13/'J./43"• No.l AMERICAN NEWSPL.PER CO:Ml'lENT CEMENTING FR~NDSHIP ....... ·........~ -.. ~ ' 1 New York r:i.mes: "The. surrender by the Unite9. Stn.tes o.nd. Gren.t Brito.in of their extra territorial and related rights O:nd privileges in China m~rks the do.:v-m or"' o..n epoch in' vrhich o. new China,, exer?ising full· soyerienty over her ovr.n soil, takes hor plo.oe. as DJ1. eqUc..-cl po.rtne:r i n the fo.mily of the United Nn.tions., That is o. mD.ttor for congratulations -to China, to l:wneriioo. o..nd G-reo.t Brito.in, to n.ll the United Nations1 o.nd to tho i:rorld. It should prove an ins-piration to all peoples aspiring to full sovereignty and independence., I-.; ""'~ .~ ' •• "BuJc the Tr~o.tios for the abolition of those rights signed. a.t.Wo.shington o.nd Chung KL)g yes terday arc nlso a moc1e.l for the ·revi9ion of a.:ntiqi.w:ted Treaties by mutual o.gr·cemcr,l;~ Yihich refutes' tho claims of the o.gJ;'C~sor 'nations that Trectties con be revised only by force. Hi.th goodvr.:i..11 on both sides the knotty · · problom has now b een solved in o. mo.nnor v1hich reflects cred.it on all the port.ies involvocl,1'.w1cl not only o.voids conf'lict but helps to cement their friendship.;" · A TI1IT!!LY m~cC1:;-NIT-~ ON ----"--·--..·:¥.-----·... ". ~· -; ~ New York Hornld Tribune: 11 Ch:ino. k1.s grow:ri spiritu.oii~" t~-a st~ture tho. t mn.k:estEe rotG:ntion of extro. territoriD.lity a sD.d anachronism. It is a good riddmi.cc; X.1.cl the surrender of it,is o. timely expression of British and A.merico.n rec,::ig11ition not oply of Ch:LnD.t s groi,-rth of military povver through terrible so..c1'ifices ~ but of tho mornl st1.u-!1ino. which makes her one of the great reliances of the United No.tions. n ·~~·····~-·-'-·-­ ____ _,, __ , _ ... ~ _.,,....RF.G~ROOAL l}~\.JALI'l,__ ' _ Y ~ - }Va~lD.-~r.._~~: "The Treo.ties signed at Yfashington and Chung King this Yreek abolish nll -l~no limitations upon Ch:i.nD.' s sovereignty o.rising from tho spocio.l righ-':s en~ioyed by foreigners in Chino., It is tho way that tho peace can be -,-,.on j_:i1 wo.r time. No happier wo.y of showing our detonnino.t:i.on to soc thn.t the Atlantic Char-Go:·~ is carried out could ho.ve been found thn.n by plo.cin•~ the lego.l relationsh:i.11 between Ch:Um cm.d the Ue'storn Democracies on a basis 0 ~· fulI reciprocal ec-i.uali'-y•." STRUCTURE o~:_pu~~.C\_ Clevc;land Plo.:i.n Deo.lor: "Exo.ctly o. century o.ftcr tho signing of the f'irst agrern:1onts CLE'!p:riving China of tho right to moot out equal justice to her own ond other nn:I; ~-ono.ls on hor soil that great no.tion 110.s been restored to diplomo..tic o .uali-:.y vii.th the oth~r no.tions of ~ho ':-orld. The sign~g of t~is 1.treaty suggc,,c,ts -t:>o.t the structure of peace which is to follow a United Nations victory is alrendy bGing creo.ted, SO tho.t When tho Viotori~US powers.gather nbout the conferen-;e to.ble the grouJtl vrork for muoh of their aooomplishment alren.d.y i;.rill h&vo been lo.id." /PREFERENCE t ~ . .. ., ·-··--­ . c;;w "'t . 'I' 6!li4iM\4(1i• .>1:¥Hi ... .. :. " -2­ PREFERE,'NCE FOR RUSSIA Cleveland Plain Dealer: ''President Roosevelt's order giving preference in lease-lend millto.ry supplies to Russia is a significant o.nd encburn.ging development. ·weapons n.re effective only to the extent they o.re utilized in combat, and the President's n.ction confirms popular judgrflcnt that the outcono of the fighting in Russia will decide to a gren.t extent the success of the Allied cause in the months immedio.tely ahen.d. The President is to be commended not only for his. decision but for permitting public announcement. It will go fDr towo.rd' building morn.le". BURDEN OF UNITED STATES The M;Lnneapolis stur Journal discussinc; the new war Budget so.ys "i;ecause we have .tho most ·productive resources -land, factories, machines, mines, skilled manpoWB:t' -the economic burden of the United Nations f nlls pr:inmrily upon us. l\nd we nre now sophisticated enough to undei...