r you xxix ■= Rogers Speaks % On Business ll Success Today L . -------- Capitalist Interested in i Scholarship Work L . Rill Talk at Next Rotarian Meet Is Philanthropist in San A ntonio ( H arry H. R ogers, capitalist of San Antonio who wa* form erly in engaged in the oil business Tulsa, Oklahoma, will speak to business stu d en ts T uesday morn-' ing at IO o’clock in th e G arrison 'H all auditorium . The su b ject of his lecture will be “ Essentials ot Success in B usiness.” He will |also speak to the Austin R otary n u b a t noon Tuesday. I P Rogers has an in tere st in al­ m ost a dozen big business con­ c e rn s including .railro ad projects and land dew ! lopm ents. He is known as a phil- j a n th ro p ic , having headed a move |m e n t to establish stu d en t schol fe s h tp s for high schools and col 'legos. I Rotarian Officer £ Rogers is the d istrict governor lo t the R otary clubs of the 47th im m ediate is district. He ist p resident of the R otary In- rn ational organization, which \ includes over 125 clubs all over the world. Most of his tim e last y e a r was spent in visiting m any od ttfese clubs; his visits culm i­ the n a te d in his atten d an ce a t Ilii tern atio n al convention of Ho­ t the a ry clubs in Ostend, Belgium. ------------- o-------------- I C r I {Cactus Sales Offer Open for Short Time Band Helps Pair to Celebrate Wedding In Novel Manner The phrase, “ I pronounce you man and w ife,” has been construed d iffe re n t to mean things. To some perhaps, joy and happiness— to others un­ h a p p in ess and so To one p arty , it m eant a ra th e r novel tim e when Irm a Clare Kress and H. B. D unagan, Jr., were m arried a t the home of the bride Monday nig h t. fo rth . .T h e bridegroom Im m ediately a fte r th e cere­ of th e Long­ mony m em bers outside horn band appeared th eir horns, drum s, and with tru m p ets endeavoring to cele­ brate the wedding in this ra re way. ap7 pea red on the porch and ad­ d ressed in a hesi­ ta n t way whereupon the band put both groom and bride in a car, away to Congress avenue with the band m em bers oth er following cars, again playing m artial tunes. the crowd speeded them in The groom probably wonders w hether his experience was a wedding or a parade. Public Invited To KUT Studio Mathews Musicians Pre­ sent Program W ed­ nesday M athews School of Music will have charge of the KUT program W ednesday evening a t 8 o’clock in the M athew s Studio, 203 W est 22nd S treet. T here will be an audience a t ..... M azurka - Chopin M arie C lark Galloway (B urnet) .. M enuetto (S urprise Symphony) Haydn Piano I Louise Bryson, Vena .......................... K. M athews Piano 2 Maxine Gude, Anna Piano 3 Ives M cLaurin, Evelyn Gidley H arsch Piano 4 V irginia B u rn ette, An­ n e tte Lewis O rgan— C atherine B u tte (P iano) (O rgan) K atherine B utte .... Schubert ......... Kullak Im prom ptu B arcarolle (O rgan) .................. Chopin . ................. Saint-Saens (Golden Wed­ ..Gabriel-M arie Etdue (iP ano) Le Cyne (The Sw an) La C inquantaine (O rgan) A nette Lewis ........ Demorest F antasie .....* ding) Piano — K u rt Schmedes Organ —— V ena K. Mathews. (Vocal) E strellita - ......... P once-Frank La Forge Loth S outhern Skies (O rg an ) ........ Mrs. J. S. Sm ith (L ockhart) V enitienne (O rgan) ......... Godard V ena K. M athew s Rhapsodic H ongroise ......... Liszt Piano I M ary Bell G ranger, Mrs, C. E. McDonald (L ockhart) Piano* 2 Jea n G ranger, K urt Schmedes Piano 3 Mrs. W. C. Bouldin (L u lin g ), A n n ette Lewis P iano 4 Mrs. J . S. Sm ith (Lock­ h a r t) , Mrs. David Russell O rgan — V ena K. Mathews. —— W ED N ESD AY DESIGN ATED LAST SPECIAL EXAM DAY E xam inations in botany, chem­ istry , geology, physics, and zool­ ogy will be given in E ducation B uilding 312 a t 2 o’clock T ues­ day. W ednesday is the last day on which postponed exam ination*, exam inations fo r advanced stand­ ing, and fo r rem oval of conditions will be held. On th a t day will be given all exam inations which have r o t previously been scheduled. A nnouncem ent was made re ently th a t stu d en ts who did not the ign up fo r the Cactus a t beginning of the fall term would ave a second chance to o rd er a copy. Since this announcem ent approxim ately 85 copies have been rdered, according to B u rt Dyke, usiness m anager. th a t each dorm itory A rrangem ents are being made stu d en t ll have a chance to sign fo r his or h er Cactus w ithout any ex tra t trouble. A girl will be placed in charge a t each of the g irls’ dorm i­ t o r i e s to solicit orders. Some boy I will likewise be asked to do the fra m e a t the L ittle Campus. Those S tudents who do n o t live in any d o rm ito ry may go to the business Lf!!ce, room 119, B. Hall, to sign up fo r th eir annual. if The opportunity will be^ open only fo r a very sh o rt while, and everyone desiring a 1928 C actus m ust make arran g e- lie n ts . im m ediate it Calendar T UESD AY IO o’clock— B. A. 23 and B. 77 m eet in G arrison Hall to h ear talk by (A . lectu re room lH arry Rogers. I o’clock—-P resent Day club fleets in the U niversity Cafe- |e r ia . 1:05 o'clock— O range Jack ets eet to have C actus pictures ade, w est en tran ce of Main Building. a t o’clock— Speakers club th e Texas Bible 7 o’clock— S tandard train in g school, U niversity P resb y terian church. 7 eels hair. 7 o’clock— S tandard train in g bool, U niversity P resb y terian urch. 8 o’clock— Section 2, E sper- nto club m eets in M. B. 219. W E D N E SD A Y -r j 0 c lock— S tan d ard train in g ;p r o l , U niversity P resbyterian v M a r c h . 