Weather: Cloudy, M ild Low 72; High 88 Price Five C e n ts \ Vol. 58 T h e D ai TEXAN “First C o lle ge Daily in the So u th "___ AUSTIN, TEXAS. W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 8, 1958 Law Students Vote Approval Of Honor Code Students Choose 8 C la ss Officers; R u n -O ff Thursday U niversity law students over­ continuing approved w helm ingly the Law School's honor code Tues­ day at the school's prim ary elec­ tion. By a vote of 526 to 28 against, the students retained the 78-year- old code. Three hundred-eighty- six votes, a two-thirds m ajority, were needed to continue the sy s­ tem . ★ F igh t cla ss officers also w ere elected by a majority. Fourteen other for eight positions in a run-off Thurs­ day. students will contend N ew ly-elected senior class offi­ cers are Jim C offee, senior class president; Buddy Crutchfield, hon­ or council place one; Scott Cook, honor council place two; and IT K. Holdsworth, honor council place three. M id-law officers are John Lan­ c a s t e r , vice-president: F d Brown, secretary-treasurer; Ken Dicker- : son, honor council place one, and I Charles Prather, honor council place two. Candidates in the run-off elec­ tion are Sam Douglass and Joe senior class vice-presi­ Sandlin, dent; F d de Ase*, and Claude F ree­ man. senior class secretary-treas­ urer; Bill Cassiri and Bob Dickson, mid-law president. * 800 ' Six Pages Today No. 39 US Asks Russian Nuclear Position The pended after October 31 provided ference got under w ay. Russia agreed to m eet w ith the The President said U. S. tests United States and Britain on po*- w’ould be halted for at least one sible w ays to reach a general year starting October 31. Britain agreem ent on controlled suspension agreed. Russia, after consenting of tests. Eisenhower’s other condi- to attend the m eeting at G eneva, tjon w as that R ussia forego any resumed testing last week, setting testing after the October 31 con-, off a total of five explosions. WASHINGTON (AP) U nited S tates called on Rus­ sia T uesday n i g h t to say w h eth er she really w ants a suspension of nuclear t e s t s starting October 31. “ It is up to the Soviet Union now as to whether rests will be suspended on October 31 or wheth­ er they are to continue, the State Departm ent said. The department s statem ent was issued with unusual promptness as a com m ent on Soviet Ambassador Andrei Gromyko’s statem ents at the United Nations. Gromyko’s words puzzled the State Departm ent. But he was gen­ erally interpreted to have threaten­ ed further Soviet nuclear tests in a number equal to the tests held by the United States and Britain since March 31. Tate to Open Great Issues “ Education: For All or Some?" , co-author of “ Human Behavior In w iii will be discussed by Dr. Willis M. Industry. Tate, president of SMU, at 8 p.m. Wednesday He received a bachelor of arts in Batts Auditorium, degree from S M U in 1932; a m as- from T exas the Great Issues Series for the AAM in 1935. and a doctorr of lawm fail sem ester and D r. Tate will b e ! d ecree rom Tcxay \\e sle > a n Col- Dr. Tate has served the first of a trio of Great Issues xpoakors who w in d iscu s, the sub- »» »" elem entary school teacher and junior high school principal * in San Antonio. thp firet of ter of arts degree T ln Concerning education. Dr e will deal primarily with the ques- tion, "Shall w e start with every- vice.p resident# and president, one or just with those who have scholastic aptitude?’ At SMU he has su ccessively been dean of students, dean, ig ap actjve m em ber 0f ^ Methodist Church and In 1950 was is an assistant conference lay leader at the North Texas Conference of Methodist Churches. Dr. Tate, a longtime educator, ------------------------------ R u s s i a announced March 31, after com pleting an extensive se ­ ries of tests, it w as suspending nuclear w eapons blasts. It railed on the United States and Britain to do likewise. But the two West- Ject of education. em countries w e n t ahead with their scheduled tests in late sum ­ m er and fall. President E i s e n h o w e r an­ nounced August 22 t h a t United States weapons tests would be sus- • Nominating Delayed By Student Party Student Party Executive ._____ Com- justice, place I s Joe McBride, and n w .n ilm n i fnr Janice Simmons (Delta Gam m a), Rud Mabry (T ejas), BBA; , Wor(J tRam shonv> en. ^ ^ Sr from F in al “ It would hurt die the nominations Candidates w ere questioned on ♦heir background qualifications and by the ‘who will work for you executive council. John Rader procedure w ill t v at 7 :30 p .m . W ednesd ay on the third floor of the Student Union, accord in g ta Tarty C hair­ m an R ichard S tan ley. “ We have som e s ’cong candi­ introduced a reso­ dates som e strong groups lution condemning the “ Represen­ who are w aiting until the last m in­ tative Party-dom inated Admini­ ute to d ecide.” Bill M iller, D elta stration'' for numerous * grievan- Tau Delta, said in nrging the post- cgR -■ qy,ese included the appoint- ponement. ment of a "party b oss’ as assoc- party to close iate justice, appointee-dominated Summer A ssem bly passing the stu- now ’ he added. insurance endorsem ent, not dcm working for N egroes right rn eat in restaurants not working for edi­ tors’ vote on T>P Boart!, and fail­ ure to support” principles endors­ in Student P arty Platform ed (married student housing, better student wages, etc.). S e \en new candidates for party nomination filed Tuesday nigh' They are: Bunny Kohler, women s associate justice, place 2; John R a­ der and P at Barlow men s associate scd unanimously. Students and faculty w ill be ad­ m itted free. For others there is a 50 cent charge. Tickets m ay be bought at Music Building 104 or at the door at 7 :45 p.m . Brantly vs. Wolf Pre-Trial Today for A pre-trial hearing ha® been set for 7 p m . Wednesday in Student the Court at Townes Flail Gladys Brantly vs. Howard Wolf suit. Carl Estes, chief justice, said. A petition filed Septem ber 15 by the p la in tiffs law yers, Roswald E. and Lawrence Barclay Shrub Haile, charges Wolf, president of the Students' Association, with vio­ lations of the Constitution of the S’ ;dents’ Association in regard to Summer Assembly appointm ents. ‘ The purpose of this hearing is to find in what areas agreem ent as to the facts can be reached." ex­ plained E stes, “ so both parties wall know what are the disputed facts which must be proved." the Miss Brantley charges the sum- A ssem blym en appointed by Wolf did not m eet the sam e quali- representatives they replaced as stipulated in the Constitution. She charges they did not take and pass the required Constitutional quiz under the Stu­ dent Election Code and w ere not registered for the required sem ­ ester hours. der fications as the administration 65_vote tie. Oth-r election totals m ittee postponed nominations for f fall student elections until W ednes­ day at its m eeting Tuesday night. nom inating . are posted Tow nes Hall. . . ---------- , in the main foyer of gm eenng. Chill Wills Chats With Texans Briefs. . . From the Wire By the A sso ciated Press Jerry Persons Becom es Eis en how er 's Chief A i d e WASHINGTON - Wilton B. (J er ry 1 P ersons took over Tuesday bs Pres,dent Eisenhower s No. I assistant. But Sherman Ai ants, W ho resigned ihe top White House staff is s tying around for a while to help out job under fire. Adams solem nly looked on from the bark of the room as Atty Gen. W illiam Rogers adm inistered the oath Of o f f i c e t o the lean, 62-year- old graying retired major general. N a ti on a ls Fire on Reds T A IP E I. F o rm o sa — < oui mil" nUt p la n es sw oojied over Que- rnoy and touched off a hail of N a tio n a list an tiaircraft fire T u e s­ d ay strain in g the Red p r o c la im ­ ed c e a s e fire In F o rm o sa S trait. The N a tio n a list firing w a s the first sin c e Red C hina had pro­ c la im e d » w eek long halt its in artillery’ pounding of the o ff­ sh ore Island e ffe c tiv e e a rly M on­ day. N o further c la sh e s w e r e r e ­ ported. and the N a tio n a