s.;·:.~.;..~,.f'..t.·:)'.Jf.}.,f·.,~~·:st~.;·~1~:~~i:>fijt~?i' ;;'::·······•·•·:'' ". ·. <·.\;~< ~i/r.\.. J:.; ··~-~> ·., /:~·-/\~·::/.... ~·, ' ;· "!'.~·';' .·ii;::) ,;._,: ·:t;'f:f>'. ,.. ·:;y'. ~.~~~1ri~··· · ,·; •••• · '.rdiffe~e~fden6foinations1of.Chris.tiahs.:'··}~.The;~brlfftfled' on.9 <: ."(!'. .. ,... ~'. :;~·:;.,; 1i''·· ··:·{(.'•?'<\; "'' ...,;.\"r: ::~.:~;;~/<;".'...,<'.·:'" ·•; : m;~~for{ tpe ;]3@~; .~You·.pr\>po~e tq. ,~),lite. ,with ;th;~!D; !l;n~: " ··.z<•.. ,!:~~~d~~~1;n~Ł:/.. &tu.• ~~~i~e;d~;h;t.rl~d~1i0~r!:;~ ~!~; J . ~will, oifth:at·'you. befieve,th˘;~i~lejust as.t}i~y,believe'.it{ :, ..... ~J~1!1tf~~ii1r~~iir1 .h.~t;we .h~lieye1 the. Bible ~q/teĄch, and··get l,i~ b'ew:ruf~~:: ~!~f~llillSli~lfrl . \.t,(!>.'thl( ,.,, ··:. ..· ··-.:.:\.::~\~t~;->{·r:·::''· ·'/"" .. '..",-r· (.,,,·;, .... :;-~. ::.~Ą( ·, .._ · ..:'.'.<:}\:· · ·.: ·_. ,. -:. ·."./.~.i. :.:·::··.,:).·~l.'.:·.~;:·.f .. :...~ ':<.\_::.:.,~·.··.:··: ···:.::..x::·,>· ·.. ·' '~<.~,,'.:·,. -',' :i :,'·' -,'.{<)>..;;, ).,)( .· .' ..:;,,. . 'i·;fijt~?i' ;;'::·······•·•·:'' ". ·. <·.\;~< ~i/r.\.. J:.; ··~-~> ·., /:~·-/\~·::/.... ~·, ' ;· "!'.~·';' .·ii;::) ,;._,: ·:t;'f:f>'. ,.. ·:;y'. ~.~~~1ri~··· · ,·; •••• · '.rdiffe~e~fden6foinations1of.Chris.tiahs.:'··}~.The;~brlfftfled' on.9 <: ."(!'. .. ,... ~'. :;~·:;.,; 1i''·· ··:·{(.'•?'<\; "'' ...,;.\"r: ::~.:~;;~/<;".'...,<'.·:'" ·•; : m;~~for{ tpe ;]3@~; .~You·.pr\>po~e tq. ,~),lite. ,with ;th;~!D; !l;n~: " ··.z<•.. ,!:~~~d~~~1;n~Ł:/.. &tu.• ~~~i~e;d~;h;t.rl~d~1i0~r!:;~ ~!~; J . ~will, oifth:at·'you. befieve,th˘;~i~lejust as.t}i~y,believe'.it{ :, ..... ~J~1!1tf~~ii1r~~iir1 .h.~t;we .h~lieye1 the. Bible ~q/teĄch, and··get l,i~ b'ew:ruf~~:: ~!~f~llillSli~lfrl . \.t,(!>.'thl( ,.,, ··:. ..· ··-.:.:\.::~\~t~;->{·r:·::''· ·'/"" .. '..",-r· (.,,,·;, .... :;-~. ::.~Ą( ·, .._ · ..:'.'.<:}\:· · ·.: ·_. ,. -:. ·."./.~.i. :.:·::··.,:).·~l.'.:·.~;:·.f .. :...~ ':<.\_::.:.,~·.··.:··: ···:.::..x::·,>· ·.. ·' '~<.~,,'.:·,. -',' :i :,'·' -,'.{<)>..;;, ).,)( .· .' ..:;,,. . 'i·;/·; · .··· .. .JE·~t " , > . ?• /~·.~1~~~t'' ti . '} ':.' · • . Bible R,edXJlfia. on MetliOdismt . :···.•·1~(~··., ..·/.· ·' j~ " . ';~;;: ..;)~l\~7, ··' )iJ~ip .over .this/arid gO:'ac~oss;{~'\ i.~\0~ \\' . · ,:c•Pf-:G:@• ,·God.~ •QĄnr,,c]i· :1$ a sp1r1t)lal Chµr,ch1·apd« yvl\ere~(; il~... lf~tt~~l\ii~~}l~ii~liii~t ~~1.~.•.·.·~.1.·.·.l.t.!1.'.,.:_•.•.. ;·~;,i'i :· . ' ·: ... · •.•··.. / . ><·" ./ .i' ,~;: ,L:>>: ..;...•..;/:.ig: .. · •.;. ".·,-·: -·::::.< ',•,•·.·.•·.·.· I•, . «t' ·...••.f.'f !,,, :·;, >':,\ \., •, ' ·-i"(.:'. ,. ' ' ,>".'· ·.~;,':·:>'.{: ,·. ;,•' '• '!/ . '•' ·. t!!e:cdnyerts f~d,I!i,11'.eVJY-' ali;i::~~~dby,ijtJlei:s..•.•,If.yqu·.•·we:re'.to.• g~t'i~tC>•.sucp:·•a;tl:l~iig: a~ that~fo4wo]i1a die; 1 sobe sure to sel~ct.. aT·spiritualQli#i-·c~.. ·L.~~·.~s iset~Ie.·.that Iittle·quib.ble. a~o~t he~µglllJ:~~I~~~·;~r:::·· not I biip~ized ;1fi_s ·. PfJ:µl .~id, the •• ~octriil.e .· .. of :pi:r. ""fo; believe;· and' therefote. · · .. ~illi~r;~~fNr:;:r~e:Da+etie~u;:rt~)i~~~rr:~\~f.~~:r:~i!~:··· th~\QisCipli#e{a yery good'1ittleJfook): ·., It•ri'nly,~osts tw˘rrt~:; ·. . iy-~~~ ce~fu:i~···P.ri~:lf~hed Nr:we·:P.~bl,i~;~!h*:·'.~8~~~·\~rf,t~~r(t...... ·.: M-E. CJi.~rch;.South; Nashville, T(lnn~\•Jf)'ot1.b'aV:enot a> •• •. copy, 'yf;µ,lil}bhld •• get ·. o~~; /borJ/t' se~. Ii~.. i .~?~vl:;~~~~t'.:i~t,~, :. · cree~:•·:.$k~frthi~g'unMf·.b.Ei~veJi cfalining 'to..·be.a ~hiJf has'a,br~~d,,ahd YQ.i.i c!tµ~th~vea'Clill~ch ~it~o'ut:Kc!~~ eith:eiot1t19t"'rittei,I. . W:e P.rEif~~ tp: h~ye:o*rs ~~~tt~n, b; _·-:.:-(' '.:<:· , ' ' ,... ~ . . -. -,., .. ·.· '·/,•.-'' ·"y: .. ,. ...... ... ··:;<. '-....:._,· _··'·_,,/< _.. ,__ -·:·\·~-__\::'.;~\3/: ..,.-~-~\<.:::-·_... ·:_::· ..~-~:>-:\.' < .... ·:·'.:.;~: -.:·~~-~---:~:-~r:«~~- • •; ., < Bible Reci'#Ffi/J:cqn/Af:e,tho/1,isrit; .,,;;_ , , . . ·#~Il).e..~~~Dth~/·'~f1a.gi~~~;'1~·a.~Io,wb~sin˘s~, for .tlley Ji~~~ fa .·Ą)~~.. .··•.:·''be.eh ·~i.ClĄing, fo'r ·one~ha:lf~i·.1::entury; 'Yitl:i JJd sudcess~'SfR-1!'.hV.~ .... ·· evel'H#.U·4;tI1e•name·h~s'no~~~becorile. fi5red, hayi~g go~e;i,ittb. ::,l i i<· ·•..• .hl§tdfr~s..~npedias, atjd .. if the. sept. shot1ld)!\rot ~~tiJ{:: ·· ··· ••. .• .·':··.·.:··· •••• •••••:.•.·.;•• ·:' ,y..,~·e~pas 1 W,1 ..1.• eour.goo.trµrrrpeat,bJustth~? Iobng c.i1.µ,tripe , , .•.•.·.•.'.·'.· 1ie~;ic: .··,·••·.·••.•:··,.·.·......•·.·.·.·.·,••.•,·.·.':··.•.:,··.·.•..•••·.·.'..•.•..•··.·.:.,..·.~:.·.• .•.:,•• ••••.•.i.•.:.·.·~..... , : bq~~ht:i~K?Ipt'fs pJ1re· ren .eca·111e,aa~i0ng.:wbe fi1u1rut,, r~ ! ".. ·I s~id :We would prove our. doctrine by the word. of .Goq, · ..~,.·.~::,:,•'.~,·.·...':.•:l.·.,···,:·~.'.i.r.:'.·;·.··.·.,··.·.,.·.·..........·.·.·.···,··.•.·,, s.:(' t~,;J:~~~~a~ ~;d.~0 t:.e.,.E:...:.S.;:..1.·:.'I.:n.Y.i,y·'·.'' ,:; , ', , • ).\ ." ::-· . ;::;·.i:·/•ic, : ;:,,,: 'j;:, ..·· , . , •. ... : ,. .. ... . \i ~; ··:::<,•·· .'/'i;~i.{~t; ~e ~elfoy'~in .th~. doctrinEl of't(jt~l.4E3W3:vify; M4 ;Jj j ·!.-,·:·~·'·.·.·.• ..·,.'.. t~l~.:.is i('Very iajp9r.tant ,O:oct~tgEl. ~goi for '\Ve rpusf:~}"st;There is:no' ,Particle of the watew that:is<':) '1i~Bt!t\]1~~?~'~g~i~f~~1t;~1~~ 1 ->~,·~,..~·· 1;~~~the Wora';spei:t:k,:\ · ~~;:"\~) _ 1 ( '~ •.•:.~,",: :;·,/;;;:-.~;/ ,, t> ..... ~li· "'.P'"~•.u; P• ''~hold, I~" ~~·/.•m miq~;tr;••a~at;~?, k." .... ~i'. {«. ..:.. ·~ ':· u: ' '. ', I •• .:. ,''.,• ,...,..-.;}~ ·>·'' :,h\,,!~\,; ~ ·,::; '" '/ '; . ·: .. ::.,, ·•· ·;::..;.. ~:.. .:· :,··....:~: ' .. '"" . ·. ,·::>.::·;·· .'., " . . . , :.. ..:·. : ':«i·; -.;~r>> -'. ::,··.~~·t ~.'..~~.::.~',;'~';;''·:-.:.}.·:;j,.~;· ·~": )> '. '· ";·~;., '"''". ...' ..'':·_.,' ;~ ,·:,:. ,: ~· ''• .:''.; ,~,.:;:: ' '?:\-,:~'-'..;;·'', !' }~·:·;:· ••• -<~;.'';'.;::,.: «, ••"·:;-; • ::':.-·;~_i·...'~~·:~:;.'t ..ji~..;..:.. ~~~~~·t?xt·1&.J:.~:a;~~~t*ri~i±r..J~~~,,~~ ; '.•.,' ,:,·.:::.:.. >f,~1' ·, :' ":.:. ) ~·.\i1 "• ~: '· ·:,~(~~1ifrf 1:2 ,, ;~ :, ·· ., Bible''!l~~~~~y'.o'ii/Met~br},is~J\»·}·. · :•;,/ •'3 ;tf/;fiif;;~~i!