8 o’clock— KUT broadcasts. THURSDAY o’clock— S tan d ard train in g ool, U niversity P resb y terian urch. FRIDAY 7 o’clock— S tan d ard train in g bool, U niversity P resb y terian hureh, 8 o’clock— KUT broadcasts. SATU R DA Y s 7 o’clock— S tandard train in g bool, U niversity P resb y terian hureh* <&\\t Bailli (Texan First College Daily in the South AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1928. No. 93 Association of American Law Schools Honor Dean Hildebrand for Third Time Stark Presides At Regents Meeting Longhorn Opens Contests F o r Campus Writers S t u d e n t Magazine Calls for Essays and One-Act Plays Prizes Offered To Winners The Longhorn M agazine an ­ nounces two contests, an essay con­ contest and a one-act play test, which are open to all bona fide students of the University. The essay is to be a discussion, from the point of view of the stu ­ dent, of m eans to b etter the edu­ cational system . The essay m ust not be longer th an 2,500 words. The contest closes March 15, 1928. The winning essay will be p rinted the April num ber of the Longhorn, The au thor of the of essay will be given a copy Charles N orris’ latest book, “ Zelda M arsh.” in Playwrights Have Chance at I I * Orange presided J . LUTCHER STARK of the m eeting of the Board of Re­ gents Monday night when they gathered to discuss the letting of the contract fo r the Clark Field stadium. Most Popular Spcejal to The Daily Texan. Aggies Elected Honored by A. & M. Seniors The one-act play may be on any a subject, although a play with Texas background is preferable. It m ust be w ritten with the idea Joel Hunt Is Am ong 5 Men of production, however, and not merely as a reading play. The playing time m ust not be over th irty or forty m inutes. The win­ ning play will be produced by the C urtain Club a t a studio evening, provided it is considered playable by be printed in the Longhorn, and the author will receive a new edition of Oscar W ilde's “ Salom e,” illus­ trate d by John Vass©*. The prize play contest, as the essay contest, will close March 15, 1928. the com m ittee. seniors: College Station, Jan u a ry 16— j At a recent m eeting of the senior I class of the A. & M. College of Texas, the following five students wert elected as this year’s “ most popular” Joel H unt, W aco; Allen H. Peoples, Dallas; Sikes, L eonard; J. V. Lacey N. B ouriand, C larendon; aud J. F. (B ubba) Blount, San Augustine. In keeping with cus­ th eir pictures will be ca r­ tom, in a special section of the ried 1927-25 Longhorn, an ­ nual. C. P. Brewer Opens Salesmanship Class Judges for the contests will be announced later. student It will (Siki) Star* Honored team and inform sport H u n t and Sikes, as it is un­ necessary to fans throughout the state, were stars on tile 1927 Texas Aggie cham ­ they pionship football brought \h e ir brillian t gridiron season to a climax by their per­ form ance as mem bers of the all- W est team in the E ast-W est game on th e W est Coast, H unt, cap­ tain and q u arterback of the fo o t­ ball team , and Sikes, arc both waiting fo r the baseball season to come around and in the m eantim e Sikes is doing his bit on the bas­ ketball court as captain of the Aggie cagers. They are room ­ m ates a t A. & M. Blount is an o th er athlete of A. & M., being a letterm an in base­ ball. Peoples is the cadet yell leader, and Bouriand is the cadet corps the] colonel, ranking o ffcier of A. & M. cadet corps, as well as j business m anager of The B attal­ ion* stu d en t weekly publication, _ —o — * W eath er W EATHER fo recast: colder b u t clear. Tuesday, C. P. B rew er, who came here from R utgers U niversity, held the first class in business psychology and salesm anship Monday night, Jan u a ry 16, a t 7:30 o’clock in idom I of G arrison Hall. This course is open to all bus ir.ess and professional men, as well as to stu d en ts taking it for credit. The course is given un der the auspices of the extension departm ent, and sem ester hours’ credit will be given those who are eligible. two Assisting Mr. B rew er in hold ing this course are Dean T. H Shelby, Dean J. A nderson F itz­ gerald, and Dr. O. R. Chambers Many local business men have shown th eir intentions of taking the course. ------------- o------------- Col. Zilker Selected Most Worthy Citizen The title of A ustin’s Most W orthy Citizen of 1927 was given Sunday afternoon to Col. A. “ Andy” Zilker by the board of officials. The public cerem onies took place a t the M ajestic th eatre with an attendance1 of about 800. In his address, S enator T. H. Mc­ G regor announced the aw ard and made the presentation of the A us­ tin A m erican’s annual trophy. Regents Award Baseball Stand Contract Monday *--------- * * Shocking A nnuls Desire , For “Sw iping” Fort Worth Is , Globe I J. T. Taylor Of r This tale has a m oral. Perhaps P resident Cooiidge’s “ hands o ff” ] policy m ight do. four night Sunday students! walking along the sidewalk ju st north of the W om an's Building yielded to th e tem ptat ion to swipe j un u n protected light globe which tops one of the lamp posts along the walk. To climb presented the post little d ifficulty to tho climber, al­ though the thing was ru sty, He grasped with one hand the iron pole, and with the other the globe. The globe yielded, m om entarily. But ju st as success was near­ live, vigor­ ing realization, HO ous volts of electricity flowed through to the u tte r distress of the climber. Try as it would, the hand could not release its hold on the globe. The shocking sit­ uation became unbearable. The would-be th ief jum ped, and thus an again attain ed freedom , and impressive lesson on “ Electricity and Its P ro p erties.” Clark Suggests English Tests High School Student* En­ couraged to Use Better English In response to how the to the m any senior classes re ­ quests made to th e Com m ittee on the Students Use of English o f University as high schools m ay improve th e ir pupils in th eir use of English, Dr. D ^ 'iu Lee Clark, professor of English in of the U niversity and chairm an the com m ittee, recom m ends a plan very much like th e one in use a t the U niversity. This suggestion is th a t every stu d en t in te ju n io r and in the high school be given a series of E n g ­ lish tests covering the essentials of spelling, punctuation, gramma*- and com position, and if the stu ­ dent fails to make a passing m ark re on these tests, in take quired to English which will his work in the subject. Dr. Clark recom m ends also th a t every teac h ­ er teach in g all o th er subjects in the school observe her pupils’ use cf English and re p o rt and d e f i c ­ iencies to th e head of the English , th a t he be ex tra work improve , , ,(>nf , - A i dozens from ' and “ I have received dozens high le tte rs of school su p erin ten d en ts, principals and teachers of English in regard the to finding some scheme for raising of the quality of EngUsh composition of high school stu ­ dents over the state,” Dr. Clark said, “ W hen a system is devel­ of oped whereby the standards these schools are raised, a huge expense will be saved the U niver­ sity tim e and money,” according to Dr. Clark. in both Chosen Builder Clark Field Stadium Will Cost $54,838 T h at U niversity baseball fans will sit under th e roof of a new grandstand before the end of the baseball season of th is year war assured the Board of Regents of the U niver­ sity aw arded te co n tract fo r the stands to J. T. T aylor of F o rt W orth a t a cost of $54,838. night when last so th a t Revisions of th e original plans the of the grandstands final cost would be low enough to m eet with th e appropriation of the Board of R egents of $55,000 took up th e m ajor p a r t of the a f ­ ternoon, and the reg en ts w ere in session u n til late last night until the revision was finished and the contract was aw arded. Ninety Day* Allowed N inety working days was the tim e set fo r the completion of the stands. An ag reem ent was made between th e regents and the con­ tracto rs whereby th e workmen would stay off the field so as not to in te rfe re w ith reg u lar sche­ duled gam es, the firs t of which will be in April. P relim inary work on the con­ struction of the stands will begin according sometime next week, to C. F. Williams, rep resen tativ e of the J . T. Taylor Co., who ap­ peared before the Board of Re­ gents. “ All haste will be m ade,” W illiams said, “ in th e co n stru c­ tion of th e new C lark Field g ran d ­ stan d .” Will Seat 2,400 The seating capacity of tho new grandstands will be approxim ately -"2,400. H erb ert M. G reen, U niversity the arch itect of Dallas d rafted the grandstand. Tho plans fo r new U niversity P lant Pow er Building was also planned by the and was U niversity architects constructed by J. T. Taylor. Ditch Encouraged Uncle Billy Disch, coach of the squad which U niversity baseball has astonished baseball fans with the its m any victories, says th a t new g randstands new Clark Field should be an incen­ tive fo r all the baseball players of the U niversity to re p o rt fo r base*, and the , ball train in g which will sta rt im- a * m ediately a fte r the beginning of the second sem ester. R egents also appointed Wilmot O’Dell of F o rt W orth and D exter Ham ilton of Dallas to assist Claud Pollard to rep resen t the U niver­ sity in the forthcom ing Suprem e C ourt su its in regard to U niver­ sity oil lands. NEWMAN CLUB WINS of E lected to the executive com-j m ittee the Association of Am erican Law Schools a t its r e ­ in Chicago, Dean cent m eeting Ira P. H ildebrand of fche U niver­ sity Law School, brings to this in ­ stitu tio n an honor never before enjoyed by an Am erican U niver­ sity. This is the first tim e in the history th e Association of American Law Schools th a t any m em ber has been elected to 1 he the com m ittee executive th ird time. for of Re.ult of Work com m ittee largely on P ean H ildebrand was elected to the the stren g th of the work he has been doing in an e ffo rt to raise the standard of the association. There are 62 Am erican law schools hold­ ing m em bership in the association, b u t last year th ree schools asked to w ithdraw because th ey were not m eeting the requirem ents of the organization. the This year P e a n%H ildebrand will be occupied with task of studying conditions in the various law schools over the country as a m eans of checking the work be­ ing done in the institutions. Schools not m eeting requirem ents of the to associatfon, are given «et year improve th e ir condition or w ith­ draw th eir m em bership. Meet in Chicago Dean H ildebrand as been a m em bers of the Association of Am erican Law Schools fo r many years, and has always been active in its work. The accosiation m eets the last th ree days of each De­ cem ber in Chicago in accordance with a ru lin g made by th e mem ­ bers some tw enty years ago. How- this th e m eeting fp r New Orleans next year. The executive com m ittee, of which Dean H ildebrand is a mem- j ber. is composed of the president of the association, the past presi­ and dent, the presen t secretary, each two new mem bers elected year. This year m arks the third consecutive term served by Dean Hildebrand. Examinations for Pharmacy College Start January 21 as '-T U E practical exam inations in tho College of Pharm acy in the e x ­ were not included am ination schedule pub lished in The Texan. The p rac­ according tical exam inations, arc to Dean W. F. Gitlley, scheduled to come on the last reg u lar laboratory period p re ­ ceeding the reg u lar exam ina­ tion Week. Pharm acy BOI, a freshm an course, will be given on J a n ­ uary 24 in V Hall a t 2 o clock. The interm ediate courses are scheduled as follows: Pharm acy 413, Jan u a ry 21, IL L. 404. 10-1 a. rn. C hem istry 31 of., Ja n u a ry 23, A Hall, 10-1 a. rn. Pharm acy 410, Jan u a ry 23, V Hall, 2-5 p. rn. Pharm acy 411, Jan u a ry 24, V Hall, 9-11 a. rn. .T he senior p ractical exam i­ nations are as follows: Chem istry 32, Jan u a ry 24 G H all, 10-1 a. rn. P harm acy 20, V Hall, 2-5 p. rn. Jan u a ry 24, Methodists Edit New Publication The Rev. H. Bascom W alts Serves as Editor idea called “ The A weekly paper is being U niversity M ethodist” published by the U niversity Meth­ odist church fo r tho purpose of giving the people an of w hat the church is doing and what it is to do. The publication be­ gan on F riday, Jan u a ry 6, and will continue to be published each Friday. The paper already has a is circulation of 1,000 and it likely increased th a t as the paper grows. it will be . n o t firs t come th ere —---------- o---------- — Presbyterians Adopt New Sunday Program According to the Reverend IL “ The Bascom W atts, editor of U niversity M ethodist,” is a