V O L - V H I A l S I I N . I I \ \ s , W F D N T S I ) VA . A P R I L 219 0 S N o . 5 4 ' * I > I. I is 11 h I > l‘.\ KRY WEI) NEIDA Y AND S A TI' R D A Y HY T U E S T U D E N T S O F T H E U N I V E R S I T Y -o f to g \ a n a y ' v H A T S \ v . A S E M I - W E i . INTtRSCHOLASTIC M E E T TOM O RRO W A F T ER N O O N fVENT p r o m i s e s t o b e t h e m o st SUCCESSFUL EVER HELD IN AUS tm. VISITORS TO BE ENTERTAINED Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 r e p o r t) talker* from a t v m l high achoo I* a n j M^panit*>ry schools w ill p a rtic ip a te in lip, Hmm! annua! alate adm in* tic track ? «N*t. Vt flooded I V first inter *chnlaat ie m eet t i s wM on April 29. 1903. Hinter the direr- tica of Homer flirt!* . th en •llreHnr of th at the U n iv ersity , atUftfifM a i |V following achoo I a w ere icpre mated: Allen Acaciatnev of B n a ii. aud •rk«*U from Itasca. A ustin. Fort ffath. Comkana, Ucni*ovi, I la I veal on* Dallas. Belt •rn, Brownwood and T ailor. Att ion vt) on th e d a y act for th e meet a dehor*' of rain th e ath letic Md. ttill I Hi* m eet w aa e n tire ly ane fearful The raeea w ere ru n Ajatdwaf, and th e ju m p in g w aa finite iadde the gym nasium . D napite th e eon th e ground Stfen of the w eath er, an d apn« which lie held, to the m eet h ad flirty pond record* fen* hig h »rh»i*l men •eft made. Home o f th e record* made tit aa follow*: ■midi | 220 yard daah, 24 aeennd*; 4401 pa* daub, Sd 2 3 second*; 120 hurdle*. D A C j C T i Jl p IT aeroml*: anding broa *«» to be one of the m oat interesting J *‘Flach*u»a nil aa hid neat or,** ti Ii cli w t trick meet* ever held on ( ‘lark Field. I to Ice preaented Friday* May I, Ila** I a tm ar* a Ma* ant I * I La. mn ti i - I t a r tt eat lier I j .Itiul 4*14 I* l it l l V \ I . ft \ % | worn- - I a* M he p o e tfM»tmi to F riday, May Th** Phi lh**.* hap;** Fur.Cly rue* ti al I o d «k I Monday aft* rn 1 th** p u r| o-i- i f eleetiiig new ti em* l**i* from thi* year** Sen lot i i i *• T he bdl 'A lug are ti o*e elect•* I by 0 th e Aoristy : F. I . Buckley. I-*1 ♦ rinne Uafiledge. IL W . F o n ie r. M. 0 F. H ew lett. K. II* f*te»ter. VV. ti. 0 Kiiioolviiig. Au it Ie Howell. Bilby 0 K. T errill, Th**. «l. W ill a n * . tip Heather i* predict eft, an d th e track it t o n put condition, urge crowd* of reader* w ill a rm illjtn ny mf of the com peting team * , and I * iii * ex ce lle n t in c on: im uh I on page 3.) I (Miliii IN AETERNOON MUSICAL FESTIVAL TO OPEN THIS AFTERNOON IN THE UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Tin* big u n id eal **x**iit of th** -«ti««*»i 1 * ***h**dtth*d t*» tab*- pfa**** •♦it tVcdnc* day and T h in * * !ii of t Iii** « i*i*V *»t th** Au«lit«*rium, ami tcp*»rt•. n*> ar** t*» riii'iii* th** init*kn! tr***t <»f th** froiu all Th** I k ir t f u Ny rn phony 1 n i f * ae*** m Ira . t**gether w ith I hi* lr * -had* of con- *klerabic fam e, h a te had much a b le J jH-ur. il f * i•*» i*tmiment w h e r e ie r they bio** ap T h e r n b c r * R y Uh*»ral < bib, on*let direct »«*n o f Prof. Vfct rent bin, Mitt *tng tw o n ii im I * 1 - on W edneMlay «fi**t m**>« fifty T h e chortN * f «*ne h u m li••*! am) th** **thcr t a o eon tplendM pi grain «d orth*** tin* **inin**tit th e «*r*4»***tra. fw rform ance. voice* w ill wing af cert*. A Ira I mimic anti «m0»* by * o |n i* t• w ill th a t areofiipaity la* g ii en at ev e ry DISTINCTIVE SUITS FOR MEN $1 5.00 to $30.00 to to put touche* th eir part*. Thin will give th e am ate!!! u . r for practice. a u l n il' |**li*h and th* Hit IhlLi att e x tr a w*eek m a Ilk* th e n id lin g c u t p a rt* of th e comedy have U-ni m in e d bv m em ber* of the “IJen n ania aud th.