iV ■ ■■■ ' SJW Batta ©wan First College Daily in the South VOL. XXIX A U S T I N , T E X A S , F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y IO, 19 2 8. No. 1 1 3 Final Rounds Of Fraternity Ball Tennis Squad Calendar Committee Laminations Set for Monday Played Today urj1 , , Withdraws Approval . Of Scheduled German Independent T e a m s Play for Division Championship 56 Teams Started In Race Final championship gam es he- the fratern ity amb tv eo n pendent basketball leagues will be played Monday night. The fra ­ ternity league cham pionship will b '1 decided between the Phi Delta T hetas and the Golf Moons, and the independent league cham pion­ the ship lies in the outcome of gam o between the C afeteria and She team representing the Little Campus Dorm itory A. B eginning Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Dr. D. A. Penick, V ar­ sity tennis coach, will conduct a _____________________ ______ round robin tournam ent to deter-! ^ / v l f f l l O r Declares mine tho men who will compose his freshm an sq u id . All fresh­ Hartman Resigns man tennis players will he en ter­ ed except Lacote and Taylor, who From Deanship the two ranking members of art the squad, and are therefore proc- f The m atches will be held the freshm an courts on Twenty- r H artm an of first street, and will be for U lt two out of th ree sets. The ten men with tho highest scon will be allowed to remain on the freshm an squad. An unconfirm ed report on the on | campus yeste rday t hat Dean Henry the U niversity the I School of Medicine at Galveston in doubt resigned rem ained last night when The Texan failed to gain an audience with Presi­ his dent Benedict, who is ill at home. in d e -1 th ing w ith the Varsity'. A schedule of m atches will be posted on the' bulletin board at Z Hall and also a t the courts, and en ter any freshm an desiring to v ho have not already done so, are urged to rail Sam F i s h e r a1 6308 or Searcy Ferguson at 7521? and have th eir nam es placed on the list. On the night of Thursday, Feb- rnqgy 16, th e fra te rn ity league champs play the E ngineers, cham ­ pions of the departm ental league. I Le w inners of the independent league play school In anouneing the rules of the champions, the Newman club, also tournam ent, Dr. Penick raid that on Thursday, F ebruary 16, and the University championship wi’il each man must bring one new ball for his Snatch, and th at the semi-final be derided by w inners m ust notify either Fisher and final games. The w inner will or Ferguson a fte r be aw arded a trophy given by the finishing a match. A thletic Council of the U niver­ sity. the Sunday immediately these Although Dr. Benedict him self <5anco S aturday evening. the P resident of the S tu d en t’s Association in person could not be reached 1 1 by telephone, sent word th at “ there might som ething to the rum or, but D i .l f ,„ e rn.dirt D e fe rre d not to preferred not to about t h e m atter at t h i s tim e.” t a n ' t a l k be the various the that The se games are team s final have games o f 56 comprised leagues sponsored by the association, and, according to iTerry W hitaker, be­ tween seven and eight hundred men have participated in the va- | lions leagues and deserve credit fo r the intense in terest th a t has been shown throughout the e n ­ tire season. The in tere st has been unusually high am ong those the not actually participating games and this has done much to' ord assuring a successful sea­ son in intram ural basketball. in New Esperanto Section Formed Thirty-five Sign up for New Language G roup for Spring in terest is again With the beginning of the new term , being shown in study of the new lang­ uage, E speranto, and a new sec­ tion of the club was organized W ednesday evening with 35 stu ­ dents signing up. This section, which is num ber five, will m eet each W ednesday afternoon from 5-6. Winston Gives First Lecture Of Open Forum Benefit Discussions for De­ bate Squad Begin Tonight lecture the firs t Professor A. P. Winston will conduct and open forum discussion of the d e­ p artm ent of business adm inistra­ tion for the benefit of the in te r­ collegiate debate squad a t a meet- ing to be held in room I, Garrison Hall at 7:30 o’clock tonight. the T hree lectures and open forum discussions have been arranged fo r debate intercollegiate th** squad before they will b rief question and s ta rt in an intensive series of practice debates on the question, Resolved, th a t the r e ­ cent Latin Am erican policies of the U nited S tates governm ent should be condemned. The regular intercollegiate de­ bate season will open F rid ay , F ebruary 24. when the U niversity negative team m eets the U niver­ sity of Colorado affirm ative team a t Boulder, C o lo ra d o , U ntil then, practice debates will be held. P rofessor C. P. P atterson of the departm ent of governm ent will deliver lecture and direct the open forum discuss­ ion in room I, Garrison Hall at 8:00 p. rn., M onday, F eb ru ary l l P rofessor C harles A. Timm of the departm ent of governm ent will deliver the third and last lecture in room I, Garrison Hall, T ues­ day, F eb ru ary 14. the second ------------o— ------- California yn iversity Largest Institution b reshmen who are entered are McNair, Orgain, Butz, Harvey; Grubbs, IL G. Moore, L aurent, Fowler, Johnson, Lawrence, M. E. Smith, Moore, Smott, M eagher, Mc Knight, Morris, and Concrty. —o— — Lucky Rushes Baseball Stands For First Game Tem porary Seats Will Be Constructed in Case of Failure “ Tem porary seats will be pro­ vided for the sp ectato rs,” W. J. Disch, Texas coach baseball stated em phatically W ednesday afternoon when asked what would be done in case the perm anent stands a t Clark Field were not completed by the opening of the season. Mr. Disch also expressed confidence th at everything pos­ sible was being done to rush the completion of and praised the record of Mr. Lucky, the co n tracto r in charge. the stands, of A fter an inspection the new field, the coach announced th a t in the fu tu re practice will be held there. The field already has a good grow th of ..winter grass, and when the w eather is warm er, the infield will be covered with Berm uda grass as well. The stands will be of the same type of construction as was used in building the stadium . —o President Benedict and clover ------- conducta burning of Dr. H ollanders A lfred K enngott, in stru cto r in the U ni­ Germanic