Mmin & e x a t i First C o lle g e D aily in th e S ou th * V O L . XXII!. A U S T I N , T E X A S , S U N D A Y , A P R I L 8, 192 3 No. 142 TEXAS DEFEATS RICE OWLS IN TRACK AND BASEBALL It’s A Great T em ptation VV ; K S N A W 1 I g f Y A ' C A N T I N D U C C ^ M E - I ' M G O N N A ' (a ) O N c 'm o n l h H O M E A N ' G E T O P M Y L E S S O N S F E D J I M M I E - ? / £ckhardt and C lem en ts Pitch I ight G a m e R eceivin g G ood T eam Support Varsity Track Team Swamps Visitors In C onference Tilt Record GREATER UNIVERSITY EXTENSION PLAN S A S K FOR 29 N E W BUILDINGS POLL TIDIES WILL BE PUT OH SULE Half Mile of Conference Lowered By Reese By E. H. S te in h a g e n In a dual meet featured by the shattering of the Southwestern Con­ ference half mile record by Reese of Texas, championship-bound Longhorns swamped the Rice Owls by the overwhelming score of TLH 16 Saturday at Clark Field afternoon the MAJESTIC SILL EMN SI H J J . IO B P L ! Jim Reese, “T r iflin ’ T rio ” and “ W h istlin g B o y ” W in Much A p p l a u s e the sensational half miler of last year’s frosh team, beat out Coleman of Rice in one ut the most sensational and exciting runs that Clark Field has ever known, j Seven acts of a Majestic bill were jjy a number of co-eds of the His time of I minute 56.4 seconds lowers the Conference record of I Woman's Athletic Asseveration, Sat- minute 59.3 seconds held by (layer Urj ay ni^ht, followed by the regu- Aj1Ajnivt,rsitv dance. The acts of Baylor. By breaking this record L Reese wins the silver were highly appreciated by the au­ dience, especially the jazz songs by the “ Triflin’ Trio,” and the melo­ dies by the “Whistling Boy” which several encores, loving cup former By E le a n o r King track man. V ars it y Standoff, star Owl weight man, team, was high point man of his winning first place in the discus and rhot put. ^A^ffered by Mack Hodges, Y oungblood Win* Tw o Mil* Dewey Youngblood, Varsity “ Soldiers Five” a burlesque on j arm y life, was given by Thula Har- I die, Rosalie Biggin, Elizabeth Fish, two Dorothy Ogden and Dorothy Barnes, miler, upset dope by beating out h i s , This was followed by the “ Triflin’ two mile Trio,” Bess Nichols, Etelka Schmid teammate Trout in the run. Trout holds the Conference and Wilma Kirkpatrick, their dark- record in this event and in the past skinned bi ality outdoing that of the ace of spades itself The audience Y’oungblood has always been content seemed to appreciate the fact that with following T rout in a close sec­ ond. Now’ that Youngblood has de­ they were almost as gracious and generous in responding to apolause feated Trout, Varsity track follow­ the evening as was Galii-Curci of ers are impatiently waiting for the before. T hin the campus, while |i*ni4 "nfnxt nitwit v#ien (Trout will ^appeared f “Gaplain JKidd” with a I (be men will have the center of their deavor to regain his laurels. rattling rum, rum, rum On hand, Youngblood his husky knows now that he can beat Trout and he will not be content to finish in T rout’s dust. The proposed plan will place the interests of the women in the north- throat. “ The Celebrities Chorus” j u t of the darkness j west corner o{ I n te re st* C o n c e n tr a te d the other lost -o W ill P resent P roject at N ext Session of L egislature By C. M W r ig h t of the Present plans building committee of the University decree th at the Main and Education Build­ ings are to be the only perm anent ones on the campus. The Library, the Engineering Building, the Law Building, and the Woman’s Build­ ing are to be enlarged to suit the needs of the various groups and de­ the “ seat of partments. ( B. Hall, ii Jeffersonian Democracy” University, may eventually be torn for a more down constructed modern building unless preserved as a his­ torical, 'relic. ’The present pffan, under which 29 new buildings are to be built, was drawn up by H er­ bert M. Greene, architect of the University, in conjunction with Pro­ fessor J. M. White, architect of the University of Illinois. to make and room better U n iq u e B a llo t Box W ill Be P la c e d in Front of Library Building HALLIE E I S NOMINATED C eleb ra tio n W ill P lace S ea so n T ic k e ts on S ale T u esd a y at for 50 votes Poll-taxes for voting in the V ar­ sity Circus Queen’s race will be put on sale Monday morning 9 o’clock. The poll-taxes are in the form of booklets of 20 each. A poll- tax counting the contest. Each poll-tax will be num­ bered and only one vote will be east by a student, as each name will be checked. Petitions for nominations the Queen’s race may be pre- in o’clock Monday night, and voting begins Tuesday at 9 o ’clock. I I in S ta n d in g to be P o tte d race the Twelve nominations rn had been received at a late* hour Saturday night. These were Wini­ fred Smith, Dorothy Brown, Jose­ phine Gilliam, Stella Slade, Thula Bardie, Dorothy Nell Elliott, Maria Taylor, Margaret Schoch, Murrell May, Katherine Bates, Lynette On- stott, and Rachael Ainsworth. A blackboard with names of contes­ tants will be placid at the front of the Main Building Monday, and the ranking of candidates will be indi­ cated each day. A unique ballot box in the form of a big steer’s head will be placed the ! rented until Prize is Offered for Name for Sigma Delta Chi Comic „ A $15.00 cash prize for a name d n „ , n for the new Sigma Delta Chi comic j magazine, was announced Saturday by members of the organization. i . r* Brazelton W ill Be Editor-in-Chief of Comic Publication Simultaneously with the announce­ ment of the prize for the name for the magazine, which is permitted under a bill passed some time ago by the Students’ Assembly, the election of Julian Brazelton, senior academic student, as editor of the magazine was made public. . H a c k le r B e a ts S t in n e tt Dope also received another up­ set when Hackler nosed Stinnett out ^r: the IOO yard dash. Hackler has developed wonderfully this year un ­ der the excellent tutelage of Coach Littlefield and Stinnett will certain­ ly haw to step to beat Hat iller in the future. Particularly gratifying to Coach in yesterday’s nR*et was Littlefield the fast time made by Texas’ relay team, running without competition, as Rice did not enter a team. The time made was 3 minutes 27.3 sec­ onds just I second over the Con­ In a competitive ference record. run Littlefield’s should proteges smash this record with ease. track captain, in Jackson, Frosh an exhibition broad showed Varsity how it should be done, with inches. J a c k ­ a jump of 22 feet % son will certainly be a valuable a d ­ team of dition to Varsity’s track jump 1*924. Venne of Carlisle, acted as refer- ■ ee and starter and performed his duties in a highly satisfactory man- i ner and the speed the I events were run off were greatly large and en­ the appreciated by thusiastic crowd. Dr. Ettlinger was field judge and his work was of the same high calibre as Venne’s. S u m m a r y of Event* in which IOO yard dash—Hackler (Texas) first, Stinnett (Texas) second; time 10.1 seconds. Shot p u t—Standoff first, (Texas) second; distance (Rice) Dayvault j 40 feet 8 inches. Pole vault— McCorquodale (Tex­ as) first, Barmore (Texas) second; I height, 11 feet. I mile run— Loop first, Gardner (Texas) second; time, 4:35. (Texas) (Continued on page 8) C A L E N D A R S u n d a y Dr. W ebb, a t Texa* T h e a tr e , at ,JO a.m. Se rv ice s cbu re b e l, at l l a .m . p.m. all U n iv e rsity L o n g h o rn B an d, S Hall, 2 :3 0 rolling from ; activities in the south-east part of j *n ^ront lib r a r y Building | and pictures of contestants will be , the campus. The B i e lb y Build,ng poat(,d on a bu,|etin boar(] n(,ar the will be the first to be constructed, but as to where it will be located the committee has not yet decided. tbt‘ The campus will, took down the house as well as a few out­ standing individualities of the cam­ pus. Miss Newton marched in re­ peating her slogan “ fn this big Uni­ if the present versity of ours, we can’t dos anything plans materialize, extend to Waller without organization.” Miss Hiss Creek on the east and to Guadalupe entered wearing ber patriotic yellow .Street on tne west. The shacks will and white and passing Tier enthus­ be torn down, and permanent build- iasm on the girls with her staccato “ Won’t it be fu n !” Colonel Prater I ings t0 ^ c o m o d a to 15,000 students rushed up The athletic in ' fielda wiU be on the cast of Speed* Then her nonchalant way, with con' tie beneath her. chin, counting o b s t r u c t e d for each sport. A the number of Coke’s consumed by stadlum her that day. Dr. Roe brought in near Waller Creek. to pat the pretty girls I w,li be constructed. is to be built on the ground .ailed Miss McClatchy seParate field bein* flowing way’ a large in B u ild in g C o m m itte e place of voting. In addition a For­ tieth Anniversary Celebration hap­ penings will be featured on a bul­ letin board, by Cill Murphree, of­ ficial artist for the publicity divi­ sion. A Cowboy will be in c h a r g e ! ^ used,” consolation prizes in of the ballot box during all hours of the day. According to plans announced S a t­ urday, the competition for the name of the magazine will open Monday, and will close the following Sunday. Although members of Sigma Delta Chi declare that only “one name can the form of a three, two and one year’s subscription to the magazine are of­ fered A name which is short, eas- the celebration jjy pronounced and remembered and; f o r ! will also be issued to any persons dUWnctive 0, Xexas {, deHiri.d who wish to sell them. The person to whom the poll-tax booklet is is- sued will be held responsible fo r o( the new comic Saturday night, individual votes contained Brazelton declared th a t the date has the 2 0 out in it. Each poll-tax will be sold for not yet been decjde(1 s(,,,Jre 2R cents. The following persons that it was fir, t neC(.ssary when asked about the first issue1 the maga2inei it„ ia declared C o m m itte e to Sell Poll Tax Seaaon tickets to inti J U L IA N B R A Z E L T O N Julian Brazelton, senior academic (Continued to page 8) ©--------- IAIA WILL BEAD FROM x* P™fxsa.ra*. t ma Tuesday morning: Elizabeth Eek- pn tl]rf The present building committee will begin the sale in n m n n o o ii 'i* ^composed, of Professor J. MT. ford, Blossom (Lusk, Louise Stev-i ° Bryant, of the engineering depart­ ment; Professor S. Mt Gideon of the ens, Katrina Kirby, Julia McVicar,' at department of architecture; Dr. W. Ina Williams, Fairfax Nesbit, Cam- T. Mather of ment; Professor Casteel of the de- j Bass, Etta Gilbert, Robert G. Bled- future Any person may turn in as ! ? partment of Zoology; L. Thee. Bell. joe, Boone Crisp, Porter Lou C a l - |many as five names communitation, 1 the fft*neral atudont body- i mont, director of physical training noun, Judith Porter, Clara Steger, j poll-taxes , name for Hie' magazine before"* “ .