ESTABLISHMENT OF OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR TEXAS COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT Final Report on BIOLOGICAL USES CRITERIA Prepared by Carl H. Oppenheimer Thomas Isensee William B. Brogden Dinah Bowman The University of Texas Marine Science Institute at Port Aransas for Research Applied to National Needs Program Nationa1 Science Foundation Grant No. GI-34870X and Division of Planning Coordination Office of the Governor of Texas Interagency Cooperation Contract No. IAC (74-75)-0685 Coordinated through Division of Natural Resources and Environment The University of Texas at Austin This is one in a series of eight final reports describing progress on this research project for the period June 1, 1972, to May 31, 1974. The eight reports are: Summary Example Application I. Implications of Economics & Land Use Alternative Public Policy Decisions Water Needs & Residuals Management Concerning Growth & Environment on Estuarine Modeling Coastal Electric Utilities Resource Capability Units Example Application II. Evaluation of Biological Uses Criteria Hypothetical Management Policies for the Coastal Bend Region ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We should like to acknowledge the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), particularly the cooperation of Dr. Jack Nelson and his staff in the Coastal Data System; the Texas Water Quality Board (TWQB), especially the Galveston Bay Study Group; Henry Fleming of the Gulf Universities Research Consortium (GURC); and the Padre Island National Park Service personnel. Dr. William Fisher, Dr. Robert Kier, and Albert Erxleben of the Bureau of Economic Geology and Dr. Ralph Hunter of the U.S. G. S. Marine Geology Laboratory in Corpus Christi are acknowledged for use of their materials and their advice and critique in the preparation of the enclosed Biotopes map. John Wells of the Governor• s Office of Information Services assisted in ob­taining photos and information from NASA. The sports fish creel study was made possible by an additional grant from the Lower Nueces River Water Supply District, volunteers from the Marine Science Institute and the cooperation of the Economics Branch of the Texas Water Development Board, who provided computer support for the data analysis. Chapter IV has been taken from an interim report submitted to the Lower Nueces River Water Supply District. The study will be continued in 1974 with Don Cox of the Lower Nueces River Water Supply District, the TWDB Economic Branch and, in part, with a project being organized by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Division (TPWD). Some data presented in this report are from other task forces in the project, particularly the work of Michael Cullender, James Sherman, and George Murfee. .. i SUMMARY This study has produced a methodology for assessing the effects of natural and man-made changes on the estuarine environment. Examples have been presented to demonstrate its application to the Corpus Christi area. Several communication forms have been developed to describe the biotic environment. There are illustrations of the ecological assemblages through artist renditions with a written text entitled "Biotopes" and several computer data base systems. Through the identification of these discrete biotic regimes (biotopes), the coastal environment o~ the Corpus Christi area has been quantified in percentages of the total acreage and percentage of total produc­tivity. The computer Life History Data Bank (LHDB) has been established to provide information on distribution, abundance and tolerances of the living organisms in the biotopes. Information accumulated through a preliminary creel census of sportfishing has also been identified by biotope distribution. Through the use of these systems productivity and fish catch can be compared quantitatively. Information management systems (data banks) have been established to accommodate data concerning (1) the distribution of hydrographic features, nutrients and other materials contained in the water and sediment; (2) the life history, food preference and environmental limitations of estuarine orga­nisms; and (3) the commercial and sportfishing catch and effort. Although considerable information has been attained, the data banks will be continually increased during the subsequent phases of the study. Information on the carbon and nutrient cycles in Corpus Christi Bay were developed from existing data to provide information on the dynamics of pro­ductivity, the source of nutrients and the rapid turnover of carbon and nitrogen that signifies the large amount of productivity of the area. Nitrogen appears to be the limiting nutrient in Texas estuaries. The daily productivity of Corpus Christi Bay is 22 pounds per acre per day as contrasted to Galveston Bay at 5 4 pounds per day. This productivity is related to fish catch to show the efficiency of harvesting .at the present rate. These estimates are prelimi­nary, but demonstrate that the methodology developed is a reasonable approach to measure the dynamics of the bay and provide information on how man's changes of the biotopes through shoreline development and waste discharges will affect the productivity of the system. Water quality standards have been reviewed and recommendations made for nutrients, toxic materials and other parameters affecting the organisms of the Texas bays with emphasis on Corpus Christi Bay. ii To demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology, two examples have been presented regarding the possible environmental impacts caused by the implementation of the following hypothetical coastal zone management policies--no change from 1970 regulations; a 1500 feet moratorium on shore­line development; and the implementation by 1990 of a no pollutant discharge regulation. In example one, a marina type housing development has been identified in terms of the biotopes affected to show the biolog.ical and physical land changes that may occur with construction under the three policies. In example two, computer model experiments have been shown for salinity dis­tributions as related to various water inputs to the bay. The model outputs in conjunction with the water quality criteria in Chapter VI and the biotope data are used for assessing the changes that may occur in the bay due to changes in salinity or other water quality parameters as they relate to the hypothetical policy constraints. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II. BIOTOPES OF CORPUS CHRISTI BAY CHAPTER III. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ENVIR Life Hi story Data Bank Life History Descriptors Creation of the Data Bank Retrieval of Information Applications Summary Other Data Banks Chemical-Biological Data Bank Creel Census Data Bank Bird Data Bank CHAPTER IV. SPORTFISHING CREEL CENSUS PILOT STUDY, AUGUST 1973 Methods ·Results General District Breakdown Daily Breakdown Time Breakdown Biotope Distribution Fifteen Major Species and Baits Sportfishing vs. Commercial Fishing Recommendations CHAPTER V. PRODUCTIVITY AND NUTRIENT BALANCES Carbon in Texas Estuaries Carbon Sources Carbon Sinks Carbon Dynamics Summary Nutrient Balances in Texas Bays Nutrient Sources Nutrient Losses Nitrogen Budget Sum~ary Implications for Management of Bays and Estuaries i ii iv vi vi I-1 II-1 III-1 III-1 III-3 III-4 III-6 III-7 III-8 III-8 III-10 III-10 III-12 III-12 IV-1 IV-1 IV-6 IV-6 IV-7 IV-8 IV-8 IV-9 IV-9 IV-9 · IV-19 V-1 V-1 V-1 V-6 V-8 V-8 V-12 V-14 V-19 V-19 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) CHAPTER VI. WATER QUALITY VI-1 CHAPTER VII. DEMONSTRATION OF APPROACH VII-1 Hypothetical Land Use Information VII-1 Salinity Changes VII-5 Summary VII-15 APPENDIX A. ENVIR COMMANDS, VARIABLE FORMS, ERROR MESSAGES A-1 APPENDIX B. OBTAINING LIFE HISTORY INFORMATION FROM LHBANK B-1 APPENDIX C. DESCRIPTION OF DATA FLOW FOR CHEMICAL­BIOLOGICAL DATA BANK C-1 APPENDIX D. DESCRIPTION OF DATA FLOW FOR CREEL CENSUS DATA BANK D-1 APPENDIX E. STATE & HOMETOWN OF PERSONS QUESTIONED DURING CREEL CENSUS E-1 APPENDIX F. CREEL CENSUS DATA REASONS FOR FISHING (24) & COMMENTS (25) F-1 APPENDIX G. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (CENSUS SHEET) G-1 APPENDIX H. REFERENCES FOR TABLE VI-5 H-1 BIBLIOGRAPHY ix OTHER REFERENCES xvii v Figure IV-1 . Figure VII-1. Figure VII-2. Figure VII-3. Figure VII-4. Figure VII-5. Figure VII-6. Figure VII-7. Table II-1. Table II-2. Table III-1. Table III-2. Table III-3. Table III-4. Table III-5. Table III-6 . Table III-7. Table III-8. Table III-9. Table N-1. Table N-2. Table N-3. Table IV-4. Table N-5. Table N-6. Table N-7. Table N-8. Table N-9. LIST OF FIGURES Area of Survey 11 Effect of 1500 Ft. 11 Policy on Hypothetical Residential Development on Mustang Island Model Results: Policy I, 1970 Dry Model Results: Policy I, 1980 Dry Model Results: Policy I, 1990 Dry Model Results: Policy I, 1970 Wet Model Results: Policy II, 1990 Dry Model Results: Policy III, 1990 Dry LIST OF TABLES Biotopes of the Texas Coastal Zone Areal Extent of the Biotopes of Corpus Christi Bay Life History Descriptors & Example Items Example of Environmental Limits Information Example Query with Part of the Reply Table of Descriptors Used in the Galveston Bay Data Bank & the Corpus Christi Data Bank Creel Census Data Bank Descriptors Occurrence, Habitat, Food & Abundance of Birds Common to Corpus Christi Bay Plants & Animals Used as Food by Ducks Principal Foods of the Larger Aquatic Birds Bird Bank Sources Creel Census, August 1973 Climatological Data Rea sons for Fishing in the Area where Interviewed Fi sh Catch Data by Di strict Fi sh Catch Data by Day of Week Fish Catch Data by Time of Day Biotope Distribution Creel Data Analysis Comparison of Different Baits on Sportfish Catch vi Page VII-2 VII-6 VII-7 VII-8 VII-9 VII-10 VII-11 II-2 II-3 III-5 III-6 III-9 III-11 III-13 III-14 III-18 III-21 · III-26 IV-4 IV-5 IV-7 N-7 N-8 N-8 IV-10 IV-11 N-18 LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED) Table IV-10. Table N-11. TableV-1. Table V-2. Table V-3. Table V-4. Table V-5. Table V-6. TableV-7. Table V-8. Table V-9. TableV-10. TableV-11. Table V-12. Table V-13. Table V-14. Table VI-1. Table VI-2. Table VI-3. Table VI-4. Table VI-5. Table VI-6. Table VII-1. Table VII-2. Comparison of Sport Catch & Commercial Fish Catch by Weight IV-19 TWDB & UT Sportfishing Creel Census IV-20 Physical Factors for Selected Texas Coast Bays V-3 Comparison of Gross Planktonic Production for San Antonio, Corpus Christi & Galveston Bays V-4 Gross Production by Biotope for Corpus Christi Bay V-5 Commercial Catches in Some Texas Bays V-7 Sample Calculation of Residence Time for Organic Carbon in Corpus Christi Bay V-9 Summary of Nutrient Data, Average Concentrations in mg/l V-11 Sources of Nutrient Data V-11 Nitrogen from Precipitati.on V-13 Nitrogen Input & Freshwater Inflows V-15 Nitrogen Inflows to Texas Bays V-16 Carbon, Nitrogen & Phosphorus Equivalances of the Average Commercial Catch & Estimated Sportfishing Catch of All Organisms in Corpus Christi Bay V-17 Carbon, Nitrogen & Phosphorus Removed Per Acre Per Year from Three Texas Bays V-17 Sedimentation in Texas Bays Deduced from Historical Depth Changes V-18 Sources, Sinks & Standing Crops for Nitrogen in Three Texas Bays V-20 Comparative Values of Elements in the Environment VI-2 Application Factor & Pollution Category for Toxic Inorganic Materials VI-4 Maximum Allowable Environmental Concentrations of Selected Pesticides VI-5 Water Quality Criteria Recommendations . VI-6 Toxicity Levels for Marine & Estuarine Organisms Endemic to the Corpus Christi Bay Area VI-8 Toxicity Levels for Birds Endemic to the Corpus Christi Bay Area VI-12 Biotope Areas Affected by Three Hypothetical Management Policies VII-3 Lower Limits of Occurrence of Sports or Commer­cially Important Organisms with Respect to Salinity VII-12 vii LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED) Table VII-3 . Organisms from Initial Query with Upper Salinity Limits of Occurrence of Tolerance Less Than 35 ppt VII-14 Table VII-4 . Organisms from Initial Query with Lower Salinity Limits of Occurrence Greater Than 30 ppt VII-14 viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The overall goal of this project is to develop a methodology and the cri­teria for assessing the economic and environmental impacts of alternative public policies for management of the Texas Coastal Zone. The objective of this task force is the development of an approach for the identification and quantification of the biological criteria that can be used to establish the base­line and natural changes that occur in the biotic environment as compared to those changes imposed by man and his many activities. The progress toward accomplishing this objective has so far included: 1) providing a common description (Biotopes) and identification of the various components of the estuarine environments of Texas, including a historical description of ecological change, the natural fluctuations, and life history information; 2) estimating the productivity of these various environments and the associated nutrient balances; 3) establishing water quality guidelines for these environments; and 4) demonstrating the utility of the approach by evaluating the ef­ fects to the environment of man-made changes associated with different hypothetical coastal zone management policies. The area of the Corpus Christi Bay system was selected for primary con­sideration and information on·all Texas estuaries was used for comparative purposes to determine baseline information and natural fluctuations. No original research except the Creel Census (described in Chapter IV) was con­ducted. The major emphasis was placed on the procurement of existing information from the literature and other sources which could be placed in computer format for analysis and retrieval. The project has been devoted to the development of data bases that can be used to evaluate the impact of various changes imposed on the environment (such as the hypothetical manage­ment policies described in Chapter VII). This task force thus concentrated on the synthesis and evaluation of existing information as needed by the state agencies that are required to implement the existing state law on Texas Coastal Public Lands as well as the 1972 Federal Coastal Zone Management Act. It must be realized that any coastal environment is extremely complex and natural fluctuations of all parameters of such environments are large and variable. Therefore, the information provided is only valid for the data avail­able to date and any criteria for water quality or environmental quality sug­gested should undergo constant evaluation in the coming years. I-1 Two concepts should become apparent from this report. First, today's state of the art of pollution control is analagous to the start of the develop­ment of disease control in the early 1800 1 s. The regulatory agencies currently are making empirical observations of the 11 symptoms" of pollution and de­signing treatments to alleviate these "symptoms" instead of their causes. This task force has begun to establish guidelines by which such 11 symptoms" of pollution may be studied on a cause and effect basis. Difficulties are bound to arise in this analysis, as the estuarine environment is extremely variable, while at the same time constrained by strong internal interactions to maintain some type of equilibrium. The Corpus Christi Bay system provides an example for potential manage­ment based on cause and effect. The major sources of natural nutrients are river flow and rainfall. No appreciable nutrients enter from the Gulf. Muni­cipal, industrial and agricultural demands have resulted in decreased river flow to the estuary. If it were determined from nutrient balance information that a new source to replace the diverted nutrients were required, one such source may be found in waste discharges, after sufficient treatment to remove toxic materials and pathogenic organisms. Here again we now find treatment of symptoms. The mission is to formulate guidelines to alleviate causes of the problems rather than treatment of symptoms, and that is the concern of our report. Secondly, it is important to establish some method of determining the significance of fish population as this group of organisms plays such an important role in determining estuarine management concepts. Some under­standing of the interrelationship between the region of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico and its relative importance is available from the publication Fisheries of the United States, 1973 (NOAA Current Fishery Statistics No. 6400). In 1973 the total catch in the Gulf was 1.5 billion pounds or 1.35 percent of the World 1 s fish catch. The total area of the Gulf of Mexico is about 1. 3 percent of the World oceanic area. However, the major portion of the Gulf fish catch comes from the continental shelf area and as such empha­sizes the importance of the coastal fertility. The Texas portion of the Gulf catch was 100 million pounds or 6. 3 percent of the total. Texas ranked 12th out of 23 coastal states in fish and shellfish catch. Data from a NOAA sport fishing catch report of 1970 indicated that the sport fin fish catch in the Gulf was 485 million pounds or approximately 30 percent of the total Gulf catch of fin and shellfish for the same year. Hence it is important to assess the relative importance of the commercial and sportfishing catch to the State. The next step is to develop a comparative basis between the estuaries and the Gulf. In this project a sportfishing creel census in the Corpus Christi Bay area is being undertaken to provide information on the export of fish from the bay system and to locate those areas of the bay that are most frequently used for sportfishing. A pilot study was performed in August 1973 which provided the I-2 information and procedures for a three month survey to be undertaken in the summer of 1974. Financial support from the Lower Nueces River Water Sup­ply District will be used for the creel census with the cooperation of the Economics Division of the Water Development Board who will provide computer support and assist in the field observations. Data from the two programs will be treated as a single data base. The information output will be used to ob­tain the carbon balance and the value of the estuaries to the fishermen, where­as the economic information will be used in a wide part of the public sector to show the dollar value and economic significance of sportfishing in the bay system. I-3 CHAPTER II BIOTOPES OF CORPUS CHRISTI BAY The report 11 Biotopes of the Texas Coastal Zone: An Ecography11 (Oppen­heimer and Gordon, 1972) * presents the system used by this task force for defining environmental units. A biotope is defined as the biological assem­blage (biota) that occurs within an area of uniform environmental conditions (Kuchler, 196 7). Further, the biota, particularly the plants, can occur in a phase in the succession of communities that would occur naturally within the g·iven set of environmental conditions (Allee and Schmidt, 1951). A group of biotopes such as that provided by Oppenheimer and Gordon for the Texas Coastal Zone (see Table II-1) provides a flexible basis for evaluating or comparing the environmental setting of any location. Such a list of ap­plicable biotopes may be selected for any area. The analysis of various environmental changes may then be made in terms of the areas changed, the nature of the changes and the responses of the organisms within each biotope. Aerial photo interpretation combined with field checks was the method of choice for delineating the biotopes of the Corpus Christi Bay area. Success of this method is widely known (Gallagher, Reimold and Thompson, 1972; Kelly, 1969, 1971; Reimold, Gallagher and Thompson, 1972; Welch, 1972). Aerial photographs used included photos from NASA Manned Spacecraft Genter missions 84, 110 and 228, photo mosaics belonging to the Bureau of Economic Geology and aerial oblique photos taken in April, 1973. Black and white, color and color infrared photos were all used, with color infrared providing the most information. Control was achieved by overlaying the interpretations on U . S. G. S. topographic maps of the area. The enclosed map entitled "Biotopes of Corpus Christi Bay" and Table II-2 are 1972 baseline estimates of the areal extent and distribution of the biotopes found within Corpus Christi Bay. While the most extensive biotope is the bay planktonic, the salt water marsh and grassflat biotopes are probably the most important due to their high productivities (Odum and Odum, 1959; Teal, .1962). (This aspect will be considered in Chapter IV, 11 Productivity and Nutrient Balances11 .) The biotopes concept has been used for habitat descriptions in several applications. One is the report "Development of a Multi-purpose Deep-draft Inshore Port on Harbor Island to Accommodate VLCC Vessels" by Oppenheimer (1973). Evaluations with regard to biotopes were supplied within The University * An updated and revised edition of this report with color illustrations is currently in preparation by The University of Texas Press. II-1 TABLE II-1 BIOTOPES OF THE TEXAS COASTAL ZONE (Oppenheimer and Gordon, 1972) *Gulf shelf Open beach Dune *Barrier flat Spoil bank Jetty and bulkhead Oyster reef Thalassia (grass flat) Spartina (salt water marsh) Juncus (freshwater marsh) Mudflat Sandflat Bluegreen algal flat *River mouth Bay planktonic River flood plain fore st *Marina *Oil platform offshore *Bay sediment types * These biotopes were not illustrated in the 1972 report. II-2 TABLE II-2 AREAL EXTENT OF THE BIOTOPES OF CORPUS CHRISTI BAY Biotope Open beach Dune and barrier flat Spoil bank Jetty and bulkhead Oyster reef Thalassia (Grass flat) Spartina (Salt water marsh) Juncus (Fresh water marsh) Mudflat Sandflat Bluegreen algal flat Hypersaline Rivermouth Bay planktonic Channel Sum Acres Percentage 1,980 1. 