v o l . x x v m SPRING T R U IN G Pitching of Hume Wins for fo ox bs i n t r 5-4 Vktoryfor p™y . Nine in Feature Game A n n ie M ae E n g el Y .W .C .A . S e c re ta ry F u T H e < 3 a i h i t t o a u AUSTIN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1927. SIX PAGES TODAY No. 153 UNIVERSITY LEGION Larger Library Building Is ITS M E E T T R N IG H U J Candidates for Admission In­ vited to Dual Dinner at Cafeteria ' H I L TALKS PLANNED Dobie, Stewart, Ramsey, and Steere to Address the Legionnaires The U n iv ersity Post A m eri­ can Legion and its Auxiliary will have a dinner this evening it the U n iv ersity Cafeteria at 3:30. Those men and women who are eligible but v.ho have post­ poned joining are invited by the pre­ e x ­ siding officer, and pected to bo present. This would be a very appropriate time to join the Legion, it is pointed out. they are invited Major S. N. Ekdahl, coach of the Men’s Rifle Club, will preside. There will be a number of informal talks given by various members of the Legion and other guests. Those who will make informal talks will be J. Frank Dobie, Frank Ste­ wart, Captain Ramsey, and Lieut. Steere. For the ladies, Mrs. Chaa. Joe Moore will speak. A short m usi­ cal program wil I be given by Mr. S. N. Ekdahl, who is a popular Austin soloist. The old members of the Post will answer to the questions con­ cerning the reason for membership in the Legion. The officers hope that a large at­ tendance will be had, as there is im­ portant business to be taken up at this m eeting and all members are requested to be present. The only invitations extended will be through the press and it is hoped that a large meeting will be the result. -------------- o----------- — R acquet CluJj Nears End o f T ournam ent STEER-PONY CLASH Teams Split Two-Day Series; Last Game Furnished Hectic Struggle B y d i c k McM u r r a y to Brilliant pitching by Hume, a newcomer the conference, gave S. M. U . the second game of the Texas-S . M. U. series by a 5-4 tally. The game, which VTUS featured by home runs of Har­ ris, Hume, Walker, and Speer, was one of the most thrilling games ever taged on Clark Field. The score seesawed throughout the contest and it was not until the final out in the ninth that the S. M. U. team had put the game on ice. A paradoxical situation presented itself to the packed grandstand that saw the Ponies and Longhorns lock up through the long nine-inning hec­ tic battle. The heavy bats of the Texas team that rang so frequently silenced, Monday were com pletely the Mustangs while the sticks of rang out at will, putting the Ponies on the sacks in nearly every inning of the game. the five innings Muelder, a young Texas pitcher who hurled for the Longhorns, was higthly ineffec­ tive and was touched for one, two, and three hits in every inning he was In his six inning stay he in the box. was touched for IO hits that scored four runs for the Ponies, giving them the victory. While Baker, who took the mound in the seventh, was credited with the it was not due to his pitching that the game was not a Texas victory. It was the brilliant headwork o f the Texas team behind Muelder that saved the game from being a top-heavy victory for the Ponies. loss, Hook* a n d S p e e r H eroes Plan of Building Committee POLLARD LEAVES FOR TEXARKANA TO UPHOLD Mc d o n a l d w il l c a s e A ttorney General Claude Pollard passed through Austin Tues­ day on his w ay from San A ntonio to rexarhana where he will take charge o f the U n iv e r s ity ’s defense in the contest of tho Mc- Ij ,,,..1(1 vvill The appeal from the Paris District Court will he heard by the Court o f Civil A ppeals at Texarkana on Thursday, ______________ ______________ March 31. Judgment was FI CKE R E A D S Relatives of W. J. McDonald, w ho* left more than a million dollars to i the University for the erection of an he astronomical observatory when the died last year, have contested in will. favor of the University in the pro- «j«be p (.pUl^m(n t of Visual Edisca­ bate court and in the district court) nt Paris. a Texarkana, there wil! be only one aeries of lectures on “The Geography further possible appeal, the supreme jcaj Backgrounds of Literature” at at Court. O N G E R M A N Y T H I S E V E N I N G If the decision is upheld a t. y on w jjj j)n ! 4 o’clock Wednesday afternoon t the second of rendered ---------- for from in size 1 2 , ranging fettle Campus, p r jj y Fiche will read and will su}>j(Vt “ Southern Ger- Tile contest over the will of the late W. J. McDonald of Paris, Texas,] who left $1,000,000 to the University for the construction o f an astronom­ many and the Rhine,” He will bring ; ical observatory, has delayed the con­ out a number o f view's on the varied sideration of sites. Up to this time landscape. beauty o f the German ,r,d Especial attention will be given to only acres to OOO acres, and located be- t!u. points 0f contact between Ger- tween one and 45 miles from A u s-;man thought and the literature of tin, have students who are planning a trip com mittee in charge of the location is, soon to renew activities however. ro the continent will find this lec- New spots will be visited in the hope jure of value, since there will be a that conflict over the will in the detailed discussion of the present- higher courts will soon be at an end. day opportunities for the traveler in The observatory will probably be con-, Europe. Eructed near Austin. I he America an,i England, — ©*-------- considered. been A c a d e m S en io rs M eet T o n ig h t T o P e rfe c t C lass O rg a n iz a tio n NECESSITATE J E n la r g e d Structure to Involve H a l f Million Dollars of Building Fund ( \ By M A T T IE S A L L E R An exten sion o f th e p r e s e n t library building to co st a p ­ p rox im ately h a lf a m illion d o l­ lars is u n d er co n sid eratio n o f the F a cu lty B u ilding C o m m it­ tee, Dr. J. VV. Battle, chairman said is probable that the yesterday. west wing of the building will be ex­ panded necessitating the removal o f J Hall and the University Press. Ar­ rangements would have the changes completed by the fall of 1928. It for. The The extensions would include new reading rooms, work rooms, more stacks, and seminar rooms would bo provided architecture would be the much the same design as the present building harmonizing with it, A Dallas architect is work­ ing on blueprints now. The amount of enlargem ent will depend on the appropriations secured for the build­ ing changes. another Some discussion was held in re­ gard to building library building, to be located either w est or south of the Main Building. Such a structure would cost approximately one million dollars. The reserve library which is now in the north wing of the Main Build­ ing would be moved to the enlarged library. If these plans are appioved by the faculty they vvill be submitted I to the board of Regents at tjieir next M ayes W ill A ddress T exan S taff M em bers Thursday at 4 :3 0 Governor Will IL Mayes, former the chairman of journalism, will get ac the Texan workers and give a short talk at the regular meeting of the sta ff Thursday after­ noon at 4:30 in M. IL l o t , the edi­ tors have announced. spring t rib I Following Gov, M aye’s in­ information will be structions and and announce­ given the workers ments for the term made. All re­ porters, assistants, issue editors, de­ partment heads, and special writers are expected to be at the meeting. Ie art rn en t of I especially urged to be present at au ain ted with I their mooting tonight at 7:45 in the 1 According Seniors of the A cade rn School are meeting April 18. Building Fund* Available The money for this building bf to to tom e from the University Building futid o f approximately $450,000 a year secured from interest on oil roy­ alty bonds. The legislature having passed a bill in the fall requiring that tbe in te re st on this m oney be used in th e fu tu re . A for building purposes at the Univer- It will allow for one building each year if the rate Law Auditorium. Horace Aiken, president of the class, many things will be ^discussed at this gathering that are very important. An attempt will be made to organ- he th e class so th a t b e tte r co-opera- tion can be had num ber of suggestions m ade to the prerid* n t fo r the class to take u n d er advisem ent, i he Senior j 0£ in te re st does not deviate, Tbe extension of the w est wing o f d ance, th a t did not m aterialize in the ; be fu rth e r discuss-; t be lib rary would necessitate the te a r ­ w in ter term , will ed and J (j,,vvn of J Hall and the U n p e r ­ is to have an ad the plan son ior dance. The Seniors of all the sj^y press. These d ep artm en ts would the Little schools f*n the cam pus will be invited, probably be moved to T hen th e re is to be some discussion c am pUS> possible suggestions have a p e rm a n en t j ftlso been m ade aa to m oving th em to on the plan to elect old power b uilding o r building a p re sid e n t and se c re ta ry o f the class j to serve the class a f te r g rad u atio n . new shaek fo r them . have been s jty each year. Athletic Council G r a n t s Coach Littlefield Permis­ sion to Train • T H FOlffl WEEKS . Beular, Joe King, Baldwin, Sewall A m ong Lettermen to Participate B y L Y N W O O D B O Y E T T the S tartin g Monday, ath ­ letes th at are to fig h t V a r s ity ’s gridiron duels next fall will be­ gin the long grind that w ill not come to a clim ax until the Or­ ange and White of Texas battles the Maroon and White of Aggieland on Kyle Field in the annual Thanksgiv­ ing Day contest. The Athletic Coun­ cil has granted Coach Clyde L ittle­ field permission to start spring train­ ing, and the first m eeting of pros­ year's pective candidates for next Longhorn football eleven will be Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the this Y. M. C. A. auditorium. At time plans will be made for the pre­ season training period. Coach Lit­ tlefield and the members of the fo o t­ ball coaching sta ff will be present. Although Monday will be the first day that the men can be seen in practice, old Z Hall will be surround­ ed with the seasonal football at­ mosphere the last of this week, for the issuing of equipment will take I b oot-j place Friday and Saturday, balls, orange sweaters, shoes, the doctor's kit, and other such para­ phernalia that goes with the gladia­ tors of the gridiron will be given out by Major Eckdahl. L ast* F ou r W eek* Spring training will last for a per­ iod of four weeks. During this time those out will be drilled in the fun­ game. Kicking, damentals of the passing, blocking, tackling, sidestep­ p in g , etc., will fill the programs foi that afternoons so that when the cal; is sounded next September the squad will be able to swing into the more co m p licated work that goes with a smooth-running machine. A N NIE MAE ENGEL is secre- tary of the Y.W.C.A. a t pres­ ent. She is also a member of the International Present Day Club, Relations Club, Cap and Gown, and Versus. She will receive her B.A. degree in June and her M.A. in August. LARGEST LO N G H I! M arch Issue of C am pus L iter­ ary M agazine Is R eady for S tudents Do you