F irst C o lle g e Daily in the South AUSTIN, TEXAS, SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 I jjijn iH E M S lN C ffiS r iN STADIUM DRIVE TOTAL Instil. PnbDsher» Briton to Print This Year’s Bhuidwtoiss 'Dill DF OUR I m r * VARSITY REGENTS MA Y JSKSSE— . L SELECT PRESIDENT A T I ■ ■ H i i IU TH " ~N E W CAPTAIN DF J U ; .» + i»n ^ - ne * ; -t^ g — ■ MEETING TUESDAY M W IM m m P - ■ M b f usf$ l l Fichtenbaum Announces Mis­ take in Totalling Stadium Pledges at Close of Drive Tom IS SHG,115.71 T o Date 1,228 H ave Paid First Paym ent, Due March IO Total subscriptions to the University Stadium fund made during the drive which ended March 4 increased $1,300 rn the audit made by the stadium orga.iization. The revised fig ­ ures announced here today by Max Fichtenbaum, executive secretary of the association are $166,825.72. The first total, given out the night the drive closed was 165.357.00. $120,724.75. The analysis of th e subscriptions tu rn ed in showed th a t 3,322 stu d en ts F aculty subscribed m em bers subscribed $11,209. Two hundred eighty-nine fa c u lty member* subscribed in the drive. O rganiza­ tions subscribed $19,376, and o th er schools gave $350. The to ta l num ­ ber of individual subscribers to date is 3,551. H. J. L utcher S ta rk ’s IO per cent boosted the to ta l subscriptions $16,- 165.97. To d ate, F ichtenbaum stated , 1,228 subscribers have paid th e ir firs t pay­ m ents, due on M arch IO. The total am ount paid in is $10,646.05. exam inations. U rge Stu dent* P a y Slow . In “ The stu d en ts have delayed m aking th e paym ent on account of the to come in to the YMCA h ead q u arters and m ake th eir paym ent or m ail them to Stadium H e ad q u arters Uni­ v ersity S tation,” F ichtenbaum a ded. F ichtenbaum set down two reasons them (C ontinued on P age E ight) .— o---------- — STATE FUR PLANS COLLEGE C IR C U S Colleges in T exas and Other States Invited to Offer Competitive Stunt* Three Names Are Men­ tioned for Appoint- ment Will the U niversity of T exas h a \^ a new p resid en t when the R egents ad jo u rn this week a fte r th e ir session which opens here Tuesday? Rife speculation in A ustin and on th e cam pus prom ises a p erm an en t head fo r th e U niversity w ith this m eeting. Dr. C. E. B olton, p ro fes­ sor of history a t th e U niversity of Southern C alifornia, is the la te st re­ puted candidate fo r this position. Add to this possibility Dr. W. b. W orks, head of the T exas E ducation S u rv ey ; Dr. George C. B utte, dean of the School of Law , and you will have th e leading possibilities a t the esent tim e. p re sen t tim e. M em bers of th e board B L U N D F R B W S S Board of Publications Passes Resolution Against A nony­ mous Campus Writers C ondem nation of the B lunderbuss or “ jo u rn alistic bushw acking,” such an ­ as alm ost uniform ly appears in onym ous publications, was u n quah resolution fiedly a expressed l l , by the adopted M onday, M arch of P ublications. U niversity B oard The resolution follow s: in I by th e S tu d e n ts’ Assembly of W hereas, Bill N um ber 12, enacted the agree that I U niversity of Texas express y o th e presid en t ought to be selected a t bids any 8lud en t or group o f stu d en ts least a t th e A pril m eeting, so th a t L 0 publish or co n trib u te to an> an- he could be p resen t to aid in plan- J onymous publication and p rescri cs mu ’- th e b u dget fo r n ex t y ear, the final decision is n o t m ade this week. it is highly probable th a t dis- cussion will elim inate m en, so th a t the board will vote at the A pril m eeting. The T exas S tudents P ^ h c a tl™*’ l „ c., is in h e a rty - c o r d w ith the pur- all b u t two I pose of the bill, and w her lf penalties th e re fo r, and w hereas, anony­ mous publications th a t have h ereto ­ fore appeared on the c a m p u s is ap ­ proaching, now th ere fo re , be it The d ate on which m ost r n I '■ppl & : f t 7 ! w * * W m . G. C am p o f Garland, d i­ rector and p o p u la r *oloi*t of the U n iv e r s ity o f T e x a s G lee Club, which will le a v e th is w eek on it* an n u a l spring trip thro ugh E a s t and C en tral T e x a s . I L L GLEE CLUB LEAVE D N SPRING T TOUR Resolved by th e Board of the T ex­ as S tu d e n ts’ P ublications, In c.: 1. We express our unqualified con­ dem nation of jo u rn alistic bushw hack­ ing such as alm ost uniform ly appeals in anonym ous publications. 2. We pledge this corporation to be in no degree responsible for the appearance of any anonym ous publi­ cation. S. ELDON DYER, C hairm an. MARY JOURDAN, S ecretary, Organization Scheduled Evening Concerts in for Nine Texas Cities The U niversity of Texas Glee Club will leave T hursday, M arch 20 on its annual sp rin g tour. N ine eve­ ning concerts, the most th a t has ever been given or. a single to u r m ade by the club, will be offered in Hast and C entral Texas. a tte n d just “ L et all m em bers once,” L utcher S ta rk is quoted as saying, “ and then we can vote on the president. B u t everybody ought to be th ere to tak e th e responsibility for the decision,” he insisted. ~o— RECEIVE REGENTS BFED TD PROPERTY Consideration of $50,000 In volved in Ray McDonald Property on W hitis Firm That Printed Paper Last Year Is N ow Out of Business Sutton Has Not Asked Sup­ port of the Pub­ lishers B y M E R N E L E W I S S H A R P L E Y th a t, refuse in sta tin g A ustin p rin te rs fla tly to p rin t a B lunderbuss th is year. P ub­ lishers unite if a B lunderbuss ap p ears this y ear, it will not have been p rin ted in th is town. Tim e w as when the B lunderbuss was a respectable sensation, handled by but T exas S tudents the th e scandalous c h a rac te r which sheet has recent assum ed years has m ade it much too rancm to be sponsored on th e cam pus. P ublications; d u rirg It is alleged th a t the firm which p rin ted the B lunderbuss fo r 1923 is now out of business, according to several Austin the statem en ts of la st y e a r» of publishers. Most copies were burned, following th re a ts of county officials, in stig ated by P resid en t Vinson, to prosecute both editors and publishers fo r crim inal libel, were distributed. L a te r, it was haw ked about su rre p ­ sheet the titiously. D e n y K n o w le d g e o f Bu** S t a t e m e n t s from d iffe ren t p rin tin g houses varied widely w ith reg ard to opinions of th e ’Buss, b u t then- m an­ ag ers were all positively decided what spring. Ail they would the elaborate precau­ knowledge of the publication of a tions ag a in st 1924 B lunderbuss, which persisten t rum ors have a ttrib u ted to P resident S utton, was denied by all in te rro g a ­ th is do Rhodes S. Baker, of Dallas Bar, Invited to Lecture in Austin IS Since Leaving School, Baker Has Becom e a Member of Three Associations The Hon. Rhodes S. B aker of the Dallas bar, has been invited by the faculty of th e School of Law of the U niversity of T exas to deliver a lec­ tu re to the fa c u lty and students of the school. Mr. B aker will deliver this lecture in th e auditorium of the evening, Law Building on Monday March 17, a t 7:30 o’clock. His sub­ ject will be “ C ontrol of Civil P roce­ dure in the Texas C ourts. In v ita ­ tions to a tte n d the lecture have been th e Texas se n t to th e judges of courts and to the law yers of Texas. T his will be th ird of a series of lec­ tu re s to be delivered by Texas law ­ yers a t th e School of Law during the c u rre n t session. Mr. B aker w as grad u ated from the U niversity Law School in 1896, and he has been practicing law in Dallas since th a t tim e. He is a m em ber of the A m erican B ar A ssociation and of the Texas S ta te B ar Association and of the D allas B ar A ssociation. He has been in terested in procedural re form fo r m any years and has con trib u ted articles thereon to both the A m erican B ar Association Jo u rn al and the T exas Law Review. Varsity Center Unanimously Elected Captain Saturday H I IM R S I M Gold Basketballs G iven U n­ defeated Longhorns by Athletic Council ( B Y V IC T O R E M A N U E L .) L ester S ettegast, the elongated skyscraper cen ter, was unanim ously elected captain of the 1925 L onghorn baskcteers yesterday aftern o o n . DF B. HULL PLANNED $5000 W ill Be Spent in In- stalling Screen, New Floors, and Closets • • nan B aker was in 1923 chairm an I R obertson, C urtis, F oster, Sette- or Sa8t’ R agland, P onsford, Esquivel, of I W ard, and N ation, th e nine stars of th e com m ittee on judicial rm irt souad in South- ad rrums- The firs t concert is scheduled for the g re atest c o u rt squad in S outh­ tratio n and on procedural re fo rm of T aylor on T hursday evening. The w estern C onference history, aion* the Texas B ar Association, and he is itin e ra ry is as follows in the order w ith Coach Doc S tew art and M ana­ a m em ber of the firm of Thom pson, nam ed: T aylor, Jacksonville, T ykr* g er Bob Sm ith m et a t the U niversity K night, B aker & H arris, all of whom, A thens, H ubbard, Bremond, M arlin, I E xtension Studio yesterday a f te r ­ with one exception, are g rad u ates of 1 Waco, and Belton. noon to have th e ir picture taken and the Law School of the U niversity. as is the annual custom , to elect the captain. T here was no nom inating; each m an w rote his choice on a slip of paper. W hen th ey w ere counted it was found th a t “ B etty” was the unanim ous choice to head the S teels in 1925. Recreational Leader Will Visit Austin o~------------ T he club is under the direction of Wm. G. Cam p, and has been prac­ ticing several tim es each week to whip the program into a fine point of finish. This y ea r’s program is up to the high stan d ard set by the Tub in public appearances of pre­ vious years. Such m asters as bach, H andel, G reig, and K uhenstein are n » i lo vt, included on the program , y e . a Wide popular »PP““ - dons are so varied ^ a t the program the i , expected to please a 1 fro™ ,, Loa! finn whose h ead q u arters E. O. H arbin, d irector of recrea- in Tenn-> wni visit, the Uni- p ro g ra n , varsity o f T exas th e week beginning are :J a n a p e s o f th e (.hurch. His M(,thl)dlgl ' j , v ’b , Im provem ents involving an expen­ diture of about $5,000 are to be m ade m B. H all, only dorm itory fo r men a t th e U niversity of Texas, a p art of which w as in 1898, if present plans m ature. Screens, new flooring, clothes and steps a arc am ong the chief than to be m ade, according to M anager L enge 0f harm ony * rn 4“ ***" H. G. W oodruff o f P aradise. erected closets most. severe cl. ltlC ° mknowledge 0f ; visit will be fo r the purpose o f or- instinctive j g a n g in g a group of stu d en ts inter- persons w o im provem ents MI Univ vvmv. K csted in recreatio n al leadership. Any ^ music o th er ^ . v Mathews sia germ, and Louie oAonmn.inist accomp a n is t_ ■ fo r th e ' student is eligible to join the group. wi„ be devoted to sta­ ()n o n f night a social g ath er- . dents ^ Actual w ork on the installation of the new im provem ents will not s ta rt until the sum m er m onths when tho m ajo rity of the room ers are away on P ractically the en ­ th eir vacation. tire vacation period will he required fo r the ca rp en ters to m ake the addi­ tional changes, and by the tim e the stu d en ts re tu rn to the U niversity in i S eptem ber, the Hall will be in first class condition. ;‘7 h e Glee Club Q u artette will ag a ta I ^ d T n ^ h .f M r ' H a r b i n t m 'lead ^ 0n' * ra m ' " L s ^ F e r the second nig h t a1. ll Berkm an Wm. G. stu d en ts of th e U niversity will be in- , tu . Anton H. Be, .m an, w m . