9181-61 . 9187 . 23165 . 23164 . 23164 € he Summer texan A U ST IN , TEXAS, SUN D A Y, AUGUST 18, 1929. s s r a w N o. 239. S T A R R E T U R N S PHONE IT IN N e w s _________ After IO P. ll. Classified Ad3 — Display A d s ___ Circulation____ VOL. XXX Jewett Preaches At Last Campus Church Program ---------- Graduation Exercises Held I August 26 at Open Air Theater Class Numbers 380 Baccalaureate Sermon G iven Next Sunday by Vivion The last sum m er church program under the auspices of the U niversity churches a t th e Open Air T h e a te r will be held tonight with Dr. F ra n k to Jew e tt in th e pulpit, according announcem ent made Saturday by V. I. Moore, dean of student life. N ext Sunday, August 25, U n iv er­ sity churches will join in the b acca­ laureate service under the auspices of the U niversity, at which th e Rev­ of erend K ing Vivion, president Southw estern University, will deliv­ er the serm on to the graduates. The class which will gather for th a t oc­ casion num bers 380. The g rad u atio n exercises w ill be held in th e Open Air T heater M on­ day, A ugust 26, a t which Dr. J . W. B attle, p ro fesso r of Greek in th e U niversity, will deliver the g ra d u a ­ tion address. Dr. H. Y. B enedict, president o f the University, will de­ liver th e degrees to the grad u ates. --------------o------------- Mission - Study Groups Held at Y. M.C.A, Here E leven C an d id ates S ig n fo r F oreign L a n g u a g e E x a m s Eleven degree candidates have made application to take the fo r­ eign language exam inations M on­ day, A ugust 19, in Main B uilding 205 at 9 o’cIock, according to H. J. Leon, p ro fesso r of R om ance languages in the University. in Latin, two The n u m b e r of August degree candidates who have signed up to take the exam inations are: fo u r in in French, th re e Spanish, one in Greek, and one in Germ an. These language exam inations must have been taken by all se n ­ iors before th ey receive th e ir de­ grees A u g u st 26. Documents and Clippings Added To Collection Manuscripts Enlarge Library 11 Records; Scrapbook Photographed All - University Grade Average Placed at 5.23 Seven Fraternities May Lose Right to Initiate Pledges Moore Gives Report Grades for School of Law and Engineers below Average average The a11-U niversity f o r 1828-29 was one point higher th a n th a t of 1927-28, the average b e in g 5.23 against 5.22, according to tx r e ­ I. port com pleted S aturday by V. Moore, dean o f s tu d e n t life. It is com puted th a t the a v e ra g e student passed 5.23 courses w ith a “ D” average, all grades fo r ; poses of com parison being converted r>8” by con8ldeTinE each “ A “ R,” and “ C” as “ D and one h a lf ,” “ D and o n e-th ird ,” and “ D and one- seventh,” respectively, Dean M oore stated. Appointment Committee Still Reviewing Many Requests for Teachers Requests fo r teachers continue to come to the otllce of the teachers’ ap- j poinlmcnt committee a t the rate o f approximately seven each day, while the number of acceptances will average only a little more than three daily, j I according to Miss Miriam Dozier, sec retary of the com m ittee. Records of the past week show th at 23 applicants have accepted positions M l U I v r v _ Summer Program For Second Term Following Is a *to teach. list with: j the schools in which they will teach:! Vera Almon will teach in Beau- j I motif High School; Lerma Batell will j teach in the grades a t W harton;! J Myrle Bell will teach English in Pa- I A C C O C ; *aC'0S High School; A. L. Bennett will L U o u C o 'te a c h English in Mt. Pleasant High | S chool; E. 0. Box wall serve as high j P""''0*1 at Commerce. Surplus Accumulated During Previous Years Used n _ r * * p rOIT Deficit ---------- I , E, “ *rin''! I cipal a t McNeill school; Birdie C h e r-: , ico Wjj| teach history in H ubbard: High School; Evelyn Currie will, “The first term of the sum m er teach I.atin in P h arr High School;; Lillian Hagins will teach English ami history in Panhandle High School; R uth Hilliard will teach English in P ort Neches High School. £*"ih“ T" second a p u r- ; session activities program was espe- financial d a lly successful from standpoint, b u t term the brought in only $362 from blanket taxes, hardly enough to pay even the special lectu rers secured fo r the term ,” V. I. Moore, dean of stu d en t life and a m em ber of the com m ittee in charge of the activities, declared Saturday. Lucille Pope will rem ain in Quanah , as teac h er of English and Spanish in! the ju n io r high school; Mauri ne Rick- ark will teach modern languages and aet as dean of women in the New Mexico A. & M. College. a t the Many docum ents, clippings, and m anuscripts re la tin g to Texas have been added to the library collection tonio, according to Librarian E. W. Winkler. Grades fo r th e School of Law w e re 16 per cent lo w er than the av e ra g e , and the College of Engineering fe ll of T exasana U niversity 5 per cent below . Tentative fig u re s “ Practically all of the surplus ac- fo r the fr a te rn itie s seem to in d ic a te through p h o t sta tin g of a scrapbook belonging to C. G, Sharp of San An- th a t seven oi th e groups have fa lle n J cumulated Ironi previous years was used to m eet the deficit of the sec­ ond term ,” he said, “ and it looks like now that no program s can be a r ­ ranged for the second term next sum ­ mer. Of course, this will depend a g reat deal upon th e in terest shown by the students in paying th e blan­ ket tax next sum m er. a v e rag e , below the in itia tin g thus barring th em new members u n til the average is brought up, D ean Moore stated. H e said, however, t h a t a careful ch e ck would be m ade to insure that no i n ­ justice to d eserv in g groups. The fin a l figures will b e available n o t la te r than S ep tem b er 20, he stated. T h e freshman a v e r ­ age was 4.23. The scrapbook contains item s th a t date back th e time of th e Re­ public and which vary from official proclam ations and reports to news- j paper clippings and tax receipts, and to funeral n otices and obituary n o ­ tices of th e d eaths of pioneers. all-U niversity from can re s u lt to and g ra n te d Boarding Fraternities and H ouses Also Have Bible Classes Among th e new spaper clippings is an item fro m The Weekly S entinel, apparently published in N acogdoch­ es, which gives the “ True A ccount of the B a ttle o f San Jacinto.” The article consists largely of the o ffic ia l Religious activities of stu d en ts a t j report of M ajo r General Sam H ous- in , ton to P re sid e n t David G. B urnet. It th e “return o f th e killed and w ounded in actions o f th e 20th and 21st o f April, 1836.” General H ouston’s re- the U n iv ersity are exemplified the work o f the Christian Associa- also lists w h a t purports to be lions. The Y. M. C. A. was e s ta b ­ lished in th e U niversity in 1890 and was incorporated a ch a rter by th e State in 1892. R e lig -; port is d a te d A pril 25, 1836, fro m ! ious services are held from tim e to the H ead q u arte rs of the Arm y, San j time in th e association building, w