iriu^r; iv; Tr i­ , ^h­ -Si A Weekly Newspaper Published I-.vcrv VOL. VI Football Outlook The Schedule Includes Many Hard Gameg-^Coach and Captain Are Op­ - timistic About O-utcome of Season. • • Schedule of-Games. : • Oct. 7—Texas Christian-University-at • : v Austin,.. » -. • ' ' Oct;. 13—Haskell Indians at Austin. Oct. 21—Baylor at Austin. . Oct'. 2'0—Team leaves 'Austin.-7T~' Oct. 28—Yanderbilt at Nashville. Nov. 1—Arkansas at Little. Rock. V ; Xov., -IL—(^ihihonia a-t Oklahoma-City. Nov. 10 Kentucky University at Axis­ • V*.««*•!• . tin. N ov. 17—Sewance at Austin. • Nov. 30—A...-& M. ajlHAjfrstin. *•»*"< It will be seen ^roiii "the above sched­ule that the 'Varsity team has plenty to do dutfihg the. coming season. Not only is the schedule long, but the col­leges are all represented by go.od strong teams. " * : . ' Besides meeting her okl football foes, Texas~will battle AVith Kentucky. Uhi­versitv. The" iranie "^ustiTr and will no "doubt-be-a iiaH'-piie, a? Kentucky has ! a. large squad of. can' didates for her team. • Sewanee's team is reported to' be both heavy, and fast, averaging about ^17:0 pounds. Tliis will be the first.time the Long Horns have-met the wearers of the purple for several years, so both • teams are determined to win. Hvatt of Yale,,:oiie of the best -coaches in the country* has charge' of ; the . Sewanee team. _ '' • ­ Both the Haskell Indians and Yaiider­bilt ai-ij strong. The Indians have an­' nt)unced tliat -t-hey are going to pile up a big score against ,the Texas palefaces :Tthis year. ~ v ­ The Yanderbilt game will" be. played in Nashville, and of coxirse will be hard fought after the tie game'of two year? ago. Fronr;'all-reports A. & M. is "laying low and saying nothing," but' she has a strong, fast teahr.; -.-W ' : • • stronger tlitfn usual. T. C. U. is coacheH by a Michigan man, and Baylor has secured the services of Webb of Brown University*. Oklahomj """fast teams. Manager .Fisher will; probably arrange.. a game with the Chilasco Indians of Oklahoma,, to be played in San Antonio Vboiit November 25. .' • . Mr^ Hutchinson r added: "We expect all the 6ld men who, have played football to come' out, and we want every Fresh­man to be at practice, "whether he has . played or riot. To get a good" team we . mus't have plenty of material to select • from. . It"is hard to' tell "at this-stage.. of the gam.e just what .the' pi'ospeets are, lmt I think we' will have a good team." -* , / Captain Robinson, when asked his Continued on Page Three AUSTIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1905 No. 1 HOUSTON Library Changes anew session opens UNDER A NEWLEADER Till' life ot l'loidcnt David . )likHn J Houston, is one ot general i itciv^ oil i acco'unt • ot;" its .-treiuio'us act ivitv , anil* of-particular sigililicance in tl'.at it.'ljUs" led "logically . by., -tales' ot do-i ve.l v.i<-­cess to jiis ptoent iii11 pi>>it i ...n ' in t he college wm Id. >-* • x Ixui".»j—." During. 1SS7-SS, . lie held oik' of tlic two fellowships otlered--by that 1""lIc' Jjl-*'u' l,f Laly. and Greek, aiur was re-elected to tlit* same ^Fellow­ship the following session (18SS-80), but refused it to, accept the more responsi­ble; position (>tV Superintendent; of City • ^;~He wa^Tfoni shortly ajtrr. tne close t-Schools-ii» Spartailliurg. South Carolina of.the-civil st.ntuule (February 17. IStitT In t his |io>it ioxr lic<'Tema hied in Spar- w§m 61054 President David F. Houston -y at Mmrrpf^ i:Tnkm CountyTr Nortii"C lina; From tljence his parents-, \A"i!h;jV11 Henry and Corjielia Anne -Houston, moved to South Carolh'iit, and placed, him at an .early oge. in St. John"?; Acad­emy at Darlington, where Mr. llouston prepared for college: .'Evidently he ap* plied himseu earnestly to his ; stiKiies, for. he entered Soutli .Carolina. College in 1885 with .advanced standing, arid graduateds, two-rears later with-high tanburg three years, and,. _tlic n resigned tq attend Harvard 'University as a 'grad-;' imte;stiid('nt in the Department.ofvEco­miwfs and Governnu'iit.. Mr. Houston .topk . the MTA. degn.e-at Harvard, in •one year,: remained in the institu­tion: t\\;o. years longeiy pui'suing special, work "in. his ^hosen department-. ^ From March* of his /.first year he -h(?ld contin­uously the Sforgan fellbjvihi'p, valued at Continued on Page Three-. ... The Shelf Room Is Increased—New . Study Room Provided—Many New Books 4-cJdea. JVobably tite.nuist important imjirove­nient t h:rt has been niade about the I niversity is in the Library, where the gieat heeTl »>t a»1«litioii;11 ^Tu*lTrr^piiC€iTK^as necessitated some very striking -changes. 1 he loan desk with its accompanying — rajling -has .beeir -iiioved some ton" feet nearer the entiitiUe, leaving at present an uiiocenpied space across the entire room. This space, .however, is -to be tilled ne\V steel bookcases, with ­ books acquired clui'ing the witiimer al­lnost reach the thousand mark, they will, togc'tlie.r with the books now stored on the: tops „f cases, just about fill the new shelves. In addition to. the room gained by niovijlg the loan desk, much more space has been added by the buikl­ -south pi' the old Library entrance. The cof the '"Revue Scieritique," extending from 1844^ to the present time; but even more interesting, perhaps, to TexanS is a .complete history of the Bowie family. The .majority.'