T H E D A I L Y T E X A N F I R S T C O L L E G E D A I L Y I N T H E S O U T H VOL. XVIII. A USTIN, TEXAS, SATU RD A Y , OCTOBER 20, 1917. No. 22 LONGHORNSREADY FOR ANNUAL GAME WITH SOONERS Changes in the Lineup of T exas Team may Counteract Tricky Plays of Oklahoma Eleven. By Otis Miller. The stag e of th e big T e x a s - O k la - homa gam e has been set. All prepa­ rations have been m ade, and the two team s are in readiness, w aiting for the time o f the gam e. RALLY FEATURED BY LIVELY TALKS ! TO DOWN SOONERS Dr. Schoeh and Judge Brady Recall Old Football Days— Glee Club ’ Also Ferl'orm s. SPEAKERS’ CLUB RED CROSS TRIES DEBATES ARRANGED RIFLE CLUB TO TO MEET MONDAY TO GET CHARTER WITH THREE TEAMS MEET TUESDAY Q uestion of Frosh Cap Enforcem ent I niversity Girls Petition for Branch j to be Debated by Sophs and Freshm en. of Austin C hapter— O fficers Are Elected. a____ ! Two T riangular Leagues May be Formed, With U tah Added to Col­ orado, This Year. Special O pportunity O ffered to S tu ­ dents for Rifle Practice— Govern­ ment Behind Work. launched The Speakers’ Club will m eet a t 7:80 on Monday night, October 22, i n - 1 ganized this year, has sent in a peti- stu d en t activities, the U niversity m ust gin work in a very few days. The U niversity Rifle Club is to be- It is The cam paign ag ain st the Sooners , stea(j 0f Tuesday night, as heretofore, tion for a c h a rte r as a branch of the depend on raw m aterial for practically a club which is conducted under the last j At the last m eeting the club elected A ustin chapter. Miss Elise Bum pass all t h e ’V arsity debaters. Only three auspices of the W ar D epartm ent for was in th * new gym night with a vengeance. The the express purpose of teaching men old eleven new m em bers, who were inter- of Terrell has been elected chairm an, old men are back, Jerom e Crossm an, to shoot who do not know how. At fig h tin g sp irit which has been siz- ested jn high school lite ra ry societies Miss Ruth Stocking of Clarendon, sec- Jack Blalock, and E arn est May. Cross- slin g for a week came to a boiling | before coming to the U niversity, and re ta ry , and Miss Agnes Doran of Dal- man is the only one of these three present the club has fifteen rifles and who was actually a team -m ate, since six thousand rounds of am m unition. last for the entire The following program will be giv- paign held on Monday and Tuesday of least th ree team s will be required, and year, even if the Governm ent cannot i n a w a y th a t s p e a k s for a fig h t ( t h e Speakers’ Club expects good re- p o i n t to the finish crowd was present. As is the ease w ith nearly all other The U niversity Red Cross, ju st or- suits from them . las, trea su rer. overflow today, An * Dr. Schoch opend the b attle with a gas attack , greatly aiding the morale of the gang. The band opened up w ith several lively offerings. J u d g e ’ m an caps. A ffirm ative, B rady of Austin was speak and recalled the good old days when the student body used to go on come and football trip s home till m orning.” called upon “ wouldn’t The Glee Club scored a hit in two Bill Collins well chosen selections. dropped a bomb into the crowd in the 1 account of the L uxburg incident. Af- Red Cross classes to be held soon. form a f a brand new kind of y e llin g ,' formative, A rthui ( ollins and Iovvnes the best heard so fa r this season. The gan g w ent “over to p ’ singing “The Eyes of Texas.” The enem y’s line has been penetrated as f a r as Dal­ las and the countercharge is to be re­ pulsed today. the to ’ and Ellis Bonnet; negative, C harlie q u arters and the other h alf is to be to fo r early to John Seale The ex- use The general en Monday night: tober 29, will be as follows: Cates and M. J. Rosenfield. spent for m aterials and supplies. H a rris ^ N egative, Dan Kelley. subject j souri-O klahom a-Texas raised will go to the N ational head- be fo r the team s. Debate— Resolved, T h at A rgentina should declare w ar upon Germ any on As a re su lt of the m em bership cam- the other two were alternatives. A t This enough | this week, $209.50 has been raised, possibly four. Prof. E. D. S hurter furnish any more. Debate— Resolved, T hat all Fresh- while $50 more has been prom ised by said th a t as yet it was too This subject will be they may get more benefit from the used by the tryouts for the intercolle- Declam ation, Richard W alraven. The program for Monday night, Oc- Cross to tals about 185. S ixty more b ib a tio n of Labor D isputes, yThe one big attraction o f today’s F air will be the Longhorn-Sooner clash a t the Athletic Grounds. One of the larg est crowds in the history o f this The Governm ent issued one hundred annual Texas-Oklahoma gam e is ex­ men should be required to w ear F resh- November I. O ne-half of the fund tell the num ber of tryouts there would and tw enty rounds of am m unition free pected. The O range and W hite float­ to each m em ber and a gun is furnish- ing over the stands of T exas rooters the Mis- ei* to each five m en- When a man will reflect back the W hite and Car­ T rian g u lar j°*n® be gets his one hundred and dinal Red of the Sooners’ backers, The present m em bership of the Red , League debate is the Com pulsory A r- tw enty rounds of am m unition and the while in between and hedged all round a #un- " T h e dues for the club the m yriad fans of the gam e will ar­ girls, in addition, are to be tra n sfe rre d act wording of the question has not are v erY insignificant in com parison range them selves to witnerg: the sta ffs to the vast am ount of benefit derived from the local chapter in order th a t been decided. ing of this classic and historic battle. from the work. They are only $2.75 The w eather, if it continues cool, fo r the first year. F or the last two will help to make the gam e a fa st and jjpars m atches have been held with snappy one. By trouncing T exas, other schools. L ast year the m atches Oklahoma hopes to assuage the sting were called off because practically the which Illinois put into her football entire m em bership went to Leon flesh. The Sooners of B a w y jg »e conv Springs. M atches were held with ing with blood in th e ir eyes to wipe Georgia Tech., Oklahoma A. & M., and two with the Alamo Rifle Club of San out the disgrace of last year’s defeat a t the hands of Texas. This has been Antonio. rankling in her system for a whole year now, and is an old score which she thinks m ust be settled. And the Longhorns will have to play up to the usual Texas standard if they are able to stem the drive of the Sooners and stag e an onslaught before which the O klahom ans will crumble in defeat. A nother debate scheduled for this An j g the one with Colorado. and sew ing hospital g arm