ith Jacinto. discussions of moral and relig io u s topics by stu d en ts, and addresses by m em bers o f th e faculty, m in isters, business m en, and others. B ible and The scrapbook, while it is supposed th e m ission-study groups are c o n d u c t e d ^ he the fam ily scrapbook o f in fr a te rn ity and boarding houses. Sharp fam ily , also contains several An em ploym ent bureau is m ain tain ed docum ents o f the C artw right papers, large n u m b e r of the C artw rig h t fo r the purpose of securing jo b s fo r < ^ students w orking their way th ro u g h papers w ere given to the U n iv ersity school. early in th is y e a r by members o f th e C artw right fam ily now living a t T e r­ rell, Mr. W inkler said, an d is quite a coincidence to find p ap e rs of that fa m ily from tw o widely d iv e rg e n t sources w ithin such a short tim e. A nother ea rly clipping re la te s to the first L one S ta r Flag designed by Joana T routm an. The Y. W. C. A. has about seven hundred m em bers a n d o p erates through a cab in et of 20 m em bers, a ju n io r c a b in e t of 12 m em bers, ai sophom ore commission of 15 m e m -j hers, a fresh m an commission o f 16 m em bers, and 1J3 active com m ittees. An em ploym ent bureau in m a in ta in -1 ed which aid s girls in securing work j to help pay th e ir expenses. Two Resign From coming i t The all-U n iv ersity average h a s been made fo r th e last two y ears on the sem ester basis, and at the end o f a three-year period an average w hich will set the pace fo r future c o m p ari­ i t w as son will s ta te d established, be “ It was only because we did not had w ant to disappoint those who paid the tax fo r the second term this summer th a t we w ent ahead with the program s to the end of sum m er school, as it w as readily ap p a ren t th a t there would be a loss a t the be­ ginning,” Dean Moore said. Raunick W rites On Germ an Literature Ullrich A ddresses P h i Delta K appa A book, S urvey of Germ an L itera­ tu re in Texas, by Mrs. S. M etzenthin Felix H. U llrich will discuss “ S u p ­ Raunick, stu d e n t in the U niversity, ply and Demand o f Teachers in P u b ­ is to be published this fall and will lic Schools in T ex as” a t the lu n c h ­ be used as a referen ce work for the eon of Phi D e lta Kappn, h o n o ra ry I course in S outhw estern lite ra tu re to educational fr a te rn ity , which will be be given by J. F rank Dobie in the held at the U niversity C om m ons j University d u rin g 1929-1930. Monday, A ugust 19, at 6 o’clock. T h e talk will be based upon m aterial u sed : in his m aster’s thesis, which has r e ­ cently been accepted by the S chool of Education. Summer Music Program Ends with Comic Opera By ROY O. HATLEY Meeting expectations, “ T rial by J u ry ,” G ilbert and Sullivan comic opera representing a breach of promise case in an English court and a general burlesque on the English tria l court, staged by the U niversity Sum m er Choruses un d er the direction of David G riffin, climaxed the sum m er mu­ sic program of the U niversity w ith a play of sw ift and sweeping action Professor 1. I. Nelson will p re sid e ( a t the m eeting, which will be th e la s t j the fratern ity will hold this su m m er, j ..... — o .....- - CHINESE YOUTH DICTATE PEKING.— ( I P ) — Chinese y o u n g ­ sters have c a u g h t the “ spirit of m od­ ern youth,” a n d recently have g o n e their Am erican cousins one b e t t e r in t h e i r elders. the way o f dictating to Edward “ Red” Mather, form er tennis star, Phi Beta Kappa, and Rhodes scholar of the University, at bis home. is back in Austin Mather will to this fall Oxford for the last year of his Rhodes scholarship. re tu rn Edward Mather, Texas Ex-student, Visits in Austin A. I. Tatum will rem ain in Jack­ sonville College an o th er year tis head the history departm ent; Hen.*. of F riedrich will teach L atin and his- p to ry in Richmond High School; W. B. Former tennis Star, Rhodes G lover will serve as principal Growville, fin will teach in Raymondville High School. Scholar From University, Returns for Vacation a t lo u isia n a ; Vivian G rif­ .Spanish and algebra D L _ c • By GARDNER SOULE , . at 001 i,,< , d “ " J * thc High School; t a * beaw Ju n e, has been added to the U n iv er­ sity law s ta f f as instructor, accord­ ing to Miss Lucy Moore, re g is tra r of the school. student Goodell was graduated w ith the highest av erag e in his class. H e was chairm an o f the ed ito rial board of the Texas Law Review, ed­ ited by th e School of Law fo r the profession in Texas. Goodell will in have charge of two classes, one bills and notes, the other in eq u ity , a second-year course. No Checks Cashed A s End of Summer T erm Approaches F a ith in on e’s fellow m an m ay be very w all on thc screen a n d in books, b u t it isn’t alway* ju s ti­ fied in re a l life if stu d en ts a re to believe the numerous conspic­ uous sign.-* the posted “d ra g ,” and even at the U n iv e r­ sity Commons. along ‘‘Positively no cheeks cashed here a f te r Monday, A ugust 12” was th e w a rn in g which caused p a­ trons o f th e C afeteria to issue only th e “ cold cash** daring th e p a st week. Council Office Two re sig n atio n s have been tu r n ­ ed in re c e n tly to Dr. H. J. E ttlin g e r, acting d ire c to r o f intercollegiate a th ­ letics, those o f Mrs. Alyne H enrich- son and M rs. Cecil B urnette. Mrs. H enrichson, who has been employed in the office of th e sec re­ tary qf th e Stadium Association fo r seveial y ea rs, handed in h er re sig n a­ tion A ugust 15. She will jo in h e r husband in S an Antonio S eptem ber I. Mr. H enrichson is connected w ith th e Central P o w er and Light Com pany. Mrs. B u rn e tte has resigned fro m her position as secretary in th e A th ­ letic Council office to accept a place as assistant re g istra r a t Main A ve­ nue High School, San Antonio, w here her husband coaches. She leaves im- m ediately to tak e up her new duties.! t ^re|i yt,ar* an ,h * w“ to rn by the dutiful attorney, excited the sym- tration. j pathy of the audience and thc a . . Last Free Movie Shown August 17 "V anity F air,” T hackeray’s tvell known classic, was the main fe atu re of the picture show' S atu rd ay night a t the Open Air T h eater a t 8 o’clock, with Minnie M atem Fiske playing th e leading lady. B ETH EL IN AUSTIN d au g h ter o f Mrs. i ” to I Tom Neal, and M iriam M allberg, j usurp from the p la in tiffs a tto rn e y : daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B ernard Dr. George E. Bethel, dean of the j the right to caress and console her,! Mallberg, en tertain ed w ith acrobat- They w ere accompan- ted by G ertrude Sehotte. A travel- ague sud com edy w ere also shown. School of M edicine of the U niverse j while the judge intervened only ty at Galveston, wa* in Austin T h u rs-1 appear in this role himself. The plain* day o» business T urn ta Fag* 2, C al 3 m rs. The forem an to! ic dances. Wanda NIaal. attem pted ors, predom inated in t i * ta. lh * heil- end f i r e s * a n d serpentine dancers. A ne w as “ spotlight1 lig h ts we colors turned