languages in versity who t h e m eetings of the E speranto club* j is highly pleased with th e inter- from j est being shown in the subject, “ Aesop and Hyssop” ; “The Ass and he believes th a t even more and the Lapdog,” “ The Hen and will sign up when th ey become the V iper’s Eggs, “ The Man, the fam iliar with the purpose and the Hen and the Ostrich E gg,” “ Tho work being done by the club. P a rro t,” “ The Poodle the Pendulum .” Mr. K enngott read and A t a possible suggestion from Dr. H ollander, Mr. Leonard wrote in his “ Two Lives” these terro rs with which he Is obessed. The se­ poem quence, an unusual method in moderrf poetry. is w ritten in sonnet The last poems read were lyrics, “ W ith M other E a rth ” and “ P ri­ m ordial E a rth ,” a poetical sketch of the origin of the earth. —— ------- o— ——-— * Dean Pittenger Finds Social Hour Success enrolled as m em bers. 111 W ith Severe Cold first organized and now the club Decem ber 4, Dr. H. Y. Benedict , who has are with the new section there been ill a t his home with a bad In 235 resting cold since Tuesday, was joining this organization the mem­ easily Thursday according to Mrs. in bers assum e no obligations. There Benedict. Dr. Benedict has been ! the country and their respective arc no fees and no te x t books; i , - k j * , i the only requirem ents m ade by i confined to his bed since his re- j enrollm ent are listed as follows: tu rn from Dallas last Tuesday, th* instructor nm reg u lar a t t e n d . ' C alifornia 17,311; Columbia IS,- 275; Illinois, 12,033; M innesota, anc© and an active in tere st in the 11,307; New York U„ 10,218; work. The sections meet once a Ohio S tate, 10,035; M ichigan, week. 9,700; and Wisconsin, 8,942. His condition is not considered serious and he will probably be back a t his office by the end of the week, Mrs. Benedict said. Recently compiled figures show the U niversity of C alifornia to be the the U nited S tates in point of enroll­ m ent, with 17,311 students in at- i tendance this year. largest schools university in The eight ........ — *- largest j * u* * „ ’ , - The fellow ing is the schedule: 8 ,p. rn., Tuesday, section 2, room 219 M. R. W ednesday, section 5, 5 p. rn. room 219 M. B. Thursday, section rn., room 219 M. B. 4, 7:45 p. O'Quinn Asks More Pay For Next Editors of The Texan Official Ruling Affects Dance Saturday Night Violation of Conduct Rule; Prohibits O nly This W eek7s Social There will be no German C lub Tim Social C alendar Com m ittee has the withdrawn . , anproval for fherman ' n t t m n Xn hav" m e n *>»*" »«•- morrow night because of viola­ tion of the rules of the S tu d en ts’ Association pertaining to U niver­ sity dances, according to Bob Eikel, chairm an of the Social C al­ endar Com mittee and P resident of the S tu d en ts’ Association. Stand Supports Rule “ It was necessary to stop this dance or back down entirely u i the stand we have taken,” Eikel said. He stated th a t the specific rule re fe rre d to was th a t con­ cerning drinking and rowdy con­ given “ The last German duct. on Jan u a ry 31, was the worst th ii It is gen- has ever been given. I orally understood th e frit* j tern ity in charge of the dance rn a t j responsible fo r the conduct th at dance. And as a penalty vt** are forced this w eek’s to stop German. The German next week will be held as usual.” th at P e n a lty Closes Term By arran g em en t of the G e r­ man Club the Kappa Sigma f r a ­ te rn ity has been in charge o f the German Club dances during th o past sem ester. The one t h week was to have been their lagj,. bur due to the penalty assessed by the Social C alendar C om m ittee, ns their term will be regarded closed, and beginning w ith tim dance next week the Sigma A lph•* Epsilon fra te rn ity will assum e charge of the German dances. by According to a statem en t th* the Com m ittee, henceforth ticket sellers, ticket takers a n i floorw alkers will be equally res­ ponsible with those giving the dance. ------------- o------------- Versus Club To Plan New Group Birthday D inner G iven a t Cafeteria a t 5 o'clock in Im portant plans fo r the fu tu re of the club will be made a t t h 1 j m eeting o f the V ersus club th is th'* afternoon Texas Bible Chair, according ta I the president of the club. The*# ’ plans will include tho discussion J of the form ation of another w o­ m an’s debate club on the campit-. Too few freshm en girls came out to the m eeting T hursday t i ­ 8 'ep a' “ t ' • tfrn00n *° ° rganiH th ere fo re club; those girls who came out will be taken into the i Versus club a t this m eeting. AU t other women on the campus who ; are interested in public speaking I are asked by the club to try o u t a t th a t time. ,, . A birthday dinner will bo given the U niversity for V ersus C afeteria Saturday, F eb ru ary I t . This will be held in celebration at S.M.U.-Arkansas Clash Features I Week-End Card T w o G am e Series in F ayetteville Decides Cham pionship Trade Expert Talks Today a t l i o’Clock On Soil Resources _ I H.D. McCrummen Lecture Given .T ex as vs. Baylor In Dies in Lubbock w Waco Saturday E a r l y T h u rsd ay1 th a t sport Funeral Services H eld H ere Friday for N ephew of Dr. Benedict Political Petitions In 3 Student Races May N ow Be Filed P E T IT IO N S for the political offices o f editor-in-chief of editor-in- The Daily Texan, chief of the C actus, and m an­ aging editor of The Daily T ex­ an may be filed a t any tim e now, according to a statem ent issued yesterday aftern o o n by Bob Eikel. president of th*1 S tu­ d en ts’ Association. The law passed by the S tu ­ d e n t s ’ Assembly postponing the filing of petitions until April 30 applied to only those offices in which no petitions had been rifling w ent filed before the into elTnet. according “ It would have been m ani­ festly u n fa ir,” to Kihei, “ for some of the candi­ dates to have been allowed to proceed with th eir cam paigns while others running for the same office would have to w ait a month before startin g th eir publicity.” Hollander Reads From Poetry Of William Leonard P oet’s O bscurity E xplained as R esult of M any Morbid Phobias Dr. L. M. H ollander, professor dis­ langauges, of Germ anic for the cussed th e ch ­ reason ou rity of William E llery Leonard a t the first public reading of the sem ester T hursday aftenoon. Although Leonard w rites strik ­ he is com paratively ing poetry, unknown. He Is a professor of English at