THE DAILY TEXAN F I R S T C O L L E G E D A I L Y I N T H E S O U T H AUSTIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1918. NO. S rot. xix ^ ■ O F F I C E R S POBEELECTED IN I COMINGELECTION p ’y-T reasurer A nnounces th e Com plete List—-Petitions fo r ^ ■ B a llo t Due Tuesday. ■ c h o n o c to b er i s . -«ident, V ice-P ros., T w o C ou n cil­ m en, an d IS A u e m b ly m e n to B o C hosen F rom S tu d en t B ody. NAJOR COUSINS SERIOUSLY HURT Receives Injuries in A uto N ear Lone Island W hile Riding W ith M ajor East. GIRLS’ CHORUS TO SING AT CAMPS AND COMMUNITY HOUSE Only W om an C horus in City to O ccupy Unique Place in M usical Realm . PROF. REED IS DIRECTOR Major Ralph C. Cousins, first com­ mandant of the U niversity School of M ilitary Aeronautics was seriously in­ jured in an auto accident near Gar- den City, Long Island, w hile riding ] |A « , Girl W ho C a . C arry a T u n . I . station. in company w ith Major W hitten J, East also o f the air service. Their auto suddenly overturned while they wore driving to Mitchel Field, of which Major E a st w as commandmant. Major E ast w as instantly killed, but E ligib le— T w o Clio ruses W oo tod. MARINE BRANCH READYTO ENLIST E xam ination Tom orrow From I to 3 P . M. in L i b r a r y - T hree B ranches O pen. Information concerning the marine branch of the S. A. T. C. can be ob­ tained from the following letter which ! is being sent out by the recruiting Physical exam inations will be held tomorrow, beginning at I:OO p. rn. and continuing until 3:00 p. rn. in the of flee on the lower flood o f the Little­ field Building. There are three distinct branches re­ cruiting at the U niversity now, name­ ly Marine Corps, Navy and Army. In signing any papers whatsoever in any o f the above branches you are bound to said branch and can not transfer. It is to your own interest to inves­ tigate each branch thoroughly and de­ cide which you prefer before signing any papers. Full information regard­ ing service in the U. S. Marines will be gladly given and all questions an­ swered courteously to any one apply­ ing to the U . S. Marine Recruiting of- cers, at their office. The U niversity Girls’ Chorus will perform a distinguished service this season by singing at the concerts and other entertainm ents at the Commu­ nity House and the Camps. There is no other chorus in the city composed exclusively of women and girls which gives this organization a distinctively unique place in the mu­ sical life, and offers a fine opportu­ nity for any girl who can “carry a tune” to do her bit. The boys enjoy good music and the governm ent recognizes the importance of music in the army and also the need of providing entertainm ent during their hours off duty. Prof. Reed as head of the W ar | Camp Community Service, has, with 1 his staff, planned a series of enter- tainm ents in which the chorus may do its part. But it is not large enough j of th at number. at present to represent either the Uni- 1 The men selected will be trained at The entire quota for the United S tates is 1500 men and the U niver­ sity o f T exas is allowed to en list IOO UNIVERSITY TRADITIONS OUGHT TO BE KEPT ALIVE— DR. VINSON O ctober 3, 1918. To all C ivilian S tu d en ts in th e U n iv e rsity : T he establishm ent of the S tu d e n ts’ A rm y T ra in in g C orps has m ade exceedingly difficult th e m aintenance of ce rtain fe a tu re s of U niversity life. The W a r D epartm ent has outlined a daily routine for our soldier stu d en ts w hich will m ake it n early , if not a lto g e th e r im possible, for them to devote the am ount of tim e to these m a tte rs which is neces­ sa ry fo r th e ir pro p er p erform ance. At the sam e tim e, these m a tte rs should not be p erm itted to lapse, and th u s break the c u rre n t of U n iv er­ sity life. I re fe r p a rtic u la rly to the stu d en t publications,“ T he C actus," “ The T ex a n ” and “ T he M agazine.” F o r m any y e a rs these publications h av e expressed the life of th is in stitu tio n , and have been invaluable I f they are to be m aintained, to th e U n iv ersity from m any angles. and they ought to be m aintained, th is can only be done by an unusual effort upon the p a r t of the women stu d en ts and the men who are ineli­ gible to m ilita ry service. I am m aking th is appeal to the civilian s tu ­ dent body on beh alf of the e d ito rs of th ese publications, and desire to u rg e th a t all civilian stu d en ts who have any so rt of qualifications fo r th is kind of w ork offer th e ir services a t once to th e editor-in-chief as an expression of real desire to keep alive th e tra d itio n s of our U ni­ versity. R O B E R T E. V IN S O N , P resident. v ersity or th e la rg e r num ber of young the U n iv ersity fo r about th ree m onths then sent fo r final tra in in g as women in th e U n iv ersity th is y ear. T his is due larg ely to a very preva- officers to some U . S. M arine tra in in g and len t m isapprehension, nam ely, th a t a j cam p. trained voice is needed. This is not true— any girl who can carry a tune is eligible. Prof. Reed and Mrs. San­ der will do the rest. R egistration is not necessary, a l­ though if there is room for a third of a course on your schedule any girl student may register and will receive credit. The chorus meets regularly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at l l o ’clock in room 402, Main Build­ ing. Girls should waive all form ali­ ties and ceremonies and join the cho­ rus and do their bit. If any are busy at this hour notify the instructors and all will be provided for. Only stu d en ts w ith Sophom ore r a t ­ ing o r b e tte r are eligible and have u n ­ til October 15. BROTHER TO T SECRETARY KILLED Killed in Last Big Drive— Re­ ceived ‘Croix de G u erre’ for B ravery Before D eath stu d en ts M any U n iv ersity and frien d s join Mr. T. W. C u rrie, Y. Mv C. A. secretary , in bereaving th e death of his younger b ro th er, L ieut. M or­ gan C u rrie. M organ C u rrie was a very popular FOOTBALL SCHEDULE TO CONTINUE NOW Telegram From Washington at a Late Hour Yesterday Gave Desired Information to Athletic Council in Helping Them Make Their Decision— First Game to Be October 12 on ' Clark Field With S. A. M. TEXAS UNIVERSITY TRAINS 15,000 MEN YEARLY FOR ARMY M ention M ade by th e B ureau of Public Inform ation a t W ashington, D. C. NEW SCHEDULEFOR REST OF SEASON I Thanksgiving Gam e to Be W ith A. Sc M. on C lark Field— To Be Biggest Game. V arsity’s football team will continue to play out its schedule this fall was the decision of the Athletic Council ; held Friday noon following the receipt the National School Service of the above telegram from the War In . , . . __, Magazine, which is issued by the Bu- ~ reau of Public Information of the Depart“ ent <“ W ashington in regard Government at W ashington, D. C., t0 S* A T * C- 8chools continuing to there is contained special mention of participate in intercollegiate games., i the U niversity of Texas for the work i The schedule for the rest of the sea- that that institution is doing in tr a in -1 that