News Coverage by a Competent StatUof University Students Makes THE DAILY the Complete Medium for of Campus Happenings PHONE IT IN 'I News . ____ ___ A fter IO P. M. __ 9181-61 9187 I C lassified A ds .............................. .........23164 I D isplay A ds ................................... .........23164 I Circulation __________ 23164 I .......... VOLUME XXX T h e Weather F o r A u stin an d vicinity: f a i r . W e d n e s d a y , No. 30 -cs © h r B a i l l i E e x a t i ^ BARKER ISSUES TEXAS HISTORY CONTRIBUTION C o s m o p o l i t e . W o m e n S h o r t a g e . W e l c o m e W a r m t h . R i c e G a m e . the University is j TTHOUGH know as a State University, * it is fa r from being a gathering place for student who come from the state of Texas only. R e s e a r c h L ectures F o rm M ain P a rt O f W o rk shows This fact was revealed by a that recen t survey which stu den ts from 12 foreign coun­ tries as well as students from 36 Elates other than Texas attended the University during the last long) Five C h a p te rs Tell of | session. This information is, in­ deed, enlightening to most of us. STATE HISTORIAN T e x a n Colonists" S truggles T hat we cosmopolite are a group, a f te r all, then, is evident. From the East, from the West, from the North and from the South the students come. Great indeed would have been the uni­ versity a few years ago which had representation from so many p a r ts of the globe as are gathered tog eth er here in our own institu­ tion. But, then, the world has j toI grown, and we are doomed gtow with it— or be left in the backwoods, so to speak, so fa r ar universities go. Evidently we have school not been in the which does not take advantage of all opportunities to advance. Evi­ dence is with us! class of Jk NOTHER enlightening fact which we learn from figures recently compiled is th a t in the University, there is a t t h e present a i#utio between the men and wo­ men of three and one, with the me nholding the majority. And w hat does this seem to indicate? A re men more interested in edu­ a cation; or are they forced to certain degree, to have a college education in order to forge ahead in the present time of business ad­ vancem ent? Perhaps, too, some their c f the women have dropped plans fo r higher education and are Fluking homes for those men who have already made, in a way, a place fo r themselves— which in it­ self is nothing to frow n upon. B ut whatever the reason may be, the men in larger are here num ber than women; and maybe th a t accounts for the difficulty in m aking dates sometimes ????? ^ T U E M*AY say th a t we were grateful when upon walking into the office yesterday m orn­ ing we discovered th at some one over a t the Power House had ta k ­ en pity upon us and had turned on little cold a wave which we have been experi­ encing has brought to our minds t h a t winter, in earnest, will be h ere soon. little steam. The And with the advent of winter, will come the increased business of the wood and coal dealers. On the other hand the gas company wilt probably come in for a g reat­ er am ount of the heating business this y ea r since natural gas is one of A ustin’s assets. Chopping wood and kindling wood, however, will remain the solemn duty of some of the eds during the winter time. here and considerable is HTHE MIDDLE of the week dis­ * cussion in regard to the Rice game at Houston this week-end may be heard about campus. And the this reminds us that today the tick­ et sale for the game begins at the athletic office. Students who a t­ tend the game should not wait un til the last minute. Research lectures on the causes of the Texas Revolution, written by Dr. Eugene C. Barker, profes­ sor of history a t the University, have been issued in a volume by Dallas publishing company. in research In 1927, Dr. B arker was chosen the by the graduate faculty of lecturer University as for the year. F ou r lectures were delivered the following April a t the time of the meeting of the Texas Historical Association in It is these four lectures, Austin. together with a paper formerly published by the American Histor­ ical Association, th at compose the five chapters of the book. G iv e* R a c ia l B a c k g r o u n d to The firs t chapter presents the racial and political background of the Anglo-Americans and the Lab- clash in-Mexicans who were and struggle fo r supremacy with­ in and fo r the control of Texas; the second takes up the Mexican aspirations and ideals with re fe r­ to Texas and makes clear ence the fact that the Mexicans real­ ized the possibility trouble the Americans, who were with talking of expansion and who too cautiously were n egotiating for the purchase of the Mexican province. of The third chapter treats of the numerous grievances of the Am­ erican colonists, their dislike for and disregard of the religious r e ­ quirements of Mexico, their evas­ ion of the law abolishing slavery in Mexico, and th eir resentment of the law of 1830 excluding f u r ­ ther immigration from the United States to Texas, not to mention minor causes of irritation. In this chapter is seen the steadying hand of Stephen F. Austin, who tried to steer his colony to suc­ cess and safety between the shoals rocks of Mexican suspicion and of American aggressiveness. intelligently In the fourth chapter the tro u ­ bles thicken, the climax of war approaches. Two men, General Teran and Stephen F. Austin, u n ­ both derstood the situation and tried the to avoid danger. But now Teran, in des­ pair, killed himself, and Austin, equally hopeless but more practi­ cal, gave up hope of preserving peace and went over to the cause of war, with independence as the ultimate goal. On September 8, 1835, Aus­ tin, back from his Mexican prison, made his Brazoria speech, “ char­ ting the course that must be im­ Thirteen followed.” mediately days later, word came that Gen­ eral Cos had in Texas with the purpose of subduing it. On October 2, 1835, “ the first shot was fired in the Texas Rev­ olution.” Thus ends the fourth lecture. landed I 1 . ‘ in the • « • The fifth chapter deals with the outbreak, the public opinion in Texas preceding years with a view to arriving causes of the trouble. RIDING stick horses was the vogue yesterday morning fo r some of those being initiated This book is but one of many into the Cowboys; while others! were matadors part of the time ' contributions from the pen of Dr. Barker. F or a q u arte r of a cen­ and the others the bulls for the bullfight. This may seem a ri­ tu ry he has been a student of the diculous way to initiate into the colonial period of Texas history. pep organization; but we may look together, his writings a t the sittuation In another way. form a unit, making available fo r the first time the sources of the I I does a c q u a i n t the campus to a degree with those being taken in-J most dramatic and exciting per- to the Cowboys. [ md of Texas history. Taken a t Rice G a m e T ickets G o on Sale I o d ay A t A th letic O ffice -secretary of the Tickets fo r the Longhorns’ clash with the Rice Owls at Houston Saturday will be on sale a t th e athletic office to- day and tomorrow, Wiley E. Glaze, de- p a y m e n t of physical training, announced Tuesday. Student rooter section tickets will sell for $1 plus the blanket