Steer Win Stalling' Engineering School News Coverage by a Competent St af f of University Students Makes T H E D A IL Y T E X A N the Most Complete Medium News of Campus Happenings VOL. XXX PHONE IT IN The First College Daily in the South N e w s ____________________________ 9181-61 A fter IO P. M ..................................... 9187 Classified A d s _____________________ 23165 Display A ds ....... ..................................... 23164 C irculation ............................................. 23164 S i t e S a l t o (S e x a ti WEAVER DIES SUDDENLY AFTER SHORT INNESS THOMASON PRESENTS BILL TO ABOLISH FRA TS FRATS HINDER Experimental Theater SON OF JUDGE AUSTIN, TEXAS, SUN DA Y , JA N U A RY 13, 1929. six! p a g e s t o d a y T he W eather S u n d a y : F a ir and w a r m e r . No. 90 DEMOCRACY IN CAMPUS LIFE’ Bill for D orm itories Will Be in H ouse Soon MINERAL BILL UP Investigation of L an d Office A ffairs P ro b a b le — in m w — — — M V * . W H *. * a r V A C T O R T ickets go on sate Monday a1 a the Main Building fo r booth the second presen tatio n of the E x­ perim ental T h eater, new est Uni- oiganization v ersity dram atics which for the p u r­ is organize*! pose of sponsoring and eneourag- (Ira- \ ; ing experim ental work m atics a t the U niversity. Seats on Sale Monday SIMKINS DI ES m 0ver Bears>2 2 ' 19 Laments Passing of r acuity Member HEART ATTACK CAUSES DEATH OF PROFESSOR EARLY FRIDAY FUNERAL RITES OF MISS HAMBY 0 N SATURDAY 12— The S teers opened their chase for the 1920 cage title here tonight w ith a sen­ sational 22-lit a fighting Baylor quintet. The Bruin ill five played a waiting game the way, holding the hall down on theii end of the court, and w ait­ ing fo r Texa-: to come and get it. This method of basketball almost proved the undoing of the highly ap­ pealed dazzled for the first few m inutes of play. F a th e r of Deceased Teaches H ere M any Y ears BURIED SATURDAY D eceased E x -Student touted Longhorns, as O f U niversity ; T o o k B. A . D egree By BOB CANTRELL T exan Sport* E d itor E N G IN E E R Son Goes to Dallas R . . n m I P A N T Ii I.' I I WACO, .bin. ---------- victory W 'lit Vi over they _ in rn Two one-act plays will make up j the program of the p resentation which will open the new th e a te r of the Experim ental T h eater in the basement of the E ducation Building. Because there are only IOO available seats, it is expected perform ance th a t seats fo r the both Tuesday and W ednesday nights will be at a premium. the English faculty. The The plays presented, in p u rsu ­ By ALBERT N1BLING, JR. ance of the policy of the new o r­ A bill providing fo r the aboli­ ganization to present worthy plays tion of fra te rn itie s on the Univer* local au th o rs, from the pens of sity campus by S enator W. E. w iU | are w ritten by C ommodore Cum- Thomason of Nacogdoches Longhorn come up for c o n s i d e r a t i o n within [ lev, co n tributor to the Thom ason M agazine, and Jam es H. P arke of the next few days. stated th at if regulation would plays be effective he would not favor are directed by V irginia B arnell com plete abolition, b u t his opin- and Jam es P ark e, respectively, “ A tonem ent” is the title of the ion now is th a t fra te rn itie s are a ; hindrance to com plete dem ocrat- play by Jam es P arke and the lead the ic harm ony am ong taken by V irginia Bar- stu d en t I will be body. is an e x -s tu -1 Hell in the p art of Clivia Massey, a Thom ason dent of the U niversity. He has a | woman whose huaSwrnfwrttVnK ju st son who holds a degree from the as she is about to move to the city U niversity and a d au g h ter who is j to live with h e r e o n , breaking up j a t present a stu d en t. While in j h er plans and fo rcin g her to re- th e U niversity, he stayed a t B. j main a t home and tak e care of the j H all, when it was used as a dorm i- man who left her. Miss B a rn e ll; played the lead in the recent Ex- 1 to ry fo r men. The bill providing for the erec- perim ental T h ea ter production o f j tion of m en’s dorm itories on the j “ T he Prodigal F a th e r.” She is a j campus, which has already been m em ber of Alpha Psi Omega, hon-j introduced in the S enate, will pro- o ra ry dram atics fra te rn ity , and j bably make its d ebut in the House has long been identified with the j early this week. The consensus of C u rtain Club. opinion is th a t th ere will be little iifficulty of its passage in Senate, but in the House more op- J ererul Sham!?, position will probably be met. Steele Kenedy, president of the the (C u rtain Club, has the p ari of Rev- “ A tonem ent” in A strong bloc has been form ed M eredith have th e p arts of John an the House th a t will probably M assey and Burt- Massey respect- ar the introduction of money bills ively. to share the throne the J queen the special session of In “ All Hail the Q ueen” A hill providing for the change It is rum ored th a t a lum p w ith him by although num erous j Commodore Cum ley, which will until Legislature, m oney bills have already been Tn- i follow “ A tonem ent” on the Irodueed in the S enate. Among j bill, B urt Dyke has the leading th e money bills to come up will be j role, of the king who is in search th e appropriations ririthe U niver- o f a sity. sum for the U niversity will be ask­ ed this year. The play is a fan tasy the scene of which is laid in, a m ythical kingdom. B u rt Dyke is a mein- in the m anner of investm ent of I b e r of the C u rtain Club and has U niversity funds, which has been appeared in m any of the dram atic introduced in both branches, w ill! offering-5 of th a t organization, broaden the field fo r investm ent the to include county, city, and in d e -;Q u een” is as follow s: Oolan, John Shaw; oth er bill will exem pt U niversity B ottle, Jim m ie M