T h e Da il y T ex *• Student New spaper af The University of Texas at Austin * o £ * Price Ten Cent* AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1969 I / £ welve Pages Today Alternate Plan For Waller Page A • No. 50 Battle On s Court Nixon S Nomination Stands WASHINGTON (AP) - President Rich­ ard M. Nixon said Monday his Supreme Court nominee, Judge Clement F. Hayns- worth Jr., has been subjected to “ vicious character assassination.” At a surprise news briefing that inten­ sified the battle over the nomination, which is strongly opposed by labor and civil rights leaders, Nixon said he would not Withdraw the appointment even if t h ? judge asked hum to. “I find Judge Haynswoith an honest man. a lawyer's lawyer and a judge'* judge,” Nixon said after stating he had gone over all the criticism of opponents. “I think he will bo a groat credit to the Supreme Court and I intend to stand behind him until lie is confirmed," Nixon sa d . Sen. Balch Bach, D-Ind., who has spear­ headed the opposition in the Senate, said “The President appears to be leveling his guns at me personally” and called this en unfortunate attempt to distort tile issue and turn Haynsworth's nomination into a partisan matter. to an Bayh, in a statement dictated aide, said he never has contended that Haynsworth, chief judge of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court, is a disinvest man. Rut he maintained that Haynsworth “has not con­ ducted himself to avoid even the appear­ ance of impropriety.” .Sens. Roman I.. Hruska. RN cb., and Marlow W. Cook, R-Ky., expressed agree­ ment with Nixon s statement and said they were glad he spoke out strongly. Hruska, ranking GOP member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said, “Now that the rash of careless and trresponsible charges has been shown to be complete­ ly baseless and now that attention has now at last been turned to the postfix1# judi­ cial u-oonrd ot Judge H aynw rrth, I ant more confident than ever that the .Senate By KATIE FEGAN New* Assistant University students who wan* to h a v e their cake and keep their waistlines, too, may have problems attaining that goal, as a result of a government ban on the artificial sweetener cyclamate. The Department of Health. Education and Welfare announced the order a f t e r research showed foe development of can­ cer in rats mje**ted with largv quantities of the chemical. REPERCUSSIONS will be felt in t h # Commons and the Chir k Wagon, where ✓ " N f T * • I O L I * L / t t l C I 0 l • U D i l C c l T l O n i ± * Expanded Dating Book — Photo bv R**n*» Perex. Advertisee! variously as the ‘ inform- "sto o lie ," e*c - er'" 1^69-70 Stu den t Directory went on sale M o n ­ day. The book otters 320 p a ge s ot inform ation a bo u t students and cam - Student Directory On Sale at Booths The Student Directory went on sale at Alpha Delta Sigma campus booths Monday. The listing, compiled by computer, con­ tains the names of more than 34.000 Uni­ versity students. This year's directory, Which includes ad­ dress, phone number and other information on each student, is 32 pages thicker ti)an last year’s edition. stigma ai felony for what is relatively a handless and personal act.” Currently, the law provides a jail sentence of two to IO years for a first-ti me possession conviction. A second offense results in a madatory five to 20-vear jail term. The new’ proposal would make a second conviction a felony with penalties of up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine, with comparably higher senterx'es for marijuana dealers. Printed by Texas Student Publications Inc., the directory’ is based on information supplied by students on personal data cards completed at registration. Along with student listings, the directory has a University calendar, an athletic schedule, phone numbers for deans of col­ leges and schools, a map of the cam pas and plxme numbers for fraternity a n d sorority houses, dorms and University of­ fices. But with all this information and a new cover, the directory has bs faults. One student, a junior in communication, found her name listed three times — once with her full name and twice with ber nickname. Another student Is listed twice, orw^* as a junior and again as a senior. Campus sale will continue through Tues­ day, at booths on the Main Mall, tile West Mall, in front of the Business-Econom irs Budding, tho Engineering Building, Jester Center and at the corruT of Whirls and 2+th streets. Tne directory, which costs $1.05, will be on sale after Tuesday at the University Co-Op, Hemp! nils and the TSP business of­ fice in Journalism Bui Ming IOX Marijuana Law Revision Proposal Draws Accord W eight-W atchers Seek Non-Cyclam ate Foods will vote its confidence in him and con­ firm his nomination.” Sen. Robert P. Griffin of Michigan, the assistant Republican leader in the Senate, the President's declined statement He earlier had urged Nixon to withdraw Haynsworrh’s nomination, call­ ing it an unforunate mistake. comment on While H a worth has be*Hi accused of antilabor and anticivil rights bins, oppon­ ents have concentrated fight on oooftkct-of-interest charges they have raised against him on his extensive stock holdings. their They contend he s!valid have disquali­ fied himself in some court cases in which hi has participated, but he and his sup­ porters have said that on the contrary 'he Nixon also h;*d no valid grounds on which to exctw* himself and had a duty to sit. took saying that in his review of all facts, Haynsworth ‘and came flimigh as a man of integrity, deserves even more the support of th# President and toe Senate.” this position, Haynsworth has furnished the Judiciary Committee with a complete listing of hi* stock holdings and has offered to fait his holdings in trust if confirmed by the Sen­ ate. Nixon said be is confident that if sen­ the documents and ators Will study alt charges, a majority will reach the same conclusion he has and will vote to confirm Haynsworth. Board Advocates New Loan Policies By PAT P IX IE S The Coordinating Board, Texas College •od University System, discussed proposed alterations to restrict student loan appli­ cations under the Texas Opportunity Plan Act at its quarterly meeting Monday aft­ ernoon at the Commodore Perry Hotel. revisions The suggested the TOP Loan Act would require co-signers for new student borrowers after Jan. I , 1970. All borrowers would need cosigners after Aug. I , 1970, in In other action, th# board created « University Department of Oriental a n d African LangBftge* and Literature. T h e board also approved a pragtwm leading to a Master of Public Affairs degree, and students will no longer find Freer* and Tab or artificial sweeteners for tea arni coffee. “We’ve been combing the paltry, trying to stop supplies of all foods we have been using that contain cyclamate.” said Mrs. Adeline Rosprim at rh# Union Food Ser­ vices, Manufacture of Diet Dr. Pepper and Dict Pepsi Cola will be stopped. C. B. Comer at the Austin Dr. Pepper Bottling Qom- pany said the remaining stock would b# delivered to vending machine*. THE PRESIDENT of Pepsi Cola said he was not sure whether delivery of D i e t Pepsi would continue. Both said new diet drinks free of cycla­ mate would be on the market in about a month. Sego. which wa* j«Jt in girls* dormitorif's ar residents' requests, will he phased out. the The government directive ordered Immediate halt in manufacture of foods and drinks containing re­ moval from st re shelves by Jan. I for bev­ erage* and by Feb. I for foods. the chemical and ie M e HIH \I1\N P IM !!, (I, l and artificially sweetened Kook Aid also are among the products affected. S o m e canned fruits, gelatin desserts and dessert toppings also use small portions of t h e chemical. Dr. Margaret Epprigbt. professor of home economics, saki she hoped the ban would cause the public to notice labels on cans and know what they are buying. She suggested diet-conscious students try unsweetened tea. When asked what she though? die effect of the ban would be. Karen Catlin a junior nutrition major, replied, “Well, I guess we will all just get falter/* a doctorate in library and science. information Currently student borrower* need no en­ dorsement. But delinquent accounts of $201,- 684 have been referred to the Attorney General** office. This represents ft delin­ quency of 15 percent. Board member H. B. Zachrv of S a n to t h # Antonio sajd, “ Money entrusted Coordinating B o a r d is a sacred tons*, lean s are not gifts and must be collected whenever possible. This is only in Mn# with good business principles/* o pponents of the revisions wtfd that changes in the program would eliminate loans to the students most in need of higher education. "The Coordinating Board may be de­ feating its omo. purpose of providing ft college education for as m a n y qualified Texans as posrihle,” said Ikr. Vernon Mo- Dante!, vice-president of Dallas’ Bishop College “A student with no business or credit history will have difficulty In ob­ taining cm vs: goers. Colleges ane nrrt profit enterprises.” The motion for further study of the re­ visions carried, and the loan plan wffl b# discussed again at the Board’s January meeting. An application from Scurry County to field an election to establish a county Jun­ ior college district was approved by th# board unanimously. Texas Gxnmisswner of H i g h e r Edu- c ion Bevington R«mx1 recommended crea­ tion of the posts of assistant commissioner of higher education to Im* ti'led by tore# men appointed by him. The board a [proved Reed’s motion And endorsed Ray Fogies , Gender Flack and Robert Kruegar as assisi ant cMTtnmission- ers. Tom Sealy, chairman of the board, an­ nounced ti.at total enrollment in all Texas institutions of higher learning in the fall semester reached 399,58® students. This rep­ resents an increase of 66.78 percent over 1968, Gulf Coast Threatened By Late • Season Storm NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Hurricane L u n e s winds reached the 100-miJe-an- hour m ark late Monday night and the late- > -ason storm slowly changed direction to threaten an air*‘adv battered coost along the Gulf of Mexico. The Weather B ureaus midnight EDT advisory Inc tted die hurricane about 260 miles south of New Orleans, at latitude 26.4 north and 90.8 west lone undo Wind* v ♦hy' estimated af IOO m.p.h. near Hi# cor. tor with gale* reaching I fin miles to til# north and east. Protests Delay Removal O f Trees N ear Stadium Protesters delayed site clearance work a? the Memorial Stadium expansion pro­ ject for about an hour Monday morning until Austin police were called to the scene. About 20 persons, proms mg removal of a dum p of trees in the way of the proposed stadium upper deck, joined hands, and en­ circled the trees to prevent the giant bull- doaens from uprooting them. reading Carrying signs preserve die trees” and “save our trees the protest­ ers gave up when the police arrived. No ar­ rests were made. “ I wish we could leave the tree*/’ s a i d Ralph Burlier, construction project mana­ ger, bur in order to make the expansion of the stadium we must remove Them.” Charlies Harris. University architect, ex­ pressed the same idea. “ We hated to cill the trees worse than they did, but that’* nm of the sacrifices you have to make.” The trees were cleared to allow the ad­ dition of the 15,000 seat upper deck and physical education facility on the west ■M# trf tile stadium. The ex^vans&un project Ii Is be completed by to* 1370 football a n a m , Weather: • Partly C loudy • High: Upper 80's • Low: Near 70 Vol. 69__________ _ Lower Drug Penalties Requested Administration Asks M isdem eanor Charge For First Offenders WASHINGTON (AP) — In the hope that it will lead to better law enforcement “and better respect for the law’,” die N i x o n Administration proposed Monday that th# penalty for possessing narcotics and dan­ gerous drugs bo reduced to misdemeanor size. This would mean that first offenders con­ victed of possession of marijuana or other narcotics would no longer be branded fel­ ons subject to maximum penalties of two to IO years imprisonment and $20,000 fine. John E. Ingersoll, director of the Justice Department's Bureau of Narcotics a n d Dangerous Drugs, said a mon1 flexible pen­ alty structure is need*Mi to “ make the pun­ ishment fit the person” and the crime. Testifying before the Senate subcommitte# on juvenile delinquency, Ingersoll said: “All too often, because of the present pen­ alty structure, there is a real hesitancy on the part of prosecutors in courts to handle possess! xi cases because of th# potential high penalties involved.” Reversing a previous Justice Department stand, Ingersoll proposed that federal laws draw a distinction between narcotics users and traffickers. “By allowing the court to prosecute the possessor who Intends to sell as a felon and the possessor for one’s own use as a mwdemecnant.” Ingersoll said. “I believe we will have better law enforcement and better respect for the law.** He suggested that possession with intent tm sett remain a felony and that ” posses­ sion tor one'* own use, regardless of die drug fcrrotved,” be made a misdemeanor. ltd* woald lower the maximum penalty for ftimpftt possession to a $5,000 fine and a possible sentence of up to one year in tor first offenders. Second offenders trash! fans stiffer penalties. By BOTHY PAI MER A proposal made Monday by the Nixon Admfoistrati<«n to reduce die maximum sen­ tence for first-time possession of marijuana received general approval from a University professor and two State officials knowled­ geable in th* subject. Tile measure, which would make first­ time possession a misdemeanor instead of a felony, represents a victory for govern­ mental health officials who publicly dis­ agreed with the more stringent s t a n d taken by Att. Gen. John N. Mitchell kl September. THE PROPOSAL also leaves the sentence to the discretion of five judge allowing him pass clown lesser sentences or none at all, with the maximum for first offense set at one year imprisonment or $5,000 fine, or both. District Court Judge Mace Thurman Jr., said he approves of the ‘‘wide range of pun shment.” He said he also believes that th* pusher of drugs, “ the criminal, should receive a harsher punishment than some young kid who was just caught in pos­ session.” About die possibility’ of the mole lenient law allowing tho circulation of more drugs Judge Thurman said he didn’t think it (the law) would affect matters. ‘'There is still die heavy penalty for habitual possession am' the pusher.” State Rep. Maurice Altgly c«f Austin said he ‘‘heartily approves” of giving m o r e power of discretion to die judge. He also said thai he was ‘‘happy that the Presi­ dent’s statement called for severe penal­ ties for tiros ■ in the business of dealing and selling marijuana arid dangerous drugs. “ A question has been raised about ch# status of marijuana in reLatvn to danger­ ous drugs, and until marijuana is removed from laws should not be completely rd a xed. The actual prob­ lem is with those dealing and selling all dangerous drugs.” the classificaucm, die Radon’.ck Bell, professor of government, said he “cannot applaud an action t h a t should have been taken tong before,” but admitted tiiat the proposal was a “mow* in the right direction.'* “THE POSSESSION or use of marijuana rtvouid definitely be taken out of tine Mony league with such things as burglary. It is good foe the government to remove t h * W o o d You Believe? 