r n * E e x a n First C ollege Daily in the South SEMI-FINALS FOR BOONE PRIZE SET COMING SATURDAY I Literary Societies W ill Speak in Law Auditorium UME X X AUSTIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27, 1920 HL PLANS FOR CH 2 FROLICS SHOW GREAT TIME UNIVERSITY PEOPLE AMERICAN SCHOOLS SEEK FONDS WHICH TO COMPETE IN NEW TOTAL250 MILLION POLITICAL CONTEST INTERSCHOLASTIC j LEAGUE REGISTER STUDES VIOLATING TICKET PROVISION SHOWS INCREASE WILL BE PUNISHED b a tlo n P r o m i s e s to Exceed Ten Thousand Dollars W ill Be Harvard Sets Example to Other Competitors From the Various 11,000 More Schools on Roster Athletic r „ ..n,:i u u . o th e r s in Past— Ham- , ilton to Speak Awarded to Persons Making Platform Suggestions Colleges Which Are Seeking Large Endowments of League This Year Than in 1919 or- taut Meeting, Appointing As- ftUiant Football Managers Hold* Imp t.. cl -Ie* Ha m com m ittee fo r m e » announced last nignv m e , , M arch 2 Much in terest is being m anifested! following the exam ple set by on the cam with th e receipt of the H arv ard, m ore th an one q u a r te r of ^ Semi-final contests fo r the Boone With an enrollm ent of ‘2,970 schols, same pjrtemnor. , m>akin, will hp j compared with piize in extem pore speaking will be 1,937 at he r a billion dollars is now being sought for _ program c e le b r a t io n of Texas In d e p en d -i the Republican N ational Com mittee i deeds of institu tio n s of h igher learn- j 28. in the Law Auditorium. T his cash D the U niver-j p a rtic u la rs governing the contest o f j a d d i « o n 7 l ' V n d o ^ e m ‘'b y ''h u n - h*W S a t u r d a y a ,te rn 0 ° n ' F « b ru a ry j LeTgui* m e e ^ to b e M d u t ii* the f i r s t T h u rsday , F rid a y and S a tu rd a y i tut u«v o events will The day s is pointed out prize of one h undred dollars is offer for the best suggestions for the Re- I in May, gives promise of being one with the cannon^ “ ,u^ I publican P la tfo rm given by an nually to those stu den ts who | of the livest and most keenly con- these provisions will h " * t of the colors *11 include an app ro p riate and th e Men s ting program a t the pushball c o n te st at C lark a t E a s t and a bacon fry contest voters. This _ . first prize fo r submitted will be $6,000, the second, I a t e s ’ M agazine. the best m an u scrip t M arch in which «,MW. A. , th e , . , , i*1 this co un try , j o u n g J by Eliot W adsw orth, chairm an of the H a rv a rd E n d o w m e n t F u n d , in un ar- t i d e which he has w ritte n fo r the issue^ 0 f the H a rv ard Gradu- The H a rv a rd F u n d excel in extem pore speaking, by D an ‘“ ted m eet, in th e history of the or- , nr I- Boone of W ichita h a lls V1 e « „ o r ree r cpresen a Ives r • ganiaztion. ^ I t is pro- rom Austin f o r the s ta te meet, they m ust speaking so- ; come out a s w inners from the county co ntestants ^ J A t the bogining of the school term the Public Speaking s ta f f announced , . j f - , , | organizations. From the 2 districts into wiheh the whole of Texas is di- the various .................... . , j vided will be made up NO. 105 LONGHORNS HAVE RENEWED HOPE FOR NEXT FARMER GAME Varsity Team Is Materially Strengthened by the Return of Several Stars to see ( lo s e inspection will be made fro ta that now on f u r t h e r v i o l a t i o n , " ! ! the ‘ provTsi re la tin g to stud ents' and anv which Coach Benry W hitaker and his team are leaving this m orning fo r College Station, where they will m eet isions the Farmers in two games which close .. . A *C *l t h e basketball season fo r the state, are no there f . I a o d , .‘ V a " d ’ 'ended for the rem aind er of In addition all violations will be r e - : g °°‘! i* ® * , fe rre d to the S tu d e n ts’ Council for trial as violations of l h . a the year. ln I " ,''! ’'’1 . f* " ** the men are injured or ill, !’ *ood condition and should do e8' “P '" * * o bandi,caPPed “ f A^ '* « ’ a of cu ttln 8 a vein ' lfdat,n* J j50™* of t J * 1'0 ™ of th * ^ tem. These rulings were passed last nig h t a t a m eeting of t.h$> Athletic Council. Tbe b i e t l e autho rities have com-1 fluenza be able to put in a good, hard game. Russell is in fair shape, having g r e a t­ ly improved from the weakness re- I suiting from a slight attack of in Duckett is in b e tte r shape The rest of the team seems to be ready for business. I n a . ! I $.000, and th e th ird , $1,000, is only of $15,250,000 is fa st ap p ro ach in g I each l ite ra r y or public .................................... the $12,000,000 figure. cietv in the U niversity to p a rtic ip a te then the d istrict meets T h e m a r e I - - « * - 1IB the last game played, bu t he should Mr. W a d sw o rth has gone to E urope i th e Bemi. flnalB. , now in the state 97 of these county a few general subjects for stu d y and j team s which come to the U niv ersity g a i n e d th a t there has been a great j th i n t a t Saturday decision, but no definite p hase of the j in May. subject will be assigned a student until five m inutes before the time for his (or her) declamation. track schols, but this large num ber is duo j them selves as being fo r any meas- L y to the