~~'~1~iill~l1 :[{('~~;> , , sa~th..:th~~iJ,ofd;::·\though youi: sii)s be.~sc~deythefsh!iU be · '"'!(,;'.'' ' "--~~,~~~~~~:J~rsho~,r:~h6ugfr'i~~rf ·?e red)ikEli c#liison, ~~ey ; -!/i " sb:al:H:l.e·aswo.. oh· .. " · ' <"'' '""·"'· ·: -,:··: ... ,.·t.?~'. ·-: (·<~:~(;./'/ :."'./:".'.'>·? ', ''·, '. :-;"; . •:'','·';,. ,'-/,''.\ (;i '. " "•;'' ; ; . :fiP~RITU,AJ'.~ '~~:R?:':H· . j ., ..·, .. ·.· · · -·; ': ~eiibnd/-we be~iElv<:iin_the dbct~foe,;ofN1e µ~W: bfrth,.• spir11. t_:_~-~ ;_ ., •.'•_j~~~g;~~f~J~;.:~'.;e:~s.-·ansfrer~d ~#d.'s;~d 1~1tito···hi~/..)Terif;,,: i ..· > i~i:ily}Tsay unto th'.ee/Eixce:[it liirl'an be born.again, he :cal{~· ;. .. ~Rse.e thekin,gf,~1' ·, :' ":.:. ) ~·.\i1 "• ~: '· ·:,~(~~1ifrf 1:2 ,, ;~ :, ·· ., Bible''!l~~~~~y'.o'ii/Met~br},is~J\»·}·. · :•;,/ •'3 ;tf/;fiif;;~~i!~~'~1~iill~l1 :[{('~~;> , , sa~th..:th~~iJ,ofd;::·\though youi: sii)s be.~sc~deythefsh!iU be · '"'!(,;'.'' ' "--~~,~~~~~~:J~rsho~,r:~h6ugfr'i~~rf ·?e red)ikEli c#liison, ~~ey ; -!/i " sb:al:H:l.e·aswo.. oh· .. " · ' <"'' '""·"'· ·: -,:··: ... ,.·t.?~'. ·-: (·<~:~(;./'/ :."'./:".'.'>·? ', ''·, '. :-;"; . •:'','·';,. ,'-/,''.\ (;i '. " "•;'' ; ; . :fiP~RITU,AJ'.~ '~~:R?:':H· . j ., ..·, .. ·.· · · -·; ': ~eiibnd/-we be~iElv<:iin_the dbct~foe,;ofN1e µ~W: bfrth,.• spir11. t_:_~-~ ;_ ., •.'•_j~~~g;~~f~J~;.:~'.;e:~s.-·ansfrer~d ~#d.'s;~d 1~1tito···hi~/..)Terif;,,: i ..· > i~i:ily}Tsay unto th'.ee/Eixce:[it liirl'an be born.again, he :cal{~· ;. .. ~Rse.e thekin,gt,9l(l,•:W:~. tlJ.;i~~E! toWg?t !J;}:>OJ)Ji, ·. :i~~~~t~~!.~~~~.~;.de;iv;~et~i~e·::;~~~~~~~:'hi~,~~l~~:~;'.···• Mi:"."Et~.t pa~* ~o ·ch~u<1h ·~g~~.. ~~x;t·p~~J;l~; .·.. ~-4.i~, i.t,im˘.;',:;lje ,. · s):i;ppe,4:.,iµ <~11~ •. ·4i~/b~hitig1/~P.e;' i;Iog~~:~q.· .h.e ,~a~;:~~~~§R~~. \ , .Ii'#eaqher ~new ~o~ of hiswhe~eallouts:·• '.fhe ipi~is~eĄ·&.~Ji~,: , cill; ~i~h>lJ.i,s 4!~c:\:;;~: , ··• •>:\:;;~: ..·.\' ?.. ;i#it1˘~1~}i~.:.•. ......s.Y•....•.'... .•. •.· .•. ~.s.i:.'.•.·~~i~J~ .•. m ... .•·.··.·····.aa·:··•. i/.~.S :.·· ·•·.·h··.·.: Jffi.•. :~1,~1~#tJ7'L. .·s ··· / < ,, .. ·. ... r,r.l:{erel\are, 111:any10~~dow1i. scamps ~n ·this co11iJtiy:;.wathte co˘1llfo~g th~ sil1 spoke,n>o( m.'::E-iodus:.ixii/.'.l!~,i;~7f"And'ff .~iJi~# entfoe'~ .maid tha~.is not bet1;pthedi/M«tF~·····. .wit~ ~er; ~fshall surelfendow Mr'to'.~E;l his.wife; :·~.~~iM~. fat'~ef'.uttei:Iy·r~fuse.'to .giv.'e•:her unto.r.hizn; heJsha]J;':pay{·~;-·.~is>:'.,. :iW::\'': ' ··· ·· theit · sin'p:e monef~.ccordfo·g to th~ dowrrotyirghls:' ···.. . . . · : r+'Ąeri3")i~re. himdreds. qf{jm~( such ;':ipiserablEl, 'leperqvs .· scums.. of so9i~~Y. tli:at haye hee1.f guilty 9.f the foi;eg~ipg sip(arid hi;ive gonefio.ut bra,ggi,ng.'a,bout·:.th~meanne.s.s·· ~~~Y hay~'ilo~˘·'?. sµ&h conter~fptiBle scoundr~ls, i:nsteagof;bei~g:.• c~i~~d '.';'.~'oh~~tyfellows,;' ·o.u~~~··'~o.b˘;.~lothed withsac1t~cl9~~;,:··.. a~~· tfie:~'w,(?i;ds: of. ·et~rmtl:shame ·~bta1:ided, ·'with· 'fire •qp'q~ 9-ir:tr ]ips . uhtil they Il?ake r˘~titutioil ;for . th~~r{ wr~ngs." , . . .· ·. . : ·. . : .·· . ' .. , , ·,.As oil~ of 'the nieims of ~erentanae is arden~.Iy lookillg•\~t •· to;God thfoiigii;•faith ~nap~ayer,'~e oelieveiin a maµ.~a,il• '}. .: in~\1pim' ;Go ..r?'><•• ·· · · · · ··• · · ·· ,,_,__:,;. ·.· · •· :•.c;·,. Bi}tJo 'the t~stimony.. Iri Joel '.iJ•.P2 it: is mop~!3~t~~: "Apd..it sh~H poille to p~ss;Jhat 'Whosoeve~ ~hali:C~l1\1,lp~n ·-··,,. •.•. ,·~~·1iiif{~~i~;;~l!1~i~~t[ill~~~, TJ<'>rdi:·shall.he s'aved.'";,. ~;< ' ·· · · '.>• ' ,"'''-1~1({·~,··o·'·~·.,·"·"· • ··:« ',I ~lj l \I" "};f-;;' , ".i'f.J~QSOeV\3~." cer,ta~nly ·makes it broad .~~o,ugh., )3;~< ·~~eds\ii~>)'.ll~di~tof 'of hum or water; h~t> lookfog:. rigb~ tip ' '·.···".'J,!~i~~);t~%aifr:~i!#:a1~~r6~~i~c~;tf3~e'~,~~~;i:;~~af~t! .. ·..·~~Ji:!I.;9a;ll,l!po11 tlle,nam() ofthf,i,;W,,brP..shall be.sa,'ved.'',,>S~: ' ,. ;~~1~t:~~~I'µi)t);:2;'f '..·.•...·'·:.,·~;·::·:%.. '.·'····,\':·. _,·· •..··•·• '':{.>;· .· •.•.·.. 1,Who a~t.thou; th~n, 0 man, that:would.ridi,cule .. th,eidea · /~~i~Pehii~~(~inn,:~F;~~llirig #~61:1;q~~Co~j~ct·•.. t9.:tlj~j · iJ.!p1tr .. o.r ,the,', moutn,!w's beg<:~., a~d · that1 ~o0; :i;fgb;t·. W:'tP,e'; ••...• ·~,t~et~!i~h~a-:~~r:~:j;v~:~~;~:11~~t~1u'1~tr~~?;J1f~s~~{ ':··· ··r ·sboulp.. hate to object. to ~nY:.. thing that ·God does n,qt, · ,, opjectt9.,,,,g~~ ·.ha~ h0n,,9~~4/,~h<'l,,alfar• ~y·•. hi~, pres~.nbe/ .·•.: ::.~A~:;~1r:~t8~tf!s~;~~;~t~~~t~:.e.:.~~r2~~:~:v~~ftj~~f·' J~.~P.iop'; ~q ;~~~ ·!tlta~} :J:f ~q~~, of t~~s.('l~li~tle feIJ?~~ tp~ff ' • c i• • : N~,.aro?~~. c~airuipg t9 hav~:1,~ pate~~ i·igh~..?U;()p;nye~·~f?,*' ; ·;~:} '.i· ..~nd sneeppg. at ·. i:tlta:r e:J!:~+,~i~e; .crying ~'. ,41~~,: ~n(l. ~~~~w· .. il~.';f.;i~qpnyd,''. e~9'.;}y;ouJd 'g,9:~~ra.fa~:~~~9 ;a thro.~e:of ~rac~;~n~J~~ }\;,',;;~~j;:: 'li~\li'ts .of th~ piople, and, letj;;~~op~Ei.~et: reUgion.::Whe1:e:vef :~~~;~t~~~~Itrn~~-~~~::;~:t;i~~1!r:~~~~ >'.'.ii\'.Si~ners, thqus.~i;idi:i .. upon tl\Qusana(5 .·.of holY,: :tii~!i, and'. ··,\~~~,en.~H! s~~Ą%Ą~;'°i~,4ay··.an~.i~~stify,tb~t\~ey'.~˘~~:g9~l ·;i-:~1:: Y.erte~l;:Jlt... the. ~lt~Jl•·:. = .-, ,'.,!.[,·'~..•..•.~·.\:....... ,,, ,.-. ·· ~.'.:;; ~;.(, ;-'~ .. ·: .. ;.~.:·~;. . \ '.·. ". J '·, J. ~ ,, " W:here;lie~ve'.n ./· ,.· <'•·;•'";J ····:;1j~lJ.~i1obj~ctt6ifh,e~lt~r~ '· ·. :, · . .:-;w' ,(1 · ;;p;}:' 'i .,,;·~.,.-:· ·.1·'.·':::·:::tiJf.;x>{.~.-\::~~:-· ·:._,::;("::,:;·.. -.«\.,·· ..':\.J;rc·:,_::;.>t:.:}· .., ,. 1r ~::\:~.::~t.·· <.:<}' ,,-:':· ·::::.:.'.<:.·· ·:.\-~:· -·.r .,";;; ·-_, ~,·-.:: : .. ·:·;>-,< >/·... _ ...,._,:->' -':.·."· .,·:.. .::.,'_·~:·~>...:::i '·ti .. Ł~''.;:~·'.:_.:!,.._:.'.< ._;_ ·:~~~---·;(;';:., '· ,,,,,,:_· ·, •;'\ '/·}t:_:' ~-<:,;:.' :, \>'· -~-.' .. i!~~/_::. -;(" .. :,(" I ,.:·~>)':·:,:;.')'." :1<·.:, .·, -:·.'_•~.. ~ ,,~J?;:;:yff\~r:;t;;,0~~~fŁl~$·~:?•. ·>._:,~:,:·> ·>·l·:o ..,.·::,v.· ~--"" ):Hf;~;:, y ·=:··'C~i\~tf'.~-}~··.·': ·~ :·\~!,> ::·~·: .:·::~.·.. v. !··1· .:;{' . .:,~·.·; .':;y~~··: :·:~: 1'.:~:_~:~ ; : :.