News Coverage by a Competent Staff r f University Students Makes THE DAILY TE XAN the Complete Medium News of Campus Happenings PHONE IT IN N e w s----------- Circulation .........____ ____ ______....23164 ©lie Ii axin (Fox an r 9181-61 After IO P. M. — _____________ 9187 ....._____________ 23164 ..23164 Classified Ads Display Ads ___ The Weather For A ustin and vicin ity : F riday, fa ir w ith n ot much ch an ge in tem p era tu re. The f in t College Daily in the South AUSTIN, TEXAS,* FRI DAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1928. SIX PAGES TODAY P L A N T W O -S T O P F L IG H T T O C H IN A v o l u m e xxx INVITATION T 0 REUNION SENT BY PRESIDENT C o m m ittee U rg es E xes T o G a th e r on T h an k sg iv in g TWO-DAY PROGRAM S tu d en ts, F acu lty , an d A lu m n i to Join A s H osts To stim ulate interest among the ex-students of the University in the general two-day reunion fo r ex-students on Thanksgiving day, wfrich is being put on by the students and officers of the Uni­ versity, President H. Y. Benedict has issued an official invitation for the event. Signatures of stu­ dent and ex-student officers are included on the invitations. Copies of the invitation which have been mailed to ex-students in all parts of the country read as follows: B i e n n i a l R e c e p tio n E x t r a o r d i n a r y F o r T e x a s E x e s a n d A n n e x e s Reception—Negro serenaders; refreshm ents. Main Building 8 to IO p. rn. Thanksgiving evening. Dancing — Woman’s Building and Gymnasium IO p. rn. 'till deans stop it. Waldeman’s St. Anthony Hotel orchestra, and Steve Gard­ n er furnishing music. Hosts and hostesses— A hun­ dred, more or less, student offi­ cials, including Orange Jackets and Cowboys. A large percentage of the fac­ ulty, of various sorts and sizes. The entire Ex-Student Associa­ from tion Austin official staff, jan ito r up. Soldiers, deans, sari ors, tutors, peasants, and prexies. “ Every other year, a fte r the Thanksgiving game in Austin, is the best time for the greatest number of Texas exes to gather a on the old campus and have good time together. A special e ffo rt is being made to make the 1928 gathering better than th at of 1926. Those of us making the e ffo rt will have our feelings hurt if the Texas exes do not come by tens and dozens and scores. “ The faculty will be there— also specimens of the present student body, who will not care if, in the the enthusiasm of the meeting, 'exas exes tell them they are not what they used to be when here! Signed: Bill McGill, president of the Ex-Students’ Association; Byron Skelton, president of the Students’ Association; H. Y. Benedict, president of the Uni­ a versity of Texas; composing tem porary, not eternal triangle and invitation committee. Countersigned by John A. Mc­ Curdy, secretary of the Ex-Stu­ dents’ Association; Katherine Roekafellow, secretary Students’ Association, and C. D. Simmons, secretary of the Board of Re­ entry. i lOTHER OF TEXAS GRID STAR DIES VB I m rs. Floyd McCullough, mother J jo h n “ Pottie” McCullough, ~ p n t and form er all-conference f f e r in 1927, died Monday e ft­ soon at her home in Waco. McCullough is a second year student in the School of Law. He received letters in 1925-26 and in ’27, and is a mem­ ber of Friars and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. football in Mrs. McCullough was buried in Waco Tuesday morning. COURSES ENTERED IN GRADE BOOKS The work of entering names t a [of courses in grade book* been started, preparatory to get- out first semester reports, cording to information from the itrar’s office. Al! students who have not aJ- lady turned in their grade books urged to do m at once by igiHirer E. J. Mathews. Sit HORS PULPITS SUNDAY I Dr. A. L Antick, pastor of the University Baptist Church, will ea­ tage pulpits with Dr* George rn, paster of t a U t i l Bap- the Church of Austin, for l l tday morning sendee at look. Regular Sunday school a t 9:45 rises will begin ■Jjm SsSsiSitSs S a tu rd a y Is L ast C h an ce to O b tain S tu d e n ts ’ T ick ets Saturday is positively the last day fo r students to get tickets to the Texas-A. & M. game on their blanket taxes without extra charge, accord­ ing to Wiley E. Glaze, of the athletic departm ent. A fter Saturday night all ticket sales will be for general taxes admission and blanket a will be worth only I t on ticket. Ticket sales the mixed section opened Thurs­ day, Glaze stated. in Ticket sales Thursday total­ ed $2,112.50, almost doubling total of $1,100. W ednesday’s Tickets amounting about to $50,000 have been sold at the office of the Athletic Council and about $25,000 at College Station. B. B. A. TO GIVE FALL BANQUET ON DECEMBER 6 T ic k e ts W ill Be Sold B y E xecutive C ouncil The School of Business Admin­ istration will hold a fall semester banquet Thursday night, Decem­ ber 6, a t 7 o’clock at the Driskill Hotel, according to Homer Luther, chairman of arrangements. Tickets will be placed on sale in a few days and can be secured from Miss Kathryn Bramlette in Dean J. A. Fitgzerald's office, room 109 B. Hall, or from any member of the School of Busi­ ness Adm inistrative Executive Council, which body is sponsoring the banquet. The council mem­ bers arc: Wayne Haines, Homer Luther, William Jeffers, Hugh Jew ett, Elliot Stevens, Carl Jo- kusch, Charles Jostes, Frances W aechter, /Jena Hildinger, and Frank Holloway. An interesting and varied pro­ gram is being planned, the pro­ gram committee has announced. The School of Business Admin­ istration will have two banquets this year, the second one being held some tim e in the spring. As last year, all students in other schools who plan to enter the School of Business Administration are invited to attend. students ordinarily “ Because spend only in the two years School of Business Adm inistra­ tion, and due to the fact th a t these two years are considered the most im portant and active years of their college career, it is very desirable th a t the students plan­ ning to e n te r the School of Busi­ ness Admiinstration get acquaint­ ed with the school and its fac­ ulty as soon as possible,” said Dr. Fitzgerald, dean of the school. t — o------------- SCHOOL EDITORS INVITED TO MEET honorary Sigma Delta Chi, journalistic fraternity fo r men, has sent out 119 questionnaires to high schools over the state th at edit high school papers. The stu­ dents were asked the name of their paper, questions concerning their circulation, they would like to join the conference of high school papers which was organized a t the University last spring. and if Dewitt C. Reddick, instructor in a n ­ journalism, stated swers bael been received and that all of these expressed a desire to join the conference. that 23 There are 30 members of the conference who joined when the association was first organized. Sample issues of the various pa­ pers will be entered in journalism contests in which prizes will be awarded. GLEE CLUB TO LEAVE DEC. I ON FALL TOUR G ro u p Will A p p e a r in N o rth T ex as C ities 38 TO MAKE TRIP C .I.A ., H o w a rd P ayne, A n d B aylor on S chedule Touring the central Texas, Men’s Glee Club will leave De­ cumber 7 or lta fall trip, accord- ing to John A. Guinn, manager. Each fall, the club, recognized as one of the leading musical organ­ izations of Texas, tours some sec­ tion of the state and presents a special program. Towns included on the itinerary for this year are Fredericksburg, Brownwood, Abilene, Mineral Denton, W eatherford, Wells, Hillsboro, and Belton. In sev­ eral of these towns, the Glee Club will have as its audience the stu­ dent body of a college, as Howard Payne College a t Brownwood, the College Industrial Arts a t Denton, and Baylor College at Belton. the trip Members of the club who will make are: Gilbert Schramm, director; John Guinn, m anager; Otho M. Stubblefield, president; second basses: Frank Brooks, Cl laster Lee Coleman, Kenyon M. Douglass, William A. Dyer, Edgar A. Pfeil, M. Sheila Mullings. First basses: Lynn A. Bigler, Billy Huffman, Alexander Lillico, Horace G. O’Kain, Jr., Robert M. Sheck. Second tenors: John M. Carroll, Raymond Fitch, W. S. Tomme, R. L. Knapp, C. L. Turbeville, Lamar