O f t # B a t t u C t x a u First College Daily in the South AUSTIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1927. N o. 23 )L. X X I X Curtain Club pr, SU rial >P« Selects F a l l Play Thursday “ Hay Fever” Is Play Chosen by Club Brown Math Test Election Rules Taken by F o r t y Explained For Dr. Benedict W ill See V andy Game T w enty Papers Are Sub­ m itted From Those W ho Take Tests * Papers were subm itted by stu d en ts In the Brown m athemati- held I cal con test for I yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock. freshm en Campus V oters D a v i s A nnounces Method of Holding Polls T uesday PA IA / ! V I e r n h e r < i A t * ! 1 A total of 40 students were given 1 - of questions at the beginning? Of the contest period. Q uestions * were taken from plane geom etry r. T ried O ut . . Electioneering to Be Checked Selection o f (he play to be given anil algebra, uring the fall term , first at- em pts at casting tho play, tresentation new ly o f rig Of the Curtain Club, Thursday night fall studio. * 11 ba T " , and! probably The w inners a f the contest e le c te d [ n ext w eek, Dr. H. J. F.ttlm ger, * P rises of $15, $10, and $5 With approxim ately od camb for campus offices to dates out Students’ As in the be filled sem bly, the W om en’s Assem bly, and the W om en’s Honor Council, com plete regulations and system The Brown m athem atical con- j 0f voting have been announced bx held raid. co in the club’s S I are offered . embers marked tile special m eet- who wa.- in i '-‘n 1 " The play selected which w ill be test was established rn by a E ,lwin D ay,,, judge rn charge et {p resen ted ' som etim e during the ; member o f the facu lty. Records , the e le t t lt e . be announced fall term end the exact dates o f o f past contests, accord,ng to Dr. •which will at a E ttlin ger, show that SU per cen! later date, is N oel C ow ard’s ‘’Hay I o f the w inners are graduates of [F ever” which has just finished a successful run in New York. “ Hay fittin g suc­ (F ever” com es as a cessor to “ The V ortex,” the play 5j,whif*h brought Mr. Coward fam e A ttend V andy Gam e 70 0 Rooters W ill sm all-town high schools. __ o- "A d e a r statem ent o f the ays- tem o f voting at the University has been found particularly de­ sirable, largely on account o f the freshm en having for their first tim e the privilege of the b allot,’ Davis has pointed out. D u t y T o V o t e sand fortune. N e w M a t e r i a l Many o f the new m em bers of ?the club will be seen in “ Hay F ever.” Several m em bers were 'tried in various parts Thursday I night in order to feel out the new material determ ine what j other m aterial the club needed. and it was students Dallas Saturday “The vote, as pertains both to More than 700 T exas rooters first-year and upper­ will attend the V anderbilt gam e 1 classm en, is at once a right and dis- ; in “A com- a duty,” he continued. closed by official figures from the plete ballot of betw een 2000 and o ffic e of the director of athletics in the returns last night. Tim tick et sale closed at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon with a mad rush for the few re­ m aining seats. Rules as form ulated last spring to fol 3000 from the election n ext Tuesdays term and as they will apply T uesday’s lows: is expected election are as stam pede I E Longhorn T against the Commodores at Fair Park Saturday w ill be led by none other than P resi­ dent H. Y. Benedict, in person, above, who, with Chancellor J. R. Kirkland of V anderbilt, his friend of long standing, w ill be guests of P resident Selecm an of S. M. U. before the game. They will attend the banquet o f the Vanderbilt alumni in the eve­ ning. Tributes Paid To Texas Editor Moore Pleads For Rooters to inspire Steers Longhorns Heady for Battle with Vandy Dean Says O utcom e of Game Rests W ith Student Body Ed Beular Talks at Rally Also J dent body of the U niversity, j furnish what “ It will take more than their I est for our n am to beat Vander­ bilt. and it is up to you, the stu- to it takes more than that,” Dean of Students V. I. ; Moore told an < nthusiastic gather- I m g a t t h e rally' at the Men’s gym ; last night. Movie T caches Co-Eds How to Stand Straight Music and Films Show Girls Secrets of Correct Posture V eteran Dies of Old War Injury Lieut. Maud Succumbs to Effects of Being Gassed in France Lieut. John Elmer Maud, for- t ! mer student of the U niversity of the Texas and an officer of infantry overseas, died a1, at 0 o clock death, city hospital Team to Hold Last Workout This Morning Littlefield Expects Steers to Lose Game Because of Injuries A ttending a m ovie, in a reg- 300th One light workout on the green this turf o f Memorial Stadium m orning will complete the train­ ing o f the Longhorns, preparatory to the clash with Vanderbilt Sat­ urday. As soon as this signal drill is com pleted, Coach Littlefield and his Orange warriors will leave on the M-K-T Texas Special for D allas. film , and Thursday m orning. His