the U niversity in his home town, Madison, W isconsin, but is, in spite of his position, u n ­ known. He is a p h o b ias burden­ ed by a neaurotio fe a r of many things. As he carm ot satisfy his remain w anderlust, chained w ithin his home town. he m ust When Leonard came to Madi­ son, he m arried the dau g h ter of an in stru cto r in whose fam ily ran tu rn ed insanity. H er against Leonard when she com­ m itted suicide. He became an outcast, fran tic with grief. The lurking phobias which had been near returned . people While recovering m entally, Leonard tra n sla te d Aesop’s fab ­ les into clever little poems with a sardonic m oral. These poems were called “ Aesop and Hyssop.” Dr. H ollander’s first selection of Leonard from was the Lynching Bee, which is a tarring, vivid description of the feathering, a negro at the crossroads. poems and the In Law Building Russell Sm ith Visits the Cam pus trade I | ally known as a J , Rugged Sm ith, internation- expert, will speak to the students of th-* School of Business A dm inistra­ tion and other students interested “ Civilization and P erm anent on the A g ricu ltu re” this m orning in auditorium of the Law Building a t l l o’clock, according to Dr. J, A. F itzgerald, dean of the school. Mr. Sm ith, who is a profess rn- of indust ry and romm<*m* in Col­ um bia U niversity of New York, is in Austin for but a short stop over, hut has consented to speak to the stu d en t body today. His hobby, according to Dr. F itz g er­ ald, is th e conservation re ­ sources, and one of his chief in­ te re sts is the conservation of the soil. of W id ely Know n A uthor Smith is widely known as an au th o r and lecturer. Tn 1918 he served as special trad e expert on in W ash­ the W ar T rade Board ington, D. C. Before going to Columbia he tau g h t in the W har­ ton School of Finance and Com­ m erce of the U niversity of T*en- nyslvania. in Sw arthm ore, Pennsylvania. home His is In 1908 Tn addition to co n trib u tin g in­ num erable articles to m agazines and to economic and geographic cal journals, Smith is th e author o f a num ber of more extended works. he published “ The S tory of Iron and S teel” ; “ The Ocean C arrie r” appeared th e sam e y ea r; “ The Industrial and Commercial G eography” was w ritten in 1913; “ Commerce and In d u stry ” in 1915; “ The Elem ents o f Industrial M anagem ent” in the of 1916; “ The G reat W ar In Shipping” 1918; “ The W orld’s Food R e­ in 1919, and “ Hum an sources” school G eography,” a gram m ar te x t in two volumes, in the same year. Influence on B B A C lasses D ism uss Classes in Business A dm inis­ tratio n 50, section 3; Business A d­ m inistration 328, and Business A dm inistration 432.1, will be dis­ missed by th eir in stru cto rs to at- lecture, Dr. | tend Mr. Sm th’s in class Business A dm inistration 432.1 will m eet a t tho regular 12 o’clock hour. S tudents who are not in the School of Business A dm inistra­ tion are the lecture, Dr. Fitzgerald said. invited to attend ------------- o— --------- F R A T E R N I T Y A V E R A G E LIST R E A D Y IN A B O U T T E N D A Y S The list of fra te rn ity averages ten will be com pleted in about days, according to a statem ent from the d ean’s office. All of the blanks to be filled out have not been sent from this office, and these m ust be sent, retu rn ed , and averaged before this in fo r­ m ation will be ready to print. News was received in Austin Thursday of th e death of Hugh Dan M cCrummen, 32 nephew of in Dr. and Mrs. H. Y. B enedict morn- Lubbock early T hursday ing. F uneral services will be con­ ducted by Dr. Thomas C urrie and in Oakwood Dr. L. H. W harton cem etery F riday afternoon shortly a fte r 3:20 o’clock when the body will arrive on the M. K. & T. train . Pall bearers will be W. .A. Smith, P. J. A nthony, F red Adams, Bruce O’Keefe, Clarence McCullough, and J. R ector Allen. Mr. M cCrummen is survived by his wife, form erly Miss M ary j F ristoe of A ustin; three children, two girls six and seven years old, ! and a boy six m onths old; his j m other Mrs. J. C. M cCrummen, S treet, A ustin; 1808 WT. 23rd j three sisters, Cecil M cCrummen, A ustin; Mrs. F rank Mc Elroy, A frica; and Mrs. Norm an M orri- j son, W ashington, D. C .; and fo u r brothers, Dr. Thomas D. Mc- | Crum m en, A u stin ; Hornet Mc- I Crum m en, P aris; Ed M cCrummen and Rich McCrummen, both of I Lubbock. Follow ing his education in the U niversity of Texas from 1913 to 1917, MeCrumnfen w ent to the O fficers T raining School a t Leon Springs. He was commissioned a second lieu ten an t and assigned to the Field A rtiljery of the R ain. bow division with which he served in C hateau T hierry, St. Mihiel, Cham paigne, and M euse-Argonne engagem ents. In the M euse-Ar­ gonne drive he. was wounded. BBA Juniors Hold Spring E l e c t i o n for Second T erm Gabe Smith o f G aleville was m ade president of the ju n io r class of th e School of Business Adm in­ istration at a m eeting held T hurs­ in day afternoon a t 2 o ’clock G arrison Hall 113 fo r the p u r­ pose of electing officers to serve d uring the spring term . H enry Slavik of Runge was elected p resid en t; Rolfe Wells of Sugarland, secretary arid trea su rer. vice H om er L uther was elected as a delegate to the executive council of the School of B usiness Admin­ istration to fill the vacancy left Archie Woods, who in school this term . is not G abe S m ith Is M ade Prexy F itzgerald said. The Wisconsin Students Dress Dolls for History Museum B asketball lovers will get more j played their share o f th an this week-end when th* two lead­ ing team -. S. M. ti. and A rkansas clash a t Fayetteville, the den of the Porkers, in a two game serie s the first being tonight. They will m eet again S aturday night. AU the dope to favor the Hogs in both the game?* as they have averaged over 40 ths year. the game points Texas is the only team to come anyw here n ea r the P orkers in the way of scoring, b u t a t th a t Ar­ kansas has scored four tim es as often as the Steers. seems to D ec isiv e Games This two gam e series will de­ cide th e conference championship them will as the team w inning have an etfsy tm e takng the re st of thee gam es. C aptain Allison and Pickel o f the Hogs will m eet fo r individual high scoring honors Ii C O N F E R E N C E S T A N D IN G Team A rkansas ...... S. M. U. ........ ..... Texas Baylor ........... Rice ............ ... T. C. U ........... A. & M........... Games this w eek: W 6 6 4 2, 2 I I Pct 1.000 1.000 ,571 .333 .280 .160 .166 F rid ay : S. M. U. vs A rkan­ sas, F ayetteville. S atu rd ay : S. M. U. vs Ar­ kansas, F ayetteville. Texas vs. Baylor, Waco. T. C. U. vs. A. & M., Col­ lege Station. | J Q )tak en p art in this year. of the night. These two men |r, have been high point men fo r L th eir team s in all gam es they have In two gam es they have ru n up 59 points, nee against Texas and the other ime against Baylor. Com parative scores and everything give the P orkers the advantage. I fu rth e r down Should A rkansas win both of these games, it will put S. M. U. in a fix th a t will make it easy fo r her to slip the standing before th e season is over. T e x a s v*. Baylor v S aturday night will find Texas and B aylor m eeting fo r th eir sec­ ond time this year in Waco. Texas won the other gam e betw een th e two team s by a 57-35 count, and should win this S aturday night w ithout much trouble. The B ears deserve much praise for the game they played against the Porkers in two-gam e in Waco S aturday night, “series when trick they resorted game and kept the Hogs fa r from th e basket fo r th e first half. the second of the to a K eifer S trickland, the B ears' sta r forw ard, will be the thorn in the Steers* side, and will give the Texas guards plenty of trouble. (C ontinued on page 21 Calendar the 2 o'clock; m eeting of the Board of Publications in business offices of the Texas Student Publications, Inc., at B, Hall. S ©’clock; Hockey practice, N. Hall. 5 ©’clock; Versus club m eet­ ing a t the Texas Bible Chair. 5 o ’cloc; R acquet club m eet­ ing a t the Physical E ducation C ottage. 5 o’clock; Section 3 of the E speranto club m eets in Main Building 219. 7 ©’d o c k ; Sophomore-Senior g irls’ basketball practice at N. H all. 7:15 (o’clock; Omega Delta * fra te rn ity , fencing h o n o ra ry f l e e t s a t U niversity Y. M. C. ’ A. 7:30 o'clock; Philosophy club m eats in Garrison Hall. 7:3# o ’clock; Professor A. P. W inston speaks before d e­ bate squad Garrison H all, room I, The stu d en t-facu lty hour which F riday, section 3, 5 p. rn. UNIVERSITY OF W ISCON­ SIN, Feb. 9— Dressing dolls con­ of stitu tes the im portant p a rt theses which are boing done by IO women students a t the state uni­ the direction of versity, under Miss Hazel M anning, associate professor of home economics. aboriginal N orth dress of the Am erican Indian brave and hit squaw, the Pilgrim fa th e r and his faithful wife, the sturdy P uritan and his spouse, a Q uaker brothe** and sister, and a patriot and housew ife of the Revolutionary days, this year I room 219 M. B. th e approval of Dean j has proven successful receives Pifcienger. Dean P itte n g e r stater I romn 204 M. B. in a recent lette r to a m em ber af the $ tu d e n t-Rf• laions C om m ittee: I “ I wish to congratulate the com- j n o t i c e on th is very com m endable I activity and shall be glad to do my share success.” Thc* this work X | to m ake and “ T here students, fa ith fu lly according W hat is play for children, how­ is a lack of old-time ever. will be work fo r these uni­ m aterials from which the clothes versity to must be m ade,” com m ents Mr. Charles E, Brown, director of tho Brown, “ and we are asking for S tate Historical museum, for each doll must be dressed to p o rtra y I help in obtaining some. The stu- accurately th e j dents need pieces of wool home- style of dress in a d efin ite period [spun. eith er brown or grey; white of A m erican history. Each situ- j linen hom espun; old silk brocade in sm all fig u re s; cam let, a cloth dent m ust carve the fe atu res of o f h air, silk, o r wool or a combi­ th e “dum m y” wooden dolls p ro ­ nation of form erly used vided, beside# dressing the doll fo r .petticoats and cloaks; beaver, and w ritin g an the the w ork and of the period th e dolt eith er brown o r black, represents. I# held every F riday m orning from 10:30 to 12:30 in the Girl#’ Study all. All student# are invited to drop in every F rid ay and enjoy a few m inutea-of frien d ly form al contact w ith m em ber* o f th e stu ­ dent body. The P rese n t Day caps and hate; calico, and sim ilar club is presiding ai th e m eeting fabrics w ain by early settlers. stu d en t-facu lty hour Two dolls will rep resen t account o f I F riday. these, fo r the Steam Tunnel Bids Close February 20 Bids for a steam tunnel have i been asked to be presented to the Board of Regents and m ust be in on F ebruary 20. The p l a n s of specifications axe out, and all the tw entieth of this month. th e main The tunnel under construction will connect the new power plant with campus. The building form erly located on 2305 Speedway, has been sold and mov­ ed o ff th e site fo r the tu n n el. S aturday, section I, 9 a. rn., recently filed with Final disposition of a request for an increase in salaries for the 1928-1929 editor* and the chief editorial w rite r of The Daily Texan the Board of Publications by T ruem an O’Quinn, editor of The Texan, is expected a t a m eeting this a f ­ ternoon of the non-editorial mem­ bers of the Board, according to Bob Eikel, chairm an body. o f chief editorial w riter's pay from I l'f the d u b 's fourth $40 to $30 a month. j campus. ° “ tho l f an increase is ( n a t a l by th " I V ersus d u h W,B have 118 I n ­ taro m ade Sunday F e b ru a ry 12, at Elliot’s studio. AU muniber# are urged to be present ab tfM L m eeting this afternoon in o rd er that they may take poet In Gps discussion of these questions. board today, the new salaries will become effective June, 1928, aud the present e d i­ will not affect tors or the oresent chief editorial w riter of The Texan. The pres­ ent salary scale is as follows: edi­ tor-in-chief and m anaging editor. th at $40 each per month, and chief edl- to n a l w riter, $30 per month. RETURNS TO W l B i M l l —---------- ii-------- ---- The board m em bers m eet th is : M arion Olson* g r a d a b l e a f :U t* ';v_-• This is the second effo rt made by O’Quinn to obtain an increase the in Texan editorial salaries, first petition fo r m ore m oney b e ­ ing* filed in the spring of 4927. In considering th e f i r s t ' petition [to increase th e next ed tlp f’s pay. f robbery,, the Board declined editors’ salaries, but lowered the .pay was filed about a week ago. afternoon at 2 o’clock, Eikel said it yesterday, and th at the chief m atter fo r consid- j a fte