* to w ill ad d g re a tly intere*t aud effect!vane**. I lie play it* n a tu re , ahowing i* di***1 e • 111 t ravioli »*»n hi I th e m e th o d s of ***bool egCOUWgennml in G e rm a n y , h u t there i* plenty ut wit. J h u m o r au d action d ep lo y ed through ti o u t to keep interest grouped from to finish. The ita ld air and th e ti a chine lik e w ork o f th e prof**amir* i- -ct th e it* I off bv th e charm ing < ii-* >- 1 h,N n,,<* in th e hand* of on. of the b e d a c t u - — in th e U niversity. l,.v A n o th e r a ttra c tiv e featu re evening w ill be Home se le c t* I th e A u stin “Saesgerrtinde.' w ho h a s heard and love* Berm an vm g. that should n o t m iss T h e d a te a t Sew B rauntcl* Im* a - |,<‘ 111 ■ been changed, * 0 the play will genteel th e re on May D. treat. i .milt o f SOPHOMORE CLASS MEETS. T h e Sophom ore Acadcnis in d in room 44 Thursday afternoon, with President S tie le r prefiiding. Mr. Whi.^nant. th. treasurer, repori<''l $•> m re tirin g 11 th a t i.„ 0 tr e a s u ry , and a class is long p ast due. A m otion was earn.-, t h a t t h e p resid en t appoint a eonian to h elp T reasu rer II. M. H arris c Heel th e a fo resaid am ount as soon as po. silde. Tile following " e r e appom <•. Miss L orena Middlebrook. M i" " ll W oodruff, Bob S w een ey . C hester Lj< a) an d H . M. H arris, chairm an. All member* of th e Sophom ore elas who have n o t co n tributed are urged to to so a t once M E M S HIAR WEIL RENDERED PROGRAMS SPEAKING IN BOTH LITERARY SO C1ETIES PROVES OF UNUSUAL IN­ (VELL TEREST — SPEAKERS ARE PREPARED. RUSK. T h e regular m eeting < f th e ltii»h th e into th a t h a- lieeli held hi livered le y - S a tu r d a y night w a- on e o f th e t m -t iii te rest in g the Husk hall this year. The program «a> in a w ell prepared, and w a th a t showed tone la d th a t th e ir sp irit- a - u*’11 a* 9 'e ir el- p u t th e work. Tile p arliam en­ fo rts ta ry drill, which was conducted by I- \V. P arrish, was well carried ou t. ani the faet w a- dem onstrated th a t several of tie- R#sk iwntiher- are fam ilial w ith R o b ert’s Rules of O ile r. The dcidsmn of th e debate wa- given to th e all..... jjtive. Kilhnigh was judged l-e-t th e speaker of th e evening. The atten d an ce sm all: however, a .,dded to th e size and pleasure of com par itiv e l\ of v i-ito r- I' ........... t V. Keith, an e x -memlier ii. in t full o f life and te re st of th e evening culm inated when j .. t". to when ami vv her* the quest ion arose as to u n x ___ rxn t»*ira 3.) But he * We know them to be as high in character as fabrics, expressive tailoring, dis­ tinctive designs and ex- c usive patterns can pos­ sibly make a garment. Youll find $5.00 worth of shoe ratisfaction in our line of $4.00 ox­ fords, all the correct shapes and leathers. C*»>rifliiie# IfOzV SCHLOSS BROS. A co [•se Cullies Maker*; * - ’cir i or* ■ * J ’♦ew Y*ri E SMART “ B A L f lM O r FOR YOUNG MEN SUH re is a style th a t a p p e a ls to every young m a n 1 5 . 0 0 and $ 1 6 . 3 0 ILLIAMS-FINK CO. ,• sTJi w™ r Scarbrough & Hicks T he House o f Good Clothes T H E TEXAN A semi-weekly newspaper owned and published by the student® of The U ni­ versity of Tiexa*. EUGENE L. H A R R IS ... Editor-in-Chief H E R B E R T 1.. Y A T E S .......................... - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A s s ’t Editor-in Chief HAHBEKT DAVENPORT.. Athletic Ed. .1. ROBERT O’CONNOR.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ass’t Athletic Ed. LOREN A M1DDLERROOK ...L o c a l Ed Associate E ditors. Iconise Temple. Annie Sowell. Ben Dyer I jeon Goodman. R. R. Sm ith. B. M. Woods. P. L. R A M SD E LL . ................ Manager IIARDIE L DAVIS . . . . A s s t Manager Drew Staggs F. V. Phipps. N, P. Morrow. Paul L. Haynes, W. A. Philpott. Percy VV. Evans. Entered as second class m atter Sep­ the post«*fflce a t the act of Con tem ber 2.'*, 11*07, a t A ustin, Texas, under gress of March 3* 1373. tddress ali communication* to T t T r\» n . A ustin. Tex»« Subscription per year .............. .91.50 TH E BARBECUE. should lie the watchword of U niversity | ka nsas of Texas students, and it should be their custom th eir wathw«*rd ju st as far as possible. student should live up to to feel obligated Every the team by attending the U» sup|s 1 1 It ta certain th a t a large num ­ games. ber will attend the lwrl*eeu*e, th e bai berue comes on Friday, May I. which is tin* first day of the A. A M. scrh**, In th a t there might be no conflict order tin* gam** will be called a t 3:30 nstead of 4 o'clock. This gives all the prtvi lego of going to both. a<* far as tim e I* concerned. Those wle* can m*t g»* U» the bail game, but can attend the barbecue will the W oman's Building at *» meet a t o’clock sharp the Those game can g** directly from then* to th* tin cup it ml Bring your east wiietb a good apfM'tite If you o me to the bar bacue att< tiding in in (,i" mg th»* behind t » his handed tied up in gient Is* huluepl it aw ay the *n consequence inning. bn. the Imaes everybody was steady it* such crisis, and there wa* never any real danger, three double plays assisting position of the visitors. (Continued from page Li Graham , who ran for Groesbeek, brought in his run by* some excellent sprinting a fte r a wild to catch him a t throw second. A two-bugger by Adamson and in a single by Brownlee was wasted the sixth, b u t Texa* it* took another the eighth, G raham bringing home the run a fte r H enderson's err r had given delivered Groesbeek a life. The captain did not have to exert th is second run for GroMheck, as W al to try conclusions with Id** te n iftr whip tw irl tor ker and Hughes both hit. th»- hr-t Brownlee having injured hi* am* *> d the previous day. and fa* non l»oth in fielding and hitting, H*w *\*-.*' him self so hard to score the .law haw kers who could A rkansas .ninth. W ith who had three successive strik eo u ts to his credit, found Gr<*e*beck Sample lifted a m iserable little fiy l>ack of first, w h ic h Robertson a fte r calling W alker, and Miller uncorked a clean rap for tw o leases, scoring Milford and Sample. H its by Hughes. Wat hen and M et• i fo r a hit. miek and S a m p l e s error on Adan *«»n* th re e more long fly turned this trk k . fa ilod to g e t w e r e a d d e d in t h e *econd w h e n J o h n s o n from Stacy or and Hughe** Walked and W athen lifted fence A not her w a * a tall one over tlu whoved acn «+ the seventh, when In Adamson hit, Stole second ami snored on Stoke** error on McCormicks driv«*. lie well just team work fast I*all. the infield asleep ami started A featu re of th twenty*-one chain** **•1 nineteen The se«»re: A rkansas, n**t to l*e outdone in goner the ositv bv w w bunched erro rs in the fourth. S to k e s the ninth. H endersoni game over hit. errors bv Johnson and L I ,f,i t *■ ? soenftd error g a v e Rotiertson v i t s l i t y at fir*t. and W sathcrred sent him to third and a wild pitch tell the story. Th* w ith a long single t«» center. G raham rem ainder of the game was mark* I to went to b a t instead of Stacy and every* scintillating plays in the Texas Infield the expected but there was nothing doing that eoiih body sat bark It wa< hit, b ut before Cook hail delivered hi \r f* * second. Co-dc him** If from aroused his somnolent e**nditl**n j»»«t in tim e to throw the U tl t« but t. when t apt. Graham graeeftilly eoncede the point ami sent his rtitttiers la rk . Wat hen tm ashetl out the next om- h#r»l, buit It went straight a t W ilson win* converted It into a * ball rolled to the transferred to paper. A rkansas’ tw o runs th** h*»me pl»f«’ nd everybody pi 11 it I 3 I f Texas. It vv**re d le A. » i *« to aw ait I eck, p 1 1 0 1 •> Texas. AB. R. H. P.O. A. K. 0 4 . . . . 