'Save Our Trees' — Photo by John Y&tae. Sign* and pickets appeared Monday on th* west side of Memorial Stadium. The students were protesting the loss of a clump of trees to an expansion program for the stadium. On the San Jacinto Street side, a 15,000-seat upper deck and a physical education building er# under construction. Optimism High For New Draft Nixon Applies ‘Heat* For Swift Passage WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Republicans said Monday t h a t the next American youths drafted probably will be selected through a lottery system which didn’t stand a chance until President Richard M. Nixon “put the heat" on Congress. “ As a result of that kind of leadership we ll probably get a draft bill this year.” s a i d Sen. Hugh Scott, R Pa., the minority leader. “ It was dead until the President put the heat on." Nixon’s draft plan, to induct 19-year-olds o r the basis of a lot­ tery based on their birth dab's, has the unanimous approval of the House Armed Services} Com­ mittee. It is likely to pasts tho House before the week is over. Sen. Mike Mansfield, D-Mont. tile majority leader, s a i d he thinks the prospects are g o o d for Senate action before the end crf the current congressional ses­ sion. Sen. Karl E. M u r d t , R-S.D., said that likelihood plus the can­ cellation of November and De­ cem ber draft calls, could mean the end of the present selection system. “ This could mean that draft- age citizens WUU no longer lie vul­ nerable under the old system ," Mundt said, “ for if Congress fol­ low’s through on the President’s t request in tho next few weeks, the Administration’s reform plan can be operating when it be- eames necessary to utilize t h e draft again." Exhibit to Honor Rembrandt's Art CHICAGO (AP) — Museums in many parts of the world Live seat priceless paintings to an exhibit that opens Saturday to comm em orate the 300th anniver­ sary of tile death af Rembrandt. Included in t h e exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago are 21 paintings and 48 drawings by Rem brandt as well as 72 paint­ ings and 64 drawings by 20 of his followers. The institute has declined to discuss the value of the paintings to d.s- and has declined even insurance d o se the amount of on the works. Director Discloses Apollo 12 Plans WASHINGTON (AP) — Tile Apollo 12 astronauts plan to place another flag of the United S t a t e s on the m o o rs surface next month. The target is tile planned for l a n d i n g the Ocean of I in Storms, 800 miles from the Sea j of Tranquility where the Apollo 1 l l astronauts planted first American flag on tile moon July , 20. the Ret. Navy Copt. Chester M. Lee, Apollo 12 mission director, I disclosed the plans at a new #; briefing here Monday. I joe was rem inded th at at the final news conference of th e ' Apollo 12 crew at Houston O ct l l , reporters were told that the only flag on the mission would j lie that on the surface of th e; LEM, the vehicle in which the as­ tronauts are to m ake the lunar landing. to deploy I / y said tile plans were chang­ ed since that time, and the dc- the flag was cLsxm from Dr. m ade under orders Thomas 0 . Paine, admisrtrator j of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Tile flag will be of nylon in the standard size of 3 by 5 feet. It will be erected on an eight- foot aluminum staff with tubing it. along the top edge to ur ic at­ The LEM also will ha tached to it a stainless steel pla- j que with the nam es of the til rec Apollo 12 astronauts. Ix v said preparations are pro- c e d in g satisfactorily for a Nov. 14 lift off. He said one problem has developed, however, which m ay prevent the use of color tele­ vision on the LEM, / \ SPRING FOR ALL SEASONS OL 75104 M cKendree Spring . . . An incredible new sound that must be heard. From four of the most talented musicians on the rock seen# today. Heavy. Very heavy. Expand your mind with McKendree Spring. INCREDIBLE NEV* EXCITEMENT O N DECCA RECORD S IMM CDI A TC OCCUPANCY! Theres ONE For You! Competitive Rates Lower Than Many And W e Still Offer MORE LIVING COMFORT ALL BILLS PAID S T U D E N T S Bedroom w Study Special Furniture For You! WOODWARD A P A R T M E N T S 1722 E. Woodward St. Phone: 444 7555 "Just 5 Minutes From UT” Kopechne Witnesses Confirm Presence of Blood on Body (AP)— WILKES-BARRE, Pa. t w o A medical exam mer and chemists backed up Monday a cel committee cited die goal of the I I /) when the labor body was founded in 1919 under the Versailles peace treaty end­ ing World War I. “ ITS P U R P O S E ” the commit­ tee said, ” ’w*as declared to be to in Improve working conditions S. Vie+s Battle Cong; In Year's Biggest Fight SAIGON (AP) — South Viet­ nam ese forces probing the tan­ gled U Minh Forest deep in the Mekong Delta killed 116 enemy troops in two battles, the govern­ ment m ilitary command report­ ed Monday. One of the battles, in which gm’em m ent troops reported kill­ ing 96 North Vietnamese regu­ lars, was the biggest fight of the y ear for the South Vietnamese. j LLS. helicopter g u n s h i p s ; swarm ed in to blast the enemy positions d u r i n g tile five-hour • fight Sunday, and a $300,000 AHI j Cobra was shot down and de- I stroyed. A LLS. spokesman said one of the two American crew­ men aboard die gunship w a s ; wounded. The 400 South Vietnamese In- fantrym en who flushed the ene­ m y company in the m u g g y man- SAVE A LOT r ■ ORIVE A LITTLE ' ' , 14et. • - * 31.50 I Jet 1/2et ' 3 4ct , # f i 4i.oe m a o m a o 275.00 let f CAPITOL DIAMOND SHOP . 603 Commodore Purr Hotel A U S T I N ; 4 7 6 - 01 7 8 grove swram{« 142 miles south­ west of Saigon reported six of their n u m b e r killed and 16 wounded. Two miles deeper in the for­ est, government m arines en­ countered another pocket of en­ em y soldiers and claimed they killed 20 without suffering a n y casualties among their own men. WHYS A NICE M L UKE YOU FEELING EVERY MONTH? THATS PREHISTORIC.' Abu re not as mini as usual? It's opjy uni know A monthly problem. But send' X i & b e * . f OHI haw that puffy, bloated, "Oh, I'm '#d IHI NOAR, that's who. T R tN D A R LL help keep soy slim as ) mi are all m onth long. Its nipde*r (water-reducing) action controls m il portly p^-m eiv. strual weight ’gain. vri^ l l l r .......xN . ? ^ 0 ) / / \ to-ti FORTUNATE!.HEAD KASLE (OAS VERY UNDERSTANDING... — c g r O r y !Something l o W atch M usic j Tk» original Bt a ck Box. U n iq u * and Beautiful. A flickering spectrum o f c o lo n lika the rainbow h u t ! of a micty summer rain. Plug the Black Bo* into any ele c trica l outlet and any kind of music takes on a new dimension in listening pleasure. Eve ry b eat of the m u s ic .. . Pap Rock-Batlad-Folk, or semi­ classical. . . i s m atched with a splashing flicker of b rilliant am ber, red, blue green, and maroon rights. The Black Box brings you the p sych e d e lic color c f a real discothequa. Parties, swinging happenings Students! Stop ’n Shop Raymond’s Drug N O W OPEN IN OUR NEW LOCATION AT 2706 RIO GRANDE ( R I O G R A N D E M E D I C A L C E N T E R ) Plenty of Free Parking G IR L S -- W e have hose at dnly 49c a pair. W E C A S H STUDENT C H ECKS B*g* 2 femday, October 21, .1969 THE DAILY TEXAN come alive with the original Black Box. It s your thing to w atch music by. $24.95 Plus $1.00 for m ailing and insuranca (Texas residents add &4c state tax) C O M P L E T E A N D M A I L T H IS F O R M F O R Y O U R O W N B L A C K B O X P ncheielite D istributors 5.502 At e . S G aheston, Texas 77550 ......... Black Boxes. M y Phase send check, cash or money order is attached. Name Address f (pET I N T u ft M H M t h e ; d e a d l i n e t o n i t u s e : i i y i m ; A P A G E l . \ T H E 1 9 7 0 C A C T U S I S M O N D A Y , . S O V E M B E I K I t . IJM P> The cost of reserving a page is $45.00 plus photo charges. Please come by Journalism Bldg. Rm. 3, to reserve your group picture appointment. The page must be paid before your group picture is taken. STUDIO HOI HS - 8 :3 0 - 4:30 WEEK DAYS J. B. Rm. 5 CACTUS YEARBOOK I Zip A n o t h e r p u b l i c a t i o n o f T S T E X A S S T U D E N T P U B L IC A T IO N S , I N P In O c t. 29 House Election Students File for Positions A campo*-wide election will be held Oct. 29 to fill 36 seats in the Hmwp at Delegates. The House is c o m p rise of elected representative* from each of the University schools a n d colleges and delegates f r o m campus organizations. Deadline for organizations to designate members is election day. Following is a list of students who have filed for the positions In the order in which they will appear on the ballot. Architecture: Jack McClellan. I : Arts and Sciences, Place I A r r / Seward, Bill Fleury a n d David Lancaster. Place 2: Terry Epperson, Robert Frey and Chuck Banks. Place 3: C arter Reich, Robert Kutler and Kathy Heard. Place 4: Art Fletcher, J o h n Lem ley and Ray Ward. Flare 5: Lynn Roberts, Scott Fields and Robert Selden. Pteme 6: M argaret McNeil, Jim Carroll, Tom Beasley and Susan Nelson. Place 7: David Gamble, FYank Alexander and Jacqueline Soy- bert. Place 8: Brenda T r o ja n o w s k y , Richard Moore and John Heron. Place 9: Richard Grossniekle, Andrew Grohe, Nelson Sprinks and Nancy Susman. Place 19: Ken Hubenak, Norman Davis, JoeDa Silva and Jack Moore. Place l l : Bill Boyd, Joe T h ra ll and Fiddle Dunn. Place 12: John Coppedge, FlMa I Vier. Ned Mc- Feely and Sam Houston, Place 13: Allan, George and S t a c y Hunt. Place 14: Charles Blanken­ ship, Wayne Leibowicz, M I k • Shea rn and Carl Deuschle. Feedback G uerrilla Band H its V e n d in g M a ch in e s The last we saw of him, he was m ercilessly clubbing a post­ age stam p machine m the Union Building during the noon hour yesterday. Business, Place I: Royoe I*®* Richard Ravel and J. B. Good win. Place 2: Sid Duderstadf and Tom Combs Place 3: Michael Curran. Place 4: Jeff Gray and Milton Rioter. Communication: Gayle An­ derson. Jon Segal, Beth Eldridge and Karen Sodncr. Education, Place I: S u s a n Rayless. Place 2: Paula Brimble and Suzanne Sanders. Place 3: Jam* Stockard. Engineering, Place I: S t e v e Nichols and Ja m e s Dickerman. Place 2: Mark Goode and Ran­ dall Collier. Place 3: Ken Martin and Charles Wood. Fine Arts, H are I: Maria Dean and Debbie White, Place 2: Betty Tutwiler md Lynn* Ehlers. Graduate, Place I: Pamela Roberson and William Parkhouae. Place 2: J e r r y Lee Morgan. Place 3: John Hinkle. Place 4: Don Hull. Place 5: C. A. Reh- man. Place 6: Jon Harrison. Law: Harold Vanberg and Old Sarge Dupre Nursing: C rystal Carleton and Julia M. Quick. Pharmacy: Harold Lewis a n d Lloyd William Brooks. Krier Recommends Selection Change Students’ AsfncLition Presider* J <>e Krier Monday proposed that the vice-president of the Students’ Association serve as the student representative to tile University Council The action proposed at a Uni­ versity Council meeting would change the present system where­ by the House of Delegates elects Ute representative. Krier gave as reason for his proposal that the House of Dele­ gates did w*t meet until Novem­ b er which doesn’t allow the re­ presentative to be with the coun­ cil for the first meetings. It was moved that the motion be tabled until the council could confer w ith the House of Dele­ gates. A report on a resolution pre­ sented by Ernie Haywood, vice­ president of the Students’ Assoc­ iation, said the Student Assembly would “go on record setting up en experim ental educational pro­ gram to help the University in Train Fatality Ruling Awaited Justice of the Peace B u c k Smith Is conducting an inquest In the death of a 22-year-old Uni­ versity student who was struck and killed by a train early Sun­ day. Stirling A. Ca vend or, a senior Journalism m ajor from .San An­ tonio. was struck In the 1900 block of West Eighth Street at 2:10 a.rn. The locomotive engineer. H. C. Ballew of Waco, told police he saw Ca vend pr lying acm es the track, his head cradled In h I s arm s. He said that as the train approached Ca vender, the man raised his head slightly a n d looked at the engine. Police reported the im pact from the 27-car train threw the body 150 feet, Th* Porter L o r i n g Funeral Horn* in San Antonio Is in charge of arrangem ents. A rosary will be said Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m. Tues­ day In the funeral home chapel, in St. requiem m ass and a Peter, Prince of the Apostles Church is to be celebrated at IO a.m . Wednesday. Burial will be tn Sunset Memorial Park In San Antonio. determining admission criteria. “ Data received from the per­ formance of University students and their high flunk-out rate and the high rate of success of Pro gram for Educational Opportun­ ity students is a good indication to be that the program needs looked into further,” the report said. It was recommended by Krier for the Student Assembly “that tlve the adm inistration continue operation of experimental admis­ sions program s which allow a limited num ber of students who do not meet the regular adm is­ sions standards to go through the academic year as do most fresh­ men. beginning with fall ®em ester.” the to After a motion to refer K rler’s recommendation the Educa­ tional Policy Committee w a s passed by the Council University President Norman Hackerman re ­ ported on the status of the ethnic studies report. The center of Afro-American studies Is “ so far without funds, because of the low level (-if fund­ ing in this area. Money will be made available as soon as pos­ sible. The Institute for Mextcan- American Studies has received money.” Hackerman said. Hackerm an commented on co­ ops for women. “There are low cost places to live, but they are all filled. I want to see m ore.” Students h a w the authority and lawyer, to hire a tlve money Hackerman said. There is now' a “m eans of having a proper person to see to get solid legal aid.” UT Senior Posts Bond on Charge A 20 year-old University sen h r wa* charged Sunday before Jus­ tice of the Peace Bob Kuhn with Illegal possession of m arijuana stem m ing from an arrest aided by a c i v i l i a n off-duty “ police buddy.” Ton! M o s e s m a n , 2810 Rio Grande St , was arrested Satur­ day night after tile buddy, Cor­ bett C. Mitchell, saw a plastic bag fall from her purse in a downtown dough,nut shop. Police “buddies'’ are civilian volunteers who ride with patrol­ men in an effort to Improve pol- iee-oommunii\ relations Action Column : TOP TWENTY: In an article In The Daily Texan of O d l f , President Hackerman wan reported a* having said the University ranks in the h p 20 colleges in the United States. Wa* this a « b - Jective judgment, or did he obtain this information from some sort of objective survey? If the latter is the ease, where can this sur­ vey he found for examination by Interested students? I assume President Hackerman meant this ranking a* academic. — RH According to Haokerm an’s office, this information comes from the “C artier Report: Academic Administrators and University Goals — A Study In Conflict and Cooperation.” Included within that report is “ Prestige Levels of Ameriean Universities,” by Edward Gross and Paul G ram bsrh, the source of the rankings. The C artier Report Is available at the Main Library, in the office of the lib­ rarian in charge of the Humanities Reading Room. Call number Is Q378.1553c249a. lane legal to make a renter TRAFFIC TURMOIL! Is tt left turn going north on tile three-lane IH-35 access road onto Nine­ teenth Street? Cars In the left lane often go straight through, creat­ ing a danger to cars to rn log from the renter lane. A year ago I wrote the police department who said that their traffic engineers would “ look into the problem.” The problem still exists and I would like to know my legal position in case I am sideswiped. — ET The center lane turn Is illegal, according to Joe Buckman, traffic operations engineer for the City of Aiwtin. “Since there I* no sign indicating otherwise,” Buckman said, “ a left turn is legal from the left lane only.” TIMETABLE: By what method are registration times for individual students determ ined? — CL Byron Shipp, University registrar, said getting a good time la just pot luck. “Seniors are scheduled first by request of their academ ic derms,” Shipp said. “Other students' times are completely random, Just pulled out of the hat. I f s like drawing tickets for a football gam e.” PARKING BI GS: I have aren many small “no parking” * » r e s around campus easily largp enough to accommodate my Volkswagen. Has the University considered marking snch space* “small cars only,” ami, if deemed necessary, giving out additional small car tile sire restrictions they stickers to whatever cars fall within choose? Vnothing which increases the rapacity of the present park­ ing lots would be an asset to everyone trying to park In them. JM Dr. Robert Hamilton, professor of law and chairm an of the Uni­ versity Parking Committee, said the Idea has been considered. “ There are a few places when* we are actively considering park­ ing places for sm all care only,” Hamilton said. “ But many places th at appear capable of handling a sm all c a r would actually impede traffic flow or m ake it difficult for one to m aneuver We have toyed with the Idea of creating lots for sm all cars only, with sm aller spaces. But there is nothing definite vet." Action Column will investigate problems, track down fa d s, and provide a sleuth to answer questions concerning the University com­ munity. Send questions to Action Column, Draw'er D, University Station, Austin 78712, or bring them by Journalism Building 103. Include your nam e and phone number, but only initials will be used. New City Manager Probes Bus Plight Austin’s new city m anager, Lynn Andrews, said in an inter­ view with The Daily Texan Mon­ day that the University shuttle buses seem to be helping w i t h vehicle traffic. Andrews, who still to c i t y m anager of St. Petersburg, Fla., was in Austin for a two-day visit f i n The young executive look H a n g a r’* F o re v e r P re st 2 0 3 0 d ress slacks. T ra d i­ tio n ally tailo red , b u t w ith the slim m er cut th a t y o u n g ex ecu tiv es and college m en like. Machine w ash ab le. N o ironing ever. E xciting fall solids. S ' I Q O O Interviews O c t . 