A ntonio S tre e t and o ffe rin g nice rooms and board fo r men o r couples a t m oderate prices. E v ery th in g m odem and first-class. — 41 BOYS—LARGE pleasan t rooms with board. L arge steeping porch. 5 blocks from cam pus. Also g arag e for —. 30 ren t. 4433. kitchenette, CO TTA G E FOR R E N T —3 rooms, sleeping porch, modern conveniences. Close to U niversity and Capitol. Phone 3911. —30 bathroom , gress. Rooms w ith T H E K IRBY M ANSIO N— 1600 Con­ o r w ith o u t- board and fo r U n iv ersity men couples. F irst-class in every respect. R ates reasonable, — 29 gold E v er-S h arp pencil. L O S T —In Law B uilding F rid ay , a Phone W ill M orriss, 6096 and receive re­ —29 w ard. S U P E R IO R ACOM M ODATIONS— Board and rooms fo r U niversity women stu d en ts; also housekeeping ap a rtm en ts available. E very mod­ reasonable e rn convenience; A pply 710 W. 22nd S treet, 6546 or 4773. rates. 1 phone —29 I FOR R E N T 3 room ap a rtm en t with furnished porch, 2623 U niversity Avenue, phone 2434, —29 sleeping 4-ROOM furnished ap artm en t, sleep­ 2006 W ichita S treet, phone 4789- —28 porch, p riv ate bath, ing new home. •FOR R E N T —-F u rnished recoin in a entrances, gas heat, hot w ater. 704 West 28th. —30 Phono 3209. S ep a ra te Fri., Sat. TEXAS THEATRE 2 t o l l GLORIA SWANSON In “THE GREAT MOMENT” A Paramount Picture Cast i n c l u d e s Milton Sills Story by Elinor Glyn d a u g h te r L orraine a t A nnex C on wj]j W edneaday. dism issed fo r th is convoea- the rion Spurgeon Bejjt Deon of school, announced T hursday. STOP Now go and see- PATENT, NUT BROWN, CHERRY IN QUALITY IN PRICE RIGHT IN STYLE $5 BILLMEN Approved Shoe for Women $8.50 $5 PAY CASH—PAY LESS BEK HUR SHRINE CIRCUS i NOW G O IN G O N 17 BIG ACTS Every One a Thrill—-The Greatest Line-up Ever Assembled Under One Circus Tent Brought from Chicago by Ben Hur Shriner* at a $10,000 Expense_________ g E E him fig h t the w orst town th e W est!—fig h t through in the w ildest scenes ever storm film ed!—fig h t fo r a g re a t love!— fig h t for his b etter at l f and win! ALSO New* and Fables Today MAJESTIC HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE BUILDING YOUR GOOD APPEARANCE if you let us care is assured fo r your h air, nails and skin. U niversity Girls will find p erfec t satisfaction in o u r equipm ent and service. MARINELLO Ladle*’ Entrance of Drikili Phone 4014 FELLOWS: We have a w hite oxford sh irt w ith a low attac h ed collar. The S h irt fo r the Well Dressed College S tu d en t a t $2.00/ Ask F o r J. DARRELL JONES (B. A. S tu d en t) E. M. SCARBROUGH A SONS 2 t o 6 p. m u . I *r'" VY ■' ■ I ■Pl % S O C I E T Y The wedding of two fo rm e r s tu ­ d en ts of the U niversity, Jo h n C ofer, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. C ofer of A ustin, and Miss G eorge Hum e, d a u g h te r of Mrs, G eorge E. Hum e, a so of A ustin, wa* solem nized T h u rs­ day evening, S eptem ber 28, a t 8 o ’clock in th e E piscopalian church. Mr. C ofer wa.s g rad u ated from the the class of 1919, a t U niversity in the sam e tim e as Miss Hum e. He received his law degree MLs Hum e was a m em ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma. in 1921. the C O F E R -H U M E A T T H E T H E A T R E S M ajestic: S ep t. 29, 3 0 , Win. S. Hart in “ T r a v e lin ' O n .” H an cock: S ep t. 29, 30, E lain e H a m m e r s te in in “ U n d e r Oath." Q u een: b lab* B a d in In “O ther W o m en 's C lo t h e s .” T e x a s: G loria S w a n s o n in *' The G reat M o m e n t .” C rescen t: “ W h e n R om an ce Rides." Th, H ancock „ n e . a n u m b er of choice bits of in- The personnel of the bridal pi*i ty .ufei vescent Elaine H am m erstein in ; was as follows : Mr.