31 13,358 8.85 13,327 8.83 2 t 211 1.46 760 0.50 18 , 894 12.51 7,579 5.02 411 0.27 604 0.40 7,348 4.87 1,208 0.80 3,033 2.01 15,755 10.43 63,340 41. 94 1,202 0. 80 151 ,010 100.00 II-3 and to the Army Corps of Engineers with reference to a proposed park in Redfish Bay, Texas. Finally, hypothetical coastal zone management policies are being evaluated in terms of the biotopes affected as described in Chapter VII and a separate final project report, "Example Application II: Evaluation of Hypothe­tical Management Policies for the Coastal Bend Region". Other uses include coupling with the Life History and Creel Census data banks where habitat information may be selectively retrieved with reference to an organism, its life stages, processes affecting it, fishing method or other information, as de scribed in the following chapter. II-4 CHAPTER III INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The development of both qualitative and quantitative coastal zone manage­ment criteria for biological organisms depends on the availability of a large amount of reliable data. Such data as might be useful in evaluating biological impacts come from a wide variety of sources. The problem of sorting and organizing the data for access and retrieval has occasioned the use of an Environmental Data Management System (ENVIR) by this task force. The format of data storage, that is the data bank, can be de signed for a specific type of information retrieval. Three data banks, the Life History, the Chemical and Biological, and the Creel Census, are discussed in detail in this chapter. The process for setting up a data bank using bird census information as an example also is discussed. [Furthermore, a data bank is being developed for handling general fisheries information. This data bank is not treated in this chapter.] Bibliographic information on literature sources is accounted for by means of a key sort system. There are currently about 1500 cards with bibliographic and data entries in this system. Included among these are the references ex­tracted for compiling the data banks. For example, the approximately 140 reference sources for the Life Hi story Bank are logged on the key sort cards. ENViR The general information management program which is used to store and retrieve the various types of environmental data is called ENVIR*, for ENVironmental information .Retrieval. This program was derived from a program called TAXIR, for TAXonomic jnformation .Retrieval, during the course of a Gulf Universities Research Consortium (GURC) sponsored, NASA supported project on Environmental Data M?.nagement (NASS 26867). The unique principles by which this program creates a data bank and selects data for retrieval has been described by Estabrook and Brill (1969). The program has provision for storing numerical or alphanumerical data with considerable flexibility, so that normal chemical and biological nomen­clature can be used instead of codes. Commands to the program are formulated * Inquiries about the availability of the ENVIR system should be directed to Dr. James Sharp, GURC, 1611 Tremont Street, Galveston, Texas, 77550. III-1 in natural language under simple syntax rules which are relatively easy to learn. The basic unit of information which is manipulated is called an item. Each item is composed of a number of descriptors. And each descriptor has a characteristic state for each item. If a descriptor is left blank in the input data, the state of the descriptor is stored as "unknown". Example items will be shown in the discussion of each data bank. In genera1, ENVIR stores data by reading lines (cards) of data in alpha­numeric form, and turning the data into an optimized code in binary form. The program maintains a dictionary of the codes and corresponding alpha­numeric words, and updates the dictionary as new terms are added. Before starting this process, however, the user must tell the program what to expect in the incoming data by means of a data bank definition command. This co:n·­mand causes the program to allot space in its memory for the dictionary. This dictionary and binary data file together constitute a "data bank 11 , which can be stored and queried. Because the code used is optimized, the data ban~< is usua Uy much smaller than the original input data file. When a query is made, a complex algorithm determines an optimum search pattern; then the program searches the binary data bank for items which match the pattern. The data requested in the query command is taken from each item which satisfies the search pattern and is stored in a temporary file, still in coded form. When the entire bank has been searched, the retrieved data is sorted completely, all duplications are eliminated, and the code is turned bank into an alphanumeric file for output. While ENVIR has some unique abilities, the data bases discussed in this report could have been set up using other general data base management sys­tems, such as System 2000, which operates internally on entirely different principles. We have not done comparative studies on the relative merits of these systems for these applications, but we can comment on the requirements fo:-a general data base management system for use with environmental data. Although these comments also apply to the descriptor schemes used to handle the data, it is possible to have a very flexible computer program but a-very inflexible descriptor scheme. 1. It should be possible to use any scientific terms desired rather than codes. 2. The system should be open-ended in that it should be easy to add new data, or new descriptors. 3. It should be possible to do searches using boolean logic opera­tions on the states of all or almost all of the descriptors. This requires "inverted files" in most data systems. 4. Interfacing retrieved data to programs for further analysis should be easy to accomplish. III-2 Three tables are presented in Appendix A which describe the ENVIR com­mands and explain the "variable forms" and the system's error messages. The computer used is the CDC 6600-6400 system at The University of Texas at Austin. A teletype terminal at the Marine Science Institute, 2 0 0 miles from the main campus, is connected via a leased telephone line to the computer time sharing network, 11 TAURUS 11 All programs and data are stored • at the Computation Center on magnetic tape, and are read into the system on command from the terminal (Computation Center, 1973). Life Hi story Data Bank* A recent symposium has emphasized the importance of better understanding coastal environments and the effects of stress on these environments (Ketchum, 1972). The necessity of viewing the entire system in preserving coastal zone environments has also been stated (Niering, 1973). The available information on the organisms of the coastal zone must be organized and made accesible before it can be utilized, and modern computer technology can simplify this process. Kohlenstein (1972) has described the usefulness of computer systems in the storage and handling of biological data and emphasizes the importance of defining the objectives of a biological data bank to maximize this usefulness. The objectives of the computer system described in the present report are to: 1. extract desired life history information on particular organisms with regard to environmental factors, environment type, limiting physical or chemical factors, and/or trophic relationships; and 2. have the retrieved information organized to aid coastal zone management planners as well as estuarine ecologists . All computerized data system design requires trade-offs between complete­ness and coding/computing effort. We have designed a system which contains much more information that a bibliographic or keyword system without requiring excessive coding or computing effort. Wherever possible, the life history information in this system has been incorporated in quantified form, and the interpretive information has been limited to a few words. While it would be possible to record the results of individual net trawl collections with numbers of each species caught, salinity, * This section, in part, has been accepted for publication by Chesapeake Science. The authors were W. B. Brogden, J. J. Cech, Jr. , and C.H. Oppenheimer. III-3 temperature, etc., we have chosen to store and retrieve a more generalized level of information. Kohlenstein (1972) terms this generalized information "soft" data; for an example of a "hard" data system, see Swartz (1972). The data which is coded usually represents a generalizatio:i by the author of the reference, drawing from a number of samples. The format we have chosen also permits recording the results of laboratory experiments such as LDSO values, as long as the organism tested can be identified. Every piece of data can always be trased to a specific literature reference. The descriptors fall into several groups: organism identification, environ­ment classification, environmental limits, trophic relationships, and reference identification. Important considerations regarding identification of the orga­nisms include consistency of nomenclature. Although common names should be recognizable to local users of the data bank, adherence to a published common name source (e.g. Bailey, 1970) extends species recognition to more distant users. Inclusion of the life stage category allows changes in environ­mental tolerance, food items, etc. with regard to life stage or reproductive readiness to be incorporated. Table III-1 shows the descriptors used for the Life Hi story Data Bank, with two example items. Environment classification, descriptors 8-24, includes the general habitat type, "biotope" (Oppenheimer and Gordon, 1972), as well as the specific area and dates, "start year" and "end year" when the work in this reference was done. The temporal distribution pattern is stored as presence, "P", absence, "A", or unknown in the separate months. The bottom type, descriptor 9, was found to be useful information to supplement biotope. The National Marine Fisheries Service coastal region codes, such as 020 for the Gulf of Mexico off Corpus Christi Bay, have been used as the "bay system" for offshore areas. Environmental limits of both natural and modified environments, derived from both laboratory and field investigations are entered with descriptors 25­ 29. It should be noted that the units in which the parameter is expressed have to be adjusted to produce an integer value for storage; this difficulty has been overcome with other versions of ENVIR. This coding scheme has proven to be very flexible but it cannot describe nonlinear interactions between multiple environmental factors. Table III-2 shows some actual examples of both laboratory and natural environmental limits. The importance of the organism to man is noted with the descriptors 30-32. If the organism is important in commercial or sport fisheries, the term "direct" is used. Other terms in use include "bait", "pest", "fouling", and "indirect". III-4 TABLE III-1 LIFE HISTORY DESCRIPTORS & EXAMPLE ITEMS Descriptor Example 1 Example 2 1 Class Chondrichthyes 0 steichthyes 2 Family Myliobatidae Ariidae 3 Genus Rhinoptera Bagre 4 Species Bonasus Marina 5 Common Name Cownose Ray Gafftopsail Catfish 6 Life Stage Adult Adult 7 Motility Nektonic Nektonic 8 Biotope ---(1) Open Bay 9 Bottom Type Mud 10 Bay System Upper Laguna Madre Aransas Bay 11-22 Jan through Dec p (2) A 23 Start Year 1951 1941 24 End Year 1955 1942 25 Parameter Salinity Salinity 26 Units 0 .1 PPT 0 .1 PPT 27 Limit Type Occurrence Preference 28 Lower Limit 250 50 29 Upper Limit 450 300 30 Commercial Direct 31 Sports Direct 32 Other Imp 33 Trophic Level Carnivore Omnivore 34 Diet Sig Major 35 Food Item Callinectes 36 Reference 51 1 37 Ref Remark Commercial Catches 38 Coded By NDMB BEITZ 39 Batch 5 1 40 Sheet 75 23 (1) This signifies that the state is unknown. (2) Descriptors 11-22 are the months and use "P" for presence, "A" for absence, or unknown. III-5 TABLE III-2 EXAMPLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITS INFORMATION Parameter Units Limit Type Lower Limit Upper Limit SALINITY HEPTACHLOR TEMP DEPTH TEMP 0 .1 PPT PPB 0. I C FATHOMS 0 .1 c TOLERANCE TOLERANCE ACTIVITY PREFERENCE LETHAL 0 150 118 350 700 28 The nomenclature used in the food items descriptor is the same used in the organi smal identification categories of class, genus, or common name, where possible. The diet significance is usually a term such as major, minor, or exclusive, but the term "host" has been used to describe parasite relation­ships. This group of descriptors can be used to aid in the construction of food webs and a better understanding of trophic relationships in the various biotope communities. Unfortunately, only a few references contain trophic information. If a particular reference contains important information which cannot be coded, such as growth and population dynamics, this fact is noted in the "ref remarks" descriptor. The reference is recorded as a code number referring to a master reference list. This method was chosen rather than author-year, or the complete bibliographic reference to save space on output. Recording the name or initials of the person coding the form facilitates tracking down errors. Batch and sheet numbers are assigned after keypunching to aid in correct.ion of errors in the cards. Creation of the Data Bank The pre sent version of ENVIR requires a complete description of every item, even though there may be many descriptors which are the same for a long series of items. To avoid excessive keypunch costs and coding effort, a simple program was written to read cards punched directly from a coding form with provision for up to 5 biotope s, 5 environmental limits parameters, and 30 food items for one set of values of the other descriptors. As forms are coded and keypunched, they are run through a series of error checking operations, corrected, and added to the data bank in batches of 100 to 300 forms. III-6 A literature survey and coding effort of 12 man-months produced 1800 forms from 13 2 references on 250 organisms. Roughly 12,000 cards were keypunched and 18 minutes of computer time were used to create the pre sent data bank of 3 900 items. Computer memory requirements are presently 32, 000 words. If more than about 50, 000 characters of stored dictionary space were required, more memory could be used. Tape storage of the data bank requires 24, 000 60 bit words. Queries in this data bank require from 2 to 30 seconds of computer. time depending on the complexity of the output and the search criteria. Retrieval of Information Retrieval of items is determined by a query command which can incorporate complex boolean operations on the states of the descriptors. The program maintains dictionaries of the terms which have been used, and these diction­aries can be obtained at any time. An example query command might be: PRINT: GENUS, SPECIES, COMMON NAME FOR SPECIES WITH LIFE STAGE, ADULT OR JUVENILE AND BIOTOPE, CHANNEL AND NOT REFERENCE, FROM 1 TO 4*. The part of the statement before "FOR SPECIES WITH" controls the output to be derived from the retrieved items, and the remainder of the state­ment selects the items retrieved. The output consists of a listing of the states of the requested descriptors, completely sorted and ordered in a hierarchical fashion as specified in the first part of the query command, with all duplicates eliminated. For the example query above, the first line would contain the alphabetically first genus of all of t_he retrieved items, indented on the second line would be the first species of that genus, indented on the third line would be the first common name of that species, and the remaining species and common names belonging to that genus would follow. Parentheses can be used to control which descriptors appear on the same line; for example, PRINT: (GENUS, SPECIES, COMMON NAME) etc., would have put all of the descriptors on the same line in the previous example. Other commands are available to modify or delete items, correct spellings, or re serve space for more descriptors. A "HOW MANY" command can be used to count the number of items which could be retrieved with specified search parameters. When operating ENVIR in the interactive mode the slow writing speed of the terminal makes it impracticalto have long output files printed, so pro­vision is made for printing long output files on a high speed printer at the Computation Center. III-7 Applications To facilitate the use of the Life Hi story Data Bank, we have used the system itself to produce various types of indexes to the available data. Example listings include: all organisms for which data is available organized taxonomically, all geographic areas organized by biotope, and types of toler­ance information available organized by parameter. Updated versions of these indexes can easily be produced after every new batch of data is added to the bank. Faunal checklists can easily be produced for specific geographical areas; organization of these checklists can be by taxonomy, trophic level, seasonal occurrence, or any other descriptor. It is quite easy to produce customized checklists for specific purposes, and of course, it is easy to produce updated versions when new data becomes available. This system is particularly useful for retrieving and organizing the bio­logical data needed by resource managers. As an example, let us assume that a proposed powerplant development on a local bay would increase the maximum temperature in an area from 30.0° to 32.0° C. To evaluate the consequences of this proposed action, one of the first questions we might ask is shown in Table III-3, with only a small part of the full answer shown. By specifying certain bay systems, we retrieve only results from the local bays. If there are only a few observations available for the local bays, as shown by using the 11 HOW MANY" command, we might want to expand our search by asking about specific biotopes without specifying the bay. By dropping all require­ments except the parameter and upper limit, we could retrieve all temperature limits recorded in the bank with upper limit values between 30. o0 and 32. o0 , including laboratory experiments. Detailed information on how to obtain life history information from the data bank (with computer program and flow diagrams) is presented in Appendix B. Summary The general system for storing and retrieving life history and environmental limits information which we have described could be applied to any coastal environment. Biologists and resource managers can learn to use this system rapidly because standard nomenclature is used instead of codes, and because the interactive computer terminal provides an immediate response to questions. Although the effort required to prepare the entries is somewhat greater than that required to prepare a bibliography, the greatly increased usability of the data and ease of entry of new data more than compensates for the extra effort. III-8 TABLE III-3 EXAMPLE QUERY WITH PART OF THE REPLY SHOW: (GENU sI SPECIES) I (LIMIT TYPE I UPPER LIMIT I UNITS I BIOTOPE I BAY SYSTEM) FOR SPECIES WITH COMMERCIAL, DIRECT OR DIRECT+ INDIRECT AND PARAMETER, TEMP AND UPPER LIMIT, FROM 300 TO 320 AND BAY SYSTEM, ARANSAS BAY OR COPANO BAY OR COPANO-ARANSAS* MENTICIRRHU S AMERICANUS OCCURRENCE 305 0 • 1 C SHALLOW BAY ARANSAS BAY PARALICHTHYS LETHOSTIGMA OCCURRENCE 305 0 .1 C OPEN BAY ARANSAS BAY OCCURRENCE 305 0 .1 C SHALLO"W BAY ARANSAS BAY OCCURRENCE 305 0 .1 C SHALLOW BAY COPANO BAY POGONIAS CROMIS OCCURRENCE 307 0 .1 C GRASS FLAT COPANO-ARANSAS OCCURRENCE 307 0. 1 C SHALLOW BAY COPANO-ARANSAS III-9 Other Data Banks Because a complete description of the ENVIR program and one of the data banks, Life History, has been presented, only a synopsis of the Chemical­Biological Data Bank and the Creel Census Data Bank is presented. Chemical-Biological Data Bank This type of data bank contains the results of individual measurements taken in the field, or in the laboratory from single samples. This type of data is what Kohlenstein (1972) calls 11 hard11 data as opposed to the Life Hi story Data Bank which is " soft11 data . Work with this type of data bank was first started at the MSI during a Gulf Universities Research Consortium sponsored, NASA supported project on Environmental Data Management (NASS 26867). Several special programs were written during the NASA project to transfer existing computerized data files into ENVIR items. The ancestor of the RDLOG 3 program was written to take data from field measurements and produce ENVIR items. A special program ENVPROC was written to process the data retrieved by ENVIR, to calculate averages and extremes and to produce plots of the retrieved data in various ways. The first application was the Galveston Bay Project Toxicity Studies re­search project (Oppenheimer, Brogden, and Gordon, 1973). In the course of this project, a data bank on chemical and physical measurements taken by a variety of agencies was generated and used as a research tool. The descriptor scheme used in this bank is shown in Table III-4. As part of the NASA sponsored project, a data bank also was created for data for chemical measurements in the Gulf of Mexico, u sfng the same descriptor scheme. At the pre sent time, data from various sources for the Corpus Christi Bay area is being stored in this data bank. During this project the original descriptor scheme was expanded to permit recording and retrieval of biological data, such as number of fish caught in a single trawl sample. The expanded descriptor scheme also is shown in Table III-4. A description of the data flow in the Chemical-Biological Data Bank and a computer program used to read data and produce a file of ENVIR items are pre­sented in Appendix C . III-10 TABLE III-4 TABLE OF DESCRIPTORS USED IN THE GALVESTON BAY DATA BANK (INDICATED BY G) AND THE CORPUS CHRISTI DATA BANK, C Descriptor Name STATION LINE SITE LAT LONG BIOTOPE YR MO DY TIME DEPTH SHIP CRUISE AGENCY PROJECT PARAMETER UNITS VALUE PHASE METHOD COMMENTS GENUS SPECIES LIFE STAGE Bank G,C c c G,C G,C c G,C G,C G,C G,C G,C G G c c G,C G,C G,C G,C G,C G,C c c c Comments the station name assigned by the original investigator numbers used to provide compatability with the TWDB numbers used to provide compatability with the TWDB latitude in deg-min-0 .1 min longitude in deg-min-0. 