on fejKdt s s . The W eather Sunday; P a r tly cloud y. Board of Regents Will Meet Here First of Week Athletic Council Recommend* Changes in Personnel And Organization Budget Considered Reports on Buildings, Plans Considered; Fraternities To Be Discussed The Bkiard of R egents of th e Uni­ versity will m eet here M onday and probably Tuesday, sd which tim e Hie adoption of the budget fo r th e com­ the ac cep tan ce o f ing biennium, gifts, election of s ta ff and adradius- tra tio n officers, resig n atio n s and elections to the facu lty , and other routine m atters will be considered# according to inform ation given out S aturday. Reorganization of th e athletic de­ p artm e n t is slated fo r consideration. S. NL Ekdahi and W iley Glaze, now n u m b ers of the A thletic Council sta ff, will probably be tran sferre d to th e departm ent of physical tra in ­ ing. Ed Ode, who holds the bache­ lor o f business adm inistration fund m aster of business adm inistration de­ grees from the U niversity and is a form er sta r Longhorn ath lete, has been recommended by th e A thletic Council to o f office the position m anager fo r the council. R eports on T h e salary schedule fo r the Uni­ two years the com ing versity fo r will probably rem ain as it is, as the contingent fund which would provide fo r salary raises was ve­ toed by Governor Dan Moody. Ap­ propriations, as finally passed by tho G overnor, are less th a n they w ere two y ears ago and will not perm it the general schedule o f prom otions, im provem ents p ro ­ extensions, and vided fo r in the bill w hich passed the last call session of th e Legisla­ i tu re . th e progress o f th e Auditorium -Gym nasium and the ex­ tension of the M echanical E ngineer­ ing Laboratory will be heard. The $900,000 fo r th e building plans C hem istry Building a re complete, and bids may be called fo r by the R egents Monday, the plans fo r the $250,000 W om an’s is B uilding are not com plete, It unlikely th a t bids f o r th is building will be opened. P lans f o r th e Li­ b ra ry Extension will be discussed, and a report will probably be m ade on th e proposed L ittlefield M emorial Archway. b u t sine© O ther m atters, including a propo­ sition to provide fo r th e building o f boys’ dorm itories costing $1,300,000, fa cu lty recom m endations re g a rd in g . fratern ities, the grad u ate faculty, an d m atters per­ tain in g to the leasing o f U niversity lands will probably be tak en up. reorganization of -o-------------- University Girls Hurt in Accident Sybil Goldsmith of C leburne, grad­ uate student, and F lorence Wilson, sophom ore in the U niversity, were stru ck by an autom obile a t Twen­ ty-third and Guadalupe S treets S at­ u rd ay night about 10:45 oVdock, re q u ired Miss Goldsmith s u ffe re d a cut on tho head which several stitches, while Miss W ilson sustain­ ed only minor cuts and bruises. Miss Goldsmith rem ained a t St. David’s H ospital for treatm en t. Miss Wilson wa* able to return to h e r home. The car, said to have been driven by Alf Campbell of Dallas, who w as traveling north iii fr o n t of Charlie’# Confectionery, stru c k th e girls air they were crossing the s tre e t on foot going from M cFadden’s D rug Store toward the U niversity campus, eye witnesses stated. -------------o---------------- „r * Final German Has * Large Attendance - « An unusually large crowd attend­ ed the final F riday n ig h t G e n a a a of the season on th e r e e f o f th e S te­ phen F. Austin H otel, T he s t t s j j * ance rivaled th a t o f t t a klHsg dances, according to dance continued u n til i s m . reports, O range an d w hite, University * AT AUSTIN CHURCHES Faculty Vacationists g lim m e r (Texan Th * Sum m er T e jta r Cee I b « « ( ' *«sr.ion J edition of TW !>»iiy T e x a s . to t'.V irked en lie « » p n ©I th* Uaim vltr of T*x«.; A a* t i « , by ( b Te*A* S tu d e n t P u b lic a tio n s .', J a r , » * w j T W f t t i f , T h a r* dx jit s a d S u m te r : m o rn in g IwlitcwrtaJ off!***, B » l« i-A l. I After 19 p Ha)! rn S H ; ,) B e a t a * offices, B. H x il, Telephones 2S164 th© University Presa, A . C.; * •Mf m m . I* r » u d hy Wr«bt, Manxcpt of f,r* *i a ’n im, T.-xx*. KWbMNd a* #*e-m4 clam matter et th* poet*I . IMbn.riaihiili price! Fir* dollars yearly. td*tarii»-C h m f _____ WM M anaging Editor K AY MILLER ■DAVID HALL Telephone* B t EVELYN CALHOUN UNIVERSITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Re*. i x w r e a u JrL W harton, Pastor. _ . 1. Mi** Mary Elizabeth Decherd, pro- *.»• upending mg. ta I i f ^ r *>f mathematic*, » . ! her vacation IO i i — Sunday m orning service*; ser­ mon subject, “The Church A Social C arolina, at th.* Methodist Assem bly, p o r ( .f -» p r o to n given by the Rev. . J Unalaska, North Sunday School. in . . . . ti! the re-open mg of the U niversity 7.— Students' A ssociation a t Normal) Anderson. D epartaM ntal E d ito rs . E ditorial W riters S co ria ... . S o c ie ty Th#-at?r R ey O. H atley Ralph H Parker Soul# E v e iy a Calhoa* Ii nan Hoinaa J e ff S oy M f an or. Raportars Jto» o . B u rley, Mary R ate Parker, Gardner B e ele, Dan Fowler. Fay* Rh* it on. Ka' h*rine iteh hi**. Git un B u rge**. Ima Jo Fleetwood, W in* Week,*, Brrr.'* A rids* on, E r g iy a Cal* hon a. N igh t S t a f f . I,iiiiar. U k e F ay* Rheiion G ardner Soul* Evelyn Celboun R obert Mare* Bern)# Addison Roy O H atley ..... . -...... —... ««, . . . ... __ I mo# Editor .. . A ouatant A M utant Atrttta ut .......™ __ A n t ic u lt ......... — Aba I* toot f ie arr it* Editor S u m m er E n tertain m en t I T WOULD certainly be a distinct loss? to the student in Septem ber. Miss Decherd received her degrees from the University in lr,97. and She has been connected with 1892 the m athem atics faculty since that time. In addition to teaching, Miss Decherd has been very active in mis­ sionary work. She was solely respon­ sible for the founding of the mission in Brazil at Basso Fundo. The mis­ sion was founded with funds donat­ ed by the Methodist students o f the a a ttic . At the mission is dorm itory named Decherd Hall in her honor. there _ —mw "■daw., mmnm'fl 'fdn n • s \ " y A" • w? J trial (Continued from Page I ) Summer Programs tliT s att).rr.py WA* played by Mar­ shall Abernathy, while the forem an’* taken by David G riffin, part was director o f the perform ance. body of the summ< r school if, C o m i c O p 6 f d t * f ld & as is threatened by the failure o f the receipts from the blank­ et tax to provide for a program of general entertainm ent, the open air programs and other programs by the furnished on recreation for committee the University are forced off the calendar o f sum m er activi­ ties. The bridesmaid*, from whom the p la in tiff took the flower* and pre­ cented them to the jury with coy •uriile*; became a bit o ffen d ed dur­ and ing the progress of the seem ingly supported the cause of the defendant. The part* w ere well Josephine played by Ruth Kemp, W alker, Martha Pearl H ollis, and Anlia Rice. In a large m easure it is the them­ fault of the students selves, growing out of their