NEW WORKS Weeklong drama festival showcasesstudent theater performances LIFE&ARTS PAGE 7 @thedailytexan TODAY Cello there Acclaimed cellist Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble are performing tonight at Bass Concert Hall. Tickets range from $30-$52 and the show begins at 8 p.m. TUESDAY Do the Wright thing Pulitzer Prize winner and visiting professor Lawrence Wright speaks Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. in Avaya Auditorium in the ACES building. WEDNESDAY ÔSomethingÕs ComingÕ Immediately after WednesdayÕs performance of West Side Story is an audience talkback session. The show starts at 8 p.m. and tickets start at $20. THURSDAY ShariÕa law The Muslim Students Association is hosting a talk Thursday on Islamophobia and ShariÕa law in UTC 2.102A at 6 p.m. FRIDAY Fool of it The UT Symphony Orchestra is celebrating April FoolsÕ Day with a performance that includes HolstÕs ÒThe Perfect Fool Ballet Music.ÓThe show begins at 6:30 p.m. and tickets are $5 for students and $10 for everyone else. Campus watch Problem, officer? 400 Block West 21st St. A UT Police Officer discovered a UT student staggering back and forth as he attempted to navigate the sidewalk. When asked if he knew where he was, he said that he was at the intersection of 26th Street and Jack in a Box. The student was taken into custody for public intoxication and was transported to central booking. Quote to note Ô ÒArt is often a reflec¥ Ô tion of the times, be it political, social or emotional, and itÕs im¥portant that we con¥tinue to make work that speaks to con¥temporary times.Ó Ñ Sarah Coleman Assistant producer, Cohen New Works Festival LIFE&ARTS PAGE 10 UT switches off the lights for ÔEarth HourÕ By Jasmin Sun Daily Texan Staff The lights were dimmer than usu¥al Saturday night at the UT Tower. To promote environmental aware¥ness, the University delayed the nor¥mal lighting time of the Tower an hour later until 9:30 p.m. in honor of the fifth-annual Earth Hour. Lighting at Whitaker Fields and Tennis Courts, Clark Field and Bas¥ketball Courts, and the Penick-Al¥lison Tennis Center were also de¥layed. ÒThe University is excited when it can collaborate with area partners, especially when they have a com¥mon purpose like energy conserva¥tion,Ó said UT director of sustain¥ability Jim Walker. ÒEspecially since Earth Hour is an international thing because UT is an international enti¥ty.Ó cluding the Frost Bank Tower. Earth Hour is a global event urg-ÒThe last couple of years the entire ing individuals and business- University has been trying to es to turn off their lights take part in lots of recy¥for one hour to take a cling and sustainability stand against climate efforts,Ó said Merrick change. UT took part MyCue, assistant ath¥in the event during its letics director of spe¥initial launch in 2007. cial events and stadi-Many buildings and um operations. ÒSo get¥businesses across the city ting the athletics depart¥also observed Earth Hour, in-ment involved was a natural Festival of Colors By Katrina Tollin Corey Leamon | Daily Texan Staff Students participated in the annual Holi festival, hosted by the Hindu Students Association, on the Main Mall on Saturday. Known as the Festival of Colors, the event celebrates the arrival of spring and a chance to set aside the separations of class, gender, and religion. Corey Leamon | Daily Texan Staff Sanford Levinson, Hans Mark and H.W. Brands prepare for a discussion panel on the current state of national security in the United States. Panel discusses warrant of military use in Libya By Allison Harris sor Bob Inman said it will be hard Daily Texan Staff to explain the rationale for mili¥ tary intervention when the coun- A public affairs professor and try is facing an estimated $1.4 tril¥former director of the Nation-lion deficit, according to the Con¥al Security Agency said Saturday gressional Budget Office. Obama that President Barack Obama will will address the nation Monday have a difficult time justifying in-night. tervention in Libya. The Plan II Honors Program At a discussion with three oth¥er panelists, public affairs profes- PANEL continues on PAGE 2 A cloud of colored dust rose over the South Mall as more than 1,000 people celebrated the ancient Hindu festival of Holi by throwing neon powder and water balloons at each other. Contemporary Indian music boomed while students covered in Òrang,Ó the vibrantly colored powders, danced Saturday at the 19th annual event hosted by the Hindu Students Association. Also called the ÒFestival of Colors,Ó Holi marks the beginning of spring and celebrates the triumph of good over evil and the unification of different people, regardless of how they look. ÒItÕs something completely different and HOLI continues on PAGE 2 step. When Jim emailed me, I was like, ÔYeah, letÕs participate.ÕÓ The movement began in Sydney, Australia, with 2.2 million individu¥als and more than 2,000 businesses turning out the lights. Despite the delay in lighting the iconic UT Tower and sever¥al athletics facilities, the amount of electricity actually being con- EARTH continues on PAGE 2 System Board ousts adviser in response to complaints By Matthew Stottlemyre Daily Texan Staff After hiring a $200,000-per¥year adviser, the University of Texas System Board of Regents reassigned him last week and re¥leased a letter Friday addressing concerns about the BoardÕs com¥mitment to academic research. The hire of the adviser, Rick OÕDonnell, raised concerns among alumni, administrators and law¥makers be¥cause of OÕDonnellÕs work at the Texas Pub¥lic Policy Foundation, a nonprofit, conservative and nonpar¥tisan think Rick OÕDonnell tank that re- Adviser to UT System searches Board of Regents public poli¥cy. The foun¥dation, and OÕDonnell specifically, have called for a focus on teaching and for less emphasis on academic research at universities. In a December 2008 poli¥cy statement for the foundation, OÕDonnell questioned the current system, which encourages schol¥arly and scientific research. ÒGiven that nearly half of the money going into higher educa- ADVISER continues on PAGE 2 ADVISER continues from PAGE 1 tion today is directed toward re¥search, an area dominated by tenured professors, tenure track professors and Ph.D. programs, an examination of this system is in order,Ó OÕDonnell wrote. ÒEv¥eryone knows that it is scientific, academic research that fuels the modern economy Ñ except that it doesnÕt.Ó OÕDonnell was initially hired as an adviser last month report¥ing directly to the Board of Re¥gents at a rate of $200,000 per year. Because this role con¥flicted with the role of System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa, OÕDonnell was reassigned last week, System spokesman Matt Flores said. Flores said OÕDonnell now re¥ports directly to Scott Kelly, ex¥ecutive vice chancellor for busi¥ness affairs, and is a non-con¥tract System employee whose service is expected to end Aug. 31, 2011. He will now offer re¥search and advising services for the BoardÕs Task Forces on Uni¥versity Excellence and Produc¥tivity and on Blended and On¥line Learning. He still receives an annual rate of $200,000, which is prorated according to how long he serves. Flores said the last time the Board sought input from out¥side advisers was in 2009. A sev¥en-member group Ñ made up of former medical school adminis¥trators and university presidents Ñ recommended against the merger of UT-San Antonio and The UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. Flores said this advisory group did not receive pay for its services. Texas Exes President Richard Leshin released a letter to alum¥ni and to the Board on Thurs¥day. He urged members to con¥tact the Board and express the value of academic research, con¥trary to the views of the BoardÕs new hire. ÒIn addition to this intellectu¥ally flawed view that research at UT is valueless, these same con¥sultants also believe that ten¥ured faculty, distinguished in their fields, can and should be replaced by part-time, contract lecturers,Ó Leshin wrote. ÒThey point to for-profit institutions as the correct model for controlling costs, because those institutions rely almost exclusively on lower¥cost lecturers.