“ t ! " * ’ wiU ” rTe » editor-tn-ehi.f n e w kigma *)e!ta C h l comic , Publication. He is well known on th, campu, for hu art w(jrk on th«tt ,<:tud#nt Publications. Other expected in the near Jnember® of fhp staff w»!l be Be­ tryouts of persons from contest is to run only one week mdi however according to VL h,-. * soma the physics depart-! eron Fairchild, Helen Rimes, Rick cumjc may addressed to the editor of th(, T h f« ,.t ™ e U H U“ ‘ . I vanous 0---------- _ N U,K- lx>mse *««.,<* T • _ of ti *v f . ’ Tales o f U n c le R em u s” F e a ­ tures P rogram at Public R e a d in g ..................... ................■*»*•“*» and Dr. H. Y. Benedict, dean o f Pete Fulcher Anne Dennis, Marcel- comie> at the office of The Teian the College o f A rts a I). publication of a comic maga- wv Dr. W. J. Battle, Profeaaor of c la ^ j Midkiff, R. Barrow Kidd, Dick Bla- zine wag approved HveraJ monthg Meal languages, is chairman of the lock, George Kimble George T. I ag# by ^ StadenU. Assembly. The building committee, but during his Kirksey, Marjorie Thompson Sugg, M om s | Tlw Bugg, la Walker, J. . . . _ and Sciences aiorrisI and m partment will read from the “ Tales absence Professor J. M. Bryant is Robert Kinnaird. from Uncle Remus” by Joel Chand- acting chairman. ler Harris at the regular public reading, Thursday afternoon at 5 o’clock u ; . © - IK1 tee is conducting hearirun* fnr th* * * A C U L I I W IIN3 IN iarjoua At the present time the commit- ' The Uncle Remus stories are one needs, and plans*will noon be m ade' j , C H ESS T O U R N A M E N T o______ :______ bill giving the journalistic fra te rn ity ’ permission to operate a tamed for the Aaeembiy a su p e rs- K,ory control over the magazine, and j result of two years work to I comic ** ma tw elve captains of th e meet each night d u rin g the com ing meet each night d u rin g the com ing week a t the U n iversity Methodist church for the purpose of making have rep o rts on w hat is being done. P L A N S M A D E T O H O U S E GAMES ARE PLAYED com plete darkness, before a pitch THREE FRATERNITY black house, And sounds come out o f the shadows, u n n atu ra l sp irit sounds, hum an vorc^s alme st the inhum an w ith stro n g em otion, ------------------- team s will voices of the dead and th e g ro an s of the dying. Though you be one of you the the close of find you sittin g on I'mt act will the edge of your chair, and clutch* ing a t your neighbor. secu rin g prom ises fo r lodging places fo r con ­ te s ta n ts In tersch o lastic in te r-fra te rn ity Le ague S ta te M eet M ay 3, 4 and 5, r e ­ baseball d u rin g the past week solicitors will v isit all houses in the sulted in D elta Sigm a Phi w inning U niversity neighborhood w ithin a >ver T heta Xi in L eague B, Pi Kap- pa Alpha over Phi Gamma Delta in few weeks, according*to T. H, S ib l­ by, d ire c to r o f extension. Mr. Shel­ League* C, arid Delta Kappa Epsilon over A cacia in L eague D, by e s timn es th a t 2,500 persons will fit! <*rui the con­ take p a r t tests. Several gam es w ere postponed by next week, people who boast no nerves, the fra te rn itie s u n til T hree gam es of It E d u c a t i o n F u n d Th* fund purpose Texas th a t F o r arid th e the of in in when the league cham pions will be determ ined. The finals on May 2. com e A s has been th** custom lit planned to lodge m any o f these ta k ­ ing p a rt in the con tests at f r a te r ­ nity houses. IL L U ST R A T E D LECTURE ON E G Y P T TO BE G IV E N and “ King T ut-A nkh-am en th* D ust of E g y p tian K ings” is the su b ­ je c t of an illu strated lectu re to be given u n d er the supervision of th e Division o f V'isual In stru c tio n in K J Hall 5 a t 7:30 W ednesday night. T he lectu re will probably be d e­ livered by associate p ro fesso r J. E. the d ep a rtm e n t o f A n­ Pearce o f thropology. O ver six ty new and a t ­ received tractiv e slides have been I lately and will be used to illustrate n ig h t at 7:15. M em bers o f both dean of incom ing and outgoing cabinets re quested make therefor. to be p resen t. the College of A rts, and application w ritten formal PR E S ID E N T . BL Y. BENEDICT. GOVERNMENT SEM INAR will hold open m eeting M onday evening at 7 :30 in room 158 M. B. B. F. W R IG H T, JR. IMPORTANT MEETING o f Gamma Alpha Chi, W ednesday at 5. PRESIDENT. T i n : TGI MERRITT M e n o ra h /; ISo- ciety will m eet S unday, A pril 8 a t 4 o ’clock. T here will be a m eet­ ing of the executive com m ittee a t 3 o ’clock. PRESIDENT. FR E SH M E N AND _ claus swim m ers JUNIOR at m eet Co-ed Deep the lectu re. Thee* slides ere c o m -1 A LL C A N D ID A TES fo r the teach- Eddy! M onday " it 4-AO,'also’ n t f Z posed of re c e n t p ic tu re s o f the en-. tran c e and in terio r o f the tom b o f Ju n e , King T ut-ankh-am en and o f E g y p tjc a ll at once a t in g eneral. The public is cordially invited. e r ’s diploma to be this y ear, are th e req u ested to Tuesday. o ffice of the MISS ADELE KIMM. awarded in m ores and seniors who ca n n o t m eet O- ..... ; " i n t u r n iiTiiii i * i w i m w i — im * i iii im i OFFICIAL NOTICES HHHWWWHWWIWmillWIWIIIlmillUMIIMWWIIIII—IWWIIIIIHMIIWIWMHWWWWWM SUPPER W ILL be served S unday evening a t the F acu lty W om en’s Club. R eservations m ust be m ade by noon S atu rd ay . SOCIAL COMMITTEE. ALL GIRLS wanting to take fifty- mile hike see Miss Hiss Monday. MANAGER.* THERE WILL be installation pro­ gram for the incoming officers o f the Y. M. C. A. cabinet Tuesday D O N N E L L Y & W H ITE Phone 6131 Plumbing and Heating Contractors 905 Congress Ave. i moon**4*'.fttnim I =g 'Hill*t*M*i.‘Ut £ £ Q U E E N S u n d ay, M onday, T uesday and W ednesday PT* *entt ^ j a c k i e * OGAN D irec ted by E. M ason H o o p er You alw ays know th e re ’s jo y in jto re when th e Kid com es to to w n — and in “ D addy” you'll fin d th e m ost ad o rab le Jac k ie you've ev e r known. A te n d e r little sto ry filled w ith la u g h te r and h e a rt throbs. A lso S h o w in g t k r A i tm N ew C h ristie C om ed y and P a th e N ew s ... Hmm*. *■»»» % each Wear Modes A r e s m a r t th is seaso n o ffe rin g a v a re ity in sty le fro m th e sim ple s w im m in g c o stu m e to th e loveliest fashioning s of fabric a n d color. N o w is th e tim e to choose. “ Swimmin’ Day s” a r e here, and here, too, is just the b a t h i n g suit you want. The plain, good, heavy, all-wool suits ar e very a t t r a c t ­ ive, with th e sh irt sewed on at the waist, in black, navy and o the r colors. Priced at $ 6 .5 0 The plain suits, w ith the skirts slashed up the side ar e very attractive, in the d a r k e r colors bound with a bright er color, or t h e bright color suit in a more somber tone. Iii all the new colors. Price dat $ 8 .5 0 The fancy suits— each a style all its own— trimmed in silken braids an d some with knitted girdles of vari- color silk, in th e new shades of cyclamen, current, scarlet, pansy and the d a r k e r colors. Priced at $ 1 2 .5 0 and $ 1 3 .5 0 i 5a a i I a a a a 5 B 3 I I I s ARE YOU COING APTER THAT $10? u a q s i t y s BrRTHDflV PARTY/ 0 r % \ y & P O ^ T I G T H A N N I U G R S A f t V C E L E B R A T I O n urtiD €R srrv o f t e x a s A Icw minutes thought m ay bring you a bran d new, clean, crisp, m i l k y $10 bill, fresh from Uncle Sa m ’s p r i n t i n g off ice . j V\ i ii*- h abort, pithy phrase or sentence embodying the spirit of lh** big F O R TIETH ANNIVERSARY C E L E B R A ­ TION to bi* held May 10-11-12. Take it to T Hall I, before 5 p.m. Wednesday, April l l . Each student may subm it 3 slogans. AA rite them all on on** sheet of paper, and {Hit your nam e I and address at th** top. '■ i I ii I i l l 11 I i I I ii * 11 || C H E A P D E N T I S T R Y D entistry too cheap, like everyth ing else*, is m oney w asted. No one is in tere ste d in a cheap jo b. The m an who does th e work is disgusted both with the jo b and th e one who em ploys him. D en tiairy too high in price is fo r those who d o n ’t care fo r expenses. Good work a t a reasonable price has builded us a good business and a good re p u tatio n . Good work is the bi st advertiser* If you w an t to pay th e biggest pr e** possible go to the cheapest place in tow n. No unnecessary trip s to o u r office w»* do y o u r w*.rk now. W hen you think o f teeth , think o f— D R . G U F F I N T W E N T Y Y E A R S E X P E R I E N C E N O S T U D E N T S E M P L O Y E D 6 1 2 1-2 C o n g r e s s A v e n u e A u s t i n , T e x a s P H O N E S : 7 8 3 9 j 3 6 0 0 THE BLUEBONNET SHOP “Q u a lity for th e D isc rim in a tin g ” I I | *i*M*uii»«ii«HiiimiHM»ii«i*wniiiiimsniiMii«iHiim»ii(iit«i«««iiHii,iiin»itHmiiHiiitiitiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiitii)iiiiiiiiMiiii»,Mmiiiuiuii*«rt*tiiiMiiHiiiiiiitirt*iiiiiKiiM«iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMit(tiiiJiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiniimimiiiti*'tmmiH*.i .i ■*• i minim tm ttm m iuiM * u n til* » iii’i * ' ' ' 'iii'iiu iim itim m M iiiiim L jw d im tm im n n m n n iiH m M n in m iim tm m M m iim m tm iiM iim m iiim iiim n im m im ittiim tiiiim m m im iiiiim im m tu m iiiin m m iH m im im im itm tim iiiiiiiiiiim iiiM iM m iiii.i *» MMiiiMiiUiMniiuiiiJiiiimiiiiMnuw ■ If I Were Twenty-One— \ \ hen you w ant the BES I in candies REMEMBER OUR NORRIS CANDY DEPARTMENT E ith e r in b u lk or in b o x es— F re s h ev ery day. Griffith Drug Co. \ \ ILLI A M M A X W E L L , s a le s m a n a g e r of th e I h o m a s E. E diso n Co., says, “ lf I w e re tw e n ty -o n e again, I w o u ld not seek a salaried posi- # tion of a n y so rt until I w a s tw enty-five. ‘Instead I w o u ld b e c o m e a s a le sm a n o r ca n v a sse r on a com m ission I can conceive of no basis, a n d I w o u ld do so b e fo re I le ft college. b e tte r w a y to develop b usiness b a c k b o n e a