the Athietic Council has every ing young men for the army. One of these articles, published in the iaaue cf September 15, says* reason to believe will be followed out is as follows: “ W hen th e arm y needed black­ sm iths, ca rp en ters, ginsm iths, elec­ trician s, and bother special w orkers, the G overnm ent asked the schools to tra in them . U nder special co n tract, A m erican colleges, universities, and technical schools are providing tech­ nical tra in in g for one hundred and sixty from thousand enlisted men A pril IO, 1918, to J a n u a ry I, 1919. One hundred forty-seven institutions, rep resen tin g every sta te , are tra in in g men fo r th e W ar D epartm ent a t the ra te of 27,000 a m onth, under the su­ pervision of the com m ittee on educa­ tion and special tra in in g . The num ­ ber of men train e d a t each institution v aries from a m inim um of 300 to a m axim um of 15,000, th e dum ber to be train e d a t the U niversity of Texas. in stru ctio n and tra in in g provides the necessary tech­ nical p re p ara tio n fo r such w orkers as autom obile m echanics, blacksm iths, c a rp en ters, bench woodworkers, sheet m etal w orkers, gunsm iths, m achinists, g eneral m echanics, concrete w orkers, railro a d engineers and firemen, elec­ trician s, w ireless co nstructors, and w ireless o p erato rs.” “ T he p ro g ram of , SOCIAL CALENDAR COMMITTEE NAMED FOR (TIMING YEAR October 12— S. A. M. a t A ustin. October 19— R adio School a t A ustin. October 26— S outhw estern a t A us­ tin. a t A ustin. November 2— Rice a t Houston. November 9— Oklahom a A. and M. November 16— Open date. November 23— S. M. U. a t A ustin. November 28— A. and M. a t A ustin. The above schedule will give the col­ lege students and men in the arm y schools a t least six more gam es here in A ustin in addition to the one w ith T. C. U. already played last S a tu r­ day. R earran g em en ts of schedules is going on a t a1! schools, hut it is ex­ pected th a t the final gam es as played will give some sem blance o f a series of to d eter­ intercollegiate contests mine a football cham pionship. Football practice will continue and Coach Ju n ea u expects to get to g eth er a team th a t will give every contest­ a n t a h ard fight. The Southw estern C onference has asked for a m ail vote on the question of w hether tra n s fe rs It will be allowed to play football. is not yet known how this has been the event th a t they decided, but in a re allowed it is generally believed th a t the Longhorn team will be strengthened. to play At least one cripple will probably be able to play in the gam e on S atu rd ay week. T illie Ferguson who is one of th e m ost dependable men in the back­ field and who has been out from in ­ ju rie s received in practice before th e in fine season opened shape and hopes to be out to practice again w ithin a few days. is recovering M onday, Oct. 7, Last Day to Se­ cure D ate fo r Fall Term . The men who are out for football will not be released from any m ilitary duties. Football practice will go on j in spare tim e when the men have n e : class work or m ilitary drill or o th er I duties. The D ar D epartm ent does not: I w ant the m ilitary or educational pro- j gram slackened up in the least for any Brown, secretary- I *tUflent activities or e x tra curriculum S tu d e n ts’ Associa j h The New Social C alendar f o r this y ea r consists of D r. E. T. M iller, ch airm an , Mrs. C. K. Bell, assistan t dean of women. Miss M arg aret Mey­ ers, ch airm an of the w om an’s council and Wesley W. tre a s u re r, of the tion. T his com m ittee receives all appli- wil1 W esley W. Brown, secretary-treaa- er of the Students* Association an- unces a complete list of those offices ich are vacant and which must be j Major Cousins is expected to live. ed in the coming election. The elec- n is to be held on October 15 and titions must be in the hands of the retary-treasurer by next Tuesday bt. There are a number of vacant of- es in the several student-self-gov- aing bodies o f the U niversity. The women students to iction o f men these offices .o a question of great irtance to every student regis- ;d in this institution, and should be Carded as such. Major Cousins w as formerly a resi­ dent of Austin and before the war graduated from W est Point. He was assigned here soon after war w as de­ clared as Commandant of the Student Cadet Corps of the University, and became the first commandant of S. M. A. He received his promotion as major after being transferred from here to become commandant of H azel­ hurst Flying Field. MEN TO PRACTICE COACH JUNEAU ISSUES CALL FOR FOOTBALL »ere are three offices which are of ll importance to each department ce. Owing to the fact that J. A. rnes and W. C. Heare have failed [return, the presidency and vice- sidency, respectively, of the S tu ­ nts Association have been left va- W esley W. Brown, secretary- isurer, has returned for the year, jfhe office c f ed ito r o f / i e Longhorn [azine has been le ft vacant by Jack Bl. Each stu d en t enrolled in the U ni- lity should cast his or h e r ballot ie election of these officers. F ifty cent of th e stu d en ts m u st vote lake the election legal. E veryone is urged to be out so as to rn Academ ic C ouncilm an is to be! g et sta rte d because th e first gam e will ed by the men stu d en ts of the A c-, b e tom orrow a week w ith S. A. M ic D epartm ent. The qualification I m in e the selection of th is officer I a t he m ust be a senior. cm each of fo u r classes, j th e hm an, Sophom ore, Ju n io r and >r, of both the Academ ic and E n ­ d in g D e p artm en ts alike, th e re is elected a re p re se n ta tiv e to the Coach Ju n e a u issues a call fo r all m en who have been on th e football squad and all new men who wish to t r y out including tra n s f e rs from otlm r ineli­ colleges and u n iv ersities and gibles to m eet him fo r p ractice on C lark Field a t 4:30 p. rn. tom orrow (S a tu rd a y ) o r as soon as they can get th eve ONE HUNDRED MEN INDUCTED INTO 0 S. A. T. C. DAILY To D ate 334 A ssigned to B ar­ racks— No Cases of Spanish Influenza As Yet. Lieut. T. L. Jones stated this morn­ ing that, ow ing to the slowness of the draft boards, only 334 men had been into the S. A. T. C. He inducted also stated th at the men are being in­ ducted at the rate of IOO per day. As soon as each man is inducted, he is given an opportunity to sign up insurance after which his for his finger prints and other identification marks are taken and he is assigned to barracks. Then he is issued a cot, and bedding and given orders not to leave the campus and not to talk with any one not in the S. A. T. C. For the present tim e all the men will be fed at the S. M. A. It has been rumored around the campus that taps will be blown at IO o’clock to give the men two hours study at night. This is not official and, until further notice, the schedule w ill remain as announced in the Texan w ith taps at 9:15. Jents Assembly. Ie Ju n io r, M iddle, and Senior L aw *s will each select th e ir own rep- itativ e assem blym an, while th e