..of" the new books, how­ever, are technical-ones ordered for the different sch'oo'ls. ^ About five hundred and fifty volumes —mostly periodicals—are. now in tHe hands of the binders, and Will; be shortly piami.among' the other bound volumes in the , Library. ~ . . P.atronize The Texan-advertisers j^they suppoi^ .student-Qjnterprises, -and' "turn about is fair play. ' . \ ' *w ii ~CHANGES IN THE FACULTY Some Valuable .Additidris to the Teach­ »v •" * ,- , ' ing :-Force. , * Edward E. RalL* Dr. Edward K. I la11, elected as iii­; , structor in t ion for tlie ensuing J/ vertr in -tire I'nivt-rsily (if Texas, is;a yi. ^ ^ i> I --graduater? of Die .. I'liiv-crsit-v ' of Iowa-and 1 • • • * liolds_ the decree of Doctor of Philosophy from Yale I nivci sity in Philosophy -and ..x Psychology. Of him, Doan Jas. E. Rus­sell of. tlie Tea'chers' College, Columbia r ( University. Xt-w Vork", Where Dr. Kail ha^ l)t'iMi;doing .special Work in Kdunitioii • • Hip past summer, says: •• ''lie is quiet, reliticd and forceful. ^ „ His knowledge .of French anil .(ierniaii is almost. '^H-rfe'el and.'ability to use •*. tuntwitils in thes^: ;<:es and to­» get Tmld of tlie essentials of schft«|^wl-. ' • ministration.abroad has surprised :iiic at :-ev<• iHi4j.^~.rel.y Upon his ability t«> do a very: liigli grade of work in the Meld of administration. particiilarlv in the 'direct ion'jtd'-advanced students who need to be t;{iight to do -scholarly work in 1 his ih-w held. 11is training inr Philosophy. and .Psychology, too.makes him specjiflly-strung in I-'du­rational .l.'sychulog.^ and (Viie'ral Method. ]t is not oftl'h tlmt a'inan nf hi-(';iliii 'r. iprsonafily' and trailing' can 'be found ' «• " or sticli. a position, lie-is a guud liiixer. is socially pleasing. and is sure to iiniT ,. • 1 i friends wherever lie'goes. Mure than that, lie is of t he true I niyersit v grade, ..and w*ill take his stand" at' on^e with thi' best man .in any department of .your IJiivorsMty." -T-v I • Clement Akerman. rr * ('lenient Aki'i'inan. elect ed • lnsfflict'or r• ——. *• ' . of (iertnan for the ensuing yea-iulu fljc - University of Texas, is,;i,iesid<;iit <4-M;i­con, (leorgia, is a P>ach(d<)r.t)f Arts froni the University of -(leurgia...and Iras taken special work at the I iiiversities of -1»IT­ . alii! and"• JlewlcHt'cf*^— Hi's' (ieruian-"is spoken' of :;is "the •-•.piii-ust,'' and easiest r of any spokeij by tlie English and Amer­ican students abroad."' He was assistant to Professor -Ino. Morris, headOf tlie . Deparenienj (»f Teutonic* Philulugy in the Iniversitv of (leoriria. and-: lias -proved a hi«rlily -.successf 111-teaclier, f Ia _ took charge of all (»f tjy* t'lassps ;o£ Dr. ^tnrri rHtntah- of absence abroad. Mr. Akermaii-• lias done no less^ distinguished wo.rk in eco­lioniics than in (iernian. 11(> conies from .a family (listinguished for intellectuality and' 'wasi Attorney General of the -t'tirhid>s under (icn­"^n^-ttrrmtVmiininist riitiorr; =t-t—r Charles Elmer .Rowe. • Professor Charles 1C.„ lxowc takes T*ro­ t Ht, i Tes'^or Philips' place ~ as head of. the School of Mines in the University.;^:He -4— doesnot come, to us a. stranger. -He was born* and reared in Texas, s\nd was for f two years a student in •tho,'".''Rii ' gnaduated from v % •tbej-Hpoloratlo 'Scliool ' of M.ifies^ This fs; i 5 copsidered the nios^ju^tical, aiur per­haps the best mining school in, America.; Since• this. time. 'Mi*. Rowe has"-.been ? -coilstantly,'engaged', in praetioaI., uiiiring, attd ineta11urgical' work. lie .was first .with" the Colorado luel aiid lroii Coni­where Iip hadr quite extensiVe ex­perience^ jiniong the; largest—coal r\._ THE TEXAN in •( oldijidi^ \Mr. 1 . t i Iii•;j ;y-i1.1i .t'l.r<\v'J'<>ivy' M' .'Com- I']K*L.v*.i»t'*»J JcfivcV. lllaco the School of Minesof "tlio University of Texas on -will afford you many suggestions ^nd is ready h ])iir with^ tlifese of. the foreiuost Ameri-; . to serve you whether you are fitting up a Frat can colleg^C "'Siat lvis-'anjlVitioii Will be reali/.eiL is not f()i'":a moinentdoubted. a./House, a.single room or a cozy comer. Charles R. Baskerville. -( fa'-v-~Ij^J-laski»r-vi 11c. eiccted as Jn­st ruct:or in 'hnglisiiKnglisii for the" tor t lie" ensuing year in the t'niversitv, is ii triad uate-of Man-' mattings, curtainsr shades, etd, ilerliilt ITiiyersity. , 1U" took his 1>. A. in IS!Mi alu'l-in lS'.iK his Al.^ A. , bunng hi-s t iii*ic at \:anr;iy jipent the vacation period in Syracuse, N'ew Vtn k, • J. A.JACKSON, (Van Mczes and his; wife" are back Money loaned on everything. Jewelry, from, an outing in C hicago on the lakes. diamonds, watches, • silverware, foot­PIANOS AND ORGANS. Dr. Uolton has been in-Mexico inves­ ball goods of-aH kinds. Great bargains s7,; * ^jngress a\v.,-. Austin, ^Texas." ,an;lmP» of the Republic. in unredeemed pledges. • " . Ne;i-i l.v f<'rtyjjr(:nr}£_hi: Texas; " _ 617 Congress liytC".7;rBoth phones"!33. Dean Miller of the Law Department is bark-from Mexico. . Dr. A. C.. Kljis'' and wife are spending . . "" . -i, .... . O t lie year in KTfiTipcv-^ ; ' — " BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, f Dr. and Mrs. Rice, I\[r. and Mrs. Wil­Opera 'House and Postoffice Block. son Williams and Toninly ;-are occuping 720 Cortgress Ave. Best $2.00 hotel jn* Austin, Fa-niilies and part es furnished 'With L. Y. HANCOCK, Prop. ' the;;^Uiore'co.ttage on Xiicces' street. \ bread, • eakw* and-' confectioneries off Hi'.' iSiuioiids had ciiarge of tlie-School -short notice' at reasonable rates. ' Both phones 572.. • „ ; WT H. Bell, of Ceology in the University of/len-B. W. Randolph. nessee :this suninier. ,V . . . Dr. 11. D. Gray ls\ •Xft.^riictpf:"''iri' .Eng« . ,7... ,. -: lfsh hi Leiand"STanford University. lie , Com­ Produce. Deah j'in -mission Merchants. is pleased* with his surroundings^ mnd Gr'oreries„ Feed-and . Corner of Co-iOracle-and Fifth streets. inet with a -very cordial reception at 'Coal.