1 min year month day time 0-2400 depth of the sample, 0 .1 meters in the G data bank, ft in C name of the parameter measured .name of the units the result is expressed in numerical value obtained, the units have to be adjusted so that this is an integral number such as dis solved, sediment, etc. the analytical or sampling method sueh as less than, trace , etc . standard biological nomenclature standard biological nomenclature standard biological nomenclature Creel Census Data Bank Table III-5 shows the descriptors used for the Creel Census Data Bank, with an example item (see Chapter IV for details of the project). A separate item was generated for each different species caught, as reported on the inter­view sheet; in addition, a summary item was generated for each interview, containing the total number of fish caught, the total weight, and the word "total" for the species descriptor. The climatological data will be incorporated using the additional descriptors shown in Table III-5. After reading the creel census items, ENVIR produced the data bank, and a vocabulary of all terms used in the data bank. The data bank was stored on magnetic tape at the Computation Center and examined for misspellings and incorrect use of the various descriptors. Any errors were corrected in the ENVIR data bank, by special "correction" commands. Finally, ENVIR was used with the corrected data bank, to selectively re­trieve the creel census data to produce the various types of desired information (for example, see Chapter IV). Several different forms of data retrieval are possible using ENVIR; selected data can be printed on the teletype, or at the central computer site, or data can be prepared for further processing by addi­tional programs. In order to produce the totals of weight, hook-hours, etc. (as reported in Chapter IV), a program was written to summarize and tabulate the individual interview results (see Appendix D) . Bird Data Bank The purpose of this section has been to show an early step in processing information into a data bank. A survey and quantitative enumeration of bird populations is necessary for calculations concerning cycling of carbon and other nutrients in the Corpus Christi Bay area. Knowledge of the population characteristics of the indigenous and migratory birds and their role in the biota is also lacking. Hopefully, from food type and waste information, feeding efficiency and also fecal influence information can be derived. Field work is being designed to fill gaps in some of the data. The handling of this data will be partitioned between two types of ongoing data bank operations. Numbers of birds and their seasonal abundances will be tabulated. Habitat requirements information may be gathered which will be useful to wildlife managers as well as estuarine managers. Tables III-6 through III-8 synopsize the data presently available. (Refer­ences utilized are presented in Table III-9 .) The tool for handling the data assembled by such a study will be the ENVIR system. Some of the information on hand, such as primary foods and habitats, is amenable to direct inclusion III-12 TABLE III-5 CREEL CENSUS DATA BANK DESCRIPTORS DescriQtor Number Name 1 Location 2 Biotope 3 Position 4 Month 5 Dy 6 Yr 7 Time 8 Hours Fishing 9 Species 10 Number Caught 11 Weight 12 Hooks 13 Bait 14 Residence 15 County 16 State 17 Fish Salt Days 18 Fish Fresh Days 19 Prefer To Fish 20 Rank Facilities 21 Rank Access 22 Rank Fishing 23 Rank Water 24 Rank Other 25 Comments 26 Coded By 27 Batch 28 Sheet 29 Wind Dir 30 Wind Vel 31 Cloud Cover 32 Barometer 33 Air Temp 34 Water Temp ~ Name Name Name Name Order Order Order Order Name Order Order Order Name Name Name Name Order Order Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Order Order Name Order Name Order Order Order Size 240 120 30 40 1 to 31 1970 to 1984 0 to 2500 0 to 120 400 0 to 500 0 to 15000 0 to 250 200 400 240 100 0 to 366 0 to 366 20 20 20 20 20 240 500 120 0 to 100 0 to 5000 30 0 to 60 20 2800 to 3200 0 to 125 0 to 125 Exam2le Oso Pier Open Bay Wade Aug 8 1973 1230 2 Cynoscion Nebulosus 2 8 (ave wt in 0 . 1 lbs) 4 Cut Mullet Austin Goliad Texas 10 20 Salt 3 2 1 4 1 Free Beaches Fishing Worse This Year Litwin 1 1500 SE 10 1 2925 80 (deg. F) 70 (deg. F) III-13 TABLE III-6 OCCURRENCE, HABITAT, FOOD AND ABUNDANCE OF BIRDS COMMON TO CORPUS CHRISTI BAY Common Name White pelican Brown pelican Double erested cormorant Olivaceous cormorant Anhinga Great blue heron Green heron 1-t 1-t 1-t Little blue heron I I-' ~ Cattle egret Reddish egret American egret Snowy egret Louisiana heron Black crowned night heron Yellow crowned night heron Least bittern American bittern Wood ibis White faced ibis Wnite ibis Occurrence Resident once Resident Apr-Nov Sept-May Resident Mar-Oct Resident Mar-Nov Resident Resident Resident Resident Resident Resident Resident Resident Mar-Oct Oct-Apr Jun-Nov Resident Resident Habitat Bays, Lakes Bays, Gulf River, Lakes, Gulf Rivers, Lakes, Gulf Lakes, Rivers Marshes, Rivers, Shores Marshes, Rivers, Ponds, Shores Marshes, Swamps, Mud flats, Shores Fields, M:irshes, Cow pastures Marsh shores, Lagoons Marshes, Ponds, Shores Marshes, Swamps, Shores Marshes, Swamps, Shores Lagoons Marshes, Swamps, Shores Marshes, Swamps, Shores Marshes, Swamps Marshes, Swamps Swamps, Marshes, Ponds Marshes, Swamps Marshes, Swamps Food Fish Fish Fish Fish Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals & insects Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals 1 Abundance c p A p p A p p A c c A A p p p p p p p TABLE III-6 (CONTINUED) 1 Common Name Occurrence Habitat Food Abundance Roseate spoonbill Resident Marshes, M'..idflats Aquatic animals c Mallard Sept-Apr Marshes, Swamps, Bays Aquatic plants c Ponds Mottled duck Resident Marshes, Mudflats, Ponds Aquatic plants c Bays Gadwall Sept-May Ponds, Marshes, Bays, Aquatic plants c Rivers Pintail Aug-May Marshes, Prairies, Bays Aquatic plants A Ponds Green winged teal Sept-Apr Marshes, Rivers, Bays, Aquatic plants c Ponds Blue winged teal Aug-May Ponds, Marshes Aquatic plants c Baldpate Oct-May Marshes, Ponds, Lakes, Aquatic plants c Bays H Shoveler Sept-May Marshes, Ponds, Lakes, Aquatic plants A H H I .,_, Bays (/1 Redhead Oct-May Lakes, Bays, Marshes Aquatic plants c Ring necked duck Oct-Apr Ponds, Rivers, Bays Aquatic plants p Canvasback Oct-May Lakes, Bays, Marshes Aquatic plants & c animals Lesser scarys Sept-May Ponds, Rivers, Bays Aquatic plants & A animals Common goldeneye Oct-Mar Lakes, Rivers, Bays, Gulf Aquatic plants & p animals Bufflehead Oct-Apr Ponds, Rivers, Bays Aquatic plants & c animals Ruddy duck Oct-May Ponds, Rivers, Bays Aquatic plants & p animals Red-breasted merganser Nov-May Lakes , Bays , Gulf Aquatic animals p & plants Whooping Crane Oct-Apr Coastal Prairie Aquatic plants p & animals TABLE III-6 (CONTINUED) 1 Common Name Occurrence Habitat Food Abundance Sandhill crane Nov-Mar Prairies, Marshes Aquatic & terrestrial p plants & animals King rail Sept-Apr Marshes, Swamps Aquatic plants & p animals Clapper rail Resident Marshes A':1uatic animals p Virginia rail Oct-Feb Marshes Aquatic animals p Sora Sept-May Marshes, Swamps Aquatic animals p & plants Purple gallinule Mar-Oct Swamps, Marshes Aquatic plants & p animals Common gallinule Resident Marshes, Swamps Aquatic plants & p animals American coot Resident Ponds, Marshes, Bays Aquatic plants & A animals 1-i 1-i American oystercatcher Resident Shores Aquatic animals c 1-i I ..... Semipalmated plover Apr-May Beaches, Shores, Flats Aquatic animals c O"l Aug-Nov Snowy plover Resident Sand flats, Beaches Aquatic animals c Wilson1 s plover Mar-Oct Beaches, Flats Aquatic animals c Killdeer Resident Fields, Flats, Shores Aquatic & terrestrial A animals Ruddy turnstone Mar-May Beaches, Flats Aquatic animals c Aug-Sept Long billed corleu Resident Flats, Beaches, Prairies Aquatic & terrestrial A animals Whimbill Apr-May Shores, Flats, Marshes, Aquatic animals p Aug-Oct Prairies Willet Resident Flats, Beaches, Marshes Aquatic animals A Greater yellowlegs Jul-May Marshes, Flats, Shores Aquatic animals c Lesser yellowlegs Jul-May Marshes, Flats, Shores Aquatic animals c Least sandpiper Jul-May Flats, Marshes, Shores Aquatic animals c TABLE III-6 (CONTINUED) 1-i 1-i 1-i I I-' "l Common Name Dunlin Short billed dowitcher Long billed dowitcher Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Buff breasted sandpiper Marbled godwit Sanderling A_merican avocet Black necked stilt Herring gull Laughing gull Ring gilled gull Gu11 billed tern Forster's tern Least tern Royal tern Sandwich tern Caspian tern Black skimmer P =Present C= Common A= Abundant Occurrence Oct-May Resident Jul-May Jul-May Aug-May Apr-May Aug-Oct Aug-May Resident Resident Resident Oct-Apr Resident Aug-May Resident Resident Mar-Nov Resident Resident Resident Resident Habitat Flats, Beaches, Ponds Beaches, Flats, Ponds Flats, Ponds Beaches, Shores, Flats Shores, Flats, Ponds Fields Prairies, Ponds, Shores Flats Beaches, Flats Beaches, Flats, Ponds Marshes, Flats, Ponds Gulf Bays, Marshes Bays, Marshes Bays, Marshes Beaches, Bays, Gulf Bays, Marshes Beaches, Gulf, Coastal waters Bays, Marshes Bays, Beaches Food Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic carrion Aquatic animals Aquatic carrion Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals Aquatic animals 1 Abundance p p p p p p c A c c A c c A A A A A TABLE III-7 PLANTS & ANIMALS USED AS FOOD BY DUCKS Food Item Aquatic plants Sago pondweed Wild celery Widgeon grass Eel grass Banana water lily Musk grasses Bushy pondweed Various-leafed pondweed Redhead grass Small pondweed Leafy pondweed Greater duckweed Lesser duckweed Coontail Water weed Water Cress Spiked water milfoil White water crowfoot Horned pondweed Water chinkapin Frogbit Water shield Spatter dock White water lily Water plaintain Thalia Swamp privet Water elm Samphire Saltwort Orach Docks Marsh plants Wild rice Wapato Chufa Wild millet Delta potato 1 Food Value E E E E E G G G G G G G G G G G F F F F F F F F F F F F Slight Slight Slight Slight F G G G G III-18 1 Habitat Brackish Brackish Brackish Brackish Brackish Brackish Brackish Fresh Brackish Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Brackish Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Salt Salt Alkaline Alkaline Fresh Fresh Fresh Brackish Brackish % occurrence in duck stomachs 3.99 1.06 8.47 .71 1. 71 (naiads) .15 (duckweed) .34 .22 .30 4.94 .so 4.5 .OS 3.6 + .42 4 .11 Food Item American bulrush Soft stemmed bulrush Hard stemmed bulrush Bayonet grass Fall salt marsh bulrush River bulrush Olney' s bulrush Water smartweed Pale smartweed Other smartweeds Salt marsh water hemp White top Wampee Picherel weed Broad fruited burreed American burreed Bog rush Lake bank sedge Slender sedge Sawgrass Arrowhead Spike rush Beak rush Panicum Glasswort Algae Paspalum Oak Dodder Cyperus Wild heliotrope Penny wort Wax myrtle Pigeon grass Salt grass Button bush Cord grass Buttercup Rush Cut grass Leersia sp. TABLE III-7 (CONTINUED) Food ValueI Habitat1 G Brackish G Fresh G Fresh G Brackish G Brackish G Fresh G Brackish G Fresh G Moist soil G Moist soil G Brackish G Fresh F Fresh F Brackish F Fresh F Moist soil F Fresh F Fresh F Fresh % occurrence induck stomachs 5. 34 Bulrushes 5. 94 smartweeds .06 . 0 I (Burreed) 2.99 2.63 2.07 I.96 1.87 1.36 I.20 1.02 .88 .46 .42 .36 .36 .23 .20 .17 .16 .09 .08 . 07 .05 .05 TABLE III-7 (CONTINUED) Food Item Lippia sp. Flmbristyli s Fanwort Alligator weed Sweetgum Water star grass Animals Snails (gastropods) Insects Fishes Bivalves Crustaceans Misc. 1 More Game Birds in America (19 3 3) . E = Excellent G= Good F = Fair 2 Martin and Uhler (193 9) . % occurrence in duck stomachs .04 •0 3 .03 .02 . 01 . 01 11. 62 4.43 2.86 1.35 1.06 3.52 III-20 TABLE III-8 PRINCIPAL FOODS OF THE LARGER AQUATIC BIRDS The anhinga, principally a freshwater bird, feeds on aquatic insects, craw­ fish, leeches, shrimp, tadpoles, frog eggs, water lizards, young alligators, water snakes and small turtles. It is known to be able to swallow a fish 9t inches long and 2 inches wide and could devour a meal of 40 or more fishes 3! inches long. The reddish egret, a common bayside inhabitant, catches small needlefish, pinfish, mullet, sheepshead minnows along with frogs, tadpoles, and various crustaceans for its food. Another familiar bird along the bayside, the Louisiana heron feeds on grass­ hoppers, killifish, lizards, water insects, worms, slugs, snails, tadpoles and crawfish. 50 nestling pellets averaged 95.4% fish, 4.2% invertebrates and 2% amphibians with an average pellet volume of 6 .06 ml. The nearly extinct whooping crane uses bulbous roots, grasses, grains, seeds, large insects, crabs, crawfish, fish, worms, molluscs, frogs, reptiles and small rodents for food. Plant seeds, muckleberries, killifish, tadpoles, rodents, amphibians, grass­hoppers, crickets, beetles, potatoes and grains are eaten by the Sandhill crane. One of the largest aquatic birds in the Corpus Christi area is the Great Blue heron. It has been noted to feed upon fishes, frogs, eels, salamanders, tad­poles, small birds, rodents, insects, aquatic plant seeds, and young of other birds such .as avocets, coots, or black necked stilts. While resting on a spoil island in the Laguna Madre the heron feed on sheepshead minnows, anchovies, mullet, seacatfish, halfbeaks, and shrimp. During this time, after the chicks hatched, the frequency of feeding was as follows Frequency 2 days fed 10 times in 13 hrs. 6 days fed 6 times in 13 hrs. 1 week--1 st flight fed 1-6 times during daylight 63-69 days fed 2 times during 15 hrs. Most herons have a life expectancy of 60 years. III-21 TABLE III-8 (CONTINUED) The snowy egret feeds on shrimp, small fish, fiddler crabs, snails, aquatic insects, small amphibians, seeds of aquatic plants, grasshoppers, cutworms, and crawfish. A study of 50 nestling pellets represented an average of 87. 9% fish, 7% invertebrates and 4. 8% amphibians. On a spoil island in the Laguna Madre, 14 nestling pellets showed Gulf menhaden to be a major food item with sheepshead minnows and anchovies also eaten. Sometimes mistaken for a flamingo, the Roseate spoonbill feeds upon small fish such as sheepshead minnow, killifish, silversides; crabs, fiddler crab and blue crab; shrimp, grass shrimp, peneaid shrimp, and Hippolyte; molluscs Amnicola; and various insects. Diving from the surface of the water and swimming to secure its food, the double crested cormorant feeds upon eels, parrotfish, scianoids, crabs, flounder, capelin, tomcod, and sculpin. One study analyzed 30 stomachs. They found that the average well-filled stomach weighed 1t pounds. On the basis of 2 full meals per day, 700 cormorants would in five months consume 45 tons of fish per season. In another study, captive cormorants which maintained or increased their body weight required only a fraction over one pound of fish per day. The life expectancy of cormorants is 23 years. Once a resident of the Texas coast, the Brown pelican is becoming more and more rare. The chief food items of these birds are menhaden, mullet, sheeps­head, silversides, and an occasional needlefish. The pouch capacity is 3t gallons and can take a fish up to 14" in length. The life expectancy of pelicans is 41 years. A more common sight, the white pelican has a rookery in the Laguna Madre. These birds while inland will feed upon trout, bass, chub, carp, catfish, suckers, pickerel, and pike. A captive pelican was said to eat 6 -8 pounds of fish per meal. Not a commonly seen marsh bird, the American bittern feeds on small fish, mice, small amphibians, eels, crawfish, molluscs, dragonflies and grass­hoppers. A close relative, the least bittern feeds on insects, mice, small fish, small amphibians, snails, slugs and beetles. The American egret, a stately white bird, catches small fish, frogs, lizards, snakes, mice, moles, fiddler crabs, snails, grasshoppers, crawfish, and insects for its food. III-22 TABLE III-8 (CONTINUED) Smaller, less conspicuous herons such as the green heron, black crowned night heron, and the yellow crowned night heron feed on small fish, crawfish, frogs, marine worms, shrimp, crabs, grasshoppers, crickets, squid, small mammals and small birds. The King rail, Clapper rail, Virginia rail and Sora are known to feed on small molluscs, fish, crawfish, insects, beetles, frogs, snails, shrimp and seeds from aquatic plants. Commonly seen walking on lily pads or thick aquatic vegetation the purple gallinule and the common gallinule feed upon seeds and roots of aquatic plants, small molluscs, insects, worms, and some domestic grains. Known to inhabit even the smallest ponds, the American coot favors grass sprouts, pondweed, water milfoil, wild celery, small fish, tadpoles, snails, worms and insects as food. The Lanus gulls such as the laughing gulls, ring-billed gull and herring gull are omnivorous, eating tern eggs, small crabs, shrimp, fish and just about anything else that is available. Their life expectancy is 44 years. The strikingly colored black skimmer feed principally on small fish and shrimp. The terns, which are more sensitive to changes in the environment than other sea birds, catch small fish and crustaceans for food. Crawfish, fiddler crabs, small molluscs, insects, small amphibians and rep­tiles are eaten by the white ibis and the white faced ibis. The wood ibis also includes wood rats and small birds to the list. One of the herons being displaced by cattle egrets is the little blue heron. This heron feeds on small fish, fiddler crabs, grasshoppers, small frogs, cut worms, lizards, and crawfish. A study of 50 nestling pellets averaged 54% amphibians, 32. 5% fish, 12% invertebrates, and 1 % reptiles. The adult cattle egret requires 74 grms or 122 individual insects per day. 50 nestling pellets averaged 63. 2% invertebrates, 32. 3% amphibians, and 4. 4% reptiles. The average volume of the pellets were 4. 82 ml. The food requirements for other age groups of cattle egrets are as follows: III-23 TABLE III-8 (CONTINUED) Age 1 -21 days -total of 1, 676 grms consumed 2nd week of life -average 95 grms daily The maximum an adult bird can carry at one time is 50 grms. III-24 into the Life History bank. The compilation of this is essentially complete, though some gaps may remain for migrant species. Records of bird counts, summarized in Table III-6, are suitable for treatment similar to the Creel Cen­ sus bank, as they concern field counts. However the count data on hand are subject to serious drawbacks. Presently, major counts are made only during parts of May and December. These counts are not consistent with respect to effort and sampling stations from year to year. Some sets are ambiguous as to whether individuals or pairs of birds were counted. For this reason, abundance classes were used instead of counts in Table III-6 . This task force will propose separately to initiate field studies to update the censusing of birds in the Corpus Christi Bay area. Counts of feeding birds will be made before and after the breeding season in fixed sampling locations. Rookery counts will be made in May as usual, with adequate con­trols to insure that data are useable. Information concerning migrants such as ducks and cormorants will be collected separately during times of their local abundance. This information will be logged in the data banks and merged to give a year-round picture of bird influence on the area . The third aspect, the effects of bird wastes, is little known (Dusi, 1971). Localized effects in the shallow water areas where wading birds congregate may reflect contributions from food eaten in deeper areas. It is also hoped that ancillary data such as seine collections, bottom samples and bottom cover transect counts in the feeding areas can be gathered and used to amplify food habit and habitat requirement information. Design of this field enumeration will hopefully be a cooperative venture between this task force and local institutes such as Welder Wildlife Founda­tion, the Audubon Society, and the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. III-2 5 TABLE III-9 BIRD BANK SOURCES Anderson, D. R. 1966. A literature review on waterfowl production and habitat manipulation. Bur. Spt. Fish & Wildl., Colo. Coop. Wildl. Res. Unit. Special Rept. 14. 15 pp. Bent, A. C. 1922. Life histories of North American petrels and pelicans and their allies. Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 121. · 343 pp. Bent, A. C. 1926. Life histories of North American marsh birds. Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 135. 490 pp. Bent, A. C. 192 7. Life histories of North American shore birds. Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 142. 120 pp. Bent, A. C. 1929. Life histories of North American shore birds. Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 146. 212 pp. Blacklock, G. 1972. The 1972 cooperative census of fish eating birds--Texas upper coast. Unpubl. manu script, Welder Wildlife Foundation. 21 pp. Blacklock, G. 1974. The 1973 cooperative census of fish eating birds--Texas middle coast. Unpubl. manuscript, Welder Wildlife Foundation. Bowman, D. , W. Brogden, and C. Oppenheimer. 1973. An Interim Report-­Sportfishing Creel Census pilot study. Unpubl. Manu. 44 pp. Brogden, W. B. , J. J. Cech and C. H. Oppenheimer. 