tax. Re­ served se a ts n ea r the cen te r of the for field are $2.50, Glazed said. available STATISTICIANS HOLD MEETING ON WEDNESDAY L ew is’ T a lk to F e a tu re Cycles of C a ttle Ind ustry of The Austin chapter the American Statistical Association will meet Wednesday, a t I o’clock a t the University Commons with E. L. Dodd, president of the As­ sociation, presiding. George M. Lewis, livestock specialist of I. e University Bu­ reau of Business Research, will give a talk on the Livestock Industry.” “ Cycles in Everyone interested has been invited, whether or not they are members of the association. ------------- o— ---------- CHILE UBRARY GIVES BOOKS TO UNIVERSITY 32 V o lu m es C o ntain L ate G o v e rn m e n t P ub lication s The national library of Chile has sent a new ’ gift to the Latin- I ni- American collection of the versity. The 32 books received at the Garcia Library include the latest governmental publications for 1927. are Of particular interest a number of statistical tables of va­ rious departm ents of the govern­ ment and a re p o rt o f the Central Bank of Chile with the la te s t re g ­ ulations governing this im portant financial institution. The National Library of Chile sends the University all recent publications regularly in order that the Latin-American collection may be kept up to date. ------------- o------------- FROSH FOOTBALL STA R IS INJURED a J. T. Sparks of Rockdale, member of the freshm an football team, is in St. David’s Hospital with a badly sprained leg as a r e ­ sult of injuries sustained in foot­ ball practice yesterday. An X-ray revealed th a t his leg was not broken as was first thought. Sparks is a guard on the fresh­ man team and the largest man on the squad, weighting 240 pounds. ------------- o— — PULLMANS MAY NOW BE RESERVED Reservations may be made now with Miss Rowley, assistant dean of women, for the return pullman from the Rice-Texas game which will leave Houston at 11:4Q o’clock Sunday night. No pullman will be reserved for the trip from Aus­ tin. Mrs. F. E. Goldbeck will act * a* chaperon for the trip. CO-ED P T. CLASSES T A K E SPECIAL AUDITORY TESTS AU girls in phynieal training classes in the University will be given auditory teats this week. Teats will be given on an audio­ meter, a machine somewhat like a phonograph, and having A f f ear pieces. Each of Ute girls will be given a card on which she will check num bers spoken through th e machine. The numbers will be spoken first by rn mm and then by • woman. Records of the teat* will be kept, and if there is marked im­ perfection in the student’* hear­ ing, the cause will be discovered and treatm ent given. Reports of the tests will be given to all pro­ and fessors in the University, those students whcae hearing is found to be defective will be seat­ ed o n the fro n t their classes, row of CALENDAR I o’clock—-Telses ch a p te r of American Statistical Association meets a t Cafeteria. * 5 o’clock— Pi Sigma Alpha elects new members in G arri­ son Hail 3. 5 o’clock—Reagan Literary Society meet# iii Main Build- in s 172. 5 o’clock — Racquet Club meets at, 25th street courts. 7 30 o’clock — “ Deutsche? Verein ” meets to Main Build­ ing m . The First College Daily in the South A U S T IN . TEX A S, W E D N E SD A Y , OCTOBER 24, 1928. AYER SPEAKS TO ROTARIANS ON EDUCATION Instructors M ust Sign fo r Checks B efore I o’Clock Tutoip and assistants ami all others who have not signed th<* payroll at the Auditor’s office they will be excluded unless today, sign before I o’clock VV. R. Long, ‘Auditor, stated Tuesday. Debate Squad Selected to Meet Team from University Of Sydney Here October 30 Stubbeman, Bland And Sandlin Chosen 0 1 d Sutherland Letter Tells of Rattle of Alamo - ♦ W o rk Flere E xplained By D e p a rtm en t H ead TO M B I * FJTURE PREDICTED W I L L L IC H IRF I S S U E BONDS ‘ I N ’ DECEMBER O f Professor I N H E R E OCT. 75 Discussed Dr. F red C. Ayer of the Univer­ sity faculty addressed the Rotary Flub at m>on Tuesday. As ch a ir­ man of the departm ent of educa­ tional administration, he g iv e y classification talk on his vocation in that field. His talk centered around the opportunity service; Fecund* future development of education in Texas; and third, the various duties attached to work in the departm en t of educational ad­ ministration. three points: First, social for Professor Ayer stated that edu in cation is the largest business the country, including as it does 20,500,000 pupils in public and private elementary and secondary' schools, another million in higher another million institutions, in extension training, and enough others engaged .in school publica­ tions, in the manufacture of school en­ books, furniture, with those in the planning and con­ gaged struction of schools to make a total of 32,000,000, or two out of every :-even persons in the United In connection with the fu tu re development of education in Tex­ as, Professor Ayer asserted th a t the state of Texas offered a field for service unsurpassed by any other state in the union. He call­ ed especial attention to the fact that only three the United States have larger school populations and with an adequate system of taxation, are able to raise more school money than the state of Texas. Moreover, the economic development of Texas is just beginning, he said. states in Professor Ayer announced that he was particularly attracted to Texas because this state combines the respect for honored customs and traditions of the South with the energy and adaptability of the West. In discussing the duties of col­ lege professors, attention was total called to the fact that the time load Alf the average professori­ al the University of Texas is 50.5 hours p er week, with slightly over an eight-hour day average for six days. Professor Ayer concluded with a brief explanation of his departm ental activities in connec­ tion with teaching, the direction of theses, research, and commu­ nity service. T ASSOCIATION INITIATES TODAY “ T ” A ssedation will have the this initiation of new members Wednesday from l l o’clock to 12 o’clock. The neophytes will meet a t Z Hail at l l o’clock. Initiation will be held near the Library Building. Bill Ford, president of the as­ sociation, has listed the following new members who will take part in the initiation: Curtis Beatty, Nona Rees, Big Un Rose, Eddie Baidar, H arry Phillips, Cordy Brown, Jimmie Brown, Gail Whit­ comb, Frank Cheatham, Sug Camp, D an ie ls, Ham Foreman, Dan Courtier, John H Hoff, .Slaughter, Carl Sandberg, Tommy Goode. Mondrick, S^m Howe, Harris, S. L. Miller (mgr.), Milton Brown­ ing, F rank Higgins, Berkeley Bed Howard Key, Louis Ferguson, W. T. Johnson, Bascom Caldwell Sam Fisher (mgr.), Johnnie Rail- ton, Piggy Minchen. M exican Folk C ustom s A n d A r t Will Be S ubject Proceeds from Bonds To Go to B uilding P ro g ra m An illustrated lecture, “ Mexi­ can Folk Customs and A rt,” will he given by Miss Frances Tool* of the University o f Mexico, T hurs­ day, October 25 at 8 p. rn. in G a r­ rison Hall auditorium, according to Aaron S chaffer, o f the public lectures committee. * Miss T o o t is editor o f a f o l k ­ lore jo u rn al called “ Mexican Folk­ ways” a t p re se n t. As a lecturer on Mexican folklore, customs, and art, she has received