th is to be elected at large, from entire L aw D ep artm en t. (Continued on Page 3.) IRARY ENLARGED I DURING SUMME It i|000 Volum es Now In th e i b r ary— Seven Floors in i l l - Inform ation Given. ring the summer two new levels jors were added to the library room. There are now in the library about 132,000 volumes Kbuted as follow s: bor A. United States public doc- |ts; Floor B. Medicine, Engineer- A griculture, M anufactures, 600- p rt, Music, 700-790, Texas collec- Floor C. Foreign literature, 830- (Philology, 400-490, General sci- mathematics, natural sciences, )0; Floor D. Geography, History, DO; Floor E. Education, 370-379, literature, lean and English 20; Floor F. Economics and so- ciences, 300-390; Floor G. Bibli- ihy, 010-090, Philosophy, IOO, Re- k 200, College Catalogs, addition to the Main Library col- there are scattered over the is departm ental libraries: Law in the Law Building, l|ig in e e r - irary in the Engineering Build- )tany, Zoology, Physics and Ger- libraries in the Main Building, lunicipal reference library in the ?nt of B. H all. Anyone wishing [on these subjects should consult library in the Departmental than in the Main library. ----------- o ..- .......... account of th e necessity o |n g a num ber o f classes off the the fa c u lt\ >us, m em bers of irged to begin and end th e ir ss prom ptly on the rin g in g of >ng. Five m inutes afford stu- ju st tim e enough to go from |la ss to an o th er. F. W. GRAFF, tirman, Schedule Committee. It was given out officially this morn F ifty voices is the lim it for a single ing th a t th ere a re no cases of S pan- i ch o ru s; but th ere should be tw o such ish Influenza in the S. A. T. C. Only | choruses in a few men a r e on th e sick list and I Riels, and get in the m usical gam e, none of them have any serious a il­ m ents. the U niversity. Come on The men who are not yet eighteen and consequently unable to get into th e S. A. T. C. will be in a se p a ra te com pany un d er m ilitary drill and dis­ cipline. These men m u st fu rn ish th e ir own uniform s and q u a rte rs. BEDICHEK ACCOMPANIES LIBERTY LOAN TRAIN DR. E. D. SHURTER HEAD OF VARSITY FOUR-MINUTE MEN Students in Extem p. Speaking Classes W ill Be T rained As Soon As Necessary. NO. 2 ON ITS TOUR E. D. S h u rte r, Ph. B.. ch airm an of th e School o f Public S peaking, has been appointed chairm an of th e four- m inute men organization of th e U ni­ R. Bedichek, head of the Division of v ersity of T exas by W illiam H . Inger- ! School In te re sts of th e E xtension De- soll, d irec to r of the Division o f F our- j p a rtm e n t of th e U niversity, is accom- M inute Men, Com m ittee on Public In ! panving L ib erty Loan T ra in No. 2 is form ation Jon its to u r o f the S ta te. T his tra in I planned to organize the stu d en ts tak- left D allas on th e m orning of Septem - j ing th e course in ex tem p o rary speak- b er 28 and its te rr ito r y includes m any I ing so th a t they will be qualified to tow ns o f n o rth ea st T exas. O klahom a, serve as four-m inute men on call from western Louisfana and central T exas., the government. T his work, there- is to come The tour will end on the evening of October 18. a t W ashington. It the en tran ce of < j a r and win approve all events the fall term . student and athelete al A ustin College cations to r places on the social calen foi the U nited before S ta te s into the w ar. H e w as a foot- ball s ta r and ca p ta in of team when he le ft school to atten d the sec­ ond officers tra in in g cam p a t Leon S prings. He w as commissioned and sent across shortly a fte rw a rd . The new law says th at these appli cations must be ten days aftei in school begins, and the limit has beer, set for next Monday, October 7, at 6:00 p. rn. A ballot box will be in the Several m onths ago he received the S tu d e n ts’ Association Room and every- desiring a date should attend to ( roix de G uerre for b ra v e ry and th e was wounded at the same time. He this before it is too late, had ju st recovered from this wound I w h e n this application is made th< (late, and place should tx- stated. AH and was back a t the front when the function- are restricted to F riday and big drive s ta ite d . On the tw e lfth of S a tu rd a y nig hts and must close not Septem ber he was killed in action. His home is in Lott and his college ja t er than twelve n. rn., and no func- work was done in Austin College b u t tion is to exceed fifty ($50) •dollars. he leaves n um bers of friends here as Also no one club may have more than the in other p a r ts of the state. o T O TEXA N S T A F F W O RK ERS. M any o f the re p o rte rs U w< events d u rin g cat te**m with . exception of *he Ge rm an club. j A{ a iater Jate. the , rr u the calendar will be announce! eel -oci a I w ith a1! on T exan staff have been falling dowm necessary inform ation. in covering th e ir assignm ents. As- If anyone should wish to see a copy signm ent sheets are posted a t d in n e r of the new laws governing student sp* b efore the day on which th e p a p e r cia! affairs, they may be obtained by calling by the S tu d e n ts’ A ssociation Room and W esley Brown will gladly furnish the desired information. out, and re p o rte rs should fore, is planned to meet the needs of check and get thier re p o rts in by I the Students’ Army Training Corps, tw elve o’clock for the day’s paper. A c c e d in g to the new schedule T exaf A and M* College on T hanks- iving on Clark Field. This will be aone of the big events in Southwestern collegiate sports, and will probably end Texas* season. As originally a r ­ ranged this game would have taken ♦lace on November 19. the men Strong contests are looked for when from the Longhorns meet Camp Mabry and the- Radio School. The latte r team is being coached by Lieut. C ram , while the auto men are being tutored by A. R. Holmes of the- W ar D epartm ent Commission on T ra in in g C am pA ctlvities. M ILITA R Y NOTICE All men whose names were not a called when they assembled by G. * HaH. Tuesday morning, will reno,*4 4 there each succeeding morning at IO o’clock until their induction p a ­ pers have been received. T. L. .JONES. 