Rebels continue assault on capital in Liberia, page 3 BEST AVAILABLE COPY Da il y T e x a n Vol. 89, No. 174 2 Sections The student newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin Tuesday, July 3,1990 25c Ceiling not checked for asbestos before mishap Christopher Anderson Daily Texan Staff Failing to inspect the ceilings of Beau ford H. jester C enter for asbestos prior to its re­ novation — during which the material fell on workers — was an “oversight,'' a I T official said M onday. John Rishling, Division of Physical Plant associate director, adm itted that the choice to merely test floor tiles for asbestos — even though the project w ould involve ex­ tensive work to ceilings — was a bad one. "There was inspection of the floor tiles' and tests proved negative for asbestos, he said. “That w as all there was judged to be necessary to be inspected. That turned out to be poor judgm ent.'' Because of the oversight, Steve Belvea, UT director of asbestos abatem ent, said he expects the departm ent will now routinely order inspections. "It will be [policy] from now on. Sou can bet m oney on th a t.’ UT physical plant carpenters were re­ framing tw o classrooms Friday w hen m ate­ rial later identified as asbestos fell from the ceiling onto the project. the workers, halting Belvea said "for w hatever reason, the ceiling was not' included in the inspection. "That need is in even project. They recog­ nized it before. I don't know what hap­ pened." Asbestos had been knocked loose during the project, leaving some dollar-sized parti­ cles on the floor, Belvea said. He added that there was only "a little to vacuum " and not all of it was asbestos. Testing indicated that the air is safe, but will continue to be m onitored, he said. Rishling said workers have been instruct­ ed to order inspections w henever they sus­ pect asbestos exists, both before or during renovation. Inspections are not required before renovation, but workers are expect­ ed to be wary' of buildings known to con­ tain asbestos and areas in which it is likelv it exist, such as pipe insulation, he said. "W e're trying to get everyone w ho works on a project to think that way — take the conservative approach, the ultrasafe ap ­ proach," Rishling said. "People are not used to thinking this w av." Rishling said the policy of allowing the supervisors to determ ine if inspections are needed during renovation is a good one, but he added that "it's a question of how it's im plem ented." Although Rishling said an inspection should be ordered anytim e renovation in­ volves "building above the ceiling," he added that inspection should not be auto­ matically required as some rooms obviously do not not contain asbestos. 'I would hate to make it black and w hite," he said. O ne physical plant em ployee w ho re­ quested anonym ity criticized the lack of in­ spections pnor to renovation. "Those things are supposed to have been checked out," he said. "U ndoubtedly they w eren't. In the real world they know what thev re up against. Thev usually check things a little better." A nother physical plant em ployee w ho asked not to be identified said renovation projects have been shut dow n at least three times recently because of suspicions of as­ bestos. "Sometimes thev catch it before the job starts, sometimes thev don t he said. Both said they thought efforts to protect w orkers were improv ing An ongoing cam pus survey has exa­ m ined about 13 percent of all LT buildings for asbestos, said Frank Meyer a technical staff assistant in the physical plant. The 14- m onth-old survey will eventually d©rmar>ent Staff . %....................... ... Btfetor M anagng Edaor Assoc ate Managing £ dacvs Assistant Managing Editor News Ed So r, Asaooate News £>tor Stews Assgi—ne-r« Eddor Genere Reporters Assoc ate Editors Em arm - - e r E d io r Asaooate Entertainm ent '- d as® E d * » Sports t a b Assoc ate Soo-"* t dSor Q snsraf Sports risporlsr PhMO Edrto Assoc ate Photo Editor ~ a v s Eddor Assoc aie m ages Eddor Grap-.cs Eddor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kavm M cHargue .w m e Acton S u sa r B o re r C arol Hunatea Gregor Sauer Greg We*n©r Joseph AOOod Ron LuOkS mope S > e r Osanna Roy O n * Bade*' Matthew Connai% C a n d e s Drreer Larry Rowe. Shane utter Ra-xJy Ae-retos Soot? Stanton: Aat va B cwn DaveW -nter S a - . adcson Rob WsSesr W ayne Hardm K risin s w .v f Hsnrtes Kscxe- Jet* Turrenrme ................................... ............................Je n Hoeae ...................................... ........................ ................. Tor- Kmg Is s u e Staff v * > Assistants Eddona CoAimrvsl E d tor a Assrstadl Entena nmerst A ssatanf Soons Ass stant Spods W • ter M .w e. c E C ’or A re Ee tor Copy E d d o r e ............................ i>nctograpners . . . . . . G ap n cs Ass slant Corwc St- p Cadoomsts C v s A-oerecn Jerm Letona R sh sr M eSssa Peeek w Osutsdh Jctvn Escem A a .a-- Rhnpcdt A T B e d s Anne Gotta Shannon P-osser J ot Becxe- ............................. tohn M cW fli»n s .............. ................. ... . . . . T=ntTran Room Orednse Mary Getoer Se- *v e n a - Rogsr Pmckney Ane S a xesteOa- Kirti J Crippens, Austm Hohdty V a r Garren Wa»t Rotoomfc * v>~ \ ~g ,ieanet?e Moreno Ro&ed Rodnguez ................................ ■ Loca 7 scav C rex Anderscx Slvannon Carter w an e A d v e r t is t o g Ad Director C ass • ed ZXsotsy C ass Ned Te epnons Sae$ Ciass ■ efi "eepnons >e v ce ............................................................. Devs Memphd Doug Lvon Beth m rc-e Nbchast On . sa D«rrv Chañes W cxrean AnPv.-, Wngnt L.nda Smith Jenruter Broods BradCortieR Deanna Jackson. S ro cx ia Scott Verona vvoo < D ave W SS Shaw- McMmn Pauia Barrefi Tammy Ferguson D»ane HodC'ns Chnsb Stradtord Kristy Tang MarXBaxer ArtCarrdto. ElsmeFenofc Api Gr . *-t 2 .» . * tu n iu S PS i 4 6 ~*«o a siuoent -ewspace at "re Unwersity 0 ' 'e*as at sre as pubis-hec b> *t»a- s pubtahed Monoa. Tueaoa. 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OOOO tóOO 20 00 75 00 To ef-3 -ge by V IS A » Vai-yCarc cat * ~ ' S3B2 Sere crders anc address changes to ~e»as St^oere PjONcatons P C Bo* C Austm TX ' S ' i 3 -T209 orto TSP B l 3 vj C3 ZOO or ca 4 - 5083 F>0 $TMASTER: Senc acc*ess changes to The Da >v Texa-, P 0 . Box D Austm. IX 78713. [---------------------------- Fiesta Flowers 3830 N Lamar 453-7619 R O SE S $9.95 Cash x Carry 4TH OF JULY SHUTTLE i/.1 _?*: -A tO l3bL I J¿" X ' Ü L . A a ! a Tft A -A A . . A . á j ■' ( rfJ iL í Asbestos Continued from page 1 bestos and other materials he said Buildings to be examined are prioritized based on when renova­ tions are scheduled and the likeli­ hood ot finding asbestos and other hazardous material- M e ver said The lester project was fifth on the list to be surveyed w hen its renova­ tion project began because ot its rel­ atively small size compared to other building renovations which are con­ sidered more likely to have higher levels ot asbestos he said The survey is expected to be ac­ celerated but M eyer could not esti­ mate when it might he completed 1 d still hate to have to hang mv hat on the date W e ’re attempting to pick up the pace because our learn­ ing curve has topped out, he said. Belyea said Thursday that AJ per­ cent ot all buildings contain some asbestos. The renovation project at lester now is on hold Bel vea said until lune 13 due to laws requiring that the Environm ental Protection Agen­ cy* the Texas A ir Control Board and the Texas Department of Health be notified ot the asbestos abatem ent Some of the asbestos w ill tv re moved, while some w ill remain af­ ter being encapsulated — a process in iv hich asbestos is locked in place he said. Knowledge of how to appropri­ ately deal w ith asbestos is still de­ veloping, Rishling said noting that it was not known until recently that adhesive used to secure floor tiles sometimes contained hazardous materials. As time goes along vour judgment gets better Bel vea agreed saving that the in­ cident will serve to educate people about asbestos is a good learning tool for everyone. Asbestos abatem ent is still a relatively new field and we ve got a lot ot bridges to cross Thi- Bush Co-op Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 used tor the press box Mangold said PA C E Entertain­ ment — a Houston-based company that the U niversity paid more than 5103 000 to build and equip the stage — specified the amount and tvpe of cable which was bought from Summers Electric and General 1 lectric Supply C o Phone calls to PA C E were unansw ere5 Tuesday. Tom I uckett Students Associa­ tion president said the amount ot money that they spent on com­ mencement could hav e been spent to create a better atmosphere on campus to bring in more faculty, to create more classes and for student advising — which would elim inate the student advising fee and save students monev. It's obvious the m ajority of stu­ dents on this campu< did not bene­ fit from this five-hour extravaganza. there to serve the Co-op s interest over students interests he said Sapire said that technically stu­ dent-elected board members are not there to represent students For le­ gal purposes, vou fa student hoard member) owe it to do what is in the best interest of the corporation and not necessarily the best interest of the studlents, Sapire said. Adam Tate Students Association vice president said he is also con cerned about the committee based on the board's history of serving students For the most part once students are elected to the hoard they forget thev are students he said Thev generally tend to protect the interest of the U niversity Co-op — often for­ saking the interest of the students of the University Around Campus is a dally column list­ ing University -related activ ities sponsored bv academic departments, student services and registered student organizations. To appear in Around Campus organizations must be registered with the O ftice of Cam ­ pus Activities. Announcements must be submitted on the correct form available in The D j ih Texan oftice 25th Street and W hitis Avenue bv 11 a.m. the dav before publication. The Dj i Ix Texan reserves the nght to edit submissions to conform to style although no significant changes w ill be made. rules MEETINGS Overeaten; Anonv mous-Longhoms in Unity w ill hold an open crav sheet discus­ sion from 10 to 11 a m. Tuesday in Partin Hall 305. Todos l nidos w ill meet at 7 p.m. Tues­ day in Calhoun Hall 200 Todos Unidos is an activist coalition of Chtcana Chicano or­ ganizations Campus Crusade for Christ w ill hold its Pnrne Time moeimg at 7 p.m weeklv Tuesday m Graduate School of Business Building 2 124 The University Macintosh I -er- Group will meet at ~ p.m Thursday in Pharmacy Building 3.1iV un the new wincT C h d e Poole of the Department ot Computer Sci­ ences will discuss telecommunications. Students for Earth Awareness w ill meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Texas L nion Building next to the Armadeli W e will have elections and discuss campus envi­ ronmental issues The Texas Union Board of Directors Subcommittee on Franchising will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesdav in the adminístralo e of­ fices on the fourth floor ot the Texa- Union Building W e are working on developing the bid specifications for franchising ip. case that option is approved SHORT COURSES The Computation Center and Joe C. Thompson Conference Center will offer the follow mg courses next week at Thompson Confe rence Center 2.1 IS and 3.108 ■ W ordPerfect for 1 B k ' Second Course S 30 a.m . to 4 p m Monday $30 w ith UT IP ■ PageMaker tor the IB M First Course to 4 p m. W ednesday $30 with S 30 a m UT IP ■ Introduction to HyperCard S 30 a m to 4 p.m . Thursday $30 w ith UT IP ■ PageMaker tor the Macintosh Second Course S 30 a m. to 4 p m Fndav $30 with UT ID Uall 4~ 1-3121 tor registration inform a hon. OTHER Services for Students with Disabilities needs volunteers to assist w ith -tu d en ts w ith disabilities Tor information and appli­ cations call Anm e EJderbroom at 471-1201 Student Volunteer Services needs vol­ unteers to tutor high school -tudents in algebra and geometn after 2 p m Monday through Friday For information call 471- 30b5. Student Volunteer S e n ices needs vo l­ u n teer- to spc nd time w ith the residents of a retirem ent com m unity O n e resident has a special in tere-i in airplanes A once-a- week commitment can make a big differ­ ence in someone - life For information, call 4**1-3065 Student Volunteer S e n ices needs vol­ unteers to be tutor- or buddies lead a com ­ munity’ sen ice group participate in necre- attonal activities or teach iob -kills to some youths involved in the juven ile court sys­ tem 1 unes are flexible m ornings after­ noon- and evenings Mondav through Sat­ urday As little as throe hours each week can make a difference to these kids For inform ation call 471 -3tV>5. 1 f f * f i f A£ - _ , --- 0 IV F . 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Our test-taking techniques and educational review w ill help you be in top condition test day We ll not only sharpen your scientific knowiedge, but your reading, problem-solving, and essay-writing skills toa Sum m er courses are regis­ tering now. So call the best in test prep—Kaplan. And get an MCAT score that you deserve. EXACT REPLICAS Copies of Minted Coins in Zinc Die Cast Coin Education Set 23 Piece Actual Size 3" Dia. 5 1972 Lincoln Memorial Penny 5 1985 Jefferson Nickel 1 1918 Buffalo Nickel 5 1965 Roosevelt Dime 2 1776-1976 Geo. Washington B C 2 1972 Gee Washington Quarter 2 1968 Kennedy Half Dollar 1 1971 Eisenhower Dollar Priced at only $46.00 pre­ paid, money order or Bank Check only. North Carolina Residents add 5°o sales tax. for Shipping and Handling one set $5.00, for 2 sets $7.50. for 3 sets $9.50, Pm?? Marne. Address__ cty---- btdte Zip. Send to In to ls r Intrrnation&l, ATTN: ED. SET. P 0 BOX 668, TROY. N C 27371 s //>V l*S 2 is a lot cosier to list' on that m eu u m y o u sent m e ! " H ow re vou g o in g to do it? I \i 'm in ,ui untidy rnom. yon ra n tu rn out -omo neat work on an I l>M IV rsonal Sv-iem iT \\ ith ¡i> pruloaded -ofiw aiv. IB M Mou-u and color 474-1200 WORLD & NATION T h e D a il y T e x a n Tuesday. July 3 ,1 9 9 0 Page 3 MONDAY S DOW JONES: 2.899 26 UP 18.57 Volume: 130.200.000 shares Gorbachev urges unity of factions in Soviet Union Associated Press M O SCO W — Mikhail G orbachev parried a dem and M onday that he resign and urged unitv am ong bick­ ering tactions of the Com m unist Farty in w hat he said w as a race to keep the country from becom ing a second-rate power. Despite a lack of enthusiasm tor his 2-hour 20-m inute speech o p en ­ ing the Com m unist Parte s crucial 28th C ongress, leader appeared to hav e papered over dif­ reform ers and ferences betw een traditionalists with equal doses of confrontation conciliation and con­ fession the Soviet There was little strong em otion displaced bv delegates despite dec­ larations by the parti leader that the congress would decide the C om m u­ nist Tarty s tate. It w as unclear w hether G orba­ chev could continue to hold back the explosive disputes am ong the 4 65” delegates threatening his lead­ ership and the unitv the parti has m aintained since the 1^20s. Gorbachev defended his reform s and insisted radica! reform is vital because the Sov iet Union is rapidly becom ing a second-rate pow er. Onlv nine m inutes into the con­ gress the Soviet party chief and president faced a dem and for his resignation Coal m iner Vladimir Bludov from the Far East said the leadership had bungled a program to im prove food supplies and im ple­ ment other reform