THE T EX AN A S E M I - W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R P I E U J S H K l ) K V F . H Y W E D N E S D A Y A N D S A T E B D A Y B Y T H Y-'Xii nasty A l S H N , T E X A S , S A T U R D A Y , A P R I L 2 5 , 1 9 0 8 . N o . 5 3 v o l . v i n ARKANSAS TAKES FIRST GAME TROM LONGHORNS brown FOR TEXAS PITCHES MAG­ NIFICENT GAME. BUT IS NOT accorded NECESSARY SUPPORT. COSTLY ERRORS. [ISI GAME TO Bf PLAYED TODAY to Tm* low , for * slow and uninteresting nm** to th e stettin g A rk an san * Tlntra- Tat by th** narrow m a rg in of tw»> to „np Tex** le and threw wide to second, ev- ^body being safe. Wilson hunted,, ami Brown could easily have caught the run* ,,PI at third, but threw' to first instead, a,|(l thereby lost the game. tried Stokes lilt an easy one to Robertson, Who *‘Ist booted the ball under the grand stand, and then contributed another er- r°r by throwing home a fte r both of the runner* had crossed the plate, Stokes tak»ng second on the misplay. Milford nded the miserable half by flying out to Adamson. balker was given transportation at ^ * 0p<,ning of the first, Hughes struck b and Wathen acquired a scratch hit J Weans of a very rank decision bv the ^ipue. a,r advantage, Adamson’s \ s jf jn p ^ tic justice for this terrific to r >^ht went straight at Horn, ' aught the conterfielder at first bv fielding . Tv of l+J) ^ k a n s a n s were quickly disposed i exas made ber la s t effort. A gain (Continued on Page 2.) to ciretihiCe TO THE STUDENTS. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ I he band wishe* to tat.* this op ♦ ♦ thanking til one who ♦ ♦ port unify of ♦ volunteered 'iihscrip ♦ ♦ Hon list* a t the last campit* eon ♦ ♦ cert. and itth**-lilied. ♦ theme who ♦ On account of this the hand will ♦ ♦ lie able the campus ♦ ♦ concerts without giving an indoor ♦ the ♦ It ♦ pay concert. appt .-plates ♦ spirit of the student* in making ♦ ♦ this donation, and h*»pe* t * * come ♦ ♦ up to their expert at ions a* si I iii ♦ ♦ versify organ ira ti" i i . ♦ ♦ ♦ to continue TOURNAMENT BEGINS MONDAY TENNIS PLAYERS TO COMPETE FOR PRIZES — ENTRANCE FEES REQUIRED OF CONTESTANTS. All tennis player* *hould Ink** notice th at the annual I liberally tournament for novices and ,i mat tiers in Inith 'ingle* and doubles will commence on Monday, May 4, the winners In*! Ii If enough enter the novices, racket* will Ie a Wardell iii •ingles ami dotkMea. A* lie na I. the win­ ners of the amateurs, after defeating the present champions, will Is* awarded former T ’s, in all probahtlRy, as years. in The entrance fee* will !»e Tai cents |s*r man for singles and 25 cent* for doubles, the and contestants may enter novice and am ateur tournaments if they so desire. No one who lins previously played in a tennis tournament may en­ ter the novice tournament, hut anyone may enter the amateur. Inuit la* made bi get the An effort will to award T.AA.’s to Athletic Council those playing in the am ateur finals, who are defeated. All desiring to cuter the tournament should see one of tile memlier* of the schedule committee, M. L. W idioms or B. M. Woods, nm! pay the en trams* fee. ----------- o----------- GOOD SPEAKING TONIGHT THE RUSK AND ATHENAEUM MEM BERS ARE TO BE ENTERTAINED BY THE SOCIETY ORATORS—IN TERESTING PROGRAMS. ATHENAEUM. its th at tonight The Athenaeum Literary Society w ill at hail in meet 71 JHI oVlock. Now the “t.ood OW Summer Time” is lier**, there i- no reason why every me iii I a i should mu be present. Business is already “pick­ ing up” in th** Athenaeum right along. A to night. The Athenaeum extends an iii vitation to all visitor* to attend our meetings whenever they feel UK** so do* iug. The following I* tin* pi "gram f r tonight: expected program good i* Declamation -Buckley, Oration—Howell. Declamation- Weeki. Debate I'm hi bit ion is Preferable to I ^***;» I Opt ion.” ‘‘Resolved, That Stat** Affirmative Cousins, Hoffman. Negative Warlick, Hmuol, Ex tem pore—( ’. E. Renfro. \|.K *.iii. Parliamentary Drill R. D. .Nim s, r id leal; I. Brave*, coneen at he. RUSK. The Rusk inquest' your presence thi* evening a t the rendering «»f the follon ing program: Orations ~ Boyle*. A. B. lo x . Al, ll. Fryer. Declamations — Copeland. Killotigli, Humphrey. # Debate “Resolved, That Future In­ crease of the U. 8. Navy i* Unneces­ sary.* Affirmative—A. YVheelis, Norw«»od, Negative I W M Young. Mark Me* Ex tem pore— M ti 11 ican, Norvill*'. S. lf. Ghee. Reeves. 