0 . 4 . . . . 1 . . . . 3 0 .. . 4 0 . . . . 4 4 . . 4 0 . 4 0 ........ . :t o . . 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 <) 0 4 4 2 1 2 0 0 9 I 1 .* 1 • i o 0 S3 fi n 27 ft 3 Sum m ary. Home R uns: Brownlee. Two-lmae H its: Adamson, Miller. Sacrifice H its: H it by Pitched Ball: Sample, Hen Tomkins. derson, W athen. Stolen B aies: Staev, Hughes. Bases on B alls: Henderson. 2. Struck O ut: By Groesbeek, 10; bv Cook, 3. Double P lays: W ilson and Miller. Passed Ball: Brownlee. SATURDAY S GAME. Arkansas. A.B 11. 3 , 3 4 3 4 . 3 .* (I ft 1 1 0 (1 1) n n n 3 4 rf . . . .. , . ,, Horn, Wilson. ** Moke**, 3b Milford, r Sample, If Miller. 2b . .. Bender**»n. If . . . Wll«otl, p Tontpkin*. p I.iihletl, II* . ., ik l* * «i 1 :t I O 'l » II II n ! 1 idially invited t <» attend. the The party will meet W oman’s Building at 5 o’ol **k. and a* usual proceed from there t«» the picnic the hall grounds. Those who attend game are the invited picnic a fte r the game. to come out in front t «» -if The regular meeting of the Y. VV. C. in the large A. w as held Monday afternoon Girls* Study hall. There w i- a a tten d a n ce . ............... o------------ President Elliot of Harvard U niver­ sity, in an address to the students of the Illinois, startle d his audience by statem ent dancing he should be made a required subject in all college curriculum*. lielieve I th a t G E T T H E H A B IT . <>( going to N. W. RUTLEDGE for a FirM cla** Hair Cut «nd an f is iy S hitrt. M udcnts' T ra d f •oHeittd. Jilfl 6N 6**01 t t o o u f l >(Ut t mt* F O R Y O U UNIVERSITY CONEECTIONEHV SIORE for ICE C R EA M and COLD DRINKS Welch’* G rape Juice CHAS. G. WUKASCH, Prop. Cor. 23rd and G uadalupe. Y A T E S & HU NTER, p r e s c r i p t i o n d r u g g i s t s . S tu d e n ts trad e solicited. Agent* Hu>* le r’s Candy. 7 0 0 Cong. Ave. A u stin , Texix d r . f . p . M cL a u g h l i n , PH YSICIA N AND SURGEON. 700 Congress Ave. Specialist in lenses for the eve. dorsed by all the leading people, fill any prescription tice. 709 Cong. Ave. En- We in two hours’ no­ Old Phone 1340. JNO. E . K E L L E R , 724 Congress Ave. K odaks and M aterials, F o u n t a u Pen# Fine Stationery. Schutze’s Cozy C o r n e r G O O D T H I N G S T O E A T Corner T w en ty -fo u rth and Guadalupe. ----- ----------- -o S a tu rd a y ’s game was W u Ling Fang, th e famous Chinese was won by the superior all th at diplom at and ahhassador country to the U nited S tates, has con sensed to deliver the eoimnemx-ment a d ­ dress a t Illinois U niversity next June. the snappiest and most interesting o f the season, and around Johnson, who work of the Texas team . them h ittin g pitched for Texas, kept to the infield, and Staev, Hughe* and W a th e n did from re*t. t h e RO BT. E. T H IE L E , Dealer in ALL KINDS OF MEATS AND SAUSAGE. Cor. 19th and Guadalupe Sts. J o h n s o n w as | Old phone 420. New phone 549. LEAGUE GAMES BEGIN gong, and spiritedl, high class play, the gam e w a* m arked by W E C A R R Y IM T HTCH K TH E CLUB AND FRAT BASEBALL LEAGUE PLAYS FIRST GAME ON MONDAY theirs a t long been A fter adm inistering stinging defeat* to several