s. Another reform er X un Boldyrev of Leningrad called for the nation­ alization ot the party's property Attacks on Gorbachev s leader­ ship are increasingly frequent as re­ formers and traditionalists find fault with a failing econom y, republics bent on secession, and ram pant crim e. I think we can return to this pro­ posal the Soviet leader said evenly in response to Bludov and the con­ gress overw helm ingly supported him. At the end o f the dav Politburo m em ber Alexander X akoviev con­ sidered by many the brains behind Gorbachev s reform s won an ova­ tion for a fiery speech calling for to rally around G orba­ delegates chev. Tomorrow the partv will not be alone in this violent political sea he said referring to new parties the com m unists have perm itted. Criti­ cism w ill be m ounting. This is when both unify and confidence will be especially necessary and we should learn it today W hen congress the 10-dav is over it will have elected a partv leader and Central C om m ittee, and will have approv ed new partv rules and platform. Yakoviev target of conservatives, stepped out of G or­ bachev s shadow to warn that only a renew ed vounger and more leftist partv will be able to lead the cou n ­ try to more sen ou s re­ forms. frequent forward a Let us rem em ber that not onlv em pty store shelves forced peres­ troika but emptv souls as well, he It's im possible to stop the said. m ovem ent it will continue with or w ithout the party. ” Gorbachev sharply attacked the partv bureaucracy for im peding re­ Soviet milita remove one of the estimated 100 demonstrators in the Red Square Monday protesting the opening of the Communist Party Congress. Associated p -ess form but did not yield to reform ers dem ands that the parti get out of the arm y. KGB police, and w ork­ places. He received som e of his strongest applause w hen he said partv cells will remain. He defended policies that led to the replacem ent of hard-line C om ­ m unist leaders in Eastern Europe. countries Gorbachev those said w ere freeing them selves from Sta­ linism . as the Soviet U nion itselt is doing. cesses. and w ho m oreover refuse to accept them eith er politically or psychologically In a counterattack on traditional­ ist* who seized control of a reconsti­ tuted Com m unist Partv in the huge R u s s ia n r e p u b lic G o rb a ch e v leading cadres w ho pre­ chastised fer the old and are ... quite incapa­ ble of integrating in the retorm pro­ His most visible rival on the rul­ ing Politburo, X egor Ligachev said at a mid-June m eeting that G orba­ chev could not hold dow n both the the Soviet party presidency O n Monday Ligachev would not sav w hether he expected leadership and a formal challenge to Gorbachev Gorbachev acknow ledged the leader- Politburo and other partv had been late or m istaken in m aking kev decisions But he laid m uch ot the blame tor the nation - econom ic political and ecological ensi* on a of abuse and stag ­ nation under Stalin and other lead ­ ers heavy legacy Bush says NATO summit will be no ‘bombshell' Associated Press KENNEBL N k P O R T , M aine — President Bush m et with top foreign policy strategists M onday to prepare for a N A TO summit he says will bnng changes but no 'bom bshell in the W estern alliance s military strategy. Bush who used last year's ÑATO su m ­ mit to unveil a proposal tor m ajor troop re­ ductions in Europe, said there will be some verv interesting developm ents at the Session Thursday and Friday in London. Som e will call it dram atic policy changes reporters. and others w o n ’t," he "There will he some changes, but 1 d o n ’t told happen to believ e that it s bom bshell di­ m en sio n ." Vice President Dan Q uavie, Secretan of State Jam es Baker D efense Secretan Dick Chenev Chairm an ot the loint Chiefs ot Statt Colin Powell and other senior officials flew from W ashington for the m orning strategy session at B u sh 's vacation hom e overlooking the Atlantic. Thev met amid reports that Bush had al­ ready sent the N A TO allies a blueprint for flexible re­ radically altering the alliance s sponse the \\ est would use nuclear w eapons to stem a W arsaw Pact invasion. strategy on w hen and how Later Bush told reporters as he teed off for a round of golf with Q uavie and others, "W e covered a lot of ground W e re ready, ready for N A T O ," s e c u r it y N a t io n a l a d v is e r B r e n t Scow croft, also in the golf partv said W e made a num ber of suggestions and propos­ als to our allies and a num ber of others have made suggestions He said Bush wants to discuss the proposals first w ith his colleagues before going public w ith them. But U .S. officials said privately Bush will urge the N A TO allies to overhaul their Strategy for repelling a Soviet invasion bv making the use of nu d eai w eapons a high­ ly unlikely last resort current strategy that explicitly m aintains the option of early use ot nuclear w eapons to counter a m assive W arsaw Pact invasion of W estern Europe, a scenario of alm ost vanishing possibilitv when the Soviet* are withdrawing troops from Eastern Europe and some Warsaw Fact m em bers wish pub­ licly they could be in \ ATO too. Bush also is ready to consider scrapping the 1 470 U .S. nuclear-tipped artillery' shells now based mostlv in West Germ am and reducing or elim inating an arsenal of 1,560 U S nuclear bombs deployed in seven N ATO countries sources w ho insisted on anonvmitv told The Associated Press. This would be a m ajor change from the The Wi2' missals oll'apse, admin d participa I "N o t just the the faculty shou teach the students," Zucker said. con- f ex- a u se sh o u ld decid e; T h e v , a lte r all, Zucker was also critical of UT-Dallas officials tor doing nothing to find other positions for the terminated faculty" as is the custom in the aca­ demic world. But Farabee said that several ot the professors were reassigned elsewhere in the university. Zucker said the ruling w ill cause potential pro­ fessors to avoid the UT System because of its perceived lack of faith in the tenure agreement. W hat w ill this do to recruitm ent of outside talent tor the U niversity of Texas System when word of this gets out? he asked. People in aca­ demia have verv long memorit Environmentalists defend apartment recycling plan Melissa Petrek Daily Texan Staff Members of an environm ental group — started by two Austin Com m unity College students and one UT student — defended their plan to instigate apartment recy­ cling M onday after being criticized by other local environm entalists. Jeff Steinborn, president of En vi­ ronment Plus, fended off attacks by environm ental groups such as Earth First!. Ecology Action and the Solid Waste A dvisor}’ Com mittee, who say the organization lacks credibility and financial stability. " If we re not going to do this, it's only a matter of time before it gets mandated and rent w'ill go up, I guarantee it," he said. Jeff Steinborn, a student at Austin Com m unity College, confirm ed statements made by Longhorn Dis­ posal general manager Ken Bernard that the group was negotiating a contract with the com pany to place recycling bins in Austin apartment complexes. Longhorn Disposal would be re­ sponsible for the bins and pickup, and Environm ent Plus would then see that the recvclables be transport- ed to a recycling center, Bernard said. But he said Environm ent Plus' lack of experience was a concern to the company. " If you mishandle it in the first place, you're going to get people to lose interest in it," he said. Bernard said the project of apart­ ment recycling — which is currently being field-tested at two Austin complexes by Longhom Disposal — is much in need of research before any plan is implemented. He also said aside from what to do with the refuse, other issues must be addressed, such as resident and apartment management train­ ing, resident participation, where to place the bins, and security of the bins. He said vagrants and individ­ uals wishing to take recvclables from the bins in order to sell them to recycling plants would soon be­ come a problem. "A s soon as thev find out about it, you can count on it," he said. But Dan Steinborn, vice president of Environm ent Plus and a UT ¿JimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiHiiniHnig O P E \ T I L 8:001 § | H O S E S $9.95 : Cash & Ca rry N ea r RR Route 5 Casa Verde Florist | Daily Specials ¡ ¡ 451-0691 H FTO Hancock Shopping Cntr. facing 41st St. «TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIÍIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiÍ: i n finance junior, called the plan "sim ­ ple. He said their sole purpose in negotiating w ith Longhorn Disposal was to ensure the removal of the re- cyclables. Steinborn said the group would to have the recvclables to A C C O arrange transported directly Waste Paper of Austin. Dave Anderson, AC C O general manager, said should Environm ent implemented, the Plus plan be company would agree to accept the recvclables. "W e 'v e been talking to them, but nothing's been final­ ized," he said. A C C O would negotiate a price per bulk with Environm ent Plus for the refuse, he said He said the company accepts all grades of pa­ per, aluminum cans, glass bottles and jars and specific types of plas­ tics. Jeff Steinborn said calls from apartment managers have been fre­ quent, and that the group has at­ tended meetings of the Austin Apartm ent Association to further determine communitv demand for * i: -, S FOR LESS LOGAN’S 478-7911 1004W.24TH recycling bins in the complexes. He said Environm ent Plus would be providing service to more than WX1 apartment complexes and about 45 percent of the Austin community. He said if a free service was not provided by Environm ent Plus the citv of Austin would mandate the service and rent would increase. 1 guarantee the apartment own­ ers w ill trickle it right down to the ren ters' Jeff Steinborn said. Beth Holt, president of Austin Apartm ent Association, also said her organization's board of directors adopted a resolution in March to study the issue of recycling. W e met and decided it's some­ thing that s time has come,' -he said. Holt said the association also asked tor time from Austin M ayor Fee Cooke tv1 study a viable plan tor recycling before it was required. To pay for the recycling, the citv would most likely pad" renters electric bills for the service, or assess it to the apartment management, creat­ ing an increase in rent, she said. J u m p - S t a r t Y o u r D a y a t H y d e P a r k G y m W e open at 5 :0 0 a .m . \ Monday-Friday S OO on Sarurcav .9 0 0 on S uncav j V o u r N e ig h b o rh o o d T rain in g C e n te r 4121 Guadalupe 459-9174 R A Y BAN® S A V E 25-60% W E B E A T ANY R E T A IL PR IC E* BIG DOG SUNGLASSES 2021 Guadalupe 2nd FLOOR DotxeMaH 4 7 * 4 1 7 1 month within 9 calendar days • $5 Bonus on the 3rd donation of the • You must have o valid photo ID and some proof of Austin es dencv {Student ID Accepted'. INSTANT CASH ♦ ♦ ¡ A N D BONUS ♦ ♦ If you need cash to help you out while ♦ ♦ you are in school why not donate ♦ ^ blood plasma. You can donate tv ce ♦ 7 day period and receive ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ FOR INFORMATION OR FOR DETAILS ABOUT ADDITIONAL B O N U S PRO GRAM S PLEASE CALL 450-0756 AUSTIN PLASMA CENTER recede $ 5 .0 0 bonus • $25 weekly drawing e Call for appointment (N ew Donors Only) 1009 E . 40th V isit our new facility at 3423 G u a d a lu p e St. comer 35ff* St Guodoktpe) e O n your 6lh visit with - a month you will LONDON S294 PARIS S339 ROME S383 MADRID S365 MOSCOW S429 TOKYO S521 NEW YORK S125 ONE WAV FROM AUSTIN ALSO TEACHER and BUDGET FARES/ EU RAIL P A S S E S U S S R / Europe Tours Language Learning Centers C o u n c i l T r a v c l 2000 Guadalupe 472-4931___ • Board Certified Ob-Gynecologists I • On RR Shuttle 4 5 8 -8 2 7 4 Austin Holiday Daily Texan Staff Í M Hanging out Elias G onzalez, foreground, and David Petersen, both of Austin, strip the old paint off all the windows of Brackenridge Dormitory. The two painters are em ployed by the UT Division of Housing and Food S ervices and have been working at the Brackenridge location a little over a week. Fill in the blank 1 TI I T - a s < — ■ ^ § T T É * » * ¡ B U S S T O P S H E L T E R D E S I G N C O M P E T I T I O N Capital M etro will be constructing new shelters tor use by our passengers during 1990 and beyond. This competition is being conducted to help ensure that the shelters reflect the needs of our riding public. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash aw ards totaling $10,000 Contest open to art, architecture, design and engineering students and/or professionals. Contact Elaine Timbes at (512) 389 7519 to request a copy of contest guidelines and requirements ■ ■ ■ ■ All entries must be received no later than July 19,1 9 9 0 by 2pm. Attn: Eiaine Timbes/Communications Department Submit entries to: Capital M etro 2910 E. 5th St., 2nd Floor Austin, Texas 78702 Capital M etro Austin. Shoe Hospital Now Serving UT Shoe Repair New Location MLK («Nueces 473-2929 12 Austin Locations G M STEAK HOUSE R E P A I R • Boots • Shoes • Leather Goods • Luggage C U S T O M MADE • Boots • Belts • Chaps • Etc Capitol Saddlery 1614 Lavaca. Au*n. 476-9309 WISDOM TEETH If you need the removal of wisdom teeth... CALL g i h BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH GROUP INC, at 451-0411 Financiad incentive provided for your opinion on a pain medication Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30 DELIVERS! 474-GMGM Cosfidcatial, Professional Reproductive Care MAN’S CONCERN • Adoption Services • Free Pregnancy Testing • Problem Pregnancy Counseling • Abortion Services # B irth Control • Pap Test REPRODUCTIVE SERVICES 9 7tt a AAA-Alamo Adoption Agency M edical 8l Hospital Expenses Personal & Confidential Counseling Alternative to Abortion Housing and Related Expenses We Take Time To C are TELEPHONE ANSWERED 24 HRS (512) 451-5527 licensea by State of Texas STUDENT SPECIAL S U P E R C U T S - S t y l e Makes the Difference Let SUPERCUTS treat you to a special $6 SUPERCUT \ That's $2 off our neguiarty $8-pnced SUPERCUT \ Good ohly at these locations: Park Green Center at Riverside and Pleasant Valley 3025 Guadalupe at 30th & Guodalupe R E N T R I E S (Coupon required) Valid through July 20. 1990 T h e D a i l y T e x a n P a g e 6 T u e s d a y . July 3 ,1 9 9 0 Texas officials: ( ensus count low Minorities, homeless overlooked Cbns Barton Oft -% ''exan Star EVspüe I ’ S a n t m m e n t claims that al Texas households Haw been accounted foe in the I‘WO census several -rate oíficia s w arned Mon­ day that the state '"ax tace a re coat oí the -S s u n ex w hen Texas wa> unde m ounted bv about 54~ 000 Tvopie Texas Xttvrnev General : m M at­ Land C om m : ss .oner v'-arrv te x le e Mauro and Austin Mavor Ccvke were am ong those testifying in the state Senate chamber before the concres'iona; s . hcommittee on C ersus and Pepu a nor» •Ve have found that the C en-u- bureau has consistently under- counted m inorities undocum ented w or’vers homeless men and w om ­ en and those who I:\ e in h ch-pov­ erty or high-cnm e neighborhoods to suv nothing or the households thev -us: plain m .» e d Mattox said at the oversight hearing on Status ot Census O perations in T exas As well as determ ining national population the decennial census provide' the guideline tor the a Lo­ cation or federal funds and '•erxuxw and the redistribu tk>n of congres- 'tonal districts among the states Mattox said the l cx- andercount cost Texas $300 million and one con­ gressional seat in the past decade. An adm inistrator tor the I S De­ partm ent of Commerce however defended the 1900 census as the best census we have ever conduct­ ed* both from the standpoint of its accuracy* an d the com pleteness of its coverage of our crowing popu a- tion. Michael Darbx the Commerce tor D epartm ents undersecretarv economic affairs said We have every reason to believe that the 1990 census will outstrip exen that cen­ sus in term s or accuracy and quali- :v " But despite Darbx s disnussa of census concerns most or rh, sc tes­ tifying presented example after ex- am p e of shortcom ings in the tabu­ lation of T exas onties bar. Antonio C r\ Council Mem­ ber Maria Berriozabal blamed some of the undercountinc on an adv er­ s a n a . re la tio n - h ip betw e e ", Hispamos an.: the Census Bureau and said arce croups of residents in poor areas had not even received census forms Bex era! or te>nned cited co on as — poor settlem ents alone the Texas-Mexicc* border — as those w h o In South Texas afone. 