0 Miss Sue Shelton has returned from a visit to her home iii IV aeo. Sh** w a' accom pa ii ied by her sister, Mi** Mary. -----------o ----------- AINSWORTH MEETS DEATH SENIOR ACADEMS MEET P R O M I N E N T EX - STUDENT IS DROWNED WHILE CROSSING CON­ CHO RIVER—HAS MANY FRIENDS IN THE UNIVERSITY. D E C I D E TO WEAR CAPS AND GOWNS ON ALL OCCASIONS ARE FOR ENTERTAIN­ ARRANGING MENTS. News has reached the I diversity • 1 the deplorable death of Mr. .lames I . Ainsworth, a young attorney of the San Angelo liar, and a former law student of the University of Texas who had in­ tended to return and take his L.L. B. degree with the present Senior baw class. Information sufficiently accurate to justify a belief th at Mr. Ainsworth was drowned in the recent flood of the Concho river was received at San An- gelo on April 20. He was a t the time on a campanili tour for the democratic nomination for district attorney of the San Angel" in­ trust, and, entering the swoolen st lea in in a buggy, was swet away. The w hole University joins in tin* gen­ eral sorrow of his relatives and friends. Mr. A insw orth was a graduate of the Academic Departm ent and bad done t ie work required for a law degree and would have taken it this year, Al v\ 10 knew him learned to love and resp*( him , and his early death comes as a great blow bo all Ins friend-. 1 g prospects alid young man of f much was expected of his pr-..i.^-ion.i. career. His life has been cut shot . b »t his memory still lives. * "•» r i n l a t t e An enthusiastic meeting of the Senior Acndem ehiss was held Thursday. The meeting win p r e s i d e d o\er l*\ n pi* |s*n deranw of Senior w i t and dignity in the peraon of W. B. Smith. to A motion was the elfeet that the Seniors would wear cape and gowns on all occasions ut which the class appeared as a c la s s , anoli .is eon. mencement Sunday, Uninni Ih.y, and Commencement Day. trolley In addition to lim usual Senior eh.*, ride wa* planned functions, a and a Senior pi'..ii determined upon. The time and place for these occasion* f.dim. lug will be determined by committees: Trolley ride, Messrs Ste phensou, Cohn and New; picnic. Misses Howell and Faith. the The picnic, which will prrdm dy held at New Braunfels .luring exam ina­ . tion week. will. with which the c o m m i t t e e is putting i n t o it ami the proper m o o n l i g h t , Is- the most pleasant occasion of the Senior year It will probably Is- made *» function of the Senior class. ti ------------------------O'— - T \ Harlev will I*' nut of town for , , f I,UT ft ll V S ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ in like* Every hods who TBF NEXT PICNIC. ♦ ♦ ♦ obi ♦ fashioned Imrliecue i- delighted to ♦ hmm that iii** anima I -pi mg pienie ♦ th** N • »nnu Men** mid ♦ given by Young Women's < bristian \ssocin ♦ ti<>ns will t ok«» that form t hi* yea* ♦ Plenty o f go*.,I thing* to eat .md a ♦ g* * si time ;ire I*. ing preps re* I f**r ♦ # oii*rv I niv*»r*ltv 'indent. Return! lw*r the *bn, May I, I ii* I I In* atari lug (ilnit, th** \N «*man*' Bui Ming. and the time, ti** (* in, ami d*m’t forget y**ur tin cup. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ “ FLACHSMANN AS EDUCATOR” PLAY TO BE GIVEN BY THE MFM I BERS OF THE GERMANIA LITER I ARY SOCIETY. *' is w w I 'd lien I o r.” a liieh T h e lints! *eu*.iti«»nsl affair am ong the member* ■ *f th** tiertu an is tin* play, to i* •‘Flachiuaiin a* Im< given al \ it-1 it * »tiii rn th e I ii iv et sit y on Frklav, Mav I, Mr. K. R St icier. th e m anager, ha* l«****ii bani ai w rk g e t­ tin g ev ery th in g ready. The la-t prs.* tire showed a considerable Im pm*omen! in th e actin g of tn<*at (karts. MI (tart* are well filled ami limier Hie abb* m an age m e et of lh Pi inter. Prof. Mc! sent bin lie am) I’rof Knelim* great r***t*lts may IL n«>t forget to c o n n * to I he ex (lect e«i. play. inform ation will appear F u rth e r in Wednesday*• Texan. ---- - The University of Nebraska s tintent * ara taking an actb** f»art In th** nun a paign against *ah «»n* monster parade march***! t lu­ stred* of Linr*dn, la ir in g l»***al option Its n tiers. lai*t w**ek tin "Ugli MANY STUDENTS AT NEW BRAUNFELS PICNIC STUDENTS CELEBRATE SAN JA ­ CINTO DAY IN GREAT FASHION. MR LANDA’S COURTESY IS AP­ PRECIATED ova GOO S TO N IS M IN D Once a g a in the opinion that th e a n n u a l N m J a c i n t o day picnic ta a thing of the |«a»t, lait tho*** who were fortunate enough •** to at tend the altair etui wis** enough sn AW* ken I fun cur in was ex(*eriet»» **f t<* la*t liver tint ii the 21st of April tmcc more roll* arouml Fully dx humlred st intents autioiisly watched the threatening rain chuet* «if last Monday night, and when nu I ae*- «lay morning lh** sun rose hrigiil and dear, it waa a Jolly crowd th ai sta r t eil oui to enjoy the day. At 0:90 a. rn. the picnic special train, •xmiietiitg of eight coachee with every taken, started for Ijindn’s park *eat The run out from Austin lo New Braun­ fels proved only of th*' desired durn ibm to furnish a