fits Salto Wtxzn First College Daily in th e South A USTIN, TEX AS, T H U R SD A Y , JULY 28, 1927. N o . 3 6 Committee Called to Provide Activities Funds for Summer B ecause of th o fa ilu re o f a g re a t eluding lectu res, recitals, and d ram . atic p erform ances, and The T exan. , O f m any stu d en ts to pay th eir stu d e n t to pay th e ir stu d e n t activ ities fee fo r in th e second trem , Dean V. I. M oore j school the second term , only about has called an em ergency m eeting o f ; 4 0 0 availed them selvse of th e priv- th e com m ittee on sum m er activ ities I liege of th e fo r this afte rn o o n , to d eterm in e w hat th ere were course they will continuance of activ ities fo r th e r e - j enough m oney to c a rry on m ainder of the sum m er. so m any stu d en ts who is not th e ac- to did not pay the fee", the stu d en ts rem ain in g in reg ard blan k et th ere take tax. j t i t t i e s fo r the rem ain d er of term . insu fficien t Since th e funds are Intim ations point to th e fact th a t a g re a t m any of th e program s will be called o ff all to g eth er, an d th at many o th ers will have so little money with th a t presentation which to p re p a re Since will be alm ost im possible. In an a tte m p t to in te re st stu den ts in th e necessity o f paying the option­ al fee, each s tu d e n t who did n o t pay the ta x has been m ailed a card ask­ It cannot ing him to pay it a t once. be determ ined how m any stu d en ts will respond to th e call, Dean Moore said. In th e fee was m ade com pulsory, b u t with th e sec­ ond term th e fee o f $1.50 was made optional w ith th e stu d en ts. the firs t te rm , the com m ittee on en tertain m e n t was called to d eterm in e ju s t w hat fe a­ tu res of th e program will be c u t out. SONG PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN Quartet Featured in Recent University Choruses to Sing F eatu rin g the q u a rte t th a t sang the for th e re c e n t p re sen tatio n o f U niversity C horuses, “ S ta b a t Ma te r,” the re g u la r weekly program di be rected by David G riffin will and trios, composed o f q u arte ts, duets, assisted by the en tire cho i us. Mrs. F red Jones, soprano, Zulem e co n tralto , C harles Herff Sim pson, Stone, ten o r, David G riffin, barito n e, with Norm a Owen a t th e piano will appear. The program in full follow s: Lucia, sex tet, q u a rte t a r .............. —•>.................................. D onizetti Mesdames Jo n es, Sim pson; M essrs. Stone, G riffin M adame B u tte rfly d u et Puccini Mr. Jo n es, Mrs. Simpson Forza del D estino ......... V erdi Mr. Stone, Mr, Griffin trio fin ale F aust, .................. Gounod Mrs. Jones, Mr. Stone, Mr. Griffin St. Saens Samson and Delilah Mrs. Sim pson N aughty M arie tta V icto r H e rb e rt Mrs. Jones and U niversity Chorus Ah, Mftni, d u e t ....................... Puccini Mr. Stone, Mr. G riffin La Ci Darem ......................... M ozart Mrs. Jo n es, Mr. Griffin Bella F iglia ............................ Verdi Mesdames Jones, Sim pson; M essrs. Stone, Griffin N orm a Owen a t th e piano -o ................... Library Is to Remain Open Repairs and A dd ition of N ew Books B etw een Sessions According to E. W. W inkler, li­ b rarian , th e main re­ lib rary will main open betw een the sum m er ses­ sion and the long session. S tu d en ts who do not go hom e betw een ses­ to sions will have an o p p o rtu n ity become fam iliar w ith books in the lib rary oth er th an source books. The hours are 9 to 5 o’clock flaily. It is estim ated th a t 10,000 new volum es a t a to ta l cost o f $30,000 will be added to the thousands th a t are alread y on the shelves before the opening of school in Septem ber. A num ber o f rep airs will be m ade before the long session begins. The law lib rary , en g in eerin g li­ brary, and all o th e r d ep a rtm en tal libraries will rem ain closed d u rin g these weeks. Assistant Deans of Women Chosen Appropriations Made by Re­ gents for Additional Assistants W ith the election of Miss Dorothy Louise G ebauer; o f H enderson, Ken o f assistan t tucky, to th e position dean o f women, and M rs. Frances E. Goldbrick, as a ssistan t to the dean of women, th e wom en'* disciplinary the d ep artm en tal o rg an izatio n fo r com ing y ea r has been com pleted. Miss G ebauer was elected to fill the vacancy caused by th e d ea th of Mrs. F lorence Bell last May. A t th e la st m eetin g o f the Board of R egents, an ap p ro p riatio n fo r the salary of an ad d itio n al Assistant to the Dean was allow ed. T here has been h ereto fo re th re e m em bers o f the s ta ff, but for a n o th e r a ssista n t to aid in the work o f Miss Lula Bewley, the p re sen t as­ sistan t. D uties o f the various deans have n o t as y et been determ ined, Miss Ruby T errill, dean o f women said. th e re g e n ts allowed Miss G ebauer received her B. A. degree from O xford College, o f Ox­ ford, Ohio, and h e r m aster’s degree from Colum bia. She tau g h t school in Ohio and In d ian a fo r seven years, and fo r th re e y ea rs served as dean of women a t W ilm ington College. ry o f women, Miss Gebaue- took special work in and sociology, hj guidance of J m en, while atten d in g college of Columbia. the Teacher* com m ended She comes by Miss it, d irec to r o f courses Sarah S tu rte p re p ara to ry b ein g deans o f wo­ men. Mrs. Goldbrick, form erly Miss F ran ces O ttley, was a teac h er in A ustin schools fo r 20 years, an d is now visiting in Europe. ------------- o------------ * D ean of P harm acy V isits in A ustin M aking detailed arran g em en ts for the rem oval o f th e Coll ge of P h a r­ macy to the Main Univernity cam­ pos a t the b eg inning of n ex t long session, Dean G ibler of th e College o f Pharm acy has been in A ustin for the p ast two days. Dean G ibler has beh a co rresp o n d -: c ( Enzlish ,lu rin g the coming y e a r ir.K S o h d .n ty o f d e s ^ n . la te r | in th(, ab scn „ , of Dr a t D r Wh„ ey has been j jj w h a ^ • The John Ball H,gh School w ‘n# s» G alveston ,s a building o f fairly r e - l in which to 8tudy an(i trav e | d ,, j 8<.k8on L, traveling fellow of cent des.