Hunt. First tenors: Stanley Addington, Jam es Green, Frank H. Whitney, Chester Cawlfield, Irving Nathan, and Wray Ryan. Alternates for the trip are: J. B. Crow, Jr., Gover C, Emerson, John H. Railton, John Storm, John Fielding, Valentino Ditta, Robert M. McKee, Raymond Pe­ terson, J. Robert Coltharp, and Henry HolLimon. _ _ o ------------- FIVE ARE INITIATED INTO FENCING FRAT Alpha chapiter of Omega Delta, national honorary fencing fratern ­ ity, held cadet service of the ini­ tiation ceremonies Thursday night for the following m en: Francis Holt, Cf. G. Passmore, J. C. Mc- Cutcheon, II. R. McDaniels, and Ford Green. Among the old mem­ bers of the fraternity taking ac­ tive part in the cadet initiation were Homer Luther, William Kess­ ler, and E. B. Craig. The musketeer service is to be held Monday night a t 7 o’clock when the initiates will receive their formal initiation. In accordance with the custom neo­ of the fraternity, the five phytes will carry rapiers while on the campus Friday, and when two or more of them meet, they will is engage in duel until a point scored. WALTHER LEAGUE PRESENTS DRAMA A second performance of “Pro­ moting Romeo,” a three-act com­ edy drama was given last night a t the Lutheran Concordia College by the Austin W alther League. The entire cast of the play is composed of University students and ex-students with the exception of three non-students. The first performance was given filled th^, to capacity to an audience th at college auditorium Tuesday night. RUTH TO CIVE LECTURE ON PHARMACEUTICAL Dc. Robert J, Ruth, chief of tha professional service division, E. R. Squibb* and Sons, New T ort City, will combine two o f hie IL lust rated talks, “Sunshine from the Sea” and “Hew S e ta e* Aids In Controlling Infectious Dis­ lec­ eases,” ture to be p m t in t a tonight at 7:45 o’clock in K Hail. cod-liver oil apd vitamines; the other portrays the predaeiiea and standardization of earn ma, anti­ toxins, vaccines, and gnmalar me­ dicinal products. Dr. Ruth pre­ sented Urn film on OH just recently at Northwestern University at i n s t a t e of the Chemistry of the American Chem­ ical Society. illustrated into one mm K t ner.i.-i...,vW- One of the I urns deal? with Tim t a u t * O il R oyalties on U. of T L and T o ta l $1 I 9,076 in O cto b er Oil royalties from University lands for the month of October, total $119,076. The total amount derived is from royalties up to date $9,654,719. The following amounts were paid by the companies last month: Sims, $5,972; Quin- $3,361; Atlantic. $5,919; Quin­ lan, $6,958; Texon, $18,131; Kelley, $ J ; Humble, $10887; Big Lake, $57,844. ORIGIN ATOR OF U.T. B I L L I S 76 THURSDAY No. 56 gJBflg MDONALD JURY IN DEADLOCK OVER EVIDENCE No V e rd ic t R eached in Six a n d O ne-half Flours UNABLE TO AGRI P ollard, B enedict a n d C la rk L eave F o r H om e Special to Tho D a ly Texan PARIS, Nov. 22— Possibility th at the McDonald will suit, which has been in progress here nearly four weeks, would end w ith th o to ­ jury deadlocked loomed here night when foreman sen t the word to Judge Newman Phillips that it would be unable to reach a Judge Phillips verdict left for his home in Cooper, Texas, 30 miles away, with instructions to the sheriff to notify him when the ju ry had reached a verdict on the evidence of the case. tonight. The communication th at it had not so fa r been able to agree came a fte r six hours of delibera­ tion on whether the late Paris financier had testam entary capa­ city when he bequeathed more than $1,000,000 to the University of Texas for an astronomical ob­ servatory. A ttorney General Claude Pol­ lard and Assistant Allen Clark left for Austin Thursday after­ noon, while President H. Y. Bene­ dict of the University and Dean I. P, Hildebrand of the law faculty lef£ later in the afternoon. KUEHNE TALKS ON PHILOSOPHY NEED “ One of the greatest needs among American physicists today is a knowledge of philosophy,” on “Theory and Fact” at the meet- said Dr. J. M. Kuehne in his talk ing of the Philosophy Club last n ig h t Physicists are inclined t% statements as "facts think of which may be proved by theories. Tho attitude of past physicists of the “classical age” was that time and space were absolute anc! independent of each other, b u t events occurred in both. By this this theory time on Mara was the same as on earth. The subject m atter was divided into dynam­ ics under which came length, time, mass, charge, magnetism, and tem perature. In the “ romantic period” came the theory of inter-relativity by and space were inseparable. How* which it was shown that tim e and ever, it is more simple to teach centrifugal force; therefore, only advanced students work with sol* ativity. There has been a movement lately against mechanical models but only the German physicists have been able to do without them to any g reat extent. the of Dr. At talk, questions, critic Ku rim e’s cistus, and suggestions were of* feted by members of t a club. conclusion STUDENT OVERCOME IN ROOM BY GAS Virgil H. Herald, who was found .seriously ill lade yesterday after­ noon in bbl gas-filled room at 1211 Parkw ay, was recovering satiaftc- torily last night at S e t a ’s Infirm­ ary and will su ffer no a o r ta l e f ­ fects from Hie n ear-asphyxia tio n, according to a report from Dr. C. P. Hardwick?, head- of t a Univer­ sity Health Service. Herald, it wan said, was found by frieada e t a in his room rushed him to S e t a ’s where pan' suscitation was successful. A gas jet had been left-epe This year marks the ary celebration of John ration birth in f i b t . tercenten- r n colation! the B ib l| lated inic „ STEERS START HEAVY WORK AGGIE STARS ** ■ • | , . - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1928. \ 1 SSI I i v c t t ' l i t d l U C T l C v ; t!' s i s i sy*% S ' s * i or eatinK Place* wiH not *>e J with another team for a j Rule Formed By League Members A new residence rule was form ­ ulated to cover participation in basketball games a t a m eeting of the official- of the intram ural in­ dependent league yesterday a fte r­ noon in the Y. M. C. A. building. In effect-, the rule provides th at man who changes his res alane period of two weeks. Swimming and horseshoe pitch­ to the list of ing were added ; ports, which last year included basketball, handball, tennis, track, and baseball. A C A D E M B A S K E T E E R P R O S P E C T S T O M E E T to Academic student? wishing try out for the intram ural try out for the intram ural bas­ the ketball squad will meet freshman gymnasium Friday at 6:45 o’clock, according to Karl Tanner, manager. at R i f f * \ rsv-r. 7 1 6 C O N G R E S S A V E RICHTER CAPI. BARTL E n S A W RD A T S Swarthmore at Rutgers. Lehigh at Lafayette, I Connecticut Aggies a t Boston j College. | I Lave rf ©rd at Delaware, i Buck ne]} at Dickinson. I Bethany at Dusquene, ! Providence a; Holy Cross. H obart a t Rochester. Pacific Coast Stanford a t California. idaho at Southern California. Montana at Oregon. Lin field at Washington. South Louisiana College at Talane. Oklahoma Baptist a t A rkansas. W ilberforce at Tennessee State. Frank and Ernest W#*t Darmouth at Northwestern Minnesota a t Wisconsin Ohio Stat:* a t Blin ok. Indiana at Purdue. Iowa at Michigan. Coe at Beloit. Kansas at Missouri, North Carolina State at Michi­ gan State, Oklahoma Aggies at Oklahoma, Iowa State at Drake. Western Reserve at Case. Muskingum at Dayton. Rose Poly a t Evansville. Creighton at Grinnell. Nebraska Wesleyan al Haskell. Cornell College at Lombard. Denison at Ohio University. W ittenberg a t Ohio Wcsiyean West Virginia Wesleyan ut St. Xavier. Upper Iowa a t Simpson, East Nebraska at Army. Harvard at Yale. Carnegie Tech vs, New York at Pittsburgh. phia. New York. Princeton vs. Navy a t Philadel­ Georgetown vs. Fordham at Rhode Island at Brown. We Fit Both The Foot and the Purse ENNA JETTICK’S Health Shoes Cinderella Slipper Shop IDI E. 6th _ STANLEY ERSKINE RETURNS TO TEXAS Stanley Krskine, form er Uni­ versity student, ha* returned to Texas from New York where he has been writing sports, for. the United Press service. “ Touchdown!” -here'* a brogue that hit© th* lino for a big gain ©vary time -now modified too, now wing tip, ai! ’cathar heel* •—full of pop and style • • a College Prom! Chuck fuli of The TOUCHDOWN as rn touchdown Plenty hoi! In nut brown, and bloc* cdU-«h»n. SHINES P la in ..... Cream ... 