2nd Lieut. Inf., U. S. A. Asst. Personnel Adj. . . r : TTT" ff every patriotic and loyal citizen thorities of the University. A THE DAILY TEXAN T k *^ *n tD «ii7P ob ii«tw " of*'« university training and benefits, th e causes o f th e present conflict, tamed for the » cia in the past the i s involved, and the prob- news, just as in the pa University of Texas. students s u e s ^ K l Published every afternoon except Sun- have adopted the practice of able peace terms which our coun- ular official day during the college year on wrJting home every Sunday at try will insist upon. If arrange- been run on the bac ™ ™ The I | P f . R l J V I the Campus. ^ and others oftener If you ments have not already been military authorities a reu rg i g T H E D A I L Y T E X A N rn . ~ do . . . rs o w ua»c Building. Acceptance ..... ------- so at once. not Know exactly lour p a ie n w Alumen., Offices: University, Room 15.5, Main ^ave not written the first letter made we suggest that the De- all mem ________________________ Entered as second-class matter at the m ay. n o t know exactly what you to have this same course given th e r e s save do go at once Your parents partment of Extension arrange read these orders• «8 I _v _ Postoffice at Austin, Texas, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec­ tion 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Authorized September 24, 1918. are learning when you study to anyone in the state who, un- trouble and the danger of cc Analytic Geometry', War Aims, able to receive it here first hand, martial from failure to obey rn or Calculus, but they will appre- desires to get this information itary rules. ciate your what you are studying. Let them know that you are attending provided for each student through church, that you are in goon the Student Activity Fee. Miss Frances Dohoney, soph- dent of the University, editor of omore academ. from Paris has the Longhorn Magazine an announced her candidacy for member of Sigma Delta Chi, non fraternity is F. Edward W alker.. . Editor-in-Chief program of work you ave un ^ gazine subject to the action of n o w city editor of the Tort snecial Worth Record. Bercowich has J. Turner Garner ..M anaging the student voters in the special Worth Record. Bercowich has W. C. Fancher election to take place Tuesday, had considerable experience on loth. Miss Dohoney papers'in the north and east, and October ..Vtof was a frequent contributor to while here in the University di health, and what activities or £ di‘“o“"~f the 1918-19 Longhorn orary journalistic ^ needless /»mirt rn n rt . onH thp (langei OI CO ll 11" Editor dertaken outside of your studies. Henry Bercowich, former stu- Subscription price $3.00 per year- know on the war. letting them Business Manager WAR AIMS. ______ *l • * l / U I V i V a , I . V i , , ^ . * * * < Issue Editor for Today: WESLEY W. BROWN, Asst. Editor ELLIS BONNET. Why * e are a war am w ^ year’s Mag. and was on the considerable work on The Texan Lieut. Jack Beall who and other Austin papers. TO BE ELECTED n i n e t e e n o f f i c e r s (Continued from Page I.) THE LETTER HOME. Two representatives wpl be elected from the Education Department at large, each student registered in this department casting his vote for their the United States hopes to ac- c o m p l i s h through the winning of, WQUjd ^ave gaited this year’s to the war is of vital intern* and; monthly had he returned No student of the University importance to every citizen of schooi. Miss Dohoney further should neglect to write to his this country, and The Texan has the recommendation of the home folks regularly and often, feels that the University author- 0id members of the staff who T he tie of communication by let- ities made a wise move when a have returned, she having been ters will be of great benefit to course on the subject of the his- selected to act as temporary edi- both parties. The boy who is tory and aims of the war was tor of the first number which here away from home needs to introduced into the curriculum wm be issued about the fifteenth, rpppiv p thp l e t t e r s of encourage-'and made compulsory for all Miss Dohoney has had consid- those who have members of the S. A. T. C. who erable literary experience. She from ment watched his its was a member of last year’s studied development and had not already have planned with him his fu- equivalent in History, Govern- Texan staff and also a member of ture prosperity and well-being, ment Economics or Law courses. Scribblers,’ the honorary literary The girl who has never been1 Dr. Duncalf who has given society of the University. She from home before can courses in Medieval History here achieved the honor of making away make her parents feel much bet- for several years is in general, straight a s throughtout all of ter if she lets them know that charge of the course, and it is last year in all of her courses, she is well located under a help- understood that the lecture work and those in a position to know, ful and watchful supervision, will be given by a number of j predict that if she is elected she have the right to vote in whatever <»<*- and that she is meeting many members of the faculty who are will edit one of the best Maga- partment in which they are regis- partment in which they are regis- especially qualified along differ- zines possible under present war tered. and they have the; same rig h t; new friends and is happy. lawmen to elect officers to the assembly. Freshmen in particular should cast to ject. many instances sacrificing Here- their votes for the officers for which The future soldiers should by or make the stay of their son or m e IUture sonnets sn v u iu u* make the stay of their son they have the right to vote. This is daughter here in the University all means want to know what aLer contain all t e in by the firgt electjon participated possible. Maybe crops are bad they will be fighting for when sued by Captain Ozanne, com- tbe Freshmen, and each should mani- fest enough interest in the student ac- but the folks are denying their they get tivities to cast his ballot. and Charlotte Spence are n o t enrolled ^ io t h e University this year, there are two vacancies in the Womans Conn-1 ^ cit. These places are to be filled by the vote of the women students at. The folks back home are in ent lines pertaining to the sub-: conditions. into the service, and mandant, or other military au- The Graduate Department will elect By the new constitution, girls now Owing to the fact that Alta Heflin one representative to the assembly. The Daily Texan will two assemblymen. vote ui mc large- j * „ v Y , L n w i - , r U A M i l n I l l h c r t y D O H u S J “Oh, how I hate to get up in the morning.” One of the first things you’ll learn as a soldier, will b e promptness— not just getting there by the skin of vour teeth, but being ready and waiting at the minute set Excuses for being late won’t go. The old school’s a military post now, and to play the game you’ve got to get up in the morning. You won’t be able to oversleep when you have a Hall­ It’s a good timekeeper and a sure mark alarm clock. .You set it for the last minute you dare fire alarm. In the morning she opens up like a barrage. sleep. You can’t kid yourself and stick in the hay. It’s -an i n t e r m i t t e n t alarm— there is no peace until you get up and choke it. A big, fine-looking clock, 4 1-2 inch dial. The best alarm clock and the be^t value or. the mar­ ket, $3.00. Carl Mayer Company Tpwelers — Silversmiths — Diamond Merchants 618 Congress Ave. The Hallmark Store ^ The day of the election has been set for October 15. All petitions of pro­ spective candidates must be signed and handed in to the secretary of the Students Association, Wesley Browm, by Tuesday night, October 8. DR. PENICK ISSUES CALL FOR TENNIS PLAYERS TO WI , , , ^ ^ Jn ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * immediately. each gtudent remember the date At present there have been no for- . j mal applications for any place on the A)j offlce3 are