-" Both phones 1S2. /•QisafiS' arrd­t he hands-of the Californians. -soda wa't-er.. ;-250.1 ^rWtmiiii^itxeet. ' Dr.; ilubei'ick spent the;-summer at .F.P. Heidelberg. ^ He has«resigned his posi­ tion in the Luiversity Vicre; to accept A Physician and Swrgeon. it place; ifl the faculty of'Leland Stari---^OrCongre^s^and Ind". AUSTIfN, TE^AS.­ foril.;. Residence phone, 2S S.-W." Aviated with the University of T-exas Dr. Sutton went, after the .Summer • MARY WHITIS, Principal. /.~ than .-any -School—-M'arS—Qy^p^-to iMireka SjSringSj Varsity pi-ns chpoiier place GERTRUDE WHITIS, Associate Prin. where •he:. s.pent a month .xecuperafing. . •• *. 'v • •••••-.' " 1 1" ..1 J . Ht:> . ' « -.•'*' v.-V. • Gym. Clasps. • ' v ' Exerusive Optician. •/-. i519 Congress Ave. " -The....ljieu's.>Gvinf cla.sscs. ,\yi;ll beiiin Coiftide.ntial.Lo;ins. Monday*...Oi>tob;r 1). All-.first year" nien' ^htni1(1 iul. a light pr'ac-'and a double row of trees w-ill be planted tice was. indulged in. On Tuesday there.-' throughout the entire length of these /were twenty-live 111011 out and the mini-; twowalks. A cement walk has been lier is. still increasing. Air.-Hutchinson • laid between R.Hall and t lii*. Main liuild­ hopes,, to have seventy"-'live men"at work 'r ing and another -is-'being constructed"' by the middle, of next week. He says betweerr the•-Engineering building and. that the prospects are wry encouraging,the Hall.. A graVi'l walk extending south and that the nion who are out are fast from B. Hall to Twcntv-first street—a 4«-t(l |M-ne cially in the ; neighborhood ' ofthe' Jive Iffindivd. dollars,. and finished his Woman's Building,Which certainly im­studies jn the Iniversiiy as president proves vei;y„ much" this, .portion of the of his. cla^. campus. . ' ' . lii l'S!>4 • Mu. Houston was -elected Ad­ "Jif tliAvSlTuh T;iiilding: fltoTiianges. ha.vo.7 junct lVofe.; .1 )i-an of llu-,J:aelllt V and lYitfeSsor made in the i o-upr; where a good-deal i>t: Foli'tieal,.:' Mr. Houston re­ of space has be:en a*Me(j .by.e\teliding, tiie mained in tlie."'State-..University until •VpriV'';-H^2"f--He.'.4Uw^ •spaceVuntlcr . the••'AiiAitQ'rirra.i. the presideiieV' of -a sister insfitut'ioli, It is regretable-that no striking im­the"-Texas Agricultural: and Meenanical provement: can be reported in the 'Var­College at Hryai'i. where his active 11a­ sity llyni, . That the ill-vent ilated and t urc and remarkable oxeeut jve . ability stuffy -conditioiis that liave So lung held made him an unusual faejor in.-llie. ad-in tire (iyiyn.asiuin. are. not to lie bettered \ a11cein1'iit Of t he ( ollege. 1lowevei'.the is truly unfortunate. One can only hope I niversit v^lia^l l'xdea^ed^ ViiHLAwifh . r^-" that in the midstof the many changes lu'e'tant hands; aifd in • for the hotter now being, niade about the when the sudden death of 'the lamented University, such a . fertile field for im-Dr. l'rat-her. left t:he presidency of tae institution vacant.-the l-'resident of tlie proveiiient' will not long be' ignored. Av.^ ^1. W;a-s. eijilh <1 back to: liTl t he. va_;. A t last we af^ facilities,, foi5''.it is learned^ thjtt jr new cant chair,, and thus niade the executive head of tlie :s.tryill. be taken Receipts._ ^'Expenses. their Tookin-away through timidity, All -come Tennis fso 00 * '21n -fiO and -have'-a try.-v-:-And if , you nieqin to • Girls' vAthletics......' 94 Go i»4 00 come, coni-e now. , t -, Miscellanebns .ii t .i '14ft, Co The prospects for the Clnb^are excel-Donations . .........' -700,08 lent. Most of tlie excellent last ye^r'9 . Football expenses include all itanis not Club • will return,' who' are entMisi.aftt.icf season. snoots. : Jhe-Council is still /in Cebt, AU who are-interested apply to Mr. D. P, o>ving $100. ' — • ' ~ Woll^ president. ' , bolqnging-specially to any one of the over the success of the previous SMART CLATHES F0R MEN E Desire to announce that we are now show= ing our entire line of New Fall Clothing for Men, Young Men6Boys -SMITH = WILCOX Smart ^ :Clothes are designed to meet the requirements of men who wishtodress well and correct­ly at a moderate cost. We want you to come in and see how faithfully we carry out 1these ideas. You'll not be diss appointed. \ We will be glad to have you Come in and looK them over. Suits $10, $12 Sq, $15 up to $35. Overcoats, $10 to $5Q;. aincoats, $10,$12.50up to $35.00. WANTED. uiiM ;* Several 'good hustling ' students to represent the largest dividend paying Of Droj)plng Into company in t-he United States. ;'s Restai W. A. Next .to the Opera House. General Agent Union Central Life In­ 122 East Sixth st. ' Phone 144. 4, surance Company. J.W.HAMILTON GEORGE MILLER S^Sluaeiu Ass-istanrBarljerK The finest light livery, in the city. Car­riages in . connection. . , 2214 Guadalupe. Austin, Texas. ; Will appreciate your patronage.' Hair 208 arid 210 E. Fifth st. • Tel. No. 25. 'cut, 25e; "shave, 15c*; shine, 5c, Join our press club; have your clothes. cleaned, pressed 'and repaired, . * * ^:~—rM E SA F? BE F? $100 . .. Six' chairs; four, -tubs-; electric' mas- ARMSTRONG BOYS sage: -We 'want' the student •• ._ cu17: (1Qn gr<'•sk •:?) ven11e. ';-W-. 808 Congress ave.. r ' Old Phone 472, WHO WE REPRESENT " ,:j­ '#3 Ed. V. Priere arid M. Born 4 Co. ' . CLOTHING MADE TO FIT : ^ in iBniii iJyrtw iMhMMiabM • > THE TEXAN THE TEXAN •_ -A • weekly -newspaper ow^icbtand pub-/ .lislvcd-'by Ylu>~^7Jd«iMnrW-TlK''l Hmfsrty.­~ of -Texas*.— ——­ '•Editor-in-( hid. John .