MARCH 1966 TH°7 • : ~ =S! ~1 OF TEXA'! MA. 1966 THE LIB AR A Monthly Summary of Business and Economic Conditions in Texas BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH: THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW VOL. XL, NO. 3, MARCH 1966 Editor: Stanley A. Arbingast I Associate Editor: Robert H. Ryan I Managing Editor: Robert H. Drenner Editorial Board: Stanley A. Arbingast, Chairman; John R. Stockton, Francis B. May, Robert H. Ryan, Robert H. Drenner CONTE)NTS 69: THE BUSINESS SITUATION IN TEXAS by Francis B. May 72 : THE LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY: AN ECONOMIC PROFILE by Robert B. Williamson 79 : TEXAS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IN JAN­UARY by Robert B. Williamson 81 : THE FEDERAL RESERVE DISCOUNT RATE: RELATION TO MARKET RATES AND PURPOSES OF RECENT CHANGES by James R. Kay 86: TEXAS RETAIL SALES IN JANUARY by Robert H. Drenner 88: POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR TEXAS COUNTIES, 1965 MAPS, CHARTS, AND TABLES 69: TEXAS BUSINESS ACTIVITY 70: BUSINESS ACTIVITY INDEXES FOR 20 TEXAS CITIES 70: TEXAS CRUDE-OIL RESERVES, 1956-1964 70: TEXAS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION. 71: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC POWER USE IN TEXAS 71: $LECTED BAROMETERS OF TEXAS BUSINESS 72: LOCATION OF THE LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY " 73: POPULATION, CITIES AND COUNTIES, LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY'. 1940, 1950, AND 1960 75: ESTIMATED EMPLOYMENT AND SALES, BY LOCAL IN­DUSTRY GROUPS, LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY 75: CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TOTAL ECONOMY BY EACH LOCAL INDUSTRY'S EXTERNAL SALES, LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY, 1963 77: EMPLOYMENT TRENDS, BY LOCAL INDUSTRY GROUPS AND SELECTED COMPONENTS, LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY, 1940, 1950, 1960, AND 1964 79: POPULATION, LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS, AND UNITED STATES, 1920-1964 (SELECTED YEARS) AND PRO­JECTED 1985 79: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 80: ESTIMATED VALUES OF BUILDING AUTHORIZED IN TEXAS 80: UNION WAGE SCALES FOR BUILDING TRADES IN SE­LECTED TEXAS CITIES: LEVELS AS OF OCTOBER 1, 1965 AND PERCENT CHANGES FROM OCTOBER 1, 1964 82: DISCOUNTS AND ADVANCES, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND DALLAS FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, 1964-1965 83: LOANS, INVESTMENTS. AND DEPOSITS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1961-1965 84: LONG-AND SHORT-TERM INTEREST RATES 85: MEMBER BANK BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS 85: U. S. GOLD STOCK, FEDERAL RESERVE GOLD CERTIFICATE RESERVES, AND U. S. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES TO FOREIGNERS 86: ESTIMATES OF TOTAL RETAIL SALES IN TEXAS 86: RETAIL SALES TRENDS BY KINDS OF BUSINESS 87: PER CAPITA RETAIL SALES, TEXAS SMSA'S, 1958-1963 89: POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR TEXAS COUNTIES, WITH AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH RATES, 1960-1965 90: 1965 POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR TEXAS STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS, WITH AVERAGE AN­NUAL GROWTH RATES, 1960-1965 91: DISTRIBUTION OF TEXAS COUNTIES ACCORDING TO AVER­AGE ANNUAL PERCENT GROWTH OF POPULATION, 1960· 1965 BUSINESS RESEARCH COUNCIL John Arch White, Dean of the College of Business Admin· istration (ex officio) ; John R. Stockton, Jessamon Dawe, Thomas E. Gossett, James R. Kay, Stephen L. McDonald, Kenneth W. Olm, and W. T. Tucker BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH Director: John R. Stockton Associate Director and Resources Specialist: Stanley A. Arbingast Assistant to the Director: Florence Escott Consulting Statistician: Francis B. May Administrative Assistant: Juanita Hammons Research Associate: Charles 0. Bettinger, Pearl Clark, Robert H. Drenner, Ida M. Lambeth, Robert M. Lock· wood, Margaret J. Ritchie, Robert H. Ryan, Elizabeth R. Turpin, Joyzelle Wilke, Robert B. Williamson Research Assistant: Howard D. Brecht, Hans Kurz, John E. Specht, Jr. Administrative Secretary: Margaret F. Smith Senior Secretary: Faye Whobrey Senior Clerk Typist : Lois Conrad, Claire Howard, Carol­ lin Smyth, Sharon Wheat Cartographer: Lois Leonard, Mary Paxton Library Assistant: Merle Danz Statistical Assistant: Mildred Anderson, Constance Cooledge, Jo Neman Statistical Technician : Doris Dismuke, Mary Gorham Clerical Assistant: Pamela Binkley, Berge Garabedian Offset Press Operator: Robert Dorsett, Daniel P. Rosas The Bureau of Business Research is a member of the Associated University Bureaus of Business and Economic Research. Published monthly by the Bureau of Business Research, College of Business Administration, The University of Texas, Aus~in, Texas, 78712. Second-clas& postage paid at Austin, Texas. Content of this publication is not copyrighted and may be reproduced freely. The views expressed by authors are not necessarily those of the Bureau of Business Research. Acknowledgment of source will be appreciated. Subscription, $3.00 a year: individual copies, 25 cents. THE BUSINESS SITUATION IN TEXAS by Francis B. May The January seasonally adjusted index of Texas busi­ness activity rose a fraction of a percentage point above December's high level. At 168.0'/c of average monthly activity ·.-ternal sales Total sales employment Local industry (dollars) (employment) (employment) (percent) ( percent) 1. Fruit and vegetable farming .......... . .. 3.15 404 1.77 13.1 24.0 2. Cotton farming .. 3.41 227 2. 4 10.3 9.8 3. Other farming .. 3.06 141 4.13 4. 3.1 4. Minerals .. 2.13 90 2.85 4.5 2.7 5. Food processing 3.07 181 2.98 19.9 16.7 6. Other manufacturing ................... 2.13 134 1.77 5.7 5.1 7. Trade 2. 15 107 2.46 7.4 5.3 8. Hotels, eating, and amusements . . 2.83 249 1.68 2.0 2.5 n. Other services and miscellaneous. . .. 2.85 197 2.03 5.8 5.8 JO. Contract construction ...... ..•... . . .. 3.14 269 1.66 4.3 5.2 11. Local government ...•.....•.... 3.24 271 1.76 4.7 5.5 12. Households ..............•....... 2.90 134•• 17.5 14.300• Total local industry.. . . . 