50.000 households did not receive forms be­ cause of undeliverable addresses.*' G.irr> Mauro. Texas land com m issioner an exam ple of how the census tails to addrcs- the geocraph c and dem ­ ographic diversity ot the state Mauro said the deprivation of census information was exacer­ bated bv the new files sx stem which -ehes on urban citx block» a- the ba- Skt geograph c unit tor identifica­ tion tv pica U\ Colonias vance tor much of Texas "U rban city M o d s have no rele- he said lack mail ser­ vice- and rareix appear on maps Bur rhex do ex -r Nonetheless the bureau developed no nex% strategx to ensure that rural Texans would be counted In South Texas alone 50 xW households dici not receive 'or-"- because of undehxerable ad ­ dresses. C ensus forms that do reach the public carry no guarantees that thev will be returned filled out correctly or filled our at all due to distrust of the gox em m en t an d difficulty un- derstanding the forms Cooke said fears that the C ensus Bureau will provide inform ation to the Im m igration and Naturalization Service lead to poor cooperation from som e undocum ented w orkers Also he said apathv or antago­ nism tow ard all levels ot govern­ m ent max cad some citizens to w ithhold their census forms. go vem men t sentim ent We did sense an increasing an fi­ he said More and m ore people are fust I don r believe in [the gov­ and I'm not saving ernm ent anvm ore going to participate Some of those w ho w anted to re­ spond to the census Mattox said were unable to because "th e forms tnis x ear w ere next to impossible to read and understand 1 hav e -e\ en vears or college and made it through high school and I had to have help figuring the sucker out he said. Pesuire the concerns presented in the hearing subcommittee chair­ man Rep Tom Saw ver. P-O hio stressed that inaccuracies in the cen­ sus rally could still be corrected this year and \% ould not hax e to wait u n ­ til the next survey in the vear 2000. STATE & LOCAL M o n u m e n ta l ta s k James Cea lex o* Austin a fourth -generation monu­ ment craftsman, outs ‘ m s- nq touches cn me nam e­ plate of a tombstone Cea' ex has bee" practicing his - Monday Da N Texar Sta~ crab since 1954 at Austin Monumental Ah, 1016 E. t6th St Cear ex saxs tKat the tombstone business s a steady one. Dallas fails to attract Hispanic teachers Assoc atec PALI AS — It s not difficult to find Hispanic students in Dallas it s a whole lor classrooms but tougher to attract Hispanics to teach them recruiters say Hector Flores a recruiting spe­ cialist w ith the Dallas Independent School District sax s teacher short­ ages and intense competition have m ade recruiting H ispanic teachers a formidable task Sometimes I reel like I am. at a dance and nobodx w ants to da nee with m e Flores said. More than 50 or Paisa- IS I public schools do not have a single Hispanic teacher, although H ispan­ ic students m ake up one-third of the enrollm ent with district's total about 44,000. Flores has visited 20 cities and Puerto Rico this vear in his quest to increase P allas percentage of Hispanic teachers Onlv 7 percent ot the district s teachers are Hispanic, and most of them reach in the bilin­ gual education program A new state law requires Pallas to teach some students in English and Spanish. Pallas is aggressive in its recruit­ ing For example it otters incentiv e packages including free airline tick­ et- arc. discount coupons But Flores said he regularly r u n s into re­ cruiters from Los Angeles Miami c hi.ago New >ork and Chicago A job fair might have 150 recruit­ ers and 100 minoritv candidates Flores told The Da.'.:< Morning Vc:.>. ^ on re supposed to wait for them to come talk to veu But I aiwavs approach them as soon as thev walk in the door and start talking The problem is that the p\x>l of Hispanics graduating from college is small. If DISD hired every Hispanic graduating from college in Texas List xear w e w ould still not have enough to fill our vacancies in biltn- said gual education for next vear Assistant S uperintendent Rosita A podara. She also said that incoming teach­ ers ot all races m ust realize that Hispanic children have the potential to achieve Often, it's difficult for some teachers to see Hispanic children as iust be- high-achiex mg students cause thev don t speak the language of this country she said. POLICE I' ’ | |*J1 p.. Worker dies of injuries after accident at IBM A Cedar Creek man died M ondav afternoon of injuries he sustained in a construction accident earlier in the dav. Kevin Paul I V an 28 was w ore mg on the seventh floor of the IBM building at 11501 B um et Road w hen the accident happened about 10 a m . W itnesses told police that P ean was standing on a beam loosening a. support cable w hen another beam came dow n pinning him betw een them He apparently treed himself and tor an unknow n reason roll to the ground L am Be Saw Brackenndge Hos­ said Dean was pital spokesm an taken to Brackenndge w here he died in the operating room of m ulti­ ple traumatic injuries Sexual assault suspect sought Police continued tor a suspect who sexuailx assaulted a woman in East Austin Mondax loo km c o tor A spokesm an the depart­ m ent s sex crimes unit said the 20- year-old victim x\as walking near the intersection of Hverve's P nve and Spnngdale Road w hen she was assaulted bx a man at 1 21 a m The suspect identified onlx as a Hack male then fled east into a heavilx w ooded area The victim was taken to Bracken- ridge Hospital x% here she was treat­ ed for m inor miuries and dis­ charged Officer's dismissal upheld A tonner Austin police otticer was denied reinstatem ent late last week atter entering an appeal be­ fore the American Arbitration Asso­ ciation. Robert Rios a senior officer was formally relieved ot his d u tie s March .V after an internal affairs in­ vestigation into allegations that Rios had shoplifted m erchandise from Foley s D epartm ent Store m H igh­ land Mail betw een October and No­ vem ber 190° Rios did not contest the charges against him and said his actions re­ sulted from stress and were signs of a person crying out for help accord­ ing to a statem ent issued bx the de­ partm ent. Rios suspension was finalized in early June t h e proffered explanation of the shoplifting being a cry tor help due to the am ount of stress he was u n ­ der does not constitute a sufficient mitigating circum stance to w arrant setting aside the indefinite suspen­ sion said Elvis Stephens heanng examiner. Compiled by Utter Daily Tex­ an Staff _ _ I .A ffo rd a b le , a u t h e n t i c c u is ir w f ro m th e S u b c o n t i n e n t to IvibiA | AU STIN’S FAVORITE INDIAN RESTAURANT * ★ ★ * T A S T E O t T H E T O W A ★ ★ * 9 A U S T I N A M E R I C A A S T A T E S M A N DECEMBER 1988 C h ic k e n T ik k a Masa la - " d e le c ta b le " D a ily Texan sam pler plates - "a great bargain" Texas M o n th ly The meal de li cious" A u st i n M ag azi ne LUNCH BUFFET $1.00 O FF All You Can Eal K ith This Coupon H A L F - P R I C E D D I N N E R * S u » i t i y C o m b in a tio n * | D in n e r *nre than a doren shots between the came s latest pro­ digy and the two-time champ each chasing hall- from com er to com er until Cra? finally yielded with a tore hard too lore Legends are made ot such stuff and he­ roines are created Little Mo Maureen Connolh was one ot those bouncing in trom California in W52 to capture hearts and a championship in her Wimbledon de­ but Put Grat w as not about to let Capriati dic­ tate the ending of this tale Grat npped a cross-court forehand to take the next point won the game on a double-fault ami two errors by the nervous teen-ager 1 was kind ot hyper before the match because I and ivas so excited Capnati said marched defiantly into the quarterfinals with a 6-2 t>-4 victors Grat playing atter a weekend tnp home to West Germany to treat a sinus problem that will require surgery later this year left the court impressed by capnati - -trength serve and steadiness Capnati buoyant in defeat as -he was in victory sounded as it she survived a shoo­ tout and loved ev ery minute of it 1 finally got to hit against her forehand Now 1 know is hi thei call it The Fore­ Capriati said her eves wide in hand amazement. It was ¡ust a bullet And she moves so quick There is as always another ball that came back She almost aced me tw o times a game I thought [her -crv el is as a great weapon 1 oouldn t breax her It 1 could have broken once may be it would hai e been different But it is as ust toe ex p o- y e - 1 mean powerful The one-hour match w as a most precious gem among mam o s els on a grand dav ot tennis Ivan Lendl the men s top setxi needed three day s to beat termer Georgia Tech star Bryan Shelton plaving his second W im- riedon Their match was susp«ended bi darkness after two - ill meet Goran 21 winner (7-4). IvanisevK' a 4-n 6*3 p-4 over Mark koevermans ~-6 *R* **¥ V?. M w.ivj :w> 5 aaMw xtfvs tw* 3mer ? Mwm mw- 'MKKS'J 0 jmm Xxn Among the w orne \a Monica Seles Zi Sabatina Katenna Maleei a Natali va and lana Novotna advano straight set victories no. y rati to •uferieL 7y Wimbleclon R e suit s 3r aw FAREWELL, CAMEROON Bandera prepares for opening races Track ow ners aw ait holiday visitors John McWilliams Da y Texan Star The Texas Racing Commission m its regular session Monday granted Bandera Downs a Glass Two horse- racing license V ihe medtum-siced quarter horse facility 45 miles Thoroughbred northwest ot Ñm Antonio will have its nrst pari-mutuel race Friday be­ coming Texas third pan-mutuei track accom m odate H e are trying to prepare tor the maximum [number of] people w e can said Don Fssrey the president and general manager of Bandera Downs From a technical and mechanical stand­ point it is KV percent complete. the G illespie County Texas second pari-mutuel track at Fair Grounds will conduct us 'second three-day period ot pan-mu fuel rac­ es Tuesday through Thursday with the first post time at I p m, Tues­ day. I expect a big dav on the Fourth [ot lulvl said Bill Bteese the gen­ eral manager ot the Gillespie Coun­ ty track in Fredericksburg about SO miles west of Austin Traditionally the Fourth is alwavs a good day to race on but Tuesday and Thursday I have no idea It yve get 3 000 I 11 be pleased 1 expect a lighter crowd on those da\*s], but we’ve got good horsemen and better purses The association became Texas second track to allow pari-mutuel wagenr.g on May 2o holding races during the three-dav Memorial Dav weekend Breese said the track s to­ tal handle or total money wagered the opening weekend w as 58dn 3*12 and estim ated attendance was IS 000. I'm very proud or what the-e extremely and as a people have done pleased well satisfied “ We are trying to p re ­ pare for the maximum [num ber of] people we can accom m odate. From a technical and m echani­ cal sta n d p o in t it is 100 percent c o m p le te .’* — Don Essrev. Bandera D ow ns president ot mat t er pl e a s a n t l y fact surprised Bree-e said on opening day Our ay erage dailv handle was $268 AX1 and that exceeded the best day Brady had by almost >30 AX' State Sen O.H Ike H am s R- Dallas v\ ho introduced the legisla­ tion that brought pari-mutuel horse racing to Texas tor the first time since it w as made illegal in 1°3~ also said he was impressed w ith the large enthusiastic crowds 1 think it s going to do better H am s said on opening d a \ . When Texas held its first pari-mu­ tuel race in early October at G Rol- Ue White Downs in Bradv propo­ nents of the Texas horse racing industry predicted an economic boon would follow the opening of more tracks But the Texas Racing Commission on June 4 unanimously y oted not to renew the Bradv track s license tor Milton Jung the president ot the Gillespie County Fair and Festivals said the community Association donated money time and other as­ sets to help the prepare the Freder­ icksburg track ioi opening dav. The track will also conduct pari­ mutuel racing luh 21-22 and Aug. 23-26 The association s license re­ stricts us l°°0 meeting to 12 pan- mutue! racing dav s Would-be Boston robbers can't steal Ryan's jersey Assoc ateo "'ess ■ Baseball scores, page 12 D A L L A S — N olan Rvan s latest feat w as a shutout against Boston burglars. The T ex a s Rangers pitcher was one of the few who did not '. o - e a n y t h i n g when a thief struck both clubhouses over the w eekend at Fenway Park Rangers The Red Sox lost an entire set ot home uniforms The Rangers who lersevs were Harold lost game Baines Charlie lulio Franco Hough Pete Incavtgha Ratael Pal- meiro Ruben Sierra and Bobby Witt. Rvan s uniform and equipment were not road y accessible Because Rangers club officials an' well aware or how highly sought his posses sions aro bv baseball souvenir hunt­ er- his equipment is guarded bv special security procedures But people looking tor Rvan sou­ venirs will soon have another item they can buy The team is selling videos ot Rvan s record sixth no-hitter against Oakland on lune 11 The entire game telecast and post game inter­ view are included on a 150-minute tape A? a matter of fact W e make mortgage loans lUeuTV logatha,, U niversity Ftederal Credit Union <611 G u jd a iu p e St PO Eki\ < 0*8 A u*!»a. TX 'K U S • 4008 • 512 46 -ftlMO ot a su.cents ot tm? un.