(Tuwim'S Jr. AthJetic I7FThrop Associate Editors: Miss Lillian -\\ alker, "•* Miss Ma-ie Bunion, Miss b;t>dic -Mills-­pau«.di, t hancey (Mover, McFall Kerbey, : ^ dolin Kceil and II. L. Taylor. : Business Manager .lies Avriett. Assistant Business .Manager .31orris Rector -Entered in the post otlice at Austin, Texas,"as second class maif matter. _ •Subscript inn price, per year, in advance. ~ . '• -.Address all' eom municat ions to-The Texan, Austin, Texas. ' -: ' ­ "•H , FOREWORD.* A new session ot the •l*Diversity lias bejrun with the. very hr.i<:lifest outlook, and with it comes the first issue of The Texan. The paper represents' no pri­vate enterprise ^•ojte.n up by anyone set of stiulii!)-ljlot their .personal ag­f:randizenieyf, but is owned and operated, by the Students' Association, andn' be­longs to each and every student of this, institution. * ' The policy of the paper will be "au­thentic-news and lots of it,." and the an) is earnest in its cll'orts to make the paper what. it should be. < The piir­pose of the-paper is largely to--reflect the Thought* and actions of t he student ..Iwulv, ;")•! <• i keep its-Tenders jiiwli'd; as to what is ooinj: on about the 'Yarsitv 111 tloiny. this. we" bespeak the co-ujtcra­t ion < i f t lie -s41idcn t t< >r wit IK nit their s su p|)<>i'f iv»~T4TiIt'm{• pv(|-yr~f niiild be-a'Teat success.•• . Ilinvi'vj'r, it-, is-eipiallv-trUe that no college paper that is heart-ilv t'lidorsed by the sludent bodv can be'. • anything of a failure'.. 'rheVeeyut^ se\(>ral wirys in .which* the students caiV materially help The Texan! Hrst, they 'can-..assist'-the board-by drop-l?'"g into 1 he Iexaii . box anything in­ . the way of news, joKes on your fellow .students. etc.. •>Veond,.. tiit?y way surest -'I'y cliangcs in the liuJllhat-ion which may result in practical benetit:^ Lastly they .may .help the .(taper liy giving the business nianagciucut. thvvir sjUistjrijit'ious as well as talks, rnviO vour co­operation. PRESIDENT WM.L. PRATHER. .T]la.._wliqlib State was shocked \vhon on:'Inl.v 24th, it'was alUi^tuncec1 that President Prat her Ava^bad^""Tfe^eould: not realize that "a man . of splendid -pliVijitpH' aiid in the prime of-life, with lio sulji^uejit^-sic-kiH'ss, should be jo suddenly. takelH^u^js, But it wa§ too truev ^ Texas had lo'st .her ni'ft&t­useful and .honored' citizens, tTu^N?aiise of educa t ioir one-of, its -tubst ,earnest oijnivt* v> a lliost •eonscientious and -a'ble. (^resident. As it was then -\'acat i(>ii,--tlu' -student budy enuld take ho actioii expressive of -4ts-zfeeMng^-on the ^oceivsioH-:---^^w bers pf fife Farult-y wiio weie in the city .niet and made arraligenieiits for particijiating, in, the:. funeral; and passed Prf ^!"^ltib«s^:yjr)iere; wilt be appro, prjatekmeiuoria1. servie(r>< held nt a .ti >^o to. be designated, in" wliieli the ..Regents; .Faculty Jind &udeq14) wi11 partiojpa,te. FOOTBALL. R_— The loothall Mi-aMin 1^ licie! 1 In men ure already out tor-tlfe , team,. and have been out-tor o\ef a Tvcck."nvrrrk-ti1^ -fatrd.--T)i e—|H-< -.Ha; Liiii '±1 in _ the opinion of the tuach and ( aplam ll-wb­n1-hhh—The uiuil.'ni e.d(tm"--.ill t-he\ caiir it is up to tlfe student.*-11r •s-ii'ppoi t them. (. oine .aut and_try tor the team,, and if ynu can notfvlo that:. (Time out and watch-tire praclice;.Ait will do you ^ood and will encourage the team. Kverybodv must back the team, and 'help, nia-kj; Jier a winner. ^' _• 'I his session the l're-ident, has si;t aside. Botini--lit as, an oilu-e tor ."'liie '1'exair.*' >uch XK room had become al­most a necessity • for-t he "board." and we*' greatly appreciate the Proidcnt's con­•-ideiate attirm. If vou are too bu-v to write all tne news, home. |u>t send them i lie I cxan: THE: LITERARY SOCIETffiS, The two literary soewUes.ot the Uni­versity,: flw»-Busk an.l the Atlu-itaeuiiK a-.i*«««Wt«i-ting -a new year with the best possible .prospects, '1 lie new men.1 who expect to devote-any attention to such work, >hould jbin one 'ot th(e societies at .the very earliest opportunity, and get ide.ntilivd with tlie work:,• •;'Aside from the '.advantages^resulting direetK'. troni the, (tile derives' great good from t]i.e a^-o-iatioiis in the. society hall, ami-it 'gives: him an op-p"i;i viviiy ''Tr~mr ..tmjti' i int i d u iiir run, ot the Mrouge-t cla--e^; of nieti in •t'hc I nivrr>trvv : ? --' ^ —11 -ynu .ire a' 'new' -tudciit. you a re al\va\ s welcome to the h.ills nf tire so-cieti«',s, either a> a-iitcmli>'ir or', a visitor, iiiid'yiiiir pie-eiice. there will be a help ttt you as well as an reiii- t_he'b.'-t in the histoi v ofjioth the V. M. ( . A. and' the V. W . ( v Ay, and this Avar has every priispcc.t ot turt.lrer iidvauce. No—f^iigtTius".wCfti? is pf-eM-ribed in t he;;T'iiiversxty. and-t he' vuliuiiito:^.uB:juie.lisT l_tJie„ more. <>enu­ ~kiio\y its TTTifVatTei-aml-^xtFiit, jt is .oiilf ot the • most .•helpful features of the school lifi I he \(.. A. ..-lias-, got ten out.this year ;t neat little hand •book of useful information for tile, convenience of the students for free distributron. l'liey are :a^^fe^n-R.iniTrnjr"fho ne\v"--stiicleri-tS" lnatricujate. " ' Tomorrow niyht-at St o'clock a stag re­ception is to be given t«. all.r the stu­ tin; Associat ion.' which will af­ford a good opportuni'ty .to get' ac-. quainted. The religious meetings are held ftFlrnoon in the elia'pel r«toin^ -Tii ^til-JhgjTYitv feeliiigs-:of.fh-e<(dd j?fu-: il.cnt-s;--1 heir-Lexan :ext end^--;to-"t he mew conlers }%) ilie.