Ó At the Faculty Council meet¥ing last week, UT President Wil¥liam Powers Jr. said the Univer¥sity should embrace reforms on efficiency, but not those that at¥tack the research the Universi¥ty does. ÒThese reforms cut at the core of what a major research univer¥sity does because they purposely say the research we do isnÕt valu¥able,Ó Powers said. The Board of RegentsÕ chair and three vice-chairs respond¥ed in writing to the Texas Exes letter Friday, stating its commit¥ment to encourage academic re¥search at UT. ÒOur view is that academic re¥search is extremely valuable to so¥ciety,Ó the chairs said in their let¥ter. ÒThere has not been, nor will there be, an attempt to exclude re¥search in how we value faculty.Ó Last month, the Board ap¥proved $56 million from the Sys¥tem to expand UTÕs advanced computing research center, if the center wins a $54 million Na¥tional Science Foundation grant. EARTH continues from PAGE 1 served is negligible, said Juan On-69 typical Austin homes. tiveros, executive director of Utili-ÒItÕs true that we donÕt save that ties and Energy Management. much energy,Ó Walker said. ÒBut itÕs The University goes through more about the awareness-raising about 40 megawatts of electricity aspect than the financial savings.Ó per day on average. If Earth Hour To UT Campus Environmental were to extend beyond the Tower Center director Andrew Townsend, and athletics facilities to the rest of who has personally been participat¥the main campus, the wattage saved ing in Earth Hour since 2008, every from one hourÕs delay in lighting little effort to increase awareness would be enough to power about helps, regardless of the numbers. HOLI continues from PAGE 1 people can just let loose,Ó said business sophomore Chris Lani¥er. The festival celebrates a Hindu myth in which the demon Hiran¥yakashipu was angry that his son Prahlada worshipped Lord Vish¥nu instead of himself. As pun¥ishment, his demon sister Holi¥ka carried Prahlada into a blazing fire, but Vishnu intervened, sav¥ing Prahlada. Holika suffered the fire instead. Undeclared freshman Reihaneh Hajibeigi said the event is more cultural than religious. ÒNo one is here for the religious learning about the holiday,Ó Haji¥beigi said. ÒItÕs a big color party.Ó Hindus in India celebrate the victory of good over evil and the destruction of Holika by lighting bonfires the night before the Fes¥ uate and officer of the national Hindu Students Association. In another story, the young Lord Krishna complained to his mother about the difference in No one is here for the religious learning about the holiday. ItÕs Ò a big color party. Ñ Reihaneh Hajibeigi, Undeclared freshman Ò ÒPeople always notice that the TowerÕs orange, so theyÕll definitely notice that the TowerÕs off,Ó he said. ÒI donÕt think itÕs a meaningless ges¥ture at all. All the little things add up and will count. Any way we can make a small difference or a talking point is a small win.Ó Walker is currently working to delay the TowerÕs lighting again on April 1, which is Earth Day. what we had yesterday,Ó said Anand Jayanti, event co-chair and a pre-med and Plan II senior. ÒThey come together, and they forget their differences Ñ thatÕs the purpose of the coloring.Ó Jayanti said the rang used for the event was a high-quality or¥ganic compound. ÓIn the old days, since they didnÕt have synthetic means of production, theyÕd use these herbs in the raw, and theyÕd basically use some natural colors to make them stained,Ó he said. It is not uncommon for peo¥ple to take one or two weeks off from work for the extended cele¥bration of the most popular holi¥day, said Apurva Batra, mechani¥cal engineering senior and Hindu PANEL continues from PAGE 1 sponsored the talk, which was at¥tended by about 175 people, as one of about 35 events on Friday and Saturday to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the honors pro¥gram. About 275 alumni partic¥ipated in the events, said Phillip Dubov, development specialist for the program. Inman said tough econom¥ic times change the publicÕs pri¥orities to focusing on protection of the U.S. rather than acting as a leader in humanitarian interven¥tions. ÒThe case is going to have to be very strong of why itÕs in the U.S. interest to participate, not just providing beneficial leadership to the world at large,Ó he said. Panelist and history professor Henry Brand said a long-term re¥duction in defense spending while retaining popular entitlement pro¥grams, including Social Security, could destabilize the economy. ÒShould the PentagonÕs budget be cut dramatically, the Ameri¥can economy might well find it¥self in strange territory,Ó he said. ÒIÕm not saying that the economy cannot thrive in the absence of large and regular federal stimulus. IÕm just saying that in the past, it has not.Ó Panelist and law and govern¥ment professor Sanford Levinson said politicians should pay more attention to potential financial emergencies, natural disasters and public health emergencies, which he said can and have impacted av¥erage Americans more than tradi¥tional national security threats. ÒThere are other kinds of na¥tional security issues that are, when all is said and done, just as important, that our political sys¥tem seems to not be addressing at all,Ó he said. Dubov said the Plan II program chose national security as a topic because it was relevant. ÒYou just need to look at the newspapers today to see how im¥portant national security and in¥ternational events are,Ó he said. Kapil Saxena, a Plan II and bio¥medical engineering senior, said he took a class with Inman and had attended several talks by pan¥elist Hans Mark. He said he ap¥preciated the diverse backgrounds of the panelists. ÒJust one person speaking, you Students Association officer. kind of get a single-sided perspec¥ÒAt the end of the day, we are tive,Ó he said. ÒAll four of them tival of Colors. all the same,Ó said Saagar Gro¥color between his dark skin and have these very, very different ÒThe event has a religious sig¥ver, accounting senior and Hin¥his consort RadhaÕs pale skin, paths where they can play upon nificance, but even if someone du Students Association finan¥ doesnÕt come from that back-so his mother colored Radha to cial director. ÒIt is more about ground, they can participate,Ó said make her resemble Krishna. bringing people together than di-Shashank Maruvada, 2008 grad-ÒIf you extend that, it becomes viding them.Ó each other and find these links and make a true conversation.Ó CONTACT US Main Telephone: (512) 471-4591 Editor: Lauren Winchester (512) 232-2212 Managing Editor: Claire Cardona (512) 232-2217 managingeditor@ Retail Advertising: (512) 471-1865 Classified Advertising: (512) 471-5244 The Texan strives to present all information fairly, accurately and completely. If we have made an error, let us know about it. Call (512) 232-2217 or e-mail COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 Texas Student Age Compensation Requirements Timeline Media. All articles, photographs and graphics, both in the print and 84 online editions, are the property of Healthy & Fri. 1 Apr. through Mon. 4 Apr. Men and Postmenopausal or Up to Texas Student Media and may not be Surgically Sterile Non-Smoking Fri. 8 Apr. through Mon. 11 Apr. reproduced or republished in part or $1800Women BMI between 18 and 32 Outpatient Visit: 16 Apr. in whole without written permission. 18 to 60 Sat. 9 Apr. through Mon. 11 Apr. TOMORROWÕS WEATHER Men Up to Healthy Fri. 29 Apr. through Sun. 1 May 18 to 45 $3500 BMI between 18 and 32 Multiple Outpatient Visits Low High Chris and Nay SittinÕin a tree World&NatioN Monday, March 28, 2011 | The Daily Texan | Sydney Fitzgerald, Wire Editor | Security troops break up, Radioactive water leaks from reactors fire upon protest in Syria The Associated Press TOKYO Ñ Officials say a mea¥surement showing a huge spike in ra¥diation levels at a stricken Japanese nuclear complex was a mistake. The readings, which showed wa¥ter testing 10 million times higher in radioactivity than normal in the re¥actorÕs cooling system, drove work¥ers to flee. On Sunday night, though, plant operators said while the water was contaminated with radiation, the ex¥tremely high reading was inaccurate. ÒThe number is not credible,Ó said Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita. ÒWe are very sorry.