cool and pleasant m orn ing ride. The ev ersio n arrived at ta n - da’s park shortly bef*sre ll o'clock, amt the student* ware *oon kist amb! the beautiful green groves ami meander ing streams, or arere enjoying the pleasure furnished by the row boats on the large lake bordered by the seenie duster* of <*il*diutiis. and adorned with its Ii ti mired* of aquatic (limit* and lilies. All morning various groups wandered *l«»ut the park **r spent th** hour* upon the lake Isl os os * and palms, For several days it had been rumored lunrh that there would lie a splendid IsHintiotl* e n o u g h large*! the (MMtsible crowd of hungry students, ami it was well that the dinner committee (Continued on page t i to feed DISTINCTIVE SUITS FOR MEN $ 1 5 . 0 0 t o $ 3 0 . 0 0 We know them to be as high in character as fabrics, expressive tailoring, dis­ tinctive designs and ex­ clusive patterns can pos­ sibly make a garment. You’ll find $5.00 worth of shoe satisfaction in our line of $4.00 ox­ fords, all the correct leathers. shapes and Scarbrough & Hicks he H ouse of Good Clothe* w here border th e lake and stre a m s I,a te in th e aftern o o n th e ban.l nKa ta | th ird place, ! Chicago , ta k in g second and M innesota precedent which we would like t* estab lish ed here. th e cam e lo y ally to th e aid of th e pictnicers an d dancing rem ained the a ttra c tio n mi th e eH u iii, til T h e tr ip back w as one round of m e rn m e n t and song, and it was a t h o r o u g h l y stu d e n t body which satisfied r e a d i e d tra in w histled for A u stin a t 10 o ’clock. M uch of th e d ay s th e pleasure of picnic w as due to the courtesy of Mr. the park, wh * conk Landa, ow ner of n o t do enough to accom m odate th e < towi of picnicers. T h an k s m u st also !*« * x \ lex w ider tended to M essrs. D avenport an d W agner w ho managed the q u e s t i o n ^ of single u n p le a sa n t occurrence b lo tted the is round o f enjoym ent, and d a y ’s gen erally oonceeded that Tuesday - pi< „ie w as th e m o st d elightful eve. indulged in by th e s tu d e n ts a m ien or it M ichigan stu d e n ts who are u n d er a r ­ re st fo r p a rtic ip a tio n in the recent rio t, received $9*2.60 from th e recent benefit perform ance at an Ann Arbor th e a te r. D uring th e pa*t th ree w e e k s t h e \ ale a th le te s have been engaged spring football practice, u n d er th e d irectio n of ex-C&ptain Biglow. in due e x ten d s nearly tw o m onths. The in ter-class bn-elm 11 series at 1 ui It be- all(| Die la st gam e will on A p rj| C olum bia U n iv e rsity of New 6 oi k has estab lish ed a p ro fesso rsh ip of h u m a n ity , probably th e first of its kind th e world. W e have heard of freak courses, b u t never of such a freak as th is. in tra n s p o rta tio n . Not a hitch or a noi lje p|aveti until June 0 ARKA N SA S TA K ES F IR S T GAME FROM LONGHORNS. ------- In -le a d eom m ittec r and *erkm« o rd er, th e generously p resented W eetberred \ \ ildi s Im p o rtan ce o f IH n g in Kart>«t*L” to trans|w *rtation and R obertson had been retired . ricks w as s e n t in to ru n s tu d e n t of W eath erred . and Johnson went to b at in K ansas contribute** S ta c y ’s place. He arose to th e uecusbm m jppnrt o f and slipped in a sh*w one which he lieat o u t a block. H endricks streak ed l*a*** m ade by blocks, when he sprmineit hh» an k le and fell, and th ere w as nothing le ft for th e Ja y h a w k e rs to do lait to** th e Iwill aero** th e diamond Slid touch |MH I K him otiL A gain it lid ju stice, though Hendrick* certain ly not deserve to lie it* % ot any . * th e U n iv ersity of t«* th e tw o d o llars Id** I th e annoyance o f i* a for lib rary depo-dt*. and th ird and had ?h* stttd en t enterpri**ca. to M o k .~ # | dopjl , * aV w p h all look .*1 like a q u e s t for U n iv ersities all over th e o m ntrv ,\i> the holding n atio n al conventions candidates n o m in atio n of p resid en tial N o rth w e ste rn h as noininated alre ad y L a F o lle tte , an d a t Illinois, Indium , illlfj M ichigan, fa v o rite sons will -h o rtl\ *tep in for th e ir sh are of free advertising. f r to quell a d em o n stratio n th e c ity paper* had A t S y racu se recently, n squad of *ev- eral uniform ed policem en |m troileJ the cam pus that one of -aid wu* f the la ing planned on tr ia l of several s tu d e n t- arrested {,,, alleged p a rtic ip a tio n theatei riot No d istu rb a n c e result**!, and t he pdiiv m en w ere called off. th e occasion in a M in n eso ta te n n is p la y er- are atrsug. in terco lleg iate mat sum es in terco lleg iate football after lie­ for tw o \car*. will ing deprived o f play only th re e gam es next tall. They a re w ith R eloit, P urdue and Illinois. it WE « n K O D A K EVERY DAY K o d a k s L o a n e d t o S t u d e n t s Jordan 610 C o n gress Avenue, Upstairs GET THE HABIT. o r going to N. W. R U TLE D G E for a Kir*t class H air Cut am i an E asy Shave. solicited . ‘tu d en tC .