n d s ta m n ia in a y o u n g m an Selling m e rc h a n ­ th a n to give him s o m e th in g to sell o n com m ission. dise on com m issio n serv e s g ra p h ic a lly to im p ress on a y o u n g m a n s m in d the all im p o rta n t fact th a t t h e b ig g e r re w a rd s in b u sin ess a re m e a su re d b y resu lts th a t can a c tu a lly be seen, a n d not b y re su lts th a t m u st be e s tim a te d or c o n je c tu re d . | B. W. Owens I At Y. M. C. A. C. C. Engle C aptains o f T w e lv e T ea m s W ill M eet E ach N ig h t D uring C om ing W eek Growth of the Daniel Fund from , in nine years is at $750 to $7,'GO fact of which the Methodist stu­ dents of the* U niversity of Texan j may well be proud. B ut pride in their accomplishments has not pre­ vented interested mem- hers o f the student body, under the leadership o f Miss Mary Elisabeth Decherd, in stru c to r in p ure mathe­ matics, from making another praise­ worthy attempt to enlarge that fund even more. the more is for the purpose of supplying educational and religious the children o f the to advantages Brazilian republic who otherwise would be denied the privilege of those advantages . . It is estimated that five cents a t . k . . . . . . ______ day p er capita of th e M ethodist stu dents now in atte n d a n c e the com ing year would three , tim es the am ount im m ediately need- furnish , for . , . . . . . in his ever m ade. the Texas Theatre Monday T uesday Thomas Meighan who comes to and la te s t P aram o u n t j picture “If You B elieve It, Its So” o ne of t h e b ^ C pictures he has, t ] It is in a class with the “ Miracle Ma t i " which was considered one of ■ 'in win" ii vol-. uuisiuriKU urn* o . , r In thL I th e best pictures ev e r m ade. : p ictu re, “ If You Believe It, Its So” . I Thom as Meighan is ably supported S ta rk , Cha* Ogle and j»au jjn( u . . . . . . . . , . , *u Back in l * 14,11 l u l l , J . W, Daniel, w h o : ,r . , „ 1 i rn n * i k career f , was during his University interested in missionary work, was the University of graduated from Texas. Afte r he was made a minis­ ter of the Methodist church he was strut to the State of Rio Grande de hoi in the southern part of Brazil for the purpose a school. He the j little town of Paseo Funds. That was in 1814. The Texas students de­ cided to aid him in his work. o f finally settled founding in With their help, Mr. Daniel has completed the building o f a church, a school budding, a dormitory, and a year opened pa m enage. The last February. school Team Captains Mn j»*»t ic and Cecil B. De Mille lots surpassed w eek’s run, Th** allegorical scenes d epicting prim itive man his m ating are a rtistic and colorful, A d elightful and in tere stin g plot runs the th ro u g h o u t th e play rn et ta m orphos is of m odern flapper. B ecause of th e special m erit of the production a rra n g e m e n ts have been m ade to hold it over in A ustin for to giv<- everyone the en tire week an o p p o rtu n ity to se** this wonderful picture. showing the The team Crescent Known as one of th their lieutenants that ap­ pointed,' and who are to begin work Monday, follow: captains nave and been most rial blooded ac to rs on screen, Her- bort Ha Winston h as n ev er had a part more fitte d to his personality ad v enturous than the role of the I hero in “ Urie W onderful N ight,” I the feature a ttra c tio n a t the Cres­ cent Theatre S unday, Monday, Tties- j day and Wednesday o f this week. th rillin g C aptains: Lillian Baldwin, Her­ man Brannigan, Frances Cox, Clara Lee Crook, Ruth Crozier, Edith Fox, Claudia H climes, Frances Helium, B. H. Peacock, Louise Rounds, Roland Vnight and M. K. Smith. Lieuten- ants: Marguerite Helium, George, Decherd, G eorge M ahon, Edith Jackson, Catherine Cook, Johnnye f V <*nf u*e, ort Gilkemon, Terrell Sledge, Clarence m tm‘ Johnson, Lawrence Fitzgerald, Her man Klaproth, Bert Dipple, K. Kil- in tbat time what patrick. Harold King, sa or. Sara M ajors, W. S. HighmithJ bl“ r^ u*P«cttfl of crim e during «• Simpson, Sub in M arshall, Brow n,«* W illie Cam pbell, B ernice W hiteley, R. Br > ant and David Johnson. ,y0U m i i and rnnrru'd * »HHon dol­ would you do? Sara Ram- . SW<>*« also that you might have that time, and been the ts r e n t u t •> crmnn tim e, and been the ta rg e t o f a g an g o f crooks? Romance, m ystery ^ n d all tak e space of a night, place If T hese ar© — 0 ™---------- — THEA TRES rrsi T H E A T R E C A L E N D A R H a n t o t k : “ T h e T h i r t e e n t h C h eir," M o n d a y . T e x * * : Thorn** M e i g h a n in “ i f Y ou B e li e v e So,"* M o n d a y T u e s d a y . a n d C r e s c e n t : H e r b e r t R a w l i n s o n in “ O n e W o n d e r f u l N i g h t , ” S u n d a y , M o n d a y , T u e s d a y a n d W e d n e s d a y . in ’‘A d ­ M a j e s t i c : M ilto n S il ls a m ’* R i b , ” all w e e k . Q u e e n : J a c k i e C o o g a n in “ D a d ­ d y ," S u n d a y , M o n d a y a n d T u e s ­ d a y . Hancock t few ‘of th e ju s t a things th at befell John I). C u rtis on the f irs t night o f his re tu rn from five y ears sp en t in China, Between th e hours of sunset and sunrise he j found more real rom ance and ad- * v en tu re than in ail those five y ears • f travel. “ S pu n k ” P earl W hite in J i Lewis S erg e an t and the universal com edy com pletes this ex­ first fo u r cellen t program f o r the ■lays a t the ( rescen t T heatre. in “ P ean u ts,” -o— HORSHOE PITCHING CONTEST A N N O U N C E D Before the end of the spring term there will be an intramural horse­ the shoe pitching tournament University^ aecokcbngj to an a n ­ nouncement by B. M. W hitaker, di- :**ctor of (Intramural athletic* inj fraternities the University. and departments o f the University ***», w v All V I I I U at I M onday evening a t the Hancock, will be eligible to e n te r team s re*.eat fo r th e Curtain Club will “ So f a r as I know ,” W hitaker the last time th** play th at took Aus- said, “ the University of Texas is the tin th e a re -g o e n by storm two w eeks) only college or university th at has avo. Ob aeeoum o f the u n p le a s a n t! in troduced horseshoe pitching as a w eather prevailing and oth er c ir - 1 re g u la r sport in in tram u ra l sports* which prevented a nam - T here will be a big horseshoe to u r ­ e r of people from seeing the pro- nam ent in Houston next Septem ber the and we are hoping that the cham ’ d u ct ion, H ancock has m ade a special request* pion of the University in o u r spring th a t this play re tu rn fo r another ] to u rn am e n t will be able to win the * cham pionship o f th e S outhw est a t p er ormance. plot “T h irteen th I H ouston.” the management The the of of 0 ______ the mys­ the last! the cen ter of at-! D epartm ental C hair ’ is one of the moat involved! and nerve-racking. of all fo r tery plots teat have few y earj held ten n is s ta rts Mon- te f ih s t on the Am erican stage, In ^hy, A pril I*. The rep resen tativ es each d ep a rtm en t will be f i r s t it, almost every element creatio n of an almost unbearable determ ined, and then elim ination J nerve te n d o n is utilized. A g re a t * iil start. The finals will be staged! p a r t o f DEPARTMENTAL TENNIS the firs t a c t is played in j A pril 28. io Mm T H E D A IL Y T E X A N new-comers. principal pitchers on roster F rogs’ the Horned and will well bear Scott defeated B aylo r’s own Teddy Lyons and held the Bears to fo u r hits in the opening game of the year, and T. C. U. has two of the best catchers in the C onference in Meads and Tankersly. The re ­ maining portion o f the Horned F ro g learn is composed of a grand assort­ ment of baseball' stars. Along with Baylor and S. M. II., the Aggies have a dependable pitching statf, composed of Olsen and Gill of wat ch j ng the last y e a r’s team and McCready and Rogers, Other hurlers who look very promising are Griffin, Graves, Andover, Koerth, and P rew itt. Forgason, last y e a r’s catch­ er will p erfo rm behind the mask again this year. B radford and Dodge will be his assistants. The Aggie in­ field looks good with the veterans, Morris and Wilson, to c u t up around the keystone sack and with Steine- ker, a I reshman product at first, and P uckett at third. Chapman, Forga- p 0uard and Melton, are not expected son, Simpson, and Womack will com- pose the Aggie outfield, which seems to be the weakest link in the F a rm e r But they have a b etter excellent pitching staff, ect the title to any g reat two fa ir pitchers Rice, with Rice Owh ex­ an in te n t except indirectly in helping the percentage of other teams. The Owl infield will probably line up as fol­ Irvine, first; Adams, second; lows: W atters, sho rt; and Swartz, third. Hale is expected to do the receiving for the Owls. The outfield is still an uncertain problem fo r their coach Phil Arbuckle. Little dope can be spilled upon either the Oklahoma Aggies or the Arkansas Razorbacks a t the present time. Texas with a powerful infield, fair outfield, prom ising and steady catching and William J. Disch pitching, Page 3 will launch their vessel upon the base bailie sea and wait a t yonder port for the finish. Will the schooner “ Longhorn” come ailing into the tw elfth championship p e n n a n t un­ furled from the m asthead? T h a t is the h a r b o r with question __ T h ere w ill be no regret* if you buy th at P a ll T a x R eceip t n ow . Advertise in the DAILY TEX AN / ! 