Ó Emergency workers struggling to pump contaminated water from Ja¥panÕs stricken nuclear complex fled one of the troubled reactors Sunday after reporting a huge spike in radio¥activity, with levels 10 million times higher than normal in the reactorÕs cooling system, officials said. The numbers were so high that the worker measuring radiation lev¥els in the complexÕs Unit 2 withdrew before taking a second reading, offi¥cials said. It was not immediately clear, how¥ever, how long workers were ex¥posed to the highly radioactive water or how long the levels had been that high at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, 140 miles northeast of Tokyo. But it came as officials acknowl¥edged there was contaminated wa¥ter in all four of the complexÕs most troubled reactors, and as airborne ra¥diation in Unit 2 measured 1,000 mil¥lisieverts per hour Ñ four times the limit deemed safe by the government, Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita said. NEWS BRIEFLY US rain discovered to contain traces of Japanese radiation BOSTON Ñ Health officials said Sunday that one sample of Massachusetts rainwater has reg¥istered very low concentrations of radiation, most likely from the Japanese nuclear power plant damaged earlier this month by an earthquake and tsunami. John Auerbach, the Massa¥chusetts commissioner of public health, said that radioiodine-131 found in the sample Ñ one of more than 100 that have been tak¥en around the country Ñ is short lived. He said the drinking water supply in the state was unaffect¥ed and officials do not expect any health concerns. Nevada and other Western states also have reported minus¥cule amounts of radiation, but scientists say those presented no health risks. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health said the in-state sample was taken in the past week, but they did not say where. The testing is part of a U.S. Environ¥mental Protection Agency network that monitors for radioactivity. State officials said similar testing was done in California, Pennsylva¥nia, Washington and other states, and showed comparable levels of I-131 in rain. Bronx Zoo workers on lookout for escaped venomous cobra NEW YORK Ñ A poisonous co¥bra has vanished from an enclosure outside public view at the Bronx Zoo, and its Reptile House re¥mained closed Sunday as a precau¥tion while zoo workers searched for the missing reptile. While the roughly 20-inch-long Egyptian cobra Ñ a highly venom¥ous species of snake Ñ has been un¥accounted for since Friday after¥noon, zoo officials say theyÕre con¥fident it hasnÕt gone far and isnÕt in a public area. The animals seek out confined spaces, said zoo Director Jim Bre¥heny. Once the snake gets hungry or thirsty enough to leave its hiding place, workers will have their best opportunity to recover it, Breheny said. In the meantime, the Reptile House remained closed indefinitely. Cobra bites can be deadly if not treated properly, but the snakes arenÕt likely to attack people un¥less the reptiles feel threatened, ac¥cording to a fact sheet on the San Diego ZooÕs website. Compiled from The Associated Press By Zeina Karam The Associated Press DAMASCUS, Syria Ñ Syrian activists say security troops have stormed a protest sit-in near the capital Damascus, arresting about 200 people in the midnight raid. The activists say up to 4,000 peo¥ ple were demonstrating in the town of Douma near Damascus when, around midnight Friday, electricity was cut and the protesters came un¥ der attack. The activists spoke anon¥ ymously, fearing reprisals. The raid capped a day of relent¥ less government crackdowns on pro¥ testers across Syria as one of the Mid¥ eastÕs most repressive regimes sought to quell demonstrations that explod¥ ed nationwide demanding reform. The state-run news agency said on Saturday that an armed group at¥ tacked an officersÕ club in the city of Itsuo Inouye |Associated Press A protester in protective mask holds a sign during an anti nuclear rally in Tokyo on Sunday. Leaked water in Unit 2 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant measured 10 million times higher than usual radioactivity levels. and turns. The contaminated water is one of them and weÕll continue to re¥pair the damage.Ó The discovery over the last three days of radioactive water has been a major setback in the mission to get the plantÕs crucial cooling systems op¥erating more than two weeks after a Syrian pro-Assad protesters shout as they carry pictures of Syrian President Bashar Assad during a sit-in in front of the Syrian embassy. massive earthquake and tsunami. SAVE $5 USE COUPON CODE WHEN REGISTERING ONLINE. TEAMS OF TWO WILL DASH THROUGH DOWNTOWN AUSTIN IN A ONE OF A KIND URBAN EXPLORATION RACE. SOLVE CLUES AND CHALLENGES TO FIND HIDDEN ENCOUNTERS ALL ACROSS THE CITY.Ê Homs the previous day, killing one person and wounding others. Troops opened fire on protesters in cities across Syria and pro- and anti-government crowds clashed in the capitalÕs city as one of the MideastÕs most repressive regimes sought to put down demonstrations that exploded nationwide Friday. The upheaval sweeping the re¥gion definitively took root in Syr¥ia as an eight-day uprising centered on a rural southern town dramati¥cally expanded into protests by tens of thousands in multiple cities. Protesters wept over the bloodied bodies of slain comrades and mas¥sive crowds chanted anti-govern¥ment slogans, then fled as gunfire erupted, according to footage posted online. Security forces shot to death more than 15 people in at least six cities and villages witnesses told The Associated Press. Bilal Hussein |Associated Press Officials say they still donÕt know where the radioactive water is coming from, though government spokesman Yukio Edano has said some is Òalmost certainlyÓ seeping from a cracked re¥actor core in one of the units. While the discovery of the high radiation levels Ñ and the evacua¥tion of workers from one reactor unit Ñ again delayed efforts to bring the deeply troubled complex under con¥trol, Edano insisted the situation had partially stabilized. ÒWe have somewhat prevented the situation from turning worse,Ó he told reporters Sunday evening. ÒBut the prospects are not improving in a straight line and weÕve expected twists 4 OpiniOn Monday, March 28, 2011 | The Daily Texan | Lauren Winchester, Editor in Chief | (512) 232 2212 | gallery Quotes to Note ÒWe support [research] and in fact are working hard to en¥sure that the University can generate even more valuable research.Ó Ñ an open letter penned by the Board of Regents and directed to UT alumni. The letter came in response to an email from the president of the Texas Exes alumni organi¥zation criticizing the Board of Regents for devaluing the role of academic research at public universities. ÒWe are really trying to make a point to make sure that La¥tinos and communities in this state are represented according to what the law says every 10 years.Ó Ñ Lydia Camarillo, executive director of the Southwest Voter Registra¥tion Education Project, regarding Hispanic representation in state redistricting efforts, as reported by the Texas Tribune. ÒI am literally astounded that Judge Junell thinks that [the Texas Open Meetings Act] is not overreaching and vague.Ó Ñ Arlington City Council member Mel LeBlanc responding to a federal judgeÕs rul¥ing in favor of the Texas Open Meetings Act, as reported by the Ft. Worth Star Telegram ÒThere are students and faculty and staff who smoke. Do we want to say to them, ÔYou canÕt work here?ÕÓ Ñ President William Powers Jr. in an address to UT staff about proposals to ban smoking on the UT campus, according to The Daily Texan. ÒNobodyÕs proposing a tax bill or anything like that. That doesnÕt negate the fact that if we had more money, we could do a better job.Ó Ñ Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, ad¥dressing the need to find additional state revenue without raising taxes, according to the Austin American-Statesman. ÒWe cut government billions, as you asked. We didnÕt raise taxes, as you asked. And the money that we were able to scrounge together, we focused on the classroom for your chil¥dren. I think that is a message that they support.