atthias; Leum as, bonds from tax atio n , thus m a k in g 'j o h n Storm ; Clok, Ray T h urm an; them more desirable to purchas- G eneral M urof, Paul L aB orne; Ghoon, Edw ard G reen; T ippatalia, cr*. is fa st form ing fo r Geraldine K. P o u n d ; Cella, M ar­ endent, school d istric t bonds. An- H am ilton; Joor, B arn e tt The cast o f “ All Hail Sentim ent in the interm ission th is direction th at ; jella Mathias, th a institution of a m easure will change the Handling of m in e r-; During be­ al rights on U niversity lands, One tw een the playa, refreshm ents will allowed probability th e plan which will R egents with the power to control such sales. The passage of the bill; restrain in g th e sale of leases on S P A N IS H C L U B S T O land and m ineral rig h ts Friday re- moved the lands from the m ark-! et. is be served and a period the f or discussion and criticism . 0................ . . G 1V f P L A Y M O N D A Y ______ . „ invest . . , ^ ------------- o— —------- D A T E LIST P O S T E D A series of Spanish plays, songs: the ; auditorium ! and dances will be given a t Austin J I igh School F u n eral fo r Miss services C arlie Hamby, an ex-student of the U niversity were held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Robert Hamby of this city, at 2 :S9 S aturday aft* m oon o’clock. The services were 'n charge of the Rev. A. L. Aulic k and the Rev. W. R. M inter. In te r­ ment was at Oakwood cem etery. Miss Hamby died a t a Coach W alker startl'd a b a m of six-footers in (’h eatham and Loo-j ncy a t forw ards. ut cen ter and W ray and T aylor a* guard;. This combination didn’t work to suit Weaker, and Brock, Came, and R e e s went into the game, and pulled out to a one point lead, as the first period of play came to an end. Recs sank a free toss as the h alf en led to put tho Steers in fro n t 10-9. de­ "j I hospital eariv F rid ay The Bruins covered Holly Brock She to o k !wc,i throughout the fu m e, b u t t ^ f . held i kcr bachelor of a rts degree from I *1 xas captain wasn I to be denied She wa-. and his two shots from tho floor the hectic second h alf were llu' U niversity in 1925 in Houston last year. in the deciding goals* in the fray. Inca' nt '* '’ i i i . Minikins had*never) employed d *»'**"* the rUKh waHOn h«d , Mr. Si mkt ns was 54 years of i U niversity at the p resent time, and age af the time of his death. He a b ro th er and sister a t school in is survived by his wife, eight chil- the east. J d ren, and two sisters, i the deceased's Judge Simkins, .f a th e r , Has been fo r many years been w orking office this year. She had brothers. F rank and Lewis, in the .1} 11 WHS Aubrey .Smith, a sm all; two j Ilear forW Td wh<> Scabbed off! the high scoring honors of the; evening when he sank four shots! from the floor and free J tosses for a total of 12 points,! th ree! ert B arton, A lbert Love, North j field goals and one g ift shot fo r Millican, Bryan Lacy, William I a 1015,1 of sev<>n points. Active pallbearers w ere: Rob- Brock was in the R egistrar’s second with four . . A , law W.vae, and Hood Jenkins, H onorary pallbearers were Mrs. Bessie Wyse, Musses Frances Lit­ tle, Rachel Sum ners, Millieent Hume, Mildred Williams, Eliza­ beth Rice, V irginia H arper, Babe Upham, Manon G riffith, Aline Lovell, Louise Millican, and Helen H art. The game was “ nip and tu ck ” | one team ! throughout with first T urn to Page (i, Col. I PAGEANT PUNNED BY TURTLE CLUB For Burial Rites William S. Stalking, univ son of Ju d g e William S tu art S linking the o ro fe to r em eritus o f law in U Iii versify, died at his home in F riday m orning. D allas Ju d g e Stalking was not able to a tte n d the funeral of his son. early Roe Simian , son of the * . . . ceased, and a rtrident in the Uni v ersify at the p resen t tint?, a tte n d -1 ed the funeral, which was in Dallas Saturday aftern o o n a been a student in the Univeeftay. ) He had been engaged in the hard- the w are business in Dallas for past several y e a r s . -tack. faculty. an honored m em ber of the Judge Simklns j school has been professor em eritus fo r a n u m b er of years, and teaches one class in the School of Law. UNION BUILDING SITE SELECTED The exact location has been m ade fur the A u d ito rs m-Gymna- sium . The new* stru ctu re will fro n t on Speedway IOO fe e t east o f the street and the south wall will be approxim ately eighty feet on Tw enty- from f ir s t Street, m aking the new build­ ing in line with the present I>aw Building. the sidewalk B urt Dyke of the University C urtain Club has the leading t o l e of the King in Commodore C ualley’s play, “ All Hail the Queen,”* which will be produced by the .Experim ented Theater, Tuesday and W ednesday nights. FIRST STUDENT FACULTY HOUR HELD SUNDAY To M eet Faculty S ocially play The 1 * Student-Facul ty hour meetings of the new y ear! will be at tho F acu lty Women’s I Club, 2610 W hitis, from 4:60 to 6 o'clock this aftern o o n . All stu- j dents are invited to come to the j m eeting and becom e acquainted j with their in stru cto rs in an inf or- j mal way. The invitation also i n - j elude:- all in stru cto rs in the U ni-j v e r ity . • APPRECIATION EXPRESSED FOR HAL C WEAVER A dopts Resolution O f Sym pathy —.— The facu lty of the College th e ; I7ID Q T A P P P A R A1SJPF i llon or . .