-stand tho.t there . co.n be no post-:vvar talk J of moneto.ry vVDX' debt owed us by our Allies 'because of what we are doin~ for them'. Aside from the great price Russia and Brito.in ti.re po.ying in human lives for o. United Nntions vlctory they nre contributing economically everything they cn.n (even more than we in proportion to ·weD.lth o.nd population). It is our obligation to contrit-uto everything vv~ Ca:::L to the corr.men tlctory". ++++++++++++++++++++ U.S. OFFICE OF WM INFDRMATION J" .. '. -; -., .~· .. ' 13/1/43 -No. 6 \ Lir Finistry Bulletin No. 893_6_. ...,ir Linistry Nevrs Service Divine; into the svdrling vm ters cf the Taw estuary, .:.ssistant Section­Officer Diana Godvvin, a cede o.nd cypher officer at a station in Coastal Com:nnd, saved the life of .a three-yet.lr old boy ·who was l)eing svrept mray down the :r;iver. Assistant Section-Officer Godwin, whose hone is at .Pulborough» Sussex, was travelling in a train approaching Barnstaple station when she sn.vr a SI:'all boy struggling in the water. Dashing out of the train as it reached tho station, she rushed back to tho spot where she had seen the child ancl, tearing off her gren.tcoat, dive(). into the water. A good swir.1ner, she reachec1 the boy, then 15 yards fron the river's ed13e. Railway officials helped he:c to carry hir:1 t1~1 the slippery bank and · · apply artificial respiration. The boy bad been· playing 300 yards upstrcan1 anu ho.c.i. slipi;ed into the ~ter. He soon recovered cmcl was taken to his pn.rents, vvho rave since vrritt.en a letter to l~ssistant ·Section-Officer Godwin in which they -say:­ 11 :·re hardly know how to write this letter thanking you with all our hearts for your wonderful action in sn.ving the life of our child. ,\·e do not knovr hov7 we can repay you, but hope tbat v-:e shali hD.ve a chance to sone any. 11 "I just ran back and went into the river to get the child out," wo.s all that the W.A.J... F. of.ficer said,, -but o. v.::m who was in the .train declared: "It was an extrenely fine effort. 11 NOTE -Nane of child: Robert Ridler, 7, Paige's lane, Barnstaple, ,;.. s. 0, Diana Godwin is the daughter of Mrs. BucbD.no.n, Pulborouch, Sussex. NOTE -Picture available fron ?. N, .i~. .J-,3/11:3 -No. 7 GLASSHOUSE HE.t.TING The Hinister of Fuel ::i.nc.1-Power hn.s given o. Directicin tmc~_E;r the Control of Fuel (No. 3) Orc.1..er entitled Genornl Dfroction (Gl:;_sshousc Hcc,t:L11.g) No.l. This Direction, -,rhich coues into force on J?ric1o_y, 15th Jonunry, prohibitc the use or consun;Jtion of on.y fuel f 'Jr hc.1.tina o. alc.sshouse or o.ny ~)art the~ eof exce~Jt under per;:1i t in ilriting fron the liinister or c.. l1c[~iomtl Fuel Controller. Gl:;,,sshouses which n.re use(, Hholly for tho proc":.ucJ: .:.on of tor.K1.toes, lettuce, nusto.rc1 anc1 cress or for the rccising m."' yotms vesctc,bles c.1o not cone YTithin , the Direction. In ::i.c1c.'.ition, tho Dir,~ction does not o:pply to o. 2lasshouse usecl for ')?roc.ucinc f.ood crops for sn.le if it is situated on o. holding of .'.'l.f~ricultural Lill.cl exce0c1:i.n[3 :ij: acre nnc1 the occupier co111Jlies \7ith l;he :provision of Lrticle 4 of the Horticulturo.l (Croppinc) Aneno.nent :mc1 Consoli:::1D_tion Order, 1942, or the correspondins Scottish Orcler, which applies to .'.lny glasshouse on o. holding of D{·;ricul tu't'o.l lone'. irrespective of size. Where hot-wo..ter pi;)es forning p.'