W e a th er: Warm, C lou dy Range: 65 - 80 THE DA Texan ‘First C o liege Daily in the South' Editorial Reading: M o r e Platforms Page 2 VOL. 56 Price F iv e Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, THURSDAY, APRIL 18,1957 Four Pages Today NO. 158 Politicos Open Forum B y M A R K S. SM IT H Tessa Editor Easter Holiday Hours Scheduled For Facilities Cafeterias to Close; Libraries W ill G ive Part-time Service Invectives, shouts of protest, and counter-accusations filled the air W ednesday night at a candidates’ clinic held in the University ” Y.” What started off as an idea-sharing program soon turned into a raging verbal battle which ended in a suggestion by the m oderator that, “after it’s over we can all take sides and throw rocks at each other.” I The brisk debate started soon a fte r a speech by R ay F ar- abee, form er S tudents’ Association president and past vice­ president of th e N ational Students’ Association. F arab ee ' gave pros and cons of student governm ents’ worth and po­ tentialities, and laid several blunt questions before th e au­ ----------- dit'nee of .IO, composed in a 4 nicies making people happy,” Far- large part of candidates. - “ What purpose does all this sign-! abee concluded Most University-sponsored serv* building and handshaking per- ices will close Thursday Easter holidays for the form “ W ill anything be done about the The Housing and Food Service parking problem this tim e ?” announced that the Gnomons will “ The student government is not I close Thursday after the noon meal clearly defined—what is its pui- and open Munday, April 22, breakfast and lunch, but not for; pose?” for Farabee's answers to his own j the evening meal. H ie University questions appeared rather encour After Farabee s talk, “ New Di­ mensions in student Government,1* the program was moderated by Rebby Gregg, new Y M C A presi­ dent. The candidates’ discussion start­ ed off with a brisk discourse about student housing by Don Hendrix, p r e s i d e n t i a l candidate, He described the housing . , . which Hendrix said the adminis- -- firetrap . J . . , . tT ., , L s Tea House and Varsity Cafeteria aging to will close also after the noon meal Thursday and open again for break- 1hem taking note, fast Tuesday, April 23. VI unit- of the library will close ., . the hopeful candidates listened attentively, some of i . «. j , , . , , „ r fhi . _ tratT10n cIaim ! *'lU last fnr 15J e * r *' 1 respectfully disagree. Hen- student government is drix maintained. Some houses in more to d .y." h . not«d " I t L m le Campu, Cour, s have 1930 has grown from a dance-sponsor- model k e r o s e n e stoves and ' 1 ■ ’ , " *rganization to where now heaters” Reading Room began charging hooks out for home use at 9 P m, , 0 n the much-disputed tuition in- Wednesday, to be returned Tues- d A major point of his talk was crease bill which only Tuesday wa* ' I libraries remaining open during thp age-old topic of ap ath y-of the passed out of the Senate committed the Easter holidays are the Loan student and of the student govern- for consideration in the Senate: I Department I e,al Sciences Humanities Reserve. erl “ After I take office within five ,n student government, said minutes after I ’m sworn in, we will n d Undergraduate R e a d i n g Farabee, by a concept of intro- have a special meeting of the as- sensibly to inform the Senate how r p n ^e partially combat- the Business and So- mpnt' ranscend! la- Panning looking at yourself. corial nlnnninp ” Healers. Rooms and the Law Geology and spec Hon . ' ' lf , 'h» Engineering Libraries Assembly Mid th. student. really feel." The Barker History Center Bio- Association officer*: would review and Education their anions of ( ’homistry last c y Libraries; the Latin American ('’cl­ lection; and the Rare Book Collec- the Harley Clark, the other presiden­ six ital candidate, explained a possible months.” he suggested, "they c o u ld solution to the studen* wage situa­ te ave s o m e th in g worthwhile for lion. He suggested that the Steer their successors As it is. student Her* Committee investigate wages governments n o w make the same paid by local businesses and pub- in The D aily mist ak*' year atter year.” “ I hope you as candidates have Texan. This, said Clark, would the courage to do something be- exert an influence on those who pay ~~ students wages as low as 50 and 60 bsh their findings “ ~ - - Stump Speaking Set for Tuesday cents an hour. Tom Bousquet. former Steer Here head a n d candidate for chief jus­ tice. told of the success of the com­ mittee. “ We stepped on a few' toes, hut with the co-operation of The D aily Texan, our committee got some­ thing done.” "E A S T E R T IM E IN T E X A S ." Lovely Pat Parlor, PH’ Mu, holds a rabbit, symbolic of Easter, es she models her new bas*e- bo^-e*' against a bac*ground of bluebonnets. W h a t better way - Photo by James E. Wat hen to sym bcUe a Texas Easter the" a picture of a pretty g :d, an Easter bu'"-'/, a-d Texas blue* Donne*-.? Today marks the beginning of the long awaited Easter holidays at 'he University, Tracksters Go North For 3 Days of Running By PAT TRI UT Associate Sports Editor Texas’ tired travelers, the track team, will learn this weekend that there is really “ no rest for the w cany.” hoping to ambush the San Benito 53 feet for the Trojans, lad somewhere along the way. SMU, with sophomore Don Stew- throw ’ junior Clarence M iller ^ " pen Part-tim*. T h e Architecture, Art. Docu- Harmers mom*, Journalism, Lib ra ry School, feet, B have gone over 235 f c e t m their M u s ic , Pharm acy, Physics, and is the reigning power in I careers. Longhorns Johnny Warren. Textbook and Curriculum units will art and both consistently over R inches I tosser Rink Babka has a 375-foot I tlons tw_ u v. lin nppformer* discus Thursday night the Steers try j the high jump Paul Schumann, Joe Irvin, Bruce be rlr>sed. themselves against perennial giant ' The Longhorns are favored In Parker, and Fallon Gordon Southern California, Abilene Chris- the hurdles, where Eddie South- have their jobs cut out. tian, SM U , and Texas A&M in the em has times of T i l and 22.7. the mile relay, in which their 3:12.8 at annual Dallas Invitation Meet. F rid ay they w ill trek to La w - ! the Texas Relays stands up as the in th* nation, and possibly the n „ rj. ' The Kansas Relays annually at- . Wjjj The University Post Office will he open Friday and Monday, April 19 . and 22, with regular hours, 8 a.m. . to 4 IO p m, tract the pick of the athletes from T he University Co-Op and all the Big Ten, the Big Seven, and Hemphill’s stores will be closed other midwest and Missouri Valley Friday and Monday. schools, plus visitors from more two distant parts. Texas’ pending world Un \ard relay mark of IO I was set What Coes On Here fence Kansas, for the big Kansas When asked about the question of tlelays, stretching through Satur broad jump and fin. segregation by limiting member- riaT ship to Catholics Mr. Moor* re- plied that it was more a matter n a t i o n ’s of selection, nm segregation. He felt, that by members of like r e ­ ligion living together they would be spiritually strengthened. stiffest , t ex as Pat Me *uire has the broad jump victories this year af I Texas must fare fsonift of competition those titre* days. Southern O I , competition, though, from Bob Law- ineligible this year to try for their son and C. R. Roberts of U ST e ig h t h NCAA track title in n in e Lawson has leaped 23-8 this sen- son, while Roberts, the big fullback years, still has a typically strong, w’ho took Texas apart last fall in deep squad, Memorial Stadium, jumped 24-412 as a freshman. Publication of The Daily Texan ceases for the Easter holidays with this point this issue The next edition will he distances over 24-8. H e ll j e t good j thera ]ast year> where the race js that of Wednesday. April 24, the where candidates for offices^ pre-; jumped from one student to an- sent their platforms to the students other, as each gave In s views of and what will clint ax the spring elections student campaigning Tuesday night A par- might be done to improve it. ade of the candidate* and their M arjorie Menefee. A&S assem- suppofter* will start at the Quad hlyman candidate, suggested that dorms at 7 p.m. and travel down interested students be given a spe- ( .fie job in student government to Guadalupe to the Union. Stump Speaking, an annual event day of student elections. The discussion at run around one turn. government . . in x Thurday 8-6 Faculty art exhibit, Musi* Building loggia. T-.30-7:50 Watch service, Univ er- sib,- Baptist Church. 4 “ The Revolution in Shakespeare to be dis- Textual Criticism” cussed in Criti- “ Program in cism ” by Dr. Fredson Bowers, English iBuilding 203, 6 Solemn High Mass, St. Austin's Church. For Pressure Research Foundation Gives G rant Ttie west coast terrors are bring­ ing 23 men to the Dallas meet, and are favored to retain their meet crown. Abilene Christian, with th* world’s fastest farmer, Dr. J . J . M cKetta Jr., chairman Bobby Morrow, to lead the way, of the Department of Chemical are no strangers to Texas. Th* Engineering, has received a Na- Wildcats have taken two of three !,°nal Science Foundation grant of fabulous 440-yard relay duels this S28.700 to study the distribution of year, winning over the Steers b. water, carbon dioxide, and hydro- four vards ai the Texas Relays, gen sulfide in petroleum hydrocar- and posting a 40.2 time around two bon mixtures at high pressures. tunis, 7 ;30— Dean L. D. Haskew to talk . . . . . . . , . . In n e r - the The three-year grant will enable i a ‘n ' v u| til let ui i." .. I n iv e rs r y s chem ical engi- ev-*> e w n . *“ Southern Cal has r- > i s g<* strength ... ' r n neers t0 continue then- high pres- a . e a s t seven I ,’es7ar<’ Melvern^ ex- ; il o n 7LVl 7 S plained. Such research has been the sprints, although Texas’ Bobby i Wbilden and Hollis Gainey are still in progress for the last IO years, .r Easter Customs Have M any Origins The 440 race m ay be the best of the night s action. W ally Wilson of Texas and Jam es Segrest of ACC have split even in two meetings this year, Segrest winning once with 47.8 and Wilson nipping him the next time in 48 flat L S C offers M urray Cockbum 18 I Bv LINDA VI EST Easter, the. Christian holiday the resurrection of Christ, has derived many nts- 1 ’SC comes to Dallas with tre- toms and symbols from pagan fes- mendous strength in the distance rivals. The name Easter is derived the Teutonic divinity of events and the weights. Two-miler from wfho has done commemorating The speeches will be held in the promote interest. rn ain ballroom of the Union. A mas- And then it broke loose Hendrix tor of ceremonies will present the attacked the method used by tho candidate* in reverse oater of their Student Party to nominate its can- nppearance on the ballot; the prest- didate, Clark. Imm ediately Clark lumped from his seat and. waving rh ntial candidates will speak last Decoration of wells and springs The candidates for president are his fist at Hendnx, shouted in ef- feet that what Hendrix said was in His footsteps wherever ll* went in token of the ;durning flow of allowed to speak for three minutes; water as a life-giving necessity is assembly candidates one and one- not correct.. lf signifies half minutes. The audience may another Easter rite haptismal cleanliness, purification, question the campaigners on their and regeneration. platforms and promises. The Easter bonnet originated in Stump speaking is directed by Warren, At this moment Don Warren de- livered a 20-minute defense of the its methods. Student Party and former Student Party in f;v Max Truox recently set a collegiate spring. Os tar a. ■ “ ha* run 4:09.2 record of 8:55.0, and m ile r Sid Wing O stara the superstition that to wear a new the Stump Speaking committee of chairman and last y e a r’s Student the Union. Formerly it was spon- P a rty candidate for president, ex- w ill throw Jo e V illa rr e a l and Wa]- symbol. The hare w as sacred to • happiness in love during the year. sored by the Campus League of j plained in great detail how Clark 471* t>onnet has evolved today to Women Voters. The A P O ’s are in was arrived at as the presidential mr M cNew against them. include a complete Easter outfit, this season. Texas the use of the rabbit as an E a s te r bonnet on E a s te r Sunday assured > nominee of the Student Party. charge of the parade. is also responsible her. for Commission Rules On Absentee Voting P h a r m a c y students who w ill be eluded in the candidate's expense The decision states, on a senior trip during regular ( account. spring elections will he able to vote “ At any on Thursday, April 18, as a result group meeting to which persons of an Election Commission deei- are invited for the purpose of mref- ing, or hearing speeches by a can- sion made Wednesday. Commission members will hold a j didate, expenses of refreshments special election for the pharmacy served will be charged to the can- srodents in the Alpha Phi Omega didafe’s or candidates' expense ac- office of the le x is Union between count in an amount equal to the 9 and IO a rn. Thursday. Any phar* j rates charged by Texas Union. This m ary student who is going on the ruling applies to meetings given trip and who presents his auditor's either by, or for, the candidate. It receipt w ill be allowed to vote or is not to be construed as prohibiting candidates in the student elections, the serving of refreshments at In a n s w e r to the question sub- party meetings, sign painting meet- mitted Monday about write-in can- ings. etc.” didates, the Commission ruled that The next Election Commission a write-in candidate is subject to meeting will he held a' 5 p.m. the same rules for campaign ex- Tuesday in Texas Union .109. pensrs as are the regularly filed “ If any candidate who candidates has not filed for office campaigns by other than oral means.” stated the C om m ission’s decision, “ he will he sub lect to the provisions of Article III of the Election Code as regards campaign expenses.” CPO Application To IFC Debated The Commission also ruled that coffees held f o r the specific pur­ pose of introducing a candidate or promoting his election must he in- Officials Impound ASC Newspaper A R L IN G T O N -Copies of the student newspaper of Arlington State College Tuesday were im­ pounded by college officials in what they said was a “ disciplinary m atter" brought on by the publi­ cation of a picture which the news­ paper had been told not to print “ Religion has no effect on the fraternity «rher than the spiritual life of the member,” explained Frank X. Moore Southeastern vice president of Ph i Kappa, national Catholic social fraternity. Mr. Moore was on the campus Wednesday to discuss and answer questions on the application of the Catholic Fratern al Organization for membership in the Imer-Fna- temity Council. He stated the ac­ ceptance of the local chapter in the IF C was necessary before they could receive a charter from Phi Kappa. He feared that the added re­ Students tvho did not give their quirement of religion, all mem­ names told the Fort Worth Star- bers must be Catholic, may have Telegram the action was an in- vasion of their rights and amount- been one of the objections raised. ed to suppression of news The main requirements of the But Pau l McAfee, student editor fraternity' like all fraternities are of the paper, The Shorthorn, said, four-fold M r. Moore explained, “ There has been no censorship as that of scholarship, a good finan- far as I ’m concerned. The diffieul- rial status, participation in enmi­ ty is merely due to a misunder- pus affairs, and a good social life «*A ji 0f these requirements have standing.’ satisfactorily by C FO .’ E H. Hereford, college b,»er| D r sajd president, said, “ It isn’t the arti- A member of IF C said that one ole and it isn’t the picture. It is . question raised was that members just simply that the dean e- partmen' of Finance on “ Federal Reserve Policies,” International Room, Texas Union. 7—Stump Speaking, Main Ballroom, Texas Union. 7:30—Alpha Chi Sigma coaching in chemistry', Chemistry class Building 218. 8 Dr. V a lte r F . Starkie to give public lecture on “ The Wander­ ing of Don Quixote and Sancho,” Batts Auditorium, Shot putters Dick Bronson and Easter eggs date hack to the R a y Martin are consistently over ! ancients. The Egyptians recognized them as symbols of re-creation and bie Persians believed the world was hatched fmm an egg. The Gauls, Greeks, Romans, and Jew s believed that the egg held the mys­ tery of life. Starkie to Speak On Don Quixote Dr. W alter Starkie will speak on “ The Wandering of Don Quixote and Sancho: A Visit Today to the Scenes of L a M ancha” at 8 p m. Tuesday in Batts Auditorium. This lecture is being sponsored jointly by the Committee on Public Lec­ tures and the Departments of Ro­ nurnc. L*»guages and Geography* x„ a, hm ffoksburg The custom of dyeing the eggs red, blue, green, purple, and yel­ low was borrowed from the rays of the aurora borealis and the dawn­ ing hues of the Easter sun. Kindling of Easter bonfires to disperse the germs of evil as long as the fire sheds its light is an old German custom. Paschal fires are a tradition each year in th F „ 4„ ^ Dr. Starkie, who is currently serving as a visiting profess™' of Romance languages, tvaa at one a m a director o f the British Inst,.; lute rn Madrid and a professor of, out Spanish and Italian languages and literature at Dublin University. Z I j it He has spent many holidays __ u . tt, . hraditiorw, Easter lily has p u r it y .'m a t as aR . h an(, tr„ , c „rfJiB . th „ { th„ M JI after loMh ,he grave, white line* sprang up ,,,, , . .. _ ...„ . » roaming across Europe with groups of gypsies and is an authority on 2 7 , 6 6 6 S c ^ k P o l i o S h o t s their language and customs. His i knowledge of these people has in­ spired many of his books and lec­ tures, such as “ Jacinto Reinvent and Modern Spanish Dram a,” and ’’Sara’s Tent.” The Health Center has given 27,666 Salk polio shots this year to University students. G iven a* H ? a {th Center Dr. S h a w to Describe During the first shot program, last November and December, only 1,400 students received shots number one and two. At the com­ pletion of the second full series, which began in March, 7,000 stu- j Dr. W. H. R. Shaw, associate dents received the first shot, and ! profesor of chemistry, is scheduled j 5.666 completed the second and TV Teaching M ethod to present a paper Thursday at the ! third inoculations, annual meeting of the American The program, which ended April Society for Engineering Education, 12, was -ponsored by the Health the National Polio bmng heid at Texas A&M Wednes- Center and J day through Friday. j Foundation. ...J S A N D R A C O U C H and J O H N W A T T S , co-chairmen of Varsity Carnival, give $7,500, the proceeds of the carnival, to Tanner Hunt, one of the co-chairmen of Campus Chest. Jo an McKrTght, the other co-chairman, is rot p:c tjre c . Organizations re re ring me pro­ ceeds include Cereoral Pariy, C a n c e r Fund. Umvers ty ‘ Y, Spon­ sored Fore: jo Students, Red Cross, ana Pc,.o, U. - I'.. C L O U D Y SK IES a^d student campaign sigm cut visibility on paris of the campus to only a few yards s wee*- as ;pr -g elec* on carrpa gn- its ; --ai ween. The s-gns reprevent nq relied part at th* canaiaa'es ast ditch *fforU to win major offices in the campus biggest annual election. The e^ecrion will be held next W ednes­ day. The W e d Mall s the traditional concen­ tration area for large and small and plain and fancy campaign signs* Photo by Paul D. Hop* THE D A IL Y T E X A N Page 2 Thursday, April 18, 1957 A n d F u rth e rm o re , M y Friends, S. J Law Assemblymen Pharmacy Assemblymen Engineering DON GRIFFITH (Griffith’* platform and quali­ in fications were not received tim e to be Included with those of the other three engineering can­ didates In Tuesday's paper.) R epresentative Party candidate for Engineering Assemblyman Q ualifications: T h r e e se m ester E ngineering H onor Roll w ith overall g ra d e point a v e ra g e of 2.43 P h i E ta Sigm a P lan n in g C om m ittee for Union L eadership T raining R e tre a t C h a irm an of P ublicity C om m ittee for R e tre a t L ead ersh ip C om m ittee C am pus Survey C om m ittee R eligious E m phasis W o r s h i p C om m ittee AICHE 70 per cent self-supporting As an engineering assem blym an, I would w ork tow ard th e following g o a ls : To encourage m ore in te rest and particip atio n in student professional societies, To develop student in fu rth erin g the rep utation of The U niversity of T exas College of E ngineering. in te rest To b e tte r express stu d en t and faculty desires for developing and enlarging re se a rc h and exp erim en ­ tal science. To encourage students to m a k e g re a te r contributions to the pow er show. To im prove pre-reg istratio n stu­ d en t-adv: relations. To in v estig ate the U niversity pay scale and see if m ore can be done for those students who w ork for the U niversity. To finish "O peration Gopher.*4 Job Opportunities b y in A la sk a , th e A n c h o r a g e e x a m in a tio n h a s heart a n ­ A n n o u n c e d fo r E le c tr o n ic T e c h n ic ia n p o s itio n s pax Intr $4 525 » j ear, p iu s c o s t or llv -n g d iffe r e n t a1, fo r nu t • In t h e C ivil A e r o n a u tic s A d m in is tr a ­ t io n th e U n ite d S t a te s C iv il S e r v ic e C o m m iss io n h a s a n ­ n o u n c e d A p p lic a tio n * us iii be a c ­ c e p te d J o in t B o a r d o f C S C ivil S e r v ic e Tr s r - : In e r s. P o u c h 9. A n c h o r a g e . A la sk a . u n til A p p lic a tio n fo r m s m a y be o b ta in e d fr o m A L. D a v is , a t th e A ustin, p o s t o ff ic e . • and ar e t w o p o s itio n c a te g o r ie s w h ic h c u r ­ th # b e st o p p o r t u n it y r e n t ly o ffe r fo r th e *>•■!era! G o v ern m en t th e C iv il S e r v ­ ic e C o m m iss io n a n n o u n c e d . c a r e e r e m p lo y m e n t w ith fu r t h e r notice a m o u n te r 's V n g ln e e r s G r a d u a te e n g in e e r s in tin y b ra n -h o f th e p r o fe s s io n w ith o r w ith o u t a w id e e x p e r ie n c e , v a r ie t y o f p o s itio n s th r o u g h o u t th e U S at a r a n g in g fr o m $ i PJO to $10,320. th # c o m m is ­ s io n s a y s s ta r tin g c h o o s e s a la r y fr o m fo r m s an d A p p lic a tio n I n fo r m a ­ tio n m a y be o b ta in e d fr o m m ost p o s t o f f ic e s and a p p lic a tio n s sh o u ld to The F i c h t h U n tted he m a iled S t a t e s C ivil S e r v ic e R e g io n a l O ffic e I I M C o m m e r c e S t r e e t, D a lla s 2, T e x a s . N o Extra Charge for Fast Service at L h O y b fflR R TiflfZJO G ' the most in DRY I O p e n 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p m. M o n d a y through Saturday H O W . 19th St. C om ae Nuaees Laundry Sarviea TM* ii one of our famous #Je n $ e n Hiqh Fidelity Loudspeakers A K-210 P ro \ ides tho excellent h i"h fi­ d elity reproduction of a coaxial in a u nit of tw o-w ay system sm all size and am azingly low cost. rn d la m r 1-f u n it M a tc h e d direct, p r o v is io n fo r e a s ily a d d in g ST -901 H - l Tla,an>" C o n tr o l. C o m p a c tn e s s fo r a n d s e t s m o d e r n iz in g TV r a d io e q u ip p e d w ith s ln g le - u n it s pea aer* lo w c o st m a k e fr e q u e n c v -d lv td and 13-in ch B u ilt-In Id e a l l l S h ip p in g W e ig h t 7 lbs. Net Price $27.50 W a carry the complete line of Jensen high fidelity & extended range speakers & components. S P E E D W A Y -SALES & S E R V IC E - H IG H FIDELITY AT REASO N ABLE PRICES 2010 Speedway G R 8-6609 IOO per cent self-supporting I K orean v eteran Phi D elta P hi leg al fratern ity B a rriste r s B all C om m ittee, Law P latform : ROSS BLUMENTRITT HOSS BLUMENTRITT Independent candidate for la w Assemblyman Qualifications: F irs t y e a r law student, m a rried , 27 y ears old, two cb.ldren I-aw L ectu re C om m ittee m e m b er (1957) C hairm an, M arried S t u d e n t s Council a t p rese n t tim e E n tered T exas Septem ber 1947, m e m b er APO, P hi K appa Psi fra ­ ternity, N ational Vice P re sid en t of P h i Chi E ta < 1951-32‘ Senior M an ag er. In tra m u ra l Sys­ te m <‘‘T ” L etterm a n ) Wesley F oundation BBA. T exas. 1952 Not in school 1952-56; In se n d ee , K orean V eteran Served on B oard of D irec to r! of M idland Ju n io r C ham ber of C om ­ m e rc e C urrently serving as S tate Com ­ m ittee C h airm an fo r C ultural Im ­ provem ent A c u i t i e s of T e x a s Ju n io r C h am b er of Commence T U X E D O S FOB REN T AU Si sea Longhorn Cleaners SMS Guadwfnpe Phon e GB 6-8847 D uring th 5* period have se rv ed I as Church T re a s u re r, T each er of I Adult Sunday School Class, and M em ber of O fficial Board of St. P aul M ethodist C hurch in M idland, P latform : interested I am v ita lly the prob.em s of m a rrie d students ac a group, and in p a rtic u la r, th e fol­ lowing ite m s: in I. E stablishing a C o - o p for I : staples. 