T H E DAI LY T E X A N F I R S T C O L L E G E D A I L Y I N T H E S O U T H TOL. XVIII. VARSITY TENNIS TEAM’S OUTLOOK IS FAVORABLE Although Many Old Men A re Ineligi­ ble, th e T ry -O u ts Are E x p e ­ rienced Players. A peculiar condition prevails in the — A U STIN , T E X A S , T U E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 5. 1918 Y' WM «™ HrAA ™ „ DEE! A l AH DELTA MEETING OF YEAR AND Y. M. C. A. WIN N0TED SPEAKERS TO GIVE LECTURES [OLD WATER TANK SOLD FOR $2,000 .eneral Subject of Friendship Is Dis- In tr a m u r a l Games Prove Losses for John cussed U nder Several Divisions. Many A ttend. Phi Kappa Psi and “ B” H an Masefield, English Poet, and Vleferendo Alvarez of Chili, Are A m ong Those Secured. Historic L an d m ark Is Bought by Houston Man and Will be Re­ moved Immediately. S. No. 97 LONGHORNS AND RIX’S METHODISTS BAHLE TONIGHT M. ti. Comes From Game at South- w estern —T exas Q u in tet Is in Fine Trim . *>eS* comme^ year, is ^ Delta Tau Delta defeated Phi Kap- W. D. H ornad ay , head of the Divis * a t was heard on a l l , pa Psi to the tune of 13 to I, and “ B” , ion of Public Lectures, has a r r a n g e d University this y e a r concerning te n - S‘de yesieri&? aftern oo n as the girls | Hall th ird floor lost to th e Y. M C. to have a n u m b e r of very pro m inent nis players. Six or e ig h t well-knowm y° ^ players, some of them am on g th e very f _• i . . . best in the Sta te , are ineligible. These f ‘ men will be very helpful to the team . . . of th e rig h t plenty by fu rn ish in g the j A. by a score of 1<> to 8 in th e i n t r a - J speakers a t th e University v esPe *"_seJ'v*ce- The broad ^ m u ra l contests staged a t th e m en’s fr ie n d s h ip wTas discussed gy m n a siu m u , gam e, Ragsdale U I # I r au a , , o *„. , . u- night. * a, , , — A a , a , . . f topic of oa from several viewpoints. Betty Chand- fo rm e r „ . ler talked on “ Chum s,” and merittoned Delta Ti as some of the c haracteristics or qual- I ideatio ns of a tru e chum, sym pathy, unaelfishne8, • ................... “ , , Kym nasi un. kind of competition. ideals for the ria and Durham, guards. Monday Delta Tau Delta with f a s t and sn a p p y Tales.” Mr. Masefield playing, scoring three field goals and a very one fre e goal. Line up: John M asefield, the noted E n glish In the ’ poet, will be here on March 5. He will s ta r re d fo r speak on “ T ales of the Sea and O th e r is a man of in te re s tin g career, having spent his e a rly life on the seas, and I au Delta, Baldwin, center; having also seen some of the p re s e n t King and Knox, g u a rd s; R ag sdale and w ar in Europe. Today he is said to ( ollet, forwards. ^ be the leading English poet. Delta “ B" Hall was defeated I’hi K appa Psi, Craw ford, center; ' The f i r s t of a series of th ree lec- Hoskins and Beavers, f o rw a rd s; Nor- tu re s will be delivered to the stu d e n t body on M arch 18 by Mr. Aleferendo in a slow Alvarez of Chili, S. A‘. These lectures interesting to the and loose game, in w’hich Elliott and will be especially Facquard sta rre d for the Y. M. ( \ A. Law* stud en ts, a s they will deal main- are Gibson of “ B ” Hall of th e th ro w in g three field goals and of the free goals. Line-up: Y. M. ( . A., J a c q u a r d , c e n te r; An- Carnegie* E ndowm ent. Mr. Alvarez is a distin gu ished ju ris t of Chili, and has held n e im p o rta n t political po- two to be given u n d e r the auspices International Law' Division drews and Nail, g u a rd s; E llio tt and starre d , ly with In te rn a tio n a l Law. They also MUSTANGS DEPART ON SOUTHERN TRIP M. U. P lays Southw estern and E n ­ te r ta in s High Hopes of D e fe a t­ ing Longhorns. scientific At the special request of Sigm a Xi, honorary fr a te rn ity , Dr. Charles Knipp o f the U niversity o ft His Illinois will lecture on April 8. address will be on some scientific s u b ­ ject, and he will also perform several experim ents. Dr. C. If. C unningham will give his third lecture concerning South A m e r­ ica on F e b r u a r y 7. As authorized by the Board of Re- J gents, the business m a n a g em e n t of S. M. U.’s ponies are due here to- the U niversity has sold the historic tank for $2,000. gallop off with a to try to Sevcral a tte m p ts and will probably have been previously made to sell t h a t Longhorn scalp, object a p p a re n tly o ffending to virtu- mak<* ® very creditable a tte m p t to ous eyes, hut in vain. On account of th w a r t the Texas te a m 's chances fo r the a P‘‘nnant. The gam e promises to be the the best of the season, for the pre se n t owner gladly paid the desired one price and will soon remove the pos- 8P®®d y M ustangs allowed a Longhorn .tr iu m p h in Dallas only by the m argin session. increasing scarcity o f iron, L and m arks are som etim es doomed this one P ° 'n t * the score being 22 to 21. in very K°°d to d isa p p e a r w ar-torn, world. T h a t d e a r old w a te r *hape f° r the comin& f r a y > with only tank on the cam pus has now ceased J **a rd y Hill unable to play. The r e st tr a n s ito ry , but * Texaa has a U a m in ■ ... From to be a historic p a r t of the Univer- i ° f the team ure in * 0od fo r m ’ and feel i m n e n t i m n I k . l . I.. _ .1 Vf>rV m ill'll 11 1/ a very much like im proving th e ir lead sity, and will soon be no more on the Dallasites tonight. Team work and good coaching a re telling on the play of the r a t h e r green m aterial, and the team now reachin g its stride, as shown by th e num erous im ­ p o r ta n t victories of the la st week. ju s t is the loving hands of a f f e c ­ tionate students the beloved ta n k has now' passed over to the tend er m er­ cies of C. E. F orsythe of Houston. Tradition m u st su f fe r the inevitable. A f te r the city dam broke in April, I‘JOO, the S ta te became aw are of the question of p rotec tin g its buildings from fire. Several ta n k s were e rec t­ e d over the city, one am ong which was the Uni­ the c am pu s of Until located on versity. So fa r, the season has been very successful for Texas. With th e e x ­ ception of the clawing th ey received a t Waco, the Longhorns have gone w ithout su ffe rin g a defeat of any con­ sequence, and m any witnesses can be found to testify to the f a c t t h a t this pressure j d e fe a t has been well avenged. Den. could be supplied the j t on a )g0 outscored the T exas men, but tank was kept filled with w a te r for ( since the team is not in the confer- about f i\e years. re g u la r inter- J once, and the g am e was played on a vals, however, the tank was emptied ! tijrt court| lhe def e a t ig of ,iU)e if and refilled by means of an accessory un y consequence, except to the dope- e l e c t lie pump located in the p re se n t I nter, and his is a very unstable occu- band room. sufficient w ater the city, | pation by A t Special to The Texan. GLEE CLUB WILL SING AT TAYLOR Dallas, Texas, Feb. 4.