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ( ^Soloists whose names ap p e ar thet S tevenson ten o r; and F r a n c s o n 1 dents who wish m ay hike w ith Mr. b a rito n e ;. H arbin to the Colorado Inver w here IL I he will d em o n strate m any outdoor Cam p, n i . G erm an, pianist. I l»am es* ‘Ponjola’ Hair Rage Hits Normal •I- T T • • Three Co-Eds at San Marcos Campused G irls atten d in g the San M arcos N orm al are settin g th e pace fo r freakish styles by having th e ir h air c u t in the same way th a t boys do, a c c o r d i n g to D orothy Connoly, stu d en t of th a t in stitu tio n who vis­ ited in Austin F riday. “ T hree co-eds have been pro­ hibited from leaving the cam pus,” said M :ss Connoly, “ and a ban In spite of the placed on the fad. fa c t this in co iffu re continues to spread. innovation “ T here are tw o theories as to the origin of the popularity of short h air, the la tte r being m ost likely r e s p o n s i b le . According to a rum or o n e of the m ost popular girls o f the N orm al burned h er h a ir while attem p tin g to put a wave it, necessitatin g rem oval of a the large p a rt of her hair. •Whim other fem inine m em bers of th e stu d en t body saw h er n e w style of head­ dress, sh o rt h air im m ediately be­ cam e ‘all the rage.* in “ A n o t h e r r e p o r t has it th a t the girls cu t th eir h air a f te r seeing a moving picture called P onjoia in which the heroine, played by th e in order to escape A nna Q. Nilsscm, im p erso n ates a man law which has u n ju stly accused h e r of m urder. The idea o f such an u n ­ usual thing sh o rt h a ir was th o u g h t to be rom antic enough fo r im itation. as “ The men of th e school, how ­ ever, have joined w ith th e fa cu lty in u tte rin g a m ost em phatic pro­ te st against the fad. Some of them have even th re a te n e d to le t th e ir h a ir grow out un til sexes seem re­ versed if the girls do n o t stop vis­ iting the b a rb e rs.” R ec eiv e * S eco n d L e tte r . The latest addition to V arsity cap­ tains is a H ouston product and huh lettere d in b ask et ball fo r two con­ 1923 he gave secutive years. In prom ise of eclipsing the work of Tiny Keen an d Teddy Lyons, who were th en in th eir prim e, but an in­ ju ry ab o u t m idseason cu t short his a l l - c o n fere nee. hopes. T his year he got o ff to a slow s ta rt b u t made up fo r it d u rin g the la tte r half of the year when he ranked w ith George of loop. TOU as the two Cest in Many critics lengthy th e Longhorn fo r all-conference. nam ed the V e r s a tile P la yer. T he H oustonian is a s ta r and is p artic u la rly valuable in th a t he can , play any position although he is us­ ually statio n ed a t center. However, he is an excellent goal th ro w er, hav­ ing accum ulated 93 points during tile past year. And Coach S tew art is re- sponsible fo r the statem en t th a t he tould tu rn S etteg ast into a stellar guard. In fact, with R obertson and C urtis gone, S etty may prove Coach S te w art’s m ost valuable man when he assembles his court m aterial in 1925. L etters and gold basket balls bear­ ing “ U ndefeated S outhw estern C onference Cham pions, 1924,” were aw arded to th e S teers b y \ h e A thletic Council recently. Those receiving the honors were Cap­ tain R obertson, C ap tain -E lect S ette­ gast, R agland, F oster, C urtis, W ard Ponsford, N ation, Esquivel, and M an­ ager Bob Smith. This is the firs t tim e th a t gold b ask et balls have the been aw arded since 1919 and firs t tim e since 1916 th a t a Long­ horn c o u rt five has won the rig h t to wear the inscription “ u n d efeated .” inscription the U niversity of T exas students will be invited to p artic ip a te in the pro­ jected All College C ircus a t the Stat* F a ir a t Dallas on October 18, 1924, according to announcem ent made here yesterday by John B. Moon, ex-gtu- dent and 1921 m anager of the Varsity circus. P lans fo r th is occasion made by the S ta te F a ir association call for a series of com petitive stu n ts by rep­ resentatives of all colleges and u n i­ versities in the U nited S tates who care to enter, and the presentation of a pageant, in which each school entered in the com petition will en ter a queen and her court. This circus will be held on the night following the Texas-SM U foot­ ball game. T he groups presenting the best stu n ts will be aw arded cash prizes, Moon indicated. AU schools in th e sta te are being visited at the pre. ent tim e by officials of the asso­ ciation m aking plans for the circus of th is year. Moon stated recently that he was p artic u la rly pleased wth the attitude of U niversity student leaders on the proposed All College Circus. , CALENDAR Sunday 10:00 a. rn.* Long hora B and Ore** Rehearsal, Majestic. 2:00 p. m.* Longhorn Tour practice, Woman’* Gymni**ium. Monday 7 j00 p. m., H oulton Club, M. B. 158. to t o r Sutton has said nothing to U8/ ’ stated A. C. Baldwin, “ but lie You n e e d have nothing needn’t w orry about this place a t all. We’re standing behind the au I t s t h o r p e s out a t the U niversity. nasty a libelous through and through. publication, fe a r. and A u s t i n P r i n t e d L ast Y e a r The a ttitu d e of E . J. Jackson, m anager fur the E. U . slightly a t variance w ith this. We w ere a p p r o a c h e d about p rin tin g the 1923 B lunderbuss la s t y ea r,” stated Jackson, “ h u t the bid j a u n t high enough, and we probably wouldn t taken die work anyhow. But have w hat the howl rn all I fail to about. I th in k th e fa cu lty should bt able to stan d fo r an occasional tw it­ tin g ; th ey ’d bo much better sports. Y e ,, it w as printed as y ea r. No, we wouldn’t consider the in A ustin job a t all now.” “ We’ll never touch it, on count th a t,” declared the m anager a t 0- bins! A short tim e ago a t a m eet­ ing of th e A ustin Printer.-, Associa­ tion, the m atter was brought up. T h consensus of opinion was B lu n d e r b u s s is a lot of filth an We tacitly agreed not to p rin t th a t the i Deeds tra n s fe rrin g th e Ray Mc­ Donald home, located on tho 2100 block on W hitis Avenue, to th e Re­ gents of the U niversity w ere filed yesterday w ith the th e county court. The c o n s i d e r a t e wap set a t $50,000. clerk of The McDonald property case was recently h eard by the condemnation board, composed of Alonzo Robinson, A W, Townsend and R. M. Hamby, a t which the $50,000 aw ard was m ade. M cDonald asked $00,000 fo r the pro p erty , and th e extension com mitt.ee offered $35,000. T his decision is one of the few which has not been appealed to the county court. A decision in the C avanaugh case, which was heard la st week by t e condem nation board, is expected this week. Robinson has been out of the Secre­ city d u rin g the p ast week. ta ry W illiam s also stated th a t he ex­ pected to make final purchases in several other cases this week. „ — - g l e e c l u b m a y m a k e t r i p t o n e w y o r k c i t y tH'“ P rin t the B lunderbuss? We never have nor never will,” w as the s ta te ­ m ent of M anager Lewis at the on Boeekm an-Jones Co. G alveston to New Y ork by steam er m ay prove the b an n e r trip o f the U niversity of T exas Glee Club this y ear, if plans now u n d er considera­ the organiza tion by m em bers of I ti on m aterialize. “ I’m full up on orders, and would I not handle it anyhow ,” said b d Num-i hers, job p rin te r in business on West Sixth S treet. not the licentiousness ox tile thing th a t m a tte rs.” the interview er was told a t the F irm F oundation “ P rin te rs d o n t P ublishing House. the usually give a whoop w hether s tu ff they get out is m oral or im ­ moral. But i f s p retty dangerous to lay yourself open to charges. T h a t’s why we couldn’t en tertain the libel a (C ontinued on Page 5.) F orm er V arsity stu d en ts com pos­ of Texas Glee ing th e U niversity (Tub have proposed in New York th a t th e Glee Club give a series of concerts th e re in Ju n e f o l l o w i n g the d o se of school here. The New V ork organization has expressed th e ir wil­ the p r o j e c t . . lingness to underw rite Louie D unbar, m anager of the club,, in is n eg o tiatin g w ith New Y o r k , and has the th a t d e f i n i t e a r r a n g e m e n t s , opinion fo r the trip will soon be concluded. the alum ni e x p r e s s e d AT c r e s c e n t BUSTER KEATON ela b o ra te a cts fe a tu re d on th e vaude­ ville sta g e in re c e n t w eeks. Six o th er e x c e lle n t acta and the Creator of Marionette Theater in America Is Also Fa­ mous illustrator Crescent Features Wright s “When a Man’s a Man” for Week C R E S C E N T For a Week of Thrilling Drama loved is T h e book th a t tw en ty m illions h av e re a d and screen ed a t last w ith all its ro m an ce, b eau ty and heroism . A n ep ic d ra m a of a m an w ho found h i m s e l f — found love an d th en » acrificed all as only a m an c a n . W h en * Mans n rn . “ N o ! when I m a r ­ ry i t ’ll be a m a n .’ THEATER ROW BY K. I.KE WYSONG Q u e e n : “ Lillie* of th e F i e ld " wi th C o rin n e G r i f f i t h and C on w a y T e a r ! * . M aje stic? The C a m e o Kirby*’ wi success, sta g e th Jo h n Gilb ert Manhattan Players Present H an cock ? Double bill Blacksmith** “ T h e and including “ The C r i c k e t on t he H e a r t h , " Comedy-Drama of Polit­ ical Graft L a b o r T e m p le : M a n h a t ta n Play *»rs p r e s e n t i n g “ L o v e a n d P o l i t i c * . ’ CENTRAL T EX A S STYLE SHOW Opens M onday and will m ark an era in th e display o f gorgeous gow ns worn by ou tstan d ing b eau ties o f th e U n iv ersity and A u stin . M onday, T u esd ay, W ed nesd ay, 8 :3 0 Shown W ith S e n satio n a l P i c t u r e C am eo Kirby” Ope*' W eek for the M a jeL d Theater A lthough th e term “ a ll-s ta r” ca-u j as been misused by sco re s o f pro-1| tigers, F ir s t N atio n al o f f e r s a cast I n Jo h n F ran cis D illon's production J s’ “ L ilie s of th e F ie ld ,” the pictu re o play this w eek a t th e Queen T h ea- .er, th at d efies com parison. C orin n e G riffith and Conway I'., arle are soon in the fea tu re d roles, Irau fu rd K en t, C h arlo * G errard , C is- i f F itzg erald , Sy lv ia D ream er, M yr­ tle Sted m an, Phyllis H aver, D orothy B ro ck , Alma B e n n e tt, E d ith Hansom, C harlie M urray, and Mammy P e te rs are seen in the supporting parts. T ry to tie th a t list. A LUCK CHARM FRANCES ALDA Beautiful and charming soprano Opera Company will appear in from the Metropolitan concert at the HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, March 18th (The day your exams are over.) Seats now on sale at J . R. Reed’s and the Hancock Prices $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00— Plus war tax. A uspices A m ateu r C h oral Club 07917825 Dickens Story and Buster Keaton Feature Double Bill Beginning Monday, B a ste r Keato co nu?? to th * Hancock Theater in h la te s t two-rcei laughter apicial, "L f Village Blacksmith. As a helper in a blacksmith aho B u lte r is a good book talesm an, bi th a t’s what makes this comedy h fu n n ie s t since “Convict IS.” The Hancock Theater annotine th at it h a * secured from the Beb nil D istributing t name bill the Paul Gerton Prod- lion , “The C ricket on the H eart! whkh was adapted for the sere fro rn the wond beloved Charles Dickens. 0>rp*>r?sti®ii story for J e a n A r t h u r who is fe a t u r e d In “ Cornea K ir b y ” a t the M a je stic b e g i nni ng M o n day h a* risen to s t a r ­ dom by her b e a u ty and c h a rm — luck c h arm . S i x m onth* ag o she Will b e o u t Monday and at IS S Main Building. was a U n ive rsity co-ed. In vain he p lea d ­ ed fo r the love he h a d ca re le ss ly t h r o w n aside, blinded by the b e au ty of the l u x u r y loving lilies. TONY rSMG ‘S PR O DUC TJON •—* £*D0nSED fry onto aemseo 'MS/Cty & *** & /,r T*/J / ^ ggW/#/y^ amt otters ar a n effr e s r c a n r o y | Dwrvtrtc MVELTf * * , ^iSpF tte• of to-V«r » JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL March 2D—8 p. rn. a R eserv ed S eats $ 1 .5 0 and $ 1 .1 0 ; B a lco n y 7 5 c On S ale Co-O p and J o rd a n s ' " All W e « k F e a t u r i n g Corinne Griffith Conway Tearle STARTERS AND BATTERIES REPAIRED REASONABLY kny kind of electric work done right and promptly FIXIT SHOP A t G re a tly R ed u ced P rice# West Seventh at Lavaca Unwise persons give their hard-earned coin to clever talkers. AX' hen the promised mil­ lions fail to arrive they are disappointed and broke Then they call the wise people “lucky guys.** But the wise people are not lucky. There is up luck in the savings game. It is just character and common sense. in Austin FORTY-FIVE MEMBERS OF VARSITY BAND T O BEGIN Campus Communications CORINNE GRIFFITH ANNUAL TOUR TUESDAY T H E D A I L Y T E X A N m w m w m m m m m m m rn m m m m Page 3 Stratford Clothes — Langrock Clothes I ■ I t h a t a r e c o n s id e re d of a p erso n al* lib e l- - —------ I OU* o r in f la m m a to r y nature. T h e T e x a n g | d o e s n o t n e c e * * a rily a g r e e w ith th e a r t ! - g in expression I 1 In to t o 1 1 t i | n t h a t s s t r i c t e s t th e w r i t e r . c o n fid e n c e , t h e i r n a m e s § A u th o r s of a r t i c l e s fo r t h i s c o lu m n a r e = - r e q u ir e d t h e i r g I c o m m u n ic a tio n s s s s n e v id e n c e of f o o d | th e w r ite r w ill be 5 5 f a ith . T h e n a m e of I k e p t a n d w ill § 1 N O T be p u b lis h e d e x c e p t u p o n sp e c ific J 2 c o n s e n t of 2 * ntiiHlitttimmttiiitmuiwimimMiMiMttanmmi'miwtmmmiMmMimiiittMW Denton, Texas, March l l , 1024. Editor, The Daily Texan, Austin, I m a y b e c o n s id e re d . ' 11 of p u b lic o p in io n o n a n y s u b j e c t Rudolph Sippola, H arry Hauser, C . I Mf* which are published W. Fulcher, Lloyd Kirk, Woodfin Butte, T. A. Smith, and Chester See- katz; cornets, Royal Calder, Rex Preis, C ytu s Barcus, d e l Silvey, Al­ bert Taylor, Dudley Wynn, Barnier Lee, Erw in F. Smith, Ralph K irkpat­ rick; altos, Billy Laurie, Wm. Sonne- mao, George B urnham ; baritones, trom ­ Jack Brown, B urn ett P h a r r ; bones, C. D. Brown, S. W. R uff, T. E. Baker, W. E. Pugh, J r., F red Feld­ er, W. A. B arber, A. L. McAllister; bosses, F ra n k Steinle, John Cole: sax­ ophones, Collis Bradt, Ray R obert­ son, Sedgwick Coppage, Oscar De­ wees, G. A. Toepperwein, obeo; A. J. M artin; basson, Harold A. Cory; drum s, Jess D. Daniels, R obert Dil­ lard, and Frank Obcrier. Dear Sir: As librarian of the Den­ ton High School Library, Denton, Texas, I wish to express our app re­ ciation of the complimentary copy of the “ Daily T ex a n ” which comes to us daily. We have noticed th a t m any s tu ­ dents decide on th eir fu tu re college while reading the college papers and annuals. I am sure Texas University will get its share of our p resen t sen­ ior class and others th a t follow. Texas. Again, I thank you for the paper. Yours truly, (MISS) CLARYSE DAVIS. G o n e B e c a u s e o f I lln e s s W hat has become of the Honor System, please? H as it been put to sleep “ because of illness” ? Or is it a t present under an anaesthetic in order th a t a painful operation may be performed successfully? of found “ honor” the system reported, for A short time ago, there was much discussion of the the honor system. Now all seems quiet with the exception of a few erratic explosions. I witnessed such an ex­ plosion the other morning. A staunch in supporter of the society column of The Texan th at someone had gone home “ because of illness,” whom she had witnessed against in a trial for violation of the honor system. The p a rty had been summoned warned, for non-appearance, trial, excused summoned again, tried, found guilty. Through action in which the classmates were influenced from sev­ eral sides to give, the guilty was sus­ pended instead of expelled, and has respected, honored, now gone home and receiving the sym pathy of all students, save a few who knew him more intimately in his practices of stealing grades from honest class the mates. These few* know suspension was a the p arty , who had scoffed a t th eir de­ termined and sincere effo rts to have him observe the ‘honor” p a r t of the system. t h a t triu m p h for and His statem ents a t Limes, when asked to re frain from cheating, were typical of the student who feels ju s- Miss Lavender Is Recovering After Attack of Illness R oberta Lavender, ad ju n c t profes­ the U niversity cf sor of Latin in Texas, is now on leave of absence in Berkeley, California, where she is r e ­ cuperating from illness. She will be able to resume her work in the Uni­ versity n ext fall, it is stated. Miss L avender’s classes are being tau ght in p a r t by other members of the s ta ff of classical languages, and in part by Mrs. I. I. Nelson, of Austin. OFFICIAL NOTICES .LONGHORN BAND Dress Rehear- sal a t the Majestic a t IO o’clock today. M ANAGER. PR A C TIC E for Longhorn Band tour a t 2:00 o’clock Sunday a t the Wom­ en’s Gym. M ANA GER, L o n g h o r n s w ill he o u t M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y . C a ll a t 1 5 5 M a in B u i l d i n g . T H E FOLLOW ING changes in sche­ an ­ dule for the spring term are nounced*. abolished. abolished. P u re Mathematics labc.2 has been P ure Mathematics labc.5 has been P u re Mathematics I abc. 21 has been abolished. P ure Mathematics I as.45 will meet M W F 8 in M. B. 206. P ure Mathematics las. 46 will meet T T S 8 in M. B. 7. P ure M athematics l a s .47 has been abolished. abolished. abolished. abolished. P u re Mathematics I as.48 has been P ure Mathematics las.49 has been P ure Mathematics las. 50 has been Pure Mathematics las. 52 will meet T T S l l in Ed. B. 302. Pure M athematics las.57 will meet in M. B. 157. E. J. MATHEW S, R egistrar L o n g h o r n s w ill b e o u t M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y . C all a t 1 5 5 M a in B u il d in g . .JJ .............. „.!!!_______ O Eight Players of Jim­ mie’s Joys Orchestra Will Make Trip Forty-five members of the Long­ horn Band, including eight players of Jitnm y’s Joys Orchestra, Miss Doro­ thy DuMars and her m other, and perform er, ‘Bus* Edens, vaudeville will leave Austin Tuesday morning to begin the longest annual spring to u r ever made by the University or­ ganization. The to u r will be made supervision of under the personal M anager Erw in F. Smith of Corsi­ cana, and th e parades which will be given in every city where the band shows will be led by Billy A. Laurie of Austin. Director B u rn e tt P harr, who has acted as director of the band on two previous tours, will again lead the band in the concerts. B renham will be the first stop of the V arsity musicians on their nine- day tour. Sponsored by the Brenham F ire D epartm ent, the concert will be given in the F irem en’s Pavilion, and the advance sales on the tickets indi­ cate th a t an even g re a te r crowd will attend this concert than were present last spring when many of the B ren­ ham citizens were tu rn e d away from the door because of lack of seats in the auditorium. T o G i v e E ig h t C o n c e r t * . the concert Following Leaving Brenham late Tuesday night, the next stop will be made a t Orange where the Young Men’s Busi­ con­ ness League is sponsoring the cert. in Orange, the band will give program s a t Beaumont, P ort Arthur, Houston, Mexia, Corsicana, and Ennis, r e tu r n ­ ing to Au tin Thursday March 27. Texas-exes and citizens a t every city where the band will give a con­ c ert have w ritten Manager Smith, expressing their desire to take mem­ bers of the band into their homes, and have pledged their co-operation ir. every way to t u s k t h e to u r ?, suc­ cess. E n t e r t a i n m e n t P r o v i d e d . A t the special req uest of the Beau­ m ont Lions’ Club, the band, dressed in full uniform, will be entertained at a luncheon on the roof garden of the Hotel Beaumont. Im m ediate17 a f te r the luncheon, tho band will D 't- sent a short concert, and the Varsity t h e season. latest novelty skits of play J im m y ’s Joys Orchestra will selections some of for phono­ which they have made graph records, and which they have featu red a t University dances. . e n t e r t a i n e r s will give a few of famous th eir the E n te rta in m e n t of tho bandm an while they are in Houston has been Insti­ planned by the girls of Rice tute. A special invitation has been extended to every member of the or­ ganization by the girls club a t the A utry House fo r a dinner in honor of the V arsity players. The personnel of the Longhorn Band is: President, Royal C alder; d i - I rector, B u rn e tt P h a rr ; m anager, E r ­ win F. Smith; assistant managers, C. W. Fulcher, Ralph Kirkpatrick, P arm er Lee; drum major, Billy A. L au rie; stage director, S. N. E kd ahl; m aster of properties, Lloyd K i r publicity director, S te w art Hark- rider. Members of band going on the to u r a re : Clarinets, Jim m ie Malony, K S S “The Blacksmith You’ll find crocodile eggs in the hum m ing b ird ’s nest before you find a dull m om ent in this picture. F e a t u r e N o . 