2. Im proving p rese n t housing In D eep Eddy and B rackenridge. 5. O btaining sp a re 3. E ncouraging m a rrie d .students to p articip a te in Student G overn­ m en t and solving student problem s. 4 O btaining use of .Health C enter facilities for stu d en ts' dependents. in T e x a s Union expansion for n u rsery facili­ tie s; and encouraging the proposed estab lish m en t of Union bran ch es a t Law School an d Lake Austin (n ea r University’ a p a rtm e n ts and boat docks). G eneral Issu es: F o r raise in te a c h e rs' pay F o r higher ac ad e m ic sta n d ard s A gainst the tuition rai«e L O LIS G. N E L M A N N Independent candidate for Law Assemblyman Qualifications: I T honor g ra d u a te “It's our first Birthday . . . but You get the presents!” TODAY , WE'RE GIVING AWAY: __ 4 Five-quart oil changes each to 4 car owners 2 Sets of Sport-etts Seat Covers I Set of Floor M ats Front and Back Air Cleaner S e r v ic e with Your Oil Chang# s o d Lubricator* Register Today & Win! (You don't have to be present to win) Lit U* GI''# Your Car A Com plot# Ch#ck-Up 8**or« fairer. W # ll pick up your car whit# yo u r# it a complex# check-up, and aa ivtr it back to you promptly, Give ut a call. in cists, give GRINER'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION 3201 RED RIVER GR 6 -54 2 4 ; D ay, 1957 Honor student I Platform : R u s e the p restig e of Student I G overnm ent by in c reasin g its func- 1 tions and responsibilities. I feel I am opposed to a ra ise in tuition due to the fact th a t it would place I an additional b u rd en upon a larg e | num ber of stud en ts. j teac h ers the U niv ersity ! should receive an in c re ase in sa l­ aries. The S tudent A ssem bly could help the U n iv ersity A dm inistration in this project by encouraging the student body and th e ir p aren ts to contact their resp e ctiv e legislators and requesting th e m to enact legls- j lation to this effect. j I will endeavor to re p re se n t the desires and in te re sts of the Law School to the best of m y ability. “ ROZ" SH R U L L Student Party Candidate for Eau V ssern blym an Q u a lific a tio n s J Ohio W esley*n U niversity Arnold Air Society Ohio W esleyan U niversity Sailing C lub—Vice C om m odore Student G overnm ent — Publicity ! C om m ittee, A lum ni C om m ittee for I securing new stu d en ts ; Chi P hi F ra te r n ity —-Rush C hair­ m an 1950-1952, B udget C om m ittee, I P u blicity C om m ittee I n te rfra te ra ity Council Rush C om m ittee U niversity of T exas I n te - f r a 'c r - ' nity Council- Rush C om m ittee Law B achelors Clubbe V eteran of WVVTI and K orea. P la tfo r m Student g overnm ent dem ands ex­ perience of its p articip a n ts. Only through a conscientious effort on the p a rt of its re p re se n ta tiv e s can it succeed in giving benefits to the Student Body. T he School of Law h a s an im p o rtan t contribution to m a k e it should have an eq u al voice rn all activities concerning its adm inis­ tration. lf given the opportunity to be your A ssem blym an I pledge my b est efforts to fairly presen t the problem s the and School of I .aw. to student affairs, and in te rests of Texan C lassifie d A d s G R 2-2473 — Extension 29 I MONTHLY CLASSIFIED BATES * w«rf» ........ IO w ord# .................................... , CLASSIFIED DEADLINE'S* s 1.00 « 1 1 OO 4 a y , T « * * n ................................................... M on d ay, 4 r rn. 4 nm . W e d n e sd a y T e x a n .................................T u e sd a y , Thursday T e x a n ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday. 4 RL lfK V xan ........................................ Thursday. 4 Sunday T exan............................................. Friday. 4 p rn. p m . p.m . DAILY CLASSIFIED R A T E S A d d itio n a l w ord * t x na I fla y .................................................. .$ .9 5 ................ En-, h a d d itio n a l d a y ......................$ 8 5 ................. * 'ai C la s sifie d D is p la y .................... . ..$ 1 ,3 5 r c r c o lu m n Inch in th e e v e n t o f e r r o r s m a d e In an a d v e r tis e m e n t Im m e d ia te n o tic e m u s t be g iv e n a# th e p u b lis h e r s a r e r e s p o n s ib le fo r o n ly o n e in c o r r e c t I n se r tio n 2 0 w ord * 1T i£ * s Dance Instruction Tutoring Typing $1.OC' per hour Privet* lessons ran b e p a id fo r s in g ly . Ha l f price a fte r 5 lessons Learn Jitterbug Lox Trot. w a ltz . L atin -A m en can dances Dancing » * useful and desirable addition to bu man happiness popularity. Annetta GB M T O . r°°m *">*•" Special Services R EN T T-Y a L a te m o d e ls r a te s . HO 5 - » 9 7 . GR 2-2692. L o w est E \ P, £ R T J - A 1L 0 R IN G •- * a ■ a • h'rta„. Reasonable rates 'act bs or. s M en s Vt ear. 2332 G u ad alu p e. D A N C E M U S IC R a n tin g , a; e q u ip m e n t O p e r a to r , sp*, a ty p e* or ir 'js <■ an d h i c F en - fu r n ish e d g u a r a n te e d . S a t ls f a r t lo n f i d e l i t y G R ^ 5566 F O R M U L T IP L E <-0 p :es o f y o u r th ese s bv tn e m e s S u l^ llt ^ J !L. R ea r 1200 J u s tin L ane. a ^ -c o n d itio n e d HOOM k it c h e n e t te , b a th , u 'red fo r p h o n e . N o pet* N ice J u s t T Y P I N G W O R K to p e r fe c tio n . D isfter- _ th e s e s - W ills o n C L 3-8204. T H E S I S d is s e r ta tio n . E le c tr o m a tic . U T n e ig h b o r h o o d . M rs. B o h ls. GR 7-3749. lone A L L T Y P E S w ork d o n e by e x p e r ie n c e d t y p is t . L le c tr o m a tic . GR 2-6359, D IS S E R T A T IO N S T H E S E S . E lectro" m a tin (s y m b o ls ) : M rs R itc h ie . U .T neighborhood. GR 2-4945. D E L A F I E L D T Y P I N G S E R V IC E . T h e- ^ . . d i s s e r t a t i o n , th e m e s . N o t a r y L E T M R S A L B R IG H T do y o u r ty p in g Experienced Efficient. <,L 3-2&L T Y P IN G ANY k in d . R e a s o n a b le ra tes. M rs. V ick. HO 5-1343 T Y P I N G : S u p e r io r q u a lit y w o r k : M rs. M a rd i W h ite . H O 6-7521. E O R r S d i s s e r t a t i o n s !' t" i i i s ¥ r e - e le c tr o m a tic E x p e r ie n c e d ty p in g . M in or e d itin g F o u r b lo c k s fro m c a m p u s. M rs. B o d o u r . GR 8-8113. s ~ C A R E F U L L Y -D O N E T H E S E S t a t io n s . E x p e r ie n c e d . E le c tr ic . d is s e r ­ 9 0 0 W e s t 31. GR 2-9444 I Y F I N G . E X P E R I E N C E D , r e a s o n a b le . < lo s e In lo c a tio n . G R 8-3298. I 3 P IN G . E D IT IN G b y ty p in g te a c h e r M rs. B r a d le y . C L 2-123.5. S T S i J t N V i U 1"* t o r - u ti:m " E X P E R I E N C E D T Y P I N G , r e p o r ts etc* E le c tr ic , M rs. H u n te r . C L 3-3346.’ . n t e v P , * nd • C o n d i t i o n e d r o o m s S u m m e r $25 IT OR S E L L B U Y tit# . ~ J P t H £ j rSx a n C la s s if ie d A ds P h o n e G R 2-2473 b e tw e e n 8 a n d 5 d a ily . th r o u g h I T " S M K G u a d a lu p e . M A R T H A A N N Z I V L E Y , M . B A . F. Zlekenoppasser A C a Diamond Exporters Amsterdam. Holland S a v e 40% to so% o n g em q u a lity d ia m o n d s d ir e c t fr o m A m s te r d a m a* w h o le s a le p rices, AU d ia m o n d s fu r n ish e d a rith fu ll d e s c r ip tio n and F o r c o m p le te d e ta il* e a u OL. 3*7016 a lt e r 6 p m . j j A B A R H O T E L F in e r o o m s fo r m en C e n tr a l h ea t A ir -c o n d itio n in g . Ere- v a lo r . H r ter s e r v i e B arb er s h o p . L a u n d r y an d d r y c le a n in g . P r iv a ’ a p a r k in g . 3612 Guada lupe P h o n e GR 6-5658 j I c o m p ,e l* p r o fe s s io n a l A ty p in g s e r v ic e ta ilo r e d to t h e n e e d s o f U n i­ v e r s ity stu d e n ts. S p e c ia l k e y b o a r d fo r la n g u a g e , s c ie n c e , a n d e n g in e e r ­ in g . C o n v e n ie n tly lo c a te d a t W O O T E N HALL 2 1 0 4 G . s e e ' .p # P ita G R 2 -3 2 1 0 will ta k e the tim e to do his j o b 1 F or Im proved student w ages and conscientiously. em ploym ent conditions A gainst tuition ra ise F o r m ore ac tiv e participation F o r b e tte r p a rk in g facilities F or full sup p o rt of Student P a rty and rep rese n tatio n of students platform F o r m ore ad eq u ate c a re of wives an d dependents of m a rrie d students (such as health c e n te r facilities and blan k et ta x i If elected, it Is m y sincere desire to fairly and unprejudicedly repre- s e n t t h e n e e d s , desires, and opinions of all p h a rm a c y students. ■ GR 6-4329 C A L L F O R COMPLETE GARAGE & ROAD SERVICE 18 HOURS DAILY Check This Complete Auto Repair Service W e Invite and Encourage You Customers to Rem ain and W atch the Repairs on Your Car • Automatic Transmission Service • Q ualified Electrical Service • A.R.A. Refrigair Air Conditioning ° Complete Wrecker Service • Genuine Automotive Parts • Complete Brake Service • W heels Balanced and Skim m ed on M oney Back Guarantee. SK M R M ethod Takes V i­ in Perfect bration O ut By Putting Tires Round APPROVED EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE Ham's Auto Service 314 W. FIFTH at G u ad alu p e TOM BRUNSON TOM B R I N S O N Independent candidate for A ssem ­ blyman from College of Pharmacy Qualifications P re sid e n t of F re sh m a n Class College of P h a rm a c y . Student G overnm ent R e p re se n ta­ tiv e a t B aylor U niversity—T reas­ u re r. H onor Student P h i D elta Chi P ledge. P latfo rm r u n d e rsta n d As a candidate for P h a rm a c y A ssem blym an, the responsibilities of a rep rese n tativ e of the College of P h a rm a c y to the Student A ssem bly. I pledge to rep­ re se n t all students of P h a rm a c y , to give P h a rm a c y w hile striving a stro n g er voice rile student governm ent of the Univ ersity . I will w ork and cooperate w ith the re p re ­ se n tativ es of the o th e r schools and colleges w ith the purpose of fu rth ­ e rin g tho ideals and g en e ral wel- ! fa re of the U niversity in THELMA CLARKE M ICH AEL ADAM O Independent candidate for Pharm acy Assemblyman Q ualifications: Sophom ore M em ber of K appa P si Salk V accine C om m ittee M em ber of ( ‘ F O , B A M em ber of N ew m an Club M em ber of L.Ph A in C hem istry, T exas 1956 P latfo rm t I intend to re p re se n t the needs and desires of the students in the College of P h a rm a c y . My candi­ dacy rep rese n ts all of our in te r­ est. I will openly solicit, the sug­ gestions of ev e ry student in this school, both as to proposed student legislation and P h a rm a c y School policies on an y given question. TH ELM A C L A R K E Student Party candidate for Pharm acy Assem blym an Qualifications * Independent Alpha L am bda D elta 2 2 grade av erag e lo n g h o rn P h a rm a c e u tic a l Asso­ S ecre tary , F r e s h m a n Coun­ ciation cil, BSI; H a rris G rim y P h arm ac eu tica l Association Schola rsh ip to j L ad ies’ A uxiliary th e T exas P h a rm a c e u tic a l A ssociation Scho­ larsh ip D elegate to sta te D em o c rat Con­ vention P la t f o r m : Student P a rty endorsem ent I U r] that the m ain issue n this election is to so o rt a re p re se n ta ­ the » m e and tive vv ho vv iii hav e GO HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS IN COMFORT AND SAFETY! Express Service 3 hours and 40 minutes running time to Hous­ ton. Lv Austin 3:45 p.m. Ar Houston 7:25 p.m. o t h er schedules leaving Austin 12:50 a.m., 7:05 a.m., 9:10 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 2:20 p.m., 5:15 p.m. & 6:15 p.m. Three schedules daily — O n ly one change of busses to El Paso, Lub­ bock, A m arillo a n d Plains territory. H o u s t o n ......................................$4.00 Beaum ont ........... $6.15 Fast . . . Econom ical . . . A ir- Port Arthur ......... $6.65 cushioned transportation. Arrive Galveston ........... $5.55 Lake Charles, La. $7.45 N e w Orleans, La. $11.95 • PLU S 1 0 % T A X • home for the holidays relaxed and refreshed. Fredericksburg .. . $2.00 K e r r v ille ...............$2,55 San A n g e l o ........................$5.50 L u b b o c k ............... $9.45 A m a r i l l o $11.75 El P a s o ...............