know a lazy fat man in your home town who spins yarns by the hour? Or an ignorant sheriff whose hazy ideas o f justice could bo outwitted by a romantic vagabond? Or a ranting member of a women’s club who still that French insists novels aren’t “ nice?” Matches in the Racquet Club’s All student in the U niversity wish- Round Robin Tournament started in December and will be finished one J fog to sign up tor work o an> na lu r e on the paper are asked to at­ week before, “ T” Night. Winners tend the meeting. will be awarded a gold and a silver jin in the form of a racquet. talk, the victory. Hooks and Speer were again the heroes o f the Dallas team that car­ ried home It was Speer’s homer in the seventh that gave S. M. U. the 5-4 lead that ended in During the first two weeks the game in a brilliant victory for May the All-University Women’s Eli­ them, And it was Hooks’ brilliant mination Tournament will be held. work at first and at the bat that students, Women faculty members, filled in behind the team for the nee- an(j University officials may com- cssary punch to put over the M u s-, pe^e rpbjg tournament will involve tang win. Craig, who substituted for Kimbrough behind the bat, was also an effective contributing factor to the S. M. U. victory, as his triple in the second inning scored a run, as did his double in the sixth, and follow ing that double, he himself scored in front of Hume’s homer. The Longhorns had a glorious op­ the portunity to win the game in ninth a brilliant rally that filled the bases with but one out. Harris then end­ ed the game by hitting into a double play. It was a case of S. M, U. luck, however, that kept the winning run reading will be given from crossing the plate. For Mann, j morning’s Texan. Dr. R. II. Griffith of the English department will be in charge of the regular public reading this w c(k. Dr. Griffith has not yet announced the author from whom he will read, as he substituted, at the last mom­ ent for another professor who was unable to read Reading Thursday G riffith Speaks at inning when they staged sjng]es an(j doubles. in Thursday If you do or don’t, the March issue The number of candidates report­ of the Longhorn Magazine, which ing for spring practice will prabably be the largest that the coaches have J will be distributed beginning at IO had in many moons, and among this [ o’clock today at the University Co-op, quantity will also be found a certain f will interest you, according to cpin- ions expressed at a pre-view of the amount of quality. A wealth of ma­ magazine Tuesday. terial is coming up from the frosh squad and a large number of last season’s letterm en will again tread the turf for Varsity. As this ma­ terial is looked over, the prospects seen are rosier than an early-Ma\ "rose blush. Most of those that will be on hand Monday will be men of from one to two years’ competition in Southwestern circles. Featured by an unusual number of book reviews, three short stories, two essays and numerous prose sketches and poems, the March issue of 48 pages is the largest issue ever pub­ lished. M a in sta y s A re Back Little Eddie Beular and Joe King This is the third issue in 1927, and and from the January, F ebruary .March issues for the best poems, which a prize o f $15 is offered each term by the University Co-op, and will be able to fill Mack Saxon’s \ the best prose selection, for which a term prize of $ 1 0 is offered by the shoes when it comes to running the Home Drug Company, will be select­ team. Leo Baldwin and Ike Sewall ed by a group of judges and an­ are old letterm en that did not par­ nounced within the next week, ac­ ticipate in any of last season’s^con Ford, two cording to the editors. Only tests. Potsy Allen, Hughes, Captain Rufus Kins, E stes, and J im -1 more issues o f the Longhorn will ap- I ^ ^ p ^ r h o r U t o p ! ' who was playing rn ie Boyles are letterm en answering pear „nd students desirous o f pub- L >nd out o f took , Iarrjs. the role should have gone for while Captain Ox Higgins, Rhoades. Jong session prize o f $50 offered by Tignor, Wray, C offey, and Cowley will be letter­ men back for line positions. Out of 21 letterm en, there are only six lost to the 1927 team. prose selection should submit «opy to the editors rn L Hall at once, it was , g ^ announced. a , fK to „ contributed mate- ^ (hc Lo„ ghorn |o w . Davis, ceIltcrfielder> dropped Dub. McCullough, Terrell, I thc Texas Book Store for tho best I a lishing material to compete for backfield Pos, tons, th e, ^ ^ for iti ^ G raduate Students at Barbecue Event Eat Chicken Friday o - ---------- - o J J - H S p e a k * * The se c re ta ry will co-operate w ith the Ex-Students Association and wilt p . endeavor to keep trac k of the mem­ b ers o f th e class when they leave the Graduate student* of the Univer University to mingle with the rest of sity will be engaged from 4 :30 until j the world. In this way there will be 7 p. rn. on Friday on the banks of more or less unity and at the end of Dr. W infield Scott Hall, professor Barton' Creek, participating in an fjvt, yfars there is planned a reunion, emeritus o f the Medical school o f old-fashioned chicken barbecue, with Besides this there will be a gradua- Northwestern University and one' o f emphasis on the “chicken.” S everal; tjon program to be worked out, and j the foremost authorities on physio- shipments ofthe choice fow ls have a1- th e election o f the Spring term off:i- j loffy -n the United States, spoke to I men in freshman physical training * ! classes Tuesday night at the UwhNllP^ sity Methodist church. Attendance was compulsory, freshmen men who ; received credit f or P. T„ being dis- _——_ — o— T o A ddress M e e t . m A « R n r l a t i n n Of Retail A ssociation A ustin Rotary C l u h t t o P . T . C l a s s e s a n d ing in each day, it is said. _______ . . . . . . . ---- n - * — — , I missed from next Friday classes Professor A. IL Cox, director of ; the; the Bureau o f Research, will attend • gpoke t o the Austin Tuesday on the subject la m eeting of the Retail Dry Goods j 4.Amt/rica and Her Boys ” He is nat- authority on ad- Association in Dallas next week. Dl; j l0 najly known as an ^ Sc oU The subject o f the J ready a r r i v e d , with s p e c i a l cars com- cora. The public reading will be held as usual Thursday afternoon at 5 o’clock in room 12 o f the Biology Labora­ tory. ASSEMBLY MEETS TODAY At the Assembly meeting today at the j Aside from being an informal get- together t o r thin meeting promises high class music by! select members of the G lee Club, swim m ing ,a good lunch, an d a de- lig h tfu l rest from the to ils of day. graduates, G raduates who wish to tak e From the frosh team debutes that boy, “ Big U n” Rose, Brown, Pugh. Cheatham, Modisette, Krueger, and numerous others who are going to make somebody hustle a bit if they make the call of the referee’s whis­ tle announcing the kickoff. A num­ ber o f reserve lettermen will also be on hand for the building of a for­ midable football machine. HOSPITAL LIST S e t o n Alice Hill, Sarah Fox, W. B. Clin­ ton, Walter R e s e ll, Then. Cottle, Dick Robb, Alton Lockett. lins’ fly bal! to center which should j 4 o clock a blanket tax committee . ■ • have been an easy out, and which will be appointed, thc eligibility bill much-needed outing cost the Longhorns the winning tally, will be discussed, and routine bust- reservations with Miss Allen in the Then, had Baker been sen t into the ness will be attended to in addition to j Garcia L ibrary, according box an the might have been staved off. (Continued on page G) * letics to replace the Senior C ouncil.! mittee. d efeat i the bill proposing the creation o f an I Hargrave and Justine Harris, to- Association. Dr. ( ox wi a so com- a t the S outhw estern Political Then, j executive board for furthering ath- chairmen of the attendance He ju st came mc to E stes where he attended the ‘ should m ake, Ro cai eh of t ie inning earlier, Social Society. im e isi > <> * “ " — i - rom of this o p p o rtu n ity for a Cox will speak on ‘ The f anlage - i ^r. Cox will also speaK t °* })iology ( anthropology and sociology -» pwtogy, — , tx .. ^ wag professor of biology at Hav- * a*|;er^or - • t Pearl; Klett. Mamie; Waters, Mary T.J Weber, Eleanor;) ^ Frank; ; Lowther, Gladys* Me- Weed, Margaret; W estcot, Mary| Williams, Agnes; W ilcox, Darthuia. Rinser, Lillian Krost, Martin CuHough, John T .; McDaniel, Louise; Maddox, Maude L .; Manz, Olga; Mark, Melvin J.; Mathers, Fred; M attel, Mrs. Em ily Braden; Mitchell, Nicholas; Mixson, Keith; Clifton CUM L A U D E A M P L A E T M A G N A A m o n g the B est 1 5 4 out o f 3 3 7 5 S tu d e n ts Abernathy, Mrs. Frances Dickson; Abernathy, Marshall M.; Altheimer, An- dress, William T.; Armer, Annie A.; Farler, Frances M .; Ball. H allie; B ar-] nes, Ethel U ; Bennett N ellie; Bow­ man, Edith V.; Bryan, Gordon K ey;! Caller, Mildred Luella; Cox, Mauz- tenc; Davis, Charles Edwin; Davis, K ingsley, Decherd, Loraine; Dunlay, Hugh G.J Eckert, F lo ra ; Eikel, Rob- 1 E B Y S P E A K S A T C H A P E L The talk at chapel this morning by Dr. Frederick 10b>» o f the History of Educa- This talk vvill be on one of the - ...................................... ™ anomalies of A m erica, and will be o f a scries of talks on the var­ ious anomalies o f America. Dr. Eby intends to speak before chapel an one anom aly a day for the rest of tha^ week. TODAY’S CALENDAR 4 p. in,— Reading by Dr. Fieke, Little Campus. 5 p. m.— Reagan Society* Gifk* Study Hall. Y .W .C .A . 5 p. m.— Freshman Commie*!®** 5 p. rn.—Hogg Auxiliary* ley Bible Chair. 7 p. rn.—A. I. E. E-—Engineer­ ing Building 102. m u —— T H E D A I L Y T E X A f f M M \ U N I V E R S I T Y H A S L A R G E N E W S P A P E R C O L L E C T IO N u .