failure to pay th e blanket tax w hich is counted on as one of the chief sources o f financial support of these enterprises. O f course a few o f the-e pro- The trial ended with the announce- jrrams, such as tho Fourth o f L ,e n t o f the judge that he would July celebration, com e in plain- material assistance, though of tiff. The court then becam e a rioi- co u r .se only two or thro** pay iou* s t if le of congratulation* fo r the programs cannot b e expected jud^e and the plaintiff and a con­ to support tho w hole summer dam nation of the defendant again st program. interesting, which he protested to the end. At entertaining, and educational j the end of this Uproar, during which programs of the nature of those I the blending o f the voice* of the in the pas!, given ; group appeared to great ad vantage, furnished three times a w eek 12 I the vanishing human arch was form* w eeks, there seem s really no cd, and from this the whole group) logical reasons w hy any wide­ disappeared from the stage, ending awake, mature stud en t of the the perform ance. to University is not w illing pay $1.50 or $2 for an all-sum­ mer entertainm ent. for hi.-n.elf marry the charming The com ic story throughout \ \ iib fo r • the perform ance was told in song, there appearing no prose dialogue during the w hole play composed o f on ly one in act. The opera used 21 people the cast. The jurym en went?: David G rif­ fin, forem an; Norman M ulling*. Mar­ cus Mulling*, Winfred T oole, Arthur Mill*, and Albert H iggins. The spec- tutors w ere: Bonnie Bess W are, N a­ omi W are, Phyllis Henry, V irginia Toole. Katherine Hogan, and A ileen Rice. O f course, when the Audi­ tor iu m -U y m ii am u m is complet­ ed, as it will be before the next Hummer school, there is really no good reason w hy it will not be possible to gath er for these programs the best talent in America and abroad to come here. Furthermore, there will be more opportunity for local groups in the U niversity to de­ velop to a greater advantage the talent found in th e school. Then, too, it will also be pos­ sible to confine th e crowds to those who have blan ket taxes, or have paid at the doors, thus placing a premium on the is blanket tax. Many now fail i that the training for both to pay the tax sim ply because Imor* technical and, th erefore, ready for order to attend m od of the pro- wore immediate civil activities; grams. Hence, perhaps there I ta c t that students from is little reason to be pesaimis-j*^ departm ents and schools of | the University are going out tic about the m atter now, into civil life and holding their -----------------o---------------— own w ith people trained e l s e - where is a matter which in the end w ill be a source o f greater pride than can be gleaned from H azel Atkinson played the piano accom panim ent, and David G riffin was the musical and dram atic direc­ tor. The Curtain Club furnished the m aterials and prepared the sta g e for the perform ance. U niversity A v erag es ' they do not find it necessary in toad* to get them t rave for t h e U n iversity ! nnv rt»pOrt o f g r a d e d church parlors. H—C ongregation will worship with the others in the union service on campus. ----------------- a -------------- — Texas Ex-*tudent Back From Oxford (C ontinued from P age I ) . out victorious over a P rin ceton -Wil­ liams team, 16 match#* to 5. While in the United State* this summer, Mather participated in three tournament*. He wa* elim inated in the national intercollegiate a ffa ir by Berkeley Bell, who won the title. J. Gilbert Hall won from him a t South­ ampton, and he lost to H erbert Bow ­ man at Seabright, Bowm an is rank­ ed thirteenth on the national list. Rant Hummer Mather com peted in l l tournament* in E ngland, of which he won three in double* and two in singles. The Oxford team , be state*, plays numerou* professional team*, but the only im portant match of the year is the once with Cambridge. Last year the Oxford team had an undefeated season, w inning 18 con­ secutive affair*. The English ball The faroou* South A frican Davis Cup star, Farquharson, was the only ac# to rank above bim on the com bin­ ed team o f the two E nglish schools. is heavier than the American one, M ather said, and the English court* are covered with extent. grass to a much Therefore the player who outranked him at Oxford only ranked fifth on the combined squad, because of his inability to play his best on Am eri­ can court*. larger A number of Am ericans have made the combined team. There were tw « on it this year, and three received the honor the year before. Mather i* truly a citizen o f A us­ tin, for he was born in the house where he now resides on San A ntonio Street. “Allison is probably the best ten­ nis player T exas has ever produced,” he said Saturday night. 44Berkeley Bell Is also playing splendidly now .” There are no com pulsory elapse# that student* at Oxford have to at* tend, and they receive no grade* during the three year*, he said. Af the end of the three years, however, the student bas to take nine exam ina­ tions, tw o every day, for four and one-half day*. As a consequence of not having to attend classes, Mather has spent a great deal o f his tim e playing tennis. While iii Europe he ha* not travel­ ed to a large extent. Most of the in traveling he has done has been France. W hile he wa* attending the University two years ago, he major­ ed in economic*. Official Notice PO STPO NED, condition, ad­ vanced standing exam inations will and be held M onday, August 19. language FOREIGN exam ination* for A ugust, 1929, degree candi dates only will be offered on August 19 in Main Building 205 at 9 a. rn. A-20 H. J. LEON • W I E ALL-UNIVERSITY av- I is o n e point h ig h e r fo r th e y e a r 1927-28, 1928-29 though it is to be noted that the engineer- and law s fell 5 per cent and IG per cent, respec­ tively, below th e average. than for this The than impression fact, how ever, that th ese two schools have fallen below the average is not to be taken as evidence that the stu­ dents h ire are doing a lower class of work is being done iii other schools and de­ partm ent- o f the University. It is generally accepted in Uni­ versity circles that th e courses irs law and engineering are on the whole more d ifficu lt than those in the other schools, and that the system o f grading is It would be more exacting. really interesting to know how' is— to true know if the facts would ac­ tually hear out th e impression. Yet it is the final results in the Dowering of leadership and that finally efficient yervke tell# where the greatest work is being done, and few would, be willing to contend that eith­ er o f these schools can pot com­ pete favorably with other de­ partments of this school, as with the graduates in W£m rat I j f c g h o u l the coun- Ferhap* even a higher Mir<*rage o f successful gradu- the among group in the Univer­ s e to the fact can he cited r A BIGGER UNIVERSITY in A BIGGER AUSTIN w e are h e a rtily in favor of a bigger and better U niversity in a bigger and better A u s tin and w ish to co­ operate in e v e ry w ay possible. W e are glad th a t w e have been able to do our p a r t by extending our service. W e solicit your patronage. ‘’Courtesy and Service” AUSTIN STREET RAILWAY CO. S U N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 8 , 1 9 2 9 . THE SUMMER TEXAN The Campus B y The Buzzard M IR IA M S H A K E L F O R D w a it i n g * ’ “ * * * “ f * • « « * • " » * * ^ H 0 0 ™ ' 5 •* * c a g e . DISCUSSES AGE OF MAN MEN TAKE HOME ECO PH ILA DELPH IA , Pc. — (IP ). SEATTLE, W ash.