*., b u t is q u it* -clearly aug-j gestive of the in stitu tio n al type of th e A m erican Scandinavian Found#- t,om e> | lion and is spending this sum m er in Europe. He ta u g h t English d u rin g the p art several years a t H arvard. He has also tau g h t in th e U niversity of Alabam a, B arn es' School of Boys in Spanish I n s t r u c t o r ; M ontgom ery, Alabam a, R adcliffe College, and Boston U niversity, and elem entary has been principal of schools in B irm ingham , Ala. By selecting B u rn ett P h a rr as di­ recto r o f the Longhorn Band fo r the com ing year, and ap p o in tin g him to reju v en ate th e U niversity O rchestra, fo r some inactive which has been the U niversity com m ittee on time, musical organizations has not a t ­ tem pted to tak e all au th o rity from th e hands of the stu d en ts and set up a facu lty control o f stu d en t ac tiv i­ ties, according to Dean V. I. M oore, m em ber of the com m ittee. By th e ap p ortionm ent of money to musical o rganizations of the U ni­ v ersity by the Regents, the faculty has some au th o rity in expenditures o f money in the rig h t way. It is th e purpose of th e com m ittee to advise in the selection of organization lead­ ers, b u t a t all tim es it attem p ts to follow the wishes o f th e m em bers o f the clubs, Dean Moore continued. M on ey A llow ed At th e last m eeting o f the Board o f R egents $1,000 was app ro p riated fo r in stru m en tal direction, and $1,- 500 fo r directin g vocal music in th e session. U niversity fo r th e com ing W ith instru m en tal th e m oney fo r of a d irecto r of music, the salary both the Longhorn band and U ni­ versity O rchestra, and m oney from th e B lanket T ax th a t has been used fo r th a t purpose in th e past may he devoted to purchase of new band equipm ent. The m oney allowed fo r vocal m u­ sic is the m ost th a t has ever been given fo r th a t purpose since the de­ p artm en t of music was abolished th ree years ago. D egree Candidates Report to D eans According to Dean T. U. T aylor, Chairm an of the Diploma Com m ittee, all those who a re prospective can­ didates fo r the degree of B achelor of Business A dm inistration in A ug­ ust should ga a t once to Dean J. A. F itzgerlad and sign a diploma crad. All candidates fo r the degree of B achelor of Science in Education in A ugust should go a t once to Dean B. F. P itten g er and sign th eir diploma cards. Marberry Speaks to Educational Club hold Phi D elta K appa fra te rn ity will its reg u lar m a t i n g this even- 6 o ’clock, according to actin g president, J . W. Baldwin, p rofessor of Education. * A fte r discussions an d talks by the m em bers, Dr. Jam es O. M arberry will address th e m eeting on “ The A dm inistration o f Public Schools in C entralized and C o-ordinated Sys­ tem .” V isiting Profesor W rites on Sociology Dr. Carl A. Dawson, professor c f sociology and d irec to r o f the School of Social W orkers of McGill U niver­ sity, M ontreal, C anada, has been teaching both term s o f the U niver­ sity sum m er school. Dr. Dawson, in collaboration w ith Dr. W. E. Gettys, chairm an of th e d ep artm en t o f economics and socio­ logy of the U niversity, is engaged in w riting a sociology te x t book fo r use in introductory classes, The book is expected to be read y fo r use in 1928. It will be en titled “ Sociology o f C om m unity L ife,” P rofessor Dawson is in tere ste d in problem s of racial m ovem ents in th e U nited S tates, an d p artic u la rly in Texas. Hhe has had published sev­ eral articles in th e sociological field. Today’s Program 6 p. m.— P hi D elta Kappa ta rta re . 8 p. m.— C am pus c o n e e n , Open A ir T h eater. — - o ------------- PERSONALS Leslie King m otored to San A n­ tonio last week-end, Helen H ouston, and her m other, of Corsicana w ere the guests: of J ae King for a few days this week. D ESPO N D EN T DOG DIPS TO D EATH IN L A K E DEPTHS Anyway th e doggie is no more. How do we know th at he ceases *)Ui; Doggone! Som ething evidently g o t him down. Maybe Fido g o t his grade book yes­ te rd a y and was disappointed. (C ontinued on page 4) 0 i A n n n m f a i l a c He, com m itteed suicide by jum ping i In o th er word* the doggie le ft n aught I •w O R C H A p p v B U C Q A ? save his collar to tell the tale. into Beck’s Lake. to exist? W ell, if one b u t walks by little I the aw ful deed doggie's d o llar is seen th ere vacant, p i the side of Beck’s Lake, th e Anyway he did N o w the dog m ay have been a huge brown collie with Phi B eta Maybe In? th o u g h t a long tim e be- I m eet his end in] Why he even Kappa stan d in g and com m itted the deed because he got a B, but som e­ how we feel b u t a hound pup and failed in a course or two. fore he decided to ju st th a t m anner. might have stood on the c o rn er by the M ethodist church sn iffin g the breeze and d ig estin g the gas th a t es­ capes th ere o r m aybe he tried the gas of a well-known p ro f o n 'th e cam pus as he stood b eneath the windows of Garrison Hall before he jum ped into the icy depths. the body w ere in vain. Even work done in id e n ti­ li­ fying cense on the collar were o f no aval!. th a t he was the dog by ta g and E ffo rts find the to Eloise Roach has been appointed in stru cto r in the Spanish dep artm en t of the U niversity fo r the second term o f the sum m er session. She is a Phi B eta K appa student o f the U niversity, g e ttin g her B.A. degree in A ugust o f last year. She is head o f the rom ance language d e­ p artm e n t sn Temple High School d u r­ ing the long term . a T in t O lB i f i DWEbr rn Cli* Sc Ah F lf it Cefl*-ihou« 9006.. Editorial offic.s, J Hall, T*l«pho»* #1*1-61 (A tte r 19 p. rn., l i f t ) . 