0 <5 rrn N ew and “Special 99 -are the charming frocks, suits and wraps being shown for the early Spring Days. The Easter Season is past, and the Lovely Models be­ ing shown now are the ones that Fashion favored. -Lovely Dresses in plain and printed silks, in all the styles and c o l o r s that Spring admires. -The new Tailleurs of Silk and Smart Woolens are Irresistable, and the models shown are the latest creations. -Captivating styles in Capes and Coats for Spring are being shown, there is, here, a large and varied collection, embracing everything that is smart and distinctive. You will find them tar amead in smart­ ness, tailoring, and value. . ■ < t J.C. LYNCH W omen’s Exclusive Ready-to-Wear 9th and Congress © © % <3 id i n Host of Thrills Predicted In Race For Diamond Honors an d a good infield that indicates that the Aggies will have their hat in the rin g for the championship. A t T. C. U. “ Kid” Nance, veteran T. C. U. coach and form er profes- sioal ball player and m anager, who has been try in g to beat “ Uncle Billy” last year, and promise to ed will have another fling a t in H. H. House, who played profes sional baseball in the American As- Disch in baseball ever sine© he stari- sociation the make tro ub le in the race u nder his Longhorn m ento r this year. And tutelage. ’Weak coaching had been from all outlooks the fling will be a one of the handicaps of the Aggies dangerous one. T. €. U. also has a fo r several seasons and House is ex­ little mound corps all her own. Wrard, th a t fault. pected T u rn e r, Wood, and Scott a re 3 the I Austin College, with machine, f o r Be A g g i e C o a c h th e c h a m p i o n s h i p B y G e o r g e T. K i r k t e y Texas A . and M. has a new coach B a s e b a l l in t h e S o u t h w e s t e r n C o n f e r e n c e i w u n g u n d e r w a y o n T ex a s A g g ie s W ill A lso Stron g A sp ira n ts for C h am p ion sh ip t h e p a s t w e e k a t T u e s d a y o f W a c o w h e n t h e B a y l o r B e a r * , r u n n e r i - u p f o r t h e t i t l e la s t y e a r , ru n n in g m ate last year, and bids fa ir to make th e Baylor institution forg et the genial Johnny. Red Gore and ! Connally, two more m em bers of the WILL BL S IB B E T OPPONENTS DF TEXAS w e r e b o w l e d o v e r b y T . C . U . b a b y m e m b e r o f th e c o n f e r e n c e , in ^ h i t t e r h u r li n g d u e l b e t w e e n L y o n s o f t h e B e a r s a n d S c o t t o f t h e H o m e d , F r o g s w h ic h e n d ­ e d 2 t o I . T h a t g a m e m a r k e d t h e o p e n i n g o f a s e a s o n t h a t is e x p e c t e d t o w i t n e s s t h e g r e a t e s t r a c e t h e p a s t d e c a d e h a s c o n t r i b u t e d to t h e p a g e * o f c o l l e g e b a s e b a l l in M. I', team cracks because of its new players throw n to g e th e r on the same team fo r the first tim e they will bear watching in the race. The Mustangs Cub team , are also likely prospects suffered two d efeats a t the hands of fo r the B ears’ pitching staff. The the Dallas Texas League club, and Baylor infield is s tro n g e r than it was also two losses aga in st Austin Col- to I and lege, by the scores of 2 last year. Wilkerson is on first, Cov­ 6 to 5. Dallas is well along in their ington, last y e a r’s catcher, is on sec­ train in g and were due to beat the ond, Strickland on short, and Collier Mustangs. I on third. Wilkerson and Collier are th eir s ta r flinger, Littlejohn, work- coach, new-comers on the B ear ro ster bu t I they are good men, especially the la t­ ing have as good a club as any Con­ ference team can boast of. S. M. U. te r who is being touted as the s ta r will be in striking distance to h ea r of the Baylor nine fo r the coming th e final gong, m ark t h a t down. season. Covington has been shifted to second base because of the ineligi­ bility of Captain B. J. P ittm an, whose loss will h u r t the Bears a little. “ C o u n try ” Williamson, outfielder on the team last year, has been shifted behind the b a t to replace Covington and leaves nothing to be desired by Coach Bridges. The only portion of the Baylor team th a t can be w eaker than last year is the outfield, which has lost all three members. Marshall and Crosby, being out of school and Williamson now doing catching duty. and Connally, c e n te r and ful and experienced guidance of the rig ht field, respectively, and Lyons peer of college baseball coaches rn or Freeze will play in le ft field when these parts. William John Disch by the o ther is in the box. Lyons and name, has swept over all opposition Freeze are both exceedingly heavy for eleven consecutive in her championships. Last yea r by a phe-. nomenal s p u rt in the final days of pre-season games against St. Ed- the Conference race the Longhorns wards, which team she defeated 7 to nosed Baylor University o u t a t t h e , 0 and 7 to 2, and against Waco of wire for th e pennant. This season the Texas Association, which she wal- B aylor again looms up very n e a r and loped 8 to I. And B aylor m ust be very dangerous ready to sprin g upon counted In on this baseball race. They the title and snath it from th e car- are not easy to fo r g e t and conse- quently they rem em ber how they lost ressing arm s of the Longhorns. last year a f te r to Texqs Coach it won. lains in the story. As dangerous as practically having the Bears su ppo rters Bridges’ ambition is to bea t Texas would not worry overtime figuring in baseball and this may be his sea- out how they could' bea t the B ears if son to howl, they were the only serious co ntend­ ers. The question is how are the other two aspirants, S. M. U. and Texas A. and M., going to be dis- S. M. U. appears to be posed of. a trifle s tro n g er than the Aggies and about on par with Baylor and T e x a s . Texas University, u n der the care- Roach will hold pitcher-outfielder, down B ut B aylor is only one of the vil- the looked excellent to fully rem edy are, Texas to j hitters. e> D a r k H o r a e I seasons Baylor title rn THE S U M M E R GIRL OF NINETEEN- Twenty-Three— We have anticipated here every heart’s desire in pretty Hats and now present them in an intimate display of all new models. Our summer styles show awaits you today, to­ morrow and all this week. ■I SNAMAN’S Ladies’ Exclusive Ready-to-Wear Millinery this S. M. U. may be term ed the dark horse of the race. W ith the best m aterial th a t the Mustangs have ever had a t the disposal of Ew ing Free- land, new football and baseball coach a t the Dallas school, th e Bronchos look like they are going to have a c u t a t the championship cake. Three s ta r flingers, M atthews, Becker, and Bassinger, southpaw, ap p e ar to give the Mustangs a swell chance to tu rn the tide of defeats which they have suffered continually fo r several years season. into a championship the Mus­ M atthews has been with tangs for two years, b u t th e o ther two h u rlers come up from the F resh­ man C aptain Runnels and Thompson, both excel­ lent hitte rs and with good throw ing arms, will bear the catching. The infield is composed of fo u r new men, b u t they a re old, ex­ It shapes up perienced ball players. first; Bedford, this w ay: Sanders, second; Stollenwerck, and Pearson, third. All fo u r men are real players in every sense of the word and rank with the best in the C onference. Bishop, Leonard, Rei- sor, Stevens, and MacBrooks will do the outfield fo r the patrol d u ty in the S. Crimson and Blue. Unless the b ru n t of last year. team of sh o rt; £ W a tch th e b u lle tin b oard for th e sta n d in g o f th e ca n d id a te* in th e Q u e e n ’* R a ce. --------- o--------- “ M y k in g d o m for a Q u e e n !” j l j said th e stu d e a* h e p u rch a sed || | a P o ll T a x R e c e ip t w ith h is la st j jj | q u arter. Spring Time has come and that means new clothes times. But w h y not get out that dress you admired so much last spring and let us fix it up like new? Our dry cleaning process will clean the most del­ icate fabric and will not harm the gayest, bright­ est color. Try us. l «iiinmLiiiiHmi:iiirirfHiiiki,iiiiiimwiiuii,unMMBBBWiwwiiiinnnnnni»roniiiiBiia iiiwiiiiBuniiB BiiiiB WWifliiniinwinmiiwiiMWiiiiHninHiHtiintiiiiii^ life i — w ilt— n w n m m i w i — ■ iim H H iim im tm utiiiM m m m im iM m ..m im inniiM .H u ; . n c n n > m m m u i K i u m t n n u n n n i i t w i i n n m i n i i i n i n n i i n i i n ' » t n m ^ ^ | ' ■miW tiiwm iM iM iiM NRnm m iliitM M gtrike three! j | | Orphan, Now, w h a t is he when he eats his idiot. “ Right; in the center of things,” U n i v e r s i t y P r e s b y t e r i a n t t Q u e s t io n n a ir e * t What in a cannibal when he de­ vours hi* mother’s sister? Ant-eater, foolish. What is a cannibal when he eats .Hfcuck between the second and third! floors Bird* W e C a n ’t A b id e hick who wears white cotton The socks. The one who calls up and insists throughout incog, upon remaining the conversation. The one 4/*> ho alway* pipes up with the exact number of chapters when the p ro f asks, “ Now, did I as­ sign you a lesson for today?” The goof who insists on hanging around the classroom long after the rest of the class has walked, on the bare chance that the pro f might ap­ pear and assign a quiz for the next hour. The transfer who says that Texas ought to be run like T. C. U. What Is Doing the Churches U n i v e r s i t y B a p t i s t at Rev. A. L. Auliek, pastor. IO school .Sunday o ’clock. I Morning services at ll o’clock. S ub -1 ject, “ The Christian Aspect of the! her j Immigration Problem.” Special mu-j 1 sic by the choir. B. Y. P. U. services I at 6:45. The subject of the Sunday night services will be “ Another Boy Lost in A ustin.” A student quartet! and the choir will give special music. I U n i v e r s i t y M e th o d is t Rev. K, P. Barton, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30. Morning All S a i n t s ’ C h a p e l Rev. Frederic J. Bate, rector. Holy Communion at 7:30 a. rn. j Church school and Bible classes at 9:30. Holy Communion and serviced at 11 o ’clock. Evening services at 8:00 o’clock. S t. A u s t i n ’* C h a p e l Father J. 0 . Ross, pastor. Low mass at 7 :Q0. High mass at 10:00 and sermon. Evening serv­ ices at 7:30. Rev. Lawrence H. Wharton, pastor. .Sunday school at IO o’clock. At the morning services there will be the installation of the new' officers elect, four of w*hom are University stu­ dents. Following there will be the quarterly Communion service. The Young People’s Christian Endeavor will meet at 7:00 o’clock. A special program has been planned for this meeting regarding the Young Peo­ ple’s Conference at Kerrville toa be held in July. Subject of the evening service will be “ A Man and His Shadow.” T e x a s B i b l e C h a ir Rev. Frank L. Jew ett, pastor. Services at 11 a. rn. Subject: “A Reasonable Interpretation of Free­ dom.” Christian Endeavor Society I meets at 0:30 p. rn. o-------------- Can you beat th at?" queried I J the freshm an as he cast his bal- | lot for his | Q ueen’s Race. If You U se H E A T you can do it better w ith GA S A u stin Gas Light Co. STARTERS AND BATTERIES REPAIRED REASONABLY A n y kind of electrict w ork done right and prom ptly. FIX IT S H O P A t G reatly R educed Prices West Seventh at Lavaca — --------— -- ----------------- v S T U D E N T S S ave y o u r c a rfa r e a n d ca rry y o u r account w ith us 4 S LogaB rW i*# T. Bania tar Sarah Shannon Nath* P Bagby . Shirley Lomax ___ _va_. . Shirley Lomax Ruth Smith Ha! Bouriasd E!iaah*th Boykin Genevieve Area Leon Rad off Howard McMahon R o b y JI W ard Helen Harr it Assistant A ssistant ..A ssU taat A ssistant S u iiy mutt *s ** to be wondered, then, that he states, is not one of in t e llig e n c e .: in d iv id u a ls, lik e Those who control the pictures do! fe llo w -c iU z e n s , not want good, clean, wholesome sto- m a n v e d u c a te d th e ir u n le tte r e d p v in ce lit t le ?!