2.85 200 2.34 100.0 100.0 0 Based on estimated normal crop conditions for the region. ¢ 0 Assumes no direct employment producing for external "sales," e.g., as would be true in case of external retirement income. •••Includes state and federal government direct employment. which accounts for 2.7 percent of total. sales. The "other farming" group supports the largest number of Valley employees for each of its workers pro­ducing for external sales (or 4.13 employees) partly because of the high productivity levels of "other farming" workers. For the entire economy of the region there is an average of 2.34 workers supported per worker produc­ing for external sales. The preceding multipliers show the total economic ef­fects of each unit of external sales or "external em­ployment" of the various local industries. To determine the actual total contribution of each industry's external sales, the size of the industry's external sales has to be taken into account as well as the multiplier effects of each unit of its external sales. On this basis, food process­ing, with its large volume of external sales and its fairly high multiplier effect per dollar, makes the largest total contribution to the region's total sales. In terms of total employment supported, fruit and vegetable farming makes the largest contribution. All types of farming and food processing taken together support approximately one-half of all sales and employment in the Valley. Although Valley agriculture continues to make a major contribution to the economy of the region, there has been a decrease in the size of its relative contribution in recent years. Sales by Valley farmers rose fairly rapidly after the national depression of the 1930's until around 1950. Since then, the region's farm sales have tended to level off, and Valley farm employment has shown a decline. There also have been major changes in the composition of Valley agriculture during the past 25 years. In 1939, citrus fruits and vegetables represented over one-half the region's farm sales, with citrus accounting for more than 35% of the farm sales total. Cotton sales were about one-third of the total. By 1959, cotton sales had risen to over 60% of the total, while fruit and vegetable sales had decreased to less than one-fifth. A significant in­ crease in cotton prices during World War II and the postwar continuation of government support of cotton prices, plus severe freeze damage to citrus trees in 1949 and 1951 and shortages of hand labor and irrigation water, helped to bring about this shift. Since the 1959 census year, vegetable production has risen in importance again, but citrus production was curtailed further by the 1962 freeze. Cattle and grain sorghum production have shown notable increases in the Valley over the past 10 to 15 years. The Lower Rio Grande Valley presently grows about one-third of the vegetables harvested in Texas and is one of the leading vegetable-producing areas of the nation. The farm value of the region's vegetable sales was more than $25 million by 1963. The major vegetables in terms of cash receipts are onions, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and cabbage. Grapefruit and oranges historically have been important farm products in the Valley, with the region ranking third in the nation after Florida and California as a citrus-producing area. Valley citrus production reached a peak of over 28 mjllion boxes during the years 1946­ 1948, with grapefruit accounting for more than 80% of the total during this period. After the 1949 and 1951 freezes, production dropped to 500,000 boxes, but output had recovered to more than 10 million boxes (with grape­ fruit being two-thirds of the total) before the January 1962 freeze. Production was reduced by the latest freeze 76 to as low as 110,000 boxes in the 1962-1963 crop year, but there has been a recovery to nearly three million boxes in the 1964-1965 year. Cotton plantings in the Valley in recent years have amounted to about 400,000 acres, or around one-half the cultivated cropland of the region. Approximately 60% of this cotton acreage has been on irrigated land. Both Hidalgo and Cameron counties ranked among the first ten counties in the nation in cotton acreage and among the first 15 in cotton production in 1959. The peak in Valley cotton production was the more than 600,000 bales produced in 1951. Much of this cotton was grown on land from which citrus trees had been removed following the January 1951 freeze. The largest crop after the 1951 peak was the nearly 450,000 bales harvested in 1959. Production in the 1962-1963 crop year was the smallest since 1947, less than 270,000 bales, partly as a result of adverse weather, water, and insect conditions. However, acreage allotments for Valley cot­ton production under the government's acreage control program have trended downward in recent ye_ars__and have been an important limiting factor. The principal products in the "other farming" cate­ gory are beef cattle and calves, accounting for over 50% of the group's sales, and grain sorghum, providing nearly 25% of sales. Other important items are dairy products and other miscellaneous livestock and poultry products. The Lower Rio Grande Valley is not a major mineral­ producing area. The mineral indu!>try accounts for less than 5% of total sales in the region and for less than 3% of the region's employment, considering both direct and indirect effects. However, in other ways the industry is more important to the Valley than is indicated by its apparent contribution to sales and employment. The availability of adequate local supplies of fuel contributes to the potential econ. where P., is the 1965 population estimate, is the P00 1960 census population, B,, is the number of resident births in 1959, D,. is the number of resident deaths in 1959, B.. is the number of resident births in 1964, and D.. is the number of resident deaths in 1964. Method II assumes that the numbers of resident births and deaths registered for a county are reliable, and it further assumes that neither the birth rate nor the death rate of the county has changed substan­tially between the census year and the estimate year. Method Ill. Estimates based on this method are computed by mul­tiplying the ratio of the 1960 census population to the number of 1960 passenger car registrations times the number of 1965 passenger car registrations.'· The formula for the Met.hod III estimate is: = P05 (P00/C00) C.,, where P0, is the 1965 estimate, P00 is the 1960 census population, C,., is the number of passenger cars registered in 1960, and c,"' is the number of passenger cars registered in 1965. Method III assumes that the ratio between passenger cars and pop­ulation remains constant. It also assumes either no irregularities in registration (persons registering their cars in a county where they are not residents) or no change in either the amount or kind of such irregularities. SUMMARY OF RESULTS The population of the state as a whole increased at a slower rate during the first half of the present decade than it did throughout the previous decade. The average annual percent growth for the 1950-60 decade was 2.2%. but the estimated rate for 1960-65 was 1.5%.• The state had an absolute average annual increase of 186,848 between 1950 and 1960, while the corresponding figure for 1960-65 was 151,293. This lower rate of increase for the state primarily is a reflection of the lower rate of growth experienced by most of the state's metro­ politan counties. According to the 1965 estimates, 16 of the state's 21 SMSA's had lower of growth for 1960-65 than they did for 1950­60; and four SMSA's even showed population losses between 1960 and 1!165, as compared to only one SMSA that lost population between 1950 and 1960. The average annual percent increase for the total metro­politan population dropped from 3.5o/c for 1950-60 to l.9o/c for 1960-65. The metropolitan counties also contributed a smaller share to the total increase during the fir:st five of the 1960's than they did during the decade of the 1950's. The average annual absolute increase between 1950 and 1960 in the metropolitan population (including population in counties added to metropolitan areas since 1960) was 186,440, which was almost equal to the average for the state as a whole. Between 1960 and 1965 the average increase of the metropolitan population was 127,475, more than 20.000 fewer than the average state increase per year. Table 3 DISTRIBUTION OF TEXAS CO NTIES ACCORDING TO A VER­ AGE ANNUAL PERCENT GROWTH OF POPULATION, 1960-65 Aver::ige annual Number of Percent distribution percent growth counties of cou.nties Gains: 6.0 and over. . ..... _...... 