##■■—. at I'.IJH . U niveraity O rganizations to Broadcast O ver Station K U T W ednesday XII. p a g e 2 VISIT OF DADS AND MOTHERS STIRS HIGH IDEALS AMONG STUDENTS HERE By GUSTAVO W FERNANDEZ “ Gosh, you better h urry up Mdinf thrw Greta Garbo pictures before anythin© else h a p p e n - said the etude, when he prepared himself and bis surroundings to welcome his par- cote in a most humble manner, for the Dads’ and Mothery’ Day Th* brand new ’‘Standard -15” {chanted on the a r a aal account) and all the mew apparel for th* spring, were ako confined to the moat inercnitabl places of tho room ; the Bible ara* placed in a prominent place on the table . . . and evei vt bing was ready for the arrival of the IIIcfH Powells of the family, The U aivereiiy of Texas has I most extensive collection o f new s­ papers, This collection includes the local paper*, county-seat papers, and papers o f the la rg e r cities from al! over the state. T he editors send free of charge. They are bound in each m onth and then filed. T here are daily paper*, w eekly paper*, and sem i-weekly papers. The state paper* are also recorded. A ll-U n iversity C om m ittee Is W orking Out Details of Program -------- th eir When papers and papers from a " ts im p o rtan t the The m ost are safety. for an ail-U uiversity welcome As for the eo-ada, both the pack­ age o f Ch eft e rf Wda and the latest novel of Percy Marks were su b stitu t­ ed by a set of bodkins and a copy of the Ladies Home Journal, (O f course f i r la that do not smoke and do not read popular hooka did n o t have to effect ouch substitution.) These papers date hack to 1850: the papers published before this tim e j fire filed in the archives and are kept I T en tativ e plans have been adopted in vaults to ensure fo r Interscholastic L eague contest- Among the U niversity collection ar*- national they come to A ustin May 5 >" th *‘ir seventeenth annual m eet. other states th a t d ate back to 1820. national P lans are being draw n up by a c m * York miu<>e appointed recen tly by Dr. W. papers T ribune and New York W orld, a n d ! **• w * %»lawrb and D r* M* R G ut' the filings of these papers cover a ’’■ch > th * fh a in n a n , has m ade assign- they long period. The N ational InU lii- I m ei>U a* to thp p rep aratio n of the saw with arg* cable th at geneer wa* the m ost im p o rtan t paper! vario«* Pa r t« ®f the program , th eir children did not look *o(nothing filed up to and d u rin g the Civil W ar. like what they had seen in the ©ol- The most im p o rtan t national paper leg** m agazine th* y received at homo today is the U nited S tates D aily; the . . • ‘‘W hat* the name of th at book.' r o ip.r ^ 0Q of this paper was begun in Oh, ye*, tho R anger.” And they w ere still m o rt s u rp r-c d when m n a n d ; an extensive collection of daughter solid ted ly conducted them fo re irn pap,.ra files the nigh the d iffe re n t beau ty spots j T h en , are p ap cr« f rom M\\ over th *1 instead of ru n n in g : w orJd, France> G erm any, England, of the can,pus, around with th. rn friends like they Latin A m erica, etc. These m t,d to a t viUe, the old h o m e l y ^ h y papers, and they arc com- The program will be in th re e parts, addresses o f an introduction with welcome- by various stu d e n t activities, and a concluding benediction. G overnor Doh Moody principal ' ad­ i* scheduled fo r th e the S ta te ,” dress, “ E ducation and while P resid en t Splawn will give a welcome talk and T. H. Shelby, dean of extension, and Roy Bedichek, head of league, will m ake speeches. th * parents arrived, surprise ,an exhibition am ong T pere New j , l2r. th e the The Diapason Club will broadcast an org an program over Kl I W ed­ nesday night, M arch 80, a t 8.30 p. rn. j from the; U niversity B ap tist C hurch.! The public is invited to atten d . Se-1 lections from the fellow ing program will be given: i T ra n q u ility O rien tate T o r j usa* n J • Rogers - L ille May C arp e n te r IL P relude and F uge .... C hristen en j S hepherd’s F lu te . C hristensen H ilda W iden IL G roup of songs: 1. H ed g e 2. Rose K lated Me Tonight ........£ - C raw ford 3. P assin g By _______ M arling -----— E dw ard Gladys G ru b er A ccom panied by Mr*. Modrall IV. Interm ezzo H ym nus ..................... - Orca* Von Lietz Mrs. L im ier V. A nd an tin e T ours Pilg rim s C horus f ro m T ra n h a u se r ... _______ * W agner ..... -- -• C atherine Cook VI. R uona N otte flig h t) from V cnetian S uite — ......... Nevin (Good George C ooper VIL T w ilight . — ................... P rim e ofther1 Even Song Johnston ; Iris S herford V H I. A n g e lu s .............. M assenet I v (1\ ^ > r' * V*? ’ " | *' 'b 'N' . J ‘ ’* ;$' ^ . •' ' *. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1927. I I Gefilte M arche N uptial ...... K ieth Mixson IX. S ong, A ria, C o n n ah -T u I a Pay From Opera .Mignon Miss G ruber .... ..... X. S erenade M arch in E S hobert B a rre tt M re. O f a r l i n t ins i XI. B erceuse Dickenson Mrs. Mod rail Gothic S uite ............. C ochrane Fen lek Melody _ ..................... X III. to rc h lig h t Marco Sadie Bell B rady Boellman Do we* Clark PLAYERS PRESENT EACH COMEDY - Cast W ell Chosen for The G oose H angs H igh ’ at H ancock T onight A ustin Ct m m unity Play- re will p resen t “ The Goose H angs H igh.” a com edy by Lewis Beach, at the H an­ to n ig h t a t 8 cock O pera House P air Co-eds Tote Rod and Chain in Engineering Class /"'■O-F.DS are reg istered in alm ost every t otirx- in the U niver­ a T exan sity. The o th e r day hill th e scribe wa. w alking up when he noticed th re e charm ing young dam sels With rod, level and chain. The said scribe- th o u g h t he was victim of hallucinations, but la te r found out th a t th e th re e fa ir co­ eds w ere re g iste re d fo r Civil E n­ gineering 136, w orking fo r th e ir degree in a rc h ite c tu re , and doing st little field w ork. Soon C. E. 136 will have a full ro ste r. • lock, w ith a ca st which is com- ? lete in every way, each ch a rac te r being well ad ap ted to bks part. “ The Goose H angs H igh” is a st ry o f m odern children whose p ar­ ents have sacrificed ev e ry th in g to give them a fine s ta r t in life and to keep th em happy, y et who have not been reared to G ran n y ’s standard*. T h action tak es place a t th© Ingate hom e d uring the C hristm as holidays, while the children are home fo r the holidays. The cast includes the follow ing: B ern a rd Ingate, Mr. E. C. M unroe; E unice Ingate, Mrs. H enry P etri J r . ; Noel Derby, Mr. Max J. W e rk en th in ; o Day, Mr. Tora G reen; R hoda, Miss E udora G a rre tt £ Ju lia M urdock, Miss Josephine T heis; Mrs. B radley, Mrs. Martyr* E llio tt; Hugh Ingate, Mr. Elves S m ith; R onald M urdock, Mr. Gill G unn; Lois Ingais, M iss A nna C asw ell; B radley Ingate, Mr. Dolphin M etcalfe; Dogma r C arro ll, Miss M artha R eese; E lliott K im berly, Dr. A lbert L. Deveney. The play is directed by Mrs. J. Lloyd Mccham. T ic k e t’ fo r the play are on sale * a t the Hancock. --------------o-------------- f , Varsity Peacocks Are Players at Saturday All-University Dance V arsity Peacock.*, a nine piece or- e h e rtra c o m p o e d c f U nviersity un­ derg rad u a te s, will fe a tu re the re g u ­ the la r S atu rd ay night W om an’s Gym, according to A lton L uckett, m anager. dance a t rn ’m if; rn ■ . ffe:- ■%* lb*, ii Style, Leadership W e 'r e ru n c y Tor you now With C kithcraft Clothes That will Be just aa Wearable A year From now! Advanced! Not in pricc- But in style! The Longhorn Band, D u stin High Schorl Band, O range Jac k ets, Cow­ exhibitions by m en’* j boys, A thletic and wom en’s classes, two glee clubs, and th e C horal C lub a re the I organizations scheduled to ap p ear on 1 the second p a rt of the program . the A special souvenir edition of The to} Daily T exan will be d istrib u ted visitors up* n i and the co n testan ts th e ir re g istratio n T hursday m orning J — —-— -~o— ---- —~ Playwright, Mother of Student, Visits Campus Mrs. Molly Godboid, m other of N at Godbold, U niversity stu d en t, was a guc-^t for the Dad* and M oth­ She is the au th o r ers celebration. of “ Help Yourself,* ’a com edy in three acts which has been p resen ted in various Texas tow ns recently. T his com edy can be played w ith­ out or with music. She is a dost rub •ut of the fam ous H etty E. M -<»re authoress, the noted T exas Davis, Mrs. Davis’ work can bo found in the archive?, of the Univeraity, Thurlow B. Weed FU N ER A L HOME PH O N ES SOSO— 6317 AMBULANCE Begin With a Firm Foundation I piled m onthly. Such gentle disposition* shown by! Th how ever, is It* coelection of u oplea:a it m em ories, acc**riling * *> g^ythern papers, covering a period D a d s opinion, and so, he, with th at j before and d u rin g the Civil W ar. Mr, admirable tact that only parent* ran U ttle fk .ld d o n n e d a special fund for last; have, avoided any allusion very valuable te rm ’s grades, while M ather w o u ld ; be obtained proc dad to divide the cake she made Co!IectiofH arf, he\ng purchased all a t home, listening with com placency I ^ to s is te rs clothe* she bad to buy to ") foi the w inter and spring term *.; <.lud4,{j gmong thage time< Such papers nt the C har on (% ,urkr, New O rleans papers, ( just had , Bnd carjy Tennessee papers arc in­ this collection, and copies m ay th e re fo re detailed story th - on to the The day passed by, with n o t a sin- git- ( loud (silver-lined or iu>t( to dis- tu rb the pariarcha! ha opiner * of th* fam ily, and when tim e of de p artu re came fo r Dad and M other, laudable edifying residutioaa determ ination* cam.! from th e young people, assuring th e ir parent* to make b e tte r grades tho spring. Bot Dad iy, in the Meanwhile, would wink irresistible a t M other, saying with logic, “ Byos will be boys.” and in REED TD LECTURE Music Director to G ive T w o Public Lectures on Drama, “ Parsifal” of TW-- U niversity public lectures will be- given T hursday o f this week in K Hail on Richard Wagner*# music dram a. “ P a rsifa l,” by Mr. F ran k L. Reed. D ire ^»r o f th e U nivereity Con­ serv ato ry of Unixerfity lee, tureF are free to th e public. These will be illu stra te d by ninety lan tern alldits showing the scenes the dram a and ala© the symbolical in ter­ p retation of the sto ry rn well a# the music. religious dram a and has a significance t thor tho te x t and than the mere story of the visible dfatna. is this inner It hidden m eaning th at the lectures in­ terp ret. The Introduction and F irst Act will b i given in the first lecture a t 4 'A k k ami the second and third Acts in the evening a t 8 o’clock. Mr. Reed has been a student of W agner music and lite ra tu re f a r many year:- and ha* assem bled ar? in terestin g col­ lection of pictures an the subject. “ P a rsifa l” is a ~ I E L l o o m s G ives Illustrated Talk in K Hall A uditorium This E vening at 7 :1 5 W ednesday evening, March 30. a' 17:15 p. rn. VV. A. Noel, M echanical E ngineer of the I Bited S tates De ! port me?:? of A griculture will exhibit i motion picture reel together wit? ; lantern slides in th * A uditorium o . * K Hall on the su b ject of "D ust Ex In addition to (h is exhi I lesion*.” I hition, Mr Noel will a teo show a min ; iatu re grain elevator in which actual dust explosion are produced. in The Austin C ham ber of Coraraerc. has sent cu t invitations to those men ! ngeged the gTain business, oil mills, wood w orking establtehmentK and also fire m a rsh a ls fire chiefs insurance men, chem ists, and proles atonal v num ber o f business men are exp ct cd to be p resen t a t this d em o n stra­ tion. engineer*. C onsequently is in interested Anyone who th* object of D ust Explosion* is invited to come to the tk-rm m stiation. The C ham ber of C om m erce has arran g e d for the lecture to be on the U niver lily C am pus in o rd er th a t those s tu ­ dents who are in tere ste d in this sui* J ct may have the privilege of te a m ­ ing rat re ab o u t it. J. W, G ruber will bt in charge o'. the moi ton p ictu re m achine, and .Sidney P, Sm ith, V ice-P resident, in d a tria l B ureau of the C ham ber of Commerce is in charge o f the gen ral arran g em en ts. J M R i S h few*- Heft* in the University, you are likely com pleting the last section of the foun­ dation for your life’s work. A checking account will strengthen your plans. Join the other 1,500 stu­ dents and faculty members who have accounts at this convenient institution. Checkin© A c c o u n t* — D ep o sit B o x e s T r a v eler* ’ C hequ e* — T im e D e p o r t * UNIVERSITY BANK (U N IN C O R PO R A T E D ) Resource* and Individual R#*pon*ibility Over $250,000.00 2324 Guadalupe St. •IMM THE DAILY TEXAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY a u t o p a i n t s h o p PLUMBERS <«tlni*a v*«r car w ith author!