ents. Teach- a tte m p t is being made to bring U tah ers will be obtained to take charge of jn on this debate, and m ake another A ttendance is biangular league. U tah has not been the various classes. not lim ited to m em bership, and any heard from about this m atter. The subject for these debates has not been one interested m ay come. MANY GRADUATES APPLY FOR DEGREES the U niversity a t present, perm anent I headquarters have not been obtained Red Cross. However, the new ! organization is now using th e Y. W. C. A. room for its work two a fte r- noons a week in the sew ing classes. T here are fifty -fo u r g rad u ate stu- The k n ittin g class m eets only once a dents now enrolled. O f these alm ost week' f” ' mu<'h of the work can be the outs.de. The g irls are a™ oandi- " ° w “ aking hospital socks, and w.ll m ake and fill com fort bags. A I t per^ anlrf;?. r ts S i_for the Red Cross will C artoonists, P hotographers, Etc., Will be Chosen This Fall on MANY APPLICANTS ply for T heir M. A. Degrees. OUT FOR CACTUS Vernon Hill and knitting, rolling bandages and cutting y e a r Owing to the crowded conditions a t decided N um ber Reaches F ifty -F o u r Who Ap- ^or ( lasses are now being organized in Haroid Moore, editor of the grind D eclam ation, Liston Zander. ________________ Cactus S taff. giate team s. ’ ^ " , ~ y - r r d 'o t a . - e d their B. A. dgree in an- done on ' SoftV" Y. W. C. A. RAISES TOTA I. OK $1500 IN CAMPAIGN WHICH CLOSES SOON The result of the Y. W. C. A. fin an ­ cial cam paign up to date is: / ' ’in fa n try Jinnic'~~yTrt-'."i * y - • other U niversity / C avalry, Mab H arrison, $90; Ambu­ lance, Frances Thompson, $162.25; A viators, Hula W hitehouse, $113; Ma­ rine, M argaret S utherland, $170.25; A rtiller, Alta Heflin, $213; Faculty, Dr. M ather, $377.50; Advisory Board, Miss Thornton, $150. Total, $1453.25. It may be interesting to know th at out of the 819 girls in the U niversity, 452 have been seen, but only 344 have | tion of his thesis the pledged; 367 are yet to be given a chance to contribute th eir p art. The into a C abinet has organized com m ittee to see the rem aining 367. When the budget is raised, the final rep o rt will be given. L I I as Toiiows. itself m A * . egree, w A. beyond dates for the M. others have gone and are w orking tow ards the Ph. 1). As yet there are no Ph. D. candidates a n ­ nounced Owing to the fact th a t the a sp ira n t does not anv tim e (lurin£ The day- become a candidate until the comple- fo r next June. I lU S S t '5 Wi l l • , , j _ •_ UC i i c i m v * early m ^ t h e w inter, section of the Cactus, in order to de- will preside over the meeting. be obtained Classes will then be held every atter'--* 8™ ^ the num ber of genii available ...affirm, failed a m eeting of noon, a n d the girls m ay come in a t f o r 't n t . section, called a m eetm g of DORMER TEXAS GRID the try o u ts Thursday afternoon. The seem office was storm ed by appfrtSSnts f o r , the jazz end of the annual. A hdSi of co-eds, fa r outnum bering, the “ed­ dies,” bombarded the office* in the E nglish Channel. anxious to do th eir “b it” for the w ar, the U niversity girls fo r the Rl'd Cro89 All of # g ra d u ate However, P™' It is probable th a t working tow ards an M. A. becomes a y e s s i n g rapidly. list a play will be given som e U rn. during candidates on up to d ate of those expecting to re- «>« w inter term to help raise money. iu is «ro The organization has already sent fo r reg isterin g . The stu d en t in luna ’ F’rom this number, Moore has to se­ lect by the end of the term two ca r­ j the play, and Miss Leta Stoles has , toonists, two photographers, one dec o rato r, and one secret service worker. I. be chosen tccordin(t to the These , anni d r ted m anager a p p o s ed m anager. W illiam Henry Adam son J o h n ; be- Qualified “T V ’ are given to men who shoot in a m ajority of matches. Also men who qualify as m arksm en, sharpshooters, and experts are given th eir grade. to show lapel buttons Any man who practices consistently is alm ost certain to get one of these. The firs t m eeting for reorganization The Sooners are reputed to have an will be held a t the Y. M. C. A. Tues- day evening a t 7:30 o’clock. All men endless round of new and tricky plays, who are interested are invited to come, fa st in th eir operation and hard for to solve a t the G. M. M errill, last y ear’s president, the opposing team firs t offering. T heir backfield gets off with a burst of speed th a t makes th eir plays hard to break up. The whole Sooner team gets on the line with a rush, and t h e ^ i # r t f t w h w A #^EE FOREIGN SERV ICE the teajji^ is' in action hardly before the report ane- realizes V Gillis Johnson, rig h t tackle on V ar- coming from Illinois. However, the sity eleven of 1917 and a g ra u d ate of Longhorns have been put through * the U niversity of Texas last y ear, re- daily drill for the last two weeks to turned here W ednesday from P aris Is- train them in the a r t of m ussing up land, S. C., where he received the com- Just suc^ a s tyle of play as this, mission of second the M oreover, the Longhorns have quite United S ta tes M arines. Johnson, who a few new plays and defensive forma- was in train in g a t P aris Island for t i° ns tucked away under th eir foot- three m onths, stood seventh in grades ball seleeve which no doubt will be un- m a class of 600, only eighty b e i n g covered a t the psychological moment commisioned. I to £ a *n th e necessary ground or to nip Johnson w restling th e cham pionship during heavyw eight in the bud the crafty subterfuges of ^ STAR EXPECTS SOON TO his the Sooners. lieutenant in it. This held is * * t class of work they hand in during the fall term . PROGRAM FOR RUSK SCHOLARSHIPS ARE OPEN TO STUDENTS New fellows and scholars will not DALLAS TO RELIEVE WENDELL MAYES TO Lowry Bagwell, Jam es A ustin B arnes, I M ary Ellen Billing, W illiam Dixon FELLOWSHIPS AND Bond, Theophil Frederick B uehrer, Is- STATE FAIR EDITOR rael H. Chasm an, S arah Lewis Carol Clapp, Roxie Clark, Mrs. Jam es F rank Wendell Mayes left last night fo r Dobie, Daniel Joseph Glenney, Robert D allas to U k i charge of the S t a t e C abaniss Goodwin, C harles Adams Go- F a ir edition of The Daily Texan, re- .ck, W .ll.am Thom as Homer, Joseph ll. R agsdale, who has ( H e g ar Jesse W .lson Hodges, Mrs. lieving Silas been editing The Dallas Texan sin ce Bella S haffer M arshall, Darnel E dam der M cA rthur, Law rence Edw ard Mc- its firs t issue last S aturday. „ C arty, Eugene O liver, Rev. Gideon Carl Olson, Mildred Paxton, F ranklin Em bry Poindexter, Hugh P orter, Mar- g r e t P ryor, Preasley Jackson R u t­ ledge, M ary Louise Sandefer, Elm er Richard Sims, Sallie E v erett