$15.45 • P LU S 1 0 % T A X • KERRVILLE BUS CO. “FRIENDLY SE R V IC E” For Information — C a ll G R 2-1135 Thursday, April 18, 1957 THE DAILY TEXAN Fag# 8 YearlingsTurn Back Maroons, 4-1 A ustin finally got a ru n in the top of the sixth, and stole a page H ernandez got to first w hen the gtop IA F ever* Hung a t third. He reach ed second a n d ! N u b s going to the keystone, short- by Smith. He w as throw n out at first, scoring N unis, b u t H ern an ­ dez never m ade it to th ird , being throw n out, L ackey to c a tc h e r Lon­ nie Wilson to Alvis, J S T * " Bobby L ackey a ^ h r r t . p r t t o * ^ the ball past and third, on t h . Y ea rlin g , by .Jota* It- £ ” * from w ithout ald of a hit. Bobby Nunis grounder to Bubba G au n tt a t sec- ca tc h got life on an e rro r by M ax Alvis ond, and afte r failing to The run scored on a ground ball By PAT T R IX Y A MOC I a t * S p o r t s E d i t o r M aking th e ir h its count as rim s, the T exas Y earlings ground out a 4-1 victory a t th e expense of Austin ; High School's M aroons a t F resh - || m an F ield W ednesday. I1 Both clubs got four hits, but : Texas found th e irs com ing a t the j i right tim es. O nly one of th eir safe- . ties w as w asted, an d they left only |! four m en on bas* in w inning th eir 17th stra ig h t gam e. Shorthorn h u rle r G reg M artin w as credited w ith his fifth decis­ ion of the season as he proved a h ard cu sto m e r in the clutch. Aus­ tin h it only four bails out of the infield. Padres Edge Senators in IO, 4-3; H o u s to n Moves in f o r S e rie s i outs when F ran k B ullard singled, stole second, and scored on E d M cH ugh’s base h it to center. F o rm e r m ajor le ag u e r Mat? B a tts ' punched a looping single behind second b a 5-® w ith tw o out in the The M issions gave th e ir s ta r te r and v inner Elliott C olem an a 3-0 lead a fte r four innings of play, only to see the Sons com e back to tie g am e w ith a tw o-run h o m er by the fifth and a in _ tpoth inning to score Jo e D urham Texas sta rte d the scoring in the opening stanza, on the first of J a y A m ette's tw o trip les and a field er’s j and give the San Antonio M issions , Don L ep p ert choice In the sero n d they got an unearned run. D avid S adler re a c h ­ ed first on a m iscue by M aroon shortstop M ilam stole second, end a fte r tw o m en stru ck out, scored on a single by Jam e* P o rte r, M artin w alked to keep things hot. b u t wa* forced a t sec­ ond by G a ry I ^ F e v e r s . B a tts ’s gam e-w inning blow cam e a fte r D urham singled, and in a t - ! tem pting to stretch it into a double, w as safe at second w hen the relay w as dropped on the ta g . a 4-3 T exas L eague victory’ over single ru n in the rig h to . the A ustin Senators a t D isch Field j W ednesday night. Colem an set the S enators down without trouble for the first four innings while his mates were pounding Mike C lark for a ru n in the first and two in the fourth. Johnson, in two Tn© leading h itte rs w ere A rnatta. with his th ree-baggers, and Hilton S pitzenberger of Austin, who slapped two singles, C alp stru* k out seven and w alked four, w hile Martin w alked only two and fan ­ ned two, both in the last fram e. B ut A ustin’s P a u l R am bone got the firs t hit off C olem an the fifth w ith a line drive to left, then L eppert followed w ith a line-drive leftfield sm ash o ver fence. the 300-foot A ustin’s other two hits off Cole­ m an ca m e in the eighth w hen the Senators tied the score. I t all cam© Sun Arf or,lo Aus t i n . . IOO 200 OOO 1—4 9 .................... OOO 020 OI') 0 —3 4 C o le m a n an d B a tt* ( 6 1 , M a rtin (9* and L ep p e rt H R pert 15 p.m. & F o r La s t Tim e ? By Th* Annodated Pre** I he Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Gian’ s may be opening the season for the last time at Ebbets Field and the Polo Grounds when the m ajor league* hold their "sec­ ond openers ' Thursday before crowds estimated to total 200,000 fans. Actually, one of the eight games on the Thursday schedule should not tie classified as an opener. Washington, which stole a march on the field with a special presi­ dential opener Monday, starts its regular night schedule at Griffith Stadium against Baltimore. With all the early spring con­ versation about moving the Dod­ gers to I .os Angeles still echoing around the league, the Brooks come home to play Pittsburgh. Magiir* v*. Arrn\f» or I a w Despite the 12-mning victory over Philadelphia on GinoOimoli's home run Tuesday night, only 15,000 are expected to see the Dodgers' Sal Magi ie «9-9 > face Luis Arroyo (3-31 or to rn Law (8-16» of the confident Pirates, The Dodgers have still an­ other opener next Monday when ; they play the Phils at Jersey City. Don Zimmer's two hits against the Phillips helped the Dodgers forget the absence of the injured Pee W ee Reese. Reese will be out for several more days although he will be on hand at Kbbets Field to accept the Lou Gehrig Memorial Plaque from the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Newcomb© to Get Us arr! Don Newcombe w ill accept the 1956 Most Valuable P la y e r Award from Warren Giles, N a t i o n a l League president, and the Cy Voting Award as top pitcher of from Dan Daniel both majors I president of the Baseball Writer's Association. Giles a'so will give souv enirs to the Dodgers, commem- i orating their pennant victory In * 1956. in their The Giants, thumped by Pitts- I burgh first game and ! washed out of a second, face the Phillips at the Polo Grounds where 15,000 are expected. Ruben Gomez (7-171, who was to have worked Wednesday, will oppose Curt Sim­ mons (15-10) who had a fine spring for the Phils. It will be the first ! chance for New York fans to see the Giants' new shortstop, Andre . Rodgers • There have been the j Giants may shift to Yankee Sta­ dium by 1957 although their lease runs to April 1962. rumors C EC ILB .D EM ILLE ’S Che Cert Commandments IT, C h a r d o n y u i aune tow ako g w o n n ? m a p * vnmw I 11 HESTON • BRYNN ER - BAXTER • ROBINSON • DE CARLO • PAGET- DEREK ' VINCENT ©ARTHA HARDWICKE-TCO-SCOTT* ANDERSON* PRICE WMW. Im *. —. I, UxlAj Jack tx JU-JOSI I U5*VJ« .jack cmd}} . f DCOM; A HUM k **, » ■ u, • a * ■-., »4. woo sc*ie?u*c5 . 4 . , —J . . . -j. • ncaaiicaaac >?PMtkj^u> C lC - ‘ry sh° u ld ne m ade in J . B . 107 ( G R 2-2473) end advertising J . B. I l l GR Entered as second class matter Oct. 18. 1943. at the Post Office in Austin Texas, under the act of March 3. 1879. , . _ The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication cl an news disj»tches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper and all local items of spontaneous origin published herem. Rights of publication or ail otner matter herein also reserved. A S S O C I A T E D P R E S - \\ I R E . S E R V I C E T O P >11 l it ! A)• I M R Susan Has ward Kirk Dougta* — Plu s • F IG H T IN G M A N O F T H E P L A I N S Randolph s- i v Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service In a College Publishers Representative mu Madison Ave New York N Y Chicago—Boston— Los Angeles—San Francisco M E VI B l R A ssociated C ollegiate Pres* _ , _ „ Delivered In A ustin................................................................ Mailed in A u stin .......................................................... Mailed out of tow n ............................................... . ’ * S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S (M in im u m s u b s c rip tio n — T h n e M o n th s ) .. .$ ,7b month , • -SI OO month . . . $ 75 month P E R M A N E N T ST A F F E d ito r ............................................................................................ N A N C I Mc ME VSS M a n a g in g E d ito r ............................................................... ( ARQL QI E R O IX ) STAU P FOR THIS ISSI E Night E d it o r ......................................................................... B E N N Y GOODWIN Desk E ditor ....................................................................................... PA T P ARKE R Night Reporters ................ P a t Truly, Eddie Hughes, M ark S. Smith, N, B. Fads, Virginia Nash Copyreaders.......................................... W alter Knapp, Jam es Cochran Night Sports Editor ................................................................................ Bob Greenberg Night Amusements E d i t o r .............. Edd Clark Assistant .................................................... Bradford Daniel Night W ire Editor ................................................................................ B ill Clayton T O D A Y AT INTERSTA TE T E E N - A G E R S SAVE 5 0 % wdh Movie Discount Cord! A v a iloble A i l Theatres1 <1 ll • - • r n r n F M W H s a l H A I k I K I M I K T F K N I T ) A n ita Kkbf-rg Robert R v a n -Plus BAC.n o \n Maureen O 'H a ra Vincent P ric e Nu J U S T I N g e e d JOHNNA Bl II NOA J a n e VVvman Lew Acres - Ph is™ I ON E.SOM I TRA IL Jim m y W a k e ly — Lee Las es W hite L i i i i U u i g g vs I NGS o r EAGLES Jo h n W a y n e M nureen O ’H a ra — Pius H IG H L O N E SO M E Jo h n B a rrv m o re Jr . YANK i OIS TM ANO I saw lACitrroJ EA DI M ONIK IHA Ireasema Dillinn Miguel Torruco Plus - ( O B R A MOMAN Jo n Hall- Maria Monte* mm r n LA S) D A Y KATHRYN GRANT in O n bm aS cOPE r.UMAN COLO* TONY CURTIS MARTHA HYER A MfefVCtV*: .<«*f f** A ft AM At FIRST S H O W 2 P.M. FIRST S H O W 6 P.M. H A S A L I THE T R IG G E R - S U S P E N S E O F 'S H A N E * ! un*** EVEP/ D E Ga l b RANDY’S C v tc £ c '-'& 3 Convenient Locations: • 3221 Red River • 3515 Jefferson • 5th and Neches A C T 's ’ Ja n u s ’ T o O p e n T o n ig h t The Austin Civic Theater will present an arena production nf "Ja n u s " in six performances begin­ ning Thursday at the Texas Feder­ ation of Women’s Clubs Building. The comedy, which starred M ar- ; garet Sullavan and Preston Foster during its run on Broadway, con­ cerns a wife who writes sexy his­ torical novels while keeping two husbands happy. The part of the wife In M el Pape s ACT production will be played by Lamont Billings­ ley, an actress who has appeared in Margo Jones Theater '57 produc­ tions. One husband is played by Bd i Hinkle, and the other by Clyde Butter. The scene is set in a quaint ; Greenwich Village apartment house i In New York w ith the wife travel­ ing between the respective apart­ ments by an old-fashioned dumb- I waiter. Performances will be on Thurs­ day. Friday, and Saturday nights, and also on April 23. 24, and 25 ‘ Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. DEBRA PAGET it but one of ’he many Hollywood personal!- t es seen in The Ten Command- ments, 'we-'ii B. DeMille s reli* chous ec 7 now a* the* 5'n** rn m m m m m sm m Clothes keep that "New Look" longer with THOR-O-CLEAN Drycleaning Exclusively at B U R T O N S 19th at Rio Grande Phone GR 8-4621 THE AUSTIN CIVIC THEATRE S NEXT SHOW IN T H E A R E N A M ost delightful com edy about a trifling wife —— - J A N U S and how she managed to keep two husbands happy. NOW YOU C A K iliflK The most whispered about book in the world becomes a reality oft D. H. LAWRENCE’S CONTROVERSIAL M ASTERPIECE alfaki Lover ^ T H E FILM W ITH O UT* F A L S E W O D E S T Y 1 /D A N IE L L E < I LEO ERNO D A R R I E U X ^ G E N N end Introducing C R I S A Features At 2:20 — 4 :1 0 — 6:00 — 7;55 — 9:50 S T A R T S T O D A Y Open l r . 