—The S o u th ­ ern M ethodist U niversity basketball team le ft Dallas Sunday n ig h t fo r a thre e -da y trip. From Dallas the team To Give P r o g ra m Before Meeting of will go to Georgetown, where they the Southw estern U niversity played five Monday Tuesday m orn in g the> will leave fo r Austin, where the M ustangs will meet th e Uni­ ve rsity team will return to Dallas W ednesday hers of the club will sing in T a y l o r , 1 ' m posinK 8»ffns of The U n iv e rsity Glee Club wiR make app e a ra n ce The Wednesday a fte rn o o n , when the mem- Victories s ta rte d with the de fe a t of ly as a protective m easure, there soon I San Marcos Norm al by a very sub- became th e second pre- ence of a lan dm ark, however, | reason gam e ended as did the f irs t, in offered grave te m p ta tio n s for the dif- an overw helming T exas victory. Tho first victim of the season, Southwest- ferent competing classes a t the Uni- versity and the ta n k became the scene e m , went the way of the sm aller ( schools, and still T e x a s could find no of many a class figh t. All the old class num erals painted peer. D ecatur B a p tists th rea te n e d , b u t every night of March I, and even the when the last whistle blew they had S ta te Good Roads Association. To Go by Automobile. little use for it. such Since the tank was designed mere- The e x i s t - 1 sta n tia l score, and rn the aviation s tu ­ been left hopelessly behind. out-of-tow n afternoon. aftern oo n ” " V I I VI I V HI X. I l l f ir s t th a t five V V A I I u v i i f its ■ --- ” jm * " • • , * . l o u i s e S ta y to n nex t spoke , H ightow er, forw ards. “ B " Hall, Henderson, c e n te r; Day sitiona there. She | and | and Archer, g u a rd s; Gibson and H am pton, forwards. . . . . . , . . . . a . , f to t a , ke(| No sort Jim m ie I in the fall ,d bo)d up biKh aspjre a t a , ime wben gbe jg ve I thou gh tfulness, and sincerity. elimination to u r n a m e n t ,#ya)ty> finalist to g e th e r with Stacy, c a p tu re d ■ spect of , he n a tu r a ln has yet been held for d e te rm in in g who . i n ext on shall con stitu te the team , b u t th e re a r e . Anabel U t i m e r cou,d fo u r men from last y e a r s squad who ..Cruslw8 » and showed how th will be hard to b e a t for positions on be of benefit to Kirls jf th c ..erush(,s„ the team. These men are: G reer, “ Chili" G ra n g e r, A rm o u r O ran- „cru8ber„ t0 thjg jg ger, and H ouston Jones. C r e e r won done> the cru8b is Kood fo r both for |ive up , 0 the last s p rin g , th e older ^ the Southw estern meet has in b e r w k te p was , be re. to u rn a m e n t, best l b a t ig and, younKer g i r l . and tbe the Temple cup from the Dallas team . • y o u ng e r g ir , ha8 a good exam ple to |m . Chili” G r a n g e r has been interschol- astic champion several tim es, and gained an enviable repu tation by his brilliant playing in the S ta te to u r n a ­ la s t su m m er, e s p e ­ m ent in doubles cially in doubles with Dr. Penick. A r­ m our G r a n g e r has been on the squad for several years. Jo n e s is J an old head a t the g am e, and never knows when he’s beaten. Jon es may not be available, however, fo r he has enlisted in the aviation service, and is subject to call a t a n y time. on ‘‘F riend ships stressed absolute frank ness as the essentials of friend ­ “ W ith o u t sincerity there can ships. no friendship w orthy of the nam e.” la s t on Tillie McCammon “ Boy F riend s.” “ F riendship with a boy means com radeship, a sense of congeniality a t all times, though you a g re e with him.” may not alw ays She showed how such friendships were hut as soon as w a rm broadening because built on the high plane of h onesty and sincerity, and though som etim es broken off throu gh circum stances, they leave only p leas­ ant memories behind, and no re g re ts. S p rin g practice has not begun in General." tru th fu ln e ss pressionable. Annie spoke L e fty in T R E L E V E N RECEIVES DEGREE OF C. P. A. UPON EXAMINATION , . John E d w ard Treleven, professor of Business A dm inistra tion , was re- cently given th e g r e a t e s t honor which has come to a Texan in the a ccount­ P ro fe sso r Treleven has ing world. A e a r n e s t yet, w e a th e r begins, the men will s ta r t g e t ­ the coming for tin g into condition tou rnam en ts. W eekly to u rn a m e n ts will probably be held for the m em bers of the squad and a w in ter to u r n a m e n t will be held in the near f u tu re . L a ­ te r on a .sp rin g to u r n a m e n t will be held. These a r e open to U niversity players, but a n o th e r meet, open to all tennis players is being planned. T here intercollegiate in Austin, two a re , . . matches which Texas has d efinitely J, planned to p a rticip a te in this spring. These a re th e Sou th w estern t o u r n a ­ ment and the Southern to u rn a m e n t. The fo rm er will probably be played in A ustin and th e l a t t e r in New Orleans. Oklahoma A. & M. is tr y in g to a r r a n g e a dual meet, and O klahom a University will probably play T ex a s Will prooaD iy p la y i ex * * , A ustin or in N orm an. e ith e r | n n i n g . . the occasion being the meeting of the j d<*n t ‘S * 7 ™P'6 ly The M ustangs have played th ree S tate Good Roads Association. Prob- j ' “ * a n . the degree of Accredited ( g a m e s t his season, winning two and ably some tw e n ty or tw enty-five will l)irec[or w E conferred ,osinjf one Xhe E a s t Texag N orm al make the ^ ^ been aw arded Public A ccountant, a degree by the G overnm ent only a f te r a se­ P ro fe s­ ries of rigid exam inations. sor Treleven not only passed all of one point. The M ustangs >’u' “ ls" o-mHps Hint th a t grad es t h a t th a t A - made the h ig h est have ever been made in this State. in th e W |o ir e d S . A S. M. U. is expecting then de- le a Ie. I th e Baylor Bears a t Waeo by a score of 16 to 9. was defeated by a large score, follow- Metzenthin has no t announced as yee ing which Texas defeated S. M, U. by who they will be. Several o th e r Col­ lege glee clubs will also a p p e a r before the Good R o a d . Assoeiation me6tin(!) . the and it is expecte t h a t as usual to m ake a U niversity re p rese n ta tiv es will dis- str o n g bid for the S ta te cham pionship play their ta le n t and tra in in g to ad- this year. Although defeated once by vantage. The T exas, the Methodists a re ex pecting to automobiles. t u r n the score around when th ey m eet the L onghorps Tuesday. The te a m p a r t of the S t a t e will be taken by the j le,!e‘ h a ‘ th,s h as been stren gthe n e d by the addition Glee Club a t The an n u a l t r ip over the n o rth e rn trip will be m ade by 1 the beginning of th e . . . . . . I ° f Deschner, one service in the was s ' c^ d u rin g the Texas g a m e O ther faculty Ballas. tak en up like ! W ith the team in e xam inations a r e o u t of the way. The club is h a rd a t work in pre p a ra tio n will be Coach Rix for this trip. of the g u a rd s who spring te rm , a f t