three-fold m otive in publishing the p ap er: first, to reach those people who do to church; second, to give the peo­ Assembly services a t the U ni­ ple an idea of w hat the various v ersity P resb y terian S u n d a y church organizations, such as the school will today, fo r the time be conducted by students en- i Epw orth League, m issionary work- rolled in the class of Miss Louisa ers, teachers train in g classes,,the church Orchestra, and the like are Roe, directo r of religious educa­ doing; and, lastly, the tion of the church. Services be­ people know in advance w hat to gin a t 9:40 o’clock this m orning. expect on tho church program at Miss Roe’s class will be in charge both m orning and evening serv­ every Munday u n til M arch, ac­ ices. cording to Dr. L. H. Wharton, pas­ to r. The s ta ff of this new publica­ tion includes the following? Rev. were tau g h t in the Sunday school. H. Bascom W att*, ed ito r; Charles business m anager; This year the num ber has increas-; H. M cEuen, Mrs. W. T. Decherd, editor of ed to six. Block Smith, secretary “ Our Folks” colum n; Miss Mary of the Y. M. C. A., conducts a Shipp Sanders, editor of th e Sun­ class on “ The Finding of a P hil­ day school new s; Jack Cox, edi­ osophy of L ife.” to r of the stu d en t news. T hree years ago only two classes let to , The p ap e r is financed both by advertise­ subscriptions and by m ents of the business men of Aus­ tin. Dr. D. A. Penick, professor of classical languages in the U niver­ of sity, W alter Long, secretary the A ustin cham ber of commerce, and S horty Nowotny, assistant to the dean of men, lead classes on discussions of cam pus problem s as connected with religion. Miss Roe’ class of 16 members is receiving train in g as teachers. Miss M arian Hicks, assistan t social director of the L ittlefield D orm itory, directs a class in a study of the bock of M atthew. DEAN PITTENGER ATTENDS YPSILAND1 ANNIVERSARY :|Te-Waa-Hiss Girls Go On “Treasure Hunt” Outing Te-W AA-Hisa girls w ent on their most novel o uting of the year, “ Tho T reasu re H u n t,” S aturday. At 3 o’clock the group met a t the gym nasium and a fte r being divided into three groups of pirates, started the h unt led by Helen Woodman, posing as “Tom Hawkins. * Pease Park Clue* Lead to Pease Park in Thoge who have been sim ilarly honored by fellow citizens by previous receiving this title years art : A. P. Woodridge, W. T. Caswell, and Lyman J. Bailey. th e freshm an gym Monday night, the N ewm an club basketball , team defeated the U niversity Presby- terian church quintet, 18-12. This the gave the Newman club one of the th ree chosen to select lege of A rts and Sciences will re- J championship of the church bas­ tile Most W orthy Citizen of 1927, tu rn W ednesday from Kerrville, ketb»H league. PARLIN GIVES LECTURE Dean H. T. P arlin of the ( ol- P resident H. Y. Benedict was In a fast game played Cb —— — — a t .....——o—- HOGG ELECTS OFFICERS j where he lectured before the stu ­ dents of Schreiner In stitu te on “ Modern Am erican P o etry ” and visited the English classes. the Dr. B enjam in F. P itten g e r, dean which led the group through P ease! pirate, was told by Irm a H ander, a Is-! chest of nut** candies, and fru its, the goodnight Clues were le ft along the way,j The story of Je a n L a f itte , A fter passing the trea su re, lake), the group song, i„tu “ T reasure of the School of Education, at-: p a r k, Enfield, Pem berton Height* tended the 75th anniversary of j atl &n e ffo rt wag madp desiring to atten d may do so. The] year to ^ program will be follows: Two P reludes .................... Chopin V irginia B u rn ette p resented as TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1928 la p of the f l ig h t to B a r H a r b o r , w ill b e r e n e w e d b y M. A . U M oxie, f r i e n d o f Mr*. G r a y s o n . I Moyie h a s ported earn est m o n e v ^ ^ for pilots ain! the flight will p r o - W teed under the direction of his eastern lieves th a t the Dawn is locked in an H earts Delight, New Fotindlami. rep resen tativ e. He be- I f n e a r / I inaccessible valley | th e M a r in e M ajor G e n e r a l L e j e u n e , c o m ­ m a n d e r o f c o r p s, h a s a r r iv e d a t C oranto, N i c a ­ r a g u a , a n d w ill i m m e d i a t e l y t a k e step* to s u p e r v i s e th e a t ­ tack* o f the M a r in e* a g a in s t th e r e b e l le a d e r S a n d in o in p e r s o n . T h e s e a r c h t r a n s a t l a n t i c t h e D a w n , o f • Mr*. F r a n c e * G r a y s o n w h o with b e r p il o t wa* lo s t in th e in itia l f o r f l i g h t p l a n e The value of the Texas cotton crop averages approxim ately as much as all the gold, silver, zinc, lead and copper in the United States. What Do You Know About- Generally 'Speaking B y M. N. B. S till, p erh ap s a n im a ls w ould lived if th e y need m ed icin e too as fo o lish ly a* m en. L ittle p ick an in n y, Look* ju st lik e Hi* p op p y, D on ’t k now w h at to ca ll him ’Lea i f s Carbon C opy. T he u n d erg ra d u a te p u b lication * at the U n iv ersity o f U tah are fo r ­ bidden by th e u n iv e r sity hoard o f regen t# to run a d v ertisem en t# in th eir colum n*. Issu e E ditor A s sista n t Assistant ....... A s sista n t A s sista n t A s s is ta n t j I at king for th e museum at Cairo, I After today the tom b will he the •] open for visitors even fourth chamber, which until the j work was finished has been close. I ly guarded. to e a r l y b e g u n it wa* n o t untH th e w o r k o f e x c a ­ A l t h o u g h v a t i o n w a * in t h r e e 1 9 2 2 , yea r* la t e r , on N o v . l l , 1 3 2 5 , th at th e m u m m y o f T u t - A n k h - o p e n e d A men t r e a t u re* an d je w e l* u n d e r th e s h r o u d b e f o r e th e g o v e r n ­ r e p r e * e n ta t iv e » o f m e n t * o f G r e a t th e U n i t e d S ta t e * , a n d E g y p t . th e g r e a t w a * th e o t h e r B r it a i n , w i t h of The broadcasting of Senath de­ bates over a system radios throughout the United States is the purpose of a hill introduced in that body by C. C. Dill, demo­ crat of