J i e w s Coverage by a Competent Staff of University Students Makes THE D A ILY T E X A N the Most Complete Medium for News of Campus Happenings . - * *-< J' - ^ 4 J I • •• PHONE IT IN I News ___ ______ _____ A fter IO P. M______ 9181-61 9187 .......... 23164 ................................. ....... ...23164 , ........................ Classified A ds D isplay A ds Circulation .................................... S ite S e x i i t i The Weather For Austin and vicinity, Sunday: Fair. The First College Daily in the South AUSTIN, TEXAS, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1928. TW ELVE PAGES TODAY LONGHORNS DEFEAT RAZORBACK 20- MADE Greek Vamps Have K. Y. BENEDICT NEW DIRECTOR Nothing on Queens iTALKS FRIDAY In Cactus Contest AT W. T. S. T. C. CURTAIN CLUB; HOG JINX Steers Come from Behind Scoring on Hogs in Last Half By BOB C A N T R E L L Texan Sport* Editor 1 A f te r t r a ili n g by one point at the end o f t h e first half, and being stopped cold by th e pow erful A rk a n s a s line, the T e x a s L o n g h o r n s re me beck in I he third period to launch an aerial a tta c k which, mixed with o tf-ta c k le dashes, enabled them to score two to uch do w n s and com e th ro u g h with a 20-7 win and go into a th r e e c o rn e re d tie fo r A fight- V.......................... con fe re n ce leadership. A fight- ♦-— _____ J I ing line th a t w o u ld n ’t be pierced* or give way, tu r n e d the Umwiite j c h a rg es of B e a v ers brn-K, until at-] the Forkers lest in d esp e ra tio n , s ta r te d h u rlin g passes in all di­ rections. re u _ B u r n e tt Shines F o rm e rly A ssociated W i t K G o th am C o m pany AUSTIN RESIDENT P articip ated in P lay I lere in S u m m er D ram atics A nn ou ncem en t has been m ade o f the a p p o in tm e n t of Morton Brow n as director of th e C urtain Club, U niversity d ra m a tic s o r g a n ­ ization. B row n has had th re e y e a r s ’ e x ­ p e rie n c e as a c to r and stage m a n ­ a g e r w ith the A m erican L a b o r a ­ to ry T h e a t e r in New York. He is an A u stin man an d has resided h e re 12 years. i n W hile he was with th e A m eri­ can L a b o ra to ry T h e a te r, Brown played in "T h e Sea W o m a n ’s C loak,” a n d “ The C row d.” He played th e p a r t of Hid A nd rew A g u c c h ee k S h a k e sp e a re ’s “ T w e lfth N ight,” F a t h e r Wilson in a special a d a p ta tio n of H aw ­ t h o r n e ’s “ The Scarlet L e tte r ,” Bobin in an a d a p ta tio n of a Fre n c h fa rc e from the pen of th e Lablcht which w a s titled “ Straw' H a t,” and the p a r t of P e te r M agnus in “ The T r u m p e t Shall S o u n d ” by T h o r n ­ ton W ild er. He was sta g e m a n ­ a g e r f o r th e American L a b o ra to ry T h e a t e r ’s production o f “ G r a n ­ ite.” S u m m e r b efore last, it will be re m e m b e red , Brown had th e lea d ­ ing ro le in “ March H a r e s ” which w as p ro d u c e d by sum m e r d r a m a tic s organization u n d e r the d ire c tio n of G regory Foley o f the O m ah a Little T h e a te r. the AUSTIN HI MAROON PUBLISHED FRIDAY M a r g e tta P a tte r s o n , who re ­ ceived h e r bachelor of jo urna lism this d e g re e fro m the U n iv ersity ye a r, the is faculty sponsor o f A u stin High Maroon, a pu b lic a ­ tion o f th e Austin High School, its first ap p e a ra n ce which made L r 'day. Miss P a tte r s o n in­ s tr u c to r of the newly organized jo u r n a lis m course. is I ts purpose, in an editorial of its T h e Maroon is to be published as sem i-m onthly. s ta te d ini­ tial copy, is to u n ify school spirit, to f o s t e r d e a n sportsm anship, to build up respect f o r a u th o rity , and to e n c o u ra g e worthy stu d e n t e n te rp r is e s , TERRILL HEADS FROSH Y. M. C. A. E v e r since Ate, the goddess ol discord, u pset th in gs and s ta r te d w a ts an d rurnois of w a ts by break in g up the g o d s’ d in n e r party, w hen she th re w the golden apple on the banque^ ta b le , th e re has been ca­ n a m o anc* c o n te n tio n over th e possession o f b e a u ty . N othing j a u n t ­ ihe peaceful ed, the C actus is in tro d u c in g an apple o f discord on + ---------------------------------------------------- scene h ere a t th e U n iv ersity . So w h a t did little P aris do when he was appointee; tn e a r b i t e r of the first beauty review. He wait- a ro u n d to see which one o f the goddm es, Venus, *Ju n o or M in­ to va would pay the highest bribe. Well, you probably knowr who the little c o n te st a n d w hat! won If you d o n ’t h a p p e n e d a f te r . brown derbies Jo h n B r s k in e ’s or shall we e a t whole wheat you m ig ht le a d tabloid version be le ft fam ous b i e a d l T h e decision will story. Students Given Straw Vote on Next President ‘Shal] we w e a r the of , lo Texan the s tu d e n ts , and the is p la n n in g a straw election the C actu s to d e te rm in e the be le a d y bul ta k e n on being the n a tio n a l question. vote stand th e campus on T he c a n d id a te s f o r th e b e a u ty th e ir are, th e ir g e ttin g section m ay t r i b e s th e y if they a i e le c k o n in g w ithout bust, because an a n n o u n c e m e n t eomes Horn ofti< e t h a t th e re is a s ne a king possibil- ity th at be no P rin c e o f Wales. T h e r e ’d be a results of th e election will slim c h ance of bibbing this young published man, b u t he m ay fall f o r one o f ' Sunday, O c to b e r 28. in the p ic tu re s, and th e p ic tu re may be a queen some day. pened. of the U nited S ta te s by the U n iv e r­ th e ju d g e this y e a r will sity s t u d e n t will begin today and the continue un til S a tu t d a y night. The be th e Daily T exan of V arious colleges ami universi- ties ov er th e nation are bolding things huye hap- a s tra w vole. f o r presid ent The v o tin g than H. R. the person S.,Uunger less IL, in _ Daily The outcome a i these e le c tio n s v a iy widely, Te- ports In d ica te , the section of th e co u n try g o v e r n in g largely th e o u t­ come. 5 ,0 0 0 T e x a s Teachers H old C o lle g e D eg r ees TESTS APPROVED R aised S ta n d a rd s for L ow er S c h o o ls A d v o c a te d a n d 1,000 S p e c ia l to T h e p a l l y T e x a n CANYON, Oct. 2 0 —-“ There a r e 5,000 teachers in T e x a s with college degrees, of th ese are from th e U n iv e rsity of T e x a s,” declared P r e s i d e n t IL Y. the B enedict in his a d d r e s s presi­ s ta te meeting of* c ollege d e n ts at the West T e x a s Stale T e a ch e rs College h e r e F riday. to te the ‘‘g r e a te s t The teachers’ p ro b le m in rela­ Lion the U n iv e rsity of Texas was discussed, for, as D r. Bene­ dict said, single d u ty of the U n iv e rsity is to pre­ pare the teachers,” a n d while U niversity “ will m a in ta in an ex- lonsive course of te c h n ic a l edit c a tio n ,” most of all w o rk will he f o r those who te a c h. A n d in or­ d e r t h a t the U n iv e rsity m ay have a hig h e r Blanding, he p r e f e r ! that e very course given I e o f national standing. Mac B u rn ett, who as pinch- h itte r in f o r Wray at c e n te r the R a z o rb a c k Longhorn fracas S a t u r d a y , was an im po rta nt cog th a t in play- shopped i m e u i i n g spelled d is a s te r for many b ud ding A r ­ kansan nurses and line bucks. the Hogs. His propensities t h e defensive m achine COMPETITION IN SCHOLARSHIP TO D n r A l l P D t l U m E I l L n L l l l It was one Mac B u rn e tt, w e a r ­ ing sw e a te r n u m b e r 22, subbing! lied W r a y ut c e n te r, who; for stood out like a gold piece. Mac I clayed one o f th e g r e a te s t d e fe n ­ sive gam es e v e r seen on a local field. He w as down u n d e r Shel­ ley's long p u n ts befo re the ends, art! wa? backing up the line like the well know n brick wall. The P o r k e r s fo u n d it e x tre m e ly diffi­ cult, in fact impossible, to com ­ plete a pass in Mac’s territory* Big Un Rose an d D u sty Rhoads a t ends k e p t tu r n in g th e P o rk e r backs intl* th e c e n te r of the line, l i p a | f f t p f r w ^e1 e Brown, Sewell, < owley, and Phillips piled them f o r losses and j short gains. C a n d id a te s for the b e a u ty sec­ tion have been n om ina te d by so­ o n ities, b o a rd in g houses, and o th ­ er o rg an iz a tio n s on th e campus. T h e following is th e com plete list issued exclusively late last night to the T e x a n : M a rjo rie Amason and D orothy B ylander, Pi B eta Phi; K a th e ry n and D orothy K ra m e r, Hoi ne Kappa K a p p a G a m m a ; U ela P e a r ­ son and Hazel P o in d e x te r, K appa 1 A lp ha T h e t a ; D oro th y L a ttim e r! and Brooksie Nell Boyd, Z e t a ! Tau A lp h a ; E rn e stin e B a rk le y and G re tc h e n Smith, T ri D e lta ; Helen;, R uth A nderson and E liz a be th H e s - 1 lep, Chi CTmega; K a th e r in e W a lk e r ' and Elizabeth E ile n b e rg e r, Alpha P h i; and] D onna Clarke, Phi M u; L orrain e Meld and M arjorie K a u ffm a n , Alpha Epsilon Phi. D orothy W a t t i n g e r N ash, K appa D e lta ; Sims a nd Connie S ta rk , D elta Pi; C o ra Mae Le Flo ur and Z eta; F i a n k e T hom pson, Dcdta Ruble V aughan a n d M a rio ne tte Lyle, Phi O m ega U p s ilo n ; B e rth a N auw ald and E still S tra u ss, Al­ p h a Chi O m dga; Theobe T h o m p ­ son a n d Mary Helen C oekrum , G am m a Phi Beta. Doris La V e n tu re a n d Evelyn j ,a u ^ WI E lizabeth Alpha ‘O u tsid ers Influenced e r p ercentage, Belle Lee, Elizabeth P ro m p t p a y m e n t of pledges to the U n iv e rsity Union project is essential if th e new buildings a re Joh nson, to be e re c te d as soon as planned, Adell Kyle, Ja n ie F lo re y , M ar­ g a r e t H ouston, N a n c y H arm on, I 0 n A- M ^ u r ^y, executive cec- E lna G riffin , Lucille Davis, a n d !* As- Mary J o Y oung . , ; c e l a t i o n , a n n o u n c e d Saturday. L x-htuo e nts the ~ s o t t i s h gludentR get ar;V of fro m i 0 T ‘ , T* M ' n by p a y in g their own pledges B etty Imhoff, M a r g a r e t C h a lk - j an(| t h e r e b y m a n ife stin g th e ir in ­ said, k y , H elen Boehlert, Sharp#, and Shirley K ta u ss, Lit- ( “ th e y cannot e x p e c t o utride rs who tlefield D orm ito ry te re st in th e p ro je c t,” he E u n i c e " a r e The ballots will be published each m o rn in g in The Texan. The clip s tu d e n ts them a n d a f t e r m u .catin g p r e f e r ­ ences, place them in an envelope, j become one address th e m to The Texan and drop th e m in any faculty mail box asked to i o r th ro u g h the LL S. mail. M’CURDY ASKS STUDENTS TO PAY PLEDGES B y Those on C am p u s By F R A N K RIGLER I in of T h e f ir s t competition will be ten picked s tu ­ April 3 0 , when dents and f r o m both H a rv a rd Yale m e e t in a th re e -h o u r E n g ­ lish l i t e r a t u r e test. Each m em ber : of th e victo rio us team will receive In the backfield, Big C aptain in King, Tom m ie Hughes. Ed Betr- In f e r n o leg!ate competition - chola t chip will become a reality jurf and Dexlt>r Shelley, a gallop- unde, t h e term s of a $25,000 fu n d . m g te rro r, held fo rth in al! th eir given H a r v a r d U niversity by Mr s. I glory. K ing hurled passes with M i l a m Lowell Putnam , of Bos- u n e r r in g ' ^ c u r a c y and smashed ton, a s is te r of P residen t Lowell | the P o rk e r lim- to ribbons with his of H a r v e r d . bull rushes. D e x te r Shelley took o v e r the p u n tin g job f o r the aft- cr noon and did a good jo b of it. He av eraged 46 y a rd s on tries. b ro u g h t the sta n d s to th e ir fe e t! ~ some dozen tim es d u r in g th e a f t- ' Tex Hughes, r e tu r n in g a f t e r a w e e k ’s the P orkers a few things to think a b o u t be­ f o re the a f te r n o o n was over. to u te d Dr. Hence let a p p ro v e s of tests m u m easurem ents in schools and believes they will g r o w im­ p o rta n c e and re p a y all costs. He w a n ts the U niversity o f Texas to th e six greatest universities in n a tio n , but th e s la te d th a t this could be realized of only by raising th e s ta n d a r d the the lower schools, a n d t h a t : q u a lity of higher e d u c a tio n de- | pends on that*of th e lo w er schools. require­ th a t He predicted m e n ts of colleges will soon be raised and ad ditional w o rk given I J u d g e s will be Professors Charles j to the in high school, b ecause, he thinks, G. O sg o o d of Princeton, J. Q, twice as stu d e n ts can be A dam s o f Cornell, and A. K, Pot- much as they a re now ta u g h t in; te r o f B ro w n. To prevent “ c r a m ­ th e given time. m in g” th** students of the com­ p e tin g t e a m s are not to be known until tw o days before th e contest. T h e income from Mrs. P u tn a m ’s fund will be used to prom ote a series o f similar competitions in which o t h e r leading colleges and u n iv e r s itie s of America will join. as th re a t, found the P o rk e rs’ m ain the his style a bit c ra m p e d by .special a tte n tio n which he receiv­ ed from th e T exas forw a rd s and se c o n d ary sh o rt passes over the line were usually (T u rn to pagr? 2, Col. 4) Dr. Benedict said th a t one-half o f all college fa c u ltie s in Texas come from the S t a t e University, bu t that there should be no high- s t a t e s should ex- he le a d e rs, $500 w o r t h of books and a medal, j e m o o n S te e r lay-off, gave Big Boy B eavers, c hang e said defense. His educational line-up t a u g h t tackle nine * His th e off W odd Champion Walker Says Will Live to HO, Barring Accidents; A gainst High Heels have less reasron to be concerned re­ a bout it to send in g re a te r tu r n s ,” the firm r e p re s e n tin g A r e p o r t o f the comm ittee com ­ posed o f P r e sid e n t II. Y. B e n e ­ dict, R. L. W hite o f the d e p a r t ­ m ent of a r c h ite c tu re , and G eorge Dahl, of Dahl, Roach & G reen, which t o u r ­ ed th ro u g h th e Middle W est the past s u m m e r and viewed the ar- largest univer- the | eh ite e tu re of ‘ ; cities o f th a t section, shows that the seven universities with pro lax ; union p ro je c ts , two of the jje c ts w e re failures, due to ' p a y m en t o f pledges. A m ark o f $1^0,00.0 has been set by th e e x -students and th e Board o f R e g en ts f o r th e ir fa ll drive, it h a s b een announced, - . . . . I - YuT# I SUMMER OFFICIALS W ** ' TO MEET MONDAY . T h e re will be a m eeting o f the s u m m e r school executive cero- ■ mitt** M onday a t 4 o’clock in t h e office o f Dr. F re de rick Eby, d {re cto r o f tho s u m m e r session. * t e r m Witt b e conaidercd. Plans f o r tho coming su m m e r This match was held D an O’Leary, once w orld cham­ U n ited S ta te s, walking six days pion walker, walked 440 yard^, and nix nights, o r a to ta l of i i 4 a ro u n d the* .Stadium tr a c k yester­ hours. in d a y in a few seconds o v e r three Square G arden, New Madison m inutes. O ’Leary is 89 years old Yor k, a n d excited as much in te r­ and has walked o v e r 300,000 est a s a pennant baseball game miles, and barrin g a c c id e n ts he ex In 1878, O ’Leary, would p e d s to live to the a g e of HO. He c o m p e tin g with 20 Englishmen, all large cities o f th e world, win-: Iris h m e n and Scotchmen, won the all large cities o f th e wold, win* [ c h a m p io n s h ip of the world. This in which o n ly three out o f I field of 20 fin is h e d . in w atch w as n 144-hour walk j ning national cham pionships tod ay. r re la mi, England, an d th e Ended S ta te s, and he has tw ic e wen the w o rld ’s championship. Since walk ing contests have declined in in- tc re s t, O'Leary h as spent, his time t o u r in g the c o u n try on foot and w a lk in g in ball p a r k s a n d a t other nu bl ic places, He w alks in all T e x a s League p a rk s, in th e A mer­ ican League, and th e In te r n a ic m l L eagu e, and each y e a r makes a t r i p to Lo# Angeles, California, D u ring all his t o u r s f o r the last 20 years, he ha# n e v e r w o rn an 0*Leary a t t r i b u t e s his overcoat. h e a lth and vitality to his careful diet, i u d excellen t c a r e of Ms health . In 1850, O’l ^ a r y s t a t e d He won th e walking ch a m pion sh ip of Ire­ land, iii a 50-mile waflL Ak 1875 the championship el the O ’L e a r y walked 520 1-4 miles, his n e a r e s t competitor 500, and th e I hi rd man 465. T h e w o r ld ’s championship walk was m a d e for a belt, which had j to be won three times to become J the p r o p e r t y of the w inner. O ’L e a r y won. the belt twice, but owing t o a change in th e rules p e r ­ m i ttin g r u n n in g in th e m atches, he lest t h e th ir d race. Soon a f t e r this, w a lk in g matches declined in to in te re s t, a n d he was fo rced batt w alk in g f o r exhibition - ■? parka. O’L e a r y has been g iving d e m ­ o n s t r a t i o n s for the p a s t 15 years, and h a s walked in practically every s t a t e in the Union and m any fo re ig n countries* in '7: T he v e te r a n w alk er s ta te d th a t he a t tr ib u t e d his p r e s e n t health a n d vitality la rg e ly to c a re fu l liv­ ing and eating. His diet, though a m ost h e a lth fu l one, cost him than 50 c e n ts a day. His less b r e a k f a s t consists o f a cup of coffee with th r e e ounces of b u t­ t e r dissolved in it, and a piece of whole w h e a t bread. F o r din n e r he e a ts an apple or d rin k s a pint of milk, and f o r su p p e r a bowl o f soup, a dish o f spinach and a bo t­ tle of milk. He is alw ays in bed by 8 o ’clock a n d up a t 4 o r 5. Im p ro p e r diet a n d in su ffic ie n t ex­ ercise, he claims a r e th e agencies t h a t are p u ttin g people in th e h a n d s o f d o c to rs; high heels also a d d in g to the list p f w om an p a t ­ to ients. bobbed h a ir,” he s ta te d , “ b o t I believe t h a t e v e r y s t a t e should e n a c t laws r e g u la t in g th e |g e e k on w o m en ’s shoes.” “ I h a v e no o b j e c t i o r O ’L ea ry h a s a ll o f t h e U n ite d S ta te s a n d C a n i d * in which m a k e a living. H e is aa m uch a i hom e in one p lace ae a n o th e r. n e v e r spends m u c h li m a i place, but k e e p s to wi Lillian U rbanovsky, Mildred Je- linek, a n d Elizabeth H a rtle y from Newman Hall. Allen T errill, t r a n s f e r s tu d e n t fro m V. M. I., was elected presi­ d en t o f th e F re sh m a n Y. M. C. A. P e a rl Reid, Club at a re c e n t m eeting held at a nd M ary Sue W ya tt, K irby Hall, the Y. M. <'. A. Terrill was pres- id e n t o f hrs HUY Club in Dallas, Beverly T u ttle and Lylia E n berg, and in his senior y ea r was fle e te d G race H a l t p re s id e n t of the Y. M. C. A. elder j Hazel Becharm Jo Sodieh, and I T helm a Moore, W o m a n ’s Buiid- boys c o n fe re n ce for Texas. G eraldine Pound, H a rv e y Thom as fro m T o p e k a , ; *R8* K ansas, w as elected vice president, N ancy Minor, Mrs, Roy a nd F r e d C a r p e n te r from Brazil, bi.eh. L o rra in e M attock In d ia n a , was elected s e c r e ta r y of th e club. G e o rg ia Mae M atejk , M n . Val C. ( T u r n to page 3, Col. I) a n ” | of Clip out this ballot neatly and send to Daily Texan, either through the faculty mail (put envelope in any faculty mail box) or through the U. S. mail, not later th an Saturday of this week, , - — — — . My choice of the Presidential Nominees i* Vote cast by r ....... .......... ...................... ............... . .... .......... .......... .......... . . — im — HIGH SCHOOLS ENTER LEAGUE PRESSMEET IOO P ap ers E x p ec te d In C o n feren ce T h is Y e a r \ Applications