Ó Ñ Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, comment¥ing on the SenateÕs proposed state budget. We have not been ÔdesignedÕ intelligently By eric r. Pianka Daily Texan Guest Columnist Ever wondered why Earth is such an ideal place for humans? Creationists think itÕs because God designed all of this for us, but thatÕs arrogant and silly. Sure, gravitational forces are strong enough but not too strong. Likewise, temperatures are nearly perfect. The oxygen content of EarthÕs atmosphere is also good for humans. We can find food and water almost everywhere except in arid deserts, frozen polar habitats and high up in the mountains. All of this couldnÕt be mere coincidence, could it? Rather than suspend reason and succumb to an irrational system of belief, consider a more sensible scientific alternative. Quite simply, our planet is hospitable to us be¥cause, like every other denizen of this plan¥et, we evolved here and have thus become adapted to EarthÕs conditions by natural selection. Humans are extremely versatile, and although we seem to think that we can exist outside the laws of nature, we cannot. We are Earthlings first and foremost, and space and other planets will always remain hostile environments for us. Until recently, spaceship Earth has pro¥vided a rather nice place for us to live. But now, EarthÕs life support systems are fail¥ing. We have overpopulated the planet and fouled its atmosphere Ñ the resultant pollution is contributing to global weather change. Earth is warming rapidly; ice caps are melting and ocean currents are chang¥ing. Polar bears and penguins are facing ex¥tinction and though many refuse to face the facts, humans might not be far behind. Rather than suspend reason and succumb to an irrational system of belief, consider a more sensible scientific alternative. In fact, we have not been ÒdesignedÓ intel¥ligently. Numerous attributes of individuals are poorly designed carryovers from our ancestors who had very different ecologies. Adapting an ancestral aquatic fish into a land-dwelling mammal necessarily involved many changes of function, some of which led to elements of poor design. Melbourne physiologist professor Derek Denton was right to point out that ÒKnowledge of gravity has not been a strong point in the repertoire of the intelligent designer.Ó The drainage holes at the top of our sinuses and the way our intestines and other organs are attached by membranes to our backbone are exam¥ples. Both designs were fine for four-legged creatures, but now that we have evolved to walk upright, this ÒdesignÓ leads to clogged sinuses and hernias. Another such blatant example is the crossover between our re¥spiratory and ingestion tubes, resulting in a maladaptive lung/esophagus arrange¥ment (one that has led to many thousands of choking deaths). What a sense of humor our ÒdesignerÓ must have had to place an entertainment center right on top of a sew¥age disposal outlet. Both vertebrates and cephalopod mol¥lusks have independently evolved complex camera-like eyes complete with an aperture, lens and retina. Prominent anti-Darwinian Charles Hodges once suggested that the ver¥tebrate eye was too complex to have evolved by natural selection and therefore must have been Òdesigned.Ó However, vertebrate eyes are poorly designed as compared to ce¥phalopod eyes. In vertebrates, nerve fibers pass in front of the retina creating a blind spot, whereas nerves lie behind the retina in the superior cephalopod eye, which does not have a blind spot. It seems the Òintel¥ligent designerÓ gave mollusks a better eye and has failed us once again. Pianka is a professor of integrative biology. Keeping score of academic performance for student athletes By Brandon Curl Daily Texan Columnist Each March, when college basketball fans turn their attention to the Final Four, which will be next weekend in Houston, reformers attempt in¥stead to focus that attention on academics. This year, that voice of reform belongs to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, who wrote in an editorial for The Washington Post earlier this month that coaches should Òworry not just about getting athletes in a uniform Ñ but also about getting them in a cap and gown.Ó Duncan cited statistics from the NCAA indicating that 10 of this yearÕs 68 tournament teams are not on track to graduate at least half of their players. ItÕs a familiar refrain that surprises no fan of college athletics. Team XÕs players canÕt stay eli¥gible. Coach Y doesnÕt graduate his players. But now those reformers are hoping to incentivize college athletics in an effort to retain the primacy of academics above athletics, of the word Òstu¥dentÓ before Òathlete.Ó Specifically, Duncan has declared his support for the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate AthleticsÕ call to prohibit teams from partici¥pating in the NCAA tournament who graduate fewer than half of their players. ItÕs a penalty with teeth considering that 43.7 percent of the revenue earned by teams in the tournament in the last five years fall into that category. ThatÕs more than $178 million, $8.5 million of which was earned by Texas. While the Knight CommissionÕs recommenda¥tions certainly seem reasonable, in reality they are predicated upon faulty metrics created by the NCAA and the result could be to the detriment of college athletics and the universities that sup¥port them. To blame is the Academic Progress Rate (APR), a metric created by the NCAA in 2005 to supple¥ment Graduation Success Rate (GSR) in order to provide a Òreal-time snapshotÓ of a teamÕs aca¥demic performance at a given time. Unlike GSR, APR works through a contrived point system. Each scholarship athlete on a team is awarded up to two points each semester, one for being academically eligible and one for stay¥ing with the institution. Each year, the points earned are divided over the total possible points and multiplied by 1,000 for ease of reference. The NCAA then averages the scores for the last four years to provide a multiyear APR score that is the one circulated in the media. Scores can range from 0 to 1,000. Through a series of statistical analyses that have not been divulged publicly, the NCAA has determined that a score of 925 is equivalent to a 50-percent graduation rate. So when Secretary of Education Arne Duncan says that 10 teams in the tournament are not on pace to graduate half their players, what he really means is that 10 teams had APR scores of less than 925. And lest you believe the NCAA that APR provides a real¥time measure, remember that itÕs a four-year average whose most recent numbers are already two years old. TexasÕ score is a perfect 1000. If the tournament had been reseeded by APR, the Longhorns would have been a one seed along with Michigan State, Butler and Kansas. But before you pat yourself on the back, consid¥er that TexasÕ GSR, which actually does report the percentage of athletes that graduate from an insti¥tution, is abysmal. ItÕs 42 percent overall and just 17 percent for African American players, fourth worst of any team in the tournament. If we reseed the tournament based on GSR, Texas becomes a 15 seed. So if itÕs possible for Texas to have an APR that is the polar opposite of its GSR, how can this met¥ric be used to determine eligibility for the tourna¥ment? Clearly, the APR is flawed and should be replaced with more accurate measures. In the meanwhile, schools are receiving pen¥alties for low APRs. One of the most high-pro¥file cases involved Ohio State, which lost two scholarships last season in part because of the previous decisions of Greg Oden and Kosta Koufos to withdraw from classes and declare for the NBA draft. ÒThe math on this is not complicated,Ó Dun¥can said in a story to the USA Today. ÒIf you canÕt graduate one in two of your student-athletes, I just question the institutional commitment to academics.