19 7 4. A computerized system for the organized retrieval of life history information. Ches. Science. In press. Burleigh, T. D. 1944. The birdlife of the Gulf coast region of Mississippi La. St. UN. Mus. Zool. , Occasional Pap. 20. 490 pp. Chapman, F. M. 1891. On birds observed near Corpus Christi, Texas during parts of March & April, 1891. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. III (2): 315-328. Cottam, C. 1939 . Food habits of North American diving ducks. U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Bur. Biological Survey. Tech. Bull. 643. 140 pp. Cottam, C. 1959. The whooping crane. Game Bird, Pheasant Fanciers and aviculturi sts Gazette. pp. 13-20. III-26 TABLE III-9 (CONTINUED) Dusi, J. L. , et. al. 1971 . Ecologic impacts of wading birds on the aquatic environment. Auburn U . Water Re sources Re search Inst. Bull. 5, Project A-010-ALA. 117 pp. Emlen, J. T. n. d. Population densities of birds derived from transect counts. U. Wisconsin. Unpubl. manuscript, Welder Wildlife Foundation. Emlen, J. T. n .d. Size and structure of a wintering avian community in southern Texas. U. of Wisconsin. Unpubl. manuscript, Welder Wildlife Foundation. Gurney, J. H. 1899. On the comparative ages to which birds live. The Ibis. Jan . 18 9 9 . pp . 1 -2 4 . Hagar, C. N. and F. M. Packard. 1952. Checklist of the birds of the central coast of Texas. 15 pp. Hildebrand, H. and G. Blacklock. 1967. A cooperative census of large fish eating birds along the Texas coast from Pass Cavallo to Penascal point. Unpubl. manuscript, Welder Wildlife Foundation. 22 pp. Hildebrand. H. and G. Blacklock. 1968. The 1968 cooperative census of fish eating birds along the Texas coast from the Sabine River to the Rio Grande. Unpubl. manuscript, Welder Wildlife Foundation. 31 pp. Jenni, D. A. 1969. A study of the ecology of four species of herons during the breeding season at Lake Alice, Alachua Co. , Fla. Ecol. Mono. 39: 245-270. Jones, J. C. 1940. Food habits of the American coot with notes on distribu­tion. U. S. Dept. Interior, Bur. Biol. Survey. Wildlife Research Bull. No. 2. 52 pp. Lohse, A. and J. Tyson. 1973. Environmental resources inventory and evalu­ation--Clear Creek watershed in portions of Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston and Harris Counties. Army Corps of Engineers. G.U .R.C. Report 12 7 . 3 8 2 pp . Peterson, R. T. 1960. A field guide to the birds of Texas and adjacent states. Houghton-Miflin. Boston. 303 pp. III-27 TABLE III-9 (CONTINUED) Pratt, H. M. 19 70. Breeding Biology of Great Blue Herons and Common Egrets in Central California. The Condor. Vol. 72: 407-416. Sennett, G. B. 1878. Notes on the ornithology of the lower Rio Grande of Texas from observations made during the season of 1877. Part I. pp. 1-66. Simersky, B. L. 1971. Competition and nesting success of four species of heron on four spoil islands of the Laguna Madre. Tex. A and I Univ.: a thesis. 92 pp. III-28 CHAPTER IV SPORTFISHING CREEL CENSUS PILOT STUDY, AUGUST 1973 A sportfishing creel census project was originated to obtain information relating to the removal of fish from the Corpus Christi Bay area by sportfishing. The amount of fish caught will be related to commercial fish catch and other environmental information affecting the total productivity cycles of the bay system. The Census will be conducted during the summer months of June, July and August 1974 with input from a pilot study made during August 1973. The total catch will be used in this coastal resources management project to assess carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous input and output to the bay system. A pilot sportfishing creel census of August, 1973 was conducted for two reasons. As a pilot study, the censusing methods were tested and improved upon for future programs. Also the information collected will serve to fill the void in sportfishing statistics in the Corpus Christi area. Basic informa­tion not only on fishing but also on individuals fishing and the weather was collected. The 1974 project will be coordinated with the Economic Survey of the Texas Water Development Board and in part with a project being organized by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Division. This study was made possible by an additional grant from the Lower Nueces River Water Supply District, volunteers from the Marine Science Institute, and the cooperation of the Economics Branch of the Texas Water Development Board who provided computer support for the data analysis. This chapter has been taken from an interim report submitted to the Lower Nueces River Water Supply Di strict. Methods In order to facilitate surveillance and to include as many types of environ­ments as possible, the Corpus Christi Bay study area (Figure IV-1) was divided into four survey districts. The range of the four districts were: (1) Aransas Pass Causeway to Ferry landing to Ingleside (2) 0 so pier to Laguna Madre to Bob Hall Pier (3) Port Aransas to the Fish Pass (4) Indian Point Pier to Cole Park Pier IV-1 [V-2 There were 2 full time and 4 part-time census takers participating in the pilot creel census. ·The census takers randomly surveyed the fisherperson in each of these districts for approximately eight hours per day during varying hours, e.g. , I 0 AM -6 PM or 6 PM -2 AM. To supplement the personal interviews, three aerial boat counts were made, two on Saturday, August 11, and one on Wednesday, August I5. This was done to get a total count of poats fishing in the census area and to arrive at an approximate number of persons fishing from these boats to compare with ground surveys. The census takers were acquainted with the two forms used (Tables. IV-I and IV-2). A briefing was given on the type of information sought and the way the information should be recorded on the forms. Table IV-I is specifically concerned with information received from the individual fisherpersons. This involves not only catch information but also information on where the fisher­persons are from, how they rate fishing conditions and facilities, and any comments. Table IV-2 is concerned with climatological information observed by the census takers. The wind direction and velocity were taken from the radio weather reports until the census takers became familiar with the two. The barometer reading was also taken from the radio. To take air and water temperatures, the census takers were supplied with a thermometer. For identi­fication and naming of the fishes several references and preserved fishes were used. The final list of fish are appended as taken from the literature. The reference list included: Food and Game Fishes of the Texas Coast. Bulletin #33. Pub!. by the Texas Game & Fish Commission. I954. 68 pp.; A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States & Canada. I 970. American Fisheries Society, Special Pub!. #6. I50 pp.; Key to the Estuarine & Marine Fishes of Texas. I972. Texas A&M Sea­ grant Publication. I 78 pp.; and Moore, R. and H. Hoese. Unpublished manuscript (also a key on the fishes of Texas). After the month of surveying, a meeting was held by all participants to critique the forms and discuss any suggestions for the future survey. As the forms were received, they were checked for errors, and then .sent to the Texas Water Development Board, Data Processing Division, for key­punching. The punched cards were used to generate a data file on magnetic tape at the UT Computation Center, and this file was used as input to a pro­gram which read the individual interview sheets, and produced a file of data which could be read by a generalized data management program, ENvIR (Environmental Information Retrieval) . IV-3 TABLE IV-1 CREEL CENSUS August 1973 (1) location of interview, (2) location where fishing done (Biotope) (3) position A------------------------------------------------------------------­ (4) date of interview, (5) time of interview, (6) no. of hours fishing B------------------------------------------------------------------­ (7) species, number, weight, no. of hooks, bait c c c c c c c c (8) city of residence, (9) county, (10) state D (11) How many days per year do you fish in salt water in this area E------------------------------------------------------------------­ (12) How many days per year do you fish in fresh water F------------------------------------------------------------------­ (13) If both good fresh water and salt water fishing are available, which do you prefer Rank the following characteristics of this bay that most influenced your decision to come here: (14) facilities, (15) accessibility, (16) good fishing H ----------------------------------------------------------------~ (17) present water conditions, (18) other !___________________________________________________________________ (19) comments, (20) coded by J----~------------------------------------------­ IV-4 TABLE IV-2 CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA Month (2)date (3)time (4) location (S)wind direction (6)wind velocity (7)cloud cover (8)barometer reading (9) air temp (lO)water temp 5 .0 < 0 .1 <100 0.1 0.01 0.05 10 ppb 1.5 0.3 0.05 0.1 0 .1 ppb Minimum Risk 0.2 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.1 <5 .o 0. 2 ppb 0.01 5 ppb 0.5 0.05 0.01 0.02 Local Water Concentrations(1) + 0 .9-6 .0 ppm NH 4 0.06-8.1 - 65 ppm Br 0.8-21 ppb 0 .1-0. 9 ppb 0-0. 8 0-7 ppb 5-15 ppb Mean Sea Wat(:r Concentrations 2) 0.01-1.9 0. 5-0. 3 ppb 0.3-30 ppb 0.01-0.06 -4 5 x 10 ppb 4.7 0 . 0 1-0 . 1 ppb 0. 5-10 ppb 1.3 0.1-0.7 0. 3-6 ppb 2-10 ppb 0. 03-0. 3 ppb Task Force Recommendations Coq~us Christi Ba~ 1.5 No build up of unionized NH 3 0.1 0.03 1.0 0.5 < 5 .0 <0 .01 < 100 0.001 0.01 0.02 0.005 1.0 2.0 0.01 0.05 0.0003 TABLE VI-4 (CONTINUED) Substance NAS-NAE Recommendations Local Water Mean Sea Wat{r Task Force Recommendations Hazard Mini.mum Risk Conce_ntration_si!l Concentrations 2) Corpus Christi Bay Molybdenum 0.1 2 ppb --0.3-10 ppb 0.01 Phosphorus 1 ppb -- ----0.001 (elemental) Selenium 10 ppb 5 ppb --0 .09-6 ppb 0.01 Silver 5 ppb 1 ppb --0. 04-0. 3 ppb 0.001 7 1 Sulfides 10 ppb 5 ppb ----.01 open water> depth . 1 water~ 7' & anearobic sed. Thallium 0.1 0.05 --< 0 .01 ppb 0.00001 Uranium 0.5 0 .1 --0 .15-15 ppb 0.1 < 1-i I '.J Vanadium ------0. 3-2 ppb 1.0 Zinc 0. 1 0.02 6-60 ppb 5-21 ppb 0.6 (1) Parker, et al., 1963; Parker, 1962; Hahl, et al., 1972; Hahl, et al., 1970; Blakely & Kunze, 1971; Holmes, et al., 1974. (2) Bowen, 1966; Comar & Bronner, 1962; Florin, 1960; Frieden, 1972; Goldberg, 1972; Jones, 1964; Miller, 1969; Nicol, 1967; Stansby & Hall, 1967; Vinogradov, 1953. TABLE VI-5 TOXICITY LEVELS FOR MARINE & ESTUARINE ORGANISMS ENDEMIC TO THE CORPUS CHRISTI BAY AREA Crustace(! Plants Molluscs Birds* References** Substance Fish . 8 ppb 8 ppb 10 ppm ~2000 ppm 48,37,39,4,8 Heptachlor .42 ppm 27 Niacinamide .5 ppm .03 ppm .025 ppm 36,29,26,25,10,23 Cu .14 ppm 28 CuC03 .5 ppm 28 Cu sulfate . 01 ppb 10 ppb > 2400 ppm 9,46 Mirex .1 ppm 1,32 LAS detergent .5 ppm 1,17 ABS detergent . 7 ppm 1 ppm .5 ppb .04 ppm .025 ppm 30 ppm 43,48,42,40,36,34,30, DDT 6,22,1,2,14 < 7 -9 1 1--i pH I 5 ppb .01 ppm . 25 ppm 30.8 ppm 48,43,42,30,2 (X) Toxaphene .125 ppm/day 48,39,38,37,6,8,4 Endrin . 05 ppb 1. 7 ppb . 01 ppm .1 ppb 5 ppm/day 48,43,37,39,4,6 Aldrin . 5 ppb . 8 ppb 6 DEF 1.0 ppm . 5 ppm/day 6,48 Baytex .1 ppm 52. 2 ppm 6,48 Dibrom 1 ppm 7 Fungicide w/tin 1 ppt 19 Pure streptomycin 1 ppt 19 Commercial streptomycin 3.2/10,000 19 Pure aureomycin 1 ppb 19 Commercial terramycin 5 ppb >> 2000 ppm 48,21,11,15,20 Arochlor 125 4 5 ppb 1 ppb 10 ppm 12 DDE .1 ppm 2. 5 ppm/day 48,43,39,37,4,13 Dieldrin . . 9 ppb 1 ppb 52 ppm 32 ppm 18 Fluoride Organic mercury 1 ppb 16 compounds TABLE VI-5 (CONTINUED) Substance Fish Crustacea Plants Molluscs ~~rd.§.* References** Pb .1 -. 2 ppm 5 Radiation 5 I 83 3 R 24 Zn .1 ppm 29 Cd -.1 ppm 29 Cr .1 ppm 29 Lindane .9 ppb 5 ppb 2. 5 ppm .5 ppm 30 .1 ppm/day 48,43,42,39,37,4 Endrin 1. 7 ppb 1 ppm 43,39,37,4 p,p'-DDT .4 ppb . 6 ppb 10 ppm 4,39,37 Delnav 38 ppb 4 Malathion .027 ppm 33 ppb 25 ppm 1485 ppm 48,4,37,39 Phosdrin .065 ppm 11 ppb -25 ppm 4. 63 ppm 48,37,4,39 Methyl parathion 5. 2 ppm 2 ppb 25 ppm 10 ppm 48,4,39,37 < 1--t Methoxychlor .12 ppb 4 ppb 10 ppm 4,39,37 I c..o Sodium acid pyrophosphate 500 ppm 500 ppm 500 ppm 3 Quadrafos 3500 ppm 3 Impermex 5000 ppm 1000 ppm 3 Sodium polyphosphate 500 ppm 500 ppm 3 Stabilite #9 500 ppm 500 ppm 3 Caustic Soda 70 ppm 70 ppm 3 Oil we11 cement 100 ppm 100 ppm 3 Tannex 100 ppm 90 ppm 3,33 White lime 125 ppm 125 ppm 125 ppm 3 Parathion -1 ppm .01 ppm/day 43,30,48 Silt .1 ppt 31 Kaolin .1 ppt 31 Caco3 .1 ppt 31 Biodegradable detergent • 25 ppm 32 Aquagel 110 ppm 33,3 Turbidity 200 ppm 33 TABLE VI-5 {CONTINUED) Substance Fish · Crustacea Plants Molluscs Birds* References** Dioxathion .6 ppb .038 ppm 25 ppm 37,39 Hg Dipterex TEPP 50 ppm 300 ppm 12 ppm 1 ppm 1 ppm 3. 56 ppm 41 42,43 48,42,43 Phenol 10 ppm 10 ppm 42,43 Dowacide A 50 ppm 1 ppm 42,43 Orthodichlorobenzene 7. 6 ppm 10 ppm 42,43 Chloronitropropane PVP-iodine 8 ppm 20 ppm 42 42 Sevin Nabam .1 ppm .1 ppm 1 ppm -. 5 ppm 125 ppm > 2560 ppm 48,42,43 48,42,43 <1-l I I-' 0 Lignasan Fenuron Neburon Monuron Diuron .6 ppb . 29 ppm . 04 ppm 1 ppb •02 ppb 5 ppm 2 .4 ppm 5 ppm 1 ppm >2000 ppm 42 42,43 42,43 42 48,42,43 Dowacide G • 25 ppm 43 Roccal .2 ppm 43 Nemagon Choramphenicol Delrad • 25 ppm 10 ppm . 05 ppm 66 .8 ppm 43,48 43 43 Sulmet 10 ppm 43 Trichlorobenzene 10 ppm 43 Acetone 100 ppm 43 Allyl Alcohol Niagara compound N-3452 Niagara compound N-3514 Dicapthon . 25 ppm 1 ppm -1 ppm 1 ppm 43 43 43 43 TABLE VI-5 (CONTINUED) Substance Fish Crustacea Plants Molluscs Birds* References** Guthion .5 ppm 8. 75 ppm/day 43,48 Zineb > 2000 ppm 48 Cationic surfactants .3 ppm 44 Anionic surfactants 1 .15 ppm 44 Nonionic surfactants 2.33 ppm * These values are dosages either ingested, injected or assimilated from topical application. Units are derived from milligrams of dose per kilogram of weight. The symbol >>equals 11 much greater than11 • **For references see Appendix H. < 1-'i I ....... ....... TABLE VI-6 TOXICITY LEVELS FOR BIRDS ENDEMIC TO THE CORPUS CHRISTI BAY AREA(l) Substance LD 50 Dose (2) Substance LD 50 Dose (2) Abate 2. 5 ppm/day GS 13005 23. 6 ppm Accothion 10 ppm/day Imidan 96 ppm Actidione 50 ppm IPC-400 > 2000 ppm Agrox >2000 ppm Landrin 16. 8 ppm Al2000 ppm Lannate 7 .5 ppm/day Allethrin >>2000 ppm Matacil 22. 5 ppm Aminotriazole > 2000 ppm Merna RM 1059 ppm Atrazine >2000 ppm Mestranol ..» 1000 ppm Azodrin .25 ppm/day Meta-systox-R 53.9ppm Balan >2000 ppm Mobarn 40 ppm/day Bay 37289 5.66 ppm Nicotine sulphate 6 ppm Baygon 6 ppm/day Norbormide > 3000 ppm Bidrin . 250 ppm/day Nucleopolyhedral virus >361 ppm Bordeaux mixture >2000 ppm OMPA 36. 3 ppm Botran >2000 ppm Panogen 56 .1 ppm Casoron >2000 ppm Phosphamidon 3 .OS ppm Ceresan L 30 ppm/day Phygon >2000 ppm Ceresan M >2262 ppm Pyrethrum > 10 ,000 ppm Chlordane 1200 ppm Rotenone > 2000 ppm Ciodrin 790 ppm SD 7727 >2000 ppm CIPC >2000 ppm SD 11831 100 ppm/day Co-Ral 29. 8 ppm SD 15418 150 ppm Cotoran >2000 ppm Silvex 500 ppm 2, 4-D >>1000 ppm Sodium arsenite 323 ppm Dasanit . 749 ppm Sodium monofluoroacetate . 5 ppm/day Diazinon 3 .4 ppm Strychnine 2. 9 ppm Diesel oil #1 20 ppm Sulfoxide >2000 ppm Dimethoate 6 ppm/day Supona 85. 5 ppm Diquat 564 ppm Systox 2. 5 ppm/day Disyston 4 .24 ppm Telodrin 4 .15 ppm D.M. 7537 <2. 5 ppm Tenoran 2000 ppm Dursban 25 ppm TEPA 8. 54 ppm Dyrene > 2000 ppm Thimet .09 ppm Elgetol 22.7 ppm Thiodan 33 ppm EPN 3.08 ppm Thiram > 2800 ppm Famophos 9. 87 ppm Thuricide >>2000 ppm Folpet > 2000 ppm Tordon > 2000 ppm Furadan 1 ppm Treflan > 2000 ppm Gardona »2200 ppm Trithion 121 ppm GC 6506 1.12 ppm Zectran 1. 25 ppm/day Gophacide 24 ppm Zectran (acylated) >2000 ppm (l) Tucker and Crabtree, 1970. (2) These values are dosages either ingested, injected or assimilated from topical application. Units are derived from milligrams of dose per kilogram body weight. VI-12 from the bay system. A final information need is the magnitude of the con­centrations of the various toxic organic materials in the local waters. This procedure is required since in the natural environment the effects on organisms of most toxic materials are mitigated by adsorption and other interactions with the suspended materials. VI-13 CHAPTER VII DEMONSTRATION OF APPROACH In this chapter preliminary information is provided to demonstrate how the biological criteria developed can be utilized in conjunction with data from other project task forces to evaluate the environmental impact of dif­ferent coastal zone ~anagement policies. The results of the evaluation of three hypothetical policies by the entire project staff are presented in a separate report of the project entitled "Final Report--Example Application 'II: Evaluation of Hypothetical Management Policies for the Coastal Bend Region". Briefly, there are three hypothetical policy situations under considera­tion for the years 1980 and 1990 for the Corpus Christi area. Policy I is a no change hypothesis; laws, regulations, technology and economic interre­lationships will remain the same as in 1970, although economic and demo­graphic changes will occur. Policy II precludes development within 1500 feet landward or seaward of the mean low tide line of any bay, estuary or natural beach waterfronts or along major public channels and canals after 1980. Policy III assumes that wastewater treatment will progress by means of the be st available technology to a goal of wastewater discharges having quality approximately equal to intake waters by 1990. The purpose of this chapter is. to show by examples how evaluations of the policy effects can be performed. The examples will be limited to housing and marina complexes located in the Corpus Christi Bay vicinity--i. e., on Padre and Mustang Islands and near Rockport--and to predicted salinity conditions in the bays due to policy effects in 1970, 1980, and 1990. There are two primary forms of data input to this task force. The first is in the form of maps of land use patterns and tabulations of attendant human activities and demographic changes provided by other task forces. The second consists of tabular displays of the concentration distributions of various water quality parameters, provided by the work of two additional task forces. Hypothetical Land Use Information Figure VII-1 is a sample of the data format for land use information. This example depicts a hypothetical housing project on Mustang Island. Table VII-1 shows data from this and two other hypothetical community developments in the form of the acres of the various biotopes to be changed into residential lots and bulkheaded channels. In the hypothetical Mustang Island development, 126 acres of dune biotope would be exempted from devel­opment under Policy II (the 1500 feet policy) . Altogether, Policy II applied ft. WATER LINE CORPUS CHRISTI BAY f (BAY} ~­ •USTAM' LSLA MD BOUNDARY OF < DEVEWPMENT 1--1 1--1 I N PORTION TO BE IE BETWEEN 1980 81990.UNDER 11 11 /500FT POLICY · /500FT LINE 1500 Fr /lWATERUNE --~-------.--------~--1:~------t-:-~-------~~------~~~--~----~--~~------~~J ~n • I " 'PORTION TO BE EXCLUDED FROM Vl SEA WA LL DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN /9£lJ 8 1990 GULF WATERLINE UNDER 11 /500 FT II POLICY ME xI co {BU LF) EFFECT OF "!500 FT.11 POLICY ON HYPOTHETICAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON MUSTANG ISLAND SCALE / 11 =2000' FIGURE VII-1 __~f TABLE VII-1 BIOTOPE AREAS* AFFECTED BY THREE HYPOTHETICAL MANAGEMENT POLICIES Policies I and III -Full Development Biotope Changed Mustang Padre Rockport Total Percent Dune and Barrier Flat 1519 2716 4235 31. 7 Sandflat 39 585 624 8.4 Spoilbank 20 258 70 348 2.6 Spartina 42 72 114 1. 5 Channel 93 93 7.7 Beach 145 145 7.3 Grassflat 168 168 0.9 TOTAL 1578 4007 142 5727 Policy II -1500 1 Setback Biotope Changed Mustang Padre Rock26rt Total Percent Dune and Barrier Flat 1393 1229 2622 19.6 Sandflat 39 585 624 8.4 Spoilbank 20 258 54 332 2.5 Spartina 42 24 66 . 