18rt&t*4 b t th* O t i * m i t r Presa. JU C. W riest, Manager. J Hall. H ete ro aa second cut** mat tar at the po* to * ca a i Amasa, Tama. TBL SLM A S O Q U IN N D lC k VAUGHAN H a n N. W elch WWW* I* McGill B a rt P>V«, B s A m m M a n a g e r, ti* MMT M aaager; le a as Hook ta*. t k ^ ' W A J vert!Mat; Manawer. BUSIitfiSff ET AFF Lusts B a tik * Office l f ar ager. Le*Ila X Nam, Adv ar* .Chief Editorial Writ*? Manager of WeMAmMma Raipfe Parker B kt CB*#** a Bertha HI*eh Aroint Wilson 'Xiii* Dan* ...Br. Louise Walter ' * a - * VSS,' ' m s ARMAMENT— A PERPETUAL PROBLEM A FTEK limiting tilt ?♦ rm **di.-arm- * * aBif-r.t” to rn**t\ any degree of armed limitation or r« i action -\ rn forges or lint, however, to Include vteusly of From Other Pen* INDORSEMENT is the scarce is ail grade certain methods instr ti me ntft o f war but humanitarian agreements I approbation o f State Press. The uninformed have a way of expressing opinions on the various aspects o f the cotton industry about which their knowledge and mb Hawi Aff means of fighting, Dr. P. B. Potter, from profess ,r o f political science th# University o f Wisconsin, re­ cently gave a very illuminating dis# TP HE elevation of Dr. H. Y. Bene- dirt to the presidency o f Texas ob- j University meets with the teetotal Veri­ ly. if it had been a political office this column would have gone on the stumps for Dr. Hen edict. This not­ withstanding there are differences be­ tween the new president and S. P. latter believes .that all schools The above the grammar should cu#*ion of the problems that the major in athletics, while Dr. Bene- Eterne Lir fluctuations in prices, world is now faced with in regard dict hold* to the rather medieval the- j m w port*!* meeting# ever held in Texas have been neglected for too; Hee#* iii the Dallas News, long a time. The measures that are; m w being taken to put them on a COTTON WEEK firm e r basis by means of money a p - ; IN AUSTIN propitiated from the fend, though not such as to be eon- * life E"OR a week recently Austin was the scene of one of the most im- the foreign siie o u tfit Uniter?tty, coBatttste a• South when experts from '‘ ■stWtft *4yanc* over the whole**)* I comitrtee aa well m Texan and the neghrct o f the past. The 11000 thus* United Slates assembled ber# to db- p m u m t i m i d go far toward elm.- cuss the various problem* involving inating m ach of the regrettable wda?|tbe growing, marketing and manu- u n derm n din g that Ism arisen in Mw \ I a tt tiring of cotton. The informative the p m i M a result of th*. inefBcteBef j omioftA that were held under ami #ceotraltxation of the support <• f u s e e s of lh# School of Businas* f.Adtainitration of the Uoiveraity of given to tut band. The committee has attacks! ^ J g * * - . ^ the credit for havmg #e- ******* m th€ ri« ht w*y h? t-Howinrl cured such an array of intemaUon- a mm. who tm . the confidence , of I ally prominent authbrtUes on cotton St* present members cf the hniM It!In mppmr the “Cotton W e e k ” rn likely that they will choana veil in providing & director for iii % ociii K goes to Dr. A. B. Cox, who ed th is v ery su ccessfu l un* garuzatkma. Whatever a dtiiaking, ob * »o4 .be too much; “Cotton i*ed# in arousing additional rn-J Week” if to become an annual event um trum fnt*! N or A a itin . The unusual succes. p f th e! initial meeting wgrraats money well e x p e c te d , n h * It is understood i, if * local that and year I continuance of it each The importance o f holding such a session j can nardiy be e stim a te because the v«fy oater* of the problems dealt with interwoven with th* economic and business life o f Texas. are . inetdrkabiy , lkH r Fortuna**, IMM EJ HW Assistant _ A*KHt*nt ..._ A»*I*t**t Aa* la ta u t A** la USI Nothing is so vital to the welfare I b t Tex#? and most of the South aa Ma nae mc 'W 'Ll cotton. The problems of this great industry are many and extremely difficult of solution, and all efforts that are made to get at the solution o f them deserve the heartiest -apport and co-ope rat bin. rn- deed, were we to have the different aspect* u t the cattan industry dis­ cussed in our midst by men whose ideas arui thoughts along these lines are admittedly among the best. The theory has ipng lodged in the minds | o f a few that the problems sur- j rounding cotton will never be solved ; until the whole industry - and this applies especially to the farmer— has been stabiliser! and placed upon a m en tifica lly and economically sound ham . AU such meet ings a* that held in Austin during the past week tend to educate all who have to do with cotton along sound theories that rule the industry. %' changed to 2a.3. English 2c.4 meeting at l l o ’clock in G. H. 319 should be and is now changed to 2c.5. Book Returned to Lib A fter Charge £ . J. MATHEWS, Registrar PHILOSOPHY lOg will meet in G. H. 203. Philosophy 172 will meet in G. H. 213. E. J. MATHEWS, Registrar the Committee PROSPECTIVE eruise-around-world students will please take notice that on Admission from other Colleges of the University to o f Texas Has definitely voted promise no credit on any work taken on any m ode. £ . J. MATHEWS, Registrar. N O TR E OF change in activities program of July 26-30; F riday, July 29; 8 p. rn.— Lecture, “Masterpieces o f Greek Literature,” ! illustrated, Prfoe*#or If. J. Leon. Professor Melvin’s lectuie replac­ ed by that of Prof ew er Leon. PHI DELTA KAPPA MEETING? )At the regular m eeting of Phi Delta Kappa fraternity this (Thurs­ day) evening at 6 o ’clock the lead­ ing number on the program will be an address by Dr. J am vs 0 , b a r­ berry, ‘The Administration of Public and on Schools in Centralized of Eleven Years Claiming the hi H it (Bi out-do­ ing Enoch Amen hi ’.self, a book by Diejo de San Pedro, entitled “Carcel de Amor," has just been turned into the Library after an absence of almost eleven years. This book o f Spanish fiction wa* taken out by Miss Lila Oasis, pro­ fessor of Spanish, on December 9, 1918. I^ong forgotten, the book wa* returned Tuesday. Co-ordinated System s.” J. W. BALDWIN ALL CANDIDATES for ♦he degree o f Bachelor o f Business Adminis­ tration in August should go to Dean Fitzgerald at once and ii go a dip- car<* All candidates for the degree oi Bachelor of Science in Education in August should go to Dean P itterifer at once and sign a diploma card. T U. TAYLOR, Uharrman Diploma Committee THE NEWMAN CLUB will hold a watermelon feast Friday evening on the lawn. Al! members are cor­ dially invited to attend. ' CHARLINE LALLIER L A W IN N O R T H C A R O L IN A In the absence of Dr. R. A. Law, chairman of the department of E n g -? | hah of the University, Dr. J. B. | Wharey, professor of English, is act- • ;ng chairman. Dr. I .aw is in Chapel is Hill, North Carolina, where he | teaching during the second term o f Mummer school at the University of North Carolina. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927. T H E S T U D E N T S D IR E C T O R Y Succeeding installments o f the Students Directory for the sec­ ond term of summer sohool ap­ pear in today’s Texan. Other installments will appear regularly until ail the names are printed. The Daily Texan Covers The Campus Watch for them. It s the Best You Need During Warm Days — Purified Protection D vr i n k W a t e r THE DAILY TEXAN B U S I N E S S D I R E C T O R Y Order a Bottle of Pure Water C A R P E T C L E A N E R S TINNERS AND ROOFERS ft**#* Cipuwd Rebound—Work Gti*r**t*Mwl CAPITOL CARPET CLEANERS 4117 Em* Ave., Black * Cooper, Pfc. SSM L U M B E R GAGE BROTHERS Furnaces, Roofing, and Tin Wark 7th A Red River Ste., Repairing, Phone S N I BRYDSON LUMBER CO. Buddhie Material of Alt K in * tStk and Guxiahtp* Pb.n. 8331 WANTED TO BUT PLUMBERS C ast-off C lothing and Shoes. We Pay the Highest Prices for 407 Ess! Bib Bt. Phooe *717 , , 140* ta v e r n St „ E. RAVEN, Plumber Good Plumbing repair* ara made* Phone 4747417 East 4 Highest cash pf ice paid few second-hand c lo th in g and shoes. A. Schwarts Phone 370? TODAY Phone 2-2988 Prompt Delivery S U M M E R S C H O O L D I R E C T O R Y j Gregg, John E, 2101 San Antonio .. Gregg. L T, HIO W 12 ......... Greig, Walter, 900 Brazos ......-........ Gresham, Newton, 205 K 25 ........... ...................... Griffin, E Eldridge ........... Griffin, May me, 192 E 26 Griffin, Vivian. 008 VV 24 ....... . Griffith, Hurley, 2713 Guadalupe* Griffith, Ma non E, 3111 West Ave Grizzard, Eva F, 300 VV 12 ___ ... Grous, Grace, 1500 E 1st Guenther, Henry VV rn, 2205 Nueces G'turr** Adi1 la, Newman Hall ....... Guinn, Cora Lee, Grace Hall ....... Guinn, Flurry 0 ., 602 W 16 Guinn, Gladys C, 1907 Red River I Guinn, John A, 2501 Nueces * Guinn, Virginia ] Guinn, VVm A, 1907 Red River . s Gunrq VVm T, 2807 Rio Grande , J Gwyn, Mary M, 207 VV 21 . ....... ... ........... . G ustation. Irene, Womans Bldg. . * Guthrie. I, Ethel. 1803 Guadalupe Guthrie, Vithie L, 2409 Speedway H ; ffadda!, Joseph, J, 2209 Nueces I Hahn, Lewis, 2304 Neches ............... ’ Hale, Jack, 1905 University | Hale, Lula, R, ,2101 Nueces ....... . ... Hale, Zollie Mac, 2101 Nueces Hall, Elizabeth, 707 W 23 Hanford, John T, 2108 Nueces .... liaise]], John T, 816 W 16 Hamby. Frank ^ . 4 4 0 Red River Hamby, Lewi# M. 1401 Red River Ham I ll, Ruth E, Newman Hall Hamilton, Helen, 610 VV. 24 Hamilton, Jessie L, 69 East Ave. Hamman, Bessie, 2407 Whitis Hammond, Jim, 1405 Travis Blvd. Hammond, Mary 1903 1-2 Wichita Ham m ons, N ancy Lee. N ew m an Hall Hampton, d ia s , 2016 1-2 Speedway Hancock, Joe B. 303 E l l ............ 22453 22447 23439 8758 .23895 4073 8193 6215 ... 4830 . 7707 .. 21247 ... 3609 ...21668 . 3609 . 3605 . 4683 . 9181 23808 t i 13 .22204 23307 .. 8043 .. 7598 . 7598 .22812 7347 7347 4830 8480 22562 3024 8463 8 .3 IO331 183 SSO 5930 . ” Happ9 Howell C, 310 VY 26 , Hargrave, Sybil I), 2007 Guadaupe "* I Hancock, M m Tarrant, New Braunfels { H aney, F re d T, 705 W 24 | H an k in s, M ildred, 2002 San A nto n io 4451 3716 5771 4086 Hargrave^ VV Bailey, 3118 Wheeler . 22606 Hargrove, Hugh M, A I I VV 23 r,381 .. 732} Hargrove. Kathleen, 2508 Speedway Harlan, Era, Womans Bldg 9181 23637 Harmon, Vita G, 563 VV 31 1-2 22516 Harper, J Maud, 2404 University Harper, L o ttie, 807 VV 22 ‘>‘><>98 ’ Harper Margaret E, 2005 Guadalupe '.“8746 Harrell, Bonnie. 807 VV 22 *■‘>2278 Harneflf Ella, 209 E 23 . 6039 Harrei, J VV, 1008 Lavaca . 6476 Harris, Harvey W, 712 W 22 23221 Harris, Ida M. 4200 Avo F . . . “’I . 2660 Harris, Justine, 2621 University Harris, Leona, 1704 Congress 8151 Harris, Sidon, 805 W 22 1-2 3739 Harris, Veta, 1704 Congress ... 8151 Hamsun Tho* R, 2914 San Gabriel 7. 5639 Marry, Alien S. 2509 Nueces 3998 Harry, Joe L, 1913 Whitis Hart, Katy. 2307 Speedway .. Martkopf. Mauri ne, 1609 W 9 Harvey, Frances O, 707 W 22 1-2 Harvey, Olive, 2002 San Antonio Marvin.E d w in L. 2101 San Antonio Harwell, Lilt tan, 1206 X e wrung Harwowi, Loflin E. 2308 Rio Grande H asting* Ruth, 1310 Colorado . 4662 22958 23960 Installm ent N o • 5— Students . Z ’ Hasty, Chaa M, 1709 Congress Hate bitt. Joe P. J 03 E 22 ................ Hatley, Roy O, 909 VV James Hawkins, F Eugene, 1908 Speedway Hawkins, Frances B, IOO VV 19 Hawley, John M, 2308 Rio Grande Hay, Margaret L. 2204 Nueces ....... Haynes, Roger G, 1905 Pearl ....... Hays, Bryan J, 206 E 22 Hays, Exa, 617 Highland Hazeltine, Efford S, Y M C A Head. Jus L. 2206 Rio Grande - ...... B e a m , Robt R, J sol) San A n to n io ... 22457 .......... 22452 Heath, Evelyn, 2620 Salado Heath, G e rtru d e . 262G ~Salado ............. 22452 Heath, Nelda, 705 Ne wrung Ave* 8017 Huntington, Allen A, Little Campus H eathy, Dee, 617 Highland Hefner, Chaa, 1907 Nueces Bogman, Elmo VV. 4805 Ave F .....I Hcimann, Eugene, 27th & Nueces Hesmann, Hugo, 28th & Nueces Heliums, Alma G, 2301 Rio Grande Heliamns, Frances, 1506 San Jacinto Helms, Daphne, Womans Bldg Helton, Grace. 2407 University Henderson, R C Henderson, R E, 2500 Whitis Henderson, Ruth 2610 Guadalupe .... 6894 Henderson, Waarren H. l ittle Campus 23431 Hendrick, L avelle, 2506 San Antonio .2 3 5 0 6 Hendricks. Jake, 807 W 22 .21039 Henry. Phillis R, 1609 Brazos 8031 Hen: ley. Alexander Lee, 306 E l l 7 t i *> i i Usa Herbert, V erd i, Kirby Hall Herman, Abe, 2501 Wichita H t nianeda. Sister Mary, St. Mary’s 7021 I** 9 .............. 23320 23305 6549 Mad ie, Woman’s Bldg. ........23068 8705 Holden, Julia E, 2502 LaFayette 9393 Holdsworth, Willie, Kirby Hall ............. 