ular theater with all of the at- the m osphere o f a popular Dean Moore, him self a graduate hearing modern music played by which i* Vanderbilt, publicly renounced a professional <4 this sort o f on- his allegiance to his form er alma muter and pledged him self anew j tertainm ent and in addition music which fitted in well with the par­ to his adopted institution. He ticular part of the movie shown compared him self to an alien who was the lucky lot of the co-eds a t - j the Thurlow B, Weed to during the world war tending the posture film shown at choose between loyalty to his tu- the T exas T heater W ednesday and t he eland and his new country. Thursday instead of the regular P. T. classes. Funeral services will be held at funeral home. Company D, 141st Infan­ try, Texas National Guard, will act as funeral escort. ill­ ness, was of being the result gassed in the trenches during the world war. follow ed a very brief C i t e s H o s p i t a l i t y had The film stressed d efects “ I have been welcom ed to this he university with open arm s,” hollow back, sunken chest, continued. “And I wish lo em pha­ drooping head positions and gave ; Germany, he was one o f the first size that I have alw ays found cor­ for correct- men o f the U niversity to enlist, gym nastic exercises dial hospitality aw aiting me here. and ; Recently he and ten other Austin ing each o f these d efects That this characteristic school. Anyone, no m atter whether ; presented the correct posture. ’I he | mcn w ere awarded the Cross of he has previously given his aile- film presented the d efects on a ( Honor by the United Daughters factors. glance to another institution not, is welcomed into the circles of this university. a 0f the C onfederacy or inner j of and Maud* in 1014. between valor for of is • The Longhorns have just com­ pleted a week of strenuous pre­ paration for the Vandy fray and entered the University are in good shape for the gam e, ii When war was declared the fa c t that Beular and Captain the United S tates and K ing are definitely out of the a gam e and that Rose has only bare possibility of entering are discounted. But Coach L ittlefield these is not inclined to discount on normal subject and then skeleton, and during the show ing overseas. pianist latter phase the o f the very cleverly gave a rendition of the “ Churchyard A nthem ,” which speaks o f “ going down to the cem etery never to com e back.” in F a m e d A« A t h l e t e preparing for the worst. He R e a d y f o r W o n t The Longhorn mentor has been is F ollow ing the war, Maud en- apparently disturbed over the M i ­ tered the U niversity again and j juries suffered by these three stars attended until 1924. F or a tim e 'a n d plans to rely a great deal on he was the School of Law. the figh tin g quality of the Steers During his University period, he I to gain victory. L ittlefield be- lieves the worst result of the loss distinguished him self in both foot- will be fe lt in that with these men ball and under Coaches out the unity of the club vyll be Dave AUerdice and W illiam E. w eakened. He has not one team respectively. His M etzenthoin that he can call his fir st string, outstanding work latter due to a succession of bad breaks field won tvio special ail season, and the Texas team will medals. be handicapped in that the men who start the game have not been p layin g together all season as a sin gle club. for him track the in John W . Stayton Dies at His H om e in Dallas “ I have known transfer* here Lo be elected cheer leader, captain | c f the football team , and leaders c f all our campus organizations. Final selection for parts w ill be j Only a very sm all number of [made within the next few days, to rooter tickets were returned according to George W olfe, p res­ Dallas, a larger number of stu ­ ident of the d u b , and if any more dents having bought tickets than men are needed a special tryout was expected. session for men will be held to i I • j No d efin ite figu res [secure the necessary m aterial. the as yet are available com plete to ticket sales for the game because three sales are being conducted simultaneously^, one in A ustin, and two in Dallas. Knight Elected By Middle Laws It R eview Editor Nam ed Class President A fter Hot Race is estim ated, however, that sales have already am ounted to 50 per cent more than ac this tim e in any previous year, to Mell- cations are, according last m inute rush mont, that the will make a com plete sell-out. A. V. Knight o f A ustin was Every provision w ill be made to yesterday elected president o f the take care of an em ergency should middle law class in the U niver­ sity Law School. A. S. H ad d a w a y jth e seatin g caapaity o f J:he Fair o f Fort Worth was elected vice- Park stadium prove insufficient, of j president and F annie Boyls 5an Antonio was named secre­ tary-treasurer o f the class. Bill Ryan elected o f Laredo was speaker o f the middle laws by ac- claam tion, o------ V arsity Land Sale Effort