e r w inter term final P I T T E N G E R NOW A C A P T A IN . will be stationed fo r the present at F o rt Oglethorpe. Dr. B, F. P itte n g e r, a d ju n c t p ro ­ He is one of the several professors fessor of E ducational A d m in istra tio n a t th e U niversity of T exas, who is of the U n iv ersity who answ ered the now ab se n t on leave, left Sunday fo r , G overnm ent’s call fo r trained men to examine the intellectual fitness of the F o r t O glethorpe, G eorgia, to ta k e up men who were to do his duties as a c a p ta in in the Divis­ forces of Uncle 3 a m . ion of Psychological E x a m in e rs in the have m embers who U nited S ta te s A rm y. Dr. P itte n g e r j only recently received commission from th e G overnm ent, and S. Yoakum and Mr. B. D. Wood. his c a p ta in ’s work for the G overnm ent a r e Dr. C. and M anager Fly. CLASSIC STATUARY IS IN POSSESSION OF SC HOOL OF GREEK World’s Champion Here. Among the re c e n t g r a d u a te s of this institution, was M. L. Rolleston of A t­ lanta Ga. He has the distinction of holding the w orlds’ record fo r the op­ e ra tin g of an adding machine. Before e n te rin g In the co ntest held by the Wales Adding Machine Company in 1913, he listed 250 miscellaneous checks in 193 seconds. The machine was a hand op­ erated one. aviation gam e, he was a cashier in one of the la r g e s t banks in A tla n ta . He has an exceptional record of a stu d e n t here, receiving no dem erits d u rin g his entire stay. Mr. Rolleston deserves exceptional credit, ow’ing to the fa c t t h a t he has no high school or college education, being forced to strik e out for himself e a rly in life owdng to the death of his f a th e r. ---------- ---------- A v ia to rs T ake Degrees. Probably very few F re sh m e n except those who venture up to the fo u rth Thom as A. Hodges, instru c to r in the fioor to Greek or Music classes know G unnery Division, is back a f t e r an ill- w hat a wealth of classic s t a t u a r y may be viewed and enjoyed by U niversity ness of ten days. their priv a te pro p e rty . s tu d e n ts as Woodson F. Heath and Francis M. Xhe collection has been purchased by Sheffield of the G unnery Division are the Greek D epartm ent and pieces a d d ­ ed f r0 m year to year. There a re no on the sick list this iveek. orig in als in the collection, b u t m any 0f the pieces have all the e a rm a r k s Beginning la st S a tu rd a y afternoon uf ag e and would defy the m ost dis- the 1 special sessions of the local Scottish c rim in a tin g critic’s eye. Some of the s ta tu e s were obtained directly from G erm an y and others from Boston. th re e oldest were bo ug ht Rite bodies a re held every S a tu rd ay afternoon in o rd e r to give the cadets in attendance a t the local S. M. A. an in ta k in g on additional 1894, and are the Hermes and the I n ­ o pp ortunity of The f 8nt Dionysus by P raxitiles, judged the degrees lodge of perfection degrees, from the the m ost perfect pieces of a r t in ex- It dates back to the 4th cen- fourth to fe rre d last S a tu rd a y night on a class the of sixteen. The c h a p te r degrees will , Museum of Olympia. A nother is the be conferred n e x t S a tu rd a y evening. J A phrod ite of Melos, commonly called the Venus of Milo, now a t the Louvre ! in Paris. The following candidates were eluded in S a tu rd a y n ig h t’s class: the f o u rtee n th , were c o n - ; istence. tu rv , B. C. The original o rg anization. The in in is WOMAN’S BUILDING GIRLS ARE WORKING ON SERVICE FLAG A nother m e e tin g will soon he helS by the girls of the W om an’s Building who have b ro th e r s in the service when it will be definitely decided how m any the building service flag will s ta rs It is th o u g h t th a t the n u m ­ contain. ber of s ta r s will be ra th e r la rg e in proportion to th e num ber of girls in the building, a n d sufficient space will j **. be reserved fo r th e addition of m ore s ta r s as o th e r b ro th e rs go to war. t h a t I t is probable the building service flag will be the first on the campus, and th e g irls are securing the best of m a teria l and w orkm anship, so th a t the flag will endure any w e a th e r changes th a t th e T exas climate m ay bring. ( O-ED EDITION OF TE XAN WILL APPEA R DURING SPRING TERM Efficiency E x pert S tudent. the principals of efficiency F. A. Owen, one of the recent g ra d - vates, w’as fo rm e rly efficiency engineer for the Ford M otor C om pany He a p ­ plied to the course here, and made one of the highest records as a stud ent, t h a t has yet been made. He studied only about one-half hour each night, b u t during th a t time he c o ncentrated so well th a t he had easy sailing when it came to exam ination time. in- the s p rin g In stru c to rs Charles H. a t Rome. Capt. C. C. D unnington, Lieutenants found a t T erracina, Italy, in the third of This y e a r ’s co-ed edition of The The th ird is the Sophocles, Texan will a p p e a r a t the begin ning in charge of Pen and Type. The m e m ­ bers of Pen an d T y p e will elect issue editor, ath le tic editor, and editorial Lowry Ax ley, C. L. Andrews, Byron c en tu ry, now a t the L a te ra n Museum J. Peters, Brooks, Jr., A. YU Young, Jr., P. W. j A m ong the works of Phidias fro m W alker, O. B. Archer, Cadets H. O. Chalfant, Robert T. Sams, R. B. Hor- bronze s t a tu e of A thena, the original paper will be th e wTork of the girls, ney, IL IL M cClanahan, F. K. Dillon, head of w’hieh is now in Bologna. And anc| plans are b eing made to make it the body at Dresden. His Friezes . better than a n y co-ed edition t h a t h as C. W. Allen, M. F. Whitehall, Jr., and a re m a g n ific e n t n a rr a tiv e stories Ja m e s C. Hooper. m arble. The fra g m e n ts here a r e Vic- to ry u n ty in g her sandal, V ictory lead- is P o rte r Pickard of W e a th e r fo r d ,Hfig a calf to sacrifice; a n o th e r a pro- to- the ruins on th e Acropolis a t The co-ed edition is published a n ­ nually. it appeared on April l i t h , with Miss Helen C. Diehl as issue editor, a n d Misses Je ss e M ary and Hazel E d ­ Hill, D orothy Renick Among the new stu d e n ts this week te r m and will be in been published. the B arthenon a t A thens L a s t y e a r it sta n d L. L. W atkins and H. H. B aker, Texas. Mr. P ick ard was a form er cessional of cavalry as made a sh o rt visit to San Antonio la st student in the E n g in e e rin g and Aca jdemic D epa rtm en ts of th e University Sunday. day a m i) A thens. w a r d s as associates. With the disa pp ea ra nce of the old w a te r tank th e U niversity loses one 'r o m ,tMnK replaced by the new owner with a g a r b o f ferric oxide and linseed oil, o r —ju s t plain, u n p re te n ­ tious red paint. On the d ate set fo r the long to u r of the season, several m em bers of the team suddenly decided to g e t sick, and thereby the to u r became fam ous fo r being ill-fated. The team won tw oof its gam es and lost two, and returned