r oration will be O ’Quinn’s petition j received d to raise th e \ The w ritten request fo r b e tte r I a t H arvard I returned U niversity of is understood chairm an of the - • * FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IO, 1923 Wallace Collins of the Sigm a Eta Chi house has b e ta called to Houston because of the death of his mother. Natalie Matthews is visiting in Dallas. Thurlow B. Weed F U N E R A L H O M E A M B U L A N C E “Hockey is pretty strenuous—it takes all you've got to keep on top of the old puck. I can't afford to take an y chances w ith m y physical candid turn. T hat's ivhyl stick to Luckies* In addition to the pleasure I get from their fine flavor, they have never cut m y wind to a n y notice* able degree, Finally, I never suffer tvi th sudden coughing xvii ich rn ight be very dangerous for me when there's a scramble on the ice*" “The Cream of the Tobacco Crop” for Lucky Strikes says Tobacco Buyer “N o article can be better than its base .To produce a fine prod­ uct, you must begin with fine materials. The finest of the tobacco crop, ‘The Cream of the Crop’ goes into LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes. I know, because I buy the Tobacco for this brand With this ideal be­ fore me.” First College DaBy in the South v e ry c o n d e m n a to ry o f w a r ca a m ean* of • e ttlin * d is p u te s b e ­ tw e e n n atio n * . What Do You Know About- O c e a n ic T e le v is io n ? F ra n c o * A m e ric a n P a c t? M in n ie C u n n in g h a m ? A n ti- W a r T reat* * * ? J o h n J. B a ir d ? PFTARTSU'KT AT. I SUTOR; * » & S ,tS8!i5S It 3E2*a«M>r V. <*Wl* SHIRT* W IOT BHS i*ek Cox Ates Utarp-feree The* Qcajpehinie* Jerk Cos V-—- IWS Centre!! — «~ ---- T h e U n ite d S ta te * ha* to p r o ­ po sed a n ti- w a r p ac t* f o u r n a tio n * . T h e y a r * all s im ila r to th e a b o v e -m e n tio n e d o n e r e ­ c e n tly c o n c lu d e d w ith Buy Your Parker Fountain Pens at the gTEXAS i B O O K I STO RE I F r a n c e “Luckies never cut my wind” says Billy Burch, Captain of NLY. Americans’ Hockey Team I From Other Pens Shists . P a r lie r P ressingness Tcmdfi T h ia pen’s fe a th e r -light weigh, a lo n e is sufficient lo s ta r t anc keep it w ritin g . N o effort, ne fatigue. I Doubly remarkable Decant!, the new Duofold is 28% lighter thai? w hen made w ith rubber, dee tc Penman, te, a new m aterial IOC tim e s as strong as ru b b er — ir fact, Non-Breakable. B ut P re ss u re Ieee Touch is m ost im portant because of its ef­ fect of taking all the effort out of writing. 3 sizes, 6 graduated pen points, 1 5 flashing colors, to suit men's and ; women’s hands and tastes. Parker Duofold Pencils to match pern, $3, $3.50 and $4. ! Look for “ Geo. S. P a rk e r — ; D U O FO L D " to be su re o f ‘th e genuine. T H E P A R K E R P E N C O M P A N Y J A N E S V I L L E . W I S C O N S I N larker Duofold Jr.® i / Udy r w o k i r> We are factory representatives for Parker Pens Complete stock to se­ lect from. Have an ex­ pert help you select the pen you need. UNIVERSITY COOP STUDENTS! Enjoy Frolicsom e SUNDAY “The Alamo City R OU ND T R I P I $1.50 Every Sunday San Antonio Leave A uttin 6 :3 0 A. ML Street Cars to D epot in Time. Back Home Early 10.20 P. M. B o y T ic k et* A ny Day Office A u s tin Hotel P h o n e 7 7 5 5 -6 0 9 6 M IL T O N M O R R IS , A g t, E d B e a rd , A s s is ta n t Convenient Service Checking Accounts Deposit Boxes Travelers’ Checks Notary Public 6 Per Cent Guaranteed Investments IM .The U n i v m ^ r N° Throat Irritation- No Cough HAROLD TEEN—NOW IT’S GONNA BE GOO GOO AND DA DA 1 A«C P G Q U M ' P O P * VAJMAT AUL WiMMtKl* CQ A \J£ IG R O M A M C E — TALK ic, (2DMAMCE r AMO MOT H M ' CUCE AMD '//. W —*zS3L GMUOOLG U P XO VOUK ACCUSABLE \ GOMORA Citee A COODLE C O O TIE - G E T A KINJO OF A I DOM 'T CAS?gT 'JOtJ? E V E S - AMD VMABQL; LOOK iM ' o o 1 per t v a x l e s r r r tg . h a m o s J KiSSUM* vum! mum1 ba&v LIKE A G W EAT BJG P O P S "— f \ O O * P I T T O I T T s e s ^ i T T C | H ANCyi1 H IS S O M ( vOM* , T U M ’. - H G W 'O T MAT F O R a T£Kjoe.‘f ? F o o T m oi UH * -C H U L L O VvH.W MAvE VOii TWO J Q O v£ BEHM D IG - | dl)GG*MG? 'VOO r y rhave ^outcry / • • . l o o k * FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IO, 1928. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N Campus Society At the Majestic L niversity Dames Meet W ednesday * ^ The U niversity Dames w ere en­ terta in e d W ednesday aftern o o n a t th e hem e of Mrs. R. Hobbs. Hostesses fo r the occasion w ere Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. M. P. S m art!, I Mrs. Florence Konz, Mrs. J. E. I V aughan, Mrs. A. IU Leach, Mrs. W. A. Dyer, Mrs. J. A. King, and Mrs, J. W. Joss. Viola Mae Joss and Mrs. Jesse ; Roach played during tho a f te r­ noon with Miss Lillian Reese ac­ companying. A delicious refreshm ent course was served a t the close to the en tertain m en t to 40 m em bers of tile association. Two guests were present a t th e affair, Mrs. W ade Royal of A ustin and Mrs. Nicho­ las of Kansas City. * • * Jordan-Fisher M arry J. Nick Jordan of Plainview Junction and Grace F isher were m arried last T hursday, Feb­ ru a ry 2, at the home of the bride in Junction. of Jordan is a student in the U ni­ versity this yeai^ and is w orking tow ard his ILB.A. degree. Mrs. Jordan is a form er stu d en t in the U niversity and attended the Uni­ of Music versity C onservatory while here. * * * U niversity Dames G ive V alentine P arty Social Calendar F riday, F ebruary IO: P h i D elta T heta dance Stephen F. A ustin, 9 to I, a t S aturday, F eb ru a ry C ountry Club, 8 to 12. l l : G erm an Club dance a t K. C. Hall, 9 to 12. All-U niversity dance a t Wo­ m an’s Gym, 9 to 12. A . A. U. W . Meets T oday The Austin branch of the Am­ erican A ssociation of U niversity Women will m eet this aftern o o n Scottish a t 3:30 o’clock a t th e Rite D orm itory. Mrs. Ellwood Griscom has charge of the pro­ gram . The social hour follow ing the program will be in th e form of a V alentine te a com plim enting^ the new m em bers of the association, * * * Bess Jan e Logan, g ra d u ate stu ­ d en t in the U niversity, flew to F o rt W orth W ednesday, re tu rn ­ ing to the campus Thursday a ft­ ernoon. She made the trip each way in approxim ately one and a half hours. M att W atson of a local air service piloted the plane. Rho chapter of T heta Xi fra ­ the of Jones of te rn ity wishes to announce pledging of W oburn H arrell A ustin and Randolph Baytown.'