. (,r 3$ M•* T­ m •: w&& •-iim-i ' 'LI si< ®§Si X T^mlkefliefr ^"§§3&l* Hfeg Ijr^fug^Stprg y#®W-w. fet in , -vW^Vi 'i'g'C^^^|fii'Xa,J '/r^i'un'vgj :•> «# _|t .1+ I , >&• -h , *!M IBttilS f ­ at]«a vs= ^ t ^ " K ^ ^"" aa D , fleeted great credit oti zp%t&: ' 'Varsity was represented W IF YOU WANT re^L^ FirsiE teAtfcORtNQ T Vi . /'­ '' f r 'Dealet;„In Imported ft>T J andlDonieptic; " *1"^v' "" H r ' i i. IS m>>:iZ , _ •fti-' 'iliri? :©g rfiJi •>*M IP \">7" il.W.'i f8®! v\„>. -riv,?& r u* gggrCgrlUUIi U1 Ud.ll UJ&&C18, VYCit» ll*llliUjl^U X>UIJ^ iner at Short and Taylor in right, * Borland, the' rwMwrj, Free Shines* TcI3Qk/^ , ^§gf§ Iras *BC« » %~ <>'­ *pcca pitcher of the AU American Base Ball Team, P,c«vS. £. RQSett&rGns 'A 5»i^rrte8 wpiedthteslabfor.tfeeBatonRoagsboysp^rz^ ^ 4 --^ P j , , S&'t r „T sultfi dM^ot fall shortaf ff'ffl--»»wi^^omftfomiBer a«eto«*q WiTjg^eilf^W^ ?.A. .„ , , , # ' hWv hfetiealbt8fc0t1«a| BUi've/ofi'eeiprocit? mitMf deftaeiilji pSsjraU toMUM gatiie,> r*ft t-HftfrA. ve ^ ^^ .J J-j ?&« ^I'.AWRBKf-V-NEVi^PBi nts and afi gmspf -' sMp '$k r.Mr.Afei s •'•iH M ®fe$ 3SE-'•",' SI ^H-f-iiV ' "*• cei wp *V$ nm* WMiMiMM (SSS?3 .; STEAM SSS8KS . . LAUNDRY npg " H» *" -" ' 'h-vr steyi; W'.;; .­ ^UliWvfVJl * <;,yVi ywvi 4V«>/ 1 • wagons WILL CALL.every hoOM Vfi.'-'-. ­ PV:; f •» if jl "*> '"S «N-~»k vs.*1"" j > " '-'^J • >r Sisgw sajaggBiiBiBiiaii^^ • •• pS®:r" iat ahvqvs have. a": J-'>/^$ m"• ^—r-V.?'•-i V*^,J,T .'-lrfr^B,*tJii'N V-ilflfcr-Jgtl. jsisl V'5 I-^SS. .. .^IhStltUU.m CO( ParlorM1KM rl^ -o, «, ir% KX:.-> mmm v, i; -:^': Knasr5ro i^mJt onsin-fo ^vi |,i 6p^( l^sW®^¥®SS®«3S PJHtC,'Smith Buildl ps*™ T' JUJ tlo' y®i*gMsz. •••; tfor the •t_ swmm BKaBBCCTI outne V?,.nAVr.-:' ;-'-,Vjj--a>fi^ , * X "'w" ^\f. A,41x. r_at.^u.,.^.^>i ..s/y^v' ~: * /1 • o,1 s mm? iSmlfMllSi«fifA®SM^ : ^gpi ®Sgi ; ' S guY" «Slj'''a the donor of the ­ •f->:'.,rrV mp} wi\i be a-sUC. lUlii^an 18 enthusiastic K'iVS ^-4WI 'f^(2?y--j;». MMB itgnMgHiPisMi! tomn sfcand ^ •.' vV. • Si&ite •v. m^wMWi ,,.. '-j ® Si j.J SgpJPJSFVWJgJ " -*> t '?m$k firSl&shVi i-s-a^ -T.^S3e- 1^: '*-^' uvv BMWl I • V ni /I-&s 1^;*K ¥* * 6WisWri^iyrfi?tti*4e£e;y.i43>ios*lt^B ' "•MiAiiMjliii »|l WUJM |HWM|lilWyiBWyw^W»Wf * , t.B^,1 V?vjv-} rfr -,T ^ .'-*-• *• *. *• o * * * " •" T 1 if '"••pi -** A.sV " 'n'X^r rr,Mip'« MM s i*-^ ^ ^ 5« "*• r"*-»i v~4"* tetuai S?ann^eacltisc^l^i d| MUX-, • •* <^*W®PpM§ «f "0 fy-ti »1 r£ tdra¥: Shirts 75c, J . ^Sm^rfoll^wed -Mr:, Dibrell ­ Sf^^Saff1 '0 0 wjggg^ wM$§m w**Jl :^ConKw'i. MSmB£i ®rfc§ ;fV (#cents Jr*^3 'iKennedv.-irb, rf*;s) •* * — v. -,r* ' > ' -1 i^.H. 0 w„ ^ ~ . M re wdl known toTexas „i"V 1 ' o |to $10.00. j students, and his points literally hammered the^^S'e'Ir^' 7* 2' _ Jut Senior Shoes tjie Best,, * other side to pieces. This closed the first round of .'* CalhoWftTfo •'0 '"li*c^: VI M$3,50. ;^.; -2 speeches, ^ . ' -v .Weller; 2 b'..