WAS 1I I,..; GT 0 .i M .,... , Tuesday 1 Jul.y 2, 1968 6: 15 PM MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT S UBJECT : Visit of Mr .. Alexandru Birladeanu, Deputy Chairman of the CounciJ of l:v1inisters of Romania The Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Romania, Mr Alexandru Birladeanu, is visiting the United States at my o invitation$ accorr1panied by sjx distinguished scientific and technical people. After 10 days the visit can be pro:iounced a great succ esso He has met with Dean Rusk, Secretary Samuels, Secretary Weaver, Secretary Boyd~ Mr o Black~ Dr. Haworth, Dr. S eaborg and myselL He }1as visited Cape Kennedy, as well as industries and universities in New Yo:.·:,~ Chicago and Los Angeles so far o He has obviously been impressed by the openness and cordiality with which he has been i-eceived everywhere. The visit to Cape Kennedy was sensationaL Birladeanu originally regarded it as political and instructed his delegation to take no pictu1·es and ask no questions o He wanted nothing to mar his visit., After being told to take all the pictures they wanted and all their questions were anS"\VeTed, he acted like a young boy with a roomful of toyso The demo stration of Ame1·ican technological achievement was visibly over­ whelming. The purpose of Birladeanu1s visit was twofold: --To imurove trade and commerciaJ i-elatio:ns .... --To expand and broaden s cicntific and technological exchanges and contacts o In addition, he had four specifics in mind: --The hr:!avy ·wa~~cr plant --Corn.putcl. s --Syntl cti.c rub1Jer --The,.~ ~ ~1-:>~.:i.Lty of scientific :r:escarcl-1 inrb:ur.:1cnts: whicL we have oftc. 1 u ... .ri ;cly, in Hl'f view, denied thr-....:·1 nnde1· COCO~vf. i·.:;strictions. 2 ­ On the whole, we have met his expecLations 0 A commu.o.ioue will be issued jointly by Birladcanu and myself on Monday, July Sth 0 The attached draft ha3 be~n cleared b1 Comme1·ce and State Department and a\.vaits appro7al fron1 Bucharest. New ground i.s broken by paragraph 5, which states: "Both. Gover:i.1mcnts favor the development of relations bet.......veen An1erican and Romanian comrncrcial enterprises subject to the la\vs and rules in force in each c ountry0 F o:r-instance, they favor the development of: a) op,?ortunitics for cooperaticn between industr-ial # reseaTch and production organizations ; and b) exchanges of industrial knowledge and technology including arrangements in the field of patent licenses and knowhow with adequate p1· otection for industrial riahts 11 0 • I consider this an advance in 11bridge-building11 since American industry has conTJ?l.aincd that they have had no clear signal on establishing co:n1nercial relations with Romaniao The only r~1naining is sue_ is the heavy water plant ·which you have app::...·ov...!d, and which Nick Katzenbach has cleared with Senator Pastore. The question is ·whether Birladeanu can take home word (at least confidcntally) of ·where \.Ve will come O'.lt. ::.'-Jick Katzenbach agrees t:'nat I should tell hin'"l info:-r ~ally that we will in all proba1;)ility a:::-9rove it, but that there a:!.·e still de~ails to be cleared up bcfor._: we can act for:cnally . The fact is that we are '.vaiting only until aft~the COCOM meeting and a:fter tbc adjournm~nt of Congress. In vic\V of the '\varmth generated by this visit and the success of your previous n1ceting w~th Prirnc Minister Maure1:, you may ·want to r.cceive Mr. Birladcanu briefly b\::forc he departs Ol".. the even:=..ng of July 8th. gV--'-''-<~j 21~~. Donald F. Hornig ~ Attachn-1cnt