-vers :> have an A checx nq account Neat­ University Market Facts... r ly 4cv o 'M u ’ an A.,st ’ say ?xjs account 63a» have an automated te e cam . y*Af-í< *s-w>' Xs-xvu»* 'Se* ¡S.v í í ?,x Underdoes earn praise of Cup fans Assoc atec P-ess « f i i 1 f s'w f . . • * f J * k . ~ <9 NAPLES Ita­ ly — It the Cameroon play - er> who t.x'k the victory lap a ro u n d the field w avin g and smiling at- ter E n g la n d ousted them in I f the World Gup quarterfinals The Indomitable Lions headed home with their heads high after showing at an the impressive championships definitive pivot that A trican soccer can hold its own on the world stage soccer and African Lm sorrv we are out ot the tour- [ rument but we have shv'yen that 1 Cameroon soccer are making clear progress v eteran d e fe n d e r E m m an u el Kunde said atter England s 3-2 ex­ tra-time victory. ; Carnearon the tirst African team to reach the World Gup quarter ti­ ñáis led 2-1 yvith eight minutes left tn regulation tune. Its farewell performance was one of the best by African teams in ex- years of tournament history Cameroon did so w ell that FIFA is planning to add a third Af­ rican team to the 1°^4 World Gup at the expense of Europe We didn t disrespect them at all but thev still surpnsed us England manager Bobby Robson said. 1 think a lot ot teams un- d ere -:i ma ted Gameroon Cameroon s success was built on its NS2 appearance where it was eliminated on goal differential atter three tirst-rounvi ties. The team V' on the WS4 and WSS African championship of nation- be tore qualifying tor this year s World Cup. light teamwork individual plav- makers and a high technical level helfxxi Gam eax'n shvvk unpre­ pared opponents with a 1-0 open­ ing game upset of defending cham­ pion Argentina and a 2-1 victory over Romania the Cam­ to eroonians to the top ot their first- round group lift Marring the record was a 4-0 loss to the Soviet 1‘nton v\ ith second- round qualification already en­ sured But G am eax'n then ix'.it Go- U'mbia 2-1 to reach the quarters and outplayed England tor much of Sunday s game We didn't come to watch from the gallery We ourselves were not surpnsed by our performance Kunde said Striker Roger Milla 36 came out or retirement to star w ith tour cm two cial goals as a substitute apiece against Romania and Co­ lombia. He also had a role in both goals against England Milla was one of the veterans ot the 82 \\ or id Gup squad who add­ ed valuable experience to the A' edition. In X aounde the capital of Cameroon collections are being made to build a statue in his honor In 1982, we had hangups as­ sistant coach Michel Kahan said "It w as our first World Cup and we didn t want to lose and look ridicu­ lous. This time yye prepared differ­ ently and aimed to get into the sec­ ond round The team has matured and we also had the plavers from 1482 Milla s heir apparent is Francois the scored Ornara Bivik who winner against Argentina and paced Cameroon s regional quality - ing round -ooring with five goai- Omam Bivik 23 wiU plav next season tor Rennes promoted into France s first division Another standout was attacking 25 midfielder Cvrilie Makanakv first-division club from French Toulon G o a lk e e p e r T hom as N kono another 1°S2 veteran w as steadfast. Seven team memt'ers play pro­ fessional club soccer m France the former colonial pvnver in Cam ­ eroon Cameroon's weakest tx'int wa­ its detense which accounted tor most ot the 13 vellow cards and two expulsions tn fiv e games England striker Gary 1 tneker prv'y ed Cameroon's undoing pro- vokmg two penalties that he cor. v erted himself one tn the 82nd minute and the 3-2 winner m oy er- time. cN-itNf W?Tm CtifTStfíí$ JL"N7 «HTbfüAV e.n ,y .5 import, d Vnvr* $: VK$*; • * 30 • • 30 S . ' * • 00- •.' 00 PROFESSIONAL STUDIO *€SV MES • *’A$SN?KTS CAT , x \ > . w CCA' O X C O L O R • 84VS 2532 GtMOAiuRt • 4^7-5555 Its hot out' Coo down w :h something refreshing, delicious Of unique' Try an Espresso O Peanut Butter-Banana Shake how about a Black Forest or Ground Coffee Bean Biend7 All ot 0ur coffee dnnks can be teed We also serve SOmO. soft dnnks and iced Cey Ion and herba teas C ap tain Q u ack en b ash s C afe Bakery A Gallery 2120 Guadtaupe St. The IfKkxnrtable Lions left w ith thetr heads held high after Cam eroon's 3-2 loss to England Sunday. Associated The Road to Rome: World Cup '90 And then there were lour. We re up to the a single elimination, if the teams are tied after 15-m ate ov eh ~es * : v> r s st t ec re: yards from the goal. M games w i be coyer m English and tn Sparwm on UnMsion (Cha England West Germany Argentina FINAL ROME JULY 8 1 P.M. The players made two mis­ take- These were technical mis­ take- not tactical mistakes -aid Valery Nepomnvashchv a Soviet who has coached Cameroon 1A^8 Whik' full of praise for his play ers he also noted \ trican soccer re- mau'.s handicapped by the absence ot professional leagues In Africa there are many prob­ lems and 1 don't think these will be so 1 y ed qu icklv he said For now ho\' ever the continent celebrates For a defeat it was more like a -.nd Cameroon state radio victory after the loss to England Honor to those w ho know how to strug­ gle, head high I hanks Cameroon said headline in Fraiemite Matin government-owiied daily in Ivory GvVist. j the tht While Monday was declared a holiday m C am eav n prej.\iratiom were unde: wav tor a hero - wel­ come w hen the team returns after ¿ few day’s of rest in Italy awaiting the plavers are honu-e- ottered by businessmen in Cani" Moon an.: elsewhere in \ trica in­ cluding cars and cash In four vears much more will be ey.xvted ot Cameroon Memone- of this -en-.itiosv.. shovvmg y» or, I re enouqh These cc*mix'tmons t \ v - : the nope that procession.! -m w il gam s.nd hold Kunde I hen we can do ev en more in Africa Summer Nite Specials X after 6 pm Nachos....2.00 Enchilada Plate... 3.25 1 2 Price Burgers Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Mexican G rilled Chicken Breast... 4.95 Thurs. Green Chili Chicken E nchiladas....4.95 \ J 1409 Lavaca 472-2828 « THE Dv&Y TYYVS P a g e S T uesday. J u ^ 3 . <9 % ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - e , — v»c .v ~N\r. ar 1 TV c . Ruth arc Dense ttttio jn? r v s e people ? Plot vanishes; Cos remains P a d ' t o r s 'L e o n a r d V I . ' b u t so w h a t - -: • ‘ -: ' ' ' ” GHOST DAD Slarmg 5 . i Dcsc ■ Apnítoí s Nc * .'O' S V;~oss f A.x^-scr .jr-v ^‘.«psof 5 ^5* '-£ £ ^««^irsoe !>•»•? •'« 3 4 ' v«'« tx ■ ^acr^ ■* .x *• tx - ' • ' 0 “OCv 0 **«1 '*S U‘* X'SS ' 0 1 " ‘.O k 'O H ' **-~0 — C *" ^ tvst* £•■' :; " i rr-enci > r m Ises l*st ffiicA ímmmé Bert I t * isi. s«t> €*l¡e*8$ ú gpgt net e*»e feat w sw w octsaeís tnesr tecs.. ©¡at .% - at toi o>- a-v a ot o* r o v ca<> r o :*•<-p s r ^ x ; ^ \ t s VSiirUT-'S sm s d v w r ii, fcwl A» Remisa: he wMndl eu t oe fMfcles^ts e f Cel- a ow eth^ to help one e l his kadsw ¿ n * ^ rocue kvi.e\i hsstsafls mi*1 itaw st JM sonwtfunc ^ i r r o c to fee a - o l O¿" u p he ... . . A U ■ lU&Xt *' ctl , ... -•-» . .V.OSÍ V'^ -i " a v w mm~ «»«»■« ® aw»*« ruoTued at *oostn A t v * .e> that fe*J are rare vxxx'c - o x o ” ' v t tM lM d — j w c ^ ^ B K k a M M i B -khfet m m : asv otter e rw o r-o x . ........ * / ■ .• t .'Of.' o o\ r*ot tr*-a; v . .... . jn a . 5. . fS i. . •« i. *>w*. - HÉKa the ervcxff •' ro a’.Sv' cers -e ro '• v N os: her o f ve ■ - s r r tf £ c? rev."" es a :"ose ft . e-o a \r r.e r - .s r - rt C'or.v-.races to.-' a to < .. ....— . ... t t t i i T x i *n« . . .L. «. 1 « . . . _ v i j n s t t v o i ref t s retro- :o .o t so st-e rerot ro "or ovv.v Artsi thee. "C f f-" ft to ras and aL : J. J ' Si. v “ —RX s w en I co< e aw as the ending' L vc .: mart1c ts tr. s.'- 'Ox:■ Z \u i ie rtt' c roe ** o o o r r 0 there is att the rev FY r e ­ *.1 "o re-alh shvxtki know re roc- 0 re-?■r : v. o" to .er the ors re► sakfwots -— as >vvr as -e — c new 00. tr.'.'of « c-tc-s 0. s ir- swweel. in iMffness^, theee met sem e fined • The car dnver asks S I Ccafaf \ on e roa s ht c h os: - r-a • c. co t* :**c "oa srvxes rv tss.'o) te etnbe*ce Sitan ass l¿s. mastef. He dees this alter one ot those or. v-.~ the-1 Tovres car seei'es where thev start in w h it looks hke Seattle drive through Los Angeles a while and end up on a feradbee ove-t a r.ver in the S e n a s • ■'* " c " he a 0 v . '."- w ho oar. t fee heard fey las family at first uses the sor. charades to c v r* fu rc a te savs You ie a diadk You re iVhute Hvxise Chief ot Stitt k h n S c ru ru oro- tr.e vs r.-o-.e movrc had this sense the soore on crests 0.".: ".-.ft name is S.: Eoo.rh w r-c" ft a c .r's r-a roe "'"os ore •» ex. ,.t re better : :hev nactr t usee tt roc: r.rt-es ■ \" .i t s bet­ : ' 0: r at o re ter r an u r c e . '. f rut so .' . r.v t care surper. The ebvee :s ' ' . o r w : i v to .• ” ' .V;.: > t ••■.'- ......... _ - ox* r t v s i - j tittse .e.'¿..e x c to — %vc: . c.; S i ' : Ot ■ os v. > me ' .'.h d v-rea s.- it* ¿s-ta.xe rerweer :** s o iJti i ^sne "Tediiv 5 .AmefkMi \k.Aie neviK aitieeel the feest v esev |m e s.*. . .. .x* - . . - v » l a nmm e sens, we'“ *n^ so ute • iow a x o mopp- car. o f with a. tre ,'v'vt - ” „ t a " i V U ' - : pened m \lom ' She . A“c ' os vtift — he fare- v c ttr ■-. 'to r O' "ot :r.e - tt e se' to -'tv-, it ret- ¡it o r ne m or. . "orscav w eee O f " ,ot oc a" J cet a oar OC '.'C'!. -c cao ar 0. i 's> he n "e 'race as a . v 0. s 0 0 r see " " :ne — c - V 's ao« c ■ f" :' Notv —- re j " a 0 :c cash in w' te -so- a •ve a rc the re 0 . ' r to te or- .1 the v O' etc But he pets m ar sr s,. anil- thmgs aé*e*at tíos mewte: SnJOBrriMSCOUNTS OMLV SUOW THVAUDID. R I V E R S I D E 8 M *t*5IG < S «U LftSM T « « U t a «C 4 4 M Q Q 9 C l . . t h £ 4 ' R £ r o ? TTTLfS 4 ic -£VT*wi : c0-5 0 *i£ !*fAT riy WC IfM «C •••*..<« < i * a Q T M C * « « ■ *-O W «S X $ ' i j « j X X: Jff «.- '*saf5 TOr *,l MCA 11 ■ :■ x : «* i • i • *♦ a «C **SSEF ialMMMa h r- • * 3 * 3 '.V * X >*.* **ssrs D*C* T RAC 1 Pvt •■< * x ft-ft: .Vm._ .CMftftjqii 'xxn -: jr :■ x t as «C -t.w" ¡«OST C4.C ■ ____________ « i . ' X i . V ü i t X _________ s a c s t o t « * n r rv w t j p* ________ • .-xa?________ )Mtf T f womaw • 1 S T * j » „ 0 * 3 ' Wl CM4 » AWO* ■ - * *% Sl X $. 3B * •» " mMK mp rm wm m om m %£. x s: as i a yy }.K ~ *t t x lOVt AT LAMM * jam * >* MMAU* SO-ES S*0#N*"*Ki W MtrcsscoCK n u t rarnrai. ST**T* S t o r v o f W o m e n nnnnnir n P hkhU x l H I M Y V Noatf fvtAot 4 (At H&Y Gfii ■; .v L o fefitr M is i r e s M a n M e x i c a n a n d C l o t h i n g a n d J e w e l r y S a l e 1 0 :0 0 - 5 : 0 0 p . m . T o d a y - F r i d a y tOtzsec Jtu* 4th) T e x a s U nion Com m ons a c r o s s v > ” r v n e m « c r V liA G E O N E M A 4 5 1 -« 3 5 2 C e n t r a l A m e r i c a n :-l u th o fe c C harco The oroo err w ith Zach Scott s productKW stems Sfom Iones p ed n m u oe; he d i o ons the oourt *n '.!** a r : r r.v .0" Of h it'cvs or :he riot that Gev'rxe es a ? or es v k tim o f tus s o n v .o '.t rp s >" t t-a u —a titeo, it * fits C'OUC" o f f . al 0 av s The rest ot the ca st peettv r> e e 0 w a . v ft tr. ro u ¡c" :ts tv ves vn : r the e x c v r r o - 0: v'v r c i 0, ■. f t'-.s \WvL- th e sfej^e Or. a bcrphter r o re Ltstc 0 c .. 1%'slil is a (o n sm ^ '..OCV'.' *. 0j i • f ' 0 o c - c rorr' the oL.s.v ur. to k i' a " a r c the *«. or.vir w ro 'a • c a :v.>> rar-o* at the r.o'.a arde ot the .es Oarra d, tr v t m o n o o c .. c - s 'art rrv rw o ror cn ch a racte rs dreams,, repiavwf; the AikF indr ol" ': a r c . ' . ' f a oa..' a w o f.c r t-a p u v x lv or ro. hi le sr e unte raot* 11 c ¡ L a s t ) 11 mt stpcoeeds as o n e ot CHiranfi s most optupnishc pieces to date The aotii^ ss also especially strong Janette feodhanan. ferinfs a :c",o.ot ■ '.far. >rr to -'c ro c O-f :" c .T .f. w o "a" — .v'.-c'.'-c 30 Jhiro rth a rarac of ru te her character orr'.orons fitom ervune to laitshiitic wikt a:” '.'.-: r o r c r ' o o:'-:a. c- :o oo. rar h ■ a ^ roc sett.' Nocett Fanes ikvkine sunrhsanieh tike r- Cunningham fenncs a :o..c • -'-a rea >.m :o "as rerrorr.- ' ;c •. r to a f ■'; ■' a rs " i V a : c > o : -"O.s VC a nar. ■ - c to* nvake or *rc e r e » ':-w rs the evening: ervxeer "he sho.i s vac. wort"whue coc-co'.' f .v s a; site ts ru rto l of'h h\ the celahve er.crh of the !*.xt act short ■.■*. ;v"'.v ss'.or. " C "* ha v e ive ” . . so fo.. re * ••. oe r, : e rs? tw o : V ' o .o c .- o s wtiseh c m feo ra th er01 v r * he —.r e a r e - a "A. r a r e s w o r x h as ar ta! rec. a r.ew e^ o’, or rv.:unt> a c a . f •.’■ ho r e f * hts work r :he .a lutuie. - ............ —...— LAUGHING WILD AND tO J U C A n T f\D * < I m . 1 W / w / 1 V-7 NIGHTMARE Awrtve D~:"Stoc>"e» ?«. arc Director o f o.scs:e- s t a f r v -arss Do.'.’C . 'O' 'OS T h e ater D acro •. Scvr. '""e-a " e 'A C «*. ^ D'".e De'''e- v\: 4."’a-ors ■ w 'ese■■•■aro's- Oat» .veo-esca** a^ov^r so rt ro a . s a* 5 0 -• . a -cie SuoiMrar. Accef s a w .s .v ' 5 f-osci" .cn Ds --------------------------------------------- C R I T I C 'S C H O I C E W I L L I E N E L S O N ' S F O U R T H O F J U L Y P I C N I C 3Ke** -c x « •'■os' »v s> < r«'C d o ts '*■■< veer cro: e »e--' 0 :'0 •» 'OS ’HO"' ’ CV’"'r"' ' 0 ""”e"5. '"-0 *\>'*>O*i0 SSk 0 -' 5 '0 "i' "-o í '^ t C V í r V ee$ 'e c x -e c '' c ^ w **e des í . \ \ e " eve *o-- c s e s e o s X ? pcfUWO Hb^TwOS'Xer Se sc ' VS V 5'.'~ r ^.' ' . OX-ri L e s' cr\3 .v j, c«- J & v y n g s f o ' c ?'0 o c - S r v n x e e r s o f **>e ^ x - c Sc-o-e s ^ v , ? * s e o r - o r o r e **,c » V s o c* " x o t o r L ionels w oc-"o>— ^ 0 jt o c c w oc-— «e c o s cr "co " orxs -■ *ro c ..o c c x v *; o " * **' cv c**oh*\ o* "-•e cc-•cch'f. "'ow-c"v> dfsoov Adn^ssíOH s í ' c"o stwh to ds" o>./ nro*e txaots lot c v * oevettog^s cro c c - e x ' c o* trrwefs *o v e 'c*05 *e " o " x e ■ '"«e oov f e " \ r "xrs s?;"c x o-o-s" v: c CV' " 0 . ' > "'I? A;"0"CC¡" "'OS m n n n l i n e A L L D A Y Sl *TS - ¿.-O.VS 4KE5EMBiT¡i s : AfCW AfS’oOE SCVQ ««.n «lk» & i D4 > .fa*.- «aft»* ftM Mat a unrnr. Man .«*» « STEil MAGNOUAS k- ♦»4ti í: *e* *■ m m m m m t t 'timi* W i i f i Mmmiaw m A w «*rc*c ?> . DfifVWG MISS DAISY r V Q « : « ! . « • *M JU C ' * * S *V»> x c *-W {Q* rtVW> CPU.» T *L’ • * J S s : ? .>* S . (;>«!> DAYS O f THUNDER Y' i > » «C "kisrt: $ CW «.(«t .-Sa .««# DAYS OF THUNDER rvx ^r. 1: A5 .♦ OS 5 ’ 4-5 V <56 uc ftfcsses v s-hi^ssm »««s 8€'S> i WE£*C“V3 • " e • A? 1 V J SS » sV H ':-> --------- nov thac> 4\ '.’".v : x i x x -f.-x sc •-«ftftS’j. Cft S.ft1-ift.*.'i ««ft X :-x t x ■ -X J M f f & M S I M 1 E E . 'I L . - ft f t i t s - i V .V 1 S. BACK TO THE RJTXJRE ■ - ; .v ; .v w ' .v •: .v U.' s. »n;ftft.> .««ft SC '-t-tftt! -' 84RO dN A W'Rf rv • < • -••A jsr* - v s . ^ > ■ < - *.• • r ' GHOST DAD ;•'• • ; -.v ; -v -i .v J ,v ? .v -; .v MX.0 AND OTPS • X .V .v Í .V I .V » .V } x • sc * TOTAL RECALL « • t x i • r CAOflUACMAN i as a as s w • ss •; m .. mwasm •®aGE Uk'AS' W I 'L^'LES * OS $: n $ IS t: SI*- JC K $2 75Aishgwst»Í8ftf pm UtfbAIA «UHNiH r a m i m s#ows s i k t i m U f-o a » m 3 3 7 Hittf •'sa'.y.i vt * $ ± * s a:____ « M l U W 4 $i " 3U KM ' MU • ft 3V « M H U M I i f l T no • t • * 1M W - J U «I J J ' i x f t i t r . » M M • • > «M«U . amprs M M M • '*U • :■•*> sjv k«» - .v *•«* « mal? .i» a anac TT~T, r% \ < m m m m m F~D • :• • * euu *uu i m • w * w « ' l ( 1 A « MTTMR « a . a •y*- .h K¡ . h .v >» : -.V k U U V JW • J U * j v 1 J U 5 ;J U k J V ■ ¡ - J U S J t t «U W L M fcU U • ftV>* * w m p m p n r? „A.HL !•'■ < "w* aniMna* s . Macaw - • am »u» >. tu «sai mmr% 1 •• 3U *. JU ■ t-JU iruw fcUU STIR 10 SOW NO INDICA TÍO BT m r I.' 4 n ' w - s r ? m ‘I -■ I.______ c WAT l?í n ft'Cu BfelW» ' ■■» <*■'. b 1 m r a w - 'xl mN 31-1 L .M - JU Mi 1 **¡£*U»S I V- >'' nu 1 aüí» m * mh ! • « *:JU Ji.W '••*» • .TJV ■ « » * 5;.íW k J U --A U * f tU U t ! • i ■ f e j u a . » *. < i *• ■ * « - V f t JU t 'tl'AVftt W 4,1" WN..4 1 <» .*» -■«» «h.j M ini ina X ' , ÜRTT'i •VVL* 1 « » J « f Ht k • » - u u • M » j u * j u k j u - ■ * » «K it» “ - I » » * U U * U U ■ »v>''t ir ..vr 5mi i r i : i ’___ ■Mftu .x* * w m IFv !’ • e • i a j u k • t - j u • ftftU .x "FT ' . MW » US. j WB s«ftM>* rv. * JU -SJU ».JU * J U J. J U »-■** B M « j K ftW M M (TV • L'JV ft JU ».JU __ PAiV 1*43 MdSS MUf PXi • JU *<« vjw -*#»<» ttm urn.* m m m * m $ • J*f Ji* f kJ*f S T t l l M A O M C M A A S K S? -J» »•«.» / I / Ail sm s ‘vtft 4517314 Xm Ovio r>\v\ Tytedwi «u. i t99G TEXAN CLASSIFIED S 8:00*5:00 p.m. M onday-Fridav TSP Building 3.200 LONGHORN WANT ADS - ,:; r oro - % v*’ >C1# *%*otc ^ 5 ; o ; .*• * * * «maf .vctfC’ ^ -c « * * ?**>** A cs ’■ 'if»*. 4*?“ "us .i.- • *" J C .* ” «•- i s # " » í ■V* > ... '-ftO. f '. ' C f V c ' . C * !*» V » 5 . v o YCf'O Of’ X * 'VS -CtV '« ". .'• Vt'-.*' •• O * V . 4..- „-i...'n'X V' S.' •* * Cw» * v '■ '■-'•«•?'-• i? TO *V*CS A V Q M vM WJMR A? C A *. 47U5244 cmssmm «utc u i*n$ ' xhW W W ft- * » «•.-•-.• -w " •milk ft#* i» ' ji '((*» Mft» ••«* i w ¡8 • s.i'J ' »•••* :-.m_.» «OMC ?.' WWS* S j» $ *"m»v * -Witte te íw «1 «os >«B(»VÍV .»x- ••*.• «MHVMÍ ÍVA54. - ir .■Sí 40 - <4*0________ -vW ijwc J» »ft» un* ,'tft» Aftiiim» «tí* mmmvm. .-.M i • ' v . > w t í ~1*IW IX*» "•eirarrsra—........ X4A te* IQMMU v ' ^W¡Sflf »»# c íM iffw t in u » m e m m m t a «i í » ^ j m * -w p » ítn # sal %MÜ k|* VaHv -V v A K .