to p u t one or two more men in the h os­ pital. The victims of the trip were T. C. U. and S. M. U., th e la tte r being the especially SIMM ONS S T U D E N T AT VARSITY, j Methodists p urposing th e ir every ac- lion to g e t revenge in Austin, and for the f i r s t time d e fe a t Texas in some The Simmons College “ B ran d,” the ^ ' " " ■ c h e r i s h e d and sentim ental traditions. leaving hard, and stu d e n t publication of Simmons Col- form of athletics. s a * *b o u t ‘ he achive- ln *-be n iv e rsity of Miss Mil- died Paxton, who was form erly a s t u ­ dent a t Simmons: When Mildred P ax to n went to the S ta te U niversity of those who knew her t h a t “ Mildred it was A fte r this trip th e team retu rn e d to Austin, where sw eet revenge was taken on the Bears for th e ir Waeo vic­ to ry, and thence the team soon h u r ­ ried to Houston to meet the Owls, the opinion who failed to stop the onrush in g Long- horns, and Rice was defeated by (Continued on page 4.) (Continued on page four.) SECOND COURSE IN RADIO TO BEGIN IN M ARCH The present course of instruction in W ireless T elegrap hy fo r the benefit Governm ent w a r service, which conducted at the University, continue until March, when a new . course will be s ta rte d . Not w ith stand in g the fact th a t the course as originally planned wfas in­ tended for only fifty students, there are a bout DK) young men enrolled at present. Of this nu m b er one-fourth the U niversity of are Texas, while the o th e rs are out of town men who have come to Austin prim arily to take the course in radio work. .students of While this new course has been in­ stalled to b e tte r equip men of d r a f t age, the classes a re e ntirely under the supervision of the University. The Board of R egents made a special a p ­ propriation for new equip m en t in a d ­ dition to th a t previously used by the University. ch a rg e from 2 to 5 o’clock so th a t a n y ­ one with time for day practice m ay do so. Classes are divided into seven sec­ tions of about tw e n ty -fo u r men each. These divisions are made on the basis of proficiency in sending and receiv­ ing the international code— the code in gen eral use by the United S ta te s G overnm ent in the S ignal Corps and the Aviation Section o f the A rm y. and E q uipm e nt for the course consists of mechanical senders, mechanical ink re g is te rs , buzzers, various visual sy s ­ tem s and fo u r light system , U nited S ta te s A rm y field buzzers. T he a rm y field se ts are a combs na tio n of buzzer and telephone, and electrical connection m ay be made by in sertin g a spike into the ground. In o rd er to give the men a c tu a l practice in receiving, field service buz­ zer jjractice is carried on across th e cam pus and from building to building. The men th u s obtain th orough and complete training . struction given is by in struc to rs from E a r ly in the y e a r S. L. Brown, Ph. the nearby School of M ilitary Aero- I)., associate p ro fe sso r of Physics a t n a v i e s , who have voluntarily offered th e U niversity, made a special trip to th e ir services. th e Two lectures a week are given on G overnm ent expects to do in the way the elem entary theory and practice of of tr a in in g radio men f o r the Signal radio and th ree n ig h ts are devoted to Corps. Mr. Brown is in c h a rg e of the “ buzzer” practice and visual signal-1 p r e s e n t n ig h t course, and as a resu lt l a b o r s - {of this visit is b e tte r able to co-oper- ing. tories are open with an in stru c to r In a te with the Government, J W a sh in g to n to a sc e rta in w h a t the a fte rn o o n s the In No charge is made for this radio a re the writers. The e n tire publishing of the course, and a large p a r t of this in- T H E D A I L Y T E X A N To Reach the Student Body Advertise in The Daily Texan out th e ir cham pionship schedule th is winter. Poor tr a n s p o r ta tio n and the conservation of coal necessary to postpone five of th e ir g a m e s though these will nev er be played. no less th a n have m ade it Columbia, Peabody College, in the e n tire Middle W est. Sim ilar .stations are now located a t Chicago, and Le- land S tan ford , Jr., but this is the f ir s t and it looks as to be placed a t a S ta te University, ______ Dance and Keep Warm. Iowa Educational Center. By the e sta b lish m e n t of a s u b - s ta ­ tion of the U nited S ta te s Bureau of Education a t Iowa U niversity, it has been made th e chief cen ter of e du ca­ tion influence, not only in Iowa, bu t D uring a very severe cold spell a t Columbus, the girls in the dorm itories a t the U niversity of Ohio resorted to dancing to keep w a rm until the coal s h o r ta g e was relieved and ste a m h eat replaced the exercise. Suppose Fatimas were NOT Sensible It isn t possible to fool men for long. Lincoln said that belter than we could. Surely, if Fatim as were not as com fortable to the throat and tongue as we say they a re — if they did not leave a man feeling keen and "fit99 after a long-smoking day — do you suppose that m ore Fatim as would he sold every day than any other high-grade cigarette? CJ Rem em ber these facts as you try Fatim as and observe how com fortable, how sensible they really are. Jctfaeco Cif. THE DAILY TEXAN The S tu den t Daily Publication of the U niversity of Texas. Published every m orning except Mon­ day d u rin g the college year. E ntered as second-class m a tte r a t the Postoffice a t Austin, Texas, under the A ct of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription price $2.50 p e r y e a r — provided fo r each student th ro u g h the S tudent Activity fee. Silas B. R a g s d a le Editor-in-Chief F. E dw ard W alker, M anaging Editor Offices: U niversity, Room 155, Main Building, Telephone 3149. Down Town, 204 W. S ixth St., Telephone 489. Issue E ditor for T oday: H U L O N W. BLACK Harry G arfinkle Associate Editor Reporters. Bess M achesney Elizabeth Andrews J. B. C unningham Je sse Mary Hill Mab H a rriso n Mary W alker Jim m ie Sowell Helena von Koenneritz Ellen Ada Stephens John H. Seale Van Orden Lucile Stroud MAGAZINES FOR CAMP McAr t h u r . The University of Texas Li­ brary has been designated by the governmental authorities to fu r­ nish current periodicals for the in Waco at soldiers stationed Camp M cArthur. And th e Uni­ versity must not fail in meeting this task. The Library cannot do what many people think it can— it is not within th e ir powder to crate the magazines as soon as the suc­ ceeding numbers come and ship the box to Waco; it is their func­ tion to bind the periodicals re ­ ceived. Thus the burden falls back on Individuals the student body. to act as have been appointed leaders in this campaign, and soon students in frate rn ity and sorority houses, as well as in large boarding houses, will be asked to head the work in th eir immediate locality. Co-operation will fill th e h un ­ dred pound box every month. T hat is w