~......., ·r . ..... t~ ~ JL!L-'-'43'-----N--'o. 5 Air Ministry News Service Air Ministry Bulletin No. 8912 CZ'~CH ?IGHTE.RS PROTECT .ATLANTIC CONVOYS Much of the fighter protection given to our convoys arriving from across the .il.tlan.tic is provided by pilots of the Czech Air Force in Fighter Cowmand. During 1942 members of a Czech Spitfire vdng flew hundreds of sorties over the ships using the South Western approaches to the British Isles and helped to escort them safely into port• But in addition to these escort duties, the wing flew in many daylight offensives over enemy territO!.'Y during the year and in all its operations destroyed 21 Gernan aircraft. This brings the Czechs' total to 134 enemy aircraft destroyed since they had their first action in the Battle of Britain. In offensive operations during the year the wing's chief duty was to escoi-t Flying Fortresses, Liberato'rs, Bostons, Whirlwind and Hurricane Bombers in raids on, targets in enemy territory. They also ·carried out rrany sweeps of their own, attacking shipping in the Channel and German gun posts, factories and comn1unications in Northern ?ranee, ·\:men, in December, the Czech wing-commander was awarded the D. s. o., he declared: "It is an avvard for all members of the Czech wing'. In British squadrons othor Czech pilots have been carrying on the fight, the best knovm of them being Flight-Lt. K.uttelwascher, who shot dovvn 15 enemy aircrc.ft on night intruder operations between April and July. . ' ++++++++++++++ .9.1.43 - No.8 MILITARY .APPOINTMENTS REPRESENTATIVE COLONELS COMMANDANT FOR 1943 His Majesty The King has been pleased to approve the appointment of Maj0r-General J.W. West, C.B., C.M.G., c.B.E., LL.D., M•B.,M.qh., retired pay, late Royal Army' Medical corps, as Colonel Corrunandant, Royal llrmy Medical Corps .vJith effect ·from the 2~d November, 1942·, in succession to l\fo.jor-General H. Ensor, C.B., o.M.G., C.B.E., D.s.o., M.B., retired pay, late Royal Arrriy 'Medical Corps, deceased. ++++++++++++++++++++ The War Office ar.nounces that the undermentioned officers have been appointed representative Colonels commandant for the yeo:r 1943:­ :Major-General G.M. Lindsay, o.B., c.:M.G., D.. s.o., retired pay, Colonel Corrrrnandant, Roynl Tank Regiment. General sir Robert H. Raining, K.C•B., D.s.o., retired pay, Reserve of Officers, coJ.onel Commandant, Royal Artillery. Major-Genernl (honorary Lieutenant-Geheral) Sir.Dudley s. Collins, K0B.E., c.B., D.S.O•; retired pay1 Colonel Cormnanda.nt, Rbyai Corps of Engineers. Lieutenant-General Sir H. Colville B• Wemyss, K.B•E•, C.B., D,.S.O., M.iO. Colonel Commandant, Royal corps of Signals. Major-General Sir Evan Gibb, K.B.E., O.B., C.M•G-•; !l.S.o., retired pay, Reserve of Qfiicers, colonel Commandant, Royal Army Service Corps, Major-General H.P,W. Barrow, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O,, O.B.E., retired pay, Reserve of Officers, colonel Commandant, Royal J.;;cmy Medical corps~ Major-General K1M+Body, C.B., C.M.G., O.B.E., retired pay, Re~erve of Officers, Colonel cormnandant, Royal Army QrdnaYlce Corps. Major-General A.R. Vnlon, O.B.E., M.C., 11i•I.Mech.E., Colonel Oommandnnt, Royal Electrical & Mechnnical Engineers. +++++++++++++++++ ·W.AR. OFFICE .....