2 7 - 2 8 Tex as S c h o o l o f Business ENGINEERING * MATHEMATICS • PHYSICAL SCIENCES T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s I N C O R P O R A T E D M m etM U fo By ANDY YEMMA and JIM HICKS in to us University sophomore Maxwell Waycroft cam e tears and bearing the m arks of a six- month starvation diet one d a y last week. Before he could ev’en begin to explain hts story to us, we were compelled to provide the poor chap with a three-course dinner, for w h i c h lie was so grateful that he promised to leave nothing untouched in his reveal­ ing story' of his experiences with campus vending machines, which follows: Three days a week, since the fall sem ester bogan Waycroft had been existing on a diet of Clark Bars and Fifth Avenues, for which he was extrem ely bitter toward the vending machine com­ pany. The usual morning itiner­ ary of Day croft consisted of two hours of class, and a mad dash to the basem ent machines for a quick breakfast of candy bars and soft drinks. leen “Things have getting worse lately,” Waycroft related to us. “ One day last week they were completely out of «w>ff drinks and the the candy machine contain'd Zero B ars.’’ for which Waycroft had a definite abhorrence. last slot in In desperation, he said, he quickly fed 45 cents into the cig­ arette machine, devoured a park (rf Benson and Hedge* I Otis an i ran to his economics class. It was after that incident, Way­ croft told us. that he decided to come to the press for assistance in uncovering the causes of poor vending services at tins otherwise perfect multiversity. After some perfunctory p h o n e calls, which the usual led up blind alleys in investigations, we decided to « VI ■ •,«•»* X ft# mo (BSCSDSQBDCaiffS 2234 1746 Anderson 5134 Burn** Rd. 476-3525 454-7212 454-6731 c-, . , V-UU-.U.Vr. : hVv 3 :-k >.- W v. M I ‘ U-V I $$;*. U. »£•:.?] Dye HTH \ U J a r MV*- ‘‘* j " 2222 Gu#d*lup« -— T#*#» THtatr* s immm * At t-mr* it- • * THE WINNER! t - W i f e s p i I I ■*£■■■■ ix&■*’ -«*•. »* * , tvytiiic-ria i'mn« ^ * 1 1 1 * » ■ KODACOLOR PRINTS Bring Ut Your Exposed Film by 4: PM Print* R*ady 41 Hr*. Lator at 4: PM s t u d t m a n p h o t o 19th at Lavaca • Cameron Village W E S T E R N -L O O < C R E P E Ute your Imagination ’n creating an o u rtit c f b f l 'x and wh re N ylon A c e ­ tate C repe. SepA'atp$ w eb contrasting stitch ing . Sizes 5 to 13, 2nd B oof. L e ft: Skirt, 12.00 House, 12.00 R i g h t : Pant, 16.00 V est, 11.00 Blouse, 12,00 Tue»d«J, October^!, 1969 THE DAIEY TEXAN P « 9 « J ti TA 100% Pure Beef Hamburgers Crisp Golden French Fries Old-Fashioned Shakes 2818 Guadalupe 3 other location*, tool 7950 Burnet Rd. B355 N. Int* Tiglon ai 303 E. Oltorf 'nt (M Donrt fo r g s t..* * W e a r e o p e n e v e ry Ii • Ua/u^UjS o n - ih e - D r a g ^ , Lie- O N - THE - DRAG T h e Da il y T e x a n L J I ------------ J ----------------------- -— J — ------------ J lim vees ' " b u ? BO UTE* ~ Jacinto &LVD. peicricE r o t t i n g u t r LU RULE, d o rn a ALON1N1 ' C£NTE V jg:" gamin ?Tira&.. w ^ gaw s*«^ _ _ ------ —— ' ~~ .... ■*r University proposal to reroute San Jacinto Street will destroy large number of trees, creek bed. srmmrm «■*#>»««»» WaSIBtE RtTERtlRTE gguTE • or s on _ jnciflTD iHLumnt Drawings by R. Blake b o r r e l Students' alternative proposal v/ould preserve natural beauty by saving much greenery, creek bottom. m i ; to ae gcmovEQ t »ee; to K ffloin Greenery can yet be saved Bv BETTY BARNHILL and SI Z ANNE WINCKLER W aller C r e * k Is n p e r e of g^een going. It is one of the l i s t ■trips of tranquillity loft on c a m ­ pus for the use of students, fac­ ulty and staff. Groen area* are ossentLal ft> the physical and psychological well-being of m em bers in a uni­ versity com m unity. G reen a re a s m aintain the m uch noosed bal­ ance in our concreeto-onented atm osphere where friction of 35»« boo minds and bodies is the norm . Not only are they a place aw ay from fractured pace of a university but also they se rv e as buffer zone* to key down u rban inner cam pus noises and and tem p eratu res. G reen a re a s — w hether m asses of people re a l­ ize or adm it — a re environm en­ tal necos.;nes. the While U niversity growth Is al­ so necessary, expansion could— if done wisely — include p re se r­ vation and developm ent of m any natural are as. However, t h i s often been ne­ potential has glected in the past. B ALLER CREEK is a place to begin this m utual develop­ ment. It m ay well be th* la st place we have to begin. P resent plans call for re-routing a s e c ­ tion of W aller Creek between Twenty-first a n d N ineteenth stree ts go that San Jacinto Boule- Yard can be moved w est to allow for expansion of Memorial Stad­ ium. This re routing would involve conversion of this winding creek flood into a straight concrete rices on control channel. Most the we*t and east banks both would be rem oved, the natural creek bottom dredged and con­ creted, and replaced with concrete slopes and s o m e strateg ic decorative rip -ra p —a pebble-Uke concrete. the sides Is We recognize that expansion of inevitable M em orial Stadium a n d that W ailer Creek in som e way must be altered to accom ­ m odate this expansion. However, an alternative plan — w h i c h would he m ore desirable — could be '.mpiemer.ted without increas­ ing construction cost* or dem and- big extensive replanning. A GROUP of students in th* School of Architecture has de­ veloped thai alternative plan and presented it to the Office of Faci- lit ie* Planning and Construction tor oun&ideraLun. It include*; • P reservin g as near as pos­ sible the p r e s e t course of the stream . • M aintaining t h e natural rre^k bottom . • terrace* Installing and w alkw ays instead of a concrete em bankm ent on the east bank. • Saving m any of the trees. • Incorporating — w here re- una voidable the to channelization —m a te ria ls harm onious n atu ral area. is A few modifications w ere ac­ cepted by the office F or ex. am ple, few er tree* will be m a rk ­ ed for cutting Bu? these a re con­ sidered only token concessions which do not connote any real understanding of the a re a 's po­ tential. A plan such as this considers not only the inevitable expansion of the U niversity but also the preservation of some of its last if accepted, green spaces, and could be a firs? step for future cam pus plaruling. It recognizes that Waller Creek is a creek and n e e d not be a drainage ditch. It points up that Waller Creek has no history as a flood area and to convert it into a flood control channe1 would disrupt til* natural flow of the healthy the crock, block to subsurface seepage of w ater w ater tables, unduly speed up the creek 's flow, and ultim ate­ ly cause erosion at the term in­ al point of the creek w here the concrete stopped. to save SUPPORT OF t h i s altern ate plan is im m inent. Recall t h a t last spring an ad hoc group of th* students was able grass on the West Mall. T hat w as a significant gesture of hu­ man sentim ent concerning green­ ness W aller Creek Is a last bit of our greenness. An effort to save it is as im portant — if not m ore so — than the W est Mall action. to should students, Concerned faculty and staff register their feelings w i t h the O ffice of F aci­ lities Planning and Construction which has been receptive in th* regarding suggestions past campus planning Any ad hoc organizing is urged. A Cam pus Green Group is taking form to investigate Waller Creek and oth­ er area*. Any Wailer Creek vig­ ils are welcomed. Any detour from campus to take a look at is highly what might be rec '’intended. It might be your leat look, for cutting ha* begun. lost The un-creek? is made, m ary of these Unless an a pp eal trees will be gone. and the creek will becom e e flo od control channel* Pig* 4 Tuiwliy, October 21, J969. THE DAILY TEXAN The firing line Creek destruction unnecessary To the odit«r: I happen to agror w i t h those rorent Iftter-writers who think that intercollegiate football, here reached a and elsewhere, has is that stage of megalomania truly IOO percent nutty, but it is not my chief purpose here to add one more comment. What I am most cornered about is the very real and present danger that in the name of bigger and better everything on this campus, particularly lots more seats in the football stadium, we are go­ ing to l o s e — permanently — the only remaining vestige of natural beauty that we have: Waller Creek. What maggot In the minds of super-planners and wheeler-deal­ er promoters is it, that makes them invariably the enemies of nature? Or in the minds of educa­ tional administrators that leads them the same direction? on university NOBODY D E N I E S that the mounting pressures of numbers aie creating very critical prob­ cam­ lems puses. Everybody would like to “do something" about the situa­ tion, if only for instance to put students in jail or eLse on the contrary let anarchy reign with official blessing: not very con­ structively in cither intelligent Instance, if you ask me. And if you ask me what good Waller Creek Is. I can only reply that it is a beautiful piece of the earth; that young and old alike we are still fin the earth and of the earth; and that deliberately te throw away the last remnant of contect with earth that has been left us in a jungle of brick and mortar strikes hard at some­ thing fundamental in our make­ up, little as we mav be conscious­ ly aware of it. NO MATTER HOW we may try to bamboozle ourselves into believing so, is it really essen­ tial to public higher education that 20 OOO more seats must be provided to allow people to wit under artificial light, watching two sets of artificial students play an artificial game of so­ called ‘ college" football, on $550, OOO worth of artifical grass? And not only that. but being invited gently but meaningfully to pony up '‘contributions" in hundred-dol lar multiples (beginning at two small-change, hundred: please) to insure themselves the inestimable privilege of buying tickets? no And not only that, and more and more of ail that, hut tearing the campus to pieces again (along with p a r t s of the city, not to mention the municipal paralysis created every time a game Is held — and I pass over the per petual paralysis imposed upon a tract of incredibly valuable and badly needed public land by let­ ting an unproductive s t a t u s , it forever! symbol s q u a t on tearing the campus to pieces again, immediately after spend­ ing years putting it in shape at a pretty penny? How absurd can we get? Tjet's "do something” by not doing something: le ts let Waller Creek alone, says a voice crying in the wilderness. But what’ll you bef that we don’t? Joseph Jones Professor of English Moratorium lauded To the editor: thank I would like to take the oppor­ tunity to those persons who participated in Wednesday's plea for peace. It was beauti­ ful. To get the k i n d of turn-out which the SMC was able to get on this "traditionally conserva­ tive" campus was amazing. And it makes you think. NOT ALL OF the people were th- "hippie type” of "radicals” T h e D a il y T e x a n Student N e w s p a p e r at UT A ustin Opinions ’n Th# Dally Texan ara tho*# of th# ^<11 tor or of th* w riter of tho artic:?' and ar# not neoeasarUy tho## of th# I niver- slt# ad m inistration or of the Board of RfK#nts The Daily T exan Is published bv Texas S tudent Publications In c , daily ex rep* Monday and S aturday and holiday periods Septem ber through Mav Second class postage paid at Austin News contributio ns will be accepted by telephone (GR 1-5244). at th# editorial office J E 103. or a ’ the news laboratory, J.R 1<12 Inquiries concerning the delivery should he made in J R. 3G7 (GR 3.-5244) and advertising IU (GR 1-3227) The national advertising representative Is N ational K ducatlonal Ad­ J.B vertising Service, 360 Lex ngton Ave New York. N \ The T exan subscribes lo The Assocla’ed Press and is a m em ber of The Associated C ollegiate Press The Southw est Journalism Congress, and th» T exas Dally N ew spaper Association IOO! . Postm aster Rend form 3579 to Texas S tudent Publications. I n c , P. O Box D. Austin, T exas 79712, PERM ANENT STAPF E D IT O R .....................................................Mark Morrison MANAGING E D IT O R ...........................Karen Elliott ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR . Richard Scott CITY E D IT O R ........................................Lynne Flocke ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR . . , Janelle Dupont SPORTS EDITOR ...................................... Gary Taylor AMUSEMENTS EDITOR . . . . . . Middy Randerson FEATURE E D IT O R ...................... Carol>-n Hinckley PANORAMA E D IT O R ........................ Bob Inderman i s s t 'E s t a f f Associate News Editor ..................... Charlotte Smith News Assistants .............................C lif f Avery. Katie* Fegan E dito rial Page A ssistant ........................... Quin Mathews Sara Burns Assistant Amusements Editor .............. Assistant Sports Editor ...................................................... Steve Dial Make-Up Editor .................................................................Joe Phillips Copy Editors ...Jo h n Thomas, M argaret Hail, Suzanne Sullivan Wire Editor .................................................................... Theresa Kane — In fact, only a small percent­ age of turnout could be classi­ in that way. There were fied people at the rally who had served in Vietnam; who know what is really happening o v e r there; who have seen death and know what it Is like to watch while a buddy’s arm or leg Is ripped from his body. There were also people there who would never see Vietnam. One body in particular sat in a wheelchair ; his limp arms fold­ ed in his lap while across his chest rested a sign pleading for peace. This student was not pro­ testing because he was afraid— he was there because he believes. Believes that t h e r e Is s*nll a chance for peace. SOME WERE THERE because fhev want to radically change the shape of the country, Viet­ nam included. Some were there because they want the United States to pull out all of its troops from Vietnam NOW. And some weir there because they want its troops America to pull out quickly, although allowing for a timetable. But a 11 were there because they want peace in this world. Because they do not like war, they see no p u r p o s e for war, and they think that the world—their world, too—could be a better place without war. They were there for peace. And all t h e y were asking is to "give peace a chance.’” Mal Iaiaky Senior, Communication Reckless criticism To the editor: This letter is a response to the review of the performance of the I 'Diversify Symphony Orchestra Thursday, The review appeared in The Daily Texan on the Friday following. It Is irritating when a musical performance is criticized in such a reckless, unsophisticated a n d Incoherent manner; when criti­ cism Is levelled at such insignifi­ cant things as missed notes and occasional dynamic imbalances Live performance Is the m o s t ephemeral and fortuitous aspect of musical art. FT IS A DIFFICULT and often frustrating task to write a piece of music in any medium or form, for solo flute as well as for full symphony orchestra with double chorus and .soloists, It is difficult whether the piece Is short or king, whether it Is in the style of Pope Gregory, Mozart, or Stockhauspn. Tt Is equally difficult and fn»- h-ating work to bring the written work to full realization in sound with a large and varied group of instruments, When all of this Is endured by musicians and we go to a free public concert, are we to be di.sgnmtled and unsatisfied simply because the music Is not quite rendered well enough'* this fragile substance, After is distilled out of t h e music, fecundity of nature, we cannot appreciate it b e c a u s e certain things do not happen right enough to suit fickle, doldrum ie?? Would we rather hear a performance of the Boston or Chicago Sym­ phony in which you do not hear those missed notes, symptoms of eagerness and newness? If we do. it Is a sign that we are heat fbi Con asciing—Psyclx>logical Services Center 303 West M all Office Building is available to senv you immediately through its WALK-IN SERVICE N o A ppointm ent Necessary — Just W alk -In ! CENTER HOURS: 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Friday PHONE: GR 1-3515 other tim es call The 24-Hour Telephone Counseling Sc Referral Service a part of the Center 4 7 6 - 7 0 7 3 This Service Receives Calls 24 H ours a Day — 365 Days a Year down in the mold of petty et ficiency and correctness. ploy their chokx* In Influencing our government. WE SHOULD NOT accept works of art without criticism; hut we must he more thoughtful in de riding what needs criticizing and how it should be criticized and in what spirit. Falseness should be criticized; one thing particul­ arly false in the Thursday even­ ing concert was the eadaverenza toward the end of the first move­ ment of the Dvorak cello con­ certo, some of which was little more intelligible ar, music than Tin Man In a West Texas hail­ storm on the Fourth of July, lf was certainly played well, but not worth playing. Is it not good, indeed a miracle, that in nature there Is the mys­ terious pbenomonon, tone, t h a t men have the idea of music and perform it, that sometimes there is incredible genius in the craft of putting together tones to make music? .Surely all this is accom­ plished in the spirit that it Is good, worthwhile and meaningful, T h e essence of the musical per­ formance on Thursday evening was not its missed notes or other deficiencies; it was the manifesta­ tion of human spirit, the parti­ cipation in the struggle and the miracle of art. Edward Sledge an w. Knd st. Infallible people? To tiie editor: The Daily Texan Friday con­ l e t t e r written by tained a Michael Mahaffey in which he espoused h Is " unreproachab! e ’ patriotism. It Is people like your­ self, Mr. Mahaffey, who accept inequities and tolerate mistakes simply because this Is the United States. Are we an Infallible people as you would have us believe” Are we guilty of treason when we exercise our civil liberties of free speech arni assembly? Does one really denounce the United States when he denounces one of its poteens? Do you condone racial discrimination ? — It has l o n g been an American way of life. I AAtf ONE of those Americans to whom you so derogatorily al­ luded. I take pride in the fact that I marched Wednesday be­ cause I want the United States to attain those goals stated in our Constitution — those rights which, while you flaunt t h e m as "American.” you deny them to those Americans (not Com­ munists) who seek se! (-expres­ sion. Are you sn paranoid as to he Jteve that free protest can des­ troy fair government? Actually this freedom is our strength as to choose it allows Amen cans among diverse ideas and to em­ If you would deny peaceful p ro­ test. Mr Mahaffey, then you. not we, arr guilty of treason, for you, not we, are then denouncing democracy itself, and no amount. of flag-wavmg can c o m p e n s a te for that. If you really believe in "America — Right or Wrong.” and have strength in your con­ victions, I am sure the a r m y recruiter can find a vacancy in Vietnam for you to fill. Michael L. Harlan 1122-A Brackenridge Apts. Involvement urged To the editor: If i n d e e d we lr the I 'cited States do live In a democracy that sanctions peaceful d.sssent and takes heed of public disap­ proval of major issues, then the time has arrived for each Amer­ ican to stand up, shake off com­ placency and be heard. Regard­ less of petty politics, irrespon­ sible and assuming leaders and institutions lioth left and right, the moment has come for the people to lift tho r voices and be heard. It is absurd to blame tim war on President Nixon or claim he will do this or that, He is mere­ ly the elected official, the fa­ ther imape. Americans identify with but more important, com­ mand. To claim that he. I re­ peat he. will not lie affected bv the moratorium is the ultimate ego satisfaction as well as a tremendous political blunder that served only those who otherwise would not have participated. to activate THEORETICALLY, the people hold the power. Let us then as the people wield that power and shatter the brittle political intri­ gue and threadbare arguments that keep other American people in Vietnam. I jet us unite again as a nation that exercises control over its leaders and directs their actions. Activate go " e a s y riding,” and exercise the power that you theoretic a1 Iv have. Whether acti­ vely for or against an informal war, stand up md shout out. Go to Houston on the ninth and Wash­ ington on the ti fleer-th and stand the seven league boots of in democracy controlling their di­ rection. James S. Elliot 2323 San Antonio O f f i c i a l notices TV O n e P o w e ll o f t h e Ga h os ’on M ndu-al S c h o o l w ill in te rv ie w o r »s- p c c tiv p n if'd ic a l s t u d e n t s V e d n e e d a v a n d T h u r s d a v A p p o in t pi on Is c a n be- m a d e in W e s t M all O ffice) B u ild in g IDI A T H IS S K K O M .T I RF.fi. M 56 S A 50 Pickup Trucks K#f I? M $8.50 R nrkhfclter, In# w ill a lie n tit# fron t m d o f f o u r m r to fa c to r y .p e c if ir .- tion a mid xrt ranter. f t m h r r ton in and m n t# r e to e rln r w h e e l T o n ’ll g e t m # i# r , aafer » l# # r in i and !#*• t im w m r . WHEEL BALANCE Reg. $2.00 . . . . $1.25 2 - r ,# tv - \ Mf Ri f t s MV OF CARS O M Y SHOCKS SPECIAL HEAVY DUTY M ONROE or DELCO SHO CK ABSORBERS INSTALLED. Reg. $56.80 $ 17.95 PR. MOST AM ERICAN CARS 50 ALL FOUR COMPLETE BRAKE OVERHAUL everh n n l cy lin d er * ir e H e a v y d i i r prem ium c m d # nil lin in g . fou r p recU ion w h e e l lim n * * tu rn drum *, to fr o n t w h eel fit d ru m , park W i r i a r i , ir # w « urn!#. S# non m il# w a r r a n ty , R e t . AA 95 Job in s ta ll new S P E C IA L ! 95 $ M OST A W I K it 431 I SR S BURKHALTER SPRING COMPANY, INC. Serving Austin Since 1923 310 Colorado GR 6-2117 O P E N .MONDAY — F R I D A Y . 7 00 A M - I M F N CROSSWORD PUZZLE 4-Hindu peeeent 5 Worn awey 6-Cootestant 7 Confederate general Arrow a • Latin romunetton IO Sell to consumer 12 Tuberculosis (abbr) 14-Wirelee* 17 Satiate 20 Finishes 23 Hypothetical terce 24 Preposition 25 Care for 27 I ease 30-Umisue! 32 Small vefloy 35 Earthenware 37 Peel Viewer» YeatewjeyN ***** M a c B B T iS D K S DKQ RQDffl a n n o ttH D D Q SQ B HOU 1 4 0 0 H H H a a a u r i o u [SOH m o r o n , rara mao any ora wiioanraK row r o o o H O S OOH B o o t y HQH g a m e m a ra nroro d o s m ™ n H r a w n n o □HQH HOOD (SHB HDB Uf2IOC! S P B ti 7“ r - 3 i i 38 Cemrvorou# mamma! 3 9 ! asserted a I Bard 41 Angry outburst 44 Printer s measure 46-For example (abbr) 4 5 ■ 46 Wants 51 Twirl 53 Dirk 57-Communist 58 District of 60 Meadow 62 Sun trod 64 Pronoun Columbia (abbr) 8 ——— IO 7 ,6 ........ w 17 1 u ii n 37 * rn is 7 3 28 i i i f ' t s i i — 70 S w 2) n 26 Jx T n SI $4 i 40 31 39 3 5 nST rn 4i 42 37 r ’T •A-.-. 4'. 44 *6 47 j n M 52 ii WivT~ 57 IV “ V 4$ 60 4o suffer* for a cam * ll Tidier 15 Note of seal* 16 Promoter 18 Symbol for tantalum 16 Symbol for tellurium t i former Russian ruler 22 Frog 24 Temporary x netter 26 Greenier*! settlement 2* 502 (Roman number) 29 Command 31 Wit# of Geraint 33 Behold' 34 Break suddenly 36 Snare 36 A rent moot '’abbr ) 40 . et tai! 42 Puff up 45 Man’s nickname 4 7 Short laetoet 40 ireland 50 Container* 52 Golf mounds 54 Teutonic deity 55 Army officer (abbr) 56 Sham 59 Man’* nickname 61 Weirder 63 Determine 66 Fop 66 Compass point • 7 Afternoon party Doaw 1 Danish lend division 2 Restaurant worker I Teutonic deity ONE MOON DELIVERY! John Roberts ships the worieT* finest rings within one moon (4 weeks) receipt of the ord«f. W h y w a i t ? Order now l ZALES*J tW tltR I We’re nothing without your love; Hancock Confer 704 Congress THIS CAN GET YOUR HEAD To g et h er Lead your own life. Enjoy it. Don’t let life let you down because o f a silly head­ ache. Happiness is as far away as an Anacin* bottle. Anacin is twice as strong in the sp ecific pain re­ lie v e r d o c to r s reeom* m end m ost as the other well known extra strength tablet. A n a c i n ma y not be nd your mind, but it sure will get your head together. Bold new button-down look G an t's latest pyrotechnics: wide, exu berant strip in g s in warm, c o n tra st­ ing colors. The fabric: a superior no-iron co tto n p o ly e ste r oxford. Softly flared collar, elegantly elongated. H u g g e r b o d y . This G a n t shirt is called III! Bar Striped O rford. In varied-colored strippin gs. $10. ■3f» S u r r n } I r t t H I Q o h — f a r rn. r H iB R iw Hancock Center Downtown Hancock Center Store N o w O p e n Til Nine N ightly O c t e t . ? 2 1 . L969. JtH E R A P TO SPECIAL SAVINGS ON FRONT END ALIGNMENT G A N T 1 Luxury Townhouse Apartments Acacia Upset Victim IM Action to Shift to Swimming with large upstairs study/bedroomr furnished only 169.50 all bills paid, Shalimar Gardens 701 North Loop, 454-3837; 476-2633 SCO PRO LOUNGE 609 W . 29th 60 OZ. PITCHER $1.00 3-6 P.M. GREAT SANDWICHES O U R C O L O R T V W I L L BE O N F O R A L L F O O T B A L L G A M E S DRINK BEER SHOOT POOL The Look of Today FINE THREADS Austin'* High Fashion Men'* Store ★ EDWARDIAN FASHIONS ★ SUITS & SPORT COATS ★ FLARED * BELL BOTTOM SLACKS 2908 Guadalupe 478-3374 AUTHENTIC ENGLISH Free Orders Today For L Oregg KH ! 926-7106 2. Nancy Hatton 454-1854 S. Milton Harahan 4544605 4. Aam Swoon 478-9544 O PEN 7 DAYS A W E E K 11:00 a.m. - 12 Midnight 2120 Guadalupe Tantalizingly tender fillets ct fresh cod covered in Alfie's special batter and deep fried to a msp brown . . . Served authentic English style with a sprinkle of malt vinegar and delicious chips of french fried potatoes. The O nly Independent V W G a ra g e in Austin to G u aran tee Volkswagen Repairs In a game marked by eight In­ ter ceptions. Alpha Kappa Psi rolled past ASM E 42-0 as Ronald G. Janda parsed for six touchdowns. In Class B. Sigma Alpha Mu rallied for a pair of second half touchdowns to nke out a hard- fought 14-6 victory over Zeta Beta Tau. Also In Class B. Steve Smith passed for a pair of touchdowns In | two-point conversion and a leading Lambda Chi Alpha past if: Sigma Alpha Epsilon 14-6. In the top individual perter- I in the Mullet division, | manoo Jam es L. Hum passed for five j| „ touchdowns and ran for two more • as Ph i Dogs swamped Meeker 64-0. In the only law* division con­ test. W allace Tingler passed for | four touchdowns as Avengers shot down Vultures 22-6. Robert J. Corbin passed t w o yards to David K. Lynch for the only touchdown in the single grad division contest as Photons de­ feated Econs 6-0. Acacia, recently dropped from Tnc D aily Texan's “ IM Eleven ," was an upset victim Monday night as Sigma Alpha Epsilon scored early en the passing of ll. L. Philips and held on to win 12-8. Mend .tv night's action was pro­ vided by a full slate of compe­ tition, but Tuesday veil see games in only the law and grad divi­ sions because of the prelim inary intram ural swimming meet sche­ duled for 7 p m. at Gregory Gym. On 'Thursday the schedule w ill return to normal with e;ghr of the “ IM Eleven " soheduled for competition. After losing bs No. l l ranking to Zombies this week. Acacia fell behind Sigma Alpha Epsilon with the big blow coming on a Philips- to-Bobby Halpm pass which cov­ ered 45 yards after Hatpin found himself ail alone In the secondary. John Angel!, a virtual “ pro” at the intram ural game with five wean* of experience, passed fo r five touchdowns and ran for an­ other in loading highly-regarded Recruits past Gordian Knot 44-12. Passing for a touchdown and two-point conversion. Buzzards quarterback Robert Grant led Hs team p a s t defenders 8-6. Grant also contributed two intercepted pass<*« in aiding his team 's cause. Also in Class A, David J. Trot­ ter passed for two touclidowns. A tt. Volkswagen Owners Outstanding C om plete Autom otive Service F A C T O R Y T R A IN E D Volkswagen Specialists A r l d t ’s Au to m o ti v e Service 7951 B U R N E T R O A D Across from G u lf M a rt G L 2-0205 d o te d Saturday the last coming with a minute and e. half left in the contest. In one of the top individual per formances of the evening. Gabriel Martinez passed fcr six touch­ downs in leading Roberts past Jester 7, 46-2. Randy D, Little passed f o r three scores as Delta Kappa Ep­ silon slipper! past Chi Phi 18-14 awrtfKWwimpiii^-’jgiiroHrinimiswiBtirjtwwtufiPBai IM Eleven X. Phi Gamma Delta 2. PEM Club 3. Beta Theta Pi 4. Lambda Chi Alpha 5. Hill Hall 6. Slippery' Rock 7. Brown Helmets S. Tejas 9. Stag 10. Sigma Nu 11. Zombies rn iwiiH»afliiMw>wniHW(Wii»nMwinoawi^ Seats Available On ’Pony Express' Bus transportation w ill be of­ fered for those without rides to the Texas-SMU football game Nov. I in Dallas. Reservations are being taken by Ray G iliaspie (471-1418) for the charter service which w ill depart from the front of Jester Center at 9 a m. that Saturday and return by I a m. Sunday. No meals are included, al­ though organizer G ill aspic said a cookout or picnic is planned in Waco after the game. Deadline for reservations is Sunday. DISCOUNT PHOTO FINISHING O N C X 126-12 ................$2.91 C X 135-20 ................$4.35 K 135-20 ........................ $1.49 S u p tr or regular 8 color movi» film $1.49 Used 35mm cameras: Yashica, Pentax, M inolta, etc. Paper-Chemicals-Film Student Di$count UNIVERSITY DISCOUNT STORES Futile A ttem pt — Photo h r R ick W illia m *. Sigm a Alpha Epsilon runner tries to e va d a A c a c ia defender s tag with a stiffarm, an often unsuccessful maneuver in touch football. S A E upset A ca cia , 12-8, M onday night. 'Mural Scores I Troublesome Owls Next CIM* A H aw k * sn Has f W n s 30 (H a w k * win on penetrations > Re cru its 4-5 Gordian K n o t 12 Buzzards 8 Defenders 6 PH; D elta Phi 11-' Delta Theta Ph i S P ra th e r 27. Then me 14 Roberta 46. Je s te r 7 2 Rosem ary'* Babies 30. Letterm en 0 D elta Kappa Epsilon 18 Chi P h i 14 Pistons 12 S R I > D ark Horses 6 Alpha Kappa Psi 42. A S V E 0 Speed 6 Teem 6 (Speed wins on pen­ etrations i Campus Guild 28 P rice A D e lta Epsilon 32. Kappa Alpha 0 D elta Tau D elta 20, Sigm a Alpha M u 0 S i* na Alpha Epsilon 12 Ara. .a 8 Olm B P h i D e lta T h e ta Sigm a Alpha M u 14 Zeta Beta Tau A Sigm a Ph i epsilon 4^ De'ta Kappa IR. Chi Phi 6 Ivim hda Chi Alpha 14 S'zm s Alpha Epsilon 14 Epsilon 6 M allet W h ite O w lf 18 Horses 8 Apeak 12 Broncos 6 Samm ies 2n Old Blu e 6 P h i Dogs 64, Meeker 0 Avengers 32. V ultures 6 La w (•rad Photons 6 Peons Q IM Slate Class A I t L S D A X 8 d r n — A ir Force vs D elta Sigm a P i. A rm v vs RSU Class P 5 p rn —Delta Sigm a P l vs N a vy HIH Hah vs. Roberts Cam ­ pus G uild vs Stag. ti k d n f .s d a t Grad 7 r rn. -Wiz K id s ss winner (Eco n * or Photons' L a w 7 p m .