85*7 21739 22805 Hollers, Hardy, 206 E 22 5808 H ollifield, Margie A, 1916 Speedway .... 3401 3820 ‘>958 I 9181 7015 aiH,- Holloway, Win J, 2806 Guad 3000 Holloway, Mrs W J, 2806 Guad.............. 7015 Holmes, Kathryn, 4111 Ave C ........ 22163 . . 23890 Holtzer. Leola D, 2207 Nueces Momeyer, B C, 2623 Wooldridge . 23604 7174 Hooker, Lyle T., 801 VV’ 25 .......... Hopkins, Jesse J, 2211 Speedway ....... 4011 Horten, Clarence Noel ,1905 Nueebs ....22556 Horn, John F, Little Campus ............ Horn, Marguerite E, 2508 Speedway Horne, Robt A, IOO VV 27 ...... H om e, Mrs VV L, 5417 W 28 Horton, Nolan, 103 E 22 .......... Horton, Shelley C., 2101 Nueces 7!!!" . 7324 22092 . 4282 . 9393 6549 22193 . . House, Roland Lee, Little Campus 4722 J 6535 Howard, Rosanna, 2404 Speedway 6535 Howell, Ireland, 2304 Trinity ,....... 8484 23981 23431 21817 5495 Stowell, J Randolph, 200 W 19 6768 Howerton, Grace Lee, 1916 Speedway 3401 Ho worth. Margaret, 2407 Whitis 3024 Hoy!, Ralph L, 2352 Guadalupe 9403 Hoyle, Helen, 2007 Whitis 4455 Huddleston, Gertrude, 1203 Willow . 3162 Htidier, Dempes, 2107 Nueces 7386 limiter, Jewel!, 2107 N u e c e s ....... 7380 Hudson, Ellice L, 2625 University 23952 Hudspeth, Lucy, Woman’s Bldg. 9181 Huey. Frank, 310 W 26 ............. 5771 H ughes Maude, 2007 Whitis .....I..’ I." 4455 . 23380 Hughes, Vernon, 2305 S p e ed w a y 23507 Hughes, VV Scott, 1310 Brazos Hulett, Emory, 2501 Nueces >1668 Humphries, E Veloy 2510 Rio Grande 9563 9563 Humphries, Marlin, 2510 Rio Grande Hunt, Wilmer JI, 900 Brazos k718 7 2 2 9 0 2 Hunter, Laura G, 2op E 26 1-2 . Hunter, Vernie, 212 W 43 ....... 5895 Huntington, Mozelle M, 2301 Rio 6238 4659 9081 5000 Academy ' Hermes, Lucy, 165 W 20 Herndon, G Perkins, 1912 Nueces Herrera, Consuelb, 1905 E 3 Herrera, Gustavo A. 1905 E 3 Herring, Crystal, 209 E 15 Herring. Frances L, 2009 Whitis Herrington, Bes# Lt 906 VV' 26 Hewcomb, Wyima, 2307 Speedway Hewitt, June, Newman Hall Hickman J Troy, 2110 Tom Green Hicks, Lei* p, 2603 Wichita Ricks, Vesta ( \ 1909 Wichita IT Hikhlower. Margaret F, 2107 San An tonic ........ ........... Hightower, Virginia, 2107 San An ..... Hi Id i nger, Zena, 502 W 31 Hill, Blake, 915 Congress HRL T ro y IX 1906 G u ad alu p e ....... H ill, V elm a B, 710 VV 22 HiHsman M attie R, 2303 S peedw ay H ilton, h Th urns on, 2 1 0 E 26 1-2 H ilton, M iles E, T il W 21 H ines. B e rtie B, 200) M’ich ita H ines, Fred P, 2003 W ich ita Hines, Dixie Q. 2802 San P e d ro H ines, M IX 1905 U n iv e rsity H ines, S co tt! Mae. 710 W 22 H in y a rd , L isb e th , 210 E 25 Hin y ard . Jim N. 210 E 25 Hixon, Win C, C ity Hospital Hobbs, Nettie E, 662 VV 16 i n — H°<'kt-r - Pa flee, I MIO B razo s " 4075 H odge, W innie, 2600 W hitis 364 7 H odges, H e n ry A, 208 E 24 8265 H o elscher, R eg in a C, 2101 N ueces 3716 H o ffm an , F ritz , 3 5 0 6 W est A ve. H ag an , F ra n c e s M. 2313 N ueces He la tick , M ary A, 2218 Rio G ra n d e H olcom b, D elton S, 2711 N. G uad. H olcom b, J o h n R, 1910 San A n to n io ..23904 ... 4455 4075 9593 4238 9501 . 9473 . 9473 . 9253 . 6223 - 9556 . 4432 . 9500 23962 7668 23636 8043 .21237 21237 . 4489 2124 7 J 8488 - 0760 .23392 . 7 od* . 7406 6816 8663 23090 . 4168 I. ............. Grande 8484 8580 9367 4773 6165 9528 5775 3853 9647 ;. Hurt, Virginia, 701 VV 25 1-2 Hutchins, Robt E, 2810 Nueces __ Use, Mildred E, 710 W 22 Inile, John F, 1303 Windsor Rd....... Inge, Rease, 605 1-2 W 25 Irvine, Jo# W, 610 VV' 2 6 Irvine, J as S, 311 E 34 .... ......... r Irwin, Maty, 2815 1-2 Rio Grande Isaacks, E Buford, 2801 Rio Grande IU, Irene, Woman’s Bldg, .... 9181 Ivey, Alfred, 2408 Rio Grande 9397 Jackson, Archie C, 2101 San Antonio 9794 Jackson. Mrs B D, OOI W 16 ... 5791 Jackson, Darrell L, 1914 Nueces.......... 4800 Jackson, Homer H, 2102 Nueces 5453 233o’7 Jackson, James E, 2304 Neches . Jackson, Lucite p, 1908 Speedway .... 5808 Jackson, Mildred, 701 Ruiz 22442 Jackson, Will Wf 2207 Nueces "L l 23302 Jaeggle, Lucite, 402 W 24 . 7785 James, Elsie May, 2008 University . 4510 J a mar. AyJeen, 1300 West Ave 22877 Ll" J a oak. Lydia, 806 VV 22 . 9674 LLL""' ........... Jnanas, Maxine Jaffrey*, Cecil, 3111 Grandview L L Jenkins, J Hood, 601 W l f Jenkins, John T. 908 Whitis Jennings. Alice F , 2001 Whitis Jennkings. Delha Alice, Grace Hall Jennings, Morris S, 505 W 26 ..... Jobe, John E, 510 W 23 ................ John, Elizabeth, 2009 Whitis ...LLL John, Frank, 1901 Whitis LL Johns, Flora, 701 Thereat IH L I.... Johns, Ralph, 2510 Rio Grande Johnson, Bettie, 411 VV 13 .23391 22602 ii 4432 % 6278 .. 7707 .. 9498 22914 5967 7511 9563 4033 (Clip and file this directory and watch for other installments appearing during t h i s w eek .) Texas Students Publications, Inc., B. Hall • • v pa ' $ . i I . I i i i . THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEL B y G E N C B Y R N ES usual, as he has been Lew Cody does ra th e r less than com petent : enough on a good m any previous oc­ casions to do som ething with p a rts which are nothing; but he is an ex­ ceptionally sm ooth m an-abom -tow n, and you will be able to w orry through the p erform ance w ithout d ifficulty. s ta rrin g J e tta Gouda}. l oin M ix's am azing vitality in view c I his incessant work iii th e pictures is unaccountable, and his popularity seems not to flag. The c u rre n t p ro ­ duction is a film ing o f Adele Rogers St. Jo h n 's "T he B roncho T w ister.” novel, T h e C li m b ers /"NXE would expect this f ilm to p re ­ sent a m odern probletn-play see nario, but it is a dram a of old Spain and new, fe a tu rin g Irene Rich, Myr- na Roy, anti Clyde Cook, who have ; appeared in o th er pictures in A us-; tin within a week arid who should F o r­ give a brilliant perform ance. rest S tanley and Flobeiie F airb an k s j ore also in the cast. W arner B rothers are unusually as­ and siduous about finding diverse unusual roles fo r Miss Rich to play, an exam ple which o th er producers would find it profitable to em ulate. T he public m u s t have some surcease from the constant re p etitio n s of the sam e actors and in the sam e plays, if th e picture business