#ter e ° f ev» n maiy in th e a f f # ‘‘J* c f g o v er n * ! And what does Mr. Kyrie have to rneot *nd nations-*—w it h th e re- s a y about the art of the moving pur­ s u it th a t e le c to r a te e x e r c is e s t h e p r iv ile g e pictures are not art but more like a of voting in an important gen­ “The moving pictures have eral election? ries, declares the author, REPORTERS Mika J Richardton Scarry I JOU is* Hsr» -*t Osos** T. Kirksey Harry E, Moor* Mildred Joe** J. D. Suggs Tu-h*i Dunn*wa? Kippen brock fo r - • * * * Sunday, April 8, 1923 d i s c a r d i n g A BIRTHRIGHT Declarations that the future of the nation depends on the and creation of an intelligent interested electorate are made continually, with the result that such phrases and statements have assumed little meaning to many hearers. However trite the expressions may have be­ come, the fact remains th at a majority of the electorate of the nation is not interested, vitally or casually, in governmental a f­ I hat conclusion is indi­ fairs. cated concretely by statistics, presented in the March issue of the American Citizenship Mag- azine to the effect that more than half of the electorate (al­ most twenty-eight million) did not vote in the last election. The last election involved the reft rd of Congress during a ses­ sion which the Republicans hailed as remarkably construc­ tive, while the Democrats la­ failure. belled it as an abject The election involved the for­ eign relations of the nation, with special reference to wheth­ er the United States should en­ ter any kind of a foreign asso- ciation of nations, or have any P*rt, however small, in such affairs. I he balloting had re­ gard to whether the youthful, yet lusty, F arm Bloc should be s tr e n g th e n e d or defeated. Even such vital m atters as the na­ taxes, tional and tariffs were in issue. De­ spite these and other important questions, af feeling the future of our own nation as well as in ter­ national affairs, less than half of the eligible electorate were interested to the extent of cast­ it surprising, Is ing ballots. then, that the government can few easily be influenced by a interested people, and extrem­ ists, whether radicals or reac­ tionaries? system, finance * * * * j im portance. The passing of Education is * remedy for in­ different as well as ignorant (yn* w o n t help citizenship; but education first the moving picture any. He added! p u d consider and regard gov­ something to the silver screen that ernment and politics as a m at­ I has heretofore been decidedly lack­ ter r f paramount, rather than IL* appealed to the heart, not in g . High secondary, n i p t0 the paii!(ion Nothing .ugerficial schools, colleges, a n d universi-,t0 .'Kindred of the Dust.” But tho ties sh o u ld have effectiv e, ann manag,.rs do nob want this type of even required, courses in had Rum,.thin con- , tory tem porary h istory and g o v ern -| the pictur(1, needed> but th,.y turn..d con sid eration him d(jWn The pi. turn indortry has m ent, c f current even ts. T h ese courses „ ,ot to k.arn The passion of Mr. should inform ation, i nd, in addition, striv e to serve as thought-provoking mediums. may prove a lesson. ,.Pt„r (i K including o- wui;imijmntum'»immnmmnm<»HMw»»nmmiin—iwmmwmiHinmi' provide Kyrie a present If students are to be devel­ oped into more active citizens, in they should be encouraged acquiring the habit of reading the daily newspapers regularly and comprehensively. The news­ continual papers course in c u rre n t history. It is the* newspaper that offers the most accessible method of widening the vision of the indi­ vidual and stimulating interest j in more important affairs. The majority of newspaper readers only peruse their favorite sec­ tions, as sport, fashion, comic or financial columns and dis­ card the rem ainder of the paper. The average reader, it is true, does not have time to read every line in a p ap er; he may, how­ ever, acquire the ability of s u r­ veying the day's new^ within a half hour and thus obtaining a the pro­ clear cross-section of gress of affairs outside his own local sphere of activity and in­ terest. The citizen who is in­ formed as to important events and tendencies in economic, gov­ ernmental, and international a f­ inevitably will become fairs in more active and intelligent exercising his duties as a mem­ ber of the electorate. — o——...... rn.. H.III .... .JI..., UM Prickly Pearagraphs Today'* E d i t o r — C o n t ribs—- G e o r g e o i e t t e . -T o m m y H a w k . E t t e , a n d F r i v - “ C o m # w h e r e m y lo v e lie* d r e a m i n g ” I A p o e t o n c e did sin g . A n d d o w n t h r o u g h all t h e a g e * W e v e s u n g th a t s a m e old t h i n g . J | N o w th a t p o e m still i* s u n g , B u t it* a u t h o r ha s lo n g s i n c e d i e d | B u t I w ill tin g to th a t s a m e o ld t u n e “ O h h o w m y l o v e r l i e d ! ” t t f Our freeman friend noticed an a d ­ th a t read: “ Let us do vertisem ent your dirty work.” Well, th a t girl called up the and what they would charge to math problems. laundry asked do t t f C o u r s e - l y S p e a k i n g Lo, Cie. fly, Gene. t t t E v e r r e a d y I’v< t h o u g h t o f a w is e id e a T o c u r e m y g ir l J e a n n e t t e ; W h e n *he g e t* r o u g e o u t h e r p u f f « PII ju *t u s e m y G i l l e t t e . O pinion! of Others t t t A T H L E T I C S “ You n e’er can, T ell,” said bis; wife as William started to shoot the appb* tiff Bill Junior’s head. her do you ass No device, plan or program) The ( C o l u m b i a S p e c t a t o r ) following remarks of Grant­ t t (who has misplaced i Daisy • .. xx_____n . . . Mary Not (‘specially. booklets from govern-! ham been devised for bringing l*nd Rice on the value of athletics! n e c k p ie c e ): Say. Mary, d this great body o f citizens from are quoted in this week's issue of the a fu r piece in your room? a passive into a n A r t i vt* n o r t i i * . A l u m n i V p w h ■ passive into an active p art ic* I Alumni News: ipafion in their own govemmen-l “As a nation grows in wealth and tai affairs. Occasional patriot- I power it is also inclined to lean more ic addresses can help but little and more on luxury and soft living. in the aggregate. A stream of It is usually the uphill fight that pamphlets and Americanization living, mental departments reach only through the automobile and other a few, and are read by a small pleasant luxuries, has come upon col- part of this number. Educa- loge men with greatly increased ex- tion is the only course ; but even education, in example, order to stimulate active cill-j mom. zen n h ip , m ust go beyond th e Or-j , dinary academic bounds consider directly im portant po- game. litical and governmental condi-; tio n s and problems. “Football is judged m anly bv the ‘Football is judged manly by the and pageantry and hullabaloo of the big er tor on molds the worth while sinew. softer for! y o “ 'd n,T r com* **""• , e: VVhy’ Je* r’ 1,(1 do for you. “The grind of training, the sacri- say goes*. Tice, the drudgery and discipline arei o f tension. T h . worth o l footb.U, in combating this is enor- t become “The chance >he: But lt wouldn,t be quite prop- t0 hint *° strongly. He: Wh-V> darling, whatever you y’ n<>* * m 8Ure * won t- e*’ ^ ^ were to ask you, ‘ la th in g Few high school students have forgotten. t i t state,!; “Football means service as well a* Now that Au,tin is to have a hotel, international af- glory— discipline as well as fame. It w^° ^now* wh*t may happen next? Texas University s campus may be a correct conception of national, or rtiim. They may memorize a teaches early ’to su ffer and grow few* dates and names of battles, stro n g / and have a sm attering o f ele-s mentarv civics; but beyond these ton squad reporting every day at 3 in rudiments^-' things which are .o ’clock— with not one member o f the! O ften not fully understood, the iUHlentS have not had their in- .erest rn the affairs of govern-U n i months what promftpnasa, sac- th*y ^<>w everything. merit and other outside ques-;rifice( digdpline besides the Longhorn. Freshman may cease “Bill Roper had his entire Prince-,* A* & M “The Tiger delegation learned ta one minute late ail autumn. may win a championship and hard work un“sbeek”led. contributors to believe Someone Seniors may be may be exempt from aW akened ’n j an d i meant . . . There may be overem- j phanis placed on a few big games and footb.ll OU", but thi, I. . detai) when pUced agaiD>t the f e T ; t e * nd. “ S T J * // * students, likewise, are both un- s s s r j s j ' s s : s j s b -*"4 * " • - the world as a whole. In the spring exams. rn t t t T it* S t u d e n t ’# P l* * (Sung to the well-known hymn tune) it ’s D o n ’t giroe m e “ E ” *©*, w h en - *“ ■ * • * “ D »e* th a t I se e d . Adorable Hats for April , > > -Your Spring “ B onnet" is assuredly a p a rt of S pring as the robin's first nots or th e a p p e a ra n c e of the Blue­ bonnet. -These a re developed in the styles and modes which F ash ion has fav­ ored for Spring, in tailleur shapes, pokes, sm a rt tu rb a n s an d pictur­ esque leading colors. larg e hats the in — S u rely, th e h a t you w ant is h e re — so d a in ty and colorful to go with you r n ew frock. THE UNIVERSITY BANK O p e n : 8:30 to 5:30 H E L E N E B A S T IA N , M illinery 916 Congress— U pstairs A D V E R T IS E IN T H E D A IL Y T E X A N f ONLY FOUR STUDENTS A HAVE RECEIVED PHD. McAdoo May Be Strong Aspirant For Presidency ii TOSE T H E D A I L Y T E X A N P a g e 5 'nitiit[Hiitiii)mm li)uiitiiiimiimmtmnniwiin»mtiwmBwimiwn««wiwiiwmitm>i>mwHiHMW>iniinmmniiithiiiinmiiMnnium g rea test proportion o f m aster's de­ grees w ere M .A. The rem aining ones were M .B.A., M.J., and M .S. students. During Hie U n iv ersity ’s history, 3 ,5 2 4 d egrees have been con ferred in the C ollege o f Arts, being distributed am ong persons tak in g the degrees of B.A ., B .B .A ., B.J., B .L itt., B .S., B.S. in H .E., and B .S. in m edicine. In the C ollege o f E n g in eerin g 1,574 degrees have been co n ferred ; in the School o f Law the num ber o f degrees given in the p ast is 1 ,9 6 5 ; and in the School o f M edicine 1,646. The num ber o f w om en students taking degrees at the U n iv ersity has j increased in g rea ter proportion than has the degrees. total num ber o f Tw o wom en received the degree of B.Litff. in 1887, being the fir st wom ­ the U niversity. en graduates from Since then the num ber o f women graduates has increased to 2,482. As com pared with the 4 0 9 m en who re­ ceived d eg rees last year, 1 9 2 2 , there w ere 277 wom en who w ere awarded degrees. Most o f the w om en graduates have taken d egrees through w ork done in the C ollege o f A rts. In th e C ollege o f E ngineering, the num ber o f w om ­ en graduates w as le a st o f all. That school boasts o f only seven co-ed de­ gree w inners, all o f whom took the degree o f B .S. In] the Law School, 15 w om en have taken the th e d egree o f LL.B. and LL.M .; and th e School o f M edicine has conferred d eg rees on 80 wom en -----------o----------- in a rch itectu re. one : Students Urged To Heed Doctor A s W ellA sPoet in le tte r s Strikes have spread even to schools in China, according to re­ ceived by W innie D. Jackson, o f Chil­ icothe from her sister, Mrs. Hubert L. S to n e, who is a M ethodist m ission­ ary stationed at C hekiang, the province o f H oochow , China. These strikes seem to have no d e fin ite pur-j pose o th er than to assert th e author­ In N ovem ber, a ity o f the pupils. governm ent! strike broke out in school in the fo llo w in g m anner: Dur-i ing a class la stin g from 7 to 8, one o f the boys g o t up and said, at 7:30 that it w as tim e for the class to be dism issed, and, on the te a c h e r ’s de-1 m urring, said, “ We hire th e cook, j and we hire our other serv a n ts, and we hire you, so we can dism iss you when w e ch o o se.’’ The m a tter was fin a lly adjusted sa tisfa cto rily . a A m ore serious strike took place in January at a m issionary school. One o f the men refused to w ear his uni­ form required for his physical tra in ­ ing class, and when reprim anded by th e teach er, struck him. The teacher told him th a t if he would apologize and com e to class next tim e in his uniform that he would be excused. This the pupil refused to do, and all the other pupils in Soochow U niver­ sity, th at is, the m en, refu sed to even com e to school, so a t present tim e all but six men o f the U n iversity are susupended until the end o f the term . the Mrs. Stone was form erly Miss Ka­ tie H elen Jackson, and w as fo r one year a stu d en t at the U n iv ersity of T exas. ---------- o---------- l iH t i t t i m t im i i ii H H t it t m f m H iH t t t t iiim t t u iif iit if t m ii iiiit iit H t iH t iiiiiiH M M iiiit iM j Doings of Others | T iitiiH tiiitiiitiniH iiiuam H ttiiiiiuiiitiiiiiiiiim iiuiiiiiiiiiM tuiiuiuitittiiitaiiiiiiii N e b r a s k a th e The electio n by the g irls o f the senior cla ss fo r the 13 ju n io r girls to becom e m em bers o f the M ortar Board closed la st W ednesday and the fin a l se le c tio n s will be made by the fa cu lty com m ittee and active m em bers o f th e M ortar Board. This election fu rn ish es an opportunity for all sen ior girls to show th eir p refer­ ence o f the m ost rep resen tative and d eserv in g girls in the ju n io r class. The nam es o f u ltim a tely the chosen w ill be kept secret until the trad ition al Ivy Day m asking, May 31. T hey w ill be tapped sin gly by the a ctive m em bers o f the organiza­ tion and pledged with black ribbons. 13 W e s t e r n R e s e r v e has The S tu d en t Council an­ nounced th a t the Junior Prom w ill be held som e tim e during the w eek-end o f April 16. The exact tim e is to be announced later. It w as o rig in a l­ ly set fo r April 13, but ow in g to a c o n flic t on th a t night a change was n ecessary. O k lah om a a o f E stab lish m en t journalism w eek as an annual custom o f the School o f Journalism was favorably! passed upon by the Cub’s Club at a o f j m eetin g Thursday. The w eek April 22 to April 28 has been se ­ lected as the date fo r the fir st y e a r ’s fe stiv itie s o f th e new spaper w orkers. “ W ith tw o very strategical p o liti­ cal m oves, M cAdoo seem s to have bright prospects as a presidential candidate in the D em ocratic P arty for the n ex t electio n ," stated Dr. M. W. Graham, o f the G overnm ent D epart­ ment. “Mr. M cAdoo is a clever political stra teg ist, and a man who knows how to play the gam e at long range and w ith a purpose," Dr. Graham de­ clared. “ It w ill be recalled that Mr. M cAdoo resigned from the cabinet within ten d ays a fte r the A rm istice, ostensibly to return to private life , connection but actu ally to with the post-w ar settlem en t, and he made his ex it from the W ilsonian ad- rainitsration a t the m ost auspicious m om ent. escape “ Thus Mr. M cAdoo starts his cam ­ paign with a clear and con sisten t pol­ icy in regard to foreign a ffa irs, w ith ­ out any heated controversy in which he him self w as an active partisan." M cA doo’s second move was in m i­ g ra tin g from the erstw hile pivotal sta te o f New York to th e very vital state o f C alifornia, according to Dr. Graham, w hose vote, since the polit­ ical career o f H iram Johnson is not at stake, he should be able to carry. Freed from the control w hich res­ idence in N ew York would necessar­ ily entail from the Tam m any party, M cAdoo appears to be quietly m ar­ the shalling his political forces in w estern sta tes w ith the hope o f e f ­ fe c tin g that happy com bination o f forces which succeeded in re-electin g W ilson in 1916. any “ As regards his relation with the it does D em ocratic P arty leaders, n et appear at this tim e,” Dr. Graham e s­ continued, “ that there is trangem ent b etw een Mr. M cAdoo and any faction o f the party. All told Mr. M cA doo’s chances at the present re e m very auspicious and m om ent in no w ise in d icative o f the prem a­ ture political boom w hich w ould be destined to expire b efo re the m eeting o f the D em ocratic C onvention next year." Miss A d e n W ill G iv e T w o M o n th s’ O u tin g for T e x a s Girls ss I ss - W ith sum m er a nd the opening o f g ir ls’ cam ps, Camp W ind-Ho, M edina Lake, c o n d u c te d by M iss E unice Aden sends its g reetin g to the co-eds o f the U niversity. This cam p, sit­ uated on th e shores o f M edina Lake, on a thickly wooded slope near the deepest and coldest w ater is open during Ju ly and A u gu st. Its purpose is sim ply to make its inm ates en joy th em selves, and becom e rested, h eal­ thy and happy. T here is a flo a tin g sw im m ing pool in the lake itse lf, a launch, boats, ca­ £ noes, horses, a tennis court, ham ­ m ocks, a large recreation hall. C hief o f th ese in in terest is the sw im m ing pool. It is a huge w ooden tank, 62 by 30 fe e t, and ranging in depths o f from three to nine feet. It is built s s 5 o f w ooden laths, betw een w hich are spaces for the w ater to run through, and around it runs a walk, railing, diving boards and slides. It is launched near camp, and is anchored by barrels o f cem ent, being kept flo a tin g by other barrels. This en ­ ables an y girl to swim. o f (.’amp W md-Ho consists four cabins and a large house, being built to rseem ble a Jap an ese v illage. The house, W histlew ind, is used for r e c - 1 reation, and as a dorm itory for girls. I The B ird’s N est is the dorm itory for sm all girls, and besides that there is the H o stess’ Cabin and the one be­ longing to Miss Aden, head o f thi camp. Miss Aden, form erly head o f training departm ent the physical for) in girls at the U niversity, resigned the Spring o f 1921, leavin g and g o - j ing to M edina to establish her cam p, which she has been carrying on ever • since. I I S S r . I T H IS is the S T O R E T H A T SELLS the SAMPLER Is a Sales Agency for the sale of all the W hitman’s Choco­ lates and Confections— the Q u a lity Q ro u p . Every W hitman package sold in this store is received direct fro m W hitman’s —not through a middleman. This is one reason w hy w e can guarantee entire satisfaction w ith every package bearing the name W hitman’s— doubly guaranteed, by us and by W hitman’s. BUY CHOCOLATES IN SAFETY. U N IV E R S IT Y D R U G S T O R E That p e rm its y ou p erfect freedom a n d m o v e m e n t— th a t are lig h t­ w eight, w ell knit a n d correctly cut. E very im ag in ab le h u e a n d style an d tor sw im m in g y o u w a n t a suit th a t Ccirries w ith it as w ell as a p ­ pearance, com fort, a n d goo d w ear. I rn 2 =2 I a s a a ~s ? 22 I §E P riced fro m $ 2 .5 0 to $ 8 .5 0 all sizes W e c a rry th e H o w a rd Ideal B ath ing C ap s $ 1.00 UNIVERSITY COOP The Campus Shop i f Stratford Suits A m an s S u m m e r suit d e p e n d s m o re on good tailo rin g th a n a t a n y o th e r tim e in th e year. H e re are suits cut to keep th e ir sh ap in g and m a te ria ls th a t k eep th eir crispness of color. \ See these S T R A T F O R D S U IT S $35 up “ In the spring a young m an’s fa n c y ..............’