T H E S U M M E R XAN VOL. 56 Price Five Cant; AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1956 Four Pages Today NO. 17 Teachers P a y Boost Listed in New Budget Latest Counts Set Daniel Lead Over 150,000 B A L L A S , Tex., Ju ly 30 ft Re tut as to tho Texas Election Bureau at ti p m . Monday from 254 out of 234 counties in the state, including 200 complete, show the following totals for c andidates in Saturday's Dem ocratic prim ary election: Total vote for Governor: 1,527,- 46.: P rice Daniel 61)6,877. Holey 81 583, Holmes 10,612, Lee O I >an- icl 137,523 Senterfitt 36.8X9 Y u - Ivor nigh 150,979, 1.1 Governor: Aikin 371.992. Johnson 147,8ij4, Ram sey 634 129, Smith 215,651 Attorney G eneral: Carlton 125,- 297 Hill 79.758, Moore 466,765, W il­ son 644,612. Agriculture Commissioner: B a t ­ Jones 272.516, White her 229 557, 728.850. Congressman-*!-large Di*»s 861- 25-1 Elkins 115.640, la n d Commissioner: P rice 589 - T23. R u d d e r 621,308, C rim inal Appeals $43,390 Owens 541.417, Morrison Supreme Court: Hughes 581.347, Norvelt 594,011. Stan- Treasurer: Harding 513,- T58, J;im cs 774,574, Ret’er**rv him School segregation; 766,892, against 223,634, V n I approval Strong*’! interm arriage laws - ap­ proval 781 518, against 200,230 Interposition: Approval 756.544 against 177.566. J. Frank D o b i e G i v e s Permission For TV Series J Frank Dobie, ex-UT pro­ fessor. has granted permission for the production of a seiies of television movies based on Julius his stories, announced Kilns, U T graduate. to produ< e Two members of the group who desir e the movies are C liff Rose, who did in much of “ Spirit of St. Louis,” and Rusty Richards a television star. tie- stunt work M r Dobie has also expressed willingness to aet as narrator tor the series. Mr. Nous said Telescope Opens As Mars Hears F o r the first time in fifteen years i Mars will l>e at its closest point to Earth September l l. Students m ay v i e w t h i s astronomical event through th** telescope in the Ph y­ sics Building Observatory, which will be open to the public for five , nights during this time. , Tile plane! M ars wall then appear J two or three times lnrgei and five lo I en tunes brighter, according ’n Dr Fran k Edmonds of the Depart­ ment of Mathem atics and A tro­ ll* liny. iKvavs Mars has i roused curio- stty because of tin' distinct sur- f;t< e fe 11 lh es md the similai it y of I of ii-, clim ate to oui own and Ute 'possibility of the existence of life Ion Mars. Business G ives UT $72,000 For Salaries Th*' U niversity’s S alary Supple­ mentation Program , a promising new plan for which Austin business contrabuted $45,000 last year, has secured many outstanding men for faculty and staff positions at UT. At this time, the Development Board in making solicitations fot the program, which makes current offers to able men in various fields md helps fit event the 'ess of some leading faculty members. Solicitations in Houston have reached $27 000. and initial solici­ tations are being made in Fort Worth, Dallas, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi. Already one of ’he world's lead­ ing petroleum production experts, the head of one of the University s professional divisions, and Neveral internationally scientists w e i r obtained for the University through the progiam known Hulon B la ck is director of the I V veil>pmentM Board Names! to state Impart men t Roy Richard Rubotmm J r . , for The World Sees Dean Jack met indent life ii been ap- Dr. Edmonds said thai observa- pointed deputy assistant secretary' inter-Amotiean a Ila irs issistunt diem of the Univ em ii v . h;e non would be fa vol able during the of n!;i *<» foi last two weeks in August. recently M id s h ip m a n H o llan d . , . “ Join Bv J A M E S E . W A T H E Y the N a v y and se** the w orld,” is an old adage. Dean Ja c k Holland didn’t have to join, but the N avy let him see the w’orld. He went as a civilian observer on an annual midshipmen s crim e. Ja c k Holland, Dean of Men. of the University, left Norfolk, Va., June 21. He went first to Port Lyautey Morocco via Argent! a Newfoundland and L,ajesf Azores Islands to took him The Coromandel of th** Naval station lunch and showed him the bast*. From Port to Goeteberg. Lyautey, he went Sweden, and from Goeteberg to Oslo. Norway, arriving there on a Saturday afternoon. He found there ; I rn Teachors’ .'Hilar ies, admission policies, and the building pro­ gram are tied with the proposed SI 1,673,238 budget for Die operation of the Main Campus for the 1937-58 year, Dr, L. D. Haskew, Nice president for developmental serv­ ices, said F rid a y that the proposed budget will enable the U niversity to pay teacher salaries that would pull the U ni­ versity into eighth place among the 16 state universities in the Am erican Association of Universities. At present, U T salaries rank in the A A U as follows: pro­ fessor, ninth; associate professor, ninth; assistant professor, eleventh; and