lists took a d v a n ta g e of the t r i c e to push in m ore su p p lies by air and se a . FTC Calls A d s False WASHINGTON — The Federal Trade Commission Tuesday order­ ed a halt to what it railed false and m isleading advertising that , ch esterfield Cigarettes have no ad- > ver!MS effect on the nose. throat or ' V other organs. The m akers of Chesterfield also w ere ordered to stop claim ing that C hesterfields soothe or relax tim nerves and are less irritating than Other brands. The com m ission ruling upheld a year-old finding by an FTC exam ­ iner that the claim of no adverse affects w as false. But it did not go along with the exam iner's d ism is­ sal of charges Chesterfields w ere falsely advertised as m ilder and as relaxing. ★ * Pope Pius G ro w s Wo rse C ASTEL CJA NTX") LEO, Italy — P op e Pin* XII w as rep orted In w orsen ed condition e a rly W ed­ n esd a y . He w as reported In a d e ­ liriu m T uesday night. to an erroneous roundabout report I hat he had d ied , the sw itchboard operator at h is su m m er resid en ce said at J .SO a .m .. “ The report that the P o p e Is dead is not tru e.” In an sw er It w a s nearly tw o suffered a ainee he strok e and b eca m e gra v ely for v e e r s . second tim e the full d ays cereb ra l ill four in ★ * U p h e a v a l Stirs Pakistan N R O T C Students Receive Commissions C olonel W . A . Kengla, com m anding officer of the N R O T C unit, present* a m idshipm an com m ission to student M id sh ip m a n D. R. M c - left to right, L e ila n i O th e rs ere, front row J W . Pieper, H . P. Pate S. R. C u m ngs, W . H. M - G e e , and R. A . C a rie s . C e c c n d row. B D. Lair, G . E. Pauses, R. S. Jones, R. T. Buffier, and W . N . Kocurek. —Photo by Huffsteler Dallas Dance Place to Go “The place to go'* F riday night ; perm itted at the R ally D ance. Cadets Receive 12 ROIC Ranks Twelve midshipmen com m issions E arl King and Robert Walker, first-year president; Neal D avis first-year v ic e­ and Jim Sales, and president; secre- ^ -j es were presented to NROTC battalion tarv.treasurerf and Bill Burden and honor and company officers Tuesday by | Col. W. A. Kengla, com m anding of- ficor. Burrow first-year representative. s chultze, first-year Jim Greenwood ^ I The Greenwood-Schultze contect are w as the closest in the election, a in D allas will be the giant dance at D allas’ M emorial Auditorium. About 4,OW) Longhorns and Sooners are expected the pre-game for I fling. three Three bands w ill play, including I Buddy Morrow, from 9 p m . until 4 the next morning. There also from talent acts will be I Texas three com peting against I from Oklahoma for two $500 prizes. Paula Craig, Bob Hall, and John White and the Blacktops will bo The U niversity of Texas entries, f Kay Campbell is the alternate. $20,000 caused about Activity orth of dam age in downtown D al- charged with orth ot dam age w o rm in u n m a d e *»• las wili patrol the downtown areas and break up any gathering. — asonrrr' h*t_ , M D n T C h o t last year. This year police and operation of the NROTC bat- talion, and are assigned rank com- parable to that of Sine officers of ihe regular N avy perform ing sim ­ ilar duties. The midshipmen It has been estim ated that a dance of this sort would normally cost at least $20 per couple. officers .................. „. . , ■ J a y L ew ellen , head ch eerlead cr, hopes for the sa m e d isp la y of ty p ic a l D allas sp irit T h u rsd ay night w hen a pep rally is s c h e d ­ uled for 7 p .m . In front of M oore- Hill H all. Lew a lien anticipates Comm issions w ere presented to the following m idshipm en: bat­ talion com m ander, Donald R. Mc* holland, captain, battalion execu­ tive officer. John \V. Pieper. com ­ mander; battalion operations offi­ cer. Richard T. Buffier, lieutenant commander. if good A couple w ill be adm itted with- cr0wd for this one since it m arks the top gam e in the nation this week. This gam e m atches not only two nationally-ranked team s but also tw’o unbeaten ones. out charge they display one blanket tax. B eer and set-ups will Ive sold at the dance. An II) card will be required to determ ine the age of the purchaser. a Taylor to Speak In Science Series Dr. L. Lyndon Taylor of Texas Instrum ents Corporation in D allas will give the second of the electri­ cal engineering department s le c­ tures on semiconductor devices at 8 p m . W ednesday in Physics Build­ ing 201. About 300 persons heard opening lecture of rho aeries the last aid Dr. William H. II art w ig, professor of electrical en- lecture series co- ineering and Also, battalion adjutant, Robert A. C am es, Lieutenant; battalion supply officer. J a m es I. Perkins Jr., lieutenant: com m anding offi­ cer ‘ A’’ company. S imurl R. ( um- m ings IIL lieutenant; commanding officer “B ” com pany. Bobby D. Lain. lieutenant; com m anding offi- Wednesday cor of Buccaneers, Hugh D. Pate, lieutenant Also c a p t a i n of rifle team . G r a n - ordina or. "'rv'~ w Ville E. P aules III. l i e u t e n a n t ; cxe- out ive o f f i c e r “ A ’ c o m p a n y , Wil­ liam N. Kocurek. l i e u t e n a n t : executive officer of Bu ce anre;'*, Wyatt IL McGee, lieutenant n cd . The lectures are especially plan­ ned to help students in electrical chemistry*, engineering, physics, m ath em atics, and ceram ic engin­ eering gain latest data on e le c ­ tronic research and developm ent, Dr. lla rtw ig stated. W hile 'M ain Street' Rolls Only students of the tw o schools i and their dates w ill he allowed to ! attend. Once a person enters the j auditorium he m ay not leave and I return. I Memorial Auditorium which has for 3,000 cars' j parking facilities is located in central D allas. It has two dance fhxvrs and seats Iii,DX). The dress will he coats and ties for men anti heels for girls. Fhis^ includes cheerleaders and band! KARACHI - In a m ajor politi­ ca l upheaval, Pakistan® I resident Iskander Mir?.a dissolved Tuesday the central and provincial night governm ents, political outlawed parties and declared m artial law. Stew art A p p oi nt ed J u d g e group areas in the auditorium,IIM Davp Millican, head <»t publicity) a r e w a r r as p p for the dance, said all plans are complete. Fraternities should check tanned- j iatcjy X\’\\h the D ean o f M en’s ofd regarding} information I m embers. I fiCe for y ★ * \ y ^ ^ W ASHINGTON — T otter Stew art of C incinnati, a *3 year-old fe d e ra l circ u it judge " h o likes “ to be thought of as a law yer," the Sup rem e I.* w a s C ourt Tuesday by P r esid en t I i- aenhow er. nam ed T his w as E isen h ow er s fifth ap­ p ointm ent to the nine m an cou rt. Stew art will lak e the p lace of Harold ll. Burton, a fellow O hio­ an and im m ed iately upon the 70-year old B u rion ’* retirem ent n ext M on­ d a y . fellow R ep u b lican , ★ * A & M All M a l e for N o w WACO I* - • 'Die 10th G u u t of Civil A pc als tv >s asked Tuesday to take another look at Os ruling on whether women may enroll at the all-male Loxes AAM Coll ye, Die appeals court I i-t w eek re­ trial versed judge at Pry in, who said women had a the i ight tax-supported school. Die appeals court said no the opinion of to attend legal the John Barron, attorney for Mrs Barham Tittle and Mrs. Lena filed Bristol, for re­ hearing tie said he would carry the legal fight to the US Supreme Court, if necessary. the motion J an ic e En g ul fs B a h a m a s MI W U. I la. H urricane .lait ice. how ling tar out at s e a T ues day. b eca m e this se a s o n ’* dead trop cal storm with word I vt fli-i a v • : ; \ rsso > crew w as I, * in It. lr- va • w liters. . ;.i -I I \ H a s .; ,I IH person* drow ned whlen Hat in! sank M on­ day night at the south end of IjOng la ’end I e r g Islan d is m ore nil’*'x southeast of Nos- th nn .ira- It I ill! j Ull­ th** in , rti.1 c u * .