•. {', ' ' )i ..:,..?y'~:t~;. Jti ;: ,,, ' ', ... :..•. ;,, ' ·"::;;·:,>''~';,;:,·,.··'.·, '.·.·.··',;,..:,',,;'.'i,~,'. ·.· .·· •,·. ' :.J}iblr3J1Re.adi.nt1 oiJ;Wtf~,thQdis111) ;.·.,, ..... ,17: :IC: ·•· :rvi{,(t,'.:~.· .·· '. JlJSTH:JcA'.rIQ1',~1'. F4I'fIJ:~··' ·.'·,• '< ; ' /)' " •;, ' 'G)~ FJ.ghh,, "'.~believe·in the doqtrine ofjustific~tioq hy.fait)i . · i j. only'}:P Wemean by thatthat •. fa.ithis the ~nlythi'~~al;iso-•''•;,9·, lutely n~cessaryon the part ofany iudividuai to 1iis,.·~~l:Va,-· ".:; :,c ti on. , ~e ~ayhave every.thing else and hav~ nop,~ait}i;)~lld i!~:~,~f: he is v~i;,y·farfrom salvation. While h.e may con,ie stt,ipped ,;::;u, ofe.very thiI1g :else but faith in Jesus, .and through .fa~th':iJ\ . ;W• , him' h~~.'.e,llt~~·s, the kirigdqn1 'of .he11veI1• '~ut tq th13 wi?t"1'i;/,, ' ·:;~.;. 1 W(O,want t9weig~ every item in the l'lalanqe of.G~~,~~.:: , '(.~.: ..···.:,;·'.····'', ...-.-.·.'.::·.:,'.,,,·.•.~ etern·a1· t~uth' '' ' '!, /'.::'.:,:~:;,:::.,; '] ' , • , '• •:', • "\' ••• .,••• ':-: •, • ·, -'' I • ' ' : , •• ~ ·' • •• : , -,. ,': ·, ; ' , ' ','. • •;_ '. s:,!:•>:: '•:.'. -~·~·.'j Rqmans.;v'.·..l: "'l'he1'.efor13,being justifie.d,b:y..faith1 ihW~.· ·•''<'',' ·" have:pe3,ce.."1ith God throughour Lord J;esus Christ;'>,( ~ria~:.. ;S\Fi;'.". ~ tha~ ~s:g~#ing religion, mitkifig,p~ace."\Vith Qod. •.·Rqm~,#~:· ':· )~.;;.t.·.,·...~.·~·.'.: iii. 28:.•" T4'erefor'e·we qonclud~that,a man isjust1~ec,1(~y;,.·.····'· .. ' faith wftholit the .deeds of the law;" . . . • ... , ..·. ~:/ ·.....·... · J6Jnr iii. 115: " That whos'oev~r . believeth in him sh~.uld / · '<} not pei:ish, bqt haveeterpalrlife." . · , . .. . .· , ,... ·. . } ;. J,qhn. vi.. 4,:~: "V:erily;v~riJy,Tsay ,unto YC!ti, H,e tJJ,at 1?˘t . Iie.Y,.~~h .~n:'.m'˘ hath·.e,v,erlastiriglife/' · ..·. ·• ,···.· 1.' · .·.·· . , ,,.,,:. 'c> Acts: xvi. . ·;: ',·>,:. 31: "Believe . . 'bn •'the-· Lord JestisClifist' > " ail,(' th.~t>savE!d\:theµi,.. and: neyer alluded to ·~ny thing E!1se)s> cl1~tii;lg•, any figure in ... their·. salvation. ; ~ee ·Luke. ~i.i;'.§Q: · "4nd·hesai:d}o ,the•womap, Thy faith·h,t1;th sav~d t}1e~{'go in,;peace.:' M:atthewix; 22: "T~yJatth:hath.riia;de;.thE!e· ~h()l13:~··. M~r~ x'. 152: ''And Jesussai~:;l1htq hi~', Go'ihy 11 wf!y;~;thy. faith! hatir i:nade thee wh0,le; ' 'And ,imll;ieq,~a,:t~~if:: hex~g~iye4 his sight~'::,· · · ·•·. · .;,;l;.J:'.c,,;. ' '~t)s obj~p~e4.hys01ne .)+' 2··· ' ',· ., '· ,\' ..... ~,._.-:~: :-_ -~r.-:.. .· .·· :r ·o.i·. : . .", • . .. ,. -· ·T· . «:·);. ·,·· ":j~~i,.. ·· .. " : ?::::::_):"~.' '•:'{;;;:·:?±$" ,_ ' Bbl R jJi; ; Mi k d' '· ":i,' 1 ~: ·-·.',!''/ 'f.': .".. '·~»lfr ~~avenly·F~thel:.'give.·the Holy;fSpi~i,t:,to th~J t~~~.'a,~~JiiiitJ''. .•... ·.· I· ;"· •· ··c·. ,'· •<·. :zs .··. ·.·. ,, ,. . ;:>':J'.1heJJ:li~ :'Yilkcertaihly·.giye .Us· what·we.ask. ;:'Jf·,w~,'· aslf fq#d'.li~ad/h~ frill.·not~iiyeqi~ a. s~o110~··· .1\-gaip, ~omansviiL ·l~fir,'.!r~e'.Spirit'itseif ~E1a'r.eth' witness ·with ;:yoµ to'uhdershmdj·t)iat: no; mah 'speaki·.·. ~::;.~~~~~~~~~re({f~.~~:@~~·+ . '.''1'.:.' "'""' ' ··::./~:/·:{{:; .i;~~~~?~1f\;:{. '.;, ·<. ~,I"1;;~,;?>· ,•;; ~<::;;.,.,;. .,: ;2:.c . ·· . · > , " " • ·•: ; ;':'. :~ Jt~i~lr:t.t!:::.;t"St;*~:i;~{ ·• ness.·''SeeMa#h~w:ir)!j~.•13: ."~lithe that:sha!l end~~(:( untQ' the en;d; 'tlle sli:llle''shall be· saved/' ' .·· '.' I'.\ '. ' ;{'. ··. 't~~i'.~octl'izje,i\o{<.~f~:co~dit~orial'.pers~v~~fiuce;' as .I;·.~~y~·;t; /·. Iie~rd.;.itt:p~~~,<~hed·:and··.ill.us~rated by.,soJ#ej.is iindpu~ted1;t.) ' . ,· ::, ·.. ,.,.' -..>? ., ' .: ' ··'~";;::.. . . " .· , ' ' . • . '!. .... '.·, ...1.·.· ·"' -·. .-,._, ' '.•,_'". ''.'·.'·\< ·.: ~-'·., -::>:-';._'. {' I '. _', ~:~~ ',Yi'•::•; .•/,.'·: ,,: " •;;'. .. . .. ...·./.ii"' . ; ' '::\:. <:,'°~'>'.'::,;·, '.-~->{:".; \t' ··,: ... -·-·-. -; ,_.· ·.-... ::>, _·-:~·, r~;>>\'.:_· ....,, ~--":~ -. :;:.': -~-:-:?;. . . . ..:.~ ". :~~ i~.-:;·;;', : -, ::;:\-~·::: :<:,;:_ ::~,:~i . ,_·«~\~~·:_{~)'.~--::/.::::<··· .':\:;'. ~;·>·::.;; . ·· . · > , " " • ·•: ; ;':'. :~ Jt~i~lr:t.t!:::.;t"St;*~:i;~{ ·• ness.·''SeeMa#h~w:ir)!j~.•13: ."~lithe that:sha!l end~~(:( untQ' the en;d; 'tlle sli:llle''shall be· saved/' ' .·· '.' I'.\ '. ' ;{'. ··. 't~~i'.~octl'izje,i\o{<.~f~:co~dit~orial'.pers~v~~fiuce;' as .I;·.~~y~·;t; /·. Iie~rd.;.itt:p~~~,<~hed·:and··.ill.us~rated by.,soJ#ej.is iindpu~ted1;t.) ' . ,· ::, ·.. ,.,.' -..>? ., ' .: ' ··'~";;::.. . . " .· , ' ' . • . '!. .... '.·, ...1.·.· ·"' -·. .-,._, ' '.•,_'". ''.'·.'·\< ·.: ~-'·., -::>:-';._'. {' I '. _', ~:~~ ',Yi'•::•; .•/,.'·: ,,: " •;;'. .. . .. ...·./.ii"' . ; ' '::\:. <:,'°~'>'.'::,;·, '.-~->{:".; \t' ··,: ... -·-·-. -; ,_.· ·.-... ::>, _·-:~·, r~;>>\'.:_· ....,, ~--":~ -. :;:.': -~-:-:?;. . . . ..:.~ ". :~~ i~.-:;·;;', : -, ::;:\-~·::: :<:,;:_ ::~,:~i . ,_·«~\~~·:_{~)'.~--::/.::::<··· .':\:;'. ~;·>·::.;; t·;)~~\f:;~~·~?.~)~~·l!t.'~·w~:;~\~I. ' ' ., ' . ' ..· ;• ?'..' ·'' ·. ,· ·., ··~~,>·· ' ~. .-_: '; ..·>··. ··~· ...... ·~I :;,:/:< ' ··~· .,, ' ' ,;;< ,,•• ,, )''' h:<;. ·;:;:/: ·::,~.~::;. ' ~J.K~~oo:'!~'l;~::,t::~;~Qb,1~ · · ; ass,µr!tJiC~;;. He· says; 'itr·~9:~ xi.;. 25: "Fop I kliil~ ;th~t; ""~t · ·Iri±,i~~;~~~e~~r.I~veth:'.' . ,}\; ...·· .. ··..· . ..·.· . . . . ; ;,: '{, . .·>,: ..., ·.: :Jf.itinan.claims.tu have:Elternal lifei;ibiding .. in.h.im; h~· ;'':~?';:; ') $h(1~:l~~~ able to g~ve a reasori fo.r it; ·itnd that:js what we .·{•'i'.~!.: .... w..e!tll:~;·b~.:Christiai+. assura~ce'. See 1, f ete~jiL15: "Allll, be ite~~y'alwaysto give ari: answer to. every. man• that;c'a,s!c~i · eth ~ou a reason ·of the hope that is in · y:ou, with. fueekness .. ~#dfear/" .··.· ...·... · .. · ·,· ....·· ...' .: \)~:it)o}i't. give. th.!tt. reason in ..· a>boastiijg, prou~ way, .~u~;, ~f~·fr meekne(lS a11d1fear. ' 'O~e may say' the doc.trine,cann'9t, ?.