hat The Texan requests —co-operation. FIGHTING THE HONOR SYSTEM. The chairman of the S tu d e n ts’ Council recently made the com­ plaint th a t not a few faculty members had become lax in de­ manding the w ritten pledge- Ac­ cording to his statem ent, many instructors either fail to demand the pledge, or having demanded it, they fail to differentiate be­ tween a paper which has the pledge w ritten and one which has no semblance of it. Those who grade quiz papers can defeat the end of the honor system quicker th an anyone by handling papers indiscriminate­ ly. It is the recognized custom —at least among those support­ ing the student self-government plan—th a t all papers w’hieh do dot bear the pledge are to be dis­ carded until the respective stu- ients can assure th e instructors [hat omission was due to negli­ gence and not because they could riot sign the statement- It is always timely to point out things th a t tend to defeat a system th a t is universally recog­ nized as being satisfactory. And it is always timely for those who fail to do all in their power to correct th e mischief done. It is not our idea of ideal p ortsm an sh ip to gloat over the nisfortunes of other athletic tw{) basketball earns, b u t our ictories over the Rice Owls leased us immensely. No team ti Texas looks bad to us now— u r knees do not quake at any u in te t you can produce. In fact, e “feel fine and fittin g M and e ’re already beginning to store p our s y m p a th y fo r those fret- jl F a rm e rs . F A L C O N 'A R R O W fornt'fic COLLAR COLLEGE NOTES J. A. H u nter, Editor. Lucien Crockett, Associate. Cornell Term Shortened. The scholastic term has been s h o r t­ ened a t Cornell University. Com­ mencement this year will be held on May 22, instead of June 19, which is the usual date. This will save about four weeks, and will give m a n y men in opportunity to e n te r w ar service This fa c t is es­ fh a t much sooner. pecially such men as are * tidying special subjects to f it th e m ­ tru e of selves for Government service. “Military Excuse” N ecessary. At the U niversity of K a nsas the "acuity has ruled t h a t stu d en ts who leave school will g e t credit fo r the work they have completed, and in the .a s e of Seniors th e diploma will be <'iven. Credit for work will not be ipven, however, unless the p ro p e r mil­ itary excuse is received. This excuse sta te s definitely t h a t the individual a in the service of Uncle Sam and not merely on the list of those who are enlisted but are a w a itin g the call of the Government. Trim m ing the Football Schedule. The University of Pennsylvania has trim m ed its football schedule f o r n ext year to such an e x te n t t h a t only e ig h t .cames will be played. The tw o b ig ­ gest gam es of P enn’s schedule for next y ea r are those with Michigan and Carlisle. No Year Book a t Vermont. The J u n io r class of the U niversity of V erm ont unanimously ag ree d to have no “ Ariel” n e x t year. E a rly a c ­ tion was necessary on this book, for the work necessary for the compiling of it begins ab o u t this time of year. The “ A riel” usually a p p e a rs in J a n ­ uary, b u t the one this y e a r is late, having j u s t arrived from the press. Princeton Resumes Athletics. in re g a rd Princeton U niversity has retu rn e d to the fold. She has resum ed h er f o r ­ m er custom to athletic team s, and has entered team s in all This action intercollegiate contests. follows th e rem a rk a b ly poor showing made by the inform al system of a t h ­ letics which has been tried o u t th ere •:nd elsewhere with no good results. T he Board of A thletic Control, in g r a n tin g the resum ption of intercol­ legiate athletics, stipulated t h a t it be f a r less extensive th a n form erly. Compulsory Drill. Compulsory m ilitary drill has been adopted in the College of Liberal A rts a t Boston U niversity. Drill is to be- -,in next sem ister, although already \o l u n ta r y drilling is being held, and more th a n two hundred stu d e n ts have responded to the call. Postponed Schedules. The W estern Conference basketball team s a re finding it difficult to carry This spring w eather— let us th a t we insert parenthetically tire not willing to assume th e re ­ sponsibility for this b rig h t re­ mark if a n orth er blows up in the meantime— makes us feel like counting our “pee-wees” and agates, and going out for an and afternoon o f “ t a w s ” “vinehes.” And— upon th e same assu m p ­ tion th a t a cold wind doesn’t strike you before this p a ra ­ g ra p h —don’t be surprised if we blossom forth into metric edito­ rials. There is nothing impos­ s ib le in the springtime. Good morning, will you be go­ ing to Chapel a t 8:40? V. O. W E E D , Phonos 223 U n d e rta k e r Motor Ambulance Dr. Baxter, dentist, 512 Scarbrough Building. Old phone 1316. Phone 1601 Phone 1601 Ladies’ Work Skillfully Handled by Expert Workmen. BIGGS & COMPANY TAILORS AND HATTERS Cleaning Pressing Repairing Suits Made to Order 1007 Congress Ave. Where to Buy Norris’ Exquisite Candies, Conklin Fountain Pens, E ast­ man’s Kodaks and Films, W hiting’s Package Stationery, Sextoblade Safety Razors, guaranteed. SPECIAL LINE PERFUMES: Lillian Russell’s, Naomi, Lilas (A rly), Mavis, LaBoehme. Ask Us to Show You These Lines, They Are New Griffith Drug Company WHERE QUALITY COUNTS SCARBROUGH BUILDING PHONE 26 FREE DELIVERY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Candies, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos, Hot and Cold Lunches, Staionery and Toilet Articles at the University Cafe and Confectionery C. G. W agner, Prop. Successors to Weilbacher’s On Speedway, Across from Law Building Alford-Achilles Grocery Co. INCORPORATED. We are exclusive on the celebrated Steel Cut Coffee— Barrington Hall, St. Charles and Bowers; Snow ream W heat Hour and the Egis Egg Powder in Cans— a 25c can, equal to 3 dozen eggs. We will appreciate your calling or tele­ phoning us your wants, in anything you need from our com­ plete stock of Quality Groceries. Old Phones 866 New Phones 160 U niversity Toggery Shop BROYLES & ROSE Proprietors Correct Clothes for Men C leaning and Pressing 2300 1*2 Guadalupe Street Phone 3090 When down town bumming or before or after shows, try our Soda Service or Luncheonette. Joseph’s Pharmacy Our Sandwiches and Salads Can’t Be Beat Congress Avenue at Seventh —-— □ r A k SMART Alecs may be all right but for a good, honest workin’ partner give me a man that’s got his learnin’ slowly an’ naturally. VELVET gets Its g o o d ­ ness that w a y — tw o years natural ageing. LIDC JCI IOC A SENSIBLE CIGARETTE ADVERTISE IN THE TEXAN SOCIETY Dorothy Lochridge, Editor. KUPPENHEIMER Nalle-Ferguson. The marriage of Miss Ouida Fergu­ son and George Sampson Nalle will be celebrated in Temple Wednesday, Feb- uary 6, at the Episcopal Church. A number of friends and relatives will go from Austin to attend the mar­ riage, many of them motoring to