- .lU m » in.-'»»» r<*> w v n if> „%** X * •»%*»- S i i.- '-*• CoMM* í*v'> v» i* jto» 9C4A SONMKIM ^NfcfOim y % « W ? «*4%|tw*«l«ÍF ‘\ t ' C V ' 4 " W ? * ^ **. NÉM0OH» , 4 :í. » , iSH «h- * .*• IH * i- «. DEADLINE: 11:00 a.m. prior •“ w* M A S T E R C A R D V I S A ACCEPTED í» tHf 4MHM: ,*í ***?»* «Mu*»- « JH* iW +mny*mmm, 44üt 4MH^: Hdür NBPf .n«y UN® m— rfiiTFj.K IHBÉ tN» INÉ ÍM9% •> |p*w* 3> |Pt .’Sím^ 4 é in - >* fnatm w*r ríHpi ¿i» oma.t4(kí«». V w v w ; ♦hí*» M «ta*» *4aí*»*mf W • iMRMMMMMÍ 4f W*i If aS#**- f Sí ^V. nhí m<»f }• ,fi•*«*•*♦>*.• ^ 4 «qRMfc Ha'PI- ^ «W A ít« «iflUlCl C **1^ -íi«> «i#- *JNái*. tí «ae0W W *a^ ■tniHN',niHiyffr> iimfi-iwiiimn ^ *^n 2im¥ lnw*»» * í*1 vmsm ^ í >h**Hí>. jp# fn# *«Ü ínífumní'» $|0ÜPIir Híi*w* 3KT üm* TiHjniwm í i í vwsv Krt>»iN . / r *t'Krn Ü í^, ^UKí* m»r j*r x»>» jí m^pis' *«« 4»r«r ’wnmiwgrWi mtw^piHNiw to publication V fSA v»«C' v C .' o - w m i W B i w e i s e f c ?í «. WiHk. Ab*««r» tii» i'1—1n at Al • ■*»■*•* * 't ' « VUWMv^ nr *Ü »Ht aíHM» «*^«wA*wr s a t- - Ü 4AA4» AWWI Wi" • : *i "» C L A S S I F I C A T I O N S M Mh iÜPVÜi .'W ?.*W W*« 4m«V JUÜ ^Aí*». VJiíMtW* *<>NMr«lSW%«» 41111 ÍH S^w «44r*», m m m m ,r«. '»>w ••'wmr %«>• S ltí - ^ « 1 4 »***«*%*• i P t UPIK (ÜWaHWte « M M Í'* * lf M 4 H I I» 0 s3V Muma'jn l>4li"4ii»iynil -#m'»w>>4 «■íMF ♦XT' ■■ m t*. ntrnvmtmm « j r » w *«at- » Jll jMU ttm n ’ « mwhwi. ^ . m$m « • '« M i* |IV*IMÍ«MS ? *W ", m t*v -tAíi ikHKut*» 1144N *a<* *•»#*♦**• 4n»«4%* X ü r v .. f^ÜF * ■ m k i« w i W|4 * «I *4KMHK««« «m*nw 4 7 1 - 5 2 4 4 SELL Y O U R ITEM in the L O N G H O R N WANT ADS aO «.vos 5 2c»s s5 0° CÍ «! 4 . . i v s a : AN 4 D 0 rn C # U i 5 :a ' j n- Hountatn Bike Sji«! 928-2810 • M .7 8 : ÜCJV • jm & • aíb-v f r a 1 A’ t SSLCV'I iM M BUCK'S BIKES i'5Ñ«. *>*C Air. ;=Hi 2NHMWII R E N T ? W A N T •s'**:N s CX X n O - A . A,'O'- X \N li>- > I.V . .'!%». .MX'H. X ' - - T T I . ÍC 1 - } v iii •>, : t 'C r tH n . - ' • I ■«. ' X S -v f C * S « >I"W s * X T » ..' - - » s . -mI ÍOK ' v- .'.f Ceil '?• "> vT1.' v ?> át * s«' i ' s r i -*.' -te-’ "?■ mmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm M E R C H A N D I S E L O N G H O R N L O N G H O R N L O N G H O R N A D S A D S W A N T A D S W A N T fC- '!.4>m.( ..VI XM. .MX- t M M * TTVAC d» ixx .*• ' ' >S* x : U » i*A .' I X j f « V r c i- . X IK M - » x ' . ' X A . v ' X ' V i XM X* if,- L-S » ,-tH. o - m f c - x x '■ .*.'* . a r t * . ! - » ..X . .m I »lK ’ - .X X A i m » ' . X - , • ...X I ,- s ,i * .M . . . X X .X-I-I»» T.M ,MM> . 1 . ' .- -' .* A,M. T.M X l X I - M , - X A .u k . 'A * X X X . W f l l u v T«.M U l*. . ..X X - .M X'» v . ' u V . -Ml -’ ■ • .X '. .- : ' • • ' •nix' v ÍIX C t "CP» *.»"*• x -.m* HKVi ' ■fix X*M -»»mmp M t*»VEXXMfcv >.' XX-' .M f»*J ."•*»• . .Mi ft.MMl». . tC- ft**' ■'-<.• »»V in|s .» ' ’ tí '. : . . X l v X ' ' 0 A , \ ' - ’ X X -X -. X m! .-IXT» .M X --R .V » . • .M-.».M I V L L » - XM X*im ». CE#m .MX* 1-C tV . ‘ ’ .MW } V • X XM XM '.* í ; : • : .- :■#• x j . % fttí-'u*. : .' XMT.- -MX C--#X»C vi UM i .'.I. . Ml I * M .--' '.ft X..'<’; :.'>iik: i c <.. AMO m*.xx* Tins'. .M X ' -A-.*» n..’ iTii-K»A.*. n r a i * i ! ^ n #v w w So.ft.’. * x - .n c itv » m c, EM»»# TMM9CS» > -*d*T»M»»A u^tr» s A A X - l . X C . P B O . W V V *A .V . ftjAM V O ” A*T $ . i > ; « .1 X X T Í til>»»M > . x ' .■>WK ft I.V ÜMk-liOM fes» Miflfj-.x- XMA.' .TV C-*I»»TS.M X.I.U i ' *' Cv X} ft’:.-:{’«.'.:'<* nC .-'t.x- .-.-mi ft .' ft '►i.Cft" * M l. CU. - IC ‘. .'utftrxC Mm SSb ft * .-iCic ' •*»»- S »i. V f t . X ‘.' - iX i . X A i V . .' ..« -fCüi -.X U N A W .-V. fXA. M .V »i.MT TTH.--.-S.C--V T.. --’ClftilJ ax * V.TTIXM. <1 n#»n - ACM- . . .XX - i.M st . ■ X S»C I» -X- ■. > X’ «x'-i ifc * * .U J C » A , w v aw-i int. ixxx* a m ftiuX . m x U X m- -M : 'i . A - ' • Oí. ’ : Jif '’.x' ' R E N T A L 3 ^ 0 — F u r-n A p H K HOP. SKIP or JUMP > O r \ o OOV? x? *Y J , * : v : i *-X»c ; :cir:tc>f22: * '< t .LNCxft ,\">BSE ;■$ J.4IF H.fc"W6 ,\7CC5ft • u-u-' >rt: »"*ft ‘t \ : A s * ’ i* u . . > .s~; tssr ft* C >AiL5: *•; « \ 4&2-8651 CALL 471. ,5244 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD 'ft¿* FREE L OC AT O RS * > v r » f » * * t * ¿ . ' S n n t R W i ’ Mtui «fti-418 3 6 0 — f u r a . A f * s 5 D x'x'kft vft‘* e>* v ' i - t x - w x - t f » , , V * f t .•Mili Uii.-ki» i f » , ' « . T i n ; .ft . . x x - X U » « .- i» ' ÍIX* pí> NpMsOuaí, ,fti-.< w m.nxxp»' SuMnnw }.* ift $ :-,\' fti J>4* *.-■ AÁ *n;X"», x-n -.xUi-wi. 4 . > Rio N u e c e s % 5R k : ft* ^ iN M S fV h a r z jH ' . a0'*iit!^»“C's' st:i-.' i «n'W WW" S .V It.' > s.i-.'io. V ».»>' 3wci» I ■ i ' < . s- :.y ,>tí' .vvc iO *' S i.\‘ r»ai» '-.V4A «WOKS». Cji'mVW s: »': .' C sr-» , s ..-ac>. k .r ^ .■. iv icif 50'- .•tí ‘ ,'O.V : v > í*»' í iOts i < ,'\w «.*ll «HK.» .1 «->< .V' ’ !•■ t> ’ ‘ t í .'- * 2S* »«. s <«1. 20 — S fX V tS - F o r¥ gn Autos ¡mma> ttw m ¡» .N o : v.-altas ...iMitO’ ____ s'»}., -CtsOA *0Ci»tO -t •.-v. Jt-vt .-««»>•*. * ' -WIWMM »yfcSC • »k>.. 'fita.- wive».', iiw-, ^'.•^<^^^., .-<*o- • f ' .O'''.' ' ££ 5 wi AAV iu|Mi S«Mt» faf* »■ -vit», «rm itf fftmat. * • » ' . \ 0 - > S .V Jd k -W N W .* 70 — A L o to ro c s 'AJk» -C M .'* Mtw S.W.-.I». vj."»u\v -n.- ■ .';**«” Xu*..»». SSWf. IS •* ' o .'.f SO — lic y d ts ác6 T F U J I NNS NARC B I C Y C L E S A L E »f*v *»v MLrt't ; v S1» ;S2«9 X «III VN#> ■-.% i tB l” > **# 4«íf» f * r tt# '2* "VUIK I i Ktm f t l O W N * * » « V m W P . N itirm # • •Ml fW wc. » M Mftl S OUTH AUSTIN BICYCLES s ; ■; jijv o * • « m . * -.’« tft? S E A . E S T A T E S A L E S 22*0 — Co-müwt't?r'S- T 2 0 — N o u s e s " aS^x ' ‘«, E '- c '•*: n ' , v v' ; . s : i ' V \ i PikVtS s .- *" i«* » ■ v \ V V v ' v V " V \ V . . A.. '•. Ci'?/ W.irt*, ' * .’ >*».•• • » L N V id .M 'S X l i t I- X I -Mt-C TlWKJVTfc CM W ' •<.-!'.» X X » ■’-»> ■ 'I'.’ T.M .M-.MTÍKS.M Eq:U‘ip»m.«?nf ~ K . 1. 4 s.:x x . A., i . i. A . X O ' ’ xi&fct .N^mrN# > m ttm * mX xi:'.» ,.X :.' .•anjfviwx Xm'.-m, vmt * « í i t ». . ■«»;.' . n i r ' ' ' » c ■'-»c A...MC- - x X I .MX- . .-• - x x r w . MVXMIX A - < . - M r x x i- t ' X - ' K i - w f t X X . x # L ' ’ ’ .’ I.X i t v * Xm I.'- - W 2 240 — Bi-Ots S'"' 50C 4 ' ' S i x' .' I N L l . ‘xT -•* N v t .N*vr ti2t n%NLN *N ,N? »*oitt» N ; u,*»»)!#»»! O.nn.’im ,'»’ . #»v»'.*>, y * - ' 1 30 — C Oin d*c s - Tcwnih ou s-lt»> 4 ix m m . i x , v k a - i o - i i m M c . ..-■I W*V> *vit .'i + ¿ Scx:>t : \'u . »TNi ; * '4 D50 —■ Akmco ln.strvm<»prif^ ft. •■'fix': ftitXV • U*nA Hmti It. -.'c A- ' i ftii ■M'-lCXM SOxV. < '-A.>"* 2 SO — . S -po -rti n C - Ca.fnpir>9 Eqvip A.A.K.CV C i , w -.x-tn} Mm »mH» i.x .-iiii »xw j.1. ft cs‘ .’ .'• gMt_______________ CALL 471-5244 t o P L A C E A C L A S S I F I E D A D C AL L 4 7 1 - 5 2 4 4 TO ^x4Ci 4 OASSW O A? ‘ O t H ,+mJT attONÉ»! i»- THj» H ik it* .'1 -vtfftx ^O K V V .v > tNí ; m -x * * 4 2».*tA*. 2*2 * *C x 2 2ll x W N t v * » ***** * 2* R E N T A L 3 6 0 — F u m . A p t s . ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING LOST IN THE DORM CROWD? W e've Got The Answer... Residents *~“ Large Bedrooms — Maid Service Twice Weekly Bia Screen Computer R Free Xerox M ach in e PoolSundeck XI Vi \ \ v X> ÚW * 'x . i C o r n e r s t o n e A p a r t m e n t s A '\> " n X T fc » ‘5> >‘' ' t ' f t ' x ' x T " - . X . f t L v • Cx^'iJN•:?•'•6 S^sorOOTY x"*">e 3c S^r- riY#f f pv-s. *'x- p n h - w & i n g Hurry! Only A Fe-** Units Lett! 4 7 S - 4 4 4 2 o r 459-4878 2728 Rio Granoe *-ff¥ x'uiL: Looking For The N4 O S X For The LEAST Amount of $ $ $ ■. -•■ ’ I ,;!i -Pl'i . • RiNYAL j ’ D — U-ftt Ai'x v ,* « w - • ~ v-u: s k y aR r L o n d o n S Q U A R E 2 \ .» (kvWvvtm v ;\s ri itv i. v» . ' .v' ■.' if ' » *:.'B '..» ‘ X N ■' S'»ft '• '.'ú :\v .‘ NK. ñín;«5«í K.Nivk v ' >C t» . \ ft r - N - ■ > . . •' '. . X . 3*» N i. n'ft» ■ n - V. ft V • '• 4 4 5 -i*tNH> 5w ' SELL RE NT H A M W A N T A W 4 ” -3 '? * 4 To This t 28edrLH>m 1 2 Bath 3- Famished Lv^ ^ Dining Rn^ 4 Cook in Vour kitchen 5» O t l i t i i Y M t O M i ^ m j»iJbiia ~ 16 ^ J k « 1 B r , l ) A S 1 m U l | y i w w v i ᣠ7. AHNiglit Sratriff 8 M U M S c r r k t T w k t W t e t íy 9. CoitftdFuUaf lOx Pooi Swtdeck I I . FootPvtlts*Coolo«ts l i Coepittr Koon 1 3 F R E E Xerox MUdd»t 14» KgSaetftTW VOR % IVviMAa IS» FKEEMovks 18. FREEAttobics r C t«A * Im m m 11 SuRooas 1 9 - H it p U c t 20- MUfdhMMGrasFattf iCJLk BUitrv ¿•ef t 2 1 X o t a ^ h r t f U t t M eUk WNWPXj - -* * -- Ife— — m _ ... - A - * _ j| T - K > — v m » 25- 24 If . M iiiN a u rt V in f 1^ m ¿¿ §Vk N IH R K O T T O -r^ri-rrtrr-^aSv -' 4Er w JÍÍIWH® rBFroK Mr 2 1 Etsfhfm ttFhB S We've Got Everything They Do Pius The Privacy You Deserve We're The C0NTESSA 2706 Nueces HERE'S THE BEST $ $ NEWS CONTESSA WEST i o u C e l A L L o f t h e A b o v e S u m m e r ^ P e r S e s s io n IftftkA HW ^¡xvu»!ftW>? F o r O n lv $605 THE APT. Y o uC etO nK L 1 |T . .. V ftkV-3# 4 N v UlTKAS . \ i i . i i d E kK liit B ilk $605 P n c e s S t a f f i n g a / ^ 5 2 8 ^ GET O N THE W C SHUTTLE A N D C O M E MEET O R CALL O N E O F Y O U R RESIDENT ASSISTANTS FOR ALL THE 2707 Rio Grande 476-4648 A n x S r m r t C o l l e g e S t u d e n t C a n S e e H o w i k > o d T h i s L o o k s C o m e C h e c k U s O u t a n d L E A S T \ Q L * R A p t \ T o x t o y »: V c h.»nt;e f o r th e b e tt e r ; m; B RVftORT *il> 1 V I I V 1>6 1> THF h HVART 0 » H IS T C V I F I Ü . • • .'.'.•.- <■ ft > X» V X « • « r'» :»^ : X V - x. x IV ; -,x' ír \ r j L ' x.: Li x «• x- X ft» • s • *' • • , - .x ¿'xv, * i. -»V >' ;t v. • ftft'. '‘.'fV'- x QvoaMK t < 4 V 4v.xS. . 2 8 1 0 S a la d o 4 7 2 3 8 1 6 . i* x B x^ Li fcft-2 w I H f t - ' xi L> Mill A it .ilfc.-.rfc .A»-.-Ax-. imiA i ii A » 1A ..A 1.H A .■ I*».., A» X A m A An A -, Ax ..%...n.jfckj A ..iiA.. -A --^ .. A , .A - f t W h i t i s P l a c e C O N D O S 2000 Whitis Ave. Fat & Sp rin g $ 4 5 0 ★ Fuly Furnished ★ 1 B D i B A ★ Next to Dobte ★ Covered Parking ★ Microwaves ★ Ceding Fans ★ W asher Dryer 477-6661 ^ ____________ y h ¡T, S a l a d o P l a c e C O N D O S 2604 Salado P R E - L E A S I N G F a l l $ 4 1 5 ★ Fuiy Furnished ★ 1 BD 1 BA ★ 4 Blocks UT 6 Microwaves ★ Ceiimg F a n s ★ W asher Dryer 47 7 -6 6 6 1 V O X F O R D P L A C E Large 1 l ’s Sm all complex Very exclusive Priced from $475-$575. Few re­ maining C a ll Seth i« 3 4 6 - 2 4 6 6 , 4 7 8 - 6 5 6 5 Please l* a v e M essage Tow nhouses WTST CAMPUS/Sotado Hoc*. M b fer- -urtwd V I condo*, avontabl* «nnwdiot*- M M ic ro w -o *** v r o th w 'd ry w * cwkng fern mwbfcid», bult-m JP lkx S u m m * r $ 3 0 0 F a l $ 4 0 0 E t a * 451 § 9 6 4 6-25 20B-C _________ Eystoiw A F f W grvat d a a b a r» fer tel PT4 tvQi n'vgj Onangelnee Croix, Sk T h om o * Sm o o C o * M x f w W P M T 4 7 6 - 2 6 7 3 6 - 2 7 2 0 8 -C _____________________ LU X U RY H IG H -R ISE * F u m sh w iu n fu r- rw had 2 -2 2 4 hour m k u H N * « w car- totoiy ram odal>dL d b4h paxt pat $ 1 2 0 0 w d k to cam pus' (W ctw W P M T 4 7 6 -2 6 7 3 . 4 7 4 9 4 0 0 4 -2 7 -2 0 8 -C W E ST C A M P U S > a n g W r M 1 br/1 ba mwdaAWy. tnuda courtyard, crvixob*» w n cy, a va*- a h c tT M h o u w " a b l. tor F a l 4 7 B 4 5 3 8 l a m «fkovncy 6 - 2 8 20p G A R D E N H O M E H paho w/d certng fan, Rre pface. water po«l $3511 4 4 3 - 0 0 2 8 , e ven in g* 7 -2 -106 O R A N G E T R E E ' 4 2 bed roo m s mmA able! Fumcshed. u nfa m nh e d hurry only a few leM C o l D o n at PM T 4 7 6 - 2 6 7 3 . 7- 2 -5 6 -C ___________________ _____________ W E ST C A M P U S ' Large 1-1»T two leveb a rea* location, ava^abie 8 2 5 $ 5 5 0 C o l D o n at PM T 4 7 6 - 2 6 7 3 . 7 - 2 -5 6 C C E N T E N N IA L l A R G t 1-1. b eauttfeK fur­ nished avaifabte & 25, g « b onlyl $ 7 5 0 9 month lease CoS D o rv P M T 4 7 6 -2 6 7 3 . 7 -2 56-C _______________________________ F U R N IS H E D 1-1. 3 0 0 0 G u o d ok io e N u ­ A v a i l a b le m e r o u s im m ediately, f e K '$ 3 2 5 Juto 477-6131. 7 -3 -5 8 -E _______________ sum m er $ 2 9 5 a m e n it ie s P A L M E T T O 1-1 w asher dryer enclosed covered parking, p ah c fetge kitchen 2 ’ >0 Rio G ra n d e $ 3 9 5 ¡sooc 4 7 2 - - - 3 - ’0 6 -C ______________________ 62 01 FIRST v i e w 'c o n d o s' 7 0 0 S. W W a rt to tow n la ke 2 minutes from downtown, new carpet, $ 6 7 5 tsooc 4 7 2 - 6 2 0 1 7-3- 106-C 410 — Fum. Houses 2-1, N E A R 40 6*1106 River W in d o w ov a fá n W D d«sh w asher Pets O K 31 7 6 20 -> 0 6 ___________________ Furnished house refrigerator stove 5213 E v o m C o» 9 2 6 - 6 5 8 3 or 4 6 X ^ 0 2 3 . 6- 2 8 - 5 6 __________________________________ 420 — Unf. Houses PEASE PARK C o m p le te ly re n o v a t e d 4 - 2 ! A p p r o x i m atefy 3 0 0 0 sq. ft, oH a m en itie s in ­ cluding. a# a p p lia n c e s, W / D , fe n c e d y a r d a n d 2 -c o r g a r a g e A v a ila b le 8- 15, 1 y e a r le a se o nfy S 18 0 0 / m o C ofl M itc h o w n e r o g e n t a h 477-6853 6-1 2 -2 0 6 -C ROOMMATE SERVICE Will help you find a compat­ ible roommate. Male or female. Coll Sam. 280-7118 ____________________________6 -1 4 -2 0 8 -C Short w art to UT Q u e t n onsm atong pellets Sh are d kitchen For pmmAe bath. A S P 4 9 5 - 9 3 4 6 Í 4 T 4 - 2 4 0 8 -nesjoget To share b rt* both. $ 1 40 - $ 2 4 0 C o l 4 ? 2 - S 6 4 6 4 - 2 5 - 2 0 6 A___ $ 2 0 0 F E M A L E R O O M M A T E needed Dune- August onfy) F\Jh fa m ah ed Tar ry tow n hocise-yomf W / D . C A / C H C o n e 2 blocks from r t u t b $ 2 50/mo. 4 7 7 - 33 1 6 6 -2 7 -7 P O L D E R P O S TM O D E R N sAxlent or y o u n g p rofe ie on o l fem ale needed to d ia re b eou H u l 2 7 Ro fyo rd apt $ 2 7 5 + V5 brts 4 9 9 - 8 2 !K? 6 - 2 7 - 5 P _______________ 450 — Mobile Homes- Lots L O T S SO U T H . Tree * Reasonable -ate* centraiy located 4 4 4 - 6 3 1 0 6 - 2 0 - 2 0 6 D___________________________________ EDUCATIONAL 580 — Musical Instruction G U IT A R L E S S O N S R A 6 rock. o n . coun­ try 10 years teochm g experience A/toy Bufcngton 4 5 2-61 81 6 - 5 -2 0 6 -D 590 — Tutoring • TUTORING * All Subjects • TEST REVIEWS • CLASS NOTES O P E N 7 d a y s ’til M i d n i g h t S un .-T h u rs. House of T U T O R S lW 4 7 2 - 6 6 6 6 8 1 3 W . 2 4 t h H o w P r e - t e s s n g C w d o t k A p w t t h f io t s , a o d H o i ® 8 s C JcUL PROT! RT i t y JÜL- 4 7 8 - 6 5 6 5 2 7 1 7 R i o G r a n d e ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 12 OAKS CONDOS 704 W EST 21st • Ceiling fan • Microwave • W asher and dryer • Covered parking • W alk to campus 2 Bedroom/2 Baths available Preleasing Summer and Fall 4 9 5 -9 5 8 5 or 251-7515 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 6 - 2 0 - 2 0 4 * Eleoont. luxurious W est Cam pus c o n ­ dos! Fu n -s b e d unfurnished, only 3 blocks from cam pus— w osher dryer, ceiling f e n * m iao w o ve. p o o l spa se ­ curity unique property, best personal care by ow ner O n e b ed roo m s start­ ing at $ 5 7 5 , 2 bedroom s at $$>00 * Two houses o n Enfield R d with huge forest-like ya rd*1 C o n d o s a b o avail­ able on Enf a td Kori Handler Properties 450-1308 _____________________________6 -1 5 -2 0 6 -C •• T A IL O R E D ! W E S T C am p u s-N gh cei- •ag* m icrowave F P, C F W / D covered p arting 1-1 $ 3 7 5 F R O N T P A G E P RO P- ERTiES 4 8 0 - 8 5 1 8 6 -1 3 -2 0 8 -D __________ 2-1. N E A R 4 0 th Red River W in d o w air ceding fa n W D , dish washer Pets O . K 454-2317.6 -2 0 -1 0 6 ___________________ E X C 'T t N G S O U T H W E S T E R N D E S IG N * H u ge 4 - bonus/ 4 Rem odeled d eck* $ 1 ^ 0 0 8-1 Eyes o f T X 47 7-1163 6-21- 106- K________________________________ C I O S E T O U T1 3-1 hrs»enc hom e lots of charm. $ 3 7 5 4 7 2 - 3 4 5 3 . Veto Proper- tws 6 -2 1 -2 0 6 C _______________________ F R E N C H P LA C E convenient to U T, H a n ­ cock. Defrwood, dow ntow n Attractive 2 bed, 1 both unfunnshed house A p p li­ ances furnished. H a rd w o o d flo o r* C e n ­ tral on - hoot. $ 4 2 5 . Fireploce 4 7 7 - 86 13 6 - 2 7 - 5 6 _________________________ 4 7 7 - U V E 24 H R S old fashion charm of 1-two 2 bed roo m hom es hardwood. g a s a p p k o n ce * $ 2 9 5 - $ 4 5 0 6 - 2 9 - 2 0 8 425 — Rooms Short wort to UT Quiet p e h e s* Sh ore d kitchen For p rvote I A B P m essogel $ 2 4 0 C o» 4 7 2 - 5 6 4 6 . 