1 0 c e r r 4 c o n c r e w B ea co n Shoe^ I or women ii ell seasonable stales .md mal trials Hosiery, tool f TH EY T o o k SIK BOLUS C O U L D HAVE FO R C ED A f A AID SEVC/UTH HOLLI DO V O O OUT fi\ Ai D O W U F R O m GLE PHftCfT FRAN K ? YOO D o A/ T E R .N £ S T — YOU C rET DO GOW FROM A d u c k ! f i v e F l i v v e r s im S i n g l e F i l e C R C . S S l M G a “B R I D G E . . . W H A T T i M e IS I T ? T I N A F T E R T i n You MGAM IO tSTAMp OUI IM f r o n t c r This /nTglu g e n r; * A U D IEN CE A iuD T e l l You H EU ? Yes UR outre'S ;j4A0 ,eT ti Tv, & j HA Nip FOR Asg H O U R "— L A G T n i g h t ? . J f i e 5 H e ’0 HAVE KILLE D " ' 4 fv\E= f By BRIGGS IF T he C a t PU T HE R K T T 6 MS HO T n e O V EN, VON AT WOULD Th e y S e 9 615- KITS Follow* m e c l o s e l y F RANK . WHY IS A n o l d g o l d C i g a r e t t e U K E A HARD B o i t e D s c o t ' 7 Y e s , B o y s , THAR'5 G O LD i n t h e m THAR P I L L S * ---------------- CONFERENCE STANDING T a u . .......... Arkansas SJfLU. T.C.U. Baylor Uh*© . . . . . . . . . p. W. L. T. Pet. o .goo I 5 4 0 .75© I . . . . 4 I i je ts 4 2 0 .SOO I 4 0 SOO 2 4 I .375 2 4 4 0 .OOO 4 3 2 2 2 I a i H A U E R Mentor Stresses Speed In Pre •season Practice Coach Fred Walker has clamped the lid down on his cagers, and is putting them through the harden work they have ever done this early In the season. Each a fte r­ noon at 2 o’< lock, he gathers hie would-be basketball stars in the Freshman Gymnasium. A squad of some 15 men report daily for some of the -tiffest workouts handed any team, The Thanksgiving games will b t the best of the year for every •cho©?. The Texas-Aggiev game Walker is stressing speed more in Austin will draw the largest than anything else right now. crowd in history, while the T. C. Speed in dribbling, speed in pass­ U.-S. M. ti. clash in Dallas will ing and move speed in covering rank second in drawing power. the floor is what Is hammered a t The Baylor-Rice tilt at Houston will hardly draw a record-breaker, j the men from the time they gust un but then the Houston fans will I tb€ floor until the leave, fill the stands. The Texas-A. A the M. game ha? always been main event in the southwest on Thanbigiving day. _ - -- as they groom The work is petting heavier and heavier. Each afternoon has seen Hm Texas mentors bear down a bi. winier than they did the day before, their charge* for the Aggie-'., Yester­ day a pass defense was the sub­ ject of nearly aa hour’s work, This came after the squad had been running signals for over an bour The frosh came over a n i displayed Aggie plays the belief it of Varsity. for sate Texan has four men and possibly all more this year who will in probability «li-f. onference honors. Curdy Brown, Bill Ford, Mac Burnett and Dusty Rho ad are the four most likely to get the lack Cowley, ratings, while Big Harry Phillip*, Tex Hughes and Rufus King will all get mention from tho various expert*. Red W ray and Dexter Shelley would have made anybody's atl-confer- ©nee had they not been forced out This year Texas will play her home games in the gymnasium of the Texas silent*. Tins gymna­ sium has ©ne of the best basket­ ball floors in the .South, but the seating capacity Is rather small, seating only about six hundred persons a t one time, and the more important conference games will the neighborhood of draw 3,bOO fans. in ­ crease the seating capacity of the gymnasium before season ope na. It is hoped to the in low. Coach W alker is using a unique method of teaching his men to He has stretched dribble airings in squares about four feet above the floor, fie then ha* the candidates to dribble about under the strings, and about 30 minutes of this work each afternoon is enough to keep any man low when ho is dribbling. injuries, Redman Hume, with the greatest back in the confer­ ence, will not make the all-con­ ference selection this year be­ cause of injuries which have kept him out of important conference tilt!*. Texas Works On Defense F or Air Game for Driving the longhorns as they haven't ever been driven before,! Coach Littlefield Thursday put hit charges through the hardest workout they have received this their week in preparation hardest game o f the year Thank*- giring Day, Emphasizing speed. fight, and determination, Coaches Littlefield, James, and Karow* at" kept the entire squad hard work until late in the afternoon. The first part of the afternoon was taken over with signal prac­ tice. Littlefield divided the back­ three field men and cads squads, and sent them through a practice. stiff half hour’s signal three The quarterbacks of the teams called every play in Steer repertoire during the 30 minutes. into the While the ends and backs were making m erry in signal practice, and Bill James had the linemen eenior* down in one corner of tho field, telling just what was wrong with their tactics. in one corner Littlefield called the squad to­ gether in the middle of the beld fo r a brief talk in which Im em­ phasized clean and hard playing, and constant preparation. He fu r­ ther stated th at their mental and physical condition was the de­ term ining factor in their playing ability, Still stressing a powerful pass defense, Littlefield took over the job of hurling passes a t the reg­ ular backs, who were playing on the detente. The rookie ends and pretty backfield men hard to get away with any com­ pleted pauses, though Littlefield was shooting the passes with un­ erring accuracy. found it Shorty Alderson brought his stars over for dummy scrimmage, ©nd they gave the members of Varsity a good half hour’s work in breaking up Aggie passes and tunning plays. care-free youth The air of which has been the pteer squad all year has given j way to an air of determination. F.very member of the squad real­ ises what has to be done, and they ,J?ave settled down to do it. Fight I and nothing but fight will win for i the Steers, and they are getting around to where all fighting mad. pervading they are Red Wray and Dexter Shelley j were taking full part in the work­ ef- out, neither showing any ill ! feels from their recent injuries. Shelley was flinging passes with wiki abandon, while Red was gal­ loping nU over the grid. Prob­ ably the greatest amount of zest was shown by the reserve guards, with Jim Beard and Pete P eter­ son furnishing the big noise. O' Fern Helscher of Corpus Chris­ ti. formerly a .student in the I'ni- veraity, was the guest of Mrs, Anita .Storrs Gaedcke last week. SUCCEjr# /A Y S A c c u s e s I N T O E S T .. * ■ Iv 0*0 which explain* the popular of Braeburu University on every campus' *. ,v ' : lo u ’ll Uke them m $ m § m VI e still have a few left, and if you are planning on making a little extra cash on Thanksgiving we can help you make J f t M f h ^ r - £ < , Extraordinary Price We are letting students, wishing to sell, have arm bands a t an unheard of price. JBK-.. Don’t _ W a n j y T j . They will be gone—See us today! IF V | Council Shack ■ Or Phone 7529, Delta Tau Delta House A fter 7 P. M. " lisST*- ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1928. -SJT T H E D A I L Y T E X A N 1 ^CONFERENCE HARRIERS MEET HERE SATURDAY Rice Favorite NEW MILLIONAIRE PITCHER WISCONSIN PLAYS MINNESOTA SAT. S o cial to Th* TMH* <"',*«« MADISON. Wjs., Nov. 22— | From their commanding position at the peak of the Big Ten grid j bidder, the Badgers have yet ti* meet and conquer a great team in tra­ the Gophers, Wisconsin’s ditional foes who will Invade ( amp Randall for the season’s finale on Saturday next. Two unfortunate defeats have left the strong Minnesota eleven in anything but an affable mood. There would be nothing more : pleasing to Dr. Clarence Spears football and his Scandinavian I players than to atone for their recent reverses by upsetting the Badgers, whose slate has yet to be marred. Glenn Thistlethwaite, who to- | day could have the State Capitol building for the asking, is