-University hand of Aveleome: 0\u' • instifii.tion is evciy. year i.nakiitg rapid . stridi's" forward., and we -are glad you have-come to identify Vfnirself with the movement and'.keep up., with tjie^processioii. We trust-you .will eoiitinue. to pour in every day, for there H plenty of room. " ... " # THE Famous Dry Goods Company Id. the Suit:: Room we are' now m showing many decided-novelties * iri'Tai1or"Made buits received" tire _past week." -These ^are in -both short and. long coat effects, made of the Chosen weaves for fall and. in colors the very latest. If you want a strictly up-to-date suit many of these late arrivals will prove to your liking. V THE NEW SHOPPING CENTER EARLY AUTUMN MILLINERY The ladies of Austin are cordially invited 'to view our first showing of new headwear for early autumn. We -j-—will show a new line of Felt Outing Hats, just ~~~ r • the thing for now and early fall wear. COM-K IN AXI) SKK T1IKM AT THE NEW SHOPPING CENTER l.&G.N. '. Will sdoii lnx lu're aiid wo art­«till ^.lc,jigjeiit?! for the geniiine R At THE SHORTEST AND ^ ^ .• 11)o orig-inal deep-shuft Tun-itoi'y QUICKEST WAY TO WFTC 0tlice a it <1. l}ins 2 07 C(>1 or;tdo St. NORTHg SOUTH TEXAS -"=^ir~Br»Lli-piioni'S 240.­ AND FREE CHAIR CARS All University WITHOUT GHANOH ,. For/ tickets and information,, Gym Suits • Tennis Goods xall at -Town Office' Varsity Pennants Ave. t. SIXTH STR ET New OrleansColleseof Dentistry If you are interested. In; obtaining a "dental education, AVrite>fo?; freer cata­ logue,of full instruction. >;, • , ' ANDREW G. FrilEORICHS, M: D. Dean.­ >831 'Carondelet st., 'New Drleairs, La AGE.NT 'Tir*..Vf it / • THE -TEXAN ALUMNI PERSONAL MENTION.. V '^i'-Akazawn/ B. A. '05, loft Tuesday •week ;for. Yaiiderbilt University, -whgre he Ayi11 'attend the Theological .Semiriary._ A letter from Harry lVyton Sieger, 1L .A....;UL, ..states that he lia-s-isptfflt-.a­very pleasantj5Umm(p* "Tnblo&, T);esk Chairs a.iiit "ttieiliuiiV••price im Ixoonr Firoiitjirc in endless 'variety, C\^(i-Jiiake a specialty of furnishino-Cliapt-ei" Houses complete. Estimates cheerfully furnislied. Call'and see us. • ' .­ and at the sami> time give lessons in art in the -city... All Goods Sold on Easy Payments ,. • .31is.s..i.&irah„_EiLO,...sifter of Professor ,'Eno, formerly teaching this of this-winter in institution, is [Miss Wliitis' I school. . „ - Burke Baker is just back from New York City, where he and"his father.spent several weeks in recreat ion: • '/•--•i •• • • Miss Hallie Walker has-fl position" in the \\'acu High School. .. « Mi>s Katherine Ball has a -position '."ii.t'l'i'HT ill KjVn ' j £ti|ar Lancaster.-is '*j»-(.-Jaivestdir p--.... PAWNBROKER-S!Miss Cl-are Brown, is attending: scfmol in tlie Medical Department.. ,.t this year in West Virginia. ; , 7^' Dr. Geprge JJecherd, M. I). '(75, is prac­for Base Bq^U Goods .^Misses T.ongcope, Wilson _ and ^label ticing medicine 'in the oitv. His olfiee is 613 Congress Avenue y Austin, Texas David liay-e positions this year teaching / at the University Drug Store. ^ ' in Houston. •.;;. •;• " . • , : Mr. Oscar Robinson, ex-'Ol, "the popu­. .lliigh l.aniar Stone' spent the la-t two W'l IVL FIN 11 MANY HTUI»KNT N KCHSBITIEH \T' _ Jar yoiwig -jnercha'nt who has been In iuonths TlIK HflHT *Congress avenue, has dissolved ' partner >l'ip and will (.kmtinue -ihe business by mwnths this vacation visiting.'.Miss-San­^Beautiful UniversitV' Stationerv, Splendid Tooth Tiriislies, Hair ders in Bryan. • ­ himself. A disastrous fire this vacation • ,.Bi'u^hes and' Gbinhs, Toilet Artit-les of every kind. 'destroyed the whole contents of their • .Miss'-.Ada Williford of Paris will spend ^ ^ inc. .Candies,, -Tobacco and Cigars. . ­tl'ie winter with.Mrs. Benedict while at­ - store; so' that Mr. 'Robinson will start tending the University. • _.•„' f , business under the new regicme with a AUSTIN ACADEMY. AUSTIN. TEXAS greatly increased'.-. entirely, fresh ' - Orover Lewis will ;r.e-enter .the t'ni­ vxM^ity this A'caiy affef years "^Prepares , for. the University" of "Texas.. stock. He is an ex-sttiderij and old "Var­"absence. . . -. ' : : fty ontIti\sfast.and Tias many student __friends wlio wish him eyerv Success !• l'ank Allison is, practicing law in S;r^8iitt?r"rexa^. Knight Rcctor of the Magazine board IN THE COLLEGE WORLD. wij1 in»t -retuIT;is~a position in a l;i\v "olliec in his home town. GEO. W. PATTERSON T Baj lor l ni\ ei>ity, through, the sugges­ Alex Pope spent the'"summer in Cali­tion of her new eoaeli) Welib of Br.o\vn fornia. -. . • , -l Nflortalu'r ai.ul pi upi Ki:lips<» Stables. Onuiibus u'iul.-baKKJiRe " t'nfrisfer.' Uni\ersity, has this year instituted an iloxvard Etlirfdge will not return this Fine carriages and li^ht liv. iy. Rubber-tired . hospital amluilanee.' / ~ _criginal-and -ftt'traet-ive method of as The students of the University of Cal- was formerly anhoifnced on their pro­ ifornia are playing both baseball and grams. The presidents desire to have all . L. ROBBINS football^his fall. The''Varsitv team is the members present at the hidet­„ train^li^for the-football season, and the ings,. and -invito tlie„.J^niyersity 'public CEN'L passencer agent . classes are indulging in inter-class base* •cordially to attend. . ball games before the cold weather. ' At Sewanee, the .signed. pledge .system -1 has been done atvay with, in training the -football candidates. „-3?^e coach feels that. -better results will be ot)tainedT^~a"ppSa:l­--ing to each maii's^s'eiistr" of honor.: Tomorrow night on the-second foot' a"f the University, the stag Reception c>f the Y. M. C.-A. at 8 o'clock. All inale students are. invited.- Thie Austin Academy./ . • • i 111'-addition to 4he students ^.who siudied, at the "Austin AcaUemyr and en­tered the University on examination, the following graduates Will be in the Uni­versity; '. Edward -Be.ll, Dallas; Harris Darst, Richmond; Philip Gresh&m, Gal­veston; Jake ;Goodwin, Moscpw;. Ralph Kobiusibn, Austin; Donald Street, Bonan­za, Mexico; Ira Ogden, San* Antonio; Herbert Roundtree, Austin, ,' v HOUSTON, TEXAS w= High Grade Chocolates," Ice Cream and Fountain. Drinks >:5—ptuSr^etdit below : RELIABLE: tliis level. _ Great Improvement in the Book Store. 