PRESIDENT SPLA W N CALLS FRESHMAN CONVOCA TION TODA Y A convocation of freshmen men it called for twelve ( 1 2 ) o'clock Wednesday, March 4 ( t o d a y ) , in the Men’s Gymnasium, at which matters of great importance td> them will be considered. AU freshman men are excused from classes at this hour. W. M, W. SPLAWN. President. © H e m i n A convocation of freshmen men is called for twelve ( 1 2 ) o’clock Wednesday, March 4 ( t oda y ), in the Men’s Gymnasium, at which matters of great importance to them will be considered. All freshman men are excused from classes at this hour. W. M. W. SPLAWN, President. Vol. XXVI. A U S T IN , T E X A S , W E D N E S D A Y , M ARCH 4, 1 925 SIX P A G E S T O D A Y No. 128 Splawn Calls Meeting of Administration Council to Open B. Hall Investigation NEW CAPTAIN DISTINCTIVE TEXAS FLAVORS FEATURE STORIES IN LONGHORN DISTRIBUTION OF EXES HOLD 75 First Issue of Literary Publics- Definite Reports Have Not tion Under New Editor Been Received; Taylor Speaks at Port Arthur T here were something like seven­ Beginning a t 9 o'clock this m orn­ ty-five banq uets held Monday by ex- ing, the March num ber of the Long­ students of th e University of Texas distributed horn Magazine will be th e at d iffe re n t points today and students M arch 2. bringing t h e i r publication* cards to state in ol on these Main Building 155. This is the first However definite reports issue of the Longhorn un der its new banquets have noe come in yet, ac- issue I cording to Reavis, (’ox, managin-edi- m anagem ent and th e ex-student I of this school year. j to r of the Alcalde, the second thro ugh out celebration tom orrow to The outsanding fe a tu re of the Is-. sue is its distinctive Texas flavor. There were several members of the facu lty t h a t went to attend the j ‘‘The Longhorn is a Texas m aga­ banquets and speeches [ zine,” said DeW itt Reddick, editor, to the ex-students. Dean T. U. Tay- j “ and as such, I think it should em ­ of Engineering I lor of the College body th e spirit and ideal of Texas, of P ort and should devote itself principally spoke to p o rtra y in g life in the Lone S ta r A rth u r a t their annual M frch 2 ban- S ta te .” the ex-students quet Monday. to deliver to Following the program laid fo r the He said th at the banqu et was very magazine, the editorial of the first successful, especially a skit p u t on by issue discusses Texas as a field fo r the girls, who were dressed as cow- lite ratu re , and a special d epartm ent boys and sang several songs, the^cho- in m s of which the whole group sang, is devoted to Over sixty ex-students were at the the Southwest. local speakers Two of the short stories have their banquet and several literary activities setting in Texas. ‘‘W a te r Hyacinths,” j gave addresses. by Vivian Richardson, describes the Lfe of a Swedish fa rm e r in the Rio Grande valley. “The Chandler Kid,” by H enry Simms, deals with one of the problems which confron ts the police of a middlesize Texas city. P H O M T U C K WILL MELT THURSDAY S tu d en ts D esirin g to T e a c h Should R egister W ith C om ­ m itte e Early Student Injured in Clash Rush Reported Improving Rapidly John Burt, University student who was injured in the clash Sun­ day night between freshmen and sophomores, is doing nicely. While he is not out of danger, his con­ dition is satisfactory to the at­ tending physicians. Burt suffered a fracture of the skull, was '.mmcuiately taken in charge by the University phy­ consulting sicians, X-ray made, surgeon called and operation per­ formed. He is receiving every a t­ tention possible. His Parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Burt and a brother and sister his b e s i d e of Dallas arrived at Monday afternoon. The father, brother and sister returned home Tuesday. His mother will remain a few days longer. C. W. GODDARD, M. D., Dean, University Health Service. FROSH FORENSIC MEETING TONIGHT TWELVE SPEAKERS IN NILL COMPETE CONTEST TONIGRT Finals for Univ. Extem pore Speaking Prizes to Be Held in Law Bldg. SIX H K V R D F our C am pus Literary Socie­ ties H ave R epresenta­ tives Entered in t h e Twelve men an d women, winners in the prelim inaries J Extem pore Speaking contests held recently, will com pete Wednesday night in the auditorium of the Law : Building for the six cash prizes of- i fered the winners, it was announced | by Elwood Griscom of the public j speaking d ep a rtm en t yesterday, Six men represen tin g various lit- i ! era ry societies on the campus were Will Debate on Foreign Lan- | chosen fro m a total of twelve en- gliage Requirem ent; Al- brants who participated in tho pre- lite rary nsic Society will hear a debate vin Hutson W ill Talk • _ ____ , liminari- 3 held Fri,lay' Feh™ary/ 20- , Honors were nearly evenly divided I am ong the fo u r societies Members of the F re s h m a n * Fore- w h i c h were allowed to e n ter three to- j ™en each >n the contest. The men selected w ere: Bob Calvert, of the S peakers Club; Joyce Cox and M. A. the A thenaeum Literary Olson of tho Society; Moulton Cobb, of Hogg Literary Society; and Ray­ mond G erh ardt and Morris Wise, of the Rusk Literary Society. night at the Wesley Bible Chair on the subject ‘‘Resolved, That the fo r ­ eign language requ irem ent should be abolished fo r the B. A. degree.” Al­ vin W. Hutson will give the society j a talk on a subject of his own choos­ the pres.dent will ing, a f te r which Sibyl Alexander, Mary Barkuloo, F lora Holman, to give Mary Lena Jones and Violet Schaf- Dorothy Cooper, call upon several members impromtu speeches on various sub- fe r were the six girls selected in the sports in the jects which he will assign them. girls prelim inaries held Thursday, The m eeting ton igh t wil be the last F eb ru a ry 28. when nineteen t i competed fo r places in the finals. Golf was made one of the m ajor in ter-fratern ity spring term athletic contest by a ruling of c.uBcil to afternoon, according i Thursday girls the in ter-fratern ity athletic All students who wish to be r e g ia - i one thls te rm - t h e first m eeting next tered with the Teachers Appointment | te rm will be given over Committee are to meet Thursday aft- tion of the spring term officers and) The first prize am ounts to $25, the ] fratern ities shall have three men to ernoon at the Education Building, to th(? acceptance of a consitution j second $15, and the third $10, a n d represen t them in golf. Each of the room 312, at 5 o’clock, according to L ! Miss Miriam il was committee. Those students who wish stated. The m will begin a t teaching positions I 7 :15 sharp, and all members are re- help in securing are urged to coffle to this meeting so quested to be on time. they may have th eir names on file when the spring call comes. The rules for the finals will be I rented shall play eighteen holes, and in to director W hitaker. These scores are to count to the e le c -; cont ests it was announced. * * * f " “ e " ,i‘y “ « » " bei" « prizes were offered.! L. L . cup.” the same as those employed in the I tu rn the score card prelim inaries, Each speaker will be given a sealed | nothing toward the envelope in which will be found sev- j | era I subjects choose his speech. will be allotted to each co n testa n t to j are from prep are a five m inute speech. from which he will j way Director W hitaker ^ m en*H anc[ the women’s b e s te r Settegast, president, th ree The ruling read s: “ Each of the Sandi E»qtu»cl, Varsity’* stellar forward, was chosen by His t e a m ­ mates Tuesday leader of the Longhorn quintet for the 1926 sea­ son. as GOLF MAJOR SPOUT IN NTERFBNT ATHLETICS T h ree M en R ep resen t EbcF , w n V S* ift aml B',tF r *h(,u,d Kiv,! F ra tern ity; S cores Do Not Count to Cup a good exhibition of scientific box ;rtg. BO KI NG TONIGHT Students Will Be A dm itted Free of C harge; Matches Will A lternate in Finals intram ural boxing will be held tonight a t 7:30 at the Men’s Gymnasium, according to Berry M. Whitaker, intram ural director. The men who are to participate in to­ night’s contest are survivors of two previous tournam ents, and the win­ ners will #be declared University champions respective weights. their in Weed, hundred and fifteen pound­ er and w inner of last yea r in th a t event, is expected to give Payne a boxing cham p­ good battle for the ionship of this weight. Both men their prqvipua m atches easily, won tw enty-five and j In the hundred B. Hall Association Commit* tee Says Reports of Dam ­ age Exaggerated By Elmer Callihan U niversity adm inistrative m achin­ ery set in motion Tuesday to work harmoniously towards a satisfacto ry adjustm ent of the disorder and d am ­ age resulting from the freshm an a t ­ night. tack upon B. Hall Sunday Meeting a t the request of President W. M. W. Splawn th e University Ad­ m inistrative Council, composed of the deans of the several schools of the the University, met yesterday president’s office and began a th o r­ ough investigation of th e March .2 affair. in council Though refusing to make any state­ ment to the pz-ess in regard to con­ siderations made a t the meeting of the P resident yesterday, Splawn stated th a t the investigation had got well under way, with the aim of searching out the t ru th of the a f ­ other fa ir from the students persons the true facta of the class scrap. Testi­ mony in the investigation will prob­ ably be heard by the council in meet­ ing today. and to know in a position and and *n re£ a r d and fifty -e ig h t; the damage done seventy-five pound t *on l a >r ^y and satisfactorily, Damage I. Exaggerated Fred Ford, captain of th e w rest­ The calling of a general convoca­ ling team for the University, will tion by President Splawn of all fresh- m ett Boggess fo r the 135 crown. AlthcAigh Ford is a man of g re a t e x - i man nien today at 12 o’clock a t the perience in boxing, Boggess is by no j ‘Mens Gym, indicates th a t the Uni- mculls a novice, and he will make varsity officials will first ta k e steps things very interesting fo r the cap- Recure the co-operation of the first tarn of the Longhorn wrestlers. P e r - 1 y*a r nien ’n handling the investiga- kins and Craighead will fight it out for the one hundred and forty-five Reports carried in state newspapers pound title; Malonea nd Estes in the one hundred to Hargorve will meet Hamm ond in the Brackenridge Hall by the lreshm an invasion were greatly exaggerated, as hundred revealed in the report made by the weight. B. Hall Association committee Tues­ In wrestling, Close vs. Basila, h u n ­ day. Personal damage was placed at dred and fiftee n ; Butler vs. H o ff­ the comparatively low sum of $500 in man, hundred and tw enty-five; Nich­ the report made by the B. Hall com­ ols vs. H arris, hundred and thiry-five mittee a f te r a careful survey yester- pounds; Miller vs, Lughlin, hundred and forty-five; Hammond vs. L y n n ,[d ay . This authorized announcement re fu tes exaggerated press statem ents hundred and fifty-five; R em ber vs. and rum ors which placed the per­ Hammonds in the hundred and sev­ sonal dam age a t an absurd figure. enty-five; Campbell vs. Hammond in the heavyweight. Students injured in the traditional class fight are all reported as having received only minor injuries, with the four d iffe re n t events, one John Burt. Dallas fresh- inn and th ree in wrestling, and a1- « « S P tb>" though he will meet s tro n g c o m p e -1 man wbo8e ahull was slightly frau- tured in the melee, and who late yes­ tition, he is expected by his s u p p o rt­ terday was officially reported by his ers to win most of his matches. physician as being well on the roati Berry W hitaker, director, to recovery. R ,W. Hammond will participate lr in box- stated th