- Iasgal Eagle* vs w in­ ner (Avengers vs v u ltu re s » R p m - Nolo C o n te n d s 's w inner fDelta Omega Ph i vs, P h i Delta P h i), To he announced T H I R R D A X , M O T O R C Y C L E S !!! 5 % O F F — to ail Co leg# Students T R IU M P H S U Z U K I B U IT A C O Steers Licking Wounds After having an extra week to savor the delights of the Okla­ homa Victory, the Longhorns re­ turned to their regular schedule M o n d a y in prep ira bon fo r their next grid challenge — Sat­ urday afternoon's contest with the Rico Owls, Last Saturday was a rare open date for the 'Horns, one made possible by the shifting of the regularly - scheduled Arkansas game from that weekend to Dec. 6 590 that the Porker game could Rice Ranks Thin After SMU Loss HOUSTON (AP) - R i c e ' s sophomore linebacker D a l e Grounds strained the tendons in his left leg against SMU Satur­ day and w ill miss fie T e x a s game, head coach Bo H a g a n said Monday. Ronnie Johnson, also a sopho­ more. w il! play instead in Me­ morial Stadium, he said. Stable Vincent, the quarterback who was injured early in th e second quarter with a pinched nerve in h is throwing arm . w ill be inactive for two or Owee days. “ IL can’t throw today, but the doctors blink he w ill be b a c k for Texas.” Hagan said. receive national television cover­ age. Although die Razorback*, with o f f e n s i v e aces B ill Burnett. Chuck Dieus and B ill Montgom­ ery in various states of disre­ p a i r , probably welcomed t h e “ off” week more than did the Texas t r o o p s . Coach D arrell Royal isn't griping — yet. charges R O YA L S emerged from the annual Cotton Bowl meatgrinder with Oklahoma with several injuries of their own and another from previous action is still vmhealed. Defensive tackle Grog Ploetz suffered a hairline fracture in his foot and likely w ill miss hie Rice game. Ploetz has not work­ ed out since the extent of the in­ jury — originally thought to be a sprain — was discovered. Mike Campbell, also hobbled by a foot injury' ran with the second unit Monday but limped noticeably. S T A N M AI I.IMN also w a n suitor} up but the ankle injury ha sustained earlier in the season rn-key him like Campbell, a doubtful .starter. Sophomore C a r l White has moved up from the second team to take over for P!oe?z, while defensive end B ill Zapalac has moved to Mauldin s strong line­ backer spot. Sophomore David Arledge, also advancing from the No. 2 unit, has moved into Zap- alac'y end position. Senior Mac McKinney w ill staid at rover if Camj>bel! is not leady for duty. Said R iv a l of the "off week: “ It was fun for a day or two, but it started to drag. I'm glad we are back to serious busi­ ness. ” SKI BREAK TO IN TEREST ED IN: M A K IN G M O N E Y W IN N IN G FR EE SKI TRIP i ti W IN N IN G SET O F "H E A D 360’s W IN N IN G A C O M P L E T E SKI 2900 Duval 472-0374 D A L T R IU M P H S A L E S 5120 Burnet Rd. 452-7554 No socket to Im r n ■ j l Conoco hate* closed rooms end narrow spaces as much as you do. So we give you room enough to stretch. To show your talent and develop it Stretch with Conoco In ttree Important ways. • First, In 34 countries ard s!X continents. • Second, in these seven primary industries: petroleum, natural gas. coa plant foods, chemicals, plastics, and atomic energy. • Third, in problem sc ving. Becoming productive and responsible from the first day on the job. As ore of our VP’s recently wrote in a super­ visor’s letter, “ Give your people head room and et them run” Thats when you really start growing — as an individual and as a member of the Conoco group. We encourage you to look over our 32-page booklet entitled “ Where do you go irom here . . . ?” It shows typical assignments of cur young scientists, engineers, analysts, accountants and administrative trainees . . . assignments planned to prevent that deac y confinement of mind — Career Claustrophob a. C O N O C O Sw otting G ra d u a te s ell d eg -'eea □ E N G IN E E R IN G □ S C IE N T IF IC □ B U S I N E S S Continental Oil Company M,Ar’,*'e do /o j p from S e e y o u r p l a c e m e n t o f f ic e r . R e c r u i t i n g COML / •MIMICAL* I WANT FOCO* t PfTROUUM / WUCltAR O C T O B E R 28-29 21, im THS DAILY, TSCAN rnit** Qrishrn ACTUAL SIZE J ■ H H * a , H H H H H would be one thing. av B it you aren’t. You rs a I over the place. So you need a shaver tnat goes where Its happening, A shaver like the brand-new battery- operated Nereid Cordies' 20B. With float rig heads that fit the curves o' a man’s far a And seif-snarpening blades inside those float; ng heads that shave close and smooth every day. The Norelco unique notary ac­ tion keeps the blades sharp wt Ie It strokes off whiskers. Every time you shave. The Nore’co Cordless gives you close shaves anywhere Up to 30 day:, of shaves on only 4 penlight batteries. Handsomely styled in jet black arid chrome, there’s even a mirror inr de the cap. So you can see wh it yo ,’re sr s . And ifs small enough to fit your pocket, V c - r el (-sufficient. A ; ready to sock it Ic your beard A'oreleo" Even on a beard Uke your*. 1 1 % 9 North Amen.' an FTiiips. Ccvpofal.on, IOO Ids; 4/nd Street Nev* York, N.Y. 10017 O U T FIT F O R F U R T H E R IN F O R M A T IO N A T T E N D M E E T IN G 22 O C T ., *69 A T ” 40 A C R E S C L U B ," 2500 G U A D A L U P E L E T T E R M A N R O O M , A T 7:00 P.M . Phone 478*5434 SKI BREAK 1970 GIRLS-BOYS-FUN T H E P A C K A G E ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ LUXURIOUS LODGING TWO DELICIOUS MEALS DAILY COMPLETE USE OF LIFTS DAILY SKI INSTRUCTION COMPLETE EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHAMPAGNE SLALOM ENTERTAINMENT AND PRIZES AWARDS AND PRIZES SKI CONTESTS HAPPY HOURS SPECIAL SKI SHOP SALES MEMBER IN USSA SNOW MAGAZINE FOR A FULL YEAR MANY NEW FRIENDS ALL FOR ONLY. . . S149.95 for 5 full days of fun & adion Special rates available for 3 days and up. WHERE : RUIDOSO or RED RIVER SEMESTER BREAK (JAN. 19- FEB I) Any Five Days COLLEGE STUDENTS & FACULTY f New Orleans Sees' 'Old' Unitas Form NEW O R LEA N S (A P ) - “I knew he was going to gelt holt again but I wished he’d w aited another week before doing it,” said Dong Atkins, the reigning patriarch of N ational Football League players. chief defensive coach for th e Saints. U nitas accepted the acclaim In his usually cool m anner. “ W e had the tim e to throw' and our run- rung game was good,” he said. TEXAS END ZONE 4412 N. Lamar HAPPY HOUR *1.00 Pitchers G O S O G I R L S LD . R E Q U IR E D Test walk a Plymouth Atkins was discussing Johnny Fn itas, who blitzed the New O r­ leans .Saints for a 30-10 victory by the Baltim ore Colts Sunday. “ And I thought we had a pret­ ty good rush on him ,” added A t­ kins. die 39-vear-old New O rleans I defensive end who is playing a I re c o rd - e q u a llin g seventeenth year. “ But that guy i« just the great­ est. He was as hot as a fire cracker and when he’s that way he’s unbeatable ” Three touchdown passes by U n i­ tas. who threw for 319 yards, handed the .Saints th eir fifth loss In as m any Sur.davs of NFX, p lay. The aging Fn ita s compacted 16 passee in succession for a league record and wound up clickin g on 20 of 28 throws. “ W e’ve looked at a ll of h is film s and this has got to be Johnny’s greatest perform ance in three years,” said Ja c k Falk n er, —AP F9v*t« Namath . , . shredded O iler defense. TCU Star Ready For Limited Duty FO R T W O RTH (A P ) - Texas fullback Nor­ ChrisitLan’s prize man Bulaich is experted to re­ turn to action Frid a y against M iam i, Coach Fred T aylor said M onday, T aylor .said Bu laich, who re ­ ceived a pulled thigh m uscle against Ohio State, would n o t start but w o u l d be ready for spot duty. 'Horns Remain Second in Poll; Vols Vault Past Razorbacks John Watkins A Failure To Communicate Sportscasters, those nasal-toned announcers whose glowing des­ criptions th rill the average tube-wafcher beyond b elief, have been the targets of m any poisoner} pen en ties recently. The question at hand Is a re la tive ly sim ple one — are sports­ casters less articu late than tho average person, or do they just seem that w ay? The names of the culprits, er. uh. sportscasters, are fam ilar enough — G irt Dowdy, Pau l Chrism an, C hris Sohenkel, Frank d e i ber and Eddie LoBaron. Dowdy, one would assume, must be the most guilty, for his com m entary knows no seasonal boundaries. H is banal discourse fills the airw ays during football, basketball, and baseball seasons. W hat a p ity. It was Gowdv who described the two participants in the W orld Series th u sly: “ They both won foe most games in their divisions and swept th eir respective playoffs, so it is appropriate that they should appear in the W orld Series.” Christm an, who is probably an announcer only because he once was a pro signal-caller, has the uncanny ab ility to m iscalculate offensive strategy w hile lu llin g the view’er to sleep with his am azing vocabulary. Big Switch Chrism an has moved from die AFT. over to the N F L as a color man, a move ostensibly planned by the AFT. h ierarch y to decrease view er interest in the K F T , thus luring more and more fans to watch A PX contests. Such a move w ill probably fa il, however, be­ cause of the continuing presence of Dowdy at A F L m icrophones. And who can forget those form er stars who lend so much to television coverage with their trem endous inst g ilt into the in tricacies of Their specialty. Sanriv Koufax is perhaps the best. When Pee W ee Reese teemed w ith Dowdy to do m ajor league baseball broadcasts. Koufax sort of tagged along to learn the spnrCsrasting trade A fter a ll. Sandy had just hung up his a rth ritic elbow’, and NBD didn’t want to see him unem ployed. Koufax was am azing. No other ad jective w ill suffice “ W ell, that w as surely a spectacular play by W ills ,” Dowdy would say. “ W hat about it, Pee Wee Reese, since you w ere a shortstop?” F irs t and last nam ** were ailw’ays used. “ G reat p lay,” Rrose would venture, “ R eally great. Whadda va think, Sandy K oufax?” “ W ell, cr. Pee W op Reese.” Koufax would stam m er. “ Thanks a lot, Sandy Koufax. Now a wend from our sponsor ” C hris Sohenkel, who also m asqiwTsdes as a golf expert, basket­ b all wizard, and form er Purdue student, lends his lack of ab ility to A BC 's NCAA broadcasts. "Uh's" Have It Schenkel’s tradem ark is nervousness and rapid enunciation, punc­ tuated by at least four “ u h s” per statem ent. Sohneke] is fam ous for his dry w it. This w riter had the pleasure to meet C hm in the Texas locker room after the 'Horns had ham m ered Oklahom a. Sohenkel was chatting w ith Ixxtghom coach D arre ll R oyal after most w riters had cleared the dressing area. ‘I guess that was re a lly a great one for you a ll to broadcast,” R oyal told Schenkel, referring to the closeness of the contest. “ No, D a m 'll,” Schnekel said “ You can’t c a ll it great. Ju st good. H a, H a. And Purdue ken, too. I just couldn’t believe vt. Chortle, cho rtle.” But the “ guy we would most like to see taken off the a ir” aw ard must go to Le Baron color man for the D allas Cowboys. LeBam n, the D allas quarterback when the club was in its infancy In the ea rly Sixties, is considered by m any to be an expert on quarterbacking strategy’. But L ittle Fiddle, as he is affectionately known, sim ply cannot express him self in a coherent m anner. Joe Willie Keys Win Over Oilers M a y n a rd ’s Scores Equal AFL Mark N E W Y O R K (A P ) — D o n M aynard snared two long touch­ down passes from Jo e Na m ath. t y i n g an Am erican Football Teague career scoring record, as the New York Je ts downed the Houston O iler* 26-17 Monday night and seized first place in the Ka stern Di vis> m . Na ma th fired second period scoring bombs of 57 and 54 yaid s to M aynard and Jim Turner booted four field goals, leading the Super Bow l cham pions past the r u g g e d O ilers lief ore a record A F L crowd of 63,841. including T h e huge Shea S t a d i u m baseball’s throng, W orld Champion M ots, s a w M aynard equal A r t Po w ell’s league record of 81 touchdowns as the Je ts, 4-2, won their home opener and snapped a f i r s t place deadlock w ith Houston. M aynard, an orig inal member of New Y o rk’s once-struggling A F L franchise grabbed seven passes in a ll for 212 vards-high for the season a m o n g A F L re­ ceivers. B y The Associated Press A he is not only like kissi ng you'- sister, it doesn’t satisfy the football voters eith er am i t h u s Southern C alifornia and N o t r e Dam e failed to wood the pollsters this week’s m ajor college in rankings A fter their 14 14 deadlock last .Saturday, Southern C al dupped from third to seventh in The As­ sociated Press rankings released M onday w hile the Irish fe ll one place to tw elfth in their bid to return to the top IO, T E N N E S S E E used Alabam a to m ake the biggest inroad in the rankings bv surging from seventh to th in ! after whomping th e Crim son Tide 41-14. Ohio State lost a few p o i n t s from the previous week but e a sily returned to top ranking w ith 27 first place votes and €06 points after clobbering M innesota 34 7. Texas retained No. 2, ap er ait Idle Saturday, with five top bal­ lots and 612 points, T ile d iffer­ ence between the two wras 710- 638 the week befur* I Ohio S ta t* 27 .. 2. Texas 5 .............. a Tennessee I ..... 4 Arkansas . . . . . . . . f» M iaaour.................. .................. fi U C L A T Southern Cal .... . . . . k. Penn State I . 9. L o u is ia n * State . . . . . . . . . . IO. F lo rid a 31. Oklahom a ........ 12 Notre Dam e ....... .............. 33. ( Ivor £ i i ............. l l Auburn ............... 15 Purdue ........ in v vo! insr IT. Mississippi ......... IS K ansas S ta te . . . . ............... 19 S ta n fo rd ........... 20 A ir F o rce Arkansas, also idle, rem ained fourth w ith 417 behind Tennes­ see’s one top vote and 435 points. Penn State, which dropped three spots to eighth after narrow ly beating Syracuse 15-14. had die only other first plane vote in the balloting by sportsw riter* a n d broadcasters throughout the coun­ try. OTHER CHANGES In the first r i*. ini •• wmmmrnmmmmmmmmmmmm Top 20 i prim KimmmmmmmmmKmmmimmm IO moved M issouri up one place to fifth and U C LA from eight to sixth. IiOuLsiana State and H o n ­ da rem ained ninth and tenth, res pe our cloth in g allow ance. sports I-et me m ik e clothes. Call Judy, 451-2512 your n artv, the Help W anted Dance composition class, indt- • Ma'd service • Laundry room 4657641 vtdual expression fens U n iversity ‘Y days 8-9:30 p.m. student# set own , T uesdays, Thurs­ $150 Per month. 103 F 30th. Call 472-7321 SU IT A BL E FOR T H R E E between * and 8 P m For Rent NO TV SET? Call th e Alpha Man! B /W A the N ew Color portable* at R easonable R ent L e a se Rent bv S em ester or Rent-Purchase ALPHA TV REN TALS Call GR 2-2692 tor mor* inform ation . , . two bath apartment. O C T O B E R R E N T FREE . t I or 2 males to share two bed- IO room, minutes walk to main building, bills paid, maid service $ 6 1 . 5 0 . Call Le Font Apartments. 8 0 3 W e st 2 8 t h . G R 2 - 6 4 8 0 . one MALE UPPE RCLASSM AN share apartm ent STI’ 50. F ive m inute wal k Campus. 476- 4063 bedroom lu x u ry to FEM ALE N E E D E D NOW to share tw o Near apartm ent bedroom luxury cam pus, on sh u ttle routes 477-8550 the AUSTIN GUITAR SOCIETY will m eet O ctob er 2 Ut at 8 p.m. at 1624 Lavaca. F america guitar rn tic; a~d re'-*: - e a t s wilt be served. PUBLIC INVITED • 478-7331 For Sale Largest Used Book Store in Austin Save Save — Com® To Yo u C A N Rent Furniture Y O U Like! You do have a choice At Modern F u rn itu re Rental*, Q uality furniture for vour living room . d in in g area or bedroom. It could be y T Spurns*. Early Am erican. Modern or anv com bination of these styles. Choose com plete room groups or only the individual pieces you really need. Com e bv or c*lL you can . ^ 100% Of P aym en ts A pply T o Purchase N o Charge For D elivery M o d e rn Furniture Rentals MOTHER WTTH YOUNG CH IL D I needs fem ale « train 475-3025 N igh t, 444-0343 room m ate Da vt I me. ! — — ----------------- ■ t w o ! 