2 “The Cricket on An enthralling double The H earth” love story, filled with an occasional t e a r, m any smiles and lots of thrills and rom ance. N e x t F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y Majestic Big-Time VAUDEVILLE NEW SONG HITS Y ou will like them at 30 cents p er copy. “ Sure A s Y ou’re B orn in K en tu ck y ” — Fox T rot. “ Kiss M e W ith Y our Eyes”— W altz. “Sweetheart’s m oon”— W altz. H oney­ J. R. MUSIC CO. The Smartly Shod Woman f HE woman who is particu­ lar about her appearance footwear knows how much matters in achieving a perfect­ ly groomed ensemble. Perfo­ rated straps are a dainty touch on simple slippers of satin, with modified heels, which ac­ company some of the most dis­ tinguished costumes lun­ cheon and afternoon engage­ ments. to $11, $12, $14 Beautiful field mouse kid, trim­ med to match. $12, $14 Hosiery— CARL H. MUELLER f o e c OMOP?e s s A vg a f G o o d S h o e s - A u stin ’s L eading M usic H ouse T he O riginal B runsw ick Store PULITZER STORTI PLUT H earts and “ Icebound” E m otions too to Love Ixc § and H elp! Mme. Adrienne d ’Ambricourt, the F rench actress who won a signal suc­ cess in “ The Humming Bird,” plays a mother role m atching her own n a ­ tionality de Mille in the William P ara m o u n t production, “ Icebound.” the leading roles of “ Icebound,” which opens a three-day ru n next T hursday a t the Majestic] Theater, are Richard Dix and Lois Wilson. F eatu re d in I C lara B eranger adapted the story from Hie stage success of the same name, aw arded d uring 1923. the Pulitzer prize RICHARD DIX T h e s t a r o f “ L illie s o f t h e F i e l d ” d r a m a a n d a p i c t u r e s t r o n g r a r e in b e a u t y , is C o r i n n e G r i f f i t h . T h is is t h e Q u e e n f e a t u r e f o r th e in w e e k . if you tified in his dishonety because “ you must be a freak if you get a passing grade w ithout it,” and “you’ll be by try to stick to so yourself four years.” much preciseness for his T h re ats t h a t would besmirch honor were the rightfully given horse-laugh, for hasnt he ju s t “gone illness,” and none home because of but a handful knew, or will know, fo r honor’s sake th a t he refused to abide by th e rules and regulations of the University. Do you favor such dealing? Should the u n fo rtu n a te student Who loses his health he a targ e t for whispered suspicions in order th a t expelled and suspended violations of honor may be as much honored as ever? Why a r e n ’t more students really concerned when reported? And why so few earn est supporters? “ CO-ED.” D i x is o n e o f t h e s t a r s o f “ I c e ­ b o u n d ” p a s s i o n s a n d s h o w s a t t h e M a j e s t i c b e g i n n i n g T h u r s d a y . W M - : v.* ; l L I ' * A J E S T I MON. TUE. WED. WILLIAM F O X p re se n ts CAMEO B K l R Y J O H N GILBERT G ertrude O in k ed & .Jean A rth u r b ro m in .•,G » a t Stagte Play by BOOTH TARKINGTON? H A R R Y LEON"W ILSON A JOHN FORD PRODUCTION W U K ALSO The Fun o f the P r o g r a m A L S T . JO H N “FULL SPEED AHEAD” IN A N D INTERNATIONAL NEWS A P a r a m o u n t P i c t u r e Not - P i c t u r e A o f th e N o r t h William de Mille raooucTiou . I, iww.,. tWtTJS RICHARD DIX. LOIS WILSOM A n E d u c a t i o n a l C o m e d y “THE LIMIT’ I N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S F A B L E S T O P I C S ’Jew - e c u Mo gjtratforb <£lotljes T his suit is the mod I so popular with U ni­ versity m en both here and abroad, and m ay be bad in a variety of foreign fabrics and shades, including the new blue-grays and brow ns. J a c k e t an d trousers are cut to assure the utm ost in com fort. C om plete outfits for golfers. . N EC K W EA R o f e n g l i s h f o u l a r d s r f . N EW F REN CH AND INDIA PRINT CRAVATS F LANNE LS AND KNICKERS DISTINCTI VE COLORED SHIRTS WITH COLLARS BATHING SUITS BEACH COATS GOLF STOCKINGS AND SW EATER S 1000 Samples o f materials to select f r o m Also Ed V. Price Madc-to-M ensure Clothes The C am pus Shop ALFRED SMITH, Owner Austin's Only Young Man's Shop 53 ll THU. F R I . SAT. C. M. MILLER W all Paper, Paints, Oils, W hite Leads, Varnishes, Window Glass, Painters’ Supplies Artists Material P icture F ram in g a Specialty P a g e 4 i t ^ S h e Bally Cexan music and painting arc evident. [JILLY STIFF There* is somewhat of the sculp­ tor Orcagna in Dante’s ‘ Infer­ no.” Read Tasso’s “Jerusalem Delivered” : you feel yourself present at the transformation of the epic into grand opera. When one understands this wor* " e f S J S ® fiS ^ fS # 5 # 2 !" S S l* M P or artistry, thin abandon* f ment to the creation of the beau­ tiful, one better comprehends the Italian character itself. fey ti** T»«« "w r’w - i.. - B J T X T E - T m'-«... - « * « oflk*. IKA tatapfco* * VJisorial o® " S U << th. rfiw-i—wrf. «*•» w no ftSF- I SAY YOU ,Z APPLIED TV yTulQ .DUCTiOUS - IAT PAUTS UAVP >u played^ © # rirtt CoO«*« to **• So*tfc 4 * * * J. Hall t. THE DAILY TEXAN ________ DRAW YOUR OWN LAST PANEL! I ray Ours ...... I * *uck*r I PUP* f rtr tT ~ l TAKE rr y o u WOULD U K E TO B r TRI Af wtu-Qtcrre fgy'TSTT »o*. Ti* _ , ♦ 8*xa 6UQE pus* • to e e - c a NOT TO V E - TrtAT IS TAE* QUESTOR-> r v - W ' , /<5^ADC5 J! or h*ll ‘ C SUAkspl^. i J 2 CJkWN AWNSUPJ yoTwok't b e ! r n W# -*4 $ & k - «— g r J. HUI “■^Nd - ■JU.. «■ ** M . . A a ,’. ta, T ri* # , I trode? A ct of L o* i m A e r r v t* r. cr *t •!►*«** T S 2 o £ £ I S U •*»»■>— 3- 14. WA — ^i^RYirrTn.cHf* E d »tor.|n -C li«f EAT lh LIX WTI. Ll AM L. MCO I IL 8 a pt r y t* ir-t Ba#*®#** M mr. u t or Bd> to t " fete IL Xb^rjT'mad A. B. S * « * . *dr*rti* L. U Marlton*. elrruMio^ai*m*r*r r X A T U E E BOARD S / ^ S H**ry A. PocbBin Gordon I. L 5 . / f k u t * S bt aft turn# Xdltor St#** *rt Harked*? —----- AM«*t*nt — Min*!* C*arfWtw U" '■ Society Editor - Fraar.*# Mol*#*,eri)h EXPORTERS jonn I mr hmm _______ Dorothy W¥Hdb«r*i BIBLE THOUGHT —FOR TODAY— T \» v * h t» »**#ort«*4. will k p r .cr'*** th a t t o d e a l I t it n o t th y b r e a d to th * h u n g r y , a n d th o u b r in g th o p o o r th a t a r e c*»t o u t to th y th e h o n * * ? W h e n th o u c o v e r him} a n d n a k t d , t h a t fro m th y s e lf th is * ow n f l e » h ? ■ I #ai ah 5 E j7 . th o u h id e n o t *ee#t th o u th a t mous “ tw en ty-year old th em e.” This hie individual graduated from Michigan and tw e n ty years later was teaching rhetoric at Ohio S tate U niversity. ti „ V ® of th* second*; hut *<• look ra- thir The country which gave birth the renowned! to Boe ti us and Jacopo di Voragino, author of) “The Golden legen d,” was long j literature. without a national The first specimen of Italian p r o s e dates from 1231, and it has been established that no written Italian whatever ex­ isted before the thirteenth cen­ tury. Throughout the twelfth b**en writ- ------ — ------------------- century, Italians had been writ In OVated the drama of his age by Ujipr askance at th<^« of the Latin. ing in French and Latin. ft>|ovateci me drama ui ***» «* Sicily, under the patronage of d i s c a r d i n g the didacticism of who waste m any of their precious Sicily, umler the patronage of discarding the didacticism unH Mn OI /if ffitw. applying; college days in ministering so le ly to Frederick l l , a group of folk- J contemporaries and lore poets headed by Ciullo d'; himself to the task of the artist. ; their own d« lo r e p o e t s n e a a e a o y « *uuu u j m m s e i t t o t n e chs* u i n .- » * ------ their own desires. Aleamo had written many lovejGubeppe Giusti was simply a nJvAlliv IlCXVI TY I tvvvn * lvri** in Provencal, the dialect g eran^er ahead of his lyrics in Provencal, the dialect of southern France. In north­ ern Italy, religious poetry first flourished. The founding of the orders of Saint Francis and Saint Dominie the time, sacred drama. At schools of writers were many; geniuses wi re few. Soon, how­ ever, the history of Italian llt- ! erature became 'the record of j certain great names. a max c o n e s to college «wfcen«i y time. to surround himself with a scholar y Cesare Balbo, the historian, wafC atmosphere, w hich tends to help him an a r t i s t i c p r e d e c e s s o r of Mich- on in tellectual elet in France and Gibbons in a c h ie v e m e n t. If he is going to u se England. The historical novels j au his spare tim e and a good deal that of Francisco G u e r r a z z i a r e g o o d he cannot spare in earning m oney, examples in yet another field.;why com e to co lleg e at all? B usi- Inriced this spirit of art degen- ness men would say that the >est e r a ted 'to effeminacy toward the p la te to earn m oney on Wall is l a s t part of t h e century, when, ' __ _ • *Ln iL:rr| CII D ied t h e m s e l v e s W ith c o m p o s - O ften one of these men in the third as Stendahl said, “Italians OC-jcla8g pays dearly fo r the privilege? ing" sonnets and print ing them of spending his earning ^ com plim ented him on it. earning OII pink silk handkerchiefs.” m oney by fa ilin g in his courses arui m oney by f a ilin , college. to being com pelled But the Romantic Revival Even when it is not so serious a m at- In poetry, I ter „ this, the man is w asting his ‘ t t h i s away. the nineteenth century veritably I college days and also w asting tim e exalted the Italian tradition of j which he m ight be putting on extra jiteratUre. Romanticists curriculum a c tiv itie s which would . p r a $j a n (i Aleardi, and clas-| b en efit his c o lle g e as well as him- society ™ e L if,istft jlk e Carducci, alike knelt se lf. se lf. It is our b elief that the man It is our b elief that the who w orks only to provide for his own pleasures, doing nothing for his alma cnltege, is not w orthy of his Dialer. Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, litera- ; the greatest of jteurs, wrote remarkable that allegorical epic, “The Divine Comedy.” Here, indeed, art is the worker’s sole concern. The icern. un- civil and religious contusions! of contemporary avarice of the papal court, the :V fore Art’s empirical logic of \ irgil. even mankind seeking after happi- ■ ness represented bv Dante him- self—such subjects mMLS One day he was stimulated Italian his w ay * * * * greatly tow ard this ip tim e are leave igan* * * * * in in , i them e w hich he him self had A nother case was that of a student who was said to have handed in “The j Coward,” by de M aupassant, an a self-com posed them e. A t the next j recitation the instructor called up the student who had handed the them e in i ,.That story>” he said gravely but en th u siastically, “ is the best short story that Has ever been handed in to me. In fa c t, it is the best th at has ever been w ritten .” T hese in stan ces are undoubtedly excep tion al, it is adm itted. N everth e­ less the practice of using other Peo­ p le ’s work as a m odel, if not in act, is altogeth er too com m on am ong stu dents. Like all other form s o f ch eat­ ing it seldom accom plishes even the unw orthy end it seeks and alw ays hurts the user. The o ffen d er is the victim also. The number who have been able t o pass a course th ey would copying otherw ise have flunked by surprised first ’M BORROW ED TH EM ES. (M ichigan D aily.) T*v*»rv vpar som e rhetoric instruct when one o f his students handed in a w ritten tw en ty years before at M ich­ or tell* his class about the now f a - ( them es is so sm all as to be neghgi aubkamDSQ CHOSEN R E P R E SE N T A T IV E . Rachel D unaw ay has been chosen as a representative from the "V oung lr. addition, m any more o f the o f ­ fen ses are detected or stron gly su s­ p eeled than roost stu d en ts realize. ..j W o m e n ’s ('hnstKm A ssoew U on pected than m ost stu d en ts realize. It i , alw ays a d elicate situation and t h e t h e U n iversity o f T exas to attend I cam ouflage is som etim es so w ell done j eighth national that the instructor can take no o f f i - L ^ A. o vj rial action. W hether his p e r so n a l; convention will be bel _ in conviction is or is not harm ful to the April 30 to . ay >, c h a n c e of the o ffe n d in g stu d en t is rn** ^ , >t d iffic u lt to gu ess.__________ * Col orado. I bon at R s u s r a t * , ---------_ _ - . . . . York c onve n- TM„ of SHORTAGE OF BRICKS? r . the - — — which receive his nj*** shrine. Enrico { h e psychological novel- t , j>arrili un(j Farina, expo- j of intrigue; ^ f th Hents of the novel of intrigue; Kvrnholies! and Fogazzaro, the protagonist Of son of the philosophical novel—none 'i 4-1374 could (l,'ny hearts with which had animated Michael It ajM ^,ith Giacosa and In our drarmiti I '. It is doubtful if the action of the Board of Publications in condemning * journalistic bush­ whacking such as almost uni­ wiuKaius uuvh m m formly appears in anonyme uh j treatment. That master < formly appears in publications” will dampen the nejev(ir% assurt of a Blunderbuss. never, assuredly, did Petrarch, there la th e r al>out still upon the campus a few • — -I— , bother about arolium' except ...i r» ♦ •oritfl u/tillu tvhfl arc willing to I. trepid souls who are willing to; Bocaccio. 1313-1376, in h 8 R °W tU , drama risk the “penalties" of student . is own centuryv im ]— •*••**> ”■ nun nrc * officials, the ire of faculty mem- l (mcernefj with nothing but the bere, and the cham* of finaiuiul recounu l of good stone*. It wan low to 1 Ariosto, 1474-1563. -who. in his tK ov ruirharm Wil n o t 1>C f r i g h t - they perhaps will not tie; fright- ..0rlanfi0 Furiono,” first intro- ened by the stern position of duced the artistic ottava rima ®™Y such a worthy body as the I ub- |n^0 tj,e jjen Df modern poets. • lication.s Board. . ut hor Gabriele ri’An ^ has carried the idea of the nt of decadence. But. how , ”■ "v;"; ani, pgssimistk -The consldw * 1 HOm p C r itic s CUllSiuci .......... spicv coiiecuoii that *ar ,e« ,Rv literature even storiea. nw#» ton# a in t r o - f))i! 0 , ivIAoa en of modern poets. . . |amc ()f Lift,” an,l “The Tri- o{ D(1,lth>'- we deem it tit- I UIIipil VA* . works of such gran- . » . ting that works of such gran- t f m k l for the moment f ir s t to of W-., " ,. . . v . * * * * - - - - ' — few os was a Medici, truly pat- fl the sub- ny writers, fr44 . The Texan rather hopes thai lime Torquato I asao, 1544-!5.b),, -ai— « slave of the artistic idea. Lorenzo de’ ! realized many j - — —> - — * _ +He without mate­ rial. And it is possible, on the other hand, that experience has taught it how to cover up its little vice* and weaknesses until even a ’Buss reporter would be able to find nothing to justify its saffroa-hued policy. Sunday Specials AT * * * * So far, it seems, tht're has been no solicitation of advertis­ ing among Austin merchants, which indicates, in Spite of the many report* to the contrary. | that* there will be no ’Bu** or ’Bustle this year. On the other hand, the editors of the sheet; mav be playing the age old game) of “trying to get away with it.” If the latter is true, The Texan wishes them luck. We should have bricks on April I — Blunderbuss bricks— and let them strike where they will. ESSENTIAL CHARACTER OF IT ALT IAN LITERATURE Art, in literature, means mere devotion to perfection of sound, form, and idea. Being the very i] pith of Italy’s national genius. the essential it early became literature. character of her O t h e r possesses literature works of art; but, from time long past, Italian writers have primarily concerned themselves,;! designedly, with - seth following a realizing as pean? of beauty in their pn> ” “ip**#. The primitive af fi n- . of Italian literature with*! :■ f nee o f B. & E. FOR BREAKFAST Try our W affles with Old Manse Syrup. AND FOR DINNER Our Steaks are Unexcelled Double K. C. Sirloin with Stuffed Tomatoes You W ill Like Them. “ALF” “BAKE” G O T H A M Athletic U N D E R W E A R reliably m ad e— and c o m fo r ta b ly p ro p o rtio n ed in all best quality fabrics. R easonably Priced at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 University Toggery ADLER COLLEGIAN CLOTHES 2202 G o ad . p h o n e 3090 University Bank Is T h rn STUDENT BANK Ifs You w ill save tim e and car fare if you will Porterhouse with Stuffed Peppers do your banking w ith us. NEW ARRIVALS FICTION AND NOVELS The Golden Cocoon Six Days A Cure of Souls Cheat the Boys Dorma Lisa The Plastic A ge Told by an Idiot Gobo the Fool Love Rouge — W est of the Water Tower Ruth Cross Elinor Glyn May Sinclair Eden Phillpotts Wilfranc Hubbard Percy Marks Rose Macaulay Herbert Croy Ades and Josysovici ... „ Harry Kemp V isit O u r R ead in g R oom THE CO-OP lliniHIIIiniHlWHIiniHIHmHimUiHHIfHIUmiHUHIlHHHHHHllHIHU'HHHlHUmnnmHmimmiUUHIliUHiHmilliUimimiHHHHlbUHIiniinHHH* iniiHisiimiaiiiiiiiiitiimtiHir.iHiwiHimiiHsuiimuuitiniiuniHiiiHiHHiHsiHMumihiuiini Toilet Articles W e h a v e the m o st co m p lete line of toilet articles, in clu d in g th e g re a te st stock of im p o rted perfu m es, face po w d ers a n d p re p a ra tio n s in th e S outh. O u r stock includes H o u b ig a n t, C o ty 's, G olliew oog a n d o th e rs.. • - ^ Griffith Drug Co. ] (S c a rb ro u g h B ldg.) GOOD WORK OUR HOBBY Call 3702 HOME STEAM LAUNDRY 211 East 5th Street WILL PUT ON STADIUM DRIVE IN OVER 200 TOWNS iwifiHiHiiwiinuiuiiiiHHhiHiWBiiiiiniiiiiiiHitiittiHiiinniitHiiKMhHitHiHtHuuuHHHunHumnmniititittiuunutiiniiHUHiuinfiiitfnifnuddsii.i! Page 5 LUMM ULI LOCAL CHAIRMEN^ CONDUCT IL L CAMPAIGN LACH C om m ittees W ill B e A p ­ pointed B efore O p e n ­ ing of Drives TO BEGIN IN M U OB M S! Each E x-Student W ill H ave O p p o rtu n ity to Subscribe --------- L ists h a v e b en p r e p a r e d by the s e c r e ta r y of the E x - s tu d e n ts ’ A sso­ ciation c o n ta in in g the n a m e s of ex- elation c o n ta in m g th e n am es stu d e n ts in m ore t h a n tw o h u n d re d ! ^ ^ tow n s th r o u g h o u t the U n it e d S ta te s , p a r a t o r y to s t a r t i n g a n active s t a ­ dium c a m p a ig n and o rg a n iz a tio n of e x - stu d e n ts d u r in g th e m o nths ct A pril a n d May. in T e x a s and also to w n s in 1 F r o m th e s e nam es com m ittees an d a c h a ir m a n will be selected to have c h a rg e of the in d iv id ua l to w n drives. Before th e beg in ning of an intensiv e d riv e l e tte r s will be s e n t to each e x ­ s tu d e n t c o n ta in in g in f o r m a tio n as to th e p la n s fo r th e sta d iu m , th e q u o ta which h a s been raised on the c a m ­ pus, th e q u o ta which will h ave been ra is e d by t h a t tim e by the citizens of A u stin , a n d th e p a r t w hich will de­ pend on th e e x -stu d e n ts . town I t has been decided to c a r r y on the sta d iu m d r iv e in each to w n th r o u g h itself. A the the citizens of ch a irm a n will be a p p o in t. J, who will be in c h a r g e ox t h e w ork and who will see t h a t every f o r m e r s tu d e n t in tho th e to w n prop ositio n of th e s ta d iu m . E a c h e x ­ stu d e n t will t h u s Ex' given an o p p o r­ tu n ity to m a k e a c o n trib u tio n to t h e ; is a p p ro a c h e d w ith WILL DIRECT -DANCE PART! ________ H ubbard Invites All S tudents to A tten d Second G et- T og eth er A ffair c S i x E 1 T he e x -stu d e n ts in H a v a n a , C ub a , Independence D ay celebrated in J T e x a s fash io n, acco rd in g to a le tte r j received fr o m Orville R. Wood. “ O u r d in n e r w a s a g r e a t (if n o t I a how ling) success; the how ling, th e sin g in g and th e ye lling w ere neces­ sa rily om itte d by re a so n of the f a c t t h a t th e a f f a i r w a s s ta g e d in a p u b ­ lic d in in g room, on th e H otel P la z a roof. As la s t re m a r k e d le tte r, H a v a n a is no ta b ly lack in g in | a n y th in g ; p r iv a te d in in g room. sam e f a c t, also, t h a t _____ were om itted . T h e r e w a s • th e speeches resem bles in my t h a t I T h e second G e t- T o g e th e r p a r ty f o r U n iv e rsity s tu d e n ts will be held a su ita ble i n e x t S a t u r d a y niSh t in th e M en ’s B y reason of G y m na sium f r o m 8:30 to 10:30 un- l a c e f o r tho se of us who f o u n d it J no un c e d no n-Vin -fmind it a splendid H u b b a rd , <•__a1____ d e r th e dire c tio n o f th e WA A, L. IL a n ­ d e a n of f i r s t of y e s te rd a y . T he s tu d e n ts , . - T h e a nd a n in te r e s tin g and a t t r a c t i v e .• ’ colorful crow d composed chiefly of to u r is ts , fu rn is h e d a p le a sin g back- in th e Girls S tu d y H all of the Main these p a rtie s w as held tw o w eeks ago * , . g ro u n d . ; Building. “ A le tte r w as s e n t o u t by th e sec- T h e G e t- T o g e th e r s will of ex- r e t a r y to aU th e exes on o ur re sp 0 nse w a s most g r a t i f y - j su c ce e d in^ S a t u r d a y n ig h ts Q irls, g t u d y Hallf H u b b a r d be held on the in in d i­ T h e r e w ere ten p resen t, in c liid -, cate(i m g. T h e r e w ere te n p re se n t, includ- cated (,xes a n d exes-in-law, an d | in g both exes a n d exes-in-law, and to a t tw o o th e rs who w e re unable ,— ------ ------ p a rtie s places w h e re s tu d e n ts m ay ..vio to Those p r e s e n t w e re . Mr, an d j^av e r e a l fu n , w h e th e r th e y c a re r t Qi.v.rwnn Mr. and M rs. d ance or n o t T h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t s are ^ W e a r e s triv in g to m ak e these BLUNDERBUSS ( C o n tin u e d fr o m p ag e I) i idea of handling it.