Ó But the math is complicated, and the margin for error is extremely slim. Schools such as Texas de¥pend on the success of athletics to build a stronger brand for the university, and that benefits all stu¥dents. Setting academic expectations for athletics is right, but weÕre going about it the wrong way. Curl is an advertising graduate student. legalese reCyCle suBMIt a FIrINg lINe Opinions expressed in The Daily Texan are those of the editor, the Ed¥itorial Board or the writer of the article. They are not necessarily those of the UT administration, the Board of Regents or the Texas Student Media Board of Operating Trustees. Please recycle this copy of The Daily Texan. Place the paper in one of the recycling bins on campus or back in the burnt-orange news stand where you found it. E-mail your Firing Lines to firingline@dailytexanon¥ Letters must be more than 100 and fewer than 300 words. The Texan reserves the right to edit all submissions for brevity, clarity and liability. Jayhawks goDown Team wins mercy-rule shortened game thanks to offenseÕs 10-run burst By Chris Hummer Daily Texan Staff It was a bad day for the Kan¥sas Jayhawks Ñ their top-seeded menÕs basketball team lost to Vir¥ginia Commonwealth Universi¥ty in the Elite Eight, and the KU softball team was thumped by the 10th-ranked Longhorns 10-2 in a mercy-rule shortened game. The day belonged to the Texas offense, which produced 10 runs on 10 hits, including a team cycle as the Longhorns had a homer, tri¥ple, double and seven singles in the game, and those gaudy num¥bers do not even include the eight walks the team had. ÒI think we saw most of their pitchers yesterday,Ó junior first baseman Lexy Bennett said. ÒI think it was picking good pitches and hitting, being confident at the plate and doing what we know how to do and what we do best.Ó The Longhorn offense came out hot in the first inning. It had to, as the Jayhawks jumped out to a quick 2-0 lead in the top of the first off a Maggie Hull double that scored two. These two runs not only put Texas in an early hole but also broke sophomore Blaire LunaÕs 36-inning scoreless streak. However, Luna quickly returned to form in the game and made sure those were the only two runs she allowed. After the rough start in the top of the first, the Texas offense took over, starting with an opposite¥field shot from sophomore Tay¥lor Hoagland that cut the Kansas lead to one. Then the team had two more runners reach base, and Hooks leads with leadership behind plate By Chris Hummer Daily Texan Staff Amy Hooks is a solid player on a very talented Texas team. Hooks produced two hits and three RBIs and scored one run in the LonghornÕs 12-0 and 10-2 victories against Kansas. She just does what is needed offensively. During the fourth inning, her sin¥gle to lead off the inning turned into a run, and a sacrifice bunt in the fifth placed junior Lexy Ben¥nett in scoring position for the game-winning run. Her .342 bat¥ting average may not be the high¥est on a team of explosive hitters, but itÕs her work behind the plate that sets her apart. ÒI donÕt think we could ever be in a better position than we are BASEBALL Texas loses its first series of the year By Trey Scott Daily Texan Staff The No. 5 Longhorns entered this weekendÕs series against Oklahoma State with some seri¥ous momentum, winners of 10 of their last 12 games and looking to win their second conference series in as many tries. They came home disappointed. Texas (17-7, 4-2 Big 12) was un¥able to maintain its three-run lead in the third and decisive game of the series, losing 10-3 at Allie P. Reynolds Stadium, a loss that gives the Cowboys (18-6, 3-3) the 2-1 final series advantage. The Longhorns got the first run on the board in the top of the first inning as Lucas KephartÕs fielderÕs choice groundout brought in Mark Payton, who had hit a double two pitches into the game. At the top of the fifth, Pay¥ton and Brandon Loy hit consec¥utive singles, and then both ad¥vanced a base each with an Er¥ich Weiss sacrifice bunt. With run¥ners in scoring position, Kephart again brought in Payton with a hit to right field, and Loy scored thanks to a sacrifice squeeze by Tant Shepherd. They would be the only runs Texas scored all day, and it wasnÕt Andrew Edmonson | Daily Texan Staff Sophomore Cohl Walla performs ÓThe Eyes of TexasÓ after a loss. The team lost two out of three this weekend against Oklahoma State. nearly enough. The Cowboys an¥swered in the bottom of the fifth inning with a two-run homer off of Cole Green, score once more in the sixth, then piled on seven runs in the seventh as TexasÕ bullpen melted down, allowing six hits and four walks in the inning. ÒTodayÕs game showed the im¥portance of every inning and not allowing one inning to cost you the ball game like the seventh in¥ning did,Ó said Texas head coach Augie Garrido. ItÕs a loss made even harder for the Longhorns not only because of the lopsided score or the fact in to have somebody like Amy Hooks as a senior back there,Ó said head coach Connie Clark. ÒSheÕs tremendous. SheÕs certain¥ly an important piece to our puz¥zle this year.Ó Sophomore starting pitcher Blaire Luna began the Sunday af¥ternoon game rusty. In the first in¥ning, after giving up two runs, walking one and hitting a batter, it was Hooks that helped to turn her around. ÒI just tell her to relax and stay fo¥cused,Ó Hooks said about her con¥versations with Luna. ÒOne thing we say is to stay pitch to pitch. If I call a time, IÕm just relaxing her and telling her to not get frustrated with the outcome and to keep stay¥ing with her game plan.Ó Hooks also has good commu- Corey Leamon | Daily Texan Staff Texas players celebrate after a first-inning lead-off home run by sophomore Taylor Hoagland. The home run spurred a Texas 10-run outburst in the game, in a 10-2 win that gave the team a sweep in itÕs first Big 12 series. while they didnÕt score, a lot of the positive momentum on KansasÕ side was gone. ÒThey got on us early. They got a little momentum, but we took it right back from them in the bottom of the first,Ó Hoagland said. ÒWe were really trying to stay strong, keep our demeanor levelheaded when we got ahead to stay ahead and when we got behind to come back and get them.Ó that it gives them their first series defeat of the season, but because it was a game Texas was in con¥trol of at the onset. ÒWe got some early momen¥tum and got some runs, but when it was on our side, we didnÕt pro¥duce enough runs to create sepa¥ration,Ó Garrido said. ÒYou could slowly feel the momentum shift to their side and we were unable to stop it.Ó Green (1-2) got the no-decision, pitching five innings and giving up three earned runs with eight strikeouts, and the loss goes to freshman Kirby Bellow (0-1). The Longhorns completely swung the momentum in their fa¥vor in the bottom half of the second with a hitting barrage, in which the first eight batters reached base and every single Longhorn saw the plate at least once. The inning was highlighted by freshman Brejae Washington and her bases-load¥ed triple that broke the game open and put Texas ahead for good. Washington also contributed a nication with her infield. During the top of the second inning, an attempt by the Jayhawks to steal second base was thwarted by a quick throw from Hooks to se¥nior Raygan Feight at first base. Although the runner barely made it safely back to first and the out was not achieved, HooksÕs quick thinking and accurate communi¥cation with her infield kept the runner on first and prevented Kansas from scoring. ÒI think this year is one of best years that we have had with com¥munication, and itÕs every play¥er, even the outfield,Ó Hooks said. ÒEverybody is talking during ev¥ery play, before every play and af¥ter every play. ItÕs great to hear ev¥erybody involved.Ó HooksÕs performance this week¥double in the next inning that gave her four RBIs on the day and five hits over the weekend. ÒI was feeling really comfortable coming from a great game yester¥day. My whole mindset was just to put the ball in play,Ó Washing¥ton said. ÒWhen I put the ball on the ground, it always gives them a hard play. I wanted to go with the pitches I was given and just do what I do.Ó Andrew Edmonson | Daily Texan Staff Senior catcher Amy Hooks attempts to throw out a runner at first on Sunday against Kansas in a 10-2 win. end was not an anomaly. Luna ÒWe were on the same page commented that HookÕs consis-throughout the entire game. She tency and knowledge of the game knew what I wanted to throw and was an important factor in the knew when to give me time to let LonghornsÕ win. go.