praise from many universities, and o utstand­ ing critics over the nation. • She has resided with the I n d - 1 ians of Mexico for years, and she knows the life of their villages, their arts, stories She is also acquainted with piesent political Mexico. Miss Toor is a member of the ministry bf public instruc- | tion. legends. j the i tendencies of I and PARISH WOMEN GIVE CARNIVAL THURSDAY NITE Approximately 1000 tickets have j be \ been sold to the carnival to given by the women of St. Au*-1 tins Parish. This, the third of a | series of benefit affairs given to the Catholic students, will be held Thursday, at 6 o’clock. The a f fa ir vail be a dinner, according to Mrs. James E. Caliihan, in charge of tne occasion. The supper will be served a t 6 j o clock and a f te r that the carnival will take place. Mrs. Jam es E. Cailihan will b«- assisted by Mesdames J, W. Byrpe, C. E. Booth, George F. Zimmer­ man, and Joseph Fisher. The com­ mittee of general arrangem ents includes; L. Heme*, Kathleen Floyd, Paul Holt, and Rosemary Biakslee. Tickets are on sale at the office at Newman o F ath er Blakesiee club. VOLLEY BAL LTEAM ORGANIZES FRIDAY All students wishing to play on the in tram ural class volley ball team will meet Friday a t 5 o’clock in the W om an’s Gymnasium. L itte rs will bt* given out in the physical tra in in g classes this week in regard to organizing this team . ------ — —o------------- ESTES OPENS NEW CLASS LOR BOXERS Final form of the b o nd; to be issued by the University has been decided upon, neeording to infor­ mal ion from the C om ptroller’s of Tice. The bonds have been offi­ cially named “ University Perma­ improvement Bonds” by nent I Attorney General C laude Pollard. The honda will be issued in two series, A. and B. Series “ A” will this be year and will total $500,000. Ser­ ies “ B” will b<* I, 1929 and will total $750,000. The two series, representing u total of and $1,250,000 will bear three-fourths per c e n t interest. They will draw in te re st from De­ cember, 1929 to Decem ber 1934. the Univer­ The income from issued December issued June I, of four sity bondr will go into the funds j for the building program . The program now includes three pro­ posed buildings, the Library ex­ tension, the new Chem istry Build- ^ mg, and the Gymnasium-Auditor ium. DEUTSCHER VEREIN TO MEET TONIGHT “ DeutOcher V erein” will meet in Main tonight at 7 :80 o’clock Building 105. All students who are taking German, or who have a talking knowledge of the language, are a g e d to attend. A s h o rt program will he rendered. PRE-MEDS CANCEL FALL INITIATIONS The Pre-med that | were*scheduled for tonight have been postponed indefinitely. initiations The president, Leland S. Evans, stated that the reason for the post­ ponement was interference with study for mid-semester ex­ aminations. the PRESENT DAY CLUB MEETS AT COMMONS Present Day Club held its reg­ ular meeting y esterd ay at the University Commons, at I o'clock, A number of new members were initiated, additional members were voted into the club. The new members a r e : Phoebe Thompson, Mattie Lloyd Wooten, and Nina Covington. th ree and Lorena Drummond read an ar- t id e on women's activities. Com­ mittee reports were heard and plans for the year were discussed. SMITH MAINTAINS LEAD OVER HOOVER in Al Smith maintained his F our students have signed fo r a course the advancer! p rin ­ ciples o f fighting to be given by Johnny Estes, beginning Novem­ ber I. lead over Herbert Hoover a t the end o f the second day’s voting on the campus in The T ex a n ’s straw bal­ received 3$ let. Smith received _88 votes Estes states that the class will against 25 for Hoover, making a be limited to a membership of 15 total of 50 for the Democratic in order th at the students may nominee and 38 fo r the Repub- rcceive individual bean candidate. instruction, included “ Bobbing, weaving, other blocking, Students advanced J ballots printed each morning to clip the in countering and re g ula r Th^ Texan, indicate th e ir choice, tactics not boxing instruction will be given,’L put them rn an envelope address- Estes raid. cd to The Texan and drop in a The faculty mail box or in the ti. S. mail. hours a week fo r six weeks. class will meet are asked three in lo .Sutherland A copy of a letter written by her lilts. Gent g o sister in Alabama June 6, 1836, has been received for the Uni­ versity archives. The letter was sent by Mrs. I'. S. Sutherland of the Houston, whose husband anti Mrs. grandson of Major George Sutherland. is In tho lette r Mrs. S utherland tells of th e loss of her son, Wil­ liam, ir tho battle of the Alamo, She to lls of the constant w and er­ ing; w ith h er four children in an attem p t to escape the enem y, She tells of the ravage of their home by the Mexicans, and of the burning of h er brother Thomas’ home. A d iary of .Samuel C. A. Rog­ e r , f a t h e r o f Mrs. I . S. Sunder­ land, w a s a1 ho Kent. ft 1 NUMBER OF MEN EXCEEDS GIRLS IN UNIVERSITY S u rv ey Shows R atio O f One to Three The University debate squad has: been .selected to meet the de­ bating team of the University of Sydney, Australia, next Tuesday night, October 30, at 8 o’clock in the Austin High School Auditor­ ium. The members of the Uni­ versity team announced To coley by Debate Coach Thomas Rousse a r e : Fran k D. Stubbeman, senior law student and third year mem­ ber of the debating squad; A rth u r Sandlin, second year on debate the: squad and representative of University in intercollegiate and intersoeiety debates; and Ray Bland, scorn! year on debate squad. The subject for the debate will be, P arliam entary “ Resolved; Form o f Government is Superior to Presidential Form o f Govern­ m ent.” th at The members of tho Australian team are: IL G. Godsall, W. S. .Shelby, and W. S, Nelson. All three members of the visiting team have laid experience with the American style of debating, having met Bates College Aroon/! the World Team twice last. July in Australia. The Australian squad arrived in San Francisco October 17, on the S. S. Malola. They will debate Simmons University in Abilene Monday, arriving in Austin Tues­ day for the donate here. SIGMA DELTA CHI ELECTS MEMBERS Sigma Delta Chi, The n u m b e r of men in the Uni­ versity exceeds the number of wo­ men by a ra tio of three to one, according to Miss Gertrude Heath, statistician of the Registrar’s of­ fice, honorary journalism fra te rn ity eelcted four new members and three new asso­ ciates members at their meeting in B. Hall. Dewitt Miss H eath is making a survey Reddick was*re-elected faculty ad­ of the re lative number of men and visor and a note of recognition women registered in the different year's was voted departm ents of the University for the p re s id e n t’, report which will w? * a " ‘' e'Pecially for hi, su cres, Interscholastic Presa be out a b o u t the middle of De­ cember. with Conference. him for last last. night, the pointed There are eight the same number More men specialize than wo­ out. men, Miss Heath Practically is registered in the College of Arts and Sciences, 1,856 men to 1,588 times women. as many men in the School of Business Administration as wom­ en. the men o u tn u m b e r the women by a ratio of 38 to I. Four times as many men as women are register­ ed in th e