(- dam aged » * ! • * * . , I ■ ►tuna. V Head cheerleader Jay Le wa lie nj reminds that there wall be no pep, rally in downtown Dallas Friday night. No cheers or yells will be Candidates Called To File for Posts Deadline for candidates for thr four places open in Student Coudt I and the l l vacancies on the Asseme bly which w ill be on the blo* k October 29 is Thursday at 5 p m. All candidates must bring their announcement of candidacy*. STJ. and certification of qualifications from Dean Jack Holland and Wj. B Shipp Registrar, to the SUF dents' Association office. Paula Craig, candidate for F u r Arts A ssem blym an w a- the on$> candidate filed by late Tuesday. Hum an Relations Group To Have Initial M eeting A discussion of opening univer­ sity area business establishm ents to all students will highlight the first meeting of the Human R ela­ tions Commission Co-chairmen Anthony Henry and David Kendrick have announced that the group will meet Wednes­ in T exas Union JHI. day at 4 p rn Mr*mG rship in the Commission is open to all interested students. New stu d e n t are especially *i- vitcd ti' th*' Wednesday meeting. Student Count to 17,769 \ total of 17,769 students Iud enrolled in ’he U nlveiG ty by die Int -1 « Hint on Saturday morning, Juanita Moulton ane < I Mr the R egistrar s senior clerk of I office. * the team 's spirit before It w ill be the last tim e to add to the crucial gam e. They fly to D allas Friday afternoon and will go into seclusion until gam e tim e. On hand to add to the color will Ive the Longhorn Band, Cowboys, and Silver Spurs. O kla h o m a -U T G a m e To Be Televised Here HOUSTON P - The Texas- Oklahoma football gam e at tile Cotton Bow l next Saturday wall be televised in D allas and Aus- a n ' - ~ Humble Oil * Refining Co. m ade the announcement Tues­ day after both schools certi­ fied the tickets gam e h ave been sold. that all for Under National C ollegiate Ath­ letic Assn. Hiles, sell-out gam es can be televised only at gam e sites and in the home towns of participating schools provided no other cobego gam es are be­ ing played in the a reas. The Tulsa-Oklahoma State gam e at Tulsa will prevent a telecast in Oklahoma City*. O U Ticket Sales Slack; 1,400 Left for Today their tickets L in es of blanket for tax holders the w aiting to Oklahoma football gam e this w eek­ end in D allas slackened Tuesday. Al I undstedt. UT Athletic D epart­ m ent told The Texan. ticket m anager Some 2.016 tickets w ere picked up Tuesday, bringing die total sold to 6,JOO. Mr. Lundstedt said there I w ere som e 1,400 tickets left. Wednesday at 4 p.m . is the dead­ line for blanket tax holders to pick up their t.ckets. After tins tim e rem aining tickets wall be sold on a first com e, first served basis for $1 50 each. S in g -S o n g 1958 G row s A s Deadline D ra w s N ear entered Sing-Song 1958 Tuesday Phi Kap­ pa S gma wall sing "Three Jolly Coachman' and Shenandoah One more fraternity Deadline for entries in the an­ nual fraternity and sorority song A com petition is 5 p.m. Friday $25 deposit m ust accom pany each entry’, which should I** filed with Jack Holland, dean of men Twi'Ue sororities and mx frater- s c 'cations S in gson g will be held m ites M onde i Sunday afternoon. November IG. their filed tm’** Chill Wills, Hollywood character .ador visited the U niversity cam ­ pus Tuesday, film ing part of a tele- \ ision series. ★ The series. “M ain Street. Ameri­ ca ,'’ will include scenes taken in major cities across the ration and is being produced by Param our’ Pictures. Film s w ere taken of the cam pus and downtown Austin, More than 200 students gathered around the actor on the Main Budd­ ing terrace when he arrive. Mr. Wills said later that he particularly enjoyed talking to the foreign stu­ dents he m et. the Texas will ★ state Iv shown in the series Because Tues day s film s w ere am ong the first taken, it w ill he sever J months before the series is completed. first From the Main Building. Mr Wills walked to Kinsolving Dormi­ tory. talking to people along the way. He seem ed to m ake a pain- clearly g**>d im pression on women as he had braces of lipstick on his face. More pictures w ere taken at Kin solving and Mr. Wills w as akcn on a tour of the lh mg room Rnd dining area by Miss Jane N Greer, m anager of the w om en’s residence h alls. "I wish I had time to stay and eat lunch." said Mr. Wills. ‘ I v e never soon so many prcttv girls at one tim e in my whole life. ii Mr. Wills w as accom panied by a personal friend. John C. White, Texas com m issioner of agricul­ ture; “ Big John” Hamilton, a tele­ vision performer: and Ralph Staub, director of the series. to the it gives Mr. S t a u h explained that the visit was purposely a surprise, for 1he effect film . From Austin, the group will go to San Anton o and For* Worth ’ s <- lns and the State Fair have already been film ed Mr W i l l s w as a special gu est at the opening of the fair "He has such a wonderful per­ ' He son ality.” said one student. calls ev cry one cousin, and it real­ ly sounds uke he m eans it Flash Carders W ill H old O p e n M e e tin g in U n io n in N ew O n e -W a y Streets Added in C am p u s Area I The flash card com m ittee will I’exas Union m eet Wednesday fi'l ut 7 p m All w lv are inter- es*cd m working v th (Irs com m it­ tee are asked to attend the meet- D ie Austin Cl tv Council has rn vie Glcrat Rogers, chairm an of mg. West Twenty-First Street between Pearl and Rio Grande streets o n e the com m ittee hopes that as much enthusiasm will be shown this year w ay and has a la i established on e­ as in the past. way traffic north In ihe 1900 and 2000 blocks of the alky. I v ’ween Guadalupe ant! s in Antonio streets F tfe ctn e d a t e on these two change* in the street pl ut for the j University area waul Diursday. This com m ittee is responsible for the colorful » in! shows that ate seen "etween the halves of * xM- in va Mi ninemon with ball gam es [th* other halftone a d m ir e s . She further claim s Wolf appoint­ ed representatives to the Summer A ssem bly when there w ere no so ­ ma! vacancies. The plaintiff requests that, upon judgement of the Court, all legisla­ tion taken by the Sum m er A ssem ­ bly be declared invalid and all ac­ tions taken set aside and rendered null and void. Such a udgemer.t would with­ d r a w Assembly endorsem ent of the student insurance plan put ta­ rn effect September 12. underwrit­ the Continental Casualty ten by Company. • ' fee' v ery strongly about this petit;.to." Miss Brantle' said. “The action of the Sum m er Assem bly wa* very unconstitutional. If a few >tudents. voting in a block, can get away with this now. they could i*o* away with a -'.ore that would be detrim ental to the stu­ if they wanted to," she dent bode added lo* W elfare G rou p to Meet The S r , : W e l f a r e Committee af the Snider* Assembly w ” meet. W ednesday at 4 p rn in the Texas Union At recent m eetings, tbs com m ittee has been studying the to proposed Assembly’ resolution to open ask all Drag m erchants their door* students. Randal Posey is chairm an. to N egro F O R T Y A I R E ! It w as obvious to Curtis Grove s advertising class last w eek what he had on his mind; his wife had just h id a baby. Try ing to concentrate on his lec­ ture, Mr. Grove w as telling about catering to certain m arkets. “ For exam ple, m any of you will in tho m arket for boV* soon bo ! ties " tip from hts notes ! Ho when he found that the class was laugh re "I’m. sir •' you ail knew I meant baby s e es ’* I ----- LARRY HURWITZ looked Chil! W ills Surprises Students a c . e 'es V> *wse.1 a cr ow e *e-m when ha m ade a $~rp'oe ap- ie >es, OT. a *0 e n su e r a t h e r the g r a d u a t e p r o ­ g r a m s of T e x a s colleges a n d u n i­ v ers ities h a v e been h a m s t r u n g by the leg isla tiv e freeze. W hat ab o u t th e long t e r m re s u lts of the p ro ­ (Paul' Green posed a c tio n ? D r. (d ire c to r of c o m m is s io n ' h a s m a i n ­ ta in e d th a t w ith th e institution of m onopoly co nd ition s in stat© g r a d ­ u a te p r o g r a m s it is e x p e c te d th at un ifo rm , a n d also hig her, s t a n d ­ s t re s s will he a r d s will th an q u a lity pla ce d q u a n tity T he first point is ir r e f u ­ table. T h e second, p o ss e ssin g a su p erficial m e r