*J 1 fI G uadalupe S tre e t. especially *1 radc C hairm an Hall C om m ittee. | Jewelry, Silverware,Noveltie. J. L. VREDENBURGH 8 16 , C o n g ress A rs n u e R E P A I R I N G A SPECIALTY A u s t in M ale A c a d e m y . A ustin, Texas. th e Prt-pnn - n iv ersity «d T exas. G rudiiutes e n te r lor all d ep artm en t* of the C u iv e rsit) w ith o u t ex»iniii»ati«»n. J . STA N LEY FORD, P rincipal THOMAS & KOOCK, CHEAPEST A N D BEST JEWELRY O F ALL KINDS Miller, Tompkins. Bases on B alls: W alker. W eath erred . H it bv P itched B ell: lluglMH. W a th .n . dencej ml W hiti» Ave. B oth Phones DR. HOMER HILL, PH Y SIC IA N AND SURGEON. Office ever Chile’s D rug S to re. R e n S tolen B ases: Sam ple, H u g lu -, Brown Residence, 224; office, 65. Saoriflc.. H it: Wil*t>n. lee. T H E GAME TODAY. See the Prize to press. T o d ay th e Longhorns Yesterday’s gam e w as played a fte r the th e T exan w ent Ja y h a w k e rs are and scheduled for th e final ela-di. and it - up to T exas to win. Come out and bring a lady, and help to cheer th e team i<» v ictory. - - o------------- A T OTH ER U N IV E R S IT IE S . PICTURES and SILVER LOVING CUP Awarded by the Professional Photograph­ ers Association of Texas at Dallas, Oct. 24th, to The Elliotts S. G REEN BERG , M an u factu rin g O ptician. A BUSINESS EDUCHTIOl TOBY’S ru c n c ii raw est esuuts W AGO, TKXAS h u *rf*u d Ldftui $\$i ,000.09 K*.W YORK CITY A* *rtm i *f 0 „ /J6 TNI MIG* 8**01 fCWOOLI FOR NIGN 6RI0E ITUOMTI Fra t.mwr Am Tim FOR YOU UNIVERSITY CONFECTIONERY SIORE for ICE CREAM and COLD DRINKS Welch’s Crape Jsice CHAS. G. W U K A SCH , Prop. Cor. 23rd and G uadalupe. YATES & HUNTER. P R E S C R IP T IO N DRUGGISTS. S tu d e n ts tra d e solicited. Agent* Huy le r’s Candy. 700 Cong. Ave. A ustin, Texa*- DR. F. P. McLAUGHLIN, P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEON. 700 Congress Ave. T he w o re : Texa*. AB. R. . . 3 . . . \Vslk**r. rf . . 3 Hughe*, us . . . 3 \\ a t hen. 3b . . • . . . 4 Ad*m-* ii, cf 4 B row nlee, r . . . Holier*ton, lb . . , 4 . . 3 W ea th erred , If S tac y , 2 b ......... . . 3 . . , , . . 3 Brown, p I M ob nra *ii — . . . . • 0 (I 0 1 • 0 0 II (I Ii • B a tte d for S tacy in ninth. 31 1 Arkanaa*. A.B K. n *> 3 1 1 1 6 14 g II. P.O. A. K 1 1 it 11 1 1 ii 2 it (1 II 1 ii «t n 2 (i it • I il «t li it • ii it — 0 ii 11 — 27 12 H orn, r f ........... . . 4 Wilftott, ** . * .. . . :t • • • . . 4 Stoke*. 3b 4 M ilford. If ••• 4 . . . S am ple, cf . . 3 Miller. 2b . . . . . . 3 lb Liddell, 1 H enry, lb . . . . 3 M cNenier, c 2 Tom pkin*. p . . . . . . II II II II II 1 II II 0 II 0 _ _ — I II ii n 11 i» ii 0 II I 1*0 A. K. 1 I 1 it 1 I it it I it ii ii it it 1 3 1 11 !l (1 * w il 6 II —• 1 •26 HI ii 1 n it n - - 3! •W eath e rred o u t or 3rd bunt strik e . 2 S u m m ary. S tru ck U u t: By Bnovn, **; by Tomp­ k in s, 3. lose o u t, w ho, enough good d eb aters ra n not stan d in th e face of ac tu a l facta. since each y ear every body see* met? those know s, are **trouger th a n some <>t w ho g e t on. We have enough good de h aters, an d th e one objection of finances can easily be met by th e s tim u la te d in ­ te re s t of an e n th u sia s tic O rato rical As sociation a n d ’ a slig h tly enlarged mem bersh ip th e lite ra ry societies. in T H E IN T E R SC H O L A ST IC M EET. in te re s t th e coining T h ro u g h o u t th e s ta te and at the I ni -tat* in v e rsitv , sch o lastic m eet co n tin u es to grow . 1 he m e et is now less th a n a week otf. I»e* ing scheduled for n ex t T h u rsd ay , April le tte rs are received, 30. A lm ost daily n o t only from th e schools which will ta k e p a rt in th e m eet, b u t from schools in terested b u t unable 11*i** which a re people y e a r to ta k e p o r t; and from w holly disconnected w ith an y school, ask in g p a rtic u la rs of th e meet and ex lieing present in ten tio n o f p ressing an n ext T h u rsd ay , th e schools of tra c k m eet, become some definite action will M any le tte rs have been received from a s m any differen t schools in lexAs. a-k ing th a t th e m eet th is y ear be heralded abroad a s th e first an n u a l s ta te seholaa tic m eet. T h is m eans th e fo rm atio n of an asso ciatio n to which all high school* am i p re p a ra to ry -tat« would be adm issible. No general has th e idea of such s n asso ciatio n , o rg a n ­ ised for th e purpose of holding an an th at we feel nual confident l*e ta k e n in th e near fu tu re ; and we