Tem­ ple the morning of the ceremony. Miss Susan Gilfillan will be maid of honor; Misses Rebe Robinson, Etta Gilbert, and Dorris Ferguson will be maids. The groom will be attended by his father, Ernest Nalle, as best man, and by Messrs. George Hyer of Galveston, Harry Little of Austin and W. M. Hunter of Temple. The bride made hosts of friends during her recent residence in Austin, and her return to Austin is looked for­ ward to with much pleasure. J. F. Dobie, who was instructor in English last year, visited friends in Austin Sunday. Mr. Dobie is in the Officers’ Training Camp at San An­ tonio. Miss Nancy Pryor is back in school, after several days illness, caused from an attack of German measles. H. F. Laramore spent Saturday and Sunday in Livingston with home folks. Misses Lorene Huntress and Ione in San Walton spent the week-end Antonio. Miss Anna Stanfield is suffering from an attack of the measles. Misses Laura and Sallie Fellman to resume have returned to Austin their work in the University. They were called to their home at Bullard several days ago on account of the death of their father. Miss Elsie Houston of Corsicana is the guest of Miss Edith Houston. Miss Laura Davis is able to attend classes again, after being confined to her room with an attack of measles. Misses Viola Drow and Colon Prew­ itt spent the week-end in San Antonio. POLK GETS APPOINTMENT. Sam C. Polk, for seven years a res­ ident of Austin, was yesterday ten­ dered and accepted the position of pri­ vate secretary to Senator Morris Shep­ pard. The offer from Senator Sheppard came by wire from Washington, and unsolicited. Mr. Polk, who is now business manager of the Alcalde, the University ex-students’ magazine, and acting secretary of the Ex-Students’ Association, will leave for Washington within about ten days. remained Mr. Polk was born in San Augustine some 32 years ago. Seven years ago he entered the State Department of there two Education and years. He was with the Extension Department of the University for four years. For a year he has held his present position. He has been carry­ ing more or less work in the Academic and Law Departments of the Univer­ sity, and was on the point of forming a law partnership in his native town when the offer to go to Washington came. UNIFORMS Khaki . . $15.00 Serge . . $35.00 Correct in every detail. Sold by us exclusively in Austin. Full line of military goods in stock. HIRSHFELD & ANDERSON 619 Congress Ave. “Where You Are Always Welcome” U N IV ER SITY BARBER SHOP N. W. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor 2216 GUADALUPE ST. Across the Street from the Campus Artistic Stylish and Up-to-Date Work Guaranteed save u se m ore corn 1-wheat 2-meat 3"(ktSuse ju s t enough u se more fish a beans use syru ps and serve the cause o f freedom U .S. FOOD ADMINISTRATION TO LECTURE ON EXPORTS. GIRLS TO PLAY GAME. James C. Goldbaum, the foreign ex­ change expert of the Crawford-Gosho cotton firm, will deliver a lecture Wednesday, February 6, at 9 o’clock in room 140, on the subject of “The Stu­ Financing of Cotton Exports.” dents the Schools of Economics and Business Administration who are interested in the study of foreign ex­ change are invited to attend. in The girls’ gymnasium will be the scene of a hotly contested basketball game between the Junior and Sopho­ more teams on Friday night. An excellent Junior forward who was ineligible at the time of the first game between the teams is now in good form for the coming contest. As the Juniors were defeated by only a few points, this game promises to be one of the most interesting of the sea­ son. Advertise in The Texan. Advertise in The Texan. Kodak Finishing and Supplies OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS FOR THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION J o r d a n Co. “We Make Kodak Prints Every Day.” 610 Congress Branch at Van Smiths’ iiiw rn — iinwi ... Wukasch Cafe and Grocers On Guadalupe, Opposite Campus Confectionery, H o t Lunches served at all hours; Candies and Cold Drinks. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Cigars and Cakes Phone 4007 Phone 1071 AFTER THE GERMAN Our Fountain Is at Your Service We Cater Especially University Students. to University Students Get your work done by an ex­ pert tailor. Alterations and in­ visible repairing. Let us put a pinch back on your coat. Rea­ sonable prices. We make ladies’ suits and handle delicate work for ladies. Suits Made to Order G R A H A M ' S Ninth and Congress MEYER MINCHEN THE TAILOR 1009 Congress Phone 312 “OUR OWN" Cold Tablets WILL STOP TH AT COLD Our usual quick service goes with each box, as with all your purchases. University Drug Store “The Convenient Place” THE CACTUS SWANN Furniture and Carpet Company We Furnish More Homes There Is a Reason We Employ Five Students Your Patronage Appreciated- C O A L RING 473 CONSUMERS FUEL AND ICE COMPANY The Crescent Confectionery 10th and Congress Hot Drinks, Chili, Tamales, Sandwiches, Cold Drinks, Bread, Cakes, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Phone 1703 10th & Congress Dr. J. Gordon B ryson McKEAN, EILERS & CO. Physician and Surgeon. Wholesale Dry Goods, Nations and Furnishing Goods Phone 478, 303 Scarbrough Bldg. AUSTIN, ....................... TEXAS TRY a Texan Want Ad They Bring Results Get that suit pressed today at the TINHORN, 25 cents. Phone 1505. Try Texan want ads. They bring results. “BACK WHEN YOU WANT ’EM” UNIV. TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing 2214 Guadalupe Phone 825 GO TO J. A. JACKSON’S For Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry Complete line of Sporting Goods Expert Watch Repairing 617 Congress Both Phones 133 THE GIFT SHOP OF AUSTIN Where you buy those ap­ propriate and distinctive gifts which express the feeling and sentim ent of the giver. “Across from the Mansion” Clever Valentines The item referring to the lack of athletic the girls interest among which appeared in this column Satur day morning seems to have aroused some opopsition. The Girls’ Athletic Council has staged a rally, according to a statement made to the writer, and it seems that the president of the council is using every means and mak ing many sacrifices in order to stir up a general interest. But despite the energetic efforts, it appears to the writer that—and we quote from our article of Saturday “this lack is due to the fact that the question of going in for athletics has not been presented in a sufficiently appealing or forcible way to Univer­ sity women.” Just where the blame should fall is a matter of speculation. Probably The Texan has not recognized the im­ portance of the rallies and has thus handicapped the possible attendance by not giving enough publicity. Prob­ ably the whole plan is wrong. At any rate, there is a flaw somewhere, and the Athletic Council should use every available means in eradicating it. INTERESTING NUMBER OF THE TEXAS REVIEW NOW OFF THE PRESS The Texas