5«o T ill • r M, NOW OPEN 12.45 i CAPITOL * 35c ^ Til 5 p.m. A LSO THE starring Pamela ii J y 'V ; Richard Allison DUNCAN . GARLAND • HAYES B U B B ! A d tilt >• ’.Or, T f« »n s 25c, R i d * E r e * B O X O F F I C E O P E N S G : BO She had the general over a barrel! A m SUSAN HAYWARD K I R K D O U G L A S T o g * S e c r e t A f f a i r MUI STEWART• PM BACKUS r- J M . ■ > M SA PLUS “ Davy Crockett, Indian Scout” 50c rnnm cnu JOHN WAYNE- DAN DAILEY-- MAUREEN O’HARA 3 a . M ETRO CO LO R M-Q-M — — ' J ADULTS I I I Nv 75c — < H u n F R F I, 50c T h e W IN G S of E A G L E S .WARD BOND PLUb ‘THE MARAUDERS” with Dan Duryea S W e a th e r commission Kuies On Absentee Voting eluded in the candidate's expense account. The decision states, “ At any group meeting to which persons are invited for the purpose of meet­ ing, or hearing speeches by a can­ didate, expenses of refreshments served w ill be charged to the can­ didate’s or candidates’ expense ac­ count in an amount equal to the rates charged by Texas Union. This ruling applies to meetings given either by, or for, the candidate. It is not to be construed as prohibiting the serving of refreshments at p a rty meetings, sign painting m eet­ ings, etc.” The next Election Commission meeting w ill be held at 5 p.m. Tuesday in Texas Union 309. “ Religion has no effect on the fratern ity «*her than the spiritual life of the m em ber,” explained F ra n k X . Moore Southeastern vice president of P h i Kappa, national Catholic social fraternity. M r. Moore was on the campus Wednesday to discuss and answer questions on the application of the Catholic Fra te rn a l Organization for mem bership in the In te r- F ra ­ ternity Council. He stated th* ac­ ceptance of the local chapter in the IF C was necessary before they could receive a charter from Ph i Kappa. He feared that the added re­ quirem ent of religion, a ll m em ­ bers must be Catholic, m a y have been one of the objections raised. The m ain requirements of the fratern ity like all fraternities are four-fold, M r. Moore explained, that of scholarship, a good finan­ c ial status, participation in cam ­ pus affairs, and a good social life “ A ll of these requirem ents have been met satisfactorily by C F O ,” he said. A m ember of I F C said that one question raised was that members of the fratern ity had been report­ ed w earing P h i Kappa pins. M r. Moore stated that one m em ber liv ­ ing in the house w as w earing a Phi Kappa pin but that he w as a m em ber of a chapter at another school. When asked about the question of segregation by lim iting m em ber­ ship to Catholics, M r. Moore re- 1 plied that it was more a m atter of selection, not segregation. He I felt. that by members of like re­ ligion living together they would he sp iritually strengthened. Foundation Gives G rant For Pressure Research Dr, J . J . M oKetta J r ., chairm an of the Departm ent of Chem ical Fngineering, has received a N a ­ tional Science Foundation giant of 528.700 to study the distribution of w ater, carbon dioxide, and hydro­ gen sulfide in petroleum hyd rocar­ bon m ixtures at high pressures. Tile three-year grant w ill e n a b le the U n iv e rs ity ’s chem ical engi­ neers to continue their high pres­ sure research, D r. M cK e tta ex­ plained. Such research has been in progress for the last IO years. P h a rm a c y students who w ill lie on a senior trip during regu lar spring elections w ill he able to vote on Thursday, A p ril IS, as a result of an Election Commission deci­ sion made Wednesday, ( . im nm 'ion jim milers w ill hold a special election for the pharm acy students in the Alpha P h i Omega office of the Texas Union between 9 and IO a m. Thursday. A ny phar­ m acy student who is going on the trip, and who presents his auditor’s receipt w ill he allowed to vote on candidates in the student elections. In answ er to the question sub­ mit! ed M onday about write-in can­ didates, the Commission ruled that a write-in candidate is subject to the samp rules for cam paign ex­ penses as are the reg u larly filed candidates. “ If any candidate who has not filed for office campaigns by other than oral m eans,” stated the Com m ission’s decision, “ he w ill be subject to the provisions of A rticle II I of the Election Code as regards cam paign expenses.” The Commission also ruled that coffees held for the specific pur­ pose of introducing a candidate or promoting his election must, he in- Officials Impound ASO Newspaper A R L IN G T O N (JFF-Copies of the student newspaper of Arlington im ­ State College Tuesday w ere pounded by c o lle g e officials in w hat they said was a “ disciplinary m a tte r” brought on by the publi­ cation of a picture which the news­ paper had been told not to print. Students who did not give their names told the Fo rt W orth Star- in­ T eleg ram the action was an vasion of their rights and amount­ ed to suppression of news. B u t P a u l M cAfee, student editor of the paper, The Shorthorn, said, “ There has been no censorship as fa r as I'm concerned. The difficul­ ty’ is m erely due to a misunder­ standing.” D r. E . H. Hereford. college president, said, “ It isn’t the a rti­ cle and it isn’t the picture. It is just sim ply that the dean (B . W. Johnson* told them not to print a certain picture and they printed The newspaper Tuesday carried a picture of an effigy on Its front page. The picture had been taken during a demonstration last week by students in protect of delays in m aking A SG a four-year college. Thtirday 8-8 F a c u lty a rt exhibit, Music I Building loggia. T :30-7:50 W atch service. U n iv e r­ sity Ba p tist Church. 4 “ D ie Revolution in Shakespeare to be dis­ Textual C ritic is m ” cussed in C riti­ “ Prog ram in c is m '’ by Dr. Fredson Bowers, English Building 203. 6 Solemn High Mas*, St. Austin's Church. 7:30— Dean L . D. Haskew to talk, on “ Talents W e Have,*' U n iv e r­ sity Methodist Church. 8 Communion Service, F irs t E n g ­ lish Lutheran Church. 8 la Austin C ivic Theater presents “ Ja n u s .” T F W C Building. 2400 San G abriel. F rid a y IO and 2 Computers Conference. Mezes H a ll 201. 8- Mass and Stations of the Cross, St. Austin's Church, 7:30 Talk by Dean L . D. Haskew on “ Hope W e Need,” U n iv e rsity Methodist Church. 7 30 Good F r id a y services. U n i­ versity Presb yterian Church. 8 Good F r id a y service*, F irs t Eng lish Lutheran Church. 8 D r. Led yard R. T ucker to give a public address on “ High Speed Computers and Assessment of H um an T alen t.” Benedict H a ll 8.15 A C T p r e s e n t s “ Ja n u s ,” T F W C Building. Saturday 8.15 p m - A C T presents “ Ja n u s ,” TFWC Building. Sunday Id Gordon Epperson, cellist, to give B a c h program, Friends Cen­ ter. 2106 Nueces. * 2-5 Paintings by P e te r B u rd on exhibit at open house, Laguna G loria. 3-5 New Austin Y W C A to hold open house, 18th at Guadalupe Tuesday 4 D r E a r l Bopp to address I *e- partm em of F inance on “ Federal Reserve Po licie s,” International Room , Texas I'm on 7— Stum p Speaking, M ain Ballroom , Texas Union. 7:30— Alpha Chi Sigm a coaching in chem istry, C hem istry class Building 218, 8 Dr. W a lte r F . Starkie to give public lecture on ‘ The W and er­ ing of Don Quixote and Sancho,” Batt* Auditorium, j !k f Price Five Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 T ex a n Editorial Reading M o r e Platforms Politicos Haggle At Open Forum Cafeterias to Close Libraries W ill Give Part-time Service "EASTER TIME IN TEXAS." Lovely Pat Parker, Phi Mu, holds a rabbit, symbolic o f Easier, as she models her new Easter bonnet a g a :nst a background of bluebonnets. W h a t b etter w ay - P h o to b y Jam es E . W a th e n to symbolize a Texas Easter than a picture o f a p retty girl, an Easter bunny, and Texas biue- b o c-ets? T oday marks the b e q ’nring of the long aw aited Easier holidays at the University. Tracksters Go North For 3 Days of Running Easter Customs Have Many Origins the B y U N D A W E S T Faster, the. Christian holiday resurrection in His footsteps w herever He went. Decoration of w ells and springs in token of the returning flow of com m em orating of Christ, has derived m any ens- w ater as a life-giving necessity is toms and symbols from pagan fes- another E a s te r rite I* signifies tivals. The nam e E a s te r is derived baptism al cleanliness, purification, from spring, O stara. The E a s te r bonnet originated in for die superstition that to w ea r a new the use of the rabbit as an Piaster bonnet on Piaster Sunday assured symbol. The hare was sacred to happiness in love during the year, The bonnet has evolved today to her. include a complete Plaster outfit, the Teutonic divinity of and regeneration. is also responsible Osta ra E a s te r eggs date back to the ancients. The Eg yp tians recognized *■** / M i p i ^ ^ B B * . . _ J 'B e i n g eg g s I it .•old • * r x : «n ^ H E p H P Q N m i a a t r a d i t i o n -Ii \ c a r J | jH M H H M H H ru-kshur;: ' ' ' ' ' in t h * r- has I g B j M C D r. W a lte r Starkie w ill speak on “ The W andering of Don Quixote and Sancho: A V is it Today to the Scenes of L a M a n ch a ” at 8 p rh. Tuesday in Batts Auditorium . This lecture is being sponsored jointly by the Com m ittee on Public L e c ­ tures and the Departm ents of R o ­ m ance Languages and G eo g rap h y* is currently serving as a visiting professor of Rom ance languages, was at one tim e director of the British Insti- j tute in M adrid and a professor of .Spanish and Ita lia n languages and literature at Dublin U n ive rsity. D r. Starkie. who He has spent m any holidays roam ing across Europe with groups of gypsies and is an authority on their language and customs. His knowledge of the«e people has in­ spired m any of his tx>ok* and lec­ tures, such as “ Ja c in to Benavent and Modern Spanish Dram a, and “ S a ra 's T en t.” Dr. S h a w to Describe TV Teaching M e th o d ?7,666 S a ’k Polio Shots G iven a* Health Center The Health O m e r has given 27.666 Salk polio shots th** ye a r to U niversity students, During the first shot program, last Novem ber and December, only 1.400 students received shots number one and two. At the com­ pletion of the second full series, which began in M arch, 7,000 stu­ dents received the first shot, and 5.666 completed the second and third inoculations. The program, which ended April 12. was sponsored by ihe Health Center and the National Polio Foundation, S A N D R A C O U C H and J O H N W A T T S , co-chairmen of Varsity Carnival, give $7,500, the pro ceeds of the carnival, to T a r t e r Hunt, o'-'e o f the co-chairmen o f C a m p u s Chest, Jo an M c K n ig h t , the other co-chairman, is r o t pictured. Organizatio n s receiving the pro* ceeds S p o n ­ g e d Fore 9n Sruoents, Rea Cross, ana £pno. C e r e oral Palsy, C a n c e r Fund, Unr.ers.ty Y, D r W . H. R. Shaw, associate professor of chem istry, is scheduled to present a paper Thursday at the annual meeting of the Am erican Society for Fngineering Education. being held at Texa* A & M \ \ ednes- J day through Friday. C L O U D Y SK IES and student c a m p a ig n siq^s cut visibility on parts o f the campus to only a tew yards *H's week av spring election c a m p a i g n ­ ing relied into Irs I ra! wee*. The s ors represent part of the canaut© * .ast ditch efforts to win in the c a m p u s ’ b i g g e s t annual major offices election. The e'ection will be he'd next W e d n e s * day. The W e s t M a ll is the traditional coneen. tr#tion a r«a for large and small and plain and fancy -ampa-gr, s gns. Photo oy Paul D. Hope THE D A ILY TEXAN Pag# 2 Thursday, April 18, 1957 And Furthermore, M y Friends, I. Law A s s e m b ly m e n Pharm acy A s s e m b ly m e n R O S S BLUMENTRITT L O U IS N E U M A N N M IC H A E L A D A M O T O M B R U N S O N in eerm g DON GRIFFITH (G riffith '* p la tfo r m and q u a li­ fic a tio n s w e r e not r e c e iv e d in tim e to b e In clu d ed w ith th o s e of th e o th e r th r e e e n g in e e r in g c a n ­ d id a te s In T u e s d a y 's p a p e r .) R e p r e s e n ta tiv e P a r ty c a n d id a te for E n g in e e r in g A s se m b ly m a n Q u a lif ic a t io n s : T h r e e sem ester Engineering Honor Roll with overall grade point average of 2.43 Phi E ta Sigma Planning Committee for Union Leadership Training R etreat Chairm an of Publicity Committee for R etreat Leadership Committee Campus Survey Committee Religious Em phasis W o r s h i p IOO per cent self-supporting Korean veteran Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity B a rriste r’s Ball Committee. Law Committee AICHE 70 per cent self-supporting P la t f o r m : Day, 1957 Honor student P la t f o r m : Raise the prestige o f Student Government by Increasing its func­ tions and responsibilities. I am opposed to a raise In tuition due to the fact that it would place an additional burden upon a large num ber of students. I feel teachers the University should receive an Increase In sal­ aries. The Student Assembly could help the University Administration in this project by encouraging the student body and their parents to contact their respective legislators and requesting them to enact legis­ lation to this effect. I will endeavor to represent the desires and interests of the Law School to the best of m y ability. As an engineering assemblyman, I would work toward the following goals: To encourage m ore interest and