ta c t t a h t no prelim inaries a re u re * which would tend to curb the nlaved in thi 0 deal of disregard fo r th e rules agreed to whom to by both city and country have l,ct'n is8ued' aI‘>le to a i - all her men, has eased up a little and two of the regulars who went into the rosna8 er». the ii a the besi of that, r . , tw o being promoted. F ootball tra in in g will be held this sPrin K- This will begin a t the open- • 11 « • . . (Continued on page 4) __ ______ __________ of ntJxt term an d will continue MUNICIPALITY LEA GUF TO HOLD C O N V E N T I O N since been 923 W oodward Bldg., Wash- achieved, fo r t h e c o u n try has been given J ” ntgM a t ' t h e ' W o m a n ’! made possible th ro u * h th e generosity bv the e x -stu d e n ts to th e j of Mr* T ru x to n Beale, fo rm e r United and a S tates M inister to Persia, who h as of- ce at the Hancock by t h e ' fered the #10.000 to stim ulate young T on eh arn band and Var- i PeoP,e <*> an active intere st in prac- the University. i ticalapolitical a f fa irs . ueh^the efforts of Benton ! , general chairman 0 celebration, the U niv ersity j ■chool 1 fortunate enough to secure J Wlthm to teachers, the j Principals, superintendents, and o th er officers, 25 Dexter Hamilton of Corsi- years and under. Men and women and the age limit, which The contest institutional is open of is to deliver the general ad dress are botb eligible. md a fight is scheduled to begin, Men’s Gym. This p ro g ra m few minutes befo re signed statem en t with the man- the useript subm itted, to the effect th a t tbe co ntestant is qualified, is neces- u follows: s a ry * F o u r typew ritten copita m ust ding officer: Walace Hawk- be subm itted, with only one signed, dent Students' Association, however. They m ust be w ritten on selections by the Univer- one side o f the p a p e r only; a re not and not They to W alker Blaine of Young to exceed six thousand words, m ust be th e ju d g e s ’ hands later should Beale, Contest, Division Voters, Republican N ational Com- I and. nvocation: Dr. Charles E. th an March 21, 1920. sent be in America” : The stu d en t body. In d e ­ eading Declaration of ed Buford Jester. tudent address: George Peddy. j lection: University Band. Mr. S cale w as prom tped to o ffe r eral address: Hon. D e x te r n. these prizes a f t e r seeing the turm oil nediction: Thomas W. C u r r i e . « incident upon the selection of a pres- idential nominee a t one of the Repub- priate programs are being licftn Conventions, with turm oil by the committee and will be and where those who and strife, ; spoke not the w isest but th e loudest I t * appealed to his de­ were heard. sire for the p a rty the progress of th a t the principles set fo rth by the p a r ty should be form ulated anew in the libraries and studies of the na instead of in such a congested tion from New mob, and for t h a t reason he gave the 0F EVANGELIST IN FAILING HEALTH (Continued on page 4) o- in the University ar« information its in money. of ty advising of the seriousness of Mrs. A. J. Elliott, w ife o f Elliott, the prominent evan- bo conducted a course o f lec- the University last spring, munication states th a t Mrs. is been in failing health for month and th at physicians little hope for her recov- tion to her illness Mrs. El- CUNNINGHAM WILL BE COMMISSIONER Offered Government Posi­ tion to Go to Spain as Trade Representative , a 10 the“f„ of Texas has ■December Y yj s t n r k r i r T w i A n o t h e r m em b er of the fa culty of the U niversity ceiyed recognition ^ . . f a e. n r conven ion fo r his knowledge ® eye early in October S LAUNCH LARY CAMPAIGN fore,Kn a f f the person of 1 P ’ C ” C a " " ' " 8 h am . whn has been tend*ered of United S ta te s tra d e com m issioner to Spain by the D e p a rtm e n t of Domestic and F oreign C om m erce. Dr. C u n n in g ­ ham is a d ju n c t p ro fesso r of business ad m inistration and gov ern fent. He re tu r n e d to th e U niversity last fall ^ , F d ^ 5 * t o r s t o P r o - a f t e r a y e a r ’s service in the City of Higher Tax Enabling Raise in Stipends position th e to a tte n d the firs t congress of tile L eague of Red Cross Societies in Geneva as one of five Am erican del­ egates. He was fo rm e r vice c h a ir­ m an of the A m erican Red Cross, and because of his work in t h a t o rg a n i­ zation he re c e n tly received the Dis­ aw arded tinguished Service Medal by th e P resid en t. Looking back over th e last six m onths since the H a rv a rd F und was • result of the semi-finals started , M W ad sw o rth says: | i p a t e j n . final public contest ‘‘It m ay be safely said t h a t Har- ! held M arch 5 ----- fo r th a t leading th is m ovem ent. W h i l e ! it was d eterm in ed va rd hn.s played a w r y im p o rta n t part in m aking the f ir s t plans fo r the c a m ­ the paign, publicity th e H a rv a rd E n d o w ­ m en t F u n d should have two objects: F irst, to show th e need of H a rv a rd ; second, and f a r m ore im p o rtan t, to show the serious situ atio n which co n ­ fron ted all educatio nal w o rk .” ^ ____ ^ ^ ^ These o bjects have arounsed to the need «f arounsed to th e need of s u p p o rtin g