Review, a quarterly pub­ lished by the University, came off the press last Friday. This is an espe­ cially interesting number, containing contributions by Louis J. Heath, Stith Thompson, and W. L. Sowers, all mem­ bers of the English faculty. Dr. R. A. Law is the editor of this very interesting magazine, while Dr. Stith Thompson in the managing edi­ tor. The advisory editors are Miss Casis, Dr. T. W. Riker, Dr. I. F. Roys­ ter, and Dr. E. W. Fay. The following is the table of con­ tents for the January number: Lyrics, Louis J. Heath; Idle Verses, J. Keith Torbert; Poetry, Samuel Roth; The Spirit of France During the War, Marcel Morand; The Eliza­ bethan Stage Throne, W. J. Lawrence; Sunday School Stories Among the Savages, Stith Thompson; The Plays of St. John Hankin, W. L. Sowers; Poe’s Mechanical Poem, W. F. Melton; The Pump Room—Over Their Hic- eupo, W.; Annus Mirabiles, The Edi­ tor. SIX HUNDRED IS GOAL. “Six hundred paid up members be­ fore March” is the slogan which the membership committee of the Y. W. C. A. is endeavoring to make a reality. Approximately six hundred girls have signed the membership cards, and of this number four hundred have paid the fee of a dollar. The membership committee will have a table in the Girls’ Study Hall on Tuesday. All J girls who have not yet done so are \ urged to come by this table and pay their dues. Ml 6*6 RI A’S METHODISTS L O NG HOR N S A N D BATTI.E TONIGHT J , A 4 . .t, CHAPEL NOTICE. The song service was not as well attended as it should have been, unless people have the place where gotten to they would rather hear some to sing one else sing Those present them selves. the songs sang well. that Wire rather new One or two old favorites called forth full volume. even than Too.ay we have the privilege of hesnr g Professor Evans of I 'wa who holds the chair of R ekgio. s Education in Cir* ’ ell College.. He has re­ to ef.*, eel h*' appointment France with th e V NI. C, A. f.-rc*'-. this •v.\ nth to the colleges and uni- v e r itie s of the Southwest in thf i c e rest of the drive for Bible t at the Kappa Sigm a House. Lieut. Bob Laton of Camp Travis was a week-end guest at the S. A E. House. Lieut- Tulane Smith was a guest at the S. A. E. House for the week-end Captain Hubert Jones has returned to San Antonio, after a week-end visit with relatives and friends. Lieut Don Lee of ( ’amp Travis spent sister, Miss the week-end with his Blanche Lee. Captain ( ’. D. Johns of Camp Travis was a week-end visitor here. Lieut. Elgie Means of Camp Travis pent the week-end at the Delta S ig ­ ma n Phi House. The D. K. E. Fraternity entertain­ ed with an informal dance at the Cac No C h a rg e s for Alterations You cannot buy a m is­ us— we w on’t from fit stand for it. If you want a service uniform of a r m y khaki, or a classy 0 D. Serge o ffi­ cer’s uniform, made by Hickey Freeman Co . drop in and let us fit you. If you want a civilian suit, business or dres^ suit, we can fit you, and will if you will let us Suits $1.1 to $50. Uniforms Serges $35 to $55 Khaki $15 4^ t a i i e £ £ s Knox Army Hats Stetson Army H ats •J* •L * JU * * * * I* *!* v *1* v -I* •i * NOTICE, MEN STU DEN TS ------------ -li­ There are several vacancies -J- on The Texan sta ff for men -J- reporters. Any men with newspaper experience or any -J- men, especially Upperclass- 4* men, who desire to work on The Texan are invited to try- *J* -J* editor out. The m anaging -J- in The Texan office will be -J* every morning between 8 and •!« 9 o’clock. Advertise in The Texan. rn :c a i . if vC ['N ?:. ' i / •" > *■— 1 / s s S J L r f M Ar Get the Range of Smoking Satisfaction Roll “Bull” Durham into a cigarette and you have a smoke with all the vim, vigor an d das h of Uncle Sam’s fighting men, I hat’s why the American A rm y is an arm y of “ Bull” Durham smokers. “ Bull ’ Durham puts snap into their action and “punch” into their systems. For a virile, lively, manly smoke, “roll your ow n” with “Bull” Durham, G E N U IN E Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO “Bull” Durham is the m ildest o f all tobaccos, It has a A i k f o r F R E E p a c h a g * o f " p a t u n ’* w ith mach S c mack. unique aroma and a distinctive m ellow -sw eet flavor that no other tobacco can give you. M ade of the fam ous “bright" Virginia-NorthCarolina leaf,“Bull" Durham has been the great A m er­ ican sm oke for three generations. Y o u “ roll you r o w n ’* w ith “ Bull” Durham and enjoy a real sm oke. (I FREE A n illustrated Booklet, show ing correct w a y to “ Roll Y ouifOwn' Ciita- r e t t e i . an d rn p a c k a g e cd cigarette paper#, will both b e m ailed ,/far, to any addrest in U . 3. o n re q u e st. A d d ress “ B ull" D u r h a m , Durham. N C T B S AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Subscribe for the Texan T H E D A I L Y T E X A N OFFICIAL NOTICES M INISTERS and Sunday School teachers of all U niversity churches will meet at the Y. M. C. A. tonight for conference with Dr. Evans of Gren- ne l l College, Iowa. The Pierian Literary Society will have its regular m eeting this a fter­ noon at 5 o’clock. Dr. Payne will lec­ ture to us on “The American Short Story.” All members are urged to be present. H. Rootes, President. T h ese fa m o u s o il- are th e sta n d a r d by w h ich a ll o th e r p e n c ils are ju d g e d . 17 black degrees 6 B so JU ti to 9 II hardest arui hard and m edium copying Look fo r Die Y E .\ U S fin Uh /FREE! I r. • S a m p le of \ 1. \ I S I Vin ita a n d Hr user w ilt frrr. THE MISSION STUDY CLASS meets toinight at 7 o’clock. Come and learn som ething of the educational problems of your South American neighbors. Pteaae eockae 6c in •tam pa for (tackin f an d postage. A m erica n Lead P e n c il (lo . 215 F ifth A venue, N . Y. i*pt. D21 RED CROSS m eeting this afternoon from 2 to 6 o’clock in the Y. W. C. A. office. All girls are urged to come. Chairman of Red Cross. THERE will be a m eeting of repre­ sentatives of all the g ir ls’ organiza- ions of the U niversity this afternoon at 5 o’clock in room 109 to discuss Red Cross Work. Chairman of Red Cross. RAMSHORN NOTICE— There will be a m eeting of the Ramshorn tonight at 8 o’clock. Special m atters of im ­ portance will be discussed. All mem­ bers are urged to be present. William President, (Continued from page one.) large furore in two gam es. The Long­ horns are back now on home ground to meet the Methodist M ustangs in a d r illin g battle. S. M. U. is known to have a much better team than Baylor, and the gam e tonight will be very ef- fective in determining the real stand­ ing of the team. the Texas has practically Rice and Southwestern, fight is expected for the champion- three rem aining ihip between team s, S. M. U., A. & M., and T exas. lf the M ustangs are elim inated to­ night, they will be practically out of the running, leaving Texas and her old-time rival to fight it out, but if they are victorious, they will be left with an equal chance with