**© Due** AUTO PAINT SHOP iO* Col*. E. I t Cot* Ph*>n* 4008 E. RA VEN. PLUM BER "Whirr# poo© phi mb In* repair* ar* wa©* Phona «?« I ©OX Lavaca St. DOCTORS POTATO CHIPS DR £ . m. CROWDER, D entist DMC* Piton* IKM MM Sc ar brott* b BM*. IU*. Piton* M IS A ustin, Tax** LUMBER BRYDSON LUM BER CO. B niM is* M aterial of All Kin©© Phene ( • t h Wk© Gu*4*l«p* C A R P E T C L E A N E R S Rug* Cknne©. Rebound— Work Qua? an teed CAPITOL CARPET CLEANERS ZI IT Ct*? A#*., B lack A C o o p e r , Pb ©539 TINNERS AND ROOFERS CACE BROTHERS Furnace*, Roofing, MR© Tin W ork ■Mb A Re© River St*., Repairing, Phone §279 Stn©*ot. in ana It fit* that picnic bas, n a m ber salt*© peanut*, po (at* chip*. S A M PRODUCTS Phan* SOB© 304 W**t ©th St W ANTED TO BUY W * Pay th* H ighest Price* for C ast-off Clothing na© Shoe* 40V E ast ©lh St. Phone ©TI) W A NTED TO BUY H ighest cash price paid Clothing, Shoes, and Suit Cases, for Second-hand A. SCHW ARTZ— Phone 3T«J EASTER APPAREL Will he ready soon. W atch for im p o rta n t a n n o u n c e m e n ts from A u stin s lead in g m e r ­ c h a n ts in I h e Daily Texan. Never Before Has Style Leadership More Thoroughly Expressed Itself /. A s In Our Present Sprmg Selections Spring Suits f o r S ty le d college m en. d iscrim in atin g \ o u r choice h ere of th e 4 hest m a k e s in th e c o u n try of y o u n g m en s styles. H art-Schaffn er & Marx Learbury Alco Lansrrock 830 $35 $40 un lo $75 O u r prices c a n be e q u a lle d T h e sty le a n d value nev er S atisfa c tio n G u a r a n te e d STEBBINS & JAMES H a r t S c h a ffn e r & M a rx C lo th es "That’s. the ticket I” A welcome summons to the best thing any cigarette can give — natural tobacco taste /j. A ■ 2SJo other cigarette offers a like measure o f natural qualities, naturalness o f character, purity of taste, and genuine tobacco good­ ness. N atural tobacco taste gh es all that—and then some I '* L i g g e t t st M y t r s T o b a c c o C o . — — - MiWftii ... p>.— w«....... ..I -------- ---------------------------- E ngineers Should Be Looking A head Today, Long T ells Ramshorn Ramshorn Chapter of the A. A. E. met Tuesday night in the Engineer­ ing Building with a very interest ing speaker for the evening. VV. h. Long of the Austin Chamber of Commerce was tho speaker of tho evening. is Mr. Long had as his topic, the verse taken from tho Book of Prov-j #rh$ th a t to be seen on every j Chamber of Commerce publication; “ Whorl’ there is no vision, tho peo­ ple perish.” In connection With his topic, Mr. Long stated tho advisa­ bility of looking ahead of today. V Mr. Long stressed the point that ' the engineers of today should not re ­ fuse or pass up tho opportunity to assist the younger and rising genera lion in any way possible. That the trouble with the engineers of today is th at they forget how hard it was to struggle up to the position and prestige that he has now attained. It was shown th at there was more hap­ piness to be gained by sharing your knowledge and ability with some one w ho is less fortunate than to be sel­ fish and adhere to the standard of letting every one stand on their own merits. The speaker did not mean that the person in question should de­ pend oil the successful one for en­ tile aid but that there was always some little bit of help or a word of encouragement that means so much the rising engineers. A short business meeting was held im­ talk, and the mediately social plans put forward. following to present Many of the visiting dads and mothers were a t Vespers Monday evening. A very interesting program was given, including a solo by Mr. J. A. McCurdy, accompanied by his brother, Marion McCurdy; de­ votional', conducted by Helen Rob­ erts, who read verses from the Bible referrin g to love as a subject on Dada and Mothers Day; and a violin solo by Miss U nnie Allrid, accompanied by Miss Lillian Augspurger. Around the Bases W it h D i c k M c M u r r a y Y o u c a n ’t e v e r te ll w h a t a l e f t handler it g o i n g to d o . A b o u t 1 0 ,,- 0 0 0 o f t h e m w e n t t o w a r a n d n o t a t i n g l e o n e w a s k il le d . At Waco there are two dangerous left handers. Both are pitchers for the Baylor Bear baseball team . Stall­ ings is the name of one, and Sheldon is the cognomen of the other. th is a n d N o w , c h i l d r e n , S t a l l i n g s i n t o t h e b o x a g a i n s t t h e T. w e n t C. U . B u l l f r o g s F r i d a y d id r i g h t n o b ly . H e a l l o w e d t h e B u l l ­ f r o g s b u t f i v e h i t s , a n d c r a s h e d o u t f o u r o f t h e t h e m w e r e B e a r s had. h o m e r u n s t h e s e v e n w i n n i n g r u n s th a t f e a t u r e d th e s e v e n h it s t h a t s e n t a c r o s s T w o o f t h a t in th e 7 - 5 B a y l o r v i c t o r y o v e r T . C. U . to o p e n t h e c o n f e r e n c e s e a ­ s o n . N o , y o u c a n ’t e v e r t e l l w h a t a c r a z y l e f t h a n d e r w ill d o . Morley Jennings, new Baylor coach, is second only to Billy Disch of Texas as the greatest baseball country. man in this p a rt of the Under the tutelage of brank Bridges, Stallings did fair, but was wild, but Jennings seems to have ironed out most of the difficulties and develop­ ed a real star. He is an excellent coach for pitchers, and has certainly worked wonders with a team th at was the gruesome Baylor shattered by tragedy. All of which looks bad for the Longhorns when they go up against the Bears in the first Baylor series th a t'w ill be played in Waco April 14 and 15. The Bears also have something besides pitchers. A . & M. A N D R I C E At Aggieland Friday, the Rice Owlets gave the Aggies the scare of their lives. The score of the open­ ing game of the series between these two teams was 6-5 in favor of the Aggies, but the score seesawed so much during the game th at the spec­ tato rs were dizzy from looking to see who was ahead. Million, the Aggie^ pitching ace from last y e a r’s team , was used against the Owls. He allowed them b u t four hits, but these were timely, and coupled with two Aggie errors, resulted in five runs th at came close to beating the touted and highly praised Aggie team . Bob Ables was the Rice pitcher, and held the big bats of the Aggies down to eight bingies, but eight hits is enough to win an ordinary baseball game. T h e A g g i e s a l r e a d y h a v e t h e i r f l a g p o l e e r e c t e d o n w h i c h t h e y a r e g o i n g to f l y t h e p e n n a n t t h e y w in th is y e a r . , imr We ju st wonder if th at flagpole hasn’t a bit of grease on it. S M A R T B A S E B A L L / T y r u s C o b b , w h o is n o w c o n n e c t ­ e d w it h T e x a s A . & M., a n d w h o f o r m e r l y w a s a m a n a g e r o f o n e o f C o a c h D ia c h ’s c h a m p i o n s h i p t e a m s w a s in A u s t i n T h u r s d a y t o s e e th e L o n g h o r n s a n d D e t r o i t p la y . C o b b , w h o is a n e x c e l l e n t b a s e b a l l a u ­ t h o r i t y d e s p i t e h is m i n i a t u r e f r a m e , s a id th a t t h e A g g i e s h a d a b e t t e r t e a m o f n a t u r a l b a s e b a l l p l a y e r s th a n t h e L o n g h o r n s , b u t t h a t t h e y w e r e d u m b . to over Cobb thinks th at Disch’s brains will put Texas another championship. W ith Texas’ usual should sm art baseball teams, they be able to beat the Aggies, even though the Aggies may have a bet­ te r club. A b it o f s m a r t n e s s w a s e x h i b i t e d la s t in s p u r t s b y T h u r s d a y a g a i n s t t h e D e t r o i t T i ­ g e r s . T h e r e w a s o n e f l a w in th e t h e L o n g h o r n s G R E E T I N G S , C A P T A I N O L L E ! l e t t e r m e n m a d e In s e l e c t i n g O lle as c a p t a i n o f th e t h e L o n g h o r n b a s e b a l l t e a m , a s ix L o n g h o r n is t h e b e s t all- w i s e c h o i c e . O l l e a r o u n d a t h l e t e in s c h o o l , a n d is a s t e lla r p e r f o r m e r in f o o t b a l l , b a s ­ is k e t b a l l, a n d b a s e b a l l . B a s e b a l l p e r h a p s bis b e s t s p o r t , t h o u g h h e h a s b e e n m e n t i o n e d f o r a l l - c o n f e r ­ e n c e h o n o r s in t h e o t h e r t w o s p o r t s as w e ll a s in b a s e b a l l. to If ever a man deserved be captain of a varsity nine, Olle does. A hard worker and an excellent a th ­ lete, and a generally likeable chap any­ who doesn’t have an enemy where, Olle should make an ideal leader. O lle h a s c r a s h e d in t o t h e l i m e ­ li g h t as a h e r o d e l u x e t w i c e in his L a s t s t a y in T e x a s U n i v e r s i t y . th e y e a r a g a i n s t C a p p o l e d t h e p ill o v e r l e f t f i e ld f e n c e to s c o r e a w i n n i n g r u n a h e a d o f h im , a f t e r t w o w e r e o u t in th e n in t h a n d T e x a s w a s a r u n b e h i n d . S o u t h w e s t e r n , t h e H o u s e T h is y e a r a g a i n s t o f D a v id b a s e b a l l t e a m , O l le k n o c k e d t w o h o m e r s , o n e o f w h ic h c a m e in i n n i n g t o t i e t h e s c o r e t h e n in t h a n d e n d t h e g a m e a 3 - 3 d e a d l o c k . Olle’s excellent record a t Texas University is preceded by one equally as brilliant at T. M. C. There he was a stellar four-letter m an, and th at they still talk about him in a th ­ school as one of the g reatest letes th a t ever graced it. T h e C h i c a g o W h i t e S o x a r e a n ­ x io u s to s i g n O lle a s s o o n a s h e g e t s t h r o u g h w it h h is c o l l e g e s e a ­ so n th is y e a r . E d d i e C o l l i n s at S h r e v e p o r t l a s t y e a r w e n t o u t o f his w a y t o s e e O l le p l a y , a n d a f t ­ er w a t c h i n g h im , r e m a r k e d a s to t h e b r i l l i a n c y o f h is m a n e u v e r s a r o u n d t h e h o t c o r n e r a n d a t th e bat. Not only is Olle an excellent ath ­ lete, but be. is an excellent student, making the best grades of any man in the “ T” Association at present. He has been awarded every honor th at the school can bestow upon him except m aking him or dean. Making excellent grades and competing in three sports is nothing to be sneered at. And if Olle chooses to go into professional baseball at | the close of his college career, we venture to say th at he will be one of the b etter players in the m ajor loops. president T h e A g g i e b a s e b a l l n i n e is c r e a t ­ i n g c o n s i d e r a b l e u n e a s i n e s s a m o n g t h e t e a m s o f t h e S o u t h w e s t C o n ­ t w i n v i e f e r e n c e , a l t h o u g h t h e i r i m ­ t o r i e s f r o m R i c e w e r e n o t a s p r e s s i v e a s t h e y m i g h t h a v e l#< en . T h e O w l s h a v e o n e o f t h e w e a k e s t s i n e * t e a m s c o n f e r e n c e t h e in G r a n d p a W o o d * h a d to d e t o u r b e ­ fo r e h e r e a c h e d t