a t no admission will be charged for these contests. Only one bout will take place at a time. The m a t c h e s ) will be a ltern ated betw een boxing and wrestling. A large crowd of eds and co-eds to witness is expected these contests. The winners will be eligible fo r membership in the newly organized fistic fratern ity , Phi Lamia Uperkut. E lected President A thenaeum Society by Hostilities Ended Hostilities Atween the rival fresh ­ man and sophomore classes were all definitely concluded with the tug-of- war contest staged at the S tadium field Monday morning several hundred of the rival students. U n ­ able to hold the pushball contest on account of the bursting of the big ball at the f ir s t rush of the contest- j ants, the contending classes contented themselves with a tug-of-war contest, in which the sophomores avenged the j partially successful freshm an attack | on B. Hall by pulling the “ slimes” into the ice-cold w ater of Waller Creek. The contest tonight will be open to the public, and all interested are j plan of grouping will invited to attend , Professor Griscom stated. shall F rom the cards submitted in th.s put F ifteen m i n u t e * ' four men together, no two of whom the same fra te rn ity , and whose score cards are about equal, to play the next thirty-six holes, This be followed until all participants have been given Individual an opportunity to play. scores are the three men from any given fratern ity , whose score is the least shall win. The the least shall be acclaimed the best golfer in the tournam ent. individual whose score to be counted, and is ~o— i FACULTY MAIL I NC REA SES _ M i s s Newton Reports on Problem s la k e n up at I o _ . . . WO MEN ’S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP Awarding of the annual fifty-dol­ lar scholarship of the Texas Federa- tion of Women’s Clubs will likely be made in May, according to Miss Annie Webb Blanton, who is receiv­ ing student applications. . . on Delivery of facuty mail M . . National Convention two-year study of sororities and j Austin. Both men are the campu, of the Univera.iy ot Tega. has reached such proportions as to Five hundred deans of women were : require the services of two carriers daily, according to I. P. laockridge, business m anager of the University. Stud en ts employed as ca rriers in the s u ite m a re George R. Hefley of I. Sample of Cam eron and Robert r esidents of present a t the meeting of the N a ­ tional Association of Deans of Wom­ a t en held last week in Cincinnati which a resolution was passed to make a their contribution to the modern cam-! Hall. pus, according to 'M iss Lucy J. N e w -1 ton, secretary of the organization. A ESQUIVEL ELECTED CAPTAIN prelim inary report will be made n e x t ; be; year and the final report will given a t the association meeting held in 1927. The deans will co-operate with national and local Pan-Hellenic in all work done concerning «oror- the Lnn*h,,r'’ baak,' t b a " team for the I past two year*, was elected captain Hies. This question was discussed a t the of the 1926 basketball team yester- recent meeting of the association by Id a y aftern oon by his team m ates. Es- both sorority and non-sorority worn I t was found th a t many sorority en. women are opposed to sororities ex- luting on tho” ' modern c a m p u i r M i l s : hfl scored 8 p° int* <*»'»»* Newton presided over the meeting a t ! raer which the sororities were discussed. r*r***iv* * * m* Saudi Esquivel, s ta r forward on “ F . r - j t o t r y f o r the two-mile race. the cross country race for he won Texas rn the conference meet held here in Austin. With two letters to his credit, Sandi stands an excellent letter chance of making his track this spring on the *“ TO" ‘ IUP H« h“ plHy<,<1 » " “ * ’ 1 Esqu.vel » elig.bihty was cleared the At the same time th at the meeting .»"<« » • » on<‘ of lh« mo*» dependable jSouthweatern Athletic Council ruled E w a r t ’s q u intet. E s q u iv e l: th at he was eligible for another year of competition. A y e a r’s participa­ tion with the team s of the School of Mines, a branch of the University, was not counted as intercollegiate work. The School of Mines, at the time Esquivel attended the institu­ tion, met only high schools and minor ju n io r colleges. of deans was being held there were men 13,000 educators in Cincinnati for theU* 1101 on^ ' a 80o<* basket tosser, but purpose of discussing educational j *s a *so a very harc* man to tire out. problems of the country. Many in teresting and instructive talks w e r e ! many battles of the past sea- made by the outstanding educators i of the country concerning campus life and cam pus problems, Newton. Aside from being a letter man in is also a tra c k I artis t of no mean ability. Last Call, stated Miss basketball, Esquivel i n His durability w'as exemplified quivel closed a successful season in • team. basketball last S atu rd ay night, when ■ day with the squad, and he expects 1926 BASKET BALL QUINTET Richard Blalock for when o fficial, of third Littlefield's Richard W. Blalock of Marshall was elected president of the A th e­ the naeum L iterary Society He began working out yester-^spring term at a meeting of the so­ ciety Tuesday night. M. A. Olson, retiring critic, was elected as vice­ president; A. B. Cox, tr e a s u r e r ; R. B. Voight, secretary; A. W. Cowen, critic; and Frank Stubbem an, r e ­ porter. Both the freshm en and the upper­ classmen r,re now resting on their laurels. The freshm en, though they did not succeed in cap turing the up- erclassm en’s stronghold as was e r­ .state papers, roneously reported are priding themselves on having come n e a rer capturing B. Hall than any other freshm an class in Univer- On the other side, B. \ sity history. A very spirited discussion arose Hall!tea scoff a t the “ newspaper de- the freshmen, and postpone t h e ; eision” aw arded over the proposal to searg ean t-at-arm s. ‘ are proudly flaunting the red banner election Despite the custom th a t has prevail-] of the hall over stronghold, ed by which the retiring p resid en t Is j which, they declare, “has never been the motion j taken and never will be, as long as made sergeant-at-arm s, to postpone the election o f this o f - 1 u p p e r c l a s s m e n are upperclassmen and , i icer until next m eeting was carried. J ‘slimes’ are ‘slimes’.” of the their in . The third short story, ‘‘W andering J u s tic e ” by W. D. Dixon, steps across the border into the desert wastes and the scorched, b arren mountains of New Mexico for its setting. Deal­ ing with a University activity, the featu re story of the Curtain Club by Melvin Williamson is interesting be­ cause it traces the grow th and de­ velopment of an organization which is now one the outstanding a m ate u r dram atic societies in the Southwest. the Long­ horn, accordin to Reddick, will con­ tinue stressing Texas and Texas life in its stories and features. Succeeding issues of ------------- O'—— -— - Three N om inated for P osition s on 1925 Senior 4Y* Cabinet in Three nominees for offices the senior Y. M. .C. A. cabinet fo r the 1925 session are Sterling C. Hollo­ way of Cisco fo r president, Francis Smith of F ort Worth for vice-presi­ dent, and Marion A. Olson of Cisco for recording secretary. These can­ didates, together with any others t h a t may be nominated, will be subject to the election th at will be held in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium a t 7 p. rn. F rid ay night. At this meeting, Chairm an F re d e r­ ick Eby and Secretary Dozier will give instruction as to filing out of registration blanks. They will be given out a t the meeting and filed later a t the office of the committee. The students a re told the types of po­ sitions th a t are open to them, accord­ ing to their tra in in g and experience. I According to Miss Dozier, the stu-j dents should not wait until May and I Ju n e to register with the Appoint-! ment Committee, because by th a t time most of the calls are in and have been filled. iA. t hie tic Coaches W orth More Than P rofs H oggs D ecide The three selected above are the nominees of the members of the pres­ en t cabinet, but anyone else wishing to make other nominations m ust file the name, or names, of their candi-j dates with Block Smith at the of- fice of the association not later than I ^ re c e ;ve a la rg e r salary 0 p. rn. on Wednesday, March 4. is entitled than a professor, was the verdict of the I he final election to vote upon the j| judges in a debate on the subject last candidates will be held in the audito- night at the Hogg Debating Club. winning side, which was repre- rium of the \ . M. C. A. Friday night. Mareh 6, at 7 o clock. All men who sen^e(j by Lavon Lovinggood and out th a t it a re members , maK. evangelical churches a r e mvited -to come out to the-election. The official. leader of tn b(, succossful as „ foach in largeI in charge are an im u s th a t a in good standing of | Frank gtein6f ^ good athletic coach onality and a of trainin(Ji --------- inted ^ n,Um.L*r J 3’ ? ' " 1..1" . " election may be truly an indication of the wishes of the student body. . ! i a th le tic . THE TIME H A S COME are when students changing rooms. The end of a term al­ ways finds a num ber of s tu ­ dents moving, or changing their boarding places. R ent your rooms with the aid of a • T E X A N W A N T A D “ The Significance of March The other side was well ; represented by Emanuel Reichman land F rank White. Lovinggood was voted the best speaker am ong the debaters. | 2 ” was discussed by David H eath, white Robert Brown gave the weekly g ru n t. The club voted to participate ink the Alpha Phi Epsilon social a ffa ir, in the spring which will be held t term . E rnest W. Belcher of S tephen­ ville, a tra n s f e r from John Tarleton College, where he won the s ta te con­ into test in oratory, was adm itted membership ifs the club. T o p , l e f t t o r»*bt; O l iv e H e n d e r ­ s o n , C a m e r o n , m l i s i i t ; A l l e y i t e W i n n , T e m p l e , r o a d e r ; A l b e C o l e ­ m a n P i e r c e , d i r e c t o r . t B o t t o m , l e f t t o r i g h t : H e l e n E l i s a b e t h S a l e , p i a n i s t ; G la d y * C o r p n * C h r is t i, H o o d , S a n A n t o n i o , in " R i t a c o s ­ t u m e ; T h e trio ! B u r e m H e n d e r s o n , V a n A l s t y n e , G r a c e G a d d y , O k ­ E u g e n i a D a n i e l , m u l g e e , O k la .; H o n e y G r o v e ; E u g e n i a D a n ie l p l a y i n g h e r ‘’b r o o m s t ic k f i d d l e . ” 714 on t he A venue — W A R R E N ’S Sells for Cash Sells for Less Tournament U S E IN CALLS LOR TEACHERS IS REPORTED February I, 11+24 to January I, 1925 according to Miss Dozier. is 1553, the largest number in the j Out of the state calls for teachers { history of the committee. This nurn- were no^ as numerous this year as ber shows an increase of 52 over I that of the previous year. they were last year, there being TO There is an increase in the demand lens. The total num ber of calls was New Mexico and Louisiana lead- teachers, rural school tea. her ;, gin-- ing. There were three applications. # Out of State C alls Total 1 4 4 1 for superintendents, principals, grade 144, But Show D ecrease From Last Y ear f ernexses, and public I teachers, while there is a decrease Int ' Calls are most numerous daring According to Mi ta Miriam Dozier, all other I if rn? of work. The dem and' April, May, June, .Inly, and August, secretary of the Teachers Appoint- for young men to teach in the upper those being the months during which we nt Committee, the number of calls gram m ar grades and to act as ward most of the schools ar e electing their for -teachers ‘ during the year from principals has been unusually large, teachers for Cle coming year. school music - tram Turkey and one; from Ci&a. A Special Offering of Our $8.50 Smart Spring Hats $6.50 A w onderful a r ra y of colorful hats ju st received from New York. S traw , braids*, silks in attra ctiv e combinations. Perky bows and flo w er clusters are th e trimming’s— some in the new om bre effect. Men’s Broadcloth Shirts " ' O u r regular 2.00 Shirts of genuine broadcloth in collar-attached styles— * I ' 48 Colors: Blue, Grey, Tan, and W hite. Sizes 14 to 17. 