9 Channel 93 93 7.7 Beach 145 145 7.3 Grassflat 168 168 0.9 TOTAL 1452 2520 78 4050 * Biotope areas are from the enclosed map. VII-3 to all hypothetical housing and marinas, would result in the exemption of approximately 1600 acres of dune, 50 acres of saltmarsh, and 15 acres of spoil bank biotopes. Policy III will not affect the sizes of the projected developments. Table VII-1 illustrates how the hypothetical developments result in major changes in some biotopes. This is especially true of the dunes where ap­proximately 30 percent of this biotope in the Corpus Christi Bay area will be removed as a result of Policies I and III. As the dune areas are valuable for storm protection such change is highly significant. Application of Policy II reduces the amount of dune change, but the change is still considered significant to the total. The construction of marinas under pre sent practices has, in some cases (Corliss and Trent, 1971 and Nixon, et al., 1973), created habitats in which such ecological measures as plankton primary productivity, nutrient concen­tration, dissolved organics and dissolved oxygen were comparable to adjacent marsh areas. Surfaces such as bulkheads, floats and pilings support fouling communities which contribute particulate matter analagous to that contributed by marshes. In the case reported by Nixon, et al. (1973), some natural marsh remained interspersed in the developed marina area arrl tidal flushing resulted in 50 percent water renewal per tidal exchange. In the case described by Corliss and Trent (1971), conditions of West Galveston Bay are much more similar to those of Corpus Christi Bay. Here very poor tidal exchange allowed high phytoplankton densities where primary production was essentially equiva­lent to the phytoplankton production in the neighboring marsh. No natural marsh remained contiguous with the channelized marina area. Restricted flushing also allowed nutrient concentrations which were too high to support a balanced ecological situation. Unfortunately, no determination was made to compare the values of total production in the unaltered marsh with the production of phytoplankton in the channelized area. Copeland (1965) described the equivalent productivity between a grassflat and a blue-green algal mat. While the amount of carbon assimilated in each environment was the same, the products available to consumers as food dif­fered so as to produce entirely different consumer communities. Nixon, et al. (1973) indicate changes in the fish distributions between marsh and marina which may reflect such a change in consumer populations. The aspect of this which is applicable to management is that equivalent carbon assimila­tion between natural and created habitats does not necessarily lead to identical production in terms of the consumer communities. The Life History Data Bank should provide information on such consumer changes as more complete informa­tion is tabulated during the next two years of research. VII-4 Salinity Changes Figures VII-2 through VII-7 represent isopleths of salinity for the three hypothetical management policies. Figures VII-2 through VII-4 illustrate salinity changes in 1970, 1980, and 1990 respectively when nearly all Nueces River flow is diverted to municipal and industrial use. Since large rainstorms do sometimes occur in late summer over the Nueces River watershed, Figure VII-5 represents salinity changes for a high river inflow during this period. Figures VII-6 and VII-7 represent salinity concentrations for Policy II and Policy III, respectively, under the low river inflow conditions. There is a problem of calibration which affects the evaluation of absolute values for these model runs. In order for the data package check values to work out, continuous supply of 26 ppt water was assumed at the boundaries on the north and south. This will be changed to reflect natural fluctuations in con­tinuing studies. The boundary to the south is the Laguna Madre, where, during dry conditions, salinities may reach 45 ppt. However, for compara­tive purposes, this discrepancy is presently not considered. Figures VII-2, VII-3, and VII-4 show the projected effects of Policy I through time. There are very minor variations of the salinity structure for these dry conditions, with salinities similar to those of the Gulf expanding across the bay with time. The gradients are around 0. 2-0. 3 ppt per nautical mile, such that large displacements of the isopleths may not necessarily re­flect large changes in salinity. The largest variations in salinities are be­tween dry and wet conditions where Nueces River discharge rises from around 85 to 10, 000 million gallons per day (MGD). (See Figure VII-5.) Table VII-2 is a summary from the Life History Data Bank of the minimum levels of occurrence with regard to salinity for organisms with commercial or sports importance in the local area. The only fish which appears to have limits which might exclude it from part of the bay during the low salinity of the wet conditions of Figure VII-5 is Menticirrhus americanus. However, the habitat of this species is primarily in the lower bay and along the open Gulf where the lower salinities are not as likely to occur. Wet conditions are transient for this area, usually lasting 30 days or less. The organisms shown in Table VII-2 are all sufficiently motile to avoid salinity stress situations. Therefore, it appears that the lowest salinity conditions predicted will not adversely affect the comercially important species populations of the bay system. There may be some benefits for organisms dependent on lowered salinities for reproduction or predator elimination such as oysters. However, suitable depths for oyster habitats are generally lacking in Corpus Christi Bay. A prediction of substantially increased oyster production in Corpus Christi Bay is not warranted in this case, but some may occur in the boundary of Corpus VII-5 VII-6 VII-7 VII--8 . . VII-9 VII-10 TABLE VII-2 LOWER LIMITS OF OCCURRENCE OF SPORTS OR COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT ORGANISMS WITH RESPECT TO SALINITY (From Data Presently in Life History Data Bank) Lower Limit Organism Common Name Life Stage (%) Chondrichthyes Carcharhinu s leucas Bull Shark 0.0 Crustacea Callinectes sapidus Blue Crab Adult Female 0.1 Penaeus Aztecus Brown Shrimp Juvenile 0.2 Duorarum Pink Shrimp Juvenile & Adult 10. 6 Setiferus White Shrimp Adult 0.1 0 steichthyes Archosargus probatocephalus Sheepshead Adult 2.5 Bagre marina Gafftopsail Catfish Adult 3.7 Brevoortia patrmas Gulf Menhaden Adult 0.5 Caranx hippos Crevalle Jack Juvenile & Adult 4.8 Cynoscion arenarius Sand Seatrout Adult 4.8 nebulosus Spotted Seatrout Juvenile & Adult 1.0 Elops saurus Ladyfish 2.5 Megalops atlantica Tarpon Adult 2.2 Menticirrhu s americanus Southern Kingfish Adult 14.4 Micropogon undulatu s Atlantic Croaker 1. 5 Paralichthys lethostigma Southern Flounder Juvenile & Adult 2.0 Pogonias cromis Black Drum Adult 0.0 Sciaenops ocellata Red Drum Adult 0.0 Mollusca Crassostrea virginica American Eastern Adult 3.0 Oyster VII-12 Christi-Nueces Bay. Figures VII-4, VII-6, and VII-7 show the only series available comparing Policies I, II, and III. There is essentially no change in estuarine salinity between Policies I and II. However, there is a significant change due to Policy III, primarily due to the cessation of brine discharges. Salinities in some parts of the estuary as a result of Policy I are greater than 35 ppt, while for Policy III the entire bay is less than 3 0 ppt. The Life History Data Bank (which is not complete) was queried for all organisms with upper salinity limits of occurrence or tolerance between 30 ppt and 35 ppt. The data indicated ten species found at salinities no higher than 35 ppt (Table VII-3). The highest recorded salinity of occurrence for these species was 32 .0 ppt. From the data presented, it could be inferred that these ten species could be adversely affected by the salinity increase resulting from hypothetical Policy I because the organisms would be at the extreme of their salinity range. In actuality, the authors realize that many of these organisms have upper limits of salinity tolerance well above 35 ppt. However, the data are not in the literature that had been entered into the Life History Data Bank at the time of the query. One notable exception is the blue crab whose data shows the tolerance of the eggs to be a measured maxi­mum of 3 2 ppt. This would indicate that this species could not multiply at 35 ppt salinity. With more extensive data in the Life History Data Bank, a query such as this would produce a list of organisms whose known upper tolerance limit for salinity was below any given number. This will allow the researcher to state that these species will be adversely affected. All of the effects may not be adverse, however. Table VII-4 lists 18 species of organism whose lower salinity limits, as reflected by data presently contained in the Life History Data Bank, fall between 30 ppt and 35 ppt. It can be inferred that these organisms may be favored by the increase in salinity brought about by Policy I as it either brings it within their lower limit or very near it. In actuality, all of the organisms listed occur at salinities below 3 5 ppt, but some of the data are from one recorded occurrence only. However, it can be said that the increase will make the bays more inviting to these species, all other factors being equal. Also, the data concerning the turtle grass notes that its preferred salinity range is from 33 ppt to 38 ppt. This would allow it to spread from the lower bay areas into other parts of the bay where bottom conditions are appropriate. The tables have been presented to show the methodology and data pre­sently available to assess the impacts of salinity change in the Corpus Christi Bay area. From the present data only, it could be inferred that the increase in salinity to 3 5 ppt may favor the species in Table VII-4 and may to a slight degree adversely affect those in Table VII-3. These effects would not necessarily be significant for any one species; however, the VII-13 TABLE VII-3 ORGANISMS FROM INITIAL QUERY WITH UPPER SALINITY LIMITS OF OCCURRENCE OR TOLERANCE LESS THAN 35 ppt (Adult Unless Noted) Scientific Name Adenia xenica Callinectes sapidus Evorthodus lyricus Gobiesox strumosus Gobionellu s belosoma Gobionellus hastatus Hemicaranx amblyrhynchu s Leptophrys trigonus Lutjanus griseus Sygnathu s elucens Common Name Diamond Killifish Blue Crab (eggs) (tol.) Lyre Goby Skilletfish Darter Goby Sharptail Goby Bluntnosed Jack (juvenile) Trunkfish Gray Snapper Shortfin Pipefish TABLE VII-4 Salinity ppt 30.5 32.0 31. 7 20.7 30.0 24.6 24.3 18.6 16.1 29.4 ORGANISMS FROM INITIAL QUERY WITH LOWER SALINITY LIMITS OF OCCURRENCE GREATER THAN 30 ppt Scientific Name Coranx ruber Centropristis philadelphicus Cithorichthys macrops C onodon nobili s Cyclopsetta chittendeni Dasyatis sayi Echertei s noncrate s Gerre s cinereus Gobiosoma robustum Hippocampus erectus Lactophrys quadricornis Lagocephalus laevigatus Peprilus alepidotus Syacium gunteri Symphurus plagiuso Trachinotus goodei Plants Cymodocea filiforme Thalassia testudinum Common Name Bar Jack Rock Seabas s Spotted Whift Barred Grunt Mexican Flounder Bluntnosed Stingray Shark Sucker Yellowfin Mojarra Code Goby Lined Seahorse Scrawled Cowfish Smooth Puffer Harvestfish Shoal Flounder Blackcheek Tonguefish Palometa Manateegras s Turtlegrass Salinity ppt 35.6 33.6 30.6 36.7 32.9 35.6 35.6 30.6 35.6 35. 6' 35.6 35.6 33.0 30.7 33.0 35.7 30.0 30.0 VII-14 community structure would probably be changed. ·This may or may not change the total productivity of the area. When adequate data is entered into the Life History Data Bank, it should be possible to assess this change quantita­tively. Copeland (1966) has advanced theories on the freshwater inputs required by the Texas bays in regard to fisheries. Cooper and Copeland (1973) in microecosystem work found the freshwater input to be extremely important to maintain autotrophic metabolism in the less saline components of their systems. Their conclusion was that freshwater inputs were necessary for balanced community structure. The elimination of brine discharges, or at least the modeled results of eliminating them, decreases salinities as Copeland felt was required; however, there is no increase in nutrient material from upstream which was paramount in his evaluation of freshwater additions and their beneficial effects on fisheries. Summary At this point in our development of causes and effects using hypothetical situations, we cannot come to specific conclusions. However, the purpose of the discussion was to present our approach to the problem of defining ef­fects of change in estuarine environments. During the next two year phase of the project we will continue to develop the techniques to the point of decision, using quantitative effects of change. APPENDIX A ENVIR COMMANDS, VARIABLE FORMS, ERROR MESSAGES TABLE A-1 ENVIR COMMAND DIRECTORY Short Form Directory of ENVIR commands: the underlines capitals are the exact form required, lower case letters are used to indicate where an optional or highly _variable form is used. These variable forms are explained below, in Table A-1. ID noise this statement was used to label pages in a batch version of ENVIR in this version it can be used as a sort of memo used to terminate ENVIR TTY noise~ this command instructs the program to modify its normal file handling procedure so that teletype input/output can be used TIME noise~ 11TM 11 causes the printout of the used since the la st TIME command MEMO noise~ all of the card is simply reprinted on the output file to serve as a memo SHOW: descriptor list FOR noise WITH boolean expression ~ for use only with teletype operation, prints out on the teletype the descriptors as specified for the items which satisfy the boolean expression PRINT: descriptor list FOR noise WITH boolean expression * similar to SHOW: except that output will be on TAPE3 HOW MANY noise HAVE boolean expression ~ ENVIR will reply with the number of items which meet the requirements CORRECTION J...descriptor, descriptor statel noise WITH boolean expression * all of the items satisfying the boolean expression will have their descriptor specified changed to the specified state DELETE ITEMS noise WITH boolean expression~ items satisfying the expression will be deleted from the bank DELETE STATE descriptor, descriptor state ~ the specified state will be removed from the dictionary only if there are no items in the bank having this state-therefore, use of this statement usually is restricted to eliminating misspellings, etc. after a correction statement A-1 TABLE A-1 (CONTINUED) READ DATA BANK* the binary data bank is read in; the numbers which characterize the bank, such as number of items, are printed out WRITE DATA BANK* if corrections or additions have been made to the bank, the new version can be written out using this command, the local file containing the old bank is written over with the new bank DEFINE ITEMS FROM TAPE* new items will be read from fn3 and the program will compute the binary representation of each item and put it in the data bank DEFINE DESCRIPTORS n descriptor def. AL descriptor def. BL etc. 2 n is the number of fields which appear in each item, item structure is discussed below. Note, up to 46 descriptor definitions can be accommodated in the pre sent program, thus this command will take up more than one line, it must be terminated with *. DEFINE MORE DESCRIPTORS n descriptor def. ~descriptor def. BL etc. 2 similar to the above where n is now the number of fields to be expected in the future. This command is used to alter the structure of an existing data bank. DEFINE AND PRINT ITEMS FROM TAPE* this command acts like the DEFINE ITEMS FROM TAPE* command except that each item is printed out on fn2 as it is read. The amount of output generated by this command is too much for the teletype. TABLE A-2 EXPLANATION OF "VARIABLE FORMS" descriptor def. -The general form of a descriptor definition is: descriptor name J.. de sc. numberL typeL range l where­ descriptor name can be any alphanumeric word or words desc. number is the number of the field in the item where this descriptor occurs type -there are at present four types of descriptor permitted, the name and general form of the range is given below-NAME the range is the expected maximum number of states for which space must be reserved, as an integer. A-2 TABLE A-2 (CONTINUED) ORDER the~range is expressed FROM nl TO n2 where nl and n2 are integers, n2 greater than nl. ORDER the range is expressed as a list of integers, separated by commas, only numbers in the list will be recognized, so the list must include all numbers which could appear in the items. CODE the range is expressed as a list of coded names separated by commas. Again, the list must include all possible states. descriptor list -this is a list of the descriptor names which controls the output of the search results. In this list, the descriptor names must be separated by commas, and they must be spelled exactly as they appear in the original "DEFINE DESCRIPTORS" command. Parentheses can be used to control the way in which the descriptors are grouped in the output, and the order in the list determines the order in the output. The output is sorted by descriptors, alphabetically for "NAME" type descriptors, low to high for "ORDER" descriptors and in the order of the original list for "CODE" type. noise -this represents any alphanumerics which may be used to make the copy read nicely. Names ENVIR recognizes cannot be used. boolean expression -this expression controls the search of the data bank, it consists of descriptors and descriptor states connected by the operators OR, AND, and NOT and may contain parentheses to control the order of evaluation. 11 NAME" type descriptors are specified as follows: descriptor name.L. descriptor state where the descriptor state must be spelled exactly the same as it appears 11 in the input items. ORDER" type descriptors are specified as follows: descriptor name.L. nl or descriptor name, FROM nl TO n2 where nl and n2 are within the range specified for this descriptor and n2 is greater than nl. Note that a comma must appear after the descriptor name, and before the descriptor state. The use of tre operators can best be seen in the following example boolean expressions: GENUS, MU GIL AND BIOTOPE, GRASSFLAT OR SHALLOW BAY GENUS, MUGIL AND SPECIES, CUREMA AND LIFE STAGE, ADULT AND BOTTOM TYPE I MUD OR SAND PARAMETER, TEMP AND LIMIT TYPE, OCCURRENCE AND LOWER LIMIT, FROM 100 TO 120 AND NOT (REFERENCE, 1 OR 4 ) A-3 TABLE A-2 (CONTINUED) A descriptor cannot have more than one state at the same time, therefore, an expression such as GENUS, MUGIL AND GENUS, GOBIOSOMA will result in an error message. The operator "NOT" cannot be used with a descriptor state, but mu st refer to a descriptor name, descriptor state pair, or more complex clause. TABLE A-3 ENVIR SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGES The following is a list of error conditions which ENVIR may encounter while processing. Only the error number will be printed. ERROR NO. ERROR CONDITION 1 Unrecognizable statement name. 2 Statement name not complete on first card of statement. 3 This is not a user error, but is an indicator of trouble in the ENVIR system. Save all printout and input cards and contact the author. 4 Too many descriptors in a PRINT or GENERATE descriptor list or too many (descriptor, descriptor state) pairs in a CORRECTION statement. Reduce their number or recom­pile ENVIR, enlarging tables DLIST first dimension, ITEM (first dimension) and STAT, as well as constant DLXMAX. Set their values equal to each other and equal or greater than number of descriptors in the data bank. 5 Descriptor name mu st not begin with a left parenthesis. Too many descriptors being defined. Reduce their number or recompile ENVIR, enlarging tables DD, DDl, and DD2, as well as the constant DDMAX. Set their values equal each other and equal or greater than the number of descriptors desired. 6 A-4 TABLE A-3 (CONTINUED) ERROR NO. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ERROR CONDITION Too many descriptor or descriptor state names containing greater than 6 characters. Reduce their number or recom­pile ENVIR, enlarging table OVRFLO and constant OVMAX. Set their values equal each other and equal or greater than the expected number of descriptor and descriptor state names that contain between 7 and 12 characters, plus twice the expected names between 13 and 18 char­acters, plus 3 times the expected names between 19 and 24 characters, etc. Not enough space dimensioned in the ENVIR system for descriptor states. Either reduce the estimates on descriptors under the NAME option or recompile ENVIR, enlarging tables DSS, DSC ODE and the constant D SSMAX. Set their values equal each other and equal or greater than the sum of the number of states in · descriptors defined under ORDER OPTION. Coded descriptor state out of the range defined. Not used. Neither NAME, FROMTO, or ORDER option is specified. No number found where expected. 90 character limit on name length exceeded. All blank name is not permitted. Trying to define the same descriptor name twice. Using a descriptor name never defined to ENVIR. Trying to define the same descriptor state name twice. Using a descriptor state name never defined to ENVIR. No right parenthesis following descriptor parameters. Not enough space reserved for base characteristic func­ tions in the data matrix. Reduce the size of some of the descriptors or recompile ENVIR enlarging table !FILES (1st dimension) and the constant DMAX. A-5 TABLE A-3 (CONTINUED) ERROR NO. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ERROR CONDITION Too many printout lines per item specified in a descriptor list. Reduce their number by combining descriptors into line combos or recompile ENVIR, enlarging table COMBO and the constant COMMAX. No closing parenthesis on a line combo in a descriptor list. No comma or asterisk after coded descriptor state. No. of states in this descriptor has exceeded the esti­mate given in the DEFINE DESCRIPTORS statement. At the present time there is no remedy for this other than to redefine that data bank from scratch. Same as #3. Same as #18. Discrepancy between number of descriptors stated in DEFINE DESCRIPTORS statement and the number found. Estimate of number of states in a descriptor defined under NAME option is not a positive integer. Statement name not followed by asterisk or FOR. Boolean expression too long for processing space reserved. Break up query into series of smaller queries or recompile ENVIR, enlarging table STRYNG and constant STRGMX. Boolean expression too long for processing space reserved. Break up query into a series of smaller queries or recom­pile ENVIR, enlarging table STACK and constant STKMAX. Boolean expression does not have balanced parentheses, i . e. , does not have same number of left and right paren­theses. Trying to operate on a data bank that is not present in the machine, i.e. , which has either not been defined earlier in the run or has not been read into the machine from an external device. Not used. A-6 TABLE A-3 (CONTINUED) ERROR NO. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ERROR CONDITION A descriptor with option NAME has been included in the descriptor list of a GENERATE statement. ENVIR is not properly dimensioned to hold this data bank. One or more of the critical values printed for the stored data bank exceeds the maximum value permitted by the ENVIR in use. Use the ENVIR which generated the stored bank or redimension the one in use to accommodate the excess. Neither CARDS nor TAPE nor DISK specified. Not used. Illegal FROM-TO range in a boolean expression. FROM value greater than TO value in a boolean expression. Boolean expression must not begin with AND or OR. Illegal use of parentheses in a boolean expression. TO missing from FROM-TO range in a boolean expression. Illegal operator in a boolean expression. NOT or FROM expected but not found in a boolean expres­ sion. NOT expected but not found in a boolean expression. Same as #3. Same as #46. Same as #42. Expecting a numeric ordered descriptor state, it turns out to be neither numeric nor UNKNOWN. Numeric ordered descriptor state not in the defined set of numbers. In a descriptor list the left parenthesis denoting the be­ginning of a line combo has occurred before the right parenthe sis denoting the end of the previous line combo. Right parenthesis missing or TO expected but not found in a boolean expression. A-7 ERROR NO. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 TABLE A-3 (CONTINUED) ERROR CONDITION Illegal termination of a boolean expression. AND, OR, NOT, or TO expected but not found in a boolean expression . Same as #42. Operator expected but not found in a boolean expression. AND or OR expected but not found in a boolean expression. The right parenthesis denoting the end of a line combo has occurred with no previous left parenthesis. Same as #3. No left parenthesis before descriptor, descriptor state pair. No descriptor name or descriptor state name where expected. Asterisk encountered too soon or left parenthesis out of place. A new descriptor state has been introduced in a descriptor whose option is CODE or ORDER, FROMTO. Too many numeric descriptors. Reduce their number or recompile ENVIR, enlarging tables FROM, TO, BY, IN and constant FTBIMX. Set their values equal to each other and equal to or greater than the number of numeric descriptors de sired. Ordered numeric descriptor without a TO parameter. Ordered numeric descriptor with a non-positive BY_para­ meter. Equals reference to prior descriptor not valid. Ordered numeric descriptor with decreasing FROM-TO range. Not used. Not used. Not used. A-8 TABLE A-3 (CONTINUED) ERROR NO. ERROR CONDITION 73 Not used. 74 Not used. 75 Not used. 76 Cannot delete a state from a descriptor whose option is other than NAME. 77 Cannot delete the UNKNOWN state from a descriptor. A-9 APPENDIX B OBTAINING LIFE HISTORY INFORMATION FROM LHBANK The following discussion assumes a working knowledge of the University of Texas "TAURUS" timesharing system, and access to an interactive terminal. 1) A copy of the program and the data bank can be obtained as follows: execute the system command READPF (iiii, BENVIR, LHBANK) , where iiii is the number of the permanent file currently in use. 2) Execution of the program: for interactive operation execute the following system commands-­ REWIND (LHBANK) BENVIR(TTY I TTY, SC I LHBANK) the system should reply with a system loader message, after this is received, or after the TAURUS command 11 (bell) STATUS" gives the status as "waiting for input", the following "ENVIR" commands should be input--TTY WILL BE USED READ DATA BANK* ENVIR will reply with a long message about the status of the bank. For batch operation, the general form of operation is-- BENVIR(fnl, fn2, fn3, fn4) where fnl, etc. are names of the files requires--fnl =input ENVIR commands, fn2 =output of ENVIR messages, fn3 =new ENVIR items to be added to the data bank, and fn4 =the name of the data bank file, usually LHBANK. 3) Querying the data bank: after the data bank has been read by the program, query commands can be issued, see the command directory for correct forms of these commands. To terminate a session, enter ENVIR command "END*", or TAURUS command "(bell)ABORT". Flow of Data From Life History Coding Forms Into the Life Hi story Data Bank 1) Creation of a LHn file where n is an integer corresponding to the batch number. -Flow Chart 1 The person doing the coding uses the present vocabulary as much as pos­sible to code information from a reference onto a sheet. The reference must be assigned a unique number. When a sizable batch of sheets has been col­lected, from 100 to 300 is best, they are sent to the Comp. Center for key­punching, together with a coding form filled out with the control cards needed B-1 FLOW CHART 1 Creation of a LR!!, file (n is an integer corresponding to batch) ~ ~· . ---... ... original I .--~ . "­ reference _ ---~ ...... ...... --------· ­ card file L ___ I l ! previous read and vocabulary i code J orm keypunch cards storage SAVEPF on permanent file B-2 to read in the cards, save them as a 11 LHn11 file on a permanent file, and copy them to output. Cards are then mailed along with the output to the MS! for back-up storage. 2) Finding and correcting errors in LHn -Flow Chart 2 In order to find the mistakes in vocabulary, syntax, etc., which invariably creep into the life history information, we create an ENVIR data bank containing only the life hi story data in this batch, 11 BANKn" . This requires first the use of the program "PERMUTE" to turn the LHn file into ENVIR items, followed by the use of the ENVIR program with the "DEFINE" file, to create the data bank, and a control vocabulary. Since the LHn file is typically rather large, rather than search for errors directly, we get the 11 SHEET" numbers associated with each error and then use the sheet number as an indicator of relative position of the error within the LHn file. The interactive program "EDITOR" is used to correct all of the errors in the LHn file and the corrected file is 11 SAVEPF"ed over the old file. Great care should be exercised at this point to avoid use of the wrong file name. If there is any doubt about the accuracy of the correc­tions, go through the entire step again with the "corrected" file LHn. 3) Use of corrected LHn file to add data to LHBANK. -Flow Chart 3 Using the corrected version of the LHn file from step 2, the PERMUTE program is run to create a file of ENVIR items. The old life history bank, LHBANK, is read from a permanent file, and a check for copy errors can be run at this point, using the program BANKCHK. This program was written after copy errors were found in the data bank which caused nonsense results to be retrieved. Subsequent changes to the University of Texas permanent file system have supposedly eliminated the possibility of this type of error. The BANKCHK program produces a checksum by adding all of the words in the binary data bank dictionaries and binary data file. This pair of checksums should remain constant until the bank is next modified. The program also checks the internal consistancy of the dictionaries. Assuming that the new ENVIR items are on file, "ENVDATA", the system command to execute the program, would be: BENVIR(fn.L fn1, ENVDATA, LHBANK) where fn.1 would be TTY for interactive operation, or a separate file of ENVIR commands for batch operation, and fn1 would be TTY for interactive operation or a separate file of ENVIR output relies for batch operation. Batch operation is best if a control vocabulary is desired because the fn1 file will be rather long. The sequence of ENVIR commands should be: READ DATA BANK* DEFINE ITEMS FROM TAPE* WRITE DATA BANK* CONTROL VOCABULARY* END* B-3 FLOW CHART 2 Finding and correcting errors in LHn file permanent file (~____.._~.r ppERMrogrUTaEml--+;ai comments l0 L !!~: cou:t__J local file ENVIR items / per~ile \ DEFINE)­ ENVIR program bank~~ition command file SAVEPF BANKn I~ - -·-··---_.,.___.._____ _ permanent file -:\ LHn i -i "­ ~ I I j ~---------. I.. SAVEPF LHn local file LHn corrected batch mode local BANK,!!. EDITOR program interactive identify errors spelling, syntax etc. if any control formulate ENVIR queries to locate errors b sheet number etc. "'""·-· ·~--~. ENVIR program interactive :=:t=­ l locat ions--~-rl I l l errors ! B-4 FLOW CHART 3 Use of corrected LR!!, file to add data to LHBANK permanent file (~~__, PERM_UT_E.J-..... comments \ /: program etc. I ·-·-·--J '·,,~ __....... --~ local file j ENVIR i temsl \ ·\ \.~-------­ ! 1 local file 1 local file f LHBANK t LHBANK old version\ new version \ I. ----------·--· ~-·· . ! SAVEPF LHBANK new version no ~.,___.___~ l ... _ __ ~· 1 permanent file do not use bank seek help l---~~e orrect for this bank ? any errors ? larger than before now contains items with BATCH, !! no B-5 The newly written LHBANK is run through the BANKCHK program to obtain the new checksums, if all is well, the new LHBANK is saved over the old LHBANK on the permanent file. Program Instructions--Program PERMUTE PERMUTE is designed to read information for the Life History Data Bank in the form in which it appears on the coding sheet and produce ENVIR items corresponding to all of the possible permutations of those descriptor groups which repeat on the coding form ( B, L, AND F lines). This permutation fea­ture eliminates as much repititious coding as possible, but you should be sure that all of the permutations are valid. Input: Input to this program consists of a single file made up of groups of lines from each coding sheet. No special separator is required between groups but the R line must be last in each group. There are no order requirements for lines other than the R line, but the order of descriptors within each line must be followed. Commas must be used to separate each descriptor within a line, and if a descriptor state is not known, at least one blank space must be left and the separating commas still must be put in. Example: suppose the common name is not known, the S line could read--S AMERICANUS, , ADULT, NECKTONIC. Note that a comma is not required to indicate unknown de scriptor states is that if the states for the re st of a line are unknown, only the first part of the line must be put in. Example: suppose that only the species name is known, the S line will then look like this--S AMERICANUS. PERMUTE will automatically put in the proper number of blanks and commas for the remainder of this line . If the entire line is blank, it should be left out, for instance, if PERMUTE does not find any L lines in a group (terminated by a R line as always), the ENVIR items will show blanks for all descriptors Parameter, Units, etc. The only line that is absolutely required is the R line, however, it does not make much sense to fill out a sheet with only a R line on it. If on the other hand, there are too many commas in a line, PERMUTE will reject the group and write a error message. The F or Food line is peculiar in that up to 6 FOOD ITEM s can follow the Diet Significance descriptor, in other words, major food items could be written on an F line as follows: F MAJOR, ITEMA, ITEMS, ITEMC, ITEMD, ITEME, ITEMF. Note that separation by commas is required. ENVIR items will be written with diet significance, major and food item, ITEMA-ITEMF all permuted with the various B and L lines also. B-6 11 PERMUTE writes a "BATCH" and SHEET" number in each ENVIR item. The batch number is determined by the first card of each LHn. file, this card must start with X, and have the batch number in columns 2 -10. The re­maining columns 11 -80 are available for comments or memos. The sheet number is determined by a counter within the program which is reset whenever 11 X11 a card is encountered. Two output files are generated, a file of ENVIR items suitable for direct reading by ENVIR and a report file containing the following information. The 111 11 number of 11 8 11 cards, cards, and "FOOD ITEMS". The number of cards read, and the number of ENVIR items written. The number of groups not written due to errors, andthe "C", "S", and "R" linesfromthegroupswith errors. The following commands would be used to run PERMUTE on the TAURUS timesharing system, where LHn is a file of card images derived directly from the coding sheets, and iiii is the number of the permanent file currently in use to store the binary version of the PERMUTE program, SPERM: READPF (iiii I SPERM) REWIND (LHn) SPERM (LHn, ENVDATA, LIST) The "LIST" file contains the comments, error messages, card counts, etc. , while "ENVDATA" contains ENVIR items ready to be used to create a new data bank or add to an old one. The program PERMUTE could be modified to write items suitable for pro­cessing by other general data base management programs besides ENVIR, however, it is not possible to describe a general method for this modification. B-7 CODING SHEET FOR LIFE HISTORY DATA BANK 1) Class , 2) Family , 3) Genus c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ 4) Species , 5) Common Name , 6) Life Stage , 7) Motility s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~ 8) Biotope , 9) Bottom Type , 10) Bay System B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY,JUN, JUL,AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC, Start Year, End Year M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25) Parameter , 26) Units , 27) Limit Type , 28) Lower Limit , 29) Upper Limit L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L ~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 0) Commercial Importance , 31) Sport Importance , 32) Other Importance I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33) Trophic Level T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 4) Diet Significance , 35) Food Item F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 36) Reference No . , 3 7) Ref. Remark , 3 8) Coded by R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date Coded: Sent to Keypunch: Remarks: B-8 c c I 1\1 =>I J T 0 /!\ TA • f-f\tVl R TTt ~ ~ S 0 UT PU T t 0 UTPUT REM aR K S c TNIE~ER BLA~K,COMMA,FARRAY(8t10)tCt80) ,5~~0)tR(8Q,5) tNir6r:R M(~n) .LC~O,c;) tJ (~n) ,T(A0) .F"Cl3n,5> .~(80) tLNCHO) r,oMMUN/ERROH/NER nAIA ALANK,t"'OMMA/lM t1H,/ DA!A 1\ISHt:E:"T/il/ f1AIA N8ATCH/Q9/ c NH~1CM :.>HOULD Hf:. CHANGrD BY !NPUT c N3·~TCH SHOULll HF CHl~N~FO Ft"R EAt"'~ BATC~ I) A_I A I NC 1 t I Fl'J V • lR Au , NE RR I • 1 t 0 , 0 t 0 I c T~1:.r \,;OUNTS If\!PllT L1Nt.~, Jf~!V =E~VIR rTEM~tTD/ID= r,ROUPS SKTPPF"O c NE~R = f OTAL FRHORS NER : ERRORS yN THIS GROUP c c !NI~ I AL ILE LOOP b .-,cK HfRE AFTER FACH GRn11P 2 ou l l) J= l • ~ () C(.J>=HLANK <;(.J>=ALANK I~ ( .J) =BLANK T<'-">=RLANK T (.J) •tiLANK R(.J>=ALANK no o K=l,s 8 ( '-" t K ) : Bl HIK l (..Jtl\) :dLANK f> CON T11-J UE l () r::ol\I rl NUE f)O 11 K=l•1n no 11 J=l•A 11 FAk~AY(JtK):J0H R(bO):lH* c RF-SET COUNTERS FO~ REP~ATTNr, LINF~ 15 ~tA=O NL=U Nr=O Nf AR=o NE~~o c c F' 1J R~ T I< EA D L J NE S UN TT L AN R I S ~EAC1-iE O 20 JNLT=tNCT+l REAO l}J 21 FOkM~4T(80Al> IF 300 tc4 24 IF(LN(l).EQ.lHC> GO TO 30 t F (LI~ ( 1 ) •EC~. l HS) GO Tu 4 O If .EQ.lHM> GO TO 60 tF•EQ.lHL> GO TO 70 Jf(LN(l).EQ.lHI) Go TO Bo TF(LN(1>.EQ.lHT> GO TO qj, T F ( L '~ ( l ) • EQ • 1Hf ) G 0 T0 l O0 tF(LN<1>.Ea.lHR) GO TO lio JF(LN(l)eEQ.lHX> GO TO 400 c IF HE~E· LN IS NOT RECnr,NrZFD c 26 WR!T~(8t27> LN 21 FOk~~T(*NOT RECOGNlzFD*t/80Al) GO Tl) 20 3 C PL. "CE r t·r,~ RAC T1:­R S l 1 ~ PR nPE r~ /\ PQ AYc:; 4 c 5 c HF~F" \"fflH C TYPF. 6 30 PO J~ J=l .•79 8 ii? f'(•LN(J+l \ rm Td 20 9 C HFRE W!Th .5 TYP~ ~ f'l D0 .4-~ J.: l ' 7 =Lf\l(J+1 l GO l 1J 20 1:3 c ~F~F wilH t3 14 5 () "J8=:\j 0 + 1 I F' l :\j rj • LE • 5 l r, n T0 S~ 16 f\.t Et-< :: !'J l R+ l 17 r,o ft> 20 18 56 r'\O Co)(j J=l•7ll 19 Sh r-H~• ' "t3>=Ll~L1+l> '30 10 2J 21 c HF ~F ~I 111 M 22 ~'3 rio no 6t!. J=1,10 24 h? M (~) ;LN (J+) \ 25 r,() lU 20 26 c rl F. ~E wJ I 1-1 L TYp F~ 27 70 ~'.1L•NL+l 28 29 I F l r-..1 L • L [ • ':> ) •'tEH=·-..ER+ 1 <~ 0 T<) 7 ..., GO T!J 20 3 1 32 33 7t:-i 7 8 i)() /r:1 J=l•7q L ( ..J • '"L ) =L l'J ( •J + 1 ) GO T1J 20 34 c ~ff ~F ~ I I Ii T TYr> F 35 36 c Hf~F wI~14l l TYPF 37 38 39 c J.iO DO Ht! J=lt7q 82 f(..J>=LN(J+J) r;o Tu 20 11E~F' wI I H T TYPE 41 42 43 qo q2 oo qz J= i.7Q T(..J>=LN(J+l) GO TIJ 20 44 c 45 46 c Hf. ~E v~ I 1H F lOO \JF·~~+l TYp f 47 48 49 I F l N.f • LE. • 5 > NEf"{=M:R+ l GO fl) 20 G0 T0 l , 1-. 51 52 106 DO ljH J=l,79 1n~ F' ( .J t i\I F ) =L N ( .I+ l ) GO Tv 20 53 54 55 56 c HE~f Wl IH R -I AST 1 l 0 f)() ll2 J=1' 'q112 ~(~)•LN(J+J l NSl'lc.LT:i"SHE FT + Ll~i F' l OF <:;FT 57 c 58 59 c CH~CK COMMAS, ~TC I~ AL.L RUT 120 CALL CHKCOMCJ,C(l)) F CARDS, COL Bn TS , 61 62 63 64 65 CALL rALL CALL CALL CALL CHKCOMC4t5(])) CH~C0Mfl4•M(l)' l.HKCOM(3t1(1)) CHKCOM(},T(l)) CHKCOMc?,k(l)) B-10 66 2 3 c 00 ONL ~LANK H JF NH=U 4 I F UL I.I 1-..I E\It:: R G F l t--i t.: ~E 21 r'Et-=1~ER+ l 22 GO Tu 330 23 (., HE~F WlfH LOC nF FikST CO~MA, S~T ~AQ~S 24 l 4 8 :>A AK~ l ; l 25 c TRl\NSl-t.R DIET ~JG Tf) L'-1 26 iso ~o 1~2 JJ=1.J 27 1 5 2 I_ N ( J J ) : F ( J J • K ) 28 MAl"> no rn l6h 34 154 COl\IT lNUt: 35 c ~E ~f i F i'JO MORr::-COf>'IMAS TN TH IS L P-..!E 36 c LOJK ~o~ LAST NON-BLANK AFTER P~fVlOU~ co~~A 37 \ !Lt.F T:AO -Ml\RK? 38 DO 1~6 JJ=l.~L~FT 39 ,J:CjO-JJ Jflf-(J,K).NF.ALANK) ~o To 164 41 156 ("Ol"T l NUE 42 c HE~E ALL BLANK, END OF LINE 43 oo ru iao 44 164 J:J+l 45 F' ( .J, r\) :COMM A 46 c 47 c H=:RE ' MA R K 2 Ts 8 E G 1 N"' T "'~ HI0 ~J Ts E"'0 0 r: ~nn 0 TTE M 48 c 49 166 ~At-1 A ~~ 2 I ~ N 0 w 8 F. G I N1'J I NG 0 F NF X T F ooD ·ITEM 57 c JJ•O 61 "'J• l 62 "JFAR=NFAR+ l 63 172 DO 178 J=ltMARKJ 64 173 JJ=JJ+l 65 B-11 66 IF (JJ.Lt::.10 l G() TO I 76 lj ..JJ=O 5 r.,J_J=N..J + 1 6 GO Tv 11 J l ·7f:-i CALL MOVE ( L ~ LJ) • l t FAQ RAY (NJ t l\!F' AR) , , I J, l l 8 ifA corn l 1-.Jut. ~) G0 ru 1s3 l il : 1 l 8 0 r. Ol'IJ T l N U E:: l.' GO TU 2~0 13 c 14 c rl ~-~ ~~ '' I rt ! N U F L l 1\J t:: S • ~F T Bt A N K S I~ 2 0 0 ''l FAR :; l 1(_) FA~~~Y(ltl) =101 • , 11 ;.> ? () r. 0 I'd l NIIE 18 c POSS!blt OlAGl\•nSTlC~ S H1ULD r,o rlfPE 19 J F < i\l ::., Hf t T • l . F • l ) " R I l r:-( 8 , 1 ;> ? l ) '.20 l ~2 J F Or< '"'~ T ( *BA Tr H , 5r1 EE T , r-,r ~ , t-.L , t.,1r-A R *l 71 ~., R i rt. ( s , 2 2 1 l "'t·M r cH • r-1cs HF. F r , N~ 11 ~L , ~' F' A~ 22 2 2 l F 0 K '": ~ T ( 5 l 4 ) Jf'"( r,o TO 'l~() 24 c HE ~F l F NO E.Rt:< :WS 2S C WR I T E Pt. R M lJ T A T TO"'' S fJF I . T1\J F c;26 DO ?61) J8=1 .~J~ 27 nO ?. a 0 J L =l • 1\1 L 28 1)0 200 ,Jf =1 , r1 FA~ 29 c WRITE f NVJR ITF" M 30 ·r EI\! V=1EN V + 1 31 WRl'ft.. (6t22c;\ ~ 32 wRJ. n.:(6•2?5) s 33 1-m ! rt: ( 6 • 2 2 S l ( R ( J • J A \ • J =1 , ~0 ) 34 wFH r~ (b • 2 2 f, l i·1 35 1-' P J. Tt. ( b • 2 2 5 l ( L ( J t JI ) t J =1 , A 0 ) 36 ·...iRJ.TE (6,225) t 37 i~p J. rt.: <6 • 2 2 5 l T 38 \vR! rt:. (6•231) (F~RKAY (J,JF) tJl:} tB) 39 2?5 fOt'<1"1AT (BOA 1 ) 40 c3 1 f" 0 t-< fl" I~ T ( 8 A l () ) 41 2 n0 \'1 R 1 rt ( F-t ' 2 b ] ' ( r.I ( J ) •. I =l • 7 (\ ) • r-J Cj ~ T cH • ~, sH E E' T 42 261 FOHM~f(f0A],}Ht•lJt1HttI4tlH*) 43 c 44 c GO ~A~K AND RERLANK THFM ALL THf~ ~EAD NEW ~FT 45 c 46 r,o rv 2 47 c 48 c Ht~E AFft:R EOr 49 j 0 0 'Mn ! Tt (8 93 0 l ) r. NcT ' l F-'f\! v • r p A D ' N f rJ R 50 301 FQHM~T(~EOF REAU AFTF~ *.rs.~ rARD~*/ 51 1 2At!6,* ENVIR lTEM~ ~RITTEN*/ 52 2 e.X •I 6 • -c> GPOUPS NOT WRITTEN f'\I IE T~ * ., I 6, .. ERRORS~)53 llJ~J.n:.(~t.30ll NSdEE.T.l\l~ATrH 54 303 FQKM~T(* NSHfFT=*•I~ ,~ NRATCH:~tl~> 55 306 WRJ.ft.(6t307l 56 307 FOl'(1'1~T ( l4H[t-.1f) OF l Tr:MS* ) · 57 STUP 58 c E~HnR ~UUTINE 59 330 r.oNr lNUE . 60 331 NEHR=N~~H+NEP 61 p.1AD-= I BAD+ l 62 WR!T~(8•333) c.s,R 63 3 ; 3 F' 0 KM A l ( * Enp 0 R ( s ) ~ 1\1 TH T!=\ r,Rn up* • ( I ' ~" A1 ·, ) 64 3]5 F'O"MAT(*NU~:-c>,f3, .. \lfRR=•t-, I~J ) 65 66 8-12 1 2 3 Tf l l'J t . RR • G T • ,, P l 5 T lJ Pi 4 GO TV 2 c Hf~E wifH BATC~ NU~RER CHANAF 6 ~00 CALL -NUMH(2dOd.Ut'tERRORtVALeLN)7 TF 4n4,4\0t404 8 4()4 wR.lrl:.(8t40C.,) f\IHAlCH,NSt-fEfTtLN 9 405 ro~1V1lq ( .. EPrH)R Ft~OM ~IUMR, NRATCH=*·I4tlt l * 1'1..) Ht£.. T =~ , I 5 t "" L1'4 =.. •I , 8 nA U 11 STl)P~ 12 c 1-1 ER E. w! rr1 Goo D "'u,.,, r.H:. Rs 410 wqlTt(8t303) NB~TCH,NSM~FT 14 ~111AlLH:lF!X(VAL + 0.1) ~.15HEt:T:O 16 wR.lTt(8tJ03) N8Al.CH,~5HEFT 17 GO TU ?. 18 ENl.J 19 SUbf. CU1v1 1~1 UN / E R R 0 ~~ I Nt: ~ 21 rNf~~ER L(H~).RLANK.cO~M~ 22 nA I A C0 MM AI 1 H , I • HLJ\ \ 1KI l H I 23 c F I ~ST CU UN l C('H.1 M f\ S 24 Jc=o no iu J=l•7~ 26 1F ' L ( J ) • E (~ • r () ~MA ) "J r: =Jc + J 27 io ror-..rINUE 28 ~1rt.o=NC -JC 29 tFlNtFn> sn,J?114 c H ~p E CU f~ REC T f\1 l I"'1 Hf_R ' 1EE D= 0 31 12 PEIUhN 32 c TQJ . F~W FIND t AST NJN-RLANK 33 14 L'O !ti J=l•7~ 34 ,Jj•8U-J IF(L(JJ).NF.~L,ANt<) ~OTO ?0 36 18 r::o•\J ri NUt:: 37 ?.O .J..J•..JJ+ 1 38 J pt.M:·7 9 -J J 39 IF (Jk~M·LT.rNFED*2)) GO rn An D 0 ~b I\ =l t t-.1 f F D 41 LC..JJ):BLAN~ 42 jJ•JJ+i 43 1. ( ..JJ ~:COMMA 44 26 ,JJ=JJ+ 1 c COJNT NUW CORR~CT 46 GO TO l~ 47 c HE~E IF TOO MANY co~MAq48 50 INR1rt.(8t5l) L,NC 49 51 FQHM~TC* Ton MANY C0MMAS TN •1aOAt/ * FXPFrTEn~•l4) NEl-<=NER+l 51 c;o TO 12 52 80 wR1TE(8t81> LtNC 53 81 FQHMAT(* Ton FEW COMMAS TN*/~nAl/ 54 1 .. E~PECTEn*tI4t* Nn1 ENOUGH SPACE TO FIX~) NEk=NER+l 56 r,o ro 12 57 F.:NU 58 SU ti R0 lJ TI NE t,llJMH ( Ni'li F , N NL t 5 CA LE F , ~ERR, VAL , L r-.1 > 59 TNl~(,ER LN(l_40) C 0 MMUN IS YMR/ND I G ( l 0 > , NPER , LT t NG T , NAST t NLB , NC 0 M~A t NBLN K t t.q NlJ St NPl Uc; 61 c T-iiT S SUB R 0 UT I NE TUR NS TH F ~VMB0 L S I N L N ( J > ~ ~J •NF , NL 62 c INTU VALt A FP NUMB~~ 63 DAfA(NOlG(,J)tJ=ltl0,/1Hn,lHltlH2tlH3tlH4~1HStlH6tlH7tlH~,iHq I 64 QAIA NPERtLTtNGT,~A~TtNLRtNCOMMAtNRLNK,MINUStNPLUS/ B-13 66 1 2 .) 4 c 5 6 c 8 9 JU c 11 13 14 IG 1 7 18 C :!O C 21 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 c 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 c 53 54 55 56 57 c 58 c 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 l }t1,t}H<•ll-l'>•lH*•l.h~,J.~-1,,]H •l'°"'••ll-l+/ T'H Tl Al.{ ZE ~1r=r-1NF •,1L .:t.J!·Jt_ T 0 JN~uL ~\TE Ac; " I f\l '5 T CH f. r,J G F S TM NF=' • \J l N[Hk:n VAL=IJ.O rl~ST H~~ovE ANY RLANKS r-,1r= ,.,r -1 ") ~If =1·Jr + 1 rF ( i,,... r, T. NL) GO l 0 T F-l l I~ ( 1\j F ) • F-() • r-.18 l. f\I K ) l\Jl =NL+ 1 10 "'L=t\IL-1 FROM FRONT ANO ~ACK .. n r; 0 TO 5 tFU,J ... GleNLl r;n TO,,,., J.\ L T :: ;;-Fu \I U~S I 0 i\.I n F i JI .J 1"1 H T 0 G TVE ~W P R= -1 F 0 Q Al.l H 1 .. AN I< rFtll'll(NL) .r".t-18LNK) 1\j O ,/ ( n t: CI~ F 0 ~ c; J(~ 1'1 t N TF ( L '" C NF ) • i:-r~. t.1. INl JS> IF l 1. 