Frustrated Knight holds one o f the highest the School R ecent attem pts, made by cer­ tain W est T exas counties, to force I the sale o f more than 1,000,000 land, belonging to the Each school votes only for its r< preventatives. o f Arts In the College and Scien ces men will vote only for the the men representatives to Student Assem bly, and women will vote only for the women rep­ resentatives to that body. Only women will vote for mem­ the W om en’s o f bers Council. E l e c t i o n e e r i n g C h e c k Only women will vote for mem- I n d i- 1 hers o f W om en’s A ssem bly, and they will vote only for the rep­ resentatives o f their own class. Boxes will be placed at conven­ ient places. the John W. Stayton, a form er stu ­ dent of the U niversity, and until 1918 editor of H olland's M agazine, died W ednesday after- Honor | noon at his home in D allas. He was a brother af Robert VV. Stay* ton, professor o f law in th£ U ni­ versity at the present tim e. Students of the Law flow ers. School isent S ta y to n ’* classes have been suspended for the rem ainder o f the week, it has been arranged. Judge The preferential system o f vot- John W. Stayton was recognized ing will be used entirely, no bal- as one of T exas’ most outstand­ in g to be scratched, but the pre!-J ing newspaper men and won n fcrence of candidates marked n u m -; wide reputation as a naturalist, In 1918 he was forced to re- her I, number 2, and so on. of lowed to a lot boxes are placed or on the tumor o f the brain, which had given him trouble for some past steps o f such buildings. finally caused E xpense accounts of ca n d id a te s! years, and which No electioneerin g will be a1- tire from active in buildings in which bal- H olland’s M agazine editorship due the “ The days when I was a \ an- derbilt man are yesterday. T o­ day, I am a Texas man. When teat team of ours has put I orth everything it has, we will give it what it takes to make a man fight harder than he knows how tc That som ething will push them down the field and across the line for a win over Vander- j motion pictures. bilt „ One o f the m ost attractive por­ tions o f the film was the showing of the part which posture plays in good technic of sports, through tennis the presentation of playing of H elen Wills, the base­ ball pitching of W alter Johnson, ai d the all-around athletic abil­ ity of Douglas Fairbanks, in slow- I A t the end of each showing of A special stunt was p r e s e n t e d I the film , Miss Leah G regg,^direc­ tly’ the freshm en, who depicted a tor of the posture and individual t h e ! gym nastic departm ent for women, prophecy of the outcom e of ( ommodore-Longhorn clash in t h e gave a short talk on posture and form of a battle. The stressed the number of fo o t dc- Vandy men were forced to w a l k I feet* noted on the new students I during the medical exam inations, A number of yell* were given, mid urged th.- g ir l. to wear good- for and the bond played the a ccen t-; looking, aennible aport shoes i-e.niment for one song, in w h i c h school wear. the girls participated. A t <'ach ela9a hour- th<’ the plank naval B e u l a r W i l l C h e e r T e a m I were led in singing T exas rally E ddie Beular, disabled Long-1 “ ,nKs bF Mrs- T ex L5’nn’ actinB horn star, spoke on behalf of hi* d ir t.’ son f-lead rr, and a r e p r e ss. in scholastic records must be filed with Frances Pos- his death. o f Law, having been one of the acres o f Stayton is survived by his w ife, j t,eamrnate s. He said, in part: “You ter, secretary of the Students’ As- le n members o f the class to be * U niversity located in their hounds J sociation, by noon o f election day, a daughter, Mildred, a son, John m „ jK, out-yelling Vandy Sal ll r- in vi ted to help edit the T exas have com e to naught. The s u - i w jje^Ker any expense has been in - Law Review. He was over strong opposition candidates. elected I preme court refused to allow El J curred or not on the sidelines than you are.” but Rufug King arui I wm be . yelling louder a d -ce- in W. Stayton, Jr., his m other, sister, Mrs. B ilg e Holt of Corpus Christi, and two brothers, George K. Stayton of Pyote and Robert W. Stayton of Austin. -------------- o— --------- the tative elected from group which represented all the w om en’s P. T. classes m eeting at that hour on that day, for a com m ittee to m eet with the new girls’ song- elected Monday lcader, to be night at the big girls’ rally, to J The team will leave at 1 1 :30 chis morning for Dallas. A rally be held at the elation a* a | plan the part which the girl* shall | form i , * i u-ii I m easure Ryan, a well-know n V a r s i t y ! to m andamus f o u r Paso, Hudspeth, Reagan, Schei- ] cher, . Martin, and Upton counties U niversity debater and form er debate star Board o f R egents to sell the land from St. Edward’s U niversity, will [ within their bounds. These coun- the represent the middle law class at ; ties based their petition on no land bore the annual taxation and further appealed to vem ber. the the constitutional duty o f in N o - ! grounds that the law banquet the Arizona T o Break i court. W ith M ines School V E R S U S T R Y O U T S Versus club will hold a called m eeting Friday at 5 o’clock at the Texas Bible Chair for the for purpose o f holding tryouts any wishing to join the club. The on general topics which will be given ten m inutes to prepare a speech three m inute extem pore R epresentative J. II. B eggs, of leader o f the W est, un gecnral topics which will b e j #OOJ1 San Angelo, T exas opposition, has years fought to force the sale o f tryouts are open to anyone w h o j by a f # many I assigned at He claimed the c o u n -! is interested in public speaking The U niversity o f Arizona, by order o f the board o f control, will I the land. discontinue a fter this year a th letic contests w ith the Texas to operate because School o f Mines. The school gave eruption on the land. us its reason that the Mines school refused to discontinue the use o f I ath letes who had four years of previous varsity com petition. .........—- — The order give® to Graduate M anager Louis Slonaker was that no m ore contests sche- j duled with schools that do not have I a four-year eligibility rule, and a ! Deutscher V erein, one-year resident r e t ir e m e n t for G enn. transfer. Plans for the shall be ekj j . of tax e x -, registered in a course in J subject or not. --- -------- ------------------- Deutscher Verein to Affiliate With National German Club a ffiliation local club of club was given. o f t Nolan Brown, and songs by the Btudent, with a ] Follow ing the program a b u d .! I ness m eeting of the club was held national German club w e r e ‘dis-J at w hkh ^ plang f I * V* ♦ ll O ..cans of com m unicating with the are going to Dallas to help him rest o f the co-eds through an­ 2 o’clock, while crossing m making the Texas rooting sec- nouncem ents rn the P.T. cla^s of the m ew lin g . The | SlMWdwaJr> the car being driven L io n the stronger section for that their hour. j | e a|H0 requested that all \fj}]er King was taken (]ay Louis King of Desdem ona, U ni­ versity o f T exas student, was struck by a f ar W ednesday after- . B ___ - MS. team . I a . , i(j tilat Hardwick, U niversity physician, j special rally and parade together | v e for a broken hip four King was recovering from a dis­ re­ located shoulder, which he ceived during scrim m age o f the freshm an foot­ ball squad. King played guard position on the regular freshman I squad. days ago C r m t r a r t f c \r G a m # * c * J • « , , , A W i t h A g g i e s O l g n e d with the band and Cowboys. Glaze Hunting for Baseball Manager Applications for the position of Varsity baseball manager are be­ ing received by W iley E, Glaze, business m anager o f the athletic follow ing announcem ent by athletic council that all appli­ cants to date have been rejected m ittee from the various Girls elected to form this com ­ classes G yneth Stugard, La Verne Now otny, Eika Mae York, E liz a -1’n^ on- S t David’s H ospital: William beth N agle, Mildred M cllhenny, Jones, W ayne Gilbert, I r m a H arvey, Gene Canaday, Ma- H enry nan Oldfather, Grace .Sanderson, Helen H uffm eyer, M argaret Con­ and Rachel Sumners. I Hingham. . Starving Campus Rhymesters Get Chance to Sing for Cash Prizes all ties did not receive enough m o n e y whether they have ever had been was treated by Dr. Charles I’.! Hotel at 10:30 Saturday for to Seton Infirm ary, w here he tjie {students be at the Adolphus I M P O R T A N T ANNOUNCEMENTS! Appear everyday in the C I a s s i fled Advertising Section of THE DAILY TEXAN “ Your Newspaper’' 0 f inadequate scholastic I Faut student to gain Here is a chance for .some foril-} is to be awarded at the end of their regular m eeting j year were laid. During the j cussed at W ednesday night. The German year the club will be addressed contract was not signed until last standing. It became known yesterday club was organized last year foster the speaking of German by ; on Esperanto, the proposed n e w !th a t the contracts for this year’s s e students language, by Miss and next year s gam es w ere only languages in the U niversity, and j Trenckmanrt of the German de- com pleted within the an has been very successful work during the past year, presi- who has just returned from Ger- agreem ent between both athletic the com m ittees, no contract had been j dent Curt Schm idt said. its ‘ pertinent o f Austin high school, j days. Although there was to j by Mr. K enngott, who is specialist w tek . j many, and Miss Perlita, o f the Germanic j international The traditional A. & M.-Texas last o f in preference will be given to sen- an(j juniors in the U niver­ according to Dr. R. A. Law, f e w J chairman of the athletic council, ,........ —__ _____ ______ w L n v < , V V i l l # M ake Dallas Trip * Charles Josie*, Frem ont M ead,! German departm ent in the U n i-1 signed due to delays. H elen H am ilton, Gertrude Urn- versity. and by a number of lang, Clara D ornberger, Lorena I other prominent scholars. Dates ; S C H O C H R E V I E W S H I S T O R Y Reichert, Nolan Brown, Charles j of these talks will announced from V ickery, and A. K enngott were I time to tim e. elected as members to the club. I O fficers Chemistry club met Thursday night at K Hall, A gathering of for the present year advanced chem iatry students and A program consisting o f a t a l k are Curt Schm idt, president; F. I their friends enjoyed a review of by Mr. K enngott, a new member L. H offm an, vice-p resid en t; Tony the history o f the club by Dr. F. o f the German faculty, who has Brachet, secretary-treasurer; An-! P. Sc hoc h, and an old fashioned just arrived reporter. The spelling bee, th ose words arid dram atic reading “ l.achcnc” by club is sponsored by the G erm an; term s which apply to chem istry M. W crkenthin, a reading by j departm ent. [b ein g the ones spelled. -------------- 0 ------- ------- a tDinette Kuehne, from Germany, Gerald C offey, foreman o f th e Cowboys, announces that 30 Cow­ boys will make the trip to Dallas for the Texaa-Vanderbilt game Saturday. Plans for form ing a steer have been abandoned for this gam e. Instead the Cowboys w ill have their regular drill and form a T. U. with the band. benefitted fam e and i the year. also be financially, j The merchants on the cam pus have j offered the follow ing the best contribution, the made to The Longhorn. prizes for . both in ^ f e p tio n fields of poetry and p r o se ,(o f The Longhorn. students o f the University arc* eligible to com pete with the editor-in-chief of the Members of the English faculty of the Uni­ versity, who will be announced later, will act as judges. to these In addition prizes, there are four prize play contests. Three o f these are T exas con­ tests, and deal with one-act playa. They are: the Southern Memorial Association contest, for historical the Oak C liff Little one-acts; Theater of Dallas c o n te st; and the Dallas Little T heater contest. The Penn Publishing Company announced the other contest which A $50 prize is o ffered by the Texas Book Store the best short story in The Longhorn dur­ ing the year 1927-1928. for A prize of $15 is o ffered by the U niversity C o-operative So­ ciety for the best poem appear­ ing The Longhorn. A prize of $10 is offered by the Home Drug Store the for best prose selection, w hether e s­ say, sketch, short story, or fe a ­ ture story appearing in The Long- horn during the year, This prize ; is for long plays only. While in the U niversity, Maud was n member o f the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. A t the tim e of his death he was a member of Austin Lodge No. 12, A. F. & A. M., Austin Scottish Rite Masons, and the American Legion. 1------ o O R A N G E J A C K E T S E L E C T The Orange Jackets have an­ nounced the election o f fiv e new girls as members o f the group. The new members are: Marian McDonald, Ruth H astings, Willie Alma Baker, Oma W illoughby and Edith Bowman. Leaders of the group expect this year to be one o f the best for the Orange Jackets and have ex­ pressed the hope that all mem­ bers, both new and old, will be present at the m eeting next Tues­ day, when Rose Lee Edgars will for new uni- the girls 14 S T U D E N T S ILL ill in Austin hospitals, Fourteen U niversity students are ac­ cording to Dr. G. E. Bethel, chief of the U niversity health service. They are: Seton Infirm ary: Leslie King, Charles Ziegler, A. L. Tatum , L. R osinger, Albert H ervey, Joe Feinting, Carter Forbes, HL C. Carter, Ernest Clutter, Tom Buff- T he past week, however, has done much in helping the Texas team to acquire this quality. For the last several days, it has been certain that these men would not appear in the game, and the club th a t has worked together all this w eek is the one that w ill get the call when the opening whistle blow s Saturday. Joe King, John­ nie E stes, Leo Baldwin, and Tom­ m ie H ughes will likely compose the q uartet in the backfield, a com bi­ nation which presents good th reat when looked at from any view point. a T exas expects an aerial game irom the Commodores, and a great has deal of practice this week been directed in breaking up pass attack s flung from Vanderbilt form ations by the freshm en. But L ittlefield is too wise to rely too m uch on these form ations, for he realizes that he is facin g a m as­ ter o f strategy in Dan McGugin, a coach who is alw ays ready to to any show a bagful of tricks team . Vanderbilt has seen prac­ tically none of the Texas plays, because the Nashville scouts were to watch the Longhorns forced fig h t in the mud, but it is likely shown th at the Texans will be m any unexpected plays by the Commodores. It has been defense that has been stressed at the Ma­ n o ria l Stadium this w eek, and it is likely that much of the Texas play will revolve around the say­ ing that “a good d efen se is the best offen se.” A squad of 36 men, including coaches, trainers, and m anagers, w ill be taken to Dallas. The play­ ers who will make the trip a r e : R ufus King, Higgins, Hughes, Joe K ing, Rhoads, Cowley, M cC all lough, Ford, Wray, Tigner, Bald­ w in, Sew ell, Allen, E stes, Beular. Rose, Boyles, Phillips, Brown, Recs, Hammonds, Cox, B eatty, R eynolds, Whitwell, Burnett, W il­ banks, Beard, McLemore, and Cheatham. players identifying the T exas fans may once more rely on by num ber in this game. The weather forecast for the week promises a good day for the gam e, with at least an approximation of real football weather, som ething th at the Longhorns have not yet e x ­ perienced this season. addi­ tion, the regular jerseys w ill bgr worn in place o f the old ones ttuffc w ere donned in the recent m ud battles. In M M Official Notices in t y p e w r itt e n } th i* n*ur* a c c u r a c y tfc* p r in tin g o t s f t t i a i »otic*>i, tfc* r » g u U » i* « « b a v a b * r n M t f o r (> I AH n o tie r * I Z ) m u t t be m u « t be ( 3 ) m u it be m a r k e d p ro p erly * ifn « « i, “ e tu d e n t” or " (a cu ity " } ( 4 ) «M**t be in th e ed ito r !* ! office* a t J H*i1 b y S f o llo w in g o ’c lo c k e a c h n ig b t m o r n in g 's be tu rn ed >n a t B. H oi) 1 2 0 or d e p o s ite d In th e cop y bo* o f th e n ig h t o ffice s i J H al! ) th e N o t ic e s m a y is s u e for FA C ULTY First College Daily in the South fee camp-4* o f t l * U n iv e rs ity of T e x a s b y the T e xag S tuden t* E d H o r - l n - C h l e f ........ M a n a g i n g E d i t o r „ C h i e f E d i t o r i a l W r i t e r M ts s g s i of PttbHeiUeu B U S f S n t t t t . S T A F F ,i* B a e t h e , .• ,>r; Brjsfness M a n a g e r ! Smith Bell. R fe< rt Ifendrii, A | | | Priced at J L O ^ m W E COST 0 D fffSS/W Sixth and Brazos L et us call for you ju st b efo re tra in tim e in a co m fo rta b le closed car. It will be cold w h en you get read y to go to ♦ ■ *- th e station. Identify the Lifetime pen by this M a had dot DIAL 7777 PATTON TRANSFER CO “ Y ea L o n g h o rn s’* C O Q C Rounf the most amusing in Biurea that ha< been shown istin past month, the ’a im in g the T o w n ” is a d iffe r -! t show from the usual comedy It has except- rn o f picture. lal act ng, cleve r subtitles and is un- quick plot. ubtedly one o f the best that e Queen has o ffe r e d since this kcalled critic has been accept-! g the hospitality o f the m a n a - . r in the form o f a fr e e ticket. the "P a in tin g the T o w n ” was this for Hue Ribbon M edal” sn?Ii. Kac-h month a committee pun the Theater E x h ibito r’s As- ciation of T ex a s review all of that e pictures 'then onth. This chs out the “ best all-around” it the prize £?ture and awards being the best picture for the fo r release com mittee Ski Ie family. I). W . G r iffit h , Adoiphe Men­ jou , and L y a de Putti are an theatrical strength alignm ent o f to be reckoned with, and when a supporting cast is arranged which includes Ricardo C ortez, L a w ­ rence D*Orsay, and Carol Hemp- j ster, th ere , a m ovie-goer to do but to get his hat and be on bis w ay. is v e ry little fo r The “ Sorrows o f S a ta n ” is TEXAS F r id a y a n d S a t u r d a y Colleen Moore N aughty But N ice” W h at’s Wrong With This Picture Adoiphe T h e te n f i r s t c o r r e c t a n ­ s w e r s r e c e i v e d t h # M a n ­ b y a g e r o f th e M a j e s t i c will r e c e i v e a p a ss to Ase th is g a y st o r y o f P a r is. THE MAJESTIC — NOW — [ \j f O e r if le m a n r o P P a r i s ' * IG (/hnmount Qicturt I ..... THE MAJESTIC — N O W — t o N e v e r su a v e , n e v e r so s m a r t l y s u r e o f p l e a s ­ in g y o u w it h a g a y s t o r y o f th e P a r i • — L i n d ­ S l i m b e r g h d i d n ’t s e e . N E W S r o p i e s “ B L A K E O F S C O T L A N D Y A R D ” T he M issing Link HANCOCK Flowers All tho late models. Materials: All-Silk Satins* Crepes and V elvet Combinations. Junior, Misses’ and W om en’s sizes. Navy Blue, Birch, Brown and Black. Exceptional value. Our price— Knitted Bloomers $1.00 Mercerized Knit Bloomers, all sizes colors, flesh, blonde, log cabin, navy rose, castor and black. f l f 1 new, just received i p a n Underwear Bloomers and teddies. chid, Maize and White. Price Colors, Peach, Or I A C A e n t ­ .............. - NEW SILK DANCE SETS PUUUX NOW! •% Q U E E N S rHEATBI N O W ! Fashionable Footwear For Campus Fashionables HILLYER’S S I LK H O S I E R Y Ladies’ Full-Fashioned, All-Silk (T ifton Hose, light and dark colors. All sizes, the pair ............ ................. ............... Being the amazing story of a small town smart alec, who won fame, fortune, and a follies beauty, by passing out the lowly peanut. y o u l l W a n t t o S a y * . V o t e d th e Y e a r ’. B e . t E n t e r t a i n m e n ! if/ SEH5 3 E W Voice peacher o f Successful S i n g e r s D a v i d RENT A TYPEWRITER $3.00 per month Four months for $10.00 All makes, F. L. Patty Phone 6060 we deliver J f V vc* " Sc? Has*^ Eof* Ie Brand has raised more h e a l t h y b a b i e s t h a n a l l other in fa n t foods com bined. Danl&nti EAGLE BIAND CONDENSED MILK C H A S. H. R A V E Y J e w e l e r / B lo c k F r o m H ig h P r i c e . 1 0 6 W e . ! 6 th St. Thurlow B. Weed F U N E R A L H O M E A M B U L A N C E Y v V \ V \ Studio 1 5 0 3 O uad aiupt St. Pbon# +Q% 7 No Chart?© f o r Vole© THal OPERA CLASS A s k fo r P r c . p e c t u . A WILLIAM JAMES CRAFT PRODUCTION GLENN TRYON t h e y e ll l e a d e r in “ T h e P o o r N u t an d PATSY RUTH MILLER Also, VANITY FAIR HOSIERY: Of just the right look and service, and y o u ’ll find the correct A u tu m n shades here. but watch h SLIPPER SHOP P e r f e e h S h o e s — P e r t e c h PthH nq 101E Sixth-One door oft Congress belts, watchfobs, Texas rings and other college jewelry are now the styl­ identifying of ish w ay yourself with the Univer­ sity of Texas. Our complete stock of dis­ tinctive TEXAS JEWELRY is priced to meet Student demands VENETIAN TOILET PREPARADIONS Use Venetian Cleansing Cream, Ardena Skin Tonic, Special Astringent, and Orange Skin Food each morning and night, following the method of an Elizabeth Arden Treatment, to supply every need of your skin. Elizabeth A rden’s Venetian Toilet Prepara tions are on sale at r n r n t f I k y.< ;•:’>>>!»>. *%<<<• w ;'' Wk#, , i W m M m : 1 1— t m rn 1 1 ,-y, % ■■ . • ,. V: I • . Carl Mayer Company GRIFFITH DRUG CO (Scarbrough Bldg.) r n r n W m * g i l l f i j y j i * 0 0 m , ^ VC F< Tc DU a s pin we fo an O’ ar rn Jai re th bi re Pl at fc ar re si bi Pl ir a There will be no doubt or dispute about college styles here. They’re bona fide, to academic wishes. authentic, colors, Youthful youthful lines, new patterns coming all the time from true patterns, youthful Hart-Schaffner & Marx Langrock - Learbury Two-Trouser Suits $ 35 , $40, $50 a n d UP Be safe and take a topcoat with you. lot of beauties here. Satisfaction Guaranteed SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. William Scott o f Cleburne arc visiting their daugh­ ters, Mary and M argaret, at the lip* J- H. ^i]on p hl an n oun res the pledgin g the TVxas-Vanderbilt j Om ega ch apter of Alpha Bill S h uart. £ Amon* th" * T‘r,0TO T S . , , ! i Little fie Id dormitory. A. b o u s e who will go to Dallas to attend gam e are Tucker. Maurice Spearman. Hem- o{ Lnj? Hart of v,jen ne. don Johnson, Wilbur Clough, Fred Mathers, Gay den Johnson, Cftjrnr? is Maloney. George Marsh, Arch planning to spend the week-end Adams, Eofle Wells and Ronald at her home there. Rocrbach. Helen Gibson o f Hillsboro I Mary Belie Turner Is going U ("hi spend the week-end at her bomi his Bastrop. Slavik Seeking Assembly Post Senior B .B .A . Student Will Run for Place Am ong Cam pus Solon* r ra; g Roy Jam es, Sigma Eta will spend the week-end at bonne in Houston. Grace .Will, Pauline Wallace, Annina Rend. Jenny Lee lajgan, Genevieve Cruz, Oma Willoughby, Mary Margaret Taylor, Pauline rhelma Smith, Tri Green, arid Hefts, will go to Dallas for the game Saturday, ( him v legb f Ruth Butler, who is teaching school in Manor, is in Austin this week-end visiting ber mother. week end Angelo. in Peg Holman will *] at her bom* r en* post senior and Alpha T i, *r\d profess Josephine Pollard of Harlingen | has come t last the needs < Three y< M y work sight in s with matin att itod life, in Houston of Hi WIL of visited friend'* week. ina accoil fit lr. u >ng been p an d hi* WHIP DF*, V a r t i t ? conf* c i o n * •ll 4,ug lified for a at iv* naturet. A men i her o f oral y I fr; rc aliz ati on of cecil i* B l l A. Kchook o f I sn cc re (J rover- arui a p e n e t r a t in g in * student a f f a i r s coupled re j u d g m e n t a n d frien d * • to all p h a se s o f carn­ th o le to S la v ik ie nds dc rn sty, *f t Josephine Leyendecker and Genevieve Ryan of Laredo will SJH od the week-end a s tho guests of Mary Ryan at the Littlefield will be the week-end guest dormitory. Grace Keel for the game. El IKJ T H E D A I L Y T E X A N FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1927. M argaret Elsie Crocker of San j ronesaes. About 250 guests called tour of Europe last year when he ruck cities as Berlin, Paris, \ ienn ; visited the archives and libraries of ; and London. Slavik Announce* For B.B.A . Post from guests and Lucillei last (luring the afternoon. \ngelo itad as her ■reek Helen Little The following patronesaee were! Southwestern, m enders of the bouse partya Mrs. Hen carling Pedigrew, Mrs. J . R. Reed, Mrs. Phil Hensarling and Charles Crocker from A. & M. were also Wroe, Mr-. W. E. Mc-f aleb, Mrs. Cook and Miss Josephine The is. her guests for the week-end. Miss Florence Stullken and Mrs. also | War finger of Austin were included in the house party. Pattie Mac Kilpatrick of the And. , I led ta Pi house will leave Saturday for Houston, where she , will be an attendant in the Kib pat i ick-Stov a 11 wedd i ng. Riker To Complete ripe Collins of the Alpha D Pi house will leave Friday ; for Iriira- where she will meet \ history of Ron mania, entitled Dorothy Rugeley, of Richmond. : - Thf, National Evolution of Rou- ML*i Rugeley will visit in Austin j mania,” is being written by Dr. T. w . Riker, professor o f modern before returning home. Roumanian History — ----- June Calloway has returned to ! KuroPean hmtGTy at the Univer* th»» Alpha Delta Pi house after a s,ty' short visit to her home in A ntonio. San Riker gathered material for I bis history while on an extensive Dinoerates chapter o f Alpha Rho Chi announce the pledging of Marion Stoker of San Antonio. Getting What You Want is, after all, a very simple matter. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it like this, “ Everything has its price and if that price is not paid, not that thing but something else is obtained.’’ T o get the quality you want we pay the price, even though cheaper coal is often offered us by operators and shippers. Quality Means Economy Call 4348 TO D A Y McAl e s t e r c o a l c o m pa n y IJ McALE When You Go to Dallas Go in Style All seniors and graduates please come to B. Hall and sign up at once for your pic­ tures in the Cactus. This will require only a moment of your time, but it is necessary now. Elizabeth Hail, Mary Helen Hall, Lew it M. Ham­ by, Mary Elizabeth Hamilton, Jewell Hamilton, Ralph Waldo Hammonds, Matha Hanna, Paul Dean Hanna, Mary Elizabeth Haralson, Jo e Hardin, H e r ­ bert Hargis, Joseph Haronanxa, Joseph Harrell, Benjamin Harris, Charles Harris, F ra n c is Harris, Julia Harris, Nellie Earle Harris, Mattie Mae K ar­ en, Thomas Hartley, Roy Olive Hatley, Francis Harvey, Max Hauparten, Harriet Elizabeth Haw­ ley, Edith Rose Harbeck, Bessie Lee Heath, David Williams Heath, Hugo Heimann, Mendel! M. Heller, Katie Henley, Fred C h a r l e s Berber, ( \ Perkins Herndon, Amanda Herring, El la Mae Hext, Char­ lotte Keyman, Marion Hicks, Jeffrey Hill, Scotty Mae Hines, Jam es Floyd Hinton, John Edward Hoff, C. C. Hoffman, Jr., I ritz Leo Hoffman, William man, Floriede Hooper, Shelley C. Horton, Jam a Dismukes Howard, John Randolph Howell, Ralph Hoy I. (Signed) s WILLARD PERKINS, Editor ti less adm inistration I KAPPA D ELTA T EA se moly man. His business pus qualities necessary for the proper I well fitted him to accept, the r e s- 1 to ti o’clock to execution o f the duties to the I ponsibilities of sponsoring Kappa Delta entertained with a tea Thursday afternoon from 4 I their legis-1 new chaperon, Mrs. Grey L ew is,' and also in honor o f their pat- ex p e rie n c e has introduce lation that will extend student management to all activities a f ­ fecting the student body. Special Offering of New Fall and Winter HATS Just arrived at Dacy’s We have a large assortment of newest styles specially priced for Friday and Sat­ urday at For the Vandy Game Arm Bands T exas Stickers Take plenty along! TEXAS BOOK STORE $49S Paris says “ A small hat by all means” and we have followed Dame Fashion’s demands iii our purchases: Velvets, in glowing tones and textures. Satins, I latter^ Plush, or embroidered fabrics. Hats of similar style and quality usually sell for 7 to 8 dollars. See these beautiful hats today and tomor­ row and take advantage of this unusual offering. Curry Holden, Stanton h ie HoHowell, Dupree Hol­ F elts, ever smart and ever new. A . ( \ Knippa- CL ('. Senders] O W * Murk IU*.I f c V L K Y W H L K i i SELF SERVE GROCERY IOO Quality, Courtesy and Satisfaction IOO! C ongress Avenue KT I Upstairs Over Woolworth^ Students Attention! Highest cash price paid for second hand cloth­ ing and shoes. A. SCHWARTZ Phone 3762 Weal the (jenuine FISH BRAND .SLICKER n A K E R S o r SW EE Hail \ . l o o k TOM T * A DC MARK I ftSH B t [ S T Y L E S FOR HEN WOMEN ANO CHILDREN t g t * r- VoC ’ ■ A . J . T O W E R C O B O ST O N 2 S L . P K m>) Edgeworth makes ladies prefer pipe-smokers USTfcM, O O E E M - ! D o MT DA ST AST - B u r I a a £ u R £ i f You 11 \\ A s t ei> H/k\ "sp e c ia l* HEb L £ .T M f . B f 2 £ A K “ T E A *M IAT R U L E S t FoCL XiST OME AUGHT C o u l d T a k e V o l t o "Tm' o h c m j- V o u M A l/E A LUAV LU TTM M E M , 5 O S I S H E B A ** / j S O - ? ,f At Dallas E v e r y man and woman who i i proud of the fac t that he or she it from “ T E X A S ” will have a T e x a s p ennan t, an d if it rains ta D a lla s as it does in A u stin ,you' It need one of o u r A T T R A C T I V E S L I C K E R S , and if i t ’s cold, a sw eater. C. & S. Sporting Goods Co. * * Y ow Don't W a i t on U s ’ From out of the West— where nun arf men and worn rn arr out of the ques­ ern e rye W b a th s, _ : ‘ I IV E S T E P ’ played by P aul W h ite ­ m an ’* O rc h e stra . A new V ic to r E ec- 821 C o n g ii* # A ve- — 20 I s a a c B led so e. I Hue. Phone 6619. — t f 2 I ord. W O O l'M A N 'S F L O W t.R S H O P — C ut flo w e r*, w edding b o u q u e ts, d e c o ra tio n s, fu n e ra l d e sig n s, p o t p la n t* an d fe r n *. 20 1 W. 6 th. P h on e 9 3 6 9 , n ig h t phone. — N ov. 6 1018. A Few Choice Lots N ear the University, priced o n a p p s m i T P loou ones are scarce. i Bkt