714 on the A venue W A R R E N ’ S Sells for Cash Sells for Less /* F f Z & W r K * DEPARTMENT STORES cJncorboraUdL 2 0 4 — 206 EA ST SIXTH F eaturing New Lingerie At This Surprising Price! Only the fact that our New York buyers purchased several thousand dozen of these attractive garments permits us to sell them at this really astounding price. Each garment is fashioned of sheer, lovely material. You will notice the fineness of the dainty lace and ribbon trimmings. V ^Spf TW O Teams From State SIXTEEN SCHOOLS SOME m e m b e r s OF BAYLOR c o l l e g e c h o r a l c l u b T H E D A I L Y T E X A N C H , I P I QUINTS Fifth A nnual Interscholastic Basket Bali M eet Fri­ day and S aturday i m n j n El Paso and O ak Cliff, Dallas, A re Dupped as Favorites in Clash Sixteen teams representing practi­ cally every corner of the state of Texas will meet here Friday and S at­ urday for the fifth annual interscho­ lastic basket hall meat, The d iffer­ ent teams are bi-district winners and wit! compete fo r the state champion­ ship in high school basket ball. Elimination contests will begin Friday morning a t 9:30 and will ex­ tend to Saturday night. A special price of one dollar will be made to th* students who wish to see these game?, provided the ticket he bought before Friday. Roy Henderson stat­ ed that the tickets could be procured at the Co-op or at the athletic office. S p U w n t o P r e s e n t T r o p h y Saturday night there will be two contests. The first game will decide the third place winners, and the sec­ ond game will decide the champion­ ship. Dr. Splawn will present the trophy to the state champions. interest is m anifested throughout the state over the out­ come, and for the first time, a com­ mittee of sport w riters has been ap­ high pointed to pick Venne of school backet ball team. Carlyle and Alderson of Texas will referee the „ m « . * an all-state G reat 16 T e a m * t o C o m p e t e The lt*am« that are to participate in tho follows* tournam ent are as Beaumont. Brownwood, Estelline, Eu?ta«*e, Nacogdoches, New Waverly, San Antonio, Sherman, Stephenville, Sulphur Springs, Taft. Tuleta, Tulia, Waco, Hi Paso. and Austin. The El Paso team is considered by many to have the best chance. They won the championship in '21 and '22 and lost in '23 and '24 in the finals to Oak Cliff, Dallas* San Antonio, Beaumont, and Nacogdoches have strong quintets, and they should be able to give El Paso a s* od race. Austin high with Bobby Bol orison a? coach is the team th at will get far into th** race and may cop the cham­ pionship. The strength of the other team s, la unknown, and it is impossible to say ju st what may result. comparatively speaking, G u e s t* o f F e a t s Director Roy Henderson announc* ed that the different team s will be the guests of the fraternities at the University with the exception af El Pts?o and Austin, the boys from the border will make their headquarters j tit a local hotel. Following is a list of the fratern ities and their gueatet, Beaumont, A. T. O d Brownwood. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Estelline, Sig-j ma Nu; Eustace, Delta Kappa Epsi­ lon; Nacogdoches, A ca la; New W a­ verly, Kappa Sigma; San Antonio, Theta X i; Sherman, PH Delta Theta; Stephenville,, Delta Theta Phi; Sul­ phur Springs, Delta Chi; Taft, Delta Tau D elta; Tuleta, Kappa Alpha; Tulia, Lambda Chi Alpha; Waco, Phi Kappa Pei. - —— -— o*~---------- Th* Longhorn Margarine will be distributed to d a y and T h u r s d a y o n ly . Bring yo u r p u b li c a ti o n card t o roo m I S S , ML B . fo r you r c o p y . . When f * Bil5'lur CoU**e C W . l The title winners will be awarded I Club appears at tbs. hirst Baptist large silver I Church in Austin, March 8, one of gold basket bails and a basket bail will go to the team as a the outstanding attractions will bol body. The team that loses in the f in - jth t ofcheHtra, which Is composed of! a b will receive silver basket balls arni brouze basket balls w ill go to the third best team. The second and third best teams also will receive silver loving cups. in the choruses. [ girls who also sing in el lid od: are instrum ents Eight three violin--, a broomstick fiddle, a guitar, « ukelele, a banjo and a saxophone. COLLEGE CHORUS FEATURES GIRLS' ORCHESTRA Will Appear With Varied Pro­ gram at First Baptist Church March 8 7 Set* of Brother* Reside at B. Hall S e v e n set* o f b r o t h e r s r o o m a* B H all th is y e a r , a m o n g w h ic h i* a t r i o o f " b u d s ." D u c k , H a ll a n d R i d l e y N o r m a n o f B e l t o n c o m p o s e t h e tr io ; a n d t h e r e m a i n i n g s e t s o f b r o t h e r s a r e G o r d o n a n d Illy * C o n e o f L u b b o c k . D ic k a n d E d R ob b o f L u f k i n , A l a n d E d A d a m s •if H i ll s b o r o , H . P. a n d T o m M as- • e y o f S a n A n t o n i o , HL G. a n d J o h n W o o d r u f f o f P a r a d i s e , a n d A . E. a n d C l a r e n c e T abb o f M o u n t P l e a s a n t . T h r e e o f th is n u m b e r , a n d R id le y N o r m a n , E d R ibis, T o m M a s s e y , a r e f r e s h m e n . F o u r S m i t h ’s a l s o r e s i d e at the H a ll, T h e y a r e as fo llo w s * B lu e S m i t h , C l e b u r n e ; A . B . S m i t h , R o t a n ; C h a r lie S m i t h , C h ic o ; a n d R r o b e r t L. S m i t h . K i l l e e n . produce music. This cigar box oper­ ates as a sounding box not that of an ordinary violin. is The most opus un I feature of the The Misses Olive Henderson of the broomstick fiddle, orchestra Cameron, Edric D ew itt of Cooper, which is played by Miss Eugenia and Leis Love of De Ridder, La., Daniel, of Honey Grove. It A natifa 5>lay the violins. M.s* Allen Moore of of a nordinary child's brum unadorn­ Hillsboro plays the ukelele and Miss ed save for two peg*, one att the top and one near the broom Straw. A Jennie Catherine K err of Houston, bridge similar to the ordinary violin the banjo. Miss Sara Roberta of May- bridge is placed n ear the straw and ; Hid*!, Ky., is the saxophone soloist. the string h held tau t by a peg rim- Mi*. Merle M inkert of Bryan plays liar to ukcteles, those Hied in inexpensive j guitar. The Choral Club will make Its first trip March 6, 7, and H when it goes to Austin and San Antonio. Instead of u ing her fingers to se­ cure tones Miss Daniel uses a small wooden box, In one corner of th,* box there is an aperture. By mov­ ing the corner of the box opposite the aperture up and down on the single string, Miss Dan)eld is able to Mrs. Nell Burns F a s h i o n a b l e D r e s s m a k i n g a n d R e m o d e l i n g Satisfaction Guaranteed 410 Littlefield Bldg. Dial 6901 P len ty of JACK GARDNERS Latest gm R E C O R D S t ome in ami b ear them ISAAC BLEDSOE Fred Kingdom Mgr. 821 Congress Phone 6619 The annual two week's to u r will in­ clude tow ns in southwestern Texas J find Louisiana, Mrs. Albe Coleman Pierce is directing the Baylor College ; Club for the fifth consecutive, year. | .... ———~~o............ .... C a ll a t r o o m I S S , M . B . fo r y o u r I L o n g h o r n M a g a z in e . pm M ETHUSELAH’S COLUMN Every W ednesday and Saturday ! For it is ccrily, a ‘k ite that a man leone th no thing time !| in trying to fool a woman. Rather, mg non, utilize thyself ‘ in more prodigious tasks. ■ S E T T H Y S E L F TO P L E A S E H E R ! And hearken until this wisdom, forbear quint toning her, pre­ tend that her action# are as thou wouldst hare them, I A n d verily'tho it shalt do well ? tim tent thyself with g ilts, and t Bo a canst not err, in I , giving, A d o lp h u s (C h ocolates; Evans-Cox D rug Co. Charlie s C onfectionery I te r je tm y m eal Cleanses mouth and teeth and aids digestion. R e lie v e s th a t o v e r ­ eaten Ie cl ing and acid month. Its I -a-s-t-I-n-g flavor satisfies Uke craving tor sweets. W rig le y’* Is doable valse la the benefit and pleasure ll provides. Staled in tie Purity Package. Eat at the Cafeteria Where They Serve the Best ISN'T it a relief to be able to ju st pas.** along line of splendid dishes of food a t the C afeteria and select those that appeal to you most? And last, to know th at there is a tru e economy in eating here. the University Commons NEW FORDS FOR RENT €#qpet, Sedan*, Tourings $1 .OO Per H our D r i v e T h o m Y o u r s e l f Lightsey’i Drivurself System 104 W est lib Phone* S545— 3444 S u p erlativ e in quality, t h e w o r l d - f a m o u s vENOS PENCILS give hest service and longest wear. Pkitt md*, per de*. R u b b e r etui*, p e r d o s. o f# a ll de a le rs A n ,r n # * *> I A s s d F e r m i C o . 220 Fifth A Vt.. N. Y. S I .CO I . ZP Buy a dozen * One Hundred Sheets Carbon Paper for One Cent FIRM FOUNDATION BOOK STORE It is this way; At our one-cent sale during the next three days we are Seiling two full boxes-—one hundred sheets— for $2.51. FIRM FO UNDATION BOOK STORE NO. 2 903 Congress Avenue Step-Ins—Nightgowns—Chemises While you have this opportunity, w hy nof buy your Spring supply of under­ things? The step-ins and chemises are nice enough to wear under your “best” dress and the gowns are just as charming. See Our Window Display of These Garments The materials are cross­ bar and shadow-stripe ba­ tiste, cross-bar voile, and colored crepes, in all the favored boudoir shades. There are tailored models as well as lace-trimmed. The workmanship is particularly p l e a s i n g — the kind that assures the utmost in charm and in service* Dr. Schoch Improves Method of Dehydrating Coal After Seven Years’ Work T H E D A I L Y T E X A N "..Jim ___ THREE STARS END BASKET BALL CAREERS P. BJ. S M M Present Telephone Exchange on Campus Serves 127 Phones at Low Cost “ Working like a charm ,” is the ex­ pression used by I. P. Lochridge, business m anager of the University, in commenting on the priv ate branch telephone exchange recently installed at the University. “ With the constant increase of the University,* said Mr. Lochridge, “ we faund t h a t we could save about $3,000 a y ear by p u ttin g in this board. U n­ til things got into a working order there were m any persons dissatisfied the past with month I haven’t heard a complaint. Of course, .during busy hours people have to wait a while, but the opera­ tor does the best she can. the system, but for usedt Operators a re on duty from 7 in the morning until IO at night. A ft­ er and before these hours ten trunk stations. lines connect the busiest During the day 127 telephones in the U niversity can “E v e n be though we have a large number of stations,” commented one of the op­ erators, “ we have always been able to accomodate the public and have never had all ten tru n k lines busy a t the same time. T h at is because most of the phones are used for business purposes and the connection is only for a few m inutes.” The busiest hours are from 9 un-1 the morning and from til 11:30 in 2:30 until 4 in the afternoon. The g reatest rush comes between classes, according to Mr. Lochridge. ju s t With the constant growth of the University, provision for th irty more stations was allowed for. These will be added from time to time. LEGISLATURE MAY SOON GET BILL AUTHORIZING MUSEUM ON CAMPUS B y E l m e r C a H ih a n When