organizations the Ihiraeas at the hands of la st got the The Christians had D elta Sigma Phis. I th e ir s ta r perform er, Love, in the box the for them , but he was driven to the “ forest prim eval" before curtain tip. The Delta Sigs hail sm ashed the pill to all corners of tin' lo t and succeeded in losing three balls | in th e weeds th a t grow along the bord­ ers of the o uter garden*. Th** I blears'* fight aga id*t J* B abbit* Pool* had I P hilpott, b e tte r known as the curvele*s wonder, who pitched such glistening ball in the class series. Owing to the heavy his comrades Philpott stick work of to exert dbl not have very himself rung the curtain wa** much. When down the score stood 14 to 7, with the frat boys predom inating. to Sigma Chi, 4; Chi Phi, I lasagne started The University its schedule on Monday afternoon when tin* Barani'* and Sigma Chis tied up. The following the season, i* the schedule for I. Monday, April Kl rara* vs. Sigma Chis. ‘2. Tuesday, April 2S I Vita Tan IIH ta vs. sigma Xii*. 3. W ednesday, April 2*> I*. K. ( \ vs Capital Club. 4. Saturday, May It ll ■*! v ('n**!** vs. I V ita Sigma Phi. 5. Friday, May I* Phi Gamma I Vita. Kappa Sigma v*. A. Monday. May 4 Winners of 2 and 0. and 5. and ,1. B. Tuesday, May .V \\ inner* of 4 C. Wednesday, May « \\ inner1!* of I Friday, May A Winners of V. and B. Championship game S aturday, May 0. C. v*. winner* of A, TV All games on Clark I intel st 2 p. rn INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET TOMOR ROW AFTERNOON (Continued from page 1.1 In a fast and snappy gam* tin* Sig ma < his sent the Chi Phi* to the pickle boat by the nan« vt mark in of 4 to 2. •versify interest si**** runs high, **♦ that The game wa* one of the 1***1 of the a is a* tr.M*k management wishes vintr arni Iielong**! to anybody until the Inured. The la*! man was the those who attends pitched for the winners, and tow* hit** recent cia*** meet that the event* of the were recorded again**! his delivery. WM meet tomorrow « MI br earned volt with liford worked bar the CTii Phi* sin! it is seldom th a t a man lone* when piteh lug in th e sty le he did. Both *»*t* I from g»*nu* athlete* were on wig** much greater »|hxh| than a aa fvidfiK td in ♦ hr burner meat. down. Klelwrg to im pro** upon large and appreciative crowd *hot t $3.00 STRAW HATS Look like the $5.00 kind, worth $4.00 Soft a n y where. Brims too. Varsity boys take to them like ducks to water Moore & M orrison Men's A p p a r e l 1808 and 1810 Lavaca St. BOTTLED COCA-COLA IS BETTER Highly carbonated, uniform stren g th and flavor. DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING Aik Tot it. Your dealer can Ret It Tot you. or by th e care from STAR BOTTLING CO. Silt anthoriz d A gents and B ottlers for th is T errito ry . Phones 246. a tr- ^ r n • • «f m HIGH ART TAILORING COMPANY NEW SW ELL SU ITIN G S. We are still taking orders for su its it the rate of two or th ree a day. We carry a complete supply of brand sew tennis goods. Call for A yers team* balu, 75 cen ti a pair. They ire the best. Porous knit underw ear 45 cents a piece; dress sh irts, a new Mock, were $1.50, now $1.25, and our •bole line of men** furniahings at proportionately low prices. GERJES & K E I T H , 1610 Lavaca S t. Subscribe for the Texan. A Strong Bank Helps Y«*u as a busine** man especially lh** the m a tte r of credit. Get in right I sick of you ami your business will expand more rapidly. I sink ct lw*nk for you T H E AMERICAN NATIONAL lh* IN AUSTIN. nile BANK stro n g est banks In the city, Is th** t*» do busine** br*t It is conveniently lorn ted. ha- w ith. cvcrr banking fnrilitv sn*I is