5-mlnut.es tw o bedroom S6 8 /m onth . rent fin e M A L E SH ARE — ............... bath. pool. 4 7 7 .6 0 * , after 5 T H E B O O K S T A L L 6103 Burnet Road 454-3664 Furnished Rooms PASO HOUSE 1808 W est Av*. -- U SE D B /W TV's Good - b etter - very good. $25 50 up. A ustin TV' Center. 4305 Manchaca Road. HI 4-1345. M E N 'S SUITS, B L A Z E R S Be'ow Wholesale Guaranteed factory* fresh N ot seconds 0789 Airport Blvd. ------____________. I , rr.7777 IN D IV ID U A L H E E D E D : room contract B rackenridge H ah. D ou b le room W rit* H eifer, Bracken- jtd g e H all 402A. N ow accpettng applications m r f I for bren onlv • Large room s 454-2537 QUj?t secluded environm ent for Fall ; or sam ples Over 400 on hand. W ide stripes. • Cen- Plaids solids. Su its. $37,50-$55.00: blaz- range of sizes all p attern s, • to I H U M j TV i ounge *ral *ir and heat • Cable, color f*ni- *29 OO. 477-7435 478-3917 .............. — — ONLY TWO L E FT . Afghan Hound all m ales. show quality H lll now or spring. Call after IO pm. I Term s available 452-4975 TAK E OVER CONTRACT at Moor© puppies Miscellaneous 471-3288 Room and Board THE CONTESSA 2706 Nu*c*» 477-9’ 66 1953 MG-TD. E xcellent. $1400 or best off^r Box 4129. Schreiner Institute. Kerrville, Texas. STEREO COMPONENTS; Now equip­ m ent at discount prices, factory war­ rantees most brands. Call 444-6448 a f­ ter 5:30 p.m. CLEAN W H IT E. '67 OTO A/C. a /t, all power Good condition, reason­ able 465-6080 after 4 30 BARRONE 2 TCK) N ueces I r . , , ' • M e n , a P D :V n o w Tor • vacanc es • TV lounge • 20 freaks a week • M a d • Pool • Parking • Experienced m anagem ent G R 7-0075 or 477-9766 The Contessa W e s t 2^ 07 &?b" d«* 4 7A 464? E le g a n t livin q f o r y o u n q w o m e n ^ ’ • 2 0 m e a l s / w # e k • Kitchen & dining area 'n each suite • Pool • Free p a r k in g • T V lounge • M a id service • Laundry *ac' ties • Study hail • Sun neck BY OW NER, 1966 VW SUDAN Sun roof, radio. E xcellent condition. $950. " ______ COEDS CARE KOR SOME EXTRA POCKET MONEY r ll f a:' extra closet s p a c e ” and m o r e D o then bring those clothes you no wit Ii ut WIK nnise ( lou ies you no tonger crave to Granny s Attic at 4211 j Duval 12-6 any day. P ossib ly too. vou m ay wish to brow se through G ranny’s Shop where you ma* find a great de­ sign ers dross for a mare pittance DISCOVER GRANNY'S ATTIC IF YOU W ILL — for her antique shop is cram m ed fu ll of really great affordable stu ff Rum ­ m age through and find beautiful little th in gs In cab in ets; bead w ork, bags, laces, period cloth es tucked In draw ­ ers in b askets old desks, furniture lunk, —- 4211 D uval —-* 12-6 p.m. and the grandest of jew elry layin g i;,e s k s e v e n d r a w e r , hardwood ‘ Bought new. $150 ’ padded top S acrifice for $96 465-7920 V-8 Standard , ‘67 PONTIAC TE M PE ST con vertib le shift, atr E xcellent j condition $1600. Call David. 472-7278 j 472-6320 ! IMPORTS — CASA D E S P E N D S. 1801 l l - 5 - Saturday, Nueces. M onday Get a goody today. NELSO N’S G IF T S—handm ade Indian jewelry. Mexican Imports — 4812IS. (N ext to H ill s C afe) 444- Congress. 8814.__________________ VACUUM CLEANERS $19 95. Year ruarantee. L on g's Vacuum Cleaner B a j S n S d S w r lc * * HI 2-5562. 2118 So. Congress P O T S JEW E LR Y . LEATHERW ORK, cloth es, candle*, etc. All m ade local­ folkart. 607 A fin d in gs, ly, Revival, w e st 28th. GUITAR LESSO NS, private or group G uitars furnished. Call GR 1-1723. ______ G ET F R E E JEW ELRY from fashion show director 444-2831. 442-220) 442 85:? D E A D L IN E NEARING on fall com pu­ te r date*. For questlonnairre call 442-8?!#! or w r .’.e Party Mate. P. O. B o x 8099 Austin 78702 P ER SO N S IN TER E ST ED In hearing N athaniel Brander A The Basic Brin e.p les of O bjectivism , contact David H arper. 47?-5i?3 th® AUSTIN GUITAR SOCIETY v. m eet O ctober 21 st at 8 p.m >c+ober at 1624 I P am en co gutta1 refreshments vU IVBCX, m usk; a ’-H be served PUBLIC INVITED • 478-7331 MAID SERVICE Now yow to o eau **• oy hay ' g your o w me d clean your for only f. $6.00 par waai. Ly m c'# ntofmation artment ca AUST'N MAID SERV’CE: 454-7674 _____ LEARN TO PLAY GI ITAR beginner- *d Folk - classical - flam enco - •s - banjo 478-7331 D R E W ON _ _ PtX-K THC for dla- old gold Capital Diam ond - — . _ A L I .- RATIONS. ALL TYPES H em s Shop. 60.3 Com modore P errv 4764)178 — m y sp ecialty Mrs. Oldham. GR 7 - --------------—------- TO P CASH PRICES paid ....... ...... ................... — m ends 8221 i RD PRICE HALL ( OOI ' ViraM H e. available also low board rates 1919 B E A U T IF U L Robbins P lace 478-7361 ---------------------- TTT------------ \--------------------- cVe:rp' ’T">de ^ e '®^ w *’ «~ V ffr W anted C ost $ 150 new — 3 max* c ’#r. Ca I 472- 2:00 p.m. cr 4:30 p. for Tom, 30 p.m. As* EDG AR CAYCE Lectures. A R E ' W ee ta regu larly every Thursday. 7:30 Y O U N G M E N 1966 IMPALA CO NVERTIBLE P ow er V-8 good condition Must sell $1595. HI 2-5673 ».rn., 2212 S Congress. M utual Sav- wfio want to work short hour* for good trigs 444-4444 r- _ a ♦«* T O P L A C E Y O U R C L A S S IF IE D A D C A L L G R 1-5244 ray. SUNBEAM A LPIN E w ith Buick V6 excellen t ; 6. M st be d ep en d ab a and r* 'ab e. | condition $800 1702 Bauerle 444-0(777 engine, F*ully 'row papar* equipped, in a Ca' Mr, D avs, 444-8424 477-0793. 1965 MUSTANG TH R E E S P E E D 289 four barrel. A /C . new tires 476-0355 472-5950 after 6 p.m W ANTED 2 RESERVED seat tick ets { 69 H O N D A 350 street Mir* *tm% sta for Rice gam e A nyw here * E xcellent b uy at $550 Call Sam . GR in ‘ * ' dium, Cali 471-1915 before 5 478-4290 , 6-8910 after 5 Ask for S teve Services G A R A G E S A L E O F U S E D P IA N O S th e ir used A m ater Mualc and A rt Is se llin g pianos. R e co n d i­ o u t tioned, tu n e d a n d delivered. S an A n to n io A 19th 1958 OLDS 98. C lean, ru n s good N eed cash. $100 o r best o ffer 472-3059 R E D ALLSTATE Motor S cooter Un- m iles. $150 cash . C all 1966 OLDSMOBILE 96 lu xu ry sedan One o w n er 43.000 m iles V ery nice 477-9405 478-38.34 1967 SUNBEAM ALPIN E E xcellent (on- Ix>w m ileage RAH co ndition. n eau fo v e r 477 2766 Call G R 1-5244 To Place a Texan Classified Ad N O N - S T O P , E X P R E S S B U S E S Aus+in-Houston, fare $5.95 Lv. Austin 11:55 am, Ar. Houston 2:50 pm Iv. Austin 4:00 pm, Ar. Houston 6:55 pm 7 additional local schedules. For charter buses: 478-9361 Kerrville Bus Company, Inc, Friendly Service ase 8 Tiesda/j October 21, J?69 THE DAILY. TEXAN I Just N orth of 27th & G u adalu pe Ann liYuUl. M B A " T yp in g. Mu lllll thin g. Binding The Com ple*® Professional F U L L -T IM E Typing Service to tailored the needs of Unlver&itv students. Special keyboard equipm ent for science, and en gin eer­ ing theses and d issertation s lan gu age P hone GR 2-3210 and GR 2-7677 2707 H em phill Park FAST. ACCURATE, and reasonable. 454-6579 WOODS TYPING SERVICE. Them es. theses d issertation s M ultllith. Qua­ lity work at reasonable rates Mrs Woods. 472-4825 MONTGOMERY TYPING SERVICE All kinds Including legal briefs, sta­ tistics. 472-5801. A N N E 'S T YPIN G SERVICE (M arjorie Anne D elafield ) or 442-0170 442-7008 * P rofessional typ in g of report* m a n u ­ scripts. theses, d issertation s, etc. Rea* sonabie rates. * rn a rn * (M u ltllith ln g m im eographing cop yin g d ittoin g; sym b ols: binding! photo­ Just N orth of 27th & G u ad alu p e Ann f T yp in g. M ultllithlng B inding M B * / Th© C o m p ’et© Professional F U L L -T IM E Typing Service to tailored tne needs of U niversity student* Special keyboard equipm ent for and engineer­ science ing lan gu age theses and d issertation s P hon e GR 2-3210 and GR 2-7677 2707 H em phill Park P rinted Conies 5c Each D issertation s, SATISFACTION G UARANTEED — reports L egal theses typist w ith sp ecialist Experienced BBA. IBM E xecu tive electric 453-8650 LECTURE notes, reports them es 30c d ou b le spaced Mrs Fraser. GR 6- 1317 TYPING D O NE im m ediately. Call M n . South at 454-4264 N o H idden Charge* Resume* T h esis D w Brief* Lecture N otes T utoring LOST SM ALL BEIGE P U R SE w ith or­ Inside Reward. thodontal retainer GR 1-2713. LOST ONE S E T OF KEYS at E ast­ wood Parks Tenn.s Courts. 472-5817. Serv ces OLD NOAH the R oofer—gravel roofs. lifetim e asbestos guaran­ cedar, com position, repaired, applied, sh in gles teed. GR 7-1230 MAKE & REPAIR Boots Shoes Leather Goods Leather Sale BankAmericard MasterCharge C A P IT O L S A D D L E R Y 1614 Lavaca | HORSE BOARDING $10. SII. $14 Two m iles 290 E Call 9264)851 after 6 p m. , all day w eekends SEW IN G W ANTED in evening gowns, w edding : S p ecialize j dresses accessories I Coat*, su its, costum es and street wear References and pictures available. other w edding Call 836-1863, G ayle Catching* 10502 Plain* Trail Austin. Texas Now you own MAID SERVICE too can em oy cav -q ye .r for tru'd clean your apartm ent only $6.00 per weak. For more i-'orrnaCcn c a ’l AUSTIN MA D SERVICE: 454-7674 LEARN TO PLAY gu itar b egin n er — fla­ - banjo. 478 advanced. F olk — classical m enco — rock — blues 7331 DREW THOMASON. MATH TUTOR m aster s degree 453-8164 PIANO teacher, Payne INSTRUCTION Experienced studied under Dr Donald concert pianist. Mrs. Anna 1 Ix>rd, 454-9011. Furnished Apartments I M O N T H 'S R E N T FREE V estin'* New est a id M o st Luau nous! P O S A D A D EL N O R T E L e a s - q now! O n e and Two Bedroom Apartm ents, plus Luxury Two Bedroom Stud cs. 7200 Duval Ca'! J. A. Kruqer, 452-2384 A u stin 's G re ate st A p artm en t Values ! THE BRITTANY 300 C arm en C r t . 454-1355 452-2384 5506 G ro v e r G L 2-0507 FREN CH C O L O N Y 1 BR - 2 BR - 850 sa. ft. from $135 I IOO sq. ft. arom $170 North Central a f f ia n c e s . New, car­ peted, draped, com plete kitchen; range. oven, garb age disposal, refrigerator. Fu'i bath, am ole storage and parking. A- partment n-n-aqer; 453-2032, 454-681!. Nights 453-0740. Unexpected V acan cy 4 B ED R O O M S Living room 'dining room G lassed in s!eep:ng porch Tile bath T ile splash drain k itc h e n 476-0962 for appointm ent E X T R A S P A C I O U S $175, BILLS P A ID Registered Nurses si fts. eve ab • af Brackenridge O penings H osp lta for R e g ste re d N u rse s in most areas on sir# abt 2-11 or 11-7 end al­ ternating Sn ary com m em orate with sa* sfac to ry ape cab a experience and nours worked. C um ulative vacation, s ck leave, retirem ent program and qen- erous hospital zetion e -d life ins ta n c e program . C o n ta c t the Pe-sonne O ffice Brackenridge H c^ D ita 1, A ustin, Texas. A»n equal Opportun ty am p oyer. F U L L T I M E A N D PA R T T I M E H E L P for day or night. N ew K oehler s Bar-B-Q, 45ih and La­ mar needs w aitresses bus boys coun­ ter help. and dishwashers O pening soon Call collect for in terview . <512)- 826-0365. San A ntonio GO-GO GIRLS $25 per n igh t everv week end Bell C o unty A rea Call collect. 817-773-1471. WORK F IF T E E N HOURS a week for I $62,50 Apply 2 p m or 8 p.m. sharp Monday and T uesday only. or lf) a m. and ? p m . S aturday: 612 Lavaca F U L L TIM E K EY PUNCH operator needed Contact Coop*-rn Jive Student B usiness S e n ! . es. 504 W est 24th Ph. 472-9148 PART TIME” TRANSLATORS B u lg arian , Czech, D utch, H u n g a ria n , Japanese. N o rw eg ian P olish, R u m an ­ ian R u ssian . S erb o -C ro atian S w edish in to good E n g lish F o r F re n ch O r ­ m an. science ex ten siv e I ta lia n w ith P H O N E 472-1187, b a ck g ro u n d for* t e c h n i c a l “P a r t t o r s t i m e ’' - - G rad u ate* e d i ­ in C hem istry B io ch em istry . C hem ical E ngineer! nig P etroleum E n g in e e rin g . Physic* Ehv- \ si o logy P h a rm a c y Good '< P h o n e 472-1187 in E n g lish W A IT R E S S W A N T ED a t st', ie th e G ondo­ r e s ta u r a n t in person. 42b? M edical p a r k ­ la H ouse, Ita lia n A pply w ay P a r t tim e w ork FASHION DISPLAY POSITION M ale o r to p lan and execute te r io r F a sh io n D isptavs fem ale experience re q u ire d in te rio r a n d e x ­ F u ll o r P a rt T im a A pply 3rd floor 901 C o n g ress GR 2-2491 G O O D F R I E N D ^ MALE M ODELS for w av o u t cloth es 1708 Apply TH E UNUSUAL W E. G u ad alu p e sp a re EARN GOOD MONEY in v o u r own tim e business U n d e r $25 In­ re q u ire d , b u t v estm e n t Som e selling fo r m a rrie d not d o o r to door cou pi es, Call 8.36-1514 fo r a p p o in tm e n t. Ideal GROOVY CLOTHING s a l e s m a n L*?*1 p a l. A pply T H E UN- iNoA L. W L ;?06 Guadalupe C a " G R 1-5244 to place your Classified Ad fuilv carpeted. Central a ir / 2 bedroom heat Large closet and storage area Pool patio disposal, cable TV Child­ ren accepted, no pets. SAN SALVADOR APARTM ENTS 2208 Enfield (77-7435 453-4045 T yping P r in t in g M u ltiH t n in g Graphic Arts large apartm ent availab le 4 bed­ com bina­ large den. tile splash and drain A rooms tion. kitchen, tile bath. A /C $200/m o n th. llv in g /d ln in g room Close to Campus A -P L U S U N IV E R S IT Y S E R V IC E S 504 W est 24th S treet 477-5651 8011 Salad* Call 476-0962 for a p p o in tm en t DELI X EFFICIENCY. A C $115 plus electricity 4548 Avenue * A", 104 or 4550. 10.3 454-07.36 454-0857. MALE, $80. TM O bcd room. sh are w ith three others S h u ttle bus 477-6868 APARTM ENTS for rent W alk in g dis­ tance UT Campus 19U San Gabriel. Cal! 472-2601, 476-2511. TANGLEW OOD NORTH Z T Vacancy starlin g Novemt*er or D ecem ber 1- 454- bedroom C. F. Early. 475-4481 2489 after 6 Expert Typing Multlfltbing Bindwg Specializing or at the low est possib le price*. the needs student the u n iversity In IBM S elects* A !l i t y ’a i of Type F a it Se rvice C a p ito l Typing Service 2105 Marne. No, 102 : 452-1511 Typing Just North of St Guadalupe briefs M ULTILITH ING an d /or law theses, dissertation* Reason able rates Experienced Mrs Helen Moore 836-0861. ty p in g Typing of AH Kinds • M , t 'thinq • M meoqraphing • Proofreading # B-nd^q Bobbye Delafield— H I 2-7184 cored ; W ALKING DISTANCE U T Experl- ty p ist - All your U niversity ! work ^ F a st service, reasonable. I^aura Bodour. 478-8113 I T H E SE S. DISSERTATIO NS reports briefs St'f'clai k r i s for science e«v language Reasonable rates srlncerlng Mrs A nthony 454-3079 i EXPER IEN C ED , accurate ty p is t Low rates fa st service Mrs T u llos GU j 3-5124. ROY W. HOLLEY 476-3018 T Y PIN G PRINTING MARILYNN HAMILTON, Carol Sadler. 