instructor, fourteenth* 6,622 Reoister In Second Term A new total from the Registrar s Office shows that enrollment at the University foi this lei rn has risen to 6.622, Preparations for the fall semes­ ter arc now going on a* 'he Regis­ trar’s Office. The estimate for the fall semester is 18,000, Registration will begin Septem­ ber Is and continue through Sep­ tember 21 As usual, th** first two days of region aion villi be for for­ mer students and the remaining two days w;ll be for the rest of the former students, college transfers and new freshmen. to “ Festival of Midsummer s in progress. Dean Ja c k is not she Eve a man to p a » up a party, so he i went the ship, had suppei, cleaned up a little and went back IO town. The laM boat to the ship Ja c k was was at 2 a r n . . Dean on it lh* said thai he saw the latest sundown possible that ‘‘afternoon.” Tile sun set at 2 45 a rn and rose at 3:30 a rn. When Dean Ja c k went it was for the lo bed that night first time in three days. The ship, U S S. New Je rse y left Oslo June 27. They met rough weather in the Not th Sea. but is a Lxittle- since the New Jersey ship. there was little or no rolling and tossing. Tile ship put in at Portsmouth, England, on Ju ly 3. Dean Ja c k said that he was particularly impressed by the number of memorials to people and by the age of everything in London ‘Tendon is a combina­ tion of San Antonio, Philadelphia, and New Y o rk .” he said. On Ju ly IO the 'Je t ey set out for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Each morning there were lectures and tours of various parts of the ship. ♦ The University is not the h ig h e s t ranking of the Southern universi­ ties a- far as salaries are non­ men-*.! Dr. Haskew said “ W e ha\t* lost ground in salary rank l »r the past two years,” he added Acceptance of the proposed budg­ et by the I egislature would help solve another problem that UT offi­ tie* depletion of Rte I M e c i a l s Available Fund The Available Fund is the -inly source of building money, but the Univei shy has had to draw from 'hts fund for operational cos's md teacher salaries, “ W e have lost perhaps a* many as four buildings because we had to spend two million this last year and plan to spend two m il­ lion this routing \ ear from the \v til.th)** Fund lor alteration >f the U niversity,” B r. Haskew said. lf b u ild in g spa*-** is not a v a i l ­ a b le , Dr. H a s k e w c o m m e n t e d , e n r o ll m e n t will Im* li m i te d in tim fu tu re. The University System of*-*! o.-s R o m /tinct* sources of revenue; fees general revenue th# state, uh! the Available Fund Ch# is source of the Av ulahle Fund University-owned land. Money to­ re, cd tiom royalties and the leas­ ing ->f University land is invested! md the is divided, two- thirds for tile University and me­ thod for A & M College. interest from A m e a n s for providing more in­ come from interest is in the pro­ posed constitutional amendment to i be voted on Nev ember 6 idle proposed amendment author­ izes investment of up to 50 per cent of U niversity money in corporation stock At present University capital is limited to muni ipal and federal bonds i n v e s t m e n t s would Tile present yield of i n t e r e s t i% approximately 2 78 per cent Tho proposed in­ crease this figure to 3 78 p* r cent or an increase in annual inc*m w of two million. Dr. Haskew said, Such an inc re iso would offset th# current Available Fund depletion for operating expenses. New Men's Dorm Ready in August The new eight story Wooten Dormitory, just off the campus on Guadalupe Street, w ill he ready Tor .semester, occupancy i Accommodations will be available in the fall The shij) replenished from the ie- i AF-28), and Evades (AO-1061. W hile receiving B “ ck '».<«*».ugh. nianaqcr. U S S ceived oil from the U S S . Ch a ta- ^ J* * * 1*?; * alt **' ^URUSt *J * s* ,r* hooch-. the oil. men of the New Je rse y were kidded by the men on the, tuT 'Y T d e s tro y e r about boing on "floating 1 and s,ldm* * » J > / J A C K H O L L A N D Dear* o r Men at the Univer j Photo by James U Wathen ti. w . % cup of coffee at the welcome home party given for him in his office M onday, fie has just returned from the annual M id hipmen's train­ ing cruise aboard the b a ffle .hip U SS . New Je rse y {B3-62). W h ile on the cruise, he visited M orocco, France, Sweden, Norw ay, Eng­ land, and C uba. ii hI{ j , Ai in** Booth, U niversity fresh* After getting a good view of the man. won second prize in a state­ N avy’* preparation for peace. Dean wide essay contest sponsored by Ja c k summed it all up with, “ I was the Department of Texas Veteran* j impressed by the naval officers* of Foreign W ars Auxiliary. H er concern for their country . ‘Am erica, Th* . I ll essay, ' never complain again about income Beacon of Hope,” won her a medal i taxes A* and prize. entitled . Leaders State Theme for REW ‘ What Binds Man to God ’ Faith Reason oi Nothing?” w ill be the Emphasis for Religious .them e N