• 0 6 9 I OUTGOING TELEGRAM Department of St~te ' ' INDICATE: 0 COLLECT 0 CHARGE TO UNCLASSIFIED 84 Origin ACTION: USBER BEi.LIN EUR lnfoa SS Following message has been received by President Johnson from Mayor G p Willy BKan t n occasion of Gemini S flight: USIA QTE ar Mr. President: NSC SCI I wa very h ppy to hear that the two astronauts had landed safely. I CPR NASA a mire the courage and the endurance of the two men and also think of their familie , who will be happy to embrace them again safe and sound. The United State h s by this experiment taken a big step forward and has at least over~ taken if ot surpa sed its great competitoro For this, I wish to express my most hear fel congxat latio s. Willy Brandt UNQTE. Mission hould d liver following reply to Mayor's coD1Dunication soonest: QTE ar Mayor r ndt I would like t o express to you on behalf of the American people my incere appreciation for our message of congratulations on the success of the Gemini 5 fligh " We hop hat the fr it of this project and succeeding manned space flighta will be of benefit to all people, and that through the peaceful exploration••••• ~ ) / Drafted by: --IW -Telegraphic transmission and / IUJl~GEat'l'H.ortontdf.__;__;~/_~·'as•ifie•lion aPPr_~_Y•Walter J. Stoessel, 9~/9~65~~-L-c-______ov_b_~IUR - Clearancesa S/S REPRODUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS PROHIBITED UNLESS "UNCLASSIFIED" UNCLA8Sll'DD