* The U niversity Dames, an or­ ganisation of ladies who are liv­ ing in Austin with their children the who are going to school in U niversity, are giving a V alen­ tine party to th eir children, F ri­ day evening. the The p a rty fe atu res leap year m otif. The girls will date the boys. Most of these dates are blind dates, since m any of the children of the m em bers are not acquainted. The varty will be held a t the home of Mrs. R. S. Winslow, 112 W est Thirty-second stree t. E dith Ann Y ager of Florida, who is atten d in g the University this year, underw ent an opera­ tion for appendicitis a t Seton In­ firm ary Monday. H er brother, L ieutenant Ray Y ager, is on his way to be with h er during her illness. Y ager is a g ra d u ate of A nnapolis and an officer in the U. S. Navy. The following girls have moved this fo r the Kappa house to term : M arietta D uncan, Jan e Carson, Tebe Touchstone, Eliza­ beth F aulkner, Jaqueline Blackwell. and -V . Bi tiANCOC Fitsm G o l d e n ’s S t a g e S u c c e s s $ 0 - Last times today A Picture th a t r a n k s w ith “ T h e B ig P a r a d e ” “ W h a t P r ic e G lo r y ” o th e r s w ill b e m ad e f e w w ill s u c h a c f a c tin g a n d tio n . u n d o u b te d ly b u t p r e s e n t c o m b in a tio n in t e r e s t , p r o d u c ­ s to r y f a t O*** —of road show calibre! Fox News Pictures Orchestra Monday Vaudeville T uesday H enry Santrey and his International Orchestra The Cinema M A JE STIC : F riday, W illiam H aines in “ W est P oint” ; S at­ in urday, N orm a Talm adge “ The Dove.” HANCOCK: F riday, C harles F a r­ rell and J a n e t Gay nor in “ Sev­ and enth H eav en ” ; S aturday Sunday, O rpheum P layers in “ Hello, Bill.” Q U EEN : F rid ay and S aturday, “ M otherhood.” TEX A S: F riday and S aturday, John B arrym ore in “ The Be­ loved R ogue.” Seventh H eaven The m ost w onderful p ictu re I have ever seen. in a few, far-betw een C haracterization, setting, story, perfect. Dis­ photography— all a re — not! appointing m om ents Only in­ stances is th e re a sense o f som e­ thing lacking, som ething which could have been done b u t was­ n ’t ; and those are instances of m echanics in cam era work or di­ rection, unavoidable, certain ly in­ consequential, in a perfect whole. Charles F arrell and J a n e t Cray- nor, “ sta rs” but in more, m ore!— th u s: ch aracteriza­ tions of a pow er to put so much into you, tak e so much out of you th a t it is unbelievable. As Chico, C harles F arrell is vital, vibrant, n atu ral, hum an, and touches th a t phrase “ men like gods” — C hico, sew er-dragger of P aris, rising lo the stars, in love. the film , rid e en tertain m e n t in th e back­ ground itself, to serve as a sym ­ bol of th e actual action in each case, a re the work,, of William C micron Menzies, to and “ The Beloved R ogue,” in which John B arrym ore brings the screen the complex ch aracter of Francois Villon, eccentric F rench poet, housebreaker scape­ grace, depicts the tim e of Louis XI of F rance, during the Gothic period. Long, rakish ro o f lines, sharp angles and tw isted s ta ir­ ways are featu res of the grotes­ que, b izarre type of arch itectu re th a t prevailed. The effort to achieve sym bol­ ism in the settings is said to be strikingly successful in the scenes of showing tile public Rouen, where Villon’s fa th e r was burned a t the stake, of which Mr. Menzies said: square “ The action of this sequence is one of harshness and coldness, and this effect is reflected in the glare frow ning houses which crooked down and an g u lar streets, and the dis­ the torted heap of foreground which the dram a. in fram e the square, tim bers into this “ The reverse of atm os­ pheric effect is shown in the k it­ chen of the Inn, used fo r comedy of sequences, w here fa t gobd cheer is shown in the sq u atty oven in round, jolly-look ing lines, and in the crazy n e t­ work of chim neys.” the effect Am ong o th er spectacular set tings in “ The Beloved Rogue” are the Town of Rouen and the mas sive, forbidding walls of Pares, with th e ir huge catap u lts and en­ gines of war. is an o th er H ere is realism to the nth de­ gree, artistic, beautiful, inspired. E w ry detail, every c h a rac te r j u - t M e t h o d i s t S t u d e n t s what it needs to be, no m ore, no j p icture less. H ere which you m ust m ake any sacri­ fice to see. T here is nothing flip­ pant to be said about "Seventh H eaven” ; I m ean every word of it. A t the Hancock, last tim es today. Get in the mood fo r it and GO. the W esley Bible chair a t G:30 o’clock is for all M ethodist freshm en and tra n sfe r spending th e ir first year on the campus. G iven Dinner Tonight The ban q u et tonight a t — Cecil I their names on the approved list for women fo r the sum m er ses­ sion are expected to sign the ap­ plication card before F eb ru ary 20. Applications m ade over tele­ phone will not be considered. RU BY R. T E R R IL L , Dean of Women. POSTPONED EXAMS the February series begin Monday afternoon. F eb ru ary 2 o’clock, in E ducation Building 312. IS, a t fo r E. J. M A T H E W S. THE following changes in sche­ dule are announced: Anthropologic 810s, MWF 9, is moved from G. II. 213 to G. IL 2 0 0 . French A.5, MW F 12, is moved from M. B. 208 to M. B. 32. French Aa-.3, MWF 12, is moved from Ed. B. 303 to M. B, I 208. Pure M athem atics 301-302.9, MWF 9, is moved from G. IL 200 to G. H. 213. Spanish Aas.2, is moved from G. H. 105 to M. B. 225. TTS 12, Spanish Ans.3, MWF 3, is mov­ ed from G. IIM 13 to M. B. 207. E. J. MATHEW S, B.A. 342:1 will be excused on Monday from l l to 12 o’clock to hear the lecture of Dr. J. Rus­ sell to adm inistration students, b u t the class will meet from 12 to I o’clock in the s ta ­ tistics laboratory. business C. lh SIMMONS. FOREIGN language exam inations will be held on S aturday, F eb ­ ru ary 18, a t 2 o'clock in M. B. 250. A pplication m ust be made a t the re g is tra r’s office not later than W ednesday, F eb ru a ry 15, a tj noon. This will be the last chance for seniors who expect to g ra d ­ req u ire­ uate in Ju n e, since the before ment m ust March 15. be satisfied Chairm an of the Com mittee on J. L. BO Y SEN , TEX AS Today an d T om orrow Foreign Language R equirem ents. ENGLISH 00A m eets in two sec­ tions for the spring sem ester. S et ion I meets MWE 8-9 in G ar­ rison Hail 