-. R obert F ield, m atron of h o n o r; Miss W inifred a ' ‘tense and g rip p iu g dram a o f Hum e, maid o f h o n o r; Misses Doro- mod ern business and prim al emo- ,jonS(” by nam e “ U nder O ath.” A th y Price, M arg aret W ast and MUH- bridesm aids; Misses ce n t Haffte, , oup^ 0f ^ jr is in the th e a tre furn- P sb cfflin , G race King, and M ary j K ath erin e Bell, ju n io r bridesm aids, fo rm atio n , such as “ E lain e is ju st Also, R obert C ofer, b ro th er of the p e rfe c tly b e a u tifu l” and “ That man groom , best m an ; W endel Stiles an d ; jH p rissiest th in g I ever saw ,” and which w ere g re a tly relished by th at R o b ert Field, Cecil M urphy rig h t close Shirley M cClarty, ushers. in gown, o f silk, Spanish lace, hnd a question, M ahlon H am ilton, did the and veil of illusion with oran g e blossoms. - best w ork She carried a show er tire lilies-of-the-valley. q u a ijty of h e r actin g . The picture roses and white The costum es of th e b rid e’s a tte n - wjjj possess g re a t in te re st all d an ts carried out a color schem e of j H am m erstein fans. pastel shades. A m idnight coat-dress wa* th** aw ay a ttire . in of Blaine didn’t approach him The bride wore a lovely wedding ^ y ; b u t all portion of th e audience the sam e, the man blue going- 0 _ Q u e e n bouquet picture, b rid e’s the for in . In d ian -; A fte r a honeym oon in sa a i> can apolis and S ain t I^ouis, Mr. and Mrs. i,c m ade ?,) c o \e r th* art netessi ro n tin g C ofer will m ake th e ir home in A ua-j^® * *s of tin . O th er W om en’s C lothes,” showing problem con the How a w orking g ir s Jacq u elin e Lee, _______ heroine It th® Q ueen. The Alpha Club, pledged to Sigm a is th e first tim e Mu fraternity, announces th e p le d g -! * ®v*r heard th *m called n e c e s s i t y m g of the follow ing: Ju les C ern of h u t the consensus ut opinion seems P alestin e, B u lla rd M. B rooks o f t0 be th a t th ey should be covered. San A ntonio, Sam Raym on of R o c k -1 are dale, Abe Mehl of F o rt W orth, R o b -1 -overed rn this p ictu re , and rn a man- e l l A. Black of B eaum ont, W illiam n er tr u l7 sum ptuous. The picture F inklestein o f D allas and Sig Bruit !lvfs UP to its title ’ and haR but Ut' to r • a t U t. P leasan t r eason fo r existen ce ecxcept w hat it show . o th er w om en’s of clothes, which, how ever are alw ays that the m ost in te re stin g th in g s to population which portion of th e really dom inates the m ovie-going public. Mrs. W. II, Lucas, who has been visiting ber d au g h ter, E lizabeth, a t the W om an’s Building, has re tu rn ed to h er home in Sherm an. t>lQt as may, they T h eta Xi announces the pledging o f Doe Lockm an of C leburne, F ran k j Maddox of A ustin, Dick Bivens o f; A m arillo and Jess** W allace of San Antonio, Mrs. Bellows held open house last evening a t h er home on W est T w en­ ty-second stre e t, fo r the K appa K ap­ pa Gamma in bohor of Mrs. F ritz i I mutton. T e x a s this Gloria Swanson again time at the T exas in “ The G re at Mom­ e n t.” A highly d ram atic m om ent if we can take th e w ord o f the press sheet. The scenes o f th e p ictu re are laid in E n gland and the g re a t out-of-doors o f o ur well-known W est in which portion o f the world Gloria ru n s up ag ain st h e r g re a t m om ent is a by nam e M ilton Sills. Milton con­ t)r4 -v >’o u r ow" clusions ab o u t G loria. MU* K ath erin e R eynold, a m e m - / ood s c to r- b er o f th e 1922 g ra d u a tin g class of home in H ouston tom orrow.. ‘hi!. Aii^ w c Sou, MEETING TO ORGANIZE in re g istered All stu d en ts The Alpha D elta Pi gave a d in n er p arty last evening a t th# C actus Tea Roc rn ii, honor o f th e pledges and Alum nae. the .School o f B usiness A dm inistration a re to m eet in the I-aw A uditorium today at 12 o ’clock to organize the d ep a rtm en t fo r the com ing session. B usiness to be tra n sa c te d this initial m eeting includes election of of o ffic ers and g en eral E lec tra A nderson is ill a t P. St S .j plans fo r the activ ities o f the d ep art- m ent, especially th e ir p a rt In in tra- The new home o f th e A lpha D elta Pi is 1807 C olorado S tre e t. h o sp ital w ith o utlining the dengue fever. ------------------------------------------- m ural contests. a t Mrs. J. H. R obertson v k ite d h e n All ju n io r and sen io r B. A. classes S w ett Sidney has been called to h e r home in H ouston because of the illness o f h er m other. B A P T IS T ORCHESTRA ing a t the K appa K appa Gamma Hat Sunday school have been house leaves to day fo r home. All stu d en ts who wish to play in Irv in g S cott, who has been visit- j o r c h e s t r a o f th e U niversity Rap­ re ­ quested to tu rn in th e ir nam