l'--' •: • CZECH TASK l?ORCR ----·-­ ,. . 1. £ovi ct-9..0.££.h 'f-~1~~. In spit~ of -:rcq1.1ent nt'.wsr»« lH~ r stories th.at th~ talks hBvc c 1ded Bnd considurabl(! specu!.fltion as to the•. details of: an cvento~l r.ompromisc sc.ttlemcnt: o[ th0 Czech cri.sis, the talks an: evld~ntly ... t..:.J.1 continufog in Moscow. A recent UP:C story tcports t: at p·rcpnrat:i.ons hnve be.en mn.legat!.on tonight b\Jt t.:lieir clepart~n:~ \·1as dc:l~ye.d for the fit·st; full meQ.ting be­ tween the Czechs1 Russians and t1e leaders of tle four other occupying povrnro. 2. Q~S.£1LQ.~E_t1-.~!.LC~n\~J:_tc(~ t!,.~cr~~r!_g . {adio C7.echo.slov.-=-1ki.a has ennouncQ.d th(\t t. \O '1c.sidit1m of the Cent1:al Cormnittcc of the Cz~choslovak Communist Party has callc<\ s p.Jcru~ry nwct1.ng of t:he Cc11ttel Committi:;c and th~ ~ ' c~ntra1. Aud J. l" i.ng Com01i s s :ton for 1I'.uc.sd.:1y' August 27) to di SC.L1S 5 the cun:ent ·sitti~ :ion n c~cchoslovetlda ancl the report on the-. Czc.ch Delegationc£> negot'.~tlonr. fa MOSCC•W t (FP.iIS 87) I 3. F1·encb Cammuni~ts C11ll for Withdr~wal of Roviet Forces. 'i'hc l~re.nch Commu~~-i~~t·-;;r.·-.:y-;$·-Pol.iU-~a"i-n1.~;;cau·-1~~·; i.3stt;d·-;-c.·onu-;-u·~].q~-call.ing on the Soviet U1ion to wit:hd1~aw l.ts forc.r.:.s f:roui Czechoslovakia . (Sofia DIA 0096) t1 , S..:-·wic~Lf:.QE.<2.~-~-J:.g._Dui~J;~.Lf.9-. · 'l'he. Defcr,isc. ~ttacJia :f..n Sofia hDs_forwarssion. Afte.r rep:r.escntations from t:i~ CzC'.ch J('lcg{l.t ·.on to th0 Uni.ted Nat .c1ns,the S~.eurity Coun.cil Seasion schcdt. ... cd for t:hi.s morning was ca.nccl led ..A stDtemcnt was 1.ssltcd fnoica\:­ ing •·L°·d Lhc President of tlH\ Councll would "u1~gcntly proceed wilh con­ sult'ti..: ... on.s l< ?•. r~L~i_p£J.M.!l.~~C-~_q_ch_lnv.?_~__Q_~. Embassy P>orm was t~l