eck in the year 1956 57. R F W will he held Fe b ru ary 21- 28. climaxing « religious progiam which w ill begin with fall semester the The R E W Committee is headed by H arley Clark and Conny W lik ­ er co-chairmen, and Dr. Robert I. Ledbetter, associate director of the Wesley Foundation. C la ik and Miss W alker announc­ ed that three of the nation’s top theologians wall speak on the cam ­ pus during R E W Dr. Lou H. Sil- be rman, Hi bel Professor of Jew ish Thought and Literature from Van­ derbilt U niversity; Dean Je ra ld C Brauer, Dean of Federated Th ro-: logical Faculties from the U n iver­ sity of Chicago: and R e v Eugene M Burke. Professor of Theology at t h e Catholic U niversity of W ash­ ington IV C. In addition there w ill be many local speakers, panels, seminars, study groups, and religious films to complete the program "These speakers w ill be a v a il­ able throughout the semester for ans' organization, club, or busi­ n e s s group which m ay wish to use them.” Miss W alker said. Lloyd H a y e s A nn ou nces Four N e w A p p o in tm en ts f Lloyd Hand, president of the Students’ Association, 1952-53, was appointed Monday as student rep- resentative to the Athletic Council j .for 1950-57 by President Lloyd Hayes. Norma Matlock, Bud Cecil, and Philip Foote are H ayes' appoint-1 m eats to the Union lloard of D i­ rectors. he also announced Mon­ day S cience Fiction C lub to M eet The Austin Science Fiction Club wilt hold its second summer m eet­ ing at 7 p m. Thursday in Union 3<)1 Clifford O. Coff maim, pro­ gram chairman, w ill speak on the i m e n u of Thoodorne Sturgeon, Tuesday, July 31, 1956 THE SUMMER TEXAN Page 2 Just O verherd M f t Ed Had Come Into His Own B y E D D I E H U G H E S Texan Sports Editor supervisor, Jimmy Blaylock, Longhorn equipment re ­ ceived a letter from Ed H aw ­ kins the day after the tragic auto accident which killed the promising Longhorn halfback. football It equipment be sent to him in order for him to start w ork­ ing out. requested some That request was only a part of the Cf eat. unseen story of Ed H aw ­ kins, who was heavily counted upon to cive Texas that needed offensive power for the coming season. The two-year senior letterman was one of four returning starters from last ye ar's eleven which won four of irs last five games. The story of Ed Hawkins was a story of triumph. The name of Hawkins was only a dim m emory in the minds of most Longhorn football followers at the beginning of last y e a r’s season which saw U T drop four of five games. But some advice which backfield coach C har­ lie W aller had given to H aw kins; started paying off and the Lufkin star became one of the finest and hardest-charging the Southwest. runners in The story began in early Sep­ tember. Waller a new addition to the Longhorn coaching staff at the ( time, saw great potentiality in Hawkins. But there vias one thing in the way den ce. the la< k of self-confi- j ‘Admit to you rself’ "O n ly admit to yourself ’ W a lle r ! told Hawkins, “that you have the potential to become a great football player, and if you work along these lines, you can become better than Del Shofner of B a y lo r," i W aller had seen Shofner when team defeated his Auburn the j B ea rs in the ’G ator Bow l in 1955, ; and Shofner was W aller's club couldn’t stop.) the only man Hawkins started coming into his im- j own around the SM U game, proved tremendously in the B aylo r game, and finished the season with one of the finest games of his career against A & M in Texas’ 21-6 upset at College Station With the game over. W aller head­ ed into the dressing room, where he wits first met by Hawkins. Hawkins' 30-yard bulblike "C o ach ," he said, "do you re ­ member what you told me about having a ( hance to become a great football player ’ W ell, 1 11 tell you something: I didn’t believe it then but out there just now I was be­ ginning to think you were right “ run late in the fourth quarter which gave Texas its final score against the Aggies might well have been tile most rem embered nm in all the televised games during the Sea­ ton. On the play he took a pitch- put, shook off a player at the line of scrimmage ran over another, end dragged two more with him down to the two-yard line where he later went over for the TD. Was Earlier In jured Only a few minutes earlier the Texas halfback had been shaken up on a play when the Longhorns were banging on the Aggies' goal line, and the pi ess box, W a lle r called down to Coach E d P rice and told him he might have to take Hawkins out. leading 7-6. From " I don't kn ow ," Price replied, "h e may be all right. And I don't think he'll want to leave." The longhorns went ahead to score and take a 14-6 lead when Texas intercepted an Aggie pass only a few' moments later, and it Was from there that Hawkins went for his tremendous run. "There was a point about H a w ­ k in s," W aller concluded. "H e could do his job offensively as well as d« fensively. We didn’t worry about our right halfbac k position Ed had rome into his own. ’ U h* C A RR Y S TAR GA ME N E W Y O R K up - The football game between the College All-Stars and the Cleveland Browns of the National Football league F rid a y . August in Chicago, w ill be broadcast and telecast by a total of more the A m erican Broadcasting Co. said M onday. than 500 stations, IO Butts Nip Sens Brow ne s Tw elveth Inning Homer Breaks Up Scoreless G am e, 2 - I Houston's Ridge Browne broke up a tremendous scoring duel in the top half of the 12th inning at Diseh Field Monday night with a 360-foot homer, and the Buffs add­ ed one more to edge the Austin Senators. 