1!. A. llich-ey,, |i y l-ii.i11.-. • Ali-'-eojiip-1aifits .should-; be 'sent.-t-o him or to ..the-president. of the .. r" -•<' • The exhibits appended sullice to sliow • ( 11-1,i|J. •. ;. • ' JUSH & GERTS PIANO CO. in-dot nil tne business oft lie Co-op. Dur­As before, mcjiibership taken ing the summer "it has greatly t-iilnr^rod for. Fall and ^Winter that . "of Texas. ' out for -^1, entitling the member to par­its quarters and now lias a room 2Sx(»S are fashionea with spe- S. R. REED, Manager. ticipation in the annual rebate in pro­ in tlio tear of the salesroom. It now portion t-M the purchases!" -:This year, . cial reg-ard for t,he prefer-. lias some tunning feet of book' however, iiieiirbership eards will be issued ences of young men "shelves and about SUO square feef ot i The and lnu-t be presen t ed before the clerk flooring for the storing of stationery in ean stamp the register ticket. bulk. At tlx' beiriiuiin^: of the session First National Bank Mr. A\el)b is postmaster, but during there Mill be"about £ 1 1,(10(1 stock,o'n hand 11ie 111or11iiil'V. hoiirs iio ..elerk^i-s to serve and it is..ex]>e<-teth Co-<>p. lie ordered -during tlieyear."-'. • .•••" Our FALL HATS are ready aitd po^t olfiee...*;•• -.. . -'-r •" ' Most li-xt bn(ik< will this year a-last - for your inspection |Business of faculty and stu-. be sold, at "li*t piiee'—soiiic will be Void The business t ransa.ctiolis ot -last vcar at les.s and. lioiiv will lie sohb for iiioii;,. are 'shuw n bv the follow ini; st ateuients-j-dent-s solicited..... .,.Nq_ account •tQ^^sffl-all-tOLj' attention. ' Rough Exhibit A. >1 ">()(l 00 ( lerk liili' , Ki11 le 1 luiioi a imm-250 00 . Cor. Congress Ave. and E; 7th St. Corner 6th and Congress Ave. .-I: 17.") (M) Ib'batr's,— StOl-k. 'Ici-o, :>4«» on. Advert i-uil:' IlolioiaiY{\ »;:r> oo SOL DAVIS, 'J.iv-_ -A-1or» ..on ^Deal.erHn a fyll. line of imported and . f­ """"Sfe-v Fine Groceries • 0 Profits un ^1!>.150 sabs. -s:{..Vso 00 JOEKOEN /-New Phone 486. Old Phone 597. Jeweler and Money Broker Exhibit B. J. SCHAPIRO, 101 East Sixth st., Austin, Tex. 8a1ew; x penses 1>a l;tnei'^ l,H)4-05. : Commission IVIerehant; Minit-y inaived on .diamphds, watches, Ueeripl'; • or any good collateral. ; ,• -—­ Wholesale Dealer in -Country Produce,-^ Sales' .......... ><1.4,;202 2S. ^I!t.44;i124 H. & T./C...Rv. -watch' inspectqr.' "Su l-'ruits-arrd •>.4 7" J il.T 4ad;2 1.004" 02 Avork \v*Vri-anted. 1 20.2-AVjpst' Sixth, street. II in; m i.wajyiwrg „,L >_L-•> 1 Ir.j"t4-» MO S20..")l:5 2(i Kxpenditures'— -_ ^PALACEftBERBER SHOP Stock aiul exprosfl .1 ..-"SI2.441 'in ft 1.").072 40 Bosche Laundry Building. Freight, tarriatie, telegrams... 4.")(V !K! ' I"' l,"i TURKISH® BATHS Salaries . , -1..'512 72 ' 1..")1S :!0 We einploy nothing put-;:fir?t-class • wo-rknien. and are friends of the Uni­ —"Misrellaneoiis -• , —2-0 (12 2.">0 00-versity, as^ve-ahvays respond' to their call. Now we earnestly desire your 1'ees returued ami reliates....; .">17* 1 patronage.,. One call ^vill convince you. . • ^ • .. ' -— ")0 "4i:> 10 , "Ta\e. -,.. .. , 150 80 • -.104 7">. .,Safe,;sliel\ ing, K .... '.... v..r.. 44(V 2."j " . 120 00: To the Students of Austin: — —-— Advert isinir ( .... ..." 70 00 T.0 00. Insuram-e ..... . . T.;.. ..• 12 ' 1 If you want a stylish find.good fitting suit-of clothes 'call on S. Silverman, r>0 the Tailor,-911 Congress avenue. .We havV'the new fall and winter woolens _ah'eady_in_ stock. . The , patterns aiv very ha^idsmiTP and are of first class S1.-).4M.") 2S $'1S.H7." 70 quality that you will not ,find in-every tailor shop. " " " Halance ..w.T:r~".~rr~.~.: !H0 02 r..i37 .TT) S. SILVERMAN, — , ?"ITT^4,rm"~"s2o.o13~'2ir 911 Congress Avenue/ —, Exhibit C—Assets and Liabilities.-""" Assets—. •••>''': ." THE BEST TIME, — Balance, caOi on hand • • m -,o--,4v Acoounts unjiaid..^^...^:,.:,;...;::..;.;.;;.....;.^.;.;'.,:.;,;..;.: . ; _ ; 1.430 45 MADE BY Book inventory,.' sellin<; price;......:,,,... ....°503:05 •Stationery niTn'^'liiiseellamHiiVs-: ; . ' V.",'". "~ . 2:ooir 80 J t -Ibora-tory Sujrjijres. ~s^elit1n.r~prir-e 0-1—10 .•Tewelry.. sel-li11 rw J :,/v: THE,TEXAN CONDITION OF THE CO-OP. Continued from Page Sii . •.Members •. •21!) 00 ••Tj Dead books charged oil'........." •Oil Depivckrt ion jbf-» rivfrnri ...-r.--T I1CS-. .114' r>o -UU oo zSaie^^Trr~:r~;~^~7:....., ~~Z7T .1 0.44!) "J4 ' V".' -leakage ,47 77. $27,023' 11 . $27,ti2:i 11 DIRECTOR CURTISS. ENGINEERING GLEANINGS. Alumni. Leaves-Texas for University of Pena-It is gratifying to learn oL the su'e­ . sylvania. • •. . cess-Jn securing emijloynient that ha.­at.t^ldeiti^nauy.'auambers-of 111r--.Emrr-uee'Hng Department. '..'As was to be ev- Since the; •' ,(jlose._jQ|-irt'he-Ja&L-• session jtected, the graduates were most suc­ Professor' F. Homer Curtiss. Physical * * ' ' ' ' .• 1 cesstul; many importantpOsit ions., ho\y- Director of" tKe' LMver'Sit-V^for. the .past 'i "IIP five years, lids cVerj have b'e'tn tilled diii'iisg the s-rimmor by-the lower bla'ssinent • and pone: to the. t-"iiiversity of IVnilsjgU-I'-hiinV Ilateiiett, Talrt^aVid Powell vinia, where lie will'be assistant director are \vitli the L'ajiaiiia Canal Coiiipaiiv. in the gymnasium. and at 'the game time m. Aiusler is .-Jihg.aged~in.~-eo:nstrin-tii>ii complete his studies in l)is-chosen,pro-. WOT'k on the I.•& G. X.'s new bridges. , ' fession .of: mbdicine.