have peen received from several high schools of tho S ta te fo r m em bership in th e Texan Interscholastic L eague P re sa Con­ f e r e n c e , a a o rg an ization which is o eiag sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, m en’s jo urna listic f r a te rn ity , c o-op e ra tin g with the U n iversity In terscho lastic League. De W itt Reddick, ch airm an of Sigm a Delta C h i’s high school p ress com m ittee, s ta te s t h a t IOO high schools are expected to e n te r p a p e rs within the n e x t month. The purpose of the p r e s s con­ fe re n c e is to p ro m o te high school jou rn a lism , and in­ te r e s t in this phase of th e I n te r ­ to stim u la te thrusts* schoiastic Ll'a 8 u” w o r k - T he ‘S ta ta is divided geog raph ically into f o u r ~ ~ t ‘ t districts, and th e schools in each d istric t a r e classified th re e divisions according to size. Tho w inning p a p e r from each division will be entitled to send two r e p r e ­ s e n ta tiv e s to th e S ta te I n te rsc h o ­ lastic L eague m eet a t A ustin in A pril, to compete in t h e journalism, w ork of the league. into Any high school p a p e r in T e x a s m ay be e n te re d by m ak in g w r it­ ten application for m e m b e rsh ip in th e press conference, a n d sen d in g tho issue of one copy or each p a p e r Interscho lastic to L eague Bureau. The p a p e rs will be g ra d e d and th a g r a d e s a n ­ nounced early in April. the f o r first paper e n t e r e d The “ H a r risb u rg P io n e e r ” o f Jim Heady J u n io r H igh School we* the tho c u r r e n t year. O th e rs whose ap ­ plications have been received ar© th e “ Main Avenue H u isa e h e ” a n d ; the “ B rackenridg e T im e s,” both of San Antonio, the “ H igh School M essenger” from W e s t Columbia, from G eo rg etow n “ The E a g le ” High School, an d th e “ C o tton Boll” fro m T a y lo r High. -------------- 0— *— — • FEW AGGIE LEFT IN NORTH TICKETS END A p a r t o f section A ii le f t in the division f o r S ta d iu m sub­ scriber's a t th e T e x a s-A. & M. g a m e . A lmost f i f t y p e r cent Jjjf th e se a ts on th e n o r th end have b e e n sold. On th e e a st side, sec* (io n s A-G a re rese rv e d f o r th© T e x a s stu dents. On both sidiffe'v f r o m th e 50 y a r d lin e to the n b rih en d th e s e ats a r e rese rv e d f o r th o Aggie students. T h e re have been a b o u t twelve hu n d re d tickets ©old f o r th e S. M. U. game. VOLUME XXX f « i » ’ Spirit and Success T h o se Reports U n b egru d ged F a vor S tra w V o te F V D you notice th e spirit of the th ro u g h o u t, se c tio n rooting th e game y e s te r d a y , p a rtic u la rly I w h en the L o n g h o rn s were in |hole at th e fir s t o f th e game? a to talk all P lu n g in g som eth in g the I* The L ong horns showed up well I y a g a in st the P o rk e rs , and gave us about,! wiggling ough to b re a k loose for a few y a rd s ru n , a n d p assin g th ro u g h ­ o u t , the eleven coached by C ly d e j L ittlefield won its f i r s t ence game. c o n fe r­ line, • * * We wish to c o n g r a tu la te the te a m as a whole f o r the good I work done, and wish to give them o u r most h e a rty w ishes fo r a con­ tin uan ce of th e ir successful sea-' rn son. J l tim e IT T L E sta n d s between the p r e s e n t a n d th e mom ent / l i c h e n some will be o p e n i n g Ihei; mail from the U n iv e rsity to see w hat courses th e y will be re p o r t­ ed in. The d ate w hen re p o rts will be made has been set for ab ou t N ovem ber I, it h a s been a n n o u n c ­ ed. • Some will • * disappointed; be some will only see in w riting w hat th e y a lre a d y k n e w ; a n d some will w ake up w hen th ose little white slips of p a p e r a r e mailed out. ♦ * * Then s tu d e n ts should realize is absolutely now, be fo re it too late, t h a t it is tim e to go to work in dead e a r n e s t if th e y have not a lre a d y done. Daily T e x a n P V E R Y S a tu r d a y night issues a the fo o t­ ball edition fr e e o f cha rg e to all s t u d e n ts of th e U n iv e rsity as a special cou rte sy to those s t u d e n t s .; H ow ever, few w'ho en jo y reading th is special e dition each S a tu rd a y n ig h t a f t e r the g a m e s have either been won o r lest, realize the ex­ pense which T h e T e x a n goes to in o rd e r to give them t h a t e x tr a service. • * * E ach edition o f th e e x tra costs th e T exas S tu d e n ts Publications, o th e r Inc., a b o u t $50. On the I F i r the P u b lic a tio n s does not receive d ire c t r e v e n u e from th e special pap er, since th e issues are circu lated fre e . d, is to In the the addition actual a m o u n t of m oney th e extra edi­ e x tra tion costs, th e r e the tim e of those who work on p a p e r g ra tis which m u s t be con­ sidered. B u t how much money it costs, o r how m uch tim e we spend is only a t r if le if the paper is app reciated. T h a t is a1! we ask. * * * * ODAY the Daily T exan is be­ g in n in g a s t r a w vote to c a n ­ vass the c a m p u s f o r an opinion a s to how? th e presidential elec­ tio n would com e o u t next month i f it were decided by s tu d e n ts of the U niversity o f Texas. * rn • a canvass. Such s tra w v otes have been ta k e n in n um e rous A m erican col­ leges and un iv ersities and p eriod­ icals over th e c o u n t r y have fos­ the tered such In f ir s t place th e b allot should be the Daily clipped n e a tly out T e x a n and should be filled plainly. The p r e fe r e n c e vote may be put into a n y ‘'f a c u lty mail0 box addressed to th e Daily Texan the o r it m ay be a d d re sse d to Daily T e x a n a n d ‘ se n t through Uncle Sam 's usual medium. f ro m W. A. A. CLUB LISTS PROGRAM FOR YEAR g i r l’s Te-W AA-Hiss, athletic a n d r e c re a tio n a l club o f th e Uni varsity has a n n o u n c e d the follow­ in g c ale n d a r f o r th * y e a r: m ber O ctober 27, g i f t o f f e r in g and open c a m p ; N o v e m b e r 12, pro- | gressive b r e a k f a s t ; N ovem ber % 4 , * t n t D ecem ber 5, m ou n ta in tr ip ; l o , C h ristm a s p a r t y : m a r y 9, sig h ts e e in g t r i p ; Feb ru a ry 21. 22. a n d 23, Cam p Man­ a n a ; April 21, sta r - g a z in g p a r ty ; May 4, flo w e r w a lk ; May l l , sur­ prise hike. ail Te-W AA -Hiss is open t o U niversity g irls w ho are interested in o u td o o r H it. By BOB CANTRELL T***n .Sports C4lt«r SA TURDAY'S RESULTS Tex*# 20, Art#r,s*$ 7. T. C. V. 8, A A M 0. S. M. U. 52, Ute* 13. B#|rlor 28, Centenary 7, c o n f E R E N C E STANDIN G Texas T. C LL S. M. U Arkansas Baylor ... Rice A, & ML J* w L T 0 I I 0 I i 0 I i 2 I I LU 0 I i Pct 0 LOGO 0 LOGO I OOO 0 SOO 0 .OOO 0 .OOO OOO 0 0 0 0 I I i . Throe ©rd th re « with a h perfect rec* 0 4 0 iM , Bn ti the twin* rn of effi depths hffr cellar wtth nothing a show for their con- hut k>a Trx?»-, T. C. I)., ferenct and 8. 3 lf., are or top with p ftfe tX it os; Arkansas rn sitting on the hat:?-way mark, white Bay­ lor Rico Hod A. A- M. arc down In the ceiler wondering when th** cyclone will pa** over. The Ag gie? aren’t uaeri to that start of ir e Vmenu and they may start a cyclone of their own. Nobody crer thought shut the Toad* would ever amount to anythin* thi# year. but it u em i as though they arm out to *how til* boy* what’* what. The Frogs are still undefeated— and to top it all— they haven’t been scored fin. AB of their opponent# have been unable to punk a tally across in any form o f attack. Wimp the Tooths bumped the Aggies IMI it WAH m e Re fond con- Auditive Saturday on which the F en n ers have met. a re verite by l i n t time in the history of the Aggies af they have met two consecu­ In the It wee the h a score. s p o r t FROGS TRIM WILK T f ll fARRIFQlBAYEORBEARSOVERWHEEM t JinniW i BAU OVER ON LINE PLUNGES CENTENA RY GENTS 28 TO 7 MUSTANGS RUN RINGS AROUND RI CE, 5 2 - 1 3 Determined A t t a c k F eatu res Bruin V ictory G a m e Goes Scoreless Until Final Q u arter SH R E V E P O R T , Louisiana, Get. 20.—-The Baylor Boars, playing Spatial ta The Daitg Texan, JI .rf >«l to The I tail a Texan i OL LEG E STATION , Oct. in the form 20 | rome a cyclone of I eleven purple-clad T. (\ IL Horned l oads to ten tier destruction in its sweeping through College Station to knock the Texas Aggies J o ff their perch In a hard fought It was the first con fer­ 1 8-0 win, I wake, ence tilt for both team*. J F o r three long quarters, it •cerned as if the game would end as so many Aggie T. C, U. games j have Sr the past, a tie, hut in the the I middle of the fourth period, Frog hacks woke up, and drove I their way down the field. Grubbs started (he whole thing, when he | reeled o ff a BB-yard broken field run to carry the ball to the Ag- j go s’ 35 yard line. Grubbs and G riffith then took turns about mashing the line to carry the ball from it over, extra j to the Farm er 6 yard line, where G riffith carried Atkin* failed point. to kick the Passes of all kinds filled the air all afternoon, hut the Frogs produ< od a good pass dr? use, and the Aggies had a terrible time getting away with anything. The Toads cracked first downs, while the best the Aggie* could do was to rake up a mere thousand people seven. Fight nine o ff iv. the game, while I$ 0 0 of them j were front Fort Worth and T„ C. : U. J v#*t » This was the first time £ r SaL* I Southwestern inspired football here th:s. after­ noon, broke a two year old jinx the Centenary Gentlemen which have held over the member? of the Conference, when they slipped a 28-7 defeat the into the re co n n Gents. com­ pany were not equal to the task at­ of stopping the sensational tack of VViFon, Noble, Furl and Newberry, against and Ja k e Hanna The Texans passed, kicked and ran the ends like demons. They sm arting undo* were evidently the ating o f a 14-0 licking hand­ ed them last week by a sister co n ­ fe r e n c e team , Arkansas, while the Gents were feeling a bit chesty over their 6-0 trimming of the Texas Aggies. in the and shattered This was the first d efeat su f­ last fered by Centenary two years, their string of win* ovmr member* of the Southwestern Conference at five straight. Up until this a f­ beaten the Gents had ternoon, T. C. U.. S. ML U., Rice, Baylor, and A. St ML last year and this year, Morley Jennings and hie Golden the Lone $ ta r Bears leave for S tar state tonight lots better than they did last Saturday night at the same time. feeling COUNTRYMAN SEES CENTENARY WIN Spatial to The Daily Texan. C O LLEG E STATION , Oct. 20 Boh Countryman, Texas Aggie baseball mentor, was among the visitors at College Station for the game recent and while here he spent several hours in the company of the men who were members of the Aggie nine Aggie-Centenary last year. Team* Ford Brown Ii \ Phillip* Burnett Bewall Cowley Rose IL Bcular Hughes Shelley Ponies Desert A ir to Run up H uge Score On Owls By JIM M IE L O V E L L Sptci*! D*% Texan Corr<>«pond«»t DALLAS, Oct. 28— Coach Mor­ rison called on his second and third stringers here Saturday be­ fore a state fair crowd to show the home town how the Mustangs were able to hold Army as they did. Rice Owls were trampled 52 lo 13 in the exhibition, A running attack wag used more than the air as a mean* to pile up the score. Johnson, Pony half made the first three touchdowns, to lead scoring. During the morning Rice Har­ riers defeated Pony runners 28 to 27, with Captain Brunson show ing the way^ over the 3.7 mile course. STEERSSCORE 20-7 VICTORY P K (Continued from Page 2 ) broken up, and his thrusts at the line were stopped except once, and that was when be hammered the line for a touchdown. Pee Wee Gardner, the big tackle, received the a&vere punishment during game, and fray before it was over. le ft the Dale and Miller proved to be the the best ground gainer* for Hogs, and their tries off-lackle gave the Texas forwards a great, deal of trouble. Nothing Happens The first quarter saw a Texas drive stopped on 8 yard line, when the Arkansas line a fte r braced and stopped them field, a steady march down the the Porker tory that tile A ggie* have-^oaf^artr1 tive defeat* on Kyle Field. Rant, it bas been almost impossible j games on successive Saturday? on. for the visiting teams to win on Kyle Field. The win left T. Ck LL Kyle Field but this year, it is just tied for fir*! in the conference the reverse. The first two strong with Texas and S. M. LL, while it teams that the Aggies have met •cut the Aggies down into the eel- bumped Vin o ff. lur with Rice and Baylor. o—— ------ — Hat* off to th* Baylor Bears I They did something no other conference school ha* been abl* to An in the last two year# when they handed Centenary rn 26-7 beking yesterday afternoon. The Gents w jfe a hi! chesty th eir 6-0 win over the Texas Aggie* is it week-end, while the Bear* ware smarting under a defeat handed them by Ar­ kansas. Well. Navy broke her string of F.-eoreiesH gam#* yesterday after­ noon when they eked out a 6-0 Vrin cc cr Dukce University. The Midshipmen h a w been having a terrible time o f it this year, aud never could get away to any kind HIGGINBOTHAM CUTS DOWN SLIME SQUAD .Special Daffy Texan Correspondent C OLLEGE STATION, Oct. 20 Roswell Higginbotham, Texas Aggie freshman mentor, is rapid bv trimming hi* squad down to a size which will enable the coaches to devote more time to the indi­ vidual needs of the candidates. O at of the 212 men wha reported, only about 65 gridsterx remain. p p p p LET’S GO TO PETE'S TO EAT Quirk Delivery Phone 2-3014 P P P P a H art. $ I Y E A T E X A S ! Go with the Gang to Houston for the Big G am e Texas vs. October 27 . 5 5 R o u n d T r i p Leave A ustin at 1 2 :4 5 noon or 1 1 :3 0 P . M. F rid ay 26th . - T r i, r n ic. p P . M. Sunday 28th . Majestic Man's Shop says— We practice what we preach! ■ majestic MAN’S SHOP •*»*••»• UV«* o-l vt HCM J J *W* (IIM# (SHM* *»*»* atte V** WAY SIDE INN “TH E STUDENTS HOME Special Sunday evening dinner Roast young T urkey Giblet Gravy Peas in Cream S age D ressing C ranberry Sauce Candied Yams W aldorf Salad Rolls Fruit J clio W hipped C ream D rink F ifty Cents We serve all the papular toasted and open sandwiches, selected steaks, sea fo od s, hom e m ade pastry o r line plays. fibular with King, Shelley, and off-lac kb*J carrying the ball thrusts and Shelley and King each picked up 17 yards on thrusts at the one, carrying the ball to the Arkansas l l yard line. Two plays netted 4 yards, and a pass over lino | gave the ball to Arkansas on her* own 20 yard line. The rest of the quarter was taken up with an exchange of punts, with Texas holding the ball in mid-field. the goal S t a r t i n g L i n e - U p * A r k a n s a s Schoonover W inters (C ) L E . L.T. L.G. t , R.G. R T . R .E . Q.B. R H . L.H. F .B . j ! J ‘ Wise Buckalew Yan Sid e Gardner Creighton Geise Dale Miller King (C) Beavers A few seconds a fte r the second quarter opened, Geise fumbled al punt on his own goal line, and Dusty Rhoads covered it on the took Hogs’ sox inch line. King one thrust at the line anti went extra over. Rhoads missed the point try. The two teams then engaged in a punting duel which ended with Arkansas taking the ball on her 48 yard Fine and go­ ing down the field on passes, line plays, and penalties to the Texas 8 yard line. interference, and a Arkansan got a break, when one complete declared pass was through 15 yard penalty, which put the bail on T exas’ l l yard line. B eavers' carried the ball over from the six yard line on three tries. Dale From booted the extra point. then on, Arkansas devoted her tim e to keeping the Steers from .scoring, but in this they fa ile d .I T ’qe first half ended with Arkan­ sas leading by one point. T ex** S c o r e s Twice With the second half only a few minutes old, Texas chased across her second touchdown. An ave Texas the intercepted pass ball on Arkansas 33 yard line. I Shelley then carried it to the 23 yard line. Two passes were in­ com plete; then King dropped back and shot to a p erfect Hughes who trotted 15 yard* fur a touchdown. Shelley kicked the extra point. pass Another fumbled punt recover­ ed by Burnett, gave Texas the ball on the Porkers’ 24 yard line. Line plays and basket passes sent the ball over the goal for Tex;a*’ ‘You Don’t W ait on Us” Introducing APPETIZERS For Cooler W eather HOT CHICKEN SANDWICH A bounteous serving o f R oast Chicken stew ed Tice, gravy and buttered toast. HOT ROAST SANDWICH Hot R oast sliced from the sim m ering sp it — season ed gravy — served steeped in richly with that A rcadian relish and crisp , brow n toast. VEGETABLE AND CHICKEN SOUPS Make the P. K. way BAKED POTATO A big Ju m b o potato, baked to deliciousness — serv ed piping hot with a dash o f p ap aim and lots o f fresh butter. Served al No. I Shop every night ‘Let’* Meet and Eat at P. K.V* Service the Whole Night Through P. K. Sandwich Shops, Inc. O PPO SITE T H E HANCOCK O PP O S IT E T H E U N IV ER SIT Y . ^ , , S c i l New Fiction 1-3 off 4 ^ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1928 third score. King carried the ball to the six inch 7 re, and then smashed through fcr the counter.] D exter Shelley seni his try for the extra point through the c in te r of the uprights. sailing in The last quarter found Texas Rending in a flock o f substitutes, arid Arkansas opening up with a . an desperate passing a tta c k a, tem pt to store again. Texas With Shelley still in was able to Stay out of danger because of h i*; punting. Texas carried the ball] de# p info Arkansas territory only J to be checked by a lo yard pen-i ally. The game ended with Texas in ' in mid : possession of the ball field. W ith their first conf ere rf game a win, the S teers will em ter the rest of their battles a Ii tm nit more d e.ermineu to con* through with a victory. Army continued h er victorioif march towards the national char! pion ship with a ovJ Harvard. The Cadets will ha\| w as over the strongest team s i all sections if they keep on they are going now. i 6-h win --------------o-------------- i Rolfe Wells of Houston spending a few days in A ustii Wells has recently returned f r o ! Europe and will reenter the b u l mess administration school second semester. tilUt suits. P K They Are Here A n o th er shipm ent of those good looking double-breasted vest New patterns and s h a d e s — medium g r a y , oxford gray and blue. S e e y ourself in one W e are alw ays glad to show you. UNIVERSITY TOGGERY J. L. Rose Cleaning & Pressing 23 IG Quad. Phone 3 0 9 0 | Otie new Buick is the new Style ggaBaagOTii ilim— nrffl- r: eet. sym m etrical, low to the ground, unique & unrivaled c~from an artistic stand p oint — and the m ost com fortable, au tom obile motorists have ever known — N ot only beautiful, not only symmetrical, not only luxurious — but sn entirely new style—aa a llu rin g new m ode o f car design-- — a m o d e so tin e a n d so u n d a e d beau tifu l th at it fo re c a s ts th e tr e a d o f sm art b o d y -d e sig n fo r y e a ** t o come — The same artistry, rib# muse craftsmanship winch make this new Buick the most beautiful a u to m o b ile o f the day also aaalut it the m ost cornloft*hie x f ';.. ilSll '.v automobile motorists have known. New adjustable front sea ta the closed models —full wid rear seats providing piscuy room for three adult paaseng« — deep, soft upholstery —t lounging spaciousness of £ combine wi interiors-- all Btu d c 's famous ca n d le * Springs and Lovejoy Hydrate! m ock absorbers to produce ti highest degree of riding luau ever attained. See this new P ric k -d riv