~:~rue, aµd give· as.c!ii.i evide1we Jhat .he 11~te~ ;:~~pei:i˘nc~d:;, any thing of the kind: : Sir, that. is no evidetice ~t ~all;· ~\lpp()sEii for i1iiistratio~} :'here "is ·a spring Of w~ter ~nd( ·. ct~Mve meJi stanciing.',by, and tliey. come· up· one ·at\'.3: tinfo.t ( '·if':; ~ , , . '. ·' . " ~ , ' , ' .'1 • \ ,• , : ' • , • I , ' ' • \• , ·' " ' , • , : '. ,• ' '. , • ; , ; • .' •, .·and drinkof,:the wa~er, all Ei:x;~ept one, and he:St,a]lds qff': ~~~t~i~~~!;q:~~1~l~f,;~i~!~l~' ..~.'.'b'ohl:t''.'~ii the IJnited.·.states ::tha,t.would t,ake such,:'evideuc'e); .. ,-'Ifi:2;·;{,~ij:t~~J~~1·f,s~~1.r::!~e(~h~.::~~0~:~;7;.·,~~lh:o~~~::::e~~}''. ;·:>'>~···:?true, bec~J.!se ·I have never t~t.ed it." C~n·~t rB'ceive his' [:~1itA~·.\?~stim~ny.in..thisqquri:-.··•· .•.~y. ··.···· :,i)~~·;?·( ·•'', ; . ,. I'E]lBEYE~.;·~.'.•,N.CE~. ·' .,.,:·.c,·...i:..·•.·"·/ .::~\~:·~;~~{·~;;~'·", I • •,. , 1 •', . . . /''':,;;-·•.·.••·· s.·.i;x:.th.·.'·.we..·be.Ii···~".·..~··. i..11. the · ... I>ers~y.·.e.;~an·c.e. o.f.... ' .t.he... :.s.. a.irit..s.•\b.µ·)· i;.·.· :-~.~1: ' . . . . . ' ' " .. . ' ' ' ' . ' d • 1 ,·. ·. '. '. ;,.:: '.;;fi~·~Ii··~~)·f~li6d~. ··. ,'·~~-< ;;~ a· 4a#g~r,o.us~ doctrine'.:• lwi,lt~ty~Jtn illi:MtatioI?: ·tlj,a,t ·I·." ;"<.··· hea~d\f•.911e .ofjts_.!'tdv()ca~es·:iise·.ff:.oln t;J:ie pulpit~?J-I:~.·sfi~d:·__....... " Sup}los~l find a . .bad. orphan,l)loy upoµ' th~-'str~~~~;;1~D,.d , , ;·~/{; P.r?~oNse,t,d ~iw.ttho •cobrlie ~n1d be idopb't~dd it~htot n11Y fawL .•_·.-.:._·.··__ ___ ·.· _·_·.,,·,··._._·__ ~~· .. ; ; '._•[······-~·...... Y_'... ·_,·_·_..,'.•._,'---.-.·.·,:, :_. , . o, sa,ys e1:, oy1 , am so i;t.. ·,.._·:·-a WO).l1g\;~.()0!1 . .. . -: _ do someth{µg .to displease you, and : you ~ould thrP.I'f#e · · .. \ o:ff; 1'f::: · _', ' ___ ·. ··.·.·. __.. _ ·_·. _· .. ___ ;\i[;;_fi}>·.,. ,~,:But.:: r. say ,to the boy1Jyo~·cotneJtlong and M:adr~F:'. ~ -· ed;·and:.' · t'ifue;··Ju1'y·28, ·1887.· ,.It·i~ .·· ·" ... ;:·· .:· ·.·. ·., ·:· ., . , ; ''.:. : . '.'·,: ;.,:·:)'.~;·:.~-~:/'.. · .. · t;'*i~l;in '11.9~ise1.~l1st•()ht.''•...·-·_-.. >•·.· •• · :_,·-...·.·. ·.• ' ···?:<;~;·7~t;·. \;.\Whether foteD.tioµtiJ. or notd· cannot ·say,. bl1t'thElJbtot;ti:~i\i2, ·'· c~rtaJ~ly'do~s; .by· l:tis· ,illusti;~tiQn very >gro~~lJ.:pe_~~˘rf';tii~i ~~s~g~:qf.~cl'iptu~e·--~b.ove,:~upt53d..:'•.•.. Wheie; j11 th˘•.· ~hapt~~~;; ati,d ~el"SE) fo.·w~ .BiblEl,:wlier~ Jesu~9hr~stpropose_s to a;do~t·;. a:;~J.~~er int,p his kiµg~oD?:upon t~e saipe te~Jl]~ .t~a:t· l\f.1-,: ,',· M'O:rtin.Jmakes:with }}iS',boyinJiis_ illustration? ...•J: thillk ,it · aii~~ry}_µnfohu~ate'fnu~tra:Winfo;the.·9.a~~~-:he.is.:tryi~g:···to<' s~t~~*;1;1:~rf6r. the terms :upfo1i whi,ch .we., 6, •dasse13: ·t.hosethat•lJ,a:ve; ti.1>. ,; r.;>:i' .. , •.... ·. soj),gpbhe Lo:r;d 'and;thos.e that. h~vett:irned•.~~.c:\r:.togetlf~f.; y~··;.)';~;1,.,.•.1·,;J,·.. ••.;Aµa:~li~m. that~re...turned back'frorrdheLoxcf ;{and thos ··. i~;~r~~r;~·~t\~~.t~jfe~~~~0~f~ :~:f'~~f~~~~~n;~i;:~:~~e~1k~~,:~~·•j, if . , '.. . . .)t~.~~ .. , · .·· ;\'f~ome have cli~rged Methodists witI{beli~11i1ig• in fallfog, ' ,,·· .. f1;q.\n ·grace; but we believeJn n,(). such stu:ffi '.l]Jiere 1i8, ~ ( •.;)k. . · ··.• '. g.r~at diffe;encli.. b~tweell; b~lie~irrg in.a thing ~n4: belieV;i~~· ·.J~)he'.possibHitypfft'·thf~g., •.·.•And'I denycthat·thereis•any' ·•·.:gi'°eater.:falling it:W~Y. fro!h···.the.,Meth()d.istS t}ian·:frqlµ.· anf ..... ;6t~erd~nominatio~1in .proportr~n·to the, number rece~vea.·.•• ,j;·•\r~si thereds 'falling among;{~!l.genoll:'lina~~OllB• • We: say'. :il:i13y: fen> arid . others •:saY, tliey. never, hoo\ it: WW;df ·· ;#~osejh~t.f~llhad 4Elld ,nng =p~! ~,;·j'..... :.~;_.,·, '" .'-?'::· ..·)·.·, ··· ii(~~~;:i>'~.But' it~WW~ppened·u~·~~#1em accoi;diri~fo. the' tr.Ii~,; ·:pro-v~fb, '.Che dog/is turned tot'lii~: own ,~oiilit\again.;::~rid,' 'i~i~lf~1~~h~t~:~i~~-~ ·" ,;·.. . :;~>\ ";<.·.:.: :,];.~: .:· ~· <~·::<:·.: <:'' ,'.,:1'.~~b':·-~-~-' . .,,. ,,., ".\;·-, ·_:.;. '(· ',,··-:· ~·'.. •., .·.·.;:,. ".,:;_: ',<,/.) c,;·.' "'''', ',):···,:·--, ..;"·-~~-"·;::,,. <~·-:· ~-;"·_-'./'..~_·::····"'.~ ,,,.J«>~·.:·· '.\.)~·;~;.·: ..~, , ~:):''" ~-··:\i'.6, •dasse13: ·t.hosethat•lJ,a:ve; ti.1>. ,; r.;>:i' .. , •.... ·. soj),gpbhe Lo:r;d 'and;thos.e that. h~vett:irned•.~~.c:\r:.togetlf~f.; y~··;.)';~;1,.,.•.1·,;J,·.. ••.;Aµa:~li~m. that~re...turned back'frorrdheLoxcf ;{and thos ··. i~;~r~~r;~·~t\~~.t~jfe~~~~0~f~ :~:f'~~f~~~~~n;~i;:~:~~e~1k~~,:~~·•j, if . , '.. . . .)t~.~~ .. , · .·· ;\'f~ome have cli~rged Methodists witI{beli~11i1ig• in fallfog, ' ,,·· .. f1;q.\n ·grace; but we believeJn n,(). such stu:ffi '.l]Jiere 1i8, ~ ( •.;)k. . · ··.• '. g.r~at diffe;encli.. b~tweell; b~lie~irrg in.a thing ~n4: belieV;i~~· ·.J~)he'.possibHitypfft'·thf~g., •.·.•And'I denycthat·thereis•any' ·•·.:gi'°eater.:falling it:W~Y. fro!h···.the.,Meth()d.istS t}ian·:frqlµ.· anf ..... ;6t~erd~nominatio~1in .proportr~n·to the, number rece~vea.·.•• ,j;·•\r~si thereds 'falling among;{~!l.genoll:'lina~~OllB• • We: say'. :il:i13y: fen> arid . others •:saY, tliey. never, hoo\ it: WW;df ·· ;#~osejh~t.f~llhad 4Elld ,nng =p~! ~,;·j'..... :.~;_.,·, '" .'-?'::· ..·)·.·, ··· ii(~~~;:i>'~.But' it~WW~ppened·u~·~~#1em accoi;diri~fo. the' tr.Ii~,; ·:pro-v~fb, '.Che dog/is turned tot'lii~: own ,~oiilit\again.;::~rid,' 'i~i~lf~1~~h~t~:~i~~-~ ·" ,;·.. . :;~>\ ";<.·.:.: :,];.~: .:· ~· <~·::<:·.: <:'' ,'.,:1'.~~b':·-~-~-' . .,,. ,,., ".\;·-, ·_:.;. '(· ',,··-:· ~·'.. •., .·.·.;:,. ".,:;_: ',<,/.) c,;·.' "'''', ',):···,:·--, ..;"·-~~-"·;::,,. <~·-:· ~-;"·_-'./'..~_·::····"'.~ ,,,.J«>~·.:·· '.\.)~·;~;.·: ..~, , ~:):''" ~-··:\i'. ~. i,ll,, ·;r·d·: . ·... ·.'·;-· ..:-.2~::3:j;~0'rtJt,,11 •• D ,f~,$~fi;~·z;;;::1~'.i'.;~;~1•ti4i•foinfr, , : , ·· ] d§11cllY,steadfast u13tq the, .e11d ??; , ·Unconiiit!9tj*1:}\ perseve1:-;f · ; \~~ .·:. ><· ai.: _.... ~~wE)r!J,Vf' ~ ~!",are :rµa<;ie•pa.i:#a~ers; of.Qlt#~~;?c0JYh~tl;i-·: ;''::i.i'' ._, i ei'i!':'w~ h'ol.d\the: beginning.()f our p()nffdence stead~~~tJ~-~to ' ' .:, ;;·;:;.;);'::•• t!l.~fy~~~:~~;J':f·.. ~~R sa;ing th~-~··· ~~rn-~a$ _Iii.i'.'