ope„, and ap­ pe. w „ ley Brown, Only three men responded to the i for tennis practice yesterday; thati not surprising, however, as moat the men were confined in barracks i in drill. Tomorrow, Saturday, you be free from duty and can not the campus, so a large number she report on the courts at the nor ti corner of the campus. Come preps I to play. We ought to have sever pfficers_ and fifty per cent o{ good rounds. Dr. Penick will be „ for ’the e’ass’officers The ^ rouT ' Ur* T " * Wm °*1 ^ announced I IkdentVandTaculty I___ ^ 1 —October 15— and that fifty per cent must v#te f#f the Each petition must be signed by 50 students for the higher offices and 25 for those on the assembly except those vanfage 0f every opportunity to plt]| Saturday will be the great day, esp at large. cillay this Saturday as there is ____ pect to play bills year tomorrow ” 4:30 on the courts. This is peri* tennis weather and we should take ^prptarv-treasurer. later by the secretary-treasurer, _i_.. u.:« Driskill Barber Shop men are anx- football ffame ious to give you a hearty handshake Students Save Your Money Buy All Your Books and School Supplies at Your Own Store TH EIJNIYERSITY CO-OP 2210 GUADALUPE ST. Just west of the campus This store is operated, not for private pro fit, but for the benefit and convenience of th estudents of the University of Texas. THE CD-OP SELLS All college books The hest fountain pens All nerts of stationery All kinds of inks Pencils College pennants Athletic goods Tennis balls Tennis rackets Tennis and gym shoes Book racks Ink wells Pen holders Typewriter ribbons All sorts of erasers Desk blotters All the latest war books College posters Post Cards All sorts of candies Chewing gum Pictures, framed & unframed I Toilet soaps Talcum powder Shaving soap Toothbrushes College jewelry j Kodak films Hair brushes Toilet water I Ansco cameras j Cutlery In fact, the Co-Op sells about all that you will need, and sells it At just a little more than co st” Just West of the Campus THE CO-OP Opposite the Mam West Wail 2218 GUADALUPE Groceries CLEANING and PRESSING That wili please you. H. R. DAVIS I S M L av a ca S t. Phone 4051 STUDENTS WELCOME THE ELLIOTTS 814 Congress Ave. T H E ST E L F O X CO. Inc, FINE STRAP WATCHES ALL MAKES PRICE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. 614 CONGRESS GAMMELL BOOK STORE SOLDIERS AND STUDENTS ATTENTION Free Reading Room for Soldiers and Students— 100,000 volumes to select from. GO TO GAMMELL BOOK STORE 911 CONGRESS AVE. O PEN E V E R Y D A Y A N D N IG H T IN W E E K U N IV ER SITY BO OKS, LAW BOOKS, ETC . M ILITARY BOOKS OF A L L K IN D S FOR SA L E L A R G E ST BOOK STO RE IN T E X A S Faculty members and students who have not paid the Blanket Tax, kindly enclose check for $3.00 with your and S. Hospital. order for the Texan. All subscriptions MUST be paid in advance. W. C. FANCHER, Business Manager, Room 155, Main Bldg., from 2 :00 to 4 :00 daily. SOCIETY Miss Gertrude Pietsch is ill at the Miss Clara Low is ill a t Newman sanitarium. Hall. Clyde Wallace o f D allas was re- j cently commissioned as lieutenant a t j Fortress Monroe, Va. Miss Sarah Lanham is ill at New­ man Hall. M iss Edna Lovett, ’18, is teaching in T exark an a this year. W. C. Ousley of the S. A. T. C. is ill. Del Perkins ’14 o f Brownsville, was recently promoted to the rank o f m a­ jo r at Camp Gordon. Among the summer weddings o f in­ is that of terest to V arsity people Lieut. Clarance Lohman and M iss Genevieve D ean, both of the c lass of ’ 15. The m arriage took place in New York shortly before Lieut. Lohman sailed fo r France. M rs. Lohman is now engaged in Y. W. C. A. w ar work Crozier Gowan, Louis Smythe, and yell leader Bill Collins are among the University students who have become victims cf the Spanish influenza. Miss M argaret Bozeman was a guest at the K appa house during the past week. Misses Henna Jelinek, Bess Brucks and Grace Kelley are ill a t Newman Hall with Spanish influenza. Miss Celeste Brown a graduate of ’16, and a popular Zeta is now doing government work in Washington. Miss Helen Morgan is ill at the P. Miss Stella Warren has entered the University again after a year’s ab­ sence. Miss Sarah Clapp, B. A. ’17, M. A. *18 is a t the head o f the English De­ partment at Milford Presbyterian Col­ lege this year. M iss Annie Laurie Peak is ill with Spanish influenza. Esther Pennington, Estelle Dye, and Lassie Fitch are ill a t Newman Hall. Delta Sigm a Phi held initiation on Sunday night for the following men: W. Wallace Braden, Fred Harper, W. P. Nabors, Dewey Dalrymple, Gerald Dubose and McCullough. Paul Hill Monroe a former student of T. C. U. has entered the Univer­ sity and has enlisted in the S. A. T. C. Alpha Mu Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha announce the pledging of Sam M cM urray of Dallas. Elm a Thompson is im proving ra p ­ idly from his attack of influenza. Charles J . Veltmann h as returned to the U niversity a fte r spending sev­ eral day s at his home in Bracketvilie. the D elta Sigm a Phi announces pledging of Hugh McAmis. SCHOOL OF MINES UNDER JM T . BEER Lieut. Larson and 2nd Lieut. Krueger Assigned to As­ sist in Work There. F irst Lieut. Gordon R. Beer, U. S. Army, has been detailed for duty as commanding officer of the Students’ Army Training Corps unit at the School of Mines of the University of Texas at El Paso. He will have on his staff F irst L ie u t Edwin Larson and Second Lieut. Milton A. Krueger. M ajor Walter Channing, Jr ., is com­ mandant of all the University S. A. T. C. units, including those of the Main University a t Austin, the med­ ical branch at Galveston and the School of Mines at E l Paso. ---------- o---------- Mr. D. A. Frank of St. Louis, one of V arsity’s most loyal alumni, spent his vacation in the summer camp of the S. A. T. C. at Camp Mabry. Mr. Frank enjoyed mixing with the boys of the present generation. WOMAN’S ATHLETIC S. A. T. C. A SSIG N S COUNCIL MAP OUT THIRTY OFFICERS PLANS FOR YEAR TO BEGIN TEACHDK New Sport* to Be Added—All Cant. O zan n e. Dr. VI . . . a . . l l / _____ a Women Students Eligible Athletic Night Oct. 12 « . . . — . . Major Channing Have Direct ■ Supervision Over AIL I ......... ’ tactical officers and The Woman’s Athletic Council held J the first business meeting of the year Im portant plans fo r wo­ last night. men’s athletics fo r 1918-1919 were mapped out. A bureau of information Assignm ents of about thirty officers to the Students’ Army Training Corps of the University o f Texas have beefi made. Most of these men will serve as instructors, will be conducted in the girls’ study while others are detailed to the sd- hall F d d ay and S atu rd ay morning, m inistrative branch of the corps. The The function of this bureau will be to staff a s now made up is as follow s: explain the requirem ents for T ’s in C aptain Porter L. Ozanne, com- every sport. T ables will also be ar- sa n d in g officer, collegiate Section A, ranged where g irls may sign up to j graduate of the Columbia Military Academy at Columbia, Tenn. He wet work for T ’s in basketball, baseball, for