Washington. Senator Dill in his statement declared that he would press the matter before the chamber until it became an ac­ complished fact. T h e b lon d W a s h i n g t o n i a n b e ­ liev e* tha t it w ill h e lp to c u r b th e l o n g filib u s te r * th a t o c c u p y so m u c h o f th e S e n a t e ’s ti m e . T h e m a in o b j e c t i o n s e e m s to be th a t m a n y *en ato r* th in k th a t it w o u ld b e v e r y u n d i g n i f i e d to b r o a d c a s t o f su ch an a u g u s t b o d y . th e p r o c e e d i n g s Organizer# of the Blue Ribbon line of ships have incorporated under the title of Transoceanic Corporation of the United States, according to a statement issued by Lawrence R. Wilder, chairman shipbuilding division of of thor T h e cam p u s p u b lica tio n o f the U n iv e r sity o f A rk a n sa s o ffe r s a to o n e y e a r # su b scrip tio n th e lo n g e st stu d e n t w ho grow s the beard if w hat w e h ea r o f said u n iv e rsity is tru e, o n e w ould n eed th e beard w hen rea d in g th a t paper to hide hts em b a rra ssm en t. in a g iv en tim e. A nd A n ew fad has b egu n in E n g ­ lish se le c t schools fo r girls. The a u th o ritie s o f the in stitu tio n # are sh ak in g th eir h ead s o v er the g ir ls ’ girls co llec tio n s o f m ice. The ray th a t it is m ore th r illin g than c o lle c tin g sta m p s. Dr. B. W. W ell# o f the botany d ep a rtm en t o f N orth C arolina S ta te C o lleg e think# th a t the ideal c o lle g e w ould he th e one w here th eir all th e stu d en t# e n te r in fresh m an y ea r fre sh and u n a t­ tach ed , w here by th e end o f the year th ey are all en g a g ed to each oth er, and w here by th e b eg in ­ ning o f th e sophom ore y ear th e y return all m arried to each other and read y to nettle d ow n to stu d y. “ The problem o f e d u c a tio n ,” he sa id , “ k eep s m a n y from m arry­ ing a# soon a# th e y sh o u ld .” Official Notice# W OM EN stu d en t# w ho ex p ec t to m ove At the end o f the se m e s­ ter maut g iv e ten day#’ n o tic e to h o u sem o th ers g e t m oving and perm it# fro m th e D ean o f W o­ m en’# o ffic e . RUBY R. TERRILL. You can rent a Standard Typewriter in first class condition until June 1st for $10.00. W h a t m ach ine d o y ou p r e f e r ? lf y o u w a n t an U n d e r w o o d , R e m i n g t o n , R o y a l or L. C. S m i t h , ju s t t e l e p h o n e 7 0 0 0 . W e w ill d e l i v e r n o w an d m ail y o u a bill o n F e b r u a r y 1st. C fliieu .'co d o _ TEXAS BOOK STORE R oyal P o rta b le, Remington Portable and Rebuilt Under­ w ood T y p ew riters sold on easy payment plan. Phone us fo r d em o n stra tio n . L iberal allowance on your old machine, W here “ good enough"’ isn’t In m ak in g telephones as in debating, one achieve­ m en t serves only to stim ulate th e effort tow ard fresh successes ami to overcom e new problem s as they arise. In m anufacturing com m unication e q u ip m en t at W estern E lectric a w ide range of problem s is con­ stantly b ein g faced and conquered — in the labora­ tories w h e re small sw itchboard lam p m an u factu rin g is plan n ed ; in th e p u n ch press room s w h e re huge presses pound aw ay; in the production d e p artm e n t w here forw ard p lan n in g controls th e flow of w ork. As th e college debater applies him self to preparing new and b etter argum ents, so W estern E lectric m en unceasingly apply them selves to devising new and better m ethods in th e production and distribution of th e n atio n ’s telephone eq u ip m en t needs. Switches Back to Favorite Tobacco ANNOUNCEMENTS COACHING FLORAL W H E R E T H E Y S E L L F O R D S P R I N G S F O R $ L 5 0 W O O D M A N ’S FL O W E R SH O P — Cut flowers, wedding boquetp* decorations, 'ems. — 22 fu n era l des!,'n’*, pot plants, and P hone 95 6 0 , n igh t 4018. W O O D -WOOD. “ F e s t the C ity .” G et our p rices b efo re buy m g. W e sp ec­ $2 and up. — IO ia lise P h on e 5052, A. ll. H ubbard. stu d en t o rd ers. in in USED TIRES GHEAP 0 . | K G A R A G E IIC W est S eco n d S tr e e t •W O P A LY W A L K ”— N ew dance rec- Ord bv Wa rim « on V icto r record. I s ­ P hone — * 8 aac B led soe, s'C l 9 . C on gress, " #21 ROOMS FOR RENT BOYS—-For ren t, new room * w ith p ri­ v ate b a th and en? ran ce. E very c o n ­ I bone 60® W * 25th . i ~ v en ien ce. 2 2 1 4 5 .. ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM W U U P riv a te bath in private* hom e, for p ro fesso r or stu d e n t. F u r ­ fo r a p p o in t­ nace h eat. Wet 2-2609 m ent. ROOMS F O R BOYS— W ill h av e Rome v a ca n cies a t begirt Tiin:r o f se c o n d se m e s ­ ter. C om fortab le, h ea t. H o t furnace 2109^ San A n ton io St,. F eb. 14 v utm-. ROOMS FOR BOYS— At reduced rates. 2001 U n iv e r s ity A ven u e. T hird b ou se from cam p us. M rs. W. St M ayans. — I t ROOMS and S leep in g P orch es to a cco m ­ m odate fiv e b oys at I '.ms 1-2 Wichita, furnished. -— 21 Steam heated. Mrs. H am m ond. P hon e HHK!. comfortably FOR R E N T TO BO Y S: One n ice room , ail c o n v e n ie n c e s ; sleep in g porch. 25*» t Rio Grande- M re. C. M. M iller, — 21 AN” i i i RAB PLACE »n o r n a t e -home fy b ops w h o are quiet and want to s t a d ’; i IB 1497 Rio Grande. P r iv a te b ath . ROOMS for U n iv e r s ity S tu d en ts at 1905 and 1007 u n iv e r s ity Avenue. Vacant P hon e — - 3 1 I . Mr*. J . D. Copeland. Feb. H O I T HOO St# FOR BOYS— L arge com fort a h!t-* room s, clo se #£<14 | S p eed w ay, Mrs. A lfred H a rv ey . — t.f-1 $ § to U n iv e r sity . H ate* IDIOMS FOR M EN in crou p s or kingly. Call S u n d ays nj P hon e SSI *> -—21 a fter 5 p. rn, w eek d a y s. 2292 lf peres*. reason ab le. LA RGU. HOO l l in p rivate hom e, d r e ssin g T w o and o n e-h a if I rd5 Colorado. P h o n e — I i room . a ttach ed . blocks of cam pus. TW*? ‘ LQST-MPasr h orn -rim m o ! g la s s e s 2'35dft G uadalupe P hone st. Huirhes. on !'<>» — In WANTED F U R N IS H E D Af* i l l y wom en, m odern I M ENT* for U n iv.