Sloan, Frances Ballamy Taylor. W hile Ragsdale has been in Dallas, Mayes has had charge of the editorial colum ns of the Austin edition of The T exan, as well as sending the Uni­ v ersity news to Dallas fo r publica­ tion in The Dallas Texan. He will re­ m ain in Dallas until the close of the S ta te F’air, as editor of The Dallas Texan. AUSTIN WOMEN ARE .... _ D . ^ . . INVITED TO ATTEND ATHENAEUM s e t s p r o g r a m . HOME EUO. CLASSES or in another U niversity. It is not possible to hold a fellow- I An unusual opportunity is offered ship or scholarship a t the sam e time to b etter holding an a ssm a n sh ip . The program for the next m eeting . -- Resolved, T hat com pulsory mill- ance of the Athenaeum Society was planned the housewives of A ustin a s follows: ( equip them selves fo r valuable assist- the food conservation cam ­ e r y train in g should be adopted in the paign which is now being waged in be- of Texas. A ffirm ative, half of the g re a t war. The D epart­ U niversity m ent of Home Economics of the U ni­ Beard, H arrison; negative, C ranberry, versity of Texas is prepared to ac­ Edmonds. com m odate limited im m ediately num ber of A ustin women in a special in terest in a FROSH ELECT O FFIC ER S. W alraven of Dallas Made P resident, e d Mary Johns Vice-President , . .. F , , be ^ New Monroe to M eeting. dM S „ rtm e n t who de. Debated *a ®t y®a r an d was declared by Ath- until N ovem ber 1st. t m ^ ^ Doctrine to Members are Welcome Both team s will probably at first letic M anager Tfceo. B ellm ont, the re so rt to a running style of game, stro n g e st all-round man in the Uni- H n eith er team can make headway a g a in st th e other’s lines, both reported varsity. ‘ He is visiting his parents, sires to apply fo r a U niversity Behol­ to be of equal stren g th , the aerial Mr. and Mrs. R obert G. Johnson, arship or fellowship, should go to the . . style of gam e will no doubt be re­ This The following program Will be giv- Texas and Lake S treets, and will re ­ R eg istrar and obtain a blank, to. However, Oklahoma will sorted should be filled out and filed w ith ' en by the Rusk L iterary Society on port for Duty a t W ashington, D. C., to p u t her fa s t backfield f ir s t try [O ctober 26. He expects to see actual Dean H arp er of the G raduate D epart- ! S aturday night: line and to send her through the service within a m onth.— F t. W orth m eat not later than S atu rd ay , O c to -1 Declam ation, Judson Francis. speedy ends the Longhorn around Record. ber 27. | w ings; fa ilin g in this, she will, in all the overland probability re so rt I route which she used alm ost co n stan t­ ly ag a in st ttljjjois when she found Fellowships are open to G raduate D ebate— Resolved, T h at the Monroe to Se- Doctrine should be abandoned by this students only; scholarships niors only. Both are aw arded s t r i c t - , G overnm ent a L atin-A m erican as ly on m erit to students of high grade policy. A ffirm ative, W. D. Ball, C. and m eritorious standing eith er here , The Gofer Law Society m et in the COFER LAW SOCIETY ELECTS. I Extem pore speech, W. C. Gowen. to , A. Poindexter, and N. G. W hite; nega- Practice C ourt Room in th e basem ent o u ~ jf the Law B uilding, a t 7:30 T hurs- no* tive, H. W. S trassb erg er, R. S. ( ’ar- Jay night. ney, and C. D. Odell. follow ing officers New men are cordially invited to a t-! were elected: W. O. S later, p resi- tend the m eeting. The Rusk wishes dent; N. H. Davis, vice-president; T. to say th at, on account of the loss o f. J. Stovall, clerk; M. E. N u tt, m any old members, m em bership is yr, and L ander sheriff. 1 Many plans for the now open to all. the near fu tu re were discussed. The num ber of mem- Sometim e within rep o rt- *n The te a m * the Rusk will have open house. Elach hers was g re atly dim inished by the | m em ber will be allowed to invite one w ar, but w ith the new m en elected to firm Illinois line wotStd way. The Sooners com pleted the Illinois ag ain st passes The L onghorns have become expert handling of the aerial style of j gam e. Big S m ythe and H om er W aits y e a r’s work are exceedingly accu rate in th e ir pass- ^ t ^le men eligible fo r receiv­ been coached as to (B e h e s t and fa s te s t way of g et tin g down t h a t Texas /ield , so '^nwn o u g h t to work the overland route suc­ cessfully should she have to resort m ainly to th is sty le o f gam e. ru n n in g Passes have n o t be tm ir In h e r th e 'la ­ r The F reshm en did not show *wueh co-ed, and an extraordinary entertain- m em bership, the society will --------- in the firs t class m eeting, INV ITES H. E. GIRLS. the club a t its last m eeting. W eekly, by J. L. K err. Declam ation by W arlick. Brown and McGee were elected into coarse of train in g in menu m aking which was held on T hursday after- , ar‘(l o th er im portant fe atu res of do- noon a t 3 o'clock in the Law audito- I riunr. T here were only about th irty - mestic economy. j This course will run fo r eig h t weeks, five present. V. P. Lee, president of the S tudents’ A ssociation, presided and will be divided over the m eeting until a president was tions, each section elected. The officers fo r the fall term Mrs. J. H. Landrum of the Home about tw enty-four were elected. R ichard W alraven of Dallas was elected president; Mary Johns of Austin was elected vice-pres­ ident, and Helen M ather of Austin, secretary. Pete Sm ith of A ustin was elected S erg ean t-at-arm s w ithout op­ position. into three sec- to accom m odate It is students. Economics division of the S tate De- urged by Miss Jennie Bess Bear, in- stru cto r in Home Economics of the p a rtm e n t of A griculture wishes m eet all of her club g irls and g irls U niversity, th a t all who desire to take of h e r club town in attendance a t the U niversity *in a m eeting this a fte r- diately. noon from 5 to 5:30, Room 158. An store for en tertain m en t will be those present. JU N IO R S ELECT CAPTAIN. of study, re g iste r imme- | this course to in m ent will be given. handicapped in this respect. W ork on ------------------------- i practice cases begin in ea rn e st next CHEMISTRY CI CB Thursday night, a t which tim e Sena- HOLDS FIRST MEETING men were AND ELECTS OFFICERS elected t0 m em bership: Hedick, Car- i ney, McGee, B ryan, Beall, F ountain, The C hem istry Club held its firs t j Sam es, Raw lins, G unter, Damon, Sto- m eeting of the year la st S aturday, j vail, N utt, L ander, S. W. Davis, and with Dr. Schoch as evening. His the “ Glimpes of Recent Chemical E xhibi­ tions in New York C ity.” Dr. Schoch spoke a t g re at length and grew very enthusiastic over the exhibits. Texas was represented in one or two of them . the speaker of G uenther, was J