participation in student professional societies. To develop student in furthering the reputation of The University of Texas College of Engineering. interest To better express student and faculty desires for developing and enlarging research and experim en­ tal science. To encourage students to m ake greater contributions to the power show. To improve pre-registration stu- dent-adviser relations. To investigate the University pay scale and see if more can be done for those students who work for the University. To finish “ Operation Gopher.” “ROZ” SHRULL S tu d en t P a r ty C a n d id a te for L aw Assemblyman Q u a lif ic a t io n s : Ohio Wesleyan University Arnold Air Society Ohio Wesleyan University Sailing Club—Vice Commodore Student Government — Publicity Committee, Alumni Committee for securing new students Chi Phi F raternity—Rush Chair­ m an 1950-1952, Budget Committee, Publicity Committee Interfratem ity Council — Rush Committee University of Texas Interfrater- nity Council -Rush Committee Law Bachelors Clubbe Veteran of WWII and Korea. P la tfo r m Student government dem ands ex­ perience of its participants. Only through a conscientious effort on the part of its representatives can it succeed in giving benefits to the Student Body. The School of Law has an im portant contribution to m ake it should h a te an equal voice in all activities concerning its adm inis­ tration. If gi\en the opportunity to be your Assemblyman I pledge my best efforts to fairly present the problems the and School o f I-aw. to student affairs, and interests of Job Opportunities in Alaska exam ination has been an­ An nounced for Electronic Technician positions paying Si 525 a year, plus cost of living differentia!, for duty in the C h i l Aeronautics A dm inistra­ tion the United States Civil Service Commission has a n ­ nounced. Applications will be ac­ cepted by Jo int Board of U S. Civil Service Exam - ; Iners. Pouch 9, Anchorage, Alaska. until f u r t h e r notice. Application forms m a y be obtained from A, E. Davis, a t the Austin post office. the Anchorage Engineers and accountants are two position categories which cur- , the best opportunity rently offer for career employment with the Federal Government, the Civil Serv­ ice Commission announced G raduate engineers In any branch of the profession, with or without experience, from a wide v ariety of positions th ro u g h o u t the US at a sta rtin g salarv ranging from Ut 480 to $10,320, th# commis- • lon sa>s choose Application forms and Informa­ tion may be obtained from most post offices and applications should ne mailed to The Eig hth United States Civil Service Regional Office, 1114 Commerce Street, D allas 2, Texas. N o Extra C h a rg e for Fast Service at the most in ORY Cl EA NWG O p e n 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. M o n d a y th ro ugh Satu rda y HO W, 19th St. Cornar Nuaeas L a u n d ry S a rv ie * H ill Ii on* of our famou* J e n s e n Hiqh Fidelity Loudspeakers will take the tim e to do his jo b 5 For Improved student wages and conscientiously. ! employment conditions Against tuition raise For more active participation For better parking facilities For full support of Student Party and representation of students platform F or more adequate care of wives and dependents of m arried students (such as health center facilities and blanket tax) If elected, it is my sincere desire to fairly and unprejudicedly repre- s e n t t h e n e e d s , desires, and opinions of all pharm acy students. G R 6-4329 C A L L F O R COMPLETE GARAGE & ROAD SERVICE 18 HOURS DAILY (heck This Complete Auto Repair Service * W e Invite a n d Encourage Y o u Customers to Rem ain a n d W atch the Repairs on Y o ur Car • Autom atic Transm ission Service • Q ualifie d Electrical Service • A.R A. Refrigair A ir C onditioning ° Complete Wrecker Service • G e nuine Autom otive Parts • Complete Brake Service • W h e e ls Balanced a n d S kim m e d on M o n e y Back Guarantee. S K M R M e th o d Takes V i ­ bration Out- By Putting Tires in Perfect Round APPROVED EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE Ham's Auto Service 3 1 4 W, FIFTH at G u a d a lu p e T O M B R U N S O N In d e p e n d en t c a n d id a te fo r A s s e m ­ b ly m a n from C o lle g e o f P h a r m a c y Q u a lific a tio n s President of Freshm an Class— College of Pharm acy. Student Government Representa­ tive at Baylor University—T reas­ urer. Honor Student Phi Delta Chi Pledge. Platform I understand As a candidate for Pharm acy Assemblyman, the responsibilities of a representative of the College of Pharm acy to the Student Assembly. I pledge to rep­ resent all students of Pharm acy, while striving to give Pharm acy a stronger voice the student governm ent of the University'. I will work and cooperate with the repre­ sentatives of the other schools and colleges with the purpose of furth­ ering the ideals and general wel- J fare of the University. in T H E L M A C L A R K E MICHAEL ADAMO THELMA CLARKE Independent candidate* for Pharm acy Assemblyman Qualifications: Sophomore M em ber of Kappa Psi Salk Vaccine Committee M em ber of C.F.O. B A. in Chem istry, Texas 1956 M ember of Newman Club M ember of L.Ph.A P la t f o r m : I intend to represent the needs and desires of the students in the College of Pharm acy, My candi­ dacy represents all of our inter­ est. I will openly solicit the sug­ gestions of every student in this school, both as to proposed student legislation and Pharm acy School policies on any given question. Student Party candidate for Pharm acy Assemblym an Q ualifications: Independent Alpha Lambda Delta 2 2 grade average Ixmghom Pharm aceutical Asso­ Secretary, F r e s h m a n Coun­ ciation cil, BSC H arris County Pharm aceutical Association Scholarship Ladies’ Auxiliary to tile Texas Pharm aceutical Association Scho­ lar--:. p Delegate to state D em ocrat Con­ vention P l a t f o r m : Student P a rty endorsem ent I feel that the main issue in this election is to select a representa­ tive who will have the tim e and GO HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS IN COMFORT AND SAFETY! ROSS BLUMENTRITT Independent candidal# for la w Assemblyman Q u a lif ic a t io n s : F irst year law student, m arried, 27 years old, two children Law Lecture Committee m em ber (1957) Chairm an, M arried S t u d e n t s Council at present tim e Entered Texas Septem ber 1947, m em ber APO, Phi Kappa Psi fra­ ternity, National Vice President of Phi Chi E ta (1951-52) Senior M anager. Intram ural Sys­ tem C T ' Letterm an) Wesley Foundation BBA, Texas. 3952 Not in school 1952-56; in sendee, Korean Veteran Served on Board of Directors of Midland Junior Chamber of Com­ m erce Currently serving as State Com­ m ittee Chairm an for Cultural Im ­ provem ent Activities of T e x a s Junior Cham ber of Commerce T U X E D O S rO B RENT All Sties Longh orn Cleaners SMS Guadalupe Phone GR 6-3*47 During this period have served as Church T reasurer, Teacher of Adult Sunday School Class, and Member of Official Board of St. Paul Methodist Church in Midland. P la t f o r m : interested I am vitally the problems of m arried students as a group, and in particular, the fol­ lowing item s: in 1. Establishing a C o - o p for staples. 2. Improving present housing in Deep Eddy and Brackenridge, 3. Encouraging m arried students to participate in Student Govern­ ment and solving student problems. 4 Obtaining use of Health Center facilities for students’ dependents. 5. Obtaining space In T e x a s Union expansion for nursery facili­ ties: and encouraging the proposed establishm ent of Union branches at Law School and Lake Austin (near University apartm ents and boat docks). G eneral Issues: F or raise in teachers' pay F or higher academ ic standards Against the tuition raise LOLIS G. NEUMANN In d e p e n d en t c a n d id a te for I,a w A s se m b ly m a n Q u a lific a tio n s : UT honor graduate “l f J our first Birthday . . . but You aet the presents!'* TODAY WE'RE GIVING AWAY: 4 Five-quart oil changes each to 4 car owners 2 Sets of Sport-etts Seat Covers I Set of Floor M ats — Front and Back FREE Air Cli#**? Sarvie# with Y o u r O i l C h a n g * a n d L u b r i c a t i o n Register T o d a y & W in ! (You don’t have to be present to win) Lot Ut GD# Your Cor A Complot* Chack-Up B*for* Easter. W* ll pick up your car while you'r* in clast, give it a complete check-up, ond deliver it back to you promptly. Giv* ut a coil. GRINER'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION 3201 RED RIVER G R 6-5424 D an ce Instruction Tutoring Typing rn Texan C lassified A d s G R 2-2473 — Extension 29 “ MONTHLY CLASSIFIED BATES t wards •0 word* .................................................. I 4 #0 ...................................................... $ 1 1 .04 f LASSI El I D D FA n I I N t K Tuesday T exan........................................... Monday, 4 Wednesday Texan ................. Tuesday 4 Thursday T exan ...................Wednesday. 4 Friday Texan ........................................ Thursday. 4 Sunday T e x a n . .. ., ................................... Friday, 4 p rn. p m. p rn. P rn. p rn. DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES Additional 20 words or loss word* i day ........................... $ .95.........................$ 02 Eaih additional d a y ................... $ .85..........................$ .OI Classified Display .......... $1 35 per column inch In Immediate notice must are responsible for only one incorrect insertion. of errors m sde in an advertisement, be given as th# publishers the event I .ea r n J itte r b u g BALLROOM CLASS KS every night l l OO per hour Private lessons can be paid for singly, Half price after 5 le s s o n ! . F o x T ro t. W a lt* . Latln-Amtriran d a n ces D a n c in g la • u s e fu l and d e s ir a b le a d d itio n to h u m a n h a p p in e s s p o p u la r ity . A n n e tte D u v a l L n iv e r ity B a llr o o m S tu d io GR 8-3953. GR 2-9086 Sp e cial Services RENT T-V's lust* mode'* m e a . HO 6-5597. GR 2-2692 Lowest EXPERT TAILORING: Suits, slacks shirts Reasonable ratrv Jacobson s Men a W ear 2332 Guadalupe DANCE M U S I C Operator, •pedal Wanting ail type# o f music and high * deTlty fidelity J-■ r equip-1 *-nt h o u r s ^ f j j o , Satisfaction guaranteed. OR 7-.5566 ' re,.shed FOR MULTIPLE copies of your these* etc# t e n by dissertation* a p ttjlith process ca GR 29 Or GR 6-12W) after 6 and before a At prices you can afford tnemes e> For Sale 15-FOOT FACTORY • bout. Fibre glass bottom run Ideal for ak lln g E x c elle n t con d ition H e a w dun trailer. Complete *425 3SD6 Meredu Phone GR 7-3591. lepstraka HIGH F ID E L IT Y “i j F speaker encio sure Unbelievable bas* -to 3is cvcles feet without peaks, only 3 5 cubic Select finishes |5 0 GR 7 3566 TUTORING F R EN C H . Translation Instructress Mile. Dupuis Expert GR 6-2296 2906 Rio Grande Lost and Found GREGORY GYM Saturday night plaid wool car blanket Reward Phone GR 6-0723, NEED ACC- ’RATE TYPIN G ’ Reason­ able GR 2-8402. 706 West 28 TYPING WORK to perfection Dosser tatlons. theses. W ill* lison CL 3-8204. THESIS, dissertation. Electromatlc. UT neighborhood. Mrs. Bohls. GR 7-3749. ALL TYPES work done bv experienced typist. Electromatlc. Gft 2-6359 LOST Please return to Kappa key, gold Judy Ix»st vicinity Blanton Garrison. with pearls. Jacobs, 404 M-Haii and DISSERTATIONS THESES. Electro- matlo (sym bols): Mr* Ritchie, U.T. neighborhood. GR 2-4945. LOST: TI ESDAY between 24th and San Antonio Streets and Batts Hall ladies white gold Elgin watch. Reward. GR 6-0424 Apartments FDI'R BLOCKS west of freshly - decorated large rooms porch, air-coo'ed Water nished *52 50. GR 6-3005 afternoon* campus furnished fur­ ATTRACTIVE MEN S apartments lo- rated near rampu* *30 00, 710 West 24th Street. GR 6-2156 For Rent FOR CO! PLK, I BR furnished house • ir-cond tioned gas v*tr. paid *63 mo. Rear 1200 Justin I .ane I RNTSHED ROOM kitchenette bath Wired for phone No pet# Nice Just what • nu re coking for, $40 Utilities paid GR 6-4645 Sprjh* ,135 and *60 Sum m er *25 and tu ff Maid service Parking N C. Arms .Vt* East 30th GR 7-0501 DELAFIELD TYPING SERVICE~The- themes. Notary. dissertations, ses GR 2-6569 i WET MRS. ALBRIGHT do your typing' Experienced Efficient. GI, 3-2941. TYPING, ANY kind Reasonable rates Mrs. Vick, HO 5-1343. TYPING; Superior quality work; Mrs, Mardi White. HO 5-7521. PORTS DISSERTATIONS, T H E S E S . RE­ electrom atlc Experienced typing Minor editing Four blocks from • ampus. Mrs. Redout. GR 8-8113. CAREFULLY-DONE THESES dimer tattoos, Experienced. Electric. 