INCOMING TELEGRAM 8epartment ofStat!' 1/ CONFIDEN'f IAL so Action EUR FROM: Info SS ACTION: G SP INFO: L H STR E AID p DATE: USIA NSC Madrid Secsta.te 1759 Paris Unnumbered Bonn Unnumbered Brussels Unnumbered The Hague Unnumbered Rome Unnumbered April 7, 3 PM -INR Re EMBTEL 1751 CIA NSA Undersecretary Foreign Affairs called DCM to Foreign Office OSD April 6 to discuss Common Market timetable for Spain. He A?t.MY seemed discouraged after talks with Spanish Ambassadors NAVY especially Casa Miranda from Brussels. AIR CEA Cortina stated Spanish letter of February 1964 following two CCM years after original Spanish application for "association lead­ TRSY ing to eventual membership" already represented pulling back P.MR from original position in that it spoke only of trade arrange­ments with EEC. Cortina then reviewed March events in Brussels regarding Spain which he clearly regarded as set back. Finally he said Spanish Ambassador Brussels now convinced April EEC meeting would not discuss Spain at all and any further action now postponed until May at earliest. Casa Miranda had been given reason for continued inaction on Spain that April. agenda devoted entirely to problem inflation in Connnon Market (i.e., Italy). Cortina spoke quite frankly regarding his disappointment to Spain and showed some bitterness regarding Italian attitude. GP-4. WOODWARD REPRODUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS GEJ/9 DECLA.8£,-:""'J.... ,......~-~-W_ID_E_NT_~_4.._1..____pRoHIBITED "UNCLASSIFIED" ~"'.""0-lFl.,....,~ UNLESS ~)-6.'-L J 1..( Authority Control: 5 7 2 7 Rec'd: April 7, 1964 2:55 PM