eon a m a tiv e ly but pmgn***h cly man aged. W ith a capital of. W ith a surplus and prof . I 200,000 . its earned of W ith stockholders* tty of W ith assets of over W ith directors* .. liabd- * 252*°°° 25M5K 2.00CLOOO responsibility over 5.000,OrK) Offers v»u a b l u t e *eeurlt> for any deposit, no m atter how ”r small, large financial ... . To improve There I* •>'* I to de|s»*it y o u r b u s i n e s s c r e d i t I1' " 1 *’m," .ll Im 4 ll Im I t i t Ilk VV »• liank. i** Ini-1 v w ant your business nm! extend von every* courtesy, A m eric an National Bank in t Iii DR. F. W. SM ITH, DENTIST. Opposite Avenue Hotel, over ‘ 1 Phone 1034 722 Congress Ave. Keller's Austin, Texas Its too hot to hurry—W hen you lire clow n to w n stop in at our store t s co ° 20th CENTURY DRUG STORE SM ITH & JA C K SO N P hone. 288 T he A u s t i n N a t i o n a l B a n k C a p i t a l ........................................ $3,M '(! Z Surplu a n d Profits 225, - D e p o s i t s ................................................ 2 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 Business of the F acu lty and S tu d en ts of the U niversity solicited. ^ COR the best ice cream and latest cold drinks, come to the b’gg roomiest, and airiest place in Texas mfohk 6IVf US YOUR ICE CREAM ORDERS FOR YOUR BLOWOUTS— DELIVERED loco., L - A . W O L F & B R O . BothPhoo«. C o n g r e s s A v e . v o l , b rin g a m an, arc intr rested in Chithe.*. tl\\ r tell yon plainly there arr no lirttrr in flu* world—no matter where made or In w hom —than SMITH AV IU'OX Smart Clothes, (S prin g Styles arc ready. Sa|fa f , 5 , o $ 4 5 4 Everything for men from Mats to Shoes* SM IT H & W IL C O X IP YOU HAPPEN TO GO BROKE Run Short or W ant to Buy a Diamond, Ste J. A. JACKSON 617 Congress Ave. AUSTIN. TEXAS Both Phones Open Evenings DR J. D SIMMS, DENTIST, Over Keller'a Stationery Store, Opposite Avenue Hotel. 22 Cong Ave. A ustin. Texan jMilrsrril** for the Texan SPRING O X F O R D S Oxford! thai f it'a n d feel good all over. Tao, Patents, Vici Kid Leather. The new fads and the staple ones. THE “HANAN” SHOE THE FLORSHEIM SHOE THE WALK E-Z-Y SHOE Price $3.50 to $6.00 TREA T YOUR FEET R IC H T BURT SHOE CO. 612 CONGRESS AVENUE N E L SO N DAV IS & CO IMPORTER* AND WHOLESALE GROCERS SOL DAVIS. I »,**i**r In full line of »** tarted and dottiest ie cigar* and tobaccos, stationary, perks! leal*. hoak* and new*pn|***r* Whit ney's nsmik « Billiards amt p*t| I a idea It*-(miring pied and billiard table* new, a specialty. #06 ( <>ng, Ave GEO. W. PATTERSON. UNDERTAK­ AND PROPRIETOR ECLIPSE ER STABLES BAO* OMNIBUS AND GAGE TRANSFER FINK CARRIAGES AND LIGHT LIVERY. RUBBER TIR ED HOSPITAL AMBULANCE lo t TO lie EAST SEVENTH STREET. BOTH PHONES 161 S. E. R O SEN G R EN , and Embalmer, U ndertaker and Embalmer. Fine Car riages for Hire. Hospital Ambulance. 41J Congress Ave, Phones 451, CHAS. B IN T L IF F , M anufacturer Cornice, Tin, Slate and Sheet Iron Work. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY F irst-class Work. E stim ate! Furnished on Application. Old Phone 781. 207 W. 6th St. THE RELIABLE I BUSH& GERTS I PIANO B U S J - I T E M P L E B O O -n O i C o m s re m s A v e . J. R REED, Mer. SHEET MUSIC AND SMAIL GOODS AUSTIN TRUNK FACTORY, 510 Congress Avenue. them. l h.* Mb* wing *« hooi* have already *M*nt In th** vttma** ♦ f the mrn who will n*prr*citt I h**' are aa follow*: tn d em y — C k t d i i i , Pedler, Mien \.-,{ftw**, Ilighamith. Esitiif*. Mr v *ban. Hut h i nan, '■Battel* un, Mn at quod*lr. Ibm*. VV i!