STATE & LOCAL Moonlighting Austinites plan to conjmemorate the 100th anniversary of the beginning of city-r - -'■'Wrinitv in Austin. Home improvement The University’s Extension Instruction and Materials Center is helping migrant students keep up with their studies. TS 12 Purple passion The L.A. Lakers, led by Nick Van Exel’s 34 points, send the Seattle SuperSonics home early again. ' z s s { Vol. 94, No. 146 3 Sections Da i l y T e x a n The student newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin Friday, May 5, 1995 25c C A LEB C A N N IN G Daily Texan Staff Hazing may be linked to student’s death Fraternity membership prevalent in Cowboys Texas Cowboys. The source, whom The D aily Texan confirm ed to be a member of Kappa Sigma and frater­ nity brother of Higgins, said he was not present at the picnic, but heard abo u t it from so m eo n e w ho w as there. A uthorities confirm ed Thursday that investigations into the drow n­ ing d eath o f G abriel H iggin s will include the possibility of hazing. com e up. All aspects are being looked into.” LL ~ i hat [scenario ol hazing] and others have --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Lt. David Campos of the Bastrop C ounty S h e riff's D ep artm ent said that th e d ep artm en t has received num erous anonym ous phone calls su g g e s tin g th at m e m b ers o f the Texas C ow boys, a sp irit organiza­ tion composed primarily of fraterni­ ty members, made Higgins and oth­ er pledges drink alcohol, then swim across the Colorado River. T h a t [scenario] and others have co m e u p ," C a m p o s sa id . "A ll aspects are being looked into." According to a source that spoke on the condition of anonym ity, the picnic at w hich H iggins drow ned was actually Cow boys' Hell Night, a ritual initiation cerem ony for the But Randy Leavitt, the attorney representing the Cowboys, said that allegations of hazing were false. I h ave not heard anything like I am not going to an a n o n y m o u s that, Leavitt said. to re sp o n d source." M embers of the Cow boys would not comment Thursday. H ig g in s, w ho had been a good sw im m er and was reported to be in good p h y sical sh ap e, w as one of many new m en," or pledges, to be initiated that night, the source said. A c c o rd in g to th e T ra v is C o u n ty chief medical examiner, Dr. Robert B ay ard o , H ig g in s' b lo o d alco h o l M ELA N IE G ERIK Daily Texan Staff I he Texas Cowboys, an organi­ zation made up mostly o f frater­ n ity m e m b e rs, h a v e been involved with the cam pus com ­ munity for 45 years. Each fraternity usually has one or two members in the Cowboys; a small percentage of the group are independents, or nonfraterni­ ty members. "N ew m en," as initi­ ates are called, are tapped in at the "p ic n ic " held in early M ay each year. Gabriel Higgins was at a c o w b o y s p ic n ic w h en he drowned early Saturday morning in the Colorado River. One of the Cowboys' main ser- Please see Cowboys, page 5 content was .21 percent, more than tw ice the level at which it is legal to drive in Texas. "T h ey w ere sw im m ing because the Cowboys had a fire on the other side o f the river and the newmen were supposed to swim across and put it out after drinking," the source said. Campos said they are investigat- — Lt. David Campos, Bastrop County Sheriff s Department ing a scen ario sim ila r to the one described by the source, but have had difficulty finding anyone who was present that night to tell what happened. "W e have to have someone with a name come forward," Campos said. "So m e of these guys are potential pillars of the com m unity. If som e­ thing not quite legal was going on, they will have to carry that around with them for the rest of their life." C am pos would not com m ent on specifics of the investigation. U nless authorities single out the p le d g e s w ho w ere p re sen t th a t night, they never will find the truth in the investigation, the source said. "Fraternities are real 'hush-hush' organizations," he said. Higgins, a 19-year old mechanical engineering sophomore, was report­ ed m issing at 11:40 a.m. Saturday, the morning after attending the pic­ nic. He reported ly w as sep arated from his group at 2:30 a.m. Higgins' body was found at 4:45 p.m. Saturday in the Colorado Riv­ er, eight to 10 miles south o f Bas- Please see D row ning, page 2 LET'S DANCE City unveils lease plan with Seton million Austin stands to net from Brackenridge management S T A C E Y R O D R IG U E S _____ D aily Texan Staff A u stin M ay o r B ru ce Todd revetted details Thursday of the h igh ly an ticip ated lease a g ree­ ment with Seton for management o f Brackenridge Hospital, saying tin- city w'ould net $64 million if the deal gains final approval, "O n ly th ro u g h th is ty p e of public-private partnership" will Brackenridge survive, Todd said. A u stin w ould keep Bracken - rid g e 's net a sse ts of abou t $64 m illio n if the 3 0 -y e a r d eal is approved, and Seton would pay the city $10 m illion in cash up fro n t and $2 .2 m illio n a n n u a l rent, said Betty Dunkerley, head of the city's Department