not prone to rejoy until there is su f­ for contradicting ficient excuse • the many scribes who know him j best as “ Gloomy Glenn.” Conse­ quently, the Cardinal is looking forward to a terrific battle on Saturday, and forgetting as much as possible their wonderful victory over the Hawkeye?. It has been 12 years since a led the Wisconsin football team Western conference one week be­ fore the schedule’s close. Not only are Cardinal fans acclaiming the 1928 team in Badger gridiron history, but they demand national recognition for a squad that has survived such a difficult playing chart without loss. as the greatest FROGS PREPARE FOR PONY TILT Special to The Daily Te* an FORT WORTH, November 22. — Coaches Matty Bell and Edwin Kubalew ere busily engaged the first part of the week in getting their Texas Christian University Horned Frogs ready for their last game of the year. The purple team will be idle until Thanksgiv­ to ing Day, when they journey Dallas to do battle with Coach j Neither Morrison’s Mustangs. team lias a chance to win the con­ ference race athrough the Horses can finish second and the Frogs third. Several Frog veterans were tak­ ing well-earned rests during the first days, recovering from bruis­ es and strains sustained in the battle with the Texas Longhorns last Saturday. While none of the Purple crew Is sufficiently crip­ pled to stay out of the game, the Frog mentors want to give their men a thorough rest before the Turkey Day go. With only one game to play, selections are al­ all-conference the ready being talked of. On Purple squad, the names of Wil­ liams, Bfumbelowr, Atkins, Grif­ fith and Grubbs are among those receiving the most mention. The work of the big Frog tackle has called forth special attention in almost every game this year, and he appears tob e certain of a berth on the team. Atkins ranks with the best centers, while Brum- below is undoubtedly one of the best guards in the loop. LEAGUE ROLL IS INCREASING FAST The Interscholastic League Bu­ reau is rapidly enrolling schools from all over the state, accord­ ing to Roy Bedichek, chief of the bureau. Enrollment for the cur­ rent year will continue until Jan­ uary 15. Last year there were 5,000 schools enrolled in the In­ terscholastic League, Bedichek stated, and already enrollment for the current year has exceeded by 200 the enrollment for this time last yepr. The League is receiving many calls for bulletins and other ma­ terial used by the schools, and last year it sent out to different schools over 300,000 pieces of printed matter carrying the Uni­ versity imprint. The Interscholastic League is 18 years old, Bedichek said, hav­ ing been organized in 1910 with an enrollment of 28 schools. It has since increased steadily from year to year, with the exception of a year or so during the war, to the present enrollment of over 5,000. Southwest Titte By STUD NASH T E X A N S P O R T S S T A F F IN RACE FOR lALL-YEARCUP T exas will act as h o st this year to the Southwest C onference cross country meet, which w ill be held Saturday afternoon at- 5 o’clock. R ice, A. & Mf., S. M. U., and T exas have already sign ified their intention of entering and it is possible that Arkansas and T. C. U . will send teams. It has been definitely decided that Baylor will n ot compete. The Texas course, which is 3.8 m iles long, is mostly over gravel and, with about a quarter mile of tarviated road is not affected by rain; so there is that bad weather little chance m ay hamper the meet. included. It Starting at the M en’s Gymna­ sium, Twenty-first and Speedway, th e ru n n e r will follow a rectang­ u lar course to the north and east, finishing on the track o f Memor­ ial Stadium. The ath letic depart­ m ent has arranged to take the team s over the course sometime Saturday, so that all th e contest­ a n ts may be familiar with it. Each team will be allowed to en ter seven contestants, with the fir st five finishing to count on the score o f that team. P rizes for the fir s t five men and fo r th e winning team will be presented a t a dinner to be given at th e University Commons Saturday a t 7 o’clock. Rice, with victories over Texas, S. M. U., and A. & M. in dual m eets already tucked away, is favored to win the m eet. Coach Roy McLean stated late yesterday afternoon th a t he had not yet made up bis team but that it would be selected from the fol­ low ing men: S. S. B ow en, B. II. Caldwell (captain), C. W. Cole, W eaterfeldt, Clifford Cate, M. A. Johnson, Frank G uffin , J. J. Schmidly, and J. 0 . Levi. Entries which have been re­ ceived from other sch ools are as follow s: A. & Mi: M. H. Badger, L. II. Brown, J. B. M ichael, G. H. Moore (captain), M. G. Perkins, and R. N. C. Y. Shoemaker, W inders. S. M. U.: Herbert Crowell (cap­ ta in ), B. M. Murphy, Clark Cal­ vert, Paul Childers, G ilbert Pfief- fe r, Sam Fly, Richard Jones, and Dan Hancock. (S even to be se­ lected ). Rice: Yarbrough (captain), W illis, Arnold, Jacobs, Hilliard, Brunson, and Wilmoutb. ------------------o ------------- .— Bracket System Used By Departmental League tennis intramural With the conclusion of the golf and tourna­ ments, the academs "have taken the lead in the departmental race for the all-year trophy, with 72 points. The B.B.A. school is second with 61 points, and the engineers are third with 51. The pre-laws are at the bottom of the heap, because of their failure to enter the ten­ nis tournament. The following is the standing of the teams: Tennis— ACADEMIC Entrance - ............................. ............................... Conerty Adkins .................. 20 8 3 Golf— Entrance .................................... 20 .................................... IO Godwin 5 Moore ..................................... Williams ..... 3 ........... Cottle ......................................... 3 .............................................. 72 Total Tennis— B. B. A. E n tra n ce .................................20 G en sberg............................. ;....... 20 Cohen ...... 3 Squyers ....................................... 3 Golf— E n tra n ce ..................................20 Nicholson .................................. 5 GI Total ...................... LAW Tennis-— Golf— Entrance _ ................................... 20 5 Morris ............... Entrance —.................. Hutchison .......................... 20 5 Total ...:........................................... 50 ENGINEERS Tennis— Entrance .................*...............20 5 W in d row 3 Irving ......... ................ Golf— Entrance Stinson. ............ PREM ED ................................. 20 3 51 Total ........ Tennis— Coif— E n tra n ce.......................... 20 E n tra n ce Estes .................. .................. ......... PHARMACY 20 3 43 Total Golf— E n tra n ce .................................. 20 D A V IS WINS SECO ND Tennis— HANDBALL MATCH Entrance Total .............. ................................ 20 40 In the second round o f the de­ partmental handball tournament, Davis, academ, defeated Storm, en­ gineer, 21-7 and 21-6; Klein, aca­ dem, defeated T olbert, academ, 21-16, 21-22, and 2 1 -9 ; Bartosh, law , defeated Triliea, academ, 17- 81, 21-10, and 21-16; Tillery, ac­ adem, defeated Spain, academ, 21- 14, and 21-11; W ells, academ, de­ feated Kaler, pharmacist, 21-11, 20-22. and 21-16; G oltz, law, de­ feated Stewart, en gineer, 21-10 and 21-16; Byrd, law , defeated Jones, law, 21-16 and 20-20; Sand­ lin, pre-law, defeated Smith, pre­ law , 21-4 and 21-1.3. . ROBIN HOODS PLAN .WINTER TOURNAM ENT I Robin Hood met fo r practice at the archery field W ednesday aft­ ernoon at 5 o’clock. A short business m eeting was Sield, a t which M arjorie Vogan twas elected secretary-treasurer. \ A fter the tournam ent, which all be held the first w eek in De- mber, practice m eetin gs will be held occasionally and members will meet every two w eek s indoors where H. C. Yantis w ill instruct in the making of arrow s. ’ . ’ ‘ ’ .v t i PRE-LAW Golf— E n tra n ce ................ Total .................................v 20 20 The bracket system of scoring “Educational Hour” The lecture on Schubert’s compositions will be given by Miss Virginia Cate and Mrs. Jane Langford From the Music Dept, of the Public Schools. The public is invited. ISAAC BLEDSOE Fred Kingdon, Mgr. 821 Congress Phone 6619 V 5 0 Freshmen WANTED Something new! , Going ov portuni lor 6 ho game. ig ! An op- ake $16.00 ^ork after the Bee the m anager TEXAS BOOK STORE Urn im ■ — ... - F o r W « m > W ho W o o f to Go I and Do— W ith o u t F a tig u e I ENNA JETTICX H E A L T H I I Cinder*!!* S lip p er S H O E S ' - I IQI E . 6 t h o« HE OOESNT GET - HIS MONEY FOO YEAP Si is used in the departmental league, with 20 points given for entrance. There are 40 possible points be­ sides the 20 given for entrance; the winner getting ten, the run- nor up getting eight, the two re- j maining me nin the next bracket getting five each, and the four remaining in the next bracket getting three each. SPECIAL $1.50 Value I Pound Paper (72 Sheets) «» and I Box Envelopes (50) Now Only $I See It on Display at Fifteen More Juniors The Junior Section of the 1929 Cactus will close when fifteen more members of that class sign up for their pictures. The production schedule of a book the size of the Cactus requires a very definite time limit on the various sections. The first fifteen juniors applying a f t e r publication of this announcement will have a place in this year’s book and the section wiU then close. TheTexas Students Publications. Inc. ' J.;’ • | B. Hall 119 :*«w ! I im * : ' v By BEN DAVE . . a # * * T H E SOCIAL REGISTER HENDERSON WILL ADDRESS T. S. T. A F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 3 , I M S in Mat* rials and M ethods in Eie- * m ilitary M athem atic*.” N arrow and E xtra N arrow , W ide and E x tra W ide, T h ey look r ifh t And F it R ight. SENNA JE T T IC K SH O E S C in d erella S lip per Shop _____ IQI E. 6th BULL BELLOWS TH O U G H T FOR T O D A Y SOME matte may teeth e the tern s beast* savage beast, b at can make savage music. D IS IL L U S IO N MV SOUL it dipped in dark de­ I nigh, "Alan, alac k !” I've* left my soul-m at# in the spair lurch And I xhall n e 'e r come back. I thought my flam e a joyous child Both innocent and mild I th o u g h t “he’d n e v e r pull a stunt T h at was rem otely wild. She wa* delicate o f fe a tu re and trite I.oohed like P e te r P an She trave her kisses to me but not To any other m an. She sought me for protection from Tho evils of this sphere And just because «tws loved me so S he’d cry a little tear. I shielded her from every grief I kept her pure from sin I knocked a fellow spraw ling’ who Had kissed her on the chin. But I have found h e r w anting and The reason is, tow it; I le ft her flat and all because The Mght of my life g o t lit. B U L L BE LL O W S D A IL Y MATRIMONIAL COLUMN five feet fo u r “ I INSIST on an auburn-haired and seven eighths inches toll. She must be the clinging type, w ith an under­ stan d in g heart. Gall 8193.” — W alter Rot en, SOO W est 12th. “ I am in search o f a man with ideas. He must read Shakespeare and conjugate G reek verbs e n te r­ tainingly, and m ust p re fe r bm rtettes.”— Elisabeth B arrett, 2107 San Antonio, phone 1800. “ The man I m a rry m ust be ta ll— nothing else m a tte rs much,” — Magdalene C harlton, Scottish R ite Dormitory, phone 9135. “ I w ant a real m an who sends I don’t c a re what color m e roses, if he has both of his eyes are them . I don’t care fo r intelligent men because I th in k th ere should in tellig e n t member be only one in fam ily.” ~Thou Gold­ the schm idt, 2ntros of tho f r a ,fl­ ing biplane which, he wa# driving, and fell 2,980 fe et to his death. The plane w as of ’T enny” ty p e . which has been ruled obso­ lete by the governm ent. the Tout ba ii rivalry was declared th e cause of the ria: lug o f a B ir­ mingham Southern College stu­ d en t fey a H ow ard College student in B irm ingh am foster* iv, S aturday the schools ar# pehe- bulvd to play t h # r annual fo o t­ ball gam*', and th e two boys got Ifeto a a arg u m e n t.p ee r the m erit# of their respective team s. The altercation fed lo wad, in which one' Kin was killed* READ THE DETAILS . . . YOU MAY BE ONE OF THE TEN \\ ith each purchase made you are entitled to one guess. T o the first ten students guessing th e correct score (o r nearest correct ^core in the opinion of com petent judges to be selected by M anager) will be refunded the am ount of that purchase. A fter purchase is made you will kindly enter your guess and name in official guess book and have clerk enter the sales transaction num ber at the sam e time. THE LARGER YOUR P U R C H A S E -THE LARGER WILL BE YOUR PRIZE! THE MORE PURCHASES Y O U MAKE —- THE M O R E CHANCES YOU HAVE! In order that you m ay have a batts on w hich to b ase you r g u esse s on the law o f a v e r ­ ages, here are th© p reviou s scores: Y ear 1894 1898 1899 1900 1900 1901 1901 1902 1902 1903 V904 1 9 0 5 Y ear 1 9 0 6 1907 1907 19 0 8 1908 1909 1909 1 9 1 0 1911 1915 1916 Y ear 1917 I S IS IS 19 1 92 0 1921 192 2 1923 192 4 1925 1926 1927 WF. ARE D EALE RS FOR TH E FA M O U S A . J. R EAC H , W R IG H T & DITSO N LINE OF SPO R T IN G GO ODS IN C L U D IN G : BOXING BASKETBALL FENCING GOLF FOOTBALL BASEBALL TENNIS The Reach SCHOLASTIC Basketball Uniform U/ONSISTING of white cotton, sleeveless shirt. Best quality, brown khaki, s h o rt tru n k s. And regulation basketball shoes of heavy white Army duck. All Reach equipment is official. Come in to see us today, and get acquainted with our basketball equipment. . . . the finest made. REACH BASKETBALL E Q U I P M E N T W H EN FERM EN TED WINE IS DE-STILLED You Can’t judge a cook by her lover—nor a vocalist by his cigar­ e tte stubs. UNIVERSITY BANK BUYS NEW CLOCK When fath er catches you kiss­ in g his daughter, *bc nonchalant. your way Light a Murad— on home. DORMITORY WILL HAVE NEW DRIVE week. M. ( ’. Parrish, president of the U niversity Bank. bas purchased yr electrically operated clock which in he has placed on the aw ning fro n t of the bank. T he dim en­ sions of the clock are five feet by two feet, aud it cost $1,000. installed The clock was last A cement drive is being con­ structed north of L ittlefield Dor­ m itory. The drive is sem i-circular and will cost $1620, The work is b ein g done by the VV. HL Dozier C onstruction Com­ pone. Official Notice training fo r women m ust ALL doctor’s excuses in physical be made up before Novem ber 29, or they w ill be counted as absences. This in addition to our regular 5% rebate given on all purchases GAY A ND L E R GANG I — v, f 'i -Y O U 'D P U C O . ^ { Z SONE-TONO UHE v J T J b T « £ J * p w o G w \V J O u * ) E « e . • I 'L L U W C - - U W W N O NOCXX T W C r u e . S O u P - A « T I C M O U O S “ F R O S C H r Q l C S - WIALOOOf { , • S a l a q ‘- A N O - OM VOS — OS— lYXRAGUS TIPS -Q ISC X )IT TOO- ^ O c N l A N O O C N !-T A S S E By GLADYS PARKER O C K ) c s o m J — w y Y o t - / K Y WMCO NOU HPMC $ -.-t F T ? * O' ? - ' ' ' — CWS T C O Wk * L ? S S u l / / " v " JUNIORS L&st CWH ! When fifteen more Jun­ iors have made arrange­ ments for their represen­ tation in the 1929 Cactus, this section will be closed! THE CACTUS CL H all 119 PRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1928 T H E A T E R S O N H A N C O C K S T A G E T O F F ,111 W I T H C. B. ‘T H E W I N D . ” Picturiza- tion of Dorothy Scarborough’s famous book, with sound. A good one. Lillian Gish’s al­ ways are, aren’t they? Or do you care for tears and crazy spells? We do. This picture was made on the Mohave des­ ert. Has the Mohave desert moved to Texas? If you get what we are aiming at. At the Queen. “ D E T E C T I V E S . ” In which Karl Dane and George K. Ar­ thur g et funny, a s is their wont. They couldn’t possibly be any other way. With Mar­ celine Day for romance and rivalry. Some say i f s - a com­ edy knockout. At the Majestic. “ T H E F I R E F L Y . ” Musical comedy, second of the season. Think this also is a revival. May Valentine in person direct­ ing the special orchestra, which includes a harp— boy, we’re go mg to hear that harp, we performance like ’em. One only. Tonight. At the Han­ cock. is R I N - T I N - T I N . This a first run picture, and