h e e l i g i b i l i t y b a r ­ rier s. I t is rum ored th at the Aggies have already erected the pole from which they will fly the 1927 baseball bunt­ ing. lf Coach Rothgeb’s men have gone this fa r we would suggest that the num bers, the they inspect, by foundation of said pole. Su eh Peve­ ly built flag poles as this are going to see some bad weather bofore these S h o r t y h a d t h e b u n c h s p i n n i n g a r o u n d t h e lik e S t a d i u m th e se n io r * m e c h a n i c a l H i g g i n s a n d B l a n t o n k e e p r u n n i n g t r a c k top*. l f th e 4 4 0 in le s s th a n 5 3 s e c o n d s as t h e y did S a t u r d a y s o m e b o d y ’* m ile r e la y t e a m w ill h a v e t o s t e p . Friday seems to be the jinx day for this boy Lamia. Je rry a fte r get­ ting a bad touch-off to Scotty VVy- song in the half mile relay to spoil a good race was bare ly beaten in the IOO yard dash. And that word bare­ ly means a close win for some ath ­ lete. The Eagle Lake lad dido t even place in the event, but the pic­ ture th at Dan MeCaskill has on dis­ play sure makes the form er Relay record holder look like he is helping somebody break the tape. F Subjects Relating to Business D evelopm ent Sent to Dean J. A . Fitzgerald relating Prizes fo r research to Business Development and the Mod­ em T rust Company, and Allied Sub­ jects have been announced for 1927, according to a bulletin received by Dean J. Anderson Fitzgerald of the School of Business Administration. There are two prizes to be given as follows: Triennial Research prize of $2,500; and the Monograph prize of $300 for first place, and $200 for second place. is “ The Triennial Research prize awarded every three years for an u n p u b lish e d study which is subm itted in competition and which is consider­ ed to contain the greatest original to knowledge and ad­ contribution vancement in the field outlined. “The award will be made in the autum n of 1927, and papers are due not later than June I, 1927. No res­ trictions are made as to eligibility of contestants for this prize.” For briefer studies, not exceeding are 20,000 words in length, there the monograph prizes which are awarded annually. This award will be made about December I, 1927, than and papers are due not later August 31, 1927. Competition for the annual mono­ graph prizes is open to students in commerce and law, and in depart- Sec O u t Wou* IM .COMMA Ti~*S K & S # « 9 5TC3LP„e.* C iCtCLES is f,M( H EQS A#4t> MOLO - Th i s *T&AA VUU..*. SCAGtE- frr*' i S o c J j I H ep. c u c k o o - A 5 A V 5 CVECjy TjM e VKI45 ? 1 Y ou I 05E *THDf .£. ( AMMu T C S O P Vo u Ql C“"~^ ____ _ 7 LIPE - Af MT THAT / ! h o t ? r - V V H A R O L D T E E N — G I G G L E S , T H E S P E N D T H R I F T ! PAUSE, W C A/AJ - A C>o You PEA LITE. J I CACH TASE. VOO KISS VouG. LIFE TS SHORTIE: Mf C> TF«EF. - v iV .lM O TES!/-^ " - H E Q ts rn'WAV Ti4' Dec OcX<=S «T-Th £ AvtQA&e ^E05Qwf> HfiA£3tr JEftTS C*».V J I 52.5,264,000 T//ACS «M A UTE. r»AAj~ - / U le r el OWE IS IM T n t T*IPOE5 OP A /,,/ > , Ki4S Th e . HEART .Tij a p :. rr?cN\ Tri \ A400*AAl *7oTblV4 AB4cC?MAO 9 0 * ) J/UCE. »T tofCcnPfcS TO A* IMOTES P o c o Th' h e a r t To Pj Co¥FC» ITS AJoQAAALCV 4 T HAS HEAT XCO E x t r a TWM <> if J T i - c t ' PT. •~' - * IIT o ThESS OJoUbS, T' IRF t v I bw i — *r /. J?- Av M< Hum SOE I T T *) M peM A^e ' ? S BEEM i i f' I i o s t ’ - M < WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 1927 i aa 6 c h m a s v >e m & Ta p e s , AA,HO TES Q ve HT *IOtM- S < O V A E .S fO A ft-K .4 S * K i s s ' r I the author o f th e volum e on Am eri­ including th e U niversity seal, lon g­ o f t h e C u r ta in < Tub in the Dallas can governm ent, which is to be ready for the press by Christm as, 1927. The su b jects covered in th e re­ m aining volum es are sta te, m unici­ pal, and com parative governm ent, po­ international organ­ litical theory, isation and adm inistration, political international law. The parties, and authorities who are to w rite the other volum es are from the U n iver­ sity o f Illinois, U n iversity o f W ash­ ington, U n iv ersity o f M ichigan, H ar­ vard, G eorgetow n U n iversity, V an­ derbilt U n iversity, and Ohio State U niversity. miss th e c h e k e n G R A D U A TE S T U D E N T S Do not b a r b e c u e held F riday, A pril I, at B arton Springs. Make r e s e r v a tio n s b efore T h u r s d a y t con , by leaving your 75 cen ts with Mins AH< n at G a rc ia Library. A uto­ m obiles w ill leave Y. M. C. A . 4:JO to 6 p. rn. P R E SID E N T . W harton A nnounces Spring Study Series horn, cactu s, and b luebonnet. The skill o f production is no doubt due to the ex ten siv e study o f jew elry made by the design er, who is Amy Mscars Jackson, d aughter o f Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mi ears, prom inent early settlers o f Caldwell C ounty. Mrs, Jackson is one o f th e m ost versatile stu d en ts on the cam pus. A fte r study­ ing p ain tin g, illu stratin g and sculp­ turing in th e E ast, she returned to the U n iversity, w here she took her •bachelor's degree is now' a fir st year law stu d en t and a of student o f the Schofield School E xpression, w’here she is finishing her dram atic course which she began with Elias D ay in Chicago. in 1926. She L ast June she w as m arried to D. L. Jackson, son o f Judge and Mrs. J. R. Jackson, w'hcre th ey expect to make their home a fte r graduation from the Law School. L ittle T h e a t e r T ournam ent and will th e com m ittee be p r e s e n t e d before a n d D allas a u d ien c e on Friday e v ­ en in g. Tin* m em bers of the cast are V ir­ g in ia D arnel], E k n s e M iller, Melvin W illiam son and Jam* s Parke, the playw right. This short on e-act play was w ritten by a U n iversity student and a m em ber o f the C urtain Club. Mr. Parke is also a m em ber o f the “ S c r ib e r s ” and is vury active in cam ­ pu s litera ry activities, b eing a mem­ ber o f the Longhorn s t a ff. Y ” Installation o f O fficers P ostponed T h e installation o f o ffic e r s at the Y . M. C. A. w as p ostponed until T hursday night; a t 7:00 p. rn. The p ostp on em en t w as due to the Dads and M others Day celeb ration . The p resen t o ffic e r s are Jim Straiten P resid en t, J. B. P e tty , V ice-P resid en t, and Spurgeon B ell, S ecretary. The in com in g officers are Wm. Taylor, B lasiangam e, V ice- the M en’s Gym P resid en t, and N o y e s Sm ith, Sec* te ta r y . Is th e entry “ His Inheritance" by Jam es Parke, j P resid en t, Levi was presented at y esterd ay evening. This G rad u ates' Em blem Is W ork of First Y ear Law S tu d en t, 1926 G raduate Curtain Club G ives “ H is Inheritance March 30, at 7:00 p. rn. A. I. E. E, M EETING W ednesday, in E ng­ ineering B uilding 102. Installation of spring term o fficers. A. L. May­ field will give a report on th e A. I. E. E. district convention at K ansas I?. I). Bedford w ill giv e a lec­ City. of E ngineering ture-. D iscussion Power Show. F. W. LA NGN FR, Chairman. p ortunity SEN IO R S will he s iv n a last op­ for becom ing member* of th e Cap and Gown organization at the initiation which will he held Fri­ day, April I, at 7:30 p. rn., in the Girl's Study H all. AH those who wish to join the Cap and Gown can do so at this tim e. Initiation fe e o f one dollar is required. H ELEN F. G IR A R D EA U , S e c r e ta r y is always dean, frets back on lime and the pries ts always right ; sam It I© r A U S T I N H O T E L L D Y Phone 7421 J ■>*'.»* Rd I to r Assistant Assistant in judges Interscholastic ST U D E N T S dc Hiring to be used a? le a g u e track and field m eet* m ay have their nam es placed on the In t by n o tify ­ ing Roy B. H enderson, L ittle ( arn- pus, telephone 2-3106. The League is receivin g m any calls for judges S a rem uneration but all expense? paid. ALL F A L L , W inter and Spring term 1926 1927 literary Society presidents are requested to m eet at E lliott's Studio for C actus picture at 5 p. m. Thursday, March 31. A fte r th e pic­ ture i« taken a vt ry im portant busi­ ness m eetin g o f (he Public Speaking Council will be held at which the debate* Spring Term Schedule w ill be arranged. in terior tety W. O. Mf JORE, Chairman, D epartm ent o f P ublic Speaking. Official Notices Student THE H O M E Econom ics Club gives a scholar hip each year to a girl in a the departm ent, She m ust be juno r w ith a ll average. W ritten applications should be turned in to Midi Mary E. G earing in th e near future. E LIZA BETH KNIGHT. o f t h e S tu d e n ts ' Aspern middy Room, Main Bldg, aftern oon at I o ’clock. ED GOSSETT. be CHAPEL S E R V I C E S thin w eek will a d d re ss e d by Dr. F re d e r ic k Kby of the E d u c a tio n F a c u lty . C h a p e l m eets at 8:35 a. rn. in room 157, Main B uilding each m orning. CH APEL COMM ITTEE ALI, SEN IO R m en who are candi­ d ates for degrees in either June or the A ugust are requested to be at l a w A uditorium W ednesday even in g March SU, at 7: 15 to attend to very' im portant business and to elect o f ­ ficers for the spring term . HORACE AK IN . R E G U L A R m eet of La Text alia M B. 157 Thursday 7 p. rn. EM ILIE H ALSELL. ALI, ACA DEM tennis doubles en tries must be in b y W ednesday. W IM BERLY, Mgr. CHORAL CLUB will m eet Thursday instead <*f W ednesday. B e there at the r e g u l a r tim e. t DOROTHY CARRING TON. REAGAN LITERARY S o c ie ty will m eet W ednesday, March 3 0 , at 5 p. rn. in the G irls’ Study Hall. A ll members p lease bu present. VI RGI NI A T A B B p le as e be p re se n t M E M B E R S o f F reshm an Com m ission at the w eekly m e e tin g W e d n e s d a y 5-6, a t th e Y. W. HELEN R O BER TS. ( \ A. room. Pl LAM BDA TH ETA m eets Thur day. March S t , at 7 p. rn. in Ed Bldg. 307. M ARJORIE JO H NSTO N. ALL B B A N in terested in inter-de­ partm ental tennis please sign up at Intram ural o ffic e , W ednesday i& the last day fur en terin g the tourna­ m ent. M ANAG ER. ALL PRE -LAW Baseball uteri report to Jordan F ield fur p ractice W ed., Thu rn., and F ri. a t 4 o'clock. H U D SO N , M anager. M E E T IN G of Hogg A u x ilia ry W e d ­ nesday a t 5 o ’clock at the W esley R U B IE V A U G H A N . B ible Chair. Edgeworth N o t a ch a n ce c f that lead'iike, loggy feeling even during early Spring—if you make a daily habit o f Shredded W heat. T hat’s one reason w hy this prince of w hole wheat cereals graces the training tables of so many colleges and schools. Carefully separated, com­ pletely cleaned, perfectly shredded, and thoroughly cooked w hole wheat grains — that’s all there is to To the man who isn't satisfied with first place T U R m an who wins a race can ’t afford to get com placent over it. 11 is next ste p is to im prove on his ow n running tim e. T he electrical com m unication in d u stry in A m erica ranks first in the w orld, w ith excep­ tional facilities for research and constructive work. B ut th e m en in this in d u stry are never satis­ fied to le t it go at th at. N o process, no m a tte r how satisfactory, by w hom devised or how’ well b alu inked h r age, is here im rn ii ne from challenge. T his dynam ic sta te o f m ind m u st appeal m ightily to m en who are pioneers a t h eart. ~ Published far the Communication, Industry France and Italy agree on at b a s t one thing. They are again st d i a m * am ent. L atest spring sty k t* rf*stive w aist-liae* lorn the hips. A;- politic u n * , be failures. They don’t w ait fe e which way the '-at is goifeg to jum p. dogs w ould to A m ong other people who make poor collectors are the men who ar­ gue that th e world owes them a Lr- f»R* Official Notices F a cu lty ■ \ T H E F A C U L T Y L athe* Claw* Sn elem entary swimming will meet a t S oeioek a t Beep Eddy beginning Mon­ d a y , M a r e h 2 8 . A il f a u l t y women J o l e re« tool a r e tile aum* OLGA A N D E R S E N , Wed.