e i p f* ? * to yourself it's chn Bn of Buicks and the cauf of ca S i lv e r A a n i v c r s J t a r B U I C K WM* Maxerpiect Lodi#* Br Balm COVERT AUTO COMPANY S U N D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 1 , 1 9 2 8 . SLIMES HARD AT WORK FOR OPENING GAME Play Blinn Memorial; Heavy Line Seen For Frosh With their first gam e le^s than I a week aw ay, the freshm an fo o t­ ball sqticd inten­ sive practice each aftern oon at fresh m an field. is undergoing in fall charge A ssistan t Freshm an Coach Ox H iggin s w as of the squad F rid ay aftern oon out; to the absence o f “ S h o rty " A l­ derson, who w as actin g as an of ftcial at the Sain t E d w ard *-Sou* ii w estern gam e. H iggins had his men scrim m aging d arin g th en .tire .session a t which tim e ever, man on the squad saw action. The team that will fa ce the Blinn M emorial College at B ren ­ ham on O ctober 25 will pro lent a heavy line and a well balanced backfield. The m ajor portion o f the ball totin g will be placed in the hands o f Brown, Elkins, T y ­ son, W hite, Birdwt ll, and Friery. Brown and Tyson are both c a ­ pable the line plungers and session yesterd ay ramm ed the op­ posin g lines unm ercifully. in Birdw ell, Elkins, and W hile looked good carryin g to pigskin on off tackle p lays and end runs Howies, H uston, Stevenson, and Schultz will be available fo r cen­ ter. A t g u ard s the freshm en have j a wealth o f m aterial in Calkins j Van M cNutt, W right, San t, S p ark s, and Pitkin*. M cNutt and S p ark s are the big p e a v ie s fo r the position-, each w eighing over 200 pounds. B lan ­ ton, T ule. W ade, Moody, and R o­ chelle seem to be the logical se­ lections fo r work a t the tackle positions. A t ends the freshm en »hve Scu rry , Sim pkins, A llen, A l­ ley, and B u tts. In spite o f the fa c t that the freshm en will m eet such form id­ able opposition as Blinn Memo T errell M ilitary rial College, A cadem y o f D allas, and Sch rein ­ e r In stitu te the m ountain from region o f K errville, it is sa fe to vvil p redict th at come through another season un­ d efeated . the freshm en Heat No , Says Ark Best Team Won A rk an sas had no alibis a fte r th eir d e fe a t by the Longhorns. U su ally the Fayettev ille a g g r e g a ­ T exas tion h eat but not this time, according to the A rk an sas players. is bothered by the “ A lthough it has been in F ayettev ille fo r rath er several cool d ays, the h eat did not bothei us to day— the best team won,” said C aptain A lva W inters o f the R a ­ zorb ack*, a s he walked o f f the “ The boys field a fte r the gam e. fo u g h t but thai w asn’ t enough,” he concluded as he repeated the assertio n th at the best team won. tackle, in p layin g his last season fo r the P orkers. His home is in T ra sk ­ wood, A rkan sas. W inters, a 180-pound CO ED BEAUTIES ENTER CONTEST (Continued from P ag e I ) Giles. R. M rs. D BL McLeod. Jam eso n . C harlotte Miles, Mrs. J . Isabelle M cLeod. K ath erin e Kelly and V e ra Hall, M rs. A. J . Reynolds. M iriam S h ack elford and Alice Lee Per­ kins, M rs. J . E. Robinson. Lillian Sim pson, Mrs. F. S. Matthew's. Dor ©thy Je ste r , Johnson and E lise M nj. C. P. Randolph. G ard en ia E i neigh Mrs. H. C. C raig. Dor- F . W. G ayer. tha Elide, Mrs. F ra n c e s T arleton , Louise Robin­ son, and M rs. Laverne No wot ny, W. A. A .; and Ruth F ran k and E lizab eth H ow ard, M rs. G. F . Dunlap. E X T R A Starting Today C UK I T . A D U Pictu res o f the GAME Played at Welt Point til Cetefpetlfta wi i b “ THE TERROR” K IN G AND S H E L L E Y G O GOOD IN GAME Ifs I I I . I | - '/• 'm rn . v, PAGE 3 CITY TOURNEY OPENS MONDAY PENICK COURTS T exas Stars Eligible; Play from 2-6; Prizes 7 CAGE VETS FORM SQUAD NUCLEUS accordin g Seven letterm en wit! form the nucleus fo r this y e a r’s V arsity to basketball squad, Coach F re d M. W alker. Captain Holly B lock, Ja k e Looney, and “ S u g a r ” Cam p arc w orking out daily, though official train in g does a c t s ta r t until N ovem ber I. At that tim e Coach W alker will take charge o f the squad anc! the grind will start. W ray, R oes, Rose, and Cheatham, the other letterm en, and Peterson, a squadm an, are playing football but their physi­ c a l condition will perm it to enter directly ketball train ing them the bas­ im m ediately on into the close of the fo otb all season. In addition to these stir's, Vin­ ing, G atoura, E h .telling. T aylor, I Lam b, In gram , and Nem ir arc | expected to -bow up well. All of these except Nem ir, who was out o f school last year, are grad u ates last year’s of Shorty A lderson’* : flush nquao. B egin n in g Monday at 2 o’clock and continuing all of next w eek,! the A ustin City tonne, tournam ent j under the direction of the Arn; J tin T ennis A ssociation will bt held on the Pe nick C ourt*. All tennis p la y e is, including V arsity men, are eligible to enter upon j paym ent o f the $1 entrance tet­ any tim e before 2 o ’clock Monday, a t which list* will be closed. the contest time P rizes donated by A ustin m er­ chants will be aw arded to th** winners by VV. T. Casw ell, p re s­ ident of the tennis association. Playing h our* will be from 2 to 6 ©'clock rn the aftern oon. It is probable th at Wilmer A l­ lison and other tennis sta rs will be in the tile time o f the tournam ent m em bers of the squ ad s will play as a part of their regu lar practice. con test. D uring E. J . Steven s, tennis m anage! ineligible for the freshm an and t< ama, sta te s th at positions of a ssistan t tennis m anager are still open and* all applican ts should phone 22910. C o n v e n ie n t... To drop in for a cool refreshing drink. Just across the campus. Our desire is to serve the student with the best. Fountain Drinks Sundries of all kinds Pure Drugs Efficient Service These are things you get there. e o m h M P I ? H J G C M mmam; u... \i*pri.< i a i iv *va>-> •■ ■ ■ ■ [ : 2206 Guadalupe Phone 3553 Electric Cooking Utensils For Your Midnight Feast Perculators T oasters Waffle Irons Grills Comolete Line of Household Hardware Conveniently Located Shoes Repaired The Goodyear Shoe Shop is equipped with the most modern, up-to-date shoe machinery. And only skilled men are s a employed. That’s why this is the fay- onto shoe shop in the University neigh­ borhood. Fair Prices — Excellent Work TENNIS OPENS INTRAMURAL Entries to Be Closed For This Sport O c t . 2 2 Tho sp lection o f the U niversity singles cham pion in tennis O cto­ ber 25 will m ark the opening of E n ­ the fall in tram u ral season. tries in th ir sp ort roust come in not later than October 22 to the physical train in g office in Z Hall. Oth r fall in tram ural sp orts as announced by G eorge Seay, se n ­ ior Intram ural m an ager, a re t g o lf singles on N ovem ber I, with Oc­ tober 29 the last day for e n trie s; handball sin gles on Novem ber 15, with N ovem ber 12 the last day fo r entries* and cross-country on Decem ber 8. Three men will com ­ promise each cross-country ten rn, and Decem ber 5 will be the la st j day that en tries will be accepted, Cham pions lit each division will j receive gold m edals a s aw ards ant! T h e p h o to g r a p h e r c a u g h t the Texas«A r k a n s a s g a m e highlight* ye sir rcay. H e r r a r e t w o o f tin rn. in the lop, we see C ap tain R u fu s K in g , makin g the first tou ch dow n o f tha gam e with a dive th r o u g h the piled up A rk a n sa s Line. It cam e a few second s a f t e r R h o a d s had re- covered a f u m b le d punt on the Po rk er 6 inch line. The p layers in while a r e seen c o n v e r g in g R h o a d s o f T e x a s ( N o . 13) and Sch oonover o f A r k a n s a s look on. In the low er ic seen D ex ter Shelley s ta r t no o f f on one o f his n u m erous lon g ja u n t s of the g rm e . 'A rkan sas ( N o . 19) se e m s to be wanting: to a r g u e with him, hut a T e x a s man is doing his b e st to get him o u t o f the p la y . B e a v e r s o f in according to the rules of the in­ tl am ural asso ciatio n of the U ni­ versity, anyone i $ eligible lo com­ pote in these co n tests who has not lettered basketball f loib all, track, or ten n is in any college g iv ­ ing a degree. M em bers c f V ar­ sity, Shorthorn, Freshm an sq u ad s arc* ineligible to participate in intram ural ath letics only at the time they a re squ ad members. Any man whose nam e ap p ears on the squad list ta ineligible during the rem ainder o f the sports sea- HOH • and Passes Thrown By Longhorns; Hogs, Total 43 j A total of 43 p asses were hurl­ ed in the gam e betw een A fk an sas aned T exas, with only 13 p f them being completed. The R azorbacka w ere successful with six. ncttjbig a total of 86 y ard s, out o f 22 tried , while T ex as Completed sev­ en out o f 21 fo r 109 yards. Three Long w ere intercepted horns, and two by A rkan sas. Wild passin g, and an a le rt defen se by both team s m ade both aerial a t ­ ta ck s weak. by the Shelley put on a b eau tifu l punt­ ing exhibition, sen d in g nine spir als fo r an average o f 46 yarda. A rk an sas averaged CS yards ir 12 punts. No one student is perm itted to play on more than one team lr. a however sp o rt; an y V arsity coach m ay declare a m ar ineligible for in tram u ral athletics- should he desire him to become a nu mber o f bis squ ad . To be d ig ihie to enter any o f the contests, en tran ts m ust have fu ll am ateur stan din g, and are required to have p a ssed physical exam in ation “ A ,” a n d recognized a s “ G lass A ” men S u m m ary: T ouchdow ns: K ing, 2 ; B eavers, l f H ugh es, I. Points a fte r touch dow ns: D ale, I ; Shel­ ley, 2. F irst eowTi*: T e x a s, l l : A rk an sas, 7 p a rse s). Y ard s (fiv e resu lte d from from gain ed scrim m ag e: T ex a s, 169; A rk an sas, 66. Y ard s lost, T e x a s 2 7 ; A r­ kansan, 7. P a s s e s : A rk a n sa s tried for 86 22, six were com pleted intercepted, yank., 3 were and 11 were incom plete; T ex as tried 21, com pleted 7 fo r a total o f 109 yards, two were intercepted, and 12 were incom plete. Punts, A r­ kan sas averaged 35 y ard s in 12; T ex as 9 tim es fo r an average of T ex a s Penalties, 46 y ard *. 5 tim es for a total 45 y ard s; o f A rkan sas 9 tim es fo r 45 yards. W Fresh Film * and Quality Finishing F ilm * left at follow ing agen cies b efo re 12 noon, a*-o finished and ready fo r you at' 5 that sam e a f ­ ternoon. - -Unive-sity D ru g S to r e H olland Drurj S to r e — Home Drug Co. -—Co-op Jordan Co. A lfr e d Ellison Owner . a We’re in the middle of a conference race NOW Show your Texas Spirit by writing home and to the P sweetheart on Texas stationery Let us show you our several ' K . •• -*d mW.:'. different styles fe. it Be loyal and show your colors Texas Longhorn Slicker Stickers Pipes! Pipes! Milano, Kaywoodie and o t h e r lines in many shapes and sizes. 50c to $10.00 ■ T. ...*.I*':, ■ rev; i?'.. “Service That Satisfies r t * M H H r v « Give her a box of good candy. We carry Whitmans and Kings both high class lines with big assortments to choose from. Attractive packages from $1 to $7.50 . ___________ University Hard wareCo. U niversity B an k B ld g . NP**"?:** U - t » B a i t s M b H iM sa IIM mmgm of ta* Val* USSSlty of Tcum. Ajitm, by tit* T«U> FaklkatkHM, laic, «»ery Mora* lB« MttW Mo®(Joy, WiiWartat office*. B. Haji, IVtepfeoa#* tit* -4 1 as* HISH-SI. (After Id p. rn. t i if .) Ba* ta#** off sc**, B. Hall, Ttlepfcoo** t-* i€ 4 a&4 s -ilift. — Printed by tho University P t w , A. C ' rn rig tee, Minster. Entered as oceans class matter at tbs postoffice at Aastia. Toms. {TMMXX 8. PAYNE 4 u r r t i PPE* __ - *4H©r-f*-Cb*vf Manas mg halter KIGHT STAFF Wm. Kay Miller ....... Issue Editor Patricia Howard ....... Assistant J. C. Watkins .....-----....... Assistant Eunice Bishop ....— ..... Assistant doe L, Harry ------- Assistant ........ Assistant *tehn W oodruff What Do You Know About— By J. C. W ATKINS 1. Another Railway? 2. A im er'* W elco m e* ? 3. Massachusetts G. O. P. 4. Sm ith's Speech ? It has Texas is soon to hare another railroad. The Waco, Beaumont, Trinity, and .Sabine line received permission yesterday to issue $3,- 000,000 in bonds to finance the building of a railway from Waco been to Port Arthur. “hanging fire” before the Inter­ state Commerce Commission for three years, being bitterly fought by the Kansas City Southern and interests. Yesterday's de­ I» r e e velopm ent means that construc­ tion work will start at once. The •takes have already been placed between Port Arthur and Living­ ston, and between Weldon and Waco. The middle section is be­ ing held up pending the issuing o f more bonds. Colonel R. C. Duff o f Houston is president of the road. The route follow ed by the new line is via Port Arthur, Port N eches, Beau­ and m ont, Livingston, W eldon, Waco. It provides a new access to the Sabine ports, and means a new deep water o u tlet for in­ land Texas. religious Mr*. Airm-e 8cm pie McPherson was to deliver a ad­ dress to the student# of the U ni versify of Glasgow, in Scotland. Friday. A hall wan arranged for and literature circulated. Students When the evangelist walked in lo the hail she was given a bois­ terous welcome. had decorated the platform with empty w hiskey bottles, and glasses filled the rim. with beer stood along Posters praising “good old whis­ key” covered the walla. Students w ere grouped about floor playing cards. When Mrs. Mc Fberaors started to speak co-eds began pulled out cigarettes and sm oking. Finally, however, the stu d en ts quieted down and listen­ ed to her appeal that they give up their wild w ays and think of spiritual thing-;. the The Scotch will have their lit­ tle joke. The Republicans in Massachu­ se tts have? evolved a novel idea with which they hope to hold the state in the G. O. P. column in November. The substance is that the wet Republican# will be per­ m itted to express them selves with­ ou t voting for G overnor Smith. Separate from the regular tick­ et, but attached onto the ballot, w ill be a referendum which in­ structs voter*, to say “ yes” or “ no” m to whether senators shall be r instructed to petition congress to In this way m ollify the dry law. for wet Republicans fan H oover and at the same time tell congress what they think of the Volstead act. vote ll And in Chicago Governor Smith was nearly mobbed by enthusiast* w hile on his way to the armory to plead the cause of the Demo­ cratic party. Wearing the fa­ mous brown derby, Smith sat in the back of un open car, and was literally snowed under by the & storm of sh redded telephone di­ rectories and newspaper* that poured upon him. ,lp hit speech governor flayed the Republican party for its conner*,;'•») wilt the oil scan­ dals, and scored the renewal of S a lt Creek oil lease by Ha­ w a i i when he wa# secretary j i l l the TC Interior. S T U D E N T S HOW I N H O S P I T A L S SMgMffted ill in th# hos- fohow s; Infirm ary, Margaret S to rey , ^France# W m , Vivian ‘9/f •£ -gw-lfc*! M''*' aet ,s!8t 3^1*4 VH«i MSU' , C. Em- OUTSIDE ATTITUDES That any public institution, the U niversity of Texas to be spe­ cific, should corno in for a large am ount o f criticism seem s only nat­ ural. But that the University of Texas should com e in for a lot of criticism fro m so-called loyal graduates is a m atter to surprise. The word o f a graduate o f a school a m es quite a bit of weight in regard to that echoed, and w hen spoken AGAINST his school, many negative shakings o f the head o f our citi­ zens of Texas, and many doubtful glances are cast in our direction. The general attitude now seem s to be am ong many o f our graduates foolishness. that the U niversity is in a state of decline. Now it is all Now it is all rashness. Now there is the utmost Jack o f comm on sense. that word conducive is It is peculiar how capable of forgetfu ln ess the average is at the times of such seriousness discussions as these. G et the old graduate in a rem iniscent mood, and he will tell you talcs o f old school life that veritably make your eyes stand onl. He can tell you of brawls and drunks, general free-for-alls, vivid tales o f hazing, at the sam e time sadly bemoaning the lack of spirit at his old school— bem oaning tho p issin g of nu eh times. “Times are mild now to what they were when,” he «ays. But shake him out of that rem iniscent mood. Now that hazing is abolished, inter-class figh tin g hun been stopped, rough-house dormitory life ended, let the average gossip point out to him some of these things which he has just called “m ild,” and he is found guilty of the most terrible indictment that can be brought against a man— the fact that he has forgotten he was ever young. He is shocked and horrified. “Tim es are not what they used to be,” he says, using the the term in an entirely d ifferen t way, and in stead o f pointing out fact that m any tales are exaggerated as they pass from mouth to mouth, instead of pointing out that conditions am ong the U niversity students are no w orse—or rightfully, not as bad— as they used to be, he joins his voice in the g e n e ra l condem nation of the u n en lig h ten ed . AN ACCIDENT Nebraska parents of members o f fratern ities and sororities who read with alarm the story from Texas o f the electrocution o f a young man during a fraternity hazing stunt need not worry about their chil­ dren at the U niversity of Nebraska. The accident occurring at a sor- rority house the other evening was unfortunate com ing at this tim e, but anyone who understands the situation will realise the absurdity of any suspicion that facts surrounding the accident were not published. Under the present system , the two or three day# preceding th e opening of classes are devoted to “ rushing” a t which tim e m em ­ bers o f sororities are selected. A week or so later the sorority holds a pledging cerem ony, at which tim e novices are form ally pledged. This cerem ony is strictly ritualistic and corresponds to the ritual of any lodge or fraternal organization. that a young woman wa* overcom e by the heat, the weather being unusual­ ly hot for October, and was injured when her head struck the cem ent floor. It was at th is cerem ony Later in the year, initiations are held. Most o f the sororities have done away with any violent treatm ent o f pledges during initia­ tions. The cerem onies are, as a rule, im pressive recitations o f ritual. In some cases the fraternities have abolished physical violence, Some of them still require pledges to perform certain stunts during the week of probation preceding on the whole are harmless, such as catching a cat or a bird after nightfall or conduct­ ing a treasure hunt which, at most, involves a great deal o f walking. or The initiations, strictly speaking, are all cerem onies of a more less im pressive nature, and th. probation stunts are becom ing less violent year by year.