of Finan­ cial Services. I he agreem ent is "a lot more than 1 anticipated when w e began negotiating," Dunkerley added. Under the terms of the agree­ ment, which will be released late F rid ay aftern oo n , Seton w ould m ain tain B ra c k e n r id g e 's C h il­ dren's Hospital and continue pro­ viding the sam e level of repro­ ductive, indigent and trauma care Please see Seton, page 2 Council approves BCCP proposal SC O TT PATTERSO N Daily Texan Staff T h e C ity C o u n cil accep ted a controversial B alcones C anyon- lands C onservation P roject pro­ posal at a special meeting Thurs­ day on the grounds that though the plan may not be perfect, it is still a needed step forward for the preserves. The council voted 5-1 for the Shared Vision plan, under which the city will apply fur a regional 10-A perm it from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Landowners w ho w ant to d e v e lo p in th e e n d a n g e re d h a b ita t w ou ld be ch a rg e d a $ 5 ,5 0 0 per acre fee, with the revenue going toward th e c ity 's p u rch a se of a crea g e needed to com plete the balcones preserve. M ay o r B ru ce T o d d ca lle d S h a re d V isio n a "p la n fo r the future." "1 do believe that this plan is one that is important to the com­ m unity," Todd said. "It will not s a tis fy all s k e p tic s , but th a t's impossible to do." Som e of those skeptics, howev­ er, were very vocal at the public hearing. Robert Brandos, a West 1 exas landowner, told the council that "th e land ow ners are being Please see BCCP page 2 R?rK rH Richard Toscano, a staff member for the Un.versity’s Public Services Gen- Chicano/a Culture Committee’s celebration of Cinco de Mayo a soPhomore s Panish ™ajor, and eral Libraries, perform for Austin elementary school students as part of W * , M t . -> , P *• *• ________ DEBORAH CANNON/Daily Texan Firefighters halt search efforts, discover all but 2 bodies Takin’ the Bus Back to Seattle Weather: Being used to the rain I'm glad-you guys didn't mind Nicl Van Exel raining 10-15 jumpers like there was no tomorrow. With regu lar season wins in the high 80s, it’s hard to believe you guys are head ing home. Hope you don't mind the partly cloudy skies and enjoy the Space Needle Maybe you’ll see Soundgarden there although they probably wouldn't want to hang oui with first-round losers. Good-bye and better luck next year (not). Index: Around Campus.................... 17 Classifieds....................... .....14 Comics....................................17 Editorials.................................. 4 Entertainment....................... 13 Sports..................................... 12 State & Local.......................... 7 University....................... 6 Up Close................................ 18 3 World & N ation................ Associated Press OKLAHOM A CITY — The search for bod­ ies in the bombed-out federal building was halted early Friday as firefighters found the remains of all but two of the victims, Assis­ tant Fire C hief Jon Hansen said. The grim discovery in the last 6-foot pile of unsearched rubble brought the death toll to 165. Hansen said the missing bodies were those of two adults. A m o n g th e se ts o f a b o u t 20 re m a in s uncovered late Thursday w ere those of the last three children unaccounted for in the April 19 terrorist bombing. W ith the search at an end after 17 days, families will be allowed to gather at the site for one last, private remembrance, possibly this weekend. A tto rn e y G en e ra l Ja n e t R en o in siste d Thursday the trail has not gone cold in the hu n t for Jo h n D oe 2. At th e b o m b ed -o u t building, crew s moved closer to giving up the search for nine bodies still in the rubble. Workers began sifting through the last six- foot pile of unsearched rubble. They planned to work through the night if necessary and then finally accept that som e victim s may never be found. " I had w anted to find ev ery b o d y ," said ; ---------------------- W w We are all going back much better people than we cam e because of this exp erien ce.” — Audrey Conner, member et Orange County, Cadf., rescue team fire Capt. Richard Bell. "B u t I realize now a lot are just gone." The death toll climbed to 159, including 18 c h ild re n . T w o o f th e b o d ie s re co v e re d ih u rsd ay w ere in fants from the d ay-care center. O n ce the rescu ers quit, fam ilies w ill be allowed to gather at the site for one last pri­ vate remembrance. In W a sh in g to n , R en o ad m itted d is a p ­ pointment that John Doe No. 2, the second suspect in the bombing, has not been identi­ fied or taken into custody. But she said the FBI is following thousands of leads in the April 19 bombing, the dead- Please see Oklahoma, page 5 ASSOCIATED PRESS A member of FE M A s Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 5 from Orange County, Calif gets a hug from children during a farewell send-off celebration for the 62-member task force team. The task force has been searching for victims of the Oklahoma City bombing. P a o e 2 Friday, May 5 .1 9 9 5 T h e D a i l y T e x a n T h e Da il y T e x a n Seton: Women’s services to remain at Brack Drowning Continued from page 1 r n n t i n n a r i f m m n a / m f ----------—— ----------------------- -— ü ........ - - j )lt ........................... Ecteor Men»oing EdHor 7 7 7 " " " ~ A**oc*te Mtewyng Editor* He«te Etetor *teoc»te New* Edrtor* Newt tmtymrnm EdHor..... Senior Reporter* ........ A at óetela GcMor* Entertemmens Editor ____ ", Aaaociaia Entertainment Etfctor Around Campua Editor_______ Sport* Editor ...................... Aawctete Sporta Editor Ganarai Sports Reporter* Photo Edito» ........... Graphic* Editor *___ 7. ........ ....... Photographers News Raponaa teaaaup EcMors ____ Win» t fMM Copy Editora EdÁónte Asatetam Edtonte Cotoronwt Entertainment Writers Sporta W riter............... . . , “ “ Layout Coordinator Ptemument Staff ................. — ~ Mary Hopkins ----------------------- ---------------------------------- .— Michael Bnck Jaaon Dugger, Joe 0 a n a , Travta Oort Ranaa Marta *..................... — ..... — ..................... ......................................................Trtah Buaa. Steoay Rodrigue» . T T — Kevin WMKamson Canrang, Metan» Qarik. Jennifer SchuRz. Elizabeth Souder ...................................................................... R*fc>tei Pfckana, Carol WrigN .............~ ....... —..............................................................Chria Gray Marcel Mayer Kevin WMiemson Johnny ludden ...................................... — ............ ™......... ..................... ........ - ■■••••• ■•••••»»»•••*.,»#«C5©0# Dtorid trvmgston, Mark Livingston, Nathan Sanders. Tracy Schultz ..........................................*•— .......................Andy Rogers, Ron Shutman *................................................................- ................ Naka Nathaniel Issue Staff ............... ~ ~ ............... ...................................... Debrah Cannon, Jennifer Foster, Ron Shulman Keft Dunn, Kan Ferguson, Scot! Patterson, Tom Vaughn Bn* * Cravens, Lauren Jonas ..............................................................................Michael Chang - .......Gratchet Geatogo. Jim Moore Jfjirn# M Vic# ...................................... Bfwn Baker. George Kkw, Amir Mohsen Mirabi * Joe Sebastian - ..........Mark Livingston. Charles Potansky ............................... — ......................... .......... Advertising j~ “ ^ ( w . Nathan Moors Kathteen Mayer. Knsten Mansfield, Jean-Paul Romes Graphic Deesjners Classified D isplay Cteeatead Telephone Sates 1”.................................................................. Clerks .......................................................................................................................Megan Zhang Dewayne Tmdetl -Nathan Moore, Sandra Toon ..............................................Dana Colbert Stephanie Rosenleld Jessica Burtch. Amanda Casebier, Kim Fleming Vanessa Flores. Sherry Sauter, Kimberly Stuber * ........ r» ueedey. Wedneedey. ^ ^ V - ^ n d a y except holidays exam periods and when sc nod « not ,n L - * on Second class postage paid at Austin TX 78710 For ^ < ^ P h o n ^ { 4 7 l -4591), a. the editoria. office (Texas Student I ««the news laboratory (Ccxnmuncstcn Building A4 101 ) urapiay eovernsmg, cel 471-8900 For classified word advertising, call 471-5244 4711865 F0f * 3 national classified Entire contents copyright 1995 Texas Student Publications. „ One Semester (Fall or Spring) Two Semesters (Fall and Spring)_______________________________ Summer Sessny. One Year (Fa* Spring and Summer) ......„............... .....,,7 " * “ $Vi 00 2T.T'mm*'................... •••••—........................................ 55 00 ?? 00 — .......................... The Deity Texan Mall Subscription Rates ^ To C^erpe by VISA or MasterCard, call 471-5083 8 “ ” P O 0 °« O' * “ «"• r x 787)3-890., o, P O S T M A S T E R : S«nd address changes to T h e Daily Texan P O Box D, Austin, T X 7 8 7 1 3 -8 9 0 4 services that Brackenridge currently does. The Austin City Council would appoint a five-member commit­ tee to oversee Seton's management, and Seton w ould hire all of Brackenridge's 1,650 em ployees. The extra $64 million would be diverted to pay off Brackenridge's $60 million debt, Dunkerley said. The plan also calls for placing about $10 million in savings. But according to the agreem ent, the city w ould continue funding three indigent care programs to the tune of about $17 million annually. One of those pro- gram s, the Charity Care Program, w o u ld receive more than $5 million from the city. If the cost exceeds that total, Seton w ould absorb the loss w hile any sur­ plus cash would be returned to the city, according to the agreement. Despite the payouts, Dunkerley said the city would still fare better than in recent years because general funds no longer w ou ld be used to cover costs for needy patients. Also, if federal funds for Medicaid and indigent patients dry up in the future, only Seton would be obligated to kick in extra money. Charles Barnett, chief executive officer of Seton, said it could run Brackenridge m ore successfully than the