it , d e s e r v e s c lo s e r scru tin y . In ta n g ib le item s a sp irit inquiry' of s c h o la rly th* fr e e d o m intellectual no n­ tho to grantee! co n fo rm is t e n t e r in T h ese th ings a r e no* a c q u ir e d w ithin a s p a n of ten o r tw e n ty y e a r s ; an d m o s t s m a ll e r colleges a r e behind th e U T to ste m a t this point in all. But the p r o g r a m s of such schools a s T e x as T ec h 'in m a n y w a y s s i m i l a r to a U T of a d e c a d e o r tw o ag o) would m e a n a senseless, and . y es, ir re ­ u n e c o n o m ic a l e r a d ic a tio n of tr a c e a b l e steps in the O b vio usly the question is one of n on -econom ie d e g re e sense, else w h y not e lim in a te the p r o g r a m s in all s t a te colleges and to support big­ u n iv e rsitie s so as in­ g er and b e tt e r ones th ro u g h t e r s t a t e su g g e s t a g r e e m e n t s ? that the p re s e n t course should he a m odified “ phasing o u t" program on a s e le c tiv e b asis I The settin g of uniform and h ig h ­ er s t a n d a r d s , a la u d ib le goal, m ay hest he a ch ieved by cullin g out specific not m e e t in g m i n im u m re q u i r e m e n t* . And p a r ­ t ic u la r th e i f a g r a d u a t e a t m o s ­ •m e r g e n c e th in k die p h e re Chere factors discouraging program s I would Navy ROTC Bumps Oak Grove, 20-13 B v G E RAIJD G R E E N Intram ural Sp orts E ditor Navy ROTC served notice Tues­ day night that the club division m ay b e in for a new an-year, as well as football, champion bv bc't- ing defending grid and all-sports champ Oak Grove, 20-13, at Whit­ aker Field. It’s true that one game does not a season make, but Tuesday's af­ fair showed that Oak G ro\e n.a> not be up to its usual par while Navy will probably be better than it was last year when it finished , a close second to Grove in a ll-: year tabulations. victory Sprint star J. W. Pieper pas-1 red and ran the sailors to their opening-game The defending intramural 100-yard dash and high jump champ took part in every offensive play rut team ran and threw for all three touchdowns. He completed only ten of 25 pass attempts, but half of them were for 15 yards or more. Oak Grove’s Grady Jones out- total passing gain©d Pieper In \a n la g e, 142 to 110 l i e com pleted nine of IO tries, but four of the completion* came on Oak Grove’s opening TD drive Number one Navy receiver was big Mack Harris, who caught five for 55 yard* Roger Henderson caught only two. but both of them were for touchdowns—one travel­ ing 19 yards and the other from two yard* out. Bobby Lain gath­ ered in the other scoring to ss-a 15 yarder. Oak Grove opened the scoring by driving 44 yards the first time they got their hands on the ball. Jones threw four times to Lynn Halamicek, with the la*f ore go­ ing for a single yard and the six points. The extra point try r-as good, but Navy fought back to tie it up. Then shortly before the half end- j cd, the turning point or the game took place. | Dan Phillips of Navy broke to block John Powers through pun, and the hall was recoveied by the Sailors on their opponents’ lo. On the first play Pieper hit Lain for a IT). The conversion was good, and Navy had the game - although traded two touchdowns in the second half. teams the Giants, Cardinals Complete Trade ST. LOUIS LB — The St. Louis Cardinals Tuesday night traded pitcher Billy Muffed, catcher H o hie Landrith, and utility infielder Benny Valenzuela to San Francis­ co for pitchers Ernie Borglio and Marv Grissom. T he tra d e, second raoltl-player d eal en g in eere d by th e fifth-p lace C ardinals ainee Solly II em us w as nam ed m a n a g er la st w eek, b rin gs a pro m isin g rookie and a 4 0-jear- old v ctera n to strengthen a w ob ­ bly St. L o u is m ound corps. The three players going to the Giants, especially Muffett, failed to live up to Cardinal expectations in 1958. Muffett. 27, was St. Louis’ most reliable relief pitcher late last year when the Cardinals fin­ ished a surprising second but was ineffective this year. Borglio, 23, won 17 and lost four this year in triple A competition. lost on© for He won eight and the Pacific Coast Phoenix of League and then won nine and lost three with Toronto cf the In­ ternational League. General Manager Bing Devine said the Red Birds plan to use Grissom for relief work. Army Tops Poll In Total Offense Superior Balant# «J| Nets Cadet Lead NEW YORK Oft — Th# superior balance of Army’s football team was shown Tuesday in the latest figures the NCAA Service Bureau. - from D ie Cadets are No. I In total offense, second in passing offense, third in rushing, seventh in total defense, eighth in rushing de­ fense, as they prepare for their I important game with Notre Dame Saturday at South Bend, Ind. in punting Although not among th# top IO in pass defense yardage, Army has allowed the lowest percentage of enemy passes to be completed -o n ly eight in 40 attempts. Tile West Pointers also are second in scoring. Only is th# Army j team * down the list, ranking 67th nationally. The Cadets have aver­ six kicks aged 34.2 yards on Southern Methodist, beaten by No­ tre Dame is the punting leader with an average of 42 4 on seven kicks, j Army in two games has a total offense average of 515 yards. Col­ lege of the Pacific is second with 485 yards. Washington Stat# is third with 391. i College of the Pacific la topspin rushing with an average of 373 i yards, while Washington State leads in forward passing offense w ith an average of 237.3. last Saturday, 'Mural Scores F o o t b a ll A' ATTE 40, AAAE 0 . FETT D u b 63 Air Eon:a ^-OTC ?'• .L’iJ Z ROTC 20 f'ak Grove 13: TAS 6 ATI E n Tw in Pines 6 Tejas 2. Campi.* I G CIM* B ;RNe^'ma°n°?lub 22 Air Force n o TC 0 LCD-BCD 58 Roberta Hall 0. Moore HUI IT Dormitory A © C am ois Guild T TAS fforfeit): Armv ROTO 32 Roval Co-op 0; Brackenridge Hall ' 14* Cliff Courts 7. __________ Wednesday, OcfoKar B, W58 THI DAILY TEXAN PA GI I Longhorns Get Ready For Sooner Contest they passed bulletin board covered with press releases of the OU t a m . Taped to the wall was a sign which read, “Oklahoma says ‘The fourth quarter belongs to us' , , . Doe# it? Such signs as these and yell* like “let’s get the Big Red” make the Longhorns appear ready for the chance to get even for the game* played with Oklahoma since 1951. Blomquist-Clark J A C K E T S High Style— Low Cost Styled by tSoolm aster PERFECT and PRACTICAL INSIDE and OUT By JOHN LEE Texan Sport* Stall F ootball practice continued Tues­ day with the usual routine of de- fensiv e and offensive drills and only one major change. two right L a r r y Stephens, number two right end, has been moved to num­ ber tackle and Kleo Ilalm , number three left end, has been moved up to replace Stephens, j Switching Stephens from end to tackle was made because the regu­ lar in that spot, Bill Stolhandske, j is unable to pla y because of eye j trouble. The seriousness of Stol-: handske’s is not known Rt the moment, reported Frank Medina, trainer. "Stolhand- ske is having some tests mad© now to determine the extent of th© e y e trouble,” Medina said. Infection e y e A rils F arkhu rst, who wa# hurt In Hie la st period of Saturday § gam© with T e x a s T ech, wa# out In full uniform hut not running w ith the regular tr a m . Parkhurst suffered a tw iste d Knee In Saturday’# g a m e . ( e a c h D a rrell R oyal said, “ Park- hurst w a n ts In th© gam© Satur d a y . l f h e should be In th© g a m e, he w ill I**. His leg Is Im proving v ery w e ll.” rn “ T o d a y g practice w a * dull, said Coach Royal. “It covered al lot of the routine that Is hard work.” The first three teams spent their defensive practice time running against a grecn-shirted team exe­ cuting the OU plays. A lot of defen­ se. c practice went into the passing problem presented by OU s two quarterbacks, Bobby B o y d and David Baker. Tile teams finished and streamed Into til© dressing room to receive their quota of v itamin pills and re­ lax after die hot practice, As die teams filed into the dressing room ARE YO U TIRED . . . of walking? , . of hunting perking space? STUDENT U SE -A -S C O O T E R PLAN Na* 195? l-hp O u tr a n H^hlandar $5 p*? %*»alr (Wa taka ear* cf up- k«ep) CALL OR COM f BY FOR FULL INFORMATION. Cushm an Products, Inc. 1500 Barton S pgt. Rd. S R 7 8257 I SPECIAL PURCHASE *|| SHIRTS FOR O. U. W E E K -E N D A L O N G H O R N BALL CARRIER wards off end Kfe o Ha rn (83) in practice Tuesday as C oach Darrel! Royal put the Steers through a routine workout in preparation for the upcoming Oklahoma game in Dallas Saturday. Haney Selects Spahn For Sixth Gam e Duel ites to take the sixth game. Veteran Warren Spahn wil take Th# odds-makers have Installed the mound Wednesday in quest of th# New York crew as 6-5 lavor- his third victory over the New York Yankees in tile 1958 World s The teams traveled ba™ to ^ il- Serirs, Milwaukee manager Fred Waukee Tuesday after Bullet Bob (Turley had prolonged the fall clas- Haney announced Tuesday. The c r a f t y 37-year-old lefthand- sic by hurling a <-0 masterpiece cr who shut out die Yanks Sun-! for tho Yankees Monday in New day with a scant two hits, will be York’s Yankee Stadium, making his third Series appear- | * anre with onlv two days rest. Casey Stengel, Yankee skipper, starters four possible named j Art Ditmar, Ryne Buren, Johnny ’ Rucks, and Don Larsen, who white- ' washed the Braves in th© third [game with Duran’s help. Larsen. J 'however, has complained of “ not; (feeling w ell.” j Astute spectators expect Sten- j gel to start Ditmar. Wednesday's game is another ; ’must’ for the Yankees, who trail j in the Series, three games to two. j Mural Schedule Football CTm* A * p m -; ISA ;-* R #£*horn Alpha T au Omega vs S ig m a P h i e p s i ­ lon " t> rn ; Chi Gamma Ieee vg Gam­ ma' Delta PGH-Stinking vs Roberts H all C liff C ourts vs D o rm lto rv A. R p m ; Alhambra vs. Kappa Psi; hrac- Jtenridge Hall vs. Moore H ill; LCD- BCD Cs Prather Ha!! Class B 4 p m ; Phi Delta Theta vs Sierra Alpha Mu Delta Kappa. E psi­ lon *v« Kappa Sigma. 5 p m , FGH- sfm klns vs Prather Hall Slmklns Bt Red (Kappa (Sigm a Alpha - Rar K not: 4 p m Sammies Sigma) Mu). I ^ S p e e d w a y p l ^ J J i ':9s 3 6 ‘3 4 4 SLACKS n s res 3 to BS $ 1 2 . 9 5 . . . 6 . 9 5 Hut IM f e 616 Congfc-.v Your New York Lits R e p r e s e n ta tiv e e n The UT campus «s I d G o ld e n j i v * v o n * i **'rur*ne# he * cr o#* a ,rq A - rte- ■, - * TO v » * f . • ■ t . . C I ’ - * ! Writ*, Pf'C"" cr V v t Perry Brook* Bldg CR 6 654 5 I s I Wednesday, October 8, 1958 THE DAILY TEXAN PASE Scandal Magazines Form Plot For Intriguing British C om edy • T-> * 5a Y o ur P a s to ! ta an lB " aimDlv do aw av w ith th em - 'film . j Ev rn .a rtily, how ever intrepid quarter. of a television but dal magazines. It opens today at star, a » n a lord, and a au- tiful model engaged to a Texas oil Dennis m illionaire ,B r g IH „ , , m p,it> deride M r » w m lishing or from blackmail. Sh# not only ban trouble an getting the necessary Ingredients. tieing an ex­ th t daughter, .he daughter, being trem ely nervous type, has trouble adm inistering it to the wrong man. Th# television star, “ loved by millions ’’ works on th# demise of Dennis by a different route that is equally as hom icidal. He digs up old costumes and accents and ; The w riter goes at It with th# She plot from a m ystery book. assi :ns her daughter tho task of tries everything fr'*m planting a house- M r, D e n n i s a * Mickey %bomb to sinking Dennis giving Finn,*’ thor* probably the ■\v pi funn riding what is ■ scene in the t p x ,V b e a t e r the Texas b e a t e r . The idea for the film M M M » ^ have sprung from some Am erican scandal magazines and their big story w hich says nothing im print but leaves plenty to the imagination. The threat to pub- lish such a magazine forms the plot for the film. The first few people threatened with publication of their shady past by the enterprising M r. Den- L O N E S T A R M E A T C O . TO M DAVIS 1613 East Ave. O R 6-6737 S P E C IA L Smothered Steak Cream ed Potatoes Broccoli 75c Hot Buttered Biscuits Served Mon thru Fri ( l l pm-1! am) CO T TO N PICKER S H A M B U R G E R P L A N T A T I O N 503 W . 19th G R 8-8340 GR W O B. C. R O G E R S O phthalm ic Dispenser Within *asy wading distant* et th# carnous. 1501 Guad. C’R 7-1422 FRAU VOGEL'S HOME COOKED MEALS $ * v * $ wi+k our M « * ! Tick#* P v $5.50 card only $5.00 Air ( >.n.lit lout (I ' On th** Drat Next Sn SS notcn I>.*rm TWIN TERRORS nrn'vrnvm " i . U N K N O W N U N I V q O l boat. H# hide* on the houseboat ! waiting for Dennis in one “ cene and ends up concealing him self un­ der the bed, w hich leads to very interesting complications. in the film . Peg g y Mount ie the outstanding Between character her and her daughter, played by Ju an Sim *, the audience is fully entertained. The nervous daugh­ ter, in one scene, starts to trem ble with fear as she faces a w a y from ; the cam era. The knitted skirt al- l .ws her to trem ble in all parts of her anatomy. Special note has to be taken of the end of the film , but it is tov good to he revealed here. It seems- probable, how ever, that it was in­ spired by Charles Addam s or one of his cartoons. - J I H College Students’ Poems Wanted for Anthology An anthology of outstanding po­ etry by college students is being prepared for publication this win­ ter. Contributions are w arted for the anthology, to be published by the Am erican College P o e try Society. Poetry m ay deal with an y subject E n trie s should be m ailed to Al an C. Fox, A m erican College Po- etrv Society. Box 24463, I.c>* An­ geles 24, C alifornia. D ecem ber I is the deadline. IT'S B A C K A G A IN ! TH# late M te Todds ’ Around Theater r e 'jf f " Thursday to the C ap 'n 80 Os ,w af re pu'ar pr ce*. C a n t a la s and David Niven wave ba Don, th# W o rld ■for a run Lorn -he P Bertha Salvages Texas' Pride; Remains World's Largest Drum B v E A R L N E W L I N , behind, or pushed in front of. the band at all public perform ances. , « cr. I t s no news to Texans that their H er handlers a re a group of state is no longer the biggest, hut it m ay he of som* consolation to bandsmen known as the Drum reflect on the fact that B ig Ber- ' W ranglers who som etimes even (ha. the largest of her kind. has play to no plans to desert us for Alaska, w i angling it. in addition the drum B ig Bertha, as you m a y know. is not « native of is eight feet in diam eter and a)-* Texas. A fter having been built by most four feet deep. She is a drum C. CL Conn Lim ite d in 1922, she by profession, and belongs to the gladdened the U n iv e rsity of Chi- is dragged cago for a w hile, until they drop­ Ixmghorn Ban d . She ped football and the band disinte- Big Bertha PARAMOUNT LAST DAY! I*.HQ WHI we*™ I T O M O R R O W “ A r o n n d T h * W o r l d In SO Da\»>" f ^ O l k H m / V STARTS T O M O R R O W STATE T O D A Y AT INTERSTATE APPLY POR * MOVIE D IS C O U N T C A R D FRANCOISE S A S A N ’S a C e rta in >SmiIe ROSSINO BRUZZI-JOAN FONTAINE-BRADFORD DHIMAN Christine Carere- Johnny Mathis O M * * / « A 5 ,= oe> e c o l o * by o f lo x # C Starts T O M O R R O W J M C S ! rw*oe arn ja-ccm cm** Al® LADD The Lawless . The Hunted . The Boid! THE SAGA 04 TWO DEADLY MEN BOUND BY A STRANGE PART­ NERSHIP . IN EVERYTHING BUT W O M EN ! . . THE BADLANDERS (mnw KA FY A i RACK) * CLAIRE KELLY ■» rn m ■ nMKBM posh • cKKFsan m maffia TE A MO# MTnJVf First Show 1 2 : 0 0 LAST D A Y ! th* L E F T H a n d e d G u n P A U L N E W M A N * UTA MILAN M K I D CALLED B I L L Y ! "U t VARSITY FIRST S H O W 2 P.M. AUSTIN FIRST S H O W 5:40 T T T DOUT I AUGH AT THIS HltlBIUY! He s remaking tin Air Sore# from the g r o u n d u p I ? , . * > ■ We Offer Expert Camera Repair Studtman Photo Service G R 7-2820 222 West 19+h O N E H O U R CLEANING VO EX T R A CHARGE — LONGHORN CLEANER* G R 8-384“ 253S G u a d a l u p e S LAST DAY! O PEN I a ‘ VCT * hmm sooners — P LIS - She'i red-hot and deadly: Austin's Fme Arts Theatre LONGHORN Drive-in 50 PER CAR Regordle\s ol Number of Ok upturn Theatre This F e a t u r e at 7:00 and IO (MA ’G M * W f f J*** SDM* I Ame**! K m b b b i Thi* Feature at 8 30 T E R R O R I a«*£ ( R O M M — A F A L L F I L M F es ti va l P r e s e n t a t i o n UUU J"* a rf im#*" r past is r n g h o w itig j . W , o . « « . A T . O * A M A R ' C 7 A M P ♦ P P OO'. (CT .ON • TS«Y-THOt*A. • W W M L t « « ' ^ N M Y M O U N T - S H t m i Y • -a COOMKON • -DAU UM* •** * a. .