—- Nebraska State Journal. initiation, which, W HAT A DIFFERENCE! U nderlying the direct eau se# of the American Revolution was the m isunderstanding and m isconception which had been incubating for years back. Prior to the Treaty of Paris in 1763 and the material significance of that settlem ent to Europe, England and the American colonies, a period o f prosperity and fat years had been upon the colonies. E ng­ land was absorbed in the struggle of her existen ce, and the colonies received but a racy bit of attention. Growing from this neglect on the part of the m other country, a new national spirit began to evidence itself in the colonies. From 1763 on, that spirit wa# m agnified to the degree that it was the predom inant cause for revolution and ultim ate independence. It wa* augm ented by the greater burdens which England imposed in her effort# to recoup from long wars, But that m isunderstanding and m isconception had its roots In a faulty and sluggish system of com m unication, arni in an inaccurate and trivial method o f obtaining facts. England failed to see the colonial viewpoint sim ply because she had no e ffectiv e and efficien t means of g ettin g the inform ation concerning her dependencies. Con­ tentm ent and healthy growth in the colonies looked like downright prosperity to John Bull. Prostration and yaw ning treasuries in Eng­ land looked like additional burdens to the colonies. Today com m unication that is characterized by m illions o f mile# of cable threading the ocean bottom s, and radio, have reduced to a mere fraction the weeks that were form erly taken to send a m essage. Coupled with the scien tific im provements and advances, there have a evolved foreign correspondents, diplom atic representatives, and ministerial system . F acts aru! inform ation concerning a nation or a city are available upon a m oment’s n otice— literally at on e’s finger tips. What does this sign ify to the college student? It is a criterion It that international d ifficu lties can be solved on a rational basis. open# the w ay to disbandment, of the trial and error m ethod. It makes possible an advance in the solutions which world -conscious in­ dividuals might wish to devise.—-D aily Nebraskan. THE “GENERAL iMOTORS OF THE EDUCATIONAL WORLD” In reply to an editorial condem ning the huge size of colleges and som e 85,- particularly Columbia, where in all departm ents there are 006 students, the “spectator” has the follow ing to say. While the average undergraduate may writhe from th e stin g of %-uch an attack, it must be adm itted that while the w rite r o f the edi­ torial is perhaps m isinform ed aa to som e of his facts, w h a t he says is for the most part true. Columbia, like a huge sea m onster, has al­ them I ways been ready to swallow up sm aller institutions and bring under the King’s Crown flag. Columbia is quickly becom ing in the educational world what the General Motors Corporation is in the au­ tomobile industry. The authorities o f the U niversity, especially those o f Columbia J College, have been aware for m any years of the Situation which is I becom ing more and more vexing. Columbia College— the sire of this | great university of oars—-has steadily been pushed the b a ck -1 it j* scarcely visible. The general public, typified by ground ur.t a . * * # * * ♦of .the quoted editorial, has the impression that Columbia ti- ©nsjNqte place with a registration o f nearly 35,000 persons and that all individuality is subm erged in the mas*. They do not * th e college has an enrollm ent o f I es# than tw o thousand. ||J * ii* 4 that m ort than h a lf o f the total registration of composed of summer session students anti tho** aud -Columbia Spectator. into T U E D A I L Y T E X A N BULL BELLOWS B y A L E X M U R P H R E E T H O U G H T F O R T O D A Y T h e r e b e tw o t h i n jj* w h ich v ir t u e fr o w * * u p o n — g a y * w h o th r o w ap p le* at f r e s h m e n an d s e l f 'a p p o in te d g u a r d ia n * o f ’em p u b lic moral* w h o a b o u t it. j u m p th e A D O L E S C E N C E College Press schools hid for their serv ices. time, perhaps, tile people of Okla-f Homa w ill com e to take m ore pride! # rn th eir state university. When j M im eograph sheets c o n ta in in g \ be Id I C L U B D A T A G I V E N p y S T U D E N T S ! K Hal1 5‘ I the , ba c o n y of N H all f r o m Mrs. B IG G ER AND BETTER The world has heard much th e l a t few decades o f evolution. I Evolution has become a n almost ^cm w htch m akes the solu tion of receive th is information u n iv e rsa lly accepted law o f life. Education, evolved. The vefoped from a place where lovers j ^ so u r c e s. of for nationally learning studied Greek v e r b s1 tion o f and the anatom y o f Venus dc ! known educators, but It is a prob- Milo to a center of training for tcni those wishing to secure degrees sroo<^ c o k in g for enough fairly. The Am erican S o ciety o f Me-! instructors to take care of chanical Engineers w ill m e e t Mon-i — o-------------- l f is not now a ques- E N G I N E E R S V I E W cam pus has de-? Trowing faster than A nyone desiring in form ation ‘R I V E T S ’ M O N D A Y too, has j di*ficu lt- The isj Etelka Schm idt Lynn. m oney co n sid e ra tio n its m a te r ia l th e o ry an d J university l a k in g ----------- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1928. day evening a t 7:30 o’clock in The fe a tu r e o f the program w ill entitled a f our. reel movie “The Book That’* D if f e r e n t / Delicious Pop Corn A confection you will enjoy 2302 Guadalupe Poppe Shoppe “Some thin g Su perior fo r Your Interior the* hundreds o f stu d en ts here, i ('an done about it? Ok- Daily T H E H E A D A C H E P E N A L T Y M any headaches are caused glasses eyestrain. Proper by are the logical relief. A. BURSTYN O P T O M E T R IS T IS Y ear*’ P ractice in A u stin P hone 2-3541 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted OPTOMETRISTS Sev enth 4 SPEAKING MIDTERMS HOORAY for Deadwood Dick? Hooray for the Rover Boys! Give nine and give it quick For the adolescent joys. . ___ the m ortician’# art and w h a t1 mg, g,,_i ........ not. Education has becom e very utilitarian and allegedly practical. We no longer pursue learning, we study w ays and means o f making For marble shooting, ho:-jS swim m ing-j j :'onfV* And splendid rom ping tussles Oh, how the wind did blow Our shirt-tails into bustles. When we could kiss the little girls And then beat up our foes And when w e’d have a winter cold And fo rg et To blow our nose. Hooray fo r Deadwood Dick! H ooray for the Rover Boys! Give nine and give it quick For the adolescent joys. The Razorback* from Arkan- S S W T h ey h aven ’t e n y fire W e t e n t them hack h o m e town to their To w allow in their mire. S H E R IF F “ U G ” B A R N A B Y SY N O PSIS— S h eriff Barnaby is working on the problem of who hanged the 15 men on one strand of rope. He speaks to Gladiola Hoskins about whom the men are known to have quarried. He ha# found her spur under the tree from which they were She denies knowing hanged. where she it but admits pausing by the canyon with Ar­ ch b a ld Chauncey Adkins. She warns Archy to tell Barnaby he wa# with her, although Archy knows he was not. A tehy does so but denies having heard the howl; Gladiola “C atam ount” told “ U g” that they had heard the howl. lost a fte r institute the m oguls a course In view o f this developm ent, or :f >',u w il,» retrogression, it seem s im perative that o f in e a r n in g what constitute# the m ore or less life long profession o f m ost men I —matrimony-—satirically called I holy wedlock by such hoary h ea d -1 od bachelors as M encken and N a­ than. A married man could enter; the U niversity and four! years o f study and research and j m hi# first divorce would ©ecure his! B. A.— Bachelor A gain — mag na cum laude— if he obtained his di- j vorec in South Carolina. Those d in g in g to the rut o f matrimonial I bliss would be com pelled to drop! from the University because of their evident lack o f talen t, The; serious minded holders o f degrees j the hard losers, would, no doubt, j he allowed to take graduate work' su fficien tly I and after becom ing re-j narrow minded quirem ents of the graduate school and securing the con sen t of a { graduate co-ed, would take his M. A.— Married Again. to m eet the Such a course would fill a very d efin itely felt need and assist in rehabilitating the institution of I m arriage which Is in bad need of repair. The hope fo r the future; evolution of the human race lies J in educators’ giving th eir earnest j consideration to this idea. S om e-1 thing out to be done about this, I even if the courses in tree felling! su ffer. The w ays be sacrificed for the w elfare I o f society just as in m arriage the! for i husband must be sacrificed the god o f his allegedly better! half. —M innesota D aily. --------------o individual m ust al­ C h a p t e r V — In w hich so m e th in g to G lad io la. h ap p e n * SA LARIES U P The standards of A m erican pro­ fessors have taken a rise*; more r m oney is being paid to men who j are experts; the better schools of this country are grabbing o ff the best teachers by o ffe r in g them good salaries. But the U niversity j of Oklahoma has not y e t entered the bidding field. A t the close of the last school year, m any resignations were handed in by professors who had received o ffers o f more pay from other colleges universities. E xcellen t teachers were required to take their places, but the ques­ tion now' arises, shall the univer­ and *>c a 8t°PP*nK place for men looking in other dim e who are lion s for higher pay? “ It can never be said that the teaching profession is overpaid,” President W. B. Bizzell said some not her lost s e old S h eriff Barnaby lit out for Old Man H oskins’ place to talk with Gladiola again. As he rode along on hi# paint pony he cogitated over the facts of the case. Strange w asn’t ii that remember Gladiola should where she had spur. Strange, too, that Gladiola should say that she had heard the Cat­ am ount and Archy should say he had not. Suspicious, vary suspi­ cious. He wasn’t a bit perturb­ ed at the covert shots from the bushes through his hat. He was are used to that. All sheriffs used to having holes shot through, their hats. Really th ety ’d rather be un­ shot than not. They are is com fortable unless som eone shooting at them. So to please them, people used to hide in the bushes every evening w aiting for tim ® ®K°* sh e r iffs statem en t applies with particular em phasis to the U n iversity of Oklahoma. It would As he came up to Old Man he unfair to say that the state has H oskins’s place what do you sup­ been niggardly in its contribution pose he saw? There was Old Man to education here, but the place H oskins him self just com ing out the door w it ha sawed-off shot-] °* th® U niversity in the affairs of looking j Oklahoma is not fully realized by- gun. The old boy was plenty perturbed, you could tell j those who have a hold on the by the way his m ustaches droop-j purse strings. cd. He was thinking, The only w ay in which experts “H i, there, old m an,” said B ar-j w ay be attracted to this institu- “ What ya out here a-look-j tion is through o fte r o f good pay, ; aud the way to keep them here l l is to o ffe r them m ore w hen other “S h eriff, G ladiola’# gone. naby. In’ for?” find her anyw here. And;'™*' can’t just this evening I saw that dam’ ! rustler, Cockeye Harry, out by ITI say I did. the far lot, Now two cow# is mb- ain’ and Gladiola. without Gladiola but goin ’ to miss those cow s.” ’ som ethin,’ It m ade my blood! I heard the Catam ount d o j howl. Just before, I noticed that! sure Gladiola didn't corno in for su p -1 the j j per after she went dow n to “ No, but I heard freeze. can I’m " I “ Dir ya’ find any tracks?” ask-! barn to milk.” Sheriff with his slow drawl. : (To Be C ontinued.) Students who are behind in any of their courses are I • * a • i • finding it helpful to secure the services of coaches at this time. Intra-semester reports are due on November I. Coaches who are available are listing their announce­ a ments in the Classified Advertising Section of the Daily ■ T exan. THE DAILY TE XA N Telephone 23-164, 23-165 HAROLD T E E N - H I S MIND IN THE C L O U D S — HIS FEET ON THE G ROUND } PICTURE T H S, GIGGLED, ‘ HERE I AM A GRADUATE p ic o t a n a » h a v e m o p g a m e to f u n ! T-J* j « e TOUGH . BIG SOV I a 'r n Sy&gsakg^j DOGGONE TOUGH VSJHSM A BOON WANAT G TO FCV AU B A O AcA V DO - AMO I HAVEN T ELEM A « M \P TO BOU NICE a b o u t im — ;— MR T E E M - I H A V E TWAT c a l c t h r o u g h TO 'W EEK-AT'S G R E A T 1 /TTT r n I ): &rn. rn 2 p , rn H S PE- W HAT ABOUT T H IS MYh TER'i PHONE C A L L ? ? ?■? ? V ../IV . ###, «*r iv ©j- v-; ■ -4* ’IMA.' mMi. i L & a 7c S p A..—,,1. -;,-L •we"1. I - .A,... , BIG INCREASE IN JOURNALISM ENROLLMENT 266 Students Register In Seven Courses Offered With an increase of 48.6 per cent in enrollm ent, the journalism departm ent a t the U niversity be­ gins its fifte e n th year w ith the brightest outlook in its history, to Paul J. Thompson, according chairm an of the departm ent. A total of 266 students are enrolled in the seven courses o ffered . shows a record N ew spaper reporting and news gathering, the elem ental course in journalism , en­ rollm ent, P rofessor Thom pson pointed out. There are 95 stu ­ dents registered in the firs t term class in this subject, an increase of 25 over the first enrollm ent last year. At the end of the first term last long session, tw en ty ad ditional reg istered for the course and were placed in a so-called “ tra ile r” section. Of this group, only a few are now tak in g the course, but new recru its have brought the enrollm ent this section up to eleven. stu d en ts in shows the A dvertising n ex t 71 stu d en ts largest enrollm ent, being reg istered fo r this course. O ther courses offered are fe atu re w riting, ed itorial w riting, new s­ paper m anagem ent, news editing, study of com parative journalism and law o f the press. Due to the increased en ro ll­ I£ / \ e u r ~~fvr DACY’S SPECIAL SUNDAY, OCTCCrr. 21, 192S. COOPER URGES VOTE ON NEW LAW CHANGE Students Growing More Serious, Roberts Says Nine y ears a t the edge of the they come here for, know w hat and they g e t it. crowd W atching youth go by— of youth— Good, bad, humble, proud, The youth th a t is you and I. The parade of a ca refree mob, Nine y ear ? he’s seen th e parade At the head of the University is the m ost hum an, the most u n d er­ standing, th e most sym pathetic of all college presidents and the en ­ tire school has borrowed the spirit of the leader. And ju s t to tell the tru th , He seems to like the job. — Dedicated to Gov. Roberts. Proposed A m endm ent T o Create State Education Board Dr. Oscar H. Cooper, form er S tate S uperintendent of Public and now (1886-90) In stru ctio n professor of the history and phil­ osophy of education a t the Uni­ versity is in favor of the adoption of the constitutional am endm ents reg ard in g public education to be U niversity night watchm an, and in* The voted on November am endm ents provide fo r a ^ ^ p a r t i c u l a r l y during the past two Board of Education and for longer | t „!ira j have geen a n ear miracie > cars, over-lapping term s fo r boards of occur. The students are m ore se­ tru stees of public schools. In a rious now th an they have ever recen tly statem en t, Dr. issued been in tho past. Th£y seem to , Cooper said: A nother th in g th at has helped to create th a t spirit of co-opera­ tive brotherhood was the aboli- iv i f hazing. T hat b itter feel- form erly existed be- years, quoting Gov. 0 . M. R oberts,! tween th e freshm en and the upper- very carefully for th e last nine j classmen is a thing of the past, longer half 6. These j tbe past fo u r years, and m o r e I crazed by fe ar, is able to settle The group of young men and young wom en here now is a g reat crowd. They are polite, serious, ar. ii n atu ra l. I have observed the U niversity I ing which down to his studies sooner. freshm an, no “ The adoption of th e am end­ m ent relating to the creation of a s ta te board is necessary to open th e way for the change of state from I educational ad m inistration drihc political basis to th a t of sound business. to me to he the next m ost im portant in step in educational progress o u r state. Its adoption seems le vision for more ad eq u ate term s to keep “ The other am endm ent will m ake the m anagem ent of the local system s generally b e tte r, because th e m em bers of the boards will have tim e to become b etter in­ form ed about th eir duties and by overlapping the schools in the line of continuous course, p ro­ im provem ent. Of funds fo r m aintenance is a constantly re c u rrin g necessity, b u t the wise funds and economical use of the already provided depends on bet­ t e r adm inistration, and b e tte r ad­ m inistration is fu ndam entally de­ pendent on b e tte r board organiza­ tion, state and local. am end­ “ Texas needs m ents, and I tru s t th a t public opinion is ready' fo r them . Every frien d of educational progress in Texas will vote fo r the?e am end­ m ents.” o— ---------- these BEDICHEK PLANS FOR LEAGUE MEET Roy Bedichek, chief of the In ­ is to 23cholastic League B ureau, prep arin g fo r th e m eeting of the Interscholastic League in Austin nex t spring. Silver Loving Cup Will Be Given to All-Round Player th e Award of a silver loving cup to the m em ber of 1928 Longhorn football squad who shows the best blocking and in­ terferin g ability along with a fighting spirit will be made at the close of the season, it was announced y esterday. The cup is given by a Uni­ versity student whose name is not disclosed at this time. The cup is of large size and of an attra ctiv e design. Head Coach Clyde Littlefield has consented to serve as chair­ man of the com m ittee th at will select the w inner in th is con­ test, and he has nam ed as the o th er two m em bers of the com­ m ittee Coaches Bill Jam es and M arty Karow. A n d y Johnson Discovers New Means of Getting L ow Down On His Rating AV id de L a dy’ yo him? , . And is he a good driver? . . And Mrs. Thompson, does like him and wouldn’t w ant “ Can I use your phone, p lease?” asked a negro lad about 12 years old when ho walked into a neigh­ borhood drug store on G uadalupe I >m)ther boy to take his place? and cau g h t the eye of th e cashier. in hearing They what the kid was going to say, and th ey were not disappointed. His voice rang out clearly: D at’s all I w ants to know, Thompson, goodbye— thank yo’.’’ The boy hung up the receiver slipped his cap on one side and as he walked to the door one of the men asked, “ W hat’s th e m at­ ter, looking for a jo b ?” w ere interested “ Hello, Mrs. “ No, su h ,” was the reply, “ I ’s ju st checkin’ up on myself to see how Ise g e ttin ’ along wid de lady.” Texan Reporter Sells Features T o Newspapers Elm er L. Callihan of Lockhart has had a num ber of fe atu re stories accepted by d ifferen t news­ papers, some of which have been syndicated. in A fu ll page story en titled “ A W oman’s Achievements on a Fe- can G rove” appeared in the Dallas News last Sunday, and a fe a tu re story on the same subject was published the Houston Post- Dispatch October 7. C allihan has previously had work accepted by the A ustin American and several other o f the Texas new spapers, as well as by two New York papers, im a C alifornia and paper. Some of his stories have been accepted by m agazines. Callihan, a senior stu d en t in journalism , is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, m en’s honorary jo u r­ nalism .fraternity. In d ian a this Mrs. Thompson? Well, Mrs. Thompson does yo’ have a litt’l nigger boy w orkin’ £o’ ye’ nam ed Andrew Johnson? Uuh huh , . . Well, is he a good worker? . . . . And is he honest? . . . . Yo’ tru s tin ’ feels p u rffx tly safe in AGGIE HARRIERS WORKING DAILY S pecial to The D aily T exan COLLEGE STATION, Oct. 20 Coach F ran k Anderson p u t his squad of cross-country candidates th ro u g h th eir first com petition of the season recently betw een the halves of the C entenary-A ggie grid classic and he has expressed pleased him self as being well w ith good team the fact th a t he will not have a singl i let­ term an from last y ear s team. th e prospects fo r a this year despite last track men W inders, Moore, Shoem aker, Brown and Michael w ere fresh­ and m an last y ear, the Michael was a m em ber of spring. varsity trac k team Shoem aker and Moore were on the cross-country squad last sea­ son. Coach Anderson was espe­ cially pleased with th e fa ct th at ab out fifte e n of the 25 ru nners th e com petition finished a1- in most a t the same tim e, indicating fight th a t th ere will be a h ard fo r b erth s on the team of seven which will rep resen t the Aggies on th e cinder path this fall. The Aggies will open their cross-country schedule November IO a t A ustin with the U niversity of T exas h arriers and the only oth er m eet scheduled is w ith the Rice Owls a t College S tation on N ovem ber 17. The conference m eet will be held on the follow­ ing S atu rd ay , Novem ber 24, a t A ustin. Departm ent Store W A R R E N ’S MONDAY SPECIALS Sale of HATS 714 Congress AII W onderful Values $1-69 $2-98 $3.98 Smartest Felts and Velvets E very new style— every w anted color in fe lt and Lyons vel­ vets. H undreds of clever effects are featu red in this record- breaking selling! T here are all head sizes. G O RG EO U S DRESSES A p u rc h ase a n d sale of u ltr a s m a rt Fall S tyles— at a price t h a t sets a new High m a rk for value giving. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N S U R V E Y S H O W S C H U R C H P R E F E R E N C E S O F S T U D E S Church preferences expressed j° ^ oth er faiths, the one having the larg est m em bership being the C hristian Science believers, w ith j o r£*jn izf th eir stu d en t 21 adherents. The Y. M. C. A. has collected this inform ation fo r a num ber of yea rtf. Members of the d ifferen t PAGE i •■I'l i -i a i ' telephone denom inations are listed with ad­ numbers dresses and and typed copies of the lists are sent to the pastors of the various churches. This enables the lead­ to ers of the various churches religious work within a few days a fte r reg­ istration. Lodge and other affiliations of the stu d en t body are also obtain­ ed in the same m anner. m ent, it has become necessary, em ­ Mr. Thom pson declared, to ploy an ex tra stu d en t assistan t in the d ep artm en t. T he personnel of tho s ta ff includes Associate Professor Thom pson, In stru c to r Dewitt Reddick, L ecturer W. D. H ornaday, L ec tu rer W. L. McGill, T utor Bess Jan e Logan and S tu ­ dent A ssistants Jim m ie S. Payne, I Virginia M ontague and N athe s Bagby. H ornaday is also d irecto r of publicity fo r th e U niversity, while McGill is m anager of the Texas S tudent Publications, Inc. Miss Logan is a grad u ate of the U niversity, holding both a bache­ lor of a rts and a m aster of jo u r­ nalism form erly taught journalism a t Texas C hrist inn U niversity. d eg ree; she Payne is ed ito r of the Daily Texan, cam pus new spaper, and is in charge of the news editing lab­ oratory. Miss M ontague is assist­ and Bagby, an t in advertising, form erly of the Dallas News, is assistant in news gathering lab oratory. by stqdents of the U niversity in­ dicate th a t more M ethodists a t­ tend the University than persons of o th er denom inations, according by to a survey ju s t completed the University Y. M. C. A. There are 1,625 students in the Uni­ versity who are m em bers of the M ethodist Church o r who prefer) th a t denom ination. O ther religious denom inations come in fo r th eir share of mem­ bers and near-m em bers, with the B aptists second in rank. A total of 994 students expressed a p re f­ erence foV the B ap tist Church, j The P resbyterian denom ination follows in third place with 775. The Episcopalians are fo u rth with 384. O ther churches of the c a m -1 pus neighborhood and th eir mem­ bers and expressed preferences are as follows: C hristians, 313; Catholics, 247; Jew s, 187; Lu­ th eran , 180; C ongregationalists, 112; and C hurch of Christ, 101. T here are a num ber o f groups Ta l l M o d e s / IN BLUE BLUES Featured now at White Boot Shop are Blue Shoes to match that blue dress and to harmonize with any costume. Ties, Straps, Pumps . . . in low, medium, and high heels. ESE PRICED AT $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 Hosiery To Match $1.65 To $2.50 W hite Boot Shop 109 W. 6 t h St. “Onward W ith Austin” Business Directory DOCTORS P r . E. B. Crow der, D entist 505 ScnrWrough Bldg., Austin, Ten Drs. L ynn end L y nn D ental Surgeons 507 Scarbrou gh Bldg., P hone 8154 D E N T IST DR. B. E. FARMER 605 S c a rb roug h Bldg., PH. 2-3513 CLEANING AND PRESSING SAM F. PAGE Cleaner, H atter, A lterations Open Sundays and Holidays anti! noon. For P r e s s i n g - 806 Congress Phono 2-2039 “The Book That's D ifferen t.” Campus Clothes CHIC From the School Girl s Point of View Silk Tweeds Flat Crepes Sat Lls Jerseys F riskas Tweeds Pricings Mademoiselle—$1 5 and up Trench Coats S ho rt Velvet Sports Coats S ilk Pleated S k irts Brilliant Scarfs Sic eat c t s You are invited to view our New Collection of Costume jew elry A t Your Favorite Shop QI JaJcmcisJL platen, DE LUXE SPECIAL U. Bank Bldg. Classified Ad Section % Telephone 2-3164 or 2-3165 ANNOUNCEMENTS BOARD & ROOM DRESSMAKING ial gathered on TEXAS RESEARCH BUREAU. Mater­ subject. South­ western history and biography a specialty. Reasonable charges. 706 W. 24, Phone 7657. any APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR R EN T: Furnished south upstairs apartm ent. Newly papered. Sleeping | porch. Call a t 1908 U niversity Ave. I FURNISHED apartm ent. downstairs three room*, bath and garage. Piano. 2806 North Guadalupe. Ph. 42»>5. J OR R EN T: Furnished or unfurnished 2004 apartm ent close to U niversty. Sabine Street. Phone 6126. A CONVENIENT, roomy apartm ent for Small fam ily. Two biota* w est of the U niversity 2318 Nueces. Phone 6816 FOR RENT: Well furnished housekeep­ ing apartm ents in an approved house for U n iversity girls. Gas heat. Mrs. Val C. G iles. 71ft West 22nd. GLASS - — * GLASS Installed In autos; store front# furniture tops. Window glass. Phone 22422 KKODES-HERALD GLASS CO. IdS W. 6th __ . HOARD FOK MEN: JIH for two meal*. Good home-cooking. Two blocks from campus. 2204 Nuecen, Phone 8406. ROOM AND BOARD reasonable. campus and town. Located convenient 1811 Colorado. for boys; terms to MISS HAZEL W EBB may Queen free by presenting see the this ad at the bo* office. UPPERCLASS Girts : Rpomved h ou se; furnace heat. Mrs. Eirshner, 2407 Whiti*. Phone 8679. ROOM FOR RENT: Will hoard if de­ sired 2712 N ueces. Phone 23682. FOR SALE: Victor Orthophonie portable and Brunswick Panairopo portables on J. R. Reed Musio Co.. easy term s. HOA Congress. FOR SALE Ford Timers and Rollers 60s O. K. GARAGE HO W. 2nd Oct 26 WOOD—'WOOD—N o t in g but best grades Postoak. Cedar, cordwood. Blocks $8.50 per cord. Rb-k 12.00. West Austin Wood t! Yard Phone 7486. ca*#, Martin make. wonderful ID R SALE: Gold Kb Alto Saxophone la ton? and in excellent condition. Price $75.00 cash. You can save $50.09 on this in *trument. Wallace. IID IL Hall. TAILORING CALL WEST EHD Quick Serries — Cheap Rates Cleaners, Dyers and H atters Phone 6812 HIGHEST PRICES paid clothing and shoe*. 407 ring 8717. for eaat-off East 6th or it trance. 2-3320. • JUNGLE BLUES.” by Ted Lewi* and His Band— New Columbia Record FSA AC BLEDSOE. 821 Cooogress. Phone «—21 6619. WANTED silk, cotton. LEATING, hem stitching, gold, silver. Buttons covered, BO va­ rieties. Rhinestone# set. Phone 8362 Mabel Gannaway, 716 Congress, Over if beacon's. LAUNDRY HOME l a u n d r y I l l P H O N E 3 7 0 2 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM NEAR CAMPUS FOR RUNT: Until November 15th. lu r - nished house, all conveniences, tn»U n- iversity neighborhood. Phone 0181*105 WANTED— A roommate tor a Junior boy, in a private home. Call at 2109 Tom Green, or dial 8443. APPROVED HOUSE: P leasant room s, sleeping porch, girl*; board if desired. Block of campus. Reasonable rates. 208 East 25, Phone SHO. TWO CLEAN, furnished rooms. 6*htfc- of reasonable. W ater east exposure. Walking distance Rent light furnished. Phone 0011. University. and FOR BOYS: two modern rooms, upstairs, conveniences, in prfereta or down, all home. Near U n iversity. 2502 N ueees, Phone 5100. AUTOMOBILES I.GOK I An ideal place for a quiet boy in private home. 1007 Rio Grande. Phone 22478. W ANTED: Two or three boys to share su ite o f two bed rooms and bath wth two other boy*. Everything new and convenient. 2408 Rio Grande, Phone 9397. NICE study room. sleeping porch. 1920 Speedway. Phone 23470. BA R G A IN S! Two 1923 Chevrolet Tourings. Good rubber, good running cogdi- $ 6 6 . 0 0 ................... t io n , c h o i c e 1924 Ford T ouring ........ $175.00 New paint, aaa! covers, and tug. New tire*. K NIG H T-W H IPPET CO. 309 W . 5th Phons 23161 board. ROOM AND BOARD for men, also table Reasonable rate. Two blocks 2204 U niversity, Good home cooking. Nueees. Phone 8496. TWO RIX)Mil, quiet, sleeping One block east campus. Private 2216 Tora Green. porch. en ­ Phone FOR RENT: Nicely furnished front bed­ room in private home, to one or tw o 307 W. 18th. Phone 9974. young men, FOR RENT: Small furnished apartment in private home near University. Lights reasonable. and water furnished. Rent 2b14 Speedway. Phone 22405. ROOM F O $ BOY'S. 2404 U niv f a t t y avenue. H alf bleck o f campus. W#U furnished, cool, com fortable, convenient ti Regular rates. Phone 4007. THIS ONE IS EXTRA GOCH) * - 1920 PACKARD 6 SPOUT TOURING In A-1 shape, good ti***, o rig in a l finish tike new, nard in perfect m echanical condition, and GUARANTEED A w onderful value a t about h alf o f a now price. Phone 3 5 1 I o r call a t 304 W. 5th for a S tratton. Ss® PENN MOTOR CO. *Ma#. . Every P aris inspired style is rep­ resented! . , . Cleverly fashioned satins . . Crepes . . . Velvets, Taffeta*, Georgettes and Faille Silk make up this unusual group . , — featuring circular skirts. new draped effects, and tiered pleated skirts and the new chic necklines! There are all wanted Autumn colorings, and a delight­ ful variety of adorable trimming effects. You*!! agree that these are the most marvelous values we h*ye ever offered! Shop EARLY tomorrow! . Sixes for Juniors, M isses, W om en a n d Stouts LOST AND FOUND LOST; L ight coat in Girls' Study Hall som etim e hist Saturday. Finder picas# notify Ronnie Bell, Kirby Hall. LOST: fountain pen in catalogs# room at Library. Finder drawn Schsefsr please eau 7927. Reward. I LO SE Som athin*? Find that Wet artic!* w ith a T**a» C l s n i i s i , - Phan* 23 1 6 4 . A S U R E W A Y room s la to i s ! I* N M those 23164— 'Th* T e x a s C lassified departm ent. TRIAL ORDER: Three month: for fl.S O . San A ntonio Exprest fo i santa day o: daily and Sunday, delivered th* breakfast printed. Se* Char. Wa ketch dial 7888. table PHONE WALKES et 5067 tor typing. Five cent* per page. export owd-hand HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for see- sheet. Al SCHWARTZ. 417 East 6th. Phone 1762 lf doth hi* and D O N T fo rg o t t* so* lf you g«t It th* p ast I* lh* Queen today. la in th* Classified Section. 0*46, COACHING IN MATH and physis#. Rd ti* W. f t , phone ward E. GI mon. U WRECK fEM, WE OX m Broken or rotten woodwork in P l!iK W elding and Blacksmithing of S E B W recker Service P oy end your caw Auto Body end F ender! in COACHING EXPERT MECHAM POWELL G A R A ^ ^ ^ H 413 - . S U N D A Y , OCOBER S I , ! » 28, .James McCamey, p re s id e n t TM d e le g a te to the national m eetin o f the fra te rn ity a t Chciago o Novem ber IO m-ijl also be electee C ene Res* will visit friends i Tem ple today. F A G E 8 Miss Beaver Gives Recital U lm Beulah Beaver, organist of th * U niversity M ethodist Church •o d Temple B-»th Israel, will ap­ p ear in an organ recital a t U niversity M ethodist Church Mon­ d ay ow ning a t % O', lock. Mist B eaver will be a isis ted by Mine lollian Strober*. contralto, aith Mi aa Hilda Widen, accompanist. the; The program to be presented is _______ R om ania Scherzo 2. Ave Maria as follows; 1. In Modo th Marcia from “ Ein detaches Requiem,” Brahms „■ .. Schumann dadas son Schubert Sappfeische Ode __ Brahm* Storm A-Cowiib „ John Mokrtj§ Bach Adagio from Sonata III— Bach 4. Variation* de C oncert Bonnet 6. Im Herb*! i w e w , . — Fran* 3. Prelude in G Mt>, r b ie tle Ba terse ---- - 6. En Ba*eau _ ______ Geoffrey O’Hara ____ Debussy du- Debussy Cortege £ ___..... WE D D I N G S O L E M N I Z E D OF T E X A S E X - S T U D E N T S A wedding of interest in Uni­ versity circle* was solemnized S aturday at 4:30 o ’drfyk when Min* Thelma Baker, d aughter of Mrs. ’Ada Baker of La Grange, of and Thomas A. Hodges, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hodges 2207 San Antonio S treet, Austin, w ere m arried a t the Methodist church in La Grange. B'.th the bride and the groom are graduate* of the University, Mr. Hodge* having received his degree in civil in 11* 18, and Mrs. Hodges h er M A, in Ju n e, 1027. engineering Mr. and Mrs. Hodges will make th eir home In California, where- Mr. Hodge* is engaged in business. U N I V E R S I T Y L A W E S HONOR FROSH GIRLS T he University Ladies* Club will he a t home in honor o f the freshm an girls of the U niversity on W ednesday, O ctober 24, from 4 until 6 o'clock at the U niversity Club, 2304 San Antonio Street. A rrangem ents for the tea are being made by officer* of the d ab . Mrs. W R. Long i* president. The other officers are: Mrs. H arris Mas- terson, Mrs. E. K. McGinnis, Mrs. E. L. Dodd. Mrs. 0 . D. Weeks, Mr*- V. I. Moon-’, and Mrs. J. T. But hbolz. T A N N E R T A R T E R WED O C T O B E R 19 in Miss Aleph T anner o f Waco, who was the U niversity last year working on h er doctor of philosophy degree, was married O ctober 19 to Edward C a rter of W ichita Fall*, brother o f Dr. E. C. C a lle r of Austin. Misses Selma S iren , Anna Powell, and Dorothy Stevenson were in Waco fo r the wedding. Mr. and Mr-. C arter will make th eir borne in W ichita Falls. CZECH CLUB GOES ON PICNIC TODAY Czech Club members and all Czech students in the U niversity have been invited to a picnic to be given by the club this a f te r­ noon. The group will m eet a t the fro n t steps of the Main Building a t 3 o’clock and go from there to the picnic ground*. Th* entertainm ent com m ittee adv! e th at the picnic will be over in time for everyone atten d in g to be back on the campus by € p, rn. and th at those who come need bring nothing more than ca r fare,; aa al! other detail* have been taker, care of. Dr. Edward Mieek, in stru cto r in Czech, will act as chaperon. CAP AND GOWN INITIATES MONDAY Cup arid Gown will hold initia­ tion Monday eight in the Girls' Btu; -on, ; Mim Ruby Terr;!!, lu-w.t ,. Mr G m d b tA . ML A be I* nick, M-.«. V. ll. Kina Mr. swaJ 5jr» C ly d e L ittle fie ld . D »au find M r*. V. J. Mo 'f j. kl,-, an I Mn*. G crdcn Wil*.->x, Mr. am i M rs. ’f l u it n a n Utter n e. M r. un*. Sirs, ii. H ow m an, Mr . an d M r-. TH' ■ ,1 J u n e s , IV. a n d M r*. C h a rle s H a c k e tt. J d g e and M rs, C larence G tn.oro, lien H arker. Mr. anti M <. T. lr T h e g u e s t* w e re : H e n ry M eC aiiutn S s m S a x to n iiittjf Williams Hob Estes Heed C o ta r t Roy Lox t 'a r k ll lan k en s h ip R h r n n g t'tn S h e lto n K d lie M cC arro ll I l e Ross H o w ard B lum M arlin H aodiin A1'un Saw v e rs P . ti. O rdain T e r r i ’! ZiUhfir ll rtrain S p en ser J red K n rth Allen Fount Jo h n ; v Raptor* J o e H a rd in S ta n le y Cox J im H a r r is D o a n .. 0 C o n n e r H a rd y M jot*1 i 'lias. J afters Jim Shale • ‘hsrHo F ree h Mite T aylor J a r k M abom e S t a n to n Ii. I) to w ell I.eG o ry S k ip p y F ra n k R u ssell Roy W hite ’l i n y W indrow i Rob M iller Loon W althall , I 'la rk D arn el! W orth L o c k e tt E a rle P a via • G en e G at Jin ii >0 F in n ey I o t t o R am sey J : mm ie Miller J .Tom S ta le y .herm ,in Hirdwell tie *tgo ll a;! (lawny i i t - ny E v a n s W ll; i. m J a c k s o n • Iv ii i' R e u la r I Mao B n m e tt I R u fu s King I, ■ , on V estn l W in s to n C h u rc h ill Hilly K lein K eo C o n n a lly S u g a r C am p f “d M ay b o m t ie Moore Hill L o n g J a k e L ooney H r.iii Boy lf J im K in c a id k u tc h C risp Lwcien 'I tu rb it to n e iirooi Barnett K k b u r g Eek b a r t L. A. Jo h n s o n K o rn t H ancock fb i coft W ilb an k s 'Ii Newton t* H u te iie rso n F r a ok L o u is C h eatam Goddard W tlson Mat t a s k PAGE 7 H o r a c e B a ss Jake P atton Jo h n C anaday Bubba C row der Nona Reese C harlie Reynolds David Searles Em m ett, Crow J ack K id m an Ja c k Met hew 4 C o rd y B ro w n G raham Bruce H o w a rd Adams J o e S palding N elson Green Au b re y E v e rto n L ee S ig n o r I’, iii- cr ...»> u n d e r Bob S m ith I b a rile M ilhous# e>u * in i Fred MeTidth Elm er Bedders C arl M ount S tephen .Ii,*.ray lioick Bill D erby A rvin S cott C ornelius Sullivan Nally F;; rrin g to n lien D oherty C eth D orbandt G ordon T readw ay O utlier*" T aylor ( a rte r Bm.neit Donald S tre a to r I B illy H ig h to w e r i D ex ter S h elley I E a rl T a y lo r iD< /e o n H ow ard C lark D eR o u la® P o tsy A s h fo rd Elizabeth Jordon, Kappa Alpha Theta, spent the week-end at the re- ; beta house. Miss Jordon 1 ceived her degree in June and is ; now teaching in Victoria. I Mrs. H. Goldschmidt is a guest at tho Theta house. -At M u d lo r’s Shoe Store Pretty New Shoes — The Varsity German, the Country ( Tub, the brid.vc tea, the idle hours about the sor­ ority house, are occasions that t all for “pretty** shoes. h e - And . . rj hey come in a colors to match tumps. ‘ they are. variety o f Fail cop.- — And . sort me 1 1 m a k e s it just what you want. . . . the larger as­ or different styles, ea s y for you to ii nil $ 1 0 , $ 1 1 a n d u p New Hosiery, too. ll W iltttin i Neil It-: riffs W eld o n FU p h e t ; : T . J . D u n b a r T . J o e Brawley P a x to n I lU l.'im x e G rey D orsey Or on FrfiV f e ­ ll. T . H illier M .w u m Meal?her T Seo W eiss L ie * 'I M ann Martin As bi <»rih H o w a rd C h ilto n P a u l W illia m » S ty vo W ra y d a r k G iles H e;!- it T is n o r .Sear!.’- Du vi.; C h e * to r A llen Tom H o llo w ay C arl f i e h B lain e H o lie r nm H e n ry S lav I) C liv e r VV nj tier O liv e r S e a * b ran k BiU G r a h a m G f'tv er E m erson I .ee W s ung S p u r p en n Beil A H ri d Benne* W ii-i- n N e .vfon J o h n C a rro ll P h il Looter JO k b V. a lk r S e a r c y F e itsru io n C arli*!-' Cra.vt na J oin Ai Gunm , am; jai;* H al; A B ro mo Lluyd Hutch#* J im in I P h rk c Abi’U S teer!. Tom ill-jlle to n Ptttfcti n W inn! Hill F o rd t hoi*t< r D ay P a t Ca.n.Ber B u t l i d R o se Felix Att w ood Alex T errill Jim m v Maxwell V. R H ood .Allen R u tle d g e Bob C a rr A llan S h iv e rs B o rt R ip ley Doc A n d e r s o n G erald C o if* . L a n h a m C o n n e r G erald WU* on R u fu s Manley P e r t D yke C lark P o te e t Mac Cohue Tom H u g h e s J a n u s R u tla n d Tom P ick ets P .'g g ie S to ll# P o ttle M cC ullough Bill E dw ards Macel! B u rk e G ordon D u r s t lioyc#* Pi inlier S tu b b y Lew i* Jim G errard C h e s t e r A l b r i tt o n c m m m 608 C o n g ress A ve. T h e H o m e of G ood Shoes and H o siery ie m Style Leaders, . . . Wh o S et the P ace in S m art A ttire A p p re c ia te N ick Linz ( leaning. You a lw a y s realize keen en jo y m en t in slipping on a g a rm e n t w hich ha3 passed th ro u g h o u r m oden plant; P hone 23 123 NICK LINZ ’ Hie M aster Cleaner and D yer who is Preferred for Reliability Graduates, Seniors, and Juniors Pictures Now Being Made Members of the Graduate, Senior and Junior Classes of the University, in all departments, are now having pictures made Y . 