4 1.6 4.0 to 5.9 . .. . .. ­... -. -. . . . 7 2.7 2.0 to 3.9 . ---. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 16.1 0.0 to 1.9.... -.... . . . ......... . . . . . . -.. 115 45.3 Subtotal: Gaining Counties ..................... 167 65.7 Losses: - 2.0 to --0.1. ... ­.. ..... --............ 71 28.0 -4.0 to -2.1. ...... .......... ... ...... 10 3.9 -6.0 to -4.1. ....... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.6 Over -6.0 2 .8 Subtotal: Losing Counties 87 34.3 Grand Total ......... .............. 254 100.0 In contrast to the declining trend of growth in the state's metro­politan counties, many of the nonmetropolitan counties had higher rates for the 1960-65 period. The distribution of all counties according w their 1960-65 growth rate is shown in Table 3. Over 65% gained population during this period. as compared to only 44% which gained from 1950 to 1960. However, most of the gaining counties between 1!160-65 bad rates of increase of less than 2.0%. Coupled with the fact that the nonmetropolitan counties included only 34% of the state's population in 1960, the small changes in their growth rates that re­sulted in positive rather than negative growth were not enough to significantly affect the rate for the state as a whole. 1See "Population Estimates for Texas Counties, Standard Metro­politan Statistical Areas and Urbanized Areas, April 1, 1961," Texcu Buaineaa RetJiew, XXXVI (January 1962) , pp. 7-8; "Population Esti­mates for Texas Counties, 1961 and 1962," Texcu Buaineas Review, XXXVII (April 1963). pp. 79-88; "Population Estimates for Texas Counties. 1963," Texcu B1U1iness RetJiew, XXXVIII (March 1964), pp. 69-72; and "Population Estimates for Texas Counties, 1964," Texcu Buaineaa Retriew. XXXIX (March 1965) , pp. 76-79. 'Part of the data necessary for the preparation of these estimates was supplied through the cooperation of the Texas Education Agency, the Texas State Department of Health, and the Texas Highway De­partment. They are not, however, to be held responsible for the esti­mates presented here. 'Of course. these three estimates do not exhaust the number of pos­sible estimates. Regardless of the number, the problem of selecting the most accurate one would remain. 'See U. S. Bureau of the Census. U. S. c,,,..,,.,. of PopvlatU...: 19110. PC(l)-450 (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1962). Table 100. Figures on migrants of less than five years of age were estimated (by aasuminir the same proportion of miirrants aa among the 5-9 age group), and figures for the 6-17 age group were estimated from census data on age groups 5-9, 10-14, and 15-19. ''The actual reiiistration year 1960 was from April I, 1959 to March 31, 1960, and actual registration year 1965 was from April l, 1964, to March 31, 1965. "Most of the growth figures reported in this paper are reduced to an average annual basis. The average annual percent growth (PR) is computed as follows: * ..$ 3,863 + 5 + 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 15.1 8 + EDNA (pop. 5,038) Postal receipts• ....... ....$ 6,993 19 + 22 Richardson (pop. 34,390r) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 42,300 + Postal receipts• .......... .$ 53,246 -40 + 21 Bank debits (thousands) . . ..........$ 7,281 8 + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5, 181,623 +201 +ass End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 7,496 4 + Bank debits (thousands) . . ......... .$ 27,523 + 6 + 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 11.4 7 + End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 13,943 + 2 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . 23.9 + 3 + 31 EL PASO SMSA (El Paso; pop. 339,9491)Seagoville (pop. 3,745) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,440,735 + 4 -26 Postal receipts• .. .$ 7,509 •• + 44 Bank debits (thousands) 11 . $ 4,491,324 10 3 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 17,137 + 9 55 Nonfarm employment (area) . 97,500 4 + Bank debits (thousands) .... ... ... ... $ 4,671 + 23 + 11 Manufacturing employment (area) . 17,550 + 1 + 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 1,938 -20 + 4 Percent unemployed (area) . -16 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 25.6 + 29 + 14 4.8 + 2 EL PASO (pop. 276,687) Waxahachie (pop. 12,749) Retail sales -9t -32 -3 Postal receipts* .. .$ 17,597 -15 Apparel stores -46t -+ 14 + 16 57 Building permits, less federal contracts S 63,500 -55 -86 Automotive stores -1t -21 -11 Bank debits (thousands) . . ......... . S 15,040 + 10 + 24 Food stores . . . -13t -9 •• End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . .$ 10,945 -5 + 4 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 389,979 32 + 10 rate of deposit turnover. 16.0 + 13 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,438,735 26 + 18 + ­+230 Nonfarm placen1ents 99 +191 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .$ 393,861 17 -2 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 205,468 + 3 •• For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 92. Annual rate of deposit turnover . 23.4 16 -1 96 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW Local Business Conditions City and item Jan 1966 Percent change Jan 1966 from Dec 1965 J an 1966 from Jan 1965 Local Business Conditions City and item Jan 1966 Percent change Jan 1966 f rom Dec 1965 Jan 1966 from Jan 1965 ENNIS: see DALLAS SMSA White Settlement (pop. 11,513) EULESS: see FORT WORTH SMSA Building permits, less federal contract. $ Bank debits (thousands) .... . . . ......$ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 312,228 1.973 1,449 +445 •• -50 + 785 + 55 + 37 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 10.9 - 4 -23 FORT STOCKTON (pop. 6,373) Postal receipts• .. $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 6,880 32,200 -52 -26 -10 -9 FREDERICKSBURG (pop. 4,629) Bank debits (thousands) . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . $ 6,837 7.931 -18 •• + 19 + 8 Postal receipts• ...... ...... $ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 7,455 91,625 -46 19 16 + 60 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.3 -16 + 8 Bank debits (thousands) .. ....... .. . . $ 11,438 9 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 9,981 + 3 + 8 FORT WORTH SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover. 14.1 8 + 4 (Johnson and Tarrant; 611,2931 ) Building perm its, less federal contracts $ 7,776,464 18 9 FRIONA (pop. 3,049r) Ba nk debits (thousands ) II. Nonfarm employment (area) . Manufacturing employment Percent unemployed (area) .. . . $13,220,400 242,800 (area) . 66,525 3.0 2 2 + + 11 + 12 + 3 + 10 -25 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ Annual rate of deposit turnover.. .. . . 50,000 11,717 7,038 19.6 + 182 + 31 4 + 19 6 + 6 -17 Arlington (pop. 53,024r) Retail sales -9t Postal receipts• .S 90,712 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,071,620 -16 -29 -8 •• + 22 + 43 GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA (Galveston; pop. 153,9931 ) Building permits, less federal cont racts $ 720,3 3 Bank debits (thousands) 11-..........