city by sharing overhead and health care resources am ong Seton facilities and Brackenridge. Seton already operates Seton Medical Center, Seton N orth w est H ospital and Seton East C om m unity Health Center among others in Austin. "Seton is a not-for-profit organization," Barnett said. "If w e are more successful than w e anticipate, money will be put back into this community." Councilmembers Ronney Reynolds and Gus Garcia joined Todd in supporting the proposal, both of them stressing that their concerns over public accountabili­ ty and continuing current services were addressed. "When w e first went into this process, I think every­ body was concerned ... with who was going to be tak- ing over Brackenridge,' Garcia said. "I feel very good about entering this part of the transaction." R ey n o ld s said he a p p r o v e s o f the a g reem en t because Seton agreed to maintain the Children's Hos­ pital and provide trauma care. The city will continue to operate Brackenridge clinics, such as the Bracken­ ridge Eye Center. But Jackie Goodman said she was reserving judg­ ment until she reads the entire agreement, which will not be released until late Friday afternoon. Goodman did say she was gratified to see that reproductive and indigent services w ou ld not be cut and that Seton agreed to hire Brackenridge employees. When the city first agreed to negotiate with Seton, citizens and councilmembers were reluctant to agree to allow the city's only public hospital to be run by a Catholic organization. The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul, Seton's parent organization, is governed by the Ethi­ cal and R eligious D irectives For C atholic H ealth Facilities. These directives preclude abortion services within any of Seton's facilities. Under the agreement, Seton w ould not recognize Brackenridge as a C atholic facility. If the lease is approved, Brackenridge would continue to provide the sam e w om en's services, including cou n selin g about contraceptives and abortion, and refer patients to abortion providers. "We've had our moral theologian take a look at this and they're comfortable with this," Barnett said, adding that the Seton Board of Directors is in full support of the lease. But even if these services are continued, others still bristle at the thought of a religious leader deciding policy for the public hospital. "My biggest concern is that our public hospital is being turned into a religious institution," said Han­ nah Riddering, chair of the A ustin chapter of the National Organization for Women. "And I really do not believe that the w id e variety of beliefs that the p eo p le of Austin have w ill be accepted w hen they receive health care." Riddering said she w ould take these concerns to the City Council before they vote on May 25. Cqun- cilmembers will take up the issue in a work session on May 10 and hold a public hearing on May 18. The Seton Board of Directors will vote on the agreement on May 26. Continued from page 1 trop, by sheriff's officers as they dragged the 12-to-15-foot-deep river. Since the Cowboys are registered offi­ cially as a student organization, the Uni­ versity is conducting its ow n investiga­ tion into Higgins' death. James Vick, vice president for student a ffa irs, w o u ld n ot c o m m e n t on the progress of the in vestigation. He said only that it is still in early stages and that UT officials are interviewing those pre­ sent at the picnic. "It is just a matter of being patient and getting through," Vick said. "We will do everything we can." C am pos said that other "newm en" w ou ld face no charges, even if hazing w as to be determ ined a factor in H ig­ gins' death. Authorities are concerned o n ly w ith th ose r e s p o n s ib le for the alleged hazing, he said. 'I realize that som e of these .pledges m ay feel that if som ething illegal was going on that they will be responsible," Campos said. The pledges "are not being looked at as having violated the law. We are just looking for som eone to tell the truth." The Bastrop County district attorney's office w ill take over the investigation after the Sheriff's Department gives it a case file, said David Lewis, an investiga­ tor with the DA's office. The sheriff's office will investigate for "how ev e r lon g it ta k es for them to uncover every rock," Lewis said. "There is a lot of work to be done." Monday Tuesday W ednesday Wednesday, 4 p.m. Thursday, 4 p m. Friday, 4 p m. Thursday............ Monday, 4 p.m. Friday ............... Tuesday, 4 p.m. 11 * m CUwrtted Word AOt (UM Buwnrnx 0*y Prw» lo PuMfcqtionl ONE HO UR 16 SLIDE PROCESSING 2 4 X = * 4 .9 5 3 6 X = * 6 .5 5 PHOTO STUOCNTS - ADDITIONAL 10» DISCOUNT CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHIC LABS W . M L K AT N U E C E S • 4 7 4 - 11 DOZEN ROSES $ 9 . 9 5 Cash & Carry 3830 N. Lamar 453-7619 FIESTA FLOWERS OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Optional Fee Code 28 The Official Directory optional fee was inadvertently omitted from the Registra­ tion Worksheet on page 10 of the Fall Course Schedule. 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