higher education. T h ere is a story, (C o ntinu ed on page 4) PEARCKONDUCTS INDIAN RESEARCH Campus Observer Sees Proserity In S t u d e n t Cars If the num ber of automobiles pos­ sessed by stu d en ts of the University is any criterion fo r ju d g in g the pro s­ p erity of the stu d en t body, then the stu den ts of this institution can a p ­ p a re n tly be considered as exception* j ally prosperous. Such a conclusion is based on t h a t if a the assum ption stu d en t can a f fo rd a personal car, he m ust be com paratively well-fixed f i ­ nancially. hi Detailed re p o rts con cernin g Detailed Reports Concerning Old Mounds Now Being P r e ­ p ared for Smithsonian The num ber of ca rs owned by Uni- | varsity stu den ts would surp rise the j a v e rag e person. A Texun reporter, being curious yesterd ay morning, de­ cided to w aste a precious off-period and count th e num b er of machines he | saw parked on th e campus. To his nu m erous re s e a rc h e s am ong the an- utm ost surprise, he found, when he cient Indian kitchen-m idden m ounds bad en u m erated all in sight, th a t the sca tte red th r o u g h o u t this section of I num ber was 41. I t is safe to assume the s ta te a r e being prep are d by P rof. th e A nthropology srnall p er cent of the machines actual J. E. P e a rc e o f D e p artm en t, and will be subm itted j ly ovvned by stu d e n ts ; the total num to reach W ashington, which will publish the we^ “ bove the 200 mark. A ustin g a r a g e men assert th at, be­ re p o rts d u rin g th e spring. Accord- ing to P ro fe sso r Pearce, m an y o f yond doubt, th ere a r e more student- t be»<= m ounds— which were originally owned ca rs in the city now th an a t t h a t this num ber represents only in all probability at I ber w°uld S m ithsonian I n s titu te the ju s t re- sites *or In d ia n ca m p fires— a re thou- any t ’me m th e U n iv e rs ity ’s history. sands ° f y e a rs old. E xcellent rec- ! They estim ate t h a t fo r oils, tire®, re- - ords o f the a n c ie n t Ind ian mode of J Pa *r s * etc., an a v e ra g e of more th a n on t h e m a teria l #^50 daily is spen t by students the mounds. The work of re- j life a re disclosed by such as bones, etc., which is fou nd s th e ir car9- T h e fa v o rite s tu d e n t machine ap- in be th e “ cut-down” Ford, is con- j Pea rs search a m o n g ducted by P rofessors P earce and There were l l o f th is type of c a r seen ' on the cam pus a t one period Thura- Hawks. P ro fe ss o r P e arce s tates t h a t addi- d a y- Scores of o th e r makes ra n g in g to a re owned by tional ex am in a tio n o f an tiq u a te d Brushes th e m oun ds Lrom 1920” Locomobiles th e m ounds the to the s ta te students. two y ears in Latin-A m erica A nthropology D e p a rtm e n t be m ad e d u rin g th e spring, and Mexico as U nited S ta tes vice consul. ^ *s expected t h a t f u r th e r in tere stin g r e Hcs will be b ro u g h t to light. The He has m ade an extensive study of is devot- t r a d e conditions e” °rt to secure higher sala- countries. He sp en t en tire researc h e f fo rts to this •wchers more quickly and the Philippines and was in Spain and J singrle field. h a committee of promi- South A m erican coun tries fo r a con- j a re cators of siderable tim e before becoming con- campaign for a consti- nected with the U niversity of Texas. endment which will fix He is a g r a d u a te of the University tax at of C alifornia. Dr. C unningham has u n d e r consideration the o f f e r to go to Spain as U nited S ta tes t r a d e com ­ missioner. In th e event o f his a c ­ ceptance he will not leave until the end of the s p rin g term of the U ni­ versity. Greek Letter Societies Which Were Behind Last Year Are Now Above Line FRATS MAKE GRADES in tra m u ra l basketball afternoo n y esterd ay was the Pre- when Meds at the M en’s Gym by the score of IO to 6. Both team s w e rt u nd e­ feated up to t h a t time. The game the was hard fou gh t, especially in last the Pre- rally. The Laws Meds In S e p te m b e r th e f r a te rn itie s listed I showed th e ir class spirit by tu rn in g tie in broken th e Laws d e fe a te d th e scholarship o u t and ro° t i n g fo r th e ir team, a maximum o f $1 the present 50-cent INTRAMURAL TIE BROKEN. th ree m inutes, when de tag day jn in *n K tried near The to °* ° , e & Pa rt of the cam ­ ois day every U n iv e r­ se will be asked to con- ,,t *t $1. Students of ed- Probably be solicited cher* who wish to con- tre a s- comJnittee, already has frederick Eby, r, than sent in the state, and he ® OOO ' 7 eCtS to bave be_ #7® #30,000 f o r the I th-c campaign. a!