$ 1,900,296 -20 •• + 13 + Nonfarm employm_ent (area) . . . . . . . . . 53,800 Cleburne Postal receipts• (pop. 15,381) .......... . ...... . S 17,727 -44 + 13 Manufacturing employment (area) . Percent unemployed (area) . . . . . . . . . . 10,100 5.2 + 1 8 1 9 Building permits, less federal contract• $ 71,866 -77 + 3 Bank debits (thousands) ..........$ End-of-month deposits (thousands ) t .$ Annual rate of deposit turnover . 16,107 12,926 14.5 + 8 -6 + 11 + 9 + 3 + 5 GALVESTON (pop. 67,175) Retail sales ..... . .. . Automotive stores ............ . 9t 1t -28 -20 + 14 + 23 Food store• ...... . ...... . ... . .. . . . 13t - 7 + 12 Euless (pop. 10,500r) Postal receipts• ...... . ..... . . .... .. . $ 134,207 -18 + 31 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 10,118 -23 + 33 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 414,083 -48 + 19 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 135,9~ -16 -50 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 113,412 - 2 + 12 Bank debits (thousands) ......$ End-of-month deposits (thou...nds) t ..$ 8,465 3,578 3 + 40 + 48 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover.... 59,071 21.9 - 9 •• -3 + 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . ... . 27.9 6 + 1 FORT WORTH (pop. 356,268) Retail sales Apparel stores Automotive stores Eating and drinking places . Food stores -21 -36 -9 -1 -12 -26 -54 -18 -7 -13 l 8 + 9 + 6 La Marque (pop. 13,969) Postal receipts• .. .. ....$ Building permits, less federal contract. $ Bank debits (thousands) . .. ... . . $ End-of-month deposits (thousando)t..$ Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . .. . 12,309 37,250 11,190 7,145 19.1 -46 + 7 + 12 + 3 + 11 + -67 + 5 + 3•• Furniture and household apvliance stores -26 -41 8 Texas City (pop. 32,065) Lumber, building material, and hardware stores... + 9 Postal receipts• .. S 995,010 Building permits, less federal contracta $ 3,124,091 Bank debits (thousands) ....$ 1,059,284 End-of-month deposits (thousand•) t .. $ 438,126 -15 -23 -14 6 4 -17 + 4 -32 + 13 + 5 Postal receipts• .. ... . ...$ Building permits, less federal contracts $ Bank debits (thousands) .. , ....... .. .$ End-of-month deposits (thousands)t..$ Annual rate of deposit turnover... 28,231 269,050 27,241 16,625 21.1 -36 +306 2 + 16 9 -6 + 54 -13 + 4 -12 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 28.5 6 + 7 GARLAND: see DALLAS SMSA Grapevine (pop. 4,659r) Postal receipts• .S Building permits, less federal contracta $ Bank debits (thousands) ........ . .. . . S End-of-month deposit. (thousands) t .. $ Annual rate of deposit turnover... 5,892 55,950 4,745 4,151 14.4 -28 +296 •• + 11 -3 + 7 -2 + 20 + 13 + 10 GATESVILLE (pop. 4,626) Postal receipts• ... . . . .. . ... . .. . . . . .. $ Bank debits (thousandi!) .......... .. S End-of-month deposits (thousand•) t ..$ Annual rate of deposit turnover.. ... . 5,302 6,753 6, 580 12.3 --- 66 4 •• 2 7 + 10 + 5 + 8 North Richland Hills (pop. 8,662) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 203,621 -12 -24 GEORGETOWN (pop. 5,218) Bank debits (thousands) .... . ..... .. .$ 10,889 + 48 Po.ta! receipts• . . . . . . .........S 7,526 -35 + 23 End-of-month deposits (thousand1lt .. $ 4,981 + + 16 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 32.600 + 71 -87 Annual rate of deposit turnover . . . . . . 26.8 7 + 25 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . .$ End-of-month dep01itl (thousands) t . .s 6,054 7,093 + + 4 + 15 + 19 For an explanation of symbols, pleaae oee p, 92. Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 10.5 + 2 Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan Jan from from from from City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 GIDDINGS (pop. 2,821) Baytown (pop. 38,000r) Postal receipts• .......$ 3, 741 -57 -6 Retail sales -9t -18 + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 71,086 +263 Automotive storea ... -lt -7 1 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . $ 3,986 -10 + 4 Postal receipts• .. $ 39,092 -88 + 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 4,718 3 + 13 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4&0,212 -56 + 46 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.0 -8 -6 Bank debits (thousands) . . . .$ 38,125 + 1 + lS End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 32,168 + 2 + 9 GLADEWATER (pop. 5,742) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 14.4 4 + 2 Postal receipts• ...... . $ 6,886 -41 •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 9,000 -73 -81 Bellaire (pop. 21,182r) Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 5,708 + 12 + 17 Postal receipts• . . . .....$ 49,146 -62 + 82-End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 4,798 -13 + 6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 19,599 -90 -19Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13.3 + 19 + 12 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 26,473 •• + 23 Nonfarm employment (area) . 32,650 •• + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 16,049 2 + 16Manufacturing employment (area) . 7,970 + 1 + 15 Anqual rate of deposit turnover . 19.6 -1 + 4Percent unemployed (area) . 3.6 + 6 -14 GOLDTHWAITE (pop. 1,383) Clute (pop. 4,501) Postal receipts• ...............$ 2,141 -62 -6 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . ....$ 3,775 -35 + 48 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .$ 4,2:45 + 17 + 14 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 12,500 -82 -67 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 5,849 4 + 3 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... . $ 1,866 -14 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 8.6 + 19 + 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ 1.647 + 6 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13.9 -16 + 8 GRAHAM (pop. 8,505) Postal receipts• .............. .$ 10,511 -30 + 14 Conroe (pop. 9,192) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,000 -98 -99 Postal receipts• . ..... .. . .. . .. $ 20, 765 -27 + 88 Bank debits (thousands) . . ....$ 11,308 + 2 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 93,000 -29 +168 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 9,976 7 1 Bank debits (thousands) ....$ 15,726 + 2 + 4 Annual rate of dep'lsit turnover . 1.3.1 + 4 + 9 End-of-month deposits (thousands>* .. $ 13,519 + 2 + 19 GRANBURY (pop. 2,227) Annual rate of deposit turnover. 14.1 + 2 -9 Postal receipts• .....................$ 2,624 -56 -89 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 1,867 4 1 Dayton (pop. 3,367) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 2,'447 3 + 6 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 8,165 -88 + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9.0 5 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 9,000 -84 -64 Bank debits (thousands) . . ....... .. . $ 6,033 •• + 89 GRAND PRAIRIE: see DALLAS SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 3,646 -1 -12 Annual rate of deposit turnover... 16.6 •• + 67 GRAPEVINE: see FORT WORTH SMSA Deer Park (pop. 4,865) Postal receipts• ...$ 28,829 -49 + 16 GREENVILLE (pop. 22,134r) Postal receipts• . . $ 9,137 -81 + 85 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,028,600 +378 +746 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .$ 20,592 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. .$ 9,454 + 69 +106 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 312,990 -57 -38 •• + 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 2,645 -39 -24End-of-month deposits (thousands)t .. $ 16,071 -1 + 14 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 33.9 + 84 + 96 Nonfarm placements 103 -10 + 2 HOUSTON (pop. 938,219) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 15.3 + 1 4 HARLINGEN: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN Retail sales -23 -26 + 8 BENITO SMSA Apparel stores . -45 -48 + 10 Automotive stores -15 -10 + HENDERSON (pop. 9,666) Eating and drinking places . -12 -16 Postal receipts• ...$ 12,802 -87 -6 Food stores -13 -17 + s Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,300 -97 -98 General merchandise stores . -65 -58 + 24 Bank debits (thousands) ............ $ 10,003 + 9 + 20 Lumber, building material, End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 19,364 -4 + ­ 4 and hardware stores. + 9 -11 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover ..... . 6.1 + 13 + 13 Postal receipts• ...........$ 2,442,267 -25 + 9 Building permits, less federal contracts $28,567, 135 -SS + 50 HOUSTON SMSA Bank debits (thousands) . .$ 4,796,921 -6 + 18 (Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Liberty and Montgomery; End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 1,685,934 -10 + 6 pop. 1,613,9571) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 32.4 -6 + 7 Building permits, less federal contracts $35,084,532 -24 + 84 Bank debits (thousands) 11-.$59,376,348 + + 11 Humble (pop. 1,711) Nonfarm employment (area) . . 667,000 2 6 -+ Postal receipts• . . ..... . .. . .. . $ 3,840 -66 + 18 Manufacturing employment (area) . 119,950 •• + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,000 +too -79 Percent unemployed (area) . 2.7 + 17 -21 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 4,340 7 + 17 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 3,652 -1 Angleton (pop. 9,131) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 14.0 5 + 11 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 10,221 -21 + 1 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 96,050 + 30 +393 Katy (pop. 1,569) Bank debits (thousands) ... ....... ...$ 13,710 -8 Building permits, less federal contracts S 104,350 -77 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ 13,034 + 6 Bank debits (thousands) ... .. .$ 3,451 + 24 + so Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . . 12.9 -12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 2,944 -6 -10 For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 92. Annual rate of deposit turnover. 13.7 + 23 + 88 Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions J an 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 La Porte (pop. 7,250r) KATY: see HOUSTON SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 173,000 +861 + 27 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. $ 4,837 + 11 + 4 KILGORE (pop. 10,092) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 3,641 •• + 31 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 16.0 + 5 -15 Postal receipts• . $ 14,182 -42 -4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 430,426 + 18 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 14,077 -2 + 7 Liberty (pop. 6,127) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 14.077 -2 + 7 Postal receipts• .. $ 8,339 -23 -4 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 11.9 •• •• Building permits, less federal contracts $ 20,600 + 99 -86 Nonfarm employment (area) . 32.,650 •• + 8 Bank debits (thousands) .. ...........$ 11.721 + 23 + 7 Manufacturing employment (area) . 7,970 + + 15 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .$ 10,695 6 + 8 Percent unemployed (area) . . .. 3.6 -14 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 12.8 + 16 KILLEEN (pop. 23,377) Pasadena (pop. 58,737) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 41,843 -47 -13 Postal receipts• .$ 57,699 -46 + 15 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 316,371 + 97 -50 Building permits, less federal contract• $ 2.,420,100 +270 + 69 Bank debits (thousands) ......... .... S 20,186 -5 Bank debits (thousands) . . .$ 71,367 2 + 12 End-of-month deposits (thousandsli. . $ 13,626 •• End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 33,032 3 + 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. 17.3 2 + 2 Annual rate of deposit turnover. . 25.6 3 + 10 KINGSVILLE (pop. 25,297) Richmond (pop. 3,668) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......$ 20,924 -35 + 10 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 3,766 -51 -88 Building permits, less federal contracts S 108,025 + 73 + 21 Bank debits (thousands) ............. $ 8,510 1 + 18 Bank debits (thousands) ............ .$ 13,175 -10 + 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 9,498 8 + 2 End-of-month deposits (thousandsJi..$ 17,895 + 7 + 14 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 10.3 2 + 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9. 1 -12 8 Rosenberg (pop. 9,698) KIRBYVILLE (pop. 2,021r) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,044 -49 -19 Building permits, less federal contracts $ Postal receipts• ....... ...... ..... . . . $ 3,585 -43 •• 135,750 +240 -16 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 11.169 -8 + 8 Bank debits (thousands) . . ....... .. $ 2,267 -30 -12 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. S 4,303 -1 + 23 South Houston (pop. 7,253) Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 6.3 -34 -26 Postal receipts• $ 9, 192 -53 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 358,850 +586 LA FERIA: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN Bank debits (thousands) .. $ 7,878 -10 + 8 BENITO SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 5,741 •• + Annual rate of deposit turnover. 16.5 -11 + LA MARQUE: see GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA Tomball (pop. 2,025r) Bank debits (thousands) . . . .. .$ 8,308 + 5 + 8 LA 1ESA (pop. 12,438) End-of-month deposits (tho'1llands) i . .$ 10,393 + 53 + 52 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 13,555 -30 -12Annual rate of deposit turnover . 11.6 -23 19 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 37,400 + 17 -81 Bank debits (thousands) ............ .$ 31,948 + Z4 + 23 HUMBLE: see HOUSTON SMSA End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 21,520 + 12 + 19 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... . 18.8 + 3 + 11 HUNTSVILLE (pop. 11,999) Nonfarm placements 61 + 20 •• Postal receipts• ... .$ 13,936 -38 -3 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 134,500 +216 Bank debits (thousands) ....... .$ 9,877 -14 + 10 LAMPASAS (pop. 5,670r) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 11 ,346 + 1 + 12 Postal receipts• ....... ... . . ........ . S 6,727 -41 + 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.5 -16 5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 77,500 -84 + 99 B!'nk debits (thousands) ...... .. .... .$ 8,509 + 6 + 18 IOWA PARK: see WICHITA FALLS SMSA (thousands) t ..$ + 11 End-of-month deposits 7,023 3 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . 14.3 + 6 + IRVING: see DALLAS SMSA LA PORTE: see HOUSTON SMSA JACKSONVILLE (pop. 10,509r) Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...$ 23,161 -13 + 12 LAREDO SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 48,800 -62 -82 (Webb; pop. 71,7381) Bank debits (thousands) . . ..... $ 17,356 + 8 + 12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 197,425 + 128 +104End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 12,002 8 + 8 Bank debits (thousands) jj ......... . . $ 545,544 + 5 + 15 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 16.6 + 2 + 2 Nonfarm employment (area) . . . . . . . . . 21,500 + + 8 Manufacturing employment (area) . 1,310 8 JASPER (pop. 5,120r) Percent unemployed (area) . . . 12.0 2 9 Postal receipts• .. $ 9,511 -83 -10 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 83,000 +911 3 LAREDO (pop. 60,678) Bank debits (thousands) ......S 11,357 + 14 1 Postal receipts• . . .................. .$ 45,564 -32 + 6 End-of-month depoaits (thousands ) t .. $ 8,219 + 1 + 3 Building permits, less federal contractB $ 197,425 +128 +104Annual rate of deposit turnover . 16.6 + 11 2 Bank debits (thousands) .............$ 48,607 + 4 + 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 29,494 -2 + 6 JUSTIN: see DALLAS SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover.... . . 19.6 + 11 + Nonfarm placements .. ............. . 387 -10 s For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 92. Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Busines.s Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 LEVELLAND (pop. 12,117r) McALLEN (pop. 32,728) Postal receipts• .. .$ 10,537 -50 -4 Retail sales .. .... .... ... . -9t -30 + 4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 54,220 -65 ·_ 27 Apparel stores -46t -44 + 35 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . $ 40,995 + 46 + 10 Automotive stores -1t -21 -7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 13,980 -15 + 8 Postal receipts• .. $ 42.178 -33 + 12 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 32.3 + 31 + 13 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 323,500 + 45 + 27 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. $ 40,690 + + End-of-month deposits (thousands)l .. $ 26,026 + + 13 LIBERTY: see HOUSTON SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover . 18.9 -s / Nonfarm placements 617 + 73 +106 LLANO (pop. 2,656) Nonfarm employment (area) . 42,400 1 + 5 Manufacturing employment (area) . 2,940 6 -19 Postal receipts• .. . . . $ 3,458 -38 + 30 Percent unemployed (area) . 6.9 + -12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 15,500 + 45 Bank debits (thousands) .... . . . . .... .$ 3,302 -2 -11 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 4,037 -10 7 McCAMEY (pop. 3,350r) Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9.3 + 4 -9 Postal receipts• .. ......... ... . S 2,667 -51 -20 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 1,885 -8 + LOCKHAHT (pop. 6,084) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. S 1,799 + 12 Postal receipts• .... .$ 5,634 -46 -6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13.3 -10 + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 111,500 +268 +108 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .$ 6,280 -3 + 10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 6,632 + + 18 McGREGOR: see WACO SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover. 11.4 •• -6 McKINNEY: see DALLAS SMSA LONGVIEW (pop. 40,050) Retail sales -9t -10 + 17 Automotive stores -1t + 7 + 18 MARSHALL (pop. 25,715r) Postal receipts• . . . .. . .. ...... .$ 6(),726 -45 + 4 Retail sales -9t -49 -4 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 839,000 3 + 75 Postal receipts• ... .$ 27,645 -37 -7 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 70,791 4 + 12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 102,121 -19 -87 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 46,249 1 + 13 Bank debits (thousands) .... . . . . . . . . . $ 20,715 -1 + 1 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 18.3 3 + 3 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 24,252 •• + 6 Nonfarm employment (area) . 32,650 •• + 8 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.2 -4 -2 Manufacturing employment (area) . 7,970 + + 15 Nonfarm placements 246 -23 + 62 Percent unemployed · (area) 3.6 + 6 -14 MERCEDES (pop. 10,943)LOS FRESNOS: see BROW_NSViLLE-HARLINGEN­ Postal receipts• .. . .... .. .. .$ 6,700 -29 +S.-\N BENITO SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts S 17,220 +47 + Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .$ 6,166 + 2 + End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 4,334 LUBBOCK SMSA + + 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 17.2 -6 + (Lubbock; pop. 177,1401) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 3,932,,152 -39 + 35 Bank debits (thousands) II. . ....... $ 4,185,42.0 + 21 + 8 MESQUITE: see DALLAS SMSA Nonfarm employment (area) . 61,200 -1 + 4 Manufacturing employment (area) . 7,05() -1 + 9 Percent unemployed (area) . 3.7 + 28 -16 MEXIA (pop. 7,621r) Postal receipts• .....$ 5,917 -43 -18 LUBBOCK (pop. 155,200r) Buildinll' permits, less federal contracts $ 0 Bank debits (thousands) .. . ... . . . . . . . $ 5,290 Retail sales -9t -26 + 4 •• + End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 5,401 Automotive stores -lt -14 + 5 + 1 + Annual rate of deposit turnover . 11.8 ­ General merchandise stores. -53t -54 •• 2 + Postal receipts• .. ..... .$ 236,124 -28 7 - Buildinll' permits, less federal contracts $ 3,929,173 39 -+ 37 MIDLAND SMSA Bank debits (thousands) . .. . .... . ... .'$ 462,190 + 18 + 7 (Midland; pop. 64,7041) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 156,0()3 + 3 + 6 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 36.1 + 11 + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 3,925,225 +617 + 56 Bank debits (thousands) II. . .... $ 1,635,816 + 3 9 Nonfarm employment (area) . 57,100 -2 + 2 Slaton (pop. 6,568) Manufacturing employment (area) . 4,720 + 26 + 15 P ostal receipts• .. $ 4,128 57 ­ 33 Percent unemployed (area) . 3.2 - 22 + 23 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 2,379 •• 91 - Ba nk debits (thousands) . $ 7,787 + 16 + 18 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 4,926 MIDLAND (pop. 62,625) + 5 + 2 Annual rate of'-deposit turnover. 19.4 + 2 + 16 Postal receipts .. ............ $ 109,184 -43 + 8 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 3,925,225 +617 + 56 Bank debits (thousands) . . ....$ 144,885 LUFKIN (pop. 17,641) + 3 -11 End-of-month deposits (thouaanda)t. . $ 113, 779 4 -4 Postal receipts• . . ...... . ... . .. ..... .$ 35,934 -20 + 16 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 14.9 + ­ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 165,200 + 28 -42 1 7 Nonfarm placements 684 Nonfarm placements ......... . 46 -25 -21 + 7 + 23 For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 92. MIDLOTHIAN: see DALLAS SMSA 100 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW P ercent changePercent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 Jan 1966 J an 1966 MINERAL WELLS (pop. 11,053) ODESSA (pop. 86,937r) Postal receipts• . . . . $ 23,776 + 6 + , 66 Retail sales 9t -46 + 11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 196,500 -22 -9 Furniture and household Bank debits (thousands) . .