__________}" ' 9/:f/4J. No. 11 A.:i,r Hinistry No. 89,19 . AIR LINISTRY QOiil',J.UI:r.r,QUt,; . ;. . ­ Last night, aircraft of Bomoer Command ago.in attacked targets in the Ruhr! Mines were a.4.so laid in encny waters. Five of our aircraft a;l:'e r,iissing'~ 9 •.1 • 43--N,a .1 2. MIDDLE EAST JQ:rNl' Wl\R C011MUNIQUE Cairo, -9£W ·Janunry 1943 Yesterdn.y there was nothing to report from our lo.nd forct:ls. There vms n.n increase in air activity over the battle -ar~a. Transport on the coastal road between Zliten and Homs was attn.ck~d. •At least ~hree enemy fighters were shot dovm in combat and one vrns destroyed by our ground fire. Targets near Tunis and Sfa:x: ·were attacked with good results on the night of 7,tl;J/ 8th JD.JJ.uary. On the same night an enemy aircraft vms shot dmm by our Intruder aircraft over Comiso, Sicily. A force of heavy bombers carried out D. ati.ylight attack on TIJ.nis yester,1:;.y. An Me.109, ·which attempted to interfere was shot do\m. From the above operations all of our aircraft returned. +++++++++++++++~ W.f\R OFFICE The follm/ine Joint ·nr CoLu:runiquc 1:ns issued by G.H.Q., Indio. this r.iornin.g : Our troops oper6.ting in the n..rn.kn.n clistrict ru'e in contn.ct with the enemy on either side af the lfuyu river; both on the ~lb.yu pcninsuln. o.nd in the vicinity of Rn.thednuns. Occnsionn1 encounters hn.vc taken pln.cc during the pn.st fev chys. Yesterday (Janun.ry-8) R,.A.F. Blenheim:! escorted. by fighters o.ttncked objectives in this nren. Enemy occu:-pied 1Juildings n.nd n. villo.i:;c nonr Rn.thedn.ung ·\ ·ere bonbcd. n.nd mo.chine gunned. Fi3htcrs on offensive pn.trol mn.de a l01-.-level ntto.ck on motor t:r'ansport neflr Kyo..ukpn.d.D.ung on the Meiktiln road. Several vehicles vcro d.ana.gcd, a pnssn.ngcr bus n.nd n. lorry 'Jore destroyed n..nd n. nua.ber of Japanese soldiers· -.:ere killed. Last nisht our bombers n.ttn.cked places in the Akynb alstrict. Bombs Yrorc dropped on Ihbn.ing aerodrome, on nnti-nircrcl't gun positions nt Fakir point nnc, on Jn.:;_xmcse occupied. villages. iili:yo.b town Yms nlso bombed an.cl bursts ':ore obsorv0c1 ·;roll in the tn.r~ct n.reo.. · ~"on these n.na. other opcro:cions none of our n.ircroft is miss-ing• ++++~-++++++-!·++ -,;;.R OF:.r?ICE --~­ NOT FOH FUBLIC;~TION, DROADC.~STOR USE ON Cll.B 'l';J?ES DEFORC: 1 0030 B.S. T. ( i. e. FOR 1:IO:RNING PAPEHS) ON SUNDAY, JlilWARY .10, 194) • CH!lNGES IN POINI'S RliT IONING , There n:re certain chonges in tho Points Scheme for Rc.tion Period No. 7,'.-.rhich begins on Sunc1o.y, Jonunry 10. Co.nned Moo.t II. reduction is no.de in the point vn_lue of two conto.iners of certo.in canned Doo.ts n.s f ollmrs :­Points Description Container pew Vo.l';le Old V D.lue Luncheon noo,.t l Port: Loaf l lb. 24 30 Hnf.1 Lo.'.l.f 12 ozs. 18 24 Canned Beans in Brine and ~o.vy R~l9_~d. f_roJ:J. Poi_:iits Cn.nned ben.ns in brine ancl cannecl beo.ns in gravy have been v-tithc.lra';m frn::'l the Points ScheI:1e D.nd from J=1un.ry 10 v7ill be sold free of points. It must be noted, however, that points must still be surrendered on sales of co.nned be0cns in tomato . S ,"'.UCe. Ne cannec1 beo.ns in brine or in grzi.vy ho.ve been mo.nufactu1~ed for some time o.ncl this stGJl hns been taken in order to clear the stocks now in traders' ho.ncJ.s. The quantitics availo.ble are not 12.rge and when existing stocks have 1)oen cleared no more will be proa.12ced. No applications from traders for any replacement of points by virtue of the Hithdrm~1al fron the Points Scheno of canned bo:ms in brine or sro.vy 1:ill be cohsidered. Canned Fish ,'\.s alreaay n.nnounced, ,v:1ericon o.nd Canadian sardines are being rvlehsod for sale durinG this rationing period. The point values are :­ Container Points ·~nerican and Canadian Sardines 1 ±s (3~ oz. or 3~ oz.) 2 in oil or tomato. Portuguese and other. sardines remain o.t the existing point