1 - ’ 1 ' 1 I ; ’ ••• " J A for the Class Section of the 1929 Cactus The Book of Texas. Graduates, seniors and juniors should call at B. Hall imme­ diately and receive their studio appointment cards. With more than 3,000 individual pictures to be made for the SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 192$. SIG M A CHI D IN N E R D A N C E G I V E N A T C O U N T R Y CLUB Sigm a Chi entertained Satur­ day night with a dinner dance at the Country Club. The U-shaped tab les were decorated with ser­ apes and potted cactus, carrying out the Mexican m otif. BiU Bar­ bour’s orchestra furnished the mu­ sic. Favors were date-books in blue and gold, em bossed w ith the crest o f the fraternity, and rag dolls. Chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. M urray Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Max B ickler, Mr. and Mrs. Oozer Sm ith, Mr. and Mrs. Arite Mc- Callum , Mr. and M is. O. G. Eck­ h a r t , Mr. and Mrs. Bonldin Rec­ tor, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chiles, Mr. and Mrs. N at B enson, Dr. and Mrs. Joe Eckhardt. The guest list included: D orothy Lattim er, Ann Alan, E sth er Well*, W ilna Burnett, F rances Tarleton, Marie Sullivan, Lib Russell, Mary N oble, Elizabeth F oster, Salom e Mc Allan. Margar­ et McDonald, N onna B uffer Marv Boyd. Lois W illiams, Hilda W offord, Mary Ruth Holm es, Mary Ryan, Gloria Sw earingen, Georgia Belle B ryson, Elizabeth Moore, Nancy Minor, Marjorie Cravens, Leroy Brown, Vienna Maverick, Augusta M averick, Jean Cmonday. Helen Ruth A nderson, Evelyn Gay, V ilo n ia Eckhardt. Cather­ ine Johnson, Virginia G riffin, Sue Gilliam. Mary Lou W ade, Lucia Pierron, Gratchet) Smith, A Halt H cutsels, Daisy Gilbert, Jose­ phine Oliver. Jane Webb, Marjorie A mason, * E liz a b e th Heslip, Mary Jo H air-' stun, Betty Im hoff, Catherine Donovan, Thrace Roger-, Char­ lotte Miles, Eiise Jester, Louise' Hill, Dorothy Kramer, Athene P osey, Alice Strong. Day Hamilton, Jo Turner, Dor-] othy Mere fee, Sue H eatley, Mary Louise Sparks. F ast S tildes Fail To C ause Increase In Traffic C ases Does tho presence o f ' U niver­ sity students increase the num ­ ber of speeder; in Austin? The police clerk ’s books fail to sup­ port n ich a theory. His books show a decided decline o f spe d- ing for the months of Septem ­ In July IG ber and October. cases or speeding were booked. In both A ugust and Septem ber seven cases of speeding w ere re­ ported, while in October not a single ;nstance of fast driving has been recorded. BAYLOR GROUP VISIT VARSITY DORMITORIES P a rty M aking 7 o u r in In terest ot M illion D o llar Idiogram Tho U niversity dorm itories have drawn to Texas this w eek-end a delegation from Baylor U niversity in view of the m ilto n at W aco, is dollar building program which b o n g instituted at Baylor. Since the first building is to be the W om an’s Memorial Dorm itory, costing $350,900, the w om en's dorm itories here were visited .Sat­ urday by Dean Irene M a r sh a ll, Mrs. S. P. Brooks, w ife o f Baylor U niversity’s president, C. I). John­ son, head of the journalism de­ at Baylor, and Mrs. partm ent Johnson, who is publicity chair m an; W. L. Trice, and Birch D E asterw ood, architect for tho w o­ m en’s mem orial dormitory. The party drove over from Wa­ co yesterday morning and in sp ect­ ed the U niversity dorm itories as early first on their list. At an date the S. M. U. campus will be visited and n ext week plans are to be made for the eastern itiner­ ary. Tile entire party remained for luncheon with Miss Ruby T er­ rill at the L ittlefield Dorm itory, and visited other dorm itories be­ fore leaving Austin. LITTLEFIELD GIRLS RANK HIGH ON QUIZ Eight L ittlefield girls w ere am ong those making 90 or above on the English exam ination given to freshm en in Septem ber. The students are as follow s: Grace Bene ham, Cameron, Belanda Rod- ringer, Ha H inger, Ruth Leslie, Bonham, Marilla M asterson, Sail Antonio, Anne Scanlan, B row ns­ ville, Lydia W indt, D allas, Mar­ v e l l L ee, Goose Creek, Dorris Lamenter,JSan Antonio. Dr*. K oenig & K ott F oot Specialists 3 2 1 L i t t l e f i e l d B l d g . P h o n e 4 8 5 5 STUGARD ELECTED W.A.A. PRESIDENT W, A. A. Council officers fo r j this year are: president, Gyneth | Stugard; vice president, La Verne J secre­ N ow otny; tary, Lucille Collins and treasurer, Bernice Erwin. corresponding Members at large are: Glade and Silvey, Kathleen Simmons, M argaret Cunningham. The fo l­ low ing W. A. A. members are represented in clubs: Orchesus, Miriam Collier; Racquet Club, Cornelia Hedrick; Archery, B en ­ nie B ennett; Turtle Club, Mae Baldwin, and Te-W AA-H iss, Mar­ jorie Vogan. The intramural are: dorm itory, Lola O’Connell; independent, Ruth Junkin; sorority, Frances T arle­ ton; basketball, Martha D ickey; and volleyball, Virginia Campbell. The advisors are: Miss Anna Hiss, Miss Kirkner and Miss Win­ ifred Green. Miss Kirkner has intergroup pro­ charge of the gram. Boweling, under the direction of A ubrey “Tiny” Gooch, will begin in the winter term ; in the spring, tennis will be played. --------------o---------- DOBIE MAKES TALK TO OLD SETTLERS last night P rofessor J. Frank Dohie of the die U niversity was one of speakers at the annual m eeting of the W alnut Creek Old S ettlers’ A ssociation, held at the Herman K rueger farm. Pro­ fessor D obie’s speech was a folk story of old Mexico. The speak­ er is secretary of the Texas F olk­ lore Society, and becam e fam iliar with the story while traveling in M exico last winter. Official Notice SOPHOMORE girls m ay sign in my o ffic e before Monday 6 p. rn. for the luncheon to be given Tuesday, October 23. P late fees are 50 cents. M ISS BEW LEY, A ssistant dean of women. AT AUSTIN CHURCHES U N I V E R S I T Y B A P T I S T C H U R C H A. L. A u l i c k , P a s t o r Sunday school* 9:45 o’clock; | serm on, “ Echoes of the P ast,” l l a. rn. Mid-week prayer service, W ednesday at 7:30 p. rn. B. Y. P . U., 6:30 p. rn. Serm on, “The 7:30 F earfu l and F earless” p . rn . at F I R S T C H U R C H O F C H R I S T , S C I E N T I S T Services Sunday at l l a. rn. of A tone-] Sunday school at 9:30; testim onial j Subject: “D octrine m en t.” a. rn. W ednesday m eetin g at 8 p. rn. T H E U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S B Y - T E R I A N C H U R C H L a w r e n c e W h a r t o n , Pa » t o r at Student Bibb’ classes IO o ’clock. The assem bly m eets at 9:30. Morning worship. The pastor preaches on the subject: “ Misin­ terp retin g God.” Presbyterian Student A ssocia­ tion , supper at 6 o’clock; m eet­ in g at 6:30. Sunday evening student service the at 6:30 o’clock, continuing life , the series of studies from pastoi speaks on “ A Syrian Leper Who Overcame H is H andicap,” F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H D a n i e l E. G r i e d e r , Mi n i st e r Services will be held Sunday m orning at l l o’clock and at night at 7:30 o’clock; the pastor will preach at both services. M orning serm on, subject: “ The G reatness of L ove,” I Cor: 13:13. The choir will sin g the anthem “ God So Loved the W orld.” E vening sci mon, subject: “The Christ We F orget.” Song serv­ ice led by D. E. Grieder before th e seim on. Sunday school m eets at 9:30, Charles C. Ricker, superintendent. Three Christian E ndeavor groups, young people, interm ediate-senior, and junior, m eet at 6:30. T E X A S B I B L E C H A I R C H R I S T I A N C H U R C H Dr. F. L. J e w e t t , M i n i s t e r The 11 o’clock service will be eld ai 2007 U niversity Avenue students, >r Christian Church here will be one service only. The subject for the l l o’clock prroon will bb: “ Leisure and riendliness.” Special music will e a violin solo by Mrs. J. C, ay for. U N I V E R S I T Y C H U R C H O F C H R I S T W . D. Hills, M i n u t e r Bible school, 9:16 a. rn. Preach­ ing and worship at l l a. rn. and 7:30 p. rn. Young people’s m eet­ ing 6:30 p. rn . P rayer m eeting W ednesday, 7:30 p. rn. LEDDY TO CONDUCT MEN S S. S. CLASS a Judge C. A. Leddy o f the Com­ m ission of Civil A ppeals will con­ duct Sunday non-sectarian School class at the T exas Theater each Sunday from 9:30 to 10:30 o ’clock fo r young men of the Uni­ v ersity neighborhood who are not a illia te d with som e of the other classes about the campus. 'For m any years, Judge Leddy w hs a teacher o f a large m en’s class at Grace Church, Dallas. Dr. Vt. F . Gidtey, dams o f the C-oilege o f Pharmacy o f th e University, w ill he ill charge o f the m u sk and Lamia Slaughter o f the U niversity j Methodist Church is president o f! ‘the d aw Showing J J E HK are new Fall Shoes ga­ lore. Lasts that come first in I he favor of those who know style and demand comfort- Slauards of quality and m oney’s worth as definite arid dependable as the rising sun. As soon as an “exclu­ sive” idea appears on fashion’s horizon— w e show it first— but shorn o f “exclusive” prices. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1928 P rin c e to n F r o th 0, M e rc c n b ttrg E D U C A T IO N F A C U L T Y DOES T u ft* 12, B ow doin 0. N avy 6, D u k e 0. U nion 7, V e rm o n t S. S a in t J o h n s 39, W a s h in g to n 9. H e m lin e 7 , G u s ta v u s A d o lp h u s P itts b u r g h 29, A lle g h e n y 0. B o sto n U. 7, B a te s 0, W illia m s 28, K e n sd a le 7. C, C . N. Y. 26, D re x e l 6. C obly 12, W o o s te r P o ly 6. K a n sa s 7, K a n sa s A g g ies 0 . F o rd h a m 19, H oly C ro ss 13. M u h le n b e rg 8, F r a n k lin G e o rg ia 7, F u rm a n 0. N o tre D am e R e se rv e s 0 , N o r th ­ w e s te rn R e s e rv e s 0. A lb io n 2 6 , O liv e t 7. M a n liu s 5 1 , O sw eg o N o rm a l 0. N Y U. 4 8 , R a t t e r s 0 . a n d V ille N o v a 7 G e tty s b u r g 2. M a rsh a ll 0. Y ale 32, B ro w n 14. S ta m b ro s e 7, C o lu m b ia 7. L u th e r 26, Io w a 6. M o rn in g sid e 8, S o u th D a k o ta 0. S e w a n e e 3 8 , C u m b e rla n d 0. S o u th e r n 27, P ie d m o n t 0. A m h e rs t 19, H a m ilto n 0. E lm h u r s t 4 4 , A u ro r a 0. S p e a rfis h N o rm a l 13, N o r th e r n N o rm a l (I. B u tla r 4 0 , C e n tr a l N o rm a l 0. U. r f O h io 55, C in c in n a ti 0 . re se a rc h E x ten siv e in various O th e r a rtic le s by is being done in ail b ra n c h e s o f pedagogy f a c u l t y o f th e School o f by the E d u catio n . C onclusions reached have been g iv en to th e public by e d u c a tio n a l a rtic le s jo u rn a ls. E X T E N S I V E R E S E A R C H W O R K th e e d u c a ­ appearing: d u rin g tio n a l fa c u lty th e p a st su m m er include one by Dr, F re d C. A yer, p ro fe sso r o f e d u c a tio n a l a d m in is tra tio n : “ A d ­ in Public* m in istra tiv e R esearch in School A d m in istra tio n ,” th e N a tio n ’s a rev iew o f A y e r’s an d B a r r ’s S upervision o f In s tru c tio n , by Dr. J. L. H e n d e r­ son, p ro fe sso r o f seco n d ary e d u ­ c a tio n ; and tw o by C. F. A rro w ­ wood, p ro fe sso r of th e h isto ry and philosophy “ P e r ­ m a n e n t M em bership in th e T e a c h ­ ing P ro fe s s io n ” and “ T he B ack­ woods School in A m erican F ic ­ tio n ,” in School and S ociety. Dr. B. F . P itte n g e r, d e a n , re ­ cently published tw o tre a tis e s in th e N a tio n ’s School: “ Space P ro ­ Schools vision F loor P la n s” and “ F lo o r p la c e ­ m ent of S pace P rovision in J u n io r High School F lo o r P la n s.” A n­ o th e r a rtic le by Dean P itte n g e r, “ The T e a c h in g S ta f f o f P ublic J u n io r C olleges,” has been a c c e p t­ ed by T he T ex an O utlook. in J u n io r High o f e d u c ta io n : S chools; C OLU M BUS. O hio, O ctober 20. — All Ohio S ta te ath le tic te a m s th e are c a p ta in e s s th is y e a r a s re su lt o f a r e c e n t ru lin g of th e u n iv e rsity a th le tic board. C liques and f r a te r n itie s w ere said to be th e cause o f th e action. co m bines of C oaches o f th e u n iv e rsity ’s a t h ­ letic team s a r e now endow ed w ith th e pow er to a p p o in t te m p o ra ry c a p ta in s b e fo re each gam e. T h e team s will be allow ed to e lect a ca p ta in a t th e end o f the season. His m ain d u ty will be to hold a b a t, a fo o tb a ll o r sit in th e c e n te r o f the g ro u p p ic tu re . EJVLScarbirough & Sons The Collegiate Shoppe Center Your Wardrobe NATIONAL GRID RESULTS F R ID A Y G R ID R E S U L T S C a lif o r n ia 0, S o u th e rn C a lif ­ 3 author* Illinois T a r c h e rs 12, m t r a i W esley IO. o r n ia 0. O h io N o rth e rn 3 2 . B a ld w in W al­ ls C ollege 0. S ta te 6. B irm in g h a m S o u th e r n 7, Ma- O re g o n 27, W a sh in g to n 0 T #**c C k r ia tia n U n iv e rs ity 6 , O re g o n A f fries 7, W a sh in g to n T ex a s A, St M, 0. L o u isia n a C o lle g e 18, L o u isia n a O c c id e n ta l 19, W h ittie r 7. U . o f C a lif, in Los A n g e le s 29, N o rm al 6, C le m so n 52. E rs k in e 0 . P e rs o n a 0. I S o u th C a ro lin a 13, P r e s b y te r ­ i a n C ollege 0. 0 I i . o f G eo rg ia 7 , F u rm a n 0. K irsviffe T e a c h e rs 13, W a r ­ W e s te rn R e serv e 4 5 , H ira m 0. W a g e n e r 0, New Y ork A g g ies 0 B ock n r Ii 0, L a f a y e tte 0. B ro o k ly n C o lleg e 0, L o n g Is­ eroom b u rg I . la n d C o lleg e 0. K irk sv ille O s te o p a th s 47, Mc- L o w ell T e s tile 0, C o n n , A g g ies C la rk e 13, T u s k e g e e 9. S o u th e rn 27, P ie d m o n t 0. S e w a n e e 38, C u m b e rla n d 0. S o u th w e s te rn 6, S p rin g h ill 0. B a y lo r 28, C e n te n a r y 7. H o w ard 52, L o u isia n a T e c h 8. T ex a s T ec h 3, M c M u rray 0. R ich m o n d 34, E to n 0. K e n tu c k y W e sfy a n 6, C e n tr e 0. L e n o rrh in e 14, K ing 6, W e st K e n tu c k y T e n n e s s e e T e a c h e rs 0. T e a c h e rs 19, M a ry la n d 13, W e s te rn M a ry ­ la n d 8. a n d L ae 0, W e st V irg in ia 22, W a sh in g to n C oe 24, C a rro ll 0. Iow a W e sle y a n 20, C e n tr a l 0. low * T e a c h e rs 4C, P e n n C o l­ M a ry la n d 13, W est M a ry la n d 6. M aine 7, N ew H a m p s h ire 0, L e b a n o n V a l l e y 0 , M i. S t. M a ry T e m p le 32, A lb rig h t 0. D ick in so n 19, P e n n M ilita ry 6. S w a rth m o re 37, S u s q u e h a n n a 7. P ro v id e n c e 18, M a n h a tta n 7. S t, J o se p h 19, C o o p e r U n io n 0. G e o rg e to w n 34, W e st V irg in ia K a n d r e # T ea ch e rs 0. W ilm in g to n 42, C e d a rv ille 8 H e n d ry n 13, U t tie Rock C o l­ l a g e 0. C o lle g e 0. A rk a n sa s N o rm al 24, A rk a a s s s C o t a e r 24, Y o rk 0. B u e n a V ista 26, W e ste rn U a- t e n 0. I S A T U R D A Y G R ID R E S U L T S W a g n e r 0, N ew Y ork A ggies 0, | S im pson 13, C o rn e ll 7. J E lm h u rt 44, A u ro ra 0. I H u ro n 2, C olum bus C o lleg e 0. | V n lb arn iso 12, N. Illin o is T e a c h ­ e r s 8. R e s e r v e s 0. M ichigan R eserv es 3, O h io S ta te • O h io W esleyan 12. M iam i 0. M o u n t Union 26, W o o s te r 13. M a rsh a ll 8, W itte n b e r g 0. W e s te rn R eserve 4 5 , H ira m 0. S t. Louis U. 12, R olla M ines 7. B u tle r 40, C e n tra l N o rm a l 0, L u th e ra n N orm al 6, S ioux F a lls C o lla g e 8. P a rs o n s 39, C a rth a g e 2. E a rlh a m 7, F ra n k lin 0. M a n c h e ste r 20, A m e ric a n C o l­ l a g e (C h ic ag o ) 0. In d ia n a R eserv es 13, Illin o is W isco n sin R e serv e s 20, O skosh H illsd a le 12, D e tro it C ity C ol- f te s o r v e s 12. T e a c h e r s 6. l a t e 0. a u d L, 0. s o n 7. G eo rg eto w n 34, V irg in ia W e s­ M isso u ri 28, Io w a S ta te l f . W e sle y a n 7. P itts b u r g h F ro sh 7, W e st V ir­ leg e 0. g in ia F ro s h 0. D u q u e sn e 6, L o y o la ( M a r y la n d ) N o rm al 0. C h a rle s to n 'te a c h e r s 19, I n d ia n a j R h o d e Isla n d 7, N a v a l T r a in in g S ta tio n 0. W e sle y a n 14, R o c h e ste r 13, C olby 12, W o r c e s te r P o ly 6. A rm y IS , H a r v a r d 0. C a rn e g ie 19, W. a n d J, 0, P e n n s y lv a n ia 14, P e n n S ta te 0. L y n c h b u rg 12, G u ilfo rd 6. T e n n e s s e e W e sle y a n 56, M a r­ tu te 7. e rs 0. ta c k y 0. H o u g h to n 7, N o rth la n d 0 . M in n e so ta , R e se rv e s 2 2 , E a s t D a k o ta W e s le y a n 14, L a w re n c e IS , L a k e F o r e s t 7. S te v e n s P o in t 25, S to u t I n s ti­ S u p e rio r 28, L a C ro ss e T e a c h ­ W a b a sh 8, G a o rg o to w n K en sh a ll 0. G e o rg ia T ec h 13, N o tre D am e S te ts o n 19, R ollins 6. S o u th w e s te rn 13, U nion 6. C ita d e l 36, D av id so n 0. C h a tta n o o g a 70, L o u isv ille 0, U ta h 6, C o lo ra d o A ggies 0. C o lo ra d o U. 39, C o lo ra d o M inos C o lo ra d o C o llag e 18, D e n v e r U A rix o n a T e a c h e rs 12, N ew Me* V a n d e rb ilt 13; T u la n e 6. V . M. I. 9 , V irg in ia 9. F lo rid a 73, M e rc e r 0. M ississip p i 19, A u b u rn 0. T e n n e s s e e 15, A la b a m a 13. M in n e so ta 33, C h ica g o 7. N o rth w e s te rn 7, K e n tu c k y 0. L o y o la ( C h ic a g o ) 26, L o m b a rd Illin o is 13, In d ia n a 7. P u rd u e l f , W isco n sin 19, O hio S ta te l f , M ic h ig a n 7, Iow a 54, R ip o n 0, U. o f D e tr o it 2 7 , L o y o la (N e w O r le a n s ) 0. Y ale F ro sh 9, E x e te r 0. M o u n t U n io n 26, W o o s te r 13. P rin c e to n 21, L eh ig h 0. D en n iso n 7, M u sk e g o n 0. S t. V iato r 30, N o rm a l U. 6. W e s t V irginia U n iv e rs ity 22, W . leo U n iv e rs ity 0. SHOE DEPARTMENT Smart “Collegienne” Fashions That Are Youthfully Chic Tailored Woolens for Campus Life A ro u n d These S m a rt A ffa irs from S c a rb ro u g h ’s Afternoon Frocks of High-Grade Chiffon A gorgeous piece of fash­ ion news is the chiffon afternoon dress (left) in high, shades. youthful You ll simply adore their new, feminine stylings— with laces, shirrings, etc. ‘Dress” Coats Are Profusely Furred Ut the new coat tash- ions (right) there s noth­ ing quite so important as FUR! fur used profusely in Paquin collars and sparrow" or snake cuffs. Broadcloth and Norma cloth. You have Frocks that translate the mode simply for the miss of tailored personality. There are 2-piece w ool­ ens . . . aijd, oh so new ! The 2-piece affair with sweater top and velvet skirt. Gala Modes for Gala Dance Hours “When lights are low *— these fluffy, exquisite, frilly affairs will be “tag­ ged” constantly.- T affe­ tas and tulles . . . trans­ parent velvets and bead­ ed georgettes . . . bouf­ the styles . . . and fant new “Hostess Coat.” P e a r l s A rc the A ccepted Fashion of the M oment! Cactus— f EVERYONE Graduates Seniors Juniors Fraternities Sororities Athletes Officials Organizations Societies Honorary Groups EVERYONE Individual Pictures Individual Pictures Pictures A record, in word and pic­ ture, of the entire year at Varsity. Features, beauties, views, grind. Hundreds Have Reserved Their Copies Place Your Reservation Order at B. Hall 119 That’s Different” Never have Pearls (simulated) bees so popular ’ Every smart frock can have its own pearl choker or double strand . . . or just whatever type it calls for. We are showing an abundance of different types, including the popular modernistic* shapes. Street F lm r SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1928. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N = = FEA TURES FEATURE EDITOR: EVER ETTA LOVE GENERAL N E U S ~ THEATER EDITOR: CECIL BALL THEATERS REGISTRAR QUIZZED WITH CRAZY QUESTIONS Correspondents’ Faith Harbor of Romance, Unrestrained Bohemianism, and In Mathews’ Knowledge Astounds Office Force Mecca of Intelligentsia, Torn Down to Become Home For Kicking, Fly-switching, Non-understanding Bovines tty, an atm osphere th a t drew ad­ venturesom e spirits and literary minds. This was (he collegiate splendor which the cows will in­ herit. Dumb anim als! C o u r tin g D a y s T here were two principal oceu- wriling, th at she was so interested in the things all around her. Then the room ee would dutifully take her by th e hand and lead her to the “ T exan Shack,” but w arning her all the tim e not to be shocked at or tak e to heart the wild lift1 to M ary J a n e W ork* it ever the room behind a horse - 1 placate th e forem an who had a | pencils, would rush around in eir- table, and who said most shoe mind of his own ami d id n ’t mind eles» wondering frantically how to astounding sc a tte r­ things UP a *Pbrts page, or the Sigma telling the i.e. so, but who softened Delta Chis, w earing Tuxes, and brained individuals who did things down considerably when Mary wrong. with quills stuck behind th eir ears, she came around. Then, Jan e would go about business of getting would linger sometimes to watch out the paper very coolly and sc h ­ the stu d en t linotype operators at work, and stare open-mouthed a t ; consciously. A fter th at, the cats. Yes, the University has lost an­ their sw ift skillful lingers. Once other tradition-—the planks of J she was shown “ type-liee," and im­ Hall have made their exit from m ediately developed an inferiority the campus life. complex. Mary Jane would be determ ined I H e a d s W e r e H ard -------------o------------ * P etrified P a rtic u la rs ’, Fox Terriers, Overalls, F a rm A dvice and F re a k Q u estion s F e a tu re C orrespondence F o r a num ber of years th e reg- birth came right is tra r’s office has been the recip- handsom e letter. bent of a num ber people who seem to believe the U niversity ru n s a general in- form ation bureau along with th e; reg u lar duties of k. J. Mathews ^ its R egistrar. R egistrar s Office of le tte rs from der *^r ' Mathews’ nam e evidently th at stopds to r G entlem an a t hand, back with i he G. II. un ­ of scrawls Austin illegible to the poorly-fram ed Dear Sir:, of the ^ From the jwehiidren messages In best regard I feel obliged to queries come pouring in, seeking ^ You know th a t through your activities I have received my spec inform ation on a v ariety of sub­ imens and a definition concerning jects. foreign-born, j B y E v e r e t t a L o v e A shack, huddled little moon - silvered sleepily be­ al tween the tow ering shadows c f Education Building and the Library, with Beck’s Pond its spooners within a and stone’s throw . great, . . cracks in i t s walls, doo».> u n ­ hinged, and window panPs minus. That was J Hall. . . R o m a n t i c S h a c k But it was more than that. It was “ the Texan shack,” harbor of rom ance, of daring, of bohem ian­ the ism u n restrain ed — mecca of would-be the of intelligentsia F orty Acres. And now it is gone, this little shack. Since the mad- rushing days o f the World W ar, ,1 Hall has been the cen ter of jo u r­ nalistic activities on the campus, the home of the Daily Texan, but it was doomed to fade out of the scene when B. Hall was made into a class-room building. Now it is all torn down, and its planks hauled away to the cowshed. As if a cow could appreciate a rt! I feel very thankful for this. I m ust thank you and ask ^yoa to forgive me fo r alt the trouble I have caused you and the other as- sistan ts of the U niversity fo r no g re a te r amt. have received Please g reet the others th a t I and I ra th e r th e letters and th a t I am th an k fu l to them fo r noticing my reguist. every thing F a t e d fo r C o w s Live well, with Good Wishes for a M erry Xmas and a Happy New Y ear.” A young man from South Texas w asn’t quite as volum inous a cor­ respondent but he knew w hat he wanted when he w rote: “ Kind Sirs: As I w ant to patronize a good U niversity, please let me know at once if one is allowed to smoke or chew on or your grounds.” cam pus As y et the young man haan’t appeared, although he was assu r­ ed th a t he could smoke o r chew on the campus as much w anted to. as Im agine a cow looking at a flam­ ing caricatu re of some C lara Bow- ish co-ed and kicking down a sec­ tion of the wall ju st on general principles, or grinning sheepishly at a Ranger joke, or a flagrant motto from Life. A cow wouldn’t even laugh a t the headline pasted on a door sill which said “ Big Dis­ aster! Ice P la n t Burns, 10,000 Pounds of Ice Reduced to Ashes,” but the J 12 re p o rte r who figured it out all by him self, thought it was funny. Red paint, blue paint, he j £ iee” l)a*nt streaked on al! sides of i the new s-editing room, hugs black . . . c . . . printed letters on strips of paper South j “ _ or . , . - . ,p, . _ The young m an from one who th a t m ight m ean som ething , , , . f In some cases th e le tte rs are answered to the best of the abil­ ity of the re g istra r or his assist­ a n ts; in others, any suitable ans­ w er is found p aten tly impossible, and the lette r is doomed to go to th * subse­ unansw ered, often Some au th o r. q u en t ire of its idea of the n atu re of the messages ^ received may be gained from the j following exam ples: “ feb, the 26 1928- Austin U niavociaty Dear Sirs I have been told you all have E duciatyed fox te a rie rs fo r sale if so have you eny feem ale pupys w h at is yore price w hat their weight and hight w h at type Black and Tan with sh o rt fine h air a bevy coat of hair Doo you ship on Approvill I saw' one a t Dallas sed to bee from th a t K ennel it was O. K.” letters Thus w rote a little N orth Texas boy to the U niversity of Texas. Every day sim ilar find th e ir way to the R eg istrar’s O f­ fice. Some are fu n n y , some are pitiful. They ran g e from the mis­ to the spelled scrawls a f children correctly ty p ew ritten J fitters of school teachers. Some are w rit­ ten on postcards, o th ers on cheap tab let paper. about inform ation T exas isn ’t the only w ants p ro p er etiq u ette in the vicinity of the F o rty Acres. One girl beg­ ger the R eg istrar to let her keep her tru n k in h er room when she came to Austin and one boy from the co u n try w anted he could bring his overalls. to know The prize le tte r of them all came from an o u t-of-state dentist who evidently had the U niversity confused with the D ental College a t Houston. It was addressed to the “ U. T. of Texas to got le tte rs foreign A t this point One determ ined H ustian, T exas” “ G entlem an,” One man, born in 1839, wrote th a t he had read in the St. Louis Globe-Dem ocrat th a t the U niver­ sity offered a course in education and he fe lt th a t he ought to take it. “ I never w ent to school but fo u r and a h alf m onths when I he w rote. was 15 years old,” “ S tarted in the old blue-back in ^ t h r e e letters never to the r ‘P ictu res’ b u t done well in a rith ­ m etic and georathy and gram ar, if I could spell how glad I ’d be.” lady carried on quite a lengthy corres­ pondence with the reg istrar. A f­ she te r several disappointm ents w rote: “ To the Scientist of The Universi­ ty of Texas, A ustin, Texas, Best Gentlem an o r Lady a t hand: I do not know w hat to believe fo r I have sent this two other kind M destination and I have had no re ­ ply from you. I also sent a very small package containing petrified particulars of more th an one sort. Of course it was very thoughtless of me to do this fo r I was warned not to but I always w ant to tru st es far as possible and I thought it as well to try . Now I see w hat I I know th a t th e things were got. simple b u t dit lhat 11 " o p erated on fra te rn ity . Theta Silts, in yay e v e -;3 non-profit basis, anti the profit into ning dresses, and carrying hug? is im mediately tu rn ed back the general fund, with the re su lt th a t an is served with the plate lunch or an ^ even m eat ta cut one cent o r additional delicacy price IMAGINE A CON L 0 D < l rte, Of Sent t y TOE T U M f K ( 3 o w - i ^ v i C o e d ............ th o , n.othLn * ’. r* IC m u stra t>ons from the Police G azette, and clippings from who knows what racy tab ­ loid publication. And, above all, the imposing pictu re of Ye E d ito r’s threaten in g “ beloved,” with All this ar |f caPD°n H ands off. tistry gave the shack its personal- the in J Hall at I which she would see there. A fter which she would leave her to her fate. out patrons carried on th e Daily nig h t— p utting Texan and co u rtin g —-“and the g re a te st of these is Love.” But the paper always cam e out. Too m any cubs und erfo o t n o t to keep th ings going. A little freshm an, Alary Jane, no doubt, would sigh to her Upper-classman room-r.iate th a t she wished she could do some­ tale n t for th in g to develop h er % Scared c f E d itor S tranded before the editor-in- chief. the petite frosh would shift from one foot to the other while ihe h eartless man, with a form ida­ ble frow n, dug out her life his­ tory. She would then be handed over to the issue editor, who lorded PtTt Paou not to get th at phlegm atic person age riled at her. She would very docilely Luck a roll of paper under her arni and tro t over to the Glee Club m eeting to see what was what, or she would call up a prof t r e m b l i n g over the telephone and ask him if he thought this was thus and so, or the oth er way. Sometimes she would have to go to back the big press room to U niversity Professor Authority on Spanish A r t stf S f . a r c h O b e r l i n j - % ^ Miss Schons C om pletes seurn anti hia lib rary *» com par- In her own words Miss Behorn? fo r at h er art. Live* fo r H er A rt able in value and n u m b er of vol-I has said that she lives only um es to the G arcia L ib rary the U niversity. Gomez re Orozco j Miss Schons was received very furnished considerable m aterial I well and the people were exceed­ e r her thesis “ So Ju a n a Ines d e * ingly cordial. Poets, novelists, i and num bers of the literati p re­ la C ruz.” th eir sented h e r with copies of w orks which make a considerable addition to her library. She met the many prom inent w riters in tea S c h o n s City o f Mexico, and gave a and fo r a n u m b er of Mexican lite rary An illustrated artic le in “ Jueves de Excelsior” published August 23, 1928, in Mexico C ity carried interview with Miss an on “ The B eautiful C hurch C onvent of T ep o tzo tlan .” She I men one afternoon. visited the ruined convent of San Jeronim o where re sts S or Ju an a ; and while others m ight come and go with no idea of who was sleep­ ing below, it stated th a t only Miss Schons could app reciate h er visit to the fullest e x ten t as if the nun w ere receiving h er th a t afternoon. T o V era Cruz Am erican stu d en ts’ ban- q u et given fo r the Mexican fac­ ulty was attended by Miss Schons as well as a tea given by the fac­ ulty in reply to the banquet. A trip to Vera Cruz, so fam ous by fo r its beauty, was enjoyed The , . , . * . . . .. _ . spent “ Miss Schons j)r . G. W. Stocking, professor work­ Miss Schons as well as trip s to all I places of in terest in the fe d e ra l; of et onomics, who is a w a y on a i Mi»» •>«»«“" fa r th e r explained , I- * j * . th a t the dietician of the ca feteria . , .... stated ; year’s leave doing research work d istrict; and Miss Schons exerts skill tem p tin g patrons! ! her trip to Vera Cruzz promises jn the study of the economics of to cat the sort of food (hey should to be one o f lasting memory. potash, its production and d istri­ have. When it is discovered th a t some vegetable which is rich in bution, is in Berlin at present, food value is being slighted by according to a lette r from bim to the m ajority of patrons, some d e ­ Dr. M. S. {landm an, chairm an of vice is evolved to m ake the dish (he departm ent of economics. more attractive. The scheme af­ He will continue his research in most invariably works. Miss, ban­ also f o o d s which ex­ sh? G erm any until spring, then he will TEACHING POSITION! go to W ashington, D. ( ’., to work | in connection with the bureau of splendid has and valuable sum m er b rought back a great deal of ma­ teria l,” Miss W eisinger concluded. ------------- o---- —------ ARMSTRONG TAKES sen said. Unusual ear?* is taken in preparing give a balanced m eal, plained. and . in . mines. Louise A rm strong has resigned from the Bureau of Business Re­ search ’n the Donna high school. to teach M ir s Arm strong has been in t h e bureau since F ebruary I, 1928. She received her B. B. A. in Ju n e Dr. Stocking will retu rn to the U niversity next S eptem ber to resum e his duties as professor of economics- He will give a course in the economics of natural sources. re- ; dinner, I show'. the Meal chocks a t cafeteria average about tw enty cents, with some 15 cents for b reak fast, 20 cents fo r lunch, and 25 cents fo r records Jan se n ’s Miss Numerous Traditions Developed by University During Past 45 Years Bind Students and Exes The University o f T exas, with! by the name, some new stu d en t j the years parsed T. U, T aylor's j speech, said many w orthy things, h u t one statem ent of his is, afte r 89 y ears of usage, th*- m ost vi­ b ran tly alive the U niversity. all of its youth as a university, o f this; ever-moving stu d en t b o d y ; engineers gained fame all even traditio n s, does have youth has m om ents to rem em ber with pleasure and custom s which grow inviolate. breaks thing in its place. P resid en t P rath er trad itio n fo r of honored for reg istratio n troubles, fra te rn ity , sorority, and Woman’s B uilding initiation ceremonies. A T radition B r o k en ! By GENE ROSS the two F in al B all G iven it and substitutes som e­ over (he country. T. U. T aylor a fte r 40 years of training engineers has become a tradition in himself. The pteviously m entioned freshm an W hen the University was young gi ado ated iii due tim e and may — som etim e close to 1887 — the now be found (if you can get past final bali was given by faculty the secretary ) behind big m em bers in honor of the out-go­ ing seniors. This custom was con­ desk in the president’s office. H. Y. Benedict has traveled the road tinued until I S I L At this sam e period in the history of cam pus from freshftian to president. His literary societies J “ P eregrinusings” are dear to the activ ities, were organized, namely the A th- hearts of Texas exes, enaeum L iterary Society (1883) j are and the Rusk ite ra ry Society In (1 8 9 3 ). ganization new students the present d ate j Septem ber, 1889, these tw o societies, composed of and old student# assem bled in the auditorium in the Main Building law stu d en ts, have been rivals. the to h e a r the firs t address o f They have b ren responsible fo r old opening school year. The l i t increased in terest in forensic stu d en ts m ight not have been as activ ities am ong the stu d en ts on interested as they appeared had Mur cam pus. it n o t been fo r the fa c t th a t the opening address was th e first ad­ dress of the new president to the stu d en t body. P resident P rath er, inaugural in th e course of hid In 1888, a young man becam e a m em ber of the faculty and an ­ o th er young man entered the U ni­ versity as a freshm an. T here was this, b u t as Freshm an time of orw! seem ingly ancient gatherings. C o n v o c a tio n * A n c ie n t convocations From the to te ­ and ex-students by the well loved name of “ Texas” celeb rated its forty- It in likely th at a fifth birthday. m isinform ed person would say; “ T raditions? How, n o w . can a young university in this m odern tim e have trad itio n s? T raditions are fo r Heidelberg, H arvard, Yale, O xford, West P o in t.” an d But, spend h o u rs and hours bothered and g et all hot looking in Cactus filqs acid Al­ calde files and an y o th e r kind of files you can fin d in tim L ibrary an d you will discover to u t T exas has some honest-to-goodness time- honored traditions, l f you don’t care to spend all th e tim e look­ ing up statistics, t h en finish read­ ing this story. B y th e tim e m ost trad itio n s a re old enough to g o! nothing unusual in ju st before November is th e m onth fo r the celebration of the T urkey Day gam e and the following T bltek^ trad i­ giving reception. An old tion was broken bast y ea r when ; the sem ester plan was adopted. IU .‘5 the past, students had struggled w finals through C hristm as holidays. Th* told of an incident of the Civil W ar. When G eneral Lee was reviewing Texas troops, an officer said to the sol­ diers, “ Forw ard, young men off T exas; the eyes of G eneral Lee are upon you.” President P rath er to para- to be allowed begged phrase the statem en t; this is w hat; disagreeable p a n cam e w hen th e he said, “ Forw ard young men and j ffrades of the fall term arri**#" women of the U niversity, the Eyes on Christmas mor»iJig* you.” The of T exas are upon w ords w ere soon upon th o lips of every stu dent, an d in 1908, a song w as w ritten fo r th e V arsity Min­ strel.-?. The chorus o f th e song is o u r beloved “T he T exas A re Upon You,” an d hi tho v ery em bodim ent o f T ex as S p irit Many m onths of th e school year arc times for traditions to be dragged out, dusted, honored, and packed aw ay to m oth halls fo r an o th er year. F ebruary 14 has been since 1903 by residents o f m an ’s Building. th e fam ous V alenttej? d in n er dance e f t agamont. . On r n In Ju n e, 1928, the young poor : lished parts of her research in the ; ^ b u rio n known tc stu d en ts A ' ‘ *■' 5 ;/’/ " ■ V * , ">, I SECOND ALL-TALKIE AT QUEEN FOR WEEK ‘THE TERROR’ HAS CLEAREST SOUND RECORDINGS YET A L L - T A L K I E A T Q U E E N A L L W E E K C R E S C E N T S H O W S P ICTU RE O N R EFO RM OF G A N G S T E R S Lionel Barrymore is conceded to! Majestic to Show Schedule for Queen ‘Singing Fool’ on SUNDAY, OCOBER 21, 1928. GE 2 T H E A T E R S WITH c a. solve you won't “THE TEH ROR / ’ th r ill and efcRJ* In the secend all-talking n'vAvie: w h e re in e v ery w ord U pnkrn; wherein you yourself a t th e m y ste ry o f “ Who is th e T e r r o r ? ’' b ut don’t get con­ ceited . it; w herein May M cAvoy acream* a n d L ouise Fazenda. scTVteeb*** would; y e a h , Just chilli— ’w h erein th rills an d chills— aw , wed. you m e - 1 go sd* it* st* and hear it, T h e re a re three Vita- sp ecialty presentations the lasts and M ovietone B eira w ith SM?..”-A rm y ra m * . This - ^ * ' ** a ll weds* At the Queen. like they and th rills a he r bf ©©SahSOO? the fa! tile lim THE WOMAN DISPUTED," M f of I-'*ve and hate all in the i.achape, plus the war, alme tv r, i n mullet it J-fcavin and Norma Talmadge doing t to not Greta the Garbo ► just about cloes it. Gets n to do so, hut say, when ta in tev*—you can pc* it or* this m e. Gilbert, applies the curly head for her to fondle, and the only thing they’ve done better was “Camille.” Story slouchy and insipid and there’s too much spotlight ob Norma, but gawd, those h r This stays HH Tuesday, Reviewed today. then At -the 3Cs.frc;ie. And slatting Wednesday we have in ill-Face Buster Reston At THE CAMERAMAN.’