***f» l*ihn*on, Pi*ar«>rk M ilitary Academy Ptrwer, M om !. MrFadden. V*bf*aw, Dig spring- High S4»«**l — W illiamson Th# event* will la* fin. inn. 22« and 4411 viird da*hr*s 12H y in ! hurdle. I 2 mil** rota v : di*<*»»*; 12 lh *h»*t p u t; ham m er throw. \ .until til• **b’ll f*4* "I 23 cents will lit* f*linrgt*l. ami tim |l w w l * will be db xid.ti among tho cmd#**! in* *rhooU, Th** official* *«* far *c|ccted are a* M low *: Hffrro* Timer* \|r . Metxenthln. IV. Mather. C* Iii iii el. ami I, P. A b rid g e RamadelL S ta rte r lf wiry Fink. Weight Judge* Pariah and V icker* .bulge* for Finish Bowk* Dunean and I*. .I, I.nu lea-. r«*arh I low aer ami Manager H*«dhe have appointed **ven»l eoramitteea to aee th a t the high -.bool and prep boy* will U* my ally en ter I aine* I while in Aim tin. The Texan wa* linable to aeeure the the names of those app inted on committees. —— MEMBERS HEAR WELL RENDERED PROGRAMS. ■ - C..m inned from Page Ll the Rimk would have the annual ban­ quet and the Reed contest. The mem­ bers present were divided, and only after a warm ami lengthy discussion, did they deride to have the Reed contect the third S aturday night the Rusk hall, and the banquet the fourth S a t­ urday night at tin* Brackenridge hall. in May a t ATHENAEUM The Athenaeum Literary Society met S aturday night, April 23, with a large membership present, An unusually gmwl program was rendered, and it is notable the roll wa* called, every that when man on the program answered “present” With the exception of one whose place was filled by our debater, Mr. F. M. Bra na ford. Mr. Howell presented a very able oration on the “ Monroe Doctrine,” a fte r which the society was entertain ed with a declamation by Mr. Weeks. The question debated was “Resolved, T hat S tate Prohibition i* Preferable to Local Option.” The affirmative won. The best speech of the evening was, perhaps, made by Mr. Hoffman. He has I a splendid * voice, a good bearing OB the thor. and a clear head. Those who were not present a t the certainly I Athenaeum Saturday night missed som ething Hi Of* p. 111. M eeting «»f th e Ira 8:0 0 p. m.- Oscar Robinson 6 i 6 C o n g r e e A w , NEW CLOTHES 'I* p worn \ n t old s i ITS carried over from *<•;!*•»!» to *e,i*.<>n and o f­ fered as " J u s t aa good aa the new.* O U RS ARE NEW Differ*'!!! iii *d \ l<* ami make lip from other* ami yow can **«*«' it, Urie** e x t r e m a l e»»n-erv*tive. $10 to $20 |2 0 to $33 We fit you Come in and see. Harrells L O C A L S . Dr. B i t t e r , dent*** OOO f o n t Ave. lift ii w n L O S T - E ith e r on ten n is crnut K a 7 or ll H all, a th a t c« .ort and medium silted |» M w atch and e x p ia tio n (uh. Lom A pril £ t leave oblige th e lower th e w atch at Texan oHks* and Finder will p l e a * * Mav I la v Barberite. Fleet rte face m assage at th e C en tral b*rW r shop. 007 Congress Ave. lf von went last vear the hour i« 5. Yfter th e (mil game, the picnic PH •lav, eiie. U N IV ER S ITY CALENDAR. *2:45 p. rn. W ED N ESD A Y . The Chicago S ym phony O r­ in the U n iv ersity c h e s tra A u d ito riu m . c h o ra l f l u b will sing. concert 5:00 p. lii.- -M eeting of th e Sidney Dan* ier L ite ra ry Society. 7:00 p. in. R eg u lar reh earsal of th e the Y. M andolin Club In M. C. A. room. 8:00 p. m. The Chicago S ym phony O r­ in the c h e s tra concert A u d ito riu m , TH U RSD A Y . T he in tel scholastic track m eet on ( lark Field. I ni- v e rs ity should •‘in d e n t- a tte n d . R egular re h e a rsa l o f tile I n iv e rsity band. th e M eeting of Jo h n T ow nes Law’ Soeietv ♦ In* i w D epart m ent. t , in Hebrand Law th e l,aw Jtoci*-t y lh part m ent. -The I lib ago Symphony che*I rn convert Iu d florin rn. I*. IGL iii lh th e in FRIDAY Ila “el M11 