the Long­ horns. ! T 0 THE tw o hundred their Y. elim inated j iave not and a big memhership fees: girls who W. C. A. Bring your dollar Hall today. “Six is the m em bers,” to the G irls’ Study Hundred Paid-up slogan. PEN AND TY PE w ill meet Tuesday in G irls’ Study Hall. at 7:15 p. rn. Nomination o f officers for next term. Jesse Mary Hill, President. W IN SO N IA N m eeting ■nom at 7 o’clock tonight. in Ashbel S I M M ON S ST U D E N T AT VARSITY. ( A FE SA L ES INCREASED. (Continued from page one.) would make good.” At the heart of all the big things in Simmons, which took place while she was a student here, one finds traces of Mildred’s work and influence. But her greatest interest has always been centered in press work. She has college fam e as short story writer and was editor of the first “Simmons Brand.” So it isn’t with so much surprise j as with just a good feeling of sa tis­ faction that her friends hear of her success at State University. N otw ithstanding the fact that there has been no increase in prices of the C afeteria, the daily receipts of that campus institution have increased in the last few w eeks to the amount of *wenty dollars a day. is doing everything in The business m anagem ent of the Cafeteria its powder to keep prices down and to in connection with make everything house sa tisfa c ­ this student eating custom ers consti­ tory. If pleased this policy is cer­ tute a criterion, tainly suceeding. TEXAN WANT ADS She has been on The Texan sta ff for .several months and has had the distinction of having served as a spe­ cial reporter. Also she has edited the T EX A N want ads bring results. Co-Eds as Eds” column. N eedless Rates, I cent per word for the first to say these are great honors— in fact insertion, three insertions for 2 cents. the editing of this column is the high- j Aboslutely no ad taken over the phone, est place a girl can get on The Texan. | Call at room 155, Main Building. No ad taken for leas than 25 cents. P ay­ ment in advance alw ays required. tus Tea Room Saturday evening. The invited gu ests were: M isses Mary W atson, Ladyc Bryce Childress, Min- t ie Price, O livette W ise, Lucile Stroud, Kathleen McCallum, Gladys Bush, Edith W athen, Hortense Zoeller, Lil­ lian Jackson, Louise Gardner, Sue Mildred Lee, Tilda Foster, Frances Lewis, Alethea Sleeper, and Annie Bralley; Mr. and Mrs. George How­ ard and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mont­ gom ery, who acted as chaperones for the occasion. GIRLS may secure board and room at Bien Venido, 2010 Wichita St. Gas heat, hot w ater, sleeping porches, maid to keep rooms. Matron of the borne will show rooms any time. Ref- rences, Mrs. Helen M. Kirby, Mrs. Eany C. Iglehart. LOST— A Hallmark w rist watch, S at­ urday, the 27th, between H ill’s Gro­ cery and Moore & M orrison’s. Phone 2-5 1674. Captain Nelson Puett was a v is­ itor at the Phi Kappa Psi House last week. [.OST— An Austin High School ring, Please return 2-7 to Texan office for reward. Monday, afternoon. The S. A. E. Fraternity entertain­ their 'd with a delightful dance chapter house last Friday evening. The invited guests were: M isses Ha­ zel Edwards, Steiner Boody, Ruth Chumney, Annie Lewis Preston, Eve­ lyn Chumney, Alethea Sleeper, E liza­ beth Mthis, Fannie Fae W itter, Min- tie Price, M argaret Sleeper, Dorothy Smith, Hallie Kelley, Laura McGee, Laura W est, Hazel Sm ith, Sarah Chambers, Ladye Bryce Childress, j Mary Belle Strauss, and Elizabeth Ab­ bott. Mrs. Mack Hodges of San Antonio. who will be remembered as Miss A l­ ma Giesecke, was the guest of her parents, Prof. and Mrs. F. E. Giesecke, for the week-end.. find ST U D E N T S Will com fortable rooms at Raines Mansion, connect­ ed with pleasant sleeping porches, $3.50 to $5.00, one-half block east of campus. 2110 Tom Green St. Phone 2413. * LOST— Elgin hunting monogram R. K. B., case watch, chain, and knife. Reward. Return to Editor. 2-7 A t the Driskill Barber Shop you get srood service and the best treatm ent. Moritz Silver, Prop. The T exas Barber Shop. We please. 1008 Con­ Mac. Oliphant, Prop. gress. work. Billy W olf, Prop. ST U D E N T S— Go to the Palace Barber Shop, Bosche Bldg., for first class Secretary of State Howard and Mrs. Howard, with Mrs. Frank Bonner of Houston, were the guests of Mrs. N eil Uarothers at the Woman’s Build- ROOM AN D BOARD for four young ing Sunday rooms fresh, w ell ventilated, cosy and warm. Would like a few table boarders. 2410 U niversity Ave. Phone 2723. of the M athematics Department of Rice In­ stitute, was the guest of his sister- in-law, Roberta John, at the W oman’s Building yesterday. Dr. Conrad Evans, head GIRLS— N ice rooms and board at 203 E. 25th St. Room, board, and heat, ladies. Board excellent, Miss Rowena Anderson is ill at the $30. Phone 2447. W oman’s Building. Get that suit pressed today at the TINHORN, 25 cents. Phone 1505. Advertise in The Texan. FOR RENT South and esast up­ stairs rooms, convenient kitchen­ ette, nice for girls w anting to prepare part or all their m eals. 716 W. 22 1-2 St. Phone 1351. D IL L IN G H A M ’S S H O E CO. 610 CONGRESS AVE. 610 CONGRESS AVE. For Your Deer and Duck Hunt We Have Guns, A m m unition and Full Stock of Sportsm en’s Clothing The Walter Tips Company A U ST IN , T E X A S First C lass Shining Parlor Phone 2652 607 C ongress UN ITED STA TES DEPOSITARY The Austin National Bank OF A U ST IN , T E X A S RESOURCES, $5,000,000.00 E. P. WILMOT, President Wm. H. FOLTS, V ice-President JNO. II. CHILES, Vice-President MORRIS H IR SH FELD , Cashier C. AI BARTHOLOMEW, A sst. Cash. FACULTY A N D ST U D E N T S’ ACCOUNTS SOLICITED NO ACCOUNT TOO SM ALL TO H A N D L E 1847 1917 JOHN BREMOND CO. W HO LESALE GROCERS And R oasters of High Grade C offees T exas’ Oldest Jobbing House JNO. L. MARTIN FOR ST U D E N T LA M PS AND ACCESSORIES Electrical and Plum bing Supplies Phone 320 408 Congress W e E xam ine E yes and Grind Lenses to Relieve E ye-strain Any Lense Duplicated on Short N otice J. THOS. W ARD, Optom etrist S T E L F O X CO. Richmond StraightGit CIGARETTES 'Plain5?CorkTip w b the . , duced the I srgmus cigarettes w hich I d brought u p fr o m Richm ond. * . . . 1 sophomores treated me w ith some respect w hen I pro­ like T hat fine o ld S o u th e rn A r i s t o c r a t — " R i c h m o n d S tra ig h t C u t s .” T h e r e ’s never been another cigarette <]uite T h e ir ' bright V irg inia tobacco has a naturally refreshing flavor that makes even the best o f T u rk is h cigarettes taste almost tame and character­ less by contrast. Y o u ’ll wish y o u ’d tried them b efore. them. I N N E A T B O X E S — F I F T E E N C E N T S A b o in attractive tins. 5 0 for 40 cents: IOO for 75 cents. Sent prepaid if your dealer cannot supply you. , , *ICHM O N& ViM tNu,UJSA I S K n u m B tattoo CC suceust*. N O T E : Unlike Turkish tobacco. Virginia tobacco pays no import duty— all the value is in the cigarette. TREFERRED by GENTLEMEN N O W as THEN