1-. 20 sc=SCAL[f "JF=NF + 1 2 fi t F l t\i f • G T , NL ) tW no ]U J=NF. r--tL I F ( L I~ ( J ) • E(.J• 1H • ) nor.~ K=l•l" 1 0 no Tn lO r. RUN T r; 0 T0 l 8 r, u T() ?. o t; h ~0 T0 3 c; Jf(L~(J),EQ.~DIG(K)) GO TO 27 ?.5 l NUE GO Tu Sb ?1 ~AL= VAL*1~.n + FL~~TCK-1) 30 coi"TI NUE r..o TU 50 H : nf: l U C 0 N V f P T Dt. C l M A, L FR Ar. Tl 0 hi 3S t\iP•J+ 1 I F , GO TO 45 17 co1H lNUt ~O TO 56 45 Vfl.L =VAL+ (K-1>*(0.l**Nf")) 48 r,oNTlNUE HE~F wITH VAL, NO ERHt MULTIPLY RV SCALEF 50 VAL=VAL .q, S(" PEIUHN 56 ~·Et'llTt FNVIQ ITEM~ 6 c 7 c I c T =CUlJI'-' T OF ft,tPI iT LI Ni:-c;. I srT=Cf'.'t INT nF STA TT MIS 8 c to::·T = L'ATA Ltr,1fS• !PCT= PARAMS, lDPcT =DUMMY P1,.St ICCT s r.OMMENTc; 9 c Nf'JVII-< =COUNT Or ENVIL' ITEMS, ~FRR ~ ·CONV. FPRnpS 10 c NS:l = ~NVlR JTfMS TH!~ STATION. ~SERrT = fRPORS THIS STAT1r1N 11 c 12 (OMM0N/L!Nf/LN(l4UJ eJC(30)tNJC•NLN 13 COMMUN/PARA /NAPHME ( ., • 2. 2rn 'sea 1.EF ','20) • 14 ] NU i'4 I l S ( 3 , ? 0 ) • Gt: !> PL I ( 3 t ~ , ?. 0 ) , 15 l "'!:> 1/P • NsAv N • Ll\j p () s ( 2 • ? 0 ) • ~Ip AR MA 16 tNlt.blp GESPLI 1 7 COM~UN/STAT /f\IST AT t L" T t LONG, NAGF.NCY ~ NPR.JCT ~ 18 l l\IL l i'llf:.t r~s I rF. NA 1()TOP.19 1 NY'l-<•NMO,Nt'IVeNTlME•"·!r'lEPTH . 20 COMMUN/CMNTS/CMNT(~,~O)tNCMNT 21 t NI tl.JE::R CMt-.rT 22 coMr·1VN/EXEC /tJFIJV I"'' :,1FRR 'NSCT. J' !SERCT 23 tNIE'-'H< HLANK • tPCT,lSCT24 nAIA BLANK/\OH I 25 PA 11\ NLN·Nn1vp<.NE.RP, !CT. T5CT. yDcT. lPCTt terr. TnPCTtNSWP 26 1 /dUt0•0,0,0.0,0,u,n,0127 n. A ~ ,, NS CT •~'~ERCT I " , 0 I 28 C HJITIALlZl 29 10 il/RJ.Tt(6tll) 30 l l F 0 t-< "1A T ( l H1 • * LOc; RF A0 t Nr; PR 0 GP AM u l 31 C 1-?F. AD ~ LI NE 32 20 REAl){~.21) (LN(J) •J=i ,NLM> 33 21 FOt' lOOt22 35 C GO:l() L[l·~r 36 2 2 T C I :: l CT+1 37 C CHECK tO~ TYPE nF CARD 38 C ~*n tt * t-< f_ vI S I 0 N l 0 I 3 l / / J 39 3 0 I F wEL) tj Y I\ M S , D , 0 ~ C , r1 ENERA T F A 41 C 011~~y PJ. 42 I F (I"' Sl~ P • Nf • 2 > G 0 T 0 4 O 43 ~JSVH' = 4 44 IOt'CI = IOPrT+l 45 r,o r u 3q 46 C CAR :>, I ::, A RE A L P • 47 35 Tpl. r = 1PCT + l 48 CALL NUMA ( ? , 2 ' 1 • 0 t "IF: R , R , L N ) ~ NE~µ = INT(P + O.l) 50 I F ( i~ SW P • NF.: • 2 ) G0 T0 3 6 51 IF CNEWP eNF'. 1> GO TO 3,.. 52 C GENERA!~ OUMMY p~, TH£N A REAL Pl. 53 NSWP = 5 54 TOt-'C.:I = IDPr:T+l 55 r:;o TU 38 56 c C1E 'JER~ H. ORO I NARY P ONt, y • 57 36 NSWP = NEWP 58 3R CALL C011'1F r"'n 59 39 CALL PLlST 60 T F <'"SW P • Nf • '+-) G 0 T0 2 n 61 c ********~**************** 62 40 tF t" SC T • N 5 F" RC T 5 43 FO~MAT(~ ENVTR IT~M~ THI~ ~TATTONo,14,0 cnNV. F~RORS*tl4' 6 c PE. SET CUUNTER.c; NS~l=-o 8 l\lSt.HC T=0 9 4 4 CA LI_ C0 MF I "W' 1lJ CALL STN 11 (;(I f (J ?. 0 12 c co "1 i'1 l,,~t-\l) ~ 13 51') TFlLf~(l).NF'.lHC) Gt) TO f-.n 14 rc1...l=IcCT+ I r. ALL C 0 Mi-: J ''' '' 1G CALL COMMErn i 7 GO TU 20 18 c Hr. ~F. wl rrl I.) A TA u 1\i t:.. c HF c K F ()R E:. XJ s TA "'c E () r c; Af\J f') p uA r A 1~ 60 Tf)l...T;...InCT+l20 { F ( J ~cT ) 6 l • h 1 • L"I 2 21 hl STUP h?. rr ~ i r-i cn o1 • f, L • 6 J 23 63 r()N r11\JLJl:. 24 c F T \J r~ '" ( K • E l c rr.1 L 1 hJ E:: 2!) c NOT~ lHAT TrlE~f n4E lN a10 FOR~AT 26 r,r y k =t' L A N K 27 no h~ J= lt '• 28 6 5 CAL L f-1 () Vi:. ( I. ',1 ( J ) • l t f..i 'V ~ • J , 1 ) 29 l\JMU~t;LAl\IK 30 f)0 t,D J=ltf! 31 1J=J+4 e. 32 b 6 CALL Pv10 VE ( l. i,1 ( .J J ) • 1 t ',, M0 , J • l ) 33 !·JD Y~blAi"K 34 no ~d J=l•2 35 ,J,J=J + t) 36 68 (:ALL MOVE.(i_r.t(JJ>•lt"'!nY,J,ll 37 ~nJ.Mt.:BLANI\. 38 DO TU J=l•~ 39 .,JJ=.l+fi 40 7 () CA L L M 0 V E ( l.'\t CJ . J ) • l ' .,l T I ~~ E • J t l ) 41 N{)t.PIH:~LANI< 42 no re. J=l•S 43 ,Jj=,J + 12 44 7?. <:ALL MOVE , NPF: R , L T ' NG T , NA ST t ML R , NC 0 ~MAt NbL N K t :..q "'J lJ S ' NP L lJ ~ 7 8 c c T-HS SUBROUTH1f· TURNS THE lNTV VALt A .FP N~MdE~ ~YMBOL S IN U.1 (,J), ,J:NF ,NL 9 11 12 c f') A I A t Nnl G C J ) , , J: 1 • l 0 ' I l Y 0 • 1 H l , l H 2 t l.~ 3 , l H4 , i H5 • 1 H 6 • l H 1 t r) A i A N PER t L T , hl GT , NA ST t NLR , NC qMM A • N~L N K , ~ i N11 S ' NP LU SI l } l"i • ' l H< ' l H> • l t1 ~ • l H'*, l !·h • 1H • 1 H • t l H+I l\ITTJ.ALILE 1H~ • i Hq I 13 Nf=1~NF 14 16 17 c TO \IL ;1\lf\IL IN~ULATE AGt-.J~JST l\i[K~=O VAL=u.o CH~~tGES TN NF',NL 18 C f T~ ST HE. ,,,, 0 VE At;Y f~ LA '" i<. S F R 0 M F ~0 NT AND 8 A CK 19 l\Jf=l\J~ -1 5 r-.1f =1Jf + l 21 rF l l\J f' • G T • NL l G 0 T0 1. 0 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 C c tFlLN(Nf).EQ.NHLNK) GO TO S NL. ::1\JL + l 10 f\JL=NL-1 JF(N F .GT.NL> GO TO ~~ AL TE:PEU Vt.RS!Ot-~ OF l\lUM8 TO GIVE Nf~R=-1 FOQ If(Lf\l(NL>.Fn.r--1BLNK) r,o Tn 10 NON CHtCK FOR STGN JN ~QO~T tF(LN(NF>.~o.~INUS) GO Tn lA All. 8L4Ni< 31 IF GO TO 5~ 39 00 3 U J=NF • ~'L 41 42 43 44 25 I F < L1\J ( J ) • EQ • l H • > G0 T 0 3 ~ 00 2!:> K=l,]f' JF GO Mo=o DO '+d J=NF11\JL ND~ND+} no 31 K=l•lfl TO ~O 56 57 37 IF(LN(J),EQ.NhIG(K), CONTINUE GO ·ro 56 GO TO 45 58 59 45 48 VAL : VAL+ coNTlNUE .JC(3n> tl\IJr".NLN 22 CO 1"1•"i0 '-.JI PAR AFlM' r·H·~ E. ( ., , 2 , 2 <' ) , SC Al E F ( 1 t 2 0 ) , 1 23 1 '" u ~ I T s<3 • ;> n > • GE sP1 t < ' • ~ • 2 o> • "' swP , N c; A \' "' , 24 1 LN~0S(2t20) tNµ4R4M 25 TN! E\>t::R GESP L I 26 I '.\I I t. l~ ER 8 LA"-!~ 27 ('lf\JA ALANKIJOH I 2 8 C «> *o e> * H F v I ~ l 0 N l U I j l / 7 J 29 C DE : ·r0t. l F 0UMMY P-~ 30 I F ( 1\1 S~, P • r, F • i_. ) GU TL1 2 t'1 4 31 c GtT NWEA FROM ~IRST ~L~T 32 2 CALL. NUMd(J~<1>•l•Jrc2>-1.1.o.NER,q,LN)33 TF l•~ER eNF. fl) SlOri lnl 34 f\!: 11,1 I (R + 0 • 1 ) 35 c SA\IF lNUEX FOR A l'hJ"-1MY RETlJRN TO THic; suqQTN 36 ~15AV i'J : N 3 7 l\JM :: N-1 38 tF = 81 ANK 52 c KC '.)Ml Jd'-41) KCUM? ARE co~~MA NUMREI~ s 53 KCLl1"1 l =Kl+ l 54 l +1 HL=JCC6) -1 16 CALL i\l UMB C Nr , 1\1 L. t l • 0 • 1\1 ER , ~ , L N) 17 J F (NI:. H •NE• r, ) c; Tt)p 2 18 LN~O~(ltNl:rNTCR+0,1) 19 "' F =JC ( t"1 > + l l\lt_=,JC (7)-) 21 C A L I_ 1\1 UM B ( N ~ , "' L t l • 0 , f\1 E R t P , l N ) 22 TFlNt.R.NE.Ol STUP2 23 24 Ll'-!t-' U:, ( 2 t N) : fl\! T ( tH U • 1 ) C OtJ TPU I CH F. CK ,lHIf) Rf:: TU~~. 1 F Pf'\ M P l T Y Pf: CA Lt. 26 C ***it* t-< E vI S I UN 1 0I .3 1I 7:.; 2 7 l b "1 p i rt. (6 t l 7 ) ~I , ( ( "' AP I ~ ME ( Ki , K2 t f\I ) t K?. ~ 1 t ? ) • K1 : 1 t 1 ) • 28 l LN ~0 S ( l t f': ) t L"·H.> 1.1 S ( ;;? t N ) 29 l 7 F Ot-< M AT C* P ti R A 11-1 *t I ~ , 3 C 2 X , 2 A l n l • 2 X , 2 I 1 l RE! UKN 31 c 32 c H~~E Wl!H fYPF P? 33 c H0 ~ M"4 N T CH 0 I CF ~ 0 F S Cfq_ E: A r·.:O UN t T S 34 40 IF CNJC .NE. 4) GU TO 42 I< = l 36 GO TU 46 37 42 tF ele,..iuNtT~ 66 C-7 3 so :\!F=~·ir" + 1 4 (;0 I IJ 9 U 5 80 l\1UNl Is ( l tN) = l\llJNl Tc; ( l .l\IM) G c ~v p I r E :, ui..1~I AR y . 7 C *~{jot>•> t-1·rvt~lON . 1fl/31/73 8 90 JF t~-~> lon.110.~1 C f)tJ;:>LI'-'A .I[ UNIT~ TF f\iECJ:SSARY. 10 100 NLJl\IJl<;:(2tN) = t-Jltf\llS(ltN) 11 ~C~L t. F ( 2 t N ) : S C AL [ r:-( 1 , ~' ) 12 l l l~ t\i LJ I~ I l S ( J t N ) .• f\!l JN l T ~ ( 2. , N ) 13 ~CALlF(3tN) = SCALl~C2tN) 14 5 l C·O '=''~ 1=1,~. 5? wR J. T l ( f. t 5 3 ) 1,1 , t • SC A I F: F ( I , f\I ) , t\11.. J~ J T c:; ( I , N ) 1G ~:~ F" oH ,., 1~ r ( 2 I 4 • x • F I 1i • J • '< • A l o , 60 coNll Nut:. 18 ;:.1 E I ut~N 19 c Hf~E" WJ IH OUMMy p]. Ut;F INnFX FPn~ PQE'Vtnll~ f"2e 20 2 0 '+ \j : NS~\ V \! 21 C 11f~F. wI I H ~t.AL P~, GET GF="f\.111c;, SPFCJF~• At--lfl t. TF'f c;TAGE. E:'l'"'.H 22 c c fJ. \I 5 t. u ~, T 0 T\,f () b I_('\ ( "'~ 0 F 1n cHt..~ Ac TF. R5 pf~ ~L 0 r: t< • Kl I hJ nTr.~ Tt:. ~ 23 c ~F \I l1s ' ~.., Fc1E: s • A1\11) L l ~ F sTf. G F ~v 1 ' ~ ' At-.J[) , • RF sp Ec r I \IE. Lv • I< e 24 C I t\J ) f CA f L 5 t.1 L 0 C K 25 du r-iO ?1?. Kl= 1 •3 26 no t:.12 K2=1.?. 2 7 2 1 2 GE ~~L I ( K l ' I<' ? • ~.I ) = RI " N K 28 c cH ~ r. K F-·1 t< uuMM v P 3 /\ NP 1~ An r MW 29 JF ( t~SwP .Gr. 4) ~o TO ?!=i4 30 I F l ·"l JC • i\I ~ • ~ ) .:...; 1 CW ~ 0 3 31 no ?. Jo K 1 = 1 , ) 32 C t ~-' F : l\I t + I 45 JF (1-.JLET ·L F. 10 .or. . K? GO To ~3n 46 1<2=~ 47 NF= JC;PL! (Kl t2tNM) 53 2 3 0 CO"" T l NUE. 54 C wR IT E. SUMMAH Y 55 2 5 0 WR J. Tt ( 6 ' 2 5? l N , ( C Gr E. ~PLT ( Kl • I< 2 , ~!) , K?s 1 , ? > t t< 1 =1 ~ 1 ) 56 2 5 ?. F Ot-< M ;\ T < l 4 , (1 ( ? ~ t 21~ i n ) > 57 GO TU 2ss ~ c Dfcrot lf DUMMY P3 FUL LOWED RY RFAL Pl 59 2 5 4 yF CNSWP • m: • ':\ > G 0 T0 2c; 5 60 NSWJ.J : l 61 ~o n; 2 62 2~~ COIH lNUE 63 RE!lJHN M C ***~****~oo*****~****~*~~ 65 66 1 2 3 f Nl.J 4 SUU.- 47 C GET f\bENr.y NAMF 48 49 NS=JCCS)-JCc4>-l50 IF (NS.GTelO> NS=lO 51 NAbF.NCY = Rt.ANK 52 DO 11J J=ltN<;53 N:.JC(4)+J 54 l 0 MOVE CALL (LNCN)tlt~AGENCVtJt\) 55 c GE'T pt--1 57 !FCNS.GT.ln) NS•lO 58 NPt- J=ltNS 60 N=~C(S)+J 61 15 CALL M0 VE ( LN CN) • l t "'PR ,JCT , J , l ) 62 c GET L~flTUDE 63 MF•J(.;(2)•164 NL:JC ( 3 ) -·1 65 C-9 66 ? 3 r i) ('ALL. t JlJ tv1 H ( t-.i ~ , ~ t L • l • C: • ~1 f Pt P , LN) 4 rr < 1J 1: F< > 2 3 1 • 2 c' •-c 1 21 <;TUf.J t., ?. ?. I. I.Ii I : l f'1 l ( R + fl • l ) e~ IFlL~\l.GT.1rirH)n)c,J .,.('I 24 8 LAl:!LAT*lO c;o r u 2 ;i c30 L.Al=lJLAT 11 C GFT LUhlbJTLJOE 12 ?. 4 ~ .i F=J ~~ ( ~ ) + l 13 NL=JC(4)-l 14 C. ~OIJ C'"'Li-NUM~ I ~ ! CALL 1,1UM8 ( "'I=" , 1\1 L • 1 • 0 • "'ER , P • l N ) IC T F ( I>It k ) ~,... (1 • '2 h • 2 :> 1 l 25 STU!--(, 18 ? "> LO i'JC;:; 1 r.... T < k + ~, • l ) 19 TFll.Uf'JG.GT.1nooO) Gn TO ~l'l L Ol"u=-t_ ONG* l ··; ~>:k\1-l0.0 hO fu cb :iJ 260 l (') '" (1 = I I L 0. "-I(; 24 -=.o co11J 1lrwt:. 25 c Wi-i TTE SU~AMARY r. ~·!II Kf TU.~"' 2b 31 ~' ~ J. TL c6 • 3 3 ) r. ·c; T/\. 1 • L 1\ T ' L o1\1 G , "' '1 f'; F N cY • NP R .1 cT , 27 1 NL! tJftNSIT~t~!RJOlOo 28 3J F 0 H fvi f.I. T ( * S r .AT I \.1r\1 * . fl.. l n, ? I A , ~ ( 2 X , A 1 U ) ) 29 ~EI IH~f\J F IJl..i 31 SUt:HWlJT I Nf f".OM~it N l 32 c T~~ CUMM~NT CAhn ASSUC1ATES ~N Aln wo~u ~ITH A l nR ~ SYMijnL 3J c wH~"' lt;t. SYMA()l IS ~ou~!I" IN ti [)t\T~ FTF'Lr:>. T~F' r.OMMENT !5 Uc;s:n yl\i 34 c I N Hit. L NV J. R I TF. ~. 3b COMM Uf\I / l I NE / L f\1 < J4 0 > , ,JC C 3 f't ) • NJC • 'I l ~ 36 INrEulM HLA~K,CNNT 37 COMMUN/ CMNT S/ (-MtH ( 2 • ?0) • l'ICMNT 38 OAIA bLANK/lOH I 39 c FI\ln ~YMnoL IF • f. (J • 'l S'f , , ) G 0 T 0 l c; 1 51 10 roNTlNUE 52 c AD~ tJt. w C 0 MME ~H 0 l\i T 0 P 53 1 1 f\I C1"i i\J f ;;NCMN T + 1 54 l F l i-..J C.. M~T • GT • ? n ) t--J L ": ~" T=? 0 55 r-..1:NCMNT 56 c 8L~"JI< OLD 57 l~ CM~T<2,N) : HLANK 58 DO 20 ,_i=ltln 59 l\1F=,J~ ( 2) +J 2 0 r. ALL M0 VE ( U·! < f\J F ) d t r. ~~ 1\1 T C ;> • N ) , J , U 61 c RE::>L A<..E SYMBOL 62 CMl·d l l ,N) =Nc::Y~ 63 WRJ. f t:. ( h t 2 5 ) C: MN T ( l t ~ ; ) • CMN T ( 2 • ~1 ) 64 2 5 F O t< MP 1 ( ~ C(J ~ H 1F I\! l •• ' ?. A 1 0 ) 65 C-10 66 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 ~f ~dhN f f~U !:> lJ Uk 0 UT I ~I~ P A R A M ( ~ 1 \ CO ~1 MUN IL IN~ IL. N. ( 1 4 0 ) , . ..IC C3 0 ) • NJCt NL N COl"'ll111Uj\,UPA~A /~iAPHME. (.,. 2. 2r) • SCAL EF (,' ~o l. MtJ~'l T~ ( 3' 20)' l bf~PLl<3t?•2U),NS~P,NSAVNt l LNµU~(2•20l•NPARAM INlt.l1ER GESPLJ co~11V!UN1STAT /l\i$ TAT' L "T 'L o~:G' NAnENCV ~ NPR JCT. 1 NL I I~ t , NS I T F , f\J h l U T 0 ~ • l Ny ...... J\J M0 • N [' y • ~I TTMEt ~ I r" Ep T H .I N!l:. Li t. R C M t-!1 ('OfV1111iUN1CMNT~/l.MNT (2.~0) eMCMNT roMMUN/ t:Xt.c / NE i'-1v1 r<. r •. FHR' fll5C T t ~-JSERCT JN~E::'-'f.R t:1LAt-tK,8LANK'.~ QAIA dLANK,~L~N~S/l~ •lOH FIRST M[MOVE RL~N~~ l'l F =Ll'J I' () S < l , ~: ) ~IL=L i\I p 0 s ( ?. • ~I ) 5 JF ( l 1'1 ( NF ) • l\i r • TF (t-.1F ,Gt..NL. l ~w::Nr + 1 oo ru s ~L Ai\J K ) ~U T() l 0 RETltRf\1 C. lH~: Rt. llJRN IS FOR ALL l~LAN~ 10 JF(LN(~L).NF.RLANK) ~o Tn 15 J. F \ 1·!~-• GE • NL ) RE I U k N r-JL :;\ll. • l GO 1 U 10 C.: ASSllML lHAT A t\lll~RtH R~MAIMC:, CALL 15 t NF:""~+ l DO 2~ K= 1'Nr"~lf\tT C LOJK . tOK MATCH Tn Sl~GLE LETTER JFlKCOM.EQ.r.~NT(ltK,, GO rn 3n 2s co"n l Nut: C ADD ?NU LETTER ~NO TRY AGAIN CALL MOVE no ? 1 t< =i, l\1rM~J'T y~ H M t: (I< 1 , K 2 • ~ ) t i< 2 =1 t ? ) t Kl : l t 3 ) _ 37 \\I FH I t. ( 8 ' 8 3 ) Kc0 M • ( ( Gf sp L r oq •K? • ~I ) • I( ? = , • ? ) • I( pt 1 ' 3 ) , l H , , A l o , 3 ( l H , , 2 A 1n ) , 1H*> C-12 APPENDIX D DESCRIPTION OF DATA FLOW FOR CREEL CENSUS DATA BANK The data from the interview field sheets and climatological data is checked for correct use of vocabulary and sent to keypunch. A permanent file copy of the data is created on magnetic tape, to serve as a .source of input to the program "CREEL". This program performs a number of error check­ing functions, mainly to insure that non-numeric data does not appear in numeric fields, and that the card images appear in the correct order. CREEL also totals the weight and number of fish caught and generates one ENVIR item for each interview with this total information. One additional item is generated for each species of fish caught. If an error is detected in the set of card images representing one inter­view, CREEL writes this set on a file of "bad" data. In many cases, this data can be corrected, using the interactive "EDITOR" program available through the TAURUS timesharing service. Corrected data can then be pro­cessed by CREEL and added to the data bank later. The process of forming a data bank from the ENVIR items is similar to that for the other data banks. D-1 FLOW CHART 5 Data Flow for Creel Census Data Bank ~RUG~AM CREfl (TAPE5,TAPEh:\OO~tTAPF8tTAPE4tOUT?UT=TAPE6\ C$ DATA l~· COMMENTS our, ~NVDATA, ~AO AROUPS coMt-llJN/L I NF" I LN ( 8 0) cor-1MUN A , r can.~> , D ( P n> , F.' t 8 o > IN!fGfR AtB 9 CtUtt IN If:. l:>F R BL.Hit< oAiA HLANK/]H /tNLlNEStNfNVtNERR10.o.01 DA I A ""A•NB.,..,c,Nu.NE/l'\tOtn.0,01 ~Al~ NFLG,NFISHtNd~~.N~T.TFISHNtTrtSHW/O,n.0.0,0.0,0.01 nAIA JAtJ"•,JC.JD/O,".a,01 c N~TE ~SKJP IS Th£ NJM~ER OF LINES TO SKIP · c ALTFR TU FIT RATCH nAIA JCSWtNRATCrltNS~rP,NfMAil-l•ltn•lO/ c JCSW lS NFG Foe SU~MAMv ITE~S ONLY c WR!TtC6tll) NRATr.M l 1 F0 ~ ,.,, ~T ( 0 1 CRE E. L CEN 5lJS c AU~~tt< ALL ARRAv~ 14 rio L::> J=l•8n ACJ>=HLANK " fj(J)=ULANK l''H ..n = BLANK DO L:> K=ltJr. C(..Jtt\):BLANK 15 CONT 1NUE l~ Jc=n c c ~EAU f\J E W L I "'F 20 REA0(5,21) 1.N 21 F'QHM~T(80Al\ JFU:':OF,5) 1A(h25 c c CHECK SKIP 25 NLlNfS:NLINFS+l B A TC Hatt , I 4 ) If lNLI~ES-NSKIP) 20,20t30 ARA~1CH 3 0 I F H.'\J ( 1 ) • EQ • l HA ) G 0 T 0 tF GO TO JFlLN(l).£Q.lHC) (:;Q TU tF.EQ.lHD> GO TO I F l U>J ( l > • EQ • 1HE > G 0 T 0 C ERRJR !F NOT REr.OGNlZEO 34 WR1fE(6t35) NLINESt~N 4 O Sn 60 tin 1 t? 0 35 FOHMAT(* LJNE *•ISt~ NOT NFL.G=9 NEH~=NERR+l c HERE !F A 40 CAL.L CHKC<3.NER> IF tF=LN(J) N81i:NB+l JB=Jti+l . ~ECOGNIZE~••tAOAil 1 2 3 GO Tl-' 20 4 c 5 C HE ~F wl rH C LT"' E 6 ~0 CA~L CriKC(~,NF~) JF ll\Jl:.R) 61,~J ,90 61 JC;Jl..+J "'c=f\il•.~ + ] 10 JF GO T1) 64 11 no t>i J=lt~n 1~ f,? CC-.JtvC)=LN(.J ) 13 r.;o r'J r:, 7 14 C Hf ~r:· tc l l h TOO MAl\IY C' Lr ~,flS 15 6'4 t\IF L(.;:9 rn \a1Rlri:..C6•0S) t-if 17 615 F'Ot- • f-' f" • l H • l A " T 0 7 n 22 6A rn'" 1! r-.iuE 23 $TUr'l 24 C F I \I[) !:> f:. C. UN D 25 70 NF'=N l+l 26 no li N2=NF,k0 27 IF" N(f\!2) .Eo.lHt) G"' rn 74 28 12 co1-.. r i NuE. 29 ~TU._,~ 30 7 4 f\ 1L=r·, ~-l 311 C GET NU~tit:'R 32 r.: AI. l . '°" UMH ( N F , N l • l • ll • ~1 t: R • R N t L l·J ' 33 JFlf\Jl:.R) 76t~f'.78 34 C HE. ~E ! F 13 LAN K 35 7 6 .,i ~ l f E < b t 7 7 ) t-.:L I NE :.; • l "· 36 77 F Ok r..1~\ T C * B L AN t\ F l ~11 N 0 () g WT ' l I NE ~*t I ~ t l )( • 8 0 A 1 ) 37 ~JEkR=NERR+ l 38 f\IFl.b=Q 39 GO TU ?0 40 C*****~.. *~~******* 41 C HF~f !F HAD 42 43 7 8 lr• R! T~ ( 6 t 7~ > NL l NE S•I, r-,1 44 7 9 F Ok r.; l\1 ( .. RA () C01\1 vt: lo( S I 0 N , L HJ E • 4ao t I 5 • 8 0 A 1 ) 45 ~ :F'L..l;=q 46 ~!ft'.E~.1Ht> GU TO A4 52 82 r.or-. rI NUt:: 53 ~TUF-1.:i 54 ·c GET Avt. WT 55 84 ~IL=J• l 56 CALL NUMA(NFtNL•l•V,NERtRWtLN' 57 JF'(Nt.~) 76tA1,,7A 58 86 NWl=~~T+INTcR~~kN) 59 ~IF l Sr-1:NF' I SH + I NT ( ~~' ) 60 c CHEtK FUR NUMEPTr IN HnOKSt FIND 4TH rOMMA 61 NF=.J+ 1 62 PO HH NL=NF.flO 63 JF'(LN(NL) •E'>·lH•) c,n To ~~ 64 BA coN 1 lNUE 65 D-4 66 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 ~O Tll 78 89 NL=f'JL-1 CALL NUMB(NF,~L•l•O-NERtRNtLN) If (NtR) 20,~0,78 c HE ~r w~1 r. ~.! cHK c QFr u RNs 90 ~l[t' =L N ( ..J ) NOi.f-.JlJ+ l .JD=JU+ 1 (-,() TU 20 c HE ~f. •I ~ H E:. 120 CALL CHKC(ln,NE~) Jf (NtR) 12~,1?6•121 "'ER + c HERE wl Tti TOO ~.l\NY COMt-14S, WPITE our ST0RE!1 LPJES ON C ALSO Hf~E WITH NFLG.GT.A 121 •'•l23) 123 FOHMAT(* BAA LlNFS WQITTEN*> ~AD Flu: llj R l rt:. (4' 124) 1?4 FOH~1AT(80Al) NFLl,::0 NBAU•NRAD+] GO TO 190 1~6 ~JE=NE:.+ 1 . c CH~CK FU~ PRES tf Jf(Jt3.Lf.l) tf C HER:'. ; MAKt. BLANK A• B' ( ( C" ( J, K>1J=l,80 >t 1<= l •JC> , 11 t LN OF r,n GO GO GO C Q,d,o,c LTNES To l.;o TO 170 TO l~n T 0 l 1 o LI NE . O O l ~A J =2 • 8 0 128 C(J,=HLANK DO l~~ K=ltS J=~..K+l 129 C(J>=lH• JC=l HE~E ~f lER r,ooo Et CHF.CK NFLG 130 !f(NFLA) l~?tl32tl2, ~RITE [NVIR lTfM SUMMAQy FORM 132 133 134 135 140 142 143 wRJ.H.(9•124> • .t:2,en> wRJ. rL Cih 124> ca •J•2•80> WRJ.T£(8•135) NFI~H,~WT FOHMAT(~ TOTALt*t2CT5tlHe)t* t t *> TflSHN=TFISMN+NFJSH TF!SHW:TFISH~+~O.l> "'FlSrl:so NWl=O WRlTf(8tl24) fi°'HJ) tJw~•80'> WR1TE(6tl43).(LN11T IF JCSw.LT .o 61 148 tF 19n,1so,1sn 62 C WR I TE t UL L ITEMS 63 150 D0 .. 154 K•lt .. JC 64 wRLT E ( 8 ' 1 2 4 ) ( A ( ~J ) ' J IS 2 ' ~0 ) • ( 8 ( J ) ' J =~ •A0 ) .. D-5 66 J wR.l!l(8"J24' (f(J,~) .. ,1=?,An), (ncJ> •J=2,.C\{I) 4 l 5 4 \a4 R.L I' l ' ntl4 1 ) ' L N ( ,j ) • I=2 • R n ) • 1-.J ti A T cH • "·'E 5 ~1EN'':.:t\f ( .L bH n 10 Of l'T F 1-15 n ) 31 ~·' RJ. Tf C 6 • 2 0 1 \ 32 wRl Tt ( 6 t 2 0 3 ) 1"1 L I NE S , 1\1 A , f\I ~ , NC t "l D t NE 33 2 0 3 F O I"< i-1 ~ T ( * RF f\ n .c• d ~ • .,_ L 1 N r: c; "" • r; T 5 ) 34 ~i RJ. rt. (b • ?. 0'i ) Nf Rr~ •N~I< I p • NE N v ' ~J AAD 35 ~0 5 F0 I"( i'1 I' r ( u f pp 0 Rs= 0 • T c; • 4t ~I< t pp F n .... T 5 • *L I l\J F ~ RE f 0 RE '-' p IT T!\fr,~ ,/ 36 l 1h•* ENVTH ITCMS~/•* RAD GQOUPS WRITTEN ON TAPE4= .. tl~\ 9 37 ~p1T~(~•2071 TFlSHN.TFtSHW 38 'd1H FO~l'1~f(~ TOTAL FISH ".jUMRFR~ ... ~.o,o WE!l,HT TN 1. RS=••.nhl\ 39 6 STOP FNU 41 suu~OUflNE r~KClN•NFQ) 42 JNfE~ER COM~A,RLA~K 43 r OM 11 u NIL I NF: I L ~1 ( H 0 ) 44 [>A I /\ C 0 MM A , Rl A I\!!\ I l t-1 , t l H I 45 ~1ft<=ll 46 ,,,c=o 47 c Fl\JD LAST BLANK 48 5. DO lU J=1'Rr, 49 ~=d1-J JflLN(K)eNE.fiLANK) G~ TO 12 51 10 coNTlNUE 52 c PU T ON[ C 0 MM A pJ L A S T Rl AN I< UN LE Sc: THFHE I S nf\1E Al~Rf A 0 Y 53 12 If(Li~(tO.EQ.COMMA) ~n TO 16 54 c NOT cu1"1I·~~ 55 JFlK•Gfe80l ~O TO 3" 55 l(:K+l 57 LNlK):COMMA 58 c C 0 Jl\J T Cl) M ~1 A 59 lb DO ~u J=ltl< !F lLN (J) .EQ.l,OMMI\) "'C=NC+l 61 ?O to1'4l1MUE 62 ?.2 JF(i'-JC-N> 24,15d0 63 c K=!...165 t I-JON BLA~ll< 64 24 t<:I\+~ 65 D-6 66 1 2 3 1F ( ~... . en • 8 0 ) G 0 T0 3 ~: 4 LN 13 roMMUN/SYM~ /Nf) I G ( l 0' • NPF.R. LT' NG T' NA ST' ~.IL~. f\ICO~MA. NHLNK' MT ~lIS' NPLUc; 14 c l"i!S \'\IJ8RUUTJ t\1E TURN::) THE SYMBOLS IN LNLJ) ,J:NF ,NL · c I t\tTU VAl' A S:-P NlJM8f.Q n~IA(NOlG(J)tJ=l•10)/lH0,1HltlH2tlH3tlH4tlH5tlH6t1H7tlH~1lH9 I 17 OA I A NPER1L T,NGT ,NACiT•NL~ 9 f\JCOM~A,~qLNK,~T"Jl'StNPLIJS/ 18 1 lM••lH<•lH>tlH*•lHt,lHtt]H tlH•tlM+/ 19 c I \J·r TLA L I Z E r-.;F.;1\11'\f 2 1 r-.1L =N1~L 22 c T 0 I N ~IJ LAl t: I\ Gl\ I "I S T Cr11\ 1\.1GF~ S I N NF , NL 23 MEt-<~=n 24 VAL:1) • 0 C Ft?ST ~E~OVE ANY BLAN~S F~OM FRONT ANO BAC~ 26 NF=l'Jf-1 27 5 NF=N~+l 28 IF AU TO~ ~·JL=NL+ I 31 10 Nl_=NL-1 32 t F' ( i-J F • G T • NL > G 0 T0 "' 0 33 C ALT EPEU V ER S I 0 N 0 F NlJ Ml~ T 0 GTVE NE~R=• l F 0 Q I\ 1_ t R L AN K 34 IF GO TO 3~ 48 DO z::, K=ltln 49 tF(LNCJ).EQ.NDIGCK)) GO TO 27 ?.5 r,QN Tl NUE:: 51 r,o TO Sb 52 21 VAL= VAL01n.n + FLnATCK-1)53 30 coNllNUE 54 AO TO 50 c HE:RE TU CONVE~T DECIMAL FRACTION 56 35 NF=J•1 57 IF GO TO ~n 58 No=o 59 no 4ti J=Nf tNL "1o=ND+ l 61 no 1i K=1.1n 62 IFlLN(J).EQ.NDIG<~>> GO TO 4~ 63 'H CONTI NUt: 64 GO TO 56 D-7 2 3 4 '.) c r .) 8 Q c 11 c 12 13 14 15 lG 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 4~ VAL.;; VAL+ (!