2-1. before 1.910 fans. Buff starter B illy Muffeit held Austin lo one hit for eleven inn ings while Austin’s Mike U rmsh the heavy-hitting Buffs allowed four hits the eleventh which saw' neither team able to scote. through light But with one m a y in the tw*dfth, Browne who had two of the four Buff hits blasted a round-tripper field th** deep right-center over fence to put Houston into a 1-0 lead Bobby Smith followed with a double down the field foul line and Ruben Am aro singled him home to give Mullet a 2-0 margin. Muffet who struck out seven while pitching near-perfect ball, tired in the twelfth as Austin struck for its only run in the bottom of d ie inning after1 two were out Ben Taylor got Austin's second hit with i double then scored when D irk Smovic singled. R a y Shearer kept Austin’s chances a lo e with Aus­ tin’s fourth hit, but Am ie Hallgr* n flied out to end the game, le a g u e games In other Texas ! Monday night, the league* leading D allas Eagles kept hold of the ir two-game lead over Houston by blasting cellar-dwelling Oklahoma City, 8 1. Shreveport kept hold of sixth place by outscoring San An­ tonio, 10-6. and Tulsa moved into fourth one-half game ahead of San ! Antonio, by handing the slumping Fort Worth Cats an 8-2 licking. '*>■_> 2 Housti n ... fxhi Om> moi IMC I -i A ustin (hh» mm \ Muffet and Dabck " 0 I Lemish and i ,v gumc HR Browne < Housum s T I \ \ n L E \Gt I tv 70 Dallas 67 H o u sto n Bu F o rt W o r t h 56 T u ls a 54 S a n A n to n o 50 S h r e v e p o r t 49 A u s tin O klahom a City 35 r. 41 42 51 56 •55 59 63 74 I vt ». Al I *,15 541 . N * i . 195 leo . ITI G B IO 141 a 19 2 J * 34 D allas’ ( ’ut tot) Bow l wail < ome of age' Ja n u a ry I, 1957 That w ill be the twenty-first birthday for the N ew Y e a r's D ay classic sponsored bv the* Southwest Oonfere-nee W H EN YOU THINK OF LAUNDRY OR CLEANING THINK DRISKILL LAUNDRY PICK UP & DELIVERY SERVICE SUITS—DRESSES TUXEDOS EVENING GOWNS PILLO W S ► RUGS D RAPES FUR AND W O O LEN STO RA G E SAVE CASH AND CARRY E. 19th Phone GR-8663 j a i ■ •. ,*-v T e j J i b - ' n - * v ; C * •*. w - , • ,<. L, ■ % ;• * » I- M * « V* . x vs • .jJo. . **f * H “. l A * * TE ' * CM ED HAWKINS IN RICE GAME . . . nis story was one of triumph Milwaukee W ins Indians Tumble Y W R S 13, T R I B E 6 C LEA E L A N D Pl Mtokex Mantle smashed two home runs including his first grand slam of the season as lh** New York Y inkers defeated th- Cleveland Indians 13-6 Monday night. M a n tles two homers his 33rd and lith of the season put him one game ahead of Babe Ruth s pace when he hit 60 in 1927. • D E T R O IT I, BO ST O N I D E T R O IT to — V irg il Trucks threw' a three-hitter at the Boston Red Sox Monday and tile Detroit Tigers whipped tall Frank Sullivan for the first time in more than two seasons. 4-1. P H IL S T H U M P C I B S T W IC E P H IL A D E L P H IA T The P h ila ­ delphia Phillies, behind the effec­ tive pitching of southpaw H arvey righthander Robin Haddix and Roberts, swept past the Pittsburgh Pira te s into filth place Monday night with a doubleheader victory over the Chi* ago Cubs at Connie M ack Stadium. B R O O K L Y N -Pi — Hank Aaron drove in four runs and nailed down an 8 - 6 victory over the Brooklyn Dodgers Monday night with a sev­ enth-inning home run and a ninth- inning double as M ilw aukee’s Na­ tional League-leading Braves de­ feated the world champions for the seventh straight time. R E D S C U P P I R A T E S i t P IT T S B U R G H to The Cincinnati Rodless completed a sweep of then five-game series with the Pitts­ burgh night, Pirates Monday whipping the skidding Bu rs 4-2 to keep within 2 L games of firM- plaee Milwaukee A M E R H A X L I A G I E New- York ( ’lev eland Boston Chicago B a it i more D etroit W ash in gto n Kansas C ity M i I v a ii k i ,* C in cin n ati B r oo kl > n St Louis PH ii a del phla Pittsb u rg h Chicago N ew York W BT 56 53 4S 4 t 4! 38 34 W 57 57 5-5 46 45 13 40 32 I. 30 39 13 4 I 53 53 Bi > 62 I 34 39 ii 47 51 51 54 57 Pc t. 691 .789 . 434 . 454 (XX , (54 I** ( . 626 . 5111 568 .495 . 169 .4 5 7 .426 tv ’ G B IO 1 IV ;, j ' 6 ’ . 