.ii~·~~·~;~t~·::,;· ,";·: 1;t~pl,~:o(jipos~!lsy.fo.1the_.Eible... W~lJ1•aU/th~rei~:'.qf~i·t;"": :1 ··. · •:•,: a:n~Jnali tliat,ca@()tti11a two exa:rµples of it in 1 'rimgtri< .. _· ·c;·~itJf.;\::A ~Ł~j:1:i:~1~e:Z!st~;~·t1:!i:~~~~~:d. Her~)~ i~=,}",f~f . ·ti;;~I/Y\:·Tr~-:11i11(jteenth y(jrse·•i;~ads: ''HoldingJaith,. and &'.gSfa ~:·~tfl:· . c~n'.sd~11c~'.; JV;hfoh. some havi11g,'pup a'vay, c:o;ncer11ing,f~itl;i . ;< '{ •.·. -~;~f{d:~J~t:i~1;r;~~· th~t-·th~~e .:~n.~_ade,shi~~r~~~:~t.····~.'.'.,•J··· .:i ~11~faith,,a11d.every~(:)dy ~now$.'whf:Lta.shipwreckii;. :. 1·?i?~i.;·. •·· : , •:i·'We ~11<~ ·so, :rµqny wa,*n~ngsiri th~ ,B\);>l~ ,()D ,thi~ s,uP}~Qp; :: t~e wrH(jrs . of wli.i\l.h "'.ere inspir,«;iq, and 'they•.cer~niy., · et ? -11ot·~~~.Hng:cii,µgidly_witl{.the,re~4e(sjfthey·kµewH~ W:.T ~~sJ#tter1iY irnpossjbl(j fo~· itJJY :,one• t9' fall ~waY, aŁt˘[:c . . . '.;<'k~i· mi~e'e11ligh,teried by. :the '.ijoJy Spirit .SeeH.El,Or,~~~;H~::,:J;~:\,.· ''' ':';~~ke h~ed;._·brethren,·. lest there ~be inany.ofyou)al1.';;~~H: I' .Ji~art.•tif:t1npeJief,,••in·..depart,ing~frp~·.t}l~.li~ing Qtjd."'//,·~~·;_,,,? . : 'You 'ca:rl't. S!\Y they ne~~r. had it, ,for'f:~ul.,s~ys :· b.:ii~; ' ' ~ii~~~~~~1~i~ii~~!.~ljj~~; ,have Preached to ot1iers, l myself should ,be a 9asta '· ;~ : ~b;~ij'.J::~~h~~~~J:J~&:!~···-~0~~;r:ri:~·,'~!~~~i;;i~~~ ~~'.·· ' :'.~~d·lil~!igather,,them, a11d ·cast them i.n:~Q.,the:lir&/~ ··,. '.~y _· .f, ..~~~~~;~.....,.J,,1d•ha?r ~;.;~f111dt, ,:';: . . ' . . . , ( .. , .·' ·~<.:-.:. . ·,;.;,'., i'.' .,·~:·.. '•< '·:~:'•, :· '~• "~:.·~;·.z, ·7_,:< '.,) :.~<.'' \:•.' .,; ' -._,;;ai~~i~~;,r~~f.~;;,~;g{~i~~j~. 1;;,~,s~.j1:~;;;_.,,,,1,;n:.1~~';:g;~. ·,t~~F},·t:r···· ·· )i~~i;··:;; ·,/' , '. 'i::··..':.'·· ·.~: ., ' ';~· . J:i' /.'·. , •>: ,• , . ·...·..·. ,, • ~1't, .··-. _, ;'.: • , -''· -~-, ::_ ~,'· ~--_ . _ •__ ·. Bible· ~ea~~p11_on Me.thodism. ,~-," :· ···: \:·;~~ (( . lJlustrt,ttion·_ifhe-knew i('Y~s•in)possibie. for a 1P~~ryQP.t?i' ·,.:S.···>v.· ge~ii~.~tŁ::·viii. -rnc·~;t~ey·..on therock--._-_a;~t~40i)" ,:;:~{,; wJii~'h;1ihen .they he~r, _receive the. ,w9rc:lwitb,joy;·•-•iirrcL: · , ..,, these'h,a:Verio,root, which fo1; awhile believe, and' i~ time of: i/:~.-ri./< t(:)taj>'.fi.t~tP~)falf.away.'' , ' · . > j · . : ' :(0: ' . x~~~ #ia,kes it .as 'plain a~ it can' bl:)' put: )f,they belieV;e :, ' · fdt~~WA~l~;theywere;c~rtainly•believers,arid of'course.that ._. _ c~J?:#R~-i9e.~_c1tse of-never~had-itiv~!rnss. Matth(:)wxxiy. i~•: ·· ·.. · ;.· ·•·· -;"~µt•J1e that shaUe_ndrire unto the eD,d,th(:)1same ·shall_h_e , ]~~'f~;:~..,;~ditional ~.,.,;~anoe ,.;.,l\eJOJ1 ~~Ą.J,)> ·-,•~:;;;\ .. _. -· ~he~her he e11dures.. unto, ·th(:) ~nd;.or. riot;_ · Ta~e -tlie pa~a-< bl,e!~fthe vi·rginsin M~tth~w xxv. 8_:_." For our Iarrips ar(:)' go#~putf , · ·-·-.. · _.· · · · ._ _ · !· ;)<::How couldi thefo. lamps have·gone_o11-t h1td they·-~eyer'.' r,b~˘~.Jighte~? 'Qr_.. the parable;' of the;ta:lents'.in·the~all1e ;, •...·~Mi~P:~~!;•.i:~owcou:W )h?.·one:'•.!~l~11t ~e -t~ke11•.a.'V:~~:fr9m·• . t)j'e_unprof:itab~~'servant if h7::had· !lo talent to t1J,)re awa,y? , , ; 1 }/;}iVJ:atthew .v. :13: '!Ye 1ue t~e sal~'. of the•,ear~~; but•if>'! .. -..· jt: \,the s1tlt have lost his savor, wlierewith shall it be salted? , ; ·~~:i~:.·ip;is thence,forth good-:for not~ing, bvt :~o)ie cast'out(anf :·;.,\;}y~b\be trodden under foot of meit" i _. _ . -··· · ; ' • · '.lif~li~Is~i\;;;;1h;:;;v;;;g;~;~~:;. iicf·,'g1!~ ?'h~.J.tl).IJ.t :.watchet}J, :a.nd. kee,peth his garments, lest he wB;lk; ' .}:':.. ·:~:·_i···-··_.·,_n~~tJ·~~:~l1~hjJ~~ht~~:;:::cihas fou11d.-~~i.a ne~;~Jj·.'( i~,;il·>·:"' :b.e,~~~f:~w).y (?)i ,·_1t11d say~: you "7ii~ keep.your g~riie~ts,: j ,, , ,. • :w]i~t~_er you,. watc}i or I).ot, · · But·• an obje,ctdr says ~yery. ,;:,:\_;_•.~_:_:_·•_:_I_!·· QliiJ~~iiffi's nallle i~ Fritten ill the book of,::Goa,:~rid:Q94 . '' ; will nef'er :blot mit hi~ .name, for he, wm li,oi ke~p/~;blo#(:)d ,.. . . ';,•. "'.' ~f~!~ .. ''''. <: ·•·•··•·· ii. "\·:: -',:.'. :'1[~~/i\:;·.,,/ :·:::?:::'.~:~"~;~..... '. ~.: ·~, :;'. :;,,, '.' ' ,-OL'\ '+<~:~ ;',>· diL/":~;·'.x..·~:-·-:< -i:{',;_:;~f_:·~,.:i):_:..'.-~h>~ ·(,--~.::.:.'-1·«i;.(~/"'' ..-.-. -----. ·.' •_\'-'-·_•;'"~ _. .. ·~;~~-':~. >:t·. ,. .• . > > .· .... • _ ..:c 3~& "2!: ·.·.·. .J ·~~~}~h·~t~~itlitheSctri .•........ \.~~~~x.o~tis':~xxi~; '<.•···· ·. ,, L9ra ~ai~.uritoMo~es;"\Vhosoeverh~~h,siri~ed· •, 0~\~.··.. · in~~ hiill 'wiIIJ :blot'ouif~fmy.. l>ook.J'•·• ···•..,i;:~M·i.(··~;,;, (···· ·•·· .•.•.·... our:ebJe?tor diffe}'S from theJ:~i~le.. U11cprl4iti~rt~lp~f~~e~a.n~ thi11ks,tha,t John iv;,l4is a stro~g' · · ·· "-Jd~:~heq.ry;~hi.ch. reads:. "Bµt whoŁoev~r :..--. ': >::::___ -_,__-:: :.: .·-----·: ---.-:'· --';' : '·' ·:. ':!·.;_;l !,' ';:-'__ ·. ,._·\ ...• ..· ...... •~:~he~ u~~onditiomH?; .· Th˘I1 when·?h'1·'~aJ:sW4f6',·-;; ;, ) ·..,..•.• ,B~li.eveth'n~~ sh~ll. De,·darn~~/r.~t ~i;ll~ive~h~ ·· · · n~~~l~ce•.·of.,,reJ?~~~nĄ, but b~~4'.h~lti,,S~ hell•.. ·((}~·e··· . · · st~nds ww Qf' l'oreve~.» •···•c·:},';,:,r Z.r ·.•·•:BUt··f1las.·for.liis•eause!.there'standsthatc?nditi6n~ •{Tlief··thattn1st 'Ui the :Cord;'.'..•..•. Stjpgos~.ther·~se.to;t iri'.lhe·.Lord ?,··•·.wheiieve~·. ~•!llaii·'·eelislis't--'.i-: -·;\;;:,r'-: h~Fis•;tli~n'.W>the hl),Ild~ of,the i:l.evil,.'a11ditis··tlieI1 th~~ ~~*~~:··tlfat:h~s,;be~~;:b1cl'ilt·.ar?un(lhin{ h~~ ,He~n 't~.~~W.Di d9w11 8:11d,'the,'wolv~,··•.~f ~ell bu.rat inJury..l1pon Ilia *~··a:.ik~t''.r~.o# s()me qttot~·:~\Jnla~$·ym>as~ .39 : · · · ·: · · 'ersuatle4,~that neither ·death, ncmlif'ei n6:f · . . . . qip~l,iti˘s; #or;J>bwer~,.Dor thil1g~p*~se#(~· 4P.W~<~~fr hei' pt;\nor;oepth,nol'.a~:Y}?t~etp . ,..... . . · ... usftom'tlieloveof:G6d,':wnfoh'isi &;·:.~(>fd.~f:/;: .,,,, ; ., ·'''' :i_-~:".... '{ :r~2~;~1:.~.t... ..~.·~:-~·•.::.1.'.·~.~.;.~F . ~it~~~i~.·~.f.~.1.;.~~ ", .. ~{)\ , ~ ~:: ;; ~" '(:-;:·~ ·'''.,. -,:,;. :' _. '. '· j, ~ :; ':,:.::-:_'.: ~ • t;~~;·::_~}\: (·/:·:ti~>' ·.·, :. -,.-·'·//':'.':~kt._:(: ,.. :_:·.·..:c:·'·:·<>::-..