* the Msjestie. ;; he comedy VAUDEVILLE, slightly Urn th a n high pow ered bu* g tbs more thao entertaining, with bright' bits Bk entity really planted— a good bill. Headlin­ ing dames Coughlin with a harem--csnzisn but fie me t est-IJeland’f* cuckoo opera \ ; a tie t y ti anre tm de* a rd serve tsribcres. This is here to­ day and Monday. Reviewed in this is**uc. At the Hancock. Ti.e?dav only we have “CE- LLRBITY.” basetS M you ask, ort Gene Tunney and Shake­ speare, Wednesday matinee and night; the greet NCU s a end his band, the brat stirs* don of rank for the season in Austin. And then T h vm /ty night, Fri­ day m allet* end nigh*, the fa­ mous “ABIE’S IRISH ROSH,” a feting opener fu r the drams, SS nb-*phu:ng as it may be, with the same cant that pro­ record breaking le flied the its engage­ comedy tlactic on ment:* here two year* ago. fie n’t miss this, At the Han- *r ©cit, OF a n d “CHILDREN T H E WHIRLWIND “ with Lionel BAfJ-ymore and a heft of others in another gang war .story. Sunday and Monday at the G ref cent. 'THK ALBANY .NIGHT BOAT,” with Olive horeVn tim a p p ro p ria te m ain , pw- the regular Tarzan of the Ape* serial thriller, Tues­ day through Thursday. And ‘THE COSSACKS” with John Gilbert and Rene Adorer >«. hod- tiled for Friday and Saturday. At the Crescent, JOHN FRANCIS SHOWS, and the American Le- frd ie. entertaiifment plus for a change. Al! week. Riverside Bark, Is and excstsnsent IH F NORMA TALMADGE GETS PASSIONATE IN CURRENT FILM j M ystery Th riller Stars M ay M cA v o y and Ed, Horton sometimes if they were I The second all-talkie is here in j Abt form of “ The Terror,” a mys­ tery drama in which ample oppor- ‘ 'unity is afforded the Vitaphone to record almost every known sound , under the heaven*?. From pre- * viously seen and heard excerpts, one would judge that the record­ ing of the sound* has Keen clearer I and finer than anything the V ita -1 phone has yet produced, the ae-1 seeming; I tors’ voices seven clearer than * standing in person before you, will be at the Queen, home of all j the talkies, all this week. | There ar*’ three entertaining! Vitaphone spec i l l itea booked for I J the same program* as follows: , ! Dolly Connolly and Percy W ein -1 rich in song* and compositions of * their own; fin* Arnheim and his! ; a in humidors in this and that kind: I of Biotic; and Val and Ernie Stan­ ton in this and that kind of fool i | ishrtu ut, all for your enjoyment, I The Movietone news reel will include hots from the SMU-Army , game. It j “The Terror” not only get* them guessing, hut keel?* them guess- I mg, and yet it does not break that {old axiom of playwrights, “Never I fool the audience.” The makers! of “The Terror” do not fool the audience. The audience fools it- j self. I ’hameter after chara? ter seams to be the one on whom the it tome for the gruesome and ludi­ crous deed* of the hooded terror I thou Id fall, Not till the last fade­ out, however, does anyone guess the identity of “The Terror,” or loot | the truth about the hidden and the looter himself. The cast is ti great one. May McAvoy ha the daughter o f the ('house is a delightful and kfgratiat- ’ f psi son; Louisa Calenda has i never been quite so ludicrously j f - ightened; Edward Everett Hor I ton lives up to hts reputation as a comedian by his half-crazy tippling impersonation of Kane, a detec­ tive; in short, everyone seems to | enter with peculiar vim into the j spirit of tho play. AH in ail the most absorbing, baffling and ai time amusing play ever screened, so far is j a« the present writer knows, none other thorn the one now show- the name | mg at the Q u e m theater. : whom she prefer*, however— are | at sword p o u ts quite frequently, hut there isn’t any serious harm don?’ until she really fall* in love with her old favorite leading man, | Gilbert Roland. From theft on | it’s sweet and smooth sailing. You j will want to nee this one. “The Woman Disputed” is a hot a picture, but not particularly good one from any other stand­ point. We object to any more j of this war-time hokum being | thrown in to give lovers an ex­ cuse for moping around about each other, and we had just as I soon the rivals for lady’s I hand didn’t fight on opposite sides of the thing which Sherman d? - | fined «-o well every time. From | standpoints of artistry, Tallmadge “Ca­ j and Roland did it once in mille,” and they can’t do it again, the I The blossom is past. But they know enough about this insanity called love to foster a i t riking portrayal of it on the j screen for quite a time to corno, , and if “The Woman Disputed'’ is a sample, they have our permis­ sion to continue.— C. B. I I ERE at last. the second “The Terror,” IOO per cent talking picture, not a word, not a line on the screen in the whole it. Not length of terrifying even the titles, you hear them, spoken— or Every word is sometimes And ♦ereef heil. there’s a spIfte tingling whisper —-“ Who im the Terror?” Here you see them, every one of the chara?,ten,, in the picture— ex­ cept, of eonr-e, the Terror; and you just know where It is from the blank looks on their far ss arui the acream stifled on Hie lips of pretty Miss May M< Avoy, th?* woman on the right, hang­ ing on for dear life to the back of the chair. She isn’t the Ter­ ror, But who is? A T C R E S C E N T S U N D A Y M O N D A Y ‘' N 0 : how did get there?” And then rec the ’round and look naas that i guilty round the room. Thi? ii a sr enc from “< hildrcM? of the Whirl­ wind,” playing at the Trescent theater Sunday and Monday. N O W A T M A JE S T IC COMING D U S T ER KEATON* all made up us “ The Cameraman,” in which he carnies to the Ma- Keaton Cut-ups «. be one of the greatest creative ar-1 tist* of the screen, Johnnie Walk- cr, by his work in such noteworthy I Al Jolson’s successor to “The Jazz Singer,” the first Vitaphone picture which came to Austin, has been book 'd at the Queen theater, home of ail the talkies, for an It is called “ The productions as “Westbound Limi­ Is this upas, Jo - ted,” “ The Mailman/* “The Spirit apprentice newsreel cam e-1 800 e*’ea*ef a character similar to , and “Over the of the ll. S. A. the one he portrayed in his first . , ; ti-,, „ u . . . I Hill, has won for himself a great i Vitaphone special, singing an even — host of admirers. Marguerite De greater nub ber of songs than be- I - r.a M o.., rn W ithout a doub. one of r jf ^ attrartlon commencinK vVed-1t o n - T h e very Person ms v;rtn .^ «l stumble, out of the th»- People Vie gets nautch? in a traffic j,m . Min,M with aters, reports say. „ it in* f '°o1 hy J o W have trampled on by a parade, gets a1- in a buttling girl ™ * ™ m,t t0 ^ taK<,n a! ra<,r" most drowned scene, and falls o f a boat in the I rtmtimenUiity, though is not .Newport boat races, to get cau gh t! ‘'n" rt'I-v the rapid-fire comedy sequence. Edward Sedgwick, director “Tin Hats,” ‘^ lid e, Kelly, Slide,” and other comedy successes, di J coted the new picture, with Mar-! celine Day as heroine, and Harold Goodwin, Sydney Hracy, Ha*-ry Rite Dormitory will spend Gribbon, and others of note in the cast. l ^me “ S( nny aRd come away with the definite idea that Jolson is sing­ ing—yes!—-but no fool.— C. B. La Verne Johnson of ,Scottish the week-end visiting Janie Kirkwood at San Antonio. So get your handkerchief- out, good boyg* anc! prepare for a “]l “ave a JcIs» n I MWienin»i to f i xPpru n u . *u' I 1 I AS ■ ■ C o-eds P ass L ib rary U n d er C ritical Eyes C am p u s B uzzards R ival Z iegfeld A s Judges of B eauty. ARSITY ‘REVIEW’ BOARD HAS OWN BROADWAY SCHOOL DEAN TELLS REPORTER Fewer Vanities Finding M O I CHICO DOESNT RECEIVE MASCOTSHIP OF ENGINEERING Way to Varsity ‘Pound’ T e x a s C o-eds G ro w C arefu l for D r e s s e s to th a t Flo Z iefta ld i Co ed Revue ve up to their name. of court*, you subm it your- ■ era!. AII arc s critic tam and to tscrptible to th eir th eir praise, pro* Is* th e ground swifter In front off th e library, and does it feel more I n Jw ty ttr»der feet that ache from ( than too mach any dancing ground elsew here on the F orty * self to their w ru tin k in g gaze, and Acres? O r is the sun-light there \ yon need only to pass them , or to j ta harmless fo r I try to run p ast them to do this. | the kind ta Buzz*rng .Sherlock Holmes, finaly located Alec in his re tre a t and rescued him. As a re ­ these harrow ing experi­ su lt of ences, Alec was sto red the vaults of the A m erican National Bank of Austin until 1916. in At this time the laws took pos­ session of him with q u ie t dignity — and canniness. R ecalling the m ethod of Alec’s acquisition, they had m anaged to get a bill of sale from “ VVuiow” Jacoby and forced Shining heads, collegiate b ro ­ gans, the latest in m en’s wear,— sparkling fra t pins—all in all, col­ legiateness personified! Perhaps it is by them th at our freshm an E ng­ lish professors are inspired to a s­ th a t unfailing English one sign them e “The Campus Shiek,” for has anyone ever g rad ­ uated from our grand University, or even m atriculated at it, w ithout a t some time or other having been called upon to express his view* on th at subject? su b ject; C a m p u s B u z z a r d s Some people this elite call group the “ cam pus buzzards”— hut, oh, how wrongly, and yet, how right! As buzzards who seek the dead, they are entirely mis-named, Tor they are desirous of things th a t are gifted with life— in fact, the m ore Ute things have, the b e tte r they like them. As buzzards, seek­ ers o f prey, they are most fit­ tingly nam ed, and, alas, their prey is the re st of th e campus in gen- U. of T. Co-eds To Learn to Be Home Builders And as fo r study.* From all ap­ pearances, their sole purpose at this U niversity is to become p er­ fect m asters of the well-known, if not famous “ bored look of eon- ! tem pt,” and to he able to criticize with ease everything th at crosses the cajuput* It is far below their dignity, they would have us know, to “ crack a book.” Yes, they stand in fro n t of the L ibrary, so near to knowledge, and yet so far. Social Arbiter* little group, But we m ust not belittle our fo r what popular would the U niversity of Texas be without it? Socially, if we speak frankly, very little. They give us practically all of our collegiate qualities; they are the models for most of the things about us th a t are collegiate. Honorable sir, if you have been able to stand in line, look as they do, and that most of them look very much alike, think as they do* you ar!- to be complimented. lf you have ac quired their “ g ift of gab,” th eir superior atm osphere, and their a l­ most superb last# in clothes, you have accomplished something. ~-n» MERMAIDS VOTED INTO TURTLETTES to from learn loudly. B a t Girta who made Girta who made Special try o u ts will be given from time to tim e for the been fit of late e n tra n ts and for those whose health grades did not conto up to standard. Seeond try o u ts fo r the Turtlettc? Club in swimming were given Thursday night, F o rty ’two girta the tests. Over ICI girta took have entered the tryout* for the club. the T urtle, Club a re : Irm a Dell Philips, Lola O’Connell, Fannie Lee Blythe, Daisy Gilbert, Mabel W arren, M. Edson, Mac Baldwin, and Mignon Pickerel. From Adam on down, men have proclaimed th at woman’s place is in the home— th a t she was de­ signed prim arily as a home-maker. Up to a decade or so ago woman was content w ith her home-making lot, or a t least she didn’t protest too the war came along and the flapper put in her appearance, and women in general began making their appearance outside the home. For awhile it looked as if—oh well! But Dean T. U. Taylor, o f the College of T. U. T aylor of the Engineering are re tu rn in g to their appointed the T u rtlettc place— and 52 girl* ase enrolled in Club arc: Mary J o Young, M ar­ the departm ent of architecture, garet Peacock, Kila A rcher, Mil­ presum ably the dred T arver, Nadine Hall, Vivian ground up, so to speak, the a r t—- Swenson, E thelyn Cahn, Irene Nyqutat, Mary Frances Coffey, or should we say trad e ?—of mak- mg homes. The names of tho*« j Elizabeth McClendon, N. Cram- enrolled in architecture are aa fo b ■ mt*r, and Joe qihme I arner. lows: G ertrude Sumners, Martha M. B ertchler, Maxine Aggers, D or­ othy Jan e Hill, Ruby Lee Ransom, Cornetla E. Coltharp. Mary Helen Coe lenin*, M arena Mable Collier, Irene L, Flake, Joaquin A. Mora, Beverly W. Spill, Marion Stoker, Jan ie Beatrice C a n t, Emma D. H all, Marion M. McNeeley, Mary J. M oore, Nancye Marie Tacouard, E lizabeth E iienbergtr, Ella Belle I Leos, adjunct professor H atb erly , R uth Waynee Hightow- J rical languages. er, Ina M. Hock, Bere Kidman. F lorence Ka relit?,, Phoebe Thomp­ son, C ornelia Gregory, Lily R. W alker, E leanor Bruce, Minnie L. Blalock* Mary Alice Bone, F lo r­ ence R. Cobiron, Mary M argaret Edson, Mary A. E verett, Mary E h zabeth Keith, Mamie E. Eel-1 Im®, E lizabeth Kyle, Zelda E. La I C um , F. Elizabeth LaRue, Nu rem-1 N khoi*, M attie Sparks, Rosa Lee j Skies, Ruby Wilson, M argaret: W olf, D orothy Williams, P atty ! HIW* WM t i l t Dahl, Constance Caritas H art, M argaret L.\ E lisabeth Full winder, Eu- IOO students Between 90 and courses in are taking D rat year la tin and Greek, many lieu in of first y e a r m athem atics, Dr. Six students Leon pointed out. m ajoring in Latin and Greek are candidates fo r degrees, fo u r in I-alin and two in Greek. E nrollm ent in Latin and Greek classes at the U niversity is larg e r than it has been in recent years, three there being approxim ately hundred registered in the depart - J. , m ent, according to Dr. H. of clas- CLASSIC LANGUAGE ENROLLMENT 300 Mexican DISHES n k t Sharp, B aby Lee Ransom ,! M iriam S to rrs Erwin. ■ ‘ Sew ed in a large va­ riety, You’ll like i t Something Different. NEW WAY CAFE 108 W . 5th St. Th* D a ly O riginal M e x ic o C a f* la T « w a TYPEW RITER EXCHANGE • .jjbSS'iwls ffly ta*** tjm m m m T ta tmrs, Victor Addio* Motto***. Ail a u to * rebuilt o ad **co*d-to»d type- * c*ic* t i e A. talk PW * t a m » M r Suet.et* the engineers patron saint. to J ’ su rre n d er th e ir; been t In 1017 the laws had the rev- ; 1 ered A lec vagrancy tried fo r However after Alec was duly hum - i bled and convicted an engineer ac- cidenfaly witnessed his rem oval from the police station and fol­ lowed him to his prison. to of sta te lost by the students Few er vanities than usual have th is' inform ation lost and found office affairs brought to the office th an any­ thing else. There are, however, pens and pencils, billfolds, key \ fall, according cases, and num erous o th e r things. the from E ven w atches find th e ir way W hether this points to a discontinuance of th eir to the office. R ecently a boy came use by the co eds o r to a g re ater j in and described a w atch which I an- cherishing o f them is not known, he had lost. The n ex t day the The fact is th a t very few of these o th er boy came in and le ft pet weapons of wom ankind have watch. The is found th eir way to the* haven o f not a movie— the f ir s t boy did J not come back, nor has he come lost articles. Boys are quick to tak e up the i yet. So the ow ner is still m inus the w atch and the w atch is minus a m aster. And som ewhere on the cam pus a boy probably is th in k ­ ing th a t the lost will never be found again. third day— this lh a * a r« the ir» an^ found office, the eds desert th a t their headgear so they do not bother to take them to th e ir boarding places. quickly Probably m ore books are F a s h io n N e w s : S e e k lin es very, V, square o f ro u n d an d a f e w t r i ­ an gular shapes. In silk s f o r d a y tim e , d u ll c rep es, a n d c rep e-ba ck s a tin s lead. A lw ays y o u w ill fin d th e h ig h lig h ts o f fa sh io n in o u r c o l l e c t i o n w h eth er th e y a rs sales even ts OC fa sh io n ’offerings a n d ii M an gel-dress is a rn I Un­ d ress ow in g to our 95*. t ie * * hay ing pow er. C onsequently Alec was recap- tured. T hen Alec began to travel. From A ustin he went to San An-1 collegiate h ab it of going hatless. tonic, to Virginia, to Dallas, then E d g in g by the num ber of hats hack to Austin, strictly avoiding and caP» lost; all “ law yers.” I .ate in 1917 Alec was p artly dism em bered and cut up into h u n ­ dreds of small pieces th a t w ere sent to every ex-engineer whose address was known. M any pieces were tak en to France d u rin g the war. T he rem aining h alf o f Alec ta being guarded by some m ys­ terious en gineer in some indefinite place. A new Alec possessed by a valid bill o f sale was carved in Mil 7 fo r the engineers. This Alec m akes his appearance once a y ear a t the engineers’ annual banquet. He disappears leaving no fo rw ard in g address. W hy? The engineers probably fo r Alec’s health. to them , Y ear before last the laws stole Alec while the engineers w ere hav­ ing th e ir annual banquet, and, ac­ the erstw hile cording saint w as beheaded and deposited in a cave a t Barton Springs. The head w as sent to G overnor Moody but was retu rn ed to them , so say the laws. The engineers claim to have re ­ captured his Kaintly reverence in­ tact, A t least they still have an Alec , new or old. So Dean Taylor declares, “ T hat NEW ART GALLERY OPENED AT YALE Yale U niversity has throw n op­ en to the public a portion of the first u n it of th e new Gallery of Fine A rts. ‘ The gallery was be­ gun two years ago and was made possible by g ifts from two Yale grad u ates whose nam es have not been m ade pubiic. o ..... - FITZGERALD WILL SPEAK IN HOUSTON Dean J. A. F itzgerald of the School of B usiness A dm inistra­ tion will le c tu re in Houston Oc­ the to b er 29 in connection w ith monkey, our m ascot I L et the a rt d epartm ent have him. They need a m asco t We have A lexander F rederic C laire.” M any things are b ro u g h t to the office whose ow ners never call fo r them . U niversity extension ce n te r of the salesm anship class. T his class is conducted by C. P. Brew er. H ouston is the sixth city in which B rew er has conducted a salesm an­ ship class. NEW- LOUISETTE DRESSES What you W ant When you W ant and It Priced at $15.00 This is the m ost rem arkable value for the m oney we have ever handled—in all th e pastel shades. . . , Ju st the th in g you have been looking for. NEW In .staple*, novelty and modernistic jew elry. We carry a most com plete stock of all the new and modern merchandise. We select the very best to offer our customers to warrant their patronage dating back forty years. We invite a visit KOEN & SON Jewelers IQS E ast 6th Now, in October, comes this great value* sale! Just at the moment the far-seeing and smart woman and miss are ready to buy for Winter. W hat styles. You’ll wonder at their exclusive ness • • . these are the com. ing fashions. Women’s and Misses’ sizes. Millinery Important because it re­ veals so many new ten­ dencies of t h e mode. There's an elegance and femininity that has been missing for many a season. Sm art Coats Unequalled a t th e ir price The workmanship is the best. A ll to bo fo u n d at M E R E MONDAY AND TUESDAY With the BI G D I S P L A Y T he season's new est woolens in th e full piece DISPLAY SALE AND TAILORING EXHIBIT NICKF ra n k Laws, M gr. T ailoring D ept. A rep resen tativ e from th is N ationally know n house is w ith us to dem­ o nstrate th e ir w onderful values in tailored-to-order clothes as advertised in C ollier’s W eekly and T he A m erican M agazine. CHICAGO D O N 'T MISS ITI A n d th e w ell cooked a n d ap p etizin g food—served in th e dining ro o m an d C offee Shop, ap p e als to th e d iscrim in at­ ing University student. The flame Like Atmosphere of the Driskill