NOTICE, TEX A N W O RKERS. -------------------------- * * * * subject * A FAVORITE “ SK IT.” W ith the girls, this sk it: “ If you w ant to do your bit, 'W hy ju st knit.” — W ILSON W ILLIAM S. --------- A t the firs t g et-to g e th e r m eeting LATTIM ER SUCCEEDS ( ROSSMAN of the Ju n io r basketball g irls yester- day afternoon, Linda L ancaster w as; 4* of the club 4* were elected at the end of last spring 4* I n t h e absence of Jerom e Crossm an, term , and are: T. E. Phipps, p r e s i- ; 4* is a favorite unanim ously re-elected captain. Opal who w^s called to D allas to speak in dent; Roxie Clark, sec retary ; T. F. j 4* P o rter was elected a ssista n t captain, the in tere st of Liberty Bonds, Steve B uehrer, treasu rer. A t the m eeting 4“ and with these two enthusiastic girls L attim er of El Paso is acting quiz- S aturday T. W. Ray, R. S. T aylor, and 4* a t th eir head, the Ju n io rs are looking I m aster in the Law D epartm ent H. L. Lochte were appointed on the 4* re ­ forw ard to a successful year. Very program com m ittee, and W. T. Reed, 4- ceived a lette r from Jerom e, in which few old g irls of la st y e a r’s team are R. G. Upton, and L. T. Fahrenthold 4** the la tte r sta te s th a t he is very busy back, but a few new ones have come The next on the social com m ittee. 4* in his work. He says th a t the Elev­ forw ard and more are expected. All enth D istrict of the Federal Reserve ■ m eeting will be S aturday, November 4* Junior girls interested will give th eir ! nam es to the captain a t once, so th a t I Bank system is facing a trem nduous 3, but the program has not yet been 4- I real practice can begin im m ediately, j problem a t this time. The present officers the departm ent Mr. P o tts of I made out. — OPERATOR. Oh, y t p m hard hit, H 1 Id my sit A t t e r y little bit, I shall,ve a fit. 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* •F 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4* * 4* 4* 4* + 4* * 4- * * 4* 4- 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4« 4* 4* 4. Many of our s ta f f w orkers have gone to th e D allas F a ir and so no re g u la r s ta f f will today. B lank a s sig n ­ work m ents will be m ade out by the nfanaging editor and p o st­ ed in the Texan office by 9 a. rn. th is m orning. E very T exan s ta f f w orker who d e­ sires to help us out in this u n ­ usual situ atio n , come around and check an assig n m en t. MANAGING EDITOR. th e fuJlJ .^fullback h a rd -h ittin g gam e Oklahom a uses m ainly end ru n s and brush-end runs by h er halves, a t tim es se nding Davis, th ro u g h the line. T he s ta rs for homa a re expected to be Durant, Indian, a t rig h t end, and A bbot Grateful a t le ft and right half, r e s p e c t­ is * 80 ively. Da VIK- touted as a hard ,-.r * ham is a fie^ce^-linc* plunger, and lived up to his re p u ta­ tion in the Illinois gam e, puncturing the Illinois line a t frequent intervals, though not for form idable gains. Da­ vis, the fullback, does the kicking for the Sooners, averaging about thirty yards. This is about on the average w ith the Texas kickers. reckoned as The stars for Texas will probably be Pete Smith, Ham ilton, Louie Sm ythe and W aits. G raves and Mool are expected to be heard from a t “ R a ts” Trabue will not be able g et into the game on account of In­ juries. Penn L'ay distinguished him* (C o n tiru td on page 4) I T H E D A I L Y T E X A N O O T B A A U STIN HIGH vs. N. FT. WORTH HIGH CLARK FIELD-SAT. OCT. 20 3:45 P. M. A d m issio n 5 0 C ents Students paid This year, when the Assem­ bly apportioned the money to be lerived from the tax, the Glee’ dub was left without an a p p r ­ the obation. tax, thinking, in many cases, ‘hat they were paying for the support of the Glee Club, as veil as the other activities for­ merly included in the tax. Stu- lents paying this ear will not be admitted to Yustin concerts of the club, but will be forced to pay for admis­ sion. their tax *3. E ach c ity h a s each d istric t there are f if t y secretar- its se cr eta ry of .e lig io u s w ork, g y m n a siu m , social in ­ tercou rse, and a num ber o f others. C afeteria s, hom es, recreation cen ters, sw im m in g pools, and g y m n a siu m s are en d er th eir control, as w ell as e m ­ p loym ent and in form ation bureaus. The sa la ries o f th e se w orkers ran ge The d istrict from $1200 to $1500. se cr eta ry , w ho in sp ector and ad- \ isor gen eral o f her d istric t, and the field secreta ries are paid from $1500 to $1800. The cou n try Y. W. C. A. w ork, which co n sists o f th e o r g a n iz a ­ tion o f hom e clubs and c la sse s, p ays from $900 to $1200 per la rg e op en in g for ear. T here econom ics is a is t a m in g period, the stu d en t receives $500 per year. A ccurate and detailed in form ation con cern in g train in g at N ew York m ay secured by be w ritin g S ecretarial D epartm ent, N a ­ tional Bd. Y. W. C. A ., 600 L exin g­ ton A venue, New' York. the T here is a S p ea k ers’ and D ebating Club for g ir ls, which w as organ ized , and is m anaged by the wom en o f the U n iversity. p erm it The Hom e E conom ics Club does not train in g the sc ie n tific hom e J of the U n iv ersity wom en to be n e g ­ lected. such service a t p resen t. T he tra in in g o f w orkers around the so ld ie rs’ cam p s m ay be secured cith er a t the N ation al T rain in g School in N ew York, or under one o f the field se cr eta ries. T he field secreta ry o f th is d istric t is located a t D allas at D uring the (he S u m p ter B u ild in g. an T here is em p loym ent bureau m anaged by the Dean of W om en, the stu d en t Y. W. C. A. secreta ry , and the g ir ls o f the U n iv ersity . H ere g ir ls w ho m u st earn all or part o f th eir w ay th rou gh , m ay be put in ‘ meh w ith those who d esire to secure -»rvices o f stu d en ts. from On the other hand, the Glee Club, not suspecting that they would be cut off this OU roe of revenue, made exten- for the pres­ ;ive preparations e t year, contracting for the services of a director, as well as naking arrangements for an ex­ tended trip, similar to the one held last year. Deprived of their rightful appropriation from he assessment of the blanket tax, it is probable that the (flee dub will not attempt to organ- ze officially this year, and it is ort ain that no director wi be unplowed under the present con­ ditions. That such a condition exists is harmful to the Students’ As­ sociation, as well as to the IJni- /ersity that they represent. The newly elected Assembly should rn mediately make an emergency ppropriation for the Glee (dub, in order that they might con- inue their work during the pres­ ent season. ■ v* ? _ THE DAILY TEXAN I I J-** Th* S tu d en t D aily P