900 W est 31 GR 2 9444 TYPING EXPERIENCED, reasonable Glo*# in location. GR 8 3298. TYPING EDITING by typing teacher Mr# Bradley. GD 2-1235 EXPE RI EN' ED TYPING reports, ate. Electric. Mrs. Hunter. OL 3-3546. BUY IT OR SELL IT through the D ally Texan Classified Ads. Phone GR 2-2473 between 8 and 5 daily. R E N T 2004 Guadalupe M A R T H A A X N Z IV L E Y , M. B A. WERCOR MODEL 2110 U p s recorder Exi " [callant condition lion. HO 5-9615 MEN QUIET sir-conditioned rooms REGISTERED ona-year cid RED DO­ sale Ears clipped BERMAN Raised with the money. Call GR 2-2473 ext 29 da;-a, GR 6-1280 evenings before 9 children. Worth for ROOM FOK GR 7-0330. F. 7-ukenoppesser A C a Diamond Exporters Amsterdam. Holland Save 4t)% to *0% on gem quality diamonds direct tro w Amsterdam at wholesale prices All diamond# furnished with f ill description and f/ ,r complete d e u iA call CL 3-70X6 a lu * l p m . A BAR HOTEL Fine rooms for men Centra! heat Air-rond.Honing. Ele­ vator. V > riel service Barber shop la u n d ry and dry deaning Private parking 2612 Q uads.-pa Firm s GR 6-565* complete professional typing A service tailored to the needs of Uni­ versity students Special keyboard to r language, science, and engineer­ ing. Conveniently located at WOOTEN HALL 2104 G uide'up* Pha GR 2-3210 Express Service 3 hours a n d 40 minutes ru n n in g time to H o u s­ ton. Lv Austin 3:45 p.m. A r Houston 7:25 p.m. Other ichedulet leaving Austin 12:50 a.m., 7:05 a.m., 9:10 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 2:20 p.m., 5:1 5 p.m. & 6:15 p.m. Three schedules dally — O n l y one cha nge of busses to El Paso, Lub­ bock, A m a rillo a n d Plains territory. K -2 1 0 Provide# the excellent high f i­ delity reproduction of a coaxial two-way system in a unit of small size and am azingly low cost, Matched direct, radiator 1-f unit aion for easily adding ST-90_ provision for easily adding ST-901 H F Balance Control. Compactness Balance Control. Compactness low cost make It Ideal for and radio modernizing TV and sets equipped with 12-inch slngie-unit speakers B u iltin frequency-divid­ ing system ,. Power rating. 12 watts. Impedance,»8 ohm*. Baffle opening tO V : OD 12 I V depth. 6 5-16. Shipping H eig h t 7 lbs Net Price $27.50 W e carry th # complete line of Jemen high fidelity & extended range speaker* & component!. S P E E D W A Y — SALES & S E R V I C E - H IG H FIDELITY AT R E A S O N A B L E PRICES 2010 Speedway G R 8-6609 H o u s t o n ...............$4.00 Bea um ont ........... $6.15 Port A r t h u r $6.65 G alveston ........... $5.55 Lake Charles, La. $7.45 Fast . . . Economical . . . Air- cushioned transportation. Arrive home for the holidavs relaxed N e w Orleans, La. $11.95 and refreshed. • PLUS 10% TAX • Fredericksburg .. . $2.00 K e r r v i l l e .......... $2.55 S a n A n g e l o . . . . $5.50 L u b b o c k ........... . $9.45 A m a rillo ......... $11.75 El P a s o ............. $15.45 PLUS 10% T A X • KERRVILLE BUS CO. “FRIENDLY SE R V IC E " For Information — C a l l G R 2-1135 Graduate Assemblymen YeariingsTurn Back Maroons, 4-1 Thursday, A p r i l 18, 1957 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 3 The Missions gave th e ir s ta rte r after two outs when F ra n k B ullard and w inner E llio tt C olem an a 3-0 singled, stole second, and scored lead a fte r four innings of play, only on E d M(.H ugh-s base hit t0 c e n tp r. _____ _____ __________________ to see the Sens com e back to tie the gam e w ith a tw o-run hom er by Don L eppert single run in the eighth. th e fifth and a J i-w-:r in :• THE COOLEST, NEATEST WAY To T a k e S u m m e r ! i Colem an set th e S enators down w ithout trouble for th e first four I innings while his m a tes w ere 6 pounding Mike C lark for a ru n in I the first and two in the fourth. B ut A ustin’s P aul R am bone got th e firs t hit off Colem an fifth w ith a line drive to left, then L eppert followed w ith a lin e-d rive sm a sh o ver the 300-foot leftfield fence. in | | the I A ustin's other two hits off Cole­ m an cam e in the eighth w hen the S enators tied the score. It all cam e San Antonio A u s t in . . IOO 2 0 0 OOO I— 4 9 0 ................ 000 020 o p i 0 -3 4 3 C o le m a n a n d B a tts C lark. C o n n e lly I.ep- fif th , o n e o n . L o s e r — ( 6 ), M a rtin (9 ) and L ep p e rt HP. p e r t M a rtin . (A u s tin ), Longhorn S la p Texas Tech LUNCH EVERY D A Y a lso a sp e c ia l Lenten M e n u 1607 San Jacinto ll Ansttn ti) Cotton, cf . . . . J. Jnhnson, 2b .......... K un ia, r f Hernandez, a . Smith, 3b . . . . M Johnson, as SpltzenberRer, Navarro, lb G u l p , p x-Covert ............ ........... Totals Tex** <«) I>a F e v e r s A r n e tt? , c f lackey, lb M cD o n a ld . S a d ler , r f G a u n t t , 2 b W ils o n , c P o r t e r 3 b A lv !s | 3 b M a rtin , p . . Totals NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee ........ .. St. Lout* P itts b u r g h B r o o k ly n Philadelphia N e w York C h ic a g o Cincinnati VY I ............ I ................... I ............ I . . . . . . . 0 ................ 0 ...................... 0 ............ 0 P e t. GB L 0 1.000 0 1000 0 1.000 0 1.000 I I I I .000 I ,000 I .OOO I .OOO I W e d n e s d a y R e su lt* N e w Y o rk a t P itts b u r g h , ppd S t. L o u ie a t C in c in n a ti, ppd. ra in . O n ly g a m e e s c h e d u le d . ra in . AMERICAN LEAGUE W L K a n sa s City .......... 2 N e w York ................... I . . . . . . . . . . . . . I B o sto n C h ic a g o I ........... I B a itlm o r a ..................... 0 C le v e la n d ...................... 0 D e tr o it ............ 0 W a s h in g to n ............ P ct. GB . . . 4 4 1.000 1,000 1.000 0 1 000 0 0 0 I I 2 2 .500 I .OOO 1 4 .OOO 2 .OOO 2 W e d n e s d a y R o sa lia K a n s a s C ity 5. D e tr o it 4. Only g a m * sc h e d u le d . Austin Texas .............................. OOO OOI 0—1 .............................. HO 020 x—4 x —Grounded out for Culp In seventh E—M. Johnson. Alvia. La Fevers 2 RBI—Smith. Arnett?. la c k e y 2, Porter. 2B—Hernandez, Gauntt. 3B—Arnett# 2. Smith. SB -af. Johnson. Sadler. S-— La Fevers, S F —Lackey, D P—M. John­ son to M. Johnson. Porter to Gauntt to Larkev. BB—CulD 4. Martin 2. SO—Gulp 7, Martin 2 T—1:30. to Navarro, J. Johnson E X P E R T S H O E R E P A IR • Modsrn Equipment • Keys M a d e • 10% Off Goodyear Shoe Sho O f f The D re g on 2 3 r d S t r e e t WE RENT ‘EM! TUXEDOS C o m p l e t e w i t h Accessaries FREE! INVISIBLE S H IR T S ’. I t Is a little know n fa c t t h a t Van H eu sen , in a d d itio n to its reg u la r m e rc h an d ise, also m ak es a g ran d line of invisible sh irts. A las, th e y h av e n ev er p ro v ed v e ry p o p u la r. P eo ple lose th em easily. L au n d rie s are confused b y th e m . A nd people w earin g th ese in v isib le sh irts are n ot j u st wal ked over, th e y ’re so m etim es w alked through. So, w e’re s tu c k w ith th o u ­ sa n d s of th e m , an d w e'v e ju s t decided to give th e m aw ay . T o y o u ! J u s t w rite V an H eu sen . W e will send y o u free a com ­ p le te w a rd ro b e of in v is ib le sh irts. N o t ju s t one or two! N o t us. W e’ll send y o u hun- dreds of th e m . In e v e ry sty le T Pi very size! E v e ry collar fash ­ ion! All h an d so m e. All in v is­ ible. P ro b a b ly th e finest y o u 'v e n ev e r seen. As for visible s h irts a n d ' sh o rts, sp o rt sh irts, sw eaters, p ajam as, handkerchiefs and ties — well, you know Van H eusen. W e h av e m ost of th e new sty les before an y b o d y else. A nd we h an d le tra d itio n a l fa v o rite s in a w ay t h a t explains w hy cer­ ta in sty le s la st a long, long tim e. Y o u r local h a b e rd a sh e r ca rrie s a large V an H eu sen selection. See him soon. P h illip s - J o n e s C o r p ., 417 F ifth A ve., N ew Y ork 16, N .Y . v a n h e u s e n CENTURY SHIRTS WITH Tiff son COLLA* TUT W O N ’T W R IN K LE EVER! This is the fabulous light­ w eight shirt that’s not only co o l as mint, it stays neat through the hottest, stickiest weather! I ts designed with Van Heusen’s famous one- piece soft collar that can’t possibly wilt or w rinkle— yet never needs starch! And it s so easy to launder, too. Irons flat in one fast stroke. . . flips perfectly into place because the Iola line is woven right in! In five smart collar styles. Short or long sleeves, $4*00 AU Silk Tie, $ 1 . 5 0 . M e n ’s W ear 2332 G uadalupe W IN S T O N T A S T E S G O O D L IK E A i c i g a r e t t e i s h o u l d / SAM B R A D S H A W Student Party candidate f o r Graduate Assemblym an P latform : Although It m ay ba politically expedient to p rese n t a cam p aig n p latform , the organization of re p re ­ s e n ta tiv e governm ent being w hat it 0 , it would be difficult o r alm ost Im possible to fulfill such prom ises. So. I won t m ak e any. H ow ever, if I should be elected, I shall attem p t to co-operate w ith the o th er g rad ­ u ate rep rese n tativ e and the oth er m e m b ers of the A ssem bly in doing w h atev er is to the ad v an tag e of the graduated stu d en ts as well as the re s t of the student body. N um ber th ree on the ballot. WALTER COOLE DO N GRIFFITH 4 Student w ives should be given p referen ce for U n iv ersity jobs and assista n ce from the stu d en t place­ m en t office. 5. Honor system on exam s and extended class cu ts for g rad u ates. 6. In creased te a c h e rs salaries. 7. A gainst: Tuition increase. Independent can d id ate nato School A ssem blym an Q ualifications for G rad -j M. A . candidate, philosophy. City and N ational politics. Publications B oards, T rinity U ni­ M arried, fath er. Six y ears Army- -three com m is­ versity. sioned. Platform tim e, th ey m erely need The g rad u ate student, ma’rric d or single, is often th e forgotten m an In student governm ent. To be con­ sidered, the g rad u a tes n eed n 't lose any to vote- it only ta k es a few m inutes. I hope to re p re se n t g ra d u a te s’ op­ inions concerning In terests housing, food, p arking, expenses, Jobs, child care, etc. Student gov­ ern m e n t can he m ad e to m itig ate th e distractions of college life. I deplore this IOO w ord lim it; I ’m in the eof free shop for lunch com e and ^ a l k to m e ’ E R W IN G RO NE R Independent C andidate for G ra d u ­ ate A ssem blym an Q u alificatio n s: G ra d u ate of Rice In stitu te B eta Alpha Si. UT U n d erg rad u ate D ebate Society V arsity L etterm an M em ber “ R ” Association V ice-president, Hillel D istinguished M ilitary Student, UT UT A rm v ROTO Honor Roll, UT R ice T h resh er staff P latfo rm I 'm in favor of 1. P ark in g privileges for all g rad u a te students who a re instruc- i tors. 2. Im proved housing facilities for all m a rrie d students. 3. M ore efficient in v estm en t of i th e U niversity F unds. KANSAS CITY ( ^ - R e lie v e r W al­ ly B u rn ette shut out D etro it for five and a th ird innings w hile his cam e K an sas Q ty from behind and nosed out the T ig ers 5-4 W ednesday, sw eeping the tw o-gam e season opening ser­ ies. te am m ate s With all o th er A m erican le a g u e te am s idle, th e victory g ave la st y e a r's cellar-dw elling A ’s undisput­ ed possession of first p lace for a t le a st one day. F re sh m a n M an ag er Ja c k Tighe used four p itch ers in a vain effort to choke off th e h ard-hitting K an ­ sas Q ty club and e a rn his first m a jo r league victory. B ut the Ath­ letics got to tw o of them for IO hits, including home runs by H ec­ to r looper and H arry Simpson and a trip le by Bob Cerv. T hat w as enough to win. TOU Edges Ponies, 4-3 For SW C Baseball Lead DALLAS UP—T exas O iristia n re­ m ained u n beaten in the Southw est Conference baseball ra c e by edging Southern M ethodist 3-2 W ednesday. The victory, the sixth straig h t, put th e H om ed F rogs h alf a gam e the T exas Longhorns, ah ead of who h av e five straig h t. CHARLES S. COLLIER 1014 Brazos Street G R 2-8475 or H O 5-8913 Mr. 4% represent! the J E F F E R S O N i S T A N D A R D jefferson Standard, n o w guar- j on politic* cur**! anterin? rently issued, has never paid t leis than 4% intcrcit on divi*/ dend a c c u m u l a t i o n * and on pobcy proceed* left with the company to provide income. 