.'l.rt of' a eenerc_l centrnl hen.ting systeu of "­house po..s:J through o. [~18.sshouse onc1 c2nnot be c..cljustec1 so as tc· prevent the hen.tins of the glasshouse, such hentine is not prohibited. But when o. cln.sshouse is fitted with rac1intors or other ho::i.tin11 o..ppli.'..:11ces which c.'.lll be se~roro..tvly controllec1 the rcstli:ictions contained in the Direction will O..)ply. ll'or the purJ?,)Se of this Direction fuel neC'l1S coal, coke, po.rn.ffin, cas, electricity, liquid fuel onc1 >nod fuel -except such Yrooc1 fuel [LS has not !)een o.cquircd froi:1 ::mother ;)erson by the occu-;?ier of the cb.sshousc Zor use as fuel. Glo.sshouso mmers no.y, therefore, use wr_stovrooc1 frou their ov,11 trees or ::-;o..rclon rub1Jish for he~tin~ their r;lc..sshouses for grovring nny -;)l8!1ts they vfish. ++++++++++++++++++ J\UNISTHY OF FUEL ~IDDLE EAST JOINT W/iR COMMUNIQUE G..H.. Q. ca1ro, Jo.nuary 13 yesterday patrol activity continued. othervdse there is nothins to report from our land forces. Although sandstorms hindered o.ir operations over the battle area yesterday five enemy fighters were destroyed in combat. Tripoli and Homs vvere successfully attacked during the night 11tl:y'12th January. Targets in Crete, socily and on Lnmpedusa island were attacked during yesterday by our light bombers and fighter bombers. From these and other operations two of our aircraft did not return but the pilots are safe. ++++++++++++++ WAR OFFICE l;.ir Ministrv No. 8957 ~::t-<.; . ... '., :f ::;. · Last night aircro.f't of ·Bon::;er Cor:inand again attacked tar3ets in the Ruhr. • One of our aircro.:ft is nissing. +++++++++++++++++ 13/l/43~.. No. 22 CL.0 rHlNG· DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE REMINDER TO RETAILERS Retailers in the clothing trade who arc affected by the Clothing Distribution Committee's scheme for ensuring to small retailers fair shares of tho limited supplies novr o.vnilablo, aro reminded that to secure their supplies under the schemo for tho first period (1st Jonuary to 31st March, 1943) they must send a formal declaration to each of their sup1)liers before: the 31st January, The declaration must state specifically (o.) that the retailer desires to bo included in tho scheme; (b) that the total turnover of all his business in tho standard ycDX" 1939 did not exceed £5,000, n.nd (c) the value of his nurchases from the po.rticulnr supplier in tho standard year 1939. Retailers .who do not send in those doclnrntions by tho closing do.te \•rill not be able to clo.im the bcnofits of the scheme for tho . first quarter,, Thoy will, however, be able to enter the scheme for the second period, 1st April to 30th JLme , provided tho.t they are eligible ond that they send in their decloro.tions before the 30th April. Once a retailer has onterecl the s.chcmo n.nd his. claim has been accepted by his suppliers, it will not be neccsso.ry for him to mn.ke further declo.rn.tions for subsequent periods, A leo.flet hn.s been published explaining tho scheme in deto.il and showing which retailers are eligible to participate, what goods they are entitled to claim and how they should proceed to secure their supplies, It also gives particuJars of tho obligations resting on suppliers, both manufacturers and wholesalers, All classes of traders who are affected by the scheme, either as retailers or as suppliers, are advised to obtain a co;iy directly, or throu3h any bookseller, from the Stn.tionery Office, price 2d,. BOARD OF TRADE • 13.1.43 -Ho. 23 Air Hinistry Ne-crs Service Air :;:inistry Bulletin No. 896.§ BIG DL."Y.CIGHT S'?r1~S O'i!I;R FR.i~.NCE As escort.s to R.l •• ::.:i. Bostons.• Vonturo.s and L.mericon Flying Fortresses ond in fighter s-.