is to hold its own. W arner B rothers are also fo r­ tu n a te to have a s ta r fo r whom it is w orth while finding varied roles with the assurance th a t she will handle them with variety. A ce of Stars TTH E HANCOCK o ffers one of the regulation w estern pictures with Tom Mix, Helen*' Costello, and Jack Benick, fo r co n tra st w ith the new w estern p icture presented the early th e w eek% "W hite G old,” p a rt of All A board comedy 'j p i l I S fast moving this p icture resem bles Lions, few points by F irst National P ictures includes enough m aterial fo r the proverbial th ree -rin g camels, circus. shirks, are ju s t a in which the national form of en tertain m e n t of our childhood. Johnny Hines, an old friend to the movie fan, is the sta r of the picture, He makes the Iapid tran sitio n from shoe salesm an to sluek (it such is possible?) with pleasing rapidity. com edy The laughs of this are produced by the methods th a t w ere so fam iliar to us in the days of the Keystone Comedies with a touch o f the technique of Douglas Fairbanks. the climax of the picture, a f te r In being chased by the K eystone lion, he swings from the chandelier to engage the d esert w arriors in sword play until he can find m eans of es­ cape fo r him self and the heroine. Joh n n y proves him self a g en tle­ man by p re fe rrin g E dna M urphy, a p re tty blonde sta r of the photoplay. Our Clearance Sale on SWIMMING SUITS GOLF SUPPLIES SPORTS*WEAR I y w i l l j s a v e y o u m o n e y y I C. & S. Sptg. G ds. Co. 704 Congress IMP ORTANT OFFICIAL N O T I C E S \ A ppear in every issue of The Daily Texan, to g e th e r with com­ plete news of th e cam pus. T h at’s why every stu d e n t should read The Texan every day. Don’t miss the sto re news, too. I t ’s im portant to you. / T H E D A IL Y T E X A N . I -THIS COHV*R SATISH CA H p c s w a p AHS OS AHY TdtATRe IN Room 11 • <*mrui r n v AMM THE CINEMA A M a j e s t i c : T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y , a n d S a t u r d a y , I r e n e R i c h in “ T h e H a n c o c k : T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y , a n d S a t u r d a y , T o m M i x in " A c e o l C l i m b e r s . ” S t a r s .’' Q u e e n : T h u r s d a y , J o h n n y H i n e s i n " A I I A b o a r d ” ; F r i d a y a n d S a t u r ­ d a y , M o n t e B l u e i n " B i t t e r A p p l e s . ’’ T e x a s : T h u r s d a y , N o r m a S h e a r e r a n d L e w C o d y in " T h e D e m i - B r i d e ” ; F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y , J o h n G i l b e r t in “ T h e S h o w . ” som ething sig n ifican t with nothing, and as a consequence is m erely pleas­ a n t to look a t in "T h e D em i-B ride.” J Q U E E N L a i t T i m e « T o d a y JOHNNY HINES in “All Aboard” C o m i n g F r i d a y MONTE BLUE mm BITTER APPLES I he Dem i-Bride C L IG H T , ram bling, and u nim port­ an t as is this pictu re, it is a t least am using and p resen ts two pop­ u lar actors in th e ir usual roles. Miss S h earer of th e screen the p re ttiest women on and is not a bad ac tress when p ro ­ vided with som ething to do. She is do not, however, good enough is unquestionably one to PHONE 8000 Classified Ad Section Your Message Daily to 6,500 Readers SUMMER GERMAN Cool Roof on o f Stephen F. Austin Hotel “ Top o’ Tow n” Friday Night, July 29 Harold. C aldw ell a n d h is H otel Stephen F. A u stin Orchestra w i l l p l a y 9 to 12 A dm ission $ 1 .1 0 FIND YOUR NAME IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION AND SEE THE SHOW RATES ' ' V ' f \ mm................. l f "" 11 1 -j ■ ■■■-. .. ______ —*.L- " COACHING 9 JM .58 . .70 - - .81 . 1.00 . S SO Ins er flan I in s e rtio n s in s e rtio n s * 4 lo s e r lio n s 4 in s e rtio n s I m o n th ___ B oid applicatio n . M axim um o f 25 W ord* foes an d display ty p e r a te ! upon Japan H opkins, C la ssifie d A d M er. APARTMENTS FOR RENT" A PA R T M E N T S PO R R E N T : N icely oinhed two* room o p a rt men t. tra n c e , N ear U n iv e rsity . P hone 8828. fu r- P riv a te e n ­ 28 BUSINESS SERVICE th e p rice I H E B E ST WOKE-—-The b e st se rv ice is ne* more an d B i#irs and Co. S nappy fle a Hers a n d ta ilo rs. S nap back a t — 2 ii u j. IO© < C o n g ress. photic TOO I. th e sea, and do W E COPY T H E M E R , all k in d s of ste n o g ra p h in g , m u ltig rap h in g and m im eo g rap h in g . Call 6934. 914 L ittle field Bldg. T ax es M a ltig ra p h Shop. M rs. E. J — t# A dam s. MISS TEX A N A H IL L E R . T hem e* and r a te ly copied. B ldg.. 7 th and L avaca St. 6998. then*-* p ro m p tly and a cc u ­ Hon ta 5, M as cutie Tem ple Phone — Si S T U D E N T S T R A N S FE R Owned and o p er­ a te d by stu d e n t* . T ru n k s hauled 60 c e n ts. Can h a n d le »r*y a m o u n t o f b u sin e ss. P h o n e — A6 Y. M. C. A. 90J4. H a rv ey B lanton. I JI E SE S T Y P E D : T hese ienced college graduate and o g ra p h e r. Call 2.*HOS! for K ing a fte r o'clock a. rn. Rate* r. * enable. typed by ex p er­ legal ste n ­ IO — 2* A T T E N T IO N . GUI! i i — b e g in n in g J u ly 2% and ru n n in g tw o m o n th s, I will conduct l u s t r e tion by e stab lish e d P hone nom inal ^ 29 a se w in g school. d re ssm a k e r. I 32*5. C harges ANNOUNCEMENT IDEAL PLACE TO ROOM M A TH EM A TIC S C o a ch in g : S tu d e n ts w a n t- lox co ach in g in A lgebra, G eom etry, A na- ly tic s. T rig o n o m e try , C alculus, etc. P hone 3.164 o r to 2808 N o rth G uadalupe si.ii a l call fo r B aker. DON’T FA IL S panish A, I, I, o r 22. Coach. trig by form er m em ber of .Spanish faculty, —Si U niversity of Texas. Phone 8682. MATH AND PH Y SIC S COACH— E x p ert coaching. F iv e y e a r s ' experience. S tric tly un d er th e honor sy ste m . S a tis fa c tio n g u a r ­ — J u n e I a n te ed . Dial 6963 fo r Golden. C LA U D E K. H IL L , S e c - , C A LLED m eetin g U n iv e rsity Lodge No. 1190 A F. A M. T h u rsd a y , Ju ly 28th, 8 rn., fffor w ork in th e F.Q. «, gree. V isitor* welcome. J. L. ROSE, W. M. A BOARD Sc ROOM E X C E L L E N T M EALS and nice room s w ith fo r boys n e ar cam pus. — 19 130.00 per m o nth. Phone 9498. •seeping porch T n . T T " - tea ch e rs, s r couples ’ den s, versitl* tw*0,hih J00®** !