feel little h esitan cy in proclaim ing Uii- the first of th e re g u la r a n n u al meet# of th*- p re p a ra to ry schools and high acfeMM’l* of th e s ta te . All schools w ishing to Is* come m em bers of th e association, and not having alre ad y n»adi* know n - th is d esire, will n o tify M anager B ooths of th e T exaa T rack team or J . P . H ow ssf, d irec to r of g y m n astics a t th e 1 niversity of T ex as, im m ediately. By th e form al ann o u n cem en t of t In- schools th u s replying w ill become ch at te r mem tiers of th e asso ciatio n , and will have a n eq u al voice in th e fo rm atio n of i*e th e asso ciatio n , which will probably effected by th e d ifferent schools next 1 h u rsd ay . trac k men in ten tio n from th is th e M ost of th e schools which will have team s here n e x t T h u rsd a y have o r g a n ixed bands of ro o te rs both girl* and re sp e c ti\e boys —to accom pany team s to A u stin . B ands will lie p lay in g , ten or fifteen dtileren t p e n n a n ts from th e ir d ay is ax p eetad . RO­ MANY S T U D E N T S A TTEN D NEW B R A U N F E L S PICNIC. to th e from th e d ay , continued (C ontinued from psge 1.1 had planned w ith such care, for when th e lunch call sounded, it wa# six Hun dred s tu d e n ts w ith sh arp en ed ap p etite* who dashed for th e heavily laden ta b les. D espite th e fa c t th a t every person seem to ed co n te stin g w ith his neighbor as whom could e a t th e h e a rtie st m eal. I. th e honored caterer* Ball and M cK ay, produce a of in ex h au stib le supply of sub seem ingly s la n tia Is an d d e se rts luueh boxes and b a sk e ts whieh had been *o lib erally filled by th e v arious fra te rn i ties, so ro rities, B. H all. W om an’s Build b oarding ing, (5race H all and th e houses. T he co m m ittee lunch for th e d ay consisted of 1. Ball, lla n n a c h a irm a n ; B. M. Boods, Mark t*> and M u rray R am sey, an d it th a t th e excellent w ork o f t In- th e picnicers enjoyed day. Mr. M cK ay and T . B all t«»ok charge of th e ta b le s and they oprtainly carried o u t tie* old addage which p o in ts th e rum ored w ay to a s tu d e n t's h e a rt. these men feast ot th e provisions of to secure is due otln*r th e T H E T E X A N __ A sem i w eekly new .-q ^ier nwneti an d p u b lis h e d by th e stu d e n ts of The I n . * e rs ity o f I exaa. HUOKNK L. H A R R IS Editor-In-Chief H E R B E R T L. Y A T E S .. , .................... ...................... . . . Ass’t Kditor-in C ldcf ILARBERT D A V E N K W T A thletic Ed. , ........ J. ROBERT O’CO NNOR.................... .. I .OR ENA MIDDLEBROOK . ..Ixwsal Ed. \s»*t A th letic Ed. A ssociate Editor*, i A)ui*e Tem ple. Annie Sowell. I ten Oyer. I eon Goodman. II. R. S m ith , It. M. W oods. Drew M agg* F. V. P hipps N. I*. M orrow. Raul U H aynes. W . A. P h ilp o ti. Percy W. Evan*. E. L. RA M SD K LL........................... M anager IIA R D IE L. DA V IS ..........Ass’t M anager E n tered a s second cl*ss m a tte r Sep th e poatottice a t th e s e t of Con tem b er 26, 1907, a t A u stin , T ex as, under gress *»f M arch 3, U N . A ddress all com m unications to 11 T exan, A ustin, T e ia s . S ubscription per y ear ............... $1.60 T H E M. K. A T. LEAGUE. th e F or a num ber of y e a n t niver in all s ily has show n a stra n g e ajsith v u i a t t e n of forensic* an d o ra to ry . I his is * c o n s ta n t source of su rp rise to th e older a lu m n i who w ere here in th e haly con d a y s when d eb atin g w as th e most im p o rta n t and th e m«*st e n th u siastica lly su p p o rted of an y s tu d e n t a c tiv ity . Nome trace th e cau se of th is leth erg y Ur th e rise of local society as spelled w ith a of big **&” an d ath letics. T he m ain cause, how ever, lie* in th e fao t th a t th e stro n g e st men in th e la w D ep artm en t ta k e on m ore work th an th ey can well c a rry , w ith th e re s u it th ey have U> forego every­ th in g th a t kroka like a aide issue. th e developm ent th a t to T h is is n ot well fo r th e U n iv ersity o r fo r large th e a tu d e n ta W# an* a enough in s titu tio n to hold o u r o w l w ith th e s tro n g e s t sohoolg of th e w e-t, while doing a s much along every line as th ey . four M issouri an d K an sas each have d e la te s a n n u a lly , and O klahom a three. W s have never had more th a n tw o re g u ­ lar d eb ates in a n y one y ear. D ebating is e n th u sia stic a lly su p p o rted there, and in te r­ does n ot an ru sc n early so much e s t here. H owever, th e re w as som e th in g of s revival th is y e a r, ow ing part* th e q u estion w as ly to to la st spring, b u t announced judicious ad v ertisin g given by th e k»eal sem i-w