* D a n g e r o u s t o P r i n t £V. “ U n d e r no condition would we p r i n t such a sheet as th e B lu n d e r­ b u s s / ' w as th e d e c lara tio n the a t M org a n P r i n t i n g Co. “ Such d e f a ­ m a tio n s of c h a r a c te r , did th e y occur r e ­ in p r iv a t e sult in several m u r d e r s .” life, would probably “ I m ig h t p r i n t it if it w ere milder, and less in fa m o u s ,” s ta te d th e m a n a ­ g e r of th e T e x a s P osten Publishing is much the B lu n d e rb u ss Co. “ B u t too r a d ic a l; no local p r i n t e r would d a r e u n d e r ta k e th e jo b .’ L overs of a r t an d hu m or, a p p e a r th at a n c e s go, will be d e p riv e d of long-expected tr e a t , the B lunderbuss of 1924. H ow ever, since no mention w as m ade of a ’Bustle, hope is still alive. At a n y r a te , s tu d e n ts anxious to be kicked o u t of t h e U n iv e rs ity for p lucking th e forbidd en f r u i t a re a d ­ vised to go to S an A ntonio to have th e th in g ru n o f f — or to G alveston, as h as h appened once or tw ice in the past. ---------—o------------- C A L L E D T O S A N A N T O N I O A m o N o w otny , f o r m e r V arsity yell le a d e r, and m a n a g e r o f the All- U n iv e rs ity da nc e , l e f t S a t u r d a y e ve­ n in g a t 6 o ’clock in re sp o n se to a f ro m San A n to n io saying t e le g r a m t h a t his s iste r w as d a n g e r o u s ly ill. In te n d e d fo r all s tu d e n ts who will com e,” H u b b a rd s ta te d . “ Please m a k e an a p p e a l to all s tu ­ to T he d e n ts ,” he said in a l e t t e r T e n “ who e n jo y an fashion ed p a r t y to come o u t a nd have a good tim e. Adm ission will be f r e e .’ old L o n g h o r n * wi l l be o u t M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y . C a l l a t 1 5 5 M a i n B u i l d i n g . tend Mrs. l l . L. Sim pson, Mr. and M rs. F le tc h e r W a r r e n , Mr. and M rs. H .| O. Neville, H. W . H a r g o n , M rs. S t e r ­ ling A. N e b le tt, Mr. and Mrs. O. W . Wood. “ O ff ic e r s ejected w e re : P re sid e n t, H. L. S im p so n ; v ice-president, H . 0 . IL W. H a r g o n ; N e ville; s e c r e ta r y , r e p o r t e r , O. W . Wood. “ By u n a n im o u s vote, it w as de­ cided to hold a n o th e r d in n e r on S an J a c in to D ay a n d we a r e expectin g EEM OVE -THOSE C A U 5 E 5 . I I I An A STITCH in time save I Let us examine! nine. your teeth for pyorrhea at | once. examination takes only a few minutes. Pyorrhea gains a hold on the teeth very rapidly and does not show to the aver­ age eye until in the ad­ vanced stage. “ B ew are of D ela y ” Dial 7839 DR. GUFFIN A n d A s s o c ia te s DENTISTS 512 1-2 C ongress A venue O verseas V eteran W ill Speak on 4 Is W ar Ever Justifiable? 99 KUSH manual ”oi*»for*h»t> for t h e U n i v e r ­ si t y in 1 0 - 2 a n i u p o n h i m d e p e n d * to a furs?* evicnt the »ucce*» of this year'* nine. T h e lit!** D epartm ent Store W ith a Big P u r p o s e 902 CONGRESS AVENUE SPRING FASHIONS —Equally attractive is marked waistline, over A Breath of S p rin g ti -from rray ^ a;. .. - C a r f a g n o (B en ch M ade) HOW it does com pensate I one to TdHr h e r* te f* rW W !i care rn choosing such tx I J new Spring Shoe as — The su p erb fittin g qual- I ities th a t on|y C arf aga ta I knows how to nut into a shoe of Fashion, m akes. thin creatio n bt fine Aire- ] dale suede with self kid t r i m m i n g s , doubly attru c- t i ve. }’ It also boasts a dainty I mod if i e d toe. band tu rn ed * soles and 16-8 spanish; heel. ' ^ G A Y SPR IN G H A T — c o n t in u e to a r r i v e in all their glory. — S traw is beginning to a sse rt its style im port a nee and these d elig h tfu l models are trim m ed w ith saucy little flow ers, flu t­ te rin g ribbons and em broidery. t o Soc is to adm ire. W E employ modern m ethods and ex­ pert men in o ur up-lo­ cate shop, profit by our eagerness to g ive every customer highly it satisfactory service. costs Po more fo r you to get the best. EX-STUDENTS CELEBRA TE Report:4 have been coming in to the the E x-Student*' Associa­ ©fbce of tion daily a* to the successful out­ come of the M arch 2nd banquets held by ex-students all over T exas as well as in the larg e r cities of the United States. Ballots for the officers of tile Association are als® being re­ turned- for counting. N o v elty Dept* “ TMF. GARDEN W A LL” — Follow ing the Chinese mode, fo r favors, or o n e’s own dress- | m g tab le, fo u r vials of p er­ fum e boxed in Chinese style to re p re se n t the Id eal ...............— ............... * l 00 PEN D A N T C O M B S —-On black co rd s fo r the bobbed-hair miss, rose f i n­ jad e h ad in ish ............ ..... ...... 1----— ......-T-4&C ivory, onggs. C O T Y S M E T A L C O M P A C T S - W i t h m irro r, pow der and .....- .................... - ......$1.00 rouge Trim m ing D ept, S pring in *J! h er splendor de­ m ands all sorts of gay little ac­ cessories. r h i n e s t o n e b a n d e a u x fo r festive occasions are quite new. T h ere are several de­ signs to choose fro m .........$1.35 r h j n e s t o n o r n a m e n t s rn long pin effec ts add ju s t the necessary th e new sp rin g h a t— touch to T h is m ode! w ill Le sh o w n at The Style Show, Monday, Tuesday, W ednesday W e cordially invite our friends and customers to attend the Spring Style Show at the Queen Theater Monday, Tuesday and W ednesday. Society Ad* in Old Newspaper* Give Clue to Valuable Historical Material Letter* Written to Many Student* Find and by Stephen F. Job* Through YWCA Austin Publi*hed What is Doing at the Churches and Bible class at 9:30 a. rn. Junior S u ffe r in g .” W alter League m eets at League a t 3 p. rn. Special Lenten the Lutheran A ssem bly Hall Thurs- services at 7 :30 p. rn. Subject, “ The day at 8 p. rn. You are cordially in- S u ffe r in g o f Jesus W as a N ecessary vited. FETZER-HOLCOM BE M ARRIAGE.. I * * v* ---------- The U n iv ersity o f T exas Young FIR ST CONGREGATIONAL. Research Director Visits Texas Schools olution w as read and adopted: By reading the advertisem ents in L etters w ritten to and by Stephen old new spapers am ong the file s of the F. A ustin have been collected and U niversity o f T exas, much valuable are being published under the direc­ historical data can be obtained, ac­ tion o f the Am erican H istorical A s­ ceding to Mrs. W . H. Lucas, of sociation, according to Dr. E. C. Bar­ Sherm an, who is doing research ker, professor o f Am erican history in M en’s C hristian A ssociation last year secured 109 perm anent positions for stu d en ts that paid a total of $16,290. The stu d en ts made $1,400.80 from 353 odd jobs that were obtained through the YMCA, according to re­ ports recen tly made. A pplications for the U niversity o f T exas. Som e o f the letters were w ritten by 324 jobs w ere received from the stu ­ people from the “ sta te s” who were dents, and 209 w ere given em ploy­ interested in the new and vast land, m ent. work at the U n iv ersity , in collect- ng historical inform ation about the Red River V alley. The inform ation JI to be used in historical work among ;he school children o f that section. Mrs. Lucas sta tes th a t the Northern Standard, of which a complete col- ’.eetion dating from 1842 is on file, has been a medium o f numerous his- orical clues about that section of the country. One that drips carrying passengers and freig h t .arere arriving and leaving daily from C in cin n a ti, Ohio, to Fort Townsend, Oklahoma. Such a trip is im possible mw, though all of the earlier settle­ ments were a tong w aterw ays. Mail •outes from the U nited S tates and Canada w ith specific dates of arrival vere also im portant announcem ents .f the Northen Standard. advertisem ent shows “ M any People have said that the torthern part of T exas did not do ouch to help make th is state a re- is m blic,” said Mrs. Lucas. “ Proof bown where m obilization of a large lumber of men was made from this ection. A number of am m unition actories were also established here. Jettlem ents in North T exas were made much earlier than is commonly relieved. A s early as 1819 a Meth- ■dist church was established.” E. M. Tennant, rural research di­ of T exas rector of the U niversity bureau o f E xtension, has returned rom a trip over W est T exas as in- pector of rural schools and equip- ieBt for the educational survey now eing conducted by the state. Seven counties were visited by Mr. 'ennant, including Denton, W ise, /o u n g , Johnson, H all, Randall and V ichita. The educational survey of ural schools, which will probably bt1 ompleted by the middle of April, is entered around rural schools and heir equipment. A number of edu- ational experts are com piling the ta tisties from rural schools, and all jarts o f T exas w ill be covered during he spring in com pleting the survey. SOCIETY P U B L ISH E S PO ETRY. of E. W. W inkler, librarian the J n iversity o f T exas, has ju st received ‘A Book of the Y ea r,” published by .he P oetry Society o f T exas. T his is he second volum e o f poetry issued by his society, the fir st being fo r the /ear 1922. F rizes are given annually or the best works subm itted. H ilton I. Greer, editor, and Clyde H ill, reasurer, are both ex-stu d en ts o f the J n iv ersity . The latter w as form erly .onnected with the English facu lty . A t the tim e the story flashed over he w ire, we were in San M arcos, the .own o f Po nj ola b o b s, and our a ssist­ ed; was evidently AW OL. Only two w eeks more end Coach L ittlefield ’s cinderpath knight* will entertain the strong K ansas Jay- hawkera, who recently ran strong in the M issouri V alley indoor m eet. several W ith K alona, H nnig and /they stars, Coach S h effield should turn out an ex cellen t team at San Marcos Norm al C ollege which should make th a t for other tow n noted things besides the three co-eds who bobbed their hair, thus breaking all pedoggie reputations. A nnouncem ent has been received o f the m arriage o f D orothy P elzer Jam es G. H ol­ o f San A ntonio to com be o f Corpus Christi. The cere­ m ony was quietly perform ed a t the home o f the bride’s parents, and im­ m ediately the couple le ft for Corpus Christi where th ey w ill make their hom e. Mrs. H olcom be is a form er student o f the U niversity. Miss Ruth P ursley o f San B enito, has been v isitin g at the Scottish Rite Dorm itory w ith her sister, Anna Bell P ursley, who has accom panied her to San A ntonio fo r the w eek ­ end. Gordon N