• . . . . “ Architexas, ■' ~Z 7 ", One of the fe a tu re s of the pro- gram to be given th is afternoon J w ill he a series of songs by George I A R C H [T E X A S M A K E S C. Baker, stu d en t pastor of U niversity M ethodist Church. Ba- ker was a soloist as a student a t I Em ory U niversity and has won t h e bu elm renown through his gongs broad- j bo ard of the ju n io r arc h itectu re cast from radio stations in At- j stu d en ts, made its fir*! appeal - lanta, Georgia, his home city b e-; a n te ainee the name was selected in a competitive contest held re- fore he cam e to Austin. Mrs. B, F. P itten g e r will also g en tly . The board is posted on a sing and Donald Quinn is on th e I new board donated by Samuel E. afternoon’s pro g ram for a s o lo .! G ideon, professor of design, and ac- Josephine P o llard will give ; piano solo. This week’s bulletin carries an I Mrs. V. I. Moore will preside j ! a t the re fresh m e n t table and will edito rial on “ fellowship,” offie- by Goldwta ial announcem ents ! be assisted by a num ber of co- Goldsmith, professor of design, and Mrs. Ruth H astings, librarian as* o f well as an announcem ent o f the* P aris Prize Prelim inary. a j will appear twice a week, j cording to J. A. Mora, editor. pouring tea. ^______ __0_______ __ the architecture library, S T U D E N T S C O M PE T E I O R P A R IS PR IZ E The T urtle Club is m aking pre-! spring p arations for of dem onstration and the members!: E ngineering in a m eeting held at the annual : - n a t I Th*> from anyone. A copy o f the resolution are working on stu n ts and strokes at o o’clock S aturday afternoon, in Ail the seniors, the juniors, one a t the weekly m eetings the W om an’s Building. The demon­ this year will probably stratio n IO I Baldwin, Mary Edson, Fannie I«ec W H EREA S: God in his infinite adopted resolutions of apprecia­ .one graduate, g ra d u a te stu dent, tion of P ro fesso r Hal C W eaver one professor, one senior in in- te n o r decorating, and one fresh- 1 take the form of a pageant, ac-! and of sym pathy fo r his family man are com peting in the tw enty- cording to Miss J. I. Wood, spon- upon his d eath S aturday .morning, fol- Prelim inary, aor of the club. second P aris Prize the program for which was given I A com m ittee composed of Mae lows: out S atu rd ay m orning o’clock. C ontestants were allow- M inter, and Irm a be I Phillips, has j wisdom has removed ed a m aximum of ten hours of I been selected to choose m aterial ; continuous work w ithout sugges- 1 fo r th e dem onstration. T u rtle Club is now, for eon- Phe program read s; “ The An- venience, divided into th ree teams, nual C om m ittee of the Paris Prize j with a leader fo r each team . At J team s proposes as subject of this com- j each m eeting one of the In tern atio n al Gate- is responsible for an original game petition way of F riendship.' At the sug o r stu n t to be carried out by all geation of H erb ert Hoover, it has of the members. been proposed an in tern atio n al road fu rth erin g the link o f friendship and commerce between the three Americas This era to positions in state school* W H EREA S: Professor W eaver road will cross o ur border o v e r! have been made recently by the j the Rio G rande into Mexico and . T eachers ’A ppointm ent Commlt- this program proposes to erect o n ‘ tee, according to Miss Miriam Do- j the brink of the riv er a m o n u -lzier, secretary. m ent sym bolizing this new bond stru ct in physical education in the betw een the republics of tho new p o rt A rth u r schools; Mab Lynn? w orld.” tt'ncniMB C1Wf vy two Austin High .School clubs, p ertin e n t of w orkers and th e ir friends, T heta Kl Arco Iris and Los Habladores. Sigm a Phi m em bers, and all mem­ bers o f the business a»d editorial staffs of the T exas Students Pub- : * » urged to lications, Inc., sponsored by Sigma .sta te d . An admission of 35 c e n ti Jar m eeting of the Athenaeum Lit- ‘ D elta Chi posted in B. Hall, room 120. The theories of government of Hamilton and Jefferso n will be lira - discussed and th e ir application in malic* Club and those in terested history considered by Ford Chaun- Members of th e Spanish B B fra te rn ity , has been I will be charged. D IS C U SSE D A T M EET m H B B i I P ) M i atten d , REPLICA B. HALL ASKED FOR Kessler j coy and L u th er Lynn a t the regu- | P e t i t i o n W o u l d B a r Holliday, m em ber of the Board of R egents. through school, also B. Hall traditions. -------- — °--------- — t ^ r D M Q p C A F C A T “ Please re p o rt to the commit- lee in charge im m ediately, w hether I^ you intend to go to the dance b r | not. This is absolutely necessary ; before d efinite arran g em en ts can I Dr. Paul B. K ern, p asto r of the j hi made,” Jimmy McCamy, prest-1Tr*v» T hat an attem pt will be made to revive the trad itio n s o f old B. H^ill as they existed when th a t building was the (b adling o f m ore th a n a hundred U niversity m Miss Phillips will enroll Street. A buffet supper will foj- j in lhe Graduate School of the Uni­ low the initiation. versity at the beginning of the seeond semester. Her present ad-1 cuss the writers. dress is 1903 University A ve-j poems date from nue. OU t i T H E A GOL D SC HMI D T So ci e t y Editor T e le p h o ne 693S R E D D IC POEMS I DISCUSSED BY DR. HOLLANDER LEO HOLDS MUSIC CONTEST SATURDAY The Ralph Leo Music School held a music memory Contest Sat­ urday night in the school studios, Street at 8:15 ‘2010 Wichita o’clock. Mrs. Anita Storrs Gaedcke, vio­ lin teacher at the Leo School, was in charge of the arrangements, and selections were given on the piano by Miriam Gordon Landrum, teacher of piano. LEGISLATOR WILL SPEAK TO HOGGS An address by a member feature of a the Legislature will meeting of the Hogg Debating So­ ciety Monday night at 7:30 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A., according to Morris Hankins, president. The following additional pro­ gram numbers will be given: “Financing the New Highway Program,” Van Kennedy; reading, J. L intilie Mogford; “ My Idea of the Proctor System,” Dyt John- ‘Selling Pictorial Reviews,” son Charles Hilman; “ My Philosophy of Life,” Buford Nichols; weekly grunt, Roy Canon; critic's report, Jim Hulse. ------------o------------ A Y E R T O R E T U R