-forays In v ite d jo in to ALI. GIRLS intending to go on the T« - WA A H is o u tin g a re r e q u e s te d to p u t name a n d fifty cento in th e box in the balcony of the women** g y m nasium . Ail h ikers will leave the g y m at 2:45. The p ro g r a m will begin at 4 :30. V IR G IN IA C A M P B E L L , Astern Electric Company Makers of the Nation’s Telephones Except its convenient biscuit form, its taste - in v itin g c r isp n e ss, its N a tu r e - g iv e n , r e fr e sh in g , to n ic b en efits, H u m b e r 6$ o f a S e r b J WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1927. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N MARGARET W I T H E R S P O O N . « * M o r ; r a u l i n * K n url. I n , Alice T w pl*. E d i th Fox, Nan S h i f f l e t t * , A li ce M a * WMH*, M a r th a A n n a F a u l k . E d ith Bo w m an , G l a d > s W h itley, G< dim* M c F a r l a n d , G l a d y s KiacbeH. Society ne WHI and personals may be phoned to Tho Texan office (91 S i- 6 1), or to one of the society reporters. M iss Richardson Is H om e Econom ics G uest “ Colonial F urniture” Lecture Saturday Night Miss Anna R ichardson, field w ork­ e r in Child D evelopm ent and Par- “ Colonial F u rn itu re ” will be the illu strated lecture to - -- - —- ------------- s u b je c t of an be given by Miss Mary S. T ay lo r o f ; *p)ie a +cr the Heme tertial Education o f the A m erican Home Econom ics A ssociation, is to be department Econom ics I S a tu r d a y , April 2, a t 8 o’clock. The the g u e st o f the Home Econom ics De- lecture in addition to an exhibit o f p a y m e n t o f the U n iversity on Mon-; antique fu rn iture will be assem b led d a y , April 4. She is a fo rm er teacher a t t fce University Club. o f home economics in the University o f T ex a s. The Home Econ om ies Club is g iv ­ in g a dinner in her honor Monday e ve n in g a t the C a fe te r ia . * * * * Mr. and Mrs. M. F r o s t were tho g u e s t s o f their son, M arlin during the D a d s and Mothers Celebration. They drov e up from Houston. F o r the purpose o f display pieces have been promised both from priv­ a te homes and from Austin shops, a c ­ cording to the comm ittee. # In the n ea r fu tu re the Club will s ta g e a plant guessin g contest, the winner el which will a worth-while prize. receive * * * * Mrs. J . E. Newman o f M L P lea­ Irene is visiting her d aug h ters, san t Mr. and Mrs. W. E. H enderson of and Myrtle, o f K irby Hah K errville spent Henderson. S u n d a y with M artha A gn es Daniels ba d a s her w eek­ Marion Stahl o f Gonzales, fo r m e r. University student, sp en t the last few j * 1 . days in Austin, bein g a g u e st a t the . * ro,H. . end g u e s t H erta and Ruth Brown of Phi S ig m a Delta San Angelo. fratern ity . w as a pledge o f the fra te rn ity before leaving school. Henry Ia?e Borden will leave T h u r sd a y fo r Houston g oin g up for tho P. A. I.. S. dan ce that evening. B o r d e n is a pledge Phi Psi. Mr. and Mrs. P. Baeuch le o f M ar­ daugh ter, Maria, lin visited their D a d s’ and M others’ Day. TODAY At Austin Movie Shows H a n c o c k : T h e C o m m u n ity P l a y e r s F rc # c n t “ T h e G o o s e H a n g * H i g h . ” M a j e s t i c : P o l * N e g r i in “ H o tel Im perial. Q u e e n : R e n e e A d o re e an d C o n r a d N a g e l in “ H r a v ' n on E a r t h . ” C r e s c e n t : C l a r a Bow' in “ T w o C a n P l a y . ” T e x a s : B u s t e r K e a t o n in “ B a t t l i n g B u t l e r . ” ! pea ran ce in E a r t h ” “ Heaven which comes to the Queen T h e a te r t o ­ on il day. I m th these players a r e under co n ­ but tract to Metro-Gi Idwyn-Ma.v^r have never worked in tho sam e pie- e tu r h< fore. It war directed by Phil I Ri sen. “ Heaven on E a r t h ” is a story of F ran ce , mainly two F re n ch people— < a vagabon d and ail aristocrat. Ma re ic Manor), Gw n Lee, J u l i a S w ayn e Gordon, and Pat . Hart itnin , C( a p i e t e tile c a s t o f thin story, which i was adap ted to the screen by Marion Orth and H arvey Gates, C R E S C E N T A ne w' fla p p e r story m akes its bow to the public in the A ssociated E x ­ hibitors production, “ Two Can P la y ,” a t the Cresco ut j a p p e a r in g today with C la ra B< w, Allan For- ; rest, Wallace McDonald, and George F a w c e tt . Clara Pow' is her usual flippant self but is in a situation which requires considerable tact and mental agility to handle. . , , . Two men a ra wooing this c a p ri­ cious lady, and when the three are marooned <01 a desert is! a she is in . , .. considerable c f a q u a n d ary to pick the winner. How she does what she dees, and who prove s the best man is told in a new and exciting manner, calculated to thrill the m ost blase of movic-g tors. . . T E X A S “ B a ttlin g B u tle r” a t the T e x a s is It giver. B u tt e r Keaton the onpor- ... , tu n n y to again show Ins varsatiu - , . . rich young lo \e and then bas id! r * He p o rtray s a who falls in to pose a s a prize fighter in order to win the girl, whore fam ily believes h i p to be a w in klin g b e c a s s e o f his fine clothes, s u r ­ roundings. luxurious and The comedian take - the mime o f J “ B attlin g B u tle r ” but when the re el! “ Battle •” app ears on the scene. Bun ' tor finds h im self hopelessly entnng | in the web o f deception. I low I J finally trium phs and whips the he battle that J champion m ak es tho original “ S p o ilers” look like a petting party, provides a sen sational in which thrills vio mirthful m o m e n ts . in a vicious clim ax fight the in It ho C h apter o f T au Delta Phi announces the initiation o f A. Milton 13337566 Selections of F o x ’s Cowboy Son gs Feature Varied Program One o f the most delightful pro g r a m s the F a cu lty Club h a * ever hem (I w as presented Satu rd a y at a jo in t recital o f the Girl,' Clee (Tub and the M en’s Glee o f the University o f T e x a s at the Faculty Club House. Poth the Mens’ and VI mens’ Glee Clubs a re directed by Oscar J . Fo> director o f Glee Clubs at the Univer­ sity. Mr. F o x s ’ compositions o f cow ­ boy songs had a p a r t in the program Victor Powell w as the accompanist T helm a Kuehne, Elizabeth M em bers o f the Girls Glee (Tull concert were the in ta k in g pa rt •Helen Altman, Bush Christine Cam pbell, Minerva C u n ­ ningham, C a r o l in 1 C a on, Dorothy Darsey, Bernice Davis. Clara D o m berger, Virginia Hatch, E sth er Gold- stein, Mildred Feigelson , Edith F o x , M a r g a re t H ay, M ary H a ffo r d , An Canette Lynn, j M artha L. M urray, M arg a re t R o u n d ;,, E lsie Fh effi Id, GymHh Sluirard, C o r­ inne Stallings. Wallis, M ary Lee Vance, Columbi: van V etterm an . A lice May Willis, Betty M ac D u gg an , Kathryn Zuni Marie Baeuchle, V ir g ma Va bar Anna IL Moore, M arjorie J o h n s t o n Lucite Sehonberg, M arguerite Bol lien, Mel va M atthews, Evelyn Win­ frey, Maudie J . F ield s, Marie S ib 'a berg, Louise von Stru v e, Aline r a i ­ F a y e Tucker, E H L , CRESCENT W e d n e * d a y a n d T h u r s d a y Clara Bow T h e W o n d e r fu l of “ PT” in “ Tw o Can Flay T h e s t o r y o f a n u n c o n v r n U *J»:T ijirl who m ad e m e n her p l a y ­ th in g *. S h e w a s *u**e *he c o u ld t a m p e r with E r e an n b' b u r n e d . r o t S e e W h a t H a p p e n e d ? W e A r e h.lowing f l u * B i g P ic ­ tu r e F ir s t Run in A u stin at R e g u la r C r e s c e n t P ric es. Send Your Message Through The Texan M A J E S T I C Q U E E N F o r tho last tim es today the M a ­ je s t i c T heater is o f fe r i n g one o f the mo t unusual w ar d r a m a s ever film ­ e d . It is Bola N e g r i’s new Para- m oubnt r,tai ring vehicle, “ Hotel Im- p e r ia L ” The three ce n tra l fig u re s are tin ch am b erm aid o f the Hotel Imperial in a town on the A ustro-Russm n by the invading frontier, captu red R ussian gen eral, and a fugitive Hun g a r ia n o fficer. T hese p ortray c m f o the ten se! d r a m a s that has yet reached the screen. P o ls gives a ch aracterization in this film th at su rp a ss e s even her D p R u r n in “ P a ssio n ” in the role o f a cham ­ berm aid who is iven luxury and toss c s it aside in heroic sac rific e fo r her co u n try and lover. Ronec Adoree and C o n rad N agel, Fein biirg of B e a u m o n t, David M in - 1 two o f tho most p op u lar players o s I che!) o f Houston, and boree: t A. the screen, make their first jo in t ap -1 Bennett o f S an Antonio. To The Students! Most of us, of course, believe in a hereafter— bu*; what iv Is i* two persons in YOUR conceptism cf a heaven en earth ? complete understanding w i t h each other— a home where peace and harmony reign supreme— a happily married life blessed with healthy children? Or, perhaps, something greater than all these? To our way of thinking a great love such as is e x e m p l i f i e d in “ Heaven on Earth,’’ at the Queer- Theater, today and tomor­ row, comes nearer to being heaven on earth than atty other In one inspired moment Edmond Durand i Conrad blessing... N agel) renounces wealth and luxury to follow the wild, Ire" life of a gypsy. The picturesqueness and glamour of this life and the heroic exploits of war combine to sr.ake this thrilling and enjoyable screen entertainment. If you went lo forget your troubles m d worries for a few hours, see “ Heaven c-n Earth.” Starring honors a e shared be­ tween Rcnec Adored, star of the Big Parade, and Conrad Nagel. . . . Very truly yours, L. R. Gayer, Manager. QUEEN. (One of the Publix Theaters) L a s t T im e s T o d a y Pola Negri IN “Hotel imperial” O v e r t u r e —-Our G a n g C o m e d y , N e w s — F a b l e s B c g n n i n g T o m o r ro w Ecbe Daniels “ A Kiss in a T ax i” T E X A S Bu ter Keaton a n d T o m o r ro w T od/ in “Bz .Bing Butler” r e a l e s t C o m e d y o f ice F i g h t R in g E v e r the P r o d u c e d I The loose H angs High HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE Today, Matinee & Night 8: IS P. M. T ic k e ts Now on S a l e — H a n c o c k O p e r a H o u se P r e s e n t e d by Austin Community Players P ric e s: 8 0 c , 7 5 c , $ 1 .0 0 & $ 1 .5 0 Plus T a x Resists Corrosion n r H I S picture, taken in the salt marshes near JI Kearny, N . J., shows two lines of 30-inch Cast Iron Pipe replacing pipe made o f other material. The alternate exposure to the action of salt water and air is a severe test. While the pipe shown in the picture Is subjected