4 - 2 5 - 2 0 6 - A n on sm o kin g r pm *ite bath. 4 9 5 - 9 3 4 6 / ( 4 7 4 - 2 4 0 8 To share bkts. ba dryer covered p o rt in g q u e t comm unity 4 4 4 - 0 6 6 8 6-18 206-E $ 2 4 0 Colt 4 '2 - 5 6 4 6 4 - 2 5 2 0 8 A G E R M A N H O U S E has o p e n in g * Single 319 double 23 9 , room o nd b oa rd 2 blocks from c o m p u * fnendty, toid bock atmosphere, ppponunity to team ond speak Germ an. C o » 4 7 7 - 8 8 6 5 or com e to efcnnef S o Fr. 7p m at 2 1 0 3 Nueces. 6- 2 7 -8 P RENTAL 435 — Co-ops EXC E LLEN T TUT O R -very pohent experi­ enced Moth, physics. I want you to suc­ ceed $15/hr Keey 4 4 5 - 7 2 8 6 . 6 - 2 7 - 2 0 P SERVICES 630 — Computer Services RESUMES AN0 WORD PROCESSING Prices etart el $ 1 0 W e u se H P LaserJet 2 DJK Computer Services 8 3 5 - 1 7 1 8 ★ WANTED ★ Mocntosh Computer* ond Peripherals Any Condition Macintosh Support Services 4 5 1 - 7 5 0 5 M A C IN T O SH SUPPORT SERVICES FAST REPAIRS • FLEXIBLE N S T R U C T K X ★ 451-7575 ★ 6-28-206-E 7 C n T u n l n n • ,' v ---- * / I ' " ' » Z I V L E Y The Complete Professional Typing Service H O C K e u S T M O T H s m r r 2707 Hemphill Park 472*3210 472-7677 LONGHORN COPIES » Kodak ' Color Copies e Resum es e Theses e Term Papers e Word Processing e Binding e Laser Pnnlmg 2518 Guadalupe 4 7 6 - 4 4 9 8 ST A R R Q U A L IT Y w o rd processing and g ra p h ic * Wordstar 5.5 D O S six years service to students 4 4 4 - 0 8 0 1 . 6 - 7 -2 0 8 -C d ou b le -sp ac e d $ 1 5 0 / p g P R O F E S S K D Ñ a T W O R D P R O C E S S IN G / L A S E R Dissertation* rome 3 2 7 - 6 5 7 3 after 1:30. 6-1 5-20 6 -E thesi* lerm p a p e r* Lor- s e r v ic e . p r in t e r F a s t MORE CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 12 Page 10 Tuesday duty 3. 1990 T H F D U L \ T E X A N RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL 360 — Furn. Apts. 360 — Fum. Apts. 360 — Fum. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 400 — Condos Townhom es 400 — Condos- 440 — Room m ates C h a p a r o s i i A p a r t m e n t s 3110 Red River C L O S E T O U . T . S m a ll, quiet, q u a lity com plex 2 b lo c k s from L a w , on sh u ttle . a ttra c ­ tively fu rn ish e d , w ith pool, la u n d ry , and a ll bill# p aid E f f í c ¡ e n c \ to 3 B R 4 7 4 - 1 9 0 2 C L A S S A C T S ! P r e - l e a s i n g F o r Far $ 2 5 0 a n d u p • Fully Furnished • Laundry Ftoom • Central Air Heat • 2 Blocks From UT 472-6398 472*7049 W K S M R E i HOUSTON k D A L IA S BR A N D V W N E CENTURY SQUARE 1 & 2 bdrms. All Bills Paid 3401 Red River 478-9775 SUMMER SPECIALS ( R A N A D A APTS. Eff.. 1 & 2 bdrms. All BUts Paid 9 2 O t . * 0 B F 453-8652 T greaTlocattonT GREAT PRICES Huge M ’s Furr shed ndudrtg desks Poo. Shuttle at the comer 33rd & Speedway 476-1619 _ » | I I | ¡ Hillside Apts. 1 & 2 Bedroom s Furnished or Unfurnished Clean & Quiet At Utilities #o>d 478-2819 514 Dawson Rd. Just Off Barton Springs Rd 6 11-206-A AAAAAHHHH... Preleasing 1 bedroom s Starting at $400 A H D i l l s p a i d 6 b l o c k s f r o m c a m p u s SAN GABRIEL SQUARE If « a pleasure to . i tme h e m * to 474*7732 -A • WARWICK APARTMENTS 2 9 0 7 West Avenue N o w nre-!e as'n g for P A L I Sp ac ous 2-2 s 1-1 s anp efficiencies. • Beao' ^ fy Landscaped • O n ly M inutes to C am pu s • W oter a n d G a s Pa d CALL 4 7 4 - 7 4 2 6 FOR DETAILS ★ ENFIELD ★ Furnished huge efficiencies and 2-1's basic cable huge woik-m closets new carpet and tile, laundry facilities pool. 4 8 2 -0 3 9 8 Hurrv Going Fast ★ "W 6 -7-20 SPECIAL RATES leasing on efficiencies Summer Foi one oedroc'—s 2 bedrooms F u r­ nished unfurnished Convenient to -íocí Center Se»o- UT o”d Hyde Fcrt : 0>oc* -o shuttle ond city bus- me Ai apphonces pool ond « i- 'S - i oorr G cs & ->c»er poid 302 W 38th 453-4002 6 -2 9-208 J n í BEDROOM neor sto-e» and buses fneodly ow From $265 summer S285 fe» Conquistador - 44’2 Ave 4 450Q955 6-25 20B-X _ management S '# : a #? efficiency 2-1 ■'ewiy rnovat- ec $ 3 5 0 atoem os Campus 2 block* 4 8 2 -0 ’95 2 6pm ? ; 108 E R E N T A L 3 7 0 — U n f . A p t s . THREE OAKS ANC PECAN SQUARE APARTM EN TS P r e J e a s m g F o r Fad $ 2 5 0 and up • 1 Bdr 1 8a • Furnished • Laundry 451-5840 , 409 W. 38th St. „ ^ ^ WEST CAMPUS - Ors WC Shuttle Fum Unfum Efficiencies Your O a s . s in Chaos 9)0 West 26th St. $210Sum m er $150 Deposit $275 Fall Spnng id is c e u f o r yeor '-ease ’ Gas wo*er sewoge garbage pc>d Colt 478-1350 for appointment *-2 7 -2 0 8 4 Blocks West UT efficiencies, water, C le a n g a s furnished g a s h e at a n d c o o k in g . Laundry. Su m m e r $ 2 2 0 , fall $ 2 3 5 . La Villita 903 West 22 nd 1: St. 476-7916 6-19-208-A ★ GREAT LOCATION ★ Guodaiupe just north of campus. Furnished, huge 1-1's and 2-Ys: laundry facilities ceiling *o n s great pool. H u r r y G o i n g F a s t ! ★ 459-1664 ★ 6 - ' 208 C H A R D W O O D - L O O K S very iarge one b e d r o o - Biock west UT. - book pioce wart n dose* He bet- ce^ng tons laundry N o pets. 4 5 3 - 5 4 " 7 6-6 - 2 0 8 - S ____________ N O R T H O f UT efficiency—$ 1 7 5 O n e bedroom--$195 - E $ G 2 - 1 - S 2 7 5 - U 477-2214 4 54-4441.6-14-208-K STUDENTS' ABSOLUTE bargain Lore* 2-2 pool nyenpwave assigned porting Sum m er paH, G r e a t locator 2810 K o Grande Sandpper Ap»s N e u m a n Monogemenl. 4 53 4 5 0 0 6 -2 0-208-4__________________ $ 3 2 5 $ 5 5 0 G A R A G E APT for s.ngle Q u e l Enfe*a oreo 1 Work shuttle covered port -g, woter as paid $28 5 M rs Harwood 478 -9 3 4 3 days. 478 -8 6 0 7 evenings. 0-28-5B____________________________ LARGE, C IE A N , efficiency Sepcrateo bedroom - fc*c*e- O r e * neighborhood - -esidence IVoik-n c'osei a s 'm j r r laundry No peS $24# vear ease 453- 5 4 ^ ' 7-2-206-D 4 B L O C K SU T ton shuttle! luxury eludios. tumn*evi atm osphere o.-otessionol covered parting, d u n d rs S u n - e r fol raies ” 0 0 N ueces C oll Q u e m y 3 2 2 - 957 2 7-2-20&-E * ♦ * * * ★ * * * * * * * * * * * ★ ★ ♦ 4 « « m i n t I e o l • C o n d o Quality • P o o l h o i tub • S u n d e c k s • B B G Fhcntc A im • Laundry Fao<*res • Underground Par* n g • O n - S r t e M a a ge r> »n | Su m m e r R a to s AetofaOto 2810 Salado 472-3816 ■* ★ * ♦ ♦ -* ★ * * ♦ ★ ★ * * * ★ * * ★ ★ LAMAR P U C E APARTMENTS 7 0 9 LAMAR PLACE • S t e a l Q u * * » C c tm p fe * • O n t h * S h u n to • AH N e w A p p h o n te * • MMV-QhoOS • P o o l • lo u n d ry S»otnf>g .—H40 A w e o s w i g f o r Fa# « O T O 451-4509-451-2647 Brentwood Terrace Apartments 2 weeks tree rent 6505 Shirley 454-7251 — Pot' Hot Tub — 2-2s. "-1 s e*>oenoes — A D connectons m 2-2 s — Start ng at S234 .10 A s k a b o u t o u r 2 B e d ro o m s! 8 3 4 * 1 0 2 1 8 8 0 0 N o rth IH 3 5 ★ SPACIOUS APTS ★ e E a s y o c c e s s to U.T. — Bus # 1 go e s direcify to the d ra g e Very torge 2-1 s e A p p r o * 1 0 0 0 sq. ft S 3 7 0 - S 3 8 0 NORW OOD APT. 5606 N. Lamar 451-1917 e Pool e -' e - 'y ct P ortin g e C o m e r ent to EverytN ng e CV> Metvo-rou»e e la u n d ry tookhes e Low year around rotes 6 -2 5 -2 0 8 -* SUA4MER SPECIAL VILLA ESPERANZA APARTMENTS 4310 Ave. B 452-7717 HYDE PARK EFFICIENCIES LARGE, CLEAN G a s and wa*er paid Excellent lo­ cation close to shuttle Laundry, storage wc!k-m closet. Ample space Dishwasher, disposal. Pre- leasing for fall. 6-28-12B-D ★ PEPPER TREE II ★ ★ AH bills paid — Efficiencies and one bedrooms — Small complex near campus — O n shuttle route r.ear 38th and Guadalupe Ask about our 2 Bedrooms! ★ 453-4991 ★ 6-15-208-K W A LK TO campus 1-1 $200. Gas ond wate- p o d 1 Visto Properties 477-3453. o-’5 20S-C__________________________ UT SHUTTLE, $50 depose 1 ond 2 bed­ rooms $ 2 6 5 -$ 3 3 5 Water ond 90s poio Convenient North location. 451- 6 iQo ~ -2-108________________________ HUG E 1-1 and 2-2 m smoi! qu«et complex on stmthe G as water coble paid Ce4- ng fens vertical blmds, pool. Storting art $ - 9 5 453 804 3 4 6 - '2 3 3 6-27- 70&-K ★ WEST CAMPUS * LIVING 6 C o n d o quobty * 1 & 2 Bedroom s * P o o l & CKUXXl ♦ C o n tro lle d entry ♦ On-sAe m onogement Vanderbilt Condominiums 479-6004 ______________ ★ ★ 6 - 7 -2 0 8 -C ★ SUMMER SPECIAL ★ LEON APTS. 2302 Leon St. N ew ly redecorated, small effi­ ciency, walking distance from campus, covered parking, only $259 ALL BILLS PAID! C o ll ★ 462-0930 ★ 6 -6 -2 0 6 C ★ ★ ENFIELD Unique Efficiencies Great pnce, ceiling fans, buih-m bookshelves, intenor design extras! ★ 477-8234 ★ 6 -7 -2 0 8 -C ★ WEST CAMPUS ★ Spacious Studio Apt. — G o o d Condition — P rivate p o r t in g — b usline — 1 person, no pets — $ 2 5 0 S.D ¡then $ 3 0 Q tnotrfh) {water pad) 2512A P e a H St. 459-8935 ★ ★ 6-19-208-K GREAT LO CATIO N ! • Exduv**, qwet resdem al neighborhood • 8 blocks tro - JT 2 blocks from srtete • C o b b o a d exerttse room, p oo l tawdry e l|dshto‘ CBS TUESDAY MOVIE ( ’ 387) Tracy Pollan, Akosua Busia A wealthy white plantation owner s daughter and her former slave form a special bond during the turbulent years of the American Civil War g O I f NOVA A "vugh the atom-c bomb ended World War II. it was ?aoa? that won many of the battles, the little-known history of that technology is revealed Q 8:30 pm Q S COACH Judy Walk ns tastes sweet revenge when Hayden ¡s forced to man a booth at a university cam val. (R) Q 9.00 pm 0 & THIRTYSOMETHING Mel ssa weathers problems with the two most important men in her life, her love- and her father, Murray. (R) Q O ® MIONIGHT CALLER Garv Cole. Wendy Kiibourre T ia. jack s former g ? m e Am. Secret Ml Sesane Street %ac 321 Bus Ret MacNe* Lehr* Nova . • Movw 7 TV M i* Cnssna Movw FrS Trrw <15) in Bondi Mwe Moons Ou Hone Y M -LIl Movw Ygi In V " Mgrt VOBQLP Soft Notes Un Y Movw Beyond Poswdon Our Voces A. SabM* Smfart! fU ) Amando» a BMCktm Vdec Sod Snpwment Atovw. Rekn Swamp \Msdor • • .. SartorC BbCk Eft Mdvght lave Du Voces Oe Os N «0« Mow* Viente twrw Mndo Noooero . • St* Trek FforMne (.15) Mgr Arseno m Mow Defy Mary Boofchid Comp, Nature Sgn OB (15} Ewry Gri MarwJ „ J L _ ConC E a ü i Mccw ... F *_______ Mow Soraut ..- ¿ L - Bqíeo .....J Z L - J*r, <£¡SL___ te rn s La* In Spaoe une Of The .... J L _ * -wrxar •Yvrew Tooays M f l l L . f useka s Cadto Baphwt Frad Deed. Bugs Success N-UN jam Rmws Genwoc Movw live Face j l m ...... (55) World Cup k t i * Movw Wvc A t tenant Fraggw Buos Buvy And -£ a & _ ... - Move An American In P*s , ' i O i i C L . Char Burp* Wcwaf Hpirtwogc TcTac rV m d Pres? ..*» t « .......... ■Dance Party USA He-Man Man Woe Mud* She Tueschy 2 S ....... w3K______ N unes News •HX S £ .... . ’ .wavs Sloppy n 1 mam ir I H 1 M - DorT SI m ........... Cant On Mate Derma 4.2221 ... . Dob* Biwichec Gmen fiSQQi _ Mgr* Uve kfr*00ti m g r ti • " K i^ S L My 3 Sons Mr Ed An For Dot* Bud & Lou M ______ D*v A .fiSSES— Yog Baa CUc»T»es CNp * jesme • « a r ...... nog* Bew^ctwd Movw •kWfr 01 UNOl News ..... Laagie ikiBbi Famed Movw Carrwrons Close! Move. Ow Hart Move Moons Óur Home Yttf LA.... Movw Wgiin »Acvw Ksnwt * Mom Woe Cnme .... . Move Th* Mdegfi Htthcock Htefcoo YES, YOU CAN— GET HELP NOW — • TUTORING — ALL SUBJECTS • CLASS NOTES • TEST & EXAM REVIEWS • TYPING - RESUME SERVICE - TERM PAPERS • PHOTOCOPIES & LASER PRINTING 813 W. 24th ST. OPEN 7 OAYS-A WEEK m MIDNIGHT SUND AY THUFÍSDAY 472-6666 UFE FNN/BRV FAM DISC NASH A&E HBO ESPN SHOW DISN 1 ACTV ACTV ACTV a Arme Fra* (Pt A n Eyre . Fjgdve Movw Trcfi* true Momng ■ • American Magaane flemodtlFg Decades Gtrarede Wkdemess Survh-W FugRve Too Cao Crook. Jutwee Standard Tme VdeoGod Mww Strang* » tmjóes Baby StT>*V* CMyBy EA Goirmel Snwmarl* How Jane Cagney & Lacey Anxudes Move A Good Sport "1 AM 1 30 q AM 0 30 Q AN 3 30 10 “ 11 1 1 * * 30 12 " ¡30 4 PM 1 :30 n PM L 30 n PM 0 .30 4 PM H .30 OB ^vesChent Mfxe: Prewew Mor Make! Showmen: Market Wifcn Me Day * * Iryyestnwr* M*k« Investment Make: Wax Si Maket Wrap . . Supermarte Investment irvesrwrt Market E'traorene Movw Mats Moon- kgftmg HoW Movw Mrs DeZwc Spenser For Hr* Cagney & SeB- (15) Finny Movw Cesa * 5 C PM b 30 ■7 PM 1 30 Q PM 0 30 Q PM 3 30 10 " 11 " 1 2 “ Wows* V & e j r Ou House Assgmwrt Video TOO Club Hear: Scott Ross Pd Ptg HeaAfry Let s Ear Celeb Campbeds ■Careoe.'s Far* Fan* Ftrtown Baman Hardca^e S crew & Mrs tug Movw Cart Of Monte Cnsto 700 CM) Batman Mcsw Cart Of Gobi Warwg Great Pasauae Discovery On The Go You Fee Test Gr*a Pcauae On The Go On The Go Your Field Test Mom Mom Prof WtóiTe Rendezvous W?id Women Of Looking Beyond 2000 Prol Dead On- Target Secrets Of Nature HSE f l i £ (Cor* WaartOf Movw Moons • Mww Framed a Donaft Unde- Movw Btfoct (Cant) ¿«tts Sports C* Club Of Amena Seers Gettmg WOTMi Body 91 Trout* Rwer • W s .. Movw Tarantula M?vW Aflv . Of Mqvw My & L ... . Mom's A Too Ran* Boxng Movw Lady In While Wfra! 7 I'm Gay’ Wimbledon "90 • Movw Ramba Pt l Fshn v r x jp Wresting Sinks! Biseo* Rimrg SoortSLOOk Spots M » league Basaba! Crypt Mow Deed M*? ■eague Básete. An (05) r^amed ( <0) On Spots ,.351A World Aaat .... _ Henrvs Movw Dot And The Kangado ’ ■out* =*y« Movw Creature Black Movw Adv Of (05) Jnrree & (05) A Word Apart Or Stage Arencar Magazine Tcc Cart Muse Row Vdec Johnny Cash Nash*!* Now Crook. Church Si On. Stwe Nas**v¡ie Now Wresting • Grevhort! Body. Musde Decades Chrooc* Wdeness Suw» Bography Motorcycle Soon USA wl Cvvrs Wfrqieoc, Movw Com is Green • Al The Improv Bography Rang • AMr. W ar* Boang Madson Square rurrkr, Boxng O 3 WORLD VISION O X NEWS O 3 NEWS 1:05 am 1:12 am 1:15 am 1:42 am O X ' NIGHTWATCH Joined In Progress) S M O R E f J i) W Ü SOME lOATtl! SHEETS' wC\ SHEETS'. RELAX! JWf (Cent) OomawWL BAnad Free S _ , i S ___ L 5 30i Comm Bk'boarC ¿9EEMSL. Bslboart Cart) tir r V S L .. Sfboarc ....... L fiW E UDe -Caonft.,— M l Lncf Box Musa Bo* Movw Aerobes i y ’' i ..... Goso* Trote ComruYv Bkteoarc Hank Uve From AuSbn V'oecw Happerxng Codreond VCS G Ras* AthesS Thrt Auan____ ARK Uve Camsa m Sngtes Hear* Twar My Fnenfi Pooh F « * » Dskics Nds Inc M S l ... Movw Wonde (W) Am* Ads 01 Sherlock Mane In- Laws * • Maw ± £ £ J _ . Fuh&ack Cammnty BAxsra Comruity BAnarc Texas Obsavw Benefit Commmty Bdboarc Stretch "¡xas Obswv* Berwfit . • • • • • • Commmty SAxart í í m E L BAteoarc . • B»SXMrt For P **ts Bf'Doart Vs«n HydePak Hair ■Gre«»r Love Hour ___ Bapbs* L3SS____ Tze-acie Chnst Commintv BAtx&rd ■**«L Person TV MaRhews University Market Facts... Students of the university listen to weekday radio an average of 2.6 hours daily. Faculty staff spend 3.3 hours daily in radio listening. Source “The University Market' Beiden Associates. 