the dream of u gre ater U ni­ versity is fulfilled one monumental stru c tu re in the campus group prob­ ably will be a g reat State Museum. This edifice, proposed th be erected on the University canopus at a cost of a half million dollars, would he the concrete reality of an ideal long entertained by one of Texas’ true friends, Professor Jam es E. Pearce, head of the departm ent of an th ro ­ pology in the University and cha ir­ man of the University committee on museums and archives. the O riginating idea of a g re at state museum for the state of Texas to be located on the campus of the s ta te ’s foremost institution of higher learning, Professor Pearce has plan­ ned continuously since th at time to make his idea a reality. So zealous in his work for such a cause is P ro ­ fessor Pearce th a t it is a well-known fa ct th at the professor often pauses in his anthropology lectures to explain and advocate his museum plans to the s tu d e n ts .. in 1924, with both A fter devotion of much t i m e to a close, detailed study of the problem of a museum for Toxin, Professor Pearce inaugu rated the move for an institution the University faculty and the Board <>f Regents approving the resolution of Chairman Pearce's committee th a t the state should establish a museum on the University campus, in which all the fine arts, n atu ra l sciences, history and anthropology should be If the proposal for such represented. an institution is not brought before the 39th Legislature, it will be p re­ sented heft re the next Legislature, according to the author of the pro ­ it is highly probable posal. th a t to establish this worthy institution and fitting memorial to Texas heroes u p ­ on the campus of the University, thus elevating Texas, as a state, a rank among the cultural states, and I the University, as a school, to a ra n k among the highest educational in sti­ tutions. Thus Professor P earce’s dream will come true. the legislators will see fit And to CLOTHES IN STEP WITH SPRING Come to this store, se ­ lect one o f th ese fine suits — then step out with the new season—• with a cause to feel proud of your appear­ ance. Suits featu red at $30.00, $40.00, $50.00 See th e “ K erw ick” college shoes at $8.00 in our south w indow — then com e in and let us show you w hat good values th ey are. cox IF YOU HAVE ROOMS TO RENT, NOW IS THE TIME TO ADVER­ TISE THEM. THE WINTER TERM WILL SOON BE OVER AND STUDENTS WILL BE CHANGING ROOMS. ATTRACT THEM TO YOURS WITH— A TEX A N W A N T A D -Finest College Store South UP-TO-DATE fin ish ing m ethods mean tim e. good prints every films and Bring in your find out. JORDANS Austin, Texas L O N G H O R N M A G A Z I N E W I L L B E D I S T R I B U T E D T O D A Y LIGNITE INCREASED BT TDE PROCESS Ton of New Fuel Has H eating Capacity Equal Two Tons Raw Material BIE SHE FOB SCHOOL Dehydrated Lignite W ill Cost Less Than Cheapest Raw Material rn- rn, A fter seven years of tireless effort, Dry E. P. Schoch, pro­ fessor o f Physical C hem istry at the U niversity, has p erfected a process of dehydrating lign ite coal w hich w ill give it tw ice the h eatin g capacity of its raw state, and at the tim e! enable the dealer to sell thej low er fin ish ed product at a price than raw now brings. lignite sam e „. P r o e m R e d u c e s C oot B e r t i e F o s t e r a n d C a p t a i n L e s ­ la s t t h e V a r s i t y c o u r t S a t - t e r S e t t e g a s t g a m e o n p l a y e d t h e i r u r a \a y n i g h t , w h e n th e i.r t h e y h e lp e d t e a m m a t e s w in a b r il li a n t v i c t o r y o v e r t h e A g g i e s . Burleson College Athletes Expected to Provide Strong Competition in Texas Relays S trong competition in the ju nio r college division of the Texas Relay Games, to be staged in Austin March 27, is assured by the e n try of Bur­ leson College of Greenville, Grubbs Vocational College of A rlington, and the S o uth w est Texas T e a c h e r’s N o r­ mal of San Marcos. Each of the three school listed will e n te r relay team s in the mile, half-mile, and medley relays, f e a tu r e events of the ju n io r college compeititon. A num ber of other ju n io r college have tentativ ely f i l e d -entries with L. Theo. Bellmont V arsity athletic director. Burleson College, by Woodrow Wilson, fo rm e r Texas A g ­ gie football captain, on advance dope figures to be th e s tro n g est school entered the jun ior college divi­ sion, since m any of the men, who last coached in season won the state ju n io r college track and field championship, will be in the available for a competition Texas Relay Games. Wesley College, an other s tro n g ju n io r college (located a t Greenville, will not e n t e r ' relay teams, b u t will send a shot p u t t e r who in the open- for-all Individual events may o u t­ class the w eig h t heavers from the large universities. Hooks, the young giant w h o 'l a s t spring won th e Class B champioship of . the Interscholastic League by h e a r i n g the 12 pound shot 48 fe e t is the a th le te to whom r e f e r ­ ence is made. “ ^ u d ” Sprague and K. p u tte rs of L. Berry, v e te r a n shot Texas U n iversity; and Sam Coates, s ta r shot p u tte r of Baylor University will be hard to d e f e a t the young star - - * ../■ * - of Wesley College. CAVE MEN SCARCE NEAR AUSTIN, SAYS VARSITY GEOLOGY PROF Cave men are sca rfe in central Texas because there a re few caves this vicinity, according to F. L. in Whitney, of Geology and Paleontology in the U ni­ professor associate versity of Texas. “ Probably the most interestin g hol­ lows in the ea rth of this region are the two a t San Marcos, the W onder Cave and the Ezell Cave,” declared them several Whitney, “ I explored years ago. “ The W onder Cave extends back approxim ately IOO yards in the E d ­ w ard’s limestone, and was most likely caused by fau lting in the rock a f te r p a r t of the foundation was worn aw ay by un derground water. This conclusion was reached a f te r line o f flin t was observing t h a t a broken. The cave is large enough to in a t some places and walk erect to be uncom fortable small enough to get through a t others. “The Ezell Cave has w a te r in it which runs a t the same level as the blind fish San Marcos River, and is lo­ have been caug ht there. It cated south o f San Marcos. “ I had heard th a t there was a cave from the rock q uarry a t Lake Austin, run nin g fo r several miles u n d er the city o f Austin, b u t was unable to p en e trate fa r as the blast­ the Lake Austin am had ing fo r the in some of caved rock. The other caves in this district are little more than holes in the wall, but ex­ dangerous ploring any o f them is business.” LADIES! G I V E N , W R I T E N O W O N L Y 2 5 W A V E S F rench B aby Ringlet P erm an e n t Wave, las will be in Austin dem onstrating New On or a b o u t April 1st J a n e Fluette of Dal- F or inform ation and appo intment write, JANE FLUETTE I S I S M A I N S T . D A L L A S . T E X . A PERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Pay your bills by check I You will have a record of all m oney spent and a legal receipt for every paym ent made. Come in today and open an account with this friendly bank of service. UNIVERSITY BANK W e Appreciate All A ccounts “The Students* Bank” ^ As a result of Dr. Schoch’s pro­ cess, a ton of the dehydrated lignite will cost delivered at the University, $4.23. A ton of the “ new " fuel will have a heating capacity equ al to t h a t of two tons of the raw lignite which now costs the University $4.86 lignite p er ton. The dehydrated produced by Dr. Schoch’s process Will cost less than the cheapest raw lignite ever furnished. The dehydrated lignite also has an o th er g re a t advantage over the raw lignite in th a t it does n ot “ slack” to a fine powder. The ra w lignite slacks extensively within two days, even as much as 66 or £0 p e r cent. The resulting powder is lost mostly through the g ra te bars of a fire box, it ignites wit!* difficulty and is u n ­ ** pleasant to handle. D o e s N o t S la c k been A fte r some of Dr. Schoch’s de­ hydrated lignite had hauled About th re e miles and unloaded into a bin, over 90 per cent of it was in the form of lumps with d iam eters least 50 per ce nt having with. a t ra n g in g from one inches, diam eters larg e r than two inches. fo u r to in a kitchen It has been used as fuel in a large stove— all itbve and coal ho t air furnace, in a with absolute satisfaction three d iffe re n t users, reports state. A fire is started easily with it, and it will form and hold a good bank o f hot glowing coal, always b urning out completely. small to Experim ents with raw lignite have been carried on several y e a rs by chemists in practically every p a r t of th e world. The Canadian Lignite Utilization Board reacher the conclu­ th a t the cost of utilizing the sion its use raw lignite as a fuel made prohibitive, and its 1924 re p o rt in set forth th a t conclusion. The U. S. B ureau of Mines reached th e same conclusion and published a sta te m e n t to t h a t e ffe c t in Bulletin 221. S o lv e * D i f f i c u l t P r o b l e m continued In spite of these au tho ritative de­ cisions, Dr. Schoch to work on his process. But fo r awhile, the problem seemed not to ad m it of final solution and until the spring of 1924, it rem ained unsolved Then t h e r e a t difficulties were overcome, abd during the summer of 1924 an experim ental plant was built on the grounds of the Austin Gas Com- p i h y , and a small qu antity of the dehydrated produced. lignite was The process was dem onstrated before a n um ber of lignite producers, rail­ road officials, public service corpo­ ration officials, and technical experts of concerns interested in T exas lig­ nite. forcing The process consists of ocol petroleum oil upward throug h a Urge container filled with lignite, and allowing the oil to overflow in a large flat vessel, where the oil foam sep a rates into oil and steam. The oil jp the driven through by means of pipe coils, and is gradually heated to 570 degrees Farenheit. During this operation, the water is steamed out of the lignite, and it con­ densed to regain the vaporized oil. W hen the above has been reached, the oil is drained from the container, and superheated steam To is blown cool the charge, some o rdinary steam is blown through tem ­ p e ra tu re is brought to 300 degrees Farenheit, when a shower o f cold w a te r is poured over it. W hen it is cooled to 150 degrees F arenh eit, the charge is dumped. The whole operation lasts only about fo u r hours. te m p eratu re through it until lignite. the the is lam ^ coming to New : york,wrote felix— “ to see whether you’re kidding me or not.” “ Come on, you old Catastrophe,” we wrote, “ it’s a bet. Bring some fellow cats along—wc‘11 show ’em a thing or two.” ‘‘You win—-I mean we both win,” meowed Felix, after we had showed him over the B E R E N G A R I A . “ I’d like my deck chair right over there in the sun. And say, d’ye think you can get pie that big stateroom for two. I think Kid McKat is going to come with me. Here’s my 25 catwheels you can put down right now for a deposit. I fclixactly like leaving right away.” T O EUROPE 6* RETURN iP f UM# Send fin the Three Prue Vt’inntn* S toriti w r itte n hy Collegians whet crossed this la i t w a y v ia C u tu frd K ai on Thus did our furry friend of the films fashion his future. W rite for further particulars about Cunard C ollege specials to; C UNARD & ANCHOR LINES F . J O R F I L A . 