to unusual corrosive influences, all underground pipe must be able to withstand corrosion to a greater or Ira® degree. Cast Iron Pipe has this quality. It doea not depend on its coating to resist rust; the material itself is rust-resisting. H ie first Cast Iron I ipe ever laid is in service today at Versailles, France, atter two hundred and sixty years’ service. a*h e C a s t Ir o n P i p e P u b l i c i t y B u r e a u . P eo p les G a s B ld g ., Chicago CAST IRO N P IP ! * bb aa— - r n i e B E if wSB&c joint . J I Ljf Our new booklet, uPhtn« nitfg a Waterworks 8y$» tem,” which covers the promem of water for the sn ail town, mitt he sent on request TW ACCEPTED STANCATO ACS mtmmum WTWTO/ Send for booklet, “Cast Iron Pipe for Industrial Service,” showing interest­ ing installations ^ *o meet special f roble >ni boun, L a u r a Rissm an, Mrs. L. T. Templin, and president o f the G irls’ Glee Club. Constance Z irjack s The m ale voices were a s follows Marvin Brown, C . L. T urbeville, E BI. Decherd. Everett Palm er, R. W Moseley, F r a n c is Cook. K. G. G o fo r t’n, Ilext, Gail Whiteomhe, O, Herbert ls sa ai .Si tut Ko the shortness of the skirt, The , limners of the ankle The new Kayaer all silk chiffon hose with Slipper heel reduces it in appearance and adds 1he beauty that only beautifully made pure silk st or* lei nib* can add. When you wear Kayser you we ar the best— all the now rpnngtitmi shades a t : — $2.00 D I L L I N G H A M ’ S 610 Congress Ave. Charge to the account c u s s O F SEP VICL DCS IftU j I t U S W M _ ... d a y u t t e r KIGHT MESSAGE KIGHT L E T H ft Hi P a t r o n ; * l * W k 09 X o j j c {it* tho c h u e t MfYWC de.4 .ail, OTHERWISE ktCSSAfiC THE W U . BC TRANSKirrPD AS A f U U RATE T £ lt6 * A M S e e d the following m e s s a g e , s u b je c t to t h e let von on bac k h ere o f, w Suet) az c hereby N EW C O M B C A R L T O N . r>ftC*ioCMT FISH E R T BENNY MC LAURIN LAW SO CIETY UNIV OF TESLAS AUSTIN TEX YOU HAVE PROBABLY NOTICED THE GREAT POPULARITY OF ONE FAMOUS BRAND OF TOBACCO AMONG YOUR FRIENDS WHO DEMAND PERFECTION IN P IP E SHOEING THE REASON I S THAT FOR TWENTY YEARS BLUE BOAR HAS BEEN SK IL FU L LY BLENDED TO PROVIDE MEN OF TASTE WITH A QUALITY THAT I S BEYOND C R IT IC IS M OR QUESTION THERE I S LIT E R A LLY NO WM . . Four Schools Win Interscholastic Meets Last Week Mexia, Flatonia, San Marcos and Taylor Schools took first honors at various county meets the past week end. Several thousand people from all parts of the county came to see Mexia win the annual lim estone County track m eet Preliminary events were held at Taylor for the annual interscholastic meet to he held here in April. Teams were soon picked to represent the city here in Austin at th- I'aiver*it,. Interscholastic meet, S O U T H W E S T C O N F E R E N C E Baseball Standi ng Toam - Texas A. & M. Texa.« S. M. r Baylor T. C. U. ............. - Rice L 0 I I I I z Came s This W e e k Friday w 2 ... I _ I I I ‘ .. 0 .. Pct. I.OHO .500 .500 .500 ,500 .OOO Tov as vs. T. C. U. at Ft. Worth. Rice vs. Baylor at Houston. Texas A. & M. va. Southwest­ ern at College Station. Sa turday Same teams play. j in Flatonia won the county inter­ scholastic meet held at La Grange, while San Marcos won the Hays County meet with other county teams competing, short of brilliant. He allowed he Longhorns but seven hits and scattered • hem effectively. He w,r 7 0 0 I throughout the game, and work­ ed well in the pinches. He complete­ ly silenced the big bats of Williams, ' Oil*, and Hopkins, and gave up but | a blow each to Baumgarten and m m in fact, hi* work was such I Walker, M e e t S e n t e n c e s U n c that he could easily bi Classed among if Joint Honor Council C leading conference pitchers ---------- ! the f \ -o a At a meeting of the men's and ’ ;t *ls continued, an examination, The Longhorns executed it wa* swiinfr at Hume’s pitched ball, women's honor councils beld Monday their fa- nigbt one sentence was given. The mouf double .-teal in the fifth, with cate arose over a charge o f collu- Mudder on third and W illiam.* on bat. sion filed by an instructor in French first. Olio, who was at the A. On a* brought out, the boy and g.rl in the Ho- runner* advanced, but Umpire case sat in the back of the room j Countryman ruled that Hume had th* boy in front of the girl. During the examination balked, and M udder scored. in-1 The Longhorns scored first, in initial frame when Harris hit ^tractor noticed the girl apparently the watching the boy’s paper the grading the papers a similarity lf! I fence for a homer. The Ponies then the mistakes was evident, Charges evened the count in the next inning, against the boy of giving aid were s when Dublin Was safe when Dari? dismissed and a two term suspension j muffed his fly, and later scored on sentence was given the girl. Dean j Craig’* triple to center. Pi Henge r has approved the sen ten ce,I -------- <>---- — in th*, second pitched bal! over and the . . A . I. E. E. M E E T S W E D N E S D A Y Meeting of American Institute of Electrical Engineers will be held Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock in , ,, . .. the Engineering Budding 102. In- . . . ,, itauuuon of spring term officers and, f , a report from Av L. Mayfield, who ' will give a report o f the district con­ vention at Kansas City, will be nam- j D hers on the program. B. D. Bedford oil give a lecture. o~ — , ... r* i i n, i STEERS-PONIES (Continued from page I) Steer* Lead in Fifth I The Longhorn* added two more in the fifth which gave them a two- run lead, when Davis led o ff with a triple, and scored on Muelder’x single to right. Mudder advanced to of third on two infield plays, one , . . . which was an error by Mann whit h placed W imams on t urd. He scored , n the double steal. . , , . . , : * , , * , t , , , . In their half of the seventh, the Ponies came back with three rum bad. which gave them a one-run Howell led o ff with n single through the box, and was {sacrificed to sec­ ond. Craig doubled, scoring How- ill, and later scored with Hume on the latter’* circuit, clout over the C e n t e r f i e l d wall. Walker o f Texas tied the score in Texas1 half of th© seventh with another homey, bul in the eighth sent the win­ Speer ning run across the rubber when Ruth ta ii if Mans had been playing in his proper position at short, the winning run would have crossed the plate on a blow that should have been a j he retaliated with another d o g ie by Harris in the last inning. S ev en Hits o f f H u m e wallop. The Longhorns will go to Fort Hume’* work in the box was noth- Worth Thursday for their next garni which I , . .... B o x S c o r e JBN*Mf* Cfi 10% AB n 0 5 ! Dublin, r 0 I Marin, sn —4 ..... 4 I ...... 5 Spe« r, m 4 0 i Hook#, I 2 3 Howell# lf 0 4 I Field#, 2 0 3 I Hemphel, 3 I 4 Craisr, c 4 I Hume, p ...... .. l l PO A E 0 2 2 0 0 3 0 I 0 I I I I I 0 2 0 I I 4 0 I I I I 0 4 2 0 4 0 0 0 5 I 0 0 Total ..... 36 5 12 27 16 I Texa^— ... .. 4 H am #, sr? ....... 4 | William^, if 4 . OI ie, 3 4 j Baumgarten, r 4 H tpk ins, 2 .. 4 Walker, I I Davis, rn | Alien, e I Mu elder, p Baker, p Rhode# Edwards I 0 0 0 0 I O T 0»> 0 I 2 0 0 0 ...... i i 0 I I I 0 I 0 2 I 0 2 I 11 4 2 0 3 I I 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 a 0 3 I I 2 I a 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 4 34 I Total 7 27 15 010 OOH IOO —5 12 7 IOO 021 OOO —4 Score by inning: I S. M. V. ? Texas I R H E 4 I Home runs: Harris* Hume, Walk­ er, Speer. Three base hits: Craig, Davie Two base hits: Hooks, Craig. Sacrifice hits: Mann, Hamphel, How­ ell, Allen. Stolen bases: Davis, Wil­ liams, M udder. Balk: Hume. Earn­ ed runs: S. M. TG 4, Texas 4, Pitch­ o ff er*’ statistics; IO hits, 4 runs Mudder in 6 innings; 2 hit*, I run o ff Baker inning*. Winning pitcher, Hume; losing pitcher, Bak­ Strike outs; By Hume 4; by er. Mudder 2, Bases on balls; o ff Hume I, o ff Baker I. L eft on base*, S. M. LG 7, Texas 6, Time o f game, I 2 hours, 20 minute*. Umpire, Coun- : tryman. in 3 * HONOR ROLL (Continued from Page I ) ert Jr.; Eldridge, Elizabeth; E-tes, Frank P.; Grady, Harriett; Great­ house, Gerald W.; Gregory, Corne­ lia; Handler, Irma ll,; Hatch, Vir­ ginia; Hawk, Edgar Paul; Hicks, Yale Jr . Hoerster, Henry J.; H off­ mann, Fritz Leo; Hornell#, Manuel, Jr.; James, John D .; Janak, Lydia; J. tining.', Alice; Johnson, Mary Di­ brell; Johnson, Roberta Sue; Jolley, F.lvio; Ko. nan, A. B.; Kincaid, Bea­ trice Lillian; Kling, Carlos; Kris, Josenh R.; Lung, Helen Martha; Lin- denburg, Mollie; Linxwller, Bee; Mc­ Kee, Blo w e e ; MeLarty, Frank W .; McNeill, Helen; Mahoney, Leo; Mar­ tin Lillian E.; Nation, N ellie May; Nunn, Mary L.; Parker, Ralph H.; P feiffer, Susie K.; Ffluger, Bertha; Modem smoking pleasure that never fails THE smoker* o f this age are the most independent ever known. Accepting no hearsay, they have sm oked out the facts. They have learned that the choicest Turkish and D om estic to­ baccos grown are rolled into Camels, that here is the incomparable blend­ ing for goodness, that Camels simply never tire the taste. Camel is the cigarette that never falls to please the modern age. Re­ gardless o f how often you want the comfort of a smoke, o f how steadily you light one after another, Camel will neser fail you, never give you any hut the finest thrill o f smoking pleasure. T his is why Camel’s popu­ larity, by far the largest in the modern world, keeps overwhelmingly in the lead. As modern taste becomes more ins!.-.tent upon choice tobaccos, in­ creasing millions discover Camel’s in- comparable mildness, smoothness and mellowness. If you want the cigarette that’s good to live with from morn to mid­ night, the one that is the choice o f the modern age, r’H are a Carnel!** IL J. R E Y N O L D S TO BAC CO C O M P A N Y , W I N S T O N . S A L EM . N . C D A I L Y T E X A N WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30. 