* 6 STARTS TO DAY OPEN 5:45 F L AT I KF S IO - 8 KO - 9 NI) CAPITOL Start* Tomorrow M IC H A EL TODD'S So P O P in A R PR C E S : A D I I..TSL— 99 F N TIT. Frt'IC A D ! L T S — I 25 E V E N I N G S C H I L D R E N - 25 A N Y T I M E P ER FO R M A N C ES AT 1:00— 4:1 5— 7:30 lA u iA J g 5 Q . im j . ia First Show 7:00 — Children Free Snackbar O pens 6:15 — — A L L C O L O R —A M O V IE S L I “ KING SOLOMON S MINES" § t e « a r t tVranir#>r D e b o r a J t K e r r —plo*— “ SEA W IFE” . l o a n C o l l i n * R i c h a r d B u r t o n “ LAFAYETTE ESCRADRILLE“ T * h Ft im t e r —play— “ THE BIG LAND” • S i r j l n l a M a r * A la n L a d d IX C O L O B TV Tonight 'Millionaire' Check Given To Gambler OocLf \ J a z z 3ocu A B t A R C H IE M A X . R A M -IR. Texan Amusements staff 3 4 or three beats to the measure- 'T hese three time elements are all ! R p m . T H E M IL L I O N A I R E . The jazz m usician is not lim ited -The M a rtin Scott S to ry .'’ A gam- + I ™ ™ " o ? ‘ th e w elements w ill find the exper- iazz much . jazz much to listening ■ ' W h a t is th i. called jazz? talked about the L a s t week we three basic elements of music « lin e ). W e further stated that the more r e w a r d .g. m ain difference between legitim ate m usic and jazz was the w a y that the basic elem ents w ere used. To­ day . this line of thought further. . . „ . F ir s t we s h a l l take up the P ro b ab ly the most fre- we shall attem pt to pursue Pxam ple, a song w ritten by the by what the composer wrote. F o r bier takes m oney from his so n * fund before M ichael composer as a slow ballad, m ay Anthony shows up with the check find if tempo number (up-tempo being an somebody gave you a m illion you {>! oh these people do u t h itself converted into an up- for a m illion dollars. Surely rhythm . quem Iv used rhythm , or tempo, in extrem ely fast 4 4). A c la s s ic a l! could do better with your jazz is 4 4 time. O ther rhythm s, example of this sort of thing is the |oms than such as the Latin A m e r i c a n famous rhythm s, are also used. tim e there are four beats to the a ballad, but g enerally played as .“ M id-Sum m er’” w ith Ja c k ie Cooper (.eddes. The In fact and B a rb a ra B e l m easure. teacher who sui h as Dixieland, these beats are there have been re la tiv e ly few re- slory 0f a school into vaudeville, but stressed (accentuated!. In some types of jazz, , an up-tempo number now. cordings of this num ber as a bal- wants to go In 4 t w ritten by Ju a n I izol orig in a l!' as theirs. T his is p retty hokey stuff, I . S. S T E E L H O I “ How High educational the Moon 9 u rn. T in s is not the case in modern Indeed, in modern jazz these jazz. beats are v e ry ra re ly accentuated, m usician is to play a number at on his a c t hls Wlfe ° hjfM., S . ^ £ * ®P1w orking Another favorite trick of the jazz a teaching job but kreps; w orinng Jo y c e Randolph a n i .la tk ie A G l e a s o n “ H o n e y m o o n e rs " are also different tempos during a single Trixie Norton of the old the n u m ber. for the most p a r t they arf pprform ancc of lad- hut ,u . lywr ^ k * a t the d ru m m e r/ number that is given this treatm ent in the cast. These are usually v e r y frequently -T p n d erly •• Thp usual pro- 10;30 p m. T H IS IS Y O U R L I F E . respectable efforts, the beautiful is mHer when we look at the d r u m . . approach to jazz, we shall go in 0 this in m ore ctetaH. * it is Then first time. F irs t there tim e' as a ballad. endure is to p la y it slow, as a bal- p jrSf show of the new season for is the videobiography. Chances are lad. the To gain an insight into the inter- swung at a medium 4 4 the second you’ll see Steve Alien's “ life " to- working s of a jazz group as it re- timP Then it is taken out (to take night. R alp h E d w a rd s with the cry- Jates to rhythm , we should think rn,f nieans to play down the final mg towel. in three dimensions. is the basic rhythm c a rrie d bv the drum and bass. The bass usually c a rrie s four beats to the m easure, the and group Next thor* is the rhythm c a rried bv the pianist. The pianist plays his chords more or less ad lib (im p ro v ise d '. The rhythm that he p lays can either be with or against the basic heat. The final dimension can be one of two things. It can he ca rried bv the instru­ m ental ensemble, or it can he c a r­ ried bv the soloist. It should he rea d ily apparent now that when all is said and done the freedom unlim ited. 1 white jazzman has rh yth m ica lly speaking. W e shall tail, and face later, see in subsequent articles, that this freedom lim ited to rhythm , hut is prevalent in all as­ pects of jazz. Next week we shall two ele­ take up the rem aining ments, notably harm ony and the melody. T H E F A H I L T T H E A T E R 223 K A S T S I X T H HATFUL OF RAIN E va SI art* S a in t. Don M oira# tnEEEtK^^i • horn pure T h e y develop dark patvs, Siam ese cats are “ backbone" of is not only P T X * --------- O PEN 1:45 the — J r . L E N Z O ’S ITA LIA N K ITC H EN 4Mb A LAMAR I st^agna — R a t t a i l PIZZA Food to (in 4 our Favorite Import Bett-rag* - ( nil G L 3-9390 Danish 6Qc The rhythm pattern of the en­ sem ble is, of course, governed by the im agination of the composer, a n d 'o r arran ger. The rhythm pat­ tern of the soloist is governed only I bv his technical skill and im ag in­ ation. He can play w altz tim e, for exam ple, while the : group is playing 4 4 (w altz tim e is the rest of Have a WORLD o f FUN! Travel with S I T A Unbelievable Low Cost Europe Orient f r o m $645 l e t * $978 (r* 3-65 d«y* M o ny *©v»i >"flud* Cttd'l. Alto low coit Hip* *0 $ 1*9 up, South A minces V >99 up Mo WO’ 1 Study Tout 45*9 up one Around tK« W o rld $1798 up A ik Your Trove* Apont 545 5th t o ­ ut* Tort 17 MU2 6544 gra“d' About three y e a rs ago she w as purchased for the Longhorn Band by Col. D. H aro ld B y rd of D allas, a Texas E x and honorary pre si- A dent of the hand. This sum m er y* V- / Bertha went back to Chicago, her hometown, It w-as hoped she would stir up in­ terest in the renew al of v arsity football at the U n iv e rs ity of C hica­ go. for a short visit. How successful she w as is not yet known, One thing, however, is certain. W hether the U n ive rsity of Chicago gets its football team hark or not. B ig B e rth a stays here. She s a Texan now. And how else should It he for the w orld’s largest drum"* MARGUERITE SLAUGHTER TEACHER OF SINGING • Formerly of New York City • Member of Metropolitan San Francisoc Opera Co. Radio Technique and Microphone Training Taught Through Studio Microphone 2422 Jarratt Ave. Dial G R 7-6954 OUR SPECIAL Lunch Today Barbecue Chicken with ' A Tennessee Sauce, or Roast Beet with Special Dressing Augratin Potatoes Baked Beans and Spinach Hot Rolls and Corn Bread Dessert, Coffee or Tea 65' Served from I I a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Scholz Garten 1607 San Jacinto SECRETS OF LIFE 4 SS alt Disney Featurett* DELAGO!) A D M I S S I O N 5Or BONJOUR TRISTESSE Deborah Kerr, David Niv*ii S t a r l a 1:1 5 RETURN TO W ARBOW P h i l C a r v v . C a t h r r l n * M cF o«m1 Start* 9:04 ✓ A D M I S S I O N 45c THE BLACK WHIP R a t h M a r l o w * . C ol* * * O r a # S t a r t * 7: 15 ------------- P I , I S ------------- SMILEY R a l p h R i c h a r d s o n , C h ip * R a f t *T#v S t a r t # 8. 