105; the in stru cto r is Mr. Landa. Section 2 m eets TT 8 P IO in Main Building 30&; the in stru cto r is Dr. Stenberg. R. H . G R IF F I T H , Chairm an. Firing Line “ Miss Sm ith” has explained everything. instance seems to be th a t a cam- pus organization, supposed to be composed of gentlem en, has be­ haved in a m anner th a t is fa r from gentlem anly and in fact un­ w orthy o f any campus group. In its first light the m atter was j bad enough. The exclusion of the j pi ess from any m eeting a t which events of public in te re st are like­ ly to tran sp ire is crim inal. But re p re ­ the sentative be­ cause of personal reasons and the th reaten ed forcible ejection of a lady is unw ar­ ungentlem anly, ranted, and m eriting of the high­ est contem pt, exclusion of the press of the As a m atter of common in te r­ est, m ight one ask of this Fo­ rensic Council th at decides things ro convincingly fo r itself, what right it had to ( I ) p re v en t the of presence of a rep resen tativ e the press a t its m eeting, and (2) refuse adm ittance to the president of a campus forensic society? i n S I O T I N E VAU DEV ILLE I F E A T U R E P I C T U R E S ■ ^ yj. ANCOG ■ Better Fr'feffJ foment K -*"••• -• ■ «*•—•«■»»• "W - Saturday and Sunday Those P o p u la r H A N C O C K P L A Y E R S P r e s e n t T h a t Fam ous F a rc e Comedy “HELLO BILL” W ith Nancy F a ir Don Woods And AU Y our F av orites Laughs Galore T w o Hours of Fun Bargain MATINEE DAILY 5 0 c - 7 5 c at 3 p. rn. Seats Unreserved E v e n in g s at 8 : 1 9 25 - 50c AH Seats Reserved a is the As commonly understood the F orensic Council central clearing house for the d iffe ren t public speaking clubs of the U ni­ versity. Each such organization is represented on general council by its president as an ex- officio m em ber. Then it would seem the Forensic Council in excluding Miss Smith has step­ ped beyond the bounds of its au­ th o rity , and not content with m erely defying the law, m ust needs go ahout it in such a man- n ir as involves the th reaten in g of forcible ejection to a lady. th a t The exclusion of the press was was two were worse, b u t when combined in th e same person, the offense is doubly bad. delegate the A few facts concerning m eeting have leaked out. It the is possible th a t th ere are other facts, the facts whose hiding from the press required such a display of m anly courage and gentlem anly tact, which are of general public abd cam pus concern. W hat else happened a t th a t m eeting? — H. T. H. L ast Times Today W illiam Haines a W est Point i f Also P a ra m o u n t News A nd Comedy Luedecke - Moffatt Co. ‘The Friendly Store” "K veryttrin*" in t h i n l y The ,,xcllwiM „ f „ ,v credentia,ed ii Individual^ New Frocks $25.00 Spring D efinitely styled from necklines to hem lines. In quality of silks, and iii attention to details of fash­ ioning, this collection is in­ com parably superior to the usual type dresses available' at this price. Tailored and the afternoon models, most favored shades of the new season. in group comprises This sizes. Bandeaux Com fortably fitting — narrow and m edium w idth brassiere of ser­ vice w eight, satin and lace— 59c to $ • a The Mallison Prints In all their beauty are here. Com e over and see our beautiful selection. V alu es that w ill make you ow n one # at sight. A lso new crepes in tw o- and three-piece suits. H ose in all new shades. The Bluebonnet Shop > For Exclusive Varsity Girls 2206 Guadalupe St. W est Point “ W est P o in t,” now' showing a t the M ajestic th e a te r, is a little weak in plot b u t has a g re a t deal of en tertain m e n t value. The prin­ cipals, nam ely William Haines and Joan C raw ford, make the best of th e ir p arte and make the plot alm ost believable. Photography effects have class and are p articu larly notable for th eir clearness. T here are v irtu al­ ly no feather-edged shots, — A. N. M. a type The Beloved R ogue th a t Settings of entirely new will be seen in Rogue,” John B arrym ore’s U nited A rtists P icture, T exas th eater. are to m otion pictures “ The Beloved first th e a t These settings, designed to pro- The dinner is an annual affair and is given by the Texas-Brazil com m ittee. A special program is being pre­ pared fo r the occasion. Several stu d en ts will tak e the parts of the Methodist of the faculty in Passo Fundo, Brazil, school and will en tertain the guests at th e banquet as though they were really visiting in Brazil. “ This is especially fo r tra n s fe rs,” freshm en and Bltiymote Bekaed Rogue ii} " C h e Bring* to you Mother — and the I you Dad, sister and brother,— 8ai and every sweetheart iss Decherd, “ so don’t fail to be theres” Those students who care to a tten d are requested to phone 2-3838 or CGI 8. However, those who cannot phone are welcome to attend anyway, according to the j rilMS* to invitation committee. One of the mort magnificent, mon magnetic screen performances and picture* of the year Here the genius of john Barrymore f* ****** height* i* registered genuine enter­ Here tainment Official Notices This is BARRYMORE at the of perfection HOUSEM OTHERS fo r women students, sum m er session; Alii housem others who wish to place' H U 6 i* t U n i t e d a r t i s t s P ic t u r e Flowers- |MT * * _ O nly T w o D ays More T o Let U s H ave Your Order for Valentine Candy Place your order now to be sent Feb. 14. W e have beautiful satin covered i i hearts in K ing’s or W hitm an’s. ■ j Drugstore P . W . M cFadden & Co. Let N ature ex­ ten­ the press der feelings — s a y i t w i t h flowers. HILLYER’S Flowers .Wired All Over the World w r y ;; ip § § m m m JU * 1 ; Children Not Adm itted All Seats 50c T H E D X YE Y T E X A N Griffin Presents Students in “In A Persian Garden" at Scottish Rite Horned Frogs Play Farmers Cagers Hope to Win Last Four G am es egistration For Camp Manana Starts Today Brogan Lectures To Philosophy Club F R ID A Y , F E B R U A R Y IO, 1928 V ickery will read paper on an origin al ‘ R e l a t i v i s t i c M on ism /* Cold and philosophical re fre sh ­ m ents will be served, acco rd in g to Mr. KUng. Mrs. Pre rule rg ast, chaperon a t the A lpha Phi house, is visitin g in Waco. She will return S a tu r ­ day. “DANSANT” D R ISK ILL H O TEL B A L L ROOM F rid ay , F eb. 10th 7 :3 0 P. M. to 1 2 :0 0 P. M. Cover C h arge Begins 8 :3 0 $ 1 0 0 Couple Music by U n iv e r sity Band “ B illy’s O ftus G oofs * Entertainm ent by T u rb e v ille T he U niversity T ab le Singer T ab le D’ Hote and Menu A ’ la C arte Phone R eservations E arly Phone 3501 TEEIN G IT B E L IE V IN G NOWOTNY R E C O V E R S A m o Nowotny, a ssis ta ut dean o f mon, who w as confined to hi? ; room for a week with a sprained knee, is recovered enough to a t­ tend to his d uties in his office. H i* knee is In rn p la ste r east. Fencing Classes Have Enrollment Of Twenty-two Fourteen Advanced Men and Eight Beginners in Sport Make your selection from our display of Valentines with sen­ timent. Comics and Toys (jaletvovd/>. v T E X A S B O O K STORE | D EVERYTHING Man Riled by Rivals’ Time Claims Rutherford, N . .1 March 9, 1927 Lam s & Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: , _ I sure get some riled when I set where some fellow is crowing oyer the fact that tieing older, and having rur into Edgeworth sooner *han his left.