^ is being headed by o* e,d“Cab» a> Am; nr . leaders, j E - V inson I hb B lanton- R “hank o'*1'’ R tate’" tCach‘ co-operation. Dr. ».d';<‘! l h" piar‘, f o r t he , rn* am endm e nt !» vhe only hope fo r wlariM. We can A n o th er m em b er of the fa cu lty of the University of Texas who has re- j regu la tio n s a c h a p te r cently received sim ilar recognition is Dr. W. E. D unn, who was associate professor o f Spanish-A m erican his­ to ry a t t h a t institution. He is now on the s t a f f of th e Sun and New York H erald as ed itor of the L atin- Am erican d e p a rtm e n t of t h a t new s­ paper. The f r a te rn itie s to failed to m ake below av erag e requ ired to m ake them eli­ gible to initiate. A ccording to the 1 SOCIAL CALENDAR ineligible a t the opening of th e session m ay be- eligible come eligible pledges a t the opening of the w inter term , provided such c h a p te r m akes the U niversity average d u rin g the fall term . dance, c h a p te r house. dance, C o u n try Club. Feb. 27: initiate Feb. 27 : D elta Chi ING MARCH I. in­ i^ S eptem ber, are now eli­ listed below, Feb. 27: PteropodF ’ dance, C actus Tea Room. Phi Gamm a Delta dinner INCLUD­ EXTENSION BULLETIN OUT. Copies of a new g ro u p -stu d y bulle- Phi Mu A verage of the w o m e n .................. 6.01 ..................................................6.09 tin will soon be re ad y fo r distribu- Delta Delta D e l t a ............................6.08 tion by the extension teaching divi- sion of the D e p a rtm e n t of Extension, A verag e of the m e n .......................4.62 University of Texas. F u r t h e r infor- B eta T h eta P i ...................................5.40 m ation concern ing this branch of Phi G am m a D e l t a .............................. 5.04 service m ay be had by application to Delta T au D e l t a ............................. 4.74 Lam b da Chi A lp h a ........................ 4.70 th e extension teaching division. F ra t e r n it i e s : Feb. 2 8 : G e rm an , K. C, Hall. Feb. 28: S tu d y Hall. S. W. T. N. Club, March I : D. K. bi. dance, C o u n try Club. March I : F re s h m a n reception, K. C. Hall. SO C IA L C A L E N D A R COM. Per Florence E. Bell. eligible gible to initiate. S o r o r itie s : The Intersch o la stic L eaguer, ,t monthly p a p e r p u t out by the Exten- —____ (C ontinued on page 4) BUREAU TO ISSUE Pam phlets for General Infor­ mation Published by Govern­ ment Research Office ‘‘The Movement fo r Efficiency and Econom y in S tate G o v e rn m en t,” “ The Public Service R ates in Tex® Cities,” nnd “ Tax Rates and Tax able Values in Texas C ities” are the nam es o f to come o ff the press th rou gh the w o r1 three bulletins- soon of the University B u re a u of G o.- a rn m e n t Research. Dr. C. G. Haines is the a u th o r of the firs t named pub* ication. F la n k M. S te w art, secre. tary of the bureau, compiled the la t­ two from inform ation te r in questionaires sent o u t by the b u -' reau to city officials all over state. received the Since its organization in 1913 the b ureau h a s ' published sixteen bulle­ three tins, not including these last compilations. cities and to tow ns of Texas has service Its the I in- eluded investigation, compilation o f 1 * i t — of . im p o rtan t n e n ts of municipal governm ent. nform ation and advice m y city in T ex as, and its wrork has the most already become one of fa c to rs valued in and city g o v e rn ­ progressive, scientific m ental adm inistration. advice has been sought on questions involv­ ing the incorporation of cities and towns, the d r a f t in g of city ch arters, the advisability of a commission form of g o vernm en t, the operation of th • Som ers system of tax valuation, the nam es o f all mayor." of Texas cities, an d hundreds of o ther and even more varied m atters. Its In addition to the extension work all over the state, the bu reau serves as a research lab o ra to ry and re a d ­ ing h e a d q u a rte rs fo r law s tu d en ts in the University. is e x ­ Its haustively equipped, and the bureau employs a full-tim e librarian. library to donate C lark ; its headquarters a t tbe end school. Calls for try o u ts will be m ade the the next 1 ew days. and actual work will be sta rte d as afte r. as possible thero-1 art, soon in in A no ther ruling passed was th at from now on sw eaters will be aw ard­ ed football men only the first season they win " ' I ’s.” H ereto fo re it has been custom ary to give sweaters as well as “ T ’s,” but now only letters will be aw arded. Tk n i i * . ouac i* voted th® to Field M arch 24, when the exhibition game (he Boston Red Sox and the A m erican Legion Longhorns. ATHENAEUMS TO BANQUET TONIGHT Gala A ffair Will Take Place in C actus Tea Room Followed by Scintillating Speeches A thenaeum s of the University will the Cactus Tea tonight a t b a n q u e t Room. The annual b anquet of the is an A th enaeum L iterary Society rv en t th a t is always looked forward to by all m em bers in the University. The previous banq uets held by the to be society have always proved highly enjoyable affairs. Tonight's I b a n 9 u et promises to be no exception to the rule. It is announced by Fran k M. Sbew- secretary-treasurer the of League of Texas Municipalities, th a t the eighth annual convention of t h a t organization will be held in Dallas, May 13, 14 and 15. Im portant m u­ nicipal problems will be discussed by prominent speakers. The League of Texas Municipali- for Government Research of ties was organized in 1918 and has the Bureau of the Uni- It is a n o n -p a rti­ versity of Texas. san organization of Texas cities fo r th® improvement of municipal gov­ ernment. The active membership includes 75 