School of Pharmacy. In the G ra d u a te School the number the of men a n d women is about same. th e School of Law In ACTORS TO HAVE ANNUAL TRYOUTS Gurtain Club members who would term like a part in the play, the title of which is to be announced later, are requested to a t are to be held Thursday a f te r ­ noon 4 o’clock. The entire cart will be selected at this time, according to Steele Kennedy, pres­ ident o f t he club. The tryouts are to be held at the Curtain Club studio in S Hall. The play has not definitely been one drama has been partially decided on. selected, although NEW SIDEWALKS BUILT ON CAMPUS A new sidewalk is being built from the Engineering Building to B, Hall, a n d repairs are being tm de on th e walk between B. Hall an d the Main Building. Jam es L. MeCamy, president’ of the chapter, was elected as delegate to the national conven­ tion to be held at Northwestern University, Evanstown, Illinois November 19-23. William C. Ed­ a s alternat a wards w as elected delegate. RANGER ISSUED TO ’ 3,000 SUBSCRIBERS Three thousand copiers of Hie football num ber of the Texas Ranger had been distributed late to Tuesday afternoon, according information received tho University Co-Op, where the mag­ azines are being distributed. from There are 1200 snore copies lof be given to holders of the blan-* * ket ‘ .yA! tax. : P. T. COURSE IS GRO UP OF SPORTS Freshman sports, the ?.■ rose rill­ ed physical training for all fresh­ man g als, experimental an course and is given for the first time this year. is The course consists of a aeried ti rat. of sports. Tenikoits is the sport given; others to follow a r e ; volley ball, basketball, hockey, and baseball. —0- REAGAN SOCIETY MEETS WEDNESDAY, ' . Reagan Literary Society hold a called meeting Wednesday at 5 o’clock in room 172 Main Building. Everett;! Love, pres! dent of the society, stated business m atters would be d cussed atm new members SPIRIT OF W E S T RU LES INITIATION ■ .tiJ Voyles Directs New Cowboy ember I The spirit of Buffalo Rd! reigned on the campus yesterday when Claude Voyles presented his i t l l rodeo and wild wert shows by the clearer! newly elected mem­ bers of the Cowboy*. Under the direction of Voyles, staged events the new members that smacked of the golden West when nature’s noblemen rode the range In search of the elusive Caw,'";': I * started with The prftfiftm a nice of three-year-olds, arui wa# followed by bulldogging. Jimmy Rutland wen the bulldogging event by tying the world re co rd of four seconds. The program came to a close when Bubba Crowder, acting as bulls, gored one of the prize Chester Allen. The needy elected members of the Cowboys are: Jack Foxworth, Bubba Crowder, Jim m y Rutland, John Post, Billy Hamilton, Chea­ ter Allen, J. H. Tucker, Allan Rutledge, Winston Churchill, Ger­ ald Scott, and Doc Leach, i n A I T 1/ a TkTmmmi rn Lf AIL Y I EA AN \ E S S E N T I A L POU Clip out this ballot neatly and eith er through the faculty mali (pftt e faculty mail box) or through the U. S. th an Saturday of this week* My choice of the Preaidentia ta ................................. . Vote caid: by: .............. .... T H E D A I E Y , T E X A N WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1928. ing physical exercises is shown by those the enrollm ent figure* o f classes, compared w ith classes ^ m eeting at other hours. N EW PO W E R PL A N T BEGINS O P E R A T IO N The steam heat from the U ni­ versity’s new power plant was turned on yesterday m orning for the first tim e, although th e plant has been in operation fo r sev­ eral weeks. In accordance with expecta­ tions, the results proved entirely satisfactory, according to Hal C. W eaver, professor o f mechanical engineering. Professor W eaver that the new plant also stated was about 50 per cent more e f f i­ cient than the old system , as it ha* a capacity of 2500 boiler horse* Army of 1,816 Men Take Physical Training a assem ble In an em ergency, the U niversi­ fair-sized ty could of able-bodied men, as arm y 1,816 are now enrolled for phy- rical training. O f these. 778 are freshm en fundam ental taking work; 948 are sophom ores enroll- the j ed for elective courses and rem aining 90 are undergoing the J corrective course in physical tr a in -' ing. all lead* Handball sports in popularity, elective*; 239 upper tying ca st their choice for it, while fen cin g ranks low est in line in point o f numbers, with only seven devotees. and 50; only one advanced swim ­ ming offered, course is being with an enrollm ent of 38. Boxing is offered four sophomore and advanced, with respective enrollm ents of 33, in five classes, one ! SO, 50, 38, and 13. Tennis is being taught 182 stu ­ dents, only eight o f whom are advanced. N ine classes in hand­ in ball are being held, ranging size from one with an enrollm ent t £ eight to one with aul enrollm ent o f 51. W eight liftin g is offered I in three classes, with r e sp e c tiv e ; o f 37, 48, and 35.1 enrollm ents A total o f 182 have gone out I Goif classes are held, one a soph-: for tennis, 173 for boxing, 1 1 0 |cmore class with an enrollm ent of for swim m ing and 120 for w e i g h t ; ^ t he ot.h©r an advanced class liftin g. W restling claim s 32 and w j ^ an enrollm ent o f eighteen. g o lf fans number 55. W restling and fencing are offered in only one class each, with 3 2 students registered for the form er arid only seven for the latter. enrollm ents varying from 55 freshm an physical That the m ajority of students 127. swim m ing shows three classes with prefer the morning classes, m eet- respective enrollm ents o f 37, 44 5 ing from IO to 12 o ’clock, for tak- in to training, with in Sophomore enrollm ent There are eight Classes w ' ^ A n E l iz a b e t h A r d e n Treatment is based on three fundamental steps C L E A N S IN G • T O N I N G N O U R I S H I N G TWB c l e a n s i n g — w i t h V e n e t i a n C l e a n s i n g Cream— rids the pores ot a1! im purities w in c h cause blackheads and coarse­ ness. The T o n in g —w i t h Ardena Skin Tonic and Spe­ cial Astringent — clarifies th e skin and firms th e con­ tours* The N o u ris h in g — w ith Orange Skin Food o r th e delicate Vet va Cream— l i n e s a n d r o u n d s o u t w r i n k l e s . T hese t h r e e steps, w h ich supply every need of the skin to keep it * n a tu ra lly clear and lovely, should be a part o f y o u r daily care of y o u r skin at home. Elizabeth Arden’s Venetian Toilet Preparations are on sale at T. H. Williams and Com pany C o n g r e s s A v e . a t 5 t h E L IZ A B E T H A R D E N 675 Fifth Avenue, New* York x5 Old Bond Street, London i rue dc la Paix, Paris All Set for Fall’s Chilly Days Fall tem perature is variable, but it seldom goes to ex­ tremes. There are really six months of the year when a man has pretty reguar use for a light weight overcoat. You should have one of these “between - Seasons’* overcoats for h ealth ’s sake \ as well as appearance, ‘ rn Come in today. Say what you want, and you’ll find the style and fabric here. $25 - $30 - $35 to $75 Hundreds to choose from Trench Coats Leather jackets Slipovers and Coat Sweaters Satisfaction Guaranteed Stebbins & James What Shakespeare says about Coca-Cola ■Mi: ~ t t The glass o f fashion and the m ould of form , th e observed o f ail observers” ^ M ayb e S h a k esp ea re n ever k n ew C oca-C ola. But h e c o u ld n 't h a v e w ritten better about ic if h e had tried-— 8 m illio n a d a y — Coca-Cola has m a d e th e soda fo u n t a in the m eetin g p la c e o f m illions. HAMLET Aet IIL Seeoe I The Gk»-C(>U Compaa,, Atlanta, Ga. BULL BELLOWS I _______ B y ALEX M URPHREE THOUGHT FOR TODAY A m ang th* m any discom fort* o f long hair ta for tho h a ir­ pin* to roll d ow n the bock of your nock. TH E A G G IE S A RE A W F U L THOSE RATTLEBRAINS §m •*«***- *<»*»»• Malarial R. It92Hll *!S4 Ii» t4 9 , B IP ) I?. - !w*« off «-«*». ll. c m MK&. t-: FTiBtid fey f, bf W ywriti Prat*. IL C * • sfct. «a.