— ( I P ) — la m e n t The age of man is alm ost 1,000,000 Fairchild is one o f three men to en- year*, according to Dr. James H. ro^ m ST U D E N T S LACK CH A RACTER LINCOLN, Nebr. — university students lack ( I P ) — Most of departm ent o f home eeo- | ch aracter and are w eak in their re- t e w l d d r e M av m w * o w , sa m in a n a d d r e ss N e b r a s k a h e r e . depth ‘ L 'n iv ,r s ,t y o f W „ h - | ir g t o n , an d h e e x p e c t s t o m a k e m ores the said th a t th e y e a r s man has. S to n e y w h en he g r a d u a t e s th a n he a t t h e Univer*»ty b e e n on ea r th a r e m u ch m ore th a n would h a v e had h e s t a y e d th e I'M),OOO popuHtVfy a c c r e d ite d t o ' s c h o o l o f business a d m in is t r a tio n . J s e v e r a l . an<1 b e th e I F a ir c h ild is p la n n in g to be a c h ef* M an a p p ea r ed a t in q u ir in g te lls h is in l e a l legal * ° Y A L E G E T S $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 E L M I R A , N . Y . — fr ie n d s m illio n d o lla r s w a s ( I P ) — T h r e e le f t Y a le Uni hundr ed thousand years ago or v e r y -bat he’ll be m aking more real c a sh , v ersity in the will o f the late Mrs. much earlier if we follow the geolo- when he gets to be one than they! Ray Tompkins of this c ity , who died in F rance. Her late husband, who g ists who d a I Bl the pleistocene era at nearly, or quite, i elusive job as business administra- j died form er Yale a million years ag'*,” Dr Breasted tor< said. length of the Wi^ when they are looking for an in 1918, was a fo o tb a ll star. ..........■ — The eminent E gyptologist also dis-; M yrtle Tyson w en t to San M arcos1 F o rest Hope is visitin g in San Mar­ cos th is week-end. , agreed with tie* popular conception saturday. . , i c * trait man first appeared in Babylon, j and ne ; aid he believed Egypt abd the Nile valley saw the first man. i l . i i ' _ , . . . , 'or some sort o f inform ation at Registrar * o ffic e . M A R Y M A R G A R E T G L A S S C O C K a r r iv in g in E n g lis h 35 te n m in u te s b im . late and looking a conscience strick ­ en a* though it w ere 30 minute*. FRIEDA YOUNGER sitting on a bench and gazin g ’w ay o ff past ev ­ erything. BONNER and BONNER (m eaning Pluto and Law rence) com ing from the same cia** in Garrison Hall. f t i t c i v k * ETH ELYN e t A n c CLARK w ondering aloud who write* the B u zzard » re- • v>ew*’ 0 " Dora Mac Wilson Daugherty are spending end in San A ntonio with friend*. “ The earlier.! stone age man who and M yrtle dropped into the N ik’ valley was not! the week- beset by the rigors of the ice a ge,” ; he explained. - ■ .... NEW AUTUMN FOOTWEAR IN CHECK OUT in a LIGHTSEY Tilxi Service unequaled in courtesy, dependability, £ and econom y *1 wo may ride for price of one- Dia! 5555 SOC Dial 5555 W E H A U L T RUNKS A N D BAGGAGE* Also large fleet of driverless cars at your disposal including Fords, Chryslers, and Whippets Fashionables who ordi­ narily pay much more for their shoes have acquired the habit of costing to our Inexpensive Shoe D epart­ ment. , . for here they are sure o f the really “ new and smart" . . . and al­ ways at a m oderate price. 30 STYLES $5.85 T h e N e w Color* N a v y B lu e and S t r e e t o n e Brow n LUEDECKE-MOFFATT CO. “THE FRIENDLY STORE” 112 E. Seventh Phones: 5 -5 5 5 A 2 -3 1 8 8 Lightsey’s 2216 G u a d a lu p e P h o n e 3 4 4 4 Classified Ad Section I elephone 2-31 64 or 2-3165 ANNOUNCEMENTS APARTM ENTS FOR RENT TYPING FOR SALE Gage Bros. R oofing an d H eating T in W ork D ep en d ab le S ervice D E S IR A B L E a p a r tm e n t, m g p o r c h ; nicely fo u r room.., alt” ;>• fu rn is h e d . W est side, (i. H . b r u s h , P h o n e 6347. n e a r U n iv ersity , T Y P I N G W A N I H D : T h e m e s s o d to ty p e W ork g u a ra n te e d . R . H all 9, „ r m s th e se s r e a r ! K ir r . N IC E , clenn, cool conveniences. Good neighborhood. fu rn is h e d a p a r tm e n t, all In q u ire PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 7th St Red R iver P ho n e 5279 a t 2516 Salado. Y our C hickens Dressed f ree, I f O rd ere d fro m L. East Produce Co. P h o n o 4101-2*918 102 W. 2nd DRESS MAKING I O ll REN T: Furnish, ii or unfurnished apart­ ment.,. ^including sleeping porches and ga­ rages. University neighborhood. Phone 3813. H I AR G uy L o m b a rd o ’s " K id s A g a in " New Isaac C o lu m b ia r e I aa so, D o n ’t im»« it. B le d a o r. P h o n e 6619. m a k e r M KS. N E L L IE L E E : U n i v e r s i t y D re s s - D r e s s m a k in g A lte r a tio n , R e lin in g C o a ts , H e m s titc h in g . S e w in g o n c h ild r e n ’s 2403 S an A n to n io S t ., P h o n e 32*6. c ig to e s . WANTED WANTED fo r a n y y e a r. to ©aal h o ro sc o p e s “ M E P ’N E I I X . F ria e o , T e x aa, in p r e p a r e d Bend W rth fiate. m o n th , y o u r, ('h ire o f b ir th , an d 1 2 ,JIO w ith o rd e r. h o u r of b ir th . to th e e x a c t­ M any A u s tin p a tro n * n ess of m y w ork. REP. M E. O’N EILL. Frisco, Texas. t e s ti f y R e m it A P A R T M E N T S A N D BED RO O M S a t 1034 a n d 1*32 S an A n to n io u n d e r p ersonal ca re a n d d irectio n of Mrs. S a lle ' W oods. Gas h eat. A pp ro v ed list. P hone 73*5. A P A R T M E N T S for ren t. 5 0 7 W . 2 3 r d SU Phone 42*2. AUTOMOBILES H IG H E S T CA SH P R IC E S p a id fo r second h a n d c lo th in g a n d sh o e s . A. S C H W A R T Z , 417 E a s t 6 th . P h o n e 3 7 5 2 . ROOMS WANTED APARTMENTS WANTED NEW AND SECOND- HAND BOOKS fo r alt Correspondence Course* Alt m ail o rd e rs given y ro m p t a tte n tio n UNIVERSITY COOP 2246 Guadalupe A u stin . T>>*aj ATTENTION STUDENTS 189 C o rrespondency Course* LOST AND FOUND L O S T : O n 2799 Mock G uad alu p e, one p a ir g r a y is h -brown h orn rim m ed g la c e s . K inder please phone 9220. R e w ard . FOR RENT F U R N IS H E D c o tta g e f o r a is week:;. T h ree ro«*ro.«», hath. sleep in g p o rch . W alking d is­ $26.00 fro m U n iv ersity a n d C apitol. ta n c e p er m onth. G arage. P h o n e 3i44. T O R R E N T : F o u r g a ra g e s . One block in f r o n t of U n iv ersity . M.OO each p er m onth. 2 2 0 , S an A ntonio S t.. D ial 819*. F O R R E N T : A vailable now , four-room , f u r ­ an d w id w aler. nished a p a rtm e n t. H ot P h o n e 4237. 2 104 G uadalupe. F O R R E N T : L a rg e fu rn is h e d house su ita b le U n iv e rsity n eighbor­ fo r boys or g irls hood, W rit* Ro* I#2?