values. Breakfast Cereals A now 8 oz. container of Quaker R.tffod ".beat is no"ir on sale o.t 2 points per container. Cn.nned Fru~t_apd.Jez..etru)l_~ The date of release of canned fruit n.nd vegeto.bles and the details of the point values for the various sizes of cans :will be announced shortly. Meo..nv-;hileretn.ilors 1 >e1ay consider it acl.visabfo to mo.ke sane reservntion of points vouchers to enable thora to n.cquiro stocks v1hen the relen..se takes place, Retn.ilers should note that the points coupons for -the perio'd ondoa. Janu:-i.ry 9 nus:~ be sent or taken to tho loclll Food Office by · ,-odnosd.ay JanuD.ry 13. 1 Coupon Vc.).ucs There is no chnnge in the vo.lue of the points coupcns in General R"ction Books 11711 R.B. l and l.,B. 2. The coupons marked wilJ-, tJ;ierefore, hb.ve the follrn:inr; vo.lucs: ­t ,1.1 coupcns, 1 point '~' and 'C' coupons, 2 points. The total nw::ibcr of pointsavp..iln.ble for the 4-week period remo.ins o.t 20. ++++++++++-:·++ ·!-++ MINI.'.JT 1Y OF POOD ....................--..... --.-. ' ~-­ LICENSING OF ~m:OLES1~ill DEALINGS IN FRUIT JJ'ID VEGErABLES. -_,.--__.-...... -----.. ..,._ . .... . .. .--..........-----·­ The Ministry of Fooc1 n.nnounces thn..t the Fresh Fruit n.nd Vee:;cto.bles (Restriction on Deo.lin.~s) Order, .-d.th the exception of t y;o lJaro.:;r n.phs, 'lv'ill come into opercction on J o.nuo.ry 18. ' . The oper1t~on of Pc..rD.grn.:LJh 1 cf Article? of the.9rder, unc D.ornier l 7s flying in fonnation with six Mte. 109s nt the srune height D.nd twelve more slightly above. A dog fight vdth the Mcsserschmi tts follovred. At least two of the Mes 0m1, one of the bomber s wor e shot down. It w::i.s in this fight that Hillr1ry 1 s aircraft was hit. He vms trapped i n the blazing cockpit but mL,naged t o struggle free and . bal e out, pe:·~ng picked up fr om tho sea by o. l i feboat and taken t o Mo.r;_~ate Hospital suffering fr om shock ffild sovorr burns. There, bego.n the 1on'.:I suries of sugico.l oper o.tions, convalescence o.nd more surgico..l operations a,-;-;cribod in his book. Last summer Hilletry Yro.s for o. time at t he R ..A.F. Staff College nnd :ms t hen post ed t o Fi :::.htor c01mn'1.n:L heo..dquo.rter s on special duties. For six weeks ho wa.s loaned for work on the script of o.n Air-Seo. Rescue f -iJ.m o.nd when tho.t was compl et e he passed bis medico..l boara_ o.s· :fit f or flying duties nnd wns post ed t owards the encl of Novornbcr. He hnd dubbea. himself "the l ast. of the J.ong hoired boys li in his book, for he wo.s tho solo survivor of hi s little coterie of Oxfor d und<;r gro..c1uo.tes Yrho came into the R.f\..F.-at the outbr eak of wor. rt was typical of Hillory tho.t he should choom the tit.le of his book from 1s t Corinthians x:v. 26 -"The l o.st enemy 'j;ho.t ho.11 be destroyed is doo.t hrr. lhose who knovr Hj_llnry, knevr hi m !ls o. clever conversat ionalist, modest, nnd very much inter ested in vr_citing. • Hillo.ry's fo.thor novr lives nt Kni gMsbridge, S.F. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ / .9..1.43 No.. 2.9 Air Ministry No..8926 AIR MINISTRY COMMUNIQUE Venturas of Bomber ·coniraa:nd, escorted by Spitfires, bombed the iron and steel works at Ijmuiden too.ay. Bursts were seen on furnaces and coke ovens•. Mosquitos of Bor:i.ber Cor.iDand attacked. railway targets in Northern Fro.nee and Belgium. Squadrons of our fighters made offensive sweeps over Northern Fronce. Sol:le enemy fighters were encountered and one was destroyed. Fron these o~perations one fighter and one bomber are nissing. ----------~-.... -­