un blication o f th e U n iversity o f T e x a s. _ ! I _ - I ) . I v I I ♦ Vs iblished every m orning e x c e p t M on­ day during the co lle g e .y e a r . Entered as second-class m a tte r a t the P o sto ffice at A u stin , T e x a s, under the A ct o f C ongress, M arch 3, 1879. Subscription price $2.50 p er y e a r - provided for each stu d en t th rou gh the Student A ctiv ity fee . Silas B. R a g sd a le E d ito r-in -C h ief F. Edward W alker, M an a g in g E d itor B u sin e ss M an ager B. C. W a rlick O ffices: U n iversity, R oom 109, Main Building, T elephone 3149. Down Town, 204 W. S ix th S t., T elep h on e 489. Issu e Editor fo r T od ay: G A R L A N D D A Y nm Caspar 7 . . . . A sso c ia te E d itor YES, “ DALLAS OR B U S T ” From the Oklahoma Daily comes the cry, “Dallas or Bust,” in an editorial with the same heading. The expression from our Oklahoma contemporary is all that we could desire from a ri­ val institution, and is boosting their own team, the editor takes time to compliment Texas and the Longhorns on their sports­ manship. Might we not all, without seeming to merely be saying nice in return, things that our relations with Oklahoma h ive always been the most pleas­ ant, and that we approve of every word of the editorial ex­ cept the prediction of the result of today’s game? The editorial Follows: Dallas or busti For years this has been the war cry of Sooner gridsters as they made up in their war paint for the annual hunt of the Texas I onghorn. AftdrWivv Hfmj^ the cr.v again Texas, as usual, will probably J echo hack, “After the game it'll1 l o home busted,” but we remem­ ber when it wasn’t this way, and we’re enthusiastic enough to know that the Sooners will bring this home another time. longhorn Texas is our best friend. She stands for clean sportsmanship # like we’ve been taught to believe **\ But it can’t be helped—it is inevitable that she must go down in defeat before the Sooners at the Dallas Fair next Saturday, j . And the battle cry of the 500 Sooners who are going along to Watch the fight will be “Dallas or Bust.” On Shore and Off men like our collegians who are training for the navy and Uncle Sam’s seasoned sea fighters—men who must m aintain their vigor, ‘headiness**— are quickness and tuning up on Soft in the strictest sense, but a thorough­ going m an’s drink—gives you the full flavor c f wholesome grains and the nip and fra­ grance o f genuine Bohem ian Saazer F^ps. Try B evo b y itself—see how good it makes things to ca t taste. Served a t the best places e v e r y w h e r e . Fam ilies supplied b y grocers. M anu factu red and bottled exclusively by A n h e u ser -B u sc h , St. Louis, U. 5. A . B evo sh ould Ro se rv e d cold ‘T h e all-year-’rou n d soft drink* WM Where to Buy Norris’ Exquisite Candies, Conklin Fountain Pens. East- man's Kodaks and Films, Whiting's Package Stationery, S e x t o b l a d e Safety Razors, guaranteed. SPECIAL LINE PERFUMES: I titia n R u s s e l l ’s , Naomi, Lilas (Arly), Mavis, LaBoehme. Ask Us to Show You These Lines, They Are New Griffith Drug Company WHERE QUALITY COUNTS SC A R BR O U G H B U IL D IN G PHONE 26 FREE DELIVERY r * I I I rV IN V-J i M A C P layer*, U p r ig h ts and G rands U n iv ersity S tu d e n ts for R ent to We Have the Latest in Sheet Music and Music Rolls J. R. REED MUSIC COMPANY Phone 521 805 Congress Ave. T H E U N I V E R S I T Y S H O P A. G. G E IG E S , P rop. MEN S FURNISHINGS M A D E -T O -M E A SU R E c l o t h e s o u r s p e c i a l t y W e .Make M ilitary U niform s. 1610 L avaca St. H O U G H ’S AUTO SERVICE Both Phones 861 Day or Night Seven PajijCTger'fars Only flTcOLORADO STREET 119 Joseph s Pharmacy Try Our Sanitary SODA SERVICE. E. M. JOSEPH, Prop. Agents JOHNSTON’S and ELMERS* CANDIES 622 Congress Ave. Phones 325-335 THE GOOD FLOWERS COME FROM HYDE PARK FLORAL CO. •‘W H E R E GOOD G A U D E N S E E D S A R E S O L D .” FANCY CORSAGES OUR SPECIALTY 822 C O N G EE S P H O N E 964 A GUARANTEED SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN FOR $ 1 . 0 0 M A T T H E W S DRUG S T O R E 1612 Lavaca St. Prompt Delivery Anywhere Phone 645 U N IT E D S T A T E S D E P O SIT A R Y The Austin National Bank OF A U S T IN , T E X A S RESOURCES, $5,000,000.00 E. P. W ILM OT, P resid en t Wm. H. FO L T S, V ice-P resid en t JN O . H. C H IL E S, V ice-P resid en t MORRIS H IR S H F E L D , C ashier C. M BA R TH O LO M EW , A sst. C ash. IU FACULTY AM ) STUDENTS* ACCOUNTS SOLICITED NO A C C O U N T TOO SM A LL TO H A N D L E OCR NEGLECTED CLEES. U n iv ersity . Work o f W om en for W om en in the N ow , th ere W om en w ere b egin n in g to en ter into he p ro fessio n s in a ctiv e com p etition w ith m en b efore th e b egin n in g of the no p resen t w ar. ch oice le ft to them ; they m u st take p the w ork o f th e m en, and carry »n the com m ercial and in d u strial life It is, th en , a b solu tely o f the N ation. n ecessa ry th at w om en should ch oose heir v o ca tio n s ea r ly , and m ake ade- juate p rep aration for them . is When, in the spring of 1916, the students of the University * voted to assess a blanket tax for the support of certain stu­ dent activities, the University Glee d u b was among the or­ ganizations who were to receive a specified amount of the tax. The apportionment as adver­ tis e d during the campaign, and J on which th e students voted, was | as follows: .Athletics ....................... I Texan and M agazine. Students’ Association . Oratorical Association Glee C lu b ........................ of con cern in g d .nan’s Association $4.00 1.77 .25 .19 .1 0 .12 .07 W ith th e se fa cts in m ind, th e S id ­ ney L anier L iterary S o cie ty o f the U n iv ersity has taken up, th is year, 'he stu d y o f w om an ’s vocation s. The ob ject of th is stud y is to bring before he w om en of the U n iv e r sity , in con­ crete fo rm , all o f th e a vailab le in for­ m ation the p rofession s open to th em , in order th a t th ey m ay the work w hich e x a c tly su its find hem . S p eak ers o f a b ility , w ith a c­ cu rate k n ow led ge th eir various -subjects, h ave been secu red. The le c­ turers w ill consider the prelim inary tra in in g n ecessa ry , probable co st of rain in g, a b ility required, p laces of rain in g, sa la r ie s, p rosp ects of ad­ van cem ent, and the u ltim a te accom ­ p lish m en ts to be reached in each of these vocation s. A fte r th e series of ceived her pro talk* has been fin ish e d , th e in form a- tax, and passed through one O. ,|on securec| th erefrom w ill be incor- the most successful seasons in | porated in a bulletin by th e E xten sio n over the % T otal................................