N M O N D A Y Of Lecture Series Tuesday Night In his lecture on “ The Eddie Poems” Tuesday, Dr. Lee M. Hol­ from lander will quote passages the Scandinavian poems and dis- “ Some of these as early as the are lan- third century A D., and all the old Norse written in guage,” said Dr. Hollander. in a The lecture is the third series on “ Masterpieces of the World’s Literature” to be deliv­ ered by members of the Univer­ sity faculty. The lecture will be delivered at 5 o’clock in Garrison Hall auditorium. BULLETINS SENT TO HIGH SCHOOLS Allen Berry and Quinby Kizziar of Floydada, accompanied by T. R. Allen of Fort Worth spent a short time in Austin Saturday a ft­ and ernoon with Chester Day other friends. They were en­ route a pharmaceutical school in Fort Worth to San An­ tonio, where they will take the state examination in pharmacy. from Alpha Rho Chi announces the Johnston of pledging of Carl Cisco. Virgil Shepherd and Marvin Trice of the Alpha Tau Omega house are spending the week-end in San Antonio. Tommy Eldridge of Fort Worth, a former student in the Univer­ sity, is a guest at the Beta house for the week-end. Colton Hoppess, Baylor University, is visiting the Beta house. a student in at Mrs. Stubbs of Galveston is visiting her daughter, Mary Cath­ erine a t the Alpha Phi house. „ Mrs. D. W. Glascosck of Mer­ cedes is visiting her daughters, Mary Margaret, Helen and Wino­ na. at the Zeta Tau . Alpha house. Copies of a picture bulletin showing views of the campus and its surroundings are being sent to 700 February graduates in high schools of the state, according to Registrar E. J. Mathews. This is being done with the purpose in mind of interesting those students who will be graduated from high school or “prep” school at mid­ term in coming to the University, day of last week. Dr. Fred C. Ayer, professor of educational administration, will return Monday from Washington, D. C., where he attended the meet­ ing of the committee on supervis­ ion, which is preparing the 1929 yearbook of the National Educa­ tion Association, The meetings of the committee were held Wednesday and Thurs- CONTEST TO NAME LITTLE CAMPUS PAPER ENDS SOON I t t o o k o n e William Shakespeare i that a majority of the residents have turned in suggested names rn grand The prize will be prize offered. $1 in tailoring work, making at least one reply to Shakespeare’s query. to figure out the wise crack about “what’s in a name” but he knows nothing yet, says the editor of the Little Campus publication which is holding a contest for the selec­ to tion of a name under which an effort to win the The contest closes January 15 and the third issue of the paper will appear under its new name There are 150 students in the Little Campus and the editor says January 20. Clifford Bible, former Univer­ sity student, who is teaching near Marble Falls, and Joe Faubion of Marble Falls, , Parker and C. T. Hightower of the b*JP >1,she’tU* J r - Jam e* Pf*r' Ball baa gone to Port A rthur fo r I on subjects of universal interest I significance I t i * m m m . lan d o f present-day . _ h o m : It I K U N C * S P E A K S O N “’I ’R U T H * A T M E E T I N G Keligious In stitu tio n s,” will discussion on “ The F u tu re of O ur be T. M itchell and J. led by Dr. E. K. Johnston. Mack Taylor of Dallas ant fo rm er stu d en t in the Uni vet is a week-end guest at the Al] Tau Omega house. SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, l! SUN T H E D A I L Y T E X A N McKenzie ion, The effect o f American Im Neiu Books In The Library will bf preached S unday night- ie believed that this series will es- f the pee tatty interest stu d e n ts of U niversity, and a special invita­ tion is extended to th e fa cu lty and stu d en ts to attend th is series of R. TA, O riental ex< lux- j Live serm on-lectures th a t will be g i’ en during the n ex t fiv e nights. Follow ing are the su b je c ts to be \dimtmtd-.JaB o.ry 13, -W h a t . n j m igration U n , and Judicial Decision* upon the W herefore Is Religion?'*; January t h e 4 20, “ W hat and W here Is God?’’; Chinese and Jap an ese on America#* Pacific Coast, 1928. I Ja n u a ry 27, “ Why I am a Christ- and ian ” ; F ebruary 3, W herefore Is L ife?” ; F ebruary IO, “ How Did We G et Our Bi­ b le?” M eats, Eliot O,, R esident Orion- f tai* on the Am erican Pacific C oart, T heir I.©gal and Econom- j ic Status, 1928. Itafol»«en«, “ W hy . “ A Common Sense View 'of J T ru th ,” wa* the su b ject of a pa- ] per given by Carlo* K ling a t a m eeting of the Philosophy Club F riday night. The p ap er re p re­ sented an effort to give a state- ] m ent of tru th th a t would include j the various accounts of “ tru th ” given by d iffe re n t system s of phil­ osophy. C harles V ickery, p resident, an- nounced not th at the club will m eet again until a f te r final exam libation. A t the n e x t m eeting H Sunday School m eets very Sun­ day m orning at 9 :3 0 ; * Christian E n deavor meets in th re e graded groups a t 6:30 Sunday night. C H R IST IA N C H U R C H AT T E X A S B I B L E CHAIR Rev. F. L. Jew ett, Minister. S u b ject of l l o ’clock sermon, “ E ugenics and R eligion.” S T . P A U L S L U T H E R A N CHURCH K. G. Manx, p asto r . Services at 10:30 a. rn.; subject, “ P au l’s Exhortation: ‘Be Not Con­ form ed to This W orld,' ” Sunday] School and Bible classes a t 9:30. Services at 7:30 p. rn.; subject: “ Paul, the C hristian.” W alther educational League m eeting Thursday a t 8 p. rn.; top­ ic, “ The Christian C hurch in the E arly C enturies.” COME TO THE Lattimore Memorial Class University Baptist Church BEGINS 9:45 University Students! Now is the time to take advantage of our C L E A R A N C E S A L E (" Of Our Regular Selling Price On All Winter Coats, Dresses, Hats and Novelties > v . ^ ,. . . , W e must make room for our n ew m erchandise— act quick, buy now, unheard o f values, in q uality m erchandise. N o E xch an ges N o R efunds No A pprovals E v e r y Sale Final IN C 816 Congress me* Business Directory DOCTORS OPTOMETRIST D r. E. B. C row der, D en tist SOS Scarbrough B ld g ., A u stin , T ex Drs. Lynn and Lynn D en tal S u r g e o n s 507 Scarbrough B ldg., P h o n e 8 1 S4 RECREATION A . B U R S T Y N , O. D . C a refu l e y e e x a m in a tio n . C< and co m fo rta b le glass**. 