1927. , . . ... . a . , u . _ . Stevenson, U a n I Harper Glover; Burin William Le*- MAGNA CUM LAUDE Among tho Best 235 oat of 3375 Student* Spain,; w .; Branch. Lee W adsworth; Brown, Randle, Ruth, Clara; Soudan, WU- Hammaek, Melba; Heimann, Eugene ] Pressor!, Ellis Wilbur; Barnsdall* bort W.; Ammerman, W. B. Jr.; An- thy; Porter, Mrs. E dythe; Rauch, ner, Joe Key; Garrett, Mrs. Caroline Charles W Jr.; Shelton, William U ; der on, Gunhild € .; Avrett, Wk R.; Hazel; Rich, Virginia; Richardson, W.; Gilson, Elizabeth; Gordon, Harry Simpson, James Homer; Slavik, Badger, Mary Almeda; Baillie, Mary Ida May; Richey, Oleta May; Ridley, B.; Gossett, Maurice; Grona, Asta; Henry C.; Smith, Lucille; Sewall, Lee; Shanblum, Julia A.; Hines, Dixie Q.; Hirsch, Martha August Oran; jje . jguttc-, Woodfin I„; Canon, Roy Louise; Shofner, Louise T.; Sloan, Ann; Horne, Frances M .; Hudson, Mary; Tallant, Joseph Sam uel, Ta>* lor, Mary Margaret; Van Rradt, Mrs. Hufford, Mary; Jackson, M.; Cha rn ness, Martha; Cherico, R0Hin Post; Spratt, John S.; S tein -IWllson; N ancy; Vinyard, Willard C .; Wagner. J James Ernest, Johnson, Joseph K.; .Birdie: Corner, Josephine; Crank, D ; j Joseph, Theodore; Jones, Albert S.; Fred B .; Wail, Christine; W allace,; Velma; Cummins, Lucy; C u rtis,T ir - Pauline B.; Watts, Ora Quaid; VV bite, — nia; j)e R{ n41 Mrs Merle M.; De- Talhchet» VirKinia; Tobin, Bess; Toh Kennon, Helen L.; Knape, Carl A.; Tom rn so Mao; Whitmore. Lenora; j g |,a8#t Marian; Durham, Albert C ; bert? Cecil H' : Vinscn- Ruby Lee;j Knippa, Alice Theresa; Kuehne, An- W ii I jams, Lee Gibson; WG re-.ack. Lu- j Ever^ rjf, Florence B.; Felder .F r e d ^Watson, Jessie Lois; Way, Barbara; I toinettc; Lowther, Seth; Luther, n ile ; Wooten, Mrs. Mattie L .; York, Euffene; Florey, Janie; Foster, F ran -1 Wilkinson, Winifred E.; Willmann, Homer; McLane, Helen E.; Marmion, C. G. Jr.; Middleton, Herman; Miller, Joseph Ferrell; Zipp, Raymond. Alice Mae; Moore, Mrs. WG G .; Oli­ ver; Hardy Preston; Olsen, Albert Martin; Palmore, Irma; Parr, Loys; Peters, Myrtle Lee; Pettus, Nancy; Poole, Mark K.; Porter, John V e r ­ non; Quine, Elizabeth M .; Ragland, Alphonso Jr.; Redford, Em rn atte S.; Redmond, Donald; Ryan, Robert WG; S .; Huffm an, Agress, Rosalie; Avery, John W.;j Schulz, Hollis Henry; Bewall, Mary Elizabeth; Jameson, Mary Lee; Jes- Blackmon, Isabelle C.; Bohne, Nesta Alice; Smalley, Marion Arnold; St. -en, Frank WG; Jones, O. F ,; Kelly, IF .; Bowling, Leslie; Brooks, Bernice Clair, Adela C.; Tabb, Virginia; Lueile E.; Kennedy, Charles W, J r.jjR o ss; Bryan, Burke G.; Childre, Thiele, N ellie; Thompson, Frederick Lomax, John A. Jr.; McCarter, Wil­ George T .; Christian, Eleanor; Clay­ R .; Alberta; liam Blair; McCollun, James Alton; ton, Thelma; Cook, Dorothy M.; John Thompson, Lucile; Vance, Mildred Cravens, Carlisle; Crofoot, Marion; W'elborn; MeLarty, Blanche; Ma, ( Curthis, Blanche I.; Danziger, Clarie; Isle; Ware, Naomi Cole; Warren, Evered Lee; Dibrell, Mae Beth; Watkins, Gustav; White Molding; Milam, Helen E.; M itten-1 Davenport, O ran; W illoughly, Oma Pearl; Wittmann Jrene Lena; W’ood, Alma; Wooldridge, Ellen Clare; Zook, Mrs. Gene Hudson. son; Anderson, Hiram Mc( Clough; Jiam Lamar; Harbin, Roy T aft; Her- Ashby, Carl T .; Barlow, E d v a r d ;j ber Fred C ; Hines, Barrett, Maurice E .: Blocker, Non- Holmes, Dorothy Ann; Holt, Thomas nic; Boone, Murray E .; Booth, Char- A c . Howe, W alter Ie# E ; Bowles, Marguerite E .; Boyd, Roland W’. ; B roughta, Bess; Brown, Mrs. Alma Howell; Canavespi, Leon-j a id ; ('anova, Madeline; Cason, Caro­ lyn; Collins, Lucille; Comnally, Ben I C.; Cook, Sam George; Correll, Alice MeOonald, Mary K.; McKay, Marie; Daniels; Sarah; Doolittle, j Howard C .; Ed ring! on, Thomas; Eik- j cis Ellen; Freeman, Lelia Mae; Ful- Rudolph R .; W inston, N ellie Marion; j let, Mattie E.; Darlington, Mae; I W itherspoon, Clarence Elmer; Wood,* Granger, Jean A.; G riffin, Mary Hoi- Marie L .; Woodall, Virgi nia; Yates, A u g u s te .; Hairston, Mary I Dorothyy Lee; Young, Empress; j e n . Cora M.; Farmer, Louise; Faulkner,! Bennie Elizabeth; Fett, Emil; Fitzgerald, Mary Jo; Ford, Mary E.; Ford Rob­ ert C.; Fountain, Mary Lilly; Gar- Adler, Gertrude'; Allen, Oscar I e - j 0 . Hamilton, Helen; Hamilton, Wil- Young, Margaret; Zant, Kathlyn. Nedra; N eindorff Arthur S.; O’Rear, Bryan J.; Paine, Lurel; Parker, Doro- Dorothy Lee; Among the Best 413 out of 3375 ler, Gus K .; Eldridge, Margaret; Erie-! tba| J.; Money, Clay; Myers, C. CUM LAUDE Thompson, Student* Leo ta j Flood, Kathleen; Foxworth, Jack L .; G oletem eck, Florence; Gray, Vivian IL; Hammaek, Paul; Hilton, E. Thur-| I man; Hutchis< it, Betty; Jordan, Mary Elizabeth; Keeton, Pauline; Keeton,! Page; King, Jack J.; Knight, Eliza­ beth F„; Ix:vy, Fannie; McClellan,! Fracas; McClung, Esther Carroll;! McConnell, Frances; McDonald, Em­ ma Abbie; Mc Lane. Carla; M rrie, i Ell Crews; Murray, Mary Louise; Patterson, Edith Ruth; Perry, Julius; j Turner; Pfluger, Frances; Pollard, I ! Josephine; Powell, Katherine; Q uer-1 ; eau, Edmund P.; Renger, Harvey; Schlick, Ida F .; Richey, Oleta; Sen- gelmann, Wilbur; S h ifflett, N ettie; V.; Simmons, Kathleen; Skelton, By­ ron G.; Spencer, Florence; Stone, Marjorie; Stugard, Gyneth May; Sud- duth, Louie; Sweetman, Beulan June; Thompson, Carey C .; Thorn on, Opal; Thurmond, Rogert IL; Vaughn, I. L .J Vickers, Emma Glenn; Vilen­ sky, B essie; Vodrie, Florence; Wald- man, Sadie; Weiss, Theodore F .; Welch ,James Nelson; White, Fran­ ces LuriHe; Smitley, Marion; Wil­ liams, Elizabeth; W infrey, Mary E .; W oolley, Arthur W allace; Zirjacks, Constance. A M P L A C UM L A U D E A m o n g the Be»t 3 2 9 ou t o f 3 3 7 5 S tu de nt s Adam, Mrs. Zuleika; Allison, Al- REN I -A -FORD PAY BY THE MILE r o a r in g s Roadsters — 10c p*r..m!U ............10c per mile ................ 12c per mile ——-.......... 14c per mile Fiftf'C M t Hour Guaranti A fter 6 P I I . Phone* 7777, 6288, 9144 P A T T O N T R A N S F E R C O . 417-419 C o m r .ti A t. THE MAN’S SHOP N ew P atterns in Light Colors n i l l f e a t u r e C o lle g e M e n ’s N e w Tw o-Trouser $3 5 .0° Suits T h e o d d s a re 3 to I you to o will look w ell in one of these light-colored S p rin g suits! B u t you d o n 't h av e to ta k e a g a m b lin g chance, fo r if th ey d o n ’t look w ell y o u can choose fro m p le n ty of d a rk e r on es1. ■ ,; Suits w ith a C ollege M an’s Idea of S tyle The 3-button collegiate sack P o p u l a r in the summ er ! F ea tu rin g: po pula r this Spring! — — Lapels short, na rro w and heart-shaped. — Widely-spaced buttons. — Extremely short, single-breasted coats. — A young man's coat in the 1927 manner. Y o u rs Is W a itin g fo r th e T r y o n . I Smart Collegiate Oxfords Built to Fit the F oot Correctly $0 .00. Carefully constructed from selected calfskin, with ext ra strong stitching. Your shoes are an obvious payt of your costume— these will m ake it obvious t h a t you have excellent taste in clothes. PHONE8000 Classified Ad Section Your Message Daily to 6,500 Readers FIND YOUR NAME IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION AND SEE THE SHOW H O U S E S F O R R E N T B U S IN E S S S E R V IC E D R E S S M A K IN G RATES * -SO ln**rtioa 2 Insertion* 3 Insertion* 4 insertion* 0 Insertions 1 m o n th __ application. M axim um of 25 Words Bold face and display typo rate! upon Je sse Hopkins, C lassified Ad Mgr. j ST I'D E N T S—-S e ll your old cloth es, sh oe-. •TO etc., fo r the high est cash price. We call I for them . P hone 3768. A Sch w arti. Apl 23 I .OO : ....................... ................................... ... ... 3-50 the successful method them es, thesis, brief, etc. Typew riter! Call 5955 for . gaby Smith- Five ears’ experience. Highly 1—June I I recommended. rU D E N T S -Follow th a t m any others do. Have oyur B C A R D A N D R O O M C O A C H IN G L A D U —— Spring hats and sh oes are ar­ riving every day. For better value, try I KNOW MATH I. Do y ou ? Three years* coaching experience, recom m ended by the r acy**. Upstair* over W oolworth’*. When j faculty. Dial 9510 for Andrew Wood*. J u l5 ro o go up price* go down. ..................... and *t*.. I know Spanish as well to J Queen Theater if he can -pare the time j ?ou know E nglish. Hubert Lea. I.OARD Free to Mr. Cheater Day, a pas ................... ............................................. . COACHING— Spanish A, I . 2, ___ French. Mch. 8 today. This is a show that cannot ba* thinned, j 2 3 4 3 0 , Phone - —J a n I B U S IN E S S S E R V IC E is flower tim e. WOODMAN FLOWER SH O P— Spring t i n , Eapres 1 your greetin g w ith flow ers. Cut flowers for all occasions. Phone table and wedding A p io 8860. der orations. WE COPY TH EM ES, the****, and do all kind* of sten os ranking, m uk igraph ing and m im eographing. Cali 693 4, 914 Littlefield B’dg. T exas Maltigraph Shop. Mrs. E. J. — tf Adam s. CLEANING, pressing and alteration is our specialty. H ave jou r work done by an expert. join our clean­ ing club. Bigg* & Co. Phone 7601. Ap.I S a v e money and MATH A N D PHYSICS COACH— Expert coaching. F ive y ea rs’ experience. Strictly under the* honor system . S atisfaction gu ar­ — June I anteed. Dial 5963 for Golden. D R E S S M A K IN G GIRLS— Let me design your spring dresser and costum es for E aster. Rem odeling and alteration a sp ecialty. Mrs. F oster, over — April 18 Beacon’s. Phone 8562. THE W ALTON— Can c iv e the best service on spring dressm aking, trim m ings, hem - ; stitching, alteration s, etc.. AH work guar- 2516 — anteed. Mr*. Bailey. P hone 8356. J Guadalupe. DRESSMAKING-— I am ready to help you w ith your spring sew ing. N ote my new address. Mrs. A. K. Bell. 2816 N ueces St. Phone 5667. _ 2 i POR KENT For the summer. Wail furnish- ed two*«tqry house off the northeast cor- ner af campus at 2400 Speedway. Reasonable r e n t . Phone 8 4 7 9 . PLEATING— Any style. H em stitching, silk, cotton , gold, silver. B utton s fancy eov- v a r ie tie s R hinestones se t to or­ ®rctd. der. Phone 8362, Mabel Oannaway, 716 C ongress. Over Beacon Shoe Store. -Apl. 18 sew ing. Ail kinds of STU DENT S— Give me a trial a t your spring fancy Phone __ 2 9 dressm aking, 22038. tailoring, etc. alteration, F O R S A L E WOOD— Cord Wood. Block sto v e wood, prompt delivery. Yard 3015 Guadalupe [ asked. Street. Phone 5742. E. M. Ashford. M ch U FOR SALK— Scholarship in one o f the lead ­ ing bu sin ess college* of the Sou thw est If U n iversity Station. interested, write M anager, Box 1927, — tf J FOK .SALE— L. C. Sm ith No. 8 Typewriter, j Much sacrifice to get portable m achine ; for traveling purposes. Price S 19.00. Call — 29 f Birkner a t 9468. 110-00 PORTABLE BRUNSWICK J u st arrived. graph. yours before we sell out. Phono­ lim ited stock. Get J. R, REED — 2 { MUSIC CO. FOR SA L E — 1926 Moon Sedan in perfect con­ dition. look* and run# like new. Must sell — I at once. Call 5555. L O S T & F O U N D LOST— Gold Conklin fountain tween M U. and Ed. Bldg. pen. be­ Inscribed with Finder please phone 7585 and a*k for W. H. Mc- Kens ie. Reward. —2 "N. J.-W . H. M." initials FOUND Pair of horn-rim tried g la sses S at- unlay morning en campus. Owner m ay hare the sam e by calling at L H ail, Texan Office aud paying for this ad. 27 LOST --W ill the person who w atch, tw o ring* and beads from the locker J in W om an* Gym Friday m orning please re- HaM. Reward. No questions 29 to L turn took "! 1 1 9* CmnUom Hall, copy of Beginners Logic.” Owner may have rame Jr calling at L Haji. P ublication, Bus. 30 P»ying for th is ad. LOST On campus, bor tv rim mer] * !* .« « timore?'* H T S ™ Fl"i" in Bal- “r— I *‘ L 7 a ' * , wn c*9* wit*> Ward-Tread- 7 ,le*ve tke ***** a! L Hall & o 7 ' Ail or eau o961 tor Nei*on G reet,. t ROOMS FOR RENT BOYS—You can get a sp rin g and sum m er ;• DRESSMAKING*—P lain, fancy dresses, kinds of alteratio n . S p rin g coat* a special- { FO R S A L E —By ow ner, ait j suit tailored ta m easure from HNI per cent V irgiaft VV „»l for only 223.59 at < Prvaxing Shop. Phone I4fi« the C oetus ] ty. W ork guaranteed,- reasonable. — 0 ’ Phone 3140. 503 Ka*t 25. Mr* M elaad. —5 price# aiyhed and unfuraisbed. n m Avernal F. .. '-■V: lovely home Liberal i terms. I cold water. Quiet F or-f and w w . P rivate bath J BOYS Two coo! room*. NVw furniture ™ ■ ”*-"4-*^ hut, , *Td from cmmpos, Mi? W a * sa Sit* l f * . .. L . * — ............... — - ........