-L • --; Ed .Coirnoi^lms I>een traveling in' Eu­ -,.. KvVr Vinee.3li\ Curtiss canie info the but accej^t a .University of Texas in 1000. his energy rope, will soon position with the Cotton Belt. and eilici^ney have made' athletics-in­ * r-^^tahleyFrt'iK-h lias been wftli the I. this instftut'ion rapidly improve; and, •'i M" & G. X, during the summer, lie is now - despite _Liter poor 'faoil-itiesTl^Htlie matters Instructor' in Civil Engineering in the of-room and apparatus, he has turned University'.of Texas. out track incn and athletes whose rec­. -loo Ilogsett lias been engaged with ords will remain-the. standards for the city engineer of Fort Worth/ •£; . many years, lie 'has done much toward H. P. Memlcjihall is with the War Do: placing the University in. the high posi­partinent engineers in Florida. •' * tion which it now occupies among the -1. ' K. Mit(;hell and Xod S!iands: are foremost colleges of. the country. > ' v with (lie Santa Fc: — Tt wi11 l-)n' TOmri)n1 flint it ¥'ng chielly through that was handicapped* by . the Orland Sims Mr.-Curtiss the unfortunate,.acidLk.iiJL.oL Cmuintinf.Quu»ii Joi^anizntion nf tivo Severn week. life was contined, until a few' : to which Texas belongs was perfected. weeks ago. in the Seton Infirmary. He -In-l!tOL lie formed~the Terair^ntercblle­is now. on his father's "Vanch near Pal­ giate Athletic Association. 4 In;.1004, he linger. ; ... ' i. formed*-both the Southwestern Athletic Walter Yonn is with the U'ar I)e­ ' Association and the Texas Tntcrscholas­pa.rtmeht engineers in Brazoria County,. • tic . Athletic Association, both of -which xas. -. _ ; ­ -will long roinnin as monuments to his executive ability:. His influence wil.l~tm*" Anderson and Maas are with, the •Santa Te.T doubtedlv be missed in" Texas. :uv Flummer Smith.. Davis and W'aggenei i]re also with tlie Santa Fe. AMONG THE LAWYERS; With-tlie-opening-of -this sesftion '-tl"re Engineering Personals. * ' a lecture periods in the Law Department E. H. Elder has been with the-Gov­"Tire changed to an hour, and the topics ernment' engineers on the Brazos. !lje are taught a11ei'natel^,m.JIlie._exaj.nina-••jn-the-TJriive.rstty' this"session-. tions' will be given n-t—the: end of each ^--Ell-ingson -is with the I. & G.' N. i>eo-Ple- . term. These changes will,"give a fetter -' r G. B. Findlay has ' bf>en* engagetl in opportunity for interchange of work ,be­ .railroad work in Louisiana, .'lie is at , tween the different departments.. ; . present unfortunately held in quaran-, Examinations are.jioAy,:-being ^ •tine. all the topics of the Junior and Middle IMcEvav and""Sutton have 1leen '3-ears to enable students to secure' nd­the Trhqityo^Brazos^an —/ vanced s,tanding..: :-.-To:r..pass-in -these-ex­F.orsgo'rd is with the II. & T. C'.' aniinations requires a grade of S5 per Fox has been working with tue ("nited "cent.;Th*e passing gi'ade of topics taken States-Geologica'I Surveyi'' in class will •still-#e-SO per cent, as it was last -year.;This, change is made4 to J. W. Pritchet has -been-engaged in State land surveyingin'the l'anhand-le. assure the faculty of thoroughness•• in Paul Pierson has/iiad ;similar employ­ work done without instruction.. ment. / '; " • ' ' 7. L. C. Robfertson and Toombs are with sMr.-Biiqklev.. -the Junior Law " Quiz-the H. & X/C ;­ master,-is quite sick , in the Seton -In-Ed McjE'all has" been with-,a Panhandle firmary; with typhoid fever, and . Mr. railroad party during the .summer. George Wright, Ll.iB. '04v has lTCen rec­j)/^v Thornton and E,. J. .Williams ommended by the Fftc'yiltv. fro takeJthe -IfA've been at work.'bn\the I. &7G, -5s*. place" until Mr. Buckley's rgjeovery. . Pet-rr Alypx-h^'a been~with the AVftr : A recgrit regulation h'4,s prohibited pii< i?art.yiejit'j-'.'-;.v<}ngihie'6rs'-/' in Brazoria giving of any exemptions during/ the -County. ­ course in La^v., John and Xagel have been witli the1 Lost. 1 II. & T. C. during the summer. • A gold, monogram Phi/Delta Tlieta : Sionage has been engaged as assiB,tant .stiiek-pin." \Firider .wiL please; return-to engineer on a suburban line out of Dal­Hugh Lbthrpp or to n? Registrar. J las. . -* 7 COMPLETE ELITE SHAVING PARLOR NEW STnr.K 'Formerly on Lavaca St. •C^ ­ NOW AT 910 CONGRESS AVE. WILL BE-IN-ABOUT­ FiyeJrifsl-GIass Barbers in 7 attendance. Student Cox with us. New Phone 425 5th S. A. GLASER., Prop. Austin Music Co., E;i> M C ni» Lt Dwi.;; Prop. & Dealer in Sheet Music and all Kinds of Musfcal Instruments • .Si3 Congress AvtMi-in1. JAMES M. LOVING, M. D. fv/iuiI'bysie an and Surgeon; .- Oflici" hours: _ lit to"12 to <>. Office o\er ("hile's Drug Store. fMiones: 471x. l'tirsirii'Mee",. --'-itni •»\.u«M.vr''A~sTfeKt7.'-l5hone -----sye€:EssoR-To . ; 1110. Wright ^ Robinson S. E. R0SENGREN, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. 616 CONGRESS AVENDE Fine Carriagfejs to Hire. T r 413 CONG AVE. Both Phones 451. • G. W. A. BURKE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Prac.tiral .I'lunihiu^ ami Electrical SMOKERS' ARTICLES. W-oi:k. Eli ctri« a]• l-;.ixtares.. (Mobps and j SH-;kle«..7 ••' • I-­Confectionery..-stationery. '' ;; . lunclies. I'hone 2:55. -M4 Congress Ave. Oysters, hot "eh-il-i" hut^^choe'olate, eoiTee'. etc. • Open every night, till 11 o'clock. 2218 Guadaiupe st. SUTOR, European-Style. ' Have your cleaning, pr€fssing and re BEST CAFE |N THE CITY. pairinq done at ^ W. J. SUTOR, . Proprietor and-"Manager. The Austin Pantitorium at a low price _L Work Called —for delivered. 810 Congresis ave.