6 1 8 1-2 C on grats PLUMBING E. R A V E N — P L U M B E R ‘W h ere G ood P lu m b in g R ep el A r* M ade’ B O W L A GAME OF POOL 1 4 0 3 L av aca S tr e e t, P h on e 67^ a * former in- : »true tor of Spanish tNrtHurtment of Uni­ versity. Ring 8652. BOARD MKS. J. A. PATTERSON announce* that will i « v i meals, throe for 824.50. APARTMENTS POR RENT AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT; Furnished or unfurnished 8004 apartment close to U n iversty. I Sabine Street. Phone 61*6. F U R NIKHL1) rooms, bath, sleeping porch. Pleasantly iocat- ; cd near U a h m it y . Also furnisted room coi'vpletcly- -thric with private bath. Phone 2-8419. WELL FURNISHED Apartm ent for rent. Four rooms, sleeping porch. Garage. side. G. H I Near University. W est Brush. Phone 6847-4927. STUDENT SPECIALS 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan. Bargain.,$150.00 i 1922 Ford Touring. New Rubber. Go'»d Condition _____ __ ____ $50.00 1925 Overland 4-Door Sedan Look at this one „....... ....... ...... $125.00 KNIGHT-W'HIPPET CO 809 W. 5th . Phone 23161 LOST AND FOUND ; A CONVENIENT, roomy apartm ent for Small fam ily. Two block* w est of th# U niversity. 2318 N ueces. Phone 6816 LOST— Woman’s ring, w ith sm all dia­ mond. Phone 8711 after six p. rn. or 2-3831 during day. Reward. LO ST: Saturday, between Library and B. Hall, writing end of Parker foun­ tain pen. Mother of peart. Finder leave st K. Hall l l # or «-all 5663. LOST. Navy blue Learbury overcoat Friday night at S. K. D. dance. Re­ ward offered. Finder please cad Davis ’ at 3760. LOST. fountain pen ; Name in dim gold letters. Reward if j Black S h a d ie r returned to Gene R oss, Woman'* Build­ ing. LOST: Buxton and peal office box key* together with se v ­ eral others. Probably on campus or on Whit!*. Dial 8123 or call a t M. B. 222, k e y -tainer. Yale LOST—Black satin cc ai a t th* Scatter- good dance at the K. C. Hail. Reward. Return to B. Ball HO. LOST: Antique gold earring, and brown velvet belt with jeweled buckie. Lost it Saturday German. Reward if return­ ed to R. Hall 109. LOST: Pair black patent leather pumps at Woman’s Faculty Club last weak. Finder phone 2-1915. FOR SALE WOOD Good Oak Wood Blocks. Quick Deliv­ ery. W. C. LEAR. Phone 4780. Let Us Supply You w ith Dressed Chickens It. EAST PKODUQE CO. Phones 4101— 23913 J9 t W. 2nd St. TOURING CAR— good condition. Cash or term s. Would trAde for lo t or on light closed err. Phone 4142 or 8477. | C. L. WEATHERBY—-P resent thie ad at the box office of the QUEEN today and : ice the show. HIGHEST PRICES paid clothing and shoes. 407 ring 8717. for sast-o/f l a s t «th or tf DRESSMAKING FIRST CLAS3 dressm aking. Work guar­ anteed. Dp al] binds o f tailored work and alterations. Dinner evening dresses a specialty. Phone 22038. MRS. NELLIE LEE— U niversity d ress­ maker. Dressm aking, Alterations, R« - 2402 San ‘ Lining Coat*. Hen -t.achm *. Antonio St. Phone 3%•46- WE MEND silk hem stitching, pleating, buttons, rhinestones, gold and Silver clips. Mabel Canna way, TI* Cos- Stress. Phone 8362. Over Beacon's hose, I ROOMS FOR RENT FOR ROYS— Newly ren.A .tm l u p ,ta rooms: porrh. H alf block south campus. On!:* «reii-b«bHvcd boys wa 20O5 W ichita, t'fume 2-8885. ed. FOR RENT— large room in new holt instructor or eoupie. Dial 68) to after I ;30 P. M. ft'ii'e of two bed room• and b a tt W tw o other boy*. Everythin* Baw convenient. 0397. 8408 Rio Grand*. PbgQl / T FOR RENT j Until Novemlwr l i t h , Dished house, all convfcniencas, ta {varsity neighborhood. Phone *181 APPROVED HOUSE: Pleasant sleeping porch, g irls; board lf Block of campus. Reasonable rata*. E ast 25, Phons 8140. I TWO CLEAN, furnished rooms. east exposure. W alking distance U n iversity. Rent and light furnished. Phone t t l l . reasonable, FOR BOYS; two m odem or down, all home. Near University. Phone SIGO convenience*, r f FOR BOYS: One room in private hon Gas heal.; bot water ail hours; all es verrience*; two Wacks of campus. 20 W ichita. Phone 4281. TWO ATTRACTIVE robust in a ai I: home. At! m odem*. and cold running water, gas beat. Ste* tog porches. Also garage. Dial 45 ISIG Congress Ave. YOUNG MEN who contemplate a change the second sem e-ter calf before making definite plans. Mud garage available Jan, Eft. vary. Excellent meal* may be aam Ina! coat. It pays to investigate. if LARGE southeast room* with sleet iw.rrh for men. one block south of I ‘i i i U niversity Ave. Teleph FOR RENT FOR RENT— A ttractive Quiet room, Uai- v*rxlty aeighhorhivxl Phone 7146 pus. 9012. GARAGE for rent—1807 Colorado St.. Phone 2-1413. ROOMS FOR RENT VOS KENT TO BOYS : , ( « large room with private entrance. Heat rot iwxt In private home. 704 W. 2 4 th ' \9 0 U RENT t m bowet m eat with sleeping porch. Quiet' bops pretarred, j Ring *401 or call f$ 9 W est 25 1-2 St. altar 5 p. rn. * KOY.- : Two neat rooms rn private Block from campus. Private entr Gas beat. Hot water. * 1905 Phone 2.1911 ! BOYS: New room*, new furniture. 281# Heat. H ot and cold shower. cees St. Phone 9147 W ANTED: Several boys at I . . W ichita St. Gas heat, every col trace. Garages, "board if desired. s u e . ... Avenue frow Reasonable rent. Phone A t t Three doors WAHTED--~]|4ni rn vroamn acfiattBg lo t —aldgat ise a rs* is Quod pay for spar* ptji&fio imodbor : timeh Griff % FssSdhMss# _ IwK 'WL. e i l r . ' \ " I KICK EST CASB PRICES PAID far aaa > K M V A SY 3L g g t | M | A , M M m VfCS I ------ --------------------------------- , rn .. t t o p v . ■, I ■ .. ■ . , S ' 1 . ROOMS POR BOYS— In private home. Furnished, alae baa* a w l lights. Pric­ of es reasonable. W ithin e m ttaMA campus. 