Ó Luna said. MENÕS SWIMMING California claims national crown, Horns finish second By Lauren Giudice Daily Texan Staff The fourth-ranked Longhorns had their hopes for a repeat na¥tional title spoiled by California over the weekend. Drew Livingston finished fifth in the platform diving event on Saturday, bringing Texas within 13 points of first place. But California went on to win the 4x100 freestyle relay, the meetÕs final race, ensuring itself of the championship. The Texas team of Dax Hill, Jimmy Feigen, Miles Joye and Austin Surhoff finished fourth in the relay, delivering the Longhorns second place. TexasÕ run at the 2011 NCAA Championships was highlight¥ed by Eric Friedland and Mi¥chael McBroomÕs individu¥al victories. But the Longhorns finished with 470.5 points, 22.5 behind the Bears. Stanford fin¥ished third. McBroom won the 1,650-yard freestyle, and Friedland won the 200 breaststroke. ÒI just wanted to get out there and go after it,Ó Friedland said. ÒI went after it, and I just held on in the last 50 [yards]. But I The game ended early in the fifth when junior Courtney Craig was up to bat and popped a ball up to the left side of the infield that the first baseman just missed, al¥lowing Bennett to score from sec¥ond and ending the game. The win is an excellent start to the teamÕs Big 12 schedule, and they will look to take the confi¥dence from this weekendÕs series into the rest of the year. felt good out there. I was re¥laxed during the race, and it means a lot to come out and win this event.Ó McBroomÕs time of 14 min¥utes, 32.86 seconds is a new school record in the 1,650 and is TexasÕ first NCAA victory in that event. ÒI dropped 18 seconds from my personal best, so I was pret¥ty excited,Ó McBroom said. ÒI was trying to hold an even pace through the whole race and bring it home at the end. It was a little better than I had planned. I had my whole team down the side of the pool, and my lap counter helped pace me the whole way.Ó Feigen was runner-up in the 100 freestyle Ñ his time of 41.66 seconds was TexasÕ second-fast¥est time in this event ever. Friedland was in good compa¥ny in the 200 breaststroke. Nick DÕInnocenzo finished third, and Scott Spann finished in sixth. Texas finished the meet with 17 top-five finishes. Unfortan¥itly the multiple top-five finsh¥es were not enough to give Tex¥as coach Eddie Reese his 11th NCAA title. This is his ninth car¥rer runner-up finish at Texas. SIDELINE COLLEGE BASKETBALL ON THE WEB: Check out the weekend recaps of men and womenÕs tennis and men and womenÕs track NBA BASKETBALL SPORTS BRIEFLY First time in NCAA Tournament No. 1 or 2 seeds in the Final Four For the first time in NCAA Tournament history there will be no one or two seeds advancing to the Final Four. Instead you have a three seed Connecticut, a four seed Kentucky, an eight seed Butler, and most surprisingly 11th seeded VCU advancing. VCU is looking to be the highest seed to ever win a national championship and if they do so will play more games than anyother team in tournment history, due to their play-in game against USC. The last hopes for a one or a two seed to advance fell yesterday when Kansas and North Carolina fell. Reports claim Thompson signs with agent prepping for draft Contrary to previous reports that Texas forward Tristan Thompson was returning for his sophomore season, multiple sources now say he has signed with an agent, fore¥going his college eligibility. This conflicts previous reports say¥ing that Thompson is staying hav¥ing already signed up for summer classes. It had also been reported that he wanted to stay to play with his former Findley Prep teammate Myck Kabongo, a Texas signee. Stay tuned to The Daily Texan for any breaking news on this story. Ñ C.H. Student theater festival FOOD continues from PAGE 10 features variety of shows By Julie Rene Tran and Priscilla Totiyapungprasert Daily Texan Staff In a weeklong celebration of dra¥matic arts, students from the College of Fine Arts will direct, perform and produce works of theater for the sixth biennial Cohen New Works Festival, presented by the University Co-op. Run and organized completely by a committee of graduate and un¥dergraduate students, with the sup¥port of faculty co-producers, the fes¥tival allows students to push new forms of theater and gain experience in arts administration. The main in¥centive, however, is providing a way for students to take risks and chal¥lenge themselves as artists, said Sar¥ah Coleman, one of the festivalÕs as¥sistant producers. Interpretative work Ñ restaging work from canon Ñ is pivotal to how forms of theater and dance evolve, which is why new work needs to be created, she explained. ÒArt is often a reflection of the times, be it political, social or emo¥tional, and itÕs important that we con¥tinue to make work that speaks to contemporary times,Ó Coleman said. ÒAdditionally, it is important that a STORY continues from PAGE 10 this giant overhang and a rail, and our characters are all supposed to be gathered under a highway,Ó said actress Alexandra Frohlinger, who plays a tomboy and wannabe Jet named Anybodys. ÒThereÕs a fence that comes down, so the audience watches the whole scene through the fence, as if theyÕve just happened upon a gang war in the city. ItÕs a very cinematic effect.Ó Even some of the English dia¥logue and original stage directions have been revised or removed. The younger generation has a space to create work. Their perspective is dif¥ferent from that of established artists, and through the festival, we are able to support this particular voice.Ó One new work, ÒAnd Then Came TangoÓ by theatre and dance gradu¥ate student Emily Freeman adapts the childrenÕs book ÒAnd Tango Makes ThreeÓ for the stage. The book and play are based on the true story of two male penguins who formed a pair-bond at Central Park Zoo. The penguin couple incubated a rock un¥til a zookeeper gave them an egg that had been rejected by another couple. Freeman hopes the show will pro¥mote discussion within families and represent a piece that does not talk down to young people. Part of the festivalÕs appeal is that it provides a variety of performances that caters to a wide array of audienc¥es, Coleman said. ÒYou can see a performance geared toward children under 3 years of age, or one about a gay maleÕs perspective on sex and love or a dance piece that is set in an office circa 1980,Ó Cole¥man said. ÒThatÕs what is so unique about the festival. It works to break down assumptions about theater and dance.Ó WHAT: ÒWest Side StoryÓ WHERE: Bass concert hall WHEN: March 29 Ð April 1, 8 p.m. April 2, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. April 3, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m TickETs: texasperformingarts. org connection to territory, which is what being in a gang is about.Ó Frohlinger, who graduated from bread, a shot glass, some spices and a clothing iron, youÕre already halfway through your list of ingredients. For this recipe, if you care about your ironing board, itÕs recommended that you cov¥er it with a towel to prevent various ingredients from get¥ting on it and later ruining your clothes. First, plug in your iron and heat to the hottest setting possible, usu¥ally the linen setting. Grab a piece of parchment paper and fold it in half. Cut the parchment paper so that it extends about one inch be¥yond the edges of the bread. Cut¥ting the parchment paper to this length allows steam to escape from your French toast, making it crunchy instead of soggy. Remove bread and put aside. Spray the inside of your parchment paper lightly with nonstick cooking spray so that it is evenly coated. To make the French toast batter, crack an egg into a mug, bowl, cup or whatever receptacle you have on hand and beat it with a fork until the egg whites and yolk are blend¥ed together. Add milk, cinnamon, salt and va¥nilla to the egg, blending the ingre¥dients together. Then, pour the mix¥ture onto your dinner plate or bowl. Next, place your bread into the mixture, allowing enough time for the first side to soak up some of the mixture but not enough for the bread to become saturated. Flip and repeat for the opposite side. Return the bread to the inside of the parchment paper. Place the iron on top of the bread for one minute. Then use circular motions to distribute the heat to all parts of the bread for 45 to 60 seconds. Flip and repeat for the opposite side. Continue flipping the bread, toasting each side for 30 seconds at a time until the bread achieves a golden-brown glow. The total time will vary depending on your iron. When you are finished, unplug your iron. Garnish with your favorite top¥pings Ñ whipped cream, fresh fruit, butter or syrup Ñ and en¥joy. To cut down on your cook¥ing time, make the French toast batter the night before and refrig¥erate for use in the morning. The Goods ¥ 1 egg ¥ 1/2 shot finely diced green bell pep¥per ¥ 1/2 shot finely diced red bell pepper ¥ 1/2 shot finely diced sweet onion ¥ 1 shot finely diced mild cheddar cheese ¥ Pinch of salt ¥ Tortillas (optional) ¥ Hot sauce (optional) The Tools ¥ Microwave ¥ Bowl ¥ Fork Scrambled Eggs Cooking eggs in the microwave is a culinary skill possessed by many college students. But with a little ex¥tra flavor and sass, these scrambled eggs straight from the dorm are perfect for nursing post-Roundup hangovers. Crack the egg into the bowl and beat with a fork until thoroughly blended. Add diced red and green bell peppers, salt, onion and cheese. Cook in the microwave for 30 sec- MOVIE continues from PAGE 10 sense of paranoia that a jump-scare might occur Ñ and they occasion- Jane Eyre ally do. Cary Fukunaga These moments instill a frailty in the viewer that Eyre feels herself: Genre: Drama Anything good is too good for her, Runtime: 115 mins given how terrible her life has been. For those who like: ÒPride and EyreÕs uncertainty of her future is a PrejudiceÓ, ÒRebeccaÓ theme felt in even the most unex¥pected moments of the film. Grade: B Mia WasikowskaÕs (ÒAlice in WonderlandÓ) dynamic perfor¥mance as Eyre, brings the characterÕs strong wit to life. She is very believ¥able as both a troubled, young girl and rewarding in a way that period and as the talented private teacher films seldom are in this era. she becomes. The second half of the film ex- Films that take place in the Vic-plores the relationship between torian age love to show off the elab-housemaster Edward Rochester orate costume and set design, but (Michael Fassbender, ÒInglouri¥first time and lets traditional de¥pictions of Victorian romance pro¥ceed. For a film that makes ro¥mance feel so haunting and oth¥erworldly at times, it can be dis- The Goods ¥ 2 slices of stale store-bought cinna¥mon bread (or white bread with an added 1/8th tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. of sugar) ¥ 1 egg ¥ 1 shot of milk (1.5 oz.) ¥ 2 sugar packets (2 tsp.) ¥ Pinch of salt ¥ Sprinkle of cinnamon (1/8 tsp.) ¥ Splash of vanilla extract (1/8 tsp.) ¥ Garnishes: syrup, powdered sugar, fresh fruit (optional) The Tools ¥ Clothing iron ¥ Ironing board ¥ Shot glass ¥ Parchment paper ¥ Nonstick cooking spray ¥ Scissors ¥ Bowl (or mug or cup) ¥ Dinner plate (or bowl with a flat bot¥tom or Tupperware) ¥ Fork onds and stir. Repeat until eggs are no longer translucent or runny. Enjoy the eggs alone or with your favorite hot sauce or a warmed tor¥tilla, which you can heat in the mi¥crowave for about 15 seconds. BAND continues from PAGE 10 never seen Chappo live, whatÕs the mood and vibe like at a show? ZC: A little bit dangerous. CO: That hour of the party right before someone calls the cops. Alex and I have a friend named Rawan Rihani thatÕs a de¥signer whoÕs created alter egos for us in our shows. Depending on the spaces we play, there are some explosions, some pop guns. ZC: Yeah, we get hurt some¥times, thereÕs always a little blood, and we never really know where it comes from. [laughs] DT: ThatÕs pretty much ev¥ not Fukunaga. One of the filmÕs ous BasterdsÓ) and Eyre. The two appointing erything I wanted to ask Ñ is there anything else youÕd like to say that we didnÕt cover? CO: Zac is coming home, but itÕll only be my second time in Austin, and I love it. I wanna give a shoutout to Comal River, the innertubes on the Comal, a big shout out to Barton Springs, a shoutout to the Austin bats and one more shoutout to The Dai¥ly Texan. Last time I was in Tex¥as, it was impossible not to fall in love every day. revised script does away with many The Boston Conservatory last May, greatest strengths is its sense of re-are introduced to each other in an to witnessof the vaudevillian comedy mo-said that performing in the national straint, which keeps the viewer in awkward scene where Eyre startles long-wind¥ments that dilute the grittier aspects tour of ÒWest Side StoryÓ strength¥tune with the perspective of Eyre. his horse, causing Rochester to fall ed scenesof the Romeo-and-Juliet story. ened her appreciation for the musi-Costumes and sets, as magnificent down and injure himself. The rela-of woe andÒA lot of the direction is more real-cal masterpiece. as they are in the film, are second tionship dwells in an uneasy ten-longing pre¥istic, less presentational,Ó Hausmann ÒWhen you see a show as an audi¥ said. ÒFor instance, at the very begin¥ning of the show, instead of starting out with whistling and a little dance, the Jets just stand at the front of the stage and claim their territory before launching into the original dance se¥quence. ItÕs very visceral image and that [the] audience understands the ence member, you passively receive the emotion. When you get to con¥vey that emotion onstage from in¥side, itÕs an even more powerful ex¥perience for the artist,Ó Frohlinger said. ÒIÕm even deeper in love with ÔWest Side StoryÕ now than I ever was.Ó to directing and cinematography. The result is a sense of reality that is uncanny, making the unexpected chills and moments of levity feel far from calculated Hollywood fare. The intimacy that FukunagaÕs film achieves makes the long-awaited moments of romance believable sion, but the strength of the perfor¥mances and screenplay makes the transition into romance tangible. The filmÕs biggest problem is that the tone of the filmÕs beginning doesnÕt carry throughout. When Rochester and Eyre start up a ro¥mance, the screenplay halts for the sented in a pedestrian way. However, even if you know how the story ends, FukunagaÕs jour¥ney to heartbreak has a distinct, pervasive vision that few dare to apply to modern recreations of treasured classics. ADVERTISING TERMS There are no refunds or credits. In the event of errors made in advertisement, notice must be given by 10 am the Þrst day of publication, as the publishers are responsible for only ONE incorrect THE DAILY TEXAN insertion. In consideration of The Daily TexanÕs acceptance of advertising copy for publication, the agency and the advertiser will indemnify and save harmless, Texas Student Media and its ofÞcers, employees and agents against all loss, liability, damage and expense of whatsoever nature arising out of the copying, print¥ing or publishing of its advertisement including without limitation reasonable attorneyÕs fees resulting from claims of suits for libel, violation of right of privacy, plagiarism and copyright and trademark infringement. All ad copy must be approved by the newspaper which reserves the right to request changes, reject or properly classify an ad. The advertiser, and not the newspaper, is responsible for the truthful content of the ad. Advertising is also subject to credit approval. C L ASSIFIEDS 875 Medical Study PPD Study Opportunities PPD conducts medically supervised re¥search studies to help evaluate new in¥vestigational medications. PPD has been conducting research studies in Austin for more than 25 years. The qualiÞca¥tions for each study are listed below. You must be available to remain in our facil¥ity for all dates listed for a study to be eligible. Call today for more information. Men and Postmenopausal orSurgically Sterile Women18 to 60 Up to $1800 Healthy & Non-Smoking BMI between 18 and 32 Fri. 1 Apr. through Mon. 4 Apr. Fri. 8 Apr. through Mon. 11 Apr. Outpatient Visit: 16 Apr. Men 18 to 45 Up to $3500 Healthy BMI between 18 and 32 Sat. 9 Apr. through Mon. 11 Apr. Fri. 29 Apr. through Sun. 1 May Multiple Outpatient Visits 462-0492 ¥ text ÒppdÓ to 48121 to receive study information 214-729-7936. references. Email re¥sume to sbenwhite@ya- Sell Photo/Camera FOR SALE 800 General Help Wanted CANON A1 FILM CAM¥ $535/mo. Quiet, non- Video • Audio • Film • Ap- ERA Standard Lens blocks from UT-Fall pre¥www.adventurecycling. STUDENTPAY¥ lease. Private bath, large org Vivitar Auto Thyristor OUTS.COM walk-in closet. Fully Data Back PRO-TAPE equipped, shared kitch-Paid Survey Takers Standard Back Needed In Austin. 