-s»**T. E.nt,r«s4 M iweaai «t»M bmHW lit th* !»•-i ffKf at Attettn. T em . NIGHT ST A TW „ . . . . . . A*- W . M. Baker W. M. J arr el K. Harper . R an k e Bishop . As# Ass J IM MIK S. PAINE REIFF TCP PL Ii ___ *'Tho>e rattlebrained students” — that is the epithet which ha* been . Mi-.or-io-Cfch# hurled at college students for the last decade and many adherents to M»r>»etc* EA>uxr . public opinion seem to have been affected by its sontagion and take I delight in calling students any polite (or otherw ise) name that tom es Issue Editor jn their mind. Y et, those same persons who have been so berating the college students as a whole woald as little think of keeping their fJln< tap! I taut baw •*»*** “r daughters at home to grow stale and oot-of date as they “* , would of hiring a moron to run their businesses. THE A G G IE S aren’t so good They’ve lost their rabbit’s foot. They must repent by w earing Hair cloth shirts and soot. What D You Know About— Care and worry d o ts leave its mark on the thoughts of older men, but those who are younger and who have not turned needlessly criti­ cal and who are y e t in the colleges are as sincere at heart and as It is those same rattlebrained earnest in their work as any older man, They haven’t had much luck Talk o f suicide is rife UY less they win a football game They all m ay ‘take their life. B y J . C Yv a 1 K I N S students who maintain their own church orchestras in college tow ns; J. Socialist* ? 2. C hicago S h ootin g? 3. Deb Books? 4. r a t moas for tho Fat? furm-h their own speakers for their own inspirational meetings. Those same rattlebrained students perfect and m aintain their own student organizations; manage their own newspapers, decide their own prob­ them lem . and usually keep their censuring confined to them selves. They’ve lost tw o tim es this season And both tim es on Kyle Field to beat And now w e’re going Before their wound has healed. One Lee Rhode* of Grand Sa kl candidate for governor o f gas on feet.'. Yesterday he asked per mi*? ion to use the town Bali I or a m eeting. Street letter Arthur fie rn earl the requeue saying that any th e SAGO str e e t* com er* in Dal­ las with an equal number of soap ho&es “should suffice those who are in stitu tin g m ovements against organised jrovcrnroent.” The Monar ihi**" who recently j the the I m et to nom inate a king o f U n ite d S tates were given game type of .reception* “ Smith spoke in Chicago on oil and corruption. in Cb ret ro I would speak on ’Pre­ fer* to M eet Thy Maker.’ ” spoke If I remarked W ill Rogers Thus inn ay morning. Ney,*: was ic- i Bovsti with ; there complete h* go * < rn rn t n .. Suppose we sco ffin g ly said, “Ob, well, let them talk. They are but crJuy j>uncj1 0f 0j|j fossil*.” ’ I We might re fe r to the smokers of the older men which bold sway nf everything from -Then down JC't w anarchy!" I far into the ™*ht and *e natk,nal %ucb seem * to he fhe spirit* *', Ile resisting att , and it h i thought that Ryan was killed ins . a f cmp’ at revenge. The offi->to b or ath letes, b u t men. We will n o tice th a t our principal in product o f Sbe men’s w e a r :that a j p M M I g p .......... fw®-,— g .. . fraihreaaion of height, i- ■•■f •-<* le a n and give his best. I be in n o rM ita(t# Vertical -MWO Th® name principle m ight be applied to the social a ctiv ities o f s bestow on the m m t t o - j a sch ool or university. They should, by no m eans, be forgotten. Com- It is only a true prw- 1 P* rtt* [our had not contributed a n y tld a g to th e file cd th e e o r r e w ity ii. a student, h e trout d not g r e a tly contribute I e th e Rf® o r bm country After he graduated. And t a c h a contri­ s t be mad® here a t M cG ill b y a top-aiderf interest in study, or undergraduate clubs, b u t b f aa imtett%ent and lie fe s t I n aJL— McGUl B ife r . # Notice I S I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1928 < THEATERS W IT H C. B. i t ’s a one h u n d re d “ T H E T E R R O R p e r c e n t (all) talkie. I t ’s all in sound. T h a t is, yo u h e a r it all, you h e a r w h a t you see, i t ’s a ta lk ie , in fa c t. O utside of com ed y-m y stery th a t, th e d ra m a w ith th e a c c e n t on comedy. And we do r ec o m ­ m end it. At th e Q ueen. “ T H E C A M E R A M A N ,” w ith Stili-Face B u s te r K e a to n a t it again, a n d we hope f u n n i e r this time. H e ’s p r e tty good oeca- nonally. This one sounds good. At th e M ajestic. S O U S A A N D H IS B A N D , m a k ­ a n n u a l th e i r th irty -six th ing to u r. F e a tu r in g S o u sa ’s f a ­ m ous com positions a n d a n u m ­ b e r o f specialties. S o m e th in g t h a t m u st n o t be missed. Two p e rfo rm a n c e s, m a tin e e and nig h t to d a y only. U n d e r a u s ­ pices A m a te u r C horal Club. At th e H ancock. “ T H E A L B A N Y N I G H T B O A T ,” with Olive B orden showing h e r p r e tty te e th . W e the p ic tu re b u t h a v e n ’t seen we know t h a t w om an shows She alw ays shows h e r te e th . h e r te e th . She’s fa m o u s f o r it. Yeah, go see it. A t th e C re s­ cent. C O M IN G : IR ISH “ A B I E ’S R O S E ,” S h u r s d a y and F r id a y m a tin e e Tind night. A t the H ancock. “ S U B M A R IN E ,” a n epic of 30. th e un derseas. O c to be r A t th e H ancock. “ T H E SIN G IN G F O O L .” Al Jolson. N ov em ber 4. At th e Queen. SOUSA COMES TO HANCOCK STAGE TODAY Today. J o h n Philip a n d Sousa th e a t e r u n d e r his w orld fa m o u s band will a p p e a r a t th e Hancock the auspices of the A m a te u r Choral club to d a y fo r m a tine e a n d n ig ht pro g ra m s, f e a tu r in g S ou sa's own fam ou s com positions as well as n u m b e rs from am on g th e melodies I o f o th e r g r e a t composers. T he su ­ p re m e saxophone s e x te tte a n d a [select g ro u p of o th e r a r tis ts will f e a tu r e d . T he m a tin e e also be [pro gram is scheduled 3:30 o'clock and th e eve n in g p e r f o r m ­ a n c e f o r 8:15 o’clock. f o r T he follow ing p ro g ra m will be r e n d e r e d : “ A t M a tin e e : “ A Stud y in R h y m e ,” S o u sa ; C o rn e t solo, “ Bolero Con­ c e r to ,” Boccalari, Mr. J o h n D olan; Su ita, th e K in g ’s C o u r t,” Sou sa; S o pran o solo, T h e B e a u ti­ ful Blue D anube, S tra u s s, Miss an d M a rjo rie M oody; P r e lu d e I Love’s Death, from “ T r is ta n and I Isolde,” W a g n e r ; Selection by th e I A ustin High School B and, con ­ ducted by Mr. S o u r a ; F a v o rite I n u m b e r fro m o peras o f Victor I H e r b e r t ; (a ) th e “ P a r a d e o f E v e n in g G e n d a r m e s , L a k e ; M