$6.50 With this proposed japportion- ment, the taj^ Js^ carried by a va/erseven to one. L ast year the Glee Club re­ The salary of a director, as well state i . , u o n j Miss D avidson, stu d en t se cr eta ry of I n e US t h e expenses OI q ^ m ade th e f ir s t talk ^ th eir trip over the State, w e t ! f or Wom en to do in the mid 'j u t oT their appropriation, y . W. C. A. organ ization s. The U nited 1 A ants were adm itted to all S tates is divided, sh e said , by th e AL fifty secr eta rie s, ^ n c e r t s held in Austin upon the w . C. A., there are f if t y secr eta rie s, con sistin g o f N ation al, and fie ld , f e t a t i o n of city secretaries. T h ese w om en earn In from $2100 to $2400 per year. ngg oeen XII,,8nt.Uj uu- huuhu« Hiatnrv of the organization. D epartm ent and se n t rata Doh season th eir tlie y ^ , ticket book. a ll * Kodak Finishing and Supplies OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS FOR THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Jordan Co. “We Make Kodak Prints Every Day.” M M M 610 C ongress Branch at Van Smiths’ SM ART Alecs may be all right but for a good, honest workin* partner give me a man th a t’s got his learnin’ slow ly an* naturally. V E L V E T g e ts its g o o d ­ ness that w a y —tw o years natural ageing. JIL I D I IHI IC . . . Tobacco* 11 hone 17 03 10th & Congress! The Crescent Confectionery 10th and Congress — Hot Drinks, Chili, Tamales, V a V V Sandwiches, Cold Drinks, Bread, Cakes, Cigars, Cigarettes and I - % RING 473 CONSUMERS FUEL A N Fl€ E COMPANY WHERE Q U A L I T Y COUNTS COLLEGE NOTES T H E D A I L Y T E X A N When having your photograph made you want to be sure to select the right place. You may be sure of courteous trea tm e n t at THE E L L IO T T S Makers of Pictures 814 Congress Ave. A Few Item s for Your Benefit: Free Telephone, Free Fountain Pen Ink, Free Plotters, Free C igar L ighter, Full Value Stam p Machine, Free B ag­ g a g e Checking, F ree Inform ation Bureau, Free Check Cash­ ing. Then W e Have Som e T h in gs to Sell That You Need. University Drug Store ‘T he C onvenient Place’ Wukasch Cafe and Grocers On Guadalupe, Opposite Campus C onfectionery, H o t L unches served at all hours; Candies and Cold D rinks. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. C igars and Cakes Phone 1007 Phone 1071 PH ONE 1 6 4 0 PHONE 1 6 4 0 For the B est Laundry Work in th e City Work Returned Sam e Day if Desired THE AM ERICAN L A U N D R Y S u its Cleaned and P ressed 009 Congrevss Avenue U N I V E R S I T Y B A R B E R S H O P N. W . R U T L E D G E , Proprietor 221 ti G U A D A L U P E ST. A d street from the Campus A rtistuT S ty lish and I p-to-D ate Work Guaranteed PH O N E 2048 FR EE DELIVERY T H E N O O K C on fectio n ery The Place to Get Your C andies and Cold Drinks CIGARS, C IG AR ETTES, CRACKERS A ND ( AKES THEO HOLEKAM P, Proprietor 24th and Guadalupe S ts. U n i v e r s i t y Toggery Shop BROYLES & KOSE Proprietors Correct Clothes for Men Cleaning and Pressing 2300 1-2 Guadalupe S treet Phone 3090 If Its a Pennant, the L atest D esign s Are at Everybodys’ Book Store 906 C ongress Ave. W here 50c Kid Skull Caps Sell for 35cts Just arrived, a new * . c k of beautiful S tation ery. We sell the “Old R eliable’’ S h ea ffer Fountain le n s . The Columbia [tangle. Columbia University is in the midst of an unpleasant situation created by I the dismissal of certairv members of the resignation of her faculty and some others in sym pathy with the ousted ones. The Regents there saw ■ fit to ask the resignation of two pro- ; fessors whose remarks concerning the ; United States and our participation in the war were not of the patriotic color th a t they should be. The faculty and students are taking their stands as The for or ag ainst eight of free speech is the basic a r g u ­ ment, and this is being practiced over the campus by everyone interested. the Regents. Frosh Buttons. For some time we have heard of and seen green caps for Frosh, but now at Minnesota the co-eds* are com­ Each ing out with green buttons. irl is expected to wear a large green, ten-cent button with a sizeable nu- ber on it. The penalty for not w ear­ ing the button will not be so severe s that inflicted on the Frosh of the opposite sex, but nevertheless it is thought th a t the girls will be per- uaded to buy buttons. N ebraska’s Soldiers. Nebraska is not only remembering her soldiers with the copies of the daily, but now the faculty is being or­ ganized to cheer the boys at the front by corresponding regularly with those whom they knew personally in school. Christmas boxes for the soldiers are to be sent. The committee in charge of this work is already busy, as it is necessary th a t the boxes be sent be­ fore November 15. * »j« *j* *1* *1* *1* *!* -I- -I- 'J* *1' CHAPEL NOTICE. a t Chapel Good singing is the a t t r a c ­ this week. tion More people are taking p a rt and they are doing it better. favorites are Plenty of old s° 5^ n M o i n e s are always i n . Wy ­ sandwiched more students would attend, the singing would be still bet­ ter and more of the faculty might be persuaded to attend. The scripture reading y ester­ day was a series of passages on forgiveness. S trength and power also were stressed. “ I will lift up mine eyes unto hills whence cometh all my help.” The meeting closed closed with the Mizpah bene­ diction. Chapel will be held th is morning in spite of the exodus to Dallas. •I* * 4- * V 4. * •I" A * * * 4* 4- 4* *1* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* v 4* 4* 4* a c t i v i t y f e e is d i v i d e d . ..................... For the first four days of re g is tra ­ tion a total of $7910.70 was collected in the fund and distribution was made as follows: Uhletics Daily Texan Students’ A ss’n.......................... Band )ratorical A ss’n........................ ................... Voman’s Council $5488.00 .......................... 