-r- c o n v en ien ces. A lso half of fu rn ish ed c o tta g e . M rs. Val - 2 2 C G iles, P hon e 654®, 710 W est 22. P arve sle ep in g porch. F U R N IS H E D so u th ea st upper ap artm en t. bath. lie h ts. w ater included. H alf block cam ­ — 22 p u s. P hon e 47S9. P rivate m e n t , com fortab ly FOR R E N T : F our-room duplex a p a rt­ f u rn i s h e d , p riv a te e n t r a n c e at hack and fron t w ith g a ra g e. N* ar Un* ve- ity. P hon e 2-246®. — 21 Clear! Sparkling! Pure Electrified Water, good to drink, and good for you. For health’s sake, order a bot­ Delivered a n y w h ere in the tle today. city b y — BOARD AND ROOM Coca Cola Bottling Work# 311 Colorado Phone 2-2UB8 RENT A TYPEWRITER $3.00 per month Four months for $10.00 AU makes, F. L. Patty Phone 6000 we deliver ," .* T M t * * s - -KMT.S With fcfds. sh ow er w ith hot w ater all hours. N ear I SKM W h itis. ca m p u s. Good ta b le board. P hon e 4432. t i , s i c ROOM A N D BOARD per m onth I Block # 9 2 K. 22nd. Phone? «4S€, , for b ey s. *60.06 from cam pus. — A NICE ROOM w est b lock s 34H. for q u iet K id s. T h ree cam p us. m o i* * 17 o f ROOM A ND BO ARD— For b o y s, * 3 6 .6 6 per rn, tub. T h ree m eals. 126.00. Tw o 2204 N u eces. Ph. — 22 b lock s from cam pus. WO I. R o y s , R (> 0 M ~ 7 7 - M >0M a n d HOARD— Fur l o c a t i o n o n e - h a l f b l o c k from cam pus- S teep ing p orch es, Iou c a ­ in s room s and other co n v en ien ces. 2607 — 22 W ich ita. I d e a l DRESSMAKING D R E SSM A K IN G — Ready S p r i n g seminar and rem odeling en se m b le and S u rin g c o a ts a M rs. B e ll, ■ H U • Nuece* St. l*h. S«67.' — Feb.'' f t for WOOD AND ICE E. M. Ashford, Phone 3742 Woodyard - 3016 Guadalupe S t FO R S A L K ; B e st q u a lity Grade A m ilk P h o n e 6 9 4 2 0 . COAL CO K E A N D W OOD— Call 7741 U n iv e r s ity Conj ann **voo c o ., n o r — I* E 6th. . From Other Pen# Lightsey's Drive-It-Yourself System W hen you drive the Lightsey car you can be sure you are driving one th a t is mechanically all right. FOR YOUR PROTECTION: ALL DRIVERLESS CARS CARRY LIABILITY INSURANCE A ll Ford Open Cars 10c a Mile 50c a n h o u r f ro m 6 p. rn. to 12 p. rn. A ll Ford Closed Cars 12c a Mile 60c a n h o u r f ro m 6 p. rn. to 12 p. rn. Chryslers, Whippets, Chevrolets, and Fords LIGHTSEY’S FOR SERVICE AND SAFETY TWO CONVENIENT STATIONS University Station 2216 G uadalupe Phone 3444 Downtown Station 104 East 7th St. Phone 8545 LIG H TSEY ’S FO R SERVICE CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS Representatives of all campus organizations are requested to call at B. Hall 119 immediately and reserve their space in the Cactus of 1928. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1928. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N Campus Society T E X A S : T u e sd a y , “ T he B e tte r ’O le” ; W ed nesday a n d T h u rs­ in “ A nnie d ay, L illian Gish L a u rie ” ; F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y , H aro ld L loyd “ The Kid B ro th e r.” in „ Vaudeville re n W h itesid es, H e n ry B rooks, R u n t W illiam s, S teve W illiam s, S tu b b y Lew is, C. B lake, Jo h n n y B agw ell, E li M iller, C arol T hom as, K e n n e th Casw ell, J a c k S p arks, Jim m ie B u rr, Bob W illiam ?, Shine W illiam s, H y B yrd, A. R ibbick. L a u g h te r is th e k e y n o te of an e x cellen t v au d ev ille bill a t the H ancock th is w eek. W illiam and Jo e M andril h e a d lin e th e p ro g ram in th e ir ac t o f com ical acro b atics. One looks like Bull M o n tan a and C h a p e ro n s: M r. an d M rs. J . O. C aldw ell, M r. an d M rs. R alph G oeth, Dr. a n d M rs. G. W. S tocking, Mr. an d M rs. W allace T obin, Mr. and M rs. I th e o th e r like a F re n c h co unt. “ W fm t A d s” is a n e x c e lle n t as- W. E . AA illiam s, G nldbeck, M r. an d M rs. S kelley, I 50r tm e n t o f songs, d ialo g u es and M rs. O. T. B ooth. dan cin g . an d N o b lette c a rry th e b u rd e n of the a c t b u t i a re ab ly assisted . T he f ir s t scene is laid in a c o ffe e shop w ith R yan an<* m ooching e a ts Dunnagan-Kress Married Monday T he m a rria g e o f Irm a C la r e ' ou^ °* a M rs. F ra n c is. * ♦ * R yan K ress an d H. B. D un ag an , J r ., th e o th e r cu sto m ers. T he last w as held M onday hom e o f th e bride, a n d th e cere-1 m c n t wtu‘rc hp h as m ony w as follow ed by a re c e p tio n fo r a b o u t 150 in v ited g u ests. th e sc™ > n ig h t a t is in a i w e l r j r e s t a t e s - * )«*>• C h arles D erickson an d B u rto n Brow n a p p e a r in ti c o n c e rt p ro ­ g ram . T hey p lay th e ir own song? and in tro d u c e th e ir la te st, “ B lue­ bird Call on M e.” E v e r e tt S an d erso n c o n trib u te s T he b rid e w as dressed in w hite silk e n c ru ste d w ith rh in e sto n e s, w ith shoes and hose to harm o n ize. D r. A ulieh, p a s to r o f th e U n iv e r­ sity B a p tist ch u rch o ffic ia te d , and Miss B eu lah B eav er p lay ed th e w edding m arch . O nly th e im m e­ few v e ry d ia te close frie n d s w e re p re s e n t a1 the cerem ony. fam ilies a n d a h eld J . L. B oysen. T he re c e p tio n w as a t th e house p a r ty co n ­ 8:30, an d sisted of M isses N ina W eisitiger, H elen L illian W e ste r, D o ro th y Schons, and M rs. The house w as d e c o ra te d w ith fe rn s and c u t flow ers a n d p o tte d p la n ts. A fte r th e re c e p tio n couple le ft f o r D allas, and fo r several p o in ts in T exas. A fte r a sh o rt trip th e y will be a t hom e in M id­ land, T exas, w h ere M r, D unagan, a fo rm e r s tu d e n t of th e U n iv er­ sity, is c ity e d ito r o f th e new s­ p a p e r. th e -------------- o--------------- /ty ; a f t J I" UL QUEEN >. X ' mr.mime rf?J L a s t T im e* T o d a y Legionaires in Paris a v e rsa tile p ro g ra m in w hich he p lay s n e a rly e v e ry re e d in s tr u ­ m ent know n. T h e fe a tu re o f his a c t was his p la y in g th re e c la rin e ts sim u ltan eo u sly . T he N ew gold Revue opens the p ro g ra m . The d an c in g is e x c e l­ le n t b u t th ey n eed . to d ev elop a p a tte r to cover a lack o f stag e presence. On th e sc re e n a p p e a rs M a rc e ­ from in “ T he M odel line Day P a ris.” H . A. Legionnaires in Paris Al Cooke an d Kit G u ard ro y ­ a le r a b o u t w ith “ T he L e g io n n a ire s in P a ris” a t th e Q ueen th e a te r and succeed in m a k in g a com edy w ith little call to fam e. John A asen as “ Jo h n B a rm ” fu rn ish e s th e P a risia n policem an m ore com edy th a n do th e p rin c i­ th e fo rm e rly pals. H e to u re d BIG TIM* VAWDRVfCLg V m m FEATURE PICTURES ■ M • H a n c o c k I m JI % Better Tntcrt a m e n t L a s t T im es T oday Interstate Big-Tim e V audeville EVERETT SANDERSON’^ REVUE Ryan Sc N oblette in a c o m e d y skit “ W ANT ADS” W illiam & Joe M andel a n d O t h e r Big A cts C o m in g W e d n e s d a y “ SILK LEGS” W i th M A D G E B E L L A M Y c o untry w ith c ircu ses a d s “ The Swedish G ia n t,” an d g ia n t he c e r­ tainly is. T his m akes him p e r­ fectly f itte d fo r th e s o r t o f com -! ody th a t dep en d s la rg e ly upon personal p e c u lia ritie s fo r its ap ­ peal. Cooke a n d G u ard a re r sm a rt aleck com edians w ith a p a ir of th e the ugliest faces th a t screen. T hey ru n to p u g noses and re c e d in g chins, d isg ra c e The crack s a re a little tim e ­ w orn h u t th e y seem ed to please the a u d ien ce im m ensely. — A. N. M. L a s t T im e s T o d a y “ Beau Sabreur” “ The se q u el to B e a u G e s t e ” Also P a r a m o u n t N ew s a n d c o m e d y “The T aste T ells* Y E S , Pi l r de li Vera until f o r I i q*clock, T r y us cl cl ic io uh h a rn h n r ored maid who cook* and serves! the mid-nay Sunday meal and doe* . , , * , . . . . •W here is the man who can live w ithout cooks?" » W hen th e te a c h in g of hom e econom ics w as in tro d u ced in to f5ve MrVi|nU and a “collaborator” v' rHify oi 7 e m and her tioneci Owen .Meredith sometime ago. aud so far as is known, j ^ ; f tfc# f If the Uni-1 that man has never been found. But the supply of cooks I* thoa, ehoUi of eight. A woman with *'rN to hrn trained. not always equal to the demand nor yet the supply of hou.ne- tteter| wives who know all the necessary arte to satisfy th e wants you my ought to run her house *,'hooi* ,|0 not turn out ** many ; of domestic man, At. the University of Texas the Depart- an un efficiency plus baste, b u t ' pe'r a* the poet would' m ent of H om e Econom ics is rooking a g a lla n t e ffo rt to supply bear in mind that these girl* who *a'!v,*"» 1 * r v,dent that th«y **<■ th e sh o rta g e of fem ales versed in h o u se c ra ft. rotate in the six offices do more th»n that. They arc senior* in the th e school c u rric u lu m som e y e a rs ago, th e sco ffin g fa th e rs University and are generally tak and husband* were wont to d e -f — ------ ------ ----------------------- mg the average number of college courses. By this ararn g em en t the ride the scientific effort* of the h u t the house furnishing problem household is actually placed more •eb o o k to bring forth ‘'pies like has been used each year fo r prat*-, . .leo, some new innovation b o i n g U m ' * *“ '*„,th*B ' * * Frog* B o u t o f W e ll- B a l m other used to m ake.” They had , * som ething to argue over too, for • d( home economic* has become to practi­ cal rn to make it actually rom an­ tic, The girl who specialize* in foods a t the University of Texas, ha* rn a crowning e ffo rt of her year, to spend a nine week* per ted in what is called the “ Prac­ tice House,” Here gs the name implies, she get* practice in house­ keeping which includes service a? everything from hostess to yard man. “ Oh, gjr jg ^ c la im e d : colors being cool, D o n ’t Like Som e Jobs I h ate being yard a com bining economy I suited. When questioned as good ta ste , and com fort. For instance, color • whirh j ob WBS dreaded, one is considered an im portant factor com fortable, iii making a room other* some warm. Thus a southw est bed­ room being much exposed to sun, needed to be “ cooled” by furnish­ ings, and was fitted o u t In cool blue* and greens. N o rth east bed­ room— ju st the opposite In Irxa- tion— wa* done in yellow, cream , and gold. girl fo u r because I don’t o’clock glory, from a m orning and if th ey all had bugs, I could not do a thing to rescue th* rn.” One girl said she p re ferred be­ ing dow nstairs maid because it w asn't nearly so try in g as presid­ ing a t a table when every move­ m ent of fork o r knife was graded by the director. Ju st Choose Your Colors know tition in all th e ir m atches. The T. C, lf. co u rts a re crow d­ ed a t ail tim es o f th e day with both boy* and girl*. The girls’ tennis team ha* started its work with William Ewell, last y e a r’s varsity captain, as coach. Sixteen Men on Squad T. C. lf.’* hopes lie in six men, nam ely: W'ier, M cDiarmid, Fort Pales­ W orth; C harles P ro cto r, tin e; Willie A tkinson, C arth ag e; William Ewell, Colorado C ity; W alter Lennox, Cisco; and Fred « In local Back this day when theological ; the olhe r Hand, lf you use enough room you will req u ire e r tr a cover; ion. T he colored maid does , o r your lack of foresight. On chores and provides the noonday On Sunday the ban is lifted —- it is a holiday for the girls. They g et up a t such hour as is Individ- f B lasted, F o rt W orth. fu rn itu re stores p resent house equipm ent in all colors of the rainbow houaefur- nifthing, it seems, it m erely a m at- ti-r of knowing your fomparw. If ualiy p ira tin g am i .a c h g ets her P relim inary m atches will soon the practice: you put blue in a n o rtheast I.od- own breakfast a f te r h er own fash- be played with a team composed Started A* Experim ent th e d e ­ in 1918 when p artm en t of home economic* was getting a firm hold upon the Uni- varsity curriculum , house was estabiifhed as an es- perim ent. One of the buildings belonging to a seminary wa* used and the course b |oe and green e r ! only one term . The rem ain.] bedroom, you might dispense with [‘» « c to T spends the Sunday out, der af the year th* house wa* sub­ let ta faculty member* sn wider to defray expert*** o f the ‘‘prac­ tice course,” T hat year only four girl* took the training. The work) 0 f th e Austin women who visited ha* continued from year to year in this tem porary and experim en­ tal fashion until 1924 when p er­ m anent quarter* were established a t 205 E ast 23rd S treet. the ]«• stars of the M eadowmere Coun- try d u b of F o rt W orth, to pre- conference Im m ediately follow­ in- tee electric fan when th e m ercury I and t *Hm freedom reigns suprem e, vade D enton in th e ir annual bat- tie with the Eagles. Last year, e , . soars! nrlnctulc! in decoration worn o x -lfig u rativ ely — lh.