arch, “ Min­ n e s o t a / ' S o u s a ; X ylophone solo, “ Ghost o f th e W arrior,'* Gross­ m an, Mr. H o w a rd Gouldem; “ Dance o f th e H o u r , ” Ponchielli. p r o g r a m : Peoration as “ M ilitaire F ra n co is” know n from “ T he A lg a r is m e ” ; C ornet solo, “ H a b e m e ra .” S a ra s a te , Mr. Jo h n D olan; Suits, “T a le s o f a C av alier,” S o u s a ; Sop ra n o solo. “ Love’s R a d ia n t H o u r ,” Sousa, Miss M a rjo rie M oody; Symphonic Poem “ D e a th and T r a n s f ig u r a ­ tio n ,” S tr a u s s ; Sketch, "A m o ng S o u v e n irs,” Nfichols-Sousa; m y S e x te tte f o r th e F lu te s, “ D ance o f th e M a rlito n s,” T sc h a ik o w sk y ; X ylophone solo, Polonaise ^"Mig- non, T f a r tu y ; “ Balance all and Swing P a r t n e r s , ” Sousa. TERROR’ NOW AT THE QUEEN “ The T e r r o r . ” W a r n e r B roth- ers* second all-talkie and a vast im p ro vem en t over th e ir firs t a t ­ te m p t, holds f o r t h a t the Queen th e a te r , the home o f all th e ta lk ­ ies, all th is w eek. You are a d ­ vised to see th is show, because it’s w orth it. May Mc Avoy, t h e ' heroine, looks th re e b e a u tifu l, sc re a m s tw o or tim es e ffe ctiv ely , and consents in the end an d little m ore. She adds ro t h in g in p a r tic u la r to the show one except h e r b e a u ty , and doesn’t c a r e f o r h e r ty p e , she will i d d nothing. if them b e in g T here a re th r e e V itap ho ne acts, two of unusually good. Gus A rn h e im and his A m ­ bassador o r c h e s tr a prove t h a t an orc h e stra can be re c o rd e d so t h a t i n s tr u m e n t m ay be picked each o u t s e p a ra te ly . A rn he im a m a ste r o f jazz. W e should like to h e a r him fr o m across th e fo o t­ lights. Val a n d E r n ie Sta n to n do some good stuff in a uong and r a t t e r n u m b e r. Movietone brings th e S. M. U .-A rm y gam e to A u s­ tin in sound. is CRESCENT HAS SHIP PICTURE Ralph E m e rso n , who plays the p a r t of Ken in “ T he Albany N ight Boat,” th e T iff a n y - S ta h l melo­ d ra m a f e a t u r i n g Olive Borden, .showing a t th e C r e s c e n t th e a te r, was a second l ie u te n a n t in the World W a r a u d was considered the b est a t h le te in his company. Archie Roosevelt w as his ca p ta in. W hen th e tim e came to shoot the Scenes sh ow ing Olive’s rescue, E m erson m ad e a b e a u tifu l ju m p of six ty five f e e t fro m th e b oat deck o f th e s te a m e r into th e w ater. A lfred R aboch, th e d ire c to r of th e th e p ictu re, p r o m p tly action s tu n t in c lu d e to w'ork f o r E m e rso n a f t e r he saw the splendid dive. changed some Drs. Koenig & Kott Foot Specialists 321 Littlefield Bldg. Phone 4855 FAMOUS COMEDY HERE TOMORROW I t is d ou b tfu l if e v er th e com­ in g of an a ttra c tio n to th e H a n ­ cock th e a t e r has c r e a te d m ore keen in te re s t th an h a s th e f o r t h ­ co m in g of A nne N ic h o ls fam ous com edy success, “ A bie’s Irish Rose,” o f which she is a u t h o r a n d producer, and which she will p re se n t to local t h e a t e r ­ g o e rs T h u rsd a y and F rid a y . e n g a g e m e n t Too much stress c a n n o t be laid on th e fa c t t h a t Miss Nichols is s e n d in g to this city th e e n tir e cast a n d p ro duc tio n which re ce n tly filled an e n g a g e m e n t o f 29 weeks a t th e Tolonial th e a te r , Cleveland. “ A b ie ’s Irish Rose” is n o t a m otion p ic tu re , but th e original a n d g e n ­ uine sta g e play itself. Tea KEATON NOW IN MAJESTIC FILM is L a u g h s from a new so u rc e th e dish o ffe re d by B u s te r Keaton in “ T he C a m e ra m a n ,” o p e n in g a t fo r th e M ajestic to d a y t h e a te r a th re e - d a y stand. K e a to n has f o u n d comedy in e v e r y th in g else, and this tim e he g e ts t h e laughs w tih a news reel c a m e r a o f a n ­ c ie n t lineage, w ith tripod legs, w hich g e ts tan g le d in e v e ry th in g a f r o m the New' York s u b w a y to you m o to r b o a t c a n ’t if you w a n t to fo r g e t all a b o u t t h a t m id -te rm you have th e n e x t day, a n d f o r which you h a v e n ’t c r a c k ­ ed a book— go. laugh— stay aw ay, b u t propeller. I f H oppe F a lk n e r of th e L am b d a Chi A lp ha house le f t r e c e n tly fo r Chicago. M ildred Vance a n d M eddle Mae B y n u m o f th e K appa D e lta house in e r e going to th e Rice g a m e H ou ston this week-end. Roe Sampson and Milton G re e n ­ b e l t of th e D elta T a u D e lta house will spend th e week-end in H o u s ­ to n a n d B eaum ont. J u li a s Al Sapiro and H a r r y W a n g e r of th e Delta T a u Delta house will spend th e w eek -end a t H ou sto n, U n iv e rsity L a d ie s' Club will be at home in h o n o r of the fre s h m a n girls of the U n iv e rsity a n d tr a n s ­ fers from o th e r colleges this a f t e r ­ noon fr o m 4 to 6 o ’clock a t the U niversity Club, 2304 San A n­ tonio S tr e e t. A r r a n g e m e n ts are being m a d e by th e o ffic e rs o f th e club, of which Mrs. W. R. L ong is president. Includ ed in th e re c eiving line are th e o f f i c e r s of th e c lu b : Mes­ d a m e s W. R. L ong, E. K. M cG in­ nis, E L. Dodd, O. D. W eeks, V. I. Moore, a n d J . P. Buchholz, and Mrs. H. Y. Benedict a n d M ary J o Todd, p r e s id e n t of the fre sh m a n class. The dean of w om en, h e r a ssis t­ fro m and s o ro r ity will ants, a n d a re p r e s e n ta tiv e each d o rm ito r y be included in t h e house p a r ty . 0 0 m P O P E - R O E S S L E R W E D D I N G A N N O U N C E D A n n o u n c e m e n t has been re ce iv ­ of Louise ed o f th e m a r ria g e J u s ti n e R oe ssle r o f Dallas and Roy L. P op e o f Tyler, fo r m e r s t u ­ Pope d e n ts in th e U n iversity. Now Showing THEATRE Olive Borden ‘T H E Albany Night Boat H ear the Supreme Saxophone Sextette Today M a tin e e : 3 :3 0 ; N ite : 8 :1 5 Hancock Theater -N ite : $ 2 .0 0 , $ 1 .5 0 , $ 1 .0 0 ; 2 n d B a l. 7 5c 1 st F lo o r, $ 1 .5 0 ; B a l. $ 1 .0 0 ; C h ild re n 75c Such popularity must be deserved!" T H E A G O L D S C H M ID T L am bda Chi A lpha S o c ie ty E d ito r T e le p h o n e 6 9 3 5 University Ladies' Club Gives in Honor of N ew Students fellowship. T he f a c u lty an d a l i t . stu d e n ts are invited to a tte n d the j sm o ker which will be a t 1916 Speedway. 0 held rn rn Zelta Lee H a in e s o f Gatesville is a gu est o f f r ie n d s a t the A l­ p h a Chi O m ega house. th e pledging of Al Lemond H ale C enter. announces of Evelyn Thom pson, A da Sny-j der, Evelyn B oone, and M ary Bail­ lie o f th e A lpha Phi house spent the week-end in Dallas. Mabel Cooper, A lpha Phi, has r e t u r n e d to h e r hom e in San An- j tonio a f te r sp e nd in g two weeks in j A ustin. L ie u te n a n t Lewis W allace, U. N- was a KUC'st at thl’ SiKma was a s tu d e n t in a r c h ite c tu re a n d T e x a s J office m a n a g e r S tu d e n ts P u b lic a tio n s, Inc, f o r the y e a r 25-26. f o r the • • • S M O K E R ( i i V E X A L E C S B Y S I G M A PHI D E L T A 0,11 housf' ovcr the w t<'kan'1- to to n ig h t fr o m S S tu d e n ts o f th e College of E n- F r e d Korth a n d P a n a m a Fields . gineerin g will be honored w ith a o f th e Sigma E t a Chi house sp e n t sm oker IO o'clock to he given by the Sigma Phi D elta f r a te r n ity . th e week-end in San Antonio, Kola M ann S a n d e r s and Cora in T h ro ug h th e sm o ke r Sigmfi Phi Delta hopes to b r in g to g e th e r th e th e Delta student body and fa c u lty of th e College of E n g in e e r i n g and c re a te K appa Epsilon h o u se spent, the a spirit of f rie n d lin e s s and good week-end a t his ho m e in Dallas. W o tte r s sp e n t th e w eek-end San A ntonio. P a u l Matteson o f Your Cinderella Slipper Shop Offers new Arrivals Black, Patent, Brown Kid Satin Pumps, Straps Ties. Specializing fn better grade footwear CINDERELLA SLIPPER SHOP W hat’* All The Shooting About? B U S T E R ’S BACK AGA IN The L a u g h Panic It On! f ' BUSTER KEATON THE CAMERMAN With M arceline Day H e turns cam eram an now— h e ’ll positively grind y o u r blues away scram ble g a n g s , a n d g u f f a w s !