1987 11:45 pm O ® LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 12:05 am 0 S HUNTER 12:42 am O ® PAID PROGRAMMING 12:45 am O 3 LATER WITH BOB COSTAS Guest Don Kirshner O K i « > n : G o t t a u u m y 1 w >t t a h u r c -Y . G O T T A P A C K 1. W A T E l ' & > T T A r - y - Disto w ed wnc Collector s Crook. Movw Com is Green Movw Bad Dreams Mar» 14 17 20 3 2 37 40 49 56 60 63 Z ) < LLi O z> QC h - > GC c c < Ü > - CD u *■* aO / V c 0 0 THK D AILY T e x a n Tuesday, Juty 3.1990 Page 11 M C V IO U S P U Z Z L E * 0 4 . VCD A C R O S S 1 S*0 6 Broa<»4K 11 M o v ie s ta g e 14 Is la m s d e ity 15 R e b e l 16 M a c a w 17 Cft*»d-ra«a*ng p ie c e s 19 P ip e fittin g 20 A t no c h a rg e 2 1 V a s t a g e s 22 Talk foottahty 2 4 C a s in o s u e 2 6 in s tru m e n ts 27 R e tra c t 3 0 C o q u e tte s 3 2 M a tu r e 3 3 — K e a to n 3 4 E x is te d 3? L e n g th u n its 38 U K city 3 9 C alib e r 4 0 F a v o rite 41 Rings out 4 2 C o a le d m e ta l 4 3 M o lo k a i o r M o lo s 4 5 E x p lo ite d 46 V e g a s s h o w s 4 8 S k irt ty p e 4 9 A n te to p e 50 Th e p la y in g fie ld s oI — 52 T h re e -p ip p e r 56 S p o rts ite m 5 7 O f d e v e lo p ­ m e n t itr o m a s ee d ) 6 0 S a lt I a k e C ity a th le te 61 E n th u s ia stic 6 2 U n d e c o r a te d 6 3 A c to r — D a n s o n 6 4 P a ra s ite 6 5 N a r r a te s D O W N 1 G o lf s tro k e 2 S w a n g enu s 3 F ra u s n a m e 4 R ugb y p asses 5 H a g g a r d b o o k 6 W in g e d e lm 7 S a n d w e d g e 8 M a k e s less d e e r 9 L in g o suft 10 B re a th e 11 D ev ilis h d e e d s 12 P o e try m use 13 M ite rs ' g o a ls 18 B e a le s s ee 2 3 S h ip leaver 25 W ith in p re t 2 6 F a s te n e rs 27 S lo p e d w alk 2 8 — A d a m s 29 Titled 3 0 L a n d e x p a n s e 31 Y o u n g s te rs 3 3 C h u rc h m a n 3 5 English 18 12 1 25 41 57 61 ■ ■ ■ SURE MR b e u o u s , VLB TAKE imstfiec- n a p e ACCOUNT*. c o m p o s e r 36 P*p .38 G ra s s la n d s 3 9 D is p a ra g e 4 1 P ro m is e d 4 2 — L iz rte 4 4 T a n a o u rc e 4 5 N e * t to O n t 4 6 Disprove 4 ' M a k e jo yo us 4 8 W a v y sMk 5 0 W o rk p re t 5 i G o v t a g ts 53 A sian com 54 P e rn ic io u s 55 L o n g in g s 5 8 A re c e p to r 59 Likely 10 111 12 13 I N G • > ■ > ; u a Tr Te I g f U s T j l o ' y i e I d I 16 19 3 5 3 6 14. 5 9 162 165 ’990 Umlec ‘•eature Syndicate VO WAV! I v OiifA UH .N O PROS - IBM MSTOW! 27 28 2 9 2 6 3 1 43 44 46 47 4 8 51 152 5 3 5 4 55 M P O N T YOU S IT JN Í T ! I'M JOINING ¿OC£C, Yousem a : t t i b IB N T A T VB P E A C E C O R P S ' T H E H E I L : l am . haw BLISS’ THE FUSCO BROTHERS SO VOL M E SLu TCHED U -TH LflRS AND \ J 0 ll1 V O U W PL f t YI MG D R L ^ S ? I DIDN'T KNOU) VOL) PLñVED DRUPHS, flL... I E \ E W R \ C £ ”i j j S v i Kt S T E \ E W O N D E R E X C E P T I ' v p ^ ! \ 0 ^ 3 - N D v ¡ by J.C. Duffy comix o’ the damned W alt Holcombe f TTUC f t \ . 0 0 D Y u a v ? QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE™ by Sam Hurt ■K) YOU UAVC P lf t M iX Y C A H . M Y FOR TMC FOURTH, / F A M IL Y '; GOING kfARCLM ? A CHIC TO jjffTCH it ’s Sun to stay alive! F R A M K i y ^ t h f c y y T R E COtASMI IS cUANCilKiG'- -H&fiJ PEOPLE, (4EW I PEAS P t f c q s e M E , M R . O v E N S E J A W , THOSE fTAK lUS AkT CONAPANjy PROPERTy \ mm b y tom k in g o fZ iff iN S " o f o e ^ a v o - B o v _____ 5>\cc m v f i r s t y t i v r t h ’ > T E t M(MJ,TH t h /n o 3 f / c R x r w jm th S u s e o JPSZZA / J ' oc. TU ' SCLNIC V IE W ] f7 £ A 0 TU y SEAQCVL^ THfc C u 68ce Of A IÍ elbNN OUMP W th * t ON€ f TH P ^fT T(7£ A S v (2£S A t O f T - \ V-HAT fP IO l T # jp (1 ¿ IT ? C0U.6L m i a / T t T ic -M J f Y R -v r f P , yC'J’J |7>— a l m o s t " W a lt f c E U J f 's By Doyle & Sternecky 7GL. N - “- 5 3Afr -AZJS S S P E C IA L y $S£,VN ’*'*• A" ^ P B C IA L A S S Z2 Z INPePENPENCg^s ,c ssCZZ” *5' Ss Q~Z OC s / WORSE ENEMIES 5 PAy. ? s ' A ' - 5 F R E E P O M E l l XLD SOWS c- c FRIENPS Cs - - S PSA. . . / w s s a s vnS p e a l c s \s T% OUR f r a n c- S S -" 3 s 5 Sns A ' - 'R t t - R e s :o \ N S\ Z" 4ÍOC w ^ c s ^ C R E 3 s A 0 ^ T flE h fO C lO 6-ALCD O N / * F-VOTS V-ORM 0 V T H A T Hcreif SSLS TASTiitV 0»£T¥ACL A H Z H ^ A P ^00 y/Vj2D5 AV. AV " t -7 .Mv»- sy~xi t « « » . , i S Page 12 Tuesday. July 3 1990 TH E PA IL^ TEXAN ^ v, \ # 1 ® ' ' V - 5 % % 4 / ? Canada s Steve Bauetv left, rides next to American Greg LeMond. Associated Press Bauer controls Tour lead after protest-marred stage Associated Press POITIERS, France — Canadian Steve Bauer held onto the leader's yellow jersey Monday in a stage of the Tour de France troubled bv dem onstrations and rain. Bauer finished in the pack for the third stage, 144.5-mile stretch from Poitiers to Nantes, near the west coast of France. the Greg LeM ond, tw o-tim e champion, and the other major con­ tenders stayed more than 10 m in­ utes behind as the overall standings stayed basically the same in a fairly flat stage. Moreno Argentin of Italy won the stage with a m odest breakway near the end of the leg that was marked by show ers thoughout the day, Ar- gentin, the 1986 world champion, was 2.28 ahead of the rest of the pack, headed by France's Chris- tophe Lavainne. Argentin's total time was 5 hours, 46 m inutes, 13 seconds. The route was changed about 54 miles into the leg w hen sheep farm­ ers, upset by falling m eat prices, blocked the route with tree trunks, m anure and tractors. Debris was placed by the protest­ ers over a 15-mile section of the course. O rganizers of the w orld's prem ier cycling race first arranged for the competitors to make a detour onto another route. But later, they decid­ ed to stop all the racers and have them start again en masse at Bres- suire, adding about three miles to the course. „ •LA M T h e D a i l y T e x a n will not publish on Wednesday, July 4th i n o b s e r v a n c e o f I n d e p e n d e n c e D a y Totals 35 2 10 2 Classified Advertising Deadlines Are As Follows For July 5th D i s p l a y : M o n d a y , J u l y 2 W o r d A d s : T u e s d a y , J u l y 3 T h e D a i l y T e x a n C l a s s i f i e d D e p t . 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4 A sso ciated P re s s BOSTON — Kevin Rom ine led off the ninth inning with his first hom e run of the season and Mike Boddicker outlasted Nolan Rvan for his 10th straight victory as the Boston Red Sox edged the Texas Rangers 3-2 on Monday. B a s e b a l l Ryan, who allowed just seven hits and two runs in trying for his 297th career victory, threw 144 pitches before being replaced by Kennv Rogers (2-4) the ninth. to start Romine lined a 3-2 pitch high into the screen in left, enabling the Red Sox to finish 9-2 on a hom estand in which they took over the lead in the AL East. Boddicker (11-3) allowed 10 hits, struck out nine and walked three in extending the longest win streak of his career. He also has three no-de- cisions in 13 starts since his last loss, 3-1 to California on April 25th. Ryan, who struck out seven and walked four, became the only pitch­ er with 100 or more strikeouts in 22 seasons, one more than Don Sut­ ton. Ryan is second in the AL with 104 strikeouts, eight behind California's Mark Langston. The 43-year-old right-hander, who has not won in four starts at Boston since May 6, 1977, is just 2-8 lifetime at Fenway Park. Trailing 2-1, the Red Sox tied the score in the seventh as Romine grounded a single to left and Billy Joe Robidoux, just reactivated after shoulder surgery, lined an RBI dou­ ble to left for his first hit since April 14. The Red Sox took a 1-0 lead in the third. With one out, W ade Boggs reached first when second baseman Jeff H uson backed up on a routine grounder and threw too late. Boggs took third on Jody Reed's league-leading 25th double down the thirdbase line and scored on Tom Brunansky's sacrifice fly to center. Texas got a run in the fifth as Huson lined a single off shortstop Luis Rivera's glove, stole second and scored on Rafael Palmeiro's line single to center. The Rangers broke the tie in the sixth on Geno Petralli's third hit, a to left-center, and Kevin double Reimer's two-base hit to right. TEXAS Huson 2 b Daghrty If Plmero 'b Baines dh Incvglia cl Petra i c Reim er rf Esoy rt Cooibgh 3b Green ss BOSTON B oggs 3b JoR eed 2b I G reenw B rnnsk dh Burks ct Pena c ab r h bi 5 1 ’ 0 4 0 1 0 - i n - ’ 4 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 3 0 3 0 2 1 O um tan lb Rom ine r* 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 R ve>a ss Robidx on 3 0 0 0 B a r e t! 20 Totals ab r h bi 4 1 1 Q 3 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 3 0 ’ 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 ! 0 0 0 0 30 3 8 3 ! Texas Boston None out when w inning run scored 000 011 001 000 000— 2 101—3 Boston 2 LO B Texas 9 B oston 8 2B JoR eed Retrain Reimer R obidoux Q reenw e HR Rom ine (1) SB- Huson (6) SF Brunansky IP H R E R B B SO Texas Ryan Rogers 1.2-4 Boston B o d d ickr W 11-3 Rogers p itche d to ’ oatter ir the 9th 8 o 9 7 2 1 2 ' 4 0 10 2 2 3 7 0 9 U m pires Home Barnett First. Morr sot Second Kosc Tn^d Joyce T 2:50 A 35,096 ■ Athletics 3, Blue Jays 2 — In Toronto, Rickey H enderson hit a two-run hom er and Mike Moore gave up four hits in seven innings as Oakland dow ned the Blue Jays. Dennis Eckersley pitched the final two innings for his 25th save as the Blue Jays lost for the seventh time in eight games. Moore (6-7) ended a four game losing streak. H enderson's 14th hom er, a blast to leftfield in the second inning, scored Mike Gallego, who reached base on a fielder's choice. Oakland took a 1-0 lead in the Red Sox homer finishes Rangers first on Mark McGwire's sacrifice fly to center after consecutive singles bv Dave H enderson and C am ev Lansford. The Blue lavs scored twice in the second on M.irmv Lee's groundnut which drove in Fred McGntt who singled to short and advanced to second on John O lerud's walk. Mookie Wilson then hit a ground- rule double to score Olerud. jimmy Key (4-4), w ho was re­ lieved by Duane Ward after the sixth inning, gave up just six hits, with two strikeouts and no walks. P ittsburgh f 7 ' 1 9V5 Pet 592 532 493 468 44’ 11 446 11 378 16 GB Pet 644 _ 6 40 — 513 9 VS 500 10VS 4’4 12'T 449 14VS 427 16 OAKLAND R H d s n 't D H dsn c l L a nstrd 3b Me G wir 1b S tem bch c H ow ard rf Jose rf Rnd o h dh Weiss ss G allego 2b TORONTO Felix rt Fe rnndz ss 1 ruber Jo Be f M cG n tt ’ b O lerud dh ab r h bi 4 1 1 2 4 1 2 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 2 1 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 M yers c 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 1 1 0 L aw tess .ir B orde rs c Lee 2b V » \ sn cf Totals ab r h bi 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Í D 1 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 30 2 5 2 p m p m p m Cincinnati (Browning 7-5) at Montreal (Z Smith 4-5), 6 35 Tuesday’s Games Tuesday s Games S eattle (M Y oung 2-8) at C le ve lan d (N ip p e r 1-1), 6 35 Houston (Portugal 2-7) at N e w York (Viola 11-3), 6 35 p m Atlanta (Clary 1-3 or Richards 0-0 ) at Philadelphia ¡P anet! 2 6! 6 35 p m Pittsburgh (Drabek 8 4) at S an Diego (Whitson 6-6 ). 9 35 C alifornia (B lyle ve n 7-4) a t T oronto (S tottlem yre 8-7), 6 35 Detroit (DuBois 3-5) at Chicago (King 8 -1), 7 05 p m Boston (C lem ens 12-3) at M inn eso ta (Tapani 8 5), 7 05 p m p m p m Chicago (Bielecki 3-7 ) at Los Angeles (Wells 0-0 ), 9 35 St Louis (Tewksbury 3-0) at San Francisco (T Wilson 4-0) p m 9 35 p m New York (Leary 3 -10) at K ansas C ity (Farr 5-3), 7 35 p m O aklan d (C Young 3 2) at M ilw aukee (K ru e ge r 4-3), 7 3 5 B altim ore (M itche ll 0-1) at T exas (B Witt 4-8), 7 35 p m Totals 35 3 11 3 1 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 3 O aklan d Toronto 020 000 000— 2 DP O aklan d 1. Toronto 1 L O B O aklan d 6 Toronto 5 2 8 — D H enderson. MW tlson H R - R H enderson (14) S B - Lee (2) SF M cG wire IP H R ER BB SO Oakland Moore W.6-7 E ckersley S.25 Toronto 2 Key L 4 -4 DW ard 1 U m pires— H om e. Evans, First C ooie Second W eike Third, Craft 3 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 6 3 4 1 4 0 7 2 2 3 T 2 35 A 49.855 ■ Braves 6, Expos 3 — In M ontre­ al, Jim Presley hit two of A tlanta's four home runs off rookie Howard Farmer as the Braves beat the Ex­ pos. Atlanta has won five of its last six the Expos have games, while dropped five of six. W inner John Smoltz (6-6) allowed five hits and three runs in 7xh inn­ ings for the victory and Joe Boever finished save. Smoltz has w on three straight deci­ sions. for his seventh Presley's tw o-hom er game was the eighth of his six-year career. He has had .one three-hom er game on Sept. 1, 1986, against Detroit while a m em ber of Seattle. Farmer, making his major-league debut, got a rude welcome when O ddibe McDowell led off the game with a double and Jeff Treadway fol­ lowed with a hom e run on Farm er's fourth pitch of the game. Farmer (0- 1) was called up from the m inors last week to replace the injured Kev­ in Gross in the Montreal rotation. A ndres Thomas led off the sec­ ond with a hom er and Presley hit his first home run of the game with one out in the third. Farmer set the Braves dow n in or­ der in the fourth but gave way to Dale Mohorcic with one out in the fifth after allowing Presley's two- run hom er to give the Braves a 6-0 lead. Presley has 10 hom e runs this season. The four hom ers allowed by Farmer tied a club record shared by Steve Renko, Scott Sanderson and Gross. finished for his first major and league save as the Phillies defeated Houston. The Astros have lost 14 of their last 15 road games. Bruce Ruffin (6-7) worked 6V6 in n ­ ings allowing four hits to earn his third victory in his last four games. With the Phillies leading 3-1, Ruffin walked the bases loaded with one out in the sixth and Akerfelds re­ lieved. Eric Yelding lined out to short­ stop Dickie Thon and Rafael Ramirez hit into a force at second to end the threat and the inning. The Phillies took a 2-0 lead in the first off Jim Deshaies (4-6) on Tom H err's RBI double and Randy Ready's sacrifice fly. After Glenn W ilson's run-scoring double m ade it 2-1 in the fourth, the Phillies added a run in sixth on Steve Lake's RBI single. hitter over 8VS innings and the An­ gels scored the tie-breaking run on an outfield collision in the ninth in­ ning and beat the Indians. Finley (11-4) survived some early control problem s and got relief help from Bryan Harvey, w ho struck out the last two batters for his 11th save. Chili Davis led off the ninth with a walk and Dave Winfield followed with a bunt single, advancing pinch-runner Max Venable to sec­ ond and finishing reliever Jesse Orosco (3-4). CALIFORNIA CLEVELAND DWhite cf Ray 2b CDavis If Venable if Winfield rt Parrish c Joyner 1b Dwnng dh DHill 3b Howell 3b Schofild ss Totals ab r h bi Browne 2b 4 1 2 0 Webster cf 4 0 1 1 Brokns 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Mldndo if Jeffrsn pr 3 0 2 0 CJams dh 4 0 0 0 Jacoby 1 b 4 0 0 0 Snyder rt 3 0 0 0 Skinner c 3 0 1 0 A lom ar c 0 0 0 0 Fermín ss 3 0 0 0 31 2 6 1 Totals ab r h bi 3 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 26 1 4 1 HOUSTON >eidmg cf Ramifz ss Caminí; 3o GWilson I Stubbs tb Biggio v Anthony rf Candael 2b Deshaies d Doran ph Darwin pr Agosto p Puhl ph Totals PHILA Dykstra ct Herr 2b CHayes 3b CMrtnz 1b Ready If Campsn If Tnon ss Vatcher rf Lake c Ruffin p Akerflds p ab r h bi 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 4 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ’ 0 0 0 31 1 5 1 ab r h bi 110 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Caíto mia 000 001— 2 Cleveland 000 0 0 0 - 1 E— Snyder, Brcokens, Maldonado DP California 3, Cleve­ land 3 LO B -California 4 Cleveland 5 2 B DWhite SB— DWhite (12) S— Webster. Fermín 100 010 California CFinley W .11-4, Harvey S.11 Cleveland Black Orosco L,3-4 Seanez Orosco pitched to 2 batters in the 9th 7 1 1 . IP H R ER BB SO 8 1 - 3 4 2-3 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 4 2 5 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4 1 1 0 0 Umpires— Hom e, Johnson First. McKean. Second. Kai Totals 29 5 5 5 ser Third, Young T— 2:31. A— 12,309 000 100 000— 1 Houston F’txtadelphia 200 001 02x— 5 E— Ramirez 2 LOB -H ouston 8. Philadelphia 6 2 B -H e r r , Cammiti. GWilsor Ready, C andaeie HR— Vatcher (1) SB— Dykstra (15) S— Ruffin, Deshaies SF— Ready IP H R E R BB SO 6 2 3 3 2 2 2 4 6 2 0 0 6 1-3 2 2 -3 4 1 1 0 1 4 0 0 4 2 Houston Deshaies L.4-6 ^ o s t o Philadelphia R u ffin W .6 -7 A k e r fe ld s S. 1 W P—Ruffin PB— Lake li. Third, Hirschbeck T 2 32 A - 3 2 349 Umpires Home, Darling, First. Froemming Second. PuF ■ Royals 11, Yankees 5 — In Kan­ sas City, Mo., New York, who lost a no-hitter on four unearned runs their sloppy Sunday, continued play, com m itting three errors and issuing three bases-loaded walks in losing to the Royals. Five Kansas City runs were u n ­ ATLANTA ( )M cD cl re d w y 2b G ant if Pres'ey 3D Ju stice 1b M urphy 9 B oever p O lson c rhom as ss Sm oltz d G regg rf ab r h bi" ' 0 5 ’ 5 12 2 4 1 2 0 4 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 0 0 4 1 1 1 MONTREAL Nixon J DM rtnz t W alker rf W a lia ch 3b A ld re te 1b S antoven c Foley 2 b O w en ss Farm er p M o h o rcc p Frey p B ullock ph S im p e n p W Jhnsn ph Totals ab r h bi 5 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 4 1 2 0 4 0 1 2 2 110 3 0 0 1 ■10 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 ’ 0 0 0 31 3 5 3 earned. NEWYORK Kelly cf Sax 2D Nokes c I Hal JeBrtid rf Leyritz 3b Balboni 10 Maas dh Espnoz ss ab r h bi 5 0 1 1 ’ 2 0 5 5 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 4 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 4 1 1 0 4 0 1 0 KANSASCfTY Seitzer 3b Tabler If Stillwell ss Jettz ss Brett lb BJcksn cf Palacis 3b T rtabll rf Eisnrch if Perry dh Macfarln c Pecota 2b Totals ab r h bi 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 2 4 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 35 11 10 10 Totals 36 6 10 6 Totals 38 5 12 4 0 0 0 - 3 Atlanta Montreal 120—3 DP M ontreal 1 LOB A tlanta 6 M ontreal ^ 2B O M c- Dowell. G ant W aliach 3B A ld rete HR - Treadway (8). Thomas (3). Presley 2 (10) SET G an t (9) Ju stice (4) SF - Santovenia 211 020 000 000 New York Kansas City E Sax, Leyritz. Espinoza DP— Kansas City 1, LO B— New York 7, Kansas City 7 2B Hall, Macfarlane, Brett. Kelly HR Perry (6). Nokes (8) SB— Brett (5), Tartabull (1) SF— BJackson, Tartabull 000 201 011— 5 260 010 11x— 11 Atlanta Sm oltz W 6-6 Boever S 7 Montreal F arm er L.0-1 M o h orcic Prey S am pen WP Smoltz IP H R E R B B SO 7 1-3 5 1 2 -3 0 3 0 4 1-3 8 1 1 3 1 1 1 - 3 0 2 6 0 0 1 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 1 0 3 0 2 2 0 2 Um pires H om e Harvey F/rst C raw ford S eco n d DeM uth; Third. G regg 14.425 T - 2 31 A New York j Jones L.1-2 P l u n k ................................................1 JDFIobnsn Cadaret Mil s Kansas City Appier W ,3-3 McGffgan Montgmry WP Appier , 6 2 1 IP H R ER BB SO 1 1-3 4 3 - 4 4 1 1 - 3 1 1 1 1 0 7 0 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 8 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 5 1 2 Umpires— Home, Shuiock First. McClelland Second, Merrill Third Roe T —3:01 A— 38.693 ■ Phillies 5, Astros 1 — In Phila­ delphia, reliever Darrel Akerfelds pitched out of a one-out, bases- loaded jam in the seventh inning ■ Angels 2, Indians 1 — In Cleve­ land, Chuck Finley, moved up in the California rotation to enhance his All-Star chances, pitched a four- ■ W hite Sox 5, Tigers 4 — In Chi­ cago, the White Sox' vaunted bullpen blew a three-run lead in the eighth inning but Chicago remained four percentage points ahead of Oakland in the American League West w hen Carlton Fisk's RBI single in the ninth gave them a victory over Detroit. Ken Patterson took over and struck out Darnell Coles and John Shelby. Thigpen relieved Patterson but threw a wild pitch that allowed pinch-runner Jim Lindem an to score the tying run before striking out Mike Heath to end the inning. Chicago rookie Adam Peterson yielded one run in five-plus innings but again failed to record his first major-league victory. DETROIT Whitakr 2b F’hillips 3b Tramml ss Fieider 1b Sheets dh Lindmn dh GWard If Brgmn It Lusader rf Coles rt Shelby cf Salas c Heath c Totals ab r h bi S 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 2 ! i 0 5 1 2 0 4 0 3 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 ' 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 35 4 1 2 3 CHICAGO Sosa rt Ventura 3b G rebck pr Caldern If Kittle dh F iskc Gallghr cf ijh n s n cf CM rtnz 1b P asqua oh Lyons 1b Fietchr 2b G uillen ss Totals ab r h bi 4 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 0 4 1 1 1 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 3 0 1 1 32 5 9 5 Detroit Chicago O ne out when winning run scored 100 300 000 030— 4 100 001— 5 DP —Chicago 3 LOB Detroit 9. Chicago 11 2 8 — Guil­ len 3 B - Shelby S B — Phillips (13). Lyons (1). S— Phillips, Ventura SF—Fisk IP H R ER BB SO 1 3 3 3 4 0 1 6 4 0 1 Detroit T a n a n a .............................................. 3 1-3 McCullers 3 2 -3 0 Henneman 1 , 4 - 5 .......................... 1 1 - 3 3 Chicago Petersn Pall Radinsky . B J o n e s ........................................0 2 Patterson Thigpen W .4-2 3 Peterson pitched to 1 batter m the 6th. Pall pitched to 2 batters in the 7th, Jones pitched to 4 batters in the 8th 5 1 2 0 0 0 3 4 0 2 -3 0 0 1 . . 1 1 - 3 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 . 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 5 1 1 3 0 . . . . . . . HBP— Gallagher by Tanana WP— Thigpen Umpires —Home. Cooney, First. Brinkman Second, Tschida Third. Reed T— 3 40 A 26.787 SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 750 — Typing 750 — Typing 750 — Typing 790 — Part Time 790 — Part Time T Y P I N G OPEN 7 days -«Midnight fwi.-Tlwn. House of T O T O R S W V 4 7 2 -6 6 0 0 ZIVLEY ZIVLEY 1 W O R D P P O C F S S i N G l I LASER PR IN T IN G 1 2 7 0 7 H e m p h i l l P a r k 2 7 0 7 H e m p h i l l P a r k 472-32 JO 4 72 -76 77 472-3210 4 72 -76 77 W O O D S TYPING and word processing 2 0 0 0 Gua MAC ond LaserWriter dalupe Side entrance 4 7 2 -6 3 0 2 7 3 20B-E ting EMPLOYMENT presentations resumes using Grammatik III/ PageMaker/laser capabilities $1.50/ page, $15/resume 6 -6 - 208-E 2 8 0 -6 6 0 6 . 790 — Part Time Tem p orary Position, possibly p erm an ent p art-tim e posi­ tion. 4 8 consecutive hours av ailab le. Flexible schedule. M a tu re, responsible person lo ok afte r sem i-invalid. to Must be a b le to cook, keep house. Excellent w o rking re m u n e ra tio n . like cats. References, conditions, Must reply to P.O . Box D -l, Aus­ tin, TX 7 8 7 1 3 . _____________________________ 6 -7 -2 0 8 GREAT BABYSITTING |ob. Two children ages two and four 30/hrs week starting immediately Call 3 4 6 -7 0 1 2 for interview between 10-6 pm. 6 -2 9-4 B TELEMARKETERS NEEDED for part-time. 3 nights a week from 6-9pm For more information, call 8 3 7 -8 5 2 9 . 7-2 -4B ]/ 2 DAY GREAT PAY OVER S200/WEEK W o u ld y o u like to m ake m oney, INTERESTING PART-7lME work with art therapist Must dnve. Hours flexible White office work 4 7 4 -9 4 7 4 . 7-3-5B have a fle x ib le schedule, casual dress, a n d g re a t co -w o rk e rs ? W A NTED ENG IN EERING /CS maior for part-time support for process control consulting firm. PC abilities a must. Call Mesa Controls at 7 9 4 -9 7 7 0 . 7-3-3B ALARM STORE office/counter help. 9 30am -2pm , T.,Th ,& Sat. $4 75/hr. Some study time. 4 5 4 -3 0 7 3 . 7-3 -5B - Z I V L E Y APPLICATIONS RESUMES 2707 H em phill Park 472-3210 472-7677 Speedway Typing DOBIE MALL FREE PARKING at Garage a W ord Processing • L A S E R P rin tin g a Application FO RM S • RE SU M E S, Term Papers • EDITING, etc. 469-5653 W O R D PROCESSING, low rotes, fast sei vice professional results Í 792 7 3 2 08 F UNIVERSITY TYPING & TRANSCRIP- P e rs o n a lize d p ro fe s sio n a l T IO N Koren 331- service Summer special for students. 7 days a week 4 9 5 -9 54 1 6-11-208-C EMPLOYMENT 800 — General Help Wanted WORKING STUDENTS: W E H A V E S C H E D U L E S F O R Y O U e F U L L O R P A R T T IM E • SUMMER JOBS WE NEED SECURITY OFFICERS AMERICAN PROTECTIVE! SERVICES 811 B A R TO N S P R IN G S S T E . 2 0 0 FR E E P A R K IN G A C R O S S S T R E E T M O N F R U 9 A M -4 P M ’ $ PUT YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO WORK! $ FIRST U S A TELE M A R K ETIN G is cur­ rently accepting applications fo r the follow ing professionals... ★ MARKETING AGENT Representatives w ill be response consumer ble products an d services, prim anly prem ium credit cards nation­ for m arketing w ide. This position requires e x ­ cellent com m unication skills with some soles e xperience preferred. D a y & evéníng hours a v a ila b le 8 3 0 - 12 3 0 M -F , o r 1-5 M -F , o r 5 -9 M Th, S. 9-1 Sat W E G U A R A N T E E $ 6 /h o u r! Commission m ay be e a rn e d on some oroiects PLEASE a p p ly in person M -F 10 om -4 3 0 pm of: FIRST USA TELEMARKETING M B A N K PLAZA 3 0 0 W . 5th Suite 8 4 0 EOE 6 -7 20B-C NEAR CAMPUS- Futl/port time BOOK (we tram) TYPIST/ KEEPER TRAINEE W ord Processing Training (45 + wpm) (your car) All CIERICAURUNNER $3 8 0 1 4 2 0 4 0 8 W 17th St Wntten Appointment 9am -4pm . 6 -7 -20 B -A ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ W a re h o u s e Position 800 G e n e ra l H elp W anted Receive and stock furniture, general maintenance duties. 28-30 hrs/wk., in­ cluding Saturdays. Hours are 1 pm-6 pm weekdays 10 om-6 pm Saturdays. ONLY SERIOUS APPLICANTS APPLY!I Perfect for students Call Karen at 4 5 4 - 2 5 4 4 ★ ★ ★ ★ W A W l k A 7-3-5B ^ p h l e b o t o m i s t T ” P H A R M A C O A N N O U N C E S N E W PAY SCALE Pharmoco, a fost-growing South Austin clinical research organization, is seeking part time PHLEBOTOMISTS able to work flexible hours Must have one year previ­ ous experience; certification helpful Those interested, pleose contad Joe at 4 4 7 -2 9 9 5 , ext 2 2 4 9 Equal Opportunity Employer 6-19 20B-K SUMMER JOBS. Telemarketing positions, e v e n in g s S a la ry * bonus, loessburg 7-2 20B-E 4 7 7 - 9 8 2 1 , w e e k e n d s a n d Jim STUDENT LIVE-IN- Personal core atten­ dants for male handicopped students Paid room & board with small monthly stipend Please coll Danielle Carpenter ot UT Heaith Center 471-2166 6 -2 0 - 10B-E • W ord P rocessors • Light Industrial ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A { J Summer Jobs * * • S ecretarial C lerks A A A * * It you need SS now or tor FALL 90 * F'exib1»' ^ " c a ll us im m ediately * J schedule oays. evenings 4 wee» T e n d s Our clients are looking for J T . sharp educated people J 453-3838 * * E XPR ESS * * TE M P O R A R Y SE R V IC ES * J i 7 9 4 0 Shoal C ree k # 2 0 2 A A A A - A A A - A A A A A - A - A A A BOOKSTORE Sharp self-starter, grad student preferred, needed for Book­ store/Newsstand. 25 to 3 5 hrs. a wk. Weekends & nights includ­ ed. Apply in person 9 am -9 pm. BOOKRACK/NEWS 3 2 0 4 G u a d a lu p e 7 3-6B E A R N M O N E Y R e a d in g b ooks! $ 3 0 0 0 0 /y r income potential Details 1- 8 0 5 -6 8 7 -6 0 0 0 Ext. Y-9413 6 7 23P LADY IN wheelchair needs part-time as­ sistance with personal core ond light housekeeping Call mornings or evenings, 4 / 6 5 8 5 6 6 -2 6 -8 8 J OBS ’ SIC."412 G O V E R N M E N T area $ 5 9 .9 3 2 /y r N ow hiring. Your Co# (1)805 6 8 7 -6 0 0 0 . Ext R 9413 for listings. 7 -2-56P ; 800 — G e n e ra l H elp W anted 800 General Help Wanted 800 General Help Wanted 850-Retail AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Phototech is now hiring part-tim e p a r­ ty photographers fo r em ploym ent the 1990-1991 school year. during Must be available on nights ond weekends Applicants should be neat m appearance, personable, have a 35m m SLR with a 50m m lens, and have a dependable car. C all 47 4 - 4 8 9 7 between 1-4, M onday-Frida y. 6-26-20B-D A T T E N T I O N S T U D E N T S SUMMER WORK $ 3 9 6 fu ll tim e ; $ 1 9 8 p a r t tim e . F le x ib le h o u rs . S c h o la r s h ip s a v a ila b le . C a ll im m e d ia te ly . 467-6516 6-6-20B-E COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MECHANIC Five years or more experience. Clean driving record. References available. lots of Good pay, good benefits, work. Mechanics needed fo r Lub­ bock, Wichita Falls, and Amarillo. 1- 800-727-7045. 2401 Ave. C, Lub­ bock, Texas, 79404. 6-20-20B International Jobs Earn $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 7 5 ,0 0 0 +-. Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ja­ pan, Hong Kong, Korea plus more. H ow , when and w here to apply. A ll occupations. Send $ 6 .9 5 fo r 100 page guide - Eurocal, Box 84013, Los Angeles, CA 9 0 0 7 3 . 100% M o ne y Back G uarantee. 7-3 5N C lingerie fashion show MODELS FOR needed. Must k>e able to work 11:30om to 2 30pm plus some evenings. Ladies, we also book fun home lingerie parties Call Marilyn at 2 4 3 - 3 4 2 2 .6-25-10B N o e x p e rie n c e necessary, w ill tra in ENTH USIASTIC , O U T G O ­ in d iv id u a ls w h o re a d IN G flu en tly. FT/PT A A A /P M shifts a v a ila b le A p p ly in p erson o n iy at; 5501 N , Lam ar, C -105 (betw een G inny’s & Chinese Restaurant) b e tw e e n 1 2 -1 2 :3 0 & 6 - 6 :3 0 p.m. O N L Y . HIRING NOW !!! ____________________7-2-2B -A NEAR CAMPUS- Full/part time BO O K ­ KEEPER TRAINEE (we tram) TYPIST/ W ord Processing framing (4 5 + wpm) CLERICAURUNNER $3 8 0 -$ 4 .2 0 4 0 6 W Application 9am -4pm . 6-7 -20 B -A (your cor) All I ’m Si Wntten ATTENTION PROCESSORS and stud^tT S Billion corporation expanding, $100- $! 0 00 /w e e k. W ork at home, Vivian 3 29 -5 4 1 3 Ó-13-20B E STUDENT LIVE-IN--Personal care atten­ dants for male handicapped students. Paid room & board with small monthly stipend Please cofi Danielle Carpenter at UT Health Center. 471-2166 6 -2 0 - 10B E ATTENTION POSTAL ,obY‘ Start $>! 41/ hr! For application info, coll (1 )6 02 -8 3 8- 8 8 8 5 , Ext M -4 0 0 8 , 6am-10pm, 7 days. 6 -2 5-9 P ATTENTION: EASY work. Excellent pay! Assemble products at home. Details. 0 )6 0 2 -8 3 8 8 8 8 5 Ext. W -4 0 0 8 7 -2-5P DISTRIBUTION PERSON hrs/w eek plus 1 weekend/month. Must have gooa driving record, knowledge of city and insurance. Call 3 2 8 -8 2 9 0 7-3 - 5B-F AIRLINES N O W hiring Flight attendants, travel agents, mechanics, customer ser­ vice Listings. Solones to $105K Entry level positions Call (1 )8 0 5 -6 8 7 -6 0 0 0 ext A -9413 6 -4 -5 6 P "ATTENTION G O VE R N M EN T jobs-your (1)602- area! $ 1 7 ,8 4 0 -5 6 9 ,4 8 5 . Call 8 3 8 -8 8 8 5 , Ext. R 4 0 0 8 "6 -2 5 -9P 810 —Office- Clerical ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Full- and Part-tim e office assistants needed. Simple bookkeeping, w o rd processing, and general office duties. A ccounting softw are experience a plus. A p p ly within: Flood Data Ser­ vices, 8 8 3 4 Loop 3 6 0 N orth, #110 (At G rea t Hill's Trail Intersection) P h o n e # : John, 3 4 6 -9 7 8 2 . ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ _________________________ 7-3-2B NEAR CAM PUS- Full/part time BOOK iram) TYPIST/ KEEPER TRAINEE (we W ord Processing Training (45 t- wpm). (your car). All CLERICAL/RUNNER $3 8 0 -$ 4 20. 4 0 8 W.17th Si. Written Ap­ plication 9am -4pm . 6 -7 -20 B -A 820 — Accounting- Bookkeeping NEAR CAMPUS- Full/ part time. BO O K ­ tram) TYPIST/ KEEPER TRAINEE(we W ord Processing Troining (45 + wpm) (your car). All CLERICAL/RUNNER $ 3 .8 0 - $4.2 0. 4 0 8 W 17fh St. Wntten Application 9am -4pm . 6 -7 -20 B -A T-SHIRTS PLUS of Barton Creek M all is for part-time accepting applications sales. Must be motivated $4/hr. 6 -2 7 -5 B 880 — Professional REAL ESTATE Licensed Agents: Ternfic Opportunity, Lucrative Earning Poten­ tial, Expenence Unnecessary, Full-time Summer Availability and Reliable Trons- portation Required. Habitat Hunters, Jody 4 82 -8 65 1 . 6-13-20P ________ __ 900 — Domestic- Household WANTED: LIVE in nanny for 3 adorable children Salary negotiable 2 5 0 -2 6 9 7 or 4 7 4 -2 3 0 8 ofter ópm. 6 -2 7-5 B PART-TIME babysitter needed beg inning in August, hours 815am -12:15 pm Call 4 5 2 -5 2 5 9 after 5:30pm References re­ quired. 7-2-5B JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! In Texan Classifieds SELL IT ! With a Texan W ant-A d! 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4