not only that but a pre-release meaning that you get a chance to watch this most famous of dog stars and his human accomplices do their stu ff before anybody else in the world. At the Crescent. “ D A N C IN G D A U G H T E R S . ” the best movie in Probably town. Joan Crawford, Anita Page, John Mack Brown, Doro­ thy Sebastian, and Nils Asther thing in a “ modern youth” which has taken the world by storm. fine picture, a though it isn’t exactly the kind that makes a list o f the ten If you haven’t seen it, best. by all means do so nowT. We're gonna see it again. At the Texas. It’s Firefly’ he W ith Fam ous Cast, Special O rchestra Presented IO NE WILBUR, prima don na of the Valentine revival of “ The F irefly ,” musical comedy coming to the Hancock theater fo r one presentation tonight, is the same demure and fascinating little person we heard several years ago in the role of Mitzi in “ Blos­ som Time.” She will sing the part of Nina in “ The F irefly.” N O W A T Q U E E N I ILLIAN GISH and Lars Hanson in “ The W ind.” now showing I t ’s a with ifdund effects an d defects at the Queen theater. perfect role for her and a good one for him. A T T E X A S Elizabeth McGoldriek spent the end in Bastrop. Olive Koenig spent the week Coming Monday "■ ■ JL-J. SU.1 llB SBIUJL PAGE S ....... g 3BS8» ! EX-ST UDEN TS M A R R Y I N S A N ANTONIO Announcement, has been receiv­ ed of the m arriage of Helena Ital- toyer of San Antonio and Shelley Evans, also of San Antonio. Mrs. Evans is a member o f Chi Omega sorority and received her degree from the University in 1926. Evans received his degree from the University in 1920 and is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsi­ lon fraternity. Mr, and Mrs. Evans will be at home in San Antonio after De­ cember IO. Mary Belle Connor and Abbie Lee C arter of Alpha Delta Pi will spend the week-end in San Anton­ io. H A L F MOONS P L A N T H A N K S G I V IN G M E E T , smoker Wednesday Preparations are being made at the H a lf Moon house for a con­ vention to be held Thanksgiving. The entertainm ent will consist of evening, a business a f te r the game, and a banquet Thursday night. A large num ber of mem­ bers are planning to be here for the convention. before and LEO TO P R E S E N T PROGRAM S A T U R D A Y Ralph Leo, director of the Leo School of Music, will p resent a program a t the University F ac­ 8:15 ulty Club o’clock. The program is as fol­ lows : S aturday at P a rt I French Songs— F red Ohl. P a rt II German Songs— Hilda Widen. P art III man Emerson. Italian Songs— Nor­ Part IV Oratorio— Ralph Leo. L a s t Time* T o d a y K a r t D a n e a n d G eo. K. A r t h u r D E T E C T I V E S S t a r t i n g S a t u r d a y V I L M A B A N K Y “ T H E A W A K E N I N G O F L O V E ” H o m e o f P a r a m o u n t P i c t u r e s t f i c i f i r e t . c i e » • R E D D A N C E Milk C H A R L E S I A R R E L L anti I V A N L I N C W W ith Full Synchronized M usical Score Business Directory T H E A G O L D S C H M I D T S o c ie ty E d i t o r T e l e p h o n e 6 9 3 5 Miss Elsie Townes of Houston Marries Paul Herman Pressler Miss Elsie Townes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Townes of Houston, and Paul Herman Press­ ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pressler of Austin, wert* married the South Tuesday evening ut Main Street Baptist Church in Houston. Cornelia Gregory of Houston, a student in the University, was maid of honor, and the brides­ maid were M i s s e s Louise Foster of Dallas, Frances Desel of Hous­ ton, and M argaret Pressler of Aus­ tin, a sister of the bridegroom. The junior bridesmaids were Miss and Katherine Finch of Austin, Miss Helen Townes of Houston. all groomsmen, E dgar Townes, Jr., a student in the University, was best man, and the senior of Houston, w ere: S tew art Coleman, H arry MeCamen, VV. D . Sherwood, and Lovett Abercrombie. The ju­ nior groomsmen, both of Hous­ ton, were Cris and John Charles Townes, brothers, of the bride. Miss Townies is a form er stu­ dent of the University and a mem­ b er of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She received her bachelor of arts de­ gree here two years ago. S im ply a M a t t e r o f F i t if y o u r shoes fit p r o p e r l y , N o m o r e ti r e d a c h in g feet, AII s i r e s AH w id th s E N N A J E T T I C K ’S H e a l t h S hoes C i n d e r e l l a S l i p p e r S h o p IDI E . 6th W a rn er Bros. Present RIN-TIN-TIN Land of the Silver Fox VMfM LEILA HYAMS MY tNRICHt/ N O W S H O W I N G THEATRE S O C I A L C A L E N D A R F r i d a y , N o v e m b e r 23 K appa Sigma dance a t the C ountry Club from 9 to I. Mrs. Dunlap’s house dance 9 a t the Diiskill Hotel from to I. S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 4 German a t Woman’s Gym­ nasium from 9 to 12. we gk-e. nd in F o rt W orth, the guest of Aleen Jones, a student in T. C. U. a PO R t h e f i r s t tim e , p i c t u r e d are * to c a r r y you b e h i n d sc e n e s w h e r e th e the fla m in g y o u t h , the c h ild r e n rich, live a n d p la y ! C o m e a n d jo in it! p a r t y T h e is o n! o f Our Dancing Daughters Jo an C raw ford THE TEXAS O p e n s D aily — 3 : 0 0 P . M. A n y S e a t, A n y t i m e — 25c Kids. a D im e Lillian Gish Stars Excellent Role For H er "The Wind,” now playing at the j Queen th eate r with sound effects furnishes Lillian Gish with one of the most highly dramatic roles of her career. Miss Gish, to date, has encountered and combatted almost every know n force of m a n ♦ ice and nature. There was the flood in “ Way Down E ast” ; in “ The White Sister” it was a vol-j came eruption; and she has s tru g ­ the gled through the Civil War, World War, and has had tubercu­ has she losis; but never before come in contact with anything that could in any measure compare with a West Texas wind storm. | Miss Gish goes crazy more beauti-! fully than ever before. Wind— I sand— sand— wind! It howls and beats against the window panes. Then you find it in your c o f f e r The picture is really very well done and is quite effective. We feel the that Lillian Gish was one person capable of so vividly and forcibly interpreting the emo­ tional character of Letty. The picture is extreme, but it is p ro ­ duced with such a knowledge of technical and dramatic values as to make it convincing and vital. Dorothy Cummings gives an ex­ cellent perform ance as the harden­ ed, jealous wife whose passionate love fo r her husband generates her hatred for the girl who she believes is taking him away from her. Lars Hanson’s work is also worthy of comment. of the The ending picture, though unlike the book, is very It is one of those possible- good. two-way.s endings th at leaves us she did kill wondering whether that man or didn’t she. You may take- your choice, depending upon I how' blood-thirsty you arc.— B.B. D A N E -A R T HUR C O M E D Y N O W A T M AJE STIC the Karl Dane and George K. A r­ the thur, famous comedy team of underworld screen, invade and enact the role of a pair of am ateur detectives, in their latest hilarious experience, “ Detectives,” now playing at the Majestic t h e ­ ater. Th<- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer comedy is a thriller with laughs injected by the pair as “ hick” de­ tectives, blundering into a serious underworld plot. Marceline Day and Ten en plays the heroine, Holtz, Clarence Lyle, Polly Mo­ ran and others of note are in the cast. It was directed by Chester M. Franklin. THE RED DANCE’ HERE NOVEMBER 26 the The humble “ Chico” of “Sev­ enth Heaven” and almost equally humble artist of “ Street Angel” is now a grand duke. At least that is the role Charles Far­ rell plays in “The Red Dance” which is coming to the Hancock theater commencing November 26. Dolores Del Rio is the star with Mr. Farrell. ,— ,— o -------------— Ina Sessions, head of the Eng­ lish department of Westmoreland College, is the guest of Miriam Gordon Landrum, and will be here over the week-end. its almost unbelievably “ Our Dancing Daughters,” pre­ ferably called simply “ Dancing Daughters.” At the Texas the­ ater today and Saturday. This picture has been reviewed pre- iously in these columns and has been found to be everything that of could be desired in the way It motion picture entertainment. concerns modern youth, you know, in flag­ rant aspects, and stars Joan Craw­ ford, among several other good ones. This is the picture which causes mothers all over these great United States of America to write in to first this authority and then that one and pray for that picture “ Our Dancing Daughter*" i t ’s—-well, H’s to be stopped, doing things rn* youth America. And by all mean. go see it and let it do things to yon. Aside from that, it’s a fine pic­ ture itself, although most of what it portrays is extreme and therefore improbable.