* this g a l s , of in Topics and Fables N O W N O W H A N C O C K T H E A T E R TSmrs. & FrL, Oct. 25-26 Special Bargain Matinee Friday ANNB Nichols I RECORD BREAKING CO M ED Y j , I ; S eat* n o w s e t t in g f a i t — h u rry a n d g e t y o u rs ! E v e n in g * : 50c, $ 1 .0 0 , $ 1 .5 0 , $ 2 .0 0 ; M e t.: 5 0 c, $ 1 .0 0 , $1 .5 0 . N o t a t Business Directory DOCTORS D r. E . B. C ro w d e r, D e n tis t § 0 5 S c a r b r o u g h B ld g ., A u s tin , T ex Dr*. L y n n a n d L y n n D e n ta l S u rg e o n * 5 0 7 S c a rb ro u g h B ld g ., P h o n e 8 1 5 4 DENTIST D R . B. E. F A R M E R 6 0 5 S c a rb ro u g h B ld g ., PH. 2-3 5 1 3 CLEANING AND PRESSING SA M F . P A G E C le a n e r , H a tt e r , A lte r a tio n s O p e n S u n d a y s a n d H o lid a y s u n til n o o n . F o r P re s s in g —— 8 0 6 C o n g re s s P h o n e 2 -2 0 3 9 “ T h e B o o k T h a t’s D if f e r e n t, Telephone 2-3164 or 2-3165 ANNOUNCEMENTS DRESSMAKING BOARD & ROOM is! gathered on TEXAS RESEARCH BUREAU, Mater. any subject. South­ western history and biography a specialty. Reasonable charges. 766 W. 24, Phone 7657, PLEATING, h em stitch in g,t Bilk, cotton, gold, »liver. Huttons covered, 50 va­ rieties. R hinestone# aet. Phone 8*62 Vt, dx? I Ga Onaway, 716 Congress, . Over t i Beacon’s. UPPERCLASS Girls: A p p r o v e d house furnace heat. Mrs. Kirshner, 2 4 0 < W hitis. Phone 8679. ROOM FOR RENT: Will board if de­ s i r e d 2712 N ueces. Phone 23582.__ P h o n e 2 3 1 6 4 . GLASS Installed in auto*; Blore fronts furniture tops. Window g lass. Phone 22422. R H O D E S -IIE R A LD G L A S S CO. lea w. sth L O S E S o m e th in g ? F in d t h a t lost a r t i c le w ith a T e x a n C lassifie d . STUDENTS! r a lly . W e r e s e r v e c a rs a n d fiver th e m o n tim e . d e' LIGHTSEY’S D r i v e - Y o u r s e l f S y s t e m P h o n e s 8 5 4 5 a n d 3 4 4 4 APARTMENTS FOR RENT KOR R EN T: Furnished south upstairs apartm ent. N ew ly papered. Sleeping porch. Call at 190* U niversity A ve, FOR R EN T: Furnished or unfurnished 2664 apartm ent close to Universty. Sabine Street. Phone 5186. A CONVENIENT, roomy apartm ent for Small fam ily. Two blocks w eft of the U niversity. 2113 Nueces. Phone 6816 ing apartm ents FOK R EN T: W ell furnished housekeep­ in an approved bouse for U n iversity girl#. Gas beati Mrs. Val C. Giles, 7JO W est 22nd. W a n t e d T R IA L O R D E R : T h re e m onth* f o r $ 1 .5 0 . S a n A n to n io E x p re ss fo i d ay or d a ily a n d S u n d a y , d e liv e re d th e b r e a k f a s t p r in te d . S e e C ha*. W u k a sc h d ia l 7 8 3 6 . ta b la sa m e $ YU DK N TS: H ave your thorn##, reports, not##. etc. typed by a U s! versify-exper­ ienced reasonable rat*#. Dial 7 - 1 9 for CALLIHAN. Cheapest ty p ist. f'HO NE WALKER at 5957 for I tv ping. Five am t* per' pane. * expert fUGHKST CASH BRICES PAID for . ward IL. G tenon. 810 W. i f . phons 9*48. L O S T -—C a m e o b ro o c h t o t w ith p o t ria- R e w a rd . P h o n o 2*3246 DON’T f o r g e t l o mm i f v o w t o t t h e p a s s t o Ilia Q h m b t o d a y , I t m c a ll 7 1 2 W . 2 1 . Is In t h o C la s s ic a l! S e c t io n * LAUNDRY P H O N E 3 7 0 2 TAILORING C ALL W E S T E N D Quick Service — Cheap R ates Cleaners, Dyers and H atter* # V P h on e 6312 AUTOMOBILES B A R G A I N S 1925 Ford*Touring _____________$175.00 New balloons, good condition. 1925 Ford Touring ~ $ E88.0O New tiros, top, seat cover*, and paint. ----- - $85.00 1923 Chevrolet Touring ...... - . A real bargain, T K N IG H T -W H IP P E T CO - 869 W. 5th . i * IL/, '/•: T Rh. 23161 MRS. HOUSEMOTHER H ave -yon tried to root those rooms by use o f The T e x t* Clas­ sified D epartm ent? Tho surest D o w n deep in the Kongo the native sons believe ths|t anybody who bas aa explorer for dinner will absorb all the brains, courage and other success-assuring virtues of the unfor­ tunate victim. We wish we could say the same of Chesterfields —that ail their popularity is conferred upon whosoever smokes diem. Frankly, however, this is not invariably true- Several Chesterfield smokers have recently been discovered who are not ambassadors, steel kings, or even bank presidents. But—since Chesterfields are so satisfying, mild and different-—well ail of us continue to enjoy them for these sound smoke-virtues alone. Popularity? Six million smokers are enjoying ’cm today- Such popularity must be deserved. Make it six million and one? ^ .? SSM; T H E D A I L Y T E X A N WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, FOR T E X A S I W I L L M A K E O W L FEA THER S FLY LONGHORNS WORK SHUT GATES FOK O W L GAME COA y r TROPHY B f B O B C A N T R E L L Teaau Spurts F.diiirr Coach F ran cis Schm idt was th* heftiest man on the field .Satur­ day. Ho went through every play eon* th a t was pulled, and was at*fitly If talking th ere was such a thing aa mental telepathy, the Porkers were in co n stan t touch w ith their mentor. to himself. fa ll T h e f ir s t te n a ia in tra m u ra l to u r n a m e n t w ill ataurt T hw ridajr th* in ­ w h en th * fir*I r o u n d * f tr a m u ra l •in flu * will • t a r t W e d ro p p e d b f th e o f ­ fice of W h ita k e r y e s te rd a y a f t ­ ern o o n an d lo o k e d o n er th e Hat. of page* th r e e T h e re w ere nam e*, a n d a m o n g th e se w ere som e of th e h e s t te n n is play er* la th e school, n o t o u t fo r V a r ­ sity or fre s h m a n . There were more scouts than th ere were sports writer* in the pleas box Saturday. Every team least in the conference had at two men there-. and none of them were w asting any time. We jaw fo u r fellows who took down every play, and where every man went t n every play. c h a m p io n sh ip . A u s tia baa th r e e te am s a f te r St. a E ds, a u d A u s tin H i a r e all c o n ­ ced ed a good c h a n c e to h av e a of sa y in th e fin a l a w a rd in g T exas, ch a m p io n sh ip s. to sent take Refusing the Blee gam* lightly, Coat hee L ittle fie ld ,. Ka row and th eir j Jsm e# charges through one of the hard : U t afternoon workouts th at they yesterday. | have had Every gate wa* closed, and no; vicHot* were allowed to «*»• any- j thing which took place, hut fro m ; the sound* emerging, scrim m age J was evidently the main p art of the program . year this Zn ail probability, S teer the looking a week be­ coaches are yond ? he Rte,* f la*h— to the game with S. M. II.