ow lin has returned to his home in V a lley Mills a fte r a visit with friends on the campus. E. Lee W ysong lea v es M onday for a visit w ith his m other in H am ilton. Robert W ilm ans spent the past week-end in D allas with his parents. Mrs. W illiam H ardee Turner, oi in A ustin for a visit Beaum ont, w ith her son, H ardee Turner, Jr. is M ortimer Sprague and Wallace W ilkinson w ill leave M onday t( spend the week with their parents in Dallas. M iss Dorothy DuM ars, o f H ouston for a visit w ith Marj has arrived and Ruth R a tliff. W illiam McGill is spending the w eek-end w ith tives. in Corsicanc rela­ Jam es W illie o f McCabe Mansion, w ill spend several days in Corsican* a fter the exam inations. Gladys P eeler is in Belton fo r i week-end v isit w ith her sister. ------------ o......... — HJS MAJESTY SAYS BY T H E KING OF ITALY. W ell We’re about three down am th ree to play in an in terestin g gol gam e with our profs, etc. A fter ai all-night practice w e are show ing a1 m ost as good form in p u ttin g as H or­ ace Kibble. Our apologies to the sports editor of the B attalion for running his wrong a ll-con feren ce selection . B u l the we must add that we original selectio n than the selected one. is better think Our anthropology instructor tol< us th a t man has lived on earth foi over 100,000 then w ere the days when Rice won cham pionships and when Bible was the best coach in the co n feren ce. years. Maybe One o f the sw eet young reporter* has ju st inquired if there w as such i th in g here as the Open Forum Club The only clubs we know o f around this place are those th a t B illie D isci & Co., including Odom, Carson, Sm alley, Kibbie, P ratt, et ai. are go­ ing to worry oppQging pitchers this com ing season. The printer’* devil ju st cam e and su g g ested that w e explain in why the Steer* w ere und efeated in 1924. E asy. A crtain man who toward usually turns a deaf ear sport scribe*, and nine U n iversity students are the reasons. If Jackson, Barm ore, or C ow les is able to annex fir st in the high jump during this m eet, th ey w ill have earned a letter even though th ey do nothing elae during th e year. For Tom Poor who averages 6 fe e t 4 in­ ches or thereabouts w ill represent K ansas. Coach B illy Diseh proved very con­ siderate to w inter term bustees when he arranged a ball gam e w ith the A ustin R angers Thursday, the date a fte r the exam funeral ends, thus g iv in g the aforesaid club a chance to see the 1 9 2 4 Longhorns in action be­ fore em barking to Southw estern or elsew here. POLITICAL DIRECTORY The a tten tion o f th# eitixenship of T exas is called to the candidacies an­ nouncing below . T he candidates whose announce­ ment* appear here will sincerely ap­ p reciate the vote and in flu en ce of cit!ten* o f this sta te and county. VOTE FOR JUHN MARSHALL FOR SH E R IF F , T R A V IS COUNTY July 26, 1*24 T exas. In those le tte r s A ustin was asked about conditions in T exas and for inform ation concerning the oc cupation o f Goliad. A ustin’s letters answ ering th ese and sim ilar questions are being printed also. Other letters dealing w ith an en tirely d iffren t phas o f T exas early life are addressed to M exican o ffic ia ls o f the state. The letters w ritten to A ustin by the M ex­ ican o ffic ia ls are also included in fcTie collection. Thed ate o f the letters range from the tim e of Stephen F. A u stin ’s first arrival in T exas until D ecem ber, 1827. The m anuscripts o f these letters w ere given to the U n iversity library by Col. Guy M. B ryan, a descendent o f A ustin. W ICH ITA FALLS R. A. Thom pson, president o f the E x -S tu d en ts’ organization a t W ichita F a lls sent in the follow in g report: “ A t a m eetin g o f the E x-S tu d en ts’ A ssociation assem bled a t W ichita F alls on March 1st, the follo w in g res­ ‘Be it resolved by the E x-S tu ­ d en ts’ A ssociation o f the U niversity o f T exas, at W ichita F alls, th at: “ ‘It is the conviction o f this body, individually and co llectiv ely , that the Board o f R egents o f the U niversity o f T exas should elect for president o f the U n iversity, a man who is fitted by training and exp erien ce, to dis­ charge the im portant duties o f th a t position; that no man should be co n ­ sidered for the presidency o f the U n i­ versity who has, led or been actively engaged for public o ffic e in T exas or elsew h ere.” in, any political cam paign the S ta te o f Jobs secured by the YMCA includ­ ed stenographic work, wood chopping, sin gin g in a local church, night bag­ g a g e m an, coaching high school stu­ dents, truck driver, bond in vestiga­ tor for life insurance com pany, night clerk at h otel, grading papers for the sta te departm ent o f education, night w atchm an for a local bank, making w indow cards, bookkeeping, and un dertaker’s a ssistan t. Co-ed* Are Preparing for Spring Say* Spain co-eds U n iv ersity of T exas are g ettin g ready for spring, according to H. M. Spain, head of the U niver­ is sity p osto ffice station. The mail g e ttin g heavy w ith suit boxes and hat boxes, he says. “ Many th in g s are being sent the girls for approval,” said Mr. Spain. “ One day a young lady will receive a heavy package, and the next day we mail it back home, usually some­ re­ w hat ligh ter. Som etim es including a ceive com plete o u tfits, suit hat box, shoe box, and a big box. One that is the g irls seem s to expect their pack­ ages. The boys are nearly alw ays surprised.” th in g noticeable they B U LLETIN ISSU ED. A b u lletin containing announce m ent o f correspondence courses in the U n iv ersity o f T exas E xtension T eaching D ivision has been printed at the U n iv ersity o f T exas and is ready fo r distribution. The bulletin Bhows an increase in the number o f courses to over last year, and in addition th ese courses, con tain s inform ation concerning adm ission to the U niver­ sity , requirem ents for teachers' cer­ tific a te s and other m atters. Copies may be hat! from the U niversity E x­ tension T eaching D ivision. T w enty-third and San A ntonio street. A lm e O. Stevens, pastor. Sunday School and pastor’s Bible class at 9:45. Public worship with serm on at l l a. rn. A cordial invi­ tation to all. ST. M AR TIN’S LU TH ERA N. 106 East T hirteenth street, Rev. F. G. R oesener, pastor. Sunday Quin- quagesim a: Sunday School at 9 a. rn* S tu d en ts’ Bible class m eets at 9:50 a. rn. R egular divine at I 10:30 in the m orning and 7:30 in the evening. The Luther League m eets Sunday afternoon a t 3 o ’clock in the church annex. services ST. AUSTIN S CHAPEL. Louis O’H ara, C .S.P. Low m ass att 7 a. rn. and high mass at IO a. rn. F a­ ther O’Hara will deliver a serm on at high m ass. Newm an Club w ill m eet at l l a. rn. ut the New m an Club rooms. E vening service at 7 :30. U N IV E R SIT Y PR E SB Y T E R IA N . Students* Bible class at IO a, m M orning service at l l . Christian En daavor at 7 o ’clock. E vening service at 8 o ’clock. U N IV E R SIT Y M ETHODIST. Dr. K. P. Barton, pastor. Sunday School begins at 9 :3 0 a. rn. Preach­ ing at l l . Epworth League m eets at 6:30. P reaching at 7:30 p. rn. U N IV E R SIT Y C H R ISTIA N . F. D. J ew ett, pastor. Preaching at l l o ’clock. E vening service at 6:30. U N IV E R SIT Y B A PT IST . A. h . Au lick, pastor. Sunday School at 9 :4 5 a. rn. P reaching sen / ice at l l a. rn. BYPU will m eet at 6 :4 0 p. rn. and preaching 7:30 p. rn. a t C H RISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. 105 1-2 W est Ninth street. Serv ices Sunday l l a. rn. and 8 p. rn. Sun­ day School 9:30 a. rn. W ednesday reading evening m eeting 8 p. rn. in room. Students invited. ST. P A U L ’S LU TH ER A N . The St. P au l’s Lutheran church, Red River and S ixteenth streets, K. G. Manz, pastor; E. F. W id e n in g , organist. Services at 10:30 a. rn. Subject, “ The W onder­ fu l C onduct Over A gainst the Syro- phoenician W om en.” Sunday School j in German , , .. i aam w ax j r s r For Our— MONDAY SPECIALS Values Up to $7.50 For Values Pp to $6.00 For *4.98 *3.98 Are You Looking For THE LATEST IN SPORT HATS? See Ours At <2.98 *ntl *3.98 JUST ARRIVED A lot of ladies’ beautiful Spring H ats, all shapes, all colors; the very latest styles. ALWAYS THE LATEST IN LADIES’ HATS AND SHOES DACY’S LADIES* HAT AND SHOE PARLOR U pstairs Over W oolworth “WHEN YOU GO UP THE PRICES GO DOWN** Dance Favor* \ — Program s — Decorations — Balloons — C onfetti — Caps — Noise Makers JORDAN’S A lfred E llison— A. D. B oone 615 Congree* NEW SPORT SW EATERS P l New linen dresses in Green, Blue, Yellow, Lav- endar at $6.50, $15.00 Sheer Chiffon Hose in Vanity F air in all the la­ test shades at $1.95 f u S a a t i H Skirts in Tan, Grey and mixed $5.00, $12.50 YE LYTTLE SHOPPE 2408 G uadalupe Street A Dream of Fair Women (or “Tennyson up-to-date” ) T ennyson had the im agination to dream o f the w orld’s fa irest wom en, but it’s also a distinct achievem ent, don’t you think, to try to make all the wom en o f the world fair? C lothes are the stu ff dream s are made of. T here’s a “ dream ” o f a frock, for instance, with cream lace at the throat, tiny bows down the tig h t w aist and wide velvet ribbon threaded around hem o f the full skirt. And th ere’s a navy tw ill wrap with a glow ing rose lining, which also serves as the trim m ing o f the collar and front. And a chic little tailored suit is p erfect, even to the w hite gardenia that bloom s in the buttonhole. In every instance, prices from $25.00 to $59.50 Scarbrough's I’m on Brunswick records, folks B u t Listen!— You ain't heard nothin’ yet Al Jolson—the K ing o f Musical C om edy—the m ig h ty m o n a rch h im s e lf—o n B ru n sw ick Records. T h e star o f “ Stnbad,” “ Robinson Crusoe, Jr.,” and now o f “Bom bo” can now be heard at any tim e. Isham Jones’ Orchestra accompanies Jolson In each Brunswick selection. Tw o Jolson songs Sure o n every Brunswick Record. You’Ii think Al Jolson is standing before you w hen you pixy: THE O NE I LOVE BELONGS TO SOM EBODY ELSE} 2567 8TEPP1N’ O U T ............................................................... J 75c I’M G OIN’ S O U T H .............................................. CALIFORNIA, HERE I COME - 2569 75c And remember there is always something new on Brunswick Records. cThe Sign o f M is s a l 'Prestige m f/^ rrm i4 iv ic l< ^ P H O N O G R A P H S A N D R E C O R D S LONE STAR ICE COMPANY Just West of the Avenue on Second Street Service: Atway* Prompt and Courteous It Coats No More to Get the Best DIAL 6119 OR 9233 COLD STORAGE IN CONNECTION THE WALTER TIPS COMPANY 708 Congress Hardware and Machinery Sporting Goods, Guns and Amnunition Automobile A ccesso rii DAILY TEXAN GRINDS AND PROFS ADORED BY STUDENTS WHILE EXAMS RAGE U Exams are the mother of invention. J ^ t * « r t win I be taken ^ into the net and remain „ ^ r Horn. of tho cipvereat I t a l * « ' folded from o t h e r s * barren rn .m d' , ^ , ith fly ta f color.. T hey' h(.a rt„,t one. wh„ have .r e .1* brought N t donn* t ta t ly named par,od of dead week a M b, corps, strewn day, wh.ch f o l - , ^ ^ , ^ ^ year, K„ne by and who; of b itu m e ., j ^ ^ I <>f It is a l o “ ar... it. that time o’ the j toll when the „t ,d ,.