— C. B. to the in GOD old serious Mack Brown is the luck dog that play* the lover of Juan Crawford in “ Dancing Daughters,” showing at the Texas theater today and tomorrow. Remember that kiss Just by the side o f the sea? about the best that s ever been on the screen except the one in “Seventh Heaven” eh, what? TO N IG H T T h e s e a s o n ’s f i n e s t m usical c o m e d y success W ANTED being shown in Austin as a pre­ it release, whatever that is, and to offers an unusual opportunity one see the famous dog star in of his superior parts. He is ably of assisted by a corps of stars ,..v. i the homo sapiens tendency. Norma Taylor, Theta pledge, spent a few days in Waco, where she attended the C otton Palace. Loin W illiams of the Pi Phi house is in Bryan, atten d in g the queen of the rodeo as her maid of honor. B Y R U D O L F F R I M L Author of “ROSE MARIE” C o m p le t e N ew Y o rk P r o d u c t i o n S p e c i a l O r c h e s t r a — V a l e n t i n e C o n d u c tin g A n d O h, W h a t a C h o r u s 1— o— ---------- P ric e*: 2 .5 0 , 2 .0 0 , 1.50 1.00 . n d 75c RIN -TIN -TIN N O W P L A Y IN G A T C R E S C E N T Rin-T in-Tin, dog w onder of the movies, cavorts around today and tomorrow on the Crescent screen in a picture called “The Land of the Silver Fox.” This picture is NTS EXCURSION TO SAN ANTONI R ou n d Trip For Trains Leaving Austin a n d 7 : 0 0 p. rn. 2 : 5 6 JI. in. F o r T r a in * Leaving Austin 6:30 a, m. every Sunday. ALL TICKETS GOOD FOR RETURN LEAVING SAN ANTONIO SNK p . m. SUNDAY RHY TICKETS ANY DAY. OFFICE AUSTIN HOTEL. PHONE 7786 MULTON MORRIS, AGENT; E P BEARD, ASS T. T e l e p h o n e 2 - 3 1 6 4 o r 2 - 3 1 6 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS jai gathered on TEXAS RESEARCH BUREAU. Mater* any subject. South­ western history and bioaraphy a * penalty. Heaaonahki charge*. 706 W. 24. Phone 7667. AUTOMOBILES Ford W indshield (Magi Installed $2.00 O. K. GARAGE HO W 2nd St. Tim er and Huller for Fords O. K GARAGE LIO W. 2nd St. A SURE WAY rooms i i to dial Texan Classified department. to root those 2 3 l6 4 — The APARTM ENTS FOR RENT S P E C I A L S FOH RENT: Furnished south upstairs apartm ent. N ew ly papered. Bleeping porch. Cai! at ISO8 U niversity Ave. FOR RENT: Furnished or u n f u n d e d 2064 apartment clone to U n iversty. Sabine Street. P hon e 6186. A CONVENIENT, roomy apartment tnt Small fam ily. Two blocks went of the U niversity. 2818 Nuece#. Phone 6814 1023 For I Touring $80.09 Good ru n n in g condition. 1921 P p rd T o u rin g .. Jam up condition Touring _____ *60-00 1122 O v erlan d T o u rin g ______ $46.00 UKK Ford A bargain, A pick-up. K N I G H T - W H I P P E T CO. SOO W . 5th Ph. 23161 G ARAG E W A N T E D g arage hear 811 W eak 22 1-2. location and price. A d d ress box 102 7-M -W anted to ren t a S ta te STU DENT S: Have your theme*, report# note*, etc., typed by a U niversity-exper kneed reasonable rate*. Dial 7819 for CALLIHAN. Cheapest typist. F O R S A L E — R adios sold on 12 m o n th ly p a y m e n ts , e ith e r M a je stic , R. C. A., c r A tw a te r K e n t. P h o n e f o r d e m o n s tr a ­ J. R. REED MUSIC CO., Phone tio n . 6324. KOR K A L E - L arge *cial nu,mber!’ f to any citizen of Texas on I quest. I th* *xc«pti«n be .» in two I Membership is open to book col- interest, Theta of The club will function nju t Bifuym iiHCf f iii, to members only. t hi* Leittf t f ilH f lf t r r ia t , bww. . ..... w i- i . , re- ways: firs t, it will publish books j lectors and all who are i n t e r e s t - J 2 0 0 8L Y e a r A w a r d e d that will ty p ify the l>est standards ed B e sid e s Dr. 14 m al A ti Ut Tie* of bookm aking, in regard to sub-; B attle, the m em bers in Austin a re ; jeet m a tte r, printing, binding, and President H. Y. B enedict, R. L. Ratch ford typographical design; second, will sp o n so r exhibition* are l ures p ertain in g In Five Branches O f Study There are about seventy mem­ and John Mayfield. in fine books. i n fin#* krtrtlru it B atts, Miss Fannie inter- these to __ _ _ ber* of the club. FOR STUDY IN FRANCE READY ------ FORUM GROUP f,«A • • I • | r \ *t Science and Kehgion Subject at Lambda # 1 - i i Chi H ouse _ __ ad the members of Lambda Alpha fraternity Thursday night on the subject o f “ Science Dr. William A, F elling address- search has issued a bulletin The Bureau of E ngineering Re- on Chi I Hie relation between the strength of portland cement m o rtar a n d ; **** teat. tem perature a t tim e o............ and ( *ta Bfffifion. m series o f the Fireside F o r u m s th at is being sponsored by Y M C A I *nd results. Porunw! investigation, the m aterials, fab- MODERN SINS DENOUNCED investigation, the m aterials, fab- the neat ion and testing of specimen*,! BY REV. FATHER QUINAN fo r ■j A m erican Field Service Fellow- French U niversities. I ships lim ited * Inc., announces th at a ad- fo r J num ber o f fellowships be ! vaneerl study in F rance will ; aw arded fo r the year 1929-30. j Each fellow ship will ca rry a sti-* I pend o f $1,200 and will be te n - the tw o have --— — ideas which a -----•••«----- * — « o k v h ------ ----- “ People can be divided M odern sin* and wrong investigation of certain a* into; A nother bulletin th a t this de- is a report testing o f m otor vehicle dangerous ............................................. In closing Dr. F .M » , paid » U , , t C H R IST M A S C A R D S j (lienee a t the beginning of »—--------- - the /—■ i n c a m r v i u n i-t-o L A r l l l J I I 3 and th ree classes according to relig- p a y m e n t has edited smooth on iou.* beliefs,” said Dr. F using. head I igniting devices and a report! them o ver were denounced by “ There are thole who ----- the Rev. F ath er Quinan, one of child-like faith in the veracity of; r,n I’autist priests conduct­ the the Bible, those who believe that P“< t* of the headlight g la re p r o b - [lK“ ----------------- St. ing a series of services a t it is all wrong, and those who pur- A ustin’s Chapel in a serm on he sue the proper course, according gave S u n d ay evening on “ False to my ideas, and who take Philosophy” before a capacity au ­ Bible and it* teachings as 'n num -1 th* ber of stories that all have some­ thing to teach one if the lesson is IU* o a t " , , m o d r r ’' tribal* to th* s«- faculty will c a rry on the research the work in addition to th e ir re g u la r ! work, b u t a p a rt of the fund will technical in securing visiting priests, will continue for help, and so fa r as possible th is two weeks, until S unday, Decern help will be selected technical ber 2. The firs t week consists from U niversity stu d en ts wfio of a series o f serm ons a t 6 o’clock show su ffic ie n t qualifications j^or and 8 o'clock each m orning, and such w ork, Dr. P atterson said. A p ­ a t 7:30 o’clock each evening. The plications from about half a dozien to lec­ second week is devoted foreign co u n trie s stu d en ts from tures, particularly fo r non-Cath- already have been received, ajnd olics, held a t the sam e hours. some o f these applicants possibly will as tech n ical helpers in the research. selected b e fo r “ T echnical helpers showing p ro ­ p e r q u alifications resea! ,*ch work will be granted stipends, an d th ere will be a combination o f th e technical help and th e fellow ship idea,” Dr. P atterso n pointed out. “ We a re w atching out fo r m en who have an aptitude fo r this kind o f w ork,” he added. high-grade institutions on T his research work will b rin g to the U n