eekly. A t a recen t m eeting th e O rato rical A ssociation voted th e “ 1 and th e in terco lleg iate re p re s e n t­ G avel” to ativ es. T h is w ill give a very d esirab le and effective incentive, an d can n ot b u t have favorable resu lts. th e fact largely t h a t to send o u t tw o te a m s, one A t p resen t we have d eb a tin g re la ­ tio n s w ith both K ansas and M issouri for n ex t yiwr. T hese in s titu tio n s b o th deb ate each other. No reason is a p ­ p aren t w hy we should n o t form w ith them a tria n g u la r league, allow ing each to school d eb ate a t home, th e o th e r at Colum bia or K ansas. T he fact th a t each school would have a rep resen tin g each side of th e qu estio n would insure c a re ­ ful and tho ro u g h w ork. T h e size of th e scliools an d above all th e big. broad th o se m a tte rs s p irit will c o n trib u te th e p a rt of th e s tu d e n t l»ody here. th e y m a n ifest in terest on to an team in rem arked I t has alre ad y been th a t th re e an n u al debaftce. O klahom a has We can c e rta in ly carry ns m any. We have th e stro n g e st law school w est of th e M ississippi, an d as large a stu d en t body. T here are m any reaso n s w hy we I hat school should d eb ate O klahom a. its stu d e n ts is closest are h a tiv e T exans. We have th e closest in ­ possible k in sh ip in s y m p a t h ie s and te re s ts w ith its th a t new s ta te and U n iv e rsity . t00.2 f ^ L o n g r e s a A v e . Th< e program next Sundnv attem ooti will consist exclusively of music. Flu* m usic will be led bv Mr. J. M. P a t t o n . Among the num bers to be are* A vocal solo by Mi** Bicklei and .« se lection by the In d ies Violin (Tub Chis will probably be the be**t gram of the year. musical prn Don’t forget th e big “ V arsity Bans* j cue'* to be given bv th e Y. V\ . and \ M ! t \ A. next F riday evening. Max I v c r vbody welcome I STU DENT CANVASSERS j Make 2tf) per cen t prolit during vat a 1 ion I handling our Superlitie Original Stereo graphs. We furnish gmsl- direct at Lu tory prices and save ou r agents th** prof its paid to general ag en ts and Held man V ddi»" agers by o th er view Arms S tan d ard Scenic lb ., K ansas < tty . Mo. The following le tte r, recently reeeiveil a t th e Texan office, will prove of intel e«t to th e law stu d e n ts: Beaum ont. T exas, April *2*2. INO* Edit or The T e \a n . U niversity of f f i s s , Dear Biri Knowing th a i you are al w ays anxious to record sn.' honor am ferred upon sn ex s tu d e n t, I Iwg leave to call your a tte n tio n to the (set th a t a t th e last m eeting o f th e county am i miaaionera of M fe ro o a county, Mr A. Ludlow Calhoun. IJ< . B tW. was ap pointed as ju stire of th e pa-are of pre cinct No. I, Jefferson county. Lexa*. I'M th e unexpired term of Bam IM m e*, ie signed. D uring his first week. Ju d g e « a l hoi in has “sat* on tw o c o rp u s , one tieing a suicide, the o th er a boy who ac* td en tly shot him self. Ju d g e ('alienin'* ehsnces f«.i e la tio n are excellent if advices of In* w nipiisfii m anager may Is* Isdieved; he ha* no «q» po n e tt. Very tru ly yours. NS EX *>*11 DI VI NOTICE, SE N IO R S! and gown* may through m u tt be I* rented or C aps th e Ob op. M easure bought tak en by W ednesday. menta April 22. Please atten d to thin at oner aa it will take nome tim e to h a v e t h e garm ent* made. Thone deairing to rent uniat also he fitted by W ednesday Ivan Doreff, th.* Chicago foot I* 11 " •pent $12*5 of hi* own money and went $110 in debt before In* could -emir*' em ploy men t for fo u r hundred o f bi* lei low countrym en who were starv in g *» Chicago. Them? four hundred B ulgarians had le ft home and been lured to Aliter trick lea, “th e land of promise." b t st ea ms h i p agent s. Doretr* as orifice som ething of which all in effecting th eir • It al i« re-.m c o lle y m e n . 0 A fter a long period of suapei.M*. On­ board of regents of Misaippi baa decided place to allow fwd ba II to retain am ong Un I v arsity athletic*, and th e sin- dent* are correspondingly Ju b ilan t, — 0 its - T h e J u n io r, a t S outhw estern wi re r e ­ cen tly prevented from K»v1ii(f a play al Raviiiia P ark by Chicago an arch ial,, who over-hid them for th e liiealer. am i to re down th e ir posters a l - u t tow n. I he baffled J u n io r, contented tlienm elve, tv ik h Iith te arin g down ail the anarch int th ey could find. Be Sure and see the FINAL GAME with a r k a n s a s. DR. F. W . S M IT H , D E N T IST. should fe«*I proud. O pposite A venue Hotel, over Keller's. Phone 1034. 