es, ad- to dresses and D elta Chi announces the pledging Mrs, H. Clay Sm ith a t 2608 Guadal- j u p e. Mrs. Sm ith w as d irecto r of this o f Lowell R. E stes of C orsicana. telep h o n e num bers ----------- UNIVERSITY STUDENT “O'""*"" o rch estra last year. WILL GET PASTORATE Our convenient location and *^rvice w i l l save you lots time. But those aren t the r e a s o n s why y o u ought to Q uentin L ig h tn er, a ju n io r stu d e n t in the College of Art« and Sciences, r who lion been p reach in g from tim e to tim e ab o u t A u stin, will be ordained fo r the B aptist m inistry next Tues- day n ig h t at 7:30 a t the U niversity B aptist C hurch. J r e - if ceived and accepted a P i r a t e of th e d w rc h a t F n « , * . The ordination service will call to the I he conducted by city. the m inisters o f th e J Also R ecently Mr. L ightner has 1 .1 . a t * " e Cactus Tea Room. ...................... a A i f f l i n u n j FOR R EN T — H ousekeeping .p art- m ent, p riv ate b ath , sleeping porch, fo r ladies, rooms in u referred room ing house. Phone A nnie B arn ­ h a rt, 7520, 705-10 West 22 1-2 St. ARTICLES BY TEXAS PROFESSORS APPEAR Two U niversity professors, Dr. E. C, B ark e r of th e d ep a rtm en t of his­ to ry and Dr. H. G. Jam es o f the d e ­ p artm e n t c f g o v ern m en t a r ­ ticles in the new edition o f th e En- f*vcloDaedla R r i t t x r i vhioh m n * LOST— In cyclopaedia B rftU r.ica, which cam e o ff the press this sum m er, Dr. B a rk e r w ro te an article have LO ST—S teer head to Longhorn fob. I f found please to Beaum ont S tin n ett, 1710 Name on back. re tu rn Colorado S treet. W A N TE D — One second-hand copy of Sim pkins “ A d m in istratio n of E s­ ta te s .” Call Bowman at 6951, M, n ., 0ym „ t the n orthw est com er of ra I|y , one brown j fu r choker. F in d er pjease retu rn to on Lloyd M artin, care T exan office. Texas, while Dr. Jam es’s article is devoted to th e S outh Am erican re ­ public o f Chile. ROOM AND BOARD— F o r men, block and a h a lf fro m cam pus. Nice rooms sleeping porch, hot and cold :: I } II ISSUES MILITARY CORPS TO BE RECRUITED FROM UNIVERSITY (Continued from Paxe One) claimed, that only an hour and a half of drill are required each week the evening the drill to come in Full pay after supper, allowed eaeh officer and man for the day of drill. The privilege of if v , .. month - l l b . given the com pany to take at its lls* Mary E by who from the University teaching in San Marcos. graduated i* in August, Miss Louise Spaeth, form er in­ in the U a irer structor of German -it* rte S U -. N ^ m al to C h.™ *, W ort- drill,n . X t i t . T r x a '. is Dean of W omen in I — cret ion. her in teaching tur ner SIU Martial Xosaiike. a Irene Spence, who received degree irs August, is Fruita, Colorado. «A higher type of soldier i» re ­ companies, quired for engineering and I want to have the University company to be the first of the new the regiment being dent of the University, is in It. W. 3#jth division o f the national guard, asserted Adj. Gen. Barton, in dis- C. A work in Beaumont : cussing the new organization. He in New that since more non-com- a}M) study art m o o n e d officers were to be used, their way be Ned ie Robertson, graduate of th e } g |ven m chance to earn good money. Katherine Caruthers is York City where she will this winter, | more students working through the University would organized ---------- in a Rata* of Pay Law School, ha? been elected dis- j trict attorney of Hood County is working h teaching in Brenham *--------- Marguerite Stewart a peace .time strength o f 3 officer* and 73 men, the following Alice Campbell of the class of '21 rateg of pay w [\] he given for the fu|j fjay jn which the company drills j an hour and a half: The first ser* at a rate o f $96 per month in the month $22.50; three sta ff ser­ geants at a rate o f $72 per month for 8 drills will draw for the month $19; company sergeants at a rate of $54 per month for 8 drills would draw $14; corporals at a pay of $42 j per month would draw $11 with the Y. W. C. A. in Chicago, i ^ g dr|u period* would draw She received her B. A. in 1917 from this University. Alice Miller. B. A. 1917, is in So­ this for 8 Mildred Marshall, graduate