2 0 5 S t . C h a r le s S t r e e t N e w O r le a n s o r lo c a l a g e n t s . RENT A FORD * I .OO I PII HOUR l l DR IVE IT YOURSELF PATTON TRANSFER CO. PHONE 7777 4 1 7 -4 1 9 C o n g . Ave* Call for Kohn’s Home Made Bread SERVICE COURTESY All Hand-Tailored in Exclusive F oreign Fabrics. £tralforb Ciolfat* Goodman and Suss Clothes S tr a tfo r d Clothes Langrock Clothes Scheyer Clothes Campus Togs A Stronger combination of clothes can be found no­ where in the country. Step in for a try-on, in step with Spring. Priced $35.00 to $70.00 — New shipments of shirts, ties, and caps. 0«e*?,.St!PP Urn- Dial 4998 “The best is none too good and chepaer in the long run** BON TON BAKERY AD O LPH KOHN, Proprietor 1307 Lavaca Street Phone 6572 POUR ijje Bailli f ir s t CoOe** D*Uy in th# Sm it* r -I HI is bed « * th# cam pc* of th* U n iversity o f Texas by th* Texas Student* P ublications, |»r.. even’ ananda* WMW Monday. B usiness O ffice#. Main itandin* ISS. T#i*vhon* SI45*. t r i t o n *J Office*. J Hail 7. T#fepfeo®* 91 RI. Jhrtatasi fey th* U niversity of Texas P ress, A. C. W right, Man*««r J Hall. MOULTON “TY” COBB ............ STEWART HARKRIDER ..............J......... .......................Managing Editor .... KdUor-in-CMef, FORESIGHT IS BETTER T H A N H I N D S I G H T I........Issue Editor T heater Editor DOROTHY ANN FISHER . Editorial Assistant BUSINESS STAFF William la. McGill ............... Robert L. Murphree ...... A. B Smith T. Wilson Erwin ___ Burt Dyke ...... Bo one Crisp ............... . Supervising Mastless M anager Assistant Manager ....... ....... ..Circulation Advertising M anager iii .. Assistant Advertising Manager Manager J.*................... ..Office Manager rzATtm* w*rrg»s Elisabeth Baidwta E d w a rd S * # tra David Mills* Frank Morris M idklff Gordon Lewi* f » y tp rr M *h#l J u m b o Hays** SOCIETY WR TTI RS Kayenta F #rym o# Marion M.dioek J tanita Fountain B eat lf tater Margaret B arrier Maurin* it a liso * M argaret Ga tee TODAY’S STAFF ...... ........................................... ................... ..._________ Assistant Issue Editor ................ ................ .a Assistant Issue Editor ... Assistant Issue Editor Lee Wood*.. Blanche Horn Verde J a r r e ll John Palmer ............. Louis H am lett .....Society Editor Grace Gratias Alice O. S h e a ffe r - — Assistant Thomas Rous se ...................................................... — ——------- Sports Editor Van Andrus _ - ....... —...____________________ Assistant Sports Editor Albe M ehJ-------------------------------------- ----- ----------------------------------Ass istant Sports Editor :......... .................................... _______________■-■■ #r-.— —.............- Kathleen Tare** LUBaa Stauit Na ii ry Pert ne Deretby Harris Cert r ude A : * a a c der J . Brain let ta Avery Lor*ma* Orar G illette h iiaheth Eldridge Mignon Reed J H Barrett E lls Carter Smith W hite Mslsoa H awkins John Palmer ! • « A ltheim er Loa!*# Fox Marion E vans K P O R T E R S Fred P flir h a u g t K a th r y n * B usk Mary Catlins Marie Mayes Melba Mi?rh*U B ath Allred The students are now making the last lap of the winter term race, and many of us are preparing desperately for final drive. The two holidays thin week were enjoyable but were not conducive to studying. “Dead week” starts Thursday, and this week is certainly in oj'der, for most of us are about clead from the holiday affairs. Between term themes and preparing for final exams, most of us will have to hustle like Jim Reese did in the final lap of the medley relay races. the The Supreme Court of the United States Monday held that officers could search automobiles for liquor without having a war­ rant. This decision is meeting with considerable criticism, but it shows that the government is at last becoming serious about enforcing the Eighteenth amendment. The Texan believes that twenty years from now bootlegging will be a forgotten occupa­ tion, and that violations of the prohibition law will be few. All admit that the government, and especially the federal government, the has been lax about enforcing the prohibition law' because Eighteenth amendment was enacted before public sentiment was ready for it. However* each year finds less drinking throughout tile United States, and every where sentiment is in favor of a strict enforcement of the prohibition law. Coach E. J. Stewart and the University of Texas basket ball team staged a great comeback Saturday night when local team defeated Texas A. & M. here, 17 to 13. The game was Mfron in the last few minutes of play when Carl Nation, the Univer­ sity’s greatest “pinch-hitter,” tossed a couple of goals. This vic­ tory enabled the basket ball season to close as gloriously as did the football season, and Coach Stewart deserves much credit for the splendid manner in which the team finished season. Baseball and track will now come before the spotlight. the the C AMPUS FIGHT IS A PROBLEM TO BE SETTLED BY UNIVERSITY AUTHORITIES The freshman and sophomore class fights that occurred on the campus Sunday night and Monday are to l>e regretted; thor­ ough investigations should be made by University authorities, and Hie guilty parties should t>e brought to trial. in high These class fights are similar to those that frequently take place in institutions of higher learning and sch o o ls throughout the United States. Class contests are the natural re­ sults o f the exuberance of youth, arid this year’s fights were less serious arid disastrous than were many of the class conflicts in the past. The freshrnan-sophomore class fight is a University tradition, and a friendly encounter between tw'o classes should not be censured too severely by public opinion. However, this year the boys who were responsible for the damage to B, Hall and for the losses sustained by several students, should be disciplined, and should be made to reimburse those who had their valuables destroyed. the This matter doubtless will be handled correctly by Univer­ sity authorities. The purported statements by several members of the Legislature thai “we ought to cut the University o ff with­ out a cent” and that the University appropriation bill is endan­ It was gered as a result of the class contests, are incredulous. wrong for the students to damage University property, but to reduce the University appropriations because of this act on the part of a few students, would be a far greater wrong, and two wrongs will pot remedy the situation. ___* As long as the University is properly regulated, it should free from legislative hindrances. The University of Texas should continue to operate just the same, irrespective of the leg­ islative branch of the state government. If University officials fail to attempt to discipline the students for this misconduct, then and then only would legislative action be in order. It is absurd to think that members of the Legislature would favor reducing University appropriations and thus crippling the State Univer­ sity’s service to the people of Texas just because a few young­ sters were indiscreet in a traditional class contest. TfeL year s Legislature has been friendly toward higher education and has attempted to be of the best possible service to its com ti taunts, the people of Texas, and it rn unbelievable thai many member* of the Legislature would favor curtailing the benefits of the University of Texau. on account of Sunday night’s f r a c a s . to precedent Once- more tho University authori ties muHt come forward and make their apologies to the political clem agogues of the State for the acts of over-entbusdastic students. On the nighl of March 1st, the freshmen of the University felt th at they were .under obligation laid down by form er freshmen classes to make another e ffo rt to take B. Hall. We all know the result to both fresh* men and some antique furniture in B. Hall. There are also others who have become acquainted with the re salts by flaring headlines in news­ papers over the S tate; the tragedy of the event. Now the poll trcians over the State have begun to belch fo r th acrimonious word* of condemnation on the University and all official*, in an e ffo rt to make political capita! out of the sh nation. No one will approve of members of sophomore classes going so far as to damage property belonging the State, which has been placed on the cam­ p u s for the use o f student* by the hard earned money of the people of this State. the freshman th at’s and to The question is for the authorities of the University to handle, and I have no doubt but what they will do so in a judicious m anner, and not for the politicians in our legislative* bodies and over the f>tate. The moral in— let every student of this institution use all his power and influence in a common e ffo rt to ed­ ucate the people of the State as to the good the University is doing and that such outbreaks among a few students should not be laid on the shoulders of the University as a whole. in We are also justified looking at the m atter from another view­ If the University authorities point. had used a foresight, little more they could have seen that such an likely occur. Neither event would the president nor any one in author­ ity took steps to forewarn the mem­ bers of the freshm an and sophomore classes th at if they engaged in steal* a fight they would stand a good chance of seeing the old home town before June. In view of the fact that the president of the University and the discipline committee failed in this respect, we might deduce another moral. Second m oral: A little foresight is better than a carload of hindsight, to say the least, and more charac­ teristic of intelligence. HARDY HOLLERS. OFFICIAL NOTICES THE tw o 'h ou r limit on all reserve books goes into effect today a t 8 throughout a. rn. and will continue the w inter term examinations. The fine for the limit i« 25 cents per hour. keeping books over REGULAR meeting of W. A. A. will be held Thursday night at the Caf. AH me rn beni pay th irty cents in the 5 o’clock Council Room before Thursday. * GATES. a meeting of TH ERE will be Girl’s Debating Club the this a fte r­ noon in the Wesley Bible Chair at 5 o’clock. All girls interested are cor­ dially invited. There will be a good program. PRESIDENT. THERE will be a meeting of Turtle Club in the Y. M. C. A. pool a t 7:30. This is the last m eeting of the w inter term . Everybody come INSTRUCTOR. REGULAR meeting of La T ertuba will be held Thursday night at 7 in the Girl's Study Hall to allow those who wish to attend the C urtain Club play a chance to do so. THOSE desiring the assistance of the Teachers’ Appointment Com­ m ittee in locating teaching positions for the next school year will please meet on Thursday, March 5, Room 312 Education Build­ ing a t 5 p. rn. Everyone who intends to the Committee should attend. register with the secretary MIRIAM DOZIER. ALL ACTIVE members of the Uni­ versity orchestra must meet mr Thursday, March 5, at the usual hour, FRANK REED. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N CO-EDS T U GREUTER INTEflEST III ATHLETICS i L arger C lasses o f G irls En­ gaged in B ask etb all, B a se­ ball, Sw im m ing, e tc . More co-ed s are taking part in the I minor and m ajor sports at the Uni­ versity o f Texas than ever before in the school, recently! the history of stated Ruth McMillan o f P aris, who! has compiled a record odf the girls. Under m ajor sports are basket ball,r for baseball, volley ball, tennis, and swim- I into' ming. Each sport is divided three class team s tournam ent contests. The class which has woci the most points a t the end of tAle year will be awarded a silver loving cup. Tournam ents for volley ball and basket ball started “February 21* The baseball team s will swing into action the first p a rt of March, w hile the tennis tournam ent is alread y under way. Fencing, bicycling, golf, reding, and roller-skating are included Sn th e list of minor sports for co-eds. These sports have for the most p a rt been started this year, and as more stu ­ dents register for the courses, more credit will be given. In the fencing class are tw enty-five girl*, who prac­ tice every Tuesday and T h u rsd ay a ft­ ernoon for one hour under the direc­ tion of Melvin W illiamson. In golf, ten or fifteen girls lf arn the points of the game under th e direction of Miss Ellen Jervey. In bicycling and roller skating, the g irls take lessons only once a month. Horseback rid ­ ing classes are held once a week un­ der the direction of E dw ard Steere, Every Saturday Night $20 to $75 I* Cleared; Many * Students Attend “ T here’s close to $600 in the tre a s ­ ury from University dances,” said A m o “S horty” Nowntny of San A n ­ tonio, who la floor m anager. “T he dance clears between $20 to $75 each n ight,” he added. University boys have regular po­ sitions at these student dances. They work as hat checkers, doorkeepers, and generally help take care of the crowd. Tho W oman’s Gymnasium is the scene*of these dances every S a t­ urday night, and the floor capacity is from 250 to 300 couples. The funds derived from the dances are ta m e d over to the auditor of the University for the student gov­ ernm ent fund. Each term various orchestras try out fo r caontracts to play fo r the students. This term the Texas Night Hawks have been awarded the contract. Students say they like these “ Gym Germ ans” because they are inform al fellowship and represent the good th at should exist in a student g a th ­ ering. Only a m oderate price can be charged due to regulations by the Student Assembly. TURTLES PRACTICE FOR SPRING MEET in Practice for the big swimming tournam ent which will be held a t the spring is Deep Eddy early being held every Wednesday night in the basem ent of the W oman’s Build­ ing hy T urtle Club. There are tw enty four members of T u rtle Club with Ju lie tte Pagenstecker as president. Miss Olga Anderson, a mem ber of the Physical Training staff, is the in­ structor for the girls. The girls are practicing stunts and new form ation^ from which to select stunts for tho tournam ent. TURTLETTES will try out for the T urtle Club at 7 o’clock in the Y. M. C. A. pool. Everybody come. IN8RUCTOR. TEXAS Cowboys have their weekly luncheon at the University C afe­ teria at I o’clock. FOREMAN. Glee Club to Visit Rio Grande Valley The U niversity id e e Club will make Its last tour ob the year early in the spring term. when they will take a nine days* trip through the Rio Grande valley. Four trips have already been m ad e, the club having ju st returned into North Texas. On t h a t trip th ree pro­ grams were giver* at F o rt W orth, and one each a t D e lto n , Cam eron, and Giddings. ftdom a swing At Denton I HUO C. I. A. students heard the program . The spring term trip promises Us be the best of the the 35 members of year and all the club will last lik ely make the tour. They wilk go by way of £an Antonio where fthe first concert will be given. OUR ONE-CENT SALE NOW ON T w o A rticles for the Price of One* Plus Ic Essay Pads, Note Books, Fillers, Carbon! Paper, Fancy Boxed Stationery and many other articles that you need every day. All This Wtjek Save H alf Your M oney Our N ew Store, 903 Congreaa FIRM FOUNDATION BOOK STORE NO. 2 903 C ongress / ' \ , FLORSHEI M O X F O R D S College Men find in the T Iorsheim Shoe the smart type of footwear they admire— the new live ideas that attract favorable attention— for . which F* lorsheims are famous. Dillingham is show ing for Spring all the n e w ­ this world est and most desired models fam ous shoe. M ost styles: — in $I O DILLINGHAM’S GOOD WORK OUI? HOBBY C A L L 3 7 0 2 HOME STEAM LAUNDRY 211 East 5th Street VERNA WOODS D A N C I N G Ballroom, Ballot, Class in Stage Dancing, Taps and Tango, Wednesdays. Phones 8320, G863 DONNELLY & WHITE Phone 6131 Plumbing and H eating Contractors 905 Congress Ave, STN New Location C o n v e n ien t to U n iv e r s ity M e n ’s S u its C le a n e d and P re sse d , $ 1 . 0 0 Send Y our H a t W ith Y our S u it LEONARD BAKER P h o n e 7 6 4 0 1 7 0 0 L avaca S t. C o a t S u its C le a n e d and P re sse d $ 1 . 0 0 U p TH U RLO W B. W E ED AMBULANCE SERVICE Funeral Home Phones 6080 and 6317 CAM PUS SH O P Expert Cleaning and Pressing for MEN and WOMEN PH ONE 4 9 9 8 CST?- CALL 6223 For prom pt Amublance Service V. O. Weed Funeral Director SMARTLY dressed men in the style centers o f the world know there is no substitutefor a Stetson. « STETSON HATS Styled fo r young men E lectric M arcel W aver $3.00 G uaranteed E lectric Curling Irons $1.00 Students’ Lamps And All Other Kinds o f Electrical Appliances JOHN L. MARTIN 410 Congress Ave. Phone 3563 ESS Chi Bonnie Tom Robinson spent the week-end with friends in Hyde Park. THEATER ROW B y L o u i s T . H a m l e t s —A t M ueller's Shoe Stoi'e I IN SOCIETY Senior Dance G iven M onday Texas colors formed the motif of decorations of the Senior class win­ te r term dance, given Monday night at the K. C. Hall. Twisted crepe pa­ per of orange and white was draped from the walls to the center light, which was shaded by a scarf of tv/O colors. Texas pennants and banners adorned the walls. Charles Ward, favoring Emily Ste­ Just as the phens led the cotillion. strains of the ‘‘Robert E. Lee March” died away, the cutains at one end of the hall were drawn revealing a huge orange “T ”. This was the signal “The Eyes of for Texas,” after which dancing began. the singing of Chaperones for the occasion were: Dr. and Mrs. W. M. WL Splawn, Mr. and Mrs. L. Th*o. Bellmont, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Eby, Coach and Mrs. E. J. Stewart, Dean and Mrs. L. H. Hubbard, Dean and Mrs. H. Y. Ben­ and edict, Miss Lucy Dean Parlin. The floor committee in charge consisted of Stella Slade, Charles Bannister, Morgan Davis, and C. P. Bordages. Music was fu r­ nished by Jack Gardner’s orchestra of Dallas. J. Newton, ♦ * * * Iota chapter of Chi Omfga nounces the pledging of Campbell of Beeville. an­ Ida Loure Alice Ophelia Schaeffer has r e ­ turned from a visit to her home in ] Dallas. SOCIAL C A LEN DA R Curtain Club Play, “Sister Bea­ trice,” Hancock Opera House, Thursday, March 5, 8 o’clock. Theta Xi Formal Dance, Austin Country Club, Friday, March 6, 9 to I. r IC. C. Hall, Saturday, March 7K 9 to 12. All-University. Dance, Woman’s Gym, Saturday, March 7, 9 to 12. German Club Dance, Distinguished W o m a n I G uest at W o m a n ’s Building i Mrs. Meaharg of Plainview, re- j cently made Secretary of State, was a visitor at the Woman’s Building Sunday. During the lunch hour, Mrs. Meaharg was introduced by Mrs. Carothers and made a short interest­ on woman’s ing talk to the girls place in politics. Monday evening the Woman’s Building girls enjoyed a picnic sup­ per in the court at the back of the building. Miss Hendricks, business manager of the Woman’s Building, is responsible for such pleasant affairs. ♦ * * * Lucile Wharton spent y?e week­ end at her home in San Antonio. Lorraine Robertson spent the holi­ days at her home in Lockhart. Theta Xi announces the pledging of Raymond Berry of Mesquite and Francis Miller of Palestine. Elsie Tow ies has returned from a Q u e e n : “ T h e B r i d g e o f S i g h s , ” M o n d a y , T u e s d a y a n d W e d n e s d a y ; B a r b a r a L a M a r r a n d B e r t L y t e l l in “ S a n d r a , ” T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y . visit to Taylor. Gertrude Murray end in Georgetown. spoilt the week I Howard Brookshire of Houston j H a n c o c k : “ T h e W a r r e n s o f V i r ­ g i n i a , ” W e d n e s d a y a n d S a t u r d a y ; “ S i s t e r B e a t r i c e , ” U n i v e r s i t y C u r ­ T h u r s d a y ; ta i n C lu b p r o d u c t i o n , has been visiting on the campus. N e i l O ' B r i e n ’s M i n s t r e l s , F r i d a y . Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Brigham o f j the week-end with j Blanco spent their daughter, Bessie, at the Scottish j Rite Dormitory. M a j e s t i c : “ T h e W i f e o f t h e C e n ­ a n d t a u r , ” M o n d a y , W e d n e s d a y ; “ T h e D e v i l ’s C a r g o , ” T u e s d a y T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y . Eunice Mohrmann visited at her home in Comales this past week-end. Elizabeth Griffin has returned from a visit to her home in Dallas. David Baxt, who is attending A. & M. College, has been visiting his sister, Fay, at the Scottish* Rite Dor­ mitory. Miss Selma Streit of the Scottish Rito Dormitory has gone to Dallas to attend Grand Opera. Maurine Walker visited in San An­ tonio over the week-end. Helen MacDonald has returned from a week-end visit to Cameron. Lela and Edith Gibson spent the week-end at their home in Calvert. I Nell Sparks has returned from her home in Calvert. Alice Allen and Hilda Curry have been visiting in Franklin. Sturgis Hurley has returned from a visit to Franklin. Bebe Daniels H as Lead in “ D angerous M o n ey ” Bebe Daniels comes to the Texas Theater on Wednesday next in her first starring role for Paramount. “ Dangerous Money,” directed by Frank Tuttle. The picture is based on Julie Her­ ne’s adaption of the novel, “ Clark’s Field,” by Robert Hueerick. the In joining constellation of screen stars, Bebe Daniels realizes It wasn’t so a life-long ambition. very long ago th at she was lending her beauty and talent to comedies. Then Cecil B. DeMille “discovered” her, and overnight millions of picture fans found a new idol to worship. Her climb stardom has been steady and certain. It was inevitable she would re ­ that sooner or later ceive the reward that her work so richly deserves. to T E X A S T o d a y a n d T o m o r r o w Daniels Qaramotml Q ktare “WIFE OF THE CENTAUR” ELEANOR BO A R DM A N JOHN GILBERT AILEEN 1 PRINGLE L A S T T I M E S T O D A Y MAJESTIC S C A R B R O U G H ’ S M A N ’ S S H O P NEW COLORED SHIRTS ’ FIVE '' The Bridge of Sighs” Closes at Q ueen ‘ The Bridge of Sighs,” which opened at the Queen Theater Mon­ day, proved an absorbing motion pic­ ture— one that the thrills and heartsobs of a great clas­ sic. contained all the Creighton Hale and Dorothy Mac­ of Billy Craig, k a y , in the parts spendthrift, and Linda a carefree w^urageous lovable, Harper, daughter of a man wrongly accused of theft, do splendid work. Their -intcie portrayals depict the weary struggle two young hearts make against life and its hardships, while love beats its wings against circum­ stances and carries off the prize. The cast, whicha Iso includes Alec Ralph Francis, Richard Tucker, I^ewis, Clifford Saum, Aileen Man- ning and Fanny Midgley, is uniform- *y good, while the story moves wtih sweep of dramatic a intensity. tremendous -o- 1 fie W arrens of V irginia” at Hancock W ednesday The stage play, “The Warrens of Virginia,” which was written by Will­ iam C. DeMille and produced by Da­ vid Behiseo, was one of the greatest successes of the American stage. The olorful story presents interesting sidelights of the Civil War period. Fimer Clifton, who directed this pro­ duction, will be remembered for his work with to the Sea in “ Down Ships” and “ Six Cylinder Love.” Wilfred Lytell plays the part of Lieutenant Burton ini “The Warrens T H E D A I L Y T E X A N of Virginia,” with J. Barney Sherry in the role of General Robert E. Lee. The cast includes, George Bachus, Dorothy Kingdon, Robert Andrews, Jimmie Ward, Rosemary Hill, Frank James Andrews, Harlan Knight, | Turfier, George Strickland, Helen Ray Kyle, and Mrs. Frances Grant. Many of the exterior scenes were in Texas. The film will be the Hancock Wednesday! taken | shown at and Saturday. Majestic Show ing W ife of the C e n ta u r” in pictures, To those