722 Congress Ave. A ustin, T ease. IK #*S i'-uS* "**« *0 Av 7 SM IT H & W IL C O X A (lOOII I NX H S T M RN I* i n Clothes, to is as helpful you as a good investment in any other C om odity. tor We offer you dollar dollar vallies in S M I T H - W I L C O X S M A R T C L O T H RS ROR MRN I he N ew Spring Styles are really and they are splendid e x a m p le s of the finest clothes making in America SUITS $ 1 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 . 0 0 Straw Hats, Low Shoes and everything that a Man Wears. A l l N e w —A l l Right SMITH & WILCOX 608 CONCHES AVENUE IF YOU H A PPE N TO GO BROKE Run Short or W ant to B uy a Diam ond, Sot J. A. J A C K S O N fit? Congress Ava. • * t e x a s A U ST IN . N E L S O N D A V IS & C O IM PO R TE R S AND W H O LESA LE GROCERS Both Phone*. Open Evening* DR J. D. SIM M S, D E N T IS T Over E elier’* S ta tio n e ry S tore, Opposite Avenue Hotel. 722 Cong. Ave. A u stin , T eas* Howler S O L D A V IS . in full Im# of Im ported and «i mealie cigar* and tobaeana, statio n ary periodical*. b « k « ami liew apaper* Whit* aey'a (andia*. B illiards and w*»| table* new. Kep<«iring pool and billiard table* «tkfi Long Avo a «)w*eialty Sulw cribe for th e T exan. S P R I N G O X F O R D S A N D GEO. W. PA TTERSO N , U N D EB TA K PRO PRIETO R EC LIPSE ER BAG­ OMNIBUS AND STABLES. GAGE T R A N SFE R . F IN E CA RRIAGES AND LIGHT LIVERY. R U B B E R -T tl - 108 TO ED H O SPITAL AMBULANCE IU. E A ST SE V E N T H S T R E E T BOTH PH O N ES IAI. S. E. R O S E N G R E N . U n d ertak er and Em balm er. Kine Cav* riagee for Hire. H ospital Am bulance. 413 C« n g itn t Ave. Phones 451. CHAS. BINTLIFF. M anufacturer ( ut nice, Tin S late and S heet lio n Work. R E PA IR WORE A SPECIA LTY . (ira ! cia** W ork. E s tim a te ! Funnelled un A pplication Old Phone 781. 207 W. 6th S t te 4 » » 4 » e e e e e e t W 4 » » 4 H 4 4 < ► THE RELIABLE ll BUSH & GERTS ii PIANO B U S I i T E M P L E {» i n un at Individuality in dress can only be improved by clothes made to your personal meas­ * ure. Ready made clothing, being cut for no­ body in particular, does and must lack the in­ dividuality that every welldressed man prizes. HAVE YOUR C L O T H E S I AH.OR MADE. $ 18.00 A N D M O R E FIT, ST Y LE A N D SATISFACTIO N G U A R A N T E E D lar R o b i n s o n 616 CONGRESS AVENUE EULL LINE OF FURNISHINGS, ALL PRICES BASED ON QUALITY 2:Uii p. rn Cftcim Castrati AffMt MMI Watt Sltlli Street HARRELLS Carver Calfret! A reave Mid West Sixth Street ti * 4f* p. in 7;.‘W p. IU.- Electric face ma**age at the barber shop, 607 Congress Ave, C entral ut B u ll C reek I usaday. T , A. K eith. B. A* *07. •upcrintendent E. SEELIG. BIBLE LECTURES END MISS BLODGETT LEAVES— ATTEND ANCE AT HER LECTURES AVER AGES TWO HUNDRED AND T W E N ­ TY FIVE. Min* Alary N, Blodgett, who ha* Keen in the city for t a o aeek«. h*fl a few day* ago to go to H im* Bluff. Ark . where she will give a m tw i of lerturea th ose which the Bible, similar U» tm die gave in tbia I ’n iv en ity . in the flrat seven o f these Mi*a Blodgett name to iii* winier the auspice* of the Young Women'* thrift tian A sso cia tion . which extended a cor dial in v it a tio n to all I nivervily women aa well aa all women in the city who were in Ie re* ted in Bible study, to lak*- adv anlage of the course w hich she (*flcr ed. Thin course consisted of eleven l«* (urea; lee {tires, Miss B lodgett drew tori cf ii I Ie* •mils from the women «•{ the old Te# Lament, beginning with Eve ami treat lug in turn Sarah, Hallah, Ruth. Hannah and Jezebel. The last four lecture* were designed to la* even mon- practical aud helpful than the first owes. W ith un­ erring knowledge of the Bible ami a rare g ift in discerning the underh lug principles of thing*. Mia* Blodgett turn cd to the New Testam ent, and through its pages allowed the working- fbi the la*t of a Christian's daily life, two hoiira in day, Mi** Blodgett *|*-nt answering quest Iona which tan-u dropped in a I*'* for that purpose by various people who wished t«t a*k (pie* in tions which had not herm di*«*n**ed the preceding lecture*. These quest sum hsd WHO D R E S S FOR S T Y L I N E A T N E S S , AND COMFORT W EAR T H I IM PROVED BOSTON GARTER T H E R EC O G N IZE D STANDARD^ ”2P © T h e Name Ie •temped or. every loop *■— dtarussed the way from ti (build, ranged all ii* t«» the divine inspiration of tin* Bible. t«« .ti** oil the much doubtful pleasure*. The sn*wer* wit* deb n ile ami logical. and it was with I" gret that the crowd had Ic leal** l»**f«*re all the questions had been diacusscd. question MIM Blodgett la pre em inently a w n man who appeal* to a*mien. \n at tendance on her lecture* ay crag mg tw o hundred and tw en ty five i* ample pr»***f that she had a message which the w(lin­ en of Au**! in and of the U niversity ap predated. She not only has a thorough knowledge of her