2258.85 152.95 177.97 136.90 95.83 V. P. Lee, president of the Students’ Vssociation, said Friday th a t the Stu- ’ents’ Association would meet early next week, but that no definite date md been set. ............... The Thetas will entertain with a breakfast while in Dallas. Corinne Cain is one of the Wom­ a n ’s Building girls to leave for Daltas to witness the Oklahoma-Texas game. the announces pledging of Lois Porter of Tyler. Phi Mu Sorority Thelma Young and Alice Drysdale leave today for a short visit to George­ town. Irene Neville returned yesterday from Seton Infirm ary, where she has been for the past week on account of i sprained ankle. M argaret Cotham, Nellie Robert­ son, Viva Boothe and F ay Goss are going to spend the week-end in Dal- as. Mrs. Primer, a patroness of Reagan Literary Society, is quite ill a t Seton * Infirm ary; Octavia Adair is going to spend the week-end with friends in San Antonio. spend the week-end with her parents in San A n­ tonio. Eleanor W right will Colon P rew itt and Viola Ddrom are coing to spend the week-end in Dallas. Charlotte Spence is going to spend he week-end in San Antonio. Mildred Paxton is going to spend he week-end in Waco. Among those who have gone to Dal- s are the following members of the i’ri Delta Sorority: Misses Evelyn humney, Leta Skiles, Dorothy Loch- idge, Ethel Clayton of San Angelo, v'era H art of Marshall, Edith W ath- ;m of Dallas, Hazel Edwards, and Bertha Hill. The annual Panhellenic tea was geld a t the Chi Omega House yester- ay afternoon from 5 until 6. Miss Gearing of the State Conser- . ation Board, left Thursday night f o r ' louston to confer with Mr. Peden, .chairman of the Texas division. From ! here she will go to Marshall, which s to be headquarters for the Eastern district. Mrs. H. P. Wooldridge and Misses and M argaret Mary Helen Holden Southerland are going to visit M is s 1 virginia Wills in Dallas. The following are among those who left for Dallas yesterday and last night for the game and the F air: ♦VimfredT Lillian Pollard, billian F a rr, Gladys Walsh, E'*,l T r i m - j de, Edith Cousins. Pearl Zilker, Dor- J •*y, Lois El- othy Evans, Be dredge, Tilda Foster, irene Hearne, Sadie Scovell, Susie Fisher, Julia shepherd, Leonora Bell, Mary Kirk- latrick, Agnes Doran, Alice Weiland, i >dla Lawrence, and Elizabeth Ander­ son. Phi Mu Sorority jvill initiate Miss Ellene Ubank of Port A rth ur tonight. A p arty made up of Misses Alexia "Rhea,, Elizabeth Johnson, Lee Wolfin, lelen Haynes, and Dorothy Smith are going to Dallas. Pat Seaw right is coming up from heon Springs Saturday night to stay over Sunday Misses Mary H art, Mary Rugely, Mary Watson and Blanche Lee are go­ ing to San Antonio to stay from S a t­ urday until Monday. Steiner Booty will spend a few ’ays in Georgetown with her family. Miss Lena Mae Bonner left last night for Houston, where she will con­ tinue her work in the Extension De­ partm ent during the year. Lieut. Lloyd Bass of Camp Travis will visit in Austin this week-end. Lieut. Gene McClure from Camp Travis spent the week-end in Austin. Miss Edith Bonnett is quite ill a t the Zeta House. Announcement is made of the m a r­ riage of Miss Agnes Ledbetter of Cameron to Mr. William King of V e n u s IO* PENCIL TH E perfec tion o f pencil quality — un- e q u a l l e d f o r sm oothness, u ni­ form ity o f grading and durability. Texas vs. Oklahoma In the gridiron battle betw een T exas and Oklahoma today at the D allas Fair, TEXAS will win. DON’T FORGET THAT. Also, don’t forget th a t you can get th e best service and best quality in drugs, cold drinks, Gandies, etc., at Van Smith Drug Co. ‘We D eliver R ight N ow .’ Phoenix, Ariz. Miss Ledbetter will be remembered as a popular member of the Delta Delta Delta Sorority, and Mr. King is a Kappa Sigma from Cor­ nell. Miss Bertha Hill will spend the week-end in Denton. Harry D raught of San Antonio, dis­ trict grand m aster of the Kappa Sig­ ma F raternity, visited at the Kappa Sigma House during the week. The Ownooch entertained with a picnic this morning in honor of its new initiates. President Vinson will entertain in honor of the Regents Tuesday night. The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority tea Tuesday will entertain with afternoon in honor of their chaplain, Mrs. Ruggles. a Dr. and Mrs. II. L. Hilgartner have issued invitations to a tea in compli­ ment to their daughter, Mrs. Harry Pendleton, v.ho will be rem em bered as Miss Annabel H ilg artn e r, a form er student of the University. Misses Frances Van Zandt and Del­ la Lawrence will go to Ft. Worth next week to see the Grand Opera. The Phi Beta Phi pledges will en­ tertain the active members with a dance at the Cactus Tea Room on S at­ urday night, October 27. Misses Lois Edwards of Ft. Worth and Tilda F oster of Taylor will v isit Dallas and Ft. Worth today. Miss Alice McCarthy has drawn from the University and will return to her home in tJhtVbston. The Chi Omega Sorority will enter­ tain with a formal reception a t their chapter house complimenting their chaperone, Miss Gertrude Wroe on Friday, the 26th of October. % -___ A new thing for a cigarette to do— “Satisfy ii In addition to pleasing the taste, Chesterfields do a new thing, they let you know you are smoking—they "Satisfy"! And yet. they’re If you want more than good taste in a cigarette, try Ches­ terfields. fu jx jcttejH p vu tlS ia cco 2 0 f i r IO C Chesterfield C I G A R E T T E S o f IMPORTED and DOMESTIC tobaccos-Blended Richmond Straightest C IG A R ETTES W ain o f Cork FOR C O N V E N IE N C E A N D SER VIC E CACTUS TEA ROOM S W A N N Furniture and C arpet C om pany 17 black degrees* from 6B softest to to 9H hardest, and hard and medium (indelible) co p y ­ ing. Look for the distinc­ tive V E N U S finish! Regular Meals or a la ( arte W e Furnish More Home* Open 7:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. 2208 Guadalupe S treet There I* a Reason / FREE! ^ Thi* trial b o lt with five V EN US Drawing Pencils, H o l d e r a n d V EN U S Eraser sent free. W rite for it. V en u s Pencils Can be bought at The Co-op ADVERTISE IN THE TEXAN American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. Dept D21 V TU the V E N U S Eraser, too. Made in 12 sites. $2.00 yet box. . . , even the sophomores treated me with some respect u hen I pro­ duced the V irg in s cigarettes which I'd brought up from Richmond.' That fine old Southern A r i s t o c r a t — " R ic h m o n d Straight C u ts.” T h ere's never been another cigarette. quite like them. T heir "'bright” Virginia tobacco* has a naturally refreshing flavor that makes even the best of T urkish cigarettes taste almost tame and character­ less by contrast. Y o u'll wish you'd tried them before. IN NE AT B O X E S — F I F T E E N C E N T S A b o in attractive tins, 50 for 40 cents; IOO for 75 cents. Sent prepaid if your dealer cannot supply yon. .f l . RICHMOND,ViRAtm c g H is n r h n J e K ) us6£t t i * yubtom $qcc i . NOTE: Unlike Turkish tobacco, Virginia tobacco pays no import duty— all the value is in the cigarette. HI PREFERRED by GENTLEMEN N O W as THEN Regarding Fall and Winter Overcoats generously We planned carefully, fought and early, and we believe that we can fill your Overcoat NMO**,, amt save you money at the same time. f Drop in and see the line; its made by the nationally known Rosenwald & Weil Company, and every coat is a big value at its price. $15 to $10 This .store is style head­ quarters, and of course its here tjiat you find gwirtij Urattit CLOTHES fbung men’s favorite every­ where, every .season K N O X H A T S H E I D C A P S BARI. & WILSON SHIRTS We the carry largest stock of Shirts in Austin. All sieve lengths. 