-·_.::· ;:';. ·. '· ··t •'!1' 2:6 ,<. '· •f!ibl'e: JJ,eaij;~ng on)lfr#ipd, ir, ~=:·:;·. :\~~.·~,~.. ·"·:;,.:::;·· ...,_ . . ._.,, .. ?.\.. . ·-· ........-.. .l/~·<,t .. :; ..•· ······,": ;Well;''j~s~ such a.n~rsp~slpfi ev˘rJ.Qhristia,~~l(p,iJ1~<'. .}/:'· ···. ·· )N'Q~~<.of·t~ese tl}i!lgs'!na,r.:separatea.ma11fr9rµ Ohr \:\:'.!(: •./.i> yEit~!lil}.~y.sep11trate_.him,~e~f. ,J: don'.~,t.bjttktqat:Q, < ·. , ,:.·.;.•.:...~.:.•.·•.:.•..!':.·.f.;:·r...··.?· :•:· eyl;)i;';delegate th~ power to aµy .crea,t11re ·iu,.hea,v:eii;: e8;'tth; .. . :9rhellto.separat~a.follower..of Christ•froill..hin),a~d,yet,h .:'. ::,; f~:. ' ..·, ' il'.IRY:·Separllte himseJf. Christ may never:past hiIµ out; b,u, h.''." .,. ' .s11ch .i~ th,e .fi~tu1·e qf Jiis .kingdoin that if 11 ~au;E!i11,a~ comes nqt.to J.e~µs Obri,st JlS .his advqcii.te, his. sin e,asts .hi ! ..•. ·()~it,. for iti~ S:' grEia't .bar between.~iin and OhriE!k," ,.... ,; ,• ···. :'.!lJo$e·this subjee,t by anoth.er .itdµioi1itioufi;9m Petet.•, MW ,: "",~i-\ripg u~.'th~t.bea~1~ifuLchain of;Ch,i:istian graces, he. ~d~~1 1 ..·•. :t~is.in. A,P~t~rL,10, 11: '' W~etefore t]J~ ..i:11ther, l>J.:Ei~h.rĄ~. ·.. g~Ye,:dilige1;we ,to •1na,k~ you1;, e,alling 11nd electio~ ;~\i~e ;,·f~;' ·i~ ye·',do· these things; ye. s~all•.· neV:er fall: for ~9 an ,ezj. ;<. ,, . ,.,,, .••• ~ri,tr!~.J: ~halLl>e ~inii;tere˘1 tj*t9 yqtrabu~dantly into t~e ·. ·. ;r... ·~~e!·Iastingkingdom ofoµ,rLg~~andSaviour,.t:~Y;•YE), ~her~' ·fOf~ tlie.:Lord, o~i~li.e 1bl:!-rv:est, th:a;t. he. w~ll .sE)nd fo.rth l~ho,r ,., , e~~(l~~~·Msh~,rV:~E!tt. c~orna]J,s:*.J,!): .f~A~dlJ.q~.slyt1:1i~Ąt ·,cc,; • ,Pl'~il-tj4;\~xcept,:th~y hfl ~ent?," .fl.ct~ :.:X:~· ~~:.1 ~'.:~2i1Mi:J!!3§~;' '.'t@r~f9r~ V:ntoy9µr~ely~~.:a]J,d:t9 :~).11tli.E)fl9gk:; 6v:er ~~~;~MA.;, •·•·.t~~::f.[O,~y Gliost.~a~4,m,~d.e.y9µpy~rseers,.~01'eed)h~:o~pr,cli ··of God;;;w}iich he. hath purchased ;with. his~o'.Wp)?,1()9,d,.t, ' . -.· ~ . ' . :.: -.' ,: ·.. : ":. : ' ' ..,' . -.·,: ··, .. -,,,_ -, ,~. ;: -~-·:::' ,, .'.; ". ,• :..~~~,':··: ::,. . .. ·.~:. ;, . . ·y~~:.,:·:·:JI"·~~·· '' ........•... ,: .if.~i/i.~t~i~e'a4in,g.:o~,~e~~9dfs~: 1 · • ?1'h~~§.~~cfi~t~r~~·~te•.very.. p2int~d,,Jinf'.;. '.<~.: 1't'1=·~",' .·· . :· ' ... ·.. ' ... ". ' ~:'. ' .~'. . ' ':'.' . '. ·' . '..·, '• .·· ',':···/ ·~ {~Weir.ligqti:Iess'; •;y:et'T sent them not, ,nor .commimqed' ~helfr;: ffit:iierefore tlf43y sha11 notpr,O,fit' .this people a:t. 1111; \sajtKt~e: ~}8°ttw~·~eii j~st;.tak~·.. i~af'. ·xri~~i'.at···-~i~:. :or~.··,··.•· He· s~yg'.#;,;J)~,k••')\i;!;. , 1 }fwa~!leverpalled~! and,langhs at~Jrn idea; therefore; of(}qurs~i~~·3g• · f12 0\,;we put, Jiim whh. the above ,c!ass: "I..sent tl:lem' 'not; 1id*!~f \'/ ;~1i4~t:ts,~~;3,i~·l~T-~;t:h~:*2,;2~:~=·*t~t~f/ ,,,.1y;. .;-,;AC .Xlll. ... . Imo y v.. . ·'''' ,;f•, ;,, i~'?.)·.~····};· •. ,•.• y.··;~'...•/•..... coŁkp~r~~'.'··········· ···.·.·•• ..··.•·····; •.,.•.···········.···;(~1lL;~: :{~t.•· :Eighth/~~1·fothe ·comµ;tunio.n;·it'.is the•Lp~d,'s•t~bl~;-Ja i;]:\~e·.'tHi()*'1tro'·. r~strictions'.a1;6und·.it .iot · atlthorized'''.fii;;t .i·'.t!~i:~:?f·.~?~,th~t~f?re:je s~Y.·}ik?>1-~~111:'in} C?r~~~~·. ,,,,,. \•-~1; 28:·· ·~ But·1et.a man: examine hnnself; and.·~o··let'Hun eat( 11'.:.f.'.~.'.~.j.·.t.·.,·.•~.b.'~.·.:.•·.:.fg.•.:.·.:;.'i.•~.:~.c .. ··;···:··.·.f··.:•·.n·n·:•;··~··.:·Y···.P.:\..• .. ..•. ..·.:;·t·····:.'.• ...•. ~.~·.·.•.·.:·:···l·,··~.. .• ... ~.t.•'.:t.··.n·m. .. •.t.~'..':.•.•..~.·.'~.::~ ..;.·~.:· f)i;fuse...to. ·col\lm)lne··with •any one·.. ·""ho :,is a µiember ;of; •, e .· iii0hurch of otifLOrd Jesus~ Christ> :At th~.Lord1s' > .. d ~~f~JW~y~;infit~: all: ~h~istiali~ to co~e·•firid'sit:~ow~' ~~§i,~&m-· ",~~~~~·;~~~§,.#i~.~~~p~)>!~;~~~~i~~i.~.:.:.:..~ ,,,·.:,·,; '·,.<~\' -''., ···,..:«· " •' ,. :··?-l;..<.·:.« ·_;'~ ·.· , :·:... ;1 ,.··, ':.>:~±\·;;····; . ',' 1, ,~, ; ' '"" , -:; ;:,·~· '.<'?:·:'H<.: '.':~1:·;~~:':,:/·::·::<'-'..~A-:, ;:~~:;:;':.{::: ·-~ , ~t' ·~ {,' ... .J!t.:~-. l r.;,.,, '.' ..-c:.i.·.·.f;~::.:\:.)r;:· ,,, ·· ·-.> -·-·-· ~: ...._.-,~;.· · ,,:.'.·.·: .·.'~ .. ,;,; -; :,.. .· ,'·1, , «-~',r..-, -~ -:.~ rs: '"' -· :·: :.·;::.,-\/'·.' .·... ;.:~:{·..,:.~-=:1··:<~·:/· ·•;; · •:·· ,.... ,"~·: :,·.'> ·. )•:_ ·{{·. t;-".;?:.. ,' ,; .,>;:.:>:-· ..,:·>//?' ,-,---:\./...:··:!:!• !;~ ~~,''~·~l.;i~~i~~!~;#i;~~l~.~! ; " fi~·i.'' : . , i. :..·>, .'. ·.: ·.. CII.U.~CI!, .~.·,°····JERNl)iE.N;~;,··.>,·.• , , '· "• .; , .. '.: . . , · l~;i:' :'. ·mxi:tp/!:lqme •object to.. th~ Methodist;:Epis~QP~F;fo~iA.of;. ';,'['fi,;!. . .. ·9h11f~h. govern~iieni;,;,but ,·,by . their fruits ,ye' ~,h·~ll ,kno\f,'. .\} ::: · ·• ~h~irJ;?,,,The kind of Chl1.~<1~ goyernn;iEmt::that,)V.0.,Wlt11P)s · .,, ..,··· . .:.•tll.i:;:i«@>11t .1>uccessfµ1 to~ard\;~pry~«iing ,~Priptv~al ·~oli~ess; ~Ejf,: PVi~~i#llEl~e )~nds. And 'Y~~re will ~9~ find a pl.~n th,.~t. ~its i ~·.~.,::·.:.".·;··.·:·.·.· b.eeH:~~µ.ymore. ·'.,'''. S!!c~e~s.. u .·· . a_ri. . e_M th d' t "t···.-,· , t l" ?": ;; . ti 1th '·th .e . q is .1 l.neran .·p 1tu .• ,,... ·}ppg[cli11g. to,Jhis•.pian.ElvEfl'.Y;;ch~r.9h .has:.R, plis~9.r~n .•·.·.·.··?····.>:, \t;; •"'~\~i:t~pv;~~~h~tcj;io~~·.it:i·~~Jldt;~~·J~~·.·~b9;e.~'cripp~~e···.fii~t::~~;•.r/. •·>:;ih·1·•·> illii,~: e1(il.cted\''~hrco)lghthe.• sancti1J:'~1ttio~:c?ft,li~'§pii:it.'! ·Tb~':' ,, ., . :.~01\ ' · ;h~!lstiwithen,tq s\3ttle)!J:l\f,ay.~Ii:l?e .thusele'c~edf.,L~t Ąs'.: :) , .··I:,·;. ·se~ ·~··,~eter)ii.: 9: '' T~13.:L,ord. is,not .~lacJ;· c~llCJ.~r.nJn,g.ihis•)i, ·· ,. ,;;1:.,;:( .. ·p.~,o#lise, its s,0rpe,};ne11JJOµnt !!lackn~ss; J>ut. is)o~g~sufe#Il~::: . 'iS j;::(;:.: to;tjs.warq, no.t, ;w,illing thafapy .s~oĄ1d•P,~ri!lh; ~utth'.a~ ĄP.:· j '.:.. ......... ... ':Yl s]iotjld co1rrn .. tP, ~~pent~nce..'f ·~evela~.~~n x~i,i. 17,=.· :······'.:·:'.·.·.····.·':·.'.;·.:'..·.·.·.·.···· •.·.·.•. ·~ 'Y~ll·,··: .::.,... : ~·;<.::,:::\ •.· s8e:vel'. "'ill,J~t P,i~ take thevva:~~r:of,Iife ft~~Jr·'.'