of the, drijlfr f\rnt c|aj,„ privates will draw Law School in 1918, is private sec- | j jg each drill and privates will rclary for the Texas CHI Company in draw | } eact, drill.. New* \ ork. is and 36th member of Phi Beta Kappa, is teach- division. Major Culberson will min ing Journalism in the University of ter the Wisconsin. —------- Ruby Black. B. A. cial Service work year. 1921 and a Major Culberson of the Major Charles K, Crawford, Assisting Adj, Gen. Barton company in when it Is o r -’ in Chicago old ----- -- Margaret D ow n!., former student in the University, he* violin studio in New York. opened ganized after the IO day’s recruit ing period. He will be assigned from I**1*1-*1 governm ent to U k e . ere e t of th ' University company but to not now in Austin, Major Culberson for the will be division inspector I national guard. Aprftoatloa. la O rd .. . Soma wander,n* lo th a r io . «er.n -| ntfed the* Tri-DcHa’s sometime In the near past. Applications for Among the latest additions to the right wing of the the University company will be received today in the adjutant-general’* office in the capital building faculty of the University ia F. J. j opposite the post office. However, Adam?, of California, who has been I pending the taking over o f campus of j recruiting by state officials, George made instructor in the street education. Mr. Adams will the philosophy of education. will give information, though all ap plications must be handed into the capital office. teach H. Cantrell, 109 West school 18th LAW STUDENTS HEAR JOINT ADDRESS FROM VINSON AND TOWNES ception (Continued from Page One) j It was emphasized by Adj. Gen. Barton that applications would be considered In the order o f their re in order to make selection It was said that men with oversea and former mili­ tary experience would be given the preference. f of officers fair. U nofficial These words were the bulk of the j the University were considering I became a man, I put aside childish things.’ ” Thursday showed that the higher officials in It to. make plea made by President Vinson in his though they had address to the members of the Law statem ents for publication. is It .School at thb formal opening yl tbs thought that complete support will he given Gen. Barton fn bi* move* sttbcKil anent for a University company. Swats Haring yesterday. refused reports . j o f into . < * ! * . During his address Dr, Vinson th* launched school for it? part rn the maintain- - . ante o f bt&zmg in the University.* He spoke of the rumors that had come to him from tim e to time to the effec t that students o f the Law School were prime factors in the en courage meat JBUUHS 1*1 VHC CU* j yearly dl80rden(| ,v j of «*.--- .... . CO-ED SPORTS START ' Tennis, Hockey, Baseball and Ar- chery started yesterday afternoon in the Women’s Athletic Department. There will be no swimming in the Woman’s Building Pool for the next , on account o f repa.r,, hut . around March the -econd; and d c cu red that it w a, up to the school I * » P E ll I Vt I tltllt ‘ r r“ TT t TI ftn — ^ - f T». ^^aos*. a a, a * * > >, * .«■*>***« s*as«B>aaa#aMa»asat— 211 East Fifth St. Ph0ne 3702 I s s . . I S A SUIT “Tailored to Measure by Born’’ gives all any man ex­ pects in good style, fit, and long wear, at a price very much lower than the usual figure asked for good clothes. Large sales at a small profit per suit, and th e remarkable facilities and equipment of the Born organization, keep i costs low and quality stan­ dard", high. You w ill get a new idea of clothes satisfaction when you have a suit “Tailored to Measure bv Bom ” . A. G. GER J ES 1610 Lavaca Street Smartly Trimmed Dress, T ailored and Sport Hats M. & IS. Corner 9th and Congress Ave. ..mawwoMtouMto1 T T r ; WW..*4 JU •.»». touttwmmwimiM&vmmitoii I' ti Wm. > ^ ^ 1*1 H # Authorized Ford &Fordson Dealer THREE BLOCKS EAST ON FIFTH GASOLINE SOLD ALL NIGHT ‘’We Never Sleep’ For Your Convenience OPEN ALL NIGHT Greasing Rack— Something new. Come give us a trial. We know how to grease your motor equipment. Let us drain that crank case and refill with fresh oil today. ____ CHARLTON & CROCKETT, Inc. Service Station No. I, East 5th and Brazos Service Station No. 2, East 6th and Waller Remember Open All Night