100%and on-site laundry. CREATIVE en FREE To Join! Click On Power Winder SUPERCENTER Surveys. ple, 2055 South Lamar info, apps. visit www. 512-443-3911¥ new cars with ads placed or Call on them. www. AdCar¥ 512-474-2036. Not Our First Rodeo By Danielle Villasana The Rodeo Austin Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo, which began in 1938 as a show featuring only 16 animals, now boasts ProRodeo events such as bull riding and barrel racing, musical performances, livestock shows and a carnival. As a way to Òpreserve western heritageÓ and Òpromote youth ed¥ucation,Ó the non-profit organization, one of Central TexasÕ largest, began a scholarship program in 1983 as a way to help students fund their college education and has awarded more than $4.5 million. The two-week long event ended Saturday with country singer Kevin Fowler and will open up their gates again next year. Derek Stout | Daily Texan Staff Cindy Yepez, assisting her daughterÕs FFA program, attempts to move a stubborn heifer to her pen on Friday afternoon. Derek Stout | Daily Texan Staff Mutton BustinÕ is a rodeo event similar to bull riding and saddle bronc riding where small children attempt to ride sheep. Miss Rodeo Austin Princess Stephanie Revels walks her horse, Kippy, to dry it off after wash¥ing it before the ProRodeo on Friday night. Derek Stout Daily Texan Staff SUDOKUFORYOU YesterdayÕs solution OKU 10 LIFE&ARTS Monday, March 28, 2011 | THE DAILY TEXAN | Amber Genuske, Life&Arts Editor | (512) 232 2209 | Band becomes famous, readies for next album MUSIC MONDAY By Francisco Marin Brooklyn-based band Chappo was not quite expecting to have to deal with the trappings of almost instantaneous fame when Apple used its song ÒCome HomeÓ for an iPod Touch commercial last year. It came out of left field, the band said in a February interview with The Daily Texan, but that was proba¥bly why it made the event all the more memora¥ble. The song came off of their EP, Plastique Universe, their sole release so far, although the band is currently in the process of re¥cording a full-length album of bluesy, psych-garage music with tinges of The Flaming Lips, 13th Floor Elevators and even the glam-rock grooves of early Da¥vid Bowie. The Texan spoke with drum¥mer Zac Colwell and vocal¥ist-synth player Chris Olson on the eve of their recent South By Southwest appearance about glam-rock influences, getting hurt during their explosive live shows and why the band loves to play shows in the live music capi¥tal of the world. Daily Texan: How does the music scene compare when it comes to Austin, Brooklyn and Seattle [where guitarist Dave Feddock is from]? Chris Olson: [laughs] ThatÕs actually something we fight about a lot. ThereÕs probably things that come out in all [of] our personal¥ities that sort of correspond with where weÕve lived. Dave is from Seattle, Zac and Alex are from the South, so I think it balances out. WeÕre all fanned out from very music-oriented cities. Zac Colwell: Yeah, and I guess going back to what you said about revisiting Austin, going back is always great Ñ I get to rediscov¥er it. Like, I get to revisit places I went to as a teenager, back when Austin had the Mercury Lounge. The old Sixth Street that I knew is pretty much gone now. It used to be a lot more fun for people who wanted to do some week¥end boozing, bounce around dif¥ferent clubs, sit in with different bands in the late 1990s. I definite¥ly miss it. DT: For people who have BAND continues on PAGE 7 MOVIE REVIEW JANE EYRE Celebrated film director revives Victorian drama By Allistair Pinsof Daily Texan Staff With 15 film adaptations before it, Cary FukunagaÕs (ÒSin Nom¥breÓ) take on the Victorian ro¥mance novel ÒJane EyreÓ manages to differentiate itself without dis¥regarding its source material. By highlighting the gothic elements of the story and underplaying the romance at the center of the nov¥el, Fukunaga has hood play out as lengthy flash¥backs. Occasionally, we return to Eyre in present time Ñ viewing the abused girl and her surround¥ings in a new light. Shifting the storyÕs sequence might seem clever to those famil¥iar with the story, but, for those unfamiliar with the source mate¥rial, it creates an ominous sense of mystery to the character that keeps the film from being a cliche romance. created an eerie, EyreÕs child¥beautiful film hood years unlike any ÒJane flash by quick- Fukunaga has EyreÓ that came ly but offer before it. created an eerie, some fright-Screenwriter ful and sor¥ beautiful film Moira BuffiniÕs did moments adaptation of that set a tone unlike any ÒJane the story intro-that accents duces orphan-the happier, yet EyreÓ that came turned-teacher far from ideal, before it. Jane Eyre, in a years to come. state of panic as The camera of¥ she, as an adult, runs through the pitch black English countryside in tears. Soon after, Eyre finds shel¥ter and a new life at the home of a clergyman, played by Jamie Bell (ÒBilly ElliotÓ). From this point forward, the events of EyreÕs child¥ ten follows be¥ hind Eyre in moments of bewilderment, creat¥ing an intimate viewpoint for the viewer. While other scenes linger in silence and darkness, creating a MOVIE continues on PAGE 7 Photo Illustration by Mary Kang French toast can be made quickly and conveniently with a clothing iron for students living in dorms. Scrambled eggs can also be easily made in the microwave. Dorm room dining By Sara Benner U niversity Health Services cites eating breakfast every day as the first of the ÒQuick Tips for Healthy Nutrition.Ó It kick-starts your metabolism and gives your body the energy it needs to run efficiently throughout the day. However, as a college student, waking up early and prepar¥ing breakfast in the morning loses its appeal as soon as your alarm goes off. If you do your prep work on Sunday night however, you can have a delectable breakfast in about five minutes. French Toast French toast is an American breakfast classic. In France, it is called Òpain perdu,Ó or Òlost bread,Ó because the process of dipping the bread in milk and eggs before frying it allows you to salvage stale bread. So if you have some stale FOOD continues on PAGE 7 Updated ÔWest Side StoryÕ comes to Austin The current national tour of ÒWest Side Story,Ó which makes its Austin pre¥miere at Bass Concert Hall beginning March 29, attempts to revitalize an old classic. Courtesy of Texas Performing Arts recreating a distinct culture thatÕs different from what many of our au¥dience members are familiar with. Ò As with most revivals of classic Broadway shows, the costumes and sets have evolved in keeping with the theme of heightened reality and grittiness. ÒMy favorite part of the set has STORY continues on PAGE 7 By Katie Stroh Daily Texan Staff ÒWest Side Story,Ó one of the most popular and critically lauded musi¥cals of all time, certainly isnÕt a pro¥duction that needs much fixing. However, itÕs been more than half a century since ÒWest Side Sto¥ryÓ first premiered on Broadway, so itÕs understandable that this clas¥sic might need some updating. The latest revival of ÒWest Side Story,Ó which will be coming to UT for a six-day run starting March 29, does just that, making it a must-see for both longtime fans and those new to the show. The latest incarnation of ÒWest Side StoryÓ attempts to roughen up the showÕs edges and ground it more firmly in reality. For instance, about 12 percent of the dialogue has been translated into Spanish to reflect the Puerto Rican heritage of its charac¥ters, noted the actors. Tim Hausmann, an actor who plays Shark gang member Federi¥co, said that the cast attended exten¥sive dialect-training sessions to en¥sure that their onstage dialogue was authentically Puerto Rican. We didnÕt want any other kind of Spanish-speaking dialect to in¥fluence our performances because Spanish speakers can really tell whether itÕs authentic,Ó Hausmann said. ÒWe wanted to give the audi¥ence more of a feel for the Puer¥to Rican life. So much of the story is about the dichotomy of two cul¥tures and the addition of Spanish re¥ally emphasizes that.Ó Although there are no subtitles projected over the stage to guide English-speaking audiences, Haus¥mann said that audiences wonÕt have trouble understanding most of the action. ÒSome people might say, ÔOh, I didnÕt understand some of the jokes,ÕÓ Hausmann said. ÒBut thatÕs the beauty of it. Sometimes itÕs okay that the audience doesnÕt under¥stand every single line because weÕre