$ 15,446 7 + 20 appliance stores 15t -24 + 15 End-of-month deposits (thousands) 12,885 2 + 9 Postal receipts• ......$ 90,107 -40 + 3 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 14.3 + 12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 722,839 + 47 + 29 Nonfarm placements 167 + 19 + 174 Bank debits (thousands) ... . $ 96,282 8 + 8 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . . $ 68,172 + 2 + 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 17.1 -10 -1 MISSION (pop. 14,081) Nonfarm placements 298 -16 -17 Postal receipts• . . $ 11,001 -37 + 10 Building permits, Jess federal contracts $ 11.400 -53 -62 Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 12,026 4 -9 ORANGE: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­ End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 9,732 + 12 ORANGE SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover . 14.8 4 -16 PALESTINE (pop. 13,974) MONAHANS (pop. 9,252r) Postal receipts• .. .. $ 16,217 -58 -4 Postal receipts• ........ ............ $ 10,121 -52 -6 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 95,047 19 -43 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 31,250 -64 -78 Bank debits (thousands) ....$ 15,092 -15 + 12 Bank debits (thousands) ... .. . . ... . . . $ 11,006 + 3 + 7 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 17,514 -1 + 1 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 8,293 3 + 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.3 -18 + 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . . 15.7 + •• PAMPA (pop. 24,664) MOUNT PLEASANT (pop. 8,027) Retail sales -9t -19 + 11 Postal receipts• . . $ 11,817 -26 •• Building permits, less federal contracta $ 72,305 -40 -26 Building J;>ermits, less federal contracta $ 110,600 + 36 + 73 Bank debits (thousands) . .$ 29,823 -5 + 7 Bank debits (thousands) . . ..... . $ 11,720 -6 + 6 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. .$ 20,890 •• -6 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t . .$ 8,957 -12 + 9 Annual rate of deposit turnover . .. . 17.1 -3 + 14 Annua.l rate of deposit turnover . 14.7 -6 8 Nonfarm placements .. . 131 -13 + 4 MUENSTER (pop. 1,190) PARIS (pop. 20,977) Postal receipts• ..... .. ... ... . $ 1,911 -50 + 83 Postal receipts• . . ..... .... ... ...... . $ 29,416 -26 -1 Building permits, less federal contracta $ 10,000 -33 -49 Building permits, less federal contracta $ 202,032 -42 -43 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. . $ 3,002 + 2 + 9 Nonfarm placements 134 + 6 + 63 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 2,193 + 3 3 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 16.7 + 2 + 14 PASADENA: see HOUSTON SMSA NACOGDOCHES (pop. 15,450r) PECOS (pop. 12,728) Postal receipts• ......... ... ... . $ 24,630 -18 + 25 Building permits, Jess federal contracta $ 234,362 -83 +162 . . . . . 12,590 23 + Postal receipts• .$ ­ Building permits, less federal contracts $ 9,850 + 4 -77 Bank debits (thousands) . . .$ 21,354 5 + 13 Bank debits (thousands) . . .$ 24,857 + 2 -5 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. .$ 23,000 + 10 + 15 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13.6 -4 -13 + End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. . $ 11,489 3 6 Nonfarm placements 91 -14 -14 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 21.9 6 + 7 Nonfarm placements 168 + 15 + 81 NEDERLAND: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­PHARR (pop. 14,106)ORANGE SMSA Postal receipts• . .. . $ 9,586 -42 + 23 Building permits, .less federal contracta $ 40,470 -66 -12 NEW BRAUNFELS (pop. 15,631) Bank debits (thousands) . . . . .$ 4,882 •• + 14 Postal receipts• . . . $ 18,888 -51 -10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t . . $ 4,711 + 14 Building permits, less federal contracta $ 112,988 -46 -45 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 12.0 -3 •• Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 15,965 1 + 14 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 15, 194 + 2 + 19 PILOT POINT: see DALLAS SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover. 12.7 -3 PLAINVIEW (pop. 18,731r) NORTH RICHLAND HILLS: see FORT WORTH SMSA Postal receipts• . ···· ·· · . .. $ 33,997 -+ 5 ····· 39 Building permits, less federal contracta $ 206,850 -51 -87 Nonfarm placements 205 -22 ODESSA SMSA •• (Ector; pop. 85,7271 ) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 722,839 + 47 + 29 PLANO: see DALLAS SMSA Bank debits (thousands) 11 . . . $ 1,213,500 + 3 + 21 Nonfarm employment (area) . 57,100 -2 + 2 PLEASANTON (pop. 5,053r) Manufacturing employment (area) . 4,720 + 26 + 15 Building permits, less federal contracts 6,400 -95 -60Percent unemployed (area) 3.2 + 23 -22 Bank debits (thousands) . .. . . ..... .. .$ 4,788 + 28 + 32 End-of-month deposits (thousands)t.. $ 3,941 -4 + 4 For an explanation of symbols, please see p, 92. Annual rate of deposit turnover . 14.3 + 28 + 81 Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 PORT ARTHUR: see BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­ SAN ANTONIO (pop. 655,006r) ORANGE SMSA Retail sales -19 -22 + 4 Apparel stores -40 -43 + 6 Automotive stores 4 -19 + PORT ISABEL: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN­ Eating and drinking places . 6 - 2 + SAN BENITO SMSA Florists .... ...... . Furniture and household -52 + 18 appliance stores -43 -50 2 PORT NECHES: see ORANGE SMSA BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR­ Gasoline and service stations . General merchandise stores . Lumber, building material, and hardware stores -- 3 48 •• --- 2 40 9 + 2 8 Nurseries -35 -28 RAYMONDVILLE (pop. 9,385) Postal receipts• .. . $ 5,400 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 14,800 Bank debits (thousands) ......$ 5,710 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . . $ 7,590 -55 -93 -19 -6 -20 -54 7 -4 Postal receipts• .. .$ 869,018 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,788,849 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .$ 940,192 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 483,346 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 23.5 -39 6 + 2 8 + 4 + 28 + 15 + 6 + 10 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 8.7 - 13 - 6 Nonfarm placements ················ 41 -20 -24 Schertz (pop. 2,281) RICHARDSON: see DALLAS SMSA Postal receipts• Bank debits (thousands) . .. .$ $ 16,118 639 -34 8 + 20 + End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 1,103 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover..... 6.7 + RICHMOND: see HOUSTON SMSA Seguin (pop. 14,299) ROBSTOWN: see CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA Postal receipts• ............ ........ .$ 16,118 -34 + 20 Building per mits, less federal contracts $ 115,275 +130 + 75 Bank debits (thousands) .. .......... .$ 15,828 + s ROCKDALE (pop. 4,481) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 16,454 + + + Postal receipts• . . . ........... . $ 5,967 -30 + 7 Annual rate of deposit turnover.. . 11.6 + + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 4,200 -80 -84 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . $ 4,795 -8 3 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. .