. . · • ,;,Many:other pass!iges I coul~.q~c)~~,:out thiro ;wiH s';9fµc,e'.J?;, · ".,..,.; .,:'. ·, : ; '·. :· .", . ·,, . . ,. ; '; ·. ,,._ ' ,_ ... ,,·,., .. , ·.-:y·, :,i ~,/":fa;:-~2 ·.·,. ' ·. '> SA~QTIFIC~TI()N; . ·.·•· :•····. ·.· .>'. !' : .. "·: '· ..•.. ·...... :;;Ei~y:~ni~~: we believe ·in.the; ·aoct:ri~e, ·or: the ::purity·ot ;:·>::·:;:., . . ; .··.' ' ·>:::~: ?:;·••., ! .J~ll!t!/}:2."t'•.•...·.···. ~Z~J;!;;i,c r·j h~~~fi:lfof~~me.of the·bretlfren ~eetii, ta :b~ a littl~foivid~d · ;'.·1 .·. . ( . . ~~;'i~,~W~ep,this,t~k.'~.s..·pla.ce,... H~~~v~r, ~~''ir .. h.at J; ' ,,J, ...·.fa,~i~.'.~4 ·t ~l~·;tli'~4~\rILlli~~.t be,Jn1ocked o~t o(ftfeliqw befo:re.'.~~,·:9~~ ..... ;;;;:,/(:(!" .· ~\ g~tk·t<>)~~av;e~ ;• ~n.d,so tdh~ffit cw.ark is .h ·.. % liyes'. · 'l'lje word feads di:fferep9Y~· ~˘e_l J9li,n i .. ~·=.!c'.'i\~!3 .··. ..·::.'.:·.~;#·.·~:···.'.·~•.:·'.,!'.~.:. '':;···.~ bfood.0Ł,Jesus Chl'ist his Son Cleanseth.us from.aH.siit'<.•. ,· ··· · .. ~; · (jod,Cert~in'ly i9~~u6.t fequir_e. imp~~sip~gties 6r ~~Ą,~~~~;·, ., · )' / ·R~ and. i.f it. is j.n.1. pos.s\ble t.o... liv.e..· without .. e;in wha·t···· ,wiil w.\&.'.·.d·o·\.· '.· ·'' . ;~ ' ,' ' , • • • • ! ',, 0 •, • '• • '' • ~" \"' e ,,'' • '• • ::1:~;;~·· ~::!~ ~~~efi;:~it~v26~r'.:';!;~ do~t~ good/' ..T.here is no.pomfqrt. for tp;eir· thebry)n. th~t~. It(1!Jay be; that~here;is ?Pt 011e in, IJ-lL the, ear•~~ now ;~~at,; • dq~s JJ:().sip.1 bu~ thl:l;t, does11~.t,,arg~~tb,at.·.·it)s inipossibl˘,:;Fg/:. · ke,~pJnm;i,siriµil}g..•.•. jlf th.~e people 'vhq }pend sp mM§~:. ·.·.... , .~! tim~i11"tryiilg.to.nr<>v.e .rrow\th~:J3ible.t11a:t. lli. wa11;~.s b<>H~fl.··J.l/ ·; tg s~11 .as.Jozjg a.s helives1W,ou.ld spet14 that .thne a:t_a; .t)1r~pe·:'.~~J\ ...•• · .4~t.~~s,pcn".:~1-'toJeep.y~µ fr9~/a~gs~ .· Se~J~de.24,;2§} ·· · ;;':\ ''.':N9w untp· h~p:! t4at .·is able to ~ee:P yoµ fi;o~ fallingi:;B:J1~{ : •.:;~.; til,:J?res.ent yol1.. fal1lW~se;:,bef9r~.. the pr!Js.e11.ce,of ·.his, gloJ:~.;·· \~f #iiW ·~:f9e.~ding J9y,,Wthe ouiy ~ise .Goq om:· $aviol1r• p.e, .• · .}' 'ilo,:ry.aild. majesty, ~9.m,.ini.911 apc1 pQw~r; both no\v !in,d ~rer: ; · ·-A~~/~_::::-· -:~-.·~:~i-··.> (,>·<·· :>(' • .... ~iP~~SJ}l:·· .. >)ii.,,. ;,>.·,;.i':',:1,.>··;;;: <:;i\I~ s~iu~t~i.ng~}\'.e,,Jeay~ Jl1embers; comh1g,~nder·!O~~P~A~. ,.. ~~~tf~~~;~:)~~~~r•.~:~tm:!;~e~:Io0~d!~;l;~f~f:t~~~~~it~~···;.. li'l:l:'h~ it perfect'i~g:\lflo ,go sp; ;a~d ~µ~th˘r:,par.˘~~~:2hitye.· ;:••:-:'. • '. ',' l, .·>:.·· -., .. ' . ·.·. ' ' •': '. ..: ,: .;~~'~ ' . .->~.,... : >:~ :.:;·.··:·.'.?-,; :·:. .;:_:;j:r::.-:;. ::_,· :·,~· -~ ". '' '' .. :: ·. ··. ·,· ·f,. ' \·:· ~.:.... ,, "'. .. :. ... ': .~1· ·' ~b: ··· . Ii.~1. ii.I,;~a;u.zi~i:~;E'' t; ··'•:;~ .:~,~~~r::.t!t;;::'~t1;t:;~~~~~;~ti~ /;:(ik': ,. ·t~~chiM:t}iree bap~iS~~. ~~· ~e give ·}pembers'their 6lioi~~\ 1 ~!;:;;~rt::. .,tis 't9\jri~de, ·but. the: fact· is/that .• the Chu.rch· ·~~~f"· ··'·.~in the Jialjit' of· takJrig .the mcid~fIf.• i gid not think· immersion ·w'~s;'scHp~~<' .. . ·titcKfuore rmpbrtiuice t6 mode than. th~ Scri~trife!foill ~~!'~/~ ..· rall;i{;;:'.I, said that;the.·· w~ig~t ·o~.~1'giun~nt ~liM;in:ir~yor:·(6f .... pC>ii'f~ng.,()l' sprinkling; .·Let us see., .Ifind}h# tll˘·:~?r~ · ''.pqur 1' "sf'ound iii.the :B~ble fqrty·two.times, !ln:a the wdr~ · ·...• ·:1~'·.:.··~ )tll:r:int~~=~yt~!\,·.~h!~~~~t~:cflll~~~!~!~~l\~~·': 'tne' wbrd ·is nbt'fourid in the Bible;. ·Well' if'mode ·Was rbf ~.;<.'.:.:··.·;'•:··.'.'. ·.. · . ', .-:-.·· '::< .....:. ·.. \ ,··_ ''. ' ' _\' _·,'.:> -.. ·: ~ , .. •: ,;, . : _,"".~.i._<:;~· any,'p'a:rticp.l~fiinpdrtanoe,,.:we woukl. 'llot:; ... <• ''. ,,. i( i'.i i,>X ;yp ?~ •• !, sUppose we \VOU,ld' l}a~eto look a~out for a r~visiop: 'i~~~i, ;.:• .t.<>.:tJ:i~ WO!'d···fo+·.testimony.. '.. Let.ti'~;· have a few·scripfqf,!l,~t· ;,~;~ · <>* the, subject. .1 Corinthians 1:X,11, 2: ,"Mol'epver; bret~.+J. .·:;: 1--fen}I 'ivouWrwt that ye sholikl be.ign9mnt, how that'i'.Ąft(;: · O,ii~ fathers were .tinder th~·cloud, .a.nd ~il.p~ssed thi•o~1gh!\'.1./:.• ·{#ft;:a;e:~~~,~:~;e an ·ba.ptize.d·•.. u:t1:,;~s~s···in·.the·•.cl?ui/:'~~f'~0:··.• ·.···, }'::.~ow ·that eitqer '\Vas~ or was not baptism. · Pau.l say~J;i,( . r.i.fThey •we~e·. all1 baptized,":a~.seei In ;Exodd~· ·xiĄ~·29;we read. as·follows:· "But1the.childr.en ·of ' . t~ere 'va$.~ny 1ifi~ersion·'~oniiected·with :th,~t. a1fa~r{~h~\ ]Jg,yp~ians, :who.,came .in'.afterward, got ·.•it,~oryv,e·' :r,e!i4f:jn Exedtis ~i~.'28 :: .'';Ancl the waters returned~ a/ ' ··:~if~~ .:.::~~:<:.::-. .,~.:r.·,:·,··"-:'·· ..· ,: ..· .. , :·/· i ~ >: ·... ':'; ·::~_~·~/·: '"~~:·{:··: i. ':.·\ .• ~.· ·,.'>< ;'.!;·,,~;~.·~·; ··.~ ;:'._~:::·'__ 1~i~I~'::':;;.,;:. \'· ·. t;:..,"~f;..;,e.,:~,f,j\' :ft;;~~~i,~~{:]w~~t:~![i: !, sUppose we \VOU,ld' l}a~eto look a~out for a r~visiop: 'i~~~i, ;.:• .t.<>.:tJ:i~ WO!'d···fo+·.testimony.. '.. Let.ti'~;· have a few·scripfqf,!l,~t· ;,~;~ · <>* the, subject. .1 Corinthians 1:X,11, 2: ,"Mol'epver; bret~.+J. .·:;: 1--fen}I 'ivouWrwt that ye sholikl be.ign9mnt, how that'i'.Ąft(;: · O,ii~ fathers were .tinder th~·cloud, .a.nd ~il.p~ssed thi•o~1gh!\'.1./:.• ·{#ft;:a;e:~~~,~:~;e an ·ba.ptize.d·•.. u:t1:,;~s~s···in·.the·•.cl?ui/:'~~f'~0:··.• ·.···, }'::.~ow ·that eitqer '\Vas~ or was not baptism. · Pau.l say~J;i,( . r.i.fThey •we~e·. all1 baptized,":a~.seei In ;Exodd~· ·xiĄ~·29;we read. as·follows:· "But1the.childr.en ·of ' . t~ere 'va$.~ny 1ifi~ersion·'~oniiected·with :th,~t. a1fa~r{~h~\ ]Jg,yp~ians, :who.,came .in'.afterward, got ·.•it,~oryv,e·' :r,e!i4f:jn Exedtis ~i~.'28 :: .'';Ancl the waters returned~ a/ ' ··:~if~~ .:.::~~:<:.::-. .,~.:r.·,:·,··"-:'·· ..· ,: ..· .. , :·/· i ~ >: ·... ':'; ·::~_~·~/·: '"~~:·{:··: i. ':.·\ .• ~.· ·,.'>< ;'.!;·,,~;~.·~·; ··.~ ;:'._~:::·'__ 1~i~I~'::':;;.,;:. \'· ·. t;:..,"~f;..;,e.,:~,f,j\' :ft;;~~~i,~~{:]w~~t:~![i: .• ""'· ,· -~.;'.-''.. . . ·~, '...;.::,~ , \~~;t.>· ., :>,>.~;,.<~·:> <\~~,.;~:~;L.·:·,··.S:t,:.·: •···3~·•.. •• ,::{·· ..... :t1 ''0ur'i~xeltfsive, immersion br~thr~n· teach·i•thatin:frilersioiiY ··..·· .·.·.