-—one which prom ­ sensational! ises to he the m od in t game f t football ever played learns the southw est, with both opening up with every play known j to the follow ers and coaches o f I the game, in an effort to secure a I win. Texas will have a burning de­ sire to g ath er in revenge fo r the last three defeat* handed the lo­ cals, while 8. M. U. will have as her goal a perfect season, with a possibility of a post-season game with V anderbilt looming the distance. in E v e ry man on the S teer squad was out to work yesterd ay with the exception of Pinky Higgins, who s u ff e r e d a shoulder in ju ry in t h e A rkansas game, which will keep him o u t fo r a b o u t a week. The freshm en kept th e ball all broke aftern o o n , while Varsity up Rice play* tim e and again. This afternoon V arsity will like­ and ly take over the offensive, let the freshm en try th eir hand* a t breaking up the game. Majestic Mart's Shop POLICY First of all style Q uality costs no more and W e practice w h a t w e preach MAJESTIC MAN’S SHOP IMIWtiMM »«W** MUS fcs VU# Bi** JU v> t a . '__- L m * * W '/ r \ CUP COMPETITION BEGINS THURSDAY Those who wish to try to win the Individual Intramural* Trophy j cup offered by the Co-op should j ta r t out im m ediately to gaining j pm nts, B erry W hitaker points | out. The cup is a perm anent trophy, and goes to the man who engages in the larg e st num ber of in tra ­ m ural sports during the year. Each of the m ajor sports is good f o r two points, and each of the minor sports is good fo r one point toward winning the cup. Last y ear the cup was won by I Ob “ Shorty" Regan won it W alter C. Wukasch with points. the .year before. Alpha Mu Zeta of Lam bda Chi Alpha announces the pledging of Joe Hornsby i get* of Houston. Omega chapter of Alpha Phi j announces the initiation of Helen I Collier of Tripton, Oklahoma. Louise Hill, Betsey Bibb, F ran ­ ce# H atcher, and Helen Ruth An­ derson are going to a tte n d the Rice game in Houston, °e> % T h a t U®LI D A Y a f f a i r AT R I C E THE Shoe illustrated in only one of the m o s t inspiring ar­ ray of winter footwear. The slender heel is far more comfor­ table than slenderness suggests and the short high arch gives an illusion of a smaller foot. A value extraordinary. BLUE KID ALSO Pat em nicely trimmed $8.50 H E BOOT SH' WM* W WAY CAKE log W. Sib St. The Only Origin*! Me*ic** S i if* Taw* Mexican DISHES Served in a Large va­ riety. You'Ll like it. Som ething D ifferent. a n t e c a sh a t h e lp s y e n b f IM * VARSITY NET STARS SWEEP SECOND R O H ) Bell, D unlap, Allison Win M atch es Easily; M ore T o d a y M embers of the V arsity tennis squad continued to set the pace in the second round of the Alb City Tennis T o u rn am en t y ester­ day a t the Pe nick Courts. H ugh Dunlap, the wrong-hand ed at e and captain of the Varsity • n e tte r3., scored the nwi^t impres­ sive win of the d ay ’s playing by disposing of B arnhill, the fresh­ man squad ace, 5-0, 6-0. Berk : (■ley Bdl continued his winnings; bv defeatin g Johnson 6-3, 6-3. Piggy Minchen, V arsity letterm an ; in 1927, won the rig h t to e n te r' the third round of play by de­ feating Williams 6-3, 6-2. Lucian La Cosie won hi* m atch from ; Moore by defau lt. M cNair had a of much h ard er tim e disposing M asterson, and only a f te r three long sets tu rn ed him back, 6-7. 6 2 , 8 -6 . W ilmer Allison, fo rm er V arsity sta r and m em ber of the American Davis Cup team , had little tro u ­ ble defeatin g Braselton by the score of 6-0, 6-0. Complete result# of the second defeated round w ere; D unlap Barnhill 6-0, 6-2. Allison d efeat­ ed B raselton 6-0, 6-0. Minchen beat W illiams 6-3, 6-2. Bell de­ feated Johnson 6-3, 6-3, l a Coste won from Johnson default. McNair defeated Master.son 9-7, 6-2, 8-6. K am rath defeated Alt­ man 6-0, 6-0. Ferguson defeated G ordon 6-0, 6-0. Caswell d efeat­ ed Buren 3-6, 8-6, 6-1, and Cald­ well defeated G ensberg 8-2, 8-6. by —o PI SIGMA A L PH A ELECTS MEMBERS Election of new members to Pi Sigma Alpha, political science be held a t 5 fratern ity , will o ’ciock Friday in G arrison Hall 3. Gordon Key Brown is president. SHOE a VALUES A T DACYfS Upstairs over W oolworth’* I Because Cash Only i Lower Rent In all we sell j For less Because we sell For less J o n a th a n s Uphold M orale and H ealth O f S teer G rid d ers last until afte r g am e—every “ An apple a day is going to keep the S. Vt U. Jinx away.*’ Pete says so. Pete is alw ays doing som ething for the boys, and this is his contribution for the dow nfall of the Galloping apple h an d ­ M ustangs, This the out will .S. M. IL day, a fte r each practice, each m an will receive one red, fig h t-in ­ spiring apple, ’Tis not stated w hether the fru it th at has made A rkansas famous will be Jo n ­ athans, W inesops, or w hat n o t; but it is hoped th a t the mas- t ieiil# to rs aforesaid delicacy, donated by the Texas ra n d y Kitchen, will be enabled to make saps out of*the cocky “ G iants" from the city of the Hour. And P ete says so, too. th** of SLIMES TRAVEL TO BRENHAM FOR TILT The freshm an eleven open th e ir football season Thursday when they jo u rn ey to Brenham to tak e on Siki Bike's Brenham M emorial college team . Sikes’ gridders h a .e been going stro n g this season, in fo u r gam es piling up a to ta l of 233 points to th eir opponents 0. Alderson states th a t h e expects to carry ab out 25 men on the trip . DISTANCE NEN GET CALDWELL FOR CAPTAIN M cLean N a m e s T eam For M eets W ith Owls S a tu rd a y Coarh Roy M cLean’s eros? co untry men will g et th e ir first ta ste of com petition this y ea r Saturday when they m eet the Rice team a t Houston* fo r At a m eeting of squad members Tuesday aftern o o n , Bascom Cald­ well was elected cap tain of the 1928 harriers and Coach McLean selected Caldwell, Bowen, Schmid- ley, Levi, G uffin, Johnson, and W esterfeldt to compose* the team which will go to H ouston. I t will be rem em bered th a t Rice won over the L onghorns last year, and they started th e cu rren t sea­ son off last S atu rd ay by handing th e Mustangs of S. M. U. a 28-27 defeat. There are 16 m en on the squad this fall, and, according to Mc­ Lean, com petition is keener than it has ever been b efro e. There are it has ever been b efo re. There arc only two of the m em bers of last y ear’s squad to form a nucleus for the team this fall. I If you got your style notes right from WB AF on Fifth Avenue they would be no more authentic than those you get here! Charter House Suits and Top Coats $40. $45. $50. Tuxedos $35. to $65 Penn Hall 2 Trouser Suits $ 3 5 r n t h .T H E STO RCK f o r HEN "Burgundy” rn V t The Newest and Smartest Color in Fashionable S H O E S Clever Combinations of Kid and Suede At a feature price * n 8 5 YEA TEXAS! Go with the Gang to H ouston for the Big Game ice vs. Texas October 27 .55 Ro1uiid Trip ' H Leave Austin at 12:45 noon or 11:30 P . M. Friday 26th . / ' V V r ; \ Returning leave Houston as late as 11:40 P . M. Sunday 28th . Dacy’s U p s ta irs O v e r W o o lw o rth ’* Whva Y os* Ga U p Pries* Go Down » Many others of Fall's Newest a t — a n d ra n g e uedecke-Moffatt The Friendly Store ■ M i (S ty Ticket. Office 703 Congress For reservationa or fu rth er inform** tie® phone 4306b *