4 * U the highest rate of inter* eat paid by any major life Insurance company.'' lift INSUIWNCt CO He*" Off ut N, C «f Over SPA Billion UU injuries In fore* a UNIVERSITY M ETHO DIST CHURCH 'C o m m itm e n t W e e k ' Feature* Y O U Spacial Sarvicas — 7:30 - 8 p.m . Dr. L. D. Haskew, University Vice-President, Speaker "T he T alents W a H a v a H T h u r s d a y F r id a y .............. "The H o p e W a N e e d " EL PATIO . MEXICAN FOOD O RDERS TO G O Si, Si... Es Muy Deliciosa! 1601 G U A D A L U P E G R 8“4321 M exican F o o d to Take H o m a N E W ! Summer Rates now S3500 H e to te r getting his clothes (leaned so much that he et en takes them in hts cain antiar* caners Smoke WINSTON ...enjoy the snow-white filter in the cork-smooth tipi T W jd ay, April 18, 1957 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 4 DALLAS MEET DRAWS SAMMY I T « termi* Sam m y Giam- "m a h a m Club Invitational Tennis Tourna­ m ent last week P la y in the hie to u rn e y w ill beefin Thursday. is The Houston collegian, " h o ranked seventh nationally, repre­ sented the U .S. against A ustralia, along w ith H erbie F la m and Vie Seixas. in last w a r s Cup matches Single Breasted Suits made from doubles • A lteration* • Repair* A N D Y ’ S Ex p ert Tailoring J 5 I ! (inadalnpn — G R 2-37 Y o u 've FORCED Us! To Serve Once Again $1.00 SIRLOIN Individual Salad Franck F r a t or Baked Potato A Frenck Bread Pioneer Drive In 829 Barton Springs Road Ray Downs Chosen Dodgers, Giants Open at Ebbets •• By St. Louis Hawks For Last Time? Raym ond Downs. Texas' three­ past three years. B r The Associated Pre** tim e all S W C basketballer, w as drafted by the St. Louis Haw ks W ednesday. If Downs proves suc­ cessful with the Haw ks he " i l l be the second Texas ex to m ake that club. A lread y on the team is form er Longhorn Slater M artin, who was on the second team all-pro select­ ions this year, The H aw ks this past season gave the Boston Celts a run for the money rn the N B A playoffs before the N e w England five won out. The Haw ks also drafted South­ ern Methodist s speedy little guard Bob by M ills. M ills was on the S M U quintet the Southwest " o n Conference basketball title for the that Western fla t* — S h irt* S u it* — Je a n * Ja c k e t* — S k irts La d ie s’ Bag* Gloves— B elt* Shoe Repair CAPITOL SADD LERY 1614 Lavaca t " - g'UMB—iAOiWfcH M ills' team m ate. J im Krebs, w as in the M inneapolis’ third choice draft. Krebs, along w ith Downs, received some mention in the all- A m en ca selections last cage sea­ son. swapped In other action by the draft, the four Cincinnati R o ya ls in players and their first choice the annual draft to Minneapolis for Clyde Lovellette and Jim Pax- son. chose Hot M inneapolis Rod Hundley of W est V irg in ia as its first draft choice Tile leakers also acquired from the R o yals Art Spelstra, Rob Du n o w , Don Mein- eke and E d Flem ing. The N ew Y o rk Knickerbockers, who had the second draft choice selected C harles T yra , 6-8 Louis­ ville center. UT Signs Deene Gott P een e Gott. San Antonio Je ffe r ­ son 1956 quarterback, signed a let­ ter of intent w ith the U n ive rsity of Texas Tuesday. Gott is con­ sidered by m any as San Antonio’s finest college prospect, and has been described by form er coach as a ' ‘fine passer and a tough, hard run ner.” his EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEM ENT. . HELD OVER 5th WEEK s4 tt% < L c tiA H fa r EASTER HOLIDAYS! . . s 4 h DON’T MISS ITI MORI ONLY 7 DAYS' PHONE G R 6-6785 STATE THE MIGHTIEST HUMAN DRAMA EVER! The story of a man tested and tempered by the temptation of riches, power and the flesh . . . fighting his way upward in the most significant life a man ever lived! oday at 2 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. By T h e A s s o c i a t e d P r e s * The Brooklyn Dodger* and New Yo rk Giants m a y be opening the season for the last tim e at Ebbets I Field and the Polo Grounds when tho m a jo r leagues hold their "s e c ­ ond openers ’ T hursday before crowds estim ated to total 200,000 fans. A ctu ally, onr> of the eight games on the T hursday schedule should not be classified as an opener, j Washington, which stole a m arch on the field w ith a special presi­ dential opener Monday, starts its regu lar night schedule at G riffith Stadium against Baltim ore. W ith all th e e a rly spring con­ versation about m oving the Dod­ gers to Ix>s Angeles still echoing around the league, th e Brooks come home to play Pittsburgh. M a g ile v * . A r r o y o o r l a w Despite the 12-inning v icto ry over Philadelphia on Gino C im o li’s home nm Tuesday night, only 35,000 arc expected to see the Dodgers’ Sal Magi ie 19-9' face Luis A rroyo <3-3 ) or V e in L a w <8-16> of the confident Pirates, The Dodgers have still an­ other opener next M onday when they play the Ph ils at Je r s e y City. Don Z im m er's two hits against the Phillies helped the Dodgers forget the absence of the injured Pee W ee Reese. Reese w ill he out for several more days although he w ill he on hand at Eb bets Field to | accept the Lou G ehrig M em orial Plaque from the P h i D elta Theta : fraternity. Vewram bp to G et Aw ard Don Newcom be w ill accept the 1956 Most Valuable P la y e r Aw ard from W a rren G iles, N a t i o n a l League president, the Cv Young A w ard as top pitcher of from Dan Daniel. both m ajors I president of the B aseb all W r ite r’s Association. Giles also will give souvenirs to the Dodgers, commem- In j orating their pennant victors’ ] 1956. and C H A T O M Che Cm Gmmandmmts HESTON • BRYNNER • BAXTER • ROBINSON • DF CARLO • PAGET* DEREK MARTHA VINCtWT HARDWICKE: fOCH • SCOTT * AN DLR50N • PRICE . jack onus. mowc a cwt* v- —- h *c«AJ *aci0r. T nn n* 75c. K id * T re* B D V O F F I C E ( ( P I N S ti 30 SUSAN HAYWARD KIRK DOUGLAS To p S e c r e t i Af f a i r . Will STEWART *1111 BACKS m 'JT • A .* v.\ PLUS D avy Crockett, In dian Scout” I J J h J 1 ; 1 T c f H i S Y SOC l P l l f ADULTS soc I NS "Sr I H U D F R M THE S K Y S THE L IM IT ! ki a-M . MET ROCOCOS ^ - JOHN W A Y N E -DAN DAILEY - MAUREEN O'HARA T h e W IN G S o f E A G L E S ..— WARD BOND FL U 6 THE M A R A U D E R S ” w ith Dan Duryea \ C A N T I N F L A S a and how she managed to keep two husbands happy. El Bomber o To Show in Batts H all " E l Bom bero Atom ico,” hilarious superfluous. THURS.-FRI.-SAT.-APRIL 18, 19, 20 8:15 P.M. Texas Federated W om en's Club Auditorium 14th and San G ab riel Ph. G R 6-0541 for seats. NOW YOU CAN SEE IT! ' ■ ■** ■ ITI ■ ■ • * v The most whispered about book in the world becomes a reality cm the screen! in their The Giants, thumped by P itts­ burgh first game and washed out of a second, face the Ph illie s at the Polo Grounds where 15,000 are expected. Ruben Gomez (7-17), who was to have worked Wednesday, w ill oppose Curt S im ­ mons (15-10) who had a fine spring for the Ph ils It w ill he the first chance for N ew Y o rk fans to see the G ia n ts’ new shortstop, Andre Rodgers. There have been the Giants m ay shift to Yankee Sta­ dium by 1957 although their lease runs to April 1962. rum ors M exican comedy, w ill be shown Wednesday, A p ril 24, in Batts A udi­ torium. The film is a free U n iv e r­ sity F ilm Pro g ram Committee pre­ sentation scheduled for showing at 2, 4, 7, and 9 p m, The m ovie stars the M exican comedian, Cantinflas. who is often called the "C h a p lin of M exico.” He dashes through the film as a news­ paper boy, ex-policeman, firem an, and benefactor to an orphan girl with such skill and pathos that E n g lish subtitles for the Spanish considered dialogue have been T h e D O pinion r expressed in T h e D aily T exa n ate tho ie o f the Editor or o f the u riter o f the article and n o t necessarily those o f the U n ite r (it y ad ministration. T e x a n T h e D a lly Texan, a student newspaper of T h e U n ivers ity of Texas is pub­ lished In Austin. Texas, d a ily except Sa tu rd a y . M on day and holiday periods. Sectem b er through M ay. by Texas Student Pu blicatio n s. Inc New s contributions w ill be accepted by telephone VGR 2-2473) or at the ed ito rial offices, J B 103, or the news la b o ra to ry .I B. 102. In o u iries concern­ ing d elivery should be made In J . B. 107 ( G E 2-2173) and advertising J . B. I l l (G R 2-27501. Am erican audiences m ay be more directly acquainted with Cantinflas through his role in "A round the W orld in 80 D a y s ,” in which he co­ starred w ith D a vid N iven. Cantin­ flas has long been a "m u s t” for bullfight appearances in the coun­ tries south of the border. H e ’s an immensely yvealthy and popular cinem a character. Stokowski to Remain. H O U ST O N I * The Houston Sym ­ phony Society has extended its con­ tract with Conductor Leopold Sto­ kowski another ye ar. Stokowski has completed the second y e a r on an original three-year contract. The new contract extends through the 1958-59 season. W e O ffe r Expert Picture Framing Studtm an Photo Finish G R 7-2820 222 W e s t 19th A vsO < 'JA T H O P R E S S " J K K M O R T IC E T h e Associated Press is exclusively entitled lo the use tor republication ol all news dispatches credited to it or not otherw ise credited In this newspaper, and a il local items of spontaneous o rig in published herein. R igh ts of publication of a ll other m atter herein also reserved. T O P S IX R E T A l l A IR Susan H a y w a rd K ir k Douglas P lu s F I G H T I N G M AN O F T U T P L A I N S Randolph Scott Represented fo r national advertising by N atio n al A d vertisin g Service Inc. College Pu blishers Representative 120 M adison Ave New Y o rk N. Y. C hicago— Boston— Los A b e l e s —Sa n Francisco M E H R E R Associated Coling cit* Pre** 81 B S I R I P T IO N R A T E S (M in im u m subscription— T h re e M onths) Delivered in Austin.................................................................................$ .7b month M ailed in A u s tin ............................................................................................ SI.IX) month M ailed out of to w n .......................................... ............. ......... ................... $ 75 ,n<>ntb P E R M A N E N T S T A F F E d i t o r ...................................................................................................... NANCY M CM E ANS M a n a g i n g E dito r .......................................................................... C A R O L QI F R O F O S T A F F F O R T H I S I S S I E ditor E d i t o r ____ H E N N Y G O O D W IN A R K F R Heixirters .................. P a t T ru ly, E d d ie Hughes. M a rk S. Sm ith, N . B . Ea d s. V irg in ia Nash e n d e r s ................................................. W a lte r Knapp, Ja m e s Cochran Sports E d ito r ............................................................ Boh Greenberg Am usem ents E d ito r ...................... Ed d C lark ........................................................................... Bradford Daniel ant ............................................................. B ill Clayton W ire E d ito r TODAY IR 1 T ED C 1 I N T E R S T A T E w m m m m m r i T E E N - A G E R S SAVE 5 0 % with Movie Discount Cord! Available ALL Theatres1 J W UIJiHH.«w*3 H A I K FR O M K T F K M T V A n ita K kb erg Ro b ert R y a n -Plus - B A G H D A D Maureen O 'H a ra V incent P ric e I ' w w c n r a B s r a l k i i n L . l J r I B I ) M b — — a J O U N M IO I IN D A Ja n e W y m a n L e w Avres - P lu s .. I O N ( S O N I I T R A I L imtnv W a k e ly — L e y Lasses' W h ite W I N G S O F E A G L l . S Jo h n VVa\ne M aureen O T ia ra — P lu s - H I G H L O N E S O M E . Jo h n B a rry m o re Jr . YANK swot MMB . S A W IWC H I T O I FA O L S I O N IK ID A Ireascm a J Ti 11 in n M iguel Torruco Plus G O R R A W O M A N Jo n H all- M a ria Montes L A S ! D A Y KATHRYN GRANT in i/Zx/ioi£i/ I FIRST S H O W 2 P.M. C i N s m a S c o P E C O L OW TONY CURTIS M A R T H A H Y E R H A S A l l T H E T R IG G E R - S U S P E N S E O F ’ S H A N E 'I JU w<* FIRST S H O W 6 P.M. G R E G O R Y P E C K . . . his is a world of guys and dolls! M-G-M present* D E SIG N IN G W O M A N co itimm D O L O R E S G R A Y Written bf G EO R G E W ELL# , A borate Producer . t» Cnew*Sfo»* end METROCOLOR ttowtsd by V IN C E N T E M IN N E L L I . Product by DO RE SC H A R Y . 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