23 23 29' a * ; J G B 2 C j 5 12 I I i 1 5 1 v IX C 24 N A T I O N A L L E A g I E • • Dodgers Get Mitchell From Cleveland Club B R O O K L Y N , Ju ly 30 ZP- The Brooklyn Dodgeis. desperate for pinch - hitting strength. Monday bought veteran Dale Mitchell from the Cleveland Indians for an un­ disclosed amount of cash and a minor league placer to be named later. C i v e J o y a jingle at G R 2 -24 7 3 FOR QUICK ACTION ON SUMMER TEXAN CLASSIFIED ADS C L A S S I F I E D K A T E S 20 words or less Additional words I day ................................. S .93...................S .02 S .85................... $ ,01 Each additional day Classified Display SI.35 per column inch In the event of errors made in an advertise­ ment. immediate notice must be given, tire publishers are responsible for only one incor­ rect insertion. C L A S S I F I E D D E A D L I N E S Tuesday Texan ........................ Monday, 4 p m. Frid a y Texan .......................... Thursday, 4 p rn. Western H ats— Sh irts Su its—Je a n s Ja c k e ts — Sk irts Lad ies’ Hairs B illfo ld s Gloves— B e lt* .Shoe R e p air CAPITOL SADDLERY 1614 Lavaca SPEEDWAY , RADIO & TELEVISION SALES SERVICE G R 8-6609 2010 Speedway Ju s t South of G reg o ry O ja i For Rent For Rent Typing T W O 2 M K N apartm ents. V e ry near In q u ire at R o b t E, Lee H all office. G R 7-0233. campus. E v a p o ra tiv e coolers. N IC K R O O M close in. F o r tu n women. A va ila b le August Is l. 308 We-st 13th. A-BAR HOTEL F in e single or double rooms K O R M E N E le v a to r — M aid S e rv ice * P riv a te P a rk in g 2612 Guadalupe Ph o n e G R 6-5658 R O B E R T E. L E E H A L L D ir e c tly across from cam pus Sin gle or double rooms fo r men. Air-con ditioned. 101 W est 21st G R 7-0233 Patronize Texan Advertisers K l' RN H o t s K for couple. 3 rooms refrig erated a ir- co n d itio n er: gas and w a te r paid $65 mo, 1200 Ju s tin L a n e (re a r). S O U T H K A S'!' bedroom, p rivate heme priva te entrance sh are bath w ith on** student. ‘*>6 W e st 23rd. G R 2 3806. Tutoring F R E N C H T U T O R IN G t r a n s l a t e ex­ cellent references. M ile E . L . D upuis. 2506 R io Grande, G R 6-2296. Special Services YOUNG MOTHER w ife of U niversity student, avad ab le fo r babv sitting. In vour home if prefered O n ly 50c per hour evenings Referencer. Mrs. B rig h t. G R 2-2473 or G R 7-3293 D IS S E R T A T IO N S . T H E S E S n p o tt: E le c tr ic ty p e w rite r F o u r Mocks trot campus. M rs B od ou r G R 8-8113 A K L T Y P E S w ork done by experience typist. Eiectro m a tic. G R 2-6359. T Y P I N G W O R K to perfection. D isst tations. theses, misc. G R ti 8413. D IS S E R T A T IO N S , T H E S E S Eleetn (S y m b o ls ! M rs H it. hie V m atic neighborhood, G R 2-4945 T Y PIN C 3 A N Y kind N eat w ork { ’hot G R 2-9606 or G R 2-4333, E X E C U T I V E E L I T E electric Also ed mg, b ibliographical collation. Ph oi G L 3-7517. E X P E R I E N C E D typing, thesis electric, M rs. H u n ter, G L 3-3546. j et* , R E P O R T S , L E T T E R S , theses G uara r h o teed. F re e pick up d eliv ery A R N O L D S B A R B E R Shop, 25o2 G u ad a­ lupe H a irc u ts $1 OO. : G R 6-5810. _ Use The Classifieds E L E C T R O M A T IC , all tvpin Experienced. M rs. Bohls G R 7-3749. form s | T Y I ’IN G reporl - Business papers theses, dissertations. V ic k , H O 5-128 E X P E R I E N C E D — E leetro m atic typ ist. G all M rs. Sa n fo rd. G R 2-0134. Tuesday, July 31, 1956 THE SUM M ER TEXAN Page 3 T ex as C la y H u n te rs University Adds GI Bill Help Ends W ill P re p a re R e p o r t 2 Consultants For M a n y Texans To Field Staff The first comprehensive report , and J . T. Lonsdale, respective di- Ju ly 24, 1956, signaled a virtual the departments, a re ! Disabled veterans who have not been able to finish training be­ cause of certain hardships w ill also a chance to ^ allowed to continue their school­ ©n the composition of Texas’ vari .rectors of OUK clays is in the process of being ( heading the project, Researched by the Departments of Engineering Research and E c o om ir Geology. Drs, R F , Dawson i^rton John Twining, senior geologist, and J olm Dexter, ceram ics engi­ neer, have been commissioned to make an extensive tour through the state, visiting all brick plants and gathering samples of the raw m a­ terials used. The samples wall be analyzed in part by the differ­ therm al analyser, which ential grades samples by burning char­ acterist ics. Collection of the sam ples Is to be com pleted at the end of summer and lab o ra to ry work " i l l occupy the ce ram ics laboratory, where the research w ill be conducted during the fall and spring months. Fin a l results, which "'ill be of inesti­ mable value to tile brick and tile industry, w ill be obtained probably by next summer. In an effort to upgrade science and mathematics in Texas secondary schools, the Uni­ con- versity has added two new sultants to its field staff. instruction Alan Humphreys, former sci- ence teacher at Belton High School, i and taught mathematics at K e rrv ille High School, are the appointees. John Wagner, who law that has afforded nearly end to ihe World W a r I I G I B ill a 483,000 Texas veteran acquire the education which was interrupted by m ilitary service. ing. Dr. George T. M cM ahan, man­ ager of the Waco Veterans Ad­ ministration Center, estimated that 145,091 Texas v e te ra n ..w e re ^ ed-, ucated in colleges. 