211 E, 25th. Phone 12052. LARGE southeast upstairs room i Sleeping porch connected ta An em boa se for two boy*. S Mocks campus. Blad *800. M EN’S FURNISHED ROOMS, single* and doubles, la modern home. Fur nae# jwwt. Tem btartr* wkit a f Stadfatt. id # m 23. DMJ t m e t 22796, ~ - t r POR RENT To thaw# boys. large ith sleeping porch, adjoining , w . Tw o blocks frow campus. n o n * 23237, «C BOARD * ROOM WOOD Services will be held S u n d ay ! ROOM ARD BOARD i t iPBIBBMHBPMMb MdMdt&Qmi COBY OQifEt mmpu§ t t l town, * l i l t Co . far boy*; tanu I# as O&XL AHD WOOD— Baht Grade.. Quick Ber vice. - U n iversity Opal and Wood Co.. 50# Ran Marcos. Phan* 1741. furnished. Street. WANTED • & U ^ S ! W S i S S R#**o»ai^> «*#»*. akre. B. P. *** F LAUNDRY SUNDAY, JA N U A R Y 13, 1929 THE A TE R S W I T H C . B. “THE LAST WARNING." Laura La Plante, screams, and mystery. Through Wednesday. ‘SHOPWORN ANGEL,” Gary etc., Cooper. Nancy Carroll, starting Thursday. the At Queen. “THE RESCUE.” Ronald Colman. Lily Damita, romance. Till Tuesday. “ SINS OF THE Jambing?. FATHERS,” Em ii Jean Arthur, Barry Norton, tarting Wednesday. At the Majestic. VAUDEVILLE. Plenty good for the name but could be worlds better with the material they’ve got; lot sa girls. Today last times. Monday through Friday, “RED W INE,” Conrad Nagel, And June Collyer. the ‘FOUR SONS” is coming week following. At the Han­ cock. “T H E M A N W H O LAUGHS,” with Conrad Veldt, Bacla! ova, and Mary Philbin. \ ictor Hugo masterpiece. Sun­ day through Thursday. At the Crt scent. ‘ KING OF KINGS,” a pic­ ture everybody must see, don’t miss it, here today and Mon­ day. “VARSITY,” Charles Rog­ ers, Mary Brian, Tuesday only. “LOVE OVER NIGHT,” Rod A a Roeque, Wednesday and 'Thursday. “THE DRAG NET,” George Bancroft, Friday and Saturday. At the Texas. VAUDEVILLE A T HANCOCK % 1 ck, Aside from two or three skits, J there have been lots better vaude- than Ville bill* at the Hancock in d u s-! the unit show' which the t r i o u s can still see today. But athen maybe those two or three J C fct ne* are worth the price of ad- m i s s i o n , at least, they’ll hand you a laugh. The best punch comes in t h ’ “ tintype” scene in which heads and hands are stuck through a an old back drop representing fashioned Extraordi- picture. na i ily clever selection of old-time stfb-gongg make the scene a wow. ■■■■d Another o f the famous scenes of f a m o u s people is that of the blindman before the lingerie shop, this was plenty good and plenty ■■■■al funny. that I The phrase familiarity | breeds contempt evidently doesn’t I hold for jokes because it was very audience j that the Corrdj noticeable u , J laughed most at the oldest jokes. I Why this is so I do not know but 1 ■■I I surmise . . . Now that is a cryp­ tic statement. ‘ in Jung eccentric _ _ R e p e l ^ t e f ly consisting o f a coat which ; he said he got from a broad, gave i« 671 a V\v good laughs and he de- serves the applause he got. Not ■ - " costume, Hso one Billy M. Greene who seemed to run the whole she-bang. The entire bill had a distinctly ~j here nor there because as a rule « Shylock’* progency furnish about the best entertainment in current vaudeville attractions. 1 2-38lj Hebraic tinge, but that is neither Tom Atlas and Steve LaMar are Ujf most attractive tap dancers *mat have come this way. Most look something Uke tap dancers microcephalic a imbeciles with tendency towards cretinism, but these boys are really handsome. i f I I But, and this is emphatic, if . another act comes forth with n ups tai finale with drttms I'm going to south * ____ VS wapl _ O tfN R A D VEIDT, great Euro* pean actor who plays the title role in “THE MAN WHO QAUGHS.” now showing at the Crescent theater. Queen, get up and scream and tell 'em the war’s over. One drum is bad gm enough, but fourteen is sufficien " to call down the wrath of all the p l gods that be. No matter if they | | | I are played by scantily clad fe males, drums are drums just like i i pigs are pigs. p f What with Margaret Livingston I ,j asbestos clothies, “The fit] to be some- |$j wearing Apache’’ turns out thing more than cold. Miss Living- . Eton has handsome Don Alvarado* y;J to heap coals of fire on her head I T i a J yr and as a consequence I pretty good picture.— A. X. M. it’s # “ .Sins of the Fathers,” Emil Tannings’ latest film has been booked for showings at the Ma­ jestic theater starting next Wed­ nesday. The supporting cast in­ cludes sweet little Jean Arthur, and handsome Barry Norton, some others but thes e are the big artillery. Ready, aim, fire. H a n co c k r ' * 'Wit OHLY THI AT Pit H A V I H C B IG T I M E - V O O V I JL LAST T IM E S TO D A Y Interstate Big-Time Vaudeville 25— P cop Ic— 25 ll VI BrXjgFV M p J / | 1 - ^ , — V aud ev ille in a M usical C om edy W a y Burke and Durkin “ T Y P IC A L T O P IC S ’* — A M u s ic a l R e v u e -—A c a s t o f T w e n t y - f i v e - I n c l u d in g in S e v e n t e e n S c e n e s K a th le e n G oodw in— Billy M an n M ild red G oodfeliow — Sydney P la tt B. J. M o rally a n d a Dozen A m e ric an B eauties STEV E LA M A R — TO M ATLAS J UNG an d ELROY S a m m y B illy M. Jarman n & Greene “THE APACHE” W it h D m A l v a r a d o , W a r n e r R ic h m o n d , M a r g a r e t L i v i n g s t o n F o * N e w * — F a b l e s — C o m e d y F u l l S y n c h r o n i z e d M u sic S c o r e Beginning Tomorrow RED W INE JUNE COULTER mad CONRAD NAGEL F O X N E W S C O M B Y e rn s k i cal! ae P.noi if r,ve«8 *■ had I titrate. I i steeple h o f