* fortunate compatriot**, he challenge the world aa the champion long-tinu member of t he Edgeworth Club, lie doesn’t deserve any medals. Hi got his reward in the enjoyment of hi* smoking for the added number of years ll * was just lucky in starting sooner that’s all. However, if you care to delve mu ancient history, look up when the* first start* I to pull down the old Crane Central Station in New York,* ther add a t least six months to th at, ant you will arrive at the approxim al* time when I first joined the club. I have smoked at least one pipefu of every other tobacco I have {jeer advertised, sometimes through neces sk y, but most of the time to prove t< -piyself that I have been right rn stick jug to the old blue tin. Yours truly, II, M. Wittridge •April, 1907 Edgeworth Extra High Grade Smoking T obacco Excursion Rates! Thru Coaches al IO A M. A. IO P.M. To Waco ....... $1.75 To Dallas or Ft. Worth $4,00 Oth«*» bus MS north at regular rats* vt fl A M and 3:45 PJM. To S a n A ntonio arid p o in ts en rou te, rur sos lr Mf Austin a* *030 AM. and livery 2 hours until 6:30 P.M. “ R ide the G rey h ou n d*" CONGRESS AVE. AT 5TH ST A N N O U N C EM E N T S D RESSM AKIN G HONOLULU JU H N SHANGHAI HONG KONG MANILA SINGAPORE PENANG COLOMBO SUEZ CAIRO A LEXA.NORI \ NAPLES GENOA MARSEILLES PARIS NEW YORK Southland * Red B all Motor Bus Com pany » E. 7th S t. Phone 8466 MKN SAVE MON KY—Two suit* clean­ ed and t ressed $1.0®. Cash. We « I 1 {or and deliver. Phone 6812 W est End ,____________ March 5 Tatter Shop. EAT WITH US. Plate lunches 35c. Short orders, sandwiches*, cold drinks. We 1804 Lavaca. Pionic Shoppe. deliver. uh. mon. S A W Y E R ’ S Ocasio* Oiled S L I C K E R S *r* pp* Guaranteed pm d Waterproof % hMSAWtmSON Notary Public at B. Hall Boom 119 P H O N E 3 7 0 2 C le a r! S p a rk lin g ! Pure E le ctrifie d Water, good to drink, and good for you. For health’s sake, order a bot­ Delivered anywhere in the tle today. city by— Coca C ola B ottling W orks Bl I Colorado Phone 2-2988 “AWAY DOWN SOUTH IN ii KAVEN- Plaved by Ted Lew!* and hi* Ibm*. New C olum bia Record. U aae Bled ac *. 1 * S JI- C on gress. Phone 64 l f . T Y P IN G W OO D A N D ICE Naatness TYPING I Theme*, notebook*, and theses. and accuracy my hobby Tour years exwr- Prices reasonable. ience. Phone 4838 after 5. Mr*. Brawn, E . M. Ashford, Phone 8742 W oodyard - 8016 G uadalupe S t CO A CH IN G CO A CH IN G—S o *r n *h A, S yearn” sx p ir'c n c t. as welt as you know E nglish . IPU SO. H uber* * ee. I, 12, 18, etc. I know Span ish Phone Ju n a I . 1928 N O T A R Y P U B L IC a i o ffic e of T e a s * Students Publication*. Ina. Boom l l * —** It. Hall. FO R SA L E R EN T A T Y P EW R IT E R $3.00 per mouth Four months for $10.00 All makes, F. L. Patty Phone 6060 we deliver H E A T E R S relined, stove se ttin g , I place* closed, p as heaters, g a s pi E . R av en , P lu m b in g R e p a ir. 1463 bel caca. Phone 676*!. DRESSMAKING D R ESSM A K IN G — Ready Spring sew ing and remodeling ensem ble and S a r i s * c o a t* a speciality. M rs. Bell, — Feb. 15 3 8 J6 Mtteces S t. Ph. 8067. for S E E “ M O T H E R H O O D " at th e today and tomorrow. T ak e this for your to th * Nix oflbce today yr.' I I H ero*. Queen ad ticked. —18 RO O M S FO R R EN T G E N T L E M E N - A iry ro o m s, b o t w ater. b ath , furnace heat, southeast sleeping porch, block of campus. Have vacan­ cies beginning second semester. Mrs. * 2 4 0 # San Antonio. Feb 14 POR B O Y S: One south room in quiet Three blocks U n iversity , m o N ueces, p. 3962- home. Modern em .vergences. ROOM. Newly furnished, for boys, hot and cold water Meads if desired. R ea­ sonable. 1401 C o n g re ss phone 9 6 » l. WANTED VY A N T K O — F o u r s t u d e n t s for {tart t i m e Work. Must be w il l i n g U n i v e r s i t y t o w ork h a r d , e f f o r t s w e ll r e p a i d . L ittle fie ld Building. f i t — 12 H IG H E ST CASH for FR re KS i n i - h a n d c l o t h i n g a n d # h d t * . A. 6 .- Phone — M a r c h 7 PAID K n it 417 SCH W ARTZ, 3 O i l . H IG H EST PRICKS p a il clothing and * hoe*. ring 8717. fo r cast-o ff 407 E a s t 6th or — * * or ar.v Kind < f typing. ’.V A NTED - Them es and th eses to copy Phone, day <*566, n ig h t 8406. M r*. D ecs O. D c«- --M en 8. man. 307 W 17th. College Men tee f o r D e s i r i n g w o r k N a s h a t D r i i k i H Hotel. G uaran­ t e e $ 4 OO p e r d a y . summer Wonderful O pportunity . tor U N IV E R SIT Y G IE L w an t* work in hornet E we rieim.-ri. Bott room and W ard. Referent?.** f»ir*ii»heT tv27-A U niversity S ta t mn. - de#Ired. if WANTED: Ladies who Ha™ va. cannie* in ilia rooming houses tho aud at their tables to usa Classified advertising section cd! The Daily Texan. C lassifieds sup­ ply an easy, profitable way Ie selve your vacancy problems. Tbs coit is negligible. Phone yours In* ll Dial 8090. First CL#»e Round the W orld..,for college men and women, alumni and friend*. . , 24,000 mi h is ... the World's mmt interestin» port* ami cities in three months (or longer if you Uke). \ A Dollar liner from San Francis# o via Honolulu aud die Orient to Mars* ill* rn,eterjr room tnrt-ulc, real bed*, KEAL FOOD, (college Ordh*'t*lra, Swimming Pool. Then Enrol* . . . Cabin ship North Atlantic to New York . . . Rail fare aero** the United State*. Restricted memberahip. Aa little aa 9200 will cover short* expenses. Three atap , from San Francisco— |g P re*. Hayer, May 18th Pre#. P olk, Ju n e 1st - * S > Pres- Adamas- June 15th P S p p p ^ ' )■ C L U b ^ ADAMS, Eses* Secy* 0 liar OfteaT A