$ 7,166 + 2 + 6 SAN BENITO: see BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN Annual rate of deposit turnover . 8.1 -11 9 BENITO SMSA ROSENBERG: see HOUSTON SMSA SAN JUAN (pop. 4,371) Postal receipts• .$ 2,954 -52 + 11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 3,300 25 +175 SAN ANGELO SMSA + Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .$ 2,688 + 1 + IS (Tom Green; pop. 70,8761) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 2,736 + 6 + 15 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 12.1 -I Building permits, less federal contracts $ 309,380 + 23 -50 Bank debits (thousands) 11 ...........$ 922,944 + 18 Nonfarm employment (area) 21.350 + 6 Manufacturing employment (area) . 3,170 + 15 SAN MARCOS (pop. 12,713) Percent unemployed (area) . 3.9 + 5 -24 Postal receipts• .. .. $ 16,227 -27 + 34 Building permits, le•s federal contracts $ 154,248 -46 +us Bank debits (thousands) . ........ .$ 13,839 + 12 + 27 SAN ANGELO (pop. 58,815) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t ..$ 14,676 + + 14 Retail sales -9t -46 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 11.6 + 13 + 8+ 10 Postal receipts• ........ . . . .... $ 93,237 -34 + 5 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 309,380 + 23 -50 Bank debits (thousands) . . ... .$ 81,926 + + 17 SAN SABA (pop. 2,728) End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 56,481 2 + 11 Postal receipts• .. . $ 3,810 -36 + Annual rate of deposit turnover . 17.3 + + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 38,500 + 51 Bank debits (thousands) . .... . $ 5,419 -12 + 19 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. . $ 5,065 -6 + 15 SAN ANTONIO SMSA Annual rate of deposit turnover . 12.4 -11 + 4 (Bexar and Guadalupe; pop. 800,9681) Building permits, less federal contracts $ 5,207,449 6 + 27 SCHERTZ: see SAN ANTONIO SMSA Bank debits (thousands) 11. ......$11,412,708 -1 + 14 Nonfarm employment (area) ... 236,000 -1 + R Manufacturing employment (area) . 27,925 •• + 2 SEAGOVILLE: see DALLAS SMSA Percent unemployed (area) . 4.4 -2 -27 SEGUIN: see SAN ANTONIO SMSA For an explanation of symbols, please see p. 92. 102 TEXAS BUSINESS REVIEW Percent change Percent change Local Business Conditions Local Business Conditions J an 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Jan from from Jan from from City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 City and item 1966 Dec 1965 Jan 1965 SHERMAN (pop. 30,660r) SWEETWATER (pop. 13,914) Retail m ies -9t -42 Postal receipts* $ 17,063 -31 -10 Automotive stores -lt -35 12 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 230 Postal receipts• ..... $ 42,449 -35 + 3 Ba nk debits (thousands) . .$ 1 • 71 + 15 + 23 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 995,575 + 40 +188 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 10,760 4 + 3 Bank debits (thousands) . $ 41,889 .. + 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 20.6 + 11 + 20 Cnd-of-month deposits (thousands) t $ 24 ,635 7 + 11 Nonfarm placements 121 + 11 + 66 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 19.6 + 2 •• Nonfarm placements 151 + 7 6 + TAYLOR (pop. 9,434) Postal receipts• .. $ 10,7 2 -34 + 10 SILSBEE (pop. 6,277) $ + Building permits, less federal contracts 103,140 +523 88 Postal recei pts0 ...... S 10,427 -31 + 8 Bank debits (thousands) . . .. . $ 11,326 + 18 + 16 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 1,400 -96 13 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t. $ 17,012 -1 + 6 Bank debits (thousands) . . . . . . $ 4,892 -12 Annual rate of deposit turnover. 7.9 + 22 + 10 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 5,737 + 1 + Nonfarm placements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 -2 +153 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 10.3 -8 TEMPLE (pop. 34,730r)SINTON: see CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA Retail sales -9• -31 + 4 Postal receipts• ...$ 54,419 -25 + 20 Building perm its, less federal contracts $ 283,787 -53 + 83 SLATON: see LUBBOCK SMSA Nonfarm placements 177 + 12 -19 Sl\IITHVILLE (pop. 2,933) TERRELL (pop. 13,803) Postal receipts• . . . $ 2,169 -53 -12 Postal receipts• . . . . . . . . .... $ 9,172 -54 + 9Building permits, less federal contracts $ 500 -83 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 112.,496 +156 -73 Ba nk debits (thousands) .............$ 1,893 + 22 + 33 Bank debits (thousands) . . .......$ 11,426 + 11 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 2,385 -1 -4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i . .$ 10,517 •• + 10Annual rate of deposit turnover. 9.5 + 23 + 38 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 13.0 6 + 2 SNYDER (pop. 13,850) TEXARKA A SMSA Building permits, less federal contracts $ 25,750 -73 + 15 Bank debits (thousands). . .... $ 16,705 4 (Bowie, excluding Miller, Ark.; pop. 66,7431) End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 20,970 + 4 + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 360,275 + 95 -46 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 9.8 6 11 Bank debits (thousands) 11 -.. $ 1,066,300 + 4 + 13 Nonfarm employment (area) 33,600 + 4 Manufacturing employment (area) 7,2.50 •• + 11 SOUTH HOUSTON: see HOUSTON SMSA Percent unemployed (area) . 4.9 + 7 -33 SULPHUI{ SPRINGS (pop. 9,160) TEXARKANA (pop. 50,006r) Postal receipts• .. . S 18,465 -27 + Retail sales ....... ... . -9t -24 + Building permits, less federal contracts $ 718,378 + 61 +600 1. Automotive stores _.......... . --14 + Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 16,359 + 1 + 4 Postal receipts• $ 82,006 -22 + 4 End-of-month deposits (thousands) t .. $ 14,948 2 + 11 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 265,056 + 52 -59 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 4 13.0 + Bank debits (thousands) . . . $ 80,656 -2 + 10 End-of-month deposit& (thousands) H. $ 23,457 •• + 11 Annual rate of deposit turnover . 21.6 -6 + 13 STEPHENVILLE (pop. 7,359) Postal receipts• ..$ 10,021 -46 17 Building permits, less federal contracts $ 66,300 + 37 + 49 TEXAS CITY: see GALVESTO -TEXAS CITY SMSA Hank debits (thousands) . ......$ 10,390 + + 21 End-of-month deposits (thousands) i. .$ 10,227 + + Annual rate of deposit turnover. 12.3 + 7 + 12 TOMBALL: see HOUSTON SMSA STRATFORD (pop. 1,380) TYLER SMSA Postal rec~• . . . ......... . ...... .$ 1,695 -52 -20 Building perm··~· less fe d 0 >:j td d rn ...... z l:.:i:j rn rn ~ l:.:i:j 00 l:.:i:j > ~ C":l = 0 ~ t-'> t."l ll> z ::l >i 0 t."l "'.l i;ll "'.l t."l ..... 0 &l > > >i en en >i t."l :i:8 t."l z >1' c:: C'l en s: j f:l ~ ~ >i > t."l ~ ~ :II en NEW PUBLICATIONS DALLAS-FORT WORTH: Regional Growth Influenc­ing Transportation Planning. By Joe H. Jones. $3.00 MIDLAND-ODESSA: Regional Growth Influencing Transportation Planning. By L. L. Schkade, Charles T. Clark, and Charles A. Pieper. $2.50 SAN ANGELO: Urban Growth Influencing Transpor­tation Planning. 13y Joe H. Jones. $2.50 These three economic base studies concentrate on those factors in the economic composition of each study area which are significant variables in trans­portation planning. BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN, TEXAS 78712 (Texas residents add 2% sales tax.) > ~ c:: >'3 c:: en :II ~ z .z f;l ;J .c c:: ~ ~ Ul -:i ;J 00 -:i 0 """' !:..:> >i :i: t."l c:: z ..... ~ :II en ~ 0 "'.l ;J ~ Ul