cities with 543 city o ffi­ cials and 63 associate members. Officers of th e league a re: P resi­ dent, Mayor Frank W. W ozencraft, Dallas; vice presidents, Mayor W, J. Nichols, T exarkana; City Manager E. L Wells Jr., San Angelo; City Attorney J. Bouldin Rector, Austin; secretary-trea8urer, Fran k M. Stew­ art, secretary Bureau of Government Research, Austin. SPEECH ON MEXICO AT FORUM MEETING Cunningham Will Talk on Our Neighboring Country at Next Gathering Mexico will be the subject of a lec­ ture to be given today a t the World Fellowship Forum, which to be held in the Girls’ Study Hall from 5 to 6 o’clock. The talk will be given by Dr. C. H. Cunningham, adjunct professor of business administration and government. is This is a n o t h e r of the series of weekly lectures given un d er the a u ­ spices of the Y. M. C, A. and the Y. W C. A. As in all o ther cases, it is op* n to both men and women, and anyone stu d en t or not is invited I* attend. Last w eek’s talk was post­ poned on account of the general sus­ pension of University activities in honor of Dr. E. W. Fay. As is customary in these talks, the | first part will be in the n atu re of a Acture and the la tte r p a rt a round table discussion of problems brought up Questions may be asked and will be answered by the speaker. a re free . . N o pains have been spared by th* ln " "O U * d e p a n - b a n q u e t com m ittee u , m ak „ toni(,htV Its a f f a i r excell in all respects th* p ; : the society. The to i ban q u e ts held by choice five-course din ner w .ii be topped o ff with a f te r-d in n e r talks bj p ro m in en t m em bers of the faculty, m em bers of the society, and promi­ n e n t mon of state affairs. reserved to one of Seats will be for old m em bers of the society if they will the banqu et com­ apply the m em bers o f which art : m ittee, E. G. Lloyd, W. H. Jacks. O. I). Thompson, S. L. Eddina, R. A. B ar­ ton, L. K. S tienberg, president. LITZ SPEAKS AT PUBLIC READING HOUR Mr. F. E. A. Litz read from the w’orks of Tolstoy and F a th e r Tabb at the public reading yesterd ay a f te r ­ noon. from F ather T a b b ’s works were all The selections light Dr. Cunningham is said to be emi­ nently qualified to make such a talk. and ( He spent some time in Mexico in the The b ureau also serv es as th e sec- pleasing, on such su bjects as “ To I consular service, and while there he intim ate knowledge of r e ta r y of tho L eague of Texas Mu- a Rose,” “ The W a te r Lily,” “ A I acquired an inside nicipalities, with a m em bership of Cradle Song,” and “ The P lain t of the , Mexicar In addition he has just seventy-six of the Pan-American the slate. Mr. S tew art, as secretary a m ore serious poem, giving some of returned of the b u reau, is also s e c retary of F a t h e r T a b b ’s own experience when j Conference in W’ashington, D. C. the league and is ed itor o f “ Texas he said of himself t h a t he “ in the With these facts to recommend him. leaders expect one o f the most worth M unicipalities,” t w hile conferences beld so far. leag u e six tim es a year. the , school of darkness should learn what "Going Blind,” however, was viewpoint. mean the things u n see n .” larg e st cities of Rose.” troubles from published from the the by * * • The patient lost ABOUT UNIVERSITY pe o pl e Edited by 0. G. m i d n i g h t m a u n d e r i n g s Br Bock Don’t tr u s t any o f y o u r frie n d s who try to give you som e of th ese fam ed hom e m ix tu res to drink. And if you do tru s t one, d o n ’t e a t any chili afte rw a rd s. acco u n ts fo r th e b re v ity of this co l­ T his com bination j umn today. P o e try fo r to d a y : One teaspoon ful in w a te r every fo u r hour*. R ep o rtin g to sick b ay , sir. Campus Poets PETE JEZ- (S a tu rd a y A fte rn o o n in T o w n ). “ You com e to me, here, B en jam in ; M ind o u t how s tre e t; you cross th a t T ak e th a t thum b o u t’n y o u r m outh A n ’ speak to folks you m eet. Now, ta k e a-hold of S u sie’s h an d , A n’ d o n ’t you ru n aw ay ; I n ev er saw sich fu n n y kids, T hey alw ays w a n t to play. T ak e th is ra g a n ’ w ipe y o u r nose, A n’ d o n ’t g e t so m ussed u p ; Cuff Links Cuff buttons m ust b e w orn, and it pays to give careful consideration to this important detail of dress. A different kind is required for social than for business use, and styles in each change re quently. K nowing authorative information about styles will be given, and that the variety of patterns, excellen t q u a lity .and just prices at- ford best selection, most men com e to Mayer s for cuff buttons. Gold e n g ra v e d and engine turned links, yellow , green and w h ite $6.50 to $150.00 Carl M ayer Company J ew elers, S ilversm ith s, D iam ond M erchants T h e H allm ark Store 6 1 8 C ongress A venue p r i i - rn - - - - - 1 - coml T u rn loose th a t d irty pup. CLASSIFIED AMUSEMENTS Style Without Ostentation The innate correctnes* of our spring footwear«. plains its popularity with women who appreciate «W it means to be well dressed. There is a shoe to iud the requirements of every occasion. Dependable leathers in serviceable colors lorn th materials of the low