604 Congress Ave. I I M T* W V McLaughlin And so th is cynic went his way I Made love to one and all— And boasted in his confidence T h a t he would never fall. B R E A K F A S T . T H E L O N G H O R N C A F E . L O N G H O RN S READY FOR A N N U A L G A M E W IT H SO O N E R S (Continued fro m p a g e I.) line. self by tim ely kicking in a pinch pe­ riod of the game. Conley, G reer, and ‘ Green are expected to be a to w er of ! defense in Big the T e x a s S m y th e will work a t full, with W aits i t r ig h t half. Pete S m ith will work a t th.* other half, if B re n n a n drives the te am , but in case he is called on to m a r s h a l the* O range a n d W h ite forces, Doc Paine will probably s t a r t a t left half. This game will t r y th e football m e ttle of the whole L ong horn team, and the r o ste r of V a r s ity will no doubt be an alm o st settled a f f a i r a f te r this fra y . G ra v e s Johnson G ree r G reen Bailey ( ’Onley Penn Moore Left End. Left Tackle. Left G uard. ('en ter. Right G u ard. R ight T ackle R ight E nd. Q u a rte rb a ck . I,eft H alf. Right H alf. Fullback. Tolbert Deacon Douglas Boyle D urant Wilmoth Abbot G raham Davis S m ith or Brennan S m ith or Paine W a its or Hamilton S m y th e LAW S TO HOLD BA N Q U ET . A t th e ir m eeting y e ste rd a y , the Laws decided to have th e ir usual get- to g e th e r banquet on F rid a y , Decem­ ber 7, a t which P e r e g r in u s , P atron S a in t of th a t d e p a r tm e n t, a lw ay s p re ­ sides. It is probable t h a t J u d g e Sim- kins will be there also to tell the J. A.’s why they are called by t h a t name. CORRECTION. Y e ste rda y’s Texan s ta t e d t h a t E liz­ a beth Nelson was head of the Co-ed D e p a rtm en t of the C a c tu s, but Hazel E dw ards has this place, as form erly announced. E lizabeth Nelson is an associate editor fo r the co-eds in the A theltic D ep artm ent. OFFICIAL NOTICES G IR L S O F MISS C A S IS ’ S U N D A Y SCH O O L CLA SS get your books a t Miss C a s is’ office from Miss Elliott. Let us h a v e a good a tte n d a n c e next Sunday. Membership c h airm an. ‘Z E H E ” SAYS. We have a guy a t our house F ^ r W'e th o u g h t was quite vam p-proof, th o u g h he played w ith all the girls, He held himself aloof. He hardly ever missed a show, He n ever missed a dance, But took a d iffe re n t girl each tim e—- He w as a tru e free-lance. lie had quite a re puta tion F o r his ability Ifi find in g in each girl some fa u lt Which o th e rs did not see. CLARIDGE ,22k? N e w r ii! ' .OLLAR 0 9 ? each PE R SO N A L . i Lam bda Chi Alpha announces the initiation of WT. A. Lam m of Haskell, Texas, and the affiliation of William D. W ard of Decatur, 111. Miss M ary Helen Holden is a recent pledge to K appa K appa G am m a So­ rority. B ut t h e r e ’s a blue-eyed Zeta vamp W ho lives across th e s tr e e t, A girl with beauty and with brains, The kind you seldom meet. She smiled upon this cynic wise— She sm iles a t everyone— And from the tim e of th e ir f ir s t date H e’s f u rn ish e d us with fun. W hen he came from t h a t d ate we th o u g h t T h a t he was surely “ lit," F o r he came yelling up the s ta irs , And F ro sh began to flit. Sleep late, and the Longhorn. Phone 1630. take b r e a k f a s t at 2000 G uadalupe St. GO TO J. A. JACKSON’S For Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry Complete line of Sporting Goods Expert Watch Repairing 617 Congress Both Phones I!!!! In s ta r tle d silence s a t, I He came into the room, w h e re we j , U tte r e d one wild Com anche yell And knocked a F r e s h m a n flat. “T h e sw e e te st girl in all th e world,” He yelled, and kicked my tr u n k ; And we began to edge a w a y , F o r he was worse th a n d ru n k . He told us ’bout her big blue eyes, He talked about h e r h a ir, He rav ed a b o u t t h a t smile of hers, W’hile a1 lwe did was star**. And so it was the cynic fell (And lost his cynic w ay s— W here once he criticised all girls, He now sings this one’s praise. K N IT T IN G ( L U B O R G A N IZ E D . Every bo dy the O. E. shack in these days. let is T e a c h e rs and k n ittin g s tu d e n ts the hours slip by whil s tu d e n ts let the hours p ass by while they discuss the m e rits o f various stiches. A k n ittin g class h as been o r ­ ganized, which is to be held from 12 to I every Friday. 1847 1917 JOHN BREMOND CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS And Roasters of High Grade Coffees Texas’ Oldest Jobbing House “BACK WHEN YOU WANT ’EM” UNIV. I A M SHOP Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing 2214 Guadalupe Phone 825 W. T. WROE & SON Oldsmobile and Maxwell Automobiles Rain C oats and P uttee L eg g in g s 117-419 C ongress Ave. Phone 332 DILLINGHAM SHOE CO. THE STUDENTS’ SHOE STORE We Examine Eyes and Grind Lenses to Relieve Eve-strain S T E L F O X CO. J. THOS. WARD, Optometrist The L onghorn Cafe has moved down to th e V a rs ity ( lub, and is now open fo r business. Come and see me. W IL L BAGGETT, 2000 G uadalupe Street. Phone 1630. We deliver 50c orders. 10-28 TEXAN WANT ADS ads T E X A N w a n t b rin g re sults. Rates, I cent p e r word fo r the f ir s t insertion, th re e insertions f o r 2 cents. Aboslutely no ad taken over the phone. Call a t room 109, Main Building. No ad taken fo r less th a n 25 cents. P a y ­ ment in advance alw a y s required. find S T U D E N T S Will com fo rtable rooms a t R aines M ansion, con nect­ sleeping porches, ed with p le a s a n t $3.50 to $5.00, one-half block e a s t of campus. 2110 Tom Green St. Phone 2413. The T e x a s B a rb e r Shop. W e please. 1008 Con­ Mac. O lip h a n t, Prop. gress. S T U D E N T S — Go to th e P a lac e B a rb e r Shop, Bosche Bldg., fo r f i r s t class work. Billy Wolf, Prop. The Co-Op B a rb e r Shop, n ex t to Majestic T h e a tre . Good service. At th e Driskill B a rb e r Shop you g e t good service and the b e st tr e a tm e n t . Moritz Silver, Prop. F R E S H M A N — you and ^11 old s t u ­ dents a re invited to Reno’s B a rb e r Shop, 104 W. 6th St. Service u n e x ­ celled. S T R A Y E D — One T a y lo r & P u r y e a r T r ig o n o m e try , on campus. Phone 1779. 10-20 A d vertise in The Texan. T ry T ex a n w a n t ads. T h e y b r in g results. M. ESTES Sells the Genuine Hoflin S u its Prices $ 1 2 5 0 to $ 2 2 50 6 JU For the Stay at H om es I will report the Dalian game at my store at 3:30 p. rn. JA CK SO N ’S 20th Century Drug Store J) I Hear Ye! and Remember That the Advertisers Help to Make the Student Publications Possible A N D It Is Up to the Students to Patronize the Firms That Are Endeavoring to Secure Your Trade Watch The Daily Texan /