-$. WANTED I EA ( H E R 'A A N T E D * A te a c h e r w a n te d to t» a c h one cia** o f C a e s a r a n d r e s t of th* g r a d e s . C all J . W . W h it­ o f w ork well a t u n o r 2119 T o m G reen s tr e e t. in W A N T E D : F o u r buy j w h o d e s ir e tw o ro o m s ! in p r i .a t e hom e for n e x t Seng te r m — Phon* - Students are looking for rooms now so that they may obtain the most desirable rooms on the cam pus for the long term . If you have such a room, apartment, or house, let these students know about it in the SUMMER TEXAN CLASSIFIEDS 3 More l«*ues, .7 0 ar* offered who need them . P o t f u rth e r in S em este rs o r th ird s to th*«s« in fo rm a tio n , call fay 2-3244. LITTLE CAMPUS C o rn er Eaa: I .'th S tre e t 'mn4 Red R iver or P h o n e 2-J IO- ROOMS FOR RENT RO O M Y , a ttr a c tiv e ly f u r n is h e d u p sta ir* in n ew ly rem odetod a ta r* © * du p lex h i # 1-2 W. 22. T w o b e d ro o m s , p<»reb« * g a r a g e . *t<. P h o t* 7 3 8 6 . hmy»* i --------------------- - — — Business Directory DENTIST FOOT SPECIALIST LAUNDRY • I DK. E. B. CROW DER, Dentist 505 Scarborough B ldg. Dial 9433 too e« 87i $ * a d G e o a r a to r R * p a i r * - B . t t « r y Sa!e« s a d S e rv ice t $ i | Guadalupe PLUMBING „ E r a v e n — p l u m b e r W h e re Good P lu m b in g K t p d n Are M «d*n 1403 L *e*c* S tre e t M u » | 5753 W- G. A N D R E W A R T H A p l u m b i n g P h o n n 2-2803, Sim p 4 0 5 E . l i t h S t STUDIOS Photograph* V r*«#rv# Friend* h|M HOLLAND S STUMQ £ S U N D A Y , A U G U ST I # , 1 6 2 9 . Theater Calendar ‘‘Charming Sinners.” Think I’ll take it up w ith the Hoover adm inistra­ tion and see if som ething can ’t be done about it. And maybe— i f I g e t the support o f the M cXary-Haugen combination— oh w ell, what’s the use? H ol­ lywood rem ains Hollywood and Broadway rem ains Broadway, and i f s silly to think they can ever be the sam e. What does it m atter if “The C onstant ‘‘Charming S inners” W ife” was an excellent vehicle for E thel Barrym ore. is no less so for Ruth C hatterton. Clive Brook is som ething of a fiz z le as a philanderer. William P ow ell smooth and suave as ever. M ajestic through T uesday. ‘‘The M ysterious Dr. Fu Manchu.” If a m ystery thriller is going to be a m ystery thriller, it should go all the way and be nothing less. This one does, com ing as it does from the warped im agination of one Sax Rohmer. Not one m easly murder but a half dozen bf them , together with all the ap­ purtenances of the m ystery melodrama. W arner Oland, Jean Arthur. O. I*. H eggie. Oh, read the advertisem ents. Queen all week. “ P iccadilly.” An im ported film , actually m ade in the fashionable se c ­ tion of London by a British producer. E verybody who has seen it rates it as far above average for an imported film . Gilda Gray shim m ies and otherw ise gyrates throughout and also Anna May Wong, the Chinese ac- tress. Hancock. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “ Ram ona.” F rightfully sentim ental treatm ent o f the woes of the m uchly exploited Red Race, and incidentally, much o f th at exploitation has been done by m ovie producers and creators of dime novels. Warner B axter and Dolores Del Rio are good enough Indians. Y ou ’ve heard the theme song until it probably turns your stom ach. Texas. COLLEGE TRAINING PRACTICAL NECESSITY FOR TECHNICAL MEN By V I RG I L M. P I N K L E Y N o t so long ago, George N . Kates, a graduate of Harvard, O xford, and M exico U niversity was interview ed for a story on the duties o f a tech­ nical director and why his university training has assisted him. Since that tim e he has been promoted to the position of head of the foreign rela­ tions departm ent at the Param ount studios, Hollywood. F irst of all, let’s take a look at this man K ates before the duties of a technical director are discussed. He is a young man, about thirty. He is as well holds fou r degrees, and educated as any man on a H ollywood lot. Aside from his scholastic educa­ tion, he has traveled and know s the practical side o f life as w ell as the technical. It was interesting to sit and lis­ ten to him talk in his m odest, quiet w ay. His ideas about education are particularly good. H is fir st state­ m ent about this business o f educa­ tion was: “ I have been over-educated I in a certain sense, but fe e l that cannot place the true value on my training as yet. W hile I w as at Ox­ learned to g e t alon g with ford I l f Oxford does nothing else, people, it trains people to g e t along. “ A U niversity training develops a strong, quick mind. It prepares a man b etter for a n .occupation or pro­ fession than anything else can pos­ sibly do. I have gained as much through travel as I have in the class room. I feel, how ever, that a “ Since you ’ve asked me how college student can prepare him self for the motion picture industry and how a university training has aided me, I should say, at the o u tset, take a broad university course and study the fin e arts along with your specific In the making o f a picture study. we are compelled to work w ith peo­ the ple who are just like folk s in other walks of life. We try to show a scene which is supposed to have taken place several thousand m iles In many cases away, and years ago. we have to work with abstract m a­ terials and make them appear real and true in every sense. “The pow er of observation m ust be extrem ely keen and I believe read­ ing of the type done in the univer­ sities d evelop s this sense. to give an exam ple of what I m ean, let us take a scene in a certain part of Paris, the Latin quarters. Ju st “The lam ps must be exactly like the ones used in the quarter. A scene in a F rench cafe must be ex act in every d etail. The waiters m ust be properly dressed, the tables se t in the m anner which prevails in Paris and signs m ust be printed correctly with the right size and shaped let­ ters. You know ail our pictures are sent to foreign countries, and im ag­ ine the criticism which would be lev­ eled a g ain st them, if they did not present a true description. “In m y type of work we are asked to find fa c ts and material quickly, here again the college trained man has the advantage. A college grad ­ uate know s where to go to find som ething. extrem ely “I studied architecture w hile in the universities and feel that my training was valuable. Students can use cheap m aterials and j construct se ts which will qualify them for actu al work, once they g e t into the m otion picture industry as t e d * nical directors. “ Each picture has a technical di­ I worked un Clara B ow ’s rector. because picture, ‘G et Your Man’ in many o f the scenes were laid Paris, and having lived there fo r some tim e, I knew the correct w ay £o dress the picture.” The technical director serves in the m aking of a picture like a train ­ er does fo r a football team. He holds a quiver fu ll of arrows and each one, when placed correctly, will result in the production of a fine picture. If e & y •e 0 * < * v° e O' «,V> \ \ C ^ - rX - ,.V A S v * . \ * v S S S -* TH E SUM M ER T E X A N THRILLS, CHILLS, FEVER AT QUEEN Don’t get worried and swallow your pacifier. I f s only W arner Oland looking real m ean at Neil Hamilton and Jean Arthur. N eil