* T * ? r 2-1271, blocks. ' t.rm „ u: tw o a i e l * hom<’- Un!* 2511 W ichita. P h o n e —-28 ^ A N TED — Sm all fu rn ish e d c o tta g e writ** I- n o rth Ter**ty neighborhood. Plea*** £ “ firisr **: l.ftth KN i ~ ,J wo ***** ! rn I . s a m i t e p r iv a te J I p riv a te e n tre nee. Will s e c o n d J * £5: With FOR SALE V t S l ^ l S S S . ,U,r“'‘h* « * d »hc , , . , . , , to a discussion o f advan- the resid en tial types b u t not enough. devoted tages and disadvantages o f various “ E arly stages of arch itectu ra l dc- floor plans. The salient fe a tu re o f j velopm ent saw little grouping of the early schools was a sep arate stair: windows, b u t it was not long until well fo r each classroom on an upper advancem ent began. The model now is a large window space in pro­ floor, according to Dr, P itten g er. portion to wall space,” I860,” he explained, “ a “ A bout »*''»■ but th ere was no cloakroom or w ard­ room so fa r, these appearing la te r in In 1880 an entirely new fe a ­ 1870. tu re was introduced in the ‘expand­ ed h all’. This was on each floor, surrounded by classrooms, used (or assem bly purposes. “ The p re sen t junior high school building In Austin has a very d efi­ nite suggestion of this type of stru c­ tu re ,” he said. “ It makes possible the breaking up of the walls to let in m ore light and air, but it has the 11 P latform . — - ---------- ---■■■ ---------- —— J Seating Facilities it **for the Tbe concluding p a rt o f the talk was on seatin g arran g em en ts. “ Tbe earliest models had a broad desk bu ilt around the walls of the cabin with a high bench extending along beside children. T here was a sim ilar bench and board the desk sq u are in the ce n te r room back o f la rg e r children the for the tiny tots, who also som etim es sat on th e edge of the p latfo rm fo r the te a c h e r’s desk, if th ere w ere such larg e r of Yesf! rd ay afternoon th is young lady started out on a tw o-fold e r­ ra n d ; she was to mail a le tte r and re tu rn her record of work book. She bought a stam p and a fte r stum ping her le tte r walked to the mail box and dropped the record book inside and carried the le tte r to th e regis­ tr a r ’s office and was w aiting in the dreaded line Im*fore she realized her m istake! W as this caused from sent m inded profs— which? I Pittenger Talks (C ontinued from page I) and the unique com binations o f d iffe r­ en t types of architecture being the outstanding features. “ B eginning in 1890, a definitely ‘school building’ type o f arch itectu re has been developed to take th e place of ail th e previous haphazard des­ igns. Present Dey Typ#* “ B ere it m ight be well to include a list o f the types used to d ay : F irst is the classical, the Greek and Ro man type, coming down in w hat is popularly known as the Rennaissance architecture. We have our cam pus in the Spanish Renaissance. The type is m arked by colum ns and tin-cornered gable effec ts w ^h frie ­ zes. it on “ The second is the colonial type, which is really an adaption o f cleric model* to colonial conditions. This is very common in church and sta te buildings but does not ap p ear to any g re at ex ten t in the South. “ The th ird is the Gothic, having pointed arches with m u ltip le spires. Thin was extensively used in choree*, and when carried over into schools, 'college G oth ic.* A it becomes the modified form Pf this college Gothic is th e m ost common type o f school building today, the Texas adaptation o f the ty p e tending tow ard th e use o f the old mission features. Two Classification* “ fu r th e r , the general types o f a r ­ chitecture in school buildings may be classified as either a square, pack- ing-box form or a slender, slating form. The fatter wa.* popular d u r­ ing and tbe Queen Anne period to 1910 b u t is com ing from 1890 back a t th e present tim e m ore es­ pecially in th e ‘residential’ ty p es of school buildings. “ As originally planned, the box-like a building was constructed ab o u t lu m b e r o f room s and designed to ; facilitate the use o f those p articu lar room s. A s a result the e x terio r wa* K. C. HALL GERMAN Friday Night Varsity Apaches Playing Only Dance on Social Calendar Admission $1.00 IMPORTANT OFFICIAL NOTICES Imp ortant official notices appear in every issue of T he Daily T exan, to­ gether w ith com plete news report of the campus. 3% V'V v’ * t'Y-- Z Z / T h at s w hy every student should Students and Faculty read The Texan every day. D on’t miss the store news, too. It’s im portant to you. D A IL Y T E X A N I The Daily Texan behind “ The n ex t form was a desk w here­ in the sea t on one was attach ed to it. the desk o f the o th er When facto ries took over the con­ stru ctio n of the desks from the hand desk was carp en ters, th e double ^ form ulated. types had two These I the fa u lt th a t one child could by his o th ers fid g ettin g s disturb all th e I connected with him. j “ A g re a t step forw ard was taken ■ when th e standard single desk was I invented, and a still g re a te r when these were m ade adjustable. F u r­ th e r advances w ithin re c e n t years have been the placing of an arm re st on the single desk, and still m ore, the form ulation of a sep a rate desk Indispensable to Summer Students T h e University announces daily: Schedule changes; Im portant Inform ation about Courses, Theses, P apers dues; A nnouncem ents of Lectures and E ntertainm ents; S tatem ents of N ew Rules and R egulations; C om plete news of the E ntire Campus! M em bers will find T he T exan truly Indispensable to th em 8018 . ....... . ^ ........ 23 . COS W 28 Jew »i. 2411 W hitis Johnson, C arrie May, 2107 San A ntonio 4807 ................ 0894 Johnson, Dons, 2610 G uad 3921 Johnson, Dyt, 603 W 28 ......... Johnson, E dna, 712 W Johnson, Gladys, 510 A tla n ta 3080 Johnson, Gu.nsie, 510 A tlan ta ................. 3080 2309 Speedw ay ,.... 