* in And also the spring, care is tnrown to the w inds and those in ­ con ven ien ces o f w in ter clothing, red fla n n els and ex tra are discarded for th e m ore com fortab le and m ore o f sum m er. p ettico a ts, a ttra ctiv e apparel the dem ons B ut w ith th e jo y o f A pril and the freedom o f the field s, green th ere com es a d evil-m ay-care a tti­ ill tu d e toward h ealth . Shirt sle e v e s and w et fe e t, ^ athing suits and sp rin g fe v e r are w o n t to en large the lists, land the hospital is a n y th in g but a d elig h tfu l rendezvous tim e of |h e year. h osp ital this o f the T herefore it b eh ooves stu ­ d en ts o f the U n iv e r sity o f T exas to w atch th eir step le st th ey fall v ic ­ tim to som e o f P a n d ora’s ills. The jiospital lists are lo w a t p resen t, and i t is the hope o f U n iv e r sity physi­ cian s that th ey w ill be k ep t so. W > B ut this is no tim e to throw cold ’w ater. L et the straw hats and the sport shoes have th eir d ay. is spring, It 1 4 lig h tly turn to th ou gh ts o f lo v a l” Concerning Blouses and Skirts T he m o d e s sp o n so re d by a u th o rita tiv e f rench C o u tu rie rs are v a rio u sly p re s e n te d h e re in versions th a t w o m e n w ise in th e w a y s of fa sh io n will a p p re c ia te . T h o u g h th e y a re exclusive th ey a re not e x ­ pensive. Blouses, slip-over a n d o th e r styles, in all th e latest m aterials, and esp ecially do w e e m p h a siz e ou r valu es in h a n d -m a d e s for sp o rt w e a r 2 .5 0 to $ 2 7 .5 0 Summer Hats O u r s u m m e r h a ts for m en are the sort th a t set you up w ith th a t feeling of co m fo rt an d satisfactio n w hich com es from a good h a t well selected a n d p ro p e rly fitted. A sty le to suit y o u r individual taste. ‘'S N tv $3.50 and Up Bathing Suits A lre a d y th e call of th e "o ld s w im m in ’ h o le” is in th e a ir.— B E S k irts in th e m o st w o n d e rfu l F re n c h flannels a n d o th e r fabrics, P R E P A R E D .— Silk-lisle, a n d wool. A ll colors. a g a r m e n t in disp en sib le to a n y w o m a n of to d a y — $ 1 0 .0 0 to $ 3 7 .5 0 Priced from $4.00 to $7.00 . A. L. HARDIN COMPANY, Incorporated 816 Congress Ave. The Shop of Individual Service Advertise in the DAILY TEXAN P a ir* 6 Thousand Persons To Figure In Huge Anniversary Pageant t h e D A I L Y T E X a BOTTING MEE e: Students Of Architecture Will Make European Trip venientiy, and with g reater educa- tional retu rn , than they could do otherwise. , Complete inform ation may be se­ cured from the Institute of Intem a- Irwin i tional education from or University students of architecture university students yr Ghent and B ruges B m .- ! Smith SO East 42nd Street. New < Y 'rh Cit* In Concert With Orchestra <^ S ^ m lAtTA the ari(] finally England. The In8titute of international Ed- Will be interested in the opportunity sels and Antwerp, the Dutch cities of offered them by the Institute of In- Amsterdam, Haarlem and the Hague, te relational Education to study developm ent of architecture rn Bu-1 rope n ex t summer under Prof, Albert the C. Phelps, professor of architecture “ cation, andre whose in the College of A rchitecture, Cor- A rt S tudents’ Tour faaa been organ­ ized, has for many years been carry­ Deli U niversity. Professor Phelps will be a member of the faculty of ing on an im portant work character­ the A rt Students' Tour which has ized by such activities as exchange C PA* I been organized for the sum m er &ft0f scholarships, professorships, etc. it e 11 . . has rj . . |je€n extended to include also Euro- Edith R Abfaot of tfae M etr0p0litan pean travel for college students, or- Museum of A rt, New York City, as ganizecj g0 as to perm it students to a a lecturer on the history and appre- travel more inexpensively, more con- th* During the last two years # ____ . . . a . . . p aying J l|>23 under the sponsorship of o- C a tam K F “ Rube Leissner , , Caption J F. Rube I^issrunr j n g tltu t€ . other members will be Miss the Longhairi hitters wit r a g * . < > . _ ^ ______ - i i i ^ A v era g e ( r.. list of averages compiled In ifter am*- lead u y e * a ! fleet Longhorn outfielder with an average of Clift ha* the best average the entire in pl.yed is sec Ord .421. Unveil , , .667 of team bu t he has only two fam es and been in , iC o tom bat three times. Lee Curtis, and fielder-pitcher, is second on the list j ^ scuip tu r t, Mr. „ «• j ■ m . . Institute, John C. Tidden of Rice Texan, as instructor in painting and ■ lecturer on the fine a rts from the ndpoint of the e re a tive artist, and out- ,jltltr3 whoge n8me, W1)l be announced 5s to his utmost enthusi- hut hi* condition is similar to The Lye. of of three Kames. Wiiti( £ - * CuEurd. first „ c>itt*s, b a v in , p l.yed o„!y p ar, I „S(lxonU „ Profc8Sor pheipa will < lecture during each day of the trana- K ibbi. Lead, la R o .. that ‘ . Horace *- “ Flop” Kibble, midget i a la n tic voyage, as a m eans of sketc - ’ the broader outlines of the , hort 8top of th , ste e rs, .. heading d * elopm ent of architccture and pre- t he more 8p(,clfic lectufea t h j run getters with 14 scores in taal I imr in . ‘ . . . . « * t t . t Bh . r J u t many* longhorn " ir“ « • * " • ley is right behind lead off man with „ .. the exhibition season. , . .. u . . "nnnk ' Smal‘ during the land portion • * * • * * • the Longhorn His lectures on shipboard will be il- l l runs d u rin g > lustrated by stereoptican slides from 'th e collection of the Cornell College j o f A rchitecture. * , , six A fter lanning at Cherbourg, Captain Leissner leads the home .» the f ' r' ult I group will visit Paris and Versailles, run d e p .rtm .n t clouts to his credit. S m alle, and Romej Perugia. Assisi, Florence, Ven Kibbie are tied for second place with Eddie Carson and two homers each Oscar Eckhardt have one home run to their string each. fr. T u e s .— W e d .— T h u r * . V iola D ana in “A NOISE IN NEWBORO” A dded A ttraction Stun Laurel in “ W eak E nd P a rty 9 t History of Varsity Girls' Glee Club To A ppear To Be Depicted On Clark Field Club M akes First A ppearance Thursday Evening at Ju n ­ ior High Varsity Is Rich In T radition s The University of Texas is rich in the traditions which have stood test of time and are now a p a rt of our U niversity’s life and history. The song of Te as is one which we can be justly proud. “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You,’* truly this song ia well worded. of expectancy which arouses stirs a man It has the ou, tattered and and effort. O n e r .! Lee nae,I the express™ the South Are P'.n dr< sa to his A Texan heard roes.” and adapted the im mortal ph.rae to this phrase bm Texas came “ r ten- — ^ in i i torn ne- speech i baU,e with the s p i r i n g history, an I this i f *nRinff in their earg “ Hullabaloo” is truly a Longhorn a Texas To I)0(Jt”r h a rp e r, m e m b e r , goes the credit ami r friwi* thanks for this inspiring and unique loo„ wi|, „ , ually brin„ to- - gather a crowd of loyal “exes” in any town in the State This yell has lived and will continue to live and spur Varsity on to victory. By C1y«U L. W ztkin. Presentation of a great pageant. “The Evolution of the University,” will be one feature of the Fortieth Anniversary Celebration One thou­ sand persons will tak* part in the pageant, which will he given on Clark Field, May l l , at 8:30 o'clock. Dr. Milton R. Gutsch, professor of history, will direct this part of the celebration program. Under the auspices of the Univer­ sity departm ent of music the Girls Glee Club and the University orches­ tra will be presented in a joint con­ cert at the Junior High School next Thursday night at 8:15. This ii to be the debut recital of the Girls’ Git#* Club, and Miss Rifled* L ittle­ john, director of the organization believes th a t the girts Will make a orchestra, splendid showing. The which was organized the early part of this year now has thirty-five pieces, and has shown on previous occasions its musical attainm ents. in . . v .. it has it the f 5r}lt time The Glee Club was The theme of the pageant will be divided into three phases, th e evolu­ tion of a University idea in Texas, organization, it* establishment and and the history of the administration -------------------- Historical episodes will be presented through tableaus, songs, statues and dered an entire evening's entertain- dances. The first era depicted will m e l t Most of the work this year has been done on the selections to ^ ^ T hur, d<1T n )rh t be given in the Thursday night pro- numu« j , „ , t gram, which will feature many dif- racul » * , f.eult num ber, About forty g irl. formed about the middle of last year, as a parallel club*to the Men’s Glee Club. Since that time it has given special number* on several program s, but thii be the year of 1837, with tho creation ^ of a constitution and the introduction of the first University bill. The year 1839 will be shown next, with repre- are to sing in the concert. sed atio n s of people of that time and 'pyic program is to be complimen- a tableau of President Lamar signing j U ry *0 the general public, but those the the first University act. Songs pop- wishing to attend must get ular at various times will be given tickets being given the by School of Music and the members of in connection w ith the tableau. Scenes from the Old South, with t h« two participating societies. *Stu- plantation melodies, will follow. The dents of the University will be ad- year of 1881 with the difficult days mitt«*d on their blanket tax ticket*. a of civil war will be shown by number of scenes, as will the ays of Reconstruction which followed. Other tableaux will he Governor Rob- erie signing the University bill, tho laying of the com er-stone the Main Building, scenes from the Span- ish-American WTar Days, th * U niver­ sity during the World War, and the signing of the perm anent building fund in March, 1923. C A J ^ - U l n . O f f e r s S c h o l a r s h i p s to College G raduates .........— o W o r k S c h o o l out of Announcement ha* been received R ^ g renew m ent of an old love, j R Disch a tradition? No from the New York School of So- that rial Work that four scholarships of moflument could $1200 each are to be awarded by wou| «* " two t o . hit. with |a n issue of many ysara ago always affords them the keenest of pleasures d,,m two ,m base two each- A,1a2jne By Elizabeth Boykin is published Federated “ Un* so lament#,” said Miss Delia under i n g • * in T * and is edited by Sallie kins. “ It great is with pleasure,” writes Miss Newton, “ th at I accept the invitation of “The Scribbler” to give its readers some facts con- \ fleeted with the work of women at the University of Texas. Our pur­ pose in the education of women at the University of Texas is to gradu­ ate young women, who shall show in health, good citizen- J excellence ethical character, command of properly processes, the W right, secretary of ion.! Institute of Austin, to a h o a r, fcrgurten arn daily visitors headed old Mexican The development of teh curriculum will be another division of the pa­ geant. The various ways through Whish change® and im provem ent, in I assured hint the to th e. the the doctor', p m classes and soc,al Katherine*. On ttnivem ’t* catalo* have b e e n ! se rip! ton was all right for his wife, Friday night* a regular weekly party to w arn | is held for tho y o w , prop,,, and Evolution of equipment him not to g iv . too many pills at throughout th . year there have been be shown will lantern elide.