gam e on Field* Text*- vs, < birk \ A M The V. M, an d V, U . C. A pi. ilk*. Everylm dy meet at th e W o m an * Building. th*- M andolin C lub in th e 5 . M r . A. mom. R egular rehears*,! «»f Tim* p to T H K T E X A N MEMBERS OE SIDNEY LANIER ENTERTAIN LAW TOPICS OffERED - TOR SOMMER SCHOOL - RECEPTIO N GIVEN TO YOUNG LA­ D IES OF U N IV E R S IT Y AND M EM ­ BERS OF T H E FA C U LTY — AN E N ­ JOYABLE A FFA IR . P R E P A R A T IO N S BEING MADE FOR A LARGE ATTENDANCE — GROWTH HAS B EE N PHENOMENAL. larg e electric mono . | JIW of One of functions the parlor* o f th e moat d elig h tfu l m f lege aortal iw*on carried Im* th a i o u t at th e U n iv ersity f i r Mime tim e wa* la*t the Sidney L unier recept ion S a tu rd a y afternoon, tin th e evening of the the Woman** festivities Building proven! »*d a p r e tty effect, be­ ing charm ingly decorated with d ilater* of aweel pea* and carnation* aud b e a u ­ tiful A m ericai* th e le a n t \ vestibule *wung a I i i gram of resu lt of th e colored light* wa* uni>pie. The « > The only New Summer Collar Out— Smart and Comfortable. Quarter Sizes Two for a Quarter HESSEY & CO. THE PAWN BROKI RS FIN E W ATCH ES AND S PORTING GOODS. BARGAINS IN EV­ ERYTHING. MONEY TO LOAN ON EVERT THING AUSTIN CANDY MANUFACTURING CO. Fourth ta d Colorado St* A U S T I N . ........................................TEXAS PIANOS j e s s e f r e n c h piano c o , to Fraternity M anufacturer# aud distributer#. High Class Piano*. Phone ut. 293 each pboae 813 Congress Ave. FRANK S. TAYLOR, Maaaftf Dealers to G r o c e r ie s , Wood a n d Fe« <. I Special attention given Houae* Both phones 394. Corner of Guadalupe and W. la th St* E. SEELIG. Im parled and dom estic ami • •dineros, smoker** article*, newspaper* md periodicals, in Die city*. largest billiard hall cigar* 613 Congreaa Ave. A U S T I N , ...........................................TEXAS The Capital Bank and Trust Co. A ppreciates the Students' Busine!! Kverytmdy g**** to tin* S|iriiig Bari** ll. I »«•! o l d Iwlh* »t tho O n t r a l <||(J othprH je fitted b y W ednesday. Do you know must also Bosche’s Troy Laundry STRICTLY DOMESTIC. F IN E S T WORK. ALWAYS THE BEST. Phone 73. 306 Cong. Ave EA STM AN ’S KO DAKS AND SUPPLIES L. E. W ATERM AN’S “IDEAL” FOUNTAIN PENS. ENGRAVING. We m ake a specialty of engraving in v i­ •ailing cards, announcem ents, tations, etc. GEORGE MILLER, The finest light livery in the city. Car* riagea in connection. 208-210 E. F ifth S t. Ph°ne 25 H O T E L S U T O R EURO PEAN STYLE. Tobin’s Book Store. Old Phone 510. Best Cafe in the city. Sunday evening dinners a specialty. THE S T U D E N T ’S FRIEND. AUSTIN MUSICAL FESTIVAL UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM, APRIL 29 AND 30 M A T I N E E a n d E V E N I N G T IC K E T TO ALL C O N C E R T S ........................... T IC K E T TO ANY ONE C O N C E R T .................... a .......................... R E S E R V E D S E A T TO ALL CONCERTS . . . . . . R E S E R V E D S E A T TO ANY ONE CONCERT $1 50 75 75 25 M em bership in the F estival A s s o c ia t io n , $5.00 per annum , which e n ­ title s th e holder to m em bers’ privileges and full admission w ith reserved seats to all e n te rta in m e n t? for th e year. A u s t i n P rin tin g Com pany P . VV. M c if A D D E N D R U G G I S T TW O S T O R ES 9 1 3 - 9 1 5 CONGRES S A VENUE U N IV E R S IT Y DRUG STO RE 2300 Guadalupe. U P TOW N DRUG STORK 1610 Lavaca. UNIVERSITY PRINTERS ANYTHING THAT’S PRINTED n m B U R N H A M B R O S . | ♦ Barbera and Barber!’ Supplier 113 East Sixth Street, oppoaite Dris^ 1 J 4 X H o te l ♦ WE APPRECIATE THE STUDENT TRADE.