raifc tv it* p h o d LIFE OF THE CHRIST NOW A T TE X A S SACRED FILM NOW A T T E X A S Conrad Nage! pro Yips himself uipablo cif philandering with gusto in “ Red Wine,*' the picture which arrives at the Hancock the­ ater Monday for showings through Friday. .Tune Collyer and Arthur Stone are also in the oust. This picture was given a ‘‘best of the month” by Photoplay, case you want to know, and in case it*ll help any. in on films -FOUR SONS” COMING hat promises to be one of the most appealing the mother-dear theme is “Four Son?’5 coming to th<‘ Hancock theater .January 21. The mother is Mar­ garet Mann, the four stranping b o y s being Charles Morton, James Hall, Francis X. Bushman, Jr., ami George Meeker, PAGE 3 Love me Clown!” t a u n t e d th e D u c h e s s J o s i a n a p la y e d by OJra B a c la n c va G w yp la in e, tk e la u g h ­ ing clow n , p lay ed ay C o n rad V e ld t VV’ •, E M RESENTING scene from the visitation “THE KING j OE KING tion of th AT CRESCENT NOW AT QUEEN Ronald Colman has appeared to j bettor ad fit at age; but has never I done better acting. He really i merely looked more morose and J perplexed than ever before; and ;ir Mr. Goldwyit*is willing to vail this acting and pay hard cash for d —well, we have nothing to say. !t really doesn’t mutter. Colman has a distinct appeal- and rot only to the palpitating flappers. Just what it, is, we can’t decide; but it is distinctly not the Glen type of “ it.” Savages, Sijon—at his meanest, and w iej’d songs on tile Vitaphone tend to add to the dramatic value of the picture. Really, one o f the be%/#*- mM £ 0/0 p a # a w - & n d n o w D c m m r s * r c t u r c o f p i c t u r e s • dopy# W i t h the B e a u t i f u l L I L Y D A M I T A O n ly C o n ra d c o u ld w r ite th I* sto r y o f a d v e n t u r e , r o m a n c e a n d h u m a n o f w r e c k a g e c f J av a H e a d . lu s ts th e to th e H e r b e r t B e u o n f a i t h f u l l y th e b r in g s p u ls in g d r « ai:, of this story o f t h e w o rld . u n d e r n e a t h serc en li f e A M E T R O - G Q L D W Y N S O U N D P I C T U R E b r m « s to us a t r u e p o r t r a y ­ al o f t h e d o r y as vivid as th e p i c t u r e e m b o d i e d in H u ­ go's m in d . is s u p e r b , T h e a c t i n g the s e t t i n g s a r e m a g n i f i c e n t , in f a c t th is p ic t u r e b as e v e r y ­ th in g th a t c a n b e required! o f th e p e r f e c t e n t e r t a in m e n t . T A R L I N G T O D A Y W e d n e s d a y , T h u r s d a y , F r id a y EMIL JANNINGS Sins of the Fathers Y O U W I L L H E A R J A N N I N G S ’ V O I C E F O R T H E F I R S T T I M E D O O R S O P E N T O D A Y A T I O n e c f Ut* P u b l i x T h e a t e r s PAGE « ■ O G R A M F O R engineer faculty GIRLS'CONCERT i NOW COMPLETE i ( Co m inuet! From Far** I ) B S l d eath . w o rk e r." ‘He wa* an u n tirin g r, h av e le a rn e d to a p p re c ia te him bach elo r o f science deg ree in m e - ! shop w ork, re frig e ra tio n , h e a tin g , d a u g h te rs, M a rg a re t, IO, and 11*1- en, 14; and a b ro th e r, Dr. Don ebam ea! e n g in e e rin g in I OOM an d v e n tila tio n . T H E D A I L Y T E X A N tru ly ." " I w as asto n ish e d and stu n n e d a t hearing o f th e sudden d e a th o f I nave know n P ro fesso r W e a v e r. him long en ough to h on or him highly as a *«»« «i»u tm « j#i ut tv - •. »>** aor. re g re t e x c eed in g ly loss to the U n iv e rsity , Frederic k W illiam Sim m oods, p ro ­ fessor of geology an d s e c re ta ry e m eritu s o f th e g e n e ra l fa c u lty . I man and ae a pi oft*, - t i l IMO he '* '•« »*-- In th e full of 1908 P ro fe s s o r W eaver ra m e t o t h , W r n H , . » a tu to r in ste a m e n g in eerin g , a n d while a c tin g in th a t cap acity , un- co u rses to ­ pur. led $.«* •»■>*»*>*» % *,»»■ «.■> ►»- hi* I w a rd a b a c h e lo r of science d e g re e ’ A rm y D u rin g th e W orld W a r he w as W eaver o f O a k la n d . C alifornia. , f i r f t U m U m M t in , he a ir « rv J a f ir s t lie u te n a n t in 'h e a ir w r y - ' ^ ^ ice a n d also served on th e a ra - deraic board of the U nited State* ffen i tht* residence. 109 Wert Th.r- Th* f u n g a l w ill he h e ll ^ S un d ay a fte rn o o n a t t h * o'clock ^ ^ 4 Sehoo! o f A utom obile Me- He w as a m e m b e r o f ty-second s tr e e t. sta te d Dr. I ir* e le c tric a l en g in eerin g , w hich he sh a m e s. received in HH 2 A y e a r la te r he received ii m as­ th e b oard o f schools a t th e U n iv ersity . co n tro l out- “ H al € W e a v e r w as o f w a r b a n d in g m an in h is f odd of w o rk ,” s ta te d J. W. C alh o u n , com ptroller. an "A s a m an , W eav er w as o f th e I h ig h e st ty p e an d w as m ost hig h ly j este e m e d by th e public which he te r ’s d eg ree in e lectrical e n g in e e r-j He is su rvived by his w ife, tw o " H e w as a n u n se lfish and untie- se rv e d so u n tirin g ly in ing from th e U n iv ersity a n d d e ­ 1926 he receiv ed a m a ste r’* g re e in m ech an ical e n g in e e rin g from th e U n iv e rsity o f M ichigan. ] P ra c tic a l E xperience S L . ^ D A Y , J A N U A R Y 1 3 , 1 9 2 9 . "H is fog w o rk e r an d hi < T o rts did n o t only ex ten d to th e U n iv e rs e ^ b u t 4 * * othei public needs. v e ry scholarship w as th o ro u g h an d he had ju s t re c e n tly f ta k e n up som e advan ced w ork, a l­ w ays keeping a b re a st of his tim e. the U n iv e rsity " In the death o f P ro fe sso r Ila! C W eaver, o f T exas, his colleagues, and th e s tu ­ have den ts o f s u ffe re d lo ss,” C arl J. E c k h a rd t, in s tru c to r m echanical e n g in e e rin g , said sp eak in g m echanical en g in e e rin g in stitu tio n irre p a ra b le fo r m em ber* o f th is an fa c u lty . rn j in j th e j I have been privileged "A a ma?' o f ste rlin g c h a r a c te r he Has long been re v e re d by th o se who to know him, as the tr u ly noble* roan tho* he ha a alw ay# been. He has labored w ith reckless ab an d o n to serv e you n g m anhood, th e U niversity and T ex it "H is im peccable in te g rity and HD. n obility have indeed been ti re sp le n d e n t in?