-vee1Js neru.0 ly 400 Spitfir.es fle-..r over Forthern Frmce today. American Spitfire pilots helped to escort the Bostons in on attack on on airfi el d o_t St. Omer. Polish sq'1D.clrons with British md other.squac1roYJ.S in support escort,_;d R.L.r. Venturas to attn.ck ::m airfiel d at i.bbeville mid: Dritish, ;.llied and Can-'..1.c1io.n Spitfire squo.dron::> of Fi ghter Cor:u.:and covered the roturx1 of J.morican Fortresses, Yrhich had attnckeJ. targets at Lill e . The bombing took place w·ithin C!-periocl of about two hours. The first attack WD-S launched shortly after noon uhon a force of R.l••F. Boston bombers ro.ided. t~1e o.irfiold at St. Omer. :Nor:mgi:J.n, Bol.'];ian, i~ustralian ancl Canaclinn squadrons of Fighter Com:n...md, as well o.s 11.rn.orico.n fighter squadrons , ',,,or e Dmong tho supporting formations but opposition w;;cs l:iHitecl to onti-o.ircr 2-ft fire. Pilots of one of the Cn.no..dinn fighter squc..c1rons reported seeing bombs from tho Bostons bursting in tho U.ispersol r~rco. of the airfield. The Spitfire pil ots flyin3 close to the Bostons so.'.1 no oneP\)r aircraft on the '.7o.y il~ . oncl the fmt soon on the ':r~:.y out ko-pt o.t "-respectful distance. ~'...bout o.n hour ).ci.tor tho eno:.1y ci.irf'iold d .:.bl)cvill o '.n.-is ci.tto.oked .by n strong forc e of Lock..h.eecl Vontu.rci.s of t:n.~ R.J••J.11 Bomber Comr:10.ncl , cscortod by Polish 31uo.drons • o.ncl further supp0rted l)y a fighter force which included Hm: zoo.l and and Fi3hting French squndrons of tho R.L.F, · J~fter the attack on tho o.irf.iolc1 tho Y!ost Lo.ncashiro J'cttxiliDrY Squo.dron ond tho Fighting I"ronch Spiti'ire Squadron fou.;ht a.bout 20 F.\.'.1 90s c..bovc it. They clestroycc1 throe F.'.T.190s o..nd dD:i:i.o.i::;od others without loss to themselves. A member of tho }.i'ighting }'ranch Squadron so..id: 11\Io saw the F.1:r, 19os when tho bo:1bers h2-d turned for homo. Or10 of' our pilots got on fo tho t8.il of one 1-rhich dived stro.ight c.lm-rn with ou:c pilot follo'. .ring himw "Our pilot 1Jlacko1-ou.t when ho pulled out of th') dive at about 5,OOO feet. His o.ir speed inc.lientor ';1,s sho'.ring 430 m. P• h. before ho pulled out. "Ho dicl not see '.'That happened to tho F.v.r.190 -o.t '.1:1ich he had fired, but some of his colleo.guos :mw it cro..si.i. into tho ground and break up.. 11;;.nothor of our -pil'.·ts sot tho engine of C\.nothcr F ..·..·. 190 on f'iro ci.nd destroyocl it. 11 T:10 thiri F.<.·!. wo..s destroyed by a pilot of the 0'.'ost Lancci.shit'e Luxiliary Squadron -,-rho said: "There were three of them bol oYr us n.nd '.'re got ec good 'bol.U1cc1 on the ono I dcstro::,recL I dicl not seo ".rhat ha-ppcnod to h:i.l;i but tho squadron corm11c..nder so.w him blm;-up in :r:.i'l ci.ir. Tho other "bdo :mo.no.god. to oroo..k o..ymy•11 Tlhilc Cnno.d:inn squadrons were pci.trolling tho Dunkirk oreci. in support of tho Amcrico.n bombers returning froi:i Lillo1 thoy SD.'if o.bout fi'."; F •1;i. 190s as tho Fortresses wore co;ning out over tho coast, but it Yras impossible to engo.go o.ny of thcr1 oxoopt one -,rhicli. ·wont a'.'tr:.y darnagocl. Eo.rlior in tho df1,y a Nor;'ic-g:i.o.n f.lizht l:i.outon::-i.nt :iri Fight0r Comno.nd shot up two barges of about 200-t.:>ns co.ch on a Dutch onno.l. He h'.lc1 to fly through :intense flak boforo gottin_;_; in his 0-tto.ck. He anc1 o..nothor pilot o.ls~ hit o.. gun post on tho coast nenr Tho Hci.guo. ---c.....________..,. iJ.1.43 -No. 24 #QJ?P .GORT Field Marshal the Lord Gort, 'V. c., Governor and Cor.irrap.der.;.in-Chief of 11a.lta, has arr.i:ved in this country for consultatW.n. Lord Gort, who ·left Engl.and in May1 1941, ()h appoint:nent as Governor and Co:mmande:b•in-Chie,f' in Gibraltar, wili return to Malta. after tal