—Phone : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 312. OtlU'c over Chile's I)rug St.ore'-Resl­ deiice, 2i)n7" Whitis Ave. Both.phones: W. T. LAWS, Residence;;224; offfee, 65yold phone. ~ — Proprietoir now sold by us is equip­ped: with Clip Cap foi tnt-ij and chatelaine at-tae)nuei;t for wonicii Ix'i'.h of which aiTord pro-; tectfoii-against loss, and \iit af.c easily dptachcd­for MSc. Oar Ideal ilo^s stca^jily,! m:\ci y.uuc,i, or blots, is easily filled and-cleaned. Fountain -Pen J The oldest,-newes(j|and best. Cil'l «nd in-; spect our large.assortment an^'be ptnperly fitted "" with a satisfactory pen nth tp suit your wxitttig.* Caution; Eeware of imitatrons of the Water­man Pert, ... -* . --* ^ 3555 "IfrV--­ -V 't; m •m THE TEXAN *7I The Whitis Avenue School; -• Radiator. Miss ^ Whitis'* school will "have more than the usual number of representa­ 'Twas Ever Thus.. tives among the first year students* V v^SSe;.:'•.' : These expect to matriculate before the Strenuous life at' 'Varsity! week is oyer: Mina Bromberg, Clyde *?r nW"~' ii muni'illl'f *f^n| 11 ||ni one ^Danl^""Joiiii'n'A^'1>^rerGy, Dt5ilyjBc41 Rutfy-. Asked a Sophomore why it was— erford, Anrie Huggles, Senada-Smith,-William C. Thomson,, Mamie E. Tips, murmured low-—"Fraternity. 1 ' i% Nell _ Worthiam, Ellen" Waggener ;Woold­ridge, Frankie R. Martin. 1 At home, they talked of Sophomore The University of Texas Scholarship tricks. was won by Miss, Dolly Bell Rutherford. -a Their tales of having made me sick. S8S'' ' ••'• ' Asked a Sophomore why it was— When Apologies Were Supemuous. * He murmured darkly—"Wait a bit!'* • A Freshman of the conventional pea- Pledging day at length has passed* / green variety approached Hirsh in the corridor a few days ago, and with one Several Frits, did then me ask, ­ eye on Lynn Milam he asked if the I joined a Frat. My Sophomore friend, tall gentleman; were ^President Houston. Murmured mysteriously—"At last!" Hirsh acknowledged that the Freshman was right and volunteered to introduce Simple life at 'Varsity! V ^ him. "^r: Each night a Sophodfore wallops"me. The impromptu "president" heard the r Asked a Sophomore why it was-Freshman's request with the greatest cEgnity, but explained that a. "presi­ "5^* You're a Freshman," answered he. dent's" time^ cguld not-be wasted. on -"Acmcotink." such trifles; and referred the Freshman to the second door east, where he told him that his second assistant would "Gee Whiz," said .the Freshman from gladly attend to his wants. r Squeedunk^aaJi^taffftd. the soda foun­ ift1 tain check in his pocket. "These Austin people sure are mghty generous. They aint made any of these people pay Dr. Gi M. DECHERD up, and now they're givin' 'em all tickets ^Physician and Surgeon. • for a nother drink." Office, at. University Drug Store. . R£si­ aence ffifflT~{^a~da3uperst. =$^ew=pb©3ie= A!"Freshman of manner quite meek, 450. /T "Wtenfrout~fora A frat-house he spied,. So to it he hied,­ Dr.•m w, N, LeSueur, And asked for their price by the week. 3S :.-**•'V-"K.. ••• 7.-.v•.• i : 1 i9:V----• ' -S. " •' • DENTIST They said to him "This is a Frat." IBii Said he "I'm not caring for that. 524 Congresa Ay " to anything that,he has previously writ­ ten. ing 6 Heating Goods The opera altourids" in catchy tunes, is full of interesting' situations. It on hand to select from •Sfc- ' can "W great "hit.. ,i. g. The management of . the . opera is in WE ARB ALSO AGENTS FOR ^ts^the hands of Mr. Joe Kerby. M)r. Kirby states that the preliminary work ot staging the opera is about completed^ and that practice will begin almostL imv ALL WORK GUARANTEED mediately. _ ' T. ^ The cost, it'is understood, yrill be made Bott Phones. 62 905 C0N6RESS AVE, U.S, IMPROVE I) SEPARATORS PASTEUR WATER FILTERS We have -recently purchased the large stock of Teagarden & \Shu-~ ^ mate, together with our already large stock, gives us t]ie "best as--sortinent of China, OlasswarS, Stoves, and Housefurnishing Goods in Central Texas. Agents for GARLAND STOVES and..RANGES *gyT , rN'f *1^ — OALD "AND SEE TJS AT EITHER PLACE VOSS & KOOCK VOSS e KOOCK Cor.8th and Congress Are. , 511 Congress Avenue Z25m<* * X V ~ 5-^ L J " .?-"W > T1! 'W® A • ' '« %T "j• ' • n %' The American National Bank !g§Sg -' j ' ' • . Jjj Invites you to open jour account with them, as they are qap-f 4ia able 6f rendering the best service. Their Capital and Surplus is $350,000.00 Directors Financial Strength over $3,000,000.00 So begin today ahd open your account s sell — •2F-"ST3S« .Money Orders payable in all parts of the world. J YATES 4 HUNTER PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS , . Students' Tr^de Solicited HUYL,ER'S CANDY OCTOBER 2nd • Cor.. 7th and Congress ' •; AUSTI.N, TEX. Patti Charles Bintliff CORNICE WORK, TIN, SLATE and COPPER wnnpiMR Work a..Specialty OLD^PHONE^m C. F. RUMPLE PRICES 10-20-30 BOOK AND ARTCTORE OCTOBER 10th -818 Congress Ave. . j; .A thousand and One pictures for students to select from. " Artistic LI picture framing d^ne on short no­" .tice._;A fine assortment of Paul COMIC OPERA PEOPLE i Wirt's and Parker'svPens. -^ Bosche's ft# Troy Laundry. FURNITURE. L-l JLa-!'<*Y% •, -^ \ r1 Faculty andrstudent trade solicitedr THE BOYS KNOW THE BEST -3^- .. Either rent or sell. 806 Congress Avenue New Phone 439. . Old Phone 4. Both Phones 73. ; Business address, 20CU202~E. 6th St. ^ Jt_ ... rt i J J" ^ fwem 1,^ 1 Students r j SEE .L. PARSLEY, X A. HATTER Dealer in staple -ana fancy groceries,Tour suft pressed on short notice. produce, etc. -Free delivery to all parts105 E. Seventh»^w^XlJd»™^dJie.™835: of the city. • „ --• -y new Rhone. 39S. 1. • &212 ~t^dalupe^T^ 875. to UPSTAIRS. (Next to Satl^PH & WILOOX) For University Views, Kodak Finishing > KENT A K'ODAk. i " " : £ J* r W ( ^' t " ^ -Z \ r j:\ y> y" » {rl'yL "t M V r A ^ i pi •3S­ - . v-f•'"ife'S