three years first lieutenant of Co. tennis, swimming and walking. All F, F irst Tennessee Infantry. He hoe requirem ents have bWn definitely de­ been connected with the Air Service since A ugust 15, 1917. He arrived here from Camp Dick,_where he was second in command. Lieutenant A. H. Soper, a d ju tan t; Lieutenant L . R. Healey, officer in charge of the school departm ent; Lieutenant H. K. Bach- elder, tactical departm ent; Lieuten­ ant W. T. Dooley, supply officer; Lieutenant E. W. Garner, m ass offi­ cer; Lieutenant F . C. K rasek, post exchange; Lieutenant T. L . Jones, per­ sonnel adjutant. termined fo r swimming, tennis, walk­ ing and baseball. B asketball plans will be made definite at the next coun­ cil meeting on Tuesday night. At this m eeting the possibility o f a regular team in field hockey and rowing will be investigated. I f local conditions prove practical T ’s will be given in these two sports also. M iss Aden advises all girls inter­ ested in athletics to begin practice now, while the classes are open and the team s are being formed. B aseball is played in the woman’s gym nasium on T uesday and T h u rsday afternoons from four to five thirty. B asketball gam es are on M ondays, W ednesdays and F rid ay s from four to five. W alk­ ing squads leave the gym nasium at three on T uesday s, T hu rsdays, Wed­ nesdays Swimming c lasses are carried on at all hours of the day in the pool in the basement o f the W oman’s Building. They are open to ail women students. The Athletic Council is particularly interested in tennis this year a s definite plans have been made for an intercollegiate tour­ nament in the spring. Practice should begin at once. and F rid ay s. Athletic night will be held on S a t ­ urday, October 12 at seven-thirty in the woman’s gm ynasium . A program c f entertainm ent is being worked out which gives promise of more than usual enthusiasm and pep. At this meeting class representatives to the j Athletic Council will be elected a n d ! I vacancies on the council filled. There J will be no athletic association fees this year. Every bona fide woman student | will be considered as a member and J will be entitled to a vote in business proceedings. Freshm en girls w’ho d e - 1 sire to be sincerely a part of the school both in the spirit and the let­ ter should realize the value of school athletics now and m anifest their in ­ terest. closed MORE ST U D E N T S R E G IST E R . Although the regu lar days for the enrollment of students at the U niver­ sity registration Satu rd ay , may continue during all of this week it is announced. The fact that the Students’ Army T rain in g Corps by its I arm y, navy and m arine sections of fers an unusual opportunity for the training of men for these branches of m ilitary service is expected to draw a number of students to the U niver­ sity in addition to those who have already entered. RED CROSS NEWS Je ssie M ary Hill, Editor. V O L U N T E E R S W A N TED . The downtown chapter of the Red Cross has issued a call for volunteers to assist in the making of hospital garments for the soldiers now in the hospitals of Austin. The need is u r­ gent. anti any girl who can sew will he welcomed at the downtown head­ quarters. The demand for the hos­ pital garments is much greater than is hoped that a it the supply, and number of University girls will r e ­ spond to the call. There for old is also a demand sheet*, outing flannel and any other white cotton m aterials that may be of use in the hospital during the pres­ ent epidemic. Contributions should be to downtown head­ carried or sent quarters. The University branch is perfecting its organization for intensive and e f ­ ficient work during th** year .and the plans being worked out now include a system of weekly reports of the to­ tal amount of work done by the girls in each boarding house. The reports will be published in the Texan, and probably in one of the city papers. The workroom in A Hall is open each day from 9 to 5. and instructors ' will be present to direct the workers in them aking o f surgical dressings. , The officers in the tactical depart­ in charge of companies are: ment Lieutenant J . L. McClellan, comman­ der of Company A ; Lieutenant B . M. Price, commander of Company B ; Lieutenant W. A. Stoddard, command­ er of Company C ; Lieutenant Jak e Henry, J r ., commander of Company D. The men named above have charge bf the adm inistrative work of the S tu ­ dents’ Arm y T rainin g Corps depart­ ment of the University under the di­ supervision of M ajor Walter rect Channing and President R. E. Vinson. Lieutenant D. C. Downs. U. S. M. C., is in command o f the marine corps section of the Students’ Army T rain ­ ing Corps. E X T . D E P T . A F T E R S T A T IS T IC S . Miss A m anda Stolzfus D irecting tho H ealth Cam paign. M iss Am anda Stolzfus of the De­ partment o f Extension of the U niver­ sity, is m aking a tour of the public schools c f Bee county fo r the purpose of gath ering statistics concerning the health of the school children. This work is under the direction of the Fed­ eral Government. The method is to test the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs and heart of every school child. This testing is done by an experienced It was through M iss graduate nurse. Stolzfus’ efforts that the Government selected Bee county as one of the two counties in T exas where this work is to be started. The schools o f Bee county to be visited are the Papalote, Skidmore, Tinan, Bremer. Almos, Central, C la y v ille , Cadiz, Sid Sm ith, Viggo, Roesta, Caddish. Deaf Smith, O rangedale, Mineral, County Line, Monteola, Blancorina, and Beeville. LAW C O U R SE S CO M BINED. The combination of the senior law and middle law classes is one of the various changes caused by war condi­ tions. There are only fifteen regu ­ lar law students registered of whien but one is working for a degree. Tn order to “ H oovenze” on the faculty, then, taking s nior work. However, it is expected m at the junior work will be given ne xt year. the middle laws are j................ r h a V e l n o f i* *e* * * * * * * I As the sun rose this morning the t chairman of the Chapel committee 4 started to morning prayers. It is ♦ delightfully cool and bracing a* It is the hour of clam that hour. when one can get close to God and to nature and can have sweet com­ munion with his Maker. When the Chapel room was reached, it was ^ empty only for a few seconds. Be­ fore the exercises were over, there was a very respectable gathering of early worshipers. Now is the time to test your religi >n. t an you get up 15 minutes earlier? Possibly vou can not get breakfast until i In that ease, you can reach J T :‘70. Chapel before if closes. Try it t You will feel better for corning and ♦ you will help others to come. Es- * peeiallv should the old students who ♦ are leaders in Christian work at- t tend as an example to the new stu dents So fa r the reverse is true. So far. also, the educational lead­ ers have been conspicuous by their absence. Of all times this is the time to stand by your colors. No- >ody is willing