206,299 went to J ? , schools below college level, 53,673 received training on farm s, and 77,609 had on-the rob training at a cost of $965,100,000. Out of every IOO Gl-trained vet­ erans, 33 aimed for highly skilled trade and industrials jobs; IO en­ gaged in scientific studies; another tech- IO hum anities; learned new farm ing took sales and clerical courses; 3 prepared to be teachers, and the rest trained for a wide variety of other occupations. in As one of four such experimental plans established the US. The deadline date terminated the through a grant from the American eligibility of approximately 1,600 Association for the Advancement of Texas veterans for training under Sc ience, the plan calls for the con- j the World W a r l l bill; however, a sultants to “ tutor, a ss is t and serve j small number of veterans w ill be information and a llo w e d to continue their studies as a source of help to the less-experienced and I since in 1945 and less-competent science teachers of 1946 under the Voluntary Recruit- the region.” they enlisted ment Act. O N E D A Y CLEANING — NO E X T R A C H A R O * — LONGHORN CLEANERS ( J R 6-384“ ‘1538 Guadalupe YMCA to Hold Freshman Camp Reservations lei the fifth annual **Y ’ Freshman Camp, September 4 6, are now being taken, Hugh Echols, assistant secretary of the U niversity *‘Y , ” hee announced. More than 25 upperclassmen and faculty members " i l l orient about fifty freshmen on the various as­ pects of campus life at the camp v hi ch " i l l be held at the Houston Y M C A Camp sn W im berly, Texas, J Among the speakers " i l l be the , R e v , Ja c k Lewis, director of the j i M en's Faith and Life Community: | J ilt e r Nolen, director of the Texas I Student Union, and Don Warren, i last year's president of the Uni- j ve rsify YM C A . Worship programs i recreation, and discussion groups1 it i e a ls o y heduled. (Tost fo \th e three-day camp will be $9.50 for meals, lodging, insur­ ance, and all expenses, Mr, Echols la id . R egistration m ay he made by rending $3.50 deposit to the Student C hristian Association, University YMCA-YWCA, Box 799** University Station, Austin. W e s l e y ( e n te r P a r t y An informal get-together will be h» Id at the Methodist Student Cen­ ter^ Thursday night at 7 30 p m Refreshm ents and recreation are offered. Official Notices I'll I) ( J I A l. I I V I XU I \ V VI T he Q u a lify in g E x a m in a tio n for the P i n ) .n Hogfish w ill tie given Tuesday and W ednesday, A ugust 7 and 8 in E n g lish B u ild in g 105 2-5 p rn. No w rit ing m aterials w ill be needed on T u e s­ day . a pen and bluebook on W edn es­ Students w ho wish to take the day i.n ation should reg ister in En glish lin g IOC and leave a com plete mr- <«t Nyiif courses. A fee of $1 50 is re 0 .lust f<>r the m achine scored p a il of t h e r u m in a tio n . \ P H I L I P G R A H A M G raduate A dvisor D ep artm en t of E n g lish • I AVV A D M IS S IO N T E S T T h e L a w School Adm ission T est w ill be adm inistered at The U n iv e rs ity of T ex a s on S a tu rd a y A urum i i A ll stu-1 durns plan n in g to enter T he U n iv e rsity : of Texas School of l^aw w ill he required 1 to tak e the I a w School A dm ission Test as a part of the adm ission requirem ent 'The tim e schedule fo r th e test Is as ( follow s 8 15 a .rn C andidates report at examin- j at mn center. E x am in atio n begins. ? OO a rn J si p rn. — A pproxim ate close of session : App ieations for the August l l mi­ nt lu stratio n must be received by the ‘ E d u c a tio n T estin g S e rvice N e w Je rs e y , before August I 1956. Ap-I p lications and B u lletin s o f In fo rm a tio n ! m ay b* obtained by c a llin g at the Test- j ing and Guidance Bureau. V H a ll 101. . Princeton, • I K A I F I C V K H A T O R * Students whose names appear below b a te received fo r traffic violations A third Violation w ill n isuit in penalties w hich are sever* tw o tickets R obert U I >avee Robert L. Fra se r < Jlenn H augenfluck M a ry Pen n Shelley Na ne; Ann VV 1 en . Itta Art bur Yelton J r D an R uss Young A R H AM ll FON T ra ffic and S e c u rity O fficer F o r O ffice of C h ie f • ( .K A D I A T I II I S I N E S S E X A M The admission test for graduate study in V H all, In business w ill be given Room 201, Sa tu rd a y. August 18, The schedule below w ill be followed f 15 a rn C andidates report at exam in­ ation center, F.xam ination begins. ft OO a m j oO p m. A pproxim ate close of session. inform ation concerning tin* test may be obtained by c allin g at th*' office of Hie Testing !