8885 Johnson, Harvey L, Johnson, 3921 John soul ............... 5198 Johnson, Lee E stes,, 2206 San A ntonio 8108 Johnson! Lucite, 2610 Goad. ... 6894 Johnson; M agdalene, 1905 T rin ity 8748 Johnson, M artha Johnson, Ted, 1803 W est Ave. ...’. ^ ’. 23635 Johnson, W ilfred, 2103 Nueces .......22812 Johnston, E arl, 2207 Rio G rande .......22098 Johnston, George, 1709 C ongress ......... Johnston, M arie, 2111 Tom G reen .... 3705 Joiner, L e k , 703 W 24 ............ ............... 7012 Jones, A lbert P, 2511 W ichita ......... 21271 Jones, A lthea, 2301 Rio G rande ___.... 8484 Jones, De un ie May, W om an’s B ld g 9181 Jones, E lk T, 2309 Nueces ....... 6342 6456 ........ Jones, Felicia M, 202 E 22 Jones, F ra n k B, 804 P a tte rso n ..............23363 Jones, H ubert B, S I I W 31 1-2 ......... 6967 Jones, Joseph R, 2311 N ueces ............. 4594 Jones, K enneth A, 2505 N ueces Jones, M Douglas, 1704 W est Ave .... 7491 Jones, R eginald L, 2103 N ueces .......... Jo rd an , G ilbert, 1905 U niversity ____ 8043 Jordan, Mrs. V era, 1905 U niversity .......8043 Joyce, M erle, 1508 W 6 .................... 9 4 2 2 Ju enger, F reda, 2103 N ueces ...... 22812 Ju en g er, M arv T, 2103 N ueces ___,....22812 ........ 7707 Juniger, M M ildred, G race Hall 9510 Kacir. Gee, 2400 T rin ity .......... Kaderli, F re d , 2406 W ichita 3717 Kaigler, B eatrice, 2407 U niversity I... 7921 K asparek, W innie, 809 W 22 1-2 ......... 8145 Keel, .John L, 105 W 15 .............. 22908 ........................ 22908 Keel, Lloyd, 105 W 15 Keeling. R uth, 2506 San A ntonio ......... 23506 Keen, John, 2708 Nueces .........TT... . 4290 Keenan, Cha* A, 2308 Rio G rande ... 22958 I Reese, A lton, Y M C A 9005 ......... 9181 Kelton, P auline, W omans Bldg Keeril, M argaret Alcenia, 1403 S. Con .. 7915 Keith, Edgar, 2004 W ichita ....... 8288 Keith, Mrs. E W, 2004 W ichita ............. 8288 Keith, W Law rence, 231* N ueces ... K e lk r, Richard A, 102 E 15 Keller, K atherine, 1797 C olorado Keller, V irginia, G eorketow n, T exas Kalium, Viola, 2304 Leon Keliq, D orothy, 510 W 7 Kelly, Edw ard, L ittle Cam pus Kelly, M ary, IOO E 26 ........... Kelly, S Louise, 2309 Neches ........ 8634 Kennedy, C harles, 2103 Nueces ............22812 23963 Kennedy, E rn e st, 2302 Duval .... Kennedy, S ister M, Newman Hall *7.7.7** ................. 4 7 7 3 Kennedy, N an, j * ® w 2 2 Kennedy, Robt A, IOO WT 27 .. . 2209‘;' Kennedy, T ravis B. 2819 N Guad. *1. 7909 . nS l l Kenyon, © G rover, 1604 San A ntonio K erhor, F rancos, 309 W’ 31 g b i«> K erbor, Mrs. R P, 309 W 31 77777777 8612 Kerl, H elen. 2218 Rio G rande __ 8668 Kilgore, N ew ton, 801 W 25 ............ 7174 K illingsw orth, W’infred, 2504 Rio ........ ..22784 ... 3033 7 8889 .. 7664 .2 3 4 3 0 G rande ........ ....... i .......... King, Leslie, 1807 Lavaca ....................... King, I.u cik , W'oman? Bldg ................ 9181 King, M arine, 610 W? 24 ...........1.......... 8480 King, Robt, 2511 Nueces ..... 23309 King, R Henry, 605 W 25 .....7 77777.21732 King, W alter, 2506 W hitis ....22632 K|rtj?, Willie Louise, 200 Elmwood Pl. , 3338 .. 9181 Kinkead, Alma, W omans Bldg . . Kinzbach, Robt B, 306 W 14 ........... 371 5 Kirk, Rebecca. 2511 Rio G rande '...77. 6287 -.eschell, Gladys, 2218 Rio G rande .... 8663 Klamke. Virginia. 2306 San Antonio .... 7066 Klett, Mamie, 901 B aylor ........ 5708 ........... ..22879 K lett, W’m C, 1807 Colorado L “ Pp!®, Edmund C, 202 E IO 827 Knape, June, 407 E 16 .......... **77377**8128 ............ 9181 Kneese, A nita, W’om ans Bldg K netsch, Edw ard, 1518 Lavaca 7676 Knight, Jam es 204 E 22 ........ ” * 3 0 1 0 Knolls, K atherine, W omans Bldg 7.777 9181 Knolle, Mary D, W om ans Bldg .............. 9181 6535 Knox, Leona, 27th & Nueces ..... Kmx, Mrs. Oliva, 301 W 29 708 7 ......77 7 ........ Loo- Knox, Roy G, 104 W" 17 9 im I Koch, Seva, W om ans Bldg ...... Koiaja, John WU 3205 G uadalupe v Mi’ 2 0 0 2 San A ntO"jo 7777 3716 Kopecky, Yudma, 4208 Ave I 0 3 5 X Kostohryz, F ran k J, 706 W 22 ......... 7 9 0 2 5 Kostohryz, Libuse A nne, 2002 S an An­ tonin ,, ... ‘171J1 t i t t i e c » m w ' : r : . g 3 : l T n m , Joseph R, 801 W 25 7171 K rueger, Paul, 1605 C olorado.................. 7«08 n y g c r, M urray, 1 /0 7 C ongress ..............23968 Lakey, F, 2304 Neches .. 23304 ......... *-*3304 LaM otte, Chas, 2004 Sabine L ancaster, Blake, 2352 G uadalupe 77" 9403 L angenour, Dudley, 2315 Nueces Langston, B ernadyn, 2218 Rio G rande" 8663 » « ^ w f y m m L atim er, Bessie Mae, 1914 “Speedw ay 8088 L aughlin, H enry, 2 1 0 0 Nueces ?293 Laughlin, Jones, 1905 U nviersity T 8943 L aurence, Marion, 308 W 14 Law rence, Mildred. 1607 Nueces "..." 4*114 Law, Mrs. Allie, 1013 E 1st **"““ 237^8 Lay, Alme, 1709 Sabine ............ ......... ... Lindgren, C onradena, 2806 N. Guad .... 3 3 6 4 L indgren, EI«k, 2806 N Guad ............. 3364 Link, L aura, 2002 San A ntonio ......... 3716 Link, S avannah, 2002 San A ntonio .....3 7 1 6 9181 Lm son, f ora B, W omans Bldg ... as r n m ■au r a t e Logsdon, B Rue, 2409 San A ntonio .... 9626 Lockwood, R uth Alyoe, 409 W 13 &.......23958 Loeb, Sam, 2208 Rio G r a n d e ' 9 5 0 3 L ofton Em m a, G race H all ............ ^ 7707 Logan, Bess Jane, 1210 C olorado ......... 7836 ..7.T7..23506 Logan, Elya, 2506 San A ntonio Logging, L aura, 1905 P e a rl .......... 233^6 ...... 7 ’ 4830 Long Grace. Newman H all N ’ e w m a n Hai>- 4 * 3 0 4 4 3 ? 4782 ......... E.ord, C lyde, 1908 W hitis ................... Love, A lbert, 3101 West Ave ... Lovett, Mamie, 1013 E 1st Loving, M aribel, 1204 C astle H ill L ow ther, Geo W, 1006 WT 22 Low ther, Joseph, 1005 W 22 ................ L ockett A lton, 1903 W ichita 77771 Luedecke, Pansy, 1 807 C ongress i F ™ "k{ 404 W 23 H Lum sden, T Law rence, 2104 P e a rl Luna, Rt-ynoldo, LH t h Cam pus L una, L ula, Newman Hall / Lunday, Lana Mary, 207 E 2 5........ F' 1 16 Speedway * 71 1 0 2302 7007 3 2 m 2 2 M 1 " solid f i l l 4 2 4 S401 ^ Lung, Sam, 1605 C an terb u ry 3 42 Luther, James, 2202 Nue^s ’ ^ ... | 3° J | Lutrel’ ; V id a?*608* T ^ Lyne?’ t t t f c r i T M M cAf^^Vivi^^OOa0 v McBrvde