to acknowledge t h a t ,, '-eligion or his fla g is yellow in patriotism. Tt is a religious duty to be patriotic in obedience to our country: it is no less a patriotic duty to our country to be religious and to nake self-der.ial for both. Chan I is at 7:40 in room 158, Main Building. tariff FOR MILITARY AND CIVILIANS THE CLASSIEST SUITS MADE NOTED LECTURERS COMING TO AUSTIN DURING THE WINTER It is announced by W. D. Hornaday, chairman of the committee on public lectures, th at two lectures have been spontibk for their care sod installs- I T H tkm. There are no charges for on- tries and no gate fees. If sny extra labor is required in making prepara­ tions for the fair the money is raised by subscription, by the proceeds of an entertainment, or by selling advertis- I ing space in the catalogues and pre­ mium Skis. Frequently a community "working bee" is organized to do the work, the young people of the^ school 1 taking an active and refponsible p art. The fa ir is usually held on the school grounds, and if this space is not suffi- ?ient additional adjoining land is re n t­ ed cr purchased. When the fair is over this land is cultivated and the in- s come derived therefrom added to the vhool treasury. An interesting feature of the fair is sleds, the parade. Wheelbarrows, children’s play wagons, gocarts, p er­ ambulators. buggies, bicycles, farm wagons and automobiles are decorated with flowers, ccm . cane, cotton stalks etc., resulting in remarkably a ttr a c ­ tive flcats. The best time to hold a school and community fair is during the spring ’f or autumn months— May or June the school is to receive the main con­ sideration; October or November if the farm crops are to be emphasized. M ilitary Dress Shoes E A I S E R E G S H n of instructors i R T A O ECONOMICS DEFT- Due to a shortage of instructors in the Economics Department on account of their being employed in various services for the government, an i the need of those now at the University- devoting their time to the W ar Aims Courses for the Students’ Army T rain ­ ing Corps, a number of advanced courses in Economics will be dropped for the present session. The Economic Department has lost instructors who are several valued now doing w ar work. Dr. Wolfe, who was head of the department is now chief of the bureau of research ami information in the division of indus­ trial relations of the Em ergency I lect Corporation. He is located rn Phila delphia and is devoting his time to such economic problems as the em­ ployment of women, and the causes of absences among the men engaged in ship-building. Instructor E . S. Gregg, who is away on leave of absence is engaged in sta­ tistical work for the General Staff at Washington, with the rank of lieu­ tenant. Among the former assistants who are employed in various w-ays, Miss Booth is in Washington doing govern­ ment work; Miss Pryor is now instruc­ tor in economics at V assar College; A. B. Cox is a t Wisconsin University and Mr. Shields is in the army. Miss is back a t the University W herry this year as assistant and Messrs Louis H exter and E . S. Hooper have been added to the department in the same capacity. Professor Handman Bailie COMMUNITY FAIRS : ENCOURAGED BY EXTENSON DEFT. All School and Farm Interests Urged to Combine Efforts fo r Annual Exhibits. b u l l e t in g i v e s p l a n s Many S u c c e s s f u l F air* Already H e l d Aa Result o f Effort* o f University. With the opening of in the rural communities cl the public schools of the State there is expected to be a revival of interest in the school and community fair? which for se’ - etal years have been successfully cor • ducted Texas. The University has issued a I to Organize and bulletin on “ How Conduct a School and Community Fair,'* in which Miss Amanda .Stolz fus, lecturer on rural educa‘ ic*n in the Division of School Interests. Depart­ ment of Extension, gives valuable in­ formation and suggestions. In ex­ plaining the work of the community fair Miss Stolzfus says: “ A school and community fair may be defined as a diminutive county fair with the questionable amusements and other commercial features omitted. Its competitive activities and exhibits moreover, are limited to a community I consisting of one or more school dis­ tricts, where people usually live and work under very similar conditions. For these reasons cooperation is facil­ itated.” School and community fairs have been held a t Claude. W hitt, Pleasant Grove, Hempstead, Cline’s P rairie, Livingston, Harmony, Blue School. Tulets and Gainesville, where th e ir ; educational value has been much ap­ preciated. HANCOCK Opera House FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MONDAY AND TUESDAY MATINEE DAILY THEDA BARA IN CLEOPATRA ADMISSION: 35c. Matinee, 2 5c. Same show last season was $1 .OO. OFFICIAL NOTICES T H E R E W IL L B E NO O PEN House this Saturday night as formerly A R T IL L E R Y P I R E — Students who are interested in artillery fire ara requested to meet in Room 157, Main i Building on F rid ay , October 4 at 8 p. rn. ED W A RD L . DODD. planned. SO C IA L C H E M IS T R Y O N E ST U D EN TS have not ordered A lexander’s Smith’s A P P LIC A - Chemistry a t the Co-op. Do it today a nd d e ^ site d I because a quiz will be given the third She engaged for the season. One of these it Edward Howard Griggs, A. M., L. H. D., of New York, who will lecture In the organization of a school and here Jan u ary 20, on “The W ar and community fair the teacher r»ays a the Reconstruction of Democracy.” interests her prominent part. The second speaker to address the stu­ pupils in the proposed plans, which dents of the University will be Isaac F . Marcosson the noted war corre- the children in turn discuss with their spondent and author, who has been parents. In the cooperative effort of for the last three or four months in the teacher, the pupil and the patron studying eco- a successful working basis is estab- France and Holland -nomic and industrial conditions. He fished the will lecture here on March 8 on “The plans. There is a friendly rivalry in the matter of exhibits. A willingness W ar and After.” There will be a meeting of the com- to help is expressed rather than the mittee on public lectures within the spirit to excel. The completed exhibi- next few days for the purpose of dis- tion represents the normal production cussing and possibly outlining the 0f the community. A committee looks c o u r s e of l e c t u r e to be given at the a fter the various exhibits, sees that they are properly prepared and is re- University this year. the carrying out of for This p attern in fine, soft Rus­ sian C alf, $ 1 0 .0 0 . In Cordovan L e a th e r, $14.00 Also P u ttees, Leggins, E tc. Burt Shoe Co. € 0 6 Congress Ave. w a s i n c h a r g e of the work undertaken * for the 80cial caiendar committee in d a y a f t e r the l^ K S a r r * lions should be made and deposited arrive thi» summer by the Carnegie Founds- j th(, |etMr box in the Students’ Asse tion on the question of the A m erican!