*nd G uidance Bureau. V H all. Room IOT R e g is tra tio n for the t. st closes August 4. (T h is test. is not r . quired for entering grad u ate train in g Business A d m in istratio n at T he U n l­ it „ it v of Texas 1 G O R D O N V . A N D E R S O N T estin g and G uidance B ureau A ssociate D ire cto r T h e Slimmer Texan T h e Su m m e r Texan a student newspaper of T he U n iv e rsity of Texas, is pub­ lished in A nsi n Texas sem i-weekly during the sum m er <>n tuesday and F rid a y m ornings. It is not published du rin g holidays. P u b lis h e r is Texas Stu den t P u b ­ lications In-*. N ew s co n tribu tions " i l l be ace# plod bv •> a phone <7 A H an d W ashed, Vacuum C leaned C a r W it h Tire* Steam C eaned A LL IN 7 MINUTES AT JOE S QUICK CAR WASH 12th 4 San Ja c in to Texaco Courtesy Cards H onored FOR THE FINEST IN MEXICAN FOOD El Patio R E S T A U R A N T Featuring Puffed Krunchy Tacos O pen Every Day Til 2 A .M . W e Specialize in Food to go! 30th and Guadalupe Phone GR 6-5955 Ann Rudd You'll think we gave f \ your car a paint job instead of a wash job.»X^ Our modern car wash system gets your car clean all over. Your tires will ^ be spotless, your interior clean and dust free. Your Paint will get that new car look for only CAMPBELL & FLETCHER'S A I I ACROSS FROM THE A U I O W A O M NIGHT H A W K NO 2 X A / A C l 1914 GUADALUPE Fully Guaranteed For sleeping, surfing, sunbathing, swimming Made of finest laminated vinyl, douWe-weJded. AUSTIN ARMY & NAVY STORE 201 West 6th ACROSS FROM THE POST OFFICE SPEEDWAY RADIO SERVICE Ph. S R 7-6050 has HI FI KITS & COMPONENTS Life Insurance makes your money WORK FOR YOU w h en you are through w orking for it! M e lvin L. E n g e lh a rd Special Representative 1014 Brazos Street G R 2-8475 or H O 5-6966 ARKAY KITS ( amplifiers Williamson amplifier tuners speakers CABINART speaker enclosure kits JENSEN DYNCO WEBCOR changers hi fi transformers and kit all af audiophile net prices n u n i w i l l l l I I ll UH ►NjUfcANCt CO H®*« N C Over i i 4 ILuau life Insurance in Force 2010 S p e e d w a y Job Opportun T C A C H IN G M r E d w in HL Plo w m a n superinten­ d en t " of schools H a lle tts v ille . Texas, w ill be In the office of T e ach er Place­ m en t Service on W ed n esd a y at 2 p rn, to interview reg istran ts in the follow ­ in g field s: hom em aking, com m ercial, it*ria ’ pbvsical education and elem en­ ta ry grade*. Appointm ents scheduled in T e a c h e r Placem ent S e r v ic e m r . Jefi.rtoA Standout Jefferson Sandard, now guaran teeing 2‘ i % on policies cur­ rently issued, has never paid less than 4 % interest on polk J proceeds left on deposit to pro­ vide income. 4 % is the highest rate o f br­ iered paid b v an y n * yo r hie Insurance co m p a n y. Tuesday, July 31, 1956 TH E S U M M E R T E X A N Page 4 Affair' O pens Tomorrow Bette D av is, two-time A ca d e m y j P a d d y C h a y e fs k y . author of “ Mar- A w a rd winning actress, returns to W* Hie Texas T h e ater screen Wednes- c o s ta r ring with M iss D a v is >■ •• d ay in ‘The C atered A f f a ir / 1 a film E r n s * B e g u in e , 195a O scar win- based on a television p lay by ning actor for his role in “ M a r t y ,” CAPITOL k f S T A R T S T O M O R R O W ! A D I I . T S r»;H- ( M H D * ;V JPS i\CA B a r r y Fitz g e rald , form er O scar w inner for his supporting role in ' ’Going M y W a y .’’ and Debbie R e y ­ nolds, M iss D avis, one of the w orld s greatest actresses, has re ceived a total of nine A cad em y A w ard nom ­ inations in her career. She won foi " Je z e b e l” and "D a n g e ro u s .” ’Hie plot of the film centers I round the m arriage of Debbie Reynolds, her parents* personal wishes about the cerem ony, and in "w h e n yo u 're the belief that love, nothing else m atters.” /se £ ec/' f / a s European Sex A W E S O M E ! -and then spewing flame* that scorch the earth I KING mMONSTERS! 1 m l T h a t e r t a i n C F e e l i n g T t E C H N t C O L O W *„h RURL BAILEY a Pa* A m o u n t eK T ’j t f INCREDIBLE, UNSTOPPABLE TITAN OF TERROR R A YM O N D BURR * w mom -a I B ET T E D A V IS . . . in C a te r e d A ffa ir P IU S ! " A P A C H E D R U M S " S T E P H E N Y lcN A l l A T O D A Y S Interstate T h e a tre s w * » n e *» B r o s . » ■ « » * < .» G r e g o r y P h c jc F IR S T S H O W 12:00 R I C H A R D B A S E H A R X - L E O G E N N I J o h n H u s t o n r to & v c w e * a f ms* m a n m c i v h u t M P B * D i c k : r i h l g p Nil I Ti ■# Colo* arTECHNICOLOR •*•••<»»**'<<• o .ut■ »««(»• » moui'N»ciw*« »«»£»<••» JOHN HUSTON warce.h Bros, S t a r t s T O M O W R O W j S t o x y o E «iai CAUL BEN TO N H U Q • JA N MERLIN • A UNIVERSAL INTCRNATIONAI PICTURE V A R S l l Y I A U S T I IM S T A U T S t o d a y : I r n . F I B S X M I O W ii I V ' I J e o n S I M M O N S G a y M A D I S O N J e a n P m tr t A U M O N T h i l d a c r a n e . T I C H M I C O L O M * »0«a e*«*ue» ton ■ F l u * ! COLOR CARTOON toll I IU VERS BHOWANI JUNCTION P £ v u » ! COLOR CARTOON By D A V E B E N N E T T -IK H ic Texas Th eater has brought back by popular dem and a v e ry pleasant and entertaining bit