- m eals are e a te n .f o r tho firs t t i n e in a num ber of (.nullified in the conduct of m a n y ;" 1 a t l e r disregard fo r form ality. I seasons, th e Frogs w ere defeated Do Secret Service Work in a southw est fair of foraging. Sometim es hibit. A t OUK t ^ Ju n e and th e practice house during th© ex-J .Supper is also a b u ffet af- I are ing this th e T. C. U. netm en Thing* are passed in tho wrong and va* I direction, i _ leave the table w ithout cerem ony, A ia t f k j going to the kitchen fo r an ex tra portion, or the colored maid serves .th e dessert around tee fireside and any o rd er de A. W. MELLON Secretary of the Treasury. < were seen to »hi\er as th*> tered bedroom nort hwest ^by ^ Uh. j compass because of the artifrciaUy • sired> Th}g b cooled atm osphere The p ractice house came into th e possession of the University when private property adjacent to so fa r us the d irector is concerned At p r e se n t the a rr a n g e m en t at the campus wa* appropriated un­ and hu t she is doubtless hum an the practice house is to have six der the plan for a g reater Uni­ m ay be indulging in the sam e tac- versity. The house had been built girl* a t one tim e, and switch ^ | tics on a d iffe re n t scale over at only a few years previous to th at a new* set at the middle »» e ^ j t be F aculty W omen’s club, where sem ester. Thus girl* tim e and wa* in a good state of she has gone to spend th e Sunday. can be trained during one college repair when assumed by the U ni­ Adopt Babies The house has been nun to year v ersity. T here wa* much to do, it properly J capacity fo r te e past two y e * " , how ever, in g ettin g equipper M n a incubator of house-. This is another indication of i n o p p ortunity w as| im portance which Miss Mary E. wive*. seized upon by one m em ber of (G earing, head of the departm ent of home economics, places upon the home economics faculty as practice as an aid to preaching. o fferin g a fine practical problem The project is now self-support­ fo r h er class in home furnishing ing, as each girl pays fo r her Its remodeling and decoration. board, and the house i i Univer­ was th erefo re and sity property. com pleted as a student problem. undertaken th irty six Tho A course sim ilar to the one at the U niversity of Texas is given at the College of Industrial A rts a t D enton, Texas, a t the S outh­ w est Texas T eachers College at San Marcos, and a t the Oklahoma A. & M. College a t Stillw ater, tho w orkout a t a “prac­ where tice” house is included, A t .Still­ w ater at one tim e, the girls were to adopt a the very in baby fo r exercise i ra d ic a l a rt of baby care. F o r some reason, however, that prov­ ed not feasible and now the situation by having a m eet faculty fam ily move in bringing a young baby as th eir p a ssp o rt! allowed each year they Girl* Are T rantform ed in, H ow T h ey R eju ven ated I Upon en terin g the nine weeks’ The kitchen wa* rearranged so train in g period, the g irls draw as to save step*, cabinets were straw s fo r places in the schedule, tho built the sink reset at and a regular scheme of rotatio n a p ro p e r height, a stove with is followed th ere after. Thus each a h e a t reg u lato r put in, and girl m ust serve her tu rn as ho* laid. w ashable teas, cook, dow nstairs maid, up­ Some used ro­ stairs maid, yard girl, and waitress, ■ pffiw A w ith p ain t and enamel j wbjcb SjX j obs ^ ie n tific house­ s i t m ade presentable, and other j w ifery fa he]d to consist. Each m akeshifts were turned into uso* I hostess m ust serve one form al or fu l and inviting fu rn itu re . Not | “com pany” dinner during her a ll th e problem s were solved the week’* reign at which the w aitress firs t y ear because of lack o f tim e,; and cook a c t in th eir respective fu rn itu re was covering floor You Don’t Wait On Ut For Dead Week Long houri! of study need not result in fa­ tigue and brant fag. P. A.V Coffee at fre­ quent intervals is energising as well as appe­ tizing and satisfying. J H 'L*' ' ■ S erv ice the W h ole N igh t Through . K. Sandwich Shop I T E H A N C O C K T H E A T E R r J l S I ? - - This May Save YOU Both Money and Annoyance!v The sim ple little m atter of m aking sure that YOU alw ays have at LEAST h a lf ton of coal In your bin is often the differen ce betw een frozen w ater pipes and consequent plum ber bills, be­ tw een a cold house and consequent doctor bills. Cold w aves come suddenly and un expectedly, and w hat looked like a sizab le pile of coal disap­ pears like a saucer of m ilk before a hungry kit­ ten. Check your coal pile-—then dial 4848 TO­ DAY . McA l e s t e r c o a l c o m p a n y * '... _* Bin: *T thought your gang was going to 'bid' Joe Goof us.’* Hen: ‘1 We wen, till we found he still earned a whip-socket on bit dashboard and wore hard heels." MANY a m an has found a better place to advertise than on the heels of his shoes. The clickety-clack, “ here-I-com e,” “ th e re -I-g o ” noise of the cowhide heel is one big reason w h y rubber heels have the call today. And the grow ing popularity of rubber heels is a grow ing op ­ po rtu n ity forGoodyear. A big­ ger opportunity because more people w alk on Goodyear W in g ­ l e t Heels than on any other kind. H ave you ever stepped o u t on G o o d ­ year W ingfoot Heels? If you have, you know they cushion aw ay all the shocks and jars of w alking. They w ear like a “ f r a t’* pin. And their trim, close-seating design makes them good style anywhere. T a k e s y o u r sh o e re p a ir m a n only a minute to put them o n . H o w a b o u t n e w G oodyear W ingfoot Heels today?