cut shoes which we are now show- ing for spring and summer wear. They have been lh signed and fashioned with knowledge and s k i Our courteous salespeople will provide the requisite for shoe satisfaction. A good fit. Williams & Co, fo r a M aster’s d eg ree, ex cep t fo r his re q u ire ­ th esis and resid en ce th e m en ts. He is p lan n in g to w ork o u t an M. A. degree in G overnm ent at. T ex as and m in o r in Psychology to w ard his Ph. D. He is re g iste re d in ten d in g th e s u b je c t fo r som e cou rses in th e Law D e p a rt­ th em m ent, is w ith p rim arily social sciences. in te r e s te d — th e in which he to c o rre la te lo tte , N. C. He then accepted position o f representative of I c h ild re n ’s w elfare department of I Ohio B oard of State Charities,’ he gave up after three yean w ith th e B ureau of Juvenile Rem o f the Ohio State Board of Ad • are t ra tio n , both of which boards i ca te d a t Columbus. Mr. W right has become well I h ere in his work of supervisal Red Cross institute work at Ta and is recognized as an authoritj th e p ractical as well as the m Im m ediately upon im m ediately upuu fin ishin g fro m ------- ----- ---- Ohio, Mr. W rig h t w as fo r a y e a r su- p e rin te n d e n t of re c re a tio n a t C h a r- i teal side of social service work. Citizens State Bank Only State Guaranty Fund Bank in Austin, Ton The Bank with the Chime clock. Courtesy, Accuracy, and Service Assured. President. A lbert W. W ilkerson, k£ ml Eldred McKinnon, Leo Kuhn, A ssistant Cashier. A . W . G riffith GRIFFITH DRUG COMPANY ‘W h ere Q u a lity Count*’ Phi* TRY A FISK RED TUP W h e n It’* T im e to Re-tire THOMSON MOTOR CAR CO. C olorad o a t F ifth photo by J«nMO?R*an»«r- IVA N G. W R IG H T . is one of Mr. W rig h t, who the m ost p o p u lar of th e y o u n g er m em ­ bers of the fa c u lty of th e Unlver-1 I 3 ity, is ju s t com pleting his first y ear i as a m em ber of th e B l a f f , and holds ! the position of L e c tu re r in Sociology as well as b ein g su p erv iso r of field work in stitu te s th e Red C ross held h ere fo r th e tra in in g of social service w orkers. fo r and B. A. ! C olum bus, Ohio, Mr. W rig h t w as o rig in ally from received his from Ohio S ta te U n iversity Mn 1914, w here he w as a m em ber of A lpha Sigm a Phi fra te rn ity . He re ­ tu rn e d in 1919 and com pleted work th is: H em stitch in g and dressm aking done in one block of U niversity. F if­ teen y e a rs’ experience. Mrs. Nellie Phone Lee, 2402 San A n to n io S t 3285. 1 RECEIVED by th e Students PH O TO CLUB, bunch o f n ew Cameras to be le t out. Call for them at th e Shinepar. G et your film s th ere at reg u la r prices. DANCING — National, I Live, T echnique. Modern •ipecialized. interpre- dances P riv ate studio. Phone W A N T E D — D ates fo r m an Reception. Phone 4830; call 22. Slow the and F resh - Pokey. —27 Large 5x7 p h otos o f the U ni­ versity building* on sale by the Students P hoto Club a t the Co- Op and Y. M. C. A. EXCELSIOR MEAT MARKET ALL KINDS OF MEATS Only cold sto rag e in the city P hones 625 and 725 Patton’s Union Market P a tto n and S aw yer, Prop*. D E A L E R S IN FISH AND O Y ST ER S OF A L L KINDS Also F ru its and V egetables Chaa. S aw yer, Mgr. Ph. 213 Prompt Delivery 115 W est Sixth Street m a j e s t i c p r o g r a m . T oday and S a tu r d a y : Seven ac ts o f Big T im e I n te r s ta te vaude­ ville. q u e e n p r o g r a m . T oday and S a tu rd a y , last tim e: 2991. C h arlie C haplin in "A D ay’s P le a su re .” HANCOCK PROGRAM T o m o rro w ev en in g : F ried a H em pel, c o lo ra tu ra soprano. A u­ spices A m ateu r C horal Club. M en’s Gym. Also tab le board a t $18.75 p er m o n th of 30 days. Phone 3140. Mrs. A. R. McLeod. 25 LO ST — On cam pus o r in E d u ca­ tion o r M ain B uilding a silver fo o t­ ball w ith A. & M.-T exas on fro n t. Call fo r J. C. C oit a t 2941. DAN CIN G by Miss K rohn. F o r f u r th e r in fo rm atio n rin g 27 1758 a f te r 5 p. rn. TA U G H T DRESSM AKING— Co-eds, think of FOR A G O O D POLICY S ee 26 P h o n e 7 1 5 WILLIAM G. BELL 6 1 2 C olorado S treet (E lk *’ B u ild in g ) D istrict A g en t B anker* L ife C om pany o f De* M oines, Iow a The Only Mutual Life Company Operating in Texas Under Armstrong Law luuiiuiHiiiiiHittiHiiuHnmuifinniuuiiiuiuiinuiinniirotaHnBBHiniiiiainiinniBiii^ LOOKE’S CAFE LOOKE BROS., Prop*. Phone 735. ^nnaiwMiiniiieawMiM^ 620 Outgrew ELECTRIC Irons, G rills, P ercolators, T oast ers, V ib rators, et Qr Dr M g Handman. that the ‘jazz’ musicians of the day A. I 4 J n r*r» 9 IYT ll Q I A I ll Pl SI A l could be sent wherever he may have gone after this life.” W ILSO N TO V ISIT AU STIN f ft P H JIV N A L P L A N S F O R BETH BERI California’* latest dan(: ,ll® star, assisted by J . V. V E ­ LIE and BASIL O NEILL. B E R T K E N N E Y In “ An A rgum ent W ith Nobody A bout N othing.’’ JU LIA NASH AND C. H. CO LO R GEM S O’DONNELL, Comedy de A study in light, color and Luxe, ”3 g. m. ’ form . Also Other Big Act*. M atinee* 3 p. m ., Nights 8 : 1 5 S h a r p - i ■ • < J b . ■ - - - ■ i r " v t ; r t i . *. J a m e r i c a n s c h o o l s T . augurated with a total amount asked , * f o r r u n n i n g o v e r $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . t i t l e , . A Ann OOO f „ ~ 1 *1, . , , . SEEK FUNDS W H ICH . . . . ---------- TOTAL 250 MILLION |and towns have faced the same prob-j lem. Demands for additional pay by struggling teachers have been insist- ent. Special elections have been r, * » « . _____ . a # , (Continued from page I) t too, that is told ill this connection. i a wen luivi/n banker has asserted A well known banker has asserted | th a tth e Harvard Endowment Fund , Pre8s*d Profe.s.on, “ And so, side by side have arisen hat the narv . railed him to realize what he owed * his own alms mater for the sta rt she th e“c *u n to e rs a l^ c rv & from from this universal cry . tw0 * r,’at changes rn public rxu ° * . . "ave b;m in life. ! “ n.t1,m en‘ : F , ™ \ V T , ° f / * * ' ? " I M A R C H 2 F R O L I C S In the course of the article Mr. * ‘bll'tT * “ «” * ,o r he S H O W G R E A T T I M E If the true music-lover were only Wadsworth says: “Hundreds of STT m , i I institutions have ______* , , su» ',° rt 0 been brought to * r e a le s t,on of t h e seriousness o ' th o r financial cond.- tions bg the rising costs of 1919, p with the result that campaigns for additional endowment have been in h f l v p h o l d i n g o f t h e s t a n d a r d o f e d u c a t i o n ; second, the realization of the enor- ,, ., , , , . | he would know whether or not to sic untversal >nd , dirtnbuted the morning of the ce le -, the claquc on to the wish. f Am erica - “ The th, future de-1 V T ™ ese ,w,“ sh»w V enH The vocal arrangem ent of ! schedule of events for the day in ad -, B]ue Danubc» i5 Miss Hempel s own dition to the program of the meeting j an *ure what kind of a life Strauss led, V a r s i t y A lu m n u s in H O U S T O N A D D R E S S E S C L U B . Is T r a v e l i n g R e c r u i t i n g I n t e r e s t s o f F o r e i g n Missions. ---------- Mr. Jesse Wilson, an alumnus of the U niversity, who is now traveling in th# interest of the Student Volun- teer Movement, will be in Austin ^ March 3 and 4, en route to the U n iv e r g ity q { California and Qther in3titutions> ?h e Q b j e c t Qf hja vlgU .g recruiting foreign mj33ions> anci definite to­ e f orm ation will be available to those cQast t<> ^ ^ The program follows 1. a Arioso from C an tata Con . S w e e t B ird ll Pesnicros (H an d el), with Stromenti (H andel), b. from flute accompaniment. 2. French Songs. (R am eau ). ques Mandoliesn (S aint-Saens) _ - 2U1 are^ c. Fetes _ Fe aux a. ain re ac- ^ ( , alamos ( hansosn (H ah n ). (B am b erg). teaching positions ch in a, Jap an , and Latin Am erica. There are also openings ac - and demands for doctors, nurses, m an ioff). b. To Elise < ee oven). business ment an(j ministers. Good . r. 0pp0 r fUnjtjes are open for those in- c. W altz in G F la t interested about 3. Piano Solo. e aux -n a. E ogle (Chopin) j ndja a ^ os- < 4. Grand Aria Di B ravu ra, terested in this kind of work, which ad- consists of both service and vous didai-je, Maman” A dam ), with flute As interpolated by Miss Hempel in Q A (M ozart- vent u re. accompaitiment. Mr WUson be flt tfce y M for tWQ daygf and any infor_ "T he Daughter of the Regiment. mation will he given personally by Mr. Wadsworth lays stress upon the practical support given by the late Henry C. Frick, who “ wrote in his will a testimonial as to his opin­ ion of the value and importance of our institutions of higher learning.” Mr. Rockefeller, he says, “ has ex­ in no uncertain term s, his pressed, of feeling as the higher education to this country by his gift of $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 for distribu­ tion among colleges of the cou n try.” im portance to KARL’S B A R B E R SH O P AND SA N D W IC H P A R L O R I their time are as follows: Assemble at flagpole, 9 a. rn. Cannon salute and color raising, 9 :1 0 a. in. March to Men's Gym, 9 :4 5 a. rn. Pushball contest, l l a. rn. Bacon fry at E ast Woods, 1 2 :3 0 a. rn. Dance at W om an’s Gym, 8 :3 0 p. rn. (Given by ex-students to all Univer­ sity stu d en ts). The entire committee will meet at the Y. M. C. A. Friday at 7 o ’clock to complete the final details of what gives promise to be one of the best and largest celebrations of its kind ever held at Varsity. LON G H O RN S H A V E A R E N E W E D H O PE FO R N E X T F A R M E R G A M E I (Continued from page I) KARL’S 2 4 0 2 G U A D A LU PE » » » » t ~ first contests of the season are once more ready for action. These are H. M. Russell, captain, and J . W. Duck­ Both of these f ’ere in action ett. against Southwestern, and they c a n ! give stiff opposition to the Farm ers. When the A. and M aggregation “ W h e re the c r o w d . f o’’- t h e | J - Ma jestic. DR. T. F . CO X 421 Scarbrough Building Dentist THE TEXAS BARBER SHOP In v ite s You (Student Owned Institu­ tion) Dallas C. Johnson, Prop. Brightest gems from the op­ eras in costume, H ancock O p­ era House. EAGLE AUTO SLRVICE TOURING CARS — and— CLOSED CARS Phone 3293 WORN THROUGH H ave you r shoes Re-Made GEO. R. ALLEN by th e shoe e x p e rt 24th and Guadalupe St. Phone 4597. For the Best in H om