444-2101 444-2831 fexperienced 1 reasonable, dependable No I accurate, c alls a f te r IO p m . Amlidu/, M B A (J • T yp in g. M ultlllthing. Binding Th® C o m p lafe Professional F U L L -T IM E T yping Servi ce tailored stu d en ts ment for gin eerin g to the need* of U niversity equip­ keyboard and en­ science Special language theses and d issertation s. P h on e GR 2-3210 and GR 2-7677 2707 H em phill Park Multilithing, Typing, X«roxing A U S -T E X D U P L IC A T O R S 476-7581 311 E. lith TYPING DONE In m v hom e 40e per page. Phone 452-2750 Mrs Casteel V I R G I N I A C A L H O U N TYPING SERVICE P rofession al T yp in g AM F ield s M u ltllith ln g and B in d in g on T h eses and D issertation s I»>1 Ed g en ood 478-2636 Agency with actual pnforr(>m(*nt in­ policies. Whenever possible through formation was gained government documents. However, documents were sometimes in short supply, Fal­ lows pointed out. because ".some government agencies can’t stand their record of public to have service o p e n the public.” When this occurred, the raiders Studied reports of other agencies or interviewed employes and of­ ficials of the agency under scru­ tiny. to The results of the research and the discrepancies in actual gov­ ernment practice will be made p u b l i c in the Raiders’ book which will be on sale in March or A p r il. fine result of the students’ re­ search is linked with the recent government ban of cyclamates. Raider Robertson stated that a team of about 20 students re­ searched into tile F oo d and Drug Administration and found a UT Drive Begins For United Fund faculty and University staff members are working toward their share of an Austin-wide goal of $925,000 in donations for the United Fund. Dr. Bryce Jordan. University vice president for student affairs and chairman of the campaign in the school division, said teams are soliciting in the University, the Austin public schools a n d Austin private schools. Tn each department of the Uni­ versity a faculty member and a staff rn em lier are coordinating their efforts in soliciting $66,000. scientist who had known of cyo- Inmate s link with genetic dam­ age. But the scientist, said Robert­ son had been told by higher offi­ cials to “shut up" and "recheck his results.” "We then took it to the press.” continued, t h e Wander Assistant, "Secretary Finch of H E W and fact.” others got wind of The even ma I effect was the withdrawing as of Friday of cyc­ lamates the Robertsen pointed out that the reason for the ban was given as cyclamate^ cause of cancer, but that "this was from a study mad® 18 years ago.” As in the case of the cycla­ mates, the main purpose of die Raiders’ program is to effect a change by gathering information to univ public opinion. Easley, the only Texan to work In Wall­ ington last summer, pointed out, "As Nader has shown, when you get people aroused, you get things done.” Not only dad the Raiders in form t h e public, but t h e y in­ formed the bureaucrats as well. Many bureau chiefs would *sk to he they informed on what found out to the lower echelons of an agency, the panel mem­ bers reported. The benefits are shared by tile students who become what Robertson "participant scholars.” called “They don’t stand around and evaluate,” he said, "They probe deeply and ask questions. T b s is a necessary involvement.” Applications to be a Raider can be made by contacting Eas­ ley at 476-9367, but as the Raid­ ers are quick to point out. the op­ portunities arc not to this program and any interested citizen can become involved in tile "battle for the consumer.” limited T o d a y s E v e n t s 1-5 p.m. — VISTA Information interviews prospective the University Office volunteers at " Y ." 5-5 p.m. — United Campus Min­ istry interviews possible parti­ cipants in "Fortnightly Spec­ trum" at 2205 San Antonio St. 4:30 p.m. ~ Ash 1x4 Literary So­ ciety hears Madeline Murray O’Har© S rue! en t-Faculty lounge. in R O K Cadet Given Award A University Navy ROTO ca­ det is one of three college stu­ dents to r e c e i v e the Armed Forces Communication and Elec­ tronic Scholarship Award. Arthur Estes, an engineering senior, received the $500 award af?~r a nationwide selection pro­ cedure. He was nominated by the University Navy ROTO unit. Estes, a first class midship­ man in Navy ROTC, will receive his ocmmission in .Tuna* 5 p.m. — M a r g a r e t Benne** speaks at Baptist Student Un­ ion Vespers Service. 7 p.m. — Deseret Glut) discusses the Bonk of Mormon rn Union Building 329. 7 p.m. — Slavic Club meets for singing of Russian informal folk songs in Itee Hall 401. 7 p.m. — F a i r Rents and Ser­ vices Committee meets at Uni­ versity " Y , " 7-9 p.m. — Yoga Club meets to Union Building 213. 7:3ft p.m. — Alpha Delta Sgm a and Gamma Alpha Oti hold a fall rush meeting and hear Dr. William A. Mindak the Alumni Center. to 7:3ft p.m. — Duplicate B r I d g a Ouh meets in Union Building 304-305. 7:30 p.m. — Hillei Foundation meets to study basic Judaism and aspects of modem Jewish history. 7:30 p.ni. — Undergraduate Re­ search Program in Physio, or­ ganizes in Physio Building 121. 8:30-11:30 p.m. — I e Potpourri Coffee House the Union Building presents Keith Syk*>* and Susan Giles. to W e 'v e g o t a g o o d th! ng g o in g Duval Villa Students Welcome • ALL BILLS PAID • EXTRA STO RAG E • COMPLETELY FURNISHED Including Double Bed* • ELEVATORS • COVERED PAR KIN G • S W IM M IN G POOL • FREE CABLE TV • FULL TIME M A IN T E N A N C E • PORTER SERVICE • TOTAL ELECTRIC • LAUNDRY FACILITIES • RECREATION R O O M • OUTSIDE LIVING AREA • 15 MINUTE BUS SER VK T H R O U G H UT C A M P U L O C A T E D 4305 DUVAL 454-9475 Former N A S A Voice Speaks About Employe Departure tura monetary appropriations for ■pace flight One proposal for cutting costs is to use unman nod flights. “The man ghv* to much more flexibthty imma ruled t h a n fights.” Haney said He said tor failure rat* on U.S. mechanical flights ha* been very high, saying toe s a v o n Ra ager three o f flights worked. “The next most important hap­ pening in space will not be a landing on Mars," Haney said, because such a landing too difficult to do any time soon. Rather, ii will be “when we tune in to another people and we start about a comparative dialogue our sr.* mr-os, he .said. is DELIVERY o f K 0 D A C 0 L 0 R P R I N T S Bdnq vt your **®e*W F5h» by 4 PM Print* ready 4i now* letra et 4 PM. STUDT MAN PHOTO • Urn rn* r n * r n at l«v wa M.4 *.UK>t«S I On Fair Housing Students Receive Legal Aid mmmm Eighteen law students m» cm the Student Fair Homing Com* mission, which hem offices in Un­ ion Building 301. Their job is to help students In their legal difficulties w i t h la i.dlords. But they haven t had much to do. Fred Baron, chairman of the commission, said it had several cases in the works and had al­ ready met with success in some. “SO FUR vve have had 40 com­ plaints filed by students. We were (afraid we would bo understaffed, but student response ha simon** in the short time we’ve been work­ er/.” Baron related a case in which a Student had kerned bds motor - cycle to a friend who parked ft near his apartment. The borrower left town owing rent and t h e landlord confiscated the bike. When the student rame to the cornmuse;.-rn he was advised of his rights in the matter. The land­ lord was quoted tile State law prohibiting conversion of certain types of property for payment cd del its. Tile motorcycle was rt"turned to the owner. “PROBABLY the most common probh n brought to us is the fail­ ure of landlords to return depos­ its," Baron sass. “There a r e several wa %’s a tenant can handle this nature.’’ cases of Ic a case now being handled. Ticket Drawing Slow on Monday Monday was a “very slow day** for drawing tickets f«r the Rice game Saturday. Bob Riichs, associate business mapager cf Intercollegiate Ath­ letics, said that between 2,500 and 3,000 tickets had been d r a w n Monday. But the date tickets went much faster. “ About 130 out of 200 were picked up, Kochs added. Drawing for the tickets w i l l ctfitinue thorough Friday. the student moved from hi* apart­ ment and was promised his de­ posit in full. He received a check lior $23, the landlord claiming a $27 deduction for deaning t h e apartment. Advised by the ^wntnwsaon of the action he could take, t h e acid cot sent the landlord a letter demanding an itemization of the charges and who had done the work and when. If the letter is not answered in 14 days, tt may be an tndma- tion that die deposit money was taken in bad faith. “It’s « de­ fense for demanding the deport in full." Barm says “ And the landlords know the law. so the rest of fille deposit should be forthcoming.” TUESDAY, eight former ten­ ants of a University area apart­ ment house will file suits in the Justice Court of Boti Kuhn. Their deposits of $25 each were with­ held by the landlord Handling of dtsrrimiiwtaon com­ plaints is another purpose of the commission. “So far we have only had one actual complaint of discrimina­ tion. A black student told us that he rn Cfi to get an apartment at rho beginning of September.” Baron says. “He was toM that there were no vacancies. The student claims that there were indeed vacancies, “We really don’t have much to go on in cases of this nature. Tile landlord has a reasonable de­ fense Sim> September is t h e height of apartment hunting sea­ son he can claim that in addi­ tion to having no vacancies he had a waiting list “What we need hi a discrimi­ nation complaint Is someone who was turned down for an apart­ ment and comes to us immedia­ tely. We could then send an in­ vestigator to check out the situa­ tion. If a vacancy were found we would have a pretty good case,” Baron continued. “Since the federal ens an doc­ ket which handles chemin matkm rases is sn crowded it would take maybe a year to bring a case tr> trial. Publicity about the offend big landlord is our best weapon.” Baron said. “Landlord* in Austin look up rn their apartments purely as in­ vestments The idea of a landlord helping hi* tenants and getting along with them Is almost ridi­ culous to most of them,” Baron added. “THEY WORK together to oral apartment owners* asNnda- fions, and most of them are well aware of the law. That’s our best weapon “Students on the other h a n d don’t know' their rights and are afraid to stand up to a landlord. That s why we’re here ” The corn mi.salon can only ad­ vise students of their rights in finnan t i andlord disputes, Student lawyers may not handle case* for them. but they ran and do invest! ga ti orts on be­ earn,' out half of those filing complaint* with the mmm'taston “We need more case* brought to our attention. More case* of different natures will mean lhat the landlords will be made aware that students are becoming aware of their rights, and the abuses taking place will end sooner,” Baron said. November Strike Planned by SMC The Student Mobilization Com­ mittee dusrusBPd plans Sunday for a student strike, similar to the one of Oct. 15. as a send­ off for students going on the Nov. 15 march on Washington Judy Hanson of the SMC said only a one-day strike is planned, hut t h e National Moratorium Committee has not made definite plans for a two-day moratorium in November. Paul Spann of SMC estimated that from 200 to 300 University students will participato in t h a Washington march. SMC is plan­ ning for buses and plane* to carry the demonstrators SMC also is making plans to participate in an antiwar march in Houston Nov. 9, spokesmen said Person* at the Sunday meet­ ing were asked to c o m p l e t e forms listing job* they could do for SMC, including office, trans­ portation, publicity and r a l l y work. SMC workers are compiling a the more reference file then 200 form* completed. from ara IMF rn* • MAYA (NASA), “Organizadona! infighting” bi causing top-level administrator* and scientists to leave the Na­ tional Aeronautic* and Space Ad­ P a u l ministration Haney, former “Voice of Mission Control,” said in Austin Friday. Haney said he could think of few persons who are still at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, “and with all the fin­ gers and toes they had before July. With the LEM liftoff (from the moon there must in July) have been a traffic jam at the NASA headquarters p a te , with people leaving.” Haney resigned a* public af­ fair* officer of NASA’* Houston center earlier this year. On Ort. 13, Roy Hofhein*, president cf the Hotistnn .Sports Association. that Haney’ had been a«??i pried to d»it We at the Astrodome Sport* Coli­ seum and A strodom e amuse­ ment park in Houston. Announced H -WEY m a d e his remarks here to the sixteenth annual Onn- ference for toe Advanoon'cot of Science and Mathematics Teach­ ing, sponsored rn part by the Uni­ versity, “Tile most dramatic changes are to Texas,” Haney said, even “after the the (Apollo) mission, with the know­ ledge that there will be at leas* eight more missorts.” taste of first “The No. 2 man” at Houston, George Tremble, res-igned l a s t week, Haney sad, ‘'The No. J this man, Wes Jomavic, was week moved up to deputy director of the Office of Economic Op­ portunity,” be added. Haney said some changes are in Washington a* taking place well. Among them, Haney said, was the recent reRffjrvatlon of Dr. Samuel C. Philips, director ct the Apollo program. “The tremendous change to personnel is a curious thing.” Haney said. “Why I* this? When Vinoe Lombardi (former head coach cf the Green Bay Packer* football team) won, he didn't fire al! hts coaches.” M O R E CRITICALLY, out­ standing scientist* At NASA in I Houston “are very disenchanted and ti n h a p p y.” Haney’ said. “Promises were made to them that were not carried out. “Most of the scietrttet* leering to m y anything refused have about it,” he saki. Harney said the scientists’ dis appointment w i t h NASA I* “somewhat related to organiza­ tional quaking*” Recent fhscuRstone of the fu­ ture of the space program them that 'longer-range program* af­ ford m o r e options than dec! stons.” Haney rand. “But space is here to stay,” regardless of the immediate course of the pro- [ grain. SOME REPORTS have linked NASA pers*xmel unrest to con­ gressional uncertainty about hi­ lt Yon Need Help or Just Someone Who Will Listen Telephone 476-797$ At Any Time The Telephone Counseling and Referral Service Five beautiful apartments - on# bedroom furnished, p o o l , patios, free C a b le TV, $135.00 plus electricity, St. Ch arles Place, 4320 Bull C ree k Rd., 453.4959 — 476-2633 them at the Kinetic Playground in Chicago, called them the best band he’d ever heard. More than a new album. More than a new group These seven young musicians have created a quantity that can only be called what they call it: Flock music. THI FLOCK •KlUOiNO: □.OWN! AM’HE TAUT**- ’ REO OF WATONG STORE BOUGHT-STOde THOUOHT/T*U*I* That’s all you can call it. Impossible to confine to any musical or verbal bag. IT sounds a little like every other kind of music and a lot like nothing you’ve ever heard before. Call it a synthesis, unique in both conception and execution. Most of all, call it music. Music emitted from a nucleus of guitar, bass and drums, surrounded by three horn players and a violinist who knows and plays his ax like the best lead guitarists in the business. Producer John McClure, who moonlighted from his regular job of handling such heavies as Bernstein and Ormandy, was genuinely im­ pressed with the professionalism and versatility of what he saw and heard. And John Mayail, who jammed with G et Into The Ffoclr.On Colum bia R ecords!! CS 991 « . . . ... jp fW p R lR i T5s» ’MMmtMOM i Mm , . I, . . f j :> « *s vi; T h e S to r e o f ( R a n g e s P r o u d ly A n n o u lire* In O b s e r v a n c e o f NATIONAL ARMADILLO WEEK JIM FRANKLIN ART FESTIVAL * m h m h m m r m m h mmmrnmmm mmmm ■ -? ■ mmmmmrni m u m m I I “UNUSUAL FASHIONS THE INDIVIDUAL INDL VIDUAL ” 1616 L A V A C A B AN K A M E R IC ARO :r