47 r a m s A D M I S S I O N 45c Decision at Sundown R a n d o l p h S c o t t . V a lo r ! * Fr *t» ch S t a r t * 7:1 5 ------- P L I S ------ THE DEERSLAYER L e x B a r k e r . R i t a M o r o n * S t a r t s 8:5 1 C -v J O - A v 0 I ' " C T ADM ISSIO N 59c BEYOND MOMBASA Cornel W ild * . D onna Rood S tart* 7:15 ------------- PLUS ------------ Underwater Warrior Dan Dailey. Claire Kelly Start* 9 IHI Texas-Oklahoma Football Dance featuring JIMMY DORSEY’S ORCHESTRA (Under the direction of Lee Castle) SATURDAY, OCTOBER ll 8:30- 12:30 DALLAS MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM ARENA Tickts: $2.50 per person at door $2.00 per person PRE-SALE Reserve Table $1.50 per person PRE-SALE General Admission TICKETS O N SALE AT TEXAS UNION Fountain Plays Fart in U I Lite t a nm I / r | r i v e v z / i v j u p o 'Five G r o u p s By .A V E PRES,-EV . |tor of campus “ Littlefield Memorial Fountain when sculp or was created a s a memorial to his- ished h« tory and has created history „ l f The fountain has been a c e n -I George » . IJttlefleld, ex student. it- 1 A S250.000 *m nj ^ J - n s i n c ^ l M ' j - W * . ™ j n J J M . M d „ >ns and daupthter. et the I rn v e r ity who Race their lives In h**’ - v m m ij - World War I. Major Littlefield , MaJor ..................... --- V/0ard m e m ­ b ers and ad m in istrators from all parts of T ex a s w ill be in A ustin for the TASR m eetin g and th e co n ­ cu rren t T exas A ssociation of School A d m inistrators 1958 annual co n fer­ en ce . Dr. P itten g er h a s been a c tiv e in train in g p rosp ective and p r a c tic ­ school ad m in istrators ing T ex a s and than 40 y e a r s He joined the U n iv ersity fa c ­ u lty in 1916. for m ore tea ch ers M rs. G a ri.e B ra y , se c r e ta r y of the Austin Board of E d u cation and se c reta ry -trea su re r of the T ex a s S chool Board A sso cia tio n , w ill d is­ c u ss the new school budgetin g and a cco u n tin g procedu res at th e m e e t­ ing. T he T exas A ssociation of School the B o a rd s has h ead q u arters a t U n iv e r sity . W A T C H B A N D S 1 / P R I C E / 2 S A L E W a * W a * W a * W a * $12.50 N o w $6,95 N ow $9.95 N o w $6.95 N ow $6.25 $3.48 $4.75 $3.48 i" t Wednesday, October 8, 1958 THE DAILY TEXAN PASE 6 Writers' Meet To Honor Doctor D r. D onald T. A tkinson, author of “ T exas Surgeon,” w ill be hon­ ored at the tenth annual W riter s R oundup in Austin on O ctober 24 ' a s one of the 23 top T ex a s auth­ o rs of the y ea r . D r. Atkinson, a San Antonio phy­ sicia n . w as presented a bronze m e d a l in 1951 in recognition of his j w ork on glaucom a by the T osca U m b ra Surgical Society of the U niv ersity of F lorence. D r. At­ kinson is a lso a F ellow of the R o y a l A cadem y of M edicine in Ire- iand. H is book, published this y ea r by Iv e s Washburn, has been r e c e iv ­ ed en th u siastically by both crit­ ic s and public. W riter s Roundup is sponsored by the Austin alu m nae ch ap ter of Theta Sigm a Phi. Mrs. K en­ neth R ichardson, chairm an o f this that m ore y e a r ’s roundup, >aid than TO authors w ere con sid ered from those suggested by publish­ ers. Rich Past, Stiff Competition Describe Greeks' Sing-Song B y JO E t A B R O IX Kl >T T e x a n S t Wr i t e r “ What this cam p us needs is m ore sin g in g .” D e a n V. I. Moore d e­ clared in 193*1 And thus w a s bom one of the m ost colorful e v e n t s of the G reen y ea r- Sing-Song. Dr. M oore, Tirst dean of student life at intended the U n iv ersity , Sing-Song as a spiritual experienc e It b e­ for those w ho love to sing. gan as an annual sorority-frater­ nity group song fest in 1935. But when the P a n h ellen ic Council anc! the took In te r fr a te m ity Council over in 1937, it b ecam e a co m p eti­ tive even t. trophies to aw ard The P a n h e lle n ic s and IFC de­ cided the first, s e c o n d , and third p la ce w in­ ners in both sorority and fra ter­ nity d ivision s R ules w ere adopted, and the D epartm ent of M usic w as asked to c a r n die judging burden. to Sing-Song began as a spring la p se of the w ar, event but sev era l tim es r ep la ce d ) V a rsity C arnival, then an annual fall festiv a l. When the so n g tra- j dition returned to the cam p u s in 1945 after a tw o y ea rs during it p erm an en tly Sing-Song traded d ates w ith VC. w as set annually for the first w eek of D ecem b er. F o rm a lity , to Sing­ so n g after the war. T u x ed o s, the “ e s s e n c e of good ta s te ,” replaced fra tern ity w ear. d ress Sororities dolled In e v e n i n g gow ns for the annual so n g ­ fest. th e m se lv e s su its a s c a m e too Sing-Song 1958 will be N ov em b er 16 rn G regory G y m n a siu m . The fest had been held on Saturday nights since 1954, but w a s tradition­ ally slated for Sunday afternoons. Sing-Song this y ea r w ill return to the pre- '54 tradition b e c a u se the Sing-Song C om m ittee that Sunday is m ore fitting for such a fe e ls program. show in g in Sing-Song A good n ecessita te s long hours of tedious preparation and practice, D efen d ­ ing ch a m p io n s P i Kappa Alpha fraternity and Ch: O m ega sorority started p ra c tic e soon after c la sse s opened this fa ll. C o s t u m e s o f a lim ited sort are allow ed in fittin g with song s e le c ­ tions L im ita tio n s are im posed by the Sing-Song C o m m ittee. the An a c o u stic a l s h e l l will be used son gsters and a lights w ill sh ell, Don Sm ith, to en clo se w heel of th ree-colored illum inate the Sing-Song c o c h a ir m a n said. Final ru les for Sing-Song 1958 have not a s v e t been approved by the IFC, Sm ith added. The P a n ­ hellenics h a v e approved the rules drawn up by the co m m ittee, he Sharon V oyles w ill repre­ said. sent P a n h ellen ic a s Smith’s part- i nor. ORIVE C A R E F U L L Y A L W A Y S W R E C K E R 24-Hour Service In C ity Limits — Busines Hour* $5 Night $10.00 H I G H W A Y $ PER T O W E D M IL E Request Police Officer to C all ARMSTRONG-JOHNSON, INC. N igh t G R 6-8738 Day G R 8-345/ 24 H O U R HARPER WRECKER SERVICE P H O N E G R 6-6001 REQUEST HARPER W RECKER IF Y O U H A V E ACCIDEN T IN CITY m e c h a n i c O N D U T Y C U ST O M B O D Y W O R K S T u s t i n ^ TEXAS N am e Belts Bare-back R iggins Saddles, C h ap s Anything of Leather Hats, Scarf* Shirts, Pants Suit*, Jeans Mackinaws Moccasin* Billfolds m am EXPERT Shoe and Saddles, etc. 15.95 UP CAPITOL SADDLERY L u gg age Repair 1614 Lavaca What Goes On Here V*>«tneiwlay 7 30 D r. John W ilson to a ddress UT G eo lo g ic a l S ociety, G eology 9-5 E n tries to Sing-Song, D ean H olland's o ffice. B uilding 14. tryou ts, Hobby 12:30 World Series, KTBC-TY 4 -Canter Club H orse Stables. -Sp ook s, A lpha Phi house. -F r e sh m a n Council groups, T e x a s U nion. s e r v l e t Strike and Spare try o u ts, B ow l­ ing A lley Guadalupe. Hum an R elations C om m ission , 8 Tau B eta P i slide rule c la s s, E x p e r im e n ta l S cien ce Building 223. 8 Dr. L yndon T a y lo r to g iv e ad­ dress on “ E x tr in sic Sem iconduc­ to r s,” P h y s ic s Building 201. 8 G reat Issu es C om m ittee p re­ sen ts Dr. W illis T ate who w ill sp ea k on “ E ducation for All or S o m e .” B a tts Auditorium. 4 Student W e l f a r e C om m ittee, 8 G erm an C offee Hour, Tobin T e x a s I Jnion 301. T ex a s Union. 135. 4 :30 P oona tryout*, W om en s G ym 8 R oom , B a tts Hall. ISA G roup N o. 4. International R oom , T e x a s Union. 4:30 F reshm an Council honoraries 8 H u b de M exico, T ex a s U nion co m m ittee, T exas U nion 311. 311. 4:30—R a ck et Club tryou ts, w o­ m en's tennis courts. 4 45 T rig g erettes tryou ts, ROTC R ifle R ange. 4-6- R eception for D r. W illis T ate la m b d a Chi Alpha house 7-0 Scottish D ance G roup open to a ll interested stu d en ts, W om en s G ym . 7 -0 --V arsity R ifle T ea m , ROTC R ifle R ange. 7—C o-R ecreation, W om en’s G ym . 7— Student E n gin eerin g Council, T aylor T R oom . T ex a s U nion 315. 17 O rchesis tryou ts( W om en ’s Gym dance studio. 7 —T urtle Club G ym pool. tryouts, W om en’s , 7—F reshm an F ello w sh ip , “ Y .” j 7 _ F la s h Card C om m ittee open to interested m en and w om en all stud ents, T exas U nion 401. tryouts, W om en's Gym 17- T um le 136. j 7-10 O bservatory open, P h y sics building. I ( 7 Social co m m ittee o f ISA, T ex a s Union. 