„ u helio ^ m company rf their prof,. wh„ a few months]! joy. ^ DIRECTOR TO TfiEK STUDENT IT Other Educators on Program Edward Henry Peters ! low. Are Dr. P. W . Horn, and President Bralley, of CIA ceives Catholic Of*ice at Rome, italy T h a t c h ^ Of university you os j y ta r,. women who brio"* * the Mw. arf I typo. A ntu*- I scintillating butterfly MEETING OPENS IPSU 4 OROMNEO Fourth Educational Confer- St. Austin s Chapel to Hold , ence W ill Be Held in H.gh M*s s 'n ilonor ° ‘he Event n J On March 15th in the Basilica of Austin April 4 and 5 " , 1- 8um* framed., j ^ , VO waited sleepily for ■"* throtn' h *"* , " 'r i n g and then rushed madly not of I the which is not altogether foQm now geem to have an They bt Kin to cant. wistful KJanc ‘ i M w i r d H e n r y P e t e r s wa s b o r n i » ' . •. I 1/ 'n WiIV <]ent can arrange for them to take J ^ wa<| ordained to knowledge given out by the inner- j ^ lent professors. Arni some rn m n . eof p r o f e s s o r s . A n d the-**; The fourth educate na! •onferen * sponsored by the University of Te*a«=j ‘ w ill b e h e ld A p r il 4-5, ®‘’™rd_»ng t o j ^ an . . . - .............. heroes gtr. acting dean of the .; O' . _____ | R„iokiyn- New York. .lur,.. I", I*##. ftu. They sec the fulfillrnint of heroines. The prof comet . ucation, and chairman of the exccu ti ve* co rn rn it tee in c h a r . of the c o , fere nee. Other committee are D r. H -, dean of the Co I leg® O' Art* An -lim'* onces; Miss B e - Heflin, acting head, ar d a t St. ^ n . ^ l . n s of the home economic# departm ent; Prof I. I. (i* Education; M*^ Lilia M. Ca*i*. pro- lessor of romance languages; Dr. Spurgeon B* IL dean of the School "4 Business Administration, and Direct* or of the B ureau of Extension. Ingenuity . the j - And are the profs easily deceived. Mo, freshm an, they were the recip­ ients of such attentions whi n you were atilt absorbed with th at big ac bool love affair, even before your father was elected president of the named Farm ers’ National or was chairman of the Hickstewn Cham­ ber of Commerce. butterflies and ,h . so fall, doubtless also affected by the spring environment and the green it. is only afterw ard th at the campus was <>n,y |hing that was green ■ a t t S T f c S M r» IL C*. I hut even our hero for a day I. • * - ter than to toil through the years of college in obscurity. chester, New Hampshire from which CJtmpua. place h«* was graduated dune, 1917. “ the hollow of his hand. by any other name would be same. that city, and later, of IJalias, u n HI, h gh school work w a, done in t h . | 't o * '* ° \r J 7 Z T to A -1 B ^ L a t m School, Boston, Mass., Kdward Vet rs attended the Urn- u n s u s i e p t - j f o r t h t h e c ro wn i ng of ^ thf- id Dr. PitURger, o a ^ ^ hJs B A degree from the Cath- fdic University of America in 1922 and his M aster’s degree in sociology i ’ there under Dr*. Kerbey and Cooper r,1aa*^L i» 2 a. He .kited fur Home, Italy. I in 1923. He Railed for nome, iGiiy.i to study for his doc-! - a n this week,” sa University bulletin containing a di­ gest of the papers to be presented, and the bulletin will \7e issued next week. A rrangem ents * rates of one and one-ha if .are hav one-hai ie conference, pro- Align k, I bosn made for the 250 certificates sre toriite. vided as many a* received.” Edward l*>23 ,, , u h > ^ ^ In addition to the program by plate edocatic nal leaders a feature of the conference will be un address by Director S. A. Courtis of the Detroit public school#. M a n y N o t e d E d u c a t o r * . Other* who will take part in the program are the following: Dr. P. IE Horn, Lubbock; President F. M. Brab ley, Denton; Supt. C. O. Clough, t y ­ ler; Prof. H. H. J. Fling, Commerce; Prof. Bertram H arry; Dr. A. C. Ellis, Austin; Supt. F. G. Rand, M cGregor, Supt. A. B, C. Dean, Ro»t«»»iiwn«u*n«<>'»**iiH» mti MHimnmwtnfMMWi H’in****' PALACE BARBER SHOP J “ The Old Reliable" "Hall of Fam e" BILLY WOLF, Prop. f Ladies H aircutting a S p e c ia l f “ Next Door to Kress” MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP Driskill Hotel Building H air Bobbed, All Marinello Treatm ent* Artesian W ater Phone 4014 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmm Red Ball Bus Line H ea d q u a rters, R o g ers’ C a fe 3 1 4 C on gress A v en u e I Phone 6504. Car* hav e for San Antonio every hour on the half hour from 5:30 a. rn. to 6:30 p. rn. Special rates for large parties. 2 5 'mMwawwwtMwnwMnimwHtHiwitwMtwninwwwniiwnwnmimMmMtiBun Because the bulk of our business comes from old custo­ mers who know and appreciate high grade work and service— they bring us new customers. It is our desire to please you. Phone 6444. DRISKILL HOTEL LAUNDRY Do You Love Music? W e a re a lw a y s ab le to give y o u th e v ery la te s t o n — BRUNSWICK VICTOR COLUMBIA OKEH and PARAMOUNT Come in and hear them ISAAC BLEDSOE Fred Kingdon, Mgr. 821 Congress— P hone 6619 STADIUM FUNDS (Continued tm m page I) why students must mnki* first pay­ ment* Immediately. “The drive in Austin will start soon, and if all first all doubt re­ payment* are mud**, garding the sincerity of the student subscription# will be removed I rom the minds of the Austin business men.” The second reason he indicated is that excavation work will begin soon, and the executive committee must have $40 ,000 to complete this part o' the construction. Committee to M e e t . committee, The executive com­ posed of Stark, William L. McGill of Corsicana and W. H. Richardson, Jr., of Austin will meet this week to see the ground plan* which Herbert M. Green, stadium architect, will present and issue a call for bids on the ex­ cavation. The meeting will be held the day following the adjournm ent of the Board of Regents which meet# here Tuesday. Stadium official* expressed con aid arable surprise at the increase in the subscriptions. A shrinkage of some $2,000 or more, due to duplication# wa* expected, particularly by Harry D. Cross, expert adviser in charge ai the work. The stadium association will open end a pay-up campaign toward the of th;* week among the student body to bring in the am ount unpaid on th* m f CAMPUS SHOP E xpsrt Cleaning and Pawing for Men a:id Women phone 4998 INTERESTING TO EVERY PRETTY GIRL The pretty girl must be particular about her jewelry. Folks notice sharply what she wears — and comment on her taste and style. The lovely color effects, the modish designs, the smart styles, make our jewelry just the thing for the pretty girl. Right now we have displays just received of Fancy Bracelets, Colored Beads, and other dainty ornaments Spring fashions demand, which are especially interesting to every pretty girl. You will enjoy examining these. D o so. r s m i t h s _ _ [ FAIR AND W ARMER- the NO MATTER what report] "w eather man’s” reads for tomorrow — it I w ll be “l air and War-} as far as men's f e e t! mer concerned—in art* good-looking these N ew Spring W h ite’s C ollegian s’’ ii $7.50 have FIFTEEN — We snappy new Oxford styles for you to choose from- Radio Supplie* Curling Iron* Students* Lamps And All Other Kinds of Electrical Appliances John L. Martin 410 Congress Ave, Phone 3563 MAHJONG Is T ak in g th * C o u n try B y S to rm A complete set in bright colors, 144 tiles, 116 counters, 8 racks, 2 dice, book of rules and in­ learn structions; any one can the game in ten minutes. It s very fascinating. All in a ttrac ­ tive box. Sent postpaid on re­ c e p t of $1.00. Canada 25c extra T A BL E COVERS Very A ttractive Black Sateen Mah-Jong Table Cover, with col­ ored dragon designs, adjustable to any size card table; 16 coun­ ter pockets, striking colored stitched edges. E xtraordinary value. Special price C b in a -A m erica n Im p o rtin g C o. N ew Y ork I l l W est 6 6 th S t. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In T h e D a ily T e x a n D oe* Y o u r B u y in g and S e llin g F o r Y on O ffice: Main Building 155. Phone 3149 LOST AND FOUND LOST— A black silk parasol in T Hall on Thursday. Reward if returned t i to Texan office. LOST in Cafeteria Monday noon. Men’s purse containing $15. Reward 16 if returned to Texan Office. FOR RENT— For girls, one large room with ail conveniences, in pri­ vate home. Call at 1900 Nueces I® or ring 7414. ROOM AND BOA&D—For boy* wishing to make change for spring term . Ju st across street from Law Building. 2007 W ichita. Phone 4223. FOR RENT FOR RENT— Room with sleeping porch; also garage; 2309 Nueces j conveniences, $8.00, $9.00, PLEASANTLY furnished rooms up- stairs, best University section. All $10.00. — l l Board for six. Young men or cou­ 19 ples. 2503 Rio Grande. 3403. Street. Phone 3484. n t i l l l --- KHI FOR RENT— Large southeast room J with private bath, suitable for two TWO BOYS— A large, ----- ; ------ OVUM.- or three boys. Best of table board.) with south Call at 2500 Nueces S treet or phone — 11 ,535. cool room for spring term . Hot and cold w ater. Quiet place five blocks west of cam­ pus. Meals. Call 4433. sleeping porch FOR RENT— To boys, large south­ east fro n t room; I 1-2 blocks from campus, all modern conveniences, very cool for spring. Also garage in MALE H E L P W ANTED—Be connection or 22nd. Phone 872S. MALE HELP W ANTED separate. 206 East] BOARD AND ROOM INSTRUCTOR wishes quiet room near the University, with a pri­ vate family, where she may also have meals. Address Box 1927-R, Lni- — 1^ versity Station. BOARD AND ROOM— All conven­ 16 iences. 2208 Rio Grande. from University. Hot FURNISHED ROOMS— Two blocks cold water. All conveniences. One front room open for two men at present. 16 2506 Guadalupe. Phone 4122. and a newspaper correspondent with the Leacock plan and earn a good income while learning; we show you how; begin actual work a t once; all or spare tim e; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newspapers Training Bureau. Buf­ tf. falo, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS D A N C IN G — P r iv a te stu d io , 5 0 0 W . 31 et. P h o n e 7 6 1 2 . WILL PAY CASH for late model Rem iii gt on or Underwood typew rit- Must be in good condition and er. reasonably priced. Phone 8360. — l l Mr*. Nell Bum* h**I>ert D r e s s m a k in g 410 Littlefield Bldg. P h o n e 6901 - <5 all you EVER need pay for pure thread silk j sox. DRISKILL CAFE AND COFFEE SHOP A lw ays W elcom es Students and Faculty