<-l)U(().liJo*i\Jn) 4 A C 0 I~ l JN U t. Hf ~F. ~ I l H VAL • f\I 0 t R k ' MULT TPLY 50 VAL=vAL * S<' RE '! lJtJN ~'6 ~,JfkR= l PEflJhN HE~F 1F ALL BL~NK MOJ~ MA~CH 14, 7? A 0 r>J E'"' ~ : -l PE I UHt\J [ f'Jl.J ? V Sr fi I.f F D-8 APPENDIX E STATE & HOMETOWN OF PERSONS QUESTIONED DURING CREEL CENSUS USERS ON LINE 14 ,0'NO. OF ITEMS IN QUERY RESPONSE= 54,.0'1 NO. OF ITEMS IN THE DATA BANK = 54,0'1 PERCENTAGE OF RESPONSE/TOTAL DATA BANK= 1/ifi.fiJ'fi ALAS FAIRBANKS ARIZ CASHION TUSCON AUSTRIA CALIF FRESNO LOS ANGELES CANADA COLO DENVER FLA MIAMI LAKES ILL CHICAGO EDWARDSVILLE EVANSTON NORTH LAKE PAXTON STREAMWOOD IND BLOOMINGTON EVANSVILLE IOWA DES MOINES SIOUX CITY KAN LAWRENCE LA DE RIDDER NEW ORLEANS MASS BROOKFIELD MEX MATAMOROS E-1 MICH ADRIAN HOLLAND YPSILANTI MINN ST PAUL MO JOPLIN KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS MONT BILLINGS MONTERREY MONTERREY MEXICO NEB BEATRICE NEW JERSEY WEST BERLIN NC CAPE HATTERAS NJ WEST BERLIN OHIO GRANVILLE OKLA ALTUS CARAGEE CARNEGIE CHOCTAW DUKE EDMOND ENID HOLLENVILLE LAWTON MIDWEST CITY MUSTANG OKLAHOMA CITY TULSA SAUDI ARABIA DHAHRAN TENN MEMPHIS TEX ABILINE ALICE AP E-2 ARLINGTON AUSTIN BANDERA BASTROP BEEVILLE BELTON BISHOP BOERNE BRACKENRIDGE BRADY BROWNSVILLE BRYAN BURKBURNETT CALALLEN CALDWELL cc CLEBURNE COLLEGE STATION COMFORT COMMANCHE CONVERSE CORPUS COVE COTULLA DALHART DALLAS DEL RIO DENTON DEVINE TEX DRIPPING SPRINGS DUBLIN D#HANNIS EASTLAND EDINBURG EL CAMPO EL PASO EULESS EVERMAN FALFURRIAS FALL CITY FLOUR BLUFF FORT STOCKTON FREDERICKSBURG FREEMONT FT WORTH FULTON E-3 GALVESTON GARLAND GATESVILLE GEORGETOWN GOLIAD GRAND PRAIRIE GROVES HAMILTON HONDO HOUSTON INGLESIDE IRVING JACKSBORO JOURDANTON KARNES CITY KERRVILLE KILLEEN KINGSVILLE LAGARDO LAMPASAS LAREDO LA COSTE LITTLEFIELD LOCKHART LUBBOCK MARBLE FALLS MARSHALL MATHIS MCALLEN MEXIA MIDLOTHIAN MISSION MT PLEASANT NEW BRAUNFELS NIXON ODEM ODESSA ODUM PA PAWNEE TEX PLEASONTON PORTLAND POST POTEET POTSBURO E-4 GUINLAN REFUGIO REYNOSA RICHARDSON RIO HONDO SAN ANGELO SAN BENITO SAN DIAGO SAN MARCOS SAN SABA SEQUIN SINTON SOMERSET STEVENVILLE STOCKDALE ST. AUGUSTINE TAFT TAYLOR TEMPLE TEXAS CITY THREE RIVERS TU LETA UNIVERSAL CITY UVALDE VICTORIA WACO WAELDER WALNUT SPRING WEATHERFORD WESLACO WICHITA FALLS YORKTOWN VIRGINIA RICHMOND WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON FAYETTEVILLE cc ROME ITALY **END FILE NO. 1 STATISTICS TAPE FILE NO.: 1 HOW MANY HAVE SPECIES, TOTAL AND RESIDENCE ,CC AND NOT RANK ACCESS, UNKNOWN* ,0'HOW MANY HAVE SPECIES, TOTAL AND RESIDENCE, CC AND NOT RANK ACCESS, UNKNOWN* ,0'NO. OF ITEMS IN QUERY RESPONSE = 76 5 NO. OF ITEMS IN THE DATA BANK = 54,0'1 PERCENTAGE OF RESPONSE/TOTAL DATA BANK= 14 .16 E-5 APPENDIX F CREEL CENSUS DATA REASONS FOR FISHING (24) & COMMENTS (25) NO. OF CHARACTERS IN LONGEST STATE: 3 OPTION: NAME NO. OF STATES: 5 NO. OF DELETED STATES: 0 NO. OF DICTIONARY ENTRIES RESERVED: 20 LOS ,DSSA I NOS 5 1851 5 1 2 3 4 5 0 23. RANK WATER NO. OF CHARACTERS IN LONGEST STATE: 14 OPTION: NAME NO. OF STATES: 6 NO. OF DELETED STATES: 0 NO. OF DICTIONARY ENTRIES RESERVED: 20 LOS,DSSA,NOS 6 1871 6 ONLY PIER OPEN 1 2 3 4 5 0 24. RANK OTHER NO. OF CHARACTERS IN LONGEST STATE: 29 OPTION: NAME NO. OF STATES: 106 NO. OF DELETED STATES: 0 NO. OF DICTIONARY ENTRIES RESERVED: 240 LOS ,DSSA,NOS 106 1891 106 BEEN BEFORE BOAT BOOKE : VACATION BOB HALL PIER FULL FIRST TIME FREE FREE + LIGHTED FRIENDS FUN LIGHTED LIGHTED + SAFE NATURE NDMB F-1 NOT AS CROWDED PLAYGROUND FOR KIDS QUIET RECREATION RELATIVES SA.FE SAFE FOR CHILDREN SAFE FOR KIDS SAFE FOR SMALL BOYS VACATION WINTER FISHING 1 1 AREA 1 BEACH 1 BEACHES 1 BOB HALL PIER 1 CABIN HERE 1 COAST 1 ELBOW ROOM 1 ENTERTAINMENT FOR KIDS 1 FAMILY 1 FORMER RESIDENT 1 FREE BEACHES 1 FRIENDS 1 HABIT 1 HOUSE HERE 1 LIGHTED 1 LIGHTED + FREE 1 LIVED HERE BEFORE 1 NIGHT FISHING 1 NOT AS CROWDED 1 OCEAN 1 PLEASURE 1 RELATIVES 1 RELAXATION 1 SIGHTSEEING 1 SMALL TOWN 1 TRYING OUT 1 TRY OUT 1 VACATION 1 VACATION AREA 1 VARIETY 0 F FISH 1 WORK HERE 1 (VACATION) F-2 2 2 AREA 2 BEACH 2 BEACHES 2 COAST 2 FAMILIARITY 2 FORMERLY STAT HERE 2 FORMER RESIDENT 2 FRIENDS 2 HABIT 2 HOUSE HERE 2 PEOPLE 2 RELAXATION 2 SAFE FOR KIDS 2 VACATION 2 (HABIT) 3 3 BEACH 3 BEACHES 3 CLEANER AREA 3 LIGHTED 3 RECOMMENDATION 3 RELATIVES 3 VACATION 4 4 BEACHES 4 FRIENDS 4 VARIETY OF FISHES 5 5 BEACHES 5 FORMER RESIDENT 5 FREE 5 FREE + LIGHTED 5 GALVESTON NOT LIGHTED 5 GET AWAY 5 HABIT 5 LIGHTED 5 LONG PIER + NO OBSTRUCTIONS 5 NEWS 5 NO TRASH ON BOTTOM 5 PRICE CHEAPER 5 QUIETNESS 5 RELATIVES 5 RELAXATION 5 REST F-3 5 SAFE 5 VACATION 5 WOMEN 0 25. COMMENTS NO. OF CHARACTERS IN LONGEST STATE: 39 OPTION: NAME NO. OF STATES: 123 NO. OF DELETED STATES: 0 NO. OF DICTIONARY ENTREES RESERVED: 500 LOS,DSSA,NOS 123 2131 123 ACCESS ROADS IN POOR CONDITION BAFFINBAY BAFFIN BAY FISHERMEN BAIT AND TACKLE TOO EXPENSIVE BEACHES DIRTIER THIS YEAR BEACH RESIDENT BETTER HERE YESTERDAY-WATER WARMER BETTER THAN AVERAGE DAY BLUE WATER NEAR END OF PIER BUOY ; 3 CALM CALM CLEAR CALM WATER CALM + CLEAR CALM + RAINY CAL + CLEAR CAL+ MUDDY CAMPSITES TOO CROWDED CATCH FOR PREVIOUS NIGHT CLEARWATER CROAKERS CAUGHT IN SURF CUMMINGS CUT DOBBS EXTREMELY WINDY FACILITIES CLEANER THAN AT GALVESTON FACILITIES IMPROVED FAVORITE AREA OF COAST FERRY LINES TOO LONG FIN AND FEATHER FISHING BEST IN BAYS FISHING BETTER IN LAGUNA MADRE FISHING IS USUALLY BETTER FISHING WORSE SINCE CELIA FISHING WORSE THIS YEAR FISH FOUND IN GILL NETS F-4 FLYROD ~HARD TO GET LIVE BAIT J JERRYIS MARINA KINGFISHING GOOD ON CHARTER BOATS LAGUNA SHORES ROAD LIKES JETTIES LOTS OF FLOATING SEAWEED LOTS OF SEAWEED MORE BENCHES MORE CHARTER BOAT INFORMATION MORE LIGHTS MORE RESTROOMS BY PIERS MOSQUITOES MOSQUITO CONTROL MUDDY WALK AFTER RAIN NDMB NEAR BAFFIN BAY NEED ARTIFICIAL REEFS NEED LIGHTS AT NIGHT NEED LIGHTS ON JETTY NEED MORE FISHING PIERS NEED MORE LIGHTS NEED MORE PARKING-CAMPING AREAS NEED MORE PUBLIC SHOWERS NEED MORE RESTROOMS NEED RESTROOM FACILITIES NICE PEOPLE HERE NOT ENOUGH CAMP FAC NO BAY SHRIMPERS NO DRINKING WATER ON BEACH NO LIVE BAIT AVAILABLE NO RESTROOMS CLOSE BY + LIMITED PARKING NO SIDEWALKS OR BATHROOM OIL OIL IN CHANNEL OIL ON SURFACE OIL ON WATER OIL SLICK ONLY PIER OPEN PA MORE FISHING ORIENTED THAN GALVESTON PEAT ISLAND PIER CROWDED PIER FISHING WORSE TODAY F-5 PREFERS FISHING ON SOUTH PADRE PREFERS INDIAN POINT PRICES TOO HIGH PROBLEM WITH SURFERS RAINING RAIN SHOWERS REALLY LIKE FISHING HERE REDS THROWN BACK RED AND SPECS IN BAY YESTERDAY RED FISHING POOR THIS YEAR RED THROWN BACK RETIRED HERE ROADS NEED REPAIR ROAD TO OSO BRIDGE IS TERRIBLE ROUGH ROUGH MUDDY ROUGH WATER ROUGH : MUDDY SAIL LINE SEVERAL POMPANO THIS MORNING SHAMROCK BAY SHARK RIGS SPECS AT FISH PASS ('TATIONED AT PORT ARANSAS STRONG CURRENT SUGGEST RENTAL ROWBOATS TOO MUCH REPOSE ON BEACH TOO MUCH TRASH ON BEACH TURBID TURBID-CHOPPY TURBID CHOPPY TURBID + CHOPPY UNUSUALLY BIG MACKEREL WATER LOWER THIS YEAR WATER MUDDY WATER VERY CLEAR WINDY WINDY + ROUGH WORSE IN JULY AND AUGUST 1 3 LARGE SPECS LAST NIGHT 6-FOOT SWELLS 0 26. CODED BY NO. OF CHARACTERS IN LONGEST STATE: 11 F-6 OPTION: NAME NO. OF STATES: 10 NO. OF DELETED STATES: 0 NO. OF DICTIONARY ENTRIES RESERVED: 120 LOS ,DSSA,NOS 10 2631 10 DOBBS DONNA MIGET LITWIN MCNUTT MIGET M. WOLFE NDMB TEXAS TI W"HITE 0 27. BATCH NO. OF CHARACTERS IN LONGEST STATE: 3 OPTION: ORDER NO. OF STATES: 101 FROM 0 TO 100 BY 1 NO LABEL 0 28. SHEET NO. OF CHARACTERS IN LONGEST STATE: 4 OPTION: ORDER NO. OF STATES: 5001 FROM 0 TO 5000 BY 1 NO LABEL OEND* OTOTAL RUN TIME IN SECONDS CENTRAL PROCESSOR: 235 .598 PERIPHERAL PROCESSOR: 0. 000 APPENDIX G GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (CENSUS SHEET) 1. For a given category and situation, try to use a descriptor which is already in the dictionary instead of creating a new one. For ex­ample, for the category position: 11 shore 11 is already in the dictionary; do not use "bank" since for our purposes it means the same as 11 shore". 2. Whenever you find a situation not already defined in the dictionary; create a new descriptor, but be sure to add it to the dictionary. 3. Uniformity in spelling, word order, spacing, and punctuation is neces­ sary. Although "dead shrimp" and 11 shrimp-dead" mean the same thing they would be listed as two separate descriptors in the data bank. 4. The symbols: "," (comma) "and" "or" "for" "with" "not" have special meaning to the ENVIR program. They can't be used within any descriptor. 11 +11 (a) In place of "and 11 , use (plus) 11 11 (b) In place of , (comma) use "-" (hyphen) 5. Any descriptor state not known should be left blank. Commas must be included between all blanks unless at the end of a line. 6. The letter "o" should be written "~". The number "zero" is written normally. The number "one" should be written 1. The number "seven" should be written 7. The letter "zee" should be written 6. 7. Print legibly only in #2 pencil (signatures as well). 8. The following symbols can't be used. & (ampersand) (apostrophe) 9. Any abbreviations may be used as long as they are recorded as such in the dictionary and explained in the appendix. 10. Any category using numeric descriptors will not accept words of any kind. 11. The numeric categories: no. of hours fishing, no. caught, no. kept, and no. of hooks should contain only integer numbers. 12. For the numeric category no. of hours fishing all values less than one hour should be considered one hour. For values greater than one hour: round up if one-half or greater, round down if less than one-half. 13. For the numeric category weight all values are in units of .1 (one tenth) pounds. Thus an entry of 10 would represent a weight of one pound. All values should be an average for all fish of that species caught. 14. For the numeric category no. of hooks: each lure, crab net or treble hook would represent one hook. 15. The category species should contain only the Latin genus and species name, written with only the 1st three letters of the genus and species. 16. Try to specify no. of each species caught on each type of bait, by using separate lines for each type. 17. Commas should be placed at the end of all lines. 18. Make comments brief and relevant to the census. Record them all in the dictionary. 19. The category time of interview will use a 24 hour clock, in 5 minute intervals. 20. Total duration of trip? The appropriate answer to this question involves the total length of this particular outing. In other words, how long will the visitor be away on this trip, from the time he left home till he returns. The answer may be in hours or days. Be sure and note on the survey form whether the number entered is in days or hours. 21. City and county of residence. G-1 This question is relatively self-explanatory. The answer sought is the permanent residence of the visitor. The county of residence is G-2 very important and should be ascertained if at all possible. For out-of-state visitors code the state in the county blank. 22. Type of Outing: Family or Other. TLe question is straightforward. The easiest way to ask the question is "Is this a family outing? 11 If answer is yes, check FAMILY; if no, • check OTHER. Here we are attempting to separate out groups of unre­ lated individuals. 23. Number of persons in party and number under 18. This two-part question is self-explanatory. Number of persons in party includes everyone, even those under 18. In the second blank enter only those under the age of 18. 24. Total expected cost of trip, including food, lodging, bait, and gasoline? This figure should repre sent the approximate total outlay of money by the visitor for this trip. Everything should be included: bait, tackle, rentals, food, gas, etc. The figure should be for the visitor's entire group and not just himself. G-3 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA) 1. The category time will use a 24 hour clock. 2 . All date categories will use numbers only and include month, day, year in that order. 3. The category location should correspond exactly to the location of interview category on the census sheets. 4. The category wind direction will use letter abbreviation (e.g. , NW) and should be as specific as "SSE 11 • 5. The category wind velocity should use knots and approximate to the nearest 5 knots (in multiples of 5) . 6. All temperatures sh:mld be recorded as Farenheit values, with no de­gree (°) symbols used. 7. No words can be used in any numeric category (e.g., 50F is not acceptable) except for #15. 8. All climatological readings will be taken at specified areas. G-4 VOCABULARY (CENSUS SHEET) (1) Location of Interview 1 -Caldwell Pier 1 7 -Marina Madre 2 -City Pier 18 -Ocean Drive 3 -ccsc 3 19 -Oso Bridge 4 -ccsc 7 20 -Oso Pier 5 -Fish Pass 21 -Aransas Pass Causeway 6 -Gulf Beach -City 22 -Fin & Feather 7 -Gulf Beach -IA 23 -Hogan's Ramp 8 -Gulf Beach -1 24 -Mom's Bait Stand 9 -Gulf Beach -2 25 -Redfish Bay 10 -Gulf Beach -3 2 6 -Bahia Marina 11 -PA Jetty 2 7 -Indian Point Pier 12 -PA Marina 28 -Paradise Pier 13 -Station St. Pier 29 -T-head 14 -Bob Hall Pier 30 -L-head 15 -Jerry's Marina 31 -Cole Park Pier 16 -Kennedy Causeway 32 -Portland Causeway Boat Ramp (2) Location Where Fishing Done (Biotope) 1 -Bulkhead 8 -River Mouth 2 -Channel 9 -Shallow Bay 3 -Grassflats 10 -Shallow Gulf 4 -Hypersaline 11 -Shallow Pass 5 -Inshore Gulf 12 -Surf 6 -Oil Platform 13 -Open Gulf 7 -Open Bay 14 -Oyster Reef (3) Position Bridge Boat Jetty Pier Shore Wade (4) Date of Interview Month Day Year 1-12 1-31 1973 1974 G-5 (5) Time of Interview 0005 -2400 (5 minute intervals) (6) No. of Hours Fishing 1-128 (integers) (7) Species Carcharhinu s falciformis Carcharhinus leucas Carcharhinus lumbatus Rhizoprionodon terraenovae Sphyrna lewini Sphyrna tiburo Raja texana Dasyatis sabina Dasyatis sayi Lepisosteus spatula Elops saurus Megalops altantica Anguilla rostrata Ophichthus gomesi Gymnothorax ni.gromarginatus Brevoortia patronus Synodus foetens Galeichthys fe lis Bagre marinus Opsa.nus tau Centropomu s undecimalis Epinephelus migritus Epinephelus itajara Pomatomus saltatrix Rachycentron canadum Caranx hippos Caranx crysos Oligoplite s sauru s Trachinotus carolinus Lutjanus campechanus Lutjanus jocu Rhomboplites aurorubens Conodon nobilis Archo sargu s probatocephalus Lagodon rhomboide s Bairdiella chrysura Cynoscion arenarius Cynoscion nebulosus Cynoscion nothus Leiostomus xanthurus Sciaenops ocellata Menticirrhus littoralis Menticirrhus americanus Micropogon undulatu s Umbrina coroides Menticirrhu s saxatilis Chaetodipterus faber Mugil cephalus Polydactylus octonemus Trichiurus lepturus Scomberomorus cavalla Scomberomorus maculatus Prionotu s tribulus Paralichthys lethostigma Paralichthys albigutta Balistes capriscus Aluteru s schoepfi Lagocephalus laevigatus Chilomycterus shoepfi Eel Seriola dumerili Trachinotus falcatus Lutjanus griseus Lutjanus analis Lobotes surenamensis Orthopristis chrysoptera G-6 Number caught 1-500 Number kept 1-500 Weight 1-15000 No. of Hooks 1-250 Bait 1 -Chicken 2 -Cut Bait 3 -Dead Shrimp 4 -Dead Mullet 5 -Eel 6 -Jig 7 -Fish heads 8 -Goldspoon 9 -Hootie l 0 -Live Mullet 11 -Live Shrimp 12 -Lure 13 -Plastic worms City of Residence SA -San Antonio CC -Corpus Christi PA -Port Aransas AP -Aransas Pass Ft W¢'rth (9) County ( 1 O) Days Per Year Fish in 0 -366 (11) Days Per Year Fish in 0 -366 14 -Plastic worm-red 15 -Plastic worm-white 16 -Plastic worm-yellow 17 -Plastic worm-orange 18 -Plastic worm-pink 19 -Ribbonfish 20 -Silverspoon 21 -Spec Rig 22 -Squid 2 3 -Mirror Lure 24 -Live pinfish 2 5 -Bingo lure Salt Water Fresh Water G-7 (12) Salt or Fresh Water Preference S -Salt F -Fresh N¢' -N¢' Preference G-8 VOCABULARY (climat¢'1¢'gical data) (1) M¢'nth 1-12 (2) Date 1 -31 (3) Year 1973 1974 (4) L¢'cati¢'n (same as on census sheets) ( 5) Wind Directi¢'n N E s w NNE ESE SSW WNW NE SE SW NW ENE SSE WSW NNW ( 6) Wind Velocity 5 25 45 65 10 30 50 70 15 35 55 75 20 40 60 80 (7) Cl¢'ud C¢'ver 1 -Cl¢'udy 3 -Clear 5 -St¢'rm 2 -Hazy 4 -Rain 6 -Partly Cl¢'udy ( 8) Bar¢'meter reading (9) Air Temp 0 -125 (1 O) Water temp 0 -125 G-9 (11) Tidal Fl¢'w R - Rising F - Falling S - Slack (12) No. of Pe¢'ple Fishing 0 -500 ( 13) No. of Pe¢'ple Interviewed 0 -500 ABBREVIATION APPENDIX SA = San Ant¢'ni¢' CC = C¢'rpu s Christi PA =-P¢'rt Aransas AP Aransas Pass Tex -· Texas Approved Common Name Atlantic Croaker Atlantic Cutlassfish Atlantic Sharpnose Shark Atlantic Spadefish Atlantic Stingray Atlantic Threadfin Barred Grunt Bighead Searobin Blackedge Moray Blacktip Shark Black Drum Bluefish Blue Crab Blue Runner Bonnethead Bull Shark Cobia Crevalle Jack Dolphin Fine scale Menhaden Florida Pompano Gafftopsail Catfish Gray Snapper Greater Amberjack Great Barracuda Gulf Kingfish Gulf Toadfish King Mackere1 Ladyfish Least Puffer Northern Kingfish Oyster Toadfish Pigfish Pinfish Red Drum Red Snapper Roundel Skate Sand Drum Sand Seatrout Scalloped Hammerhead Sea Catfish Sheepshead Local Common Name Croaker Ribbonfish Sharpnose Shark Spadefish Stingray Threadfin Barred Grunt Searobin Moray Eel Blacktip Shark Black Drum Bluefish Blue Crab Blue Runner Bonnethead Shark Bull Shark Ling Jackfish Dolphin Menhaden Pompano Sail cat or Gafftop Gray Snapper Amberjack Barracuda Whiting Dogfish Kingfish Skipjack Puffer Whiting Dogfish Piggy Perch Pin Perch Redfish Red Snapper Skate Sand Drum Sand Trout Hammerhead Shark Hardhead Sheepshead Latin Name Micropogon undulatus Trichiurus lepturus Rhizoprionodon terraenovae Chaetodipterus faber Dasyatis sabina Polydactylus octonemus Condon nobilis Prionotus tribulus Gymnothoras nigromarginatus Carcharhinus limbatus Pogonias cromis Pomatomus saltatrix Callinectes sapidus Caranx crysos Sphyrna tiburo Carcharhinus leucas Rachycentron canadum Caranx hippos Coryphaena hippuru s Brevoortia gunteri Trachinotus carolinus Bagre marinus Lutjanus Griseus Seriola dumerili Sphyraena barracuda Menticirrhu s littoralis Opsanus beta Scomberomorus cavalla Elops saurus Sphoeroide s parvus Menticirrhus saxatilis Opsanus tau Orthopristis chrysoptera Lagodon rhomboides Sciaenops ocellata Lutjanus campechanus Raja texana Umbrina coroides Cynoscion arenarius Sphyrna lewini Galeichthys felis Archosargus probatocephalus G-11 Approved Common Shortfin Mako Silver Perch Skipjack Tuna Smooth Puffer Southern Flounder Southern Kingfish Southern Stingray Spanish Mackerel Spotted Seatrout Striped Mullet Tripletail Shark sp. Sharksucker Eel Hermit Crab Searobin Name Local Common Name Mako Shark Silver Trout Tuna Puffer Flounder Whiting Stingray Spanish Mackerel Speckled Trout Black Mullet Tripletail Shark Sharksucker Eel Hermit Crab Searobin Latin Name Isurus oxyrinchus Bairdiella chrysura Euthynnus pelamis Lagocephalus laevigatus Paralichthys lethostigma Menticirrhus americanus Dasyatis americana Scomberomorus maculatus Cynoscion nebulosus Mugil cephalus Lobotes surinamensis Carcharhinus sp. Echeneis naucrates Eel Hermit Crab Prionotus sp. G-12 APPENDIX H REFERENCES FOR TABLE VI-5 1 Calabrese, A. 1972. How some pollutants affect embryos and larvae of American oyster and hard-shell clam. Mar. Fish. Rev. 34 (11-12): 66-77. 2 Butler, P. A. 1964. Commercial fishery investigations. In: Pesticide wildlife studies, 1963. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. · Circular 199. p. 5-28. 3 Daugherty, F. M. 1951. Effects of some chemicals used in oil well drilling on marine animals. Sewage and Industrial Wastes. 23(10):1285-1287. 4 Eisler, R. 19 6 9. Acute toxicities of insecticides to marine decapod crustaceans. Crustaceana. 16:302-310. 5 Shuster, C. N. and B. H. Pringle. 1969. Trace metal accumulation by the American eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 59:91-103. 6 Butler, P. A. 1966. The problem of pesticides in estuaries. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 95(4 suppl.):110-115. 7 Butler, P.A. 1966. Pesticides in the marine environment and their effects on wildlife. J. Appl. Ecol. 3 (suppl.): 2 5 3-25 9 . 8 Broad, A. C. 1964. Environmental requirements of shrimp. Biol. Prob. in Water Pollution. USDHEW-PHS. Publ. No. 999-WP-25. p. 86-91. 9 Bookhout, C. G., et al. 1972. Effects of Mirex on the larval development of two crabs. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1:165-180. 10 Bryan, G. W. and L. G. Hummerstone. 1971. Adaptation of the polycheate Nereis diversicolor to estuarine sediments con­taining high concentrations of heavy metals. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., U. K. 51 :845-863. 11 Hansen, D. J. , et al. 1971. Chronic toxicity, uptake and retention of Arochlor 1254 in two estuarine fishes. Bull. Environ. Contam. Tosicol. 6(2):114-119. H-1 12 Friend, M. , et a 1. 19 7 3 . DDE: Interference with extra-renal salt excretion in the mallard. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 9 (1) :49-53. 13 Epifanio, C. E. 19 71. Effects of dieldrin in seawater on the develop­ment of two species of crab larvae, Leptodius floridanus and Panopeus herbstii. Marine Bio. 11 (4) :356-362. 14 Epifanio, C . E. 19 7 2 . Effects of dieldrin-contaminated food on the development of Leptodius floridanus larvae. Marine Biology. 13 (2) : 2 9 2 -2 9 7 • 15 Duke, T. W., et al. 1970. A polychlorinated biphenyl (Arochlor 1254) in the water, sediment and biota of Escambia Bay, Fla. Bull. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 5(2):171-180 . 16 Harriss, R. C., D. B. White and R. B. Mcfarlane. 1970. Mercury compounds reduce photosynthesis by plankton. Science. 170(3959):736-737. 17 Eisler, R. 1965. Some effects of a synthetic detergent on estuarine fishes. Trans. Arner. Fish Soc. 94 (1): 26-31. 18 Hemens, J. and R. J. Warwick. 1972. The effects of fluoride on estuarine organisms. Water Research. 6(11):1301-1308. 19 Davis, H. C. andP. E. Chandley. 1956. Effects of some dissolved substances on bivalve larvae. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 46:59-74. 20 Nimmo, D. R., et al. 1971. Toxicity and distribution of Arochlor 1254 in the pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum. Marine Biology. 11 (3) : 19 1-197 . 21 Parrish, P.R., etal. 1972. EffectsofArochlor 1254, a PCB, on oysters, Crassostrea virginica. ASB Bull. 19(2):90. 22 Modin, J.C. 1969. Residues in fish, wildlife and estuaries. Pestic. M onit. J. 3: 1-7 . 23 Marvin, K. T., C. M. Lansford and R. S. Wheeler. 1961. Effects of copper ore on the ecology of a lagoon. Fishery Bull. Fish and Wildl. Serv., U. S., Circular 184:153-160. H-2 24 Price T. J. 1964. Accumulation of radionuclides and the effects of radiation on molluscs. Bio. Prob. in water pollution. USDHEW­P HS Pub. 999-WP-25. p. 202-210. 25 Rabin, E. H. and F. C. Schwartz. 1972. The pollution crisis--official documents. Oceana Pub. New York. 26 Rabin, E. H. and F. C. Schwartz. 1970. Ocean dumping--a national policy. Rept. to the President by the Council on Environmental Quality. 2 7 Collier, A., S. Ray and W. B. Wilson. 1956. Some effects of specific organic compounds on marine organisms. Science. 124(3214):220. 28 Clarke, G. L. 1947. Poisoning and recovery in barnacles and mussels. Biol. Bull. 92:73-91. 2 9 Shuster, C. N. and B. H. Pringle. 1968. Effects of trace metals on estuarine molluscs. Proc. First Mid-Atlantic Indust. Waste Conf., Univ. Delaware. CE-5:285-304. 30 Lowe, J. I., et al. 1971. Chronic exposure of oysters to DDT, toxaphene and parathion. Proc. Nat. Shellfish.. Assoc. 61:71-79. 31 Loosanoff, V. L. 1962. Effects of turbidity on some larval and adult bivalves. 14 Proc. Gulf and Carribb. Fish. Inst. p. 80-94. 32 Calabrese, A. and H. C. Davis. 1967. Effects of "soft" detergents on embryos and larvae of the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Proc. Nat. Shellfisheries Assoc. 57:11-16. 3 3 Cabrera, J. 1971 . Survival of the oyster_g_. virginica in the laboratory under the effects of oil drilling fluids spilled in the Laguna de Tamiahua, Mexico. Gulf Research Reports, 3(2):197-214. 34 Lowe, J. I. 1965. Chronic exposure of blue crabs, C. sapidus to sublethal concentrations of DDT. Ecology. 46 :899-900. 35 Odum, W. E., G. M. Woodwell and C. F. Wurster. 1969. DDT residues absorbed from organic detritus by fiddler crabs. Science. 164:576-577. 3 6 Gardner, G. R. and G. LaRoche. 1973 . Copper induced lesions in estuarine teleosts. J. Fish. Res. Bd. of Canada. 30(3):363-368. H-3 37 Eisler, R. 19 70 . Latent effects of insecticide intoxication to marine molluscs. 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