·, •· ·· ·....\ i~\i:~~{~ntJ/]noderaii: '. ~· they niitde it read/'i~niers~:" But .th~ thing didn;, ''"'';'., .') ·;;-,;i;.,)~····.;·····.·,;:·,•.•;.;~.!.:,; ...··.i~·b··~he,'ib.as c~i'it, apd.they )Ve.re c.. omp~l!~,,;;·, ......>~.•.·f 1.,,~ w.· ... ·s.es.wo.i'th ' . " ' . . a. ' . . '.·-·,: .. ·~{f§~ come ba:ck to, the good old·'.King.;James1y~rs}on.<. ·:•·. .•. ' ..•·•.. ,.• ' '"i~l i, Ifwe Metho.di~~.taught that;poriririg was the mode, . · ··· /•;;·'.:•.\..,i.!!.·~·.·~.~a. the 6~lim9de,and.th~n couldn't fin'd ':pouring" iiithe IK e, ·. ·. :i ·,.!· . . ·.· . ":' \".(.._:·-_;< ... .·.•·.<::_l.:.1.r~'f,'i'i F; iq).. ,A·t.\;:·.1,·t·':32:: r . .. ' _· .--, .. . . .. f'' . . ,. ·: , ·r \.,. . .B,ibl~'~~e:,'\<·":'. h:~n,~~~~f4fi~~·;1~}:J~ir: . · · ou,tf!'.?Pl a11ot}i:(3,r, PlfSsag˘'!Jll~t h()W t4e' ~hMren!8J'! i" ";-i-t .·. :; ;__ ~l-~l~J:t~:~t_·.i~htir.::~r~ryt:=:~~.t.•~-~~ti.ii.-~~ e~e~·.·.sj:l;~.s. i .. .. o.::. 1 ,;ifm:.;: phe t~~iitie~h·.verse ; . "·'l'hou leddesŁ thy people'jjke R· fl~c." ,I .•. ·. ff:;?'·:i' Wbjftl{~.~~nd of Mos~~;~nd_+a.;:?P'.'\;I~-!~rse'A•7-dfJhe ~J ··· :( ./'< ... Ps\ll!l'l<'Ve•.read.: '~The·cloufls nured. 011t w:~ter31 . ·It s · · ·y fror\J,;.the sgripturis that tb'.f 'w(tter .was, applied. fa~ the' 1_,; ;,;). .·. x. ,_. '. j13c~i?I;;S~e the following s~i,:ipt~re,:Matthew jii, 11: ~~}·:,; ;\~~ ,, -~ •· .d~,~~;,!Japtize yoJ1 with '.~~~~r;,µ~to:repentaJ:\ce/':whic~: .·· L26:!. ''Joh1?: answerecil them;,,saying, Fbaptiz~-with wat~r:i5 · :,;'.ii%:<("::: i\'rap]ti..8 : .. ·''I jrnl!'.ed )lave)Japt~zed you witbw~t~.r,'',_·· S~e !f~·.t:;?:.ll.• ./.; alsp;.~ohp. k 33i Acts ~.b ),6; i 15,..where the ""'.?r:d· ·~' yiith? , ;iss:µ~ed,: .Suppose it had reM ":i?J, water!' ])oypu l'ec~o .. · ' , t)"~i1i;mme~sion bi:etl1ren .·would ha;ye considef.ed. it' of s~ali ifilpbi:tartc~? ,, ! . · · _. ,, . ' \ · s' Bu.t ... th.at_.say'~. ~otN11g-.~bqut'_theJtnod~'i;,ap '.i;i,~}. <\ J;::'ba:ritize4 a; nian 011˘,e PY pouring, yet.he' was in,i\~he: w~t~rwh~D. baptized. So. yo~;see a mali.~!iy'be.bap#z~c];; ···<~H··· YJith;.water, an~(ye(be in tn_e::~atef,, .. ·.._.··•.· , _, .. _· _. · ,-~--:-·· •:/·''. ,. ~::-1r_: /' 1,'here is a hin:t in prophecy.3;s to ll'lode..; 'Th~,rtophe~\ ,_'.,. > · Isaiah, speaking .of the coming: of Christ, says, in ;Isaia)i.\ >...·. :, . ., .);'Jif.;,~'/ii';: _•~'-.$~, sh,IF.~e.spri;n~le ro1mr ~atio~.s•r, •~~pp6~~i~t;! , . .'~\') ;hadc.f;e,a4,; ..> So,s}.laU ):1~ w11(mer$~;•1:1;11.tn:y,n_~t~ons?1.•;_, Q~~d'. ·we,w.~p~ " : . ; f2'; . ·<;it·'.·:<. ' ., ·. ~. / -' ';/-_;_(:,.-;;:~:_{ ... ·... >'' _:. : \ ·,.:" '..'.Vi' :.· .:.~...;:,~·'..··· _ ·'"··;· .. ;~/.'/~·, ', '::·', >:-.:~.:-":/..~;k-'.;il .:.:::r.:·! -,~:.: :,'. :.. "·,·., ·;::·~~ 1:·'. ·'· ':,:./'.,,' ,., ·"·,'\" •. ·.·· ·:;:, ';; .;,_{.~~:.·.~~-·.:~.·~./_/i_•._'.~.·-·,:.:_._·-.· ', ; ,' -,'.:~/;-t'.t\~~'~/:.-\::;, ..· · ---_ . . '.~:..~-. ~>' ·,:.N _,,.' ni<'13:··i~,;<,•rti%~}i2< '· ·,'··; .··:. <~J1·:. .. .··:.-·. ;.)' :s;,s;·~~,~.~i~~;..:): ·i~l~~~~~J;:,'('. ./ ',·.. ') " , . .... . ' . ' . . . , . '. ' '"1•••: •.··(\'.~ -··;-. /·; •1fo .,yiJl iuCJtice' thdtiin•alftfl~fie lia,ssag'esthe.'.H0Ii:".··.·0st: ·...•.·.· ..· .. ,<.'ci ..•S5{~~.'~ti,~·ini~t.~i·~d'.. , ..•e•sfiall,:eo'.iJ:Je· dow•nto e?en;;;;\1fi&~~:~~like rap1 ;upon the ro:~~<·•mownPsa~~gras~'7;;.~··:1x:~~~:;;1'.~i=;,.·;! :.;.\,, :". . .. ,,··.··.·.4···1··.:,'..~.:::··.·.·:~·:,:,;.:·i··;~..~.:,,•:.~.·.·.·•. ·.·:·.· Jtl~i~?~~~f~~~1~;~;,;;t;~~l;~,;;t~ki .;·immers~ci·•i'n'..the Holy Qbost:• ''An9 siidderily ·tI1eJci·;· ... ·•'''•.· .. ' ,···.•r~1i~~n~~If;~:.B~Gt:;11;~e0~1:;·~;:~:~it~'!f~!tY,·~j~a·,·a~i~!;}.t!·~.:/. i\·'.i;•\wias:.far· that·the01•yt ,it\vas:sound..that fill~d;th,e}mi&.~e;·~. · . ;: '.A,Ji3;hqdy ~hat'knows iiny thing !tbout gra111!11ar pa?.$€\~ · ''· 'i 6~&e~fr3i('the.pr6iwµ1J.'it i·~fers.tosoii1idfor·it§:·auteb,e .. : ,,.. :;})~o\ne cci11te1Td .very'.earne~~li ~.~.at ~b~ptis1n· 0'7ep~~s~rit~Ł/Ą:. ·'buri~l;a'zjd1it:must be:don˘:.J:/y; imrHimii0ll. to rri~k~·tn,e!ng~;r ···~1'~'°;g0,o~:··,·;.:jven;:.if.t.heq11ode'of:ibttpti~m•.. ·.·r~pres~rit!l;'ih':"< ·7};l1'.ii.air'1arid:res'urtectio1i qf·Chi,iSt, Jn 'o :r·~-· ~.>.. :~':":·>: ~'.:;;.~1::~0,-:.:·.·-· i~ii:c2~J'.~ii~i:!i~~i~~Jf':.ii~':~·.··c .. ;~ ·::;i:d~;:~~~if;t;;~;i~i~~!~~~~ ··.· ~~~'.fhe·:c11ii~ch. i~ -liberal enough to: leavethis with pate~ts,\'.Ili ·· .;.~.~~p,',~~·,~fo11k ~hey ~h-oµl~· ·~~~s~ ~li~ir ·~rlviieg~~\~.11d·.. d~my~ .· ·.· ·c' ~Mft::c.Jajl •· :: .~]iell'::Qhrist pame, ·the 'Qbjector: •. ~Q :-infant Churc4~.i:neniber:;; -~-.·.~·:'•.'.:_-.. ....~,·.-~.'..:.•.'.::..·_..t.... il_._ ·.··... ,'.; ~1sp~~.;~po11l~ Pr:o,:vei,t~ . 13~·t}hefoll'owing doesn':t s~~nd.• li~~: '~ . . ::ii.q~~fF~,PPhi.sei;ne,nt... Matth~~I :x;.jx~l~l': yBut Jeim8:.• said;:; Suff~i;.Jittle,. children; ai;id forbid: them riot, to come ·unto:. ..a#d ,fil.h9.'o/ ,µs :!l·.b.etter. way ofre,cei;y~ng·.. a·•. chi~(˘#ti~t,·.:, .~~sus:,i'l. ˘11ll~(l,the ,g~eat.Sheplrn~4 of'fhe sh:~~p.-t1 $pi>pi~~...:Yolli .empfOy ~.shepherd,tqfake _care •of:y,our:8h~ep;n· .·,· ..·a@.:Y9Jigo·. out ~9me goldeyeni]_jg: ~nd.find.· your shepher.d;i,, .··.· h~s.·~1f~~eol)i s~eep,safelyhous~~.in ·,th~;harn;;.b~.t.st~;llci-;, '. ~s~~~;;·i~~J~,~;:~,J:E~::~:!fi:. .• ~*~':l?~tR, t4ey';W9:µlqn~t. knocW ,wha;t ,they.JvereA9ingj'a~dh! besides, you said n,othing about the. Iambs.;, you 5~n,ly gav.e. '; -.:·:·;·,·;.. •' -•' ,;,-· .-. ' . .' '·:./ ~;·,'' ·,' «<:::\.-~~:\:\->;) ... -i:~· . .,,/;er· them.i~to· the, fold. .What said the prop~e,ts in , ' ., ;;t()·the· gospel being pr~a~hed u;r;ito;.the: G~nti,'les? •. 0Ł: •Cit'wasunderstooit as'.it ~tiiD.ds;' .'~The. nfo~ou~ you stan folks, ~Ja''ct/,iia~~~ . 1 ;(!., \ h"ld ' ' ' I ' I ' ' 'I, • " i' \ti '..-': 1:1tands,J.?X• .·. .':-k»·;:· ~~~t~;~t~~i~.~~;:t~;~~~~~.~~v~"# "';,: : ·,;..''. . .>! . -<<~.-". '. :~~.~ .3:: < . ; ,' , ·' :'':' <>:i ; ..>·/'.! <·/:<' Ma~•w'. ~o;E~odu• "; 22i~4 Hoh%~Ai~:2~••~c'. ; ·-:·.,\·>·· "-.'<:':,~-'•