{oration to all who have know n him. A* a tire le s s w o rk e r lie has served th is In stitu lion rome 20 years, During th is time, he ha* been a strength in live aim* in the University’s dev- Hon elopment. to w e r WEAVER DIES AT HOWE SATURDAY (C o n tin u ed F ro m Page I ) D u rin g his u n d e rg ra d u a te d a y s,; P ro fe sso r W e a v e r accu m u lated a w ealth of p ra c tic a l e x p erien ce. In j th e Bum m er o f 1903 he se rv e d as a ssista n t to th e city e n g in e e r o f --------------- *• • * . to r in th e e n g in e e rin g life of the th e country. D** ■ ta te as weii a t h a t . g ra d u a te s a re o ccupying p o s itio n s ; C h a rlo tte , M ichigan. in alm ost e v e ry p a rt of th e Un- tim e, he h a s held p o sitio n s w ith j io n ,” said Dean T. LU T a y lo r of th e Old* M o to r W orks, W estin g ! (bouse M achine C om pany, a n d C ad- j th e College o f E n g in e e rin g , lilac M o to r Company, and he has I ofjvetnber I, 1883, in Cheater, M id i- f done a ta rg e amount of d r a f tin g Professor W eaver was horn No- Since in Charlotte, M ichigan,: In th e U n iv e rsity he baa ta u g h t! i schools. He attended Michigan steam and gas e n g in e e rin g , t h e r - j c e n - ; able tentered the University of M iehi-j nom tcs and p o w e r p la n t d esig n , tr a in in g and e n g in e e rin g his I Agricultural College in 1902 a n d J rn od yn amies, po w er p la n t fu rth e rin g construe-! igan, and received his e a rly educe- work. the University have "The faculty members of department have lost a very and most considerate leader. The I gen in 1903, where he received a m anual student® o f lost th a t com m enda hie and p ra ise - j w o rth y te a c h e r who ha* done so m uch to shape the d estin y of m any j y o u n g T e x a n s who have alw ays been in sp ired a n d enco u rag ed by the g en u in e fin en ess o f hi* ch ar- j a c ie r and by th e ir pro fo u n d ap-1 p re d a tio n a m echanical engineer, fo r hi* a b ility a s ha* d ire c te d the developm ent of the d e p a rtm e n t o f m echanical e n ­ g ineering e v e r since it* e sta b lish ­ m ent in th e U n iv ersity of T e x a n w ith e n e rg y , ability, amt e n th i* s to u t, g iving u n stin tin g ly o f hts stre n g th an d energy to th e p ro g ­ ress of the d e p a rtm e n t and to in­ creasing it* sphere of uxefulrte*-, and W H E R E A S : In M f d e a th th* College o f E n g in e e rin g has s u f­ fered th e few** o f an e ffic ie n t and Capable w o rk e r, hi * colleagues th e his Iona of a valued frien d , and stu d e n ts loss o f a fa ith fu l and in sp irin g te a c h e r. th e IT NOW, T H E R E F O R E , BE R E SO L V E D ; T h at th e fa c u lty of the C ollege o f E ng in eerin g o f ‘ he U niversity o f T exas ex ten d th e ir h e a rtfe lt sy m p ath y to hi • b ereav ed fam ily, a n d th a t ii copy o f th ese resolution* be plead on the mil* Ute* of th e en g in e e rin g fa c u lty ." " I t i* a g r e a t t a i l to tile inst* lo tio n ,” said T. ti. T aylor, dean of th e C ollege o f E n g in eerin g , ll* sp eak in g o f P ro fe sso r W e a v e r's B arksdale ( C ) , e W iehter, g Guice, g fL M S c a r b r o u a h & S o n s Recent reports . . . from our London representative stress t h e importance of Wood Brown, as the featured color, and of Birdseye, and plain weaves. Sh a ckski a E n te ita in m e n t H eld in A u ditoriu m of H igh School «• T he p ro g ram fo r th e concert to en by the GiriU (flee Club be h ;lS n e x t W ed n esd ay night o’clock in the Sen m r High School auditorium in now com plete, L. Virginia Decherd, b u sto * * m a n a ­ ger. an n o a n re d S a tu rd a y a f t e r ­ rn noon. The program w ill bi' follow s: I. fa) -The CWI” by Mark Andrew?, (b) “ C o m ’ H om e” by A nton Dvo­ CO ‘T he T hree C av aliers” by rak. K urt Schindler. (.'dee Club. I t (b) ie) fa) i bt HatrelTHa** by M M. P once. A B rown Bird S in g in g '1' by H aydn Wood. M iss M ary Steger III, M ighty I-ak a R ose" by Eth* e ib e rt Nevin. The Dream Robber by Rd the Lark" by lib I-any. ‘H ark, H ark, F ra n z Se Hubert, Glee Club. IV .— Piano Colo, V . ‘Sleep Time Mah H oney" by Chark* T. Howell. ‘Now Is the Month o f May­ in g ” by Thomas* Mutely, (Miasma Malarky, S te ­ Quartette. g er, H v iste n d a h b l VT. Ca) (ID in "Dreaming Alone th e Twilight" by H artley Moore. by " B e n e a t h T hy L o c ice H a rry P. H opkins. Glee Club, STEERS BARELY WIN FROM BRUIN FIVE (C o n tin u ed From P age I ) and th a n the o th e r o u t in front by a few points* m argin. A scor­ th e o th e r ing spree w ould b ring team up past* and a few m inutes lati r th e o th e r would be the iea r. Patronize the Service for Economy Dependability Safety Punctuality Convenience T hese an d m any o th er a d v a n ta g e s m ake this service the best m eans of transporta­ tion. J, “Courtesy and Service” A ustin Street , We Are Now Ready to Serve mmm Special Rates For Students Dial 6444 Hotel Laundry East 7th — A cross from Am erican-Statesm an * »Xx, -w ....... A-L a Presenting Spring, 1929, in University Suits $45 - in correct patterns and Clothes . . . as young men w ant them . models for Spring, 1929. The new jacket has two buttons, peak lapels, close-fitting waist, narrow skirt and broad shoulders. . . The College Shop AMPLE STOCK COURTEOUS SALES FORCE University Drug Store P . W . M CFADDEN & CO. CONTINUOUS, SATISFACTORY SERVICE SINCE 1885 KS EFFICIENT SERVICE