17 15 Alpha E psilon D elta to see f i l m s E x p erim en ta l su rgical Science B uilding 115. ' Do You have 80 hrs. toward a degree? l f j o you a r a eligible to order your Senior Ring now! O rd e r before O cto b e r IS for delivery by Christmas. Please present Ring Certificate when placing order. mmm COWBOY BOOTS WESTERN W E A R M A D E T O O R D E R , 7 Czech Club to e le c t o fficers. I-— dr fu co op Kruger's 2236 G U A D A L U P E M O N R O E 'S M exican Food to G o 501 East Avenue EL M A T A M O R O S Famou* for ' C risp y T aco s'1 504 East Avenue EL C H A R R O Dining on the Terrace ’ 912 Red River EL TORO — Fam ous for FIN E M E X I C A N F O O D \ 1601 Guadalupe Free Parking ' .dvvrx.;:**?.. v mam WIN a F R E E Trip For to FLY TWA T H A M S M O R I O A I R U M f S Winners will fly on a luxuri­ ous TWA — Tran* M«rM Air­ lift** Contt*llati*fil F R IE ! Just d ro p e n d r*gi*»#rl T k a ra 's n o th in g to b uy — no o b lig a ­ tion. H u rry . . . th# eontait • x p ira * N o v. 30, 19581 TEXAN CLASSIFIED A D S GR 2-2473 MONT U LT C LA SSIFIED KATES 8 w ords ..............................................................* 20 words .................*............ ....... ^ T u esd ay T exan W ed n esd ay T exan T h u r sd a y T exan F r id a * T?xan Sunday T exan C L A S S I F I E D D E A D L I N E S .................................... ............................. • IjJMday, T hursday ............................ .............................................. v n a a v ’ ........................................ r r ia a y . p rn. p.m . p.m . P rn. p rn. D A I L Y C L A S S I F I E D K A T E S 20 '.lords .......................... A d d ition al w ords . . . . $ 95.............................$ .02 S5.....................................OI . . . .........JI 35 per colu m n inch I day Each ad d ition al day „ ........... _ C lassified D isp la y In the even t of errors m ade in an ad vertisem en t, Im m ed ia’ e notice must be Riven as ’ re p u b lish ers are resp on sib le for on ly on e incorrect in sertion . or less Miscellaneous Special Services Typing M ake room reservations now for the Tex&s-OU Kame NAVARRO HOTEL Corsicana, T exas C om p letely m odern w ith radio. TV. lob b y and plenty drive in m otor of free parking space. O nly 53 m iles south of D allas on H igh w ay 75. — P hone T R 4-1721 R E N T T V ’s 1958 P ortable*, rates. H O 5-5597. GR 2-2692. D ally For Rent T H E S E S C A REFULLY DONEL E lectric. 900 W est 31st. GR 2-9444 M ARTHA ANN ZIVLEY TY PIN G I SERVICE. 2102 G uadalupe, GR 2-3210. D ISSE R TA T IO N S. ETC. E L E C T R O in. Mrs. (sym b ol*.) C lose M A TK ' GARAGE F< >R R EN T. 2515 R io G rande Ritchie. GR 2-4945 N E A R CAM PUS. LARGE co n ven ien t room fo r wom en. C ooking fa c ilitie s and use of livin g room P leasan t su r­ round-rigs .'618 S p eed w ay. GR 8-5588 Garage. Tutoring er. I Diversities PA R ISIA N LANGUAGE: E xp ert tea ch ­ recom m en d ation s tran slation C onversation, d iction . P rivate lim ited classed . M ad em oiselle D upuis. 2506 Rio Grande. GR 6-22% tu torin g and gram m ar, PORTS. D ISSE R TA T IO N S. RE­ E xp erienced electrom atlc Four blocks typ in g Minor e d itin g from cam pus. Mrs. B oaou r GR 8-8113. T H E S E S . EX P E R IE N C E D : E le c tr o ly t ic . T H E S E S . REPO RTS. close. reason ab le. I GR 8-6155. D E L A F IE L D T Y P IN G PAGE. G ram m ar corrected. M im eographing. 2 0 HI 2-6522 For Sale E X P E R IE N C E D . S P A N ISH . GRAM ­ translation. V irgin ia B u tler MAR, ROYAL PO R TA BL E T Y P E W R IT E R . I ” ” A lm ost good as new . GR 6-0034. W A N T ED TO SH ARE m y n ice apart­ ment A b ittin ess wom an, teach er or m ature student. T eleph on e GR 2-4804. A R T IST S U P P L IE S : G rum bacher o ils S tu d en t di - —b rushes—accessories count. Ceram ic su p p lies - firin g se r­ vice F r e e instructions P in k n Jerry's. 2813 G uadalupe. GR 2-4772 WATCH R EPA IR G uaranteed w orkm anship Guaran­ teed factor.- parts. P rom pt s e r \ ice. F ree estim ates. KRUGER’S ON TH E DRAG 2236 G uadalupe M A H o 5-0449 Alterations MEN S E X P E R T ALTER A T IO N S done reasonably Quick service S ee Mrs A rnold. Jacob son 's Men s W ear. 2332 G uadalupe. I Professional Services DR ADO LPH B U R ST Y N , op tom e­ trist. sp ecializin g in eve exam in ation C ongress. 618s and g 1 esses B y ap p ointm en t. GR 2-3541 fittin g Apartm ents scil LAM AR SPO RTING GOODS Buy trade, guns, fish in g equipm ent O wner H erbert W, M arshall. 913 N orth I .amar GR 7-7726 T H R E E ROOMS. PR IV A T E C om for­ tab le N ear U niversity. I or 2 grad u ­ ITione a f t e r 5 p m. ate stu d en ts. GR 8-4101. F U R N I S H E D O NE B E D R O O M A P A R T M ENT r o o m o p e n i n g • ’o m pietely m r -cond.Honed • F u lly c a r p e t e d t h r o u g h o u t • G lass wall in in to p r i v a t e fenced patio. nd s h o w e r • "lie b a t h ' u h • Built n electric kitch en • W ardrobe closet v ing ing o n e e n t i r e wall d e c o r a t o r • M o d e rn , trem ely clean in bedroom cover­ f u r n i s h e d , e x ­ • W a s h e r a n d d r y e r fa cilities rn F r e e 'I e r m ln is se rvice a nd y a r d m a n brick • M o d e rn , so u n dp roo f, g lazed o b s t r u c t i o n Year -<>unm, p rivate bath, an r-con d itlon ed m aid ser­ i n e in private hom e. F ou r blocks w est cam pus $25.00 a m onth . 706 W est 21st. GR 2-2955 21x14. wall MALE WAI K ING D IST A N C E . Lovely’. carp et N ew to w alt furnitu re. C entral h eated . Q u iet n eig h ­ borhood HIO W est 22’ * GR. 7-3623. BHY IT OR S E l-L the Daily T exan C lassified Ad*. P hon e th rou gh IT GR 2--473 betw een 8 and 5 d a llv . 1956 FOR D FAIRBANK d u b sedan. A ir-conditioned. o w n e r O riginal Ford-O -M atic R & ii. W SW . $1395.00. I C all GR 7-6221 STA Y -IN SCHOOL SA LE . R olleiflex ! c a m e r a s e q u i p m e n t . 1955 V olks­ w agen. R aleigh girl s b icycle G.E. j com m u n ication s receiver. Lei tit 7x50 bi­ noculars. GL 2-1798 A fter five ST I.'DEN TS I BEAT T H E p ark in g p ro b -! lem 1954 200 ce. / . u n d o pp M otorcycle. Top con d ition . R eason ab le See at 2208- ; | C W irt* A ven u e or call H I 2-3465. F IE L D CHAM PION S IR E D AKC reg­ old. istered puppies. 3 m o n t h s GD 3-2625 U N B E L IE V A B L E B A R G A IN S M UF­ F L E R S dual e x h a u sts, w h eel covers, fib e rg la ss, m irrors sp !it- chrom e accessories. T exas fender sk irts m anifo'd s Auto 1114 East 1st. tory built SA IL FISH SA IL BO A T S. K ITS and fac­ lake on car S a ilb o a t S ales Co B ill H ouston. Box U36 GR 2-7237. GR 6-3009. fib e rg la ss C arry to Nurseries N EW N U R SE R Y IN p rivate home. C hildren of U n iv ersity stu d en ts only. four. T ransp ortation Sm ail group of lf desired. GR 7-8472 C H IP N DALE n u rser y and kinder­ garten. I block o ff cam pus D egree k indergarten teacher R eg ister nom e ow ner and operator. GR 8-t(616 - GL 3-0159 garten. Infants-6. T he hest C H ILI) CRAFT N U R SE R Y and kinder­ in care Trained personnel. D -w h o le day. 800 W est 30. GR 2-3437. L IT T L E LAM BS N U R S E R Y . Vacancy BL O C K S T A D IU M : M o d e rn a p a r t m e n t . d ay 11r night GR 7-3681. R easo n ab le. 6o3 E a s t 23’j . W ANT YOUR D issertation or T h esis typed. Consult the :arge list of com- Bbtent typist* ad vertisin g in th e D aily e x a n CTassifi.zd Ads k indergarten K ID D IE K O R B A L N U R SE R Y care and in ­ fants t" six. Spa ou s classroom * and pin v grounds Q u a lified teach ers. 914 W e lt 22-2 GR 7-6061 E x cellen t In t e r n a t io n a l World'* larqe*t and Finest Chain of Health Studios 1134 SOUTH L A M A R BLVD — HI 2-7871 [Lamar FUXA Shopping Center J sport coats s t e p o u t In n e w s t r i p e s ! Just arrived in time for the C). I . G a m e . . ou r verv special collegiate blazer, tr i m m e d smartly \vi th filigree metal buttons, softly ble nde d wool a nd o r lo n in subtle s t r i p l i n g s . . . the iv )’ trousers are yarn, dyed to match . . . st) led w ith plain fr on t and flap pockets in traditional natural s u Ie. C oat and Pant ‘ JI Merritt • Schaefer Brown 611 C O N G R E S S C §"% "The Store of Famous Labels’