® showing one dose. As the old man w a. l e v - an average of about fifty five Men- iaboratory equipment of the home ec- mg, a young woman came in with e can boys and gtr.s present at every onomlca, geology, .oology, chemistry, tiny baby. The baby ta d .Ut ling- party. after she had Institute and felt constrained wi.1 but sh, part m include take that and ohvsic* de- e « the doctors had advised an £ n m e W a c q u is i ta of the Wrenn i operation, bot until Miss W right ap- Between th irty and fifty Univer- t ? i „ e v th , A r r i . Library ard rec- ployed. Siempriana would never ®ity girls teach classes a week .he strange at the In®.,tote, an,, the d a m . a r . tittle one to in addition the growth of the .th - man at the bt* hospital. When she well attended. Arna. figures show thV doctor wa* alii th at in the past year the Institute In addition the growth of €-!•••«• Well Attend## t t a B e* r “ S tru st her ^ d n ^ le tk deportm ent of the Gnlveraity will be traced. The fir«t fifth, arid tenth football teams of the University will be shown rn their original rtb: g a# .. F oottall, unnia, track, base- ro r bali, and basketb^i Witt be shown sep- Bsh. A M .x .c .n man out of w ork supported b> th* U ntw rstty an* fur she could not speak L ug- ans. , s t a a . k e d ^ i ^ r f « W to g tv . ove, The work * " k \ hou„ nd ^ ^ nin( * » ^ , . 1 , and a widow whose fam ily of IS was G. A. ana tne city x . vt. personally reached and helped fundam ental home, Greekj} Jtalians and Syri> membership and worthy use of leis- foreigner,, c h o ... vocation, interest in i* carried on and ure tim e* “ “ " b u t. their share \ W a., ana * departm ents con in - toward this pur- w . , e , number o f . 1 In ia housed in a substantial old r o c k 1 ” " K™ du.tes are . credtt to the.T out w0™' house on the com er of Fifth and e ,,o rts a woman of tn t0 be lef d” » in w ort,r'* ° ut tb « th e yard there (is a » « hl*m* of th* S U te ' ,ld « b» “ d* that to used for home nursing , | MM* i ‘b»to education *hoaM ptap*». them i^nder^tanchnc: and _ * «cM}p«ration.” interment are arately, many notable coaches and players figuring tn tho certes. | Modern-day students will be con- traated in clothes, appearance and ac- tion with those of I H I and varum . ^ r erM of th , U n .v e m ty s growth, and w er, th frf is ta sickness, in ^ f forejgr mostl Nueces, the g ift of J In te rn .t- Austin help help In L smaller house, one room of Shfch *■“ > ">«»= ‘b« e f o r . w , fee! l r ™ iroTn num ber d m *ni- and neighborhood dis.- and clinic, and th , other for d l e ti- l* ” p*ge*ri„ in * ^ mostly men, emp oye Dave Maude Cummins and Mar- InrirW m i* t^arhini/ in collectors, or in collecting bad debts, garet Bassett have charge of this ' ** ^ ^reemenU, in u n d erfu n d in g the law tics classes. in getting out of jail, in pacifying J , . . .. ii tending to department of the T'niveraity Y. W. ^ j - y C elebration by voting in Boost the Fortieth Anniver- ____A»»\inv W e * , o f the Onivemity-, influence ii v -^ a . th . Etries lure w i^ b e brought before spectators training, singing, piano, lure wji and by cLvemor Pat M Neff T h , th r iv e n * , of t h . fa- » «•*»«. E n^i*h. S p ta iA . phy.ic.1 TCC J lfriy7rrity are conducted at the Internatonal In- increasing since sanitation demand fo r teacher* touch with one of these g ir ls ^ T h c .. constantly ititute by University girls who re- foreigners who come is very large, i Q ueen s Race. with Classes in sewing, cooking, home- is interested is asked to get in e---------- Two thousand Poll T ax Re- the number ciJceipt* w ill be sold during th e C. A and any Univemity girl who t h e Q u e e n . , R # c e . in sewing, cooking and the babies. A d a m s the story of the flapper ten thousand years have made. I SHO W ING ALL WEEK PA R A M O U N T PICTURE n s k T he F riendly T h e a tre ” a r r FRESHM AN NINE TO MEET JOURNALISTS l |$ y ! P ^ IHHIfe Jp . k ii p = > FA IR FA X NISBET, Editor “ Now is the time of y e a r , ” as de a r old Buck Murray used to say (ask the old-timers about him, freshmen) when the ca m ­ pus poets au d p a r a g r a p h e d rave forth about the beauties of i spring, the flowers and the birds, and petitions get star ted for the campus benches to be provided with cushions. Now t h a t ’s all very well, while the Society Ed. is perfectly satisfied with the season as such, it leaves her in a sad predicam ent for copy, i These little picnics, hikes, and swimming parties can not be written up with a wealth of detail, describing decorations and costumes. A dance once in a grea t while is a gift of heaven and dul y a pprec ia ted. Therefore, then* is nothing to do but depend on th e sick and visitor lists, which causes unkind comment in other less worthy ; columns of this pa pe r. However, every business has its dull season. o----------------------------—>«------------------------ I of scheme Using a vari-colored A l p h a T a u O m e g a D a n c e of carnival decoration. Alpha T au Omega f r a ­ tern ity en tertain ed with a dance at the Austin C o u n try Club, F riday In the evening from 9 to I o'clock. jstood W the ball-room c a n t e r of huge Maltese Cross from which a n um b er balloons radiated. The g ra n d m arch was Jr., lead by Robert A. Thompson favoring Perla Beckham, while Roy Mathews lead the cotillion, favoring H ardy Adams. Favors fo r the girls w e re silver vanities, b ea rn g *the Greek le tters Alpha Tau Omega, and fo r £ie boys cigarettes. Re­ freshm ents of coffee and s traw b erry p a r f a it were served to about 125 guests. sandwiches, Chaperones fo r the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Robinson, and Mrs. L. B. Slade of Dallas. E ckford, Elizabeth The following guests were pres­ en t: Hardy Adams, Ona Astin, P e r­ la Beckham, Anne Bauer, Lavonia Baker, Elizabeth Baker, Linda Bel­ lows, F.leaner Covert, Dolores Do- Frances re, G raham , Evelyn H atcher, Bobby Hoopes, Josephine Hodgson, Anna Love, F rances Mayfield, Mildred J o n e s , B etty M urrah, Ethel Moran, Madam McGill, Em m a Matthews, Murrel May, Dorothy McCampbell, L y n ette Onstadt, Clara Pope, Helen Harris, M artha Price, Helen R uff, Gladys R ountree, Grace Rogers, Doris Ross, Marie Sapper, M artha Sullivan, Stella Slade, Virginia Sledge, Elizabeth Thompson, Mary B arb our Taylor, Maria Taylor, Mary Glen Vici., Emily Witcher, E sth er Watkins, Maudelle Vinson, Frances Wells and Elizabeth Hutchinson. G a m m a Phi Be ta i nit iati on the Gamma Phi Beta announces initiation of W inifred Higginbotham of Amarillo and Florence Smith of Tyler. Al p ha D el t a Pi Initiation announces Alpha Delta Pi the initiation of Ruth Ropes of San An­ tonio and Ruth Saxon of Austin, S atu rd ay night. D. A. R. t o Meet ^Vndrew C a rro th e rs C h ap ter of D. A. R. will m eet with Miss Linda Wells, Friday, April 13, a t 4 p. rn. Chi Omega held its annual F o u n ­ d e r ’s Day b anq uet S atu rday even­ ing at the Driskill Hotel. O u t of. town guests were Rosalie Jam eson of Ranger, Olio Thames of Taylor, R a te T a k e r t*f Taylor pnd Mrs. John McCampbell of Corpus Chris­ ti. Mr. R. L. Brogdon of Bryan Is visiting his daughters, Daisy K\and Pansy, a t Grace Hall. Sigma Nu held initiation Friday j night f o r F ra n k Meadow’s of Plain­ view. Florrie W ilkes has gone to New Orleans where she will be maid of in honor fo r the C o n fed erate being held there. the Pacific Division convention Loraine Robertson spending th e week-end a t her home in Lock­ hart. is Jessie Church is tish Rite Infirmary. ill a t the Scot- Mrs. Clayton is visiting her daughters, V eris and the W om an’s Building. Thelma, at of Cleburne Vinnie I Anderson is again able to a tten d classes a f te r her recent illness. F rank B u tte r is again attending classes a f te r his re cen t illness. Constance* McCaughn of Corpus is visiting her sister Helen Christi a t Grace Hall. Marion T^cgg of San Antonio is visiting her mother, Mrs. Legg. Wilmer W itte r week-end in Hutto. is spending the Lucile S charf is ill a t Mrs. Stel- fo x’s. Celeste Graves has re tu rn ed from a visit to h er home in Hempstead. Bill P r a f k a has In firm a ry and re tu rn e d fro m is attend in g F reshm an baseball nine will meet the Jo u rn a lism nine Monday, April 9. The winner of this contest will the Laws who won from the meet Pre-Meds F rid ay The ones \v ho come out ahead here will go to the finals. aftern oon . th e w inner goes The Engineers and Pre-Laws play W ednesday, April l l ; B. Ads and Upperclassm en Friday, 13. The win­ ners of these games play April 18, and the finals which come April 23. The places where these contests will be staged have not been decided on, but it will probably be left up to the contes­ tan ts to find a diamond. ---------- o---------- to E D I T I O N O F S P O R T S G I R L The Sports Girl, a paper published I under the auspices of the W om an's Athletic Association of the Univer-j sity of Texas, will make its second annual appearance this spring. Miss Ruth Smith of H ereford, who wast editor of the p ap e r last year, will! also have charge of th e publication j this year. The pap er w ill give an | account of the athletic activities o f the University girls. Copies will be to ju n io r colleges and high mailed schools of th e State, as well as to in girls' athletics. others interested 4iiiiiiiimimwniit« ' ’Whistling the audience, The Boy" pleased her Joe," " P o rtr a its " of "Old Black "WRert Y©m and I. "Were Y oung Maggie," “ The Land of the Sky Blue Water. " “ Coming Through the Rye," and I’m a Tex," were framed on th* stage as Mrs, A, C T est sang the words to each. The last n u m ­ ber was a musical comedy “ South* LITERARY P i e r i a n There wiU bs* a called meeting of Pierian Literary Society Monday af* truoon a t 5 o’clock rn room 205 of the Main Building Ail members are urged by the pres­ ident to be present. Co-operation That is the spirit th a t has m a r k e d th e of civilization. MORAL: Patronize Texan Advertisers Your credit is one of your most valuable assets and you should protect it by paying your bills promptly. I I ✓ I I