is the bump­ tious kid. Remember? And you couldn’t help rem em bering Jean. SOPHISTICATED SIN MAJESTIC NOW E V E L Y N CA LHOU N S o c ie ty Editor T e le p h o n e 22875 M A T T I E M A E H A R R E L L W E D S OS CAR IL C U L L E N The m arriage of M attie Mae Har­ rell to O scar H. Cullen w as solem ­ nized at the home of the bride’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. H arrell, Cub, and Miss Rosalie G odfrew en-: tertained with a luncheon at th e Lit- 1 Dormitory W ednesday. tlefield Thursday Miss Bess H eflin honored the two visitors with a swim m ing par­ ty and picnic at Barton Springs. * * * * W ednesday evening at 8 o ’clock. The B R I D G E P A R T Y H O N O R S m arriage vows were taxen before an altar banked with ferns, geranium s, and coleu s; and In the presence of only th e im mediate fam ilies of the couple. Dr. F. L. Jew ett perform ed the ring cerem ony. Mrs. C ullen re­ ceived her degree from the U niver­ sity iii the class o f ’28. * * * * * * M A N Y A F F A I R S H O N O R M I S S E L I Z A B E T H L A C E Y Miss E lizabeth Lacey o f C heyenne, W yom ing, and Miss J e ssie Harris, both form erly of the English facu l­ ty of th e U niversity, who are visiting Miss I.. W . Rogers and Miss L u c y 1 R athbone, have been honorees at a num ber o f informal a ffa ir s the last week. Mrs. Rogers and Miss Rathbone were joint hostesses for a bridge par­ ty T uesday aft (‘m oon at the Country V I S I T O R W E D N E S D A Y Mrs. A. D. Murphree entertained at her home W ednesday evening with three tables o f bridge, honoring Miss Virginia W hite of H ouston. High score prizes were won by W. A. Dyer and Mary Frances M oseley. Guests to whom the ice course was served after the gam es were: Misses A velyn Caldwell, Mary Frances M oseley, Ellen Claire Kueh- Kuohne, Virginia ne, A n toin ette White, and Lillian Denton. Messrs. Burt Burns, Louise Baethe, W. A. Dyer, Robert M ayes, W. K. Millet, and A lex Murphree. * MI S S Y E I S E R H O N O R E E * * A T P A R T Y S A T U R D A Y ] Friends o f Miss Alma M. Yeiser honored her- Saturday night w ith a bridge party ut the W oman’s Build-! ing. The party was in the nature g M M p W M M I 1 ■... •jmmrngmmmmmmmmmgrn S s ..... * i iUP* N o w S h o w in g I of a farew ell, since at the close o f the summer session Miss Yeiser will re­ ign her position as assistant social director of the W oman’s Building, after having served in that capacity 14 years, At the close of the gam es, Miss Yeiser was presented with a string of ivory beads and a gold thim ble. ickson's . us Clastic Supported by WAI NIT EMTER. VIRA HAVIS ROLAND IMW MIUIA1I SHAW Al TEXAS N o w S h o w in g A picture th a t sw eep s from the drab grim n ess of the C hinese q u arter of Lime- sp ectacu lar house the splendor o f th e glittering night clubs o f th e m ost fa sh ­ ionable d istrict of London. to A very silly ending tacked on with little or no ju stification . There is no reason lo r Ruth Chatterton not going to Italy with her lover instead of just foolin g and kidding papa along. Clive Brook philanders with Mary N olan, as shown above, in his fashion. they are w rongly placed, the result will be a fa ilu re; the picture, m edi­ ocre.* Poor pictures from the tech­ nical standpoint lower the box office r e tu r n s , and a fter all, it is the box office th a t counts. • The work o f a technical director is along defin ite lines and he does not Avork solely on theory, or sup­ position. His work is the result of careful research, clos# observation, and is perhaps the fin e st, yet most potent influence determ ining factor in the developm ent of a pic­ ture. and Ruth M eredith o f Ozona is visit­ ing her sister, Mary Meredith, this week. Gem* Bishop had as his guest last week Mr. and Mrs. W alter Mitchell of Littlefield and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bishop o f Killeen. GILDA GRAY F o x New* C o m ed y A slice o f life , raw , stark, bersark, yet a p ictu re m agnificent in its sp ec­ tacu lar sp len d or — P iccad illy — Lon­ don ’s R ialto and the richest n igh t club district o f th e w orld— in a rea listic contrast w ith the p icturesque Lime- house— love and pomp and lau gh ter am id th e jo y s and sorrow s and th e tra g ed ies o f life. ^ r h i n rn m m m~ m m m m m m i . * .g . M ...... . I , ■■ NiiV i f c ...., „ — LM .im Miii. i ., T S S ? ! The World’s Most Thrilling Villain—Alive! Talking! MYSTERIOUS DR. IT MANCHU D oors O pen T oday at 1 : 4 5 n .m . COUNCIL OFFICE GETS $4,400 WORTH OF TICKET ORDERS. THE SUMMER TEXAN SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1829. - - ' ——— — =S A NO-HIT SPECIALIST Tilden and Hunter — _ _ # To Meet for Title **>™ “ * S « A ntonio fo r the week- K()b(.r t of — U v f | Mn of the H alf Moon fra te rn ity have B arrin g to n . M assachusetts. "R eeky” Rundell and M arlin Sand- w edding of Dixon P enick in Great* M u n . h ^ L . , \ RYE. N ew York, August 16.— Big r, ' . 1>r> D' A- Pen,ck and *°n - Coch- week a t > r t Able of Moulton a re v isitine th is 1. the L am bda Chi Alpha! _ . Bill Tilden and his doubles p artn er, i ra n e ’ h f t Thursday to a tte n d “ th ejhou.se. I Francis H u n ter, will m eet fo r the ti-1 tie o f the E astern grass courts ten­ nis singles championship tom orrow. Tilden won f r o m Johnny Doeg, last year’s cham pion, 6-3, 3-6, 6-4, and 6-4. H u n ter eliminated Bunny Aus­ tin, 6-4. 3-6, 6-2, 1-6, 6-1. In th e doubles sector, Berkeley I Bell of the U niversity of Texas and Gregory Mangin, Newark, New J e r ­ sey, b eat Austin and J. S. O liff of England, 7-5, 6-2. K enneth Appel} of P rinceton and Bradshaw H arrison of Oregon p u t out George Lott and Doeg, 3-6, 6-4, 8-6. The M ercur and} Hall vs. T ilden-H unter fray re m a in -; I ed unfinished because of darkness. ? PUCKETT VISITS Dean C, A. Puckett of the Texas C o lle g e of Mines a t El Paso was a business v isito r Thursday. at the U niversity I M arg aret Bridges o f th e Kappa Delta house went to San Antonio ! for th e week-end. "In th e Hush of the N ig h t” and "MU* You” A New Columbia N um ber By L ee M oore and H er B lu e Gras* Boys J, R. REED MUSIC CO. P h o n o 7 5 0 8 1 9 5 C o n g r e s s WE PAY YOU HALF PRICE CASH FOR ALL' BOOKS CO O P SPORT SIFTINGS m B y GARDNER B. S O U L E T e x a n S p o rts E d ito r T icket sales fo r the com ing foot-} ball season of the University con­ tinue to O rders were w orth o f ducats the first week. increase a t a rapid ra te . J fo r $4,400 received fans. But the m ajority of orders came ftrom out-of-town Plainly speaking, you Austin folks had b et­ ter get busy if you w ant to be sure of good seats from which to s*4* th e Longhorns prance over the gridiron during the months o f Septem ber, O ctober, and November. Coaches Leave For Training School in Dallas At the close of the firs t week of* business, the Athletic Council of tike I U niversity bas sold $1,400 w orth of tickets fo r the coming gridtron r a ­ ison, according to Dr. H. J. Ettiinger, j actin g directo r of ntercollegiate ath­ letics. And the fanny p art of the story is th at m ost of the order , are from out- of-town people. Bill Jam e?, line-coarh a t the Uni­ versity, visit d the A thletic Council office F riday for a ch at with DF. Jam es in m otoring from | E ttiinger. Kerrville to F o rt W orth, and Monday he will go to Dallas fo r the begin­ ning of the Ro< kne-W arner < oach- | ing school. to Lloyd Gregory, sports ed ito r of the Houston Post-Dispatch who many years ago was sports ed ito r of The Texan, calls attention th e fact that Jack M easlier, now coach o f the eleven, "has a host of Rice Owl friend* in A ustin." This, as Gregory s*ays, the is undoubtedly one of reasons fo r the fact th a t ticket* to the Texas-Rice affa ir were selling at each a rapid rate he first several day*. However, sales fo r the tangle J —, with the feathered Dock have taken j * CCU I r a i n i n g L d m p a B e g i n * S e p t e m b e r the Oklahoma and S. M a re th e ruling favorites. Coach Clyde L ittlefield, and Marty I Karow, head football coach and Var- 1 sity backfield coach, respectively, are I m otoring from a coaching camp at Bemidji, M innesota, o v er the week- I e n d in order to atten d the Rockne- slight decrease, and now those for ] W arner school ais**. U. gam es _ l o , , , Berkeley Bet) of the University 1 lost to Bill Tilden in singles of E astern grass court cham pionship last week. B ut only I a fte r a hard match, and only a fte r w inning one out of th ree sets from last week. But a hard match, and only a fte r vvjj| ten n is Dell has years ahead of his fo r such things as annexing tennis titles An:'!< 'l» « lfc» loge. LUBBOCK, August 17.— Coaches ; Grady Higginbotham and Vie Payne th e fall th a t Technol ogi cal College have I football ? nnnounced | train in g cam p will begin Septem ber this time intensive training begun for the 1929 football squad which is expected to fa r o u t­ .q u a d . o f tho col. Some forty-five men will attend the camp, 22 of whom will be fro m ; last y ea r's squad, 18 from the last y ea r’s freshm an squad and Cive from! m achines o f previous years. POLITICS STUDENT S HOBBY COLUMBIA, South C arolina.—* ( I P ) — I t ’s a long tim e until 1948, but Nigel A. League o f Greenville is planning to be elected governor of South C arolina in th a t year. * L eague the is a sophom ore U niversity of South C arolina and is by delivering g etting his ©duration new spapers, waiting tab les, und do-1 ing o th er odd jobs ab o u t the campus, He worked in a cotton mill to save I $79 w ith which to s t a r t school. in Politics is his hobby, he say*, and he plans to study law th a t he may be b e tte r prepared fo r hi* candidacy in 1948. Miss Bailey of St. Louin was a fresh m an at the U niversity last year. She has been winning tennis m atches right and left all sum m er, having and annexed ten tournam ent titles, having made a splendid showing in every tournam ent in which she has been a contestant. Gene Bailey, form er Rice In stitu te m entor, has made such a good show­ in g as m anager of the Houston Buffs that he may be retained as m anager next season. Bailey took the place o f F ran k Snyder, when the la tte r re­ signed to take over the helm of th*5 F o rt W orth Cats. And despite a bad a lock preacher cuss," and despite th© fact that he has some of the Texas League’s poorest batsm en to work with, the likeable Gene has done re­ m arkably well. streak " th a t would make I Md you know . . . th a t the Cubs last broke a M ajor League record week when they signed up a 13-year- old p S a y d rt. * , Alonso Htagg is now rn his fortieth year of coaching? . . . After breaking the world endurance swim m ing record by one hour, Mrs. Corine R o sb u rg was- su ffe rin g se­ from exhaustion, and was verely the w ater unconscious taken from team Friday! . . . A United .States won second place in the in tern atio n ­ al rifle shooting competition in Swed­ en Friday"! . . . Babe R uth -ays he can never give up baseball, and prob­ ably will be a m anager when he quit* active play? th© take F o r being plain, dow nright hot the lately, this town would prize. W e’ve only hit one cool place rn last two weeks. T h at’* at B arto n ’s. Once we get about 151 feet below the surface of the w ater, I there we* feel com fortable— fo r about 30 second*. open* Coach Clyde L ittlefield will ban-1 die track work a t th© Wsrner-Rockm* coaching school which a t! Dallas tomorrow. L ittlefield, Bill Jam es, and M arty Karow will re p re­ the U niversity a t the North sent Texas school. And th ere will bt a g ath erin g of coaches from fa r and wide in attendance, from all appear­ ance*. High school? and colleges th e na­ tion over are beginning train in g fo r ; gridiron Reason. Austin the 1929 H:gh sta rts the grind Monday, Ami then the the old fam iliar th u d of boot arid pigskin" will he h e a rd all o ver th e South. * o T U R K S C O M P IL E D IC T IO N A R Y — ANGORA , Turkey.— (IID— Th* i change from the Arabic to the Latin a lp h ab et in Turkey h as led to the J compiling of a new Turkish diction-: arty* containing 24,000 word*. T his is Iaas than one-fourth standard n um ber of words in the English dictionaries. A T urkish exp ert ha* 1*0 0 * 1 ___ * Turkish se-holi** know approx! 1 0 ,9 0 0 words, ed u cated peo- * ,586 to 4,000, low er c la s s city its $00. Q T i e D E T R O I T T I G E R S N E H * N O H I T " H U R L E R J O H H H Y P IT C H E D P E R F E C T J B O T H . 1 9 2 7 A N O 1 9 2 8 1 , SAWYER’S UNION FISH & OYSTER MARKET W h o le sa le and R etail Home of High-Class Sea Foods Prompt Delivery SPECIAL RATES TO FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES PH O N E 6 213 115 W E ST SIXTH ST. Check Up! before Checking Out on Autumn Footwear t ■ - - so new - - - so smart 1 - - - so different * Nary, Brown and Black in a la te ria ls of R e p tile — S u e d e a n d k i d s k i n — w i l t have th e call th is fa ll — - A s usual the F rench Boot Shop is read y in o f sty le trends w ith com p lete a d v a n c e stocks of co rrect fo o tw ea r— w ith u n e x c e ll­ ed fittin g serv ice for th ose req u irin g nar­ row w idths, h ig h arch es an d sn ug-fittin g h eels. n o v e l ste p -in p u m p o f n avy k id s k in . . . 1 4 4 (0 • r d tip (b a n d m a d e ) ............ S im ila r m od el w ith c u b a n b rei b u c k le c e n t e r .12. o x ­ s m a r te s t A u tu m n ’s in IO d is ­ fo rd s o f f e r e d tin c tiv e n e w sh a d e s an d m a te r ia ls o f S U E D E . . . REPTLLE . . . CALF and COMBINATIONS. P r ic e d 8 .5 0 to 1 7 .5 0 V a r io u s t y p e h e e ls . . . " th e c o s t u m e b oot- e r ie o f f e m in in e f o o t ­ w e a r fa s h io n s ," T h is c lo se d up str a p w ith h e e l in ail b la c k lisa r d B r o w n k id , b o x b ee! D u ll k id . . . w ith b u tto n m e d iu m •p ik e 1 3 .5 0 1 1 .5 0 1 0 .5 0 Ar to Hosiery! . . . th is sh o p fe a t u r e s o n ly p e r f e c t q u a li­ fa m o u s m a k e r s . . . "PROP- fies fr o m " K A Y S E R " »"<* a F S ^ w S L U E E D G E S L IP P E R H E E L . . . n e w sh a d e s r e a d y n o w ! d a r k 1.65 to 5.95 111 • s/frv^tc Sr fA— '— f it t in g the N a r r o w H e e l"