-1 ciation Room not later zation of Im m igrant., and Professor j MomUy October 7 . <- he5n'5t' J 117J " ' 1 " J T l o m f l i r t than 6 :0 0 p. rn., day. ° .c p « r H n r ? the Radto men. E. P . SCHOCH. Miller, who is now head of the depart- should ^ made in ment, was employed in the latter part j of the summer in the investigation of the operation of the business income and excess profits taxes for the Amer­ ican Economic Association. ^ . • . . should be made in accordance with the recent law of the Students' Assoria- A ca cia . a tion regulating social activities. • , a W F SI E Y W BROWN. am All applications ----------- ---------- pttcit There will be a short call R U S K ^ T h c re will be a short call RUS meet ng of the Rusk L iterary Society *** Room 157 cf the Mmn Building at 7 :3 0 on Satu rd ay evening. There __ * A new instructor, Miss E. Cham­ berlin, has been added to the depart­ ment. Miss Chamberlin is a graduate office Jn of Mt. Holyoke and has done several years of graduate work at Chicago. She is conceded to be particularly well qualified to train young women for government work as she has been en­ gaged in doing statistical work for the United States Bureau of Labor at Washington. -------------- o-------------- F A C U L T Y B U Y B O N D S . P H Y S I C M E X A M IN A T IO N S FO R will be an informal program and dis- the Marine Branch cf the S. A. T . C. cussion of plans. New men are es- will be held tomorrow afternoon in the racially invite . the Library building between P R E S ID E N T . the hours of I and 3. F O O T B A L L M EN — All men who have been on football squad and all new men who wish to try out. includ­ ing transfers from other colleges and ineligibles will meet on Clark Field at 4 :3 0 p. rn. or as soon as they can get there. W, J . J U N E A U . Beginning Monday, the office hours cf Dr. Gilbert will be changed from 8 :30 to 10:30 in place of the old hours of l l to I, on account of change of schedule. D r. S. N. Key will look a fter the ea r, nose and th roat depart­ ment. Dr. George N. Decherd will as­ sist in the U niversity work. T h r e e P a r t i c u l a r G a r m e n t * H a r e A n E x t r a o r d i n a r y C a l l T h i s S e a t o n : NAVY TAILORED SUITS — T R IP L E T T E AND JERSEY FROCKS NAVY SUITS— The Style Leader* The oast few da vs we received several shipments of the now popular Navy Tailored Suits, and visitors to the department tomorrow will have little trouble m a k i n g a m ost satisfactory selection. We have them of S e r g e , of G a b e r d i n e , B r o a d C l o t h * , T r i c o l i n e * , and others of the most fashionable ma­ terials. Some marked as low as 5 2 5 . 0 0 , others from this price up to $ 5 0 . 0 0 . One of the largest and most up-to-date M I L L IN E R Y ST O C K S fo r your inspection, consisting o f every shape and coior in this 'season's styles— Materials consisting of beautiful Panne, Lyon’s and Chiffon Velvets, ail attractively trimmed— Hats , fo r school, street, morning and afternoon affairs. $ 6 . 0 0 t o $ 1 8 . 5 0 FOR W A R TIM E CONSERVATION Buy your G LO V ES for the service they will render. W e ar® exclusive agents in Austin for the celeb rate line of M arshall F ie ld ’s K id Gloves. , FIELD ’S VIRGINIA Ladies’ two-clasp, double draw, enb’d* Colors; White, sel f- sew n; B la c k , white s e w n; Wh ite, black sewn. Price per pair $3.00 E L M I R E C A P E An extra serviceable glove that answers her dress wea r as well as for motoring; in all the desirable shades, in- cludnig Khaki. Price per pr. $2.50 All gloves fitted by an expert. . .aXtL A J j . l l CHAS. ROSNER I h u o d a y TI I J I P V C I for receiving The Faculty Committee the Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign report the very best success, although at pres­ ent nothing definite can be given out in regard to the amount already sub­ scribed. Mr. Calhoun says that the the faculty members are committeemen with open arms, and that all persons on the pay roll of the University are gladly buying their bonds. No quota has been given the > U niversity for this campaign, but it is evident that as much, and prob­ ably more, will be subscribed as in the form er campaigns. So far only the faculty members are being solicited, but the students’ council will probably begin a campaign soon among the It is expected and hoped students. the students will respond as «th at cheerfully as heretofore. COME INTO T H E Y. W. C. A. office and sign up for committee work any morning this week. P R E S ID E N T . Advertise in the D A IL Y T E X A N . ------------ o------------ See M. Silver at Driskill Barber Shop for a good shave. ------------ o------------ AN Y G IR L W IS H IN G to rent text- j books call at Y . W. C. A. office. P R E S I D E N T ------------ o------------ Advertise in the D A IL Y T E X A N . N IC E ROOMS and good board $17.50 3t per month. 200 WU 32d. Street. F O R R E N T — Two large connect’ '' down-stairs rocms, ensuite or sin- j gly. Ideal quarters for two or more gentlemen. Private bath, outside en trance, no children in family, b eau ti-j' ful location, convenient to University. , References. Apply 3100 Speedway or telephone 1680. S E F our new fine of suitings cloth­ ing made to your measure. Hooverize and bring your old suit; have it cleaned, pressed, repaired, or altered (no delivery). 1610 Lavaca St. The I University Shop FU R N IS H E D apartments and room- fo r rent with bleeping porches. Rea­ sonable rates. Phone 241 3. 2 1 1 0 Tom Green St.» F O R R E N T , with or without board. nicely furnished rooms; modern i conveniences at 1934 San Antonio St. j Mrs. Sallie C. Wood, Phone 1385. I W A N TED — A copy of Ogg’s “The I Government of Europe.” Phone 4363. The Walter Tips Co. J o b b e r s AUTO ACCESSORIES AND HARDWARE A com p lete line of accessories for the auto carried at all times Burd High Compression Rings. — “ A tw ater-K ent Ignition Systems W R IT E FOR CATALO G UE WHEN Your Clothes Are Dirty REMEMBER Driskill Hotel Laundry Phone 4-4-4 T H E D A I L Y T E X A N : I have paid the Blanket T ax and you a re hereby notified to send my Texan and M agazine to N a m e ........................................................................................ Address................................................................................ STUDENTS URGED TO TRY OUT FOR PLACES ON TEXAN STAFF. There are a large number c f vacancies on T h e Daily Texan staff for 1918-19. The Texan is the student paper, and as such is patron­ ized, and issued by the student body. Membership on the staff is open to any student in the University who has enough interest to try out. and become elected to the staff. Those students with journalistic experience, or an ability to write at all fluently, should have an easy chance to make the staff, while anyone with even mediocre talent and a willing­ ness to work has a chance to make the staff. The editor-in-chief and managing editor will be in the Texan Office, first floor Main Building, at regular hour? from Monday on. If you are interested in w o r k in g in college journalism while in the University, please call around at the office at once. T H E T EX A N