THE \VIIITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 14, 1964 Dear Mro Prime Minister: Senator Humphrey and I were pleased and deeply touched by your warm and thoughtful congratulatory message. Needless to say, the weeks ahead are going to be busy ones for the Senator and myself, and your words of personal friendship are encouraging. Mrs. Johnson and I want to extend to you and Mrs0 Krag our personal greetings and very best wishes for your birthdays, both of which, as we learned at the celebration last year, fall on September 150 That, indeed, was a · wonderful occasion and remains one of the most pleasant memories Mrso Johnson and I have from our many travels around the worldo As you celebrate your birthdays this year, I want you to know that all of us here \Vish you both --and the wonderful people of Denmark --the greatest happiness and every possible success. Sincerely, ,, His Excellency Jens Otto Krag, Prime Minister of Denmark, Copenhageno ~