Nb6i6' , hrhfabf OK Cm*m> MWW** Bn* hm m « W » Ti*— | FREE P A R K ! H INTERSTATE HELD OVER I TS* 'T i l 2 I i VARSITY 1401 G U A O A I U P I ______________ R W THEATRE • F E A T I U h s • 2:10-4:00-5:40 7-.40 9.30 ’A LYRIC. TRAGIC SONG OF THC ROAD! AN HISTORIC MOVIE!" — •-.'HAIK SCHICK Ct, i*| " * IA S Y RIDES* IS GREAT! ASTONISHINGLY PERFECT! EVERYTHING IS GOOD!** • MV HMR FOW “ HAUNTINGLY BEAUTIFUL? BRILLIANTLY AND MOVINGLY f LAYED!** P E T E R FONDA BEN NIS HOPPER easy niden extorted R e lie d b f COLUMBIA PICTURES D A D I/ I AJ/" Alien « r.M on lots r A tv tx I IX VR AOMCINT TO TMIATRI THEATRE COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A DOMINO_PRODUCTION...COLOR rn ~ Sh o w to w n U .S .A . I win Dnye In Theatre Cameron Rd at 183 454 8444 S o o th S id e T w in Drive In Theatre 710 E Ben White Blvd 444 2296 t o BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:30 SHOWS 7:30 T R A M S * T F X A S 5601N. Lamar Blvd.—451-1710 OPEN 7s Show Start* 7:3# • ( old Day*’ 7 :8 * - ll l l "IVnm r#" 9:45 Only Sh o w to w n U .S .A . Twin Dftvfe In I dearie Cameron Rd at 183 454 8444 9 5 s t o # >7 ______ J O P E N 6 3# S H O W S T A R T S 7 :3 * Xfaytemis J g g Technicolor A Par Amount Piety rs BMA starring M IA F A R R O W PANAVtSION • TECHNICOLOR* E K J FR EE P A R K IN G vA T A L L T IM E S Ie . A e .. X R A T E D — N«* O n e I n d r r 18 Y e a r * A d u n il e d Michael Boms 9 9 M WOMEN —behind bar*-mrhhout meal r n plu»: c <»HIT Eastman COLOR fi>25> I -UnmrMdP IMM C M M * PiaaMM •UMM M arie M arc ©do* SCHELL* MCCAMBRIDGE COLOR f t T h * I M I L O M a$ th* Governor ^W rites7 NO INTI»«IO*ONAI MWY C A P IT A L P L A Z A On Tour Keith Sykes Is performing Le Potpourri through Saturday at 9:30 p.m. and I I p.m. No Nude Movies For Rita Hayworth in B E V E R L Y H IL LS , Calif. (A P ) — A lusty, girlish “ hello:” comes from indoors. Tile big door opens and theny leopard patterned pants and jacket, stands the still- handsome, vital woman t h e y used to call the Love Goddess. quite ready,” R i t a Hayworth says, beaming, leading you to a plush sitting mom. Her feet are bare against the wood­ block floor of the entry haiti, ‘TU be back in a minute.” “ I ’m Rita Hayworth, One minute turns into 20. after which the only visible additions are shiny, black-heeled sandals and, possibly, a trace of lipstick. the screen's femme fatale —■ “ Cover G I r I,” “ G ild a,” “ la d y from Shanghai,” , F iv e times m arried and divorced. Pin-up co-champion, with Betty Grable, in World W ar IL life she remains In middle striking, the lush, pinkish-r e d ha!r. perfect profile and perfect teeth the same as in her Colum­ bia Pictures heyday. She's not quite as peaches-and-creamy as then — what contemporary of hers would be? But the 5-ft.-6 figure Es kept trim by exercise, swimming and golf. She’s also: • B u sy. The film she Is about Der Wienerschnitzel 411 W. 24th Just Off "The Drag" Biggest Name in Hot Dogs Charles Magnan De Chavigny D O C T O R O I M I S I C VOICE AND PIANO pftrrrarlv wtlh th* METROPOLITAN OPERA of NY AND THE PARIS OPERA re f cr;-fr> is to do in the Canary Islands and Paris w ill be her third this Near. • Forward-looking. S h e sa vs of advancing years: “ I don’t sit and think about It s what's happening now — it s today — not yesterday.” it. • Strong-rn fended. “Nobody makes up my mind for me. They uacd to at Columbia.” No, she w ill nor he photographed during the conversation. No, she would rn* do a nude scene in a movie. “ Everybody else does n u d e scenes, but I n e v e r I don't. made nude movies. I didn t Have to do that. I danced. “ I was provocative, I guess. In some things. But I was not com­ pletely exposed.” Provocative, yes, as GT's of 1941-45 w ill attest. T h e Misses Hayworth and Grable shared hon­ ors for the most pinned-up photos. Betty posed in a bathing s U i t, smiling over her shoulder Rita. in a negligee, knelt temptingly on a bed. NOW SHOWING at your friendly GULF STATES THEATERS B O X O F K H TC ( I I ' I N X 6 36 S H O W S T A R T S 1 1 O Showtown U.S.A. Twin Dave In Theatre Cameron Rd at 183 454 8444 ^ > i (E a s t Scre e n ) THAT COLD DAY IN THE PARK nu* 99 WOMEN ( W a i t Scre e n ) LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS Pin e PRUDENCE AND THE PILL South Side Twin Drive In T heat re 710 E Ben Wi'ite Blvd 444 2 2 % (N o rth Scre e n ) LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS rine PRUDENCE AND THE PILL (Sou th Scre e n ) JOHNNY CASH Plus HOMBRE Longhorn Drive In Theatie US Hwy 183 N 454 3880 < 'T \ ? ? s t o • $2.00 PER CAR LOAI ROMEO AND JULIE' P lu s BAREFOOT IN THE DA \(T\ South Austin Dnvi? Id Theatre 3900 So Cong 44? 9116 $2.00 PER CAR ROMEO AND , P lu s BAREFOOT IN TF Special Brightens Night-time Viewing By S I SAN W ESTM O RELA N D Television Editor One special and tw o movies- m a d e-for-TV brighten Tuesday night’s viewing. Described as being “ synony­ mous with this century's revolu­ tion in dance,” Martha Graham at age 75 lives up to the phrase “ grande dame of the art.” She has chosen three works adapted Garson Kanin Says Old Broadway Dying for TV to perform on N ET Fes­ tival at 8 p.m. on channel 9. An array of dancers joins Miss G ra­ ham amid sets designed by sculp­ tor Isam u Noguchi in “ Cortege of Eagles,” “ Acrobats of God” and “ Seraphic Dialogue.” George M aharis, Janet Ixn gh and Oscar winner Jack Albert­ son star in a 90-minute suspense thriller filmed in San Francisco. Tile gangland underworld pro­ vides the excitement on “ T h e Monk” at 7:30 p.m. on channel 12. There's murder to be solved In “ The Lonely Profession,” H arry Guardino, Dean Jagger, Barbara M cNair and Dina M errill are only a few involved in the ensuing fun. Before it’s all over, the de tective who is im plicated m u s t investigate the young female vic­ tim ’s past. Channels 4 and 42 carry it at 8 p.m. Evening viewing: • 30 12 M od Sauad 4, 42 J e n n i e 5 7 La n ce r 9 New* 7 OO 4, 42 D eb b ie R ^snold* 9 Southern Network Present* 7 30 12 M ovie ’T he M onk" 4. 42 J u lia 5. 7 Red S kelton 8 OO 4 42 Movie— “ T h* la m e ly Prof ess Ion'' 9 N E T Festival 8 SO 5, 7 Governor end I J 9 OO 12 M arcus W elby M D 5 Football S pecial 7 F R I 9 .40 9 B rid g e 10.00 4 5. 7, 12, 42 N ew t, W e a th e r. S port* 9 T w in C ircle H ead lin e 10 SO 4 42 J o h n n y Carson 5 7 M erv G riffin 9 F o rsy te Saga 12 M ovie— “ The M idnight S to rv " 12 OO 7 N e w t 42 Movie— “ Invincible G lad i­ a t o r " w a y — hotels, restaurants, m er­ chants. even taxis. A ll took and didn’t contribute, in a parasitic arrangement. “ New York legitim ate theater is really the city's only unique tourist attraction. Eve ry city has museums, skyscrapers, p a r k s , department stores and history. A ll we had special was legit. When that fades it is a great pity arui calls for civic action a n d concerted action by businessmen. KAN IN scorns what he calls “ easy answers” that attribute decline of theater life to televi­ sion and m ovies: “ They compete for time but not for human sensi­ b ilities; they can’t compete any more than you can compare read­ ing a book and going the theater. to “ If film s and TV are s u c h competition, why haven’t t h e y affected tile theater to the degree that it has happened here in Lon­ don, Paris, Stockholm and so many other cities?” sneak preview P R A G L E SYM PH O NY ORC M ES­ IT I V performs at 8 p.m. Tues­ day in Municipal Auditorium. Admission is free to blanket tax holders and season ticket holders who draw advance tick­ ets. General admission tickets are $3, $4 and $5. K EIT H S Y K E S sings at Ix» Pot­ pourri through Saturday. H i s performances are 9:30 p.m. and l l p.m. M EXIC AN FO LK ART is on ex­ hibit at the Texas Mem orial Museum through Nov. 3. The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Satur­ day and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. IM PLIC A T E B R ID G E games w ill be held each Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Union Building 304-305. Dr. Michael Haggerty, assistant professor of physios, w ill be conducting the free games. N EW YO RK ( AP) - “ T h e Broadway we’ve known t r u l y appears to be a disintegrating institution,” asserts one of i t s most ardent cra ft men, Garson Kandn. S till, he has hopes. “ I'm not certain that the end of Broadway as we haw lived it might not be a good thing. To get rid of slums, you’ve first got to tear down the nibble. ’ ’ As an actor, director, w riter and producer, Kanin has been immersed in theatrical endeav­ ors since 1933. For a good part of that time he’s heard the moans of pessimists proclaiming e a c h mason as the worst of all. I N T IL recently, however, he wxrffed and cited evidence to die contrary. ’“Tiieee were aigns of change, tart always enough good filings were around to justify the thought that the e n d of Broadway was a lot of nonsense, Now I have to face the hard fact that it is no longer accurate to say Broadway is as strong as ever ’ Kandn puts main blame f o r the sustained ebb of theatrical activity that has become particu­ la rly noticeable this season — only about a dozen premieres scheduled by New Year's — to “ basic cynicism ” that degraded dram atic, artistic ambition into greedy show business. ‘TO B E perfectly blunt, Broad­ way theater has been riddled with corruption, kickback, br.bory and pressure tactics for a long tim e,” he says. I am w illing to level a Irk of criticism for what has happened against people who got a lot out of, but put nothing into, Broad­ y' v • ft- ■y'- * Conducting Tonight I in Dr. Vaclav Smetacek will con­ duct th© Prague Symphony Orchestra at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Municipal Auditorium. Mayors to Discuss Municipal Prob ems Jerom e Cavanagh of Detroit w ill host a dinner party for outgoing mayors when N ET examines mun­ icipal pressures anti problems on “ Goodbye, City H all,” at 8 p.m. Wednesday on KLRN-TV, Channel 9. Em anating from Mayor Cava- nagh’s executive residence in De­ troit, the program w ill include such participants as Mayor Joseph B a rr of Pittsburgh; Arthur Naf- talin, ex-mayor of Minneapolis; Allen Thompson, mayor of Ja ck ­ son, M iss., for 20 years before leaving office in Ju ly ; and John Collins, form er mayor of Boston and now professor of urban af­ fairs at M IT. The Nixon Administration w ill be represented by another former mayor, Floyd Hyde of Fresno, Calif. He Is assistant secretary for model cities arui governmen­ tal relations, Department of Hous­ ing and Urban Development. The mayors w ill discuss th e frustrations they have experienced while in office, their own solu­ tions to administrative problems as they relate to federal, state and city government and t h e i r feelings toward the job — espec­ ia lly in view of conflicts inherent in today's cities. Museum Featuring Mexican Folk Art A special exhibit of Mexican folk art is being shown at the Texas Mem orial Museum through Nov. 3. Toy coffins, sugar skulls, a fu­ neral procession, papier mache masks, winged devils and a wed­ ding ceremony of skeletons are featured. The exhibit coincides with the Am erican celebration of H allo­ ween, O t. 31, and the Mexican celebration, Day of the Dead, Nov. 2. The museum Is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. I N C E N S E Finest Aroma — Trappist, Benedictine, Jerusalem, etc. VON WUPPERFELD'S SIS Hr aj< hi 478-2157 Prague Orchestra Performs Tuesday NEW Mini-Skirt Hi-Thi Sound Tinkles as you walk Y o u c a u g h t t h e ir ey«- N o w c a tc h th e ir car. N o r d M i n i - S k i r t p e n d a n t fa s te n * f i r m l y t o h e m . {H angs down threcj inches ) Tiny bell m a k e s t a n t a l i z i n g ’ t.nkle with each stop . L a d y bug. tie-tack clasp c a n n o t snag. G o ld e n finish. O rder extras fo r X m a s gifts. N o t sold in store*. SLAVE BRACELET C h o ic e o f red, blue or green stone* C leopatra reincarnated! Y o u ’re w hole arm comes to glamorous life with these popular “ slave brace­ lets." Three eye-catching stones graduating in size from ring to bracelet, fa n c y , golden filagree mountings. Ring and bracelet adjust to any size. State color stone desired. Three bracelets for $10.00 EDGEMONT PRODUCTS INC. Dept 437 Fifth Ave., New York. N.Y. 10016 The program includes Symphon­ ic Scherzo by K arel Bolesav Jira k , a Czech composer n o w living in Chicago; Concerto for in B Minor Cello and Orchestra by Antonin Dvorak, featuring Josef Chuchro, cellist; and Sym- pliony No. 3 “ Ero iea,” by Lud­ wig von Beethoven. The concert is sponsored by the Cultural Entertainm ent Com­ m ittee. Admission Is free to blan­ ket tax holders. Rem aining tick­ ets w ill be on sale at the Muni­ cipal Auditorium Box O f f i c e Tuesday night The orchestra was named offi­ cial orchestra of the City of Prague kl 1952, 18 years after it was founded. Conductor D r. Vaclav Smeta­ cek has led orchestras on five continents. I NEW COURSE BEGINNING IN S E L F - H Y P N O S I S FREE LECTURE AND DEMONSTRATION L ea r n why *H f h \p n o « i* kl til* H o l t p o w e r fu l an d ef fe ctiv e a Lie to d a y fa r (self-im p r o v e m e n t A p p licatio n ta U n lim ite d of e d u c a tio n . Hvpmoata ha* b e e n p r o v e n to be effe ctiv e m e m o r y , c o n c e n tr a tio n , in g , a n let p e r fo r m a n c e , r e la x a tio n a n d m a n y o t h e r le a r u ln c a b i l i t y , aeifin otiv a tio n field*. in in c r e a t i v e ton! ar&II- th e field i m p r o v i n g t h i n k ­ THE P U B L IC IS INVITED TO A TTEN D T H E FR EE L E C T U R E AND DEMONSTRATION ON T H U R S., O C T . 23, 7:30 P .M . TERRACE MOTOR HOTEL, 120! S O . C O N G R E S S O ffered b y th e I N S T I T U T E O F A P P L I E D H Y P N O S I S . TVC. S chool* T h r o u g h o u t T h e I S A n d ( a it aria Tile Prague Symphony Orches­ tra w ill perform at 8 p.m. Tues­ day at Municipal Auditorium as part of their first tour of the United States. Humanities Faculty Invites Weismann Dr. Donald L. Weismann. pro­ fessor in the arts, has been in­ vited to serve as a member of the National Humanities Faculty during the current academic year. The program is sponsored by Phi Beta Kappa, the Am erican Council of Learned Societies and the Am erican Council on Educa­ tion to promote “ sound innova­ tion” in high school teaching of the humanities. Weismann w ill be asked to spend two days during the school year visiting and conducting an inform al sem inar for a s m a l l group of teachers drawn from two schools in Tacoma, Wash. Arlrigh D. Richardson IIT , di­ rector of the National Humani­ ties Faculty which has h e a d- quarters at Concord, Mass., said the Tacoma project Is one of 15 selected this year. It was chosen because it “ represents an inter­ esting combination of a suburban and an urban school, eager to work together and Involving a wide range of ethnicity.” ALICE'S RESTAURANT ARL0 GUTHRIE SPECIAL 2 hour tN PERSON CONCERT T0M0RRW NIGHT OC! 22“ * 8:00 P X V oV oul, AUSTIN MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM TICKETS: $5, $4, $3 RESERVED RAYMOND’S DRUG • UNIVERSITY AREA MONTGOMERY WARD’S • CAPITAL PLAZA RECORD SHOP • DOWTOWN GIBSON'S • BEN WHITE BLVD. ONLY A JA M PRODUCTION R I A C X T H E S T I D L M L IT E R A R Y M AGAZINE Resnais Renoir Festival THE LOWER DEPTHS VAN GOGH plus Tiger Woman No. 5 OCTOBER 22 6:30 and 9:00 Jester Aud. 75c UNIVERSITY FILM CLASSICS to Present Starring HUMPHREY BOGART THURSDAY! ll r : TICKET DRAWING CONTINUES CULTURAL ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE TUE TEXAS UNION Sherman Pitluck p re s e n ts— F I R S T A M E R I C A N T O U R P R A G U E S Y M P H O N Y OFFICIAL ORCHESTRA OF THE CITY OF PRAGUE u a splendid ensemble - played radiantly London, Sunday T im et l f a provided memorable playing n London, M usic and M usicians DATE: TONIGHT, TUES, OCT. 21 TIME: 8.00 PM. PLACE: MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM TICKET DRAWING: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-4 HOGG AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE I V FREE TO U T. BLANKET TAX AND SEASON TICKET HOLDERS BLANKET TAX AND TICKET DRAWN MUST BOTH BE PRESENTED AT DOOR RESERVED SECTIONS ONLY BUS S C H E D U L E Buses Depart 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 University Co-Op Carolers Dorm Making Stops At Kinsolving Dorm Sccttish-Rite Dorm Simpkins Hall Moore-Hill Hall Buses will leave Auditorium immediately and 20 minutes following the performance. R O U N D TRIP FA R E 25c & ■ a fe z , there really v a tommy flanders r n I 3 H kA f r rn f t We found him- and held on lo him long enough to gather ~ T t i e M o o A / t O A * ~ I i i STUDENT FILM-MAKERS "Hie deadline for submission of independent and experimental films (8mms, super 8, 16mm, silent or sound) is 12:00 noon, O ctober 2 4 t h . THE RIATA FILM FESTIVAL will be held SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th 8:00 p.m. BATTS AUD. CASH AWARDS 1st Prize ................................................................................... $20 2nd Prize ........ ....................................................................... $ 15 3rd P r iz e .............. ................................................................... $ 10 2 Honorable Mentions .............................. $5 Films will all be judged equally with no categorical divisions. Another publication o* ■ " TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. INC. Metro G oidw yn M a ye r Inc -■„e I Forecast Fe'-afd* is c dtvisior f e * v r» TF Tuesday, October 21. I M THE DAILY TEXAN Peg* 111 What’s easy as • •• rn t I ■ Dialing your own Long Distance calls! ■ w * (more Economical, too) Here's how: a. Dial ‘‘1’’ * b. Dial the Area Code if different from your own c. Dial the telephone number Pp q p J2 Tuesday. October. Z I. .1969. THE DAILY. TEXAN lf you should dial a wrong number, call the operator. She ll see you’re not billed for the call. For complete dialing instructions, see the front of your telephone directory. Southwestern Bell * S tu d e n ts living In University owned dorms must dial "9 ” before the “ V . An o pe ra to r w ill com e on the line after you have c o m p le te d dialing the call. Please give her your Student Billing Code number.