^ 0' 2-''; *4-i; A?; " k ;0| Each speaker was allowed his five minute x&\. ^nn« 1b---'-. ,-v^^ -0 Tiiaelil 1 "" •» n^V V ^ >4 ^ ^ |r? E. M1STR0T. I 4?'­ * * joinder,rand Ducliamp opened up thesecond round & ' o 0 ^^^^arHntccdV^at'ch^ th^fe| ' ^J X .1 * 1 • 1 1 .-I /V . -1 'W 1 1 ?* V~> 1 ' 27 SS«t? |.i;-" ly < to One Again;»/ 4 BROS; JBSOLVED: ^hat the Young Ladies a"> v bearing Millinery lEro ve a ,— CJSr r-j-", _ himlilliig i .officisl rGpotTg(jpcKisureare standardmatufaffforor aquaiuy ami ,*'S'-^ v * ;5 sjci. lausen&TJieis nrc recoguixcd ka ^ucHAy W the^'' ,|i % 5*. |904 Congress Ave., r & i ^,n f> *" lor?.'| fSOTtt mw«NG?%5 Makes th)amtr mtellQptual contest had beei| most ably defend^,;lrL: ^.soattere^hits^p:>V^A'; G.« -* . , 1 ducted debates that h^s ever-been held in the iligeci you^y/^moeB^^u r^andR-S-Ter^ $k&£K mm 1M I® to Moody on business F Mi mmi^m PfgMgMgSggfg^p Business had nothrn mwmm 'tn^Soy i Victory in Base W.-».;y;'-iy m$ms& masm atchmake u'lteh 2s^xSi^ WlrWzM •v'^.,;:;, • -:MTO<^foT''^8Mfe^abft^a^eIae8l^e fVTiyjbij ^•vJrss." ^va^gg^M-^Uv-.:i:^u.^TOU>T.i'>'• ^ MAl o . v*. , -, : fhe Improved _ mimmt WSS^lllis ­ mmxse.. ;asW2Z& feis®#?SSSSMSiil-^v. SSiiSSSSSS ViHSOi^ V.%^55 PWias Y ; p I ai2 y SiSI isasnsmw IS „ For the-fli'St: tiya ittflitt ^sf; -1 -2WQk, Itvthe sixth, hfiMtf the^wt raftft wp fiotA -*V'fl r n: aBasBBBgttt , , UM;a ^ i *e»e we iUff ;f m, Vi" ­$5 &£*£ ;:W«KB..,, pgMllllM Ssi® ssife h^immrMimfti SiiSsllPl ii.54i'V^ '''" ­ 'i+T'j SgSSsSfss iiPi ipMiv warnmmm '•.1; Wliiil'': mmmmmrn '• "WM .«*»«&.^ =v«u jStftUoneftr Programmes Banquet Menus :}AMroBS;l>ic8'" ^Fraternity Engraving W^mSMs!0sM. counsel' was"„appQittted j to prosecute ^atid also MSSSig 'Sfti, ..<•*, »_iliV£s ,_, ^HA" 1> 1 Evil 1TIH ^ lf|M|"J1,'''V'"'^'' M H I I'M : U^/ cXOCi^SC0[ till^erytH^^hoiildJ^partjn^i^stebKsliea be ACADEMIG COSTUME "tt't'.&V"'' Makers.ftf Cn-ps and Gowns, foi University of Texas, Yale, Princeton, , < "t Harvard, (Cornell,WV*»AS.*1| BiynMawr,«»<.U4WV»U, W..UIM,Smith, Wcllesler,l»VUWOl^, VJ 7 -> lu *• JVanderBilt, Sew dnee, Tiilant1, Urn versrty of Chicago, Lelagd Stanfoi d, * Georgetown lts£ll8i|?ll 3^33^=S^=3^52^ti5^=3^33S^?3*^SS^;3^?s4: '? «5*7^| ~7" T^'W^CTT . «WWl^**"' J®** -Efcmcfc--© if li^'SiorfSibSif X?i^}4Tt,+,r ri^;iT«• X„L KNOXVILLt RiffltSS SfAapg.^.lafflgg^OTi^te Gladstone feuglw, md •V-W iereas-we wish to place on record our ap­ iniMiMi S^fsis® :^m %%3#2 wmismm "• iSSSmM r-i^*­ .iV^WA'"l?^' '01 ^ mmmmrn "^ m^¥' CLAUDE NOWLI^ mm FRANK MAN mm •• WALTER \ Act ttoaoitnartJI.ji.II..JLJ.j1.Iw.I.J.J.J. J..i. , _• " >* > C '. _ -••-•-Mmi •' •:-._ •; •>; •^.^'"jlH •jhwriJtf'jj'irJAifi ^ifc&VV'js m;-::M SirSKsSI :•_' iSSSavJCffiu Mww HM9sH^nAtxS.f* 'r^XPSf.:* 'm)mi •mmm >•.; 1 i'.7£T:'-ygi,sij • WMi%MS '-.'•» . Mm ® • MM S^MBI mmmiMflmmk _,oar .^3C S^] •ffi­ ft/;c'^fr^SK5'•^JlSlz^r*A*_ \Vgtf\ K~*< "*) ZWMSf.