e-B aked Pies and Cakes and Jelly-R o lls, Call I-0 -1 -6 for TH E C A PIT O L B A K E R Y 2 4 0 9 G uadalupe P H O N E 5 3 6 # 7 3 F o r AU/TIN LAU(slDRV-DRY CLEANING CO w - — : — - . ^ 1 8 0 4 LA V A C A ST , 5. Reign of the Blessed Spirits (G luck), b. Arabesque Mr. Rodeman. (D ebussy)- 6. a. Vesper Hymn (Old English) (T ro ­ Traditional day. b. Invocation to the Sun God v er). c. Lullaby H ym n), Blue Danueb W’ altz (L ieu ran ce). d. request.) (by (A rranged for voice , ( J . S tra u ss). Indian (Zuni by Miss H empel). C olor Gems, a study in light, color and form , a t M ajestic to- FR IED A HEMPEL G reat C o lo ratu ra Soprano A S H B E L V I S I T S L I B R A R Y . Of the M etrop olitan O p era Com pany, Assisted by IN T E R S C H o L x S T lC L E A G U E R EG IST ER SH O W S IN CR EA SE (Continued from page I) The Ashbei Literary Society went the Wrenn Library Wednesday to afternoon for the third of a series of lessons dealing with the books. last The subject discussed “ Bookplates.” M iss’ meeting was R atchford, librarian of the library, the in ~ 7 * zion D epartm ent of the U m vet.U y, K . . . ,. illustrated her talk with books from collection Qujte # number of e in ii. < res o of ab<)Ut tw , „ b e member5 0 f tbe society took advan- learn is pui is e conteet* held by the League. B y pub- fishing each y ear several s e le i.t.n s I suitable for declamations, it i n s p ir e s ....................... - ........ ....................................... the carryin g on of these contests in sportsman-like an educational and way. Also by printing press— letters the from various counties, it keeps widely separated communities uwake j as to what the other clubs are doing opportunit to C O EN R A A D BOS, T he Fam ous D utch Pian ist and A ccom panist A U G U ST R O D EM A N , Flutist of the P h ilad elp h ia Sym phony Orchestra Hancock Opera House F rid ay Evening, F e b . 2 7 th , 8 :3 0 A U SPIC ES A M A T E U R C H O R A L CLUB Seats Now Selling at J . R. R EED M USIC STO R E x And T H E EDISON P H O N O G R A PH SHOP P rice s: $ 1 .0 0 , $ 1 .5 0 , $ 2 .0 0 — Boxes $2.50 P E N N Y B A C K E R M EETS. Pennybacker Debating Society had a meeting Thursday afternoon, I a t which Mr. Duffey, one of the men ; who first organiz«d the club, spoke. He told about the first days of the club’s life, and what he hoped for the future. Op Frid ay afternoon at 5 o’clock the club will hold prelimina­ ries to select the five members who are to speak in the extem pore speak­ ing contest on Saturday afternoon against the other literary societies. -MflWiqHtlMMBlMlllHMHIBllBMttllllllWiniltHllllliiiliilitHlllllimUHHI C H A R L IE C H A PLIN Q ueen T h e a tre T o d ay and T om orrow T h e com edy you’ve h eard of so m uch, “ 3 G. M.,” today. Don’t miss the M ajestic show of Suprem e V a u d e v ille . -------------------- — % %"!UUUPPUUPUU7PUUUPUPPU777P77P7P7!"PUPPPU" """7U — '"W SM [ywiiWttW TEXAS BELTS WITH GOLD BUCKLES $3.00 PATRONIZE THE STORES THAT PAT­ RONIZE YOUR PAPER Duckett and Knebel were all out. was only in fair form. So was Blaine. the The upshot of it all was th at Farm ers won, and in the first game they did th at with difficulty. T h r e e Men B a c k . the court, Now with DeViney, Knebel and things Duckett back on look m aterially brighter, Knebel es­ pecially is a strong player. He has been responsible for several of the victories of th© University string, and he may be responsible for another. DeViney is another man who is noted for his accuracy in finding the bas­ ket. When he comes onto the field, there is always a perceptible rise in the team, the fighting qualities of and usually there is a notable rise in J the score. Duckett is a good center, the one position which Coach Whit- i taker has had the g re a te st trouble I keeping filled. The team is playing together now better than before. During the last half of the Southwestern game, the Longhorns got into action, and they iterally swept the P irates off their feet. Their passing was good, their their goal j guarding was good, and Sh ootin g was good. This gives a litle j brighter prospect for the future, j A. and M. has continued blithely on her wTay, tearin g through every one of her opponents and coming out of every contest so f a r with an unde­ team. H er five stand-by’s, feated Forbes, H ar- Williams, McQuillan, tung and Dwyer, are still playing L ast week this their orr bi nation managed to go over Rice wHh a score of something like 48-13. Everyone admits that the Longhorns ire m ing up against a big job when they tackle College Station. trong game. oStoam'Lcr Q U A LITY S E R V IC E service rDOTTO 6 0 0 F|F™ 211 EAST FIFTH ST Still, with the ever present Texas I “ figh t.” with the team captain and a Aeveral regulars once more hitched, J and with the added incentive of this § to a veek being the last opportunity out a crimp in the Faarm er plans, S tens are hoping th at a t least one of I the games will come T exas’ way. The CO-OP “ At a Little More Than C o it” B A G G A G E T R A N S F E R S E R V IC E C A R S P H O N E 1 6 1 0001022348915348534853482348232348535353484853000102232348 r n I M M — AT YOUR SERVI** AT ALL TIMES