27.!+. 46 No.1. ENLISTED 1908 STILIJ SERVING POST OFFICE EXCHANGE OFFICIAL'S TERRITORD~L RECORD first There can be few filembers of the/rerritorial Lrmy units formed in 1908 who have .served since, th8t date and Dre sti 11 in the "Terriers". This is the proud record of IVir. L.li. Whittingham, M.B.E., who is a ::noaber of the Post Office Engineering staff at the Wood Street telephone exchange, London. Mr. Whittingham ,joined the old volunteers in February, 1908. When,lator in that year, Haldane's new TerritDri0l ]1orce C8me into being, Sapper Wbittingham signed bis attestation fona to enrol in the now citizen army at ten minutes past midnight on the first morning of its existence. In 1914 he served with the rank of sergeant in the Royal Enigneers in Hallipoli and on the Western Front. He carried on between the wars in the newly formed Signal Corps, and bad rea cbed the rank of c.s.M. when he was mobilised in 1939 for the second time in his service. Ho served throughout the war in the Anti""'.Aircraft defence Signals as Regimental S:ergoant Major, and is still a R.S.IV4 on tho cl?ss Z Reserve awaiting bis final discharge from the Forces. ++++++++++++++ 27.4. 46 No.2 IMPERIAL SERVICE MEDi\IJ iWl..UIDS THIRTY-THREE POST OFFICE WOMEN HONOURED The London Gazette armounces awards of 267 Imperial Service medals to retiring Post Office workers. Thirty-three worn.en ore na1:1ed in the list i ncluding two holders of the B.E.M.: -Miss M. Campbell, Kyle ; and Miss E. :M. Couzens, "Portsmouth. In Scotland, there are t.ventyone awards, including nine in Glasgow~ Wales has five. There are ten medallists in Manchester, six in Birmingham and ~our in Liverpool. Eighty-three medals go to London. +++++++++++++++++++ GENERAL POST OFFICE Air Ministry News Servi ce A.M.B1 No. 21605 R. l\. . F. s.L\.LurEs THE DUTCH A bouquet of flowers -red roses , orn.nge co.rnati ons ancl blue lilac -ancJ a message from the Chief of the Air staff, Marshal of the R. A. F. the LorcJ Teclcler, G. C.B. are to be droppecl by a Lancast er of Bomber command over Hollancl on .fl.pril 29th for queen Wilhelmina if weather conditions n.re favourn.ble. The ceremony is to mark t he first anniversary of the dropping of food by t he Royal Air Force to the Dutch last spring as the Germans were dri ven out of the countr y. The flowers and message will be Clropped in a container on Soesterberg n.irfield, near Amerfoort. The C6ueen will be at the Palace soestdijk five miles awn.y o.nd the container will be tukert -Oy car to the Palace. The Lancaster will be escorted by six others , belonging to NQ~35 (Pathfinder) Squ.adron, stationed at Graveley, near Huntingdon. This S.qun.ar on was formed in February, 191 6, ancl is one of the oldest in the R.A.F. It was olso the first Squadron to be engaged in food clropPing over the Netherlands. The aircraft will fly in oox formation at 1 , 500 fed and when near the selecteel airfield, No. 7 will break away from formation, make the clrop over the runway, ana then dip in salute over the Royal Pal11ce. All seven aircraft will then return to base, flying low over Rotterdam, The Hague , }IJn.steraam and Utrecht on their way . Leader of the formation will be W/ Odr, A,J.L. Craig, D.S. O., D. F .•C., ancl No. 7 Lancaster will be piloted by the first R.A.F. pilot to clrop foocl parcels over Hollo.ncl -s/1ar. T.S. Harris, D.F.C. Between 29th April, 1945 o.nd 8th May, 1945, aircroi't o:f' Bomber Ccrnmana made 3,341 sorties and dropped 61 685 tons of food for the Dutch. _27_,__fa:_,_;1+_6__No~ 4-• NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BROADC.AST IN OVERSEAS BULLETINS, OR USE ON CLUB T.APESBEB'ORE 23.30B.S.'l'. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 27 (i.e. FOR ~UNDJSMORNING PAPERS). NOT TO BE BROJ0)CJ1ST Ttf'.fif:rf1ITDNIGHT :NEWS OF 27/c.o APRIL. TRIS ElvIB.ARGO SHOlJ'LD BE RESPECTED OVERSEAS B:r PREFACING Ai'JY ].•jESSll.GES FILED WITH THE EllBJi.RGO. SPEEDIER POSTS. =;:=r:;-== In o.ccordnnco with post office policy to do everything possible to ir.1provo tho postnl services of thQ -country, nore Travelling post Offices ore to be put into )...' operni..ion. On lvID.Y 6th the follovd.ng T. P.O' swill bogin -vvorking:­ 1. M;idlo.nd T. P. o. running in each direction between Bristol nnd Newcastle­ on-Tyne. This will inprove tho postnl services bobvoon the vtest of Englond o.nd. the North Enstorn counties. 2. south WDlos T. P. o. running iri ooch direction between Bristol ond Con1nrthon will speed the postal services to nnd fron south YvDlos. 3. ·London~york-Edinburgh T.P. o. running frrn~1 London to Edinburgh will lend to improved postal services frou London, southorn ond Eastern counties to North Eastern counties, nnd south-Eetst scotlnna_ below Edinburgh. 4. Edinburgh-York T.P.O. running fron Edinburgh to York will benefit the postal services fron Eo.stern scotla'ld to tho North Enstorn counties of England o.nd Yorkshire. 5. North Eastern T.P.O. Up running fron Novmostlo-on-Tyne to London vrill m.oo.h bettor postal services fror,1 North Eostcrn counties to London o.nd the Eastern ond southern counties. The restorntio1,· of these T. P.01 s hos boon nnde possible by tho co-opero.tion of the Rnilwny co1:1ponies concerned who? in sono coses, hnvo npprecio.bly speeded up trnins to noot Post office requirenents. Just before the vrnr the whole of Grent Britain was covered by n network of r.10:re thnn seve11ty T. P. 0 1 s which travelled neorly four r.tlllion .r.tlles onnually. Five hu:\dred post Offices non were dnily ongogod in sorting letters while these tro.ins ro.n 8t speeds up to eighty Diles on hour. Everything thnt rnilwns engineering exporionco cnn suggest hos boon or.1bodied in these Tro.volling post Offices -descendo.nts of that converted horse-truck tho.t over one hundred yeors ago wo.s the first Travelling post office in this country. GENERAL POST OF'FIC"B. ++++++++++++-r-++ 27/4/46 -No~ 5 NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BROJ\JJCJ;.ST IN OVERSEAS BULL~TINS, OR USE ON CL1JB TAPES BEFORE 2330 B. S. T. ON SJ1TURDAY, APRIL 27th (i.c • FOR SUNDAY Pl1P.bRS). NOT TO BE . BROli.DCAST IN THE 1VIrDNIGHT 1\IEV\iS OF _APRIL 26-27 · THIS El.'JBJ,RGO SHOULD · B:J RJSPECTED OVERSEJ1.S BY PIIBFJ1CING Ji.NY ~·,IBSSAGE:S FIL:iiiD WITH Tllli ENIBARGO J1.NI1'1J1TED SXl<~I,f