iv ersity w ell-trained men th e from o th e r basis o f fellow ships fo r th e purpose o f carry in g o u t the in v estig atio n of specific prob­ the lems u n d e r th e direction of s ta ff, i t was declared. I t was pointed o u t th a t facu lty m em bers of o th e r universities may possibly tak e ad v a n ta g e of th e research facilities here to c a rry o u t inves­ tigations. tra in e d “ It is the hope of the fa c u lty of th a t young men and women ability in o th er in s titu ­ tions o f the state may be a ttra c te d to com e of T exas,” Dr. P atterson said. “ T here a re two such students in th e de­ p a rtm e n t this y ear.” to th e U niversity FUNDS NAY BE AVAILABLE FOR ZOOLOGY WORK Board Offers $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 T o Graduates in Proposal F unds to talin g $135,000 will bo available fo r graduate instruction and re searc h in zoology a t the U niversity provided th e U niver­ sity is ab le to meet the G eneral Kducaiinn Board half way in se­ curing fund* for such an u n d e r­ taking H ie General E ducation Board o ffe re d the U niversity $65,- 000 f o r *ueh work, on condition r.upplem rnt that th e University this sum with $70,000. Accep­ tance o f the offer ha* been made by the B oard of Regents. The G eneral Education Board offer* an initial sum of $10,000 for the y ea r 1928-29, an equal am ount f or each of the four year« following, and $7,500 fo r each of the tw o years th ere after, provid­ ed an eq u al am ount is forthcom ­ in ing fro m University source* fu rth e ra n c e re ­ zoological of search a n d graduate instruction in the U niversity. a is contributing The U niversity was selected by G en eral Education Board, very of large sum for the prom otion sound the U nited education in States, because the D epartm ent of Zoology in the University is one of th e outstanding departm ents It is one of a in the country, in stitu tio n s considered few state by the G eneral E ducation Board as w orthy of a donation from the Board for research work, and is one of only fo u r such institution* in the South. fo r investigator from Application fo r a fu n d from the Board was m ade last y ear, and an th e Board sp en t some tim e here in investi­ g atin g the Zoology d epartm ent, re tu rn in g a very favorable report to the Board, according to Dr. J. T. P atterson, d irec to r of th e fund g ran ted the U niversity. Although application the fund already had been made, the im m ediate incident focusing a t­ tention of the G eneral E ducation Board on the Zoology D epartm ent here wa* the work done last year in the field o f genetics by Dr. H. dc J. Muller, professor in the th a t p artm ent, whose discovery the X-Ray when applied to fru it flies causes m utations to occur 150 tim es fa s te r th an they do under ordinary n atu ra l conditions wa* declared by leading scientists atten d in g the F ifth In tern atio n al G enetics C ongress held in Berlin g re a te st dis­ to be one of the coveries ever m ade In the field of science, , The funds m ade available to th e Zoology D epartm ent will be utilized in the best way possible instruction to develop g ra d u ate and investigation w ithin the next eight years, according to Dr. P a t­ terson. It is the hope o f the de­ p artm e n t th a t this fund will be followed by the donation of a sim­ to o th er depart- ilar ch a rac te r WHAT’S COMING! LO TA SPELL ISSUES MUSIC BULLETIN “ Making in Music Friend* L and” is the title of a bulletin by Lota Spell issued by the In ter­ scholastic League o f the Univer­ sity as a classroom test in music appreciation fo r the purpose of pupil* supplying the with m aterial to be used In state music m em ory contest fo r J 928-29. teachers and In the collection now on display arc found cards sent by many ] Prom inent men, am} caird I arousing most in tere st is th a t by ] G ut/.on Borglum, the sculptor of i Stone Mountain fame. the Among the block print* done by C alifornia artists is a rem arkable one by Berger Sandzen. Other notable artist* whoM* card* are the collection a re : included John J. Bull, Philadelphia artist, and VV ay man Adams, p o rtrait p ain ter of national fame. in in the Radical change* LO AN L IB R A R Y H E A D NOW IN C O LU M BIA rules and regulations fo r the contest have been made this year. Here­ tofore much em phasis ha* been Mi** Ixcnoir Dim m itt, chief of spelling. placed on w riting and jgMR.gru, p a c k a g e loan library bureau 1/v- This year stress will be placed on the ability of the contestants I of thp Division o f Extension of a ^ JI* __* + i year's to discrim inate along the lines of is doing form , theme, and tone of instru­ in Columbia Uni­ m ental selection*. I iii* SAI o n fbi* University, is on leave of absence, graduate work versity in New York, and it/ft a a . * J ’ ** «* sr i The bulletin contains a table of pronunciations, a list of com­ posers. and m aterial in story form to be used in connection with the to be studied musical selections la the state music memory contest, —-----------O—---------- - JUNIOR ARCH ITECTS H A V E NEW S SHEET Ju n io r student* in the depart m ent of arch itectu re began issuing sheet Wednesday, a daily news according to J. A, Mora, editor. The sheet is to contain editor­ ial m atter as well aa a rt. and is to serve as a medium between the faculty arid ju n io r students in the departm ent. A rchitect* Three prizes a re being offered fo r the best name?, subm itted for th e publication. “ Why Many Change Prom ising T h eir Vocation W hile in College,” by E. F. G, G rades, will be first prize; “ History o f My Life,” by Samuel E. Gideon, second prize; • a d one free lesson in Theory and third m Design from K. D. V ernor, prize. She expects to receive h e r M.A. degree in library science in June. She will return to the loan li­ brary next summer. Miss Dim m it has been chief of the pack­ age loan library fo r several years. She received her bachelor of arts degree from in 1911. the U niversity ------------ -o------------- Miss Mary Blomeyer of Kansas City who represented Missouri in the the Texas Cotton Palace is guest of Dorothy F entress at the Pi Beta Phi house. She expect* the to rem ain for game. the Thanksgiving which E lizabeth McKinnon and Betty the Coit, Pi Phi pledges, spent week-end in Waco. THE CHRISTMAS SHOP IS COMING! ■ t h a n k sg iv in g ! CHRYSANTHEMUMS Som ething N ew E very D ay— L uedecke-M offatt Co. T he Friendly Store Dance and Dinner ' Frocks For the H oliday Season $25.00 “ “ $39.50 •Honfftmt Taffeta —■Youthful Georgette — Lovely Satin —Beaded Georgette Colors: Maize, Pink. White, Blue, Orchid, and Black. ■Silk Shawls and Imported Spangled Scarfs Heavy Silk Crepe Embroidered in pastel shades with long fringe, also plain crepe with hand knotted fringe. Si $8.95 up to $25.00 New Silk Hosiery Pointed Heels —Square Heels — Dm/Me Pointed H e e l s New colors— The newest in Hosiery $135 & $2 SO -New Bag* -New Gloves -New Vanities -New Corsages -New Hankies For Thanksgiving Styles as smart as any you'll see at the T urkey-Day Game 35 New Blues and Greys Just Arrived For the University man who wants real young m en ’s styles— better fabrics — and a moderate price — these new suits will fix you up for Thanksgiving. Notched or peaked lapels Single or double breasted vests LOW EXCURSION FARES via to San Antonio 1 Ticket* On Sale For Train* Y k K tT On Sale F or Train* R ound T rip Round T rip L eavin g A u stin 3 : I S |i. n u or 7 s l 0 p, bol c a d i S atu rd ay. Re* turn le a v e San A n ­ ton io a l l trains Sun­ d a y fe llo w in g d a te o f s a lt. L eaving A u stin 4 : 1 5 su na. wad 5 : 1 0 a . rn. ea ch S u n d ay. R eturn le a v e S a n A s t s a b 0 : 0 0 p. nu a n d 1 1 :1 5 P* m. s a m d a te . RIDE T H E R A T Y L a m Austin Earlier, Stay Lunger Sea Antonio. Ticket* can be porch*serf in advance at city or depot offi P h on e 7 2 0 2 or 4308 IU. ; aaa V Ar Mhms O p p o s ite L i t t l e f i e l d B u i ld in g J u s t o f f C o n g r e s s o n S ix th Presenting Always the NEW SPECIAL IOO DRESSES Formerly Sold at $19.75 NOW This group includes SPORT FROCKS AFTERNOON DRESSES V, ■ ,5 . l\.« ii. ,