subject, hut her rea* toning and her method of presentation logical, We feel thai are remarkably this course has offered a rare i*pp»»rtun* it v for a system atic et tidy of the Bible. L O C A L S . Dr Baxter, dentist lino Tong Ave. Mr, .lam e* Aloyaiu* Hart**) turn from San Antoni** Sunday \yill ri­ ll iv lit . Chewier L y d tV *i**i»t a W w I aal week iii Sun Marco*. w fe w i l n v * o f Mia* Kihei W ood i* *pcttding tin* week iii San Antonio. Mi**** Liicile Kaufiiian, B ettie O*op cr and l>*reiia Brown *peut Sn tidily mill Monday in Georgetown, Don't forget the Central, In*** in Austin. KOT Congress the barber shop J. Bultell O'Connor visited the Phi Delta T heta'a at Southwestern Sunday and Monday. Mi sacs Grace and Lida Na-Ii have to their hom e from a vi*it re in turned San Antonio. Jim Tlarley. Boti H ardwick and Tom D evine are the gu est* o f Ira Ogden and L ittleton Bicluirdsnn ill San A ntonio. for I ho week Do you know that you can alway* get up to date cut flowers suitable for any o c c a sio n at the Hyde Park Floral Co.? 822 Congress avenue. CUSHION BUTTON C LA S P l i t s R A T T O T H I I t # —ll CVI ll S U P S , TEARS ROR UNFASTENS Pa rn pl* pair, .*1350., Cotton SS*. iii ailed on receipt ai price. GEO. 71 OST CO .,Makars Boston,Maaa.,ITI A. The Babbit Foot Club lias taken in th e following new m etnliers• Mi-- Ethel M atthew s, Miss Drew Stagg- and Mi — Lorena M iddlebrook. Where ■ball I go for a nice hair cut? To the Centra! of course. The largest and most accommodating the city. Reno A Beasonover, 607 Congress Ave. in W atson and F*li»* th llln ar*- -I* m lm g ae Vera I d a y s in S in Vntonio, the gin *' * o f Mi** Marion DHem, Mi** W ilna McKee and Mi** l*»*ra N eill are y id lin g In s w \nt**n*o. «>f the fa**nard fit> *i4»on|* »* lug the week a* thi* I nlvw t il) friend*. *pend y i*it in*** H E S S E Y & CO. Mi** Ha Bet I Scary w ill I** at Beta l*hi hon*** for th e rnAt few th e IM w i*ek *. T H I Mr. Hugh I aim ii h i ,,i»»* ha* 1**1 ill tied fr**m Beaum ont. C O N S ID ER A T E ll* * ami cold hatha at (he (V ol rat twirlier shop, (HIT t'**ngreas \% * Conservatism in Banking is to care for many in terests while capitalising none. P A W N B R O K E R S FIN E W ATCHES AND SPORTING GOODS. BARGAINS IN EV­ ERYTHING. MONEY TO LOAN ON EVERY THING MI*- M amie Scarey ha* r e t iii lied f io m | ll*mst«*n. where sh** attended her broth* cr * wedding. Mr. Sam T. Hugh*t«ui h a- w ithdraw n ill- ft**ni th e U n iv ersity on account of health. Tho sid n e y I at iller **-*eiet' ill an at home th is a lte r n win Dom I a l th e W oman'* Building gilt* I m I . Mi** Mary Shelton o f W a co i ing a few day* w ith lier *i*ter. .fie lid Tile Phi D elta T h eta * gave a picnic Capital and su rp lu s. A ssets . . • 440,000 1,500,000 We solicit your business. American National Bank. A U STIN , TEXAS. AUSTIN CANDY MANUFACTURING CO. Fourth sod Colorado Sts A U S T I N , ........................................TEXAS W. A. ACHILLES & CO..1STEINWAY-KNABE-STARR Dealers to Groceries, Wood and Feed Special atten tion given Houses. Both phones 394. Corner of Guadalupe and W. 16th Sta P I A N O S J E S S E FRENCH PIANO CO, to Fraternity M anufacturers and d istil bolero High Cista Pianos. Phone us. 295 each pbosc 813 Congress Ave. FRANK S. TAYLOR, • Manager C. M. MILLER Dealer in W all Paper, Paints and Oils, W hite Lead Varnishes, W indow Glass. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. 711 Congress Ave. Bosche’s Troy Laundry STRICTLY DOMESTIC. FINEST WORK. ALWAYS THE BEST Phone 73. 806 Cong. Ave Imported and dom estic and tobacco*, •‘lookers’ article*, newspafiers and periodicals. Urgent billiard hall in the city. cigars 615 Congress Ave. AUSTIN, TEXAS T h e C a p ita l B a n k and T r u s t C o . A p p r e c i a t e s th e S t u d e n t s Business EASTM AN’S KODAKS AND SUPPLIES L. E. W ATERM AN’S “IDEAL” FOUNTAIN PENS. ENGRAVING. ' <* make a specialty of engraving invi- announcem ents, •ailing cards, 'at it rn a. etc. GEORGE MILLER. The finest light livery in the city. Car­ riages in connection 208-210 E. Fifth St. Phone 25. H O T E L S U T O R EUROPEAN STYLE. Tobin’s Book Store. Old Phone 510. Best Cafe in the city. Sunday evening dinners a specialty. T H E STU DEN T'S FRIEND. Austin Printing Company 9 1 3 - 9 1 5 C O N G R E S S A V E N U E UNIVERSITY PRINTERS P. VV. M e r A ODEN DRUGGIST TWO STORES. U N IV E R S IT Y DRUG STORE 2300 Guadalupe. UP TOWN DRUG STORE 1610 Lavaca. ; BURNHAM BROS. ♦ B arbers and Barbera’ S u p p lier 113 E ast S ixth Street, o p p o s e Grifton * Hotel. ALWAYS EASY' Misses Ixirena Middlebrook, M a b e l A N Y T H I N G T H A T ’S P R I N T E D WE A PPR EC IA TE THE S T U D E N T TRADE. .........................