of cinem a “ m ust” ment-minded college student. that should be on list of e v e ry entertain­ the I " T h e Bed ' w asn't ex a ctly what I had expected it lo be. but then most of those European-m ade film s aren't. I went m a in ly to be enter­ tained , . . and I was, It ce rta in ly wasn't H ollywoodish . . . by that I mean putting sex iii the most unusual places just to spice up the plot a hit . . , on the co n trary, the sex that w as used, w as used taste­ fully and tac tfully, and most im ­ p e l tant of all it was a c tu a lly a part of the plot. “ B e d ” is a c tu a lly four stories in one F o u r m en are m arooned by a big. find a railroad-crossing shack and sit down to w ait out the d e la y ­ c irc u m ­ ing element As impetus to, stances u su a lly give they all start re latin g various ex­ periences and stories concerning, as happens to be the ca^e in this international bull session, beds and the hilarious circu m stan ces w hich these bed- provoked. such in the audience The first episode, w ith R ic h a rd is quite unexpected and Todd, the re ally gets “ anything can happen mood of now “ D ie second, a little m ote com plicated and involved, develops the "su g g e s tib ility ” angle which this type of show’ so w ell uses. The third -dors then combines these two . the first's a ir of innocence and the second’s suggestibility . . . into a v e ry intriguing story w ith V it ­ torio De Sic a and D aw n Addam s It appeared. doing the honors. I. A. I. O P E N HO COVER CHARGE S T E A K S — O U R S P E C IA L IT Y Y O U R F A V O R IT E B E V E R A G E S L A K E A U S T I N I N N W E S T L A K E D R IV E G R 2-0054 a i n I \s.T DAV (IP I v 5:*5 m #5 ("G AY a n d S A U C Y G a llic f r a a k n t M a h a a t ^ J & I I h e a rte d t e x * -N. r Wart J T t h f f m T H E B B ) • m « d Mortis# y iM w i# D a w * loco C A H O l * 9 « ilC A A P C A M * SIAK IS TOMORROW w X ii ii lf" O U R SPECIAL Lunch Today Ju u u S e r v e d f r o m 1 1 : 3 * a rn t o X ; 3 * p m . S tu ffe d Tom ato and Shrim p Sa la d or 3 L a rg e Pieces Fried C hicken or H a m b u rg e r Steak M ash ed Po tato es C o m b in a tio n S a la d String Beans and C o rn C h e rry Pie H o t Rolls and C o rn Bread C o ffe e or Tea 65 Now air-conditioned for your comfort Dine under the stars in our garten 1607 San Ja cin to les-* the third took tnjj^ how ever, that the hest part of th# story was cut out, and, though it didn't huit the plot any, it c e rta in ly aroused the audience's attention. None the vote fur the best of tho four. The fourth ran it a close second though, for it w as the m o d am using . . . and the most fru strating . . . and le a d y was , , , “ too good to lei t rue ’ ’ I consider ‘'Hie B e d ” one of the best of Euro pean com edy exports, and ii you get em barrassed you've ce rta in ly life up led a sheltered until now. It s d efinitely not a flick for junior, but then don't you get tired of seeing pictures keyed to the tvs cive-) ear-old'* T ake m y ad ­ vice and d o n t miss it! You w o n t soon forget it I r l f M r . . . the real hero H H P,> M A R I JO U VDUN'tiTON F e e lin g .” "T h a t C ertain the theme of mouse cur- le n tly showing at the Pa ra m o u n t, proves to be an entertaining story on turning m an, with Bo b Hope turning in a fa m ilia r p erform ance as the w ise ­ crackin g , lovable, and com pletely s p in e le s s hero. It is this writer 's opinion, bow ever that Hope would be far men -» am using turban if he I .am our undet one ai in under the other and again hit ilia "r o a d '' with Bin g tucked a I ’Yorothy George Sanders is a h ilario u sly egotistical cartoonist who has found that his homespun boy-and-dog com ic strip is failing. H is g lam o r­ ous s e c re ta ry and fiancee. E v a M a rie Saint saves the d ay by h ir­ ing Hope lo do a ghosting job on it. it And here the plot thickens as seems that Hope is E v a 's ex-hus­ band, and is still c a rry in g the torch for her. Hope would like to stand up to his boss. but e v e ry tim e he tries, he gets sick to his stom ach. Sanders F in a lly , when starts being obnoxious to a little boy he ' adopted for p ublicity reasons. Hope j screw s up his courage and tells him off in typ ica l Hope fashion. This takes place just as Sanders is being interview ed by EM M u rro w on his to P e rs o n ” T V show, and the resulting slap -Mick confusion is possibly the funniest "P e r s o n I scene in the movie. P e a rl B a ile y played the in evit­ able m aid whose hobby is p laying cupid and she sang a couple of songs as a bonus. The only ser ious com petition that < ieorge Sanders had as com edy star of the m o vie large shaggy dog who Ixxindod about Irke a St B e rn a rd i was a I in A lpaca p ajam as D o g S t e a l s ' F e e l i n g unusual atmosphere . . . air-conditioned Delicious Mexican Food EL MATAMOROS 504 East Ave. G R 7-7023 EL TORO 1601 Guadalupe G R 8 4321 500 E A S T A V E . MONROE'S ‘M exican Food to Take Home” P H O N E G R 7-8744