captious, cinematic critics the lack who ary always decrying the of “ intelligence” Company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer “ See Wife of the might well say: Centaur.” of Cyril Hume’s sensational novel operv- ed Monday at the Majestic Theater, and proved itself to be one of the best offerings of the season. This pict urization theory being that The story— instead of a familiar a serious the­ plot— is based upon ory; the every man is a “ centaur,” that he is half ' 9 J beast and half man, a battlefield in I which the war of conflicting emo­ tions is always being waged. Hume’s story has been transposed faithfully by King all that di­ with told screen to the Vidor, and rector’s skill. -......o-------------- T h e L o n g h o r n M a g a z i n e w ill b e d i s t r i b u t e d at r o o m 1 5 5 , M. B . t o d a y a n d T h u r s d a y o n l y . W ith Collars to M atch $3.00 The newest shirts for Spring are of finely woven madras, in small and large pin stripes. Long point laundered col­ lars to match. A white background with pencil stripe lines in pink, blue and black. As popul ar as they are practical. Balloon Trousers $9-00 Extra trousers of fine soft finish flan­ 'fans nels, cut full and comfortable, and greys in plain colors and stripes. MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP 60S B ra z o s Driskill Hotel P e r m a n e n t W a v i n g , SOc Carl Hair Cutting, Artesian Water Eat at the BON TON CAFE Always for the University in Everything 609 Congress When you write home for money, use SANFORD'S **Fountain Pen Ink i t ' . Permanent Blue-Black and Alt Colors S C A R B R O U G H S YOUR DRUGGIST IS MORE THAN A MERCHANT College training, professional obligation, and State requirem ents combine with business experience to insure highest standards of service by the druggist You are safe in dealing with him. T R Y T H E D R U G S T O R E FIR ST FOOTWEAR SUPREME — Our Spring styles in footwear supreme are the embodiment of distinctive c harac ­ ter containing the exclusive fe a ture s of Parisian creations and an unequalled orig­ inality of STYLE. — The new slippers ju st received strike the keynote in the Spring attire for the wom­ en who ap pr ec ia te t h a t individuality. — Blonde Satin, Blonde Kid, Black Satin, Patent, Grey and combinations. -Hosiery $10, $11, $12, $14 -all the new shades and colors. CAULK MUELLER DRUG STORE THE CONVENIENT PLACE “THE BRIDGE OF SIGHS” A L S O J U V E N I L E C O M E D Y N E W S N O W M e a g a g a “OH! MABEL” , S T A R T I N G T H U R S D A Y O N T H E S C R E E N S O N G C A R T O O N F I R S T T I M E IN A U S T I N 4 : 1 5 — 9 : 0 0 QU E E N T H U R S D A Y Send The Daily Texan Home •'The Ink th a t M a d e th e fo u n ta in Pen Possible** THE CURTAIN CLUB PRESENTS MAETERLINCK’S “Sister Beatrice^ JANE SEISER MAXINE HEWITT MARGARET WEST JU U A MATHEWS MARION BALL KATHLEEN BURNETT CONSTANCE DOUGLAS EMILY ANDERSON WITH AT THE MELVIN WILLIAMSON RAY E. LEE BEN HOWELL CULLEN BRIGGS LYRA HAISLEY BETTY LOU WOOSLEY BEATRICE BURNABY SYBIL ALEXANDER Today and Saturday “THE WARRENS OF VIRGINIA” Friday, Mar. 6th t o r a ? 'GAFF t«XS: p i T T s * / j y o A V F O O T T h # S h o w o f 1 , 0 0 0 L a u g h s P r ic e * SOc to $3.OO P l u s T a x S e a t s N o w S a i l i n g H A N C O C K O P E R A H O U S E Tomorrow Evening, 8:30 P. M. f » ** - i ‘ J* ' " . v ; ^ V Seats now on sale at the Hancock Box Office. Prices: Lower floor $1,50, 1st Balcony $1.00, 2nd Balcony (for girls only) SOc. SIX ■ ' e:. i# t; ! - IS ■■ T H E D A I L Y T E X A N FOURTH CONTESTS UPKEEP OE SHUCKS iN IN E ™ y i r v n g r i f i y y / \ p i r ^ J r f v l A . “ I f s going to he a w hiz” w ere the A \ m T C T w ords of C laude Voyles in describ- in* the bo-bonthly Cowboy luncheon to be held a t th e U niversity C af to- day. “ One u n usua fe a tu re of to d a y ’s , C om petition in tho new ly form ed T a y lo r » o to drew from pincer. pr#|{T an|o „ . d V oyler. ‘'will be the ^ l i l _____________ j - . V ^ V / l N * t u I ... , * , , . , i J S in tra-e n g in eer athletic conference It is expected th at only the t i n t I Cowboy m enu because will begin Tuesday, M arch 3, when the prelim inaries in round in horse-shoe com petition vs ill tim e horse-shoe be held this term , according to Dean ed fo r the Cowboy luncheon.” the this* m enu h a s b e e n obtain- this is COWBOYS TO BA N Q U ET MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY ARTICLE OF VALUE Complete line of Trunks, Handbags, and Suitcases GOLDING & FLEET Reliable Jewelers and Brokers 109 E. 6th ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TEXAN gr 0 Longhorn Magazine out today. Call at room 153, M. B. for your copy. this to u rn a -i pitching take place. E n tries closed T aylor. The finish of a t five o’clock yesterday aftern o o n , m ent, and the com petitions in swim -j At th a t tim e the follow ing nineteen ming, baseball, and track will take term . The men had signified th e ir intention of place d u rin g the srping has Teen p a rtic ip a tin g in the to u rn a m e n t: V. College of E ngineering J. A lb rech t, Joel Alsup, J . L. Bain, divided alphabetically into g ro u p s J . F. B enovitz, F. L. Cohen, A. C. of those whose nam es rang? from A Cook. S. Coppock, G. W. F em an } to K and L to Z A lready these team s des, B. F riedlander, L. D. Golden. I have been dubbed the* “ A ches'’ and L. BL M cCutcheon, A, C . M .eurott, * the “ L azies.” Fred N agle, R. N. N iven, W. C. I N oren, VV. F. R eagan, L. M. Sw ift, T ay lo r’s O. G. W olf, and J. jF. W olff. These E n g in eers would re -e n te r men yvill ©Vleck this m orning in Dean T. U. n ex t y ear. “ N ot on your life ,” was Dean if the reply when asked the Uni- at nine j versify In tra m u ra l A thletic Council hold a m eeting THE DAILY TEXAN’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF AUSTIN These Firm s M erit Your Patronage By Giving Utm ost Satisfaction — T R Y T H E M AUTO ENAMELING E aam eling, W attling and P olish in g A L T O ENAM ELING WORKS H S E ast S t! Street S atisfactory Dressmaking Don* Br Mi** Byrd Braddock P h o n e 2 6 0 5 ENGINEERING nj r Re* PITTSFORD A FEHR Phone SOSO POTATO CHIPS W ALKER'S AUTO L A U N D R Y MILLER BL U E PR IN T COMPANY Phone 9614 W e Call for and D eliver «©2 T rinity to g £ a *t I f>Vh S t. Phone 79(18 E ngin eering School Supplier AUTO PAINTING ENGRAVING £ i f BOHLS, AU T O P A IN T SHOP A U ST IN ENG RA VING COM PANY “W here Good Work I* Don**’ 205 W est 5th S treet— Phone «74S j ■ 606 y Colorado St For B etter E ngravings P hone 9326 AUTO REPAIRING . n r u v M T DELZELL A DEM EN T Autom obile R, Stu d eb ak eri a Specialty FLORISTS I ^ A R T FLOWER SHOP F lo w e r , Pot pUnt# „ a Seed M r# w p W o o d m a n 108 T rin ity S treet P hone 7163 Mrs. J. C. Porter A u te Body And Fender Repairing Rebuilding And Deer* A Sp ecialty C. L. PATRICK T h e Man W ho Know* How IS IS Lavaca S t. P hone 9622 AUTO TOPS Phoaa 9 3 6 0 204 W . 6th St. | ______________ FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING Hay* an Expert Repair Your Pen A n d eru n AT GAM M E L S BOOK STORE G uarantee* Satisfaction SA NI-PRO DUCTS OF TEXAS Potato Chip* and Salted Peanut* of your choice. __________ Freak D elly. Anywhere PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON A L B E R T L. D E V E N Y . D.O. P hysician and Surgeon B » f - . REAL ESTATE Phone 6872 WM. H. STACY A SONS Real E sta te, General Insurance, Bonds 123 W est 7th S treet Telephone 6074 MISS M ARGARET STILES R eal E stata, Fire Insurance, Rentals o n 911 L ittlefield Bldg. Phone 7287 F R E E A N D WILLIAMS A ustin H om es 513 S C ongress A venue AU S izes And Prices Phone 3105 PRESSLER ZILLER Real E sta te, Insurance A Loans SI9 C ongress Av*. Phone 8104 GO TO F. W. C R A N E For Top Covering end Body U pholatertag. 113 Eaat 8th St. Phene 5803. FRAMING “ M A S T E R ” . CLEANING WORK MEANS ABSO­ LUTE PROTECTION FOR YOU! A “ Master” is SUKE of his methods. If a BETTER process (bf cleaning garments is evolved he ADOPTS it! He not only wants to please you, hut sees to it that your garments are handled as carefully as though they were his OWN. His hope for success is “future trade” from YOU and he GETS this future trade ONLY if he pleases you THIS time. Nick Linz The phone num ber on any page in the phone book. BAKERIES OF Eight Letter Men Working Out Daily; Form Nucleus of 1925 Squad BEESE WIHS MHE Good Early Seaton Records Made in Closely Contested Field Events By Sam Johnson Due to the re tu rn of Alvin Cock­ rell, freshm an sta r of last year, the stock of the U niversity track team has risen considerably, In the com­ p etition held am ong m em bers of the GHEKHOCHfilDCE Repairs of Shacks Comprise About 50 Per Cent of Total Bill of Varsity T hat th** U niversity cam pus will r i o t again bf* hum iliated by the erec­ tion of a n o th e r Bhack was the belief expressed by I. P. Lockridge today. ‘T h e y have been an enorm ous ex­ to u s / ’ said Mr. Lockridge pense in speaking of the sharks, "and the U niversity will save much on ever­ ts ad expense when they are entirely gone. They require co n stan t a tte n ­ tion. The floors, th e ceiling*, the roofs are alw ays dem anding repairs. the perm anent We d o n ’t have to do any repairing on buildings more than once every ten year?*. Repairs on the shacks compose ab o u t 60 per] cent of the expense bill for the en-• U niversity “ The expense o f heating them alone is staggering. Why we have to heat in I things warm trying enough to house the stu d en ts.” the whole F o rty Acres to keep those squad S aturday a fte rn o o n , Cockrell won both the hundred yard dash and the 220, And wa* the only man who snatching two succeeded first in fo r several laid up places. Being weeks, with a pulled tendon, Cock rail’s victory came as a surprise as it was thought be slightly o ff form . th a t he would the Mr. Lockridge said th a t, owing to the the rapidity of the grow th of not U niversity, the cam pus wouW present likely be cleared of lo­ sharks u ntil the building to he cated n e a r B. Hall is erected. Test holes are already being dug for this building, and Mr. ex­ pressed the hope th a t with the erec­ tion o f it, the cam pus would . lie cleared of the shacks. Lochridge In order to keep his men in condi­ tion, Coach L ittlefield has been ru n ­ ning hts en tire squad through the events th a t they take p a rt in each T his is the S aturday afternoon. fo u rth compte tatter* m eet th a t has been held, and the first one in which I n e w STEAM TA BLES AT ‘C A F’ the men were allowed full distances. In order to give b e tte r service to ! to ru n the the custom ers of the U niversity C af­ e te ria , Miss Anna Jan z en , m anager, has installed two new steam tables for serving. W hen th e im provem ents are com pleted, the custom ers will he enabled ’to form two lines instead of alm ost; one doubling th e efficiency of the ser­ vice. h ereto fo re, thus as Because of the U rge num ber com­ ing out for the cen tu ry , Coach L it­ tlefield had the men ru n tw o heats. In the first race b an d a and B aggett ru n -o ff for first, but tied in tape a y ard In Cockrell broke the fro n t of B aggett. Showing form equal to th a t of m id-season, C o ck ­ rell levi the field of ru n n e r! in the 220 by more th an five y«rds. Bag­ g e tt boat {.anda by a scant foot. the from last The half mile wan one of the p re t­ tiest races of the day. A fte r ru n ­ ning last fo r more than a lap, Glass out-sprinted Coale a t the finish and long c a p tu re ^ first. C onner, a ta r distance ru n n e r year's frosh team , came in third. Jim Wins Mile th e dope W ithout kicking over tucked bucket. C aptain Jim Reese in aw ay th e ni le. Briscoe crowded on the heels o f Keene fo r th re e -q u a rte rs of little th e way, but the pace was a too fast fo r Briscoe who slacken­ ed up slightly the last few yards. the custom ary first pla •• Finishing in a p erfec t tie , Sol and N eblett nosed out Blonsttbn H arris in the 44n-yard dash. H arris came hack first place away from B lonstein in a n ­ oth er 440. strong and took fetid going over Baldwin, all-round freshm an a th ­ led the hurdles. second and Celaya The one-tw o position was the high lete from W ichita Falls, easily the M ulched came third. m aintained sticks. in clearing "R e d ” William*?, a long distance ru n n e r from the cham pionship team of last year, four yard* in the two mile, a f te r B ubar hail set the pace fo r several laps. beat B ubar by Field Events Close The field events furnished the closest com petition. In stru c te d by C -ach L ittlefield to “ put everything they had into it,” the “thinly clads” made good records fo r ea rly season. “ Buti" .Sprague in the shot put beat Baldwin and K. I/. B erry. Baldwin and Berry threw the ball alm ost the same distance. C alaba sailed the discus two feet fa rth e r H arris, last yen Us le tte r man, cap tu red first In th e javelin. than Gooch. CAPITOL BA K ER Y We Cater To Th* Student Trad* 2 4 0 9 Guadalupe S t. _ ______ AMERICAN BAKERY AND 5SSJL.,,‘ ^ P h o n * ^ 7 0 6 DAIRY LUNCH 1006 C ongress A ve. P hone 3233 BATTERIES BA T T E R Y SER VIC E C OM PANY W estinghou se B atteries Starter and Generator W ork Wa Charge and Repair AU K ak as of Batter!** 221 W est Sixth Street Phones: Shop, 6420; R esidence, 4906 I. H. (Bink) Drenwer__________ A u stin, T exas BATTERY STATIONS PHILCO BATTERY STATION 119 Congree* A ve.______________P hone 5380 PICTURE FRAMING. MOULDING. Work Guaranteed. Service. Jordan'*. 615 Congree*. LARGE STOCK Prompt j _ ITH?!* Furniture bought, sold, repaired, refinished upholstered C. H. C ross Furniture Ce. P hone 4996 GIFT SHOPS LITTLE T SHOP A fternoon Tee* a Sp ecialty • • T iffin From 5 to 8 Sunday E vening H a m b u r g e r s H am burgers and Pedigreed Hot D ogs L eek for th# Blue Stand BLUE SM ITH. M anager 2408 1-2 Guadalupe _________ HOME W ASHING _ MRS. H E D D ER M A N Hand Laundering 802 E a st F irst S treet— Phone 9134 BEAUTY PARLORS INSURANCE M ARINELLO B E A U T Y SHOP ! Perm anent W aving DRISKILL HOTEL Hair Cutting ~ .4014 ^ Insurance of AH Kinds T H E ROBBINS COM PANY E lks B uilding P h on s 6007 Phone 7802 W estern Electric Sm oothing Iron# Special Sal* 63.55 Wera $5 00 each JOHN L. MARTIN Phone 3563 IRONS JEW ELERS — =5!f Daily Texan Want Ad Section Get W hat You W ant W hen You W ant It— Use Texan W ant Ads. Call Today at Business Office, Room 155, Main Building ROOMS FOR RENT FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS clean com - 1 FO R SA L E— Wood and c e d ar posts Phone 4780. delivered a t once. Quiet, VV'. C, L ear, 3006 San G abriel S t.— 6 CORD WOOD AND BLOCKS W« also do sawing. Phone 3742 E. M. A SH FO R D KOR R E N T — For boys, fo ilab le rooms at 1934 San Antonio j Excellent meals. S treet. pleasant surroundings. taring. Reasonable g j FOR SA LE— One ja r S ttco m b , one com b and 2 brushes o r will trad e I FOR RENT —Two a ttra c tiv e rooms for a bottle of hair re sto re r. Inquire^ for young ladies. Two blocks from ; fo r F reshm an Pete R ush. — 4 cam pus. Apply 507 W eal 23rd St., ■ or phone 4282. W ANTED—Two .Iu d, to occupy* 11*27-2. U n iv .r.tty S tatio n . — to FOR S A L E - P ractically new U n d tr- A ddress box typew riter. — 6 ____________ ______ _________ wood 2506 Speedw ay, phone ' — IO . nice !«rge, cool, well ventilated! south room in p rivate home. H om e*I__________________ __________________ like surroundings th a t appeal to stu-j BOARD AND ROOM F o r boys, op- dents. 102 W. 24th St.. 4 8 03.________________________' — IO . FOR R E N T — E x tra nice, large S. E. BOARD A ROOMS room to two o r th ree quiet b o y s . ROOM AND BOARD h o r boys, tw o Sleeping porch, single beds, hot wa- j ‘ rooms with sleeping porch, te r and everything strictly m o d e m . t wo blocks from cam pus, ra te s reas- fo r Let me show you. any num ber. Phone 8433 or apply —8 a t 2208 Nueces. *907 NOICW .-7 enable. Excellent table board posite campus. phone 9407. D A . o h „ larg e . o f the BOYS— W e’ve just opened a room­ ing house at 2103 Nueces*—-2 blocks Sleeping w ert porches, single beds, show er bath, reasonable rates. Room with us and eat where you are satisfied. Dial — IO 8550. cam pus. FOR R E N T —F or boys, room, one- half block of cam pus. Single beds, sleeping porches. 2005 W ichita. Dial —8 3313. nished bed FOR R E N T —Two large, w ell-fur­ rooms, g arage, sleep­ ing porch. C orner 21st and W hitis. E ntrance 301 W. 21st, References —8 required. Phone 4161. ROOM AND BOA RIF—for few m ore girls at Mrs, P onton’s, 2010 beginning with — 5 U niversity Ave., sp rin g term . a p latin g changing BOARD— Students who are contem ­ th e ir boarding places will find pleasan t su rro u n d ­ ings and congenial com part” a t the T exas Tea C ottage. Special monthly —6 raid*. Phone 4447, LOST & FOUND be crossed at some LOST— “ The B ridg, o f Sighs” m ust life and B'mily Anderson m ight as well cross it now as later. Call at the Q ueen T h ea ter for a fre e ticket, to ­ day. tim e in LO ST— A bunch of key*. Call 9005, —6 R. B. L., Y, M C. A. LOST— Lam bda Chi A lpha n i t y pm. R ew ard. R obert E l - more. Phone 7491. H I W . E ighth S tre e t Phone 3839, DYERS AND CLEANERS MRS. FRITHIOF SCHNEIDER BEAU TY SHOP Perm anent marcell* and rin glet curl $15 I whole head. 612 Colorado St^ O RIEN TA L B E A U T Y SHOP French M arcelling And W ater W aving 1002 C ongress Avo. _P hone 9304 BOATING ____ University Boat House M aintained by U n iv ersity A thletic Council Motor Boats, Canoe*. Row Boat*. For Rant CAFES STADIUM C AFE Home Cooking— Quick Servtc* 2408 Guadalupe. **Try U9«*_ Phew* a l i f LEG ISLATORS AND S T U D E N T S Buy Meal T ick ets and Save or Pay W hen You Eat w**t 13th Street P hone 8142 DENTISTS DR. W . L. W IER D ental Surgeon S t » . ! • L ittlefield B uilding, P kone 6231 GUS B. LINZ Dry Cleaner hone 2309 -Expert P resser— Laundry 804 Con Kress Av*. Fancy Dry Cleaning Quality Plus Tailoring Mch26 i We have three hobbles— Q uality, Service, B if f * A Ce. end Courteous Treatm ent. 1097 C entres*. Phene 7601 BOOSTER C LEA N ER S 2107 Speedway Phone 8508 1 Q uality Cleaning ky Men W ho K new How Jaa. J. Lumpkin Tem L. Dennis SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS AUSTIN LAUNDRY Sc DRY CLEANING COMPANY DIAL 5368 E PE TERSO N Tattering That Satisfl** —------ G lj S B. LINZ — MarlO Dry Cleaner-— Expert P resser— Laundry Phons 2309 806 C ongress A va. C A R PE N T E R work of all kinds, new or repair. Roof work a specialty. Phone 5290. — M arl6 All w ork g u aran teed . Y. W. C, A. S pring M illinery Class: E ight 2-hour lessons $2.50. Be­ ginning 9 a. rn. T uesday, M arch 3rd. I l l E. 10th, phone 9041. R egister — 5 now. S P A N IS H ST Y L E D I N N E R t i . con- siltin g of chicken,^to rtilla s, ta m a ­ les, enchiladas, rice, cfhle, cake, coffee. 2502 G uadalupe. — I beaus, MISS MARY KING Exclusive M illinery DANCING — P rivate au d io , SOO W. 31 s t. Phone 7812. Physics; be original MOST STU D EN TS bust Math and g et a coach. Phone Brown a t 5283 fo r an appointm ent in coaching. and UNION BUS COMPANY AUSTIN— SAN ANTONIO E very H o u r/o n the Hour STEPHEN F. AUSTIN HOTEL PHONE 8422 S T U D E N T S — IO Per Cent discount en your bat* and dressm aking. We make eld bats and dresses leek like new. Our spring b e t s are cheap but Ida Page not in quality. Fallon, 722 Congress Avenue, (up-: sta irs). cheap W A N TED — L adies’ children's sew ing done quickly, also m en’s nice shirts. Mrs. T, M. D alton, 3115 G uadalupe S treet, phone 4741. — 4 and U N IV E R S IT Y JEW ELR Y SHOP W atch. Clock and Jew elry Repairing N ext Doer to Co-op LUMBER Y A R D S _ C A L C A SIE U LUMBER YARD B uilders of high c la ss hom es. 311 W est 2nd Phone 5371 BR Y D SO N LUMBER COM PANY B uilding M aterials And H em es 415 W est 19th Street Phone 5331 MACHINISTS & WELDERS We do Crank Shoft and Cylinder Grinding Goner*! M achina Work, A ute Repairing Austin M A G. Co 219 E ast 5th S t. P 2502 METAL WORK Ornamental Matal Work Far Homo A O ffice Figure W ith Me. P hone 4660. E. T. S ig g ei. 115 East 8th St. MILLINERY M ISS HELE NE B A S T IA N M ILLINERY 416 C ongress Avenue U p sta ir s MOVING AND SH IPPING F. H A STE R M oving, Crating and Shipping Residence 3 3 3 9 B usiness Phone 9326 NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTORS DALLAS N E W S By Stu dent Carriers. Early M orning D eliv­ ery. P hone S. S. P ettu s. 9117 or 3062. NEWSPAPERS FOR SA L E — H ouston Chronicle. Handled by a stu d en t. delivered. Francis Sm ith. Phone 9294. 75c per m onth OPTOMETRISTS J. G. SHELTON, Optometrist Eyes Exam ined C la sses F itted t i t East 6th St Phone 7222 PAPER— PA I NTS C, A. BRADFORD COMPANY W all Paper, P aints. P icture*. Frames. A r t N o v elties PIANO WORK REPAIRING I. B. KING S to v e Repairing OS All K inds 1417 Lavaca St. Phons 4593 RENT CARS D riverless Cars $5.00 Per Day Service Cars Day A N ight Phone 7788 301 Brazos Street ROOM AND BOARD P a tto n ’s Place— Room and Board Home Cooking 119 W est 8th P hons 8567 RUBBER STAMPS A U S T IN R U BBER STA M P CO. Rubber Stam ps 201 W est 6th Street S eals, S ten cils Phone 8715 RUGS CLEANED Rugs and Carpets cleaned, mended, sized, Altered by CAPITAL CARPET CLEAN- ERS, 2117 E ast A venue, phone 8538. SECOND-HAND CLOTHES H IG H EST CASH PRICES Paid For Second-hand C lothing sud Shoes Phone 8782 SHOE SHOPS ALLEN'S SHOE SHOP H ave them Re-Made Like New Phone 4597 2 400 Guadalupe V A R SIT Y SHOE SHOP Phone 6768 for Expert Shoe Repairing C onveniently Located Next Door to “Y ” STUDIOS K OLBY’S STU D IO Kodak F inishing 219 1-2 E ast fltU S treet TAILORS J. J. BECHER T H E TAILOR S u its to M easur* Home Made 119 E ast 6th St._________Room 6, Polk Bldg. GAGE BROTHERS T inners, R oofers, And Repairing SOO E ast 6th Street Phone 5279 TRANSFERS J. R EESE, T R A N S F E R M oving and H auling Out-of-TownJTrijps_^a_J5peclalty^ Phone 8287 H. A. FULLER, T R A N SF E R M oving, P acking, H auling 3980 Before 8 a., rn. A fter 6 p. rn. TURKISH BATHS LITTLEFIELD TURKISH BATHS Operated By An Expert From H ot Spring* Phone 5534__________ Lobby L ittlefield Bldg. USED CARS Used Cars $2 5 and up E asy Term s Ta S tu dents PAYN E MOTOR CO. 107 W est Sth St. VALVE GRINDING K. C H AYN IE, 115 E ast Sth Kw*k-W ay Electric V alve Grinding Carbon Cleaning and Burning WELDERS ________ STOERMER BROTHERS G eneral /M a ch in ists and W elders 102 E ast Sth Street______________Phone 8822 WELDING AND RADIATOR REPAIRING* _ AUSTIN WELDING A RADIATOR WORKS Electric and A cetylene W elding Radiator Repairing 208 E ast Sth Street____________ Phone 3733 WINDOW CLEANERS ’ .. Hamm ond made six inches higher than P atterso n , i. in the pole vault ( c l t S u d l m * M d Slw pherd, who fo r second, third, and fo u rth p;ace% j noise. respectively. Shepherd, . tied L j I s ta irs , high t i frosh the bar at a height FOR R EN T— A and waif arran g e d southeast room, up- n e w ly comfortable in s p r iv a te borne, ^ r, ' o r . d f , „ m Few steps in 'w alking distance